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简明机械手册(tabellenbuch metal)这本书有英文版本吗?

有英文版,名字是Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook暂无下载


在听她的歌,感觉很好听。 网上好像没有她的资料啊

Bellefire的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Bellefire专辑:After the RainBellefire - SurrenderWhen you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrenderI heard when a guy really loves a girlHe"d run around the world chasing herBut what you guys don"t realizeIs that we"re chasing you in reverseSo if you"re wanting meBaby try a bended kneeCause...When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrenderYou look just like a dream come trueI"m so glad that I"m with youDon"t act like you know what we should doBet i could show you a thing or twoSo if your wanting meBaby nothing comes for freeWhen you caught my eyeI could feel, feel insideYou came up and smiledYou said you"d stay, stay awhileHave i been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?If you want to be with meBaby, surrender......When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiledYou said you"d stay awhileI"m on fireHave I been on your mind?Will you love me all the time?While we"re togetherIf you wanna be with meThat"s the way it"s gotta beBaby, surrendersurrender......QQqun7979278︶ㄣApple制作




辨别香水真假,方法都是接近的。正品香水包装盒的底部和瓶底都有编码,而且编码是一致的,假货做不到这一点。 一般只要是正规进口的原装正品,包装上都会有CIQ标(“中国检验检疫”China Inspection Quarantine,也是正规进口商品必须有的标志,行货和水货的唯一区别也看有无CIQ)、生产批号、中文标签,但是走私不会有,家伙更不会有,有了做的也不像。 假冒香水一般只是在仿制正品的盒子和瓶子。请留意假货的瓶身侧面对接处,正品香水对接处非常和谐流畅,国内及台湾、越南是不会有正品香水瓶精湛的生产工艺的。有灵性的人能感受到假货和正品的气场是不一样的。 香水味道真假更有有天壤之别,正品的香是假货无法效仿的,您可以先去专柜试用一下,再去找个假货比一下。


我们仔细分析了很多belle百丽店铺,最终找到了一个比较有效的方法,就是看店铺的商品结构。卖假货的店铺差不多100%都是杂货铺,各种品牌都有,什么好卖就卖什么,belle百丽的产品只有少数的几款,而且相当市场平均价格会低很多。belle百丽正品店铺的货品丰富,从产品到配件包装都非常齐全,而且货品更新很快,和您当地的belle百丽专卖店是同步的,您以这个标准,只要仔细地衡量一下店铺中的商品,相信很容易区分出belle百丽真假的。首先,如果卖家的一双鞋子非常非常的便宜,比如说在专柜要卖1500以上的靴子,他们如果卖的低于300,那就绝对是假的---特殊情况除外(所谓特殊情况就是二手闲置)。如果是单鞋低于100也是绝对假货!百丽的鞋子都是按照各个卖场的订单做的,每款都不多不少正好满足新品发布会上的订单要求。这样就有五个渠道产生TB上的非专柜产品。1、生产线上下来的有瑕疵的鞋子(这个数量有多少可想而知吧?要是次品率高了,那百丽损失可就太大了,都是用的真皮呀)。2、样板鞋(大家不要以为样板鞋比专柜卖的好哦,样板鞋其实做工不一定比专柜的好呢,这是设计师自己做的,他们的车缝技术等等可不如一个生产线熟练工呢)。3、卖场上卖的不好的过季的鞋子,这些鞋子一般都是反到工厂里面的。先是经过百丽工厂里面的员工的第一翻洗礼的,员工可以以很优惠的价格购买福利鞋。所以他们不可能能大批量的流到厂外的。更不可能型号齐全!百丽员工的福利鞋的价格是这样的:单鞋100元、短靴230、高靴270 。当然,百丽每年会发给普通员工一张50元抵扣券。另外,每季度百丽的新品发布会上都会有他们采购部和计划部的人参加,他们可以现场定鞋(这样出来的鞋子就是绝对的合格品),但是这个渠道的鞋子比福利鞋要贵不少。这就是为什么低于100元的单鞋和低于300元的鞋子是假货的原因。另外,BELLE管理非常的严格,要说那鞋子是普工从厂里偷出来的可能性也几乎为零。管理干部最多也是自己拿几双出去。所以,鉴别真假BELLE鞋子的其次方法是:看卖家是否种类和尺码齐全。当然,不排除有那些把一分钱的货卖成两分钱价格的卖家!




Quasimodo : 卡西莫多:  Belle  C"est un mot qu"on dirait inventé pour elle美人,是专为她创造的名字  Quand elle danse et qu"elle met son corps à jour, tel当她款摆舞蹈像展翅的鸟  Un oiseau qui étend ses ailes pour s"envoler  Alors je sens l"enfer s"ouvrir sous mes pieds 我感到地狱在我脚底张开巨口  J"ai posé mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane我的注视穿透她吉普赛的衣袍  A quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-Dame ? 还祈求圣母什么更好的恩赐?  Quel  Est celui qui lui jettera la première pierre ? 谁忍心对她投掷第一颗石头  Celui-là ne mérite pas d"être sur terre那就根本不配活在世上  O Lucifer ! 魔王啊!  Oh ! Laisse-moi rien qu"une fois我只求一回  Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d"Esméralda让我的手穿透她的长发  Frollo : 弗罗多:  Belle美人  Est-ce le diable qui s"est incarné en elle,她难道是魔鬼的化身?  Pour détourner mes yeux du Dieu éternel ?  Qui a mis dans mon être ce désir charnel让我的眼神离弃永恒的主  Pour m"empêcher de regarder vers le Ciel ? 谁用这肉欲魅惑了我  Elle porte en elle le péché originel阻挡我的视线望向天国  La désirer fait-il de moi un criminel ? 她是致命的诱惑,渴欲她是否就已犯罪?  Celle  Qu"on prenait pour une fille de joie, une fille de rien她一个卑贱的欢场女子  Semble soudain porter la croix du genre humain竟然成了人性的考验  O Notre-Dame ! 圣母啊!  Oh ! laisse-moi rien qu"une fois我只求一回  Pousser la porte du jardin d"Esméralda让我推开她花园的门扉  Phoebus : 腓比斯:  Belle  Malgré ses grands yeux noirs qui vous ensorcellent 美人,在教人销魂的黑眼睛背后  La demoiselle serait-elle encore pucelle ? 她可能还是个纯真少女吗?  Quand ses mouvements me font voir monts et merveilles她举手投足让我看见无限风情  Sous son jupon aux couleurs de l"arc-en-ciel藏在她的彩虹裙下  Ma dulcinée laissez-moi vous être infidèle吾爱,就让我不忠这么一回  Avant de vous avoir mené jusqu"à l"autel在我们步上红地毯前  Quel  Est l"homme qui détournerait son regard d"elle谁能够把眼光从她身上移开  Sous peine d"être changé en statue de sel冒着变成化石的危险  O Fleur-de-Lys噢!百合 我不是个忠实的男人  Je ne suis pas homme de foi  J"irai cueillir la fleur d"amour d"Esméralda我要去采摘爱丝梅拉达的爱之花  最后的 三人合唱,是加西莫多的唱段。”

求音乐剧《钟楼怪人》中歌曲《Belle》的英文版歌词(is the only word)。急!

