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高分悬赏一个题目!!when work is ____pleasure, life is ____joy.


女孩很高兴的看着那个小动物 英文 用pleasure

The girl is pleasure with looking at the animal

As you like my pleasure 如何翻译?

As you like my pleasure 可以翻译为:如你所愿

Maid For Pleasure 歌词

歌曲名:Maid For Pleasure歌手:The Damned专辑:So Who"s Paranoid?The Power Of Pleasure(嗨吗)Now it"s time to danceThe discotheque is farbut i can hear the rhythmSo now i stop my carI"m going to the barAnd finally starDancing all aroundPlease, take my handsAnd bring me to the moonflying togetheryou make me feel so fineand now i"m gonna tell youyou are the only onei want you tonightit"s the power of pleasurethe power of danceto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a partyit"s the power of pleasurethe feeling i needto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a party2009年最新女生非主流Now it"s time to danceThe discotheque is farbut i can hear the rhythmSo now i stop my carI"m going to the barAnd finally starDancing all aroundPlease, take my handsAnd bring me to the moonflying togetheryou make me feel so fineand now i"m gonna tell youyou are the only onei want you tonightit"s the power of pleasurethe power of danceto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a partyit"s the power of pleasurethe feeling i needto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a party


1. 纯粹驾驶乐趣2. 纯粹的驾驶乐趣例句:1.According to the launch blurb, "Sheer driving pleasure can bederived with zero emissions".2.BMW defines premium as environmental friendliness, highefficiency and innovation as well as advances combining pureaesthetics and sheer driving pleasure.


在这个短语中,"simply" 是一个副词,修饰介词短语 "for pleasure"。具体来说,"simply" 表示做某事只是出于简单的愉悦或享受,并且没有其他目的。在这个短语中,"for pleasure" 意味着某件事情是为了纯粹的乐趣而做,而不是为了赚钱、表现、提升自己等其他因素。因此,整个短语 "simply for pleasure" 的意思是“只是出于纯粹的快乐和享受”。

Few pleasures can equal ________ of a cool drink on a hot day. A.some B.any C....

C 试题分析:代词的词义辨析考查的较为细致:One 指代可数名词单数,表示泛指;其特指形式为the one。It指代上文出现的同一事物;that指代可数名词单数,或者不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。起复数形式为those,同样后面也应该有定语修饰。本句使用that指代前面的不可数名词pleasure,后面有定语of a cool drink on a hot day修饰。句义:很少有快乐能够和热天喝冷饮料相比。故C正确。

英文写作 以《童年的快乐和痛苦》(The Pleasures and Pains of Child

Childhood is a good time.Children with parents care, live a carefree life.Children don"t have to think what to do later every day, every day you can watch TV, play games.You can play with friends.Childhood is also have the pain of childhood.Childhood time is short and beautiful childhood passed quickly, can"t have been out in the happiness of childhood.童年是美好的时光。儿童有父母关怀,过着无忧无虑多的生活。儿童每天不用去想以后该做什么,每天可以看电视,玩游戏。可以和小伙伴们一起玩。童年也有童年的痛苦。童年时间短暂,美好的童年很快就过去了,不能一直出在童年的幸福中。

dolefulest pleasures


few pleasure 什么意思


it is my pleasure怎么回答

Its my/a pleasure.和My pleasure.是回答别人说“谢谢”时使用,有“不用谢(这是我的荣幸)”的意思.。可不回答。 扩展资料   pleasure解析:   n.高兴;快乐;愉快;欣慰;满意;玩乐;休闲;乐事;快事   vi.使高兴;使满意觉得高兴;享受;寻欢作乐   第三人称单数: pleasures复数: pleasures现在分词: pleasuring过去式: pleasured过去分词: pleasured


《Pleasure"s Edge》(Berlin, Eve)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:2cig书名:Pleasure"s Edge作者:Berlin, Eve出版年份:2010-11页数:294内容简介:A sensual new novel of losing control-and finding the ultimate pleasure.For beautiful erotica author Dylan Ivory, being in control is everything. Then she meets the man who is everything she is not...and everything she wants.Alec Walker writes dark psychological thrillers-and he lives for thrills. His tastes extend into the bedroom as well, where he lets no rules bind his desires. The only thing he fears is true love...While researching a book, Dylan interviews Alec-and longs to taste the temptation he offers. But he"s a self-proclaimed dominant and she refuses to surrender control. Slowly, Alec shows her that by letting go and submitting to his every desire she can experience the ultimate pleasure. But to keep the woman who for the first time brings him to his knees, can Alec take the ultimate risk and surrender his heart?


