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conscientiously认真双语对照词典结果:conscientiously[英][ku0252nu0283u026a"enu0283u0259slu026a][美][kɑnu0283u026au02c8u025bnu0283u0259slu026a]adv.凭良心地; 认真地,负责尽职地; 老老实实; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The foreign ministry praised apple for "conscientiously" responding toconsumers "demands, according to reuters. " 路透社(Reuters)报道称,中国外交部(The Foreign Ministry)对苹果“认真”回应消费者的需求表示赞扬。

siam journal on scientific computing information sci怎么样

非常好的期刊,SCI二区,IF=1.856期刊名字 SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTINGSIAM J SCI COMPUT 期刊ISSN 1064-8275 2014-2015最新影响因子 1.854 通讯方式 SIAM PUBLICATIONS, 3600 UNIV CITY SCIENCE CENTER, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19104-2688 涉及的研究方向 数学-应用数学 出版国家 UNITED STATES 出版周期 Bimonthly 出版年份 1993 年文章数 208

scientific notation是什么意思

scientific notation[英][u02ccsaiu0259nu02c8tifik nu0259uu02c8teiu0283u0259n][美][u02ccsau026au0259nu02c8tu026afu026ak nou02c8teu0283u0259n]科学记数法; 例句:1.Always use in scientific notation. 始终使用科学记数法。2.You have to put your total number of dives in scientific notation. 你不得不用科学技术法记录你的总潜数。3.For example, format specifiers indicate whether a formatted number should be represented in scientific notation, or whether a formatted date should present the month as a number or a name. 例如,格式说明符指示:是否应该用科学记数法来表示格式化的数字,或者,格式化的日期在表示月份时应该用数字还是用名称。

thermo fisher scientific和thermo scientific一样吗


Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash使用方法


thermo fisher scientific和thermo scientific一样吗

Thermo Fisher Scientific是公司名称,包含有Thermo Scientific,Fisher Scientific, Unitylab Service和Life Technology等品牌。也就是说Thermo Scientific是个品牌名字,这个品牌属于Thermo Fisher Scientific公司。


应该是温控器性能异常所致。 可以先检查一下温控器的感温头是否存在松脱移位的情况。 建议联系售后或请专业人员进行检修或更换温控器。 如果自己动手能力强的话,可以购买相同型号的温控器自己更换,这样费用会很低。 一个机械式温控器的价格大约在20元左右。

fermentas 与thermo scientific 是同一家公司吗?


Thermo Scientific是什么意思


thermo scientific总部在哪个城市

这是一个科技公司,总部:美国麻省:沃尔瑟姆 (Waltham) 公司前身为成立于1956年的热电公司(Thermo Electron Corporation),总部位于美国麻省(81 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA, 02454),如今为赛默飞世尔科技公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific),长期以来一直在仪器行业处于领导者地位。

Mary is a conscientious student;she works very hard and is ______to her teachers.


选择题.A man who is a pure scientist ..

D.accurately 精确的

初二英语、.选择.Scientists can know [1,]the weather will change by?

1.A 如何变化 2.c.重要 (天气在人们的日常生活中扮演重要角色) your brush teeth I go out to buy vegetables,and drop the trash by the way. at the earlist morning praise,1,1. how 2. important 天气对人们的生活来说是非常重要的。 photo of you, 如果 photo 在后面,就是 your , your photo brush one"s teeth I threw the rubbish by the time i went out and buy vegetable. early in the morning praise,2,在人们的日常生活中,天气扮演了一个很重要的角色。 weather palys a important part in people"s everyday life. 刷牙 brush one"s teeth 我出去买菜,顺便倒垃圾。 I will buy some food outside, and throw garbage by the way. 一大早 early morning 夸奖 admire,2,Scientists can know [how]the weather will change by studying satellites,and tell people in time . Weather plays a(n)[important] part in people"s everyday life. 科学家通过人造卫星了解气象如何改变。气象在人们的日常生活中很重要。,0,初二英语、. 选择. Scientists can know [1,]the weather will change by studying satellites,and tell people in time .Wwather plays a(n)[2..] part in people"s everyday life. B.which C.what d.that 2.A.easy B.usual C.important D. *** all[第二句话怎么翻译?] Photos of [](you/your) 汉译英. 刷牙() 我出去买菜,顺便倒垃圾() 一大早() 夸奖()