转载自百度知道答主:andychewbj的答案Belle, is the only word I know that suits her wellWhen she dances oh, the stories she can tellA free bird trying out her wings to fly awayAnd when I see her move I see the hell to pay美女,是我知道唯bai一适合她的称呼du当她翩翩起舞,啊!她舞姿所能传达的故事像雏鸟展zhi翅初飞,她欲远走高飞当我看她婀娜摆动,我知道将会有罪可受了She dances naked in my soul and sleep won"t comeAnd it"s no use to pray this prayers to Notre DameTell, who"d be the first to raise his hand and throw a stoneI"d hang him high and laugh to see him die aloneOh Lucifer, please let me go beyond god"s lawAnd run my fingers through her hair Esmeralda妄想着她赤裸起舞使我彻夜难眠向圣母玛利亚祈祷也是徒然告知我谁将首先举手投石问路我将把他高高吊起,笑着看他孤独归西撒旦呀!请让我超越上帝律令抚摸艾丝美拉达的秀发吧Belle, there is a demon inside her who came from hellAnd he turned my eyes from god, and oh, I fellHe put this heat inside me I"m ashamed to tellWithout my god inside I"m just a burning shell美女,她心底有个来自地狱的魔鬼它使我背叛上帝,啊,我堕落啦!它使我心热如火,而却羞于启齿没有上帝的庇护,我只剩下欲火如焚的躯体The sin of Eve she has in her I know so wellFor want of her I know I"d give my soul to sellBelle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skinAnd dies she bear the cross of all our human sinOh Notre-Dame please let me go beyond god"s lawOpen the door of love inside Esmeralda我深谙她内心那夏娃的罪恶为了得到她,我愿出卖我的灵魂美女,这吉普赛女郎是否有人性死时背负人类所有罪恶的十字架圣母呀!请让我超越上帝律令敲开艾丝美拉达内心的爱情之门Belle, even though her eyes seem to lead us to hellShe may be more pure more pure than the words can tellBut when she dances feelings come no man can quellBeneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the well美女,尽管有诱人下地狱的媚眼她可能纯洁,纯洁得难以言喻但当她翩翩起舞,无人能抗拒诱惑她霓裳之下那热情如火的身材My promised one please let me one time be untrueBefore in front of god and man I marry youWho"d be the man who"d turn from her to save his soulTo be with her I"d let the devil take me wholeOh, Fleur-De-Lys I am a man who knows no loveI go to open up the rose Esmeralda我承诺的爱人,请让我不贞一回在我尚未对上帝宣誓娶你之前有哪位男人能抗拒她的魅力,挽救自己的灵魂为了与她厮守,我宁愿全身受控于魔鬼百合呀!我是不懂爱情的人【注】我要去打开艾丝美拉达的爱情花朵She dances naked in my soul and sleep won"t comeAnd it"s no use to pray this prayers to Notre DameTell, who"d be the first to raise his hand and throw a stoneI"d hang him high and laugh to see him die aloneOh Lucifer, please let me go beyond god"s lawAnd run my fingers through her hair Esmeralda妄想着她赤裸起舞使我彻夜难眠向圣母玛利亚祈祷也是徒然告知我谁将首先举手投石问路我将把他高高吊起,笑着看他孤独归西撒旦呀!请让我超越上帝律令抚摸艾丝美拉达的秀发吧【注】Fleur-De-Lys :故事人物之一,‘百合",她是贵族人家的女儿,侍卫队队长‘腓比斯"的未婚妻。这首歌,原曲名是Belle Is The Only Word,美女是唯一的词。由于是几个人物分唱,所以内容有点脱节;第1和2段是Quasimodo唱的,他呼叫的是撒旦,第3和4段是Frollo唱的,Frollo 是神父,所以他呼叫圣母玛利亚,第5和6段是 Phoebus 唱的,而他是向未婚妻呼吁。最后一段是合唱。


belle百丽是很受欢迎的鞋子品牌,不论是高跟鞋还是平底鞋都特别好看,并且很好搭配,各种风格都能找到适合自己的那款。下面我给大家讲讲belle鞋子怎么样?百丽鞋子质量怎么样? 百丽鞋子质量怎么样 百丽这双鞋子真的很好穿,很合脚。喜欢百丽的理由是它很舒服,不是样子货。这双鞋穿上很惊艳,很显脚型。颜色也很凉爽。平时穿个小裙子,配这双鞋。很有气质。 分享最近入手的两双鞋子,先买了百丽的小白鞋,先去阿迪试了小白鞋,发现没想象中好看,就没下手,后来转到百丽这边,试了下图这双,一下子就看中了,原来是800多的,买的时候599,我觉得这个价格还是有些偏高的,无奈我老公也说好看,就买了!没过几天我就后悔了,因为我收到百货微信推广信心,鞋子专柜1换2倍就是5折,觉得自己买贵了心痛了好久!然后之前看中星期六的凉鞋没买的,现在5折拿下400多,自己很满意!百丽这双小白鞋偏瘦版,脚胖的要慎重,但是穿上很美,很秀气。 去年在百丽专柜打折买的,刚刚特意看了下账本是花了549元!深蓝色亮片布面很显脚白,不卡脚,很好搭衣服!百丽的高跟鞋角度一直都做的比较好,穿着不累脚,脚面上流苏设计也很秀气,走起路来闪闪的特别好看,真是逛街约会两相宜的必备款哦! 百丽英伦风流苏穗女鞋,你无法抗拒的帅气!真是太喜欢了,本来是要买靴子的,却一下被这双鞋吸引,整个鞋都是牛皮制作,穿着特别舒服而且养脚,宝宝就缺一双平底鞋呢,终于买到了!大大的满足感,应该可以穿到十一月吧!百丽品牌介绍 Belle百丽是百丽国际推出的一款品牌。BeLLE百丽追求不同的生活体验及生活经历;都市环境不断在变,时装潮流不断在变,生活内容不断在变,女人在一生中的角色不断在变。BeLLE百丽在变化中展现出内在与外在的完美气质。Belle皮件简单分成女用与男用,内容包括皮包、皮带、皮夹、名片夹、旅行箱、皮件保养品等。百丽国际旗下百丽、天美意、他她、思加图等均在国内女鞋销量市场名列前茅,森达男鞋也备受消费者欢迎。998年5月,百丽工厂顺利通过出口产品第二类企业验收,1997~2000连续四年获深圳市技术监督局“产品监检质“外商独资文明企业”;1998年获颁“广东省优质产品奖”,被深圳市评为“外商独资文明企业”;2000年5月,百丽生产系统顺利通过德国技术监督协会ISO9001国际质量认证,同年BELLE(百丽)真皮女鞋被中国皮革工业协会评为“中国真皮名鞋”;2004年,百丽集团再次荣获中国真皮鞋王、中国真皮标志名牌产品荣誉称号,并蝉联中国市场同类产品销售额及市场占有率第一。怎么选择适合自己的鞋子 1、选择正确的买鞋时间买鞋应该在一天的晚些时候(最好是上午10点或下午4点),这个时候足相对要大些,可以选择到更合适脚的鞋子。 2、穿大小合适的鞋多年来,许多女性穿着比自己的脚小的高跟鞋,主要基于这样一个理解错误的说法:小脚看上去更性感。说法是不错,但这是基于很小的脚的说法。这可以追溯到中国的古代民间故事:一位美丽的年轻女性应当拥有4到5英寸(10-12cm)长度的莲足(三寸金莲),但是,现在女性最小的脚尺寸也有9英寸(22cm),比所谓的小脚要长足足4英寸。事实上半个号和一个号(1/4英寸差别)看起来几乎没有任何差别,而且,对于高跟鞋来说,一个号的差异根本用肉眼看不出来。尤其对于更高的5,6甚至7英寸高跟,长点的鞋可以使你穿着高跟鞋走得更好。穿高跟鞋时,同样的跟,尺寸越长,应该感觉越舒服。3、把脚浸泡在冷水中如果你的脚正在遭受痛苦的肿胀,那就把脚浸泡或用冷水冲大约10分钟。有助于减少炎症和肿胀的脚。 4、选择高度适合的鞋高跟鞋的“健康标准”是在7厘米以下,高度最好在3~5厘米;鞋跟不宜太小,否则难以稳定地支撑体重;鞋头宜稍宽松,让脚掌及脚趾多一点空间。另外,最好在办公室准备一双舒适的平底鞋,与高跟鞋交替着穿,或在休息时改穿平底鞋,让脚前掌有歇息机会。