《Pleasure"s Edge》(Berlin, Eve)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:yf4v书名:Pleasure"s Edge作者:Berlin, Eve出版年份:2010-11页数:294内容简介:A sensual new novel of losing control-and finding the ultimate pleasure.For beautiful erotica author Dylan Ivory, being in control is everything. Then she meets the man who is everything she is not...and everything she wants.Alec Walker writes dark psychological thrillers-and he lives for thrills. His tastes extend into the bedroom as well, where he lets no rules bind his desires. The only thing he fears is true love...While researching a book, Dylan interviews Alec-and longs to taste the temptation he offers. But he"s a self-proclaimed dominant and she refuses to surrender control. Slowly, Alec shows her that by letting go and submitting to his every desire she can experience the ultimate pleasure. But to keep the woman who for the first time brings him to his knees, can Alec take the ultimate risk and surrender his heart?


girls pleasure 全部释义和例句>>女孩的快乐pleasure 英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)] 美[u02c8plu025bu0292u025a] n. 愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事; vt. 使高兴; 使满意; vi. 觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐; [网络] 乐; 愉悦感; 享受; [例句]Watching sport gave him great pleasure.观看体育比赛给他以极大的愉悦。[其他] 第三人称单数:pleasures 复数:pleasures 现在分词:pleasuring过去式:pleasured 过去分词:pleasured 形近词: ineasure treasure 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科

simple pleasures是什么意思

  simple pleasures的中文翻译  simple pleasures  简单快乐; 简单快乐计划; 简单的快乐; 简单乐趣  双语例句  1  Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.  这些简单的快乐对你的大脑、身体和精神都非常有好处。  2  Below are7 exercises to help you connect to the simple pleasures of the moment.  下面是7个练习,帮助你和此刻中的简单乐趣获得联系。



few pleasure 这一说法对吗?


pleasant[5plezEnt]adj.愉快的, 快乐的, 舒适的, 合意的可爱的, 举止文雅的, 活泼的滑稽的, 有趣的(天气)晴朗的, 美好的容易相处的, 友爱的a pleasant voice悦耳的声音a pleasant companion可爱的伴侣have [spend] a pleasant time愉快地度过时光pleasantlyadv.pleasantnessn.make oneself pleasant处世灵活, 八面玲珑pleasant pleased pleasing agreeable意思都含“给予精神、感情或感官以快慰和满足的”。pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”, 如:We spent a very pleasant evening.我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。pleased 指“喜悦的”、“满意的”, 语意不强, 用于表示说话人自己的场合, 如:He is very pleased with the progress we are making.他对我们工作的进展很满意。pleasing 指“令人愉快的”、“合意的”, 如:The food is pleasing to my taste.这饭菜正合我的口味。agreeable 指“符合某人的喜好或愿望而感觉愉快的”, 如:She has an agreeable voice.她的声音悦耳。pleasure[5pleVE]n.愉快, 快乐, 乐事, 乐趣, 意志, 愿望pleasure[5pleVE]n.快乐, 愉快, 满意, 高兴愉快的事情, 娱乐; 乐趣肉体享乐, 放荡(行为)愿望, 选择, 意志a man of pleasure浪荡子ask sb."s pleasure问某人的来意[意愿]do sb. the pleasure of使某人欢喜, 为某人效劳during sb."s pleasure在某人高兴的时候give pleasure to sb.使某人高兴It"s a pleasure for me to live with you.和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?我可以和你跳舞吗?That thing gives me little pleasure.那件事使我不太高兴。The pleasure is mine.我高兴得很。What is your pleasure?[口]你想要什么?pleasure[5pleVE]vt.使高兴, 使满意It pleasures me to know you.认识你使我很高兴。pleasure[5pleVE]vi.高兴, 喜欢, 喜爱追求享乐, 游荡I pleasure in your company.和你在一起我很快乐。pleasure-boatn.游船pleasure-domen.富丽堂皇的大厦, 旅馆pleasure-housen.娱乐场所pleasure-seekern.追求享乐的人pleasureseekingn.享乐主义pleasurefuladj.pleasureless[`pleVElIs, `pleI-] one"s pleasure随你, 听便at pleasure随你, 听便for pleasure为了取乐, 作为消遣take (a) pleasure in以...为乐with pleasure愉快地, 高兴地P-has its sting in its tail .[谚]乐极生悲。pleasure delight joy都含“快乐”、“愉快” 的意思。pleasure 是常用词, 指“以任何形式表现出的或默默的快乐与满足”。如:It"s my pleasure to help you.帮助你是我的快乐。delight 语意比pleasure 强, 指“极大的快乐”, 尤指“以一种活泼的态度表现出来的快乐”, 如:The child clapped his hands in delight.那孩子高兴得拍起手来。joy 指“高兴地表现出来的更强烈的快乐和愉快的情绪”, 如:Success brought her great joy.成功给她带来极大的快乐。

pain past is pleasure是什么意思


Few pleasures can equal (that) of a cool drink on

本题考查替代词that的用法。that通常在句中替代同类的、特定的但不是同一的事物。本句中that替代the pleasure。句意为“在炎热的夏天几乎没有任何乐趣能与饮一杯冷饮的乐趣相比”。that指代单数或不可数名词,复数用those,表示特指,以避免重复,在比较句型中较为常用,代替可数名词时可换用the one。

simple pleasures是什么意思

simple pleasures 网 络 简单快乐;简单的快乐;简单的愿望;简单快乐计划 双语例句 1.It is simple pleasures,such as a walk on a sunny day,which have a cumulative effect on our mood.x09 一些简单的娱乐,譬如在一个阳光明媚的日子散步,就能使我们的心情更愉快. 2.People were craving the simple pleasures of the sea and the sun.x09 人们渴望着海洋和阳光所带来的那种单纯的乐趣.

