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Schedule是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉

schedule 英[u02c8u0283edju:l] 美[u02c8skedu0292u:l] n. 时刻表,进度表; 清单,明细表; 预定计划; 目录; vt. 排定,安排; 将…列表; 为…作目录; [例句]He has been forced to adjust his schedule他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。[其他] 第三人称单数:schedules 复数:schedules 现在分词:scheduling过去式:scheduled 过去分词:scheduled


schedule 英["u0283edjuu02d0l] 美["skedu0292uu02d0l] n. 时刻表,进度表;清单,明细表;预定计划;目录 vt. 排定,安排;将…列表;为…作目录 第三人称单数:schedules;过去分词:scheduled;名词复数:schedules;... [例句]We believe the launch schedule implies that supply constraints are not as bad as some feared.我们相信,本次新品推出的时间表意味着供货限制不会像有些人担心的那么严格。


schedulen.工作计划;日程安排;(电视或广播)节目表;(价格、收费或条款等的)一览表,明细表,清单v.安排;为…安排时间;预定;列入,收进(正式目录、清单等中)复数:schedules第三人称单数:schedules现在进行时:scheduling过去式:scheduled过去分词:scheduled派生词:schedulern.例句He has been forced to adjust his schedule 他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。


schedule 英[u02c8u0283edju:u0259l] 美[u02c8sku025bdu0292ul, -uu0259l, ] 过去式:scheduled 过去分词:scheduled 现在分词:scheduling 复数:schedules vt. 1.排定, 安排 2.列入;收进(正式目录、清单等中) 3.把…列入计划;为…制定进度(或时间表) 4.[英国英语]把(某建筑)列为历史文物保护单位 n. 1.时间表, 日程安排表 2.清单, 明细表 3.(电视或广播)节目表 4.(价格、收费或条款等的)一览表;明细表;清单 5.表格;报表 6.[美国英语]预订日期;预定计划 7.[美国英语]计划表,进度表 8.课程表,课目表 9.火车时刻表 10.(美国劳工部认为全国)人员短缺职业一览表(便于签发移民许可证) 及物动词 vt.1.排定, 安排 The secretary is trying to schedule the month"s appointments.秘书正在设法安排这个月的约会。2.列入;收进(正式目录、清单等中)3.把…列入计划;为…制定进度(或时间表) Three runs of trains were scheduled last year.去年又增开三个班次的列车 4.[英国英语]把(某建筑)列为历史文物保护单位 Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.麦积山石窟被中国国务院列为文物保护单位。 名词 n.1.时间表, 日程安排表 Have you made the examination schedule?你已经安排了考试日程吗?2.清单, 明细表 Retailers have several price schedules.零售商们有几份价格明细表。3.(电视或广播)节目表4.(价格、收费或条款等的)一览表;明细表;清单5.表格;报表6.[美国英语]预订日期;预定计划7.[美国英语]计划表,进度表 8.课程表,课目表9.火车时刻表10.(美国劳工部认为全国)人员短缺职业一览表(便于签发移民许可证) 收起词典例句



n. 一览表,计划v. 安排,计划



什么是vesting schedules

  Vesting Schedules中文通常叫做股份行权计划,它的作用在于给与整个创业团队或员工的激励作用,特别是对于初创企业,设立vesting schedule的原因如下  没有一个团队是永远的,例如起初创始公司有4个人,如果中途有创业伙伴离开,那它的股份怎么处理? 总不能让一个不出力的股东持有公司的大部分股票;而Vesting Schedules对于一直为公司服务的股东来说是没有效果的  创始人在行权计划未满前离开公司,则其会丧失剩余部分股权。举个简单的例子,假设行权计划设为四年,第一年实现25%,以后三年按照每个月约2%的比例实现。又假设创始人A拥有公司20%的股份,如果他在签订投资协议一年后离开,其所拥有的股份比例实为5%,在这一年中如果发生股东投票事宜,其仍拥有20%的投票权。如果四年期满后他离开,其股份则为20%。  同样道理,奖励予管理层的期权一般也会设立行权期,分几年向团队发放。设置行权期目的在于锁定管理团队为公司的服务期限。  当然还存在一种Accelerated Vesting ,这种情况发生在公司被收购或者其他特殊原因,原先需要4年的行权期,可能加速行使  一言概之,对于引入VC的创始股东,如果投资人要进来了,自己的股份要分几年才能拿到,这就是vesting schedule的作用

be scheduled to do造个句子

被安排He was scheduled to have the interview last week.

英语Rescource Scheduler怎么翻译?