The Scientists第一节 Secure U-Bahn Station首先任务开始时在一个二楼上,直接解决河对面敌人,同时小心楼下有一个敌人,差不多的时候把他也解决掉。然后起身拿身后墙角的补给,下楼,靠左侧桥通过,下桥后按绿箭头指示完成支线任务,得到补给。上来时小心有一小波敌人,解决掉。按红箭头指示方向前进,小心身后房上的狙击手,来到地图指定地点,发现是死路,从旁边房间门进入地下仓库,小心有很多敌人,枪上满子弹,解决掉敌人,任务提示完成,寻找补给,找地敌人通讯装置,同时得到作战计划,CG动画结束会有几波敌人从另一个入口进来,慢慢解决掉他们,然后从他们进来的方向出去(对面楼上的狙击手,我是这时候才发现的,考虑子弹重量,远距离解决掉他)慢慢上来,在桥的方向远处楼上有两个敌人,用狙击枪解决他们吧。然后通过,按地图标示前进,会发现有辆敌人的卡车刚刚到,快速清光所有敌人,提示任务完成,按地图标示继续前进,任务OVER。第二节 Prevent Reinforcement雨天,任务开始时狙击几个坦克周围的敌人,大概6,7个吧,会有其他敌人从别的地方赶来,消灭掉后,快速靠近一辆破旧的小汽车,这时敌人的坦克应该会发现你,并向你射击,快速来到转角胡同,在正对面二楼玻璃窗内有个狙击手,消灭他,之后按绿色箭头,支线任务方向一直走,在路的尽头处,德国人和俄国人在打仗,都解决掉,大概4,5个人,然后继续按绿色箭头方向前进,会在路上发现一辆坦克,不要理他,在它旁边有个补给点,补给装备,同时小心远处的坦克,他会向你开火,尽量快速通过,不要理他,补给后继续按照绿色箭头方向前进,会在一条正对路边房间的后方发现门,进入上楼,从墙角洞内钻过去,会发现一个尸体,长按G搜索,从尸体上找到医疗补给药盒2个,之后再从另一个墙洞内钻过去,在路的方向可以狙击远处空地的两个敌人,注意不要被敌人的卡车发现,否则任务失败。卡车停下后,从远处会有敌人的军官赶过来,在他向回走要毁坏重要文件前,用狙击枪解决他,同时慢慢解决车上的敌人,确定敌人都被消灭后下楼。向军官出来的方向破屋内前进,得到大量武器弹药补给,出来后在3辆卡车周围分别安放TNT炸药,炸毁敌人卡车,接着就是原路返回起始地点,在刚刚坦克处会有敌人埋伏,同时可能身后还有两个敌人,解决他们后按原路返回,不要理向你开火的坦克。本节任务OVER。第三节 Anhalter Station任务开始在一个火车站对面,在原地不要动,解决远处月亮门内一个巡逻的敌人,之后再杀死门口的巡逻敌人。起身从楼侧月亮门进入,绕到火车站后方,在火车两侧有敌人,很容易解决掉。 然后在火车头附近安放TNT炸药,引爆,炸毁火车,从火车站正门出来,会在树下发现科学家,把他们弄到土山下面,解决掉几个杀出来的敌人。本节任务OVER。

英 语 题Scientists are trying to find more ______ ways to make?

C.A意为不尊敬的,B为随便的,C为有效的,D为准时的.句义是科学家们正在寻找更有效的办法来充分利用太阳能.,6,C efficient 有效的,2,英 语 题 Scientists are trying to find more ______ ways to make full use of solar energy 选项: a、disrespectful b、 casual c、 efficient d、 punctual

the most scholarly scientists名词为什么是复数?

你好, 这不是一个完整的句子, 应该是一个句子里的一部分, 需要有上下文更好判断, 这里scientist用了复数, 说明不止一位科学家, 这个表达的意思是学问最精深的科学家, 或者翻译成最有学者风度的科学家, 请采纳!scholarly由scholar而来

scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas…… in the remaining forest.中的语法?

It is said that now fewer than 2000 pandas are living in remain.此句用了 it is said that +从句的结构。

Scientists are very interested in the Universe,and they always want to know more about it. Year..

小题1:D小题1:D小题1:A小题1:C小题1:C 小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:They knew how big it is and how far away it is from the earth.可知科学家知道月亮离地球多远和多大。答案是D小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:The moon is about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth.可知答案是D小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air reaches only 240 kilometers away from the earth.可知答案是A小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:so it can make the rocket fly up into the sky.可知火箭的热气是为了让火箭升空,答案是C小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:One day, rockets may be able to go to any place in space.可知作者对太空科学的未来是有信心的,答案是C

as is predicted by scientists是什么从句

第一个回答,若是asispredictedbyscientists 放入尾句, 例如:Thevolcanoeruptedasitispredictedbyscientists, 这就是状语从句。但要 +it, 因你打漏。第二个回答,若把它放在首句: Asitispredictedbyscientistssoyoumustlivewithit. 状语从句AdverbClauseofComparisonofManner。

famous scientists是什么意思


The Scientists 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientists歌手:Hum专辑:Downward Is HeavenwardThe Scientist - 杨乃文Come up to meet you tell you im sorryYou dont know how lovely you areI had to find you tell you i need youTell you i set you apartTell me your secretsAnd ask me your questionsOh lets go back to the startRunning in circles coming in tailsHeads are a science apartNobody said it was easyIts such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hardOh take me back to the startThe Scientist - 杨乃文I was just guessingAt numbers and figuresPulling the puzzles apartQuestions of scienceScience and progressCould not speak as loud as my heartTell me you love meCome back and haunt meOh when i rush to the startRunning in circles to see the tailsComing back as we areNobody said it was easyIts such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hardI am going back to the start





