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Sunshine在英语中表示”阳光”,英[u02c8su028cnu0283au026an]美[u02c8su028cnu0283au026an]。一、Sunshine的定义和用法1、Sunshine是英语单词,意思是“阳光”。可以单独形容或作为名词使用。例如:The sunshine warms my skin.(阳光温暖了我的皮肤)。2、此外,Sunshine也常用于命名人物或地名,尤其在英语国家非常受欢迎,例如英国特别喜欢在女孩名字中加入Sunshine这个词。3、Sunny(女孩/男孩名字):Sunny是一个非常常见的英语单词,意思是“多阳光的”,也可以作为名字使用。4、Sunshine Coast(地名):Sunshine Coast是澳大利亚昆士兰州东南部一个旅游胜地,拥有美丽的海滩、海洋公园和自然保护区。二、阳光与情感表达阳光也在情感表达中扮演着重要的角色。在爱情和友情中,阳光通常被用来形容温暖、幸福和喜悦。例如:You are the sunshine of my life!(你是我一生的阳光!)。




You are my sunshine my only sunshine你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光You make me happy when skies are gray当天空乌云密布时你让我快乐You"ll never know dear how much I love you亲爱的 你从未明了 我是多么得爱你Please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光The other night dear as I lay sleeping亲爱的 又是一个晚上 我渐渐睡去I dreamed I held you in my arm在梦境中我把你拥入怀中When I awoke dear I was mistaken可是亲爱的 当我醒来的时候我发现我错了So I hung my head and cried所以我抱头痛哭You are my sunshine my only sunshine你是我的阳光 我唯一的[]阳光You make me happy when skies are gray当天空乌云密布时你让我快乐You"ll never know dear how much I love you亲爱的 你从未明了 我是多么得爱你Please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光So please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光










sunshine就是英文啊,中文意思是阳光,日照。(a word meaning the light and heat that come from the sun.)






sunshine意思是阳光 sun意思是太阳 sunny意思是阳光明媚的


sunshine 日光,阳光。


sunshine,英语单词,名词,译为“阳光;愉快;晴天;快活,人名;(英)森夏恩”。例句:1、I like the sunshine in spring.我喜欢春天的阳光。2、Sunshine, where are you going?亲爱的,你要去哪?3、After meeting him, my life was full of sunshine.遇见他后,我的生活充满了幸福。4、The children were out playing in the sunshine.孩子们正在外面阳光下玩耍。5、When we go outside in the sun, the sunshine triggers our bodies to produce Vitamin D.我们出去晒太阳时,阳光会让我们的身体产生维生素D。6、The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。


  看到sunshine这个词汇相信大家都比较熟悉的,它有阳关的意思。在了解清楚sunshine的意思之后,还要懂得如何运用,现在就一起学习sunshine的英语知识吧。   sunshine的意思:   英 [snan] 美 [snan]   n.阳光,日光;晴朗,晴天;太阳晒着的地方;欢乐   参考例句:   1. No sunshine but has some shadow.   凡有阳光处,必然有阴影。   2. They need sunshine, air, and water.   它们需要阳光,空气和水。   sunshine的英英释义:   noun:   1.the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom   flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room   Synonym:   cheerfulness cheer sunniness   2.moderate weather   Synonym:   fair weather temperateness   3.the rays of the sun   the shingles were weathered by the sun and wind   Synonym:   sunlight sun   sunshine的双语例句:   Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains.   清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。   The event was held in brilliant sunshine   这一活动是在阳光明媚的"日子举办的。   Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.   古巴属于热带气候,终年阳光明媚。   A burst of sunshine sent a beam of amber light through the window   破云而出的阳光透过窗户送来一束琥珀色的光线。   The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine   叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。   We had a week of alternate rain and sunshine.   天忽晴忽雨,已有一个星期。   The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost   空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。   Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism   每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗。   We"ve had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine   我们这儿连续天差不多都是阳光明媚。   Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window   直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。   The screen cannot shut out the sunshine.   筛子遮不住太阳。   He endeavoured to extricate the car, digging with his hands in the blazing sunshine.   他在烈日下用手挖着,拼命想要把那辆汽车弄出来。   A few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.   几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午有些明亮。   It was again a time of sunshine and gentle breezes, of trees and shrubs bursting into glorious blossom.   又是风和日丽、万木争荣的时节了。   Gleams of sunshine came through the breaks of the cloud.   太阳的光束从云隙中透射出来。   Sunshine, fresh air, and rest often accelerate a person"s recovery from sickness.   阳光、新鲜空气以及休息往往可使病人尽快康复。   Sunshine gilded the rooftops.   阳光把屋顶照得闪闪发光。   Just as we were beginning to enjoy the sunshine, the sky clouded over and a cold wind began to blow.   正当我们准备欣赏一下阳光时,天空突然乌云密布,刮起了冷风。   That was a week of alternate rain and sunshine.   那是晴雨交替的一周。   sunshine的 短语搭配:   Sunshine Cleaning阳光清洗 ; 清洁小小姐 ; 阳光练习曲 ; 阳光清洁   Sunshine Island周公岛 ; 阳光岛   Sunshine State阳光之州 ; 阳光州 ; 阳光天堂 ; 阳光国度合唱团   sunshine girl阳光女孩 ; 英文版的 ; 扑克牌日记 ; 中岛爱   sunshine trading阳光贸易无障碍地从事大宗贸易 ; 无障碍地从事大宗贸易 ; 阳光贸易 ; 阳光交易   Arizona Sunshine亚利桑那阳光 ; 亚利桑那州的阳光 ; 亚利桑亚阳光 ; 亚利桑那的阳光   Sunshine White日斑白   Secret Sunshine密阳 ; 片 ; 秘密的阳光


sunshine是阳光的意思,把这个单词分开了,就没有多大意思了,用作情侣名不怎么合适。 sun和shine就是太阳和光线的意思,但是用这个当作情侣名也可以,只不过没有那种意境。 sun意思:n. 太阳;阳光;中心人物;v. 晒太阳。 sun 读音:英 [s?n];美 [s?n] 1、sun的基本意思是“太阳”,指位于太阳系中心的天体,多用于单数形式,并常与定冠词the连用,有形容词修饰时可加不定冠词,表示“某种状态的太阳”。 2、sun也可作“日光,阳光”解,只用作单数形式,与定冠词the连用,引申可表示“向阳处”。