楼主,您好 希望能够帮到您,望采纳 Quasimodo : 卡西莫多:  Belle  C"est un mot qu"on dirait inventé pour elle美人,是专为她创造的名字  Quand elle danse et qu"elle met son corps à jour, tel当她款摆舞蹈像展翅的鸟  Un oiseau qui étend ses ailes pour s"envoler  Alors je sens l"enfer s"ouvrir sous mes pieds 我感到地狱在我脚底张开巨口  J"ai posé mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane我的注视穿透她吉普赛的衣袍  A quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-Dame ? 还祈求圣母什么更好的恩赐?  Quel  Est celui qui lui jettera la première pierre ? 谁忍心对她投掷第一颗石头  Celui-là ne mérite pas d"être sur terre那就根本不配活在世上  O Lucifer ! 魔王啊!  Oh ! Laisse-moi rien qu"une fois我只求一回  Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d"Esméralda让我的手穿透她的长发  Frollo : 弗罗多:  Belle美人  Est-ce le diable qui s"est incarné en elle,她难道是魔鬼的化身?  Pour détourner mes yeux du Dieu éternel ?  Qui a mis dans mon être ce désir charnel让我的眼神离弃永恒的主  Pour m"empêcher de regarder vers le Ciel ? 谁用这肉欲魅惑了我  Elle porte en elle le péché originel阻挡我的视线望向天国  La désirer fait-il de moi un criminel ? 她是致命的诱惑,渴欲她是否就已犯罪?  Celle  Qu"on prenait pour une fille de joie, une fille de rien她一个卑贱的欢场女子  Semble soudain porter la croix du genre humain竟然成了人性的考验  O Notre-Dame ! 圣母啊!  Oh ! laisse-moi rien qu"une fois我只求一回  Pousser la porte du jardin d"Esméralda让我推开她花园的门扉  Phoebus : 腓比斯:  Belle  Malgré ses grands yeux noirs qui vous ensorcellent 美人,在教人销魂的黑眼睛背后  La demoiselle serait-elle encore pucelle ? 她可能还是个纯真少女吗?  Quand ses mouvements me font voir monts et merveilles她举手投足让我看见无限风情  Sous son jupon aux couleurs de l"arc-en-ciel藏在她的彩虹裙下  Ma dulcinée laissez-moi vous être infidèle吾爱,就让我不忠这么一回  Avant de vous avoir mené jusqu"à l"autel在我们步上红地毯前  Quel  Est l"homme qui détournerait son regard d"elle谁能够把眼光从她身上移开  Sous peine d"être changé en statue de sel冒着变成化石的危险  O Fleur-de-Lys噢!百合 我不是个忠实的男人  Je ne suis pas homme de foi  J"irai cueillir la fleur d"amour d"Esméralda我要去采摘爱丝梅拉达的爱之花  最后的 三人合唱,是加西莫多的唱段。”




belle 英 [bel] 美 [bu025bl] n. 美女n. (Belle)人名;(法、德)贝勒;(英)贝尔;(意、罗)贝莱;(匈)拜莱Bella 英 ["belu0259] 美 ["bu025blu0259] n. 贝拉(女子名,等于Arabella,Isabella)这个才是贝拉


中高档女鞋品牌。Belle百丽是百丽国际主打产品的这款知名品牌。百丽国际于20新世纪70时代香港开创,涉及到的行业范围广,有靴子、包包、传动带、旅行箱、手表等,但最关键最关键还是卖鞋,特别是在是休闲女鞋。 它自负盈亏的知名鞋牌有 BELLE 百丽、STACCATO 思加图、TEENMIX 天美意、TATA 他她等;代理商运营的国际名牌有 NIKE NIKE、ADIDAS adidas、LEVI




  Belle百丽是新百丽鞋业深圳市有限责任公司主打产品主推知名品牌。BeLLE百丽追求完美不一样的衣食住行感受及衣食住行亲身经历 现代都市自然环境持续在变,服装时尚潮流持续在变,衣食住行内容持续在变,女性在一辈子中的人物角色持续在变。   百丽鞋业起源于澳门,百丽集团主推时尚女鞋,兼产男鞋、服装业务流程等,历经很多年的运营,百丽女鞋在中国销售市场积淀了必须的用户评价,BeLLE百丽在转变中呈现本质与外在的气场。Belle皮革制品简易分为女用与男性用,内容包含包包、传动带、皮夹、名片夹、旅行箱、皮革制品护肤品等。为众多女士顾客出示时尚潮流、雅致、非常容易配搭的女装鞋履商品。百丽倡导的魔幻,因此漂亮的心态也是消费者认可的时尚潮流定义。

法语中belle、beau bel到底怎么用?尤其是这个bel?求上述三词用法的详解

belle 阴性 Beau 阳性Bel是针对后面的单词是Voyelle开头且是Masculin的词汇同理的还有,Nouveau ,Nouvelle,Nouvel


BELLE   1.巴黎圣母院(Notre-Dame de Paris )插曲2.中文名称:贝儿 首次登场:美女与野兽 | Beauty and the Beast | 1991 人物特性:梦想历险、有主见(甚至有点固执)、爱看书 人物介绍贝儿最喜欢看书了,因为在书里面,她可以借着自己的想象力飞到远处,体会浪漫,她甚至会为了自己喜欢的书看上一遍又一遍。而在那个她出生的法国小村长里,美丽的贝儿却被看作另类。她曾经认为野兽是残酷的,并俘虏了她的爸爸,而为了解救她的父亲,她自己做为替代品,被“囚禁”起来,但是后来她才发现,野兽的内心是温柔善良的,而贝儿最后爱上了野兽,并为整个城堡带来了无限欢乐。演艺生涯美女与野兽 | Beauty and the Beast | 1991 美女与野兽2:贝儿的心愿 | Beauty and the Beast II: The Enchanted Christmas | 1998 你知道吗Belle在法语里就是“美女”的意思。中国有鞋品牌百丽(BeLLE)就是用的这个单词。


百利BeLLE这个牌子挺好的,价格也算大众化,百丽官方正品网络销售价格一般是:单鞋、凉鞋在250~450之间,靴子售价在450~1000之间。BELLE取义法语“美丽的女人”,主打时尚真皮女鞋,兼产男鞋,主要顾客群为:年龄20-40岁,中等收入的都市白领阶层。BELLE风格多样,以“舒适、简约、职业、成熟”为主流,亦不乏新潮、时尚、前卫。并以大众化的价格、优质的产品及诚信的服务确立了自己鲜明的品牌形象。百丽(BeLLE)集团,20世纪70年代创于香港,90年代由香港著名鞋款设计师、资深实业家邓耀先生引入内地,并针对内地市场重新包装定位,据对全国重点商场零售市场的监测统计,BELLE自2000年以来连续3年夺得中国真皮女鞋销售冠军。扩展资料购买辨别真假百里鞋子可以从以下几个方面考虑:1、看标签产品描述中声明是百分百原单、尾货、同款的,几乎可以判定为假货,百丽集团不会有所谓的尾货,切莫相信。2、看外形鞋品买到鞋后,观察产品皮纹色彩,正品的两只鞋感觉不出色差。将两鞋鞋底相合,两鞋长短应一样。再将两只鞋子都放在平台上,看看两后跟有没有高低,如果每样比较都一致,那这双鞋基本上就符合标准了。3、看做工做工最能体现一款鞋的品质,主要的评判标准有:鞋头不能有皮伤等,折边要平整,针距均匀,左右鞋一致,内里平顺,鞋面和鞋底黏合光滑,没有线头、胶水溢出等现象,鞋面任何地方都不能有凹凸不平的状况,鞋底的LOGO打印清晰,符合标准。参考资料来源:百度百科 - 百丽女鞋



法语 belle 和 jolie 有什么区别

1.在法语中,belle fille 和 jolie fille 是有区别的。jolie fille 是我们通常说的“美女”、“漂亮姑娘”;而 belle fille 比“美女”更高一层,既有漂亮的外表,又有美好的心灵。2.一般来说,joli用来形用物品比较多,表示很漂亮、很好看,但如果形容人的话往往隐含表示这个人只有外表好看而已;belle用来形容人或者物品都可以,可以翻译为美丽的,如果想夸奖一个女性很漂亮或很美丽,最好用belle.



