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火影忍者 sadness and sorrow 悲伤版是用什么乐器演奏?

sadnessandsorrow  作曲:增田俊郎  原名:哀と悲,sadnessandsorrow为英文名  乐器:尺八,三味线,小提琴,吉他,钢琴。  出处:火影忍者ost1  介绍:火影忍者里的经典配乐,想必看过火影的人都会被其哀伤的旋律所感动,从刚开始低沉的弦乐再到悠远尺八,再转而动人的钢琴声,再到三味线,最后再转为钢琴清晰的哀诉,日本传统乐器与现代乐器的完美结合,使整首音乐透出浓浓的哀伤,正如乐曲名所传达的。在火影忍者中多次出现,尤其是白之死章节,将白身世的凄苦和白死的悲伤渲染的淋漓尽致,催人泪下,那一幕也成为无数火影迷唏嘘不已的经典。

sad / sorrow,哪一个程度更深一些?


sad sorrow blue 这三个词在意思和用法上的区别


sadness 和sorrow有什么区别?

sorrow 更强烈

哥伦比亚超模丽娜 波萨达(lina posada)资料

姓名: 丽娜·波萨达 Lina Posada国家: 哥伦比亚出生地: 卡利生日: 1991-12-03身高: 173cm体重: 52公斤丽娜·波萨达Lina Posad是谁了,这是一位来自哥伦比亚的超模,关于他的个人资料并不多,下面就是本站世界之最网小编为大家分享的关于哥伦比亚超模丽娜·波萨达Lina Posad个人资料及性感图片吧。哥伦比亚超模Lina Posada这姑娘显然知道她身材有多性感,多火辣,多么值得呈献出来,凹凸有致的身段,傲人无比的上围,性感妩媚的眼神,微启的朱唇,完美的侧脸,展现出独特的气质,每一样都是男人的软肋,每一个角度看起来都堪称完美。她最出名的是她在Bésame和Espiral内衣系列拍摄的照片,同时也担当过Paradizia,Babalú和Ujeans等等知名泳装的模特。Lina Posada有一又超美大长腿的文章,有喜欢的一起来看看吧。出生在哥伦比亚卡利的丽娜·波萨达,Lina Posada是哥伦比亚著名的超模。身高174cm体重52公斤,三围:36 - 24 - 36 的哥伦比亚超模莉娜波萨达lina-posada,是一个已经过了模特黄金年龄的80后,1985年3月13日出生的她(网上也有资料说她出生于1991年12月03日),身材比例超级完美,先不说别的,光是一双大长腿,一页屏幕都看不完,作为一名著名的内衣模特,现在慢慢的淡出了人们的视线,现在转型做起了时装设计师。

哥伦比亚超模丽娜 波萨达(lina posada)资料


谁能给出S开头的英文单词? 那种不好的单词,表示心情什么的.比如SAD这样的



C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoaming里面存放的是软件运行时和结束后的数据和配置文件。roaming文件夹是软件的灵魂,任何软件在它被安装到计算机里面那一天,都只能算是白板程序,而在我们慢慢的使用过程中,我们会发现这个软件越来越顺手,可能你改了软件的主题,可能你改了布局,也可能你改了相应的快捷键,等等,特别是一些可定制性强的软件。这些软件用的越久,就会越带上属于你个人的风格。你所使用的软件的这种与白板软件的不同,体现在数据层面,就是各种各样的,保存在roaming下面的配置文件。各位可曾想过,从一个白板计算机,到最终形成这种极具个人风格的特点。期间要经过多久的配置过程?每个人的计算机都处于不断地变化过程,这种风格也在不断地变化,但始终是区别于白板程序的。相关延伸:1、C:Users用户名AppData里面一般有三个文件夹,分别是Local,LocalLow,Roaming,简单地来说,都是用来存放软件的配置文件和临时文件的,里面有很多以软件名称或软件公司命名的文件夹,理论上都可以删除。2、其中三个文件夹的作用,里面的文件可以随心所欲地删除。C:Users用户名AppDataLocalTemp里面是临时文件。C:Users用户名AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files里面是IE缓存文件(默认是隐藏的)。C:Users用户名AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsHistory里面是浏览器历史记录(默认是隐藏的)。

高一英语必修三课文《A SAD LOVE STORY》 全文翻译?