citizen scientists是什么意思

citizen scientists公民科学家;全民科学家;平民科学家例句1.Citizen scientists are setting up their own gene laboratories in the hope of inventing new and useful organisms.现在许多平民科学家建立自己的基因实验室以期创造新的有用的微生物。2.We can make one firm forecast that"s important for all "citizen scientists" .我们能够确切地做出一个对所有“科学家公民”而言很重要的预言。3.Citizen scientists have spotted two blips in the data that are almost certainly planets.公民科学家已经在万千数据中找到了两个可能性较高的行星。4.A mobile phone application will help professional and citizen scientists collect and analyse data from in the field, anywhere in the world.一个手机程序将会帮助世界上任何地方的专业或市民科学家收集、分析专业领域的数据。5.The effort is paying off. Citizen scientists have spotted two blips in the data that are almost certainly planets.公民科学探索者盯住了信息中的两个光点,几乎可以肯定那就是两颗行星。

______more time ,the scientists will be able to work out a good solution to the problem

分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、让步、条件,方式或伴随状况。通常可转换成相应的状语从句;表示方式或伴随状况时可以转换成并列句或非限制性定语从句。 当状语的动词和主句的主语是主动关系时,用现在分词;是被动关系时,用过去分词。而不定式作状语,常表示目的。例如:Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network (=Because she was blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network), Alice was in low spirits. (2006福建) 分词短语作原因状语Given time (=If he is given time), he"ll make a fist-class tennis player. (03北京)分词短语作条件状语

翻译For years scientists…整篇文章翻译

For years scientists have been worried about the effects of air pollution on the earth"s natural conditions. Some believe the air inside many houses may be more dangerous than the air outside. It may be one hundred times worse.Indoor air pollution can cause a person to feel tired, to suffer eye pain, headache and other problems. Some pollutants(污染物)can cause breathing disorders, diseases of blood and even cancer. Most scientists agree that every modern house has some kind of indoor pollution.People have paid more attention to the problem now. It is true that when builders began making houses and offices they did not waste energy. To do this they build buildings that limited the flow of air between inside and outside. They also began using man-made building materials. These materials are now known to let out harmful gases.As the problem became more serious, scientists began searching for a way to deal with it. They discovered a natural pollution control system for building—green plants. Scientists do not really know how plants control air pollution. They believe that a plant"s leaves absorb or take in the pollutants. In exchange the plant lets out oxygen through its leaves and tiny organizations on its roots. Scientists suggest that all buildings should have one large plant or several small plants inside for every nine square meters of space. Studies of different plants show that each absorbs different chemicals. So the most effective way to clean the air is to use different kinds of plants. Having green plants inside your house can make it a prettier and more healthy place.多年来科学家们一直担心的影响,空气污染对地球的自然条件。一些人认为许多房屋内空气比外面的空气可能更危险。这可能更糟一百倍。室内空气污染会使人感到疲劳,出现眼痛、头痛和其他问题。一些污染物(污染物)可导致呼吸疾病、血液疾病,甚至癌症。大多数科学家一致认为每个现代的房子都有某种形式的室内污染。现在人们更加关注的问题。的确,当建筑工人开始房屋和办公室他们不浪费能源。为此他们建造建筑物,有限的内部和外部之间的空气流动。他们也开始使用的人造建筑材料。这些材料目前已知放出有害气体。问题变得更加严重,科学家们开始寻找一种方式来解决它。他们发现了一个天然绿色建筑工厂的污染控制系统。科学家不知道植物如何控制空气污染。他们认为,植物的叶子吸收或污染物。在交换植物让氧气通过它的叶子和小组织在其根源。科学家建议,所有的建筑都应该有一个大的植物或一些小植物内每9平方米的空间。不同的植物的研究显示,每吸收不同的化学物质。所以清洁空气的最有效的方法是使用不同类型的植物。有绿色植物在你的房子可以使它成为一个更漂亮,更健康的地方。

scientists have showed that英语短文

Scientists have known for decades that having measles (麻疹)suppresses kid"s immune systems for several weeks or months, leaving them ill-equipped to fight off pneumonia, bronchitis and other infections.Now a team of researchers has suggested that the measles vims may also leave a longer-lasting sort of “immune-amnesia” that makes it harder for people to stave off other illnesses for two years or more.That re-emphasizes the importance of vaccination (疫苗),said biologist Michael Mina, lead author of a paper that was published in the journal Science.“There may be a long-lasting impact that you can"t undo if your child gets measles,M he said. “I hope this stu% can impress upon people the danger measles poses.”The rearchers used what Mina called “an unconventional approach" to search for the long-lasting immune system effects. Previous work in monkeys suggested that monkeys with the disease lost white blood cells their bodies had trained to fight off other illnes^s, leaving them more likely to be infected.To test if a similar thing may occur in humans, the group mined historical data to find out the relationship between measles incidence (发病率)and deaths from other infectious diseases.and deaths from infectious disease both before and after the introduction of the measles vaccine in the U.K. in the 1960s,Mina and the team saw a sort of shadow effect, where deaths from a variety of non-measles infectious diseases closely tracked measles incidence. The more measles in a population, the more deaths from other illnesses in the 28-month period that followed.“Really it didn"t matter what age gj*oup, what decade or what country, said Mina. “They all showed consistent results ... what we"re suggesting happens over the long term is that your immune system works fine,but it has forgotten what it previously learned.”Some researchers who were not involved in the work questioned whether the reductions in deaths as measles cases declined may have had more to do with improving nutrition and smaller family size than with prolonged immune suppression.Others thought the paper"s opinion of years-long suppression was seemingly reasonable but said they could not comment on the mathematical models the group used.To know for certain what was behind the effect the group saw, Mina agreed, scientists would need to look at immune cells and observe their behavior. He said he would like to push the work in a more traditional direction: back into the laboratory.