谁有 雷安娜-ANNABELLE 精选[SACD] 音乐专辑百度网盘资源

雷安娜歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:d1c8简介:雷安娜,八十年代前中期大受欢迎的女歌手。曾以《人在旅途洒泪时》(合唱:关正杰)和《旧梦不须记》一炮而红,迅速在乐坛奠定地位,后移民加拿大。

Annabelle (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Annabelle (Album Version)歌手:A Rocket To The Moon专辑:On Your SideAnnabel LeeEdgar Allan PoeAnnabel LeeBy- Edgar Allan PoeIt was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea,That a maiden there lived whom you may knowBy the name of ANNABEL LEE;And this maiden she lived with no other thoughtThan to love and be loved by me.I was a child and she was a child,In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than love-I and my Annabel Lee;With a love that the winged seraphs of heavenCoveted her and me.And this was the reason that, long ago,In this kingdom by the sea,A wind blew out of a cloud, chillingMy beautiful Annabel Lee;So that her highborn kinsman cameAnd bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulcherIn this kingdom by the sea.The angels, not half so happy in heaven,Went envying her and me-Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,In this kingdom by the sea)That the wind came out of the cloud by night,Chilling and killing my beautiful Annabel Lee.But our love it was stronger by far than the loveOf those who were older than we-Of many far wiser than we-And neither the angels in heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soulOf the beautiful Annabel Lee.For the moon never beams without bringing me dreamsOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the sideOf my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,In the sepulchre there by the sea,In her tomb by the sounding sea.End



Annabelle 中文的意思是什么?

  annabelle  [人名] 安娜贝勒  拉丁 美丽的女子;可爱的;和蔼可亲的  [例句]Woody allen fired annabelle gurwitch from his play and told her she looked " retarded"  伍迪艾伦炒了安娜贝拉.格尔维奇,告诉她:她看起来反映很迟钝。  ANNABELLE是加拿大的彩妆品牌,产品包括面部彩妆、眼部彩妆、唇部彩妆和彩妆工具。  有首钢琴谱也叫这个名字。  参考链接:ANNABELLE_百度百科  Annabelle钢琴谱

Annabelle 中文的意思是什么?


Patti LaBelle的《Flame》 歌词

歌曲名:Flame歌手:Patti LaBelle专辑:Classic Patti Labelle - The Universal Masters CollectionFlameby N/ADear my sun. Should I know how low & low?Dear my moon. Should I know how low & low?Dear my stars hoshi no nageki kikebaLike a wind honno chisana koto darouKanashimi wa mune hirogeteKimi no kata wo daku darouYasashigena furu mai de kimi ni karamaruIt"s a flame of sadnessDear my mind donna fukou ni demoSay hello ieru kimochi hoshiiDear my hurts itsumo kakaeteitaLike a wind omoi mono suteyouYoru no kaze abiteirebaWasurerareru koto naraSono hohaba hirogete miruMae yori mo zuttoWarau tsuki no aoi hikariKizu wo sotto tojiteyuku yoIt"s a flame of sadness urisosogu kanashimi sura dakiyoseLife is going on kareru made aruiteyuku dakeIt"s a flame of sadnessDear my sun. Should I know how low & low?Dear my moon. Should I know how low & low?Dear my stars. Hoshi no nageki kikebaLike a wind. Honno chisana koto darouUru hoshi wo kazoe oetara naku no yamete aruiteyukouFlame of misery itoshisa wo nikushimi wo uketometeIt"s a flame of sadness mune no naka de kudai teshimae subetePieces of sadness urisosogu ame ga yandara yukouLife is going on kareru made aruiteyuku dakeStay free my misery. . .my misery

谁能翻译一下Christophe Mae的Belle Demoiselle 请各位法语达人帮帮忙,另外最好告诉我这首歌表达了一个什

你敢不敢在泥里打滚你敢不敢跪着走三公里你敢不敢疯子样的喊叫你敢不敢喜欢Mary Lou 你敢不敢爬上桌子你敢不敢去挑战佐罗你敢不敢接吻你敢不敢捉飞虫告诉我你真的敢么我藏了真的好久,你都捉不到我真真假假我不是一个木偶真真假假我没有小孩没有铃铛即使所有人像大人一样欺骗我们都是匹诺丘都是杰佩托的孩子你敢不敢戏弄那个女面包师你敢不敢。。啊不,你不能,那是你妈并不是只有大人可以,不是只有大人才能做那些大事告诉我你真的敢么我躲了真的好久,你都捉不到我真真假假我不是一个木偶真真假假我没有小孩没有铃铛即使所有人像大人一样欺骗我们都是匹诺丘都是杰佩托的孩子有说谎话会变长的鼻子

Patti LaBelle的《I Believe》 歌词

歌曲名:I Believe歌手:Patti LaBelle专辑:Live! One Night OnlyI used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveIm leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, theres nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence, it can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achieve





Regina Belle的《If I Could》 歌词

歌曲名:If I Could歌手:Regina Belle专辑:PassionIf I could turn back timeIf I could turn back timeTitle: If I CouldArtist:Yvonne CatterfeldEverytime I think that I"m over youI see people doing things that we used to doEvery season any time of the yearsomething reminds me of youbut you"re naughty had no clueI was true instead of telling you liesthat was wrongnow you"re gone with a stronger byeIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyI close my eyes and it"s you that I seeI fantasize what you used to do to mesince you"re gone my whole world is on firejust can"t go on cause it"s you I desireanother dance another chanceto put my hands on the wheelto get you back I want backI would go wrong I would stealIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyTurn back, back timeyou"d still be mineTurn back, back timeyou"d still be mineIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this way


BelleQuasimodoBelleBelle, is the only word I know that suits her wellWhen she dances oh the stories she can tellA free bird trying out her wings to fly awayAnd when I see her move I see hell to payShe dances naked in my soul and sleep won"t comeAnd it"s no use to pray these prayers to Notre dameTell, who"d be the first to raise his hand and throw a stoneI"d hang him high and laugh to see him die aloneOh Lucifer please let me go beyond god"s lawAnd run my fingers through her hair, EsmeraldaFrolloBelle, there"s a demon inside her who came from hellAnd he turned my eyes from god and oh, I fellShe put this heat inside me I"m ashamed to tellWithout my god inside I"m just a burning shellThe sin of eve she has in her I know so wellFor want of her I know I"d give my soul to sellBelle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skinAnd does she bear the cross of all our human sinOh Notre dame please let me go beyond gods lawOpen the door of love inside, EsmeraldaPhoebusBelle, Even though her eyes seem to lead us to hellShe may be more pure, more pure than words can tellBut when she dances feelings come no man can quellBeneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the wellMy promised one, please let me one time be untrueBefore in front of god and man I marry youWho would be the man who"d turn from her to save his soulTo be with her I"d let the devil take me wholeOh Fleur-de-lys I am a man who knows no lawI go to open up the rose, EsmeraldaTogetherShe dances naked in my soul and sleep won"t comeAnd it"s no use to pray these prayers to Notre dameTell, who"d be the first to raise his hand and throw a stoneI"d hang him high and laugh to see him die aloneOh Lucifer please let me go beyond god"s lawAnd run my fingers through her hair, EsmeraldaEsmeralda

求so far so good------ Beady Belle 的歌词,多谢!

Everyone grows olderEverything must changeEverybody knows we"re gonna dieEverything goes overThe great dividing wayEverything"s forgotten in a whileWe might as well enjoy while we"re aliveFire the salutesPut cherry on the cakeBubbles in our glassesCheers for heaven"s sakeSo far so good let"s celebrate this stageNobody knows what"s to comeSo far so good before we turn this pageLet"s drink a toast to everyoneWho"s taken part in this journey so far and so goodRob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sinEveryday is alwaysLife is past recallTime is what goes faster as we ageSo what"s the point of livingIf we don"t live at allIf presence disappears into the voidGive life enough excuses to be enjoyedFire the salutesPut cherry on the cakeBubbles in our glassesCheers for heaven"s sakeSo far so good let"s celebrate this stageNobody knows what"s to comeSo far so good before we turn this pageLet"s drink a toast to everyoneWho"s taken part in this journey so far and so goodSo let"s applaud todayBefore it"s yesterdayWe make a sermon on something we have chosen to beSufficient reason toMark the occasionRight now the alibiWe need to celebrate and enjoySo far so good let"s celebrate the stageNobody knows what"s to comeSo far so good before we turn this pageLet"s drink a toast to everyoneSo far so good let"s celebrate the stageNobody knows what"s to comeSo far so good before we turn this pageLet"s drink a toast to everyoneWho"s taken part in this journey so far and so good


annabelle 还好,要不试试Christina也还不错。

The memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville


Vivid memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville 这句的结构是什么?主干是什么

这里没有倒装came doing sth只是一种固定搭配。你去查一下come这个词的用法。



Belleville spring是什么意思

碟形弹簧(belleville spring)又名贝勒维尔弹簧垫圈,最早是100多年前法国J. Belleville发明。碟形弹簧的形状为圆锥碟状,与传统弹簧不同,功能上有其特殊的作用,主要特点是,负荷大,行程短,所需空间小,组合使用方便,维修换装容易,经济安全性高。适用于空间小,负荷大之精密重机械。其压缩行程最佳使用范围在其最大压缩行程的10%-75%之间。



美军belleville 790沙漠靴军用版商业版区别




Belleville男士军靴 550st与390DES 有什么区别? 下图为那个型号?