pain past is pleasure是什么意思

  pain past is pleasure直译为:痛苦过去就是快乐;意译为:风雨过后见彩虹。  pain 英 [ peu026an ] 美 [ pen ]  n.痛苦 刻苦 令人厌烦的人[事物] 身体某部分的疼痛[不适]  vt.& vi.(使)疼痛,(使)痛苦,伤害  vt.使…痛苦 使…烦恼  vi.感到疼痛 引起疼痛  复数: pains 过去式: pained 过去分词: pained 现在分词:paining 第三人称单数: pains  1.I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.  我感觉到后腰一阵剧痛。  2.After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.  失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。  pleasure 英 [ u02c8pleu0292u0259(r) ] 美 [ u02c8plu025bu0292u025a ]  n.愉快 娱乐 令人高兴的事  vt.使高兴 使满意  vi.觉得高兴,享受 寻欢作乐  复数: pleasures 过去式: pleasured 过去分词: pleasured 现在分词: pleasuring 第三人称单数: pleasures  1.He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.  他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。  2.I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.  我和别人一样愉快。



please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

please 一般用在交际用语中“请”英 [pli:z]美 [pliz]int.请vt.& vi.使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢; 讨好过去式: pleased过去分词: pleased现在分词: pleasing第三人称单数: pleases派生词:pleasingly例句:1. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice. “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。pleased一般用作形容词“高兴的”英 [pli:zd]adj.高兴的; 自鸣得意; (用于初次见面握手时)很高兴认识您; 称心满意v.(使…)高兴( please的过去式); (使…)满意; 想要; 喜欢例句:1. I"m always pleased to try out a new variety. 我一直乐于尝试新产品。来自柯林斯例句pleasure一般用做名词“乐意。愉快”英 [u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)]美 [u02c8plu025bu0292u025a]n.愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事vt.使高兴; 使满意vi.觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐复数: pleasures过去式: pleasured过去分词: pleasured现在分词: pleasuring第三人称单数: pleasures例句:1. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way. 他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。来自柯林斯例句词组:at someone"s pleasure1. 随便,听便,随意the landlord could terminate the agreement at his pleasure.房东可以随意终止协议。have the pleasure of something (或 of doing somethi1. [用于正式请求和描写]有幸,荣幸he asked if he might have the pleasure of taking her to lunch.他问他能否有幸请她吃午饭。my pleasure1. [用作对谢意的客气回答]愿意为您效劳pleasant只有形容词英 [u02c8pleznt]美 [u02c8plu025bzu0259nt]adj.可爱的; 令人愉快的; 有趣的; 晴朗的比较级: pleasanter最高级: pleasantest派生词:pleasantly pleasantness例句:1. Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant. 劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。

simple pleasures是什么意思

  simple pleasures的中文翻译  simple pleasures  简单快乐; 简单快乐计划; 简单的快乐; 简单乐趣  双语例句  1  Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.  这些简单的快乐对你的大脑、身体和精神都非常有好处。  2  Below are7 exercises to help you connect to the simple pleasures of the moment.  下面是7个练习,帮助你和此刻中的简单乐趣获得联系。


pleasure  英 ["pleʒə(r)]x05  x05 美 ["pleʒər]x05  x05 形容词:pleasureless 过去式:pleasured 过去分词:pleasured 现在分词:pleasuring 第三人称单数:pleasuresn.愉快;高兴;快事;(用于回答对方的感谢)荣幸 vt.使高兴 vi.高兴;享受快乐用作名词 (n.) She took no pleasure in her work. 她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣. I will remember this meeting with pleasure. 我会愉快地记着这次的会晤.

- A table for two, please. - _________ A. It is a pleasure. B. This way, please. C. What can I do f


–Thank you for picking me up from the supermarket! – _________. A.With pleasure B.Non...

D 试题分析:考查情景交际。句意:--谢谢你来超市接我。--不要客气。A愿意效劳;常用于帮助人之前;B与你无关,跟句意不符;C里面什么也没有,与句意不符;D举手之劳;不客气。D项符合情景,故选D。

HI please let me join your is a pleasure to join all you guys!


There is ___ new moon in the sky. It is a pleasure to get close to ___ nature outdoors now. ...

A 试题分析:句意:空中有一轮新月。真荣幸在户外这么接近大自然。第一空一轮新月是泛指,第二空为自然,nature表“自然”时,前面不加冠词,故A正确。

Raining Pleasure的《Flamenko》 歌词

歌曲名:Flamenko歌手:Raining Pleasure专辑:Who S Gonna Tell Juliet「Flame」作词:しほり作曲:しほり编曲:鹭巣诗郎歌:野水いおり灯火の彼方に何が见える?仆を呼ぶ声が聴こえる?见果てぬ明日の先まだ色褪せぬ梦の欠片を抱き缔めて爱の记忆辿って 蘇る情热の Flame锖び付いてた时间(とき)がまた动き始めるいつか辿り着きたい场所ずっと键を挂けてた今は远く…触れられずにもがいても微かに揺れているこの想い抱いて仆は、歩き出した満ちては欠けてゆく红い月が仆を揺らし戸惑っても解り合えたはずの微かな时に感じた望み离さない开花してく本能で现実を涂り替える PhraseG线上の切望をひとつ、奏でる遥かまだ届かなくても手を伸ばし続けたい誓った过去を嘘にしたくはないから「明けぬ夜はない」と、ただ信じながら闇を駆け抜けようずっと见つめてたんだ届きそうで、届かない Dream何度立ち止まっても振り向かずに行くよ君と辿り着きたい场所いつか辿り着きたい场所ずっと键を挂けてた今は远く…触れられずにもがいても微かに揺れているこの想い抱いて仆は、歩き出した终わり