请问Scientists jumped to the rescue. 的句子成分分析?

Scientists主语jumped to谓语, 动词the rescue宾语

Scientists (科学家) are trying...


scientists are a great profession,为什么要用复数?


Scientists 怎么读?

scientist ["saiu0259ntist] n. 科学家

It is scientifically proved 句子语法分析?

that 后面引导的句子做真正的主语,it做形式主语,这句话的意思是科学证明在晚上加强锻炼可以增强人的体抗力。It is scientifically proved 是被动语态




scientifically 英[u02ccsau026au0259n"tu026afu026aklu026a] 美[u02ccsau026au0259n"tu026afu026aklu026a] adv. 合乎科学地; [例句]There are obviously more scientifically accurate reasons to eat your colors, but I thought my boys did a pretty good job.当然肯定有更多科学准确的理由来解释为什么要食用不同颜色的食物,但是我觉得我的两个儿子做得非常好。

scientific reports proof 要等多久

请问您的文章现在接收了吗,我一直没收到proof然后他们今天发了封邮件说We have not yet received any proof corrections for your manuscript 10.1038/s41598-018-30272-5 (SREP-18-18593-T). I would be grateful if you could return your corrections, or confirmation that you do not require any corrections, to us at your earliest convenience to avoid further delay to publication. An email containing a link allowing you to access your proof was originally sent to you on 28 July 2018 - please let us know at your earliest convenience if you are not able to access your proof for any reason.但是我好像没看着他给我发的邮件啊,我看邮件里就有一个这个意思是当时应该给这个邮箱发邮件告诉他我们不需要修改吗To ensure prompt publication, your proofs should be returned within two working days; please contact immediately if you wish to nominate a contributing author to receive the proofs on your behalf.

omniscient point of view是什么意思

  omniscient point of view  全知视角  例句:  You are taking an oversimplified point of view distorted by fear mongering andconspiracy mongering.  直接百度可得,百分百正确  满意请按答题先后采纳~  你的采纳就是对我最大的肯定!  谢谢!

In recent decades, scientists have become increas

这里只能填plays因为the observer plays in the scientifictprocess.这是定语从句,修饰 a part 在...起作用


conscientiously英 [ ku0252nu0283u026a"enu0283u0259slu026a ] 美 [ kɑnu0283u026au02c8u025bnu0283u0259slu026a ]adv.凭良心地; 认真地,负责尽职地; 老老实实双语例句权威例句收起1.I carried out my duties conscientiously.我一丝不苟地履行我的职责。2.He studied conscientiously and enthusiastically.他一丝不苟、满怀热情地学习。3.He kept silent , eating just as conscientiously but as though everything tasted alike.他一声不吭, 闷头吃着,仿佛桌上的饭菜都一个味儿.

______ puzzles the scientists how these


The lady ____ is a woman scientist. A. whom you spoke B. with which you spoke C. whom you said to D.


american journal of applied scientific research 是sci吗



打开60-second xxx 会有很多个听抄材料 点击进入就可以看到文章script 可以在线听 不过建议先不看文章(复制到本地)点击“download Mp3”把音频下载下来反复听 然后记录 最后和script比对~science talk可以不去管它 太长 泛听即可。

科学美国人(scientific American)的播客内容出错了?


中国可以买到《scientific american》(科学美国人)吗?貌似台湾可以的。


coldplay的《the scientist》百度云链接求一下,谢谢了~

您好很高兴为您解答链接: 密码: h6yd如有问题,请告知,谢谢。

推荐几首经典好听的慢摇滚,像酷玩的yellow the scientist这种 中国的也行像老狼许巍那种,耐听一些的


The scientist found a fossil of an ancient animal.中文意思是什么?


I __________ there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist. A.would b..

C C。由于set to work with the scientist这一动作发生在过去,而be there与set to work的先后关系是:be there在先,set to work在后。所以be there发生的时间属于“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。

The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back.