浅夏° sunshine 什么意思





释义:阳光美式发音:u02c8su028cnu0283au026an英式发音:u02c8su028cnu0283au026an阳光清洁:Sunshine Cleaning阳光岛:Sunshine Island阳光天堂:Sunshine State阳光女孩:Sunshine Girl例句:1、I like the sunshine in spring.我喜欢春天的阳光。2、Sunshine, where are you going?亲爱的,你要去哪?3、After meeting him, my life was full of sunshine.遇见他后,我的生活充满了幸福。4、The children were out playing in the sunshine.孩子们正在外面阳光下玩耍。5、When we go outside in the sun, the sunshine triggers our bodies to produce Vitamin D.我们出去晒太阳时,阳光会让我们的身体产生维生素D。

sunshine 是什么意思


boa sunshine 的音译歌词

Sunshine BOAnun gam a do neu ggyeo jyeo yo po geun han sum gyeol geu dae ro mul deul eo yo bo i ji an a do bo i neun geot shi it jyo seo ro reul gan jeol hi won han geu sok sak im mal geun ha neul bo da deo hwan han mi so ro on dwi e na e sang cheo eo ru man jyeo ju se yo mae il geu dae wa ham gge ra myeon du ryeo umop get jyo deo i sang a mu mal do pil yo chi an a yo sa rang hae dan ha na bbun in so jung han pit chi dwe eo go ma wo yo na man e sunshine wae yeot na yo wae him deul eot na yo gan jeol hi seo ro reul won ha myeon seo mu eot shi geo jit shi go mu eot shi jin shim in ji ae ta neun na e ma eum al ji mot hae yo mae il geu dae ham gge ra myeon du ryeo umop get jyo deo i sang a mu mal do pil yo chi an a yo sa rang hae dan ha na bbun in so jung han pit chi dwe eo go ma wo yo na man e sunshine an a jwo yo oh ddeu geop ge gam ssa ju se yo nun bu shi ge mam eul yeol eo jun da myeon se sang e (du ryeo um eob get jyo a mu reon mal do pil yo chi an a yo) sa rang hae yo pit chi dwae ju eo o raet dong an gi da rin go ma wo yo (gwaen chan a yo) na e (geu dae yeo) sunshine sunshine


but we"ve had, for the last four or five years, we"ve had pretty warm summers. It gets close to 30


sunshine是一个英语名词,意思是阳光,日光;欢乐,幸福;也可以用于称呼别人:朋友,老兄。 扩展资料   例句:   This afternoon"s sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.   今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。   They had three weeks of glorious sunshine.   他们度过了三周阳光灿烂的日子。   Look, sunshine, who do you think you"re talking to?   喂,哥们儿,知道你在跟谁说话吗?   She brought sunshine into our dull lives.   她给我们乏味的生活带来了欢乐。   The day began promisingly with bright sunshine.   晨曦灿烂,预示了一个大好的晴天。


《you are my sunshine》演唱:Jimmie Davis作词:Jimmie Davis作曲:Jimmie Davisyou are my sunshine,my only sunshine,你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光,you make me happy when skies are gray.当天空灰蒙蒙的时候,你让我快乐。you'll never know dear ,how much i love you.你永远不会知道亲爱的,我有多爱你。please don't take my sunshine away.请不要带走我的阳光。The other night dear when I lay sleeping那天晚上,亲爱的,当我躺着睡觉的时候I dreamed I held you in my arms我梦见我把你抱在怀里When I awoke dear I was mistaken当我醒来时,亲爱的,我错了So I hung my head and cried所以我低下头哭了you are sunshine,my only sunshine,你是阳光,我唯一的阳光,you make me happy when skies are gray.当天空灰蒙蒙的时候,你让我快乐。you'll never know dear ,how much i love you.你永远不会知道亲爱的,我有多爱你。please don't take my sunshine away.请不要带走我的阳光。you are sunshine,my only sunshine,你是阳光,我唯一的阳光,you make me happy when skies are gray.当天空灰蒙蒙的时候,你让我快乐。you'll never know dear ,how much i love you.你永远不会知道亲爱的,我有多爱你。Please don't take my sunshine away请不要带走我的阳光Please don't take my sunshine away请不要带走我的阳光Please don't take my sunshine away请不要带走我的阳光扩展资料:Davis 在1940年2月4日录制了《you are my sunshine》,在发行后的一个月内在美国的销量超过了100万。在英国发行后,当时的国王乔治六世说这首歌是他的最爱。《You Are My Sunshine》传唱70余年,早已成为爱情歌曲的经典。由华语乐坛天后张靓颖全新演绎得版本,作为电影《何以笙箫默》的主题曲,诠释唯美爱情,具有强烈的代入感,引人共鸣。


sunshine 英["su028cnu0283au026an]美[u02c8su028cnu02ccu0283au026an]n. 阳光,日光;晴朗,晴天;太阳晒着的地方;欢乐





sunshine 中文是什么意思?



  你知道sunshine是什么意思吗?下面一起来看看吧。   sunshine   sunshine的意思:   n.阳光;晴天   sunshine的英语音标:   英 ["su028cnu0283au026an]     美 ["su028cnu0283au026an]   sunshine的英语例句:   Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine.   露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。   I saw her basking in the sunshine.   我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。   The water soon evaporated in the sunshine.   水在阳光下不久就蒸发了。   The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.   许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。   I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.   我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 sunshine是什么意思   The baby has brought some sunshine into their life.   孩子给他们的生活带来了几分快乐。   We"re expecting a spell of sunshine.   我们盼望晴朗的天气。   We had twelve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain.   昨日有十二小时的晴天,预报却说仍有雨。   Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism 每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗。   The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。   Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window 直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。   The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine 叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。   I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room 第二天早晨我醒来时房间里洒满了灿烂的阳光。   Inside it"s gloomy after all that sunshine 尽管阳光明媚,里面依然暗淡无光。   In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine 码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。   Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine 古巴属于热带气候,终年阳光明媚。   I got dressed and emerged into glorious sunshine 我穿好衣服,走进灿烂的阳光中。   Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains 清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。   We sat basking in the warm sunshine 我们坐着享受温暖的阳光。   the warm spring sunshine 春天和煦的阳光   an island with year-round sunshine 一年四季阳光灿烂的岛   A few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon 几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午有些明亮   That was a week of alternate rain and sunshine 那是晴雨天交替的一周   We lie in the sunshine for hours, getting a tan 我们躺在日光下几个小时进行日光浴   Her visit brought a ray of sunshine into the old man"s life 她的来访给这位老人的生活带来了欢乐   We had a week of alternate rain and sunshine 天忽晴忽雨,已有一个星期   The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine 许多花瓣在阳光下开放   The fresh breeze and bright sunshine quickly attracted Sophia 清新的微风和明亮的阳光很快就使索菲娅着迷了




看意思啊 SUN是太阳本身SUNSHINE是 阳光




sunshine,英语单词,名词,译为“阳光;愉快;晴天;快活,人名;(英)森夏恩”。 电视剧《何以笙箫默》的主题曲就是my sunshine,大家都知道my就是我的的意思,那么sunshine是什么意思呢?下面我就来说说sunshine的意思。 详细内容 01 sunshine 英 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] 美 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;日光;欢乐;幸福;(友好地称呼某人,有时显得不礼貌)朋友,老兄 02 短语搭配 Sunshine Cleaning阳光清洗 ; 清洁小小姐 ; 阳光练习曲 ; 阳光清洁 Sunshine Island周公岛 ; 阳光岛 Sunshine State阳光之州 ; 阳光州 ; 阳光天堂 ; 阳光国度合唱团 sunshine girl阳光女孩 ; 英文版的 ; 扑克牌日记 ; 中岛爱 sunshine trading无障碍地从事大宗贸易 ; 阳光贸易 ; 阳光交易 Arizona Sunshine亚利桑那阳光 ; 亚利桑那州的阳光 ; 亚利桑亚阳光 ; 亚利桑那的阳光 Sunshine White日斑白 Secret Sunshine密阳 ; 片 ; 秘密的阳光 03 双语例句 In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine. 码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。 She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine. 她坐在咖啡馆外阳光明媚的地方。 I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room. 第二天早晨我醒来时房间里洒满了灿烂的阳光。 The arena was bathed in warm sunshine. 竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。 I was seeing it all in glorious technicolour: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine. 我所看见的一切——大山、山谷、湖泊和夏日的阳光全都绚丽多彩。 Thankfully the Government still hasn"t discovered a way of slapping a tax on love, sunshine or air. 谢天谢地,政府还没有找到对爱情、阳光和空气课税的方法。







sunshine 是啥意思啊







sunshine[英][u02c8su028cnu0283au026an][美][u02c8su028cnu02ccu0283au026an]n.阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐; 例句:1.It is associated with joy sunshine and the tropics. 它与喜悦、阳光和热带联系在一起。2.Sulphate pollution due to coal cools the planet by shading its surface from sunshine. 煤燃烧产生的硫酸污染挡住了日照,使地球表面温度降低