it is a pleasure 怎么读


it was a pleasure meeting you,这句怎么读


pleasure 里ure中的e 发什么音标

e不发音 ur 发ə的音

sure pleasure其中的s发音一样吗



pleasure[英][u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8plu025bu0292u025a]n.愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事; vt.使高兴; 使满意; vi.觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐; 第三人称单数:pleasures过去分词:pleasured复数:pleasures现在进行时:pleasuring过去式:pleasured易混淆单词:Pleasure例句:1.We can sometimes mix business with pleasure. 我们有时候把工作和快乐结合在一起。2.They are a real pleasure to read. 读它们真是一种享受。

pleasure 怎么读

你有空在这发表 怎么没空去查字典?


1.pleasure英[?ple??(r)]美[?ple??r],n.高兴; 快乐; 愉快; 欣慰; 满意; 玩乐; 休闲; 乐事; 快事;vi.使高兴; 使满意觉得高兴; 享受; 寻欢作乐。 2. [例句]It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。


从拼音的角度:pe lei she


pu lei yi er

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

一、指意不同1、pleasant表示“令人愉快的”,常说明事物,有主动意义。如:Wespentmanyhoursinapleasantconversation.我们畅谈了好几个小时。2、pleased表示“愉快的”,常说明人。如:Hewaspleasedwiththeirwarmwelcome.他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。3、please是指使高兴;使满意;愿意;取悦。如:Iamnotboundtopleaseyouwithmyservice.我没有义务非得要侍候得使你满意不可。4、pleasure指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动。如:Ireallydon"tknowhowtopleasurehim.我真不知道如何让他高兴。二、读音不同1、please的英式读法是[pliu02d0z];美式读法是[pliu02d0z]。2、pleased的英式读法是[pliu02d0zd];美式读法是[pliu02d0zd]。3、pleasure的英式读法是["pleu0292u0259(r)];美式读法是["pleu0292u0259r]。  4、pleasant的英式读法是["pleznt];美式读法是["pleznt]。三、词性不同1、please是动词,可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。2、pleased是形容词。3、pleasure一般是名词,有时做动词。4、pleasant也是形容词。



pleasure和 the的发音





都不是,这个单词的发音是: pleasure:[ "pleu0292u0259 ],其中S的发间是jie(阶) n.高兴,愉快


啤Le sir a


pleasure [04ple0105]n.愉快, 快乐, 满足His grandchildren afforded him his greatest pleasure in his old age.他的孙子和孙女们在晚年的时候给了他最大的欢乐。娱乐, 消遣Has he gone to Paris on business or for pleasure?他到巴黎是办公事还是游玩去了?快乐的事物, 乐事It is one of my greatest pleasures.这是我最高兴的事之一。方便而乐意做的事He finds pleasure in reading.他从阅读中得到乐趣。愿望, 意愿May I have the pleasure of the next dance with you?你肯赏光跟我跳下一个舞吗?


谐音:谱来热 pleasure [英]"pleu0292u0259(r) [美]u02c8plu025bu0292u025a n. 愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事 vt. 使高兴;使满意 vi. 觉得高兴,享受;寻欢作乐


用汉语写的话 :普雷惹

“我的荣幸”用英文怎么说 不要my pleasure 或者说有 my glory 这种说法嘛


英语谚语:From short pleasure long repentance 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: From short pleasure long repentance 中文意思: 痛快一时,悔恨终身。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Mountains look beautiful from a distance 远处看山山更美。 Much cry and little wool 雷声大,雨点小。 Much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of 当前发生诸种事,大多为人所不知。 Much will have more 贪得无厌。 Murder will out 杀人终必败露。 Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast 音乐有抚凶暴心灵的魅力。 Music is the eye of the ear 音乐是耳朵的眼睛。 Music is the medicine of the breaking heart 音乐是医治心灵创伤的妙药。 Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。 My son is my son till he hath got him a wife; but my daughter"s my daughter all the days of her life 儿子只有在娶妻前是儿子,女儿则终生是女儿。 英语谚语: From short pleasure long repentance 中文意思: 痛快一时,悔恨终身。

写一篇The Pleasure of Reading英语作文


pleasure怎么读 英语pleasure怎么读

1、pleasure英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)]美[u02c8pleu0292u0259r],n.高兴; 快乐; 愉快; 欣慰; 满意; 玩乐; 休闲; 乐事; 快事;vi.使高兴; 使满意觉得高兴; 享受; 寻欢作乐。 2、[例句]It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。