Rescource Scheduler它的中文意思就是:上的调度器

returnable schedule 是什么意思

returnable schedule回收计划schedule[英][u02c8u0283edju:l][美][u02c8skedu0292u:l]n.时刻表,进度表; 清单,明细表; 预定计划; 目录; vt.排定,安排; 将…列表; 为…作目录; 第三人称单数:schedules复数:schedules现在进行时:scheduling过去式:scheduled过去分词:scheduled双语例句He has been forced to adjust his schedule.他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。


10g 中新推出的SCHEDULER可能确实会让很多初接触的朋友感觉晕头晕脑,相比之前的jobs,SCHEDULER中新增的概念太多。比如说jobs,仍然可以理解成之前版本中的jobs,不过功能更加强大(注意10g中也仍然可以使用普通jobs,这是废话,相信看本篇文章的朋友目前应该还是这样在用),比如说program,指的是运行的程序(把要做什么单提出来了),比如说schedule,我将其翻译为调度(job我翻译为任务),定义执行的频率或者说周期。3.1 创建和管理Schedule s  Schedule ,中文直译的话应该理解成调度,从名字来看,它是一个逻辑实体(逻辑,还实体,好矛盾),就是说当创建了schedule之后,数据库中就肯定存在这一对象,只不过这一对象是用来描述job的执行周期。  创建schedule可以通过DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_SCHEDULE过程,该过程支持的参数如下:SQL> desc dbms_scheduler.create_schedule;Parameter Type Mode Default? --------------- ------------------------ ---- -------- SCHEDULE_NAME VARCHAR2 IN START_DATE TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE IN Y REPEAT_INTERVAL VARCHAR2 IN END_DATE TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE IN Y COMMENTS VARCHAR2 IN Y   各参数分别代表含意如下:SCHEDULE_NAME :指定schedule名称,注意名称不能重复。 START_DATE :指定该调度的开始时间,可为空,当为空时表示该调度暂不起用。 REPEAT_INTERVAL :指定调度的执行频率或周期。 END_DATE :指定调度的结束时间,可为空,为空时就表示该调度将一直进行。 COMMENTS :注释信息。  这其中,比较有技术含量的是REPEAT_INTERVAL参数,对于这个参数大家应该不会太陌生,因为前面介绍Jobs,也曾经提到过同名的参数,Schedules中的REPEAT_INTERVAL参数和Jobs中的REPEAT_INTERVAL参数功能完全相同,甚至参数格式也一模一样。  REPEAT_INTERVAL 参数的语法结构要复杂的多。其中最重要的是FREQ和INTERVAL两个关键字。FREQ 关键字用来指定间隔的时间周期,可选参数有:YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, HOURLY, MINUTELY, and SECONDLY,分别表示年、月、周、日、时、分、秒等单位。 INTERVAL 关键字用来指定间隔的频繁,可指定的值的范围从1-99。  比如说,当指定REPEAT_INTERVAL=>"FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1";就表示每天执行一次,如果将INTERVAL改为7就表示每7天执行一次,效果等同于FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1。  下面,创建一个schedule,指定调度为每周一次的频率,执行脚本如下:SQL> begin 2 DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_SCHEDULE ( 3 schedule_name => "my_first_schedule", 4 start_date => SYSDATE, 5 repeat_interval => "FREQ=WEEKLY; INTERVAL=1", 6 comments => "Every 1 weeks"); 7 END; 8 /PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.  查询当前已经创建的schedules,可以通过*_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULES视图(含DBA_,ALL_,USER_),例如,查看当前用户拥有的schedules,执行语句如下:SQL> select schedule_name,repeat_interval from user_scheduler_schedules;SCHEDULE_NAME REPEAT_INTERVAL------------------------------ ------------------------------MY_FIRST_SCHEDULE FREQ=WEEKLY; INTERVAL=1  如果要修改schedule属性的话,也是使用DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE过程,该过程的调用方式前面已经多次演示过,这里就不再重复举例了,仅说明一点,对于schedule来说,能够修改的属性包括:REPEAT_INTERVAL、COMMENTS、END_DATE、START_DATE以及EVENT_SPEC。  至于删除schedule,再简单不过,执行DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_SCHEDULE过程即可,例如:SQL> EXEC DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_SCHEDULE("MY_FIRST_SCHEDULE");PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

schedule 中 ch的英标

schedule英 ["u0283edjuu02d0l; "sked-]美 ["sku025bdu0292ul]n. 时间表;计划表;一览表vt. 安排,计划;编制目录;将……列入计划表那么sch的音标就是 (三个字母一起)[u0283 ]或[sk]


schedule n.工作计划;日程安排;(电视或广播)节目表; v.安排;为…安排时间;预定;列入,收进(正式目录、清单等中) 第三人称单数: schedules 复数: schedules 现在分词: scheduling 过去式: scheduled 过去分词: scheduled 扩展资料   There may be some minor changes to the schedule.   时间安排也许会有些小小的.变动。   We"re working to a tight schedule.   我们的工作安排得很紧。   Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year.   从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。


schedules的意思是:时间表;明细表;目录;一览表。一、schedule的用法:1、作名词时意为“工作计划;日程安排;(电视或广播)节目表;(价格、收费或条款等的)一览表,明细表,清单”。2、作动词时意为“安排;为…安排时间;预定;列入”,是及物动词,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、固定搭配有:onschedule,toschedule。二、单词用法:1、schedule用作名词的意思是“进度表”“计划表”转化为动词则表示“将某事列入进度表”“为某事安排时间”。2、schedule是及物动词,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,可用于被动结构。双语例句:1、She was accustomed to tight schedules.她习惯于紧张的日程安排。2、Readiness to work to flexible schedules.愿意按照灵活的时间表工作。3、Daily schedules are indispensable to studying.每天的时间表对学习是不可缺少的。4、They have control over their life and work schedules.他们可以控制自己的生活和工作日程安排。5、The organizers scrambled frantically to rejig schedules.组织者们狂热的仓促重新安排计划。