The other night dear, as I lay sleeping亲爱的,又是一个晚上,我渐渐睡去I dreamed I held you in my arms在梦境中我把你拥入怀中But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken亲爱的,可当我醒来,我又弄糟了So I hung my head and I cried.我哭泣,我又陷入了这感情的难题You are my sunshine, my only sunshine你就是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光You make me happy when skies are gray当天空乌云密布时是你使我快乐You"ll never know dear, how much I love you亲爱的,你从未明了,我是多么的爱你Please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光I"ll always love you and make you happy,如果你的言语一贯如一If you will only say the same.我会一直爱你,让你快乐But if you leave me and love another,可是若你离开了我,爱上了他人]You have shattered all my dreamsYou are my sunshine, my only sunshine你就是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光You make me happy when skies are gray当天空乌云密布时是你使我快乐You"ll never know dear, how much I love you亲爱的,你从未明了,我是多么的爱你Please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光You are my sunshine, my only sunshine你就是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光You make me happy when skies are gray当天空乌云密布时是你使我快乐You"ll never know dear, how much I love you亲爱的,你从未明了,我是多么的爱你Please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光Please don"t take my sunshine away请别带走我的阳光


电视剧《何以笙箫默》的主题曲就是my sunshine,大家都知道my就是我的的意思,那么sunshine是什么意思呢?下面我就来说说sunshine的意思。 简要回答 sunshine,英语单词,名词,译为“阳光;愉快;晴天;快活,人名;(英)森夏恩”。 详细内容 sunshine 英 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] 美 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] n. 阳光;日光;欢乐;幸福;(友好地称呼某人,有时显得不礼貌)朋友,老兄 短语搭配 Sunshine Cleaning阳光清洗 ; 清洁小小姐 ; 阳光练习曲 ; 阳光清洁 Sunshine Island周公岛 ; 阳光岛 Sunshine State阳光之州 ; 阳光州 ; 阳光天堂 ; 阳光国度合唱团 sunshine girl阳光女孩 ; 英文版的 ; 扑克牌日记 ; 中岛爱 sunshine trading无障碍地从事大宗贸易 ; 阳光贸易 ; 阳光交易 Arizona Sunshine亚利桑那阳光 ; 亚利桑那州的阳光 ; 亚利桑亚阳光 ; 亚利桑那的阳光 Sunshine White日斑白 Secret Sunshine密阳 ; 片 ; 秘密的阳光 双语例句 In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine. 码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。 She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine. 她坐在咖啡馆外阳光明媚的地方。 I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room. 第二天早晨我醒来时房间里洒满了灿烂的阳光。 The arena was bathed in warm sunshine. 竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。 I was seeing it all in glorious technicolour: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine. 我所看见的一切——大山、山谷、湖泊和夏日的阳光全都绚丽多彩。 Thankfully the Government still hasn"t discovered a way of slapping a tax on love, sunshine or air. 谢天谢地,政府还没有找到对爱情、阳光和空气课税的方法。


sunshine 英 [u02c8su028cnu0283au026an] 美 [u02c8su028cnu02ccu0283au026an] n.阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐1、Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism. 每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗。2.The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost. 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。3.Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window. 直到阳光从窗外泻入,鲍勃才慢慢醒来。





Sunshine 什么意思



sunshine sun.shine[`su028cnu02ccu0283aIn; ˋsu028cnu0283ain]名词1 (U)日光,阳光let in the ~让阳光射入2 [the ~]向阳处in the warm ~在温暖的阳光中3 (U)愉快,快活,令人愉快的事物a ray of sunshine(1) (在不幸或无聊时的) 喜悦,快乐(2)(口语)快活的人










sunshine 英[ˈsʌnʃaɪn] 美[ˈsʌnˌʃaɪn] n. 阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐; [例句]In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine码头上游艇在阳光下闪闪发光。




sunshine[英][u02c8su028cnu0283au026an][美][u02c8su028cnu02ccu0283au026an]n.阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐; 例句:1.These regulations are commonly known as sunshine laws. 这些法规也就是众所周知的阳光法。2.Truth be told, I"m not so fond of sunshine or being all out in nature. 说句实话,我并不是那么喜欢晒太阳或是完全置身于大自然中






sunshine阳光灿烂双语对照词典结果:sunshine[英][u02c8su028cnu0283au026an][美][u02c8su028cnu02ccu0283au026an]n.阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.What colour is the sunshine in this photo? 这张照片里的阳光是什么颜色的?-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮




罗马拼音i reol ddae reul bo myeon na eo ri gi neun han ga bwa nun a pe du go do eojji hal jul mol laeo ddeoh ke deul sa rang eul si jak ha go iss neun ji sa rang ha neun sa ram deul mal hae yoeon jen ga geu nyeo so neul ja ba bol nal ol kka yogam eun du nun wi ye Kiss ha neun nal do wa jul kka yoHello Hello na reul dae ro yong gil nae sseo yoHello Hello jam si ye gi hal rae yoHello Hello nae ga jom seo tul jin mol la doWho knows eo jjeom wu ri jal dwil ji do mol lanae ga da ga seo ya ha neun ji jom deo gi da ryeo ya ha neun jimo du da reun mal eul ha neun ke deo eo ryeo wo (mi deul su eops gess jyo)bo gi bo da nu ni no pa yo i reon il nan heun chi anh a yo nae mal mi deo yo YEAHa mu reoh ji anh ge geu nyeol a neul nal ol kka yosaeng gak han dae ro mo du i rwo jin da mal mi deo yoHello Hello na reul dae ro yong gil nae sseo yoHello Hello jam si ye gi hal rae yoHello Hello nae ga jom seo tul jin mol la doWho knows eo jjeom wu rin OH YEAHcheo eu meun a ni jyo sa sil mal ha ja myeon da rang do i byeol do hae bwass jyoha ji man eo ryeo wo yo i mal eul mi deo yo geu dae neun dal la yoHello Hello i beon en na reul da geol ge yoHello Hello Ooh yeah~ Baby Baby Baby girl Hello Hello ji geu meun eo ddeol ji mol la do Who knows eo jjeom wu rinHello Hello Uh~~yeah Hello Hello nae ge gi hwi reul yo Hello Hello geu rae ji geu meun deo ddeol ji mol la doWho knows? wu li du li(Rap Hello nae gyeol eul maem don geu si gan deu leul gye sok geu eo ddeon gi bbeum gwa do bi gyo mot hae No More geu dael i jen pyeo hyeon hal su eops go nae so neul jab neun damyeon Never let you go i reon ge da rang i myeon jeol dae an noh chyeoWho knows wu li du li)un myeong il ji mol la Hello Hello韩文歌词uc774ub7f4 ub54cub97c ubcf4uba74 ub098 uc5b4ub9acuae30ub294 ud55cuac00ubd10 ub208 uc55euc5d0 ub450uace0ub3c4 uc5b4ucc0c ud560 uc904 ubab0ub77c uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e4 uc0acub791uc744 uc2dcuc791ud558uace0 uc788ub294uc9c0 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uc0acub78cub4e4 ub9d0ud574***;uc694 uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544 ubcfc ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694 uac10uc740 ub450 ub208 uc704uc5d0 Kissud558ub294 ub0a0ub3c4 uc640uc904uae4cuc694 Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694 Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234uc9c4 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 uc798 ub420uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c ub0b4uac00 ub2e4uac00uc11cuc57c ud558ub294uc9c0 uc880 ub354 uae30ub2e4ub824uc57c ud558ub294uc9c0 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4ub978 ub9d0uc744 ud558ub294 uac8c ub354 uc5b4ub824uc6cc (ubbffuc744 uc218 uc5c6uaca0uc8e0)ubcf4uae30ubcf4ub2e4 ub208uc774 ub192uc544uc694 uc774ub7f0 uc77c ub09c ud754uce58 uc54auc544uc694 ub0b4 ub9d0 ubbffuc5b4***;uc694 yeah uc544ubb34ub807uc9c0 uc54auac8c uadf8ub148 uc548uc744 ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694 uc0dduac01ud55c ub300ub85c ubaa8ub450 uc774ub904uc9c4ub2e8 ub9d0 ubbffuc5b4uc694 Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694 Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234uc9c4 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 oh yeah ucc98uc74cuc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0 uc0acuc2e4 ub9d0ud558uc790uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 uc774ubcc4ub3c4 ud574ubd24uc8e0 ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc5b4ub824uc6ccuc694 uc774 ub9d0uc744 ubbffuc5b4***;uc694 uadf8ub300ub294 ub2ecub77cuc694 Hello Hello uc774ubc88uc5d4 ub098ub97c ub2e4 uac78uac8cuc694 Hello Hello Ooh yeah~ Baby Baby Baby girl Hello Hello uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5b4ub5a8uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 Hello Hello Uh~~yeah Hello Hello ub0b4uac8c uae30ud68cub97c ***;uc694 Hello Hello uadf8ub798 uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5b4ub5a8uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows? uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774 (Rap Hello ub0b4 uacc1uc744 ub9f4ub3c8 uadf8 uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc744 uacc4uc18d uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uae30uc068uacfcub3c4 ube44uad50 ubabbud574 No More uadf8ub308 uc774uc820 ud45cud604 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uace0 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1ub294ub2e4uba74 Never let you go uc774ub7f0uac8c uc0acub791uc774uba74 uc808ub300 uc548ub193uccd0 Who knows uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774)uc6b4uba85uc77cuc9c0 ubab0ub77c Hello Hello中文歌词【钟铉】这种时候看来我真的很孩子气 在眼前不知道该怎么办【温流】爱情是怎样开始的 对爱着的人诉说【泰民】能牵起她的手的那天何时才能到来呢【钟铉】在她闭起双眼的那天kiss的那天也会到来吗hello hello 【Key】鼓起了勇气hello hello 【温流】简短的聊一天吗hello hello 【钟铉】也许我有点生疏who knows 我们也许 【泰民】能有好结果呢【珉豪】是要去靠近 还是再等等【钟铉】用其他语言表达更加困难 【温流】无法相信吧【Key】越看越觉得眼光很高【温流】这种事不会让我觉得惊奇 相信我的话吧 yeah【泰民】能不动声色的抱住她的那天会来吗【温流】相信所有的事情都能像想象中的一样实现的话吧hello hello 【钟铉】鼓起了勇气hello hello 【Key】简短的聊一下天吗hello hello 【泰民】也许我有一点生疏who knows 我们也许 【钟铉】oh yeah【钟铉】不是第一次 说实话有过爱也有过离别【温流】但是很难吧 相信这句话吧 那时是不一样的hello hello 【珉豪】这次赌上我的全部hello hello 【Key】Ooh ye baby baby baby girlhello hello 【钟铉】即使不知道现在会怎样who knows 也许我们hello hello 【Key】Up~~yeahhello hello 【温流】给我机会hello hello 【钟铉】是啊 即使不知道现在会怎样who knows?我们俩(Rap hello 在我身边陪伴的时刻继续 什么都无法与之相比较的喜悦 no more 无法表达那一刻 抓住我的手的话 never let you go 这样的爱的话绝对不放手 who knows 我们俩)【温流】也许是命运hello hello中文音译一咯 带路 波面那哦里 给嫩 汗噶吧怒 啊派度过斗 哦几嗨住末啦哦兜开的 撒浪饿西甲 卡沟 一能及撒浪哈能 撒狼的吗累就哟ON见噶 可鸟 搜呢 加吧 拨那耐 哦噶哟 卡门度怒 为也KISS 哈嫩 耐都 瓦住噶哟Hello Hello 那冷带咯 用给耐搜哟Hello Hello 江心叶给 嗨来哟Hello Hello乃噶 囧 搜吐金 末啦都Who knows 哦囧 五林加推家都 莫拉乃噶哒噶搜呀 哈嫩鸡 囧都 gi大料呀 哈嫩鸡魔度 打冷 麻了 哈嫩盖 都哦料我(米的苏哦该叫)波给波大怒你诺怕哟 一龙一男哼起 啊那哟 乃买米都叫哟 YEAH啊木咯几 啊该 可鸟啊呢乃 哦噶哟三噶看带咯 末度 一咯金丹买米都哟Hello Hello 那冷带咯 用给耐搜哟Hello Hello 江心叶给 嗨来哟Hello Hello乃噶 囧 搜吐金 末啦都Who knows 哦囧 五林 OH YEAH桥饿门 啊你叫 撒西马拉嫩家面 撒狼都 一表都 嗨吧角哈吉满 哦了我哟 一 吗了 米都叫哟 可带嫩抬啦哟Hello Hello 一蹦难 那路达过该哟Hello Hello OH YAEH~BABY BABY GIRLHello Hello 几个门 哦都几 末啦都Who knows 哦囧 五林Hello Hello Uh~~yeah Hello Hello 乃盖 给坏路叫哟Hello Hello 可来几个门 哦都几 莫拉都 Who knows? 唔里 度里(Rap Hello 乃kiao乐 满东可西干的了 开搜可哦东 给本瓜都 比giao 末太 No More 可带 一间票hiong嗨苏哦过乃搜呢 加嫩哒面 Never let you go 一龙该 撒狼一面 桥带俺诺巧Who knows 唔里 度里)wun面一级末啦Hello Hello