A。has gone to去了还没回来,has been to去过回来了。when引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时。

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:张悬专辑:如果你冷Come up to meet you, tell you Im sorryYou dont know how lovely you areI had to find you, tell you I need youTell you I set you apartTell me your secrets, and ask me your questionsOh lets go back to the startRunning in circles, coming up tailsHeads on a science apartNobody said that was easyOh its such a shame for us to partNobody said that was easyBut no one ever said that it would be this hardOh take me back to the startNobody said that was easyOh its such a shame for us to partNobody said that was easyBut no one ever said it would be this hardOh bring me back to the start

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Season 4, Vol. 1Come up to meet youTell you I"m sorryYou don"t know how lovely you areI had to find youTell you I need youTell you I set you apartTell me your secretsAnd ask me your questionsOh let"s go back to the startRunning in circlesComing up tailsHeads are a science apartNobody said it was easyIt"s such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hardOh take me back to the startI was just guessingAt numbers and figuresPulling the puzzles apartQuestions of scienceScience and progressDo not speak as loud as my heartTell me you love meCome back and haunt meOh when I rush to the startRunning in circlesChasing our tailsComing back as we areNobody said it was easyOh it"s such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be so hardI"m going back to the start

the scientist

Come up to meet you, tell you I"m sorry回来见你 表达歉意 You don"t know how lovely you are你不知道自己有多美丽 I had to find you我必须找你 Tell you I need you告诉你我需要你 Tell you I set you apart告诉你我将找出你 Tell me your secrets告诉你的秘密 Ask me your questions向我提出你的困惑 Oh, let"s go back to the start噢,让我们回到从前 Running in circles走了太多的弯路 Coming up tales发生了许多的事 Heads on a science apart对我们而言分离或许是科学的 Nobody said it was easy没人说过它简单 It"s such a shame for us to part分离对于我们而言难于启齿 Nobody said it was easy没有人说它简单 No one ever said it would be this hard至今没有告诉我们它是如此的难 Oh, take me back to the start哦 带我回到原地 I was just guessing我以前只是在猜测 At numbers and figures数字和人影 Pulling your puzzles apart试图使那些疑惑走得远点 Questions of science科学的问题 Science and progress 科学的进步 Do not speak as loud as my heart 不要说得于我的心一样大 Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我 Come back and haunt me回来陪伴我 Oh, and I rush to the start喔 我会冲向开始 Running in circles走过太多的弯路 Chasing tales 追逐以前 Coming back as we are回到我们的以前 Nobody said it was easy没人说过它简单 Oh, it"s such a shame for us to part分离对于我们而言难于启齿 Nobody said it was easy没有人说它简单 No one ever said it would be so hard至今没有告诉我们它是如此的难 I"m going back to the start..我将回到从前 另外这首歌原唱是 酷玩乐队 大爱这首歌

Coldplay乐队的 The scientist 是在什么背景下创造的

Coldplay主唱Chris Martin是在听完George Harrison(乔治-哈里森)的”All Things Must Pass”后写下这首歌的。当年接受《滚石》杂志访问时,Chris透露,乐队在准备第二张专辑”A Rush of Blood to the Head”期间,他总觉得这张专辑好像还少了些什么。一天,当他们在利物浦停留时,Chris找到了一架很旧甚至已经走调了的老钢琴,他很想用那架钢琴弹奏George Harrison的”Isn"t It a Pity”,不过还是弹不出来。突然,他感到了灵感,并立即要求工作人员打开了录音设备,一段被他认为非常“可爱“的钢琴和弦就这样诞生了。后来,他进入了利物浦一个录音室,进行了演唱和钢琴部分的录音。当后来被记者详细问及这首歌曲时,Chirs说:“这就是一首关于女生的歌。其实很奇怪,不管你心里想着别的什么东西,经融危机或是环境议题,最能抓住你心的还是当你喜欢上一个人时的感觉。“然而,在A Rush of Blood to the Head专辑的注解中,Codplay的成员们如是写道:“The Scientist is Dan.“(丹是科学家)这里的“Dan(丹)”是指Dan Keeling,当年正是他把Coldplay签入到了他们现在的唱片公司“Parlophone”。

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:Gaetano Partipilo专辑:The Right Place W. Bonus TrackThe Scientist - 杨乃文Come up to meet you tell you im sorryYou dont know how lovely you areI had to find you tell you i need youTell you i set you apartTell me your secretsAnd ask me your questionsOh lets go back to the startRunning in circles coming in tailsHeads are a science apartNobody said it was easyIts such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hardOh take me back to the startThe Scientist - 杨乃文I was just guessingAt numbers and figuresPulling the puzzles apartQuestions of scienceScience and progressCould not speak as loud as my heartTell me you love meCome back and haunt meOh when i rush to the startRunning in circles to see the tailsComing back as we areNobody said it was easyIts such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hardI am going back to the start

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:Coldplay专辑:A Rush Of Blood To The Head-CapitolThe ScientistColdplayCome up to meet youTell you I"m sorryYou don"t know how lovely you areI had to find youTell you I need youTell you I"ll set you apartTell me your secretsAnd ask me your questionsOh let"s go back to the startRunning in circlesComing in tailsHeads are a science apartNobody said it was easyIt"s such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hardOh take me back to the startI was just guessingAt numbers and figuresPulling the puzzles apartQuestions of scienceScience and progressCould not speak as loud as my heartTell me you love meCome back and haunt meOh when I rush to the startComing back as we areOh it"s such a shame for us to partNo one ever said it would be so hardI"m going back to the start.Oh...I...Oh...