Msg (Mcauley Schenker Group)的《Anytime.》 歌词

歌曲名:Anytime.歌手:Msg (Mcauley Schenker Group)专辑:Unplugged Live胸の中で いつも想う愿い事がある あなたの左に私 腕を组んで頬を染めて 歩いていくあなたからの电话を待つそんなときのテレビや雑志はあなたと过ごす日々 胜手に思い浮かべてみているよ雨の日も光さしこむ高鸣った 鼓动隠してAny day any time いつでも あなた想う気持ち止まらない 止められないAny day any time 愿いを叶えてほしいのよあなたの毎日がほしいまた目がさめて眩しい太阳 浴びて胸の中で いつも想う愿い事がある あなたの左に私 腕を组んで頬を染めて 歩いていくあなたからの电话を待つそんなときのテレビや雑志はあなたと过ごす日々 胜手に思い浮かべてみているよ高鸣った 鼓动隠して雨の日も光さしこむAny day any time 爱する気持ちの大切さ教えてくれたのAny day any time 优しい天使が虹かけてふたりを 导き出すの照れ屋さんであまのじゃくだけど あいしてるAny day any time 爱する気持ちの大切さ教えてくれたのAny day any time 优しい天使が虹かけてふたりを 导き出すのAny day any time いつでも あなた想う気持ち止まらない 止められないAny day any time 愿いを叶えてほしいのよあなたの毎日がほしいAny day any time 爱する気持ちの大切さ教えてくれたのAny day any time 优しい天使が虹かけてふたりを 导き出すのAny day any time いつでも あなた想う気持ち止まらない 止められないAny day any time 愿いを叶えてほしいのよあなたの毎日がほしいまた目がさめて眩しい太阳 浴びてあまのじゃくだけど あいしてる眩しい太阳 浴びてAnytime -Freetempo Remix-作词:Kumi Koda作曲:Hideya Nakazaki

英语作文dear friends,welocm to our school....

Dear friend,Welcome to our school. I would like to talk about two ways of study in our school. The first way is to study in groups. When we study in groups, we can help each other. We can learn to listen to others and how to work together. Also, everyone can have chances to express his own ideas. The other way we like is to study by ourselves. We can make our own plans for study and learn to make good use of time. We can also learn to think by ourselves. And the most important thing is that we we can be the master of our own study Thanks for listening!

第36题 (2.0) 分 Kate is( )American school boy A、a B、an C、the


Kate isuff08 uff09American school boy. Au3001a Bu3001an Cu3001the Du3001/

b 元音开头

Schweisser的《Wolfen》 歌词

歌曲名:Wolfen歌手:Schweisser专辑:Willkommen Im ClubYou chose silenceYou chose it more than lifeYou chose everything that you couldI knew from then more would be had from you"Cause you blow the lifeYou blew the lightYou blow the life out of herYou sit aroundYou sit aroundWanting herTo want you backYou don"t see yourself as the wolfYou only see her as the girlYou won"t be out in the woodsYou"ll be waiting for her behind the curtainsYou don"t see the mess you"ve madeYou don"t see the life you"ve taken from herWith every breath you suck inYou"re more than the wolfYou"re more than the wolfSuck in like wolfSuck in, suck in, suck inSuck in, suck in, suck inSucking

什么时候用are,in ,on。(在地点与时间前。如on school nights ,at sc)


discharge port是什么意思




curriculum和schedule 哪个指的是课表


Articles WantedSchool LifeArticles should be typewritten and double spaced, using only one si...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:B 试题分析:这篇短文主要发布暑假期间学校生活杂志征稿的广告信息。文章必须是打印的而且自己用一面,文章必须是原创的等一些信息。小题1:细节理解题。根据Your name, year of birth, school name (and English teacher), home address and e-mailaddress must be included.可知文章应该包括你的名字、出生日期、学校和英语老师的名字、家庭住址和电子邮箱,所以没有电话号码,故选D电话号码。小题2:细节理解题。根据"I promise(承诺) the above work is completely(完全地)original (原创的)."我承诺以上所写都完全是原创的可知选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据SEND IT ALL SUMMER!整个暑假都可以发送可知选B七月。