SHINEE 《hello 》的中文歌词和音译歌词 要分开的啊...拜托

SHINee – Helloireol ttaereul bomyeon na eorigineun hangabwa nun ape dugodo eojji hal jul mollaeotteokedeul sarangeul sijakhago inneunji saranghaneun saramdeul malhaejwoyoeonjenga geunyeo soneul jaba bol nal olkkayogameun du nun wie Kisshaneun naldo wajulkkayoHello Hello nareumdaero yonggil naesseoyoHello Hello jamsiyaegi hallaeyoHello Hello naega jom seotul..ireol ttaereul bomyeon na eorigineun hangabwa nun ape dugodo eojji hal jul mollaeotteokedeul sarangeul sijakhago inneunji saranghaneun saramdeul malhaejwoyoeonjenga geunyeo soneul jaba bol nal olkkayogameun du nun wie Kisshaneun naldo wajulkkayoHello Hello nareumdaero yonggil naesseoyoHello Hello jamsiyaegi hallaeyoHello Hello naega jom seotuljin molladoWho knows eojjeom urin jal doeljido mollanaega dagaseoya haneunji jom deo gidaryeoya haneunjimodu dareun mareul haneun ge deo eoryeowo (mideul su eopgetjyo)bogiboda nuni nopayo ireon il nan heunchi anhayo nae mal mideojwoyo yeahamureochi anke geunyeol aneul nal olkkayosaenggakhan daero modu irwojindan mal mideoyoHello Hello nareumdaero yonggil naesseoyoHello Hello jamsiyaegi hallaeyoHello Hello naega jom seotuljin molladoWho knows eojjeom urin oh yeahcheoeumeun anijyo sasil malhajamyeon sarangdo ibyeoldo haebwatjyohajiman eoryeowoyo i mareul mideojwoyo geudaeneun dallayoHello Hello ibeonen nareul da geolgeyoHello Hello Ooh yeah~ Baby Baby Baby girlHello Hello jigeumeun eotteolji molladoWho knows eojjeom urinHello Hello Uh~~yeahHello Hello naege gihoereul jwoyoHello Hello geurae jigeumeun eotteolji molladoWho knows? uri duri(Rap Hello nae gyeoteul maemdon geu sigandeureul gyesokgeu eotteon gippeumgwado bigyo motae No More geudael ijen pyohyeon hal su eopgonae soneul jamneundamyeon Never let you go ireonge sarangimyeon jeoldae annochyeoWho knows uri duri)unmyeongilji mollaHello Hello//uc774ub7f4 ub54cub97c ubcf4uba74 ub098 uc5b4ub9acuae30ub294 ud55cuac00ubd10 ub208 uc55euc5d0 ub450uace0ub3c4 uc5b4ucc0c ud560 uc904 ubab0ub77cuc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e4 uc0acub791uc744 uc2dcuc791ud558uace0 uc788ub294uc9c0 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uc0acub78cub4e4 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544 ubcfc ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694uac10uc740 ub450 ub208 uc704uc5d0 Kissud558ub294 ub0a0ub3c4 uc640uc904uae4cuc694Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234..uc774ub7f4 ub54cub97c ubcf4uba74 ub098 uc5b4ub9acuae30ub294 ud55cuac00ubd10 ub208 uc55euc5d0 ub450uace0ub3c4 uc5b4ucc0c ud560 uc904 ubab0ub77cuc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e4 uc0acub791uc744 uc2dcuc791ud558uace0 uc788ub294uc9c0 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uc0acub78cub4e4 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544 ubcfc ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694uac10uc740 ub450 ub208 uc704uc5d0 Kissud558ub294 ub0a0ub3c4 uc640uc904uae4cuc694Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234uc9c4 ubab0ub77cub3c4Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 uc798 ub420uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77cub0b4uac00 ub2e4uac00uc11cuc57c ud558ub294uc9c0 uc880 ub354 uae30ub2e4ub824uc57c ud558ub294uc9c0ubaa8ub450 ub2e4ub978 ub9d0uc744 ud558ub294 uac8c ub354 uc5b4ub824uc6cc (ubbffuc744 uc218 uc5c6uaca0uc8e0)ubcf4uae30ubcf4ub2e4 ub208uc774 ub192uc544uc694 uc774ub7f0 uc77c ub09c ud754uce58 uc54auc544uc694 ub0b4 ub9d0 ubbffuc5b4uc918uc694 yeahuc544ubb34ub807uc9c0 uc54auac8c uadf8ub148 uc548uc744 ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694uc0dduac01ud55c ub300ub85c ubaa8ub450 uc774ub904uc9c4ub2e8 ub9d0 ubbffuc5b4uc694Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234uc9c4 ubab0ub77cub3c4Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 oh yeahucc98uc74cuc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0 uc0acuc2e4 ub9d0ud558uc790uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 uc774ubcc4ub3c4 ud574ubd24uc8e0ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc5b4ub824uc6ccuc694 uc774 ub9d0uc744 ubbffuc5b4uc918uc694 uadf8ub300ub294 ub2ecub77cuc694Hello Hello uc774ubc88uc5d4 ub098ub97c ub2e4 uac78uac8cuc694Hello Hello Ooh yeah~ Baby Baby Baby girlHello Hello uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5b4ub5a8uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0Hello Hello Uh~~yeahHello Hello ub0b4uac8c uae30ud68cub97c uc918uc694Hello Hello uadf8ub798 uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5b4ub5a8uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4Who knows? uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774(Rap Hello ub0b4 uacc1uc744 ub9f4ub3c8 uadf8 uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc744 uacc4uc18duadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uae30uc068uacfcub3c4 ube44uad50 ubabbud574 No More uadf8ub308 uc774uc820 ud45cud604 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uace0ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1ub294ub2e4uba74 Never let you go uc774ub7f0uac8c uc0acub791uc774uba74 uc808ub300 uc548ub193uccd0Who knows uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774)uc6b4uba85uc77cuc9c0 ubab0ub77cHello Hello

SHINee Hello 歌词(韩文、罗马音译、中文)

uc774ub7f4 ub54cub97c ubcf4uba74 ub098 uc5b4ub9acuae30ub294 ud55cuac00ubd10 ub208 uc55euc5d0 ub450uace0ub3c4 uc5b4ucc0c ud560 uc904 ubab0ub77c uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e4 uc0acub791uc744 uc2dcuc791ud558uace0 uc788ub294uc9c0 uc0acub791ud558ub294 uc0acub78cub4e4 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub140 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544 ubcfc ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694 uac10uc740 ub450 ub208 uc704uc5d0 Kissud558ub294 ub0a0ub3c4 uc640uc904uae4cuc694 Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694 Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234uc9c4 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 uc798 ub420uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c ub0b4uac00 ub2e4uac00uc11cuc57c ud558ub294uc9c0 uc880 ub354 uae30ub2e4ub824uc57c ud558ub294uc9c0 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4ub978 ub9d0uc744 ud558ub294 uac8c ub354 uc5b4ub824uc6cc (ubbffuc744 uc218 uc5c6uaca0uc8e0)ubcf4uae30ubcf4ub2e4 ub208uc774 ub192uc544uc694 uc774ub7f0 uc77c ub09c ud754uce58 uc54auc544uc694 ub0b4 ub9d0 ubbffuc5b4uc918uc694 yeah uc544ubb34ub807uc9c0 uc54auac8c uadf8ub148 uc548uc744 ub0a0 uc62cuae4cuc694 uc0dduac01ud55c ub300ub85c ubaa8ub450 uc774ub904uc9c4ub2e8 ub9d0 ubbffuc5b4uc694 Hello Hello ub098ub984ub300ub85c uc6a9uae38 ub0c8uc5b4uc694 Hello Hello uc7a0uc2dcuc598uae30 ud560ub798uc694Hello Hello ub0b4uac00 uc880 uc11cud234uc9c4 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 oh yeah ucc98uc74cuc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0 uc0acuc2e4 ub9d0ud558uc790uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 uc774ubcc4ub3c4 ud574ubd24uc8e0 ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc5b4ub824uc6ccuc694 uc774 ub9d0uc744 ubbffuc5b4uc918uc694 uadf8ub300ub294 ub2ecub77cuc694 Hello Hello uc774ubc88uc5d4 ub098ub97c ub2e4 uac78uac8cuc694 Hello Hello Ooh yeah~ Baby Baby Baby girl Hello Hello uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5b4ub5a8uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows uc5b4uca5c uc6b0ub9b0 Hello Hello Uh~~yeah Hello Hello ub0b4uac8c uae30ud68cub97c uc918uc694 Hello Hello uadf8ub798 uc9c0uae08uc740 uc5b4ub5a8uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4 Who knows? uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774 (Hello ub0b4 uacc1uc744 ub9f4ub3c8 uadf8 uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc744 uacc4uc18d uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 uae30uc068uacfcub3c4 ube44uad50 ubabbud574 No More uadf8ub308 uc774uc820 ud45cud604 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uace0 ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1ub294ub2e4uba74 Never let you go uc774ub7f0uac8c uc0acub791uc774uba74 uc808ub300 uc548ub193uccd0 Who knows uc6b0ub9ac ub458uc774)uc6b4uba85uc77cuc9c0 ubab0ub77c Hello Hello