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:Coldplay专辑:A Rush Of B-Sides To Your HeadThe ScientistColdplayCome up to meet you 我回来想再见你一面Tell you I"m sorry 告诉你我很对不起You don"t know how lovely you are 你不知道你有多么可爱I had to find you 我必须要找到你Tell you I need you 告诉你我需要你Tell you I"ll set you apart 告诉你我要与你分开Tell me your secrets 分享你的秘密And ask me your questions 回答你问我的问题Oh~let"s go back to the start 让我们重新开始Running in circles 走过太多的弯路Coming in tails 将要走到终点Heads are a science apart 我们的分开似乎是科学上的Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单It"s such a shame for us to part 分开对我们来说很惭愧Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单No one ever said it would be this hard 没有人说那很艰难Oh~take me back to the start 带我回到起点I was just guessing 我猜测过At numbers and figures 尽我所有的见解Pulling the puzzles apart 解开那些疑惑Questions of science 科学上的问题Science and progress 科学的进步Could not speak as loud as my heart 不能说出我的心声Tell me you love me 告诉我你爱我Come back and haunt me 回到我身边Oh~when I rush to the start 当我跑到起点Running in circles 走过太多的弯路Coming in tails 将要走到终点Coming back as we are 让我们回到从前Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单Oh~it"s such a shame for us to part 分开对我们来说很惭愧Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单No one ever said it would be so hard 没有人能说那很艰难I"m going back to the start 我将要回到从前Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...The End

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:HeroesThe ScientistColdplayCome up to meet you 我回来想再见你一面Tell you I"m sorry 告诉你我很对不起You don"t know how lovely you are 你不知道你有多么可爱I had to find you 我必须要找到你Tell you I need you 告诉你我需要你Tell you I"ll set you apart 告诉你我要与你分开Tell me your secrets 分享你的秘密And ask me your questions 回答你问我的问题Oh~let"s go back to the start 让我们重新开始Running in circles 走过太多的弯路Coming in tails 将要走到终点Heads are a science apart 我们的分开似乎是科学上的Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单It"s such a shame for us to part 分开对我们来说很惭愧Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单No one ever said it would be this hard 没有人说那很艰难Oh~take me back to the start 带我回到起点I was just guessing 我猜测过At numbers and figures 尽我所有的见解Pulling the puzzles apart 解开那些疑惑Questions of science 科学上的问题Science and progress 科学的进步Could not speak as loud as my heart 不能说出我的心声Tell me you love me 告诉我你爱我Come back and haunt me 回到我身边Oh~when I rush to the start 当我跑到起点Running in circles 走过太多的弯路Coming in tails 将要走到终点Coming back as we are 让我们回到从前Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单Oh~it"s such a shame for us to part 分开对我们来说很惭愧Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单No one ever said it would be so hard 没有人能说那很艰难I"m going back to the start 我将要回到从前Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...The End

The Scientist 歌词

歌曲名:The Scientist歌手:Coldplay专辑:AfscheidThe ScientistColdplayCome up to meet you 我回来想再见你一面Tell you I"m sorry 告诉你我很对不起You don"t know how lovely you are 你不知道你有多么可爱I had to find you 我必须要找到你Tell you I need you 告诉你我需要你Tell you I"ll set you apart 告诉你我要与你分开Tell me your secrets 分享你的秘密And ask me your questions 回答你问我的问题Oh~let"s go back to the start 让我们重新开始Running in circles 走过太多的弯路Coming in tails 将要走到终点Heads are a science apart 我们的分开似乎是科学上的Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单It"s such a shame for us to part 分开对我们来说很惭愧Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单No one ever said it would be this hard 没有人说那很艰难Oh~take me back to the start 带我回到起点I was just guessing 我猜测过At numbers and figures 尽我所有的见解Pulling the puzzles apart 解开那些疑惑Questions of science 科学上的问题Science and progress 科学的进步Could not speak as loud as my heart 不能说出我的心声Tell me you love me 告诉我你爱我Come back and haunt me 回到我身边Oh~when I rush to the start 当我跑到起点Running in circles 走过太多的弯路Coming in tails 将要走到终点Coming back as we are 让我们回到从前Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单Oh~it"s such a shame for us to part 分开对我们来说很惭愧Nobody said it was easy 没有人能说那很简单No one ever said it would be so hard 没有人能说那很艰难I"m going back to the start 我将要回到从前Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...Ahoooooo...The End

It is ten years since the scientist ______ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable ...