求school girl的i am not a just girl歌词

Take this pink ribbon off my eyesI"m ExposedAnd it"s no big surpriseDon"t you think I knowExactly where I standThis world is forcing meTo hold your hand"Cause I"m just a girl, little ol" meDon"t let me out of your signtI"m just a girl, all pretty and petiteSo don"t let me have any rightsOh... I"ve had it up to here!The moment that I step outsideSo many reasonsFor me to run and hideI can"t do the little thingsI hold so dear"Cause it"s all those little thingsThat I fear"Cause I"m just a girl,I"d rather not be"Cause they won"t let me driveLate at nightI"m just a girl,Guess I"m some kind of freak"Cause they all sit and stareWith their eyesI"m just a girl,Take a good look at meJust your typical prototypeOh... I"ve had it up to here!Oh... am I making myself clear?I"m just a girlI"m just a girl in the world...That"s all that you"ll let me be!I"m just a girl, living in captivityYour rule of thumbMakes me worry someI"m just a girl, what"s my destiny?What I"ve succumbed toIs making me numbI"m just a girl, my apologiesWhat I"ve become, is so burdensomeI"m just a girl, lucky meTwiddle-dum there"s no comparisonOh... I"ve had it up to!Oh... I"ve had it up to!!Oh... I"ve had it up to here.I Am Just A Girl I am just a girl, one among the others, nothing much to sayPlain and simple girl, not a special type in any wayJust one look, and you will surely seeThat the true "Miss Nobody" is meIt"s an evil world that has only made me a girlI am just a girl, not the kind of woman men would like to meetJust another girl no-one ever looks at in the streetBut today, I can"t believe it"s trueWhen you smiled and whispered "I love you"Darling I could see, I was meant to be your girlIt"s a funny feeling when you get to love someoneAnd thinking that he"ll never look your wayBut then he says he loves you, and life has just begunIt"s so much more than any words can sayI am just a girl, not the kind of woman men would like to meetJust another girl no-one ever looks at in the streetBut today, I can"t believe it"s trueWhen you smiled and whispered "I love you"Darling I could see, I was meant to be your girlLa la la la la, la la la la la-la, la la la la laaaLa la la la la, la la la la la-la, la la laaaBut today, I can"t believe it"s trueWhen you smiled and whispered "I love you"Darling I could see, I was meant to be your girl

sql server 2000 中有create schema, 如定义create schema klflsk,但是这个构架找不到,并且也不能用

sql server 没有schema的概念他的数据库是:服务器-->实例-->数据库-->(用户)-->表login是建立在实例下的用户是建立在数据库下的。每一个用户必须关联login,才能登录数据库,进行操作。每个数据库可以有多个用户。

On Studying Abroad for Senior High School Students_1200字

On Studying Abroad for Senior High SchoolStudents When it es to studying abroad for seniorhigh school students some people believe that it"s good for senior high schoolstudents to study abroad; others claim that the reverse is right. There isprobably some truth in both arguments but I tend to the former. I"ll start withthe following o aspects: learning and life. From learning studying abroad can providea good language environment and make it easy to pick up English because theyhave more chances to practice speaking English. What"s more they will havemore access to advanced knowledge and experience which has a big influence ontheir future. And then they can put what they learned into practice andcontribute to the development of motherland. Meanwhile it widens students" knowledgeand horizons. From life Studying abroad can help tocultivate their independence and personalities and at the same we"ll get ridof some bad habits such as laziness lacking of concept of time and so on.Besides it improves the ability to deal with problems when they study abroad;they have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to geell with the teachers and clas *** ates. From what we discussed above I maintainthat studying abroad is good for high school students for the followingfactors: the good learning environment、the development of future、the ability to solve problems and the goodhabits in life.




primary school英文发音: [u02c8prau026amu0259ri skuu02d0l]中文释义:小学例句:He used to be a teacher of maths in that primary school.他曾经是名教习,在那所小学教数学。词汇解析:primary英文发音:[u02c8prau026amu0259ri]中文释义:adj.主要的;最重要的;基本的;最初的;最早的;初等教育的;小学教育的例句:Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880直到1880年,英国才开始实行初等义务教育。扩展资料primary的用法:1、primary的基本意思是“首要的,主要的,基本的”,形容在进展顺序上占首位,也指在重要性方面占主导地位,也可表示“最初的,初级的”。2、primary不用于比较等级,在句中只用作定语。primary的短语:1、primary stage 初始阶段2、primary education 初等教育3、primary goal 首要目标4、primary source 主源;第一手来源5、primary production 初级生产







中国海洋大学的网络可以访问SciFinder Scholar吗 学校有没有买使用版权啊


简述Scifinder Scholar数据库的基本检索方法


scifinder scholar的检索网址但是这个只能在学校等院所里的特定ip使用吧。建议看看这个网站,他主页上提供了一些免费的搜索,。http://www.scholartools.org这个则提供了一些数据库的入口:

简述Scifinder Scholar数据库的基本检索方法

检索方法:主要分为Explore、Locate和Browse三种检索方式1. Explore(搜索科技文献):分为Explore Literature、Explore Reactions和Explore Substances三大部分:1.1 Explore Literature(搜索文献):可按照Research Topic(研究主题)、Author Name(作者姓名)和Company Name/Organization(单位名称)三大途径进行检索。1.2 Explore Reactions(搜索反应):可通过画出反应途径查找特定的反应过程。1.3 Explore Substances(搜索物质):可通过画出Chemical Structure(化学结构)或输入Molecular Formular(分子式)来查找化学物质。2. Locate(查找特定的文献或物质):分为Locate Literature和Locate Substance两大部分:2.1 Locate Literature(定位文献):可按照Bibliographic Information(文献著录信息:作者姓名、期刊名、文献题名或专利号)以及Document Identifier(文献:专利号或标识号CA文摘号)进行特定文献的检索。2.2 Locate Substance(定位物质):按照Substance Identifier(物质标识号:化学名称、CAS登记号)查找特定的化学物质。 3. Browse(浏览期刊文献内容):可直接浏览1800 多核心期刊的摘要及其引文等编目内容,在期刊列表中选中感兴趣的期刊,查看需要的论文(系统默认为该期刊最新一期的目录,可点击Select Issue选择查看所有年份的期刊文献。