Beady Belle的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Beady Belle专辑:CloserCloserNine Inch NailsThe Downward SpiralYou let me violate youYou let me desecrate youYou let me penetrate youYou let me complicate youHelp me...I broke apart my insidesHelp me...I"ve got no soul to tellHelp me...the only thing that works for meHelp me get away from myself,I wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodYou can have my isolation...You can have the hate that it bringsYou can have my absence of faith...You can have my everythingHelp me... you tear down my reasonHelp me... it"s your sex I can smellHelp me... you make me perfectHelp me think I"m somebody elseI wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodThrough every forestAbove the treesWithin my stomachScraped off my kneesI drink the honey, inside your hive...You are the reason I stay alive...

Belleruche的《Alice》 歌词

歌曲名:Alice歌手:Belleruche专辑:Nu Jazz FunkMoby - AliceMy head keeps turnin" turnin"Like Russian rouletteThoughts are like bulletsI cannot do this... do this...How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...Cause this is the right worldThis is the wrong worldThis is the one worldThis is the dark worldThis is the sun worldThis is the sun worldCan you become girl here in the fun world?How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time...make it my love time...PsychosomaticImagine shadows swooping??And mirrors crackingThe shudders was a trappinHigh ????Rapid up on the mirrorI"m jealous chemicallyImbalance into my channelTracking through the heart of the devil??My thoughts are spinnin" from brellas(??) to higher levelsSevered from your lovin"I"m troublin" to talk to no oneAnd no one told there"s no one (??)????With padded rooms like a sofaThey told me it"s for my ??My voices on my shoulderPlan itLet the vultures divulgin"To keep revolvin" the spotWorks on my focusMy culture, but no one knows itThis is why I focusin" mostly upon my ??Not "till you corporate I"ma lead up while you noticeWalking across the ocean makes no super (??)??How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...Cause this is the right worldThis is the wrong worldThis is the one worldThis is the dark worldThis is the sun worldThis is the sun worldCan you become girl here in the fun world?Mix it up with the alpha hits?? I"m smokin" trees??...I like the way you movin"My head keeps turnin" turnin"Like Russian rouletteThoughts are like bulletsI cannot do this...My head keeps turnin" turnin"Like Russian rouletteThoughts are like bulletsI cannot do this...Q%#%!!!$%$%#How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...Cause this is the right worldThis is the wrong worldThis is the one worldThis is the dark worldThis is the sun worldThis is the sun worldCan you become girl here in the fun world?How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...How do I feel like?Alright probably going homeGonna make it the sameGonna make it my love time... my love time...Cause this is the right worldThis is the wrong worldThis is the one worldThis is the dark worldThis is the sun worldThis is the sun worldCan you become girl here in the fun world?Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!


你用酷我音乐盒下载这个歌 然后里面会有歌词

Belle Ile En Mer Marie Galante 歌词的中文翻译~!!!

[反覆]美丽海上岛 (在法国本土西海岸 外海)玛莉嘉隆 (在法属西印度群岛)圣文森 (加勒比海的岛国)遥远的新加坡 (在南太平洋)西摩岛 (太平洋以东 厄瓜多属地) 和 锡蓝 (昔日的斯里兰卡)你们是 因为 海的缘故与世界其他地方分开过著与世隔离的生活...我某些儿时的记忆停滞在法国那冷暴的缺乏宽恕容忍的经历分化著我咖啡, 淡咖啡色搅溶于奶的淡咖啡过著跟其他法国白人不一样的童年恰如你们 我熟悉这种孤单且 与世隔绝的感伤[反覆]就像孤海中被遗忘的海盗 独居荒岛那麼些微微的孤独冷寂爱 就在我眼前逝去爱 就在我眼前逝去远远地疏离着孩子恰如你们,孤寂的岛屿,隔距遥望无法触及我熟悉这种感伤孤独和隔绝[反覆]卡鲁迪亚 (在加勒比海)喀里多尼亚 (法国在大西洋西南部的一个海外属地)乌诶颂 (法国本土西北的小岛)海上所有无人的荒岛兀自孤存每时每刻,一直,永永远远怨水怨水令你们隐忍分离在水一方噢噢

谁能帮我将 Bellefire《Get you out out of my mind》的歌词翻译成中文

一个吻不只是一个吻一个微笑比一个微笑更多也许我们聚在一起也许永远地也许仅仅一阵子我已经在你的眼睛中见到神情我已经见到你觉得奇怪为什么有地心引力的中心接近我带来你比较近的所有时间而且我被化成石头,施催眠术每一次,你走被而且我不能把你赶出我的想你不有是我的我 认为 我正在浪费我的时间darlin"每天的 i 想到你我不能相信它是真实的你在这里在我身边而且我被化成石头,施催眠术每一次,你走被而且我被施催眠术,使每一次,你走被而且我不能使你疯了,我的思想我不能使你疯了我 不能使你疯了请采纳...