SHINee Girl 中文歌词

SHINee香港首站原创What up!她!来了!耀眼得要死Take a chance,wait a minute我看到!她也看到我!虽然我的眼光不是低 但我需要你怎麼办 你的眼中看到我吗这麼漂亮 怎麼忍受得到我的想像 两人la la like(Happy Day)只是我们 luv luv luv(Sunny Day)我 渴望 沉迷 融化 SHI SHINee Girl(baby baby oh!my girl)渴求 talk talk talk(sexy girl)Oh never bye bye bye(my luv girl)全部 漂亮 喜欢 拿去SHINee Girl(baby baby baby girl)插上!疯了!沉迷!融化我冰封的心 it"s a Magic这麼多看上我的女生全部 走看 走看 我只要你Always forever我的想像 两人la la like(Happy Day)只是我们 luv luv luv(Sunny Day)我 渴望 沉迷 融化 SHI SHINee Girl(baby baby oh!my girl)渴求 talk talk talk(sexy girl)Oh never bye bye bye(my luv girl)全部 漂亮 喜欢 拿去SHINee Girl(baby baby baby girl)Kiss Kiss Kiss(let"s go)Luv Luv Luv(let"s go)Kiss Kiss Kiss(let"s go)Hot Hot Hot Hot HotLook this way 你是我的starlight(oh my my luv)你是唯一的heart to mine话说在前你是我的sunlight(Oh my my girl)哎哟 漫长的 我也渴望 你也渴望 GoYeah yeah yeah(baby girl)完全 坏坏的girl(sexy girl)哼~giligali kiki gigilili Hope(Baby baby baby girl)Yeah yeah yeah(baby girl)又 一天 一天 一天 God! Her!(my love girl)我 渴望 沉迷 融化 SHINee Girl(I want u I need u My love is true)我的想像 两人la la like(Happy Day)只是我们 luv luv luv(Sunny Day)我 渴望 沉迷 融化 SHI SHINee Girl(baby baby oh!my girl)渴求 talk talk talk(sexy girl)Oh never bye bye bye(my luv girl)全部 漂亮 喜欢 拿去SHINee Girl(baby baby baby girl)我的想像 两人la la like(Happy Day)只是我们 luv luv luv(Sunny Day)我 渴望 沉迷 融化 SHI SHINee Girl(baby baby oh!my girl)渴求 talk talk talk(sexy girl)Oh never bye bye bye(my luv girl)全部 漂亮 喜欢 拿去SHINee Girl(baby baby baby girl)

Reeker & The Dark Side的《Sunshine》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunshine歌手:Reeker & The Dark Side专辑:Hardstyle Vol. 17Twista ft Anthony Hamilton - SunshineWhen I wake up in the mornin" love,And the sunlight hurts my eyes,Then somethin" without warnin" love,Bears heavy on my mind...(Twista) Let"s get them dollars,Let"s get this money,(Keep my mind on my...)I keep my mind on my money, money on my mind,I got my finger on tha trigga, stayin" on tha grind,And when I wake up in the mornin", I got"s to hit a lick,Saw the 2000 and 3 Navi, on Sprees wit" a kit,Soon as my eyes see tha sunshine,My thoughts is jukin" the block, and dodgin" the one time,Peep how we movin" the rocksand wit" pounds of dro before I double my shit,I can serve sixteen ounces for six and get back ninety-six,A killa for tha skrilla... Nigga, Best not be stalkin",I got"s to get them bigga, figga"s, fuck what you talkin",I represent them nigga"s ballin" wit" jewelry full of zickels,Down to the nigga"s chasin" million,their dreams" servin" nickels,And I know, one day, I"m gon" come up,And when you see me, don"t hate, that I blowed up,Get paid whether you legit when you slang,or tippin" off "cane,Until I take a dip in the Range, I"m flippin" them thangs,Gotta get that money man...It"s a lovely day, just got paid,Stack it up, be on my way,Lovely day, lovely day,Lovely day,It"s a lovely day, just got paid,Stack it up, be on my way,Lovely day, lovely day,Lovely day...A hustler"s definition, is a hustler for scratch,You serve a motherfucker, you serve him for that,I"m makin" money off of verses when I spit "em on tracks,And if I ain"t sellin" no records, I"m servin" them packs,I got a, clip full of hollows, money makin"s my motto,Semi-auto and Marlboros in the bottle, "til I hit the lotto,Wit" dreams of ownin" a records label, flippin" words,My nigga flippin" buildin"s better than he was flippin" birds,I got tha, mentality and tha motive I"m on a mission,For tha money, you can get it too, it"s all about yo ambission,Play yo position, provide the plans, and follow procedures,In tha six-hundred, blunted,wit" a pocket full of hundred"s and Visa"s,Love, when I get that dust,hit "em up, re-cock then I get back up,Love, when I get that gig,get a crib, get a car when tha grip stack up,It"s still in the evenin" if I"m sleepin" paper problems,Soon as I get up it"s just another day, another dollar...Gotta get that money man...It"s a lovely day, just got paid,Stack it up, be on my way,Lovely day, lovely day,Lovely day,It"s a lovely day, just got paid,Stack it up, be on my way,Lovely day, lovely day,Lovely day...Got love for the corporate playas that"s ballin" rollin" jags,Got love for the thug nigga"s who get" it on tha ave.,Love for those, who can make a mil and sit back and laugh,And love for the fine stripper"s who get it poppin" ass,Love for the single parent"s that"s workin" through the struggle,Love for those who gotta make a livin" movin" muscle,Love for those who gotta watch tha hater"s rollin" bubbles,Causin" trouble every time a young brotha try to hustle,And if I can"t, legally make or not...Then I gotta get, right back on the block...And if it no work we do a stick-up and whip-up a concoction,Might leave yo face down in the dirtbecause hurtin"s not an option...Gotta get that money man...It"s a lovely day, just got paid,Stack it up, be on my way,Lovely day, lovely day,Lovely day,It"s a lovely day, just got paid,Stack it up, be on my way,Lovely day, lovely day,Lovely day...When I wake up in the mornin" love,And the sunlight hurts my eyes,Somethin" without warnin" love,Bears heavy on my mind...