my last days at school有关的英语作文,怎么写

Next thursday is my last day in school.I will completely leave my highschool to prepare my college entrance examination after the graducation ceremomy. T tell your the turth I am looking forward to the last day ,I think that must be very touched.however I believe the end of this period means the beginning of the other period.希望你能采纳。


5 we came to school at nine last night 六、阅读下面短文,选出最佳选项,将其序号填入提前括号内.(10分) In George"s __1__ there are thirty __2__.There is a clock __3__ the wall.The clock is __4__.There are __5__ student,18 boys and __6__ girls.__7__ is their teacher.She is a good teacher.She is a good teacher.Look __8__ here!George is near the __9__.He is cleaning __10__. ( D ) B.bedroom C.washroom D.classroom ( B ) 2.A.desk and chair B.desks and chairs C.desks and chair D.desk and chairs ( A ) 3.A.on D.of ( C ) 4.A.well B.same C.old D.much ( A ) 5.A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 ( A ) 6.A.12 B.22 C.32 D.42 ( B ) 7.A.Mr Wang B.Miss Wang C.Teacher Wang D.Wang Teacher ( A ) D./ ( A ) 9.A.door B.brooms ( A ) B.them C.that D.those 七、找出下列各句中的错误,划上横线并改正.6 % 1、We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night. We sang English songs and done some Chinese dances last night do--done last night事件发生在过去,全要用过去式 2、Is it yours?No,it isn"t mine book.It"s his. No,it isn"t mine. mine book--mine或mine book--my book mine就等于my book 3、I"d like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries . a lots of改为a lot of许多,固定搭配 4、Look,your pen is on the ground.Pick up it. pick up it改为pick it up代词要放中间 5、I like drinking .I drinked some tea last night. drinked改成drank,drink的过去式是drank 6、A pair of glass are on her desk. are改成is 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容补全单词(首字母已给出) An old woman is going shopping with a basket.She is going by bout.The boat is going across(穿过) the river.Her basket is e__1____ now.Oh dear!Look!Her basket is in the w__2_____."Help!My basket is in the river." A boy sees the basket.He says,"Don"t worry!I can g__3___ it!" He takes off his shirt and shoes."Look a ___4____ them for me,please!" he says,and j__5___ into the river. A duck sees the basket."I can go by b__6___," it thinks.It gets into the basket.The boy is swimming in the river."Where"s the basket?" He asks."It"s over there!" answers the woman."It"s behind you!It"s under that d__7___." The boy gets to the basket."Go away!" he says to the duck.The duck es o__8___ of the basket and swims away.The b__9____ takes the basket back to the woman."Oh,thank you very much," says the woman. "Not at all!" says the boy."Do you have my shirt and shoes,please?" "Yes,here you are.Oh!What"s this in the basket?" "It"s the duck"s e__10____." 请在横线上填写出答案: 1.empty 2.water 3.get 4.after 5.jumps 6.boat 8.out 9.boy 10.eggs

let is go to school是什么意思



Let me show you the school.让我给你看这个学校。祈祈使句是动词原形开头。

我要几篇关于 our colourful school life 的英语文章

how to make our life more colourful when i was a kid , life was really enjoyable and colourful .and i could always find something real funny around me . and i enjoied myself without realizing time . my world could only be some toys ------actually it is not toys , just something i created , cause why ? because i can always find something real funny and that is enough for me . however , you know that good things can never always accomplish with you . And either me , along with time "s leaving , everything changed .the elder , and the more i am going to suffer . the more i wondered to avoid the fact , the more i am going to be lurched . Somethings around me are homework and homework , that is my world but not the world which i loved and i enjoied a lot . And i could not find any thing funny around me , just like when you were older , sweets could not attract you anymore . as time"s going on , life seems to be no longer colourful , it is boring and an awful song to me ! and one day , one movie wake me up (the brave heart) ! when i saw the actor in the movie who has no fear and ambitious , i was greatly moved by his behavior . and i saw the only thing he had and which i was always lack of -----a real brave heart . i understood it immediately . want your life to be colourful , you must first have no fear about things around your life . with a real brave heart , to face it , to chanllenge it ------cause you have no way to wonder back! and life will be colourful again !