.B 试题分析:考查词组辨析:A.made for有助于,前进,B.set out出发,着手C.took off起飞,脱下,D.turned up,出现,露面,声音调大,句意:自从这个科学家着手开始做终身的工作寻找有价值的化学物质已经有10年了。选B。 点评:动词的固定搭配是常考题,这就要求考生平时加强这方面的记忆和积累。根据语境进行选择。

Coldplay 的 The Scientist MV 到底是怎么拍的

我最喜欢的Coldplay的歌是Strawberry Swing,不知道你看过MV没有,很有创意。讲的是山芋去拯救公主的故事,用的是动画的形式,那首歌我每次听都觉得很感动。切入正题:1.我觉得Coldplay的MV中一大部分都是和动画有关系的,最近的Ink更是弄得像游戏一样,让你自己去选择主人公的命运。2.大部分都会有山芋出镜。前期的MV中有很多是山芋一个人在路上走,如Yellow、The Scientist、Fix You等。3.一般会有故事性。最近的Magic就讲了一个魔术故事。4.不拘泥于彩色。黑白MV:God put a smile on your face、Talk、Magic。5.看他们的MV你一定会有触动。很多MV中传达的都是满满的正能量。Coldplay的歌大部分都很治愈。如果你受伤了,就去听他们的歌吧~

【小题1】The scientist is c____...


the scientist的歌词翻译问题

首先,歌词是 set you apart,不是set your apart把你(与这个世界)分离开。就是说:你跟这个世界不一样。第二个也是分离,隔开,抛开不管、不顾 的意思。

帮我修改下The Scientist 这首歌的翻译稿吧

I"m going back to the start..我将回到从前

Coldplay乐队的 The scientist 是在什么背景下创造的

Coldplay主唱Chris Martin是在听完George Harrison(乔治-哈里森)的”All Things Must Pass”后写下这首歌的。当年接受《滚石》杂志访问时,Chris透露,乐队在准备第二张专辑”A Rush of Blood to the Head”期间,他总觉得这张专辑好像还少了些什么。一天,当他们在利物浦停留时,Chris找到了一架很旧甚至已经走调了的老钢琴,他很想用那架钢琴弹奏George Harrison的”Isn"t It a Pity”,不过还是弹不出来。突然,他感到了灵感,并立即要求工作人员打开了录音设备,一段被他认为非常“可爱“的钢琴和弦就这样诞生了。后来,他进入了利物浦一个录音室,进行了演唱和钢琴部分的录音。当后来被记者详细问及这首歌曲时,Chirs说:“这就是一首关于女生的歌。其实很奇怪,不管你心里想着别的什么东西,经融危机或是环境议题,最能抓住你心的还是当你喜欢上一个人时的感觉。“然而,在A Rush of Blood to the Head专辑的注解中,Codplay的成员们如是写道:“The Scientist is Dan.“(丹是科学家)这里的“Dan(丹)”是指Dan Keeling,当年正是他把Coldplay签入到了他们现在的唱片公司“Parlophone”。

长难句分析 the scientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate

the scientist has been shocked at havingthe scientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate. 科学家一直震惊,因为科学家甚至被要求揣测。




"thescientist"和"thescientists"之间的区别在于前者是单数形式,而后者是复数形式。"The Scientist"是一个名词词组,表示 "科学家" 的意思。而加上 "-s" 后缀形成 "The Scientists" 是将其变为复数形式,表示 "科学家们"。因此,无论是"thescientist"还是"thescientists"都只是一个词或词组的命名而已,具体使用方式取决于具体的上下文和语法规则。需要注意的是,如果要谈论一群人或事物,并且它们被视为整体时,应该使用单数形式;而如果要强调每个人或事物以及它们的集合时,则应该使用复数形式。

My Bench Space is your space on Scientist Solutions.怎么解释,Bench Space

bench space来自体育的名词板凳空间,备用空间我们的备用空间就是为科学家分忧解难网站提供给你的空间。【This is your place to create a personal profile describing your research, your interests, your workplace and more. Add pictures or links to your publications too. Search for like-minded colleagues, or let your colleagues or potential employers find you. Our goal at Scientist Solutions is to connect all the scientists of the world. My Bench Space gives you one more way to do that. 】

thermo fisher scientific inc哪个国家的

总部:美国麻省。公司前身为成立于1956年的热电公司(Thermo Electron Corporation),总部位于美国麻省(81 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA, 02454),如今为赛默飞世尔科技公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific),长期以来一直在仪器行业处于领导者地位。

《the scientist》的中文歌词是什么

Cold play -------- The Scientist 酷玩----科学家 Come up to meet you, tell you I"m sorry 我绕过世界 告诉你我的迟到 You don"t know how lovely you are 你不知道自己有多美丽I had to find you 我想在前世找到你Tell you I need you 告诉你 我需要你 Tell you I set you apart 告诉你人群之中独自美丽Tell me your secrets 告诉我你的秘密 Ask me your questions 问我你的困惑 Oh, let"s go back to the start 让我们回到前世Running in circles 我绕来绕去Coming up tales 有很多的故事Heads on a science apart 我想要找出一个科学的解释 Nobody said it was easy 没人说过一切很简单 It"s such a shame for us to part 不在一起对你我来说真是非常的遗憾 Nobody said it was easy 没有人说过一切很简单 No one ever said it would be this hard 至今没有告诉我它怎会是如此的艰难 Oh, take me back to the start 让我回到前世 I was just guessing 我以前只是在揣测 At numbers and figures 在数字和图形之间Pulling your puzzles apart 想要理清你的困惑Questions of science 关于科学Science and progress 科学和进程Do not speak as loud as my heart 不要把它深度和我的心的深度相提并论 Tell me you love me 告诉我 你爱我 Come back and haunt me 回来,然后陪伴着我 Oh, and I rush to the start 我想要重回前世 Running in circles 我绕来绕去Chasing tales 追逐着童话般的故事结局 Coming back as we are 回到以前如我们初次相遇 Nobody said it was easy 没人说过一切很简单 Oh, it"s such a shame for us to part 不在一起对你我来说真是非常的遗憾Nobody said it was easy没有人说过一切很简单 No one ever said it would be so hard 至今没有告诉我它怎会是如此的艰难I"m going back to the start.我想要找到我的前世今生