sunshine teenager。 英语作文

一、英文作文:A sunshine teenager refers to a young person who radiates positivity, enthusiasm, and optimism. They have a bright and cheerful outlook on life, which influences those around them. These individuals are often seen as resilient, self-motivated, and full of energy.One of the defining characteristics of a sunshine teenager is their ability to overcome challenges with a positive attitude. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, they approach obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning. Their resilience allows them to bounce back from failures and setbacks, and they maintain a strong belief in their own abilities.Furthermore, sunshine teenagers possess a natural inclination to spread happiness and kindness. They engage in acts of compassion, empathy, and support for others. Their positive energy is contagious, and they have a positive impact on their peers and the wider community.In conclusion, a sunshine teenager embodies qualities of optimism, resilience, and kindness. They inspire and uplift those around them, creating a positive and supportive environment. Their ability to face challenges with a positive attitude and their dedication to spreading happiness make them valuable assets to society.二、中文翻译:阳光少年指的是那些散发着积极、热情和乐观态度的年轻人。他们对生活持有明亮而愉快的态度,影响周围的人。这些人通常被视为坚韧、自我激励和充满活力。阳光少年的一个显著特点是他们用积极的态度克服挑战的能力。他们不会因为挫折而灰心,而是将障碍视为成长和学习的机会。他们的坚韧性使他们能够从失败和挫折中迅速恢复,并对自己的能力保持强烈的信念。此外,阳光少年具有传播快乐和善意的天性。他们参与对他人的同情、共感和支持。他们的积极能量具有感染力,并对他们的同龄人和更广泛的社区产生积极影响。总之,阳光少年体现了乐观、坚韧和善良的品质。他们激励和提升周围的人,营造积极支持的环境。他们用积极的态度面对挑战以及传播快乐的奉献精神使他们成为社会的宝贵财富。三、重要词汇解释:radiate (v.):散发,发出在文章中,指的是阳光少年所表现出的积极、热情和乐观态度。resilience (n.):坚韧性,适应力指的是阳光少年面对挫折和困难时能够迅速恢复并保持积极心态的能力。compassion (n.):同情心,怜悯指的是阳光少年对他人表现出的同情、共感和支持。contagious (adj.):有感染力的,具有传染性的指的是阳光少年的积极能量和正面影响能够传递给周围的人。四、重要句子解释:"A sunshine teenager refers to a young person who radiates positivity, enthusiasm, and optimism."这句话意味着阳光少年指的是那些向周围散发积极、热情和乐观态度的年轻人。"They have a bright and cheerful outlook on life, which influences those around them."他们对生活持有明亮而愉快的态度,影响着周围的人。"One of the defining characteristics of a sunshine teenager is their ability to overcome challenges with a positive attitude."阳光少年的一个明显特征是他们用积极的态度克服挑战的能力。"Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, they approach obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning."他们不会因为挫折而灰心,而是将障碍视为成长和学习的机会。"Their resilience allows them to bounce back from failures and setbacks, and they maintain a strong belief in their own abilities."他们的坚韧性使他们能够从失败和挫折中迅速恢复,并对自己的能力保持强烈的信念。"Furthermore, sunshine teenagers possess a natural inclination to spread happiness and kindness."此外,阳光少年具有传播快乐和善意的天性。"Their positive energy is contagious, and they have a positive impact on their peers and the wider community."他们的积极能量具有感染力,并对他们的同龄人和更广泛的社区产生积极影响。"In conclusion, a sunshine teenager embodies qualities of optimism, resilience, and kindness."总之,阳光少年体现了乐观、坚韧和善良的品质


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Metro的《The Shine》 歌词

歌曲名:The Shine歌手:Metro专辑:GrapevineThe Boy Is MineBrandy & Monica1999 Grammy NomineeYou need to give it upHad about enoughIts not hard to seeThe boy is mineIm sorry that youSeem to be confusedHe belongs to meThe boy is mineI think its time we got this straightLets sit and talk face to faceThere is no way you could mistakeHim for your man-are you insaneYou see I know that you may beJust a bit jealous of meBut youre blind if you cant seeThat his love is all in meYou see I tried to hesitateI didnt wanna say what he told meHe said without me he couldnt makeIt through the day aint a shameMaybe you misunderstoodCause I cant see how he couldWanna change something thats so goodBecause my love is all it tookMust you do the things you doKeep on acting like a foolYou need to know its me not youAnd if you didnt know it girl its trueI think that you should realizeAnd try to understand whyHe is a part of my lifeI know its killing you insideYou can say what you want to sayWhat we have you cant takeFrom the truth you cant escapeI call tell the real from the fakeWhen will you get the pictureYoure the past Im the futureGet away its my time to shineAnd if you didnt know the boy is mineYou cant destroy this love I foundYour silly games I wont allowThe boy is mine without a doubtYou might as well throw in the towelWhat makes you think that he wants youWhen Im the one that brought him toThis special place in my heart

shinee 怎么念


求let the sunshine in 吉他谱

  let the sunshine in是这个吗?  E |-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|  B |---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|  G |-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|  D |---2-------2-----|---2-------------|---2-------2-----|---2-------------|  A |-----2---0-------|---------2-------|-----2---0-------|---------2-------|  E |-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|  E Asus E  E |-----0---------------0---------|-----0---------------0---------|  B |---------0---------------0-----|---------0---------------0-----|  G |-------------1---------------2-|-------------1---------------1-|  D |-------------------------------|-------------------------------|  A |-----------------0-------------|-------------------------------|  E |-0-----------------------------|-0---------------0-------------|  Mommy told me something a little kid should know it"s  B E A E  E |-----2---------------2---------|-----0-------0-----------------|  B |---------4---------------4-----|---------2-------0-------------|  G |-------------4---------------4-|-1-------2-------1-------------|  D |-------------------------------|-2-------2-------2-------------|  A |-2---------------2-------------|-2-------0-------2-------------|  E |-------------------------------|-0---------------0-------------|  all about the devil and I learned to hate him so  E Asus E  She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room  B E A E  he"ll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom  Chorus:  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  B E A E  Smilers never lose and frowners never win  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  B E A E  Open up your heart and let the sun shine in  E Asus E  When you are unhappy, the devil wears a grin  B E A E  But oh he starts to run in when the light comes prowling in  E Asus E  I know he"ll be unhappy cause I"ll never wear a frown  B E A E  Maybe if we keep on smiling he"ll get tired of hanging "round  E Asus E  If I forget to say my prayers the devil jumps with glee  B E A E  But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees  E Asus E  So if you feel of trouble and you never seem to move  B E A E  Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in  (Chorus)  A E B E A E  Suuun... shiiine... iiin...  A E B E A E  Suuun... shiiine... iiin...  Fill :  E |-----------------|-----------------|  B |-----------------|-----------------|  G |-----------------|-2-1-------------|  D |-----------------|-------4---2-----|  A |-----------------|-------------2---|  E |-----------------|-0---------------|  Mommy told me someting a little kid should know  It"s all about the devil and i learned to hate him so  If I forget to say my prayers the devil jumps with glee  But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees  So if you feel of trouble and you never seem to move  Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in  (Chorus)  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  (Suuun... shiiine... )  B E A E  Smilers never lose and frowners never win  (iiin... )  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  (Suuun... shiiine... )  B E B A  Open up your heart and let the sun... shine... in  (iiin... )  E |-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|-------------0---|-----------------|  B |---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|---------------0-|-----------------|  G |-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|  D |---2-------2-----|---2-------------|---2-------2-----|-----------------|  A |-----2---0-------|---------2-------|-----2---0-------|-----------------|  E |-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|