Andrew Belle-《The Ladder》全部歌曲歌词

Artist: M2mSong Title: Not To MeYou sent me up to heavenI was safe and loved thereThen you pushed me down <STRONG class=tx_hit>the <STRONG class=tx_hit>ladderNow you just left me hereBut I"m strong, can"t get hurtThis must be wrong, won"t sink down in the dirtWhat"s with meThis is not happy,this is not happyNot to meNot reality...Not to meNot to meMaybe it was my own faultMaybe I just tripped and fellTo blame an angel tempts me nowBaby please take me up againForgive meI didn"t mean to comprehend and consider, my friendWhat"s with meThis is not happy,this is not happyNot to meNot reality...Not to meNot to meBut I"m strong, can"t get hurtThis must be wrong, won"t sink down in the dirtWhat"s with meThis is not happy,this is not happyNot to meNot reality...Not to meNot to meBrett Anderson - The EmpressDidn"t I try To love her?Didn"t I paint Pictures of her?Didn"t I try To change?I shouldn"t have bothered.Didn"t I buy The ocean for her?Didn"t I wear The colourDidn"t I feel The wind?Didn"t I bleed?She is strangeAnd sorrow.She is Like cherry blossom.She is The Empress.Didn"t I kneel Before her?Didn"t I follow Her orders?Didn"t I clean Her shit?Didn"t I fall?Didn"t I climb <STRONG class=tx_hit>The <STRONG class=tx_hit>ladder?Didn"t I smile For the cameras?Didn"t I feel The wind?Didn"t I bleedShe is strange And sorrow.She is Like cherry blossom.She is The Empress.She is strange And sorrow.With lips Like cherry blossom.She is The Empress.Coldplay - 1.36Stuck in a cornerare monkeys in cagesthat don"t have a numberto fight one anothertry to recoverClimb up <STRONG class=tx_hit>the <STRONG class=tx_hit>ladderlook up and you see birdsblind as each otherhow long can we suffer?we"re as blind as each otherOn the cloud that you"re sittingthere"s one born every minuteso much to discoverI"ve become a believerSisters and brotherswho fight one anotherwill mourn and deceive uswill find us and keep ustake us or leave usHow soon is now? yeahhow long is never?I"m nothing but normalwith something togethercome on stick togetherOn the cloud that you"re sittingthere"s one born every minuteso much to discoverI"ve become a believerJennifer Paige - SugarcoatedGo on, go on, go onGo on and tell like it isDon"t want it sugarcoatedOh, your kind of sweet leaves a bad taste in my mouthSo, cmon, cmon, cmonYou never say what"s on your mindIt"s like you"re undercoverYou know how to get your way without making a soundThey"re eating out of the palm of your handsBut they don"t know it"s all a showSugar sweet like honey babySay what they want to hearCuz everybody loves a candied babyMaking it loud and clearWhat"s on the tip of your tongueWhy are you playing dumbGo on just spit it outTake another step aheadAnd climb on up <STRONG class=tx_hit>the <STRONG class=tx_hit>ladderYou"d do anything to get yourself to the topYeah, they"re eating out of the palm of your handsThat"s when you know it"s time to goNever make a stand,take everything you canBruce Springsteen - Working on a DreamOut here the nights are long, the days are lonelyI think of you and I"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamNow the cards I"ve drawn"s a rough hand, darlingI straighten the back and I"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamThough sometimes it feels so far awayI"m working on a dreamAnd I know it will be mine somedayRain pourin" down, I swing my hammerMy hands are rough from working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamThough trouble can feel like it"s here to stayI"m working on a dreamOur love will chase trouble awayI"m working on a dreamThough it can feel so far awayI"m working on a dreamOur love will make it real somedayThe sun rise up, I climb <STRONG class=tx_hit>the <STRONG class=tx_hit>ladderThe new day breaks and I"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamI"m working on a dreamThough it can feel so far awayI"m working on a dreamOur love will make it real somedayI"m working on a dreamThough it can feel so far awayI"m working on a dreamAnd our love will make it real someday本站歌词来自互联网Ah were drinking and were dancingand the band is really happeningand the Johnny Walker wisdom running highAnd my very sweet companionshes the Angel of Compassionshes rubbing half the world against her thighAnd every drinker every dancerlifts a happy face to thank herthe fiddler fiddles something so sublimeall the women tear their blouses offand the men they dance on the polka-dotsand its partner found, its partner lostand its hell to pay when the fiddler stops:its CLOSING TIMEYeah the women tear their blouses offand the men they dance on the polka-dotsand its partner found, its partner lostand its hell to pay when the fiddler stops:its CLOSING TIMEAh were lonely, were romanticand the ciders laced with acidand the Holy Spirits crying, "Wheres the beef?"And the moon is swimming nakedand the summer night is fragrantwith a mighty expectation of reliefSo we struggle and we staggerdown the snakes and up <STRONG class=tx_hit>the <STRONG class=tx_hit>ladderto the tower where the blessed hours chimeand I swear it happened just like this:a sigh, a cry, a hungry kissthe Gates of Love they budged an inchI cant say much has happened sincebut CLOSING TIMEI swear it happened just like this:a sigh, a cry, a hungry kissthe Gates of Love they budged an inchI cant say much has happened sinceCLOSING TIMEI loved you for your beautybut that doesnt make a fool of me:you were in it for your beauty tooand I loved you for your bodytheres a voice that sounds like God to medeclaring, declaring, declaring that your bodys really youAnd I loved you when our love was blessedand I love you now theres nothing leftbut sorrow and a sense of overtimeand I missed you since the place got wreckedAnd I just dont care what happens nextlooks like freedom but it feels like deathits something in between, I guessits CLOSING TIMEYeah I missed you since the place got wreckedBy the winds of change and the weeds of sexlooks like freedom but it feels like deathits something in between, I guessits CLOSING TIMEYeah were drinking and were dancingbut theres nothing really happeningand the place is dead as Heaven on a Saturday nightAnd my very close companiongets me fumbling gets me laughingshes a hundred but shes wearingsomething tightand I lift my glass to the Awful Truthwhich you cant reveal to the Ears of Youthexcept to say it isnt worth a dimeAnd the whole damn place goes crazy twiceand its once for the devil and once for Christbut the Boss dont like these dizzy heightswere busted in the blinding lights,busted in the blinding lightsof CLOSING TIMEThe whole damn place goes crazy twiceand its once for the devil and once for Christbut the Boss dont like these dizzy heightswere busted in the blinding lights,busted in the blinding lightsof CLOSING TIMEOh the women tear their blouses offand the men they dance on the polka-dotsIts CLOSING TIMEAnd its partner found, its partner lostand its hell to pay when the fiddler stopsIts CLOSING TIMEI swear it happened just like this:a sigh, a cry, a hungry kissIts CLOSING TIMEThe Gates of Love they budged an inchI cant say much has happened sinceBut CLOSING TIMEI loved you when our love was blessedI love you now theres nothing leftBut CLOSING TIMEI miss you since the place got wrecked 欢迎您的光临! Just spit it out



Belle 同 Bella 有咩分别?

In meaning there is no difference beeen belle and bella. Both me beautiful woman. Sound is different : Belle = bel (sound like bell) Bella = bel+la Belle is an English word and very seldom to be used as name. Bella is an Italian word and can be used as name. In my own opinion Bella is better. 参考: Myself



Belle Starr的《Be A Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Be A Man歌手:Belle Starr专辑:Belle StarrI would fight not to ever fall too deepNever sure that love would growNow at night as I lay me down to sleepI could never let you goAnd lying here with you, I still cant believe its trueNever thought that I would ever find a loveThat lasts foreverBe the man thats mineFind the love that never goes awayBe the heart I know will beThe one that beats for me, be the manUsed to be scared if I would ever get this closeIm not afraid to touch you nowLong before I knew, Id be making love to youI dreamed that maybe I would one dayLose myself in someone, somedayBe the man thats mineI always try to find the love that never goes awayBe the heart I know will beThe one that beats for me, be the manTake me where I have never beenI will follow you, youll never be aloneI will run, run to youI never thought that I would ever find a loveThat lasts foreverBe the man thats mineI always try to find the love that never goes awayTell me we will always be togetherMake us stay in love this way foreverBe the heart I know will beThe one that beats for meWherever you may be