用中文拼的话。。。普 来 日额后面两个连起来读。。你最好还是学一下音标,这样发音会比较准确。[ˈpleʒə(r)]






pleasure怎么读英语:英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)],美[u02c8plu025bu0292u025a]。一、基本释义pleasure:英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)],美[u02c8plu025bu0292u025a]:n.愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事。vt.使高兴;使满意。vi.觉得高兴,享受;寻欢作乐;第三人称单数:pleasures;复数:pleasures;现在分词:pleasuring;过去式:pleasured;过去分词:pleasured。二、pleasure的用法1、pleasure表示抽象意义的“满足;高兴;快乐”时,作不可数名词用。如:It gives me much pleasure to be with you.跟你在一起使我很高兴。2、当pleasure具体化,表示“快乐的事;乐趣”时,作可数名词用。如:The work is a pleasure to me.干这工作对我是件乐事。He had many pleasures while he was living there.他在那儿生活时有很多乐趣。三、pleasure的例句1、He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。2、I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.我和别人一样愉快。3、It was a rare pleasure to see him in action.看他打球是一种享受。4、I find no pleasure in seeing people make asses of themselves.我看见人们出洋相并不幸灾乐祸。5、I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.回顾此事,我会无比地开心。6、It was the birth of his grandchildren which gave him greatest pleasure.孙子孙女的出生给他带来了极大的快乐。7、He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance.每个人都从吃中得到满足感。

pleasure 有动词的词性吗?

pleasure一般多用作名词。但是,也有“动词”的词性。请看下面的用法:1.作及物动词,意思是:使高兴,给…快乐,使满意。例如:He will do angthing to pleasure her.2. 作不及物动词,意思是:高兴,觉得高兴,感到满意,享受快乐。例如:I pleasure in your company.


都是一样的,这个方面没必要这么细究,有的只是英语的一种习惯而已。下面摘抄了别人的回答,希望对你有帮助。with pleasure是别人请求你帮忙时,经常说的一句话,意思是很乐意帮你的忙。要注意的是,事情能够还没做。It"s pleasure是别人感谢你时,你说的话。意思是,我很荣幸帮你做这件事。要注意的是,这件事已经做过了。my pleasure和It"s pleasure用法差不多,都是别人感谢你时用的。with pleasure也有一种用法,摘自百度:with pleasure: 1.愉快地、高兴地。如: I did the work with pleasure. 这份工作我做得很高兴。2. 十分愿意、可以(答应对方时的用语)。如:—Will you lend me the book?把书借给我好吗?—With pleasure. 可以。3.由于高兴,高兴得……。 如: Her eyes shone with pleasure. 她高兴得眼睛闪闪发光。


pleasure的形容词是对于人是pleased ,对于物是pleasant; pleasure n.高兴;快乐;愉快;欣慰;满意;玩乐;休闲;乐事;快事; vi.使高兴;使满意觉得高兴;享受;寻欢作乐 扩展资料   Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same.   读书以自娱和读书以学习是不相同的。   It"s been a pleasure to do business with you.   和你做买卖很愉快。   It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today.   今天能在这里欢迎您是我极大的荣幸。   I don"t like to mix business with pleasure.   我不喜欢将社交活动和做生意混在一块。


pleasure的读音是["pleʒə(r)]。pleasure例句如下:1、It"s a pleasure to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked.很高兴在此奖励他们所做的,而在其他情况下可能未被注意的工作。2、He asked if he might have the pleasure of taking her to lunch.他问他能否有幸请她吃午饭。3、To think a few minutes of thoughtless pleasure could end in this.想一想,不顾后果的几分钟欢愉最终会落得如此下场。4、It gave him pleasure to keep things shipshape and Bristol fashion.把东西理得井井有条让他非常愉快。5、I make it a rule never to mix business with pleasure.不把工作和娱乐弄混,这是我的原则。6、We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.敬请光临小女莉萨的婚礼。7、He takes no pleasure in his work.他从他的工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。