求let the sun shine in 吉他谱

  Intro :  E |-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|  B |---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|  G |-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|  D |---2-------2-----|---2-------------|---2-------2-----|---2-------------|  A |-----2---0-------|---------2-------|-----2---0-------|---------2-------|  E |-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|  E Asus E  E |-----0---------------0---------|-----0---------------0---------|  B |---------0---------------0-----|---------0---------------0-----|  G |-------------1---------------2-|-------------1---------------1-|  D |-------------------------------|-------------------------------|  A |-----------------0-------------|-------------------------------|  E |-0-----------------------------|-0---------------0-------------|  Mommy told me something a little kid should know it"s  B E A E  E |-----2---------------2---------|-----0-------0-----------------|  B |---------4---------------4-----|---------2-------0-------------|  G |-------------4---------------4-|-1-------2-------1-------------|  D |-------------------------------|-2-------2-------2-------------|  A |-2---------------2-------------|-2-------0-------2-------------|  E |-------------------------------|-0---------------0-------------|  all about the devil and I learned to hate him so  E Asus E  She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room  B E A E  he"ll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom  Chorus:  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  B E A E  Smilers never lose and frowners never win  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  B E A E  Open up your heart and let the sun shine in  E Asus E  When you are unhappy, the devil wears a grin  B E A E  But oh he starts to run in when the light comes prowling in  E Asus E  I know he"ll be unhappy cause I"ll never wear a frown  B E A E  Maybe if we keep on smiling he"ll get tired of hanging "round  E Asus E  If I forget to say my prayers the devil jumps with glee  B E A E  But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees  E Asus E  So if you feel of trouble and you never seem to move  B E A E  Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in  (Chorus)  A E B E A E  Suuun... shiiine... iiin...  A E B E A E  Suuun... shiiine... iiin...  Fill :  E |-----------------|-----------------|  B |-----------------|-----------------|  G |-----------------|-2-1-------------|  D |-----------------|-------4---2-----|  A |-----------------|-------------2---|  E |-----------------|-0---------------|  Mommy told me someting a little kid should know  It"s all about the devil and i learned to hate him so  If I forget to say my prayers the devil jumps with glee  But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees  So if you feel of trouble and you never seem to move  Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in  (Chorus)  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  (Suuun... shiiine... )  B E A E  Smilers never lose and frowners never win  (iiin... )  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  (Suuun... shiiine... )  B E B A  Open up your heart and let the sun... shine... in  (iiin... )  E |-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|-------------0---|-----------------|  B |---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|---------------0-|-----------------|  G |-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|  D |---2-------2-----|---2-------------|---2-------2-----|-----------------|  A |-----2---0-------|---------2-------|-----2---0-------|-----------------|  E |-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|  ===========================================================================  That"s all...  Sastrawangsa  全网络只有这一个。除非谁现编一给你。

let the sun shine in简谱

  Intro :  E |-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|  B |---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|  G |-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|  D |---2-------2-----|---2-------------|---2-------2-----|---2-------------|  A |-----2---0-------|---------2-------|-----2---0-------|---------2-------|  E |-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|  E Asus E  E |-----0---------------0---------|-----0---------------0---------|  B |---------0---------------0-----|---------0---------------0-----|  G |-------------1---------------2-|-------------1---------------1-|  D |-------------------------------|-------------------------------|  A |-----------------0-------------|-------------------------------|  E |-0-----------------------------|-0---------------0-------------|  Mommy told me something a little kid should know it"s  B E A E  E |-----2---------------2---------|-----0-------0-----------------|  B |---------4---------------4-----|---------2-------0-------------|  G |-------------4---------------4-|-1-------2-------1-------------|  D |-------------------------------|-2-------2-------2-------------|  A |-2---------------2-------------|-2-------0-------2-------------|  E |-------------------------------|-0---------------0-------------|  all about the devil and I learned to hate him so  E Asus E  She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room  B E A E  he"ll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom  Chorus:  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  B E A E  Smilers never lose and frowners never win  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  B E A E  Open up your heart and let the sun shine in  E Asus E  When you are unhappy, the devil wears a grin  B E A E  But oh he starts to run in when the light comes prowling in  E Asus E  I know he"ll be unhappy cause I"ll never wear a frown  B E A E  Maybe if we keep on smiling he"ll get tired of hanging "round  E Asus E  If I forget to say my prayers the devil jumps with glee  B E A E  But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees  E Asus E  So if you feel of trouble and you never seem to move  B E A E  Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in  (Chorus)  A E B E A E  Suuun... shiiine... iiin...  A E B E A E  Suuun... shiiine... iiin...  Fill :  E |-----------------|-----------------|  B |-----------------|-----------------|  G |-----------------|-2-1-------------|  D |-----------------|-------4---2-----|  A |-----------------|-------------2---|  E |-----------------|-0---------------|  Mommy told me someting a little kid should know  It"s all about the devil and i learned to hate him so  If I forget to say my prayers the devil jumps with glee  But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees  So if you feel of trouble and you never seem to move  Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in  (Chorus)  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  (Suuun... shiiine... )  B E A E  Smilers never lose and frowners never win  (iiin... )  A E  So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin  (Suuun... shiiine... )  B E B A  Open up your heart and let the sun... shine... in  (iiin... )  E |-------------0---|-----0---2---0---|-------------0---|-----------------|  B |---------------0-|-------0---0---0-|---------------0-|-----------------|  G |-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|-1-----1-2-------|-1---------------|  D |---2-------2-----|---2-------------|---2-------2-----|-----------------|  A |-----2---0-------|---------2-------|-----2---0-------|-----------------|  E |-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|-0---------------|  网络上搜到的 希望采纳

求let the sunshine in吉他简谱 是要那种图 不要txt格式的 谢谢各位大神了~!






sunshine lovely cheerful的汉语翻译

自己翻译的,通顺一点,不过不够押韵,水平有限.阳光可爱,明朗温暖,友善,平和我和你一同歌唱明亮仿佛你是世界上唯一的女孩 我是唯一的男子 今天的世界没有其他事的阻挡 我们可以用相同的古老的方式相爱 这是两个人的伊甸园 没有什么影响我们的喜悦 我要告诉你美好的事情 会有这种奇妙的事情发生在你身上如果你是世上唯一的女孩 我是唯一的男孩 秋日的第一个早上在我注视的镜子中映出父亲的脸庞

sunshine Boy是什么意思啊

“暖男”事件没听说过? 就是SB的意思!!!

sunshine boy是什么意思

“暖男”(sunshine boy),不要以为这是夸你哦,其简称就是“SB”,足球场上的中国球员发明的。网友感叹:何时国足能够这样踢出有创意的足球来啊!张晓彬在接受媒体采访时,用“暖男”(sunshine boy)来暗讽鲁能主场主持人是“SB”。“暖男”(sunshine boy),不要以为这是夸你哦,其简称就是“SB”,足球场上的中国球员发明的。网友感叹:何时国足能够这样踢出有创意的足球来啊!10号上午,中国足协正式公布对国安球员张晓彬的处罚决定:停赛1场、罚款5000元人民币,原因是发表了不当言论。今年8月23日晚,在国安客场与鲁能的比赛赛前,张晓彬在接受媒体采访时,用“暖男”(sunshine boy)来暗讽鲁能主场主持人是“SB”。

如果女生说, 她喜欢的男生 比较sunshine or sunny boy ,我不明白到底是怎样的?

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