哪个英文名Isabelle 还是katherine。


Belle & Sebastian的历史

(1996-1997) 乐团的建立与早期生涯Belle & Sebastian由 Stuart Murdoch 和 Stuart David 组建于1996年的格拉斯哥。在斯顿学院 (Stow College) 音乐教授 Pilar Duplack 的帮助合作下,他们俩一起录制了一些小样。这些小样被依附于斯顿学院的厂牌 Electric Honey 挑中,选入了学院一年一度的音乐商业出版计划之中。乐队积累了一定数目的歌曲之后,又加上 Electric Honey 对他们的那些小样印象实在是太深刻了,于是在他们的资助鼓励之下,乐队开始着手准备一张完整的专辑,命名为 Tigermilk。为此,Murdoch 曾经自嘲乐团的诞生为”粗糙的资本运作下的产物“。Tigermilk 花了三天 时间便录好了,起初只录了1000张黑胶唱片。如今这起初的1000张黑胶已是奇货可居,被炒到了400英镑。这张专辑带来了极其热烈的反响,这也激发了 Murdoch 和 David 想要把乐队做专做全的愿望,于是他们新邀请了一些人加入到乐团当中,包括 Stevie Jackson (吉他和伴唱),Isobel Campbell (大提琴和伴唱),Chris Geddes (键盘) 和 Richard Colburn (鼓)。首张专辑获得成功之后,他们与1996年8月正式与 Jeepster Records 厂牌签约,并于11月18日发行了他们的第二张专辑 If You"re Feeling Sinister。就在录制这张唱片之前,Sarah Martin (小提琴和伴唱) 也加入了乐团。这张专辑延续了并扩大了 Tigermilk 的成功,甫一问世,便大受好评。Spin 杂志将其列入”1985至2005百大专辑“之列,滚石杂志也将其作为”100张90年代必不可少的专辑“之一,同时还和 Tigermilk 一起入选了”死前必听的1001张专辑“这本音乐书籍……等等等等,不一而足。评论界普遍认为这是他们最为出色的作品。接下来的1997年,他们陆续发表了一些EP。首先是 Dog on Wheels,其中包含了乐团正式成立前时录制的四首小样。虽说这张EP是以 Belle & Sebastian 的整体名义发行,但真正制作和演奏这些歌曲的只有 Murdoch,David,以及 Mick Cooke 三人。(Mick Cooke负责小号的演奏,但几年之后才正式的加入乐团。) 这张EP在英国单曲榜上排到了59名。97年7月他们又发行了第二张EP,Lazy Line Painter Jane。同名歌曲在 Murdoch 居住的教堂里录制,并请来了 Monica Queen 与 Murdoch 对唱。这张EP差一点就挤进了英国榜前40,排到了41名。接下来的10月,他们发行了第三张EP,3.. 6.. 9 Seconds of Light。 这张EP被 NME 和 Melody Maker 杂志同时选为“当周最佳单曲EP”,并历史性的挤进了英国榜前40,拿到了32名的好成绩。(1998-2002) 在Jeepster厂牌下继续取得成功1998年9月7日,乐团发行了第三张录音室专辑,The Boy with the Arab Strap,并在英国榜上排到了12名。尽管它被很多人认为是乐团的最佳专辑之一,却也有一些评论不这么看。Pitchfork 就给了这张专辑比较糟糕的评价,称它为乐团早期作品的“拙劣模仿”。尽管如此,还是有很多媒体高度赞扬这张专辑,其中就包括了滚石 (Rolling Stone) 和乡音 (Village Voice) 杂志。录制这张专辑的期间,长期与他们合作的小号手 Mick Cooke 被正式邀请入团。接下来,他们又于同年发行了一张EP,This Is Just a Modern Rock Song。1999年,乐团凭第三张专辑 The Boy with the Arab Strap打败了业已声名鹊起的乐队 Steps 和 5ive,有些出人意料的获得了全英音乐奖的“最佳新晋乐队”。同年,乐团主办了自己的音乐节,Bowlie Weekender。这一年 Jeepster 还在他们开始准备第四张专辑之前,再版了他们的处女作 Tigermilk。第四张专辑,Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant,于2000年6月6日发行,这也成为了乐团历史上首个英国榜前十的专辑。同时,先前发行的单曲碟,“Legal Man”,也历史性的排到了单曲榜第15位。这也使得乐团得以首次在BBC音乐节目“流行之巅” (“Top of the Pops”) 中亮相。随着乐团在全球知名度的逐渐提高,他们的作品开始出现在一些电影和电视中。2000年的电影失恋排行榜 (High Fidelity) 就提到了乐团的名字,并播放了一小段 The Boy with the Arab Strap专辑里的 “Seymour Stein” 这首歌。The Boy with the Arab Strap这首专辑同名曲还在英国电视剧集为人师表 (Teachers) 中播放过。不久,Stuart David离开了乐团,开始专注于写作和自己的独立乐队 Looper。V-Twin乐队的Bobby Kildea替了他的空缺。2001年6月他们发行了单曲碟 “Jonathan David”。同名曲由 Stevie Jackson 演唱。11月,他们又发行了单曲碟 “I"m Waking Up to Us”。这张单曲碟也是他们首次请别人 (Mike Hurst) 来担当他们的制作人。2002年的大部分时间里,乐团都忙着巡演以及制作一部电影的原声专辑-- Storytelling (原声专辑于2002年6月3日发行,此同名电影由 Todd Solonds 执导,而这部电影被纽约时报评为有史以来最佳的1000部电影之一)。可惜的是,由于种种原因,Belle&Sebastian 辛辛苦苦制作的原声几乎没在影片中派上用场,这也许是本张专辑最大的遗憾。2002年春天,乐团又经历了一场人事变动,长期负责大提琴演奏和女声伴唱的 Campbell 在乐团的北美巡演中离队。自那以后,乐团再未经历过类似变动,始终保持着七人的规模。(2003-至今) 近年的发展2002年,乐团离开了 Jeepster,并与 Rough Trade Records 签订了四张专辑的合约。该厂牌下的第一张专辑,Dear Catastrophe Waitress,发行于2003年10月6日,由 Trevor Horn 担当制作。与之前的四张作品比起来,这张专辑的后期制作成分明显加重,并且乐团有意使得音乐变得更适宜在主流电台播放。尽管如此,这张专辑还是受到了诸多赞誉,更被评价为乐团“独立音乐价值保证”的回归之作。这张专辑里,Murdoch 重新担当起乐团主要创作者的重任。(之前的 Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant 和 Storytelling 都是由乐团共同协作完成,却因为风格参差不齐受到诟病。)2003年十月,老东家 Jeepster 发行了有关乐团的一部纪录片,Fans Only,其中包含了一些音乐录影带,现场演出集锦和未公开过的视频。11月,他们又发行了一张单曲碟,名为 “Step into My Office, Baby” ,其中包含一首之前在 Dear Catastrophe Waitress 里已发行过的歌曲,这张EP也是他们首次从专辑里直接拿出单曲进行独立发行。2004年2月16日,他们发行了一张名为 “I"m a Cuckoo”的单曲碟,同名曲受到 Thin Lizzy 乐团启发而创作。这也是他们第二次直接从专辑里拿出单曲进行独立发行。这张EP在英国榜上排名14。同年6月21日他们又发行了一张名为 Books 的EP,同时这也成为乐团第三张英国榜前20位的作品。这一年,乐团还同时被水星音乐奖 (Mercury Music Prize) 和 Ivor Novello Award 提名。2005年1月,乐团更是在 The List 杂志的一项投票中,一举击败了Simple Minds,Idlewild,Travis,Franz Ferdinand 和 The Proclaimers 等诸多强劲对手,获得了“最伟大的苏格兰乐队”称号。2005年4月,乐团随英国慈善机构 War on Want 到访了以色列和巴勒斯坦地区,随后,旅程经历的种种激发他们创作了一首名为 “The Eighth Station of the Cross Kebab House” 的歌曲。这首歌曲作为 B-side 被收录在2006年发行的单曲碟 “Funny Little Frog” 中。2005年5月,正当乐团在加州潜心创作第七张录音室专辑时,老东家 Jeepster 发行了一张名为 Push Barman to Open Old Wounds的合辑,这张合辑收录了他们在 Jeepster 时期发行过的一系列单曲和EP。2006年2月6日,乐团发行了他们的第七张专辑,The Life Pursuit,这张专辑由 Tony Hoffer 担当制作。在排行榜上,这张专辑取得了乐团有史以来的最好名次。英国榜上排名第8,美国 Billboard 200 榜上排名第65。之前发行的一张单曲碟,“Funny Little Frog”,也历史性的在单曲榜上排到了第13位。这张专辑在 Dear Catastrophe Waitress 的基础上,再一次加重了后期处理的成分,与乐团之前的青涩比起来,已经有了很大的改变。整体风格上,他们显然在追求一种类似布鲁斯的美国之声,当然,词作还是一贯的诙谐深刻。 2006年7月6日,乐团与洛杉矶交响乐团合作,在好莱坞露天剧场进行了一次历史性的表演。18000张门票在演出前销售一空,暖场乐队是 Sub Pop 旗下著名的独立乐队 The Shins。Belle & Sebastian 整个乐团都对此次表演激动不已,用 Stevie Jackson 的话来讲就是“人生中最震撼的时刻”。2006年10月,在一张名为Colours Are Brighter 的儿童慈善合辑里,Belle & Sebastian献歌一首 “The Monkeys Are Breaking Out the Zoo”(由小号手Mick担当主创和演唱)。Franz Ferdinand 和 The Kooks也参与到这张专辑的制作之中。2007年,乐队的两首歌 - “Piazza New York Catcher” 和 “Expectations” - 被选入到电影朱诺 (Juno) 的原声带中。2008年11月18号,乐队发表了一张名为 The BBC Sessions 的合辑,主要包括了1996年 - 2000年在BBC 录制的一些歌曲 (包括 Isobel Campbell离队前录制的最后一些歌曲),同时附赠了一张于2001年圣诞节的一出现场表演的录音CD。此后,乐团的核心人物 Stuart Murdoch 预备拍摄一部名为 God Help The Girl的音乐电影。该电影的同名原声带已于2009年6月23日发行,其中包含两首翻唱 Belle & Sebastian 的歌曲 - “Act of the Apostle” 和 “Funny Little Frog”。在这一段空闲期间,Jackson 和 Kildea 参与到 Vaselines 的巡演之中。2010年5月,乐团在官方网站中宣布,他们“回到录音室,正制作一些新歌曲”。不久,他们又透露,“ (新) 专辑的录音已进入后期阶段”。Sarah Martin 后来在官网的问答区说到,新专辑将包含14首歌曲。2010年7月17日,乐团在 Southwold 的 Henham公园 举办的Latitude音乐节中,面对将近三万名观众,进行了他们这四年间在英国的第一次现场演出。期间表演了两首新歌,“I Didn"t See It Coming”和“I"m Not Living In The Real World”。2010年8月11日,乐团官网透露,他们的第八张录音室专辑被命名为 “Belle and Sebastian Write about Love”。9月7日,乐团先于美国发行了新专辑的第一支单曲 ”Write about Love“ (英国和其他地区于9月25号发行)。10月11日,在英国和欧洲大部分地区 (美国是10月12日) 乐团发行了他们的第八张录音室专辑 Belle and Sebastian Write about Love,这张唱片是于年初在洛杉矶的录音室录制完成的,这也是2006年所发行的专辑 The Life Pursuit的录音室。2010年12月,乐团策划了一场 Bowlie Weekender 音乐节的续作,称作 Bowlie 2,由 All Tomorrow"s Parties 承办。