  pleasure表示愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事的意思,那么你知道pleasure的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了pleasure的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   pleasure的短语:   at Her (或 His) Majesty"s pleasure   1. 被拘禁在英国监狱里   at someone"s pleasure   1. 随便,听便,随意   房东可以随意终止协议。   the landlord could terminate the agreement at his pleasure.   have the pleasure of something (或 of doing somethig   1. [用于正式请求和描写]有幸,荣幸   他问他能否有幸请她吃午饭。   he asked if he might have the pleasure of taking her to lunch.   my pleasure   1. [用作对谢意的客气回答]愿意为您效劳   take pleasure in   1. 以u2026为乐事   他们以惹是生非为乐事,真是变态。   they take a perverse pleasure in causing trouble.   what"s your pleasure?   1. 你喜欢什么? (尤用于给别人提供选择时)   “你喜欢什么? ”“来一杯卡普契诺咖啡。”。   u2018What"s your pleasure?u2019 u2018A cappuccino, please.u2019.   with pleasure   1. [用于表达客气的赞同或接受]高兴地,很乐意   同义词辨析:   pleasure, delight, rapture, enjoyment, joy, fun   这些名词均含"愉快,快乐,高兴"之意。   pleasure : 最普通常用词,常指不表露出来的满意或喜悦情绪,也指强烈的愉快或兴奋感。   delight : 指强烈的、活泼的、显而易见的快乐和高兴。   rapture : 书面语用词,指极端的欣喜、大喜或狂喜。   enjoyment比pleasure, joy和delight的语气轻,但更着重行为或乐事的本身,而不是感情。   joy : 语气弱于rapture,强于pleasure,多指情感充溢,喜形于色的强烈的欢乐情绪。   fun : 普通用词,指任何能给予喜悦的娱乐,或指娱乐本身。   pleasure的短语例句:   1. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.   他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。   2. I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.   我和别人一样愉快。   3. It was a rare pleasure to see him in action.   看他打球是一种享受。   4. I find no pleasure in seeing people make asses of themselves.   我看见人们出洋相并不幸灾乐祸。   5. I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.   回顾此事,我会无比地开心。   6. It was the birth of his grandchildren which gave him greatest pleasure.   孙子孙女的出生给他带来了极大的快乐。   7. Calder smiled charmingly and put out his hand. "A pleasure, Mrs Talbot."   考尔德满面春风,伸出手来说:“幸会幸会,塔尔博特夫人。”   8. She invents fantasy lives for her own vicarious pleasure.   她幻想过着各种奇妙的生活,从想入非非中获得乐趣。   9. They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people.   他们确实从把钱花在别人身上而得到快乐。   10. He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance.   他从芭蕾和现代舞中得到极大的快乐。   11. How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature?   怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?   12. I would not want to deny them a harmless pleasure.   我不想剥夺他们这点无伤大雅的乐趣。   13. Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready.   晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。   14. I read for pleasure.   我读书消遣。   15. Watching TV is our only pleasure.   看电视是我们唯一的乐事。


pleasure的形容词:pleasant。形容词:pleasant。pleasant:adj.令人愉快的;宜人的;可喜的;吸引人的;友好的;和善的;文雅的。造句1、We spent a pleasant day in the country.我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。2、The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise.低通货膨胀与低失业的同时出现是一大惊喜。3、It"s not a pleasant feeling to discover you"ve been taken for a ride by someone you trusted.发现被你信任的人骗了,心里很不是滋味。4、What a pleasant surprise!这真是一桩令人又惊又喜的事!5、I spent a pleasant evening chez the Stewarts.我在斯图尔特家度过了一个愉快的夜晚。


pleasure[英]["pleu0292u0259(r)] [美][u02c8plu025bu0292u025a] 生词本 简明释义 n.愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事 vt.使高兴;使满意 vi.觉得高兴,享受;寻欢作乐 复数:pleasures第三人称单数:pleasures过去式:pleasured过去分词:pleasured现在分词:pleasuring 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-UNCOUNT愉快;高兴;快乐;满足If something gives you pleasure,you get a feeling of happiness,satisfaction,or enjoyment from it. Watching sport gave him great pleasure... 观看体育比赛给他以极大的愉悦. Everybody takes pleasure in eating... 每个人都从吃中得到满足感. He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance.


区别用法是:It is my pleasure.是回答别人说“谢谢”时使用,有“不用谢(这是我的荣幸)”的意思。而With pleasure.是用于别人问你“能给我给帮助吗?(Could you help me…)”有“乐意帮你”的意思。重点词汇解释:pleasure 英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)] 美[u02c8plu025bu0292u025a] n. 愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事; vt. 使高兴; 使满意; vi. 觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐; [例句]1、Watching sport gave him great pleasure.观看体育比赛给他以极大的愉悦。2、He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way. 他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。3、Watching TV is our only pleasure. 看电视是我们唯一的乐事。4、"A pleasure to meet you, sir," he said 他说:“先生,很高兴见到您。”5、"Thanks very much anyhow." — "It"s a pleasure." “无论怎样,非常感谢。”——“别客气。”6、"Could you photocopy the advert and put it in the post to us?" — "With pleasure John." “你能把广告影印一下寄给我们吗?”——“当然可以,约翰。”


pleasure的用法及短语用法:pleasure表示抽象意义的"满足高兴快乐"时,作不可数名词用。当pleasure具体化,表示“快乐的事;乐趣”时,作可数名词用。搭配:cloud sb"s pleasure令某人扫兴、dampen pleasure抑制快乐感情、derive pleasure from从..中找到快乐。1、pleasure的基本意思是愉快、快乐、满足,指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动。pleasure多用作不可数名词,当作快乐的事。短语:with pleasure,take pleasure in.2、pleasure其后一般不接不定式,但可接of doing sth,但此时的pleasure前一般有定冠词。如:May we have the pleasure of your company for lunch?请和我们共进午餐好吗?There"s nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you.跟你在一起是无比的愉决。3、with pleasure的用法,意为“愉快地;高兴地”,常在完整的陈述句中作状语用。如:He did the work with pleasure. 这工作他干得很高兴。意为“好的;可以;非常乐意”。此时with pleasure常作简略答语使用,相当于OK, All right和Sure等。如:Would you like to help me with my English? 你愿意帮我学英语吗?