纹身科普 | 经典Old School图案的意义

之前我们科普过old school纹身之父,甚至可以说是现代纹身之父——水手杰里。而今天我们就挑选出具有代表性的几个old school图案,来分别说一下其意义,也让看官通过这些纹身的意义能更了解old school风格的内涵的意义。 燕子纹身是old school风格中很常见的图案,很多水手用燕子表明自己航行的距离,一般情况下是5000英里以上。 燕子纹身还有返回、回归的含义,第一种含义是燕子的迁徙方式,总是回到圣胡安·卡皮斯特拉诺(San Juan Capistrano),第二,人们认为,如果水手在海上死亡,鸟类将把他的灵魂带回家天堂。 在船上,船锚是生命的象征,而且是稳定性的完美体现,经常会有水手将“妈妈”或者心爱之人的名字和船锚图案结合在一起,船锚纹身依旧是old school中很流行的存在,船锚纹身稳定的意义吸引着很多爱好者。 水手杰里对鲨鱼的态度体现了许多水手的态度。您想恨他们,但您一定要爱他们。有时动物纹身是要表现出其特征。一头狮子表明你很勇敢。豹子表明你很坚强。但是鲨鱼更多地是关于所克服的事情。手臂上的鲨鱼表示愿意站稳脚跟。你不会成为别人的海鲜。 水手杰里非常欣赏日本纹身大师的作品,是第一个与他们经常通信的西方人。但他也决心在自己的比赛中击败他们。杰里的龙纹身,显然是亚洲人的天性,体现了这些相互矛盾的态度。他们更像是异国鬼魂,而不是活生生的生物——像是早期迷人时代的图腾。 纹身是我们一生中做出的几项不可磨灭的决定之一,代表着对即将死去的日子的承诺——这就是头骨和死亡主题很大的原因之一。另一个是,在古代世界和杰里时代,纹身经常是战士,佣兵和冒险家的标志-那些生活选择代表死亡的人(“死亡或耻辱”)或反感自己的生命的人。 第二次世界大战后,杰里一生都留在了自己心爱的夏威夷群岛。他热爱它的美丽和异国情调,并且它与他所处的世界相距甚远,而那个世界越来越被他视作一个被搞砸了的地方,没有荣誉和信念。 从他传奇的草裙舞女孩到更多风景优美的作品,他的夏威夷纹身反映了他对岛屿的感觉,将其视为地球上的天堂。 服役不仅仅是一份工作,更是人生史诗般的篇章。在那里,朋友可以拯救你的生命,一个决定可以决定你的命运。这种强烈的欲望滋生了对纹身的渴望,对纪念一个倒下的同志的纹身的渴望,这种纹身将一个人与他的排、机组人员或船联系起来……并宣布一种特定的军事信条,比如海军陆战队的“semperfi”。 蛇纹身代表力量。与黑豹不同的是,黑豹通常被描绘在中间动作中,蛇通常被描绘成盘绕着准备攻击的样子,代表着一种不要践踏我的 情感 ,从而避开邪恶、不幸和潜在的争斗。水手杰里最喜欢的蛇是眼镜王蛇。 美洲豹通常被认为是神力和男子气概的图腾,有时也象征着与大自然的联系。水手杰瑞的黑豹纹身特别凶猛和阳刚之气- 画 红色,往往是血腥的爪子,张开的下巴,偶尔在一个裸女的陪伴下(出于某种原因,杰瑞总是做一个红发)。 纹身文化中有一个悠久的传统,那就是庆祝别人害怕的东西(因此头骨和刀之类的东西的主题流行)。水手杰里的LUCK13图案可能是最著名的纹身设计,翻转一个坏运气的象征在它的头上。这个系列展示了杰瑞的标志性设计感和他的幽默感。 水雄鹰是美国的象征,代表荣誉、力量和智慧。对于水手杰里来说,鹰是他理想化的美国的象征。杰里是一个爱国者,他敏锐地意识到(并直言不讳地)自己国家的缺点。杰里的老鹰纹身是凶猛的和标志性的,通常与国旗一起描绘。 性感女郎代表了女性气质的理想和极端——从少女般的完美到性感的诱惑。在水手手臂上沾上墨水的女人将是他几个月来唯一能看到的女性形象。水手杰里将他大胆、精致的风格运用,创造出了堪称世界上最具标志性的纹身。 对于一个水手来说,船既是实用的又是隐喻的。这是你工作的地方,也是你追求意义和冒险的地方。水手杰里热爱船只,并持有每一种主要船只的主文件。他传奇般的克利伯船纹身代表了冒险的召唤和“回家”的决心。而且它们非常适合航海——杰里总是在他的索具上涂上墨水,以保证准确无误。 一个水手盯着大海看了很长一段时间——包括可能不回家——他经常想要一个心形纹身,让他所爱的人离他很近。有时这些心只是图像。其他时候,他们读“妈妈”或一个特殊女孩的名字。红心 仍 最受欢迎的纹身之一。 代表北极星( 历史 上被水手用来航海)的一个航海星纹身被认为能使水手保持航向。因此,他们也被认为是帮助引导水手回家。 这个纹身背后的迷信与船上饲养公鸡和猪的木笼有关。当船只失事时,这种轻巧的木质框架变成了个人漂浮装置,使它们的存活率令人惊讶。一个希望好运的水手会在右脚上纹一个公鸡纹身,在左脚上纹一个猪纹身。 就像一艘满载桅杆的船,纹身展示了一个水手在海上的经历。一旦一个水手越过赤道,他就有权在身上涂上海龟的墨水。一个人在海上呆的时间越长,他们可以炫耀的纹身就越多。