La (Van Bellen Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:La (Van Bellen Remix)歌手:Marc Et Claude专辑:LaAna Johnsson - L.A.Album: The Way I AmAll the roads lead to L.A.The place to meet JesusAnd make friends the Mary-JaneIf you"ve got music on your brainWell here"s the right placeTo get into the gameCause we all want the sameYeah we all want the star with our nameYou worshippers of sunshineYou seizer"s of the dayIf you"ve got something to sayHere"s the room for everyoneBlack, white, straight or gayWelcome to L.A. La-la-la...Yeah all the roads lead to L.A.Let"s drive into the desertAnd dance the night awayDo you remember how to play?Wake up the kid inside youAnd catch the next wave

restroom labelled "chicks" and "dudes"这里的“chicks”是什么意思?



bellemystery 艳妆之谜


1、label 本身是名词,意思是“标签”。也可以转化为动词,意思变成(贴标签于.../给...作出标注),还可以引申为“把...归类”、“称为/列为”。如: The bottle is labelled "Poison". 瓶上标明“有毒”。 We label them Yuppies. 我们把他们称为雅皮士。 注:英语有三种构词法,即转化、缀法和合成。所谓的转化就是由一种词性转化为另种一词性。名词转化为动词是转化中的重要一项。另如:water(给...浇水),book(把...登入册子)2、labelled 和 labeled 都是 label 转化后的动词过去式和过去分词,labelled 是英式拼写,labeled 是美式拼写。 注:以字母 l 结尾的动词,英国英语要求双写 l 后再加后缀 ed,美国英语则简化了这种拼写而直接在 l 后加 ed。另如:travelled/traveled。3、既然 labelled 和 labeled 是过去分词,因此又可以转化为表示状态的形容词,意思是“带有记号的/标记的/贴有标签的”,用来修饰名词或充当表语,如: a label(l)ed bottle 贴有标签的瓶子 The bottle is labeled. 瓶子贴上了标签。

Carmen (L"Oiseau Rebelle) 歌词

歌曲名:Carmen (L"Oiseau Rebelle)歌手:Malcolm McLaren专辑:FansTony OrlandoCarmenby stanleyGod only know how many guysHave been in your tender sightYou were a womanWas a I menYou eyes hesitatedI took your handDarling I love you, too much to love youCarmen, I make you more than humanCarmen, I put you on the mountain so high above meCarmen, or maybe had I touch youBut Carmen, my love made you untouchableHow could you love me?Days have come and days have goneI got someone and we get onTell her I love herDuring the night, but it"s just a shareI"m holding tightI never had you and I"ll never have youOh Carmen, I"ll make you more than humanOh Carmen, I"ll put you on the mountain so high above youCarmen, or maybe I had touch youBut Carmen, my love made you untouchableHow could you love me?Oh darling, I love youToo much to love youCarmen, I make you more than humanCarmen, I put you on the mountain so high above me



求Amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle的歌词及发音

歌词L"amour est un oiseau rebelleQue nul ne peut apprivoiserEt c"est bien en vain qu"on l"appelleS"il lui qu"on vient de nous refuserRien n"y fait, menaces ou prieresL"un parle bien, l"autre se taitEt c"est l"autre que je prefereIl n"a rien dit mais il me plaitL"amour, l"amour, l"amour, l"amourL"amour est enfant de bohemeIl n"a jamais jamais connu de loisSi tu ne m"aimes pas je t"aimeSi je t"aime prend garde a toiSi tu ne m"aimes pasSi tu ne m"aimes pas je t"aimeMais si je t"aime, si je t"aimePrends garde a toiL"oiseau que tu croyais surprendreBattit de l"aile et s"envolaL"amour est loin, tu peux l"attendreTu ne l"attends plus, il est laTout autour de toi, vite, viteIl vient, s"en va puis il revientTu crois le tenir, il t"eviteTu crois l"eviter, il te tientL"amour, l"amour, l"amour, l"amourL"amour est enfant de bohemeIl n"a jamais jamais connu de loisSi tu ne m"aimes pas je t"aimeSi je t"aime prend garde a toiSi tu ne m"aimes pasSi tu ne m"aimes pas je t"aimeMais si je t"aime, si je t"aimePrends garde a toi只有歌词。。。

求巴赫船歌 belle nuit 女声二重唱谱子

Offenbach Barcarolle 奥芬巴赫 船歌 女声二重唱 

求 Barcarolle(Belle nuit)的歌词

Les contes d"HoffmannJacques OffenbachLe temps fuit et sans retourEmporte nos tendresses,Loin de cet heureux séjourLe temps fuit sans retour.Zéphyrs embrasés,Versez-nous vos caresses,Zéphyrs embrasés,Donnez-nous vos baisers!vos baisers! vos baisers! Ah!Belle nuit, ?? nuit d"amour,Souris à nos ivresses,Nuit plus douce que le jour,?? belle nuit d"amour!Ah! Souris à nos ivresses!Nuit d"amour, ?? nuit d"amour!Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!Translation:Time flies by, and carries awayour tender caresses for ever!Time flies far from this happy oasisand does not return.Burning zephyrs,embrace us with your caresses!Burning zephyrs,give us your kisses!Your kisses! Your kisses! Ah!Lovely night, oh night of love,smile upon our joys!Night much sweeter than the day,oh beautiful night of love!Ah! Smile upon our joys!Night of love, oh night of love!


1、所售产品不同:(1)Bally旗下产品主要有:皮件、鞋、手袋、女式烟盒等。(2)Belle皮件简单分成女用与男用,内容包括皮包、皮带、皮夹、名片夹、旅行箱、皮件保养品等。2、成立公司不同:(1)1850年,因公出差的瑞士绅士Carl Bally某日在巴黎的流行大道上发现一家鞋店,决定买双鞋送给爱妻,却因为忘了尺寸,而将同一款式不同尺寸的皮鞋全部买下。这段Carl Bally与皮鞋的邂逅,引发了他想要生产世界上高级皮鞋的构想。隔一年,第一双Bally皮鞋正式诞生。(2)百丽的前身,是一家资产仅有200万港元的鞋类代工厂。内地改革开放之际,创始人兼董事长邓耀嗅到了商机,1992年从香港转战深圳创建百丽集团。3、设计理念不同:(1)BALLY的鞋和手袋,都具有相近的设计特色,相同的皮革制造,缝制方式相同,甚至连标识的手法都相同,BALLY要创造一个丰富而多元化但仍是一个完美整体的时装世界。(2)BeLLE百丽追求不同的生活体验及生活经历;都市环境不断在变,时装潮流不断在变,生活内容不断在变,女人在一生中的角色不断在变,BeLLE百丽在变化中展现出内在与外在的完美气质。扩展资料:精致的质地与做工,使实穿易搭配的Bally服装系列,表露出隽永的经典风格,精品作风、典匠风范都是其重要的特色。这也说明为何150年以来,BALLY始终受到众人的欢迎。皮鞋是Bally经典的中心。而Bally皮鞋之所以能够经得历史的考验,严谨的制作过程,绝对是其中最重要的原因。2011年 Bally 官方网络旗舰店正式在中国上线,其网店由YOOX集团运营,支持本地配送,覆盖中国100多个城市及地区。Belle的鞋品大多采用真皮材质,即使面料采取了特殊处理,里皮也一定是真皮的。皮质主要靠肉眼细看,真皮会有细小的毛孔,而且大小不均,皮纹也会有粗细。通常情况下,鞋头在制作时会采用最好的皮料,而往往内腰皮质稍差,鞋舌皮更次之,所以每个地方的毛孔都不一样。而PU的皮纹往往是百分百一致的。手感上来说,的PU做得跟真皮已经很像了。而在制鞋过程中采用了化工处理,靠闻也很难辨别皮质。参考资料来源:百度百科——Belle参考资料来源:belle官网——belle参考资料来源:百度百科——BALLY参考资料来源:bally官网——bally