pleasure. n. 愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事; vt. 使高兴;使满意; vi. 觉得高兴,享受;寻欢作乐; 例句:He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way. 他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。 扩展资料   pleasure的用法:   一、 pleasure的用法:   1、pleasure表示抽象意义的“满足;高兴;快乐”时,作不可数名词用。如:   It gives me much pleasure to be with you. 跟你在一起使我很高兴。   2、当pleasure具体化,表示“快乐的事;乐趣”时,作可数名词用。如:   The work is a pleasure to me. 干这工作对我是件乐事。   He had many pleasures while he was living there. 他在那儿生活时有很多乐趣。   二、 with pleasure的"用法:   1、意为“愉快地;高兴地”,常在完整的陈述句中作状语用。如:   He did the work with pleasure. 这工作他干得很高兴。   2、意为“好的;可以;非常乐意”。此时with pleasure常作简略答语使用,相当于OK, All right和Sure等。如:   —Would you like to help me with my English? 你愿意帮我学英语吗?   —With pleasure. 好的/非常乐意。   —Would you like to have a walk with me? 你愿意和我一起去散步吗?   —With pleasure. 十分乐意。


happiness相当于中文的“幸福” 是对生活的总体来说,比如说过着幸福美满的生活,这个时候就要用happiness,而不是pleasure 它相对比较正式 pleasure是“愉悦” 指一些小快乐,来自于日常生活的小事件,比如说跟同学玩游戏啊,钓鱼等等。

It‘s a pleasure 和 with pleasure 有什么区别

(1)It‘s a pleasure是回答别人的感谢的,等同于You are welcome 。可译为“那是我应该做的”、“不用谢”;(2)whth pleasure是回答别人的请求的,可译为“好的,乐意效劳”。 下面下面两个例子你可以仔细体会一下:a:谢谢你为我关好窗户。b:It‘s a pleasure。(那是我因该做的。) a:你能为我关好窗户吗?b:With pleasure。(好的。)


pleasure是快乐;希望的意思。pleasure是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“快乐;希望;娱乐;令人高兴的事”,作及物动词时意思是“使高兴;使满意”,作不及物动词时意思是“高兴;寻欢作乐”。短语搭配:with pleasure愉快地 ; 乐意 ; 我很愿意 ; 高兴。Pleasure Boat游船 ;[船]游艇 ; 游览艇 ; 游轮。pleasure双语例句:1、I like traveling for pleasure.我喜欢为娱乐旅行。2、My pleasure. What can I do for you?很高兴为您服务, 我能帮您做什么?3、From there on, this should be a pleasure cruise.从那里开始,就该是个愉快的游览了。




  1、表示一般意义的“愉快”“高兴”“快乐”等,是不可数名词;表示具体的“乐事”“快事”等,是可数名词。比较:   同你谈话(我们)很愉快。   正:It gives us much pleasure to talk with you.   正:It is a pleasure to talk with you.   2、其后一般不接不定式,但可接of doing sth,但此时的pleasure前一般有定冠词。如:   May we have the pleasure of your company for lunch?请和我们共进午餐好吗?   There"s nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you.跟你在一起是无比的愉快。   有时也后接in doing sth,但此时的pleasure前通常不用冠词。如:   He takes great pleasure in teaching children.他很喜欢教小孩。   Children find endless pleasure in playing with water.小孩子从玩水中可以找到无穷的乐趣。   注意下面这样的句子,句首的"it为形式主语,其后后通常可接不定式(用作句子真正主语)。如:   It gives me great pleasure to grow flowers.种花给很大的乐趣。   3、注意:下面两句从语法结构上看是一样的,但是从交际角度上看,第二句不可接受的:   正:May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?我可以和你跳舞吗?   误:Will you have the pleasure of dancing with me?   4、比较 my pleasure和 with pleasure:前者用来回答感谢,意为“不用谢”;后者用来答应对方的请求或邀请等,意为“可以”“没问题”。如:   A:Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮了我。   B:My pleasure.别客气。   A:Will you lend me the book?这本书你借给我好吗?   B:With pleasure.可以。   注:回答感谢,除可用 my pleasure 外,还可用:a pleasure. / my pleasure. / Pleasure was all mine.等。


pleasure的读音是英 ["pleu0292u0259(r)],美 ["pleu0292u0259r]。n. 愉快,高兴,快事,(用于回答对方的感谢)荣幸vt. 使高兴vi. 高兴,享受快乐例句:I pleasure in your company.翻译:和你在一起我感到高兴。短语:derive pleasure from 从…中找到乐趣用法1、pleasure多用作不可数名词,当作“快乐的事,乐事”解时用作可数名词。2、pleasure有特指含义时其前要加定冠词the,而泛指时其前不用定冠词the。3、the pleasure (of)常可用作表示“荣幸,光彩”等客套话。pleasure还可用于回答感谢的客套答语,表示“方便而乐意做的事”。


1、pleasure的基本意思是愉快、快乐、满足,指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动。2、pleasure多用作不可数名词,当作快乐的事。短语:with pleasure、take pleasure in。 扩展资料 例句:1、He takes no pleasure in his work.他从他的工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。2、She had the pleasure of seeing him look surprised.看他好像吃了一惊,她感到开心。3、We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.敬请光临小女莉萨的婚礼。