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro歌手:Maria Callas&Philharmonia Orchestra&Tullio Serafin专辑:The Ultimate Maria Callas CollectionO Mio Babbino Caro - Luba OrgonasovaO mio babbino care Oh my dear daddyMi piace, e bello bello

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro (Lauretta) 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro (Lauretta)歌手:Victoria de los Angeles&Orchestra del Teatro dell"Opera&Roma&Gabriele Santini专辑:The Best Opera Album in the World ...Ever!大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro (Lauretta) 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro (Lauretta)歌手:Angela Gheorghiu&London Symphony Orchestra&Antonio Pappano专辑:100 Best Classics大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

O Mio Babbino Caro (Gianni Schicchi) 歌词

歌曲名:O Mio Babbino Caro (Gianni Schicchi)歌手:Florence Easton&Orchestra专辑:The Record Of Singing 1899-1952大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro歌手:Montserrat Caballé&Sir Charles Mackerras&London Symphony Orchestra专辑:100 Best Opera Classics大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro歌手:Montserrat Caballé&Sir Charles Mackerras&London Symphony Orchestra专辑:Classical Heartbreakers大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro歌手:Maria Callas&Philharmonia Orchestra&Tullio Serafin专辑:The One and Only大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro 歌词

歌曲名:Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro歌手:Montserrat Caballé&Sir Charles Mackerras&London Symphony Orchestra专辑:The Classic Experience - 135 of the greatest classical tracksMi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!

O Mio Babbino Caro (Gianni Schicchi) 歌词

歌曲名:O Mio Babbino Caro (Gianni Schicchi)歌手:Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion专辑:Best Of Classic Meets Cuba大仙 编辑 larrywindz提供O mio babbino care, (英文 Oh my dear daddy )Mi piace, e bello bello, I love him, he is so handsomeVo andare in Porta Rossa I want to go to Porta RossaA comperar l anello! to buy the ring!Si,si ci voglio andare Yes, yes, I mean ite se l amassi indarno And if my love were in vainandrei sui Ponte Vecchio I would go to Ponte Vecchioma per buttaarmi in Arno! and throw myself in the Arno!Mi struggo e mi tormento! I fret and suffer torments!O Dio, vorrei morir! Oh God, I would rather die!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!Babbo, pieta, pieta! Daddy, have pity, have pity!


你好这句口号严格来讲属于以动词may引导的虚拟语气。这里may不是情态动词,而是实义动词,表示“祝福,祝愿”。全句有祈祷意味,可以恢复为省略should的虚拟语气句:May China (should) live long / long live !(long作为副词,可以在动词live之前或者之后,都可以。)从这个形式看以看出,在实际喊口号的时候,对这个句子进行了改动,包括省略may和倒装long live和China两个词。希望对你有帮助

there什么a fashion show at school next week


关于commonapp的school form和teacher evaluation

首先问题是,你的counselor和teachers愿不愿意用email和你要apply的学校联系如果不愿意而且不方便(老师普遍不说英语),那就用书面的格式也就是说 你需要打印下来当然,如果你会用PEF编辑器,你也可以用它填好表格但是注意,任何要teacher签名的地方一定要手写,包括签名的日期也要手写。一般老师都要签十几张,根据你所申请的学校的数目来定。表格全部都填完之后拿你们学校的信封和推荐信的中文版+英文版放在一起就可以了。希望可以帮到你。我也是今年申请美国大学的一员。

I ride my bike to school是哪种英语句子结构?


i ride my bike to (go to) school,go to去掉好像也通顺?

可以的 to do sth或者to someplace都可以的

I usually ride my bike to go to school ,不是说一个句子里面


温哥华Kitsilano Secondary School怎么样啊


关于温哥华kitsilano secondary school

虹 昱 冯 产野野 时关闭

West Vancouver Secondary School


upper secondary school是什么意思?


post-secondary school是什么意思


senior school与high school有什么区别?