COLD PLAY-The scientist的歌词。

Cold play -------- The Scientist 酷玩----科学家 Come up to meet you, tell you I"m sorry 我绕过世界 告诉你我的迟到 You don"t know how lovely you are 你不知道自己有多美丽I had to find you 我想在前世找到你Tell you I need you 告诉你 我需要你 Tell you I set you apart 告诉你人群之中独自美丽Tell me your secrets 告诉我你的秘密 Ask me your questions 问我你的困惑 Oh, let"s go back to the start 让我们回到前世Running in circles 我绕来绕去Coming up tales 有很多的故事Heads on a science apart 我想要找出一个科学的解释 Nobody said it was easy 没人说过一切很简单 It"s such a shame for us to part 不在一起对你我来说真是非常的遗憾 Nobody said it was easy 没有人说过一切很简单 No one ever said it would be this hard 至今没有告诉我它怎会是如此的艰难 Oh, take me back to the start 让我回到前世 I was just guessing 我以前只是在揣测 At numbers and figures 在数字和图形之间Pulling your puzzles apart 想要理清你的困惑Questions of science 关于科学Science and progress 科学和进程Do not speak as loud as my heart 不要把它深度和我的心的深度相提并论 Tell me you love me 告诉我 你爱我 Come back and haunt me 回来,然后陪伴着我 Oh, and I rush to the start 我想要重回前世 Running in circles 我绕来绕去Chasing tales 追逐着童话般的故事结局 Coming back as we are 回到以前如我们初次相遇 Nobody said it was easy 没人说过一切很简单 Oh, it"s such a shame for us to part 不在一起对你我来说真是非常的遗憾Nobody said it was easy没有人说过一切很简单 No one ever said it would be so hard 至今没有告诉我它怎会是如此的艰难I"m going back to the start.我想要找到我的前世今生

as a consequence, corporate scientific research, if left unfettered, ofen compromises ethics for th

as a consequence:作为结果主语是逗号前的部分,这不是从句,是插入语

《the scientist》的中文歌词是什么?

coldplay - the scientist come up to meet you 为了见你而来 tell you i"m sorry 对你诉说我的抱歉 you don"t know how lovely you are 你不知道你有多可爱 i had to find you 我必须要找到你 tell you i need you 告诉你我需要你 tell you i"ll set you apart 而我却又不得不离开你 tell me your secrets 分享你的秘密 and ask me your questions 解答你的问题 oh let"s go back to the start 哦 让我们回到从前 running in circles 绕着转圈 coming in tails 停在背面 (走到终点) heads are a science apart 正面朝上违背了我的设想 nobody said it was easy 没人能从容面对 it"s such a shame for us to part 多么遗憾我们要分开 nobody said it was easy 没人可以从容面对 no one ever said it would be this hard 可也没人说过这会如此之难 oh take me back to the start 哦 带着我回到从前吧 i was just guessing 我只是不断想着 at numbers and figures 用尽所有的见解 pulling the puzzles apart 试图使那些疑惑走得远点 questions of science 那些言论 science and progress 那些流失 could not speak as loud as my heart 却无法说出我的心声 tell me you love me 说你爱我 come back and haunt me 回来萦绕着我 oh when i rush to the start 哦 快让我回到从前吧 running in circles 绕着转圈 coming in tails 停在背面 (走到终点) coming back as we are 回到我们的从前 nobody said it was easy 没人能从容面对 it"s such a shame for us to part 多么遗憾我们要分开 nobody said it was easy 没人可以从容面对 no one ever said it would be this hard 可也没人说过这会如此之难 i"m going back to the start. 我将独自一人回到从前

scientific knowledge是什么意思


scientific notation是什么意思

scientific notation英[u02ccsaiu0259nu02c8tifik nu0259uu02c8teiu0283u0259n]美[u02ccsau026au0259nu02c8tu026afu026ak nou02c8teu0283u0259n][释义] 科学记数法;[例句]BULK INSERT supports string-to-decimal type conversion for strings representing numeric values that use scientific notation.BULK INSERT支持将使用科学计数法表示数值的字符串从字符串类型转换为十进制类型。

scientific report是sci吗


求助求助,请问scientific reports 到底是sci还是scie



he devoted all his life to scientific study..

各位英语达人指教哦~这句子有没有错误----Linguistics is a scientific study of the language。



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