英语词汇详解pleasure的用法   高考英语词汇详解:pleasure的用法   1. 表示一般意义的“愉快”“高兴”“快乐”等,是不可数名词;表示具体的`“乐事”“快事”等,是可数名词。比较:   同你谈话(我们)很愉快。   正:It gives us much pleasure to talk with you.   正:It is a pleasure to talk with you.   2. 其后一般不接不定式,但可接of doing sth,但此时的pleasure前一般有定冠词。如:   May we have the pleasure of your company for lunch? 请和我们共进午餐好吗?   There"s nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you. 跟你在一起是无比的愉快。   有时也后接in doing sth,但此时的pleasure前通常不用冠词。如:   He takes great pleasure in teaching children. 他很喜欢教小孩。   Children find endless pleasure in playing with water. 小孩子从玩水中可以找到无穷的乐趣。   注意下面这样的句子,句首的it为形式主语,其后后通常可接不定式(用作句子真正主语)。如:   It gives me great pleasure to grow flowers. 种花给很大的乐趣。   3. 注意:下面两句从语法结构上看是一样的,但是从交际角度上看,第二句不可接受的:   正:May I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 我可以和你跳舞吗?   误:Will you have the pleasure of dancing with me?   4. 比较 my pleasure和 with pleasure:前者用来回答感谢,意为“不用谢”;后者用来答应对方的请求或邀请等,意为“可以”“没问题”。如:   A:Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮了我。   B:My pleasure. 别客气。   A:Will you lend me the book? 这本书你借给我好吗?   B:With pleasure. 可以。   注:回答感谢,除可用 my pleasure 外,还可用: a pleasure. / my pleasure. / Pleasure was all mine. 等。 ;


pleasure的读音是英 ["pleu0292u0259(r)],美 ["pleu0292u0259r]。n. 愉快,高兴,快事,(用于回答对方的感谢)荣幸vt. 使高兴vi. 高兴,享受快乐例句:I pleasure in your company.翻译:和你在一起我感到高兴。短语:derive pleasure from 从…中找到乐趣用法1、pleasure多用作不可数名词,当作“快乐的事,乐事”解时用作可数名词。2、pleasure有特指含义时其前要加定冠词the,而泛指时其前不用定冠词the。3、the pleasure (of)常可用作表示“荣幸,光彩”等客套话。pleasure还可用于回答感谢的客套答语,表示“方便而乐意做的事”。


【 #英语资源# 导语】pleasure有愉快;高兴;快事等意思,那么你知道pleasure的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】pleasure的用法大全   pleasure的用法1:pleasure的基本意思是“愉快,快乐,满足”,指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动,即“娱乐,消遣”; 还可指能够使人感到快乐或高兴的事,即“快乐的事,乐事”。用于物主代词之后, pleasure还可指“意愿”。   pleasure的用法2:pleasure多用作不可数名词,当作“快乐的事,乐事”解时用作可数名词。   pleasure的用法3:pleasure有特指含义时其前要加定冠词the,而泛指时其前不用定冠词the。   pleasure的用法4:the pleasure (of)常可用作表示“荣幸,光彩”等客套话。pleasure还可用于回答感谢的客套答语,表示“方便而乐意做的事”。   pleasure的用法5:pleasure作“意愿”解时,常用于it"s sb"s pleasure to- v 或it"s sb"s pleasure that...结构, that从句中的谓语动词一般用虚拟语气。 【篇二】pleasure的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   at (one"s) pleasure   It is/was my/a pleasure   take pleasure in   with pleasure 【篇三】pleasure的用法例句   1. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.   他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。   2. I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.   我和别人一样愉快。   3. It was a rare pleasure to see him in action.   看他打球是一种享受。   4. I find no pleasure in seeing people make asses of themselves.   我看见人们出洋相并不幸灾乐祸。   5. I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.   回顾此事,我会无比地开心。   6. It was the birth of his grandchildren which gave him greatest pleasure.   孙子孙女的出生给他带来了极大的快乐。   7. Calder smiled charmingly and put out his hand. "A pleasure, Mrs Talbot."   考尔德满面春风,伸出手来说:“幸会幸会,塔尔博特夫人。”   8. She invents fantasy lives for her own vicarious pleasure.   她幻想过着各种奇妙的生活,从想入非非中获得乐趣。   9. They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people.   他们确实从把钱花在别人身上而得到快乐。   10. He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance.   他从芭蕾和现代舞中得到极大的快乐。   11. How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature?   怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?   12. I would not want to deny them a harmless pleasure.   我不想剥夺他们这点无伤大雅的乐趣。   13. Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready.   晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。   14. I read for pleasure.   我读书消遣。   15. Watching TV is our only pleasure.   看电视是我们的乐事。


pleasure 英[u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)] 美[u02c8plu025bu0292u025a] n. 愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事; vt. 使高兴; 使满意; vi. 觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐; [例句]Watching sport gave him great pleasure观看体育比赛给他以极大的愉悦。
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