senior school与high school有什么区别? senior school:(英国的11岁以上儿童的)大龄儿童学校,中国书面也用在高中 high school:美国泛指中学 Senior high school和 high school 有什么区别? senior hish school 指的是高中 high school 的范围比前者大可以指高中也可以指初中 high school与college有什么区别 high school,是美国对高中的叫法 college是大学,或学院 high schooL与middle schooL什么意思,有什么区别 high school 高中 middle school初中 都属于中学 high school和middle school有什么区别呢。谢谢 highschool 指中学,包括高中和初中。middle school 专指初中,专指高中可以用senior high school . high schoool和secondary school有什么区别 在美国,初中:senior middle school;senior high school是中国人“发明”的不地道的英语,在欧美国家一般从1年级到8年级,初中:high school(不要错误地理解为是“大学,高等教育应该说成是higher education),elementary school基础教育,高中。当然理解对这些词汇的理解存在偏差由各国教育制度,高中。 by the way;secondary school指9年级到12年级,高校”的意思:junior middle school:middle school(注意英美的不同),中学统称为middle school在英国、学制安排不同的原因 第一个回答不对,第二第三个都对 high school肯定是高中 secondry school是泛指中学,但大多数是指初中 我们英语老师是这么说的 我在国外也不是白呆的 应该不会错 一般说secondary school 是包含我们的初中和高中的,从12岁开始到18岁。 secondary后面就是college大学了。 另外,要么secondary school, 要么high school (前者多见英英,后者美英)。 初中可以是junior high/junior secondary。 例句辨析: secondary school 1、She taught history at a secondary school. 她在一所中学教历史。 2、One in four pupils leaving secondary school can"t read or write properly. 中学毕业生中有1/4的人读写有问题。 3、Over a third of those now at secondary school in Wales attend schools with over1,000 pupils. 威尔士现在的初中生中有1/3以上的人就读的学校学生总数超过1,000人。 high school 1、The entrance examinations to high school began yesterday morning. 中学入学考试昨天上午开始了。 2、At my brother"s high school graduation the students recited a poem. 在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。 3、In high school, I was very unpopular, and I did encounter a little prejudice. 上中学的时候,我很不受欢迎,确实受到了一些歧视。 Undergraduate school与Graduate school有什么区别 你好!很高兴为你答疑解惑。 前者是本科学院,适合有高中学历或同等学历的人进修.后者是相当于我们国内说的研究生学院,包括硕士研究生,博士研究生,博士后等等.之所以有这种区别,是因为,在外国,如果别人说I am a undergraduate,那就是说我是本科在读生.I am grauduate,说明我已经毕业,一般指本科毕业.如果要强调研究生毕业,要说I am a postgraduate. 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!

加拿大素里教育局semiahmoo secondary school学校怎么样?

It"s suppose to be the best school in surrey, and it has AP classes too

加拿大素里教育局semiahmoo secondary school学校怎么样?

我回答!给我分 !哦~!不错!别我们国家的好多了!

Higher Secondary School是什么意思?


secondary school的美式英语是什么? 还有rubber,film.

secondary school 美式 high school rubber 美式 eraser film 美式 movie 希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O

secondary school是初中还是高中



secondary school是接受secondary education的地方 secondary education是相对于primary education来说的 primary education初等教育或者说基本教育,大致相当于我国的九年义务制基本教育的意思,是人人都要上的,secondary education就好象我们在九年义务教育之后要上的学校 middle school在我们的课本里教做“中学”,其实middle school准确的来说是初中,不包括高中 高中在国外通常叫做high school 所以你看的文章中,这个美国小孩就是先读初中再读高中,完全正常

The First Secondary School in Yongxing是什么意思


My ideal secondary school

My Idea Secondary School I am a Primary 6 student now so I have to choose a secondary school to study. And I wonder my secondary school is… My idea secondary school is large and many things to do after school for example: play basketball and learn English. I never mind that secondary school is not famous but it is band one and it is English secondary school. Also there are three playgrounds because I want one for playing football one for playing basketball and one for other sports. I want the students in that school are all be-having. I wonder there are a school like I said. 参考: me i love your school. I am helpful.because I always to help the teachers to carry books. i am generous.because I always share the food with my clas *** ates. i am tmtellingent.i always get high marks in my class. first. 写边间系你最 ideal o的school... second . 写一下果间school 有d咩好处 3. 写一下果间school 点解系你最 ideal o的school 4. 写一下果间school 有d咩帮到你 .... 5. 果间school 同其他果d school有咩唔同o的地方 参考: me

high schoool和secondary school有什么区别




secondary high school是指高中还是包括初中和高中


美国的elementary school,secondary school,以及high school 是怎么划分的?


请教关于middle school,secondary school,senior high school,junior high school等之间的区别?

以美国的体制为例Junior School表7~8年级Middle School表6~8年级以上都属于Primary EducationSecondary Education主要指High School,表9~12年级和中国的不一样,中国初中一般是7~9年级,高中10~12年级,经常把高中翻成Senior High School,但事实美国没有这种用法的。

关于secondary school问题(2)

更新1: 厂商会中学(深水埗) ㄑ---- 呢个唔系呀...........打错野 何明华会督银禧中学(九龙城) band1,难入 中国香港布厂商会朱石麟中学(观塘) band3,劲差 何文田官立中学(九龙城) band1中-尾,全中文中学,中六同中七都系中文 赛马会官立中学(九龙城) band2 九龙塘学校(中学部)(九龙城) band2 观塘官立中学(观塘) band1 玛利诺中学(观塘) band2-3 慕光英文书院(观塘) band3 宁波公学(观塘) band3,校风唔好 礼贤会彭学高纪念中学(九龙城) band 2尾band3头 校风一般 2007-09-01 16:42:31 补充: 排名:何明华会督银禧中学(九龙城)观塘官立中学(观塘)何文田官立中学(九龙城)赛马会官立中学(九龙城)九龙塘学校(中学部)(九龙城)玛利诺中学(观塘)礼贤会彭学高纪念中学(九龙城) 慕光英文书院(观塘)中国香港布厂商会朱石麟中学(观塘)宁波公学(观塘)

junior secondary school

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