全文译文:李方的心碎了。那一天是情人节,胡瑾说她下班后会和他在咖啡厅见面,但是她根本就没有现身。此刻,她可能正和她的朋友们在一起,嘲笑着他。她说过她会在七点到达的,他以为她会守约。为了与她约会,他已经期待了足足一整天,可是现在,他却像个傻子一样,孤独的陪伴着他精心准备的玫瑰和巧克力。好吧,他宁愿把伤悲混着咖啡咽进肚子,也不会假装若无其事的接受她将来的歉意。很明显,咖啡店老板正在等候着的李方离开。老板擦拭着桌子,然后,坐下来,打开电视机。里面的节目正是李方需要的!一个关于爱情悲剧的中国故事。天后的孙女下凡来到了人间游玩。神女的名字叫“织女”,是一位擅长纺织的女孩。在人间,织女遇到一位名为“牛郎”的放牛郎,然后二人坠入爱河。(“这就像我和胡瑾。”李方想。)他们悄悄的结了婚,婚后的日子非常快乐。(“我们也会这样的。”李方想。)当天后知道她的孙女和一个凡人结婚以后,大发雷霆,然后命令织女回返天宫。牛郎尝试着追随织女,但是银河挡住了他。发现回来的织女极度悲痛以后,她的祖母才最终决定让小两口每年跨过银河一次,一年见一次面。每年阴历的七月七日,喜鹊们都会用它们的翅膀搭成一座桥,使他们能够跨过银河相见。中国人都希望那天天气晴朗,因为如果那天下雨,就说明织女在哭泣,夫妇二人无法相见。播音员说:“这就是七巧节的故事。当外国人听说这个故事的时候,他们都称这是中国情人节的来源。今天是一个好日子,所以我希望你们都能在今天和自己所爱的人在一起。”当李方起身回家的时候,他想道:“我猜胡瑾根本就不爱我。那么我把这些花和巧克力都扔掉算了,免得再次触景生情。”然后,他把花和巧克力统统扔了。在他回家的路上,当他伤心的从一家街角的茶馆路过的时候,他听见一个声音在叫他。那是胡瑾在向他挥手,并且呼唤:“你为什么来这么晚?我在这里等你好久了!并且我有礼物要送给你!”他能怎么办?他扔掉了她的情人节礼物!她永远不会原谅他的!这绝对不是一个快乐的情人节!说明:虽然我脑子里面翻译只花了5分钟时间,但是全部写出来并且整理好,我花了足足两个小时!楼主请看看翻译质量,口译这么多字市场价是50,笔译是1000字300哦,不可能三百还换不到一个采纳吧?做人要讲良心哦。英语原文:A sad love storyLi Fang was heart-broken. It was Valentine"s Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. But she didn"t turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be there at seven o"clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He would drown his sadness in coffee. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave — he wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV —just what Li Fang needed! A sad Chinese story about lost love. The granddaughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth. Her name was Zhinv, the weaving girl. While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they fell in love. (“just like me and Hu jin,” thought Li Fang.) They got married secretly, and they were very happy. (“we could be like that,” thought Li Fang.) When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her granddaughter was married to a human, she became very angry and made the weaving girl return to Heaven. Niulang tried to follow her, but the rivers of stars, the Milky Way, stopped him. Finding that Zhinv was heart-broken, her grandmother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once a year. Magpies make a bridge of their wings so the couple can cross the river to meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. People in China hope that the weather will be fine on that day, because if it is raining, it means that Zhinv is weeping and the couple won"t be able to meet.The announcer said, “This is the story of Qiqiao festival. When foreigners hear about the story, they call it a Chinese Valentine"s story. It"s a fine day today, so I hope you can all meet the one you love.”As Li Fang set off for home, he thought, “I guess Hu jin doesn"t love me. I"ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away. I don"t want them to remind me of her.” So he did.As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, he heard a voice calling him. There was Hu jin waving at him and calling, “Why are you so late? I"ve been waiting for you for a long time! And I have a gift for you!” What would he do? He had thrown away her Valentine gifts! She would never forgive him. This would not be a happy Valentine"s Day!

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。重点词汇:death释义为死亡。father释义指父亲,爸爸。struck释义指罢工;打击,撞击。sadness释义为悲哀;悲伤,悲痛;使人悲伤的事。into her heart意思是指进入她的内心。英语学习如何快速提高1、首先、培养积极主动的动机。动机对于英语学习来说特别重要。学习是学生的任务,然而为了完成任务而应付学习的动机绝对是不正确的,我们的目的就是想让学生通过英语掌握一些交际的手段,看到外面世界的广大,从而了解一个完全不同的异域世界。2、其次、培养兴趣。除了动机以外,兴趣也很重要。有些学生总觉得学习英语很难,全是些单词,句子,所以总是一提到英语就头晕目眩,退而避之,从而形成了一种对英语的排斥心理。其实,正如我们在玩要时会发现其中一些有趣之处一样,当我们对英语有了一定程度的了解后,也能从中找到有趣的地方。3、最后,要勤奋。那些英语成绩好的同学,勤奋是很重要的一个因素。没有一个人是天生就会一项技能的,想有些成就,只能靠自己努力。所以要学生,第一、上课认真听讲,做好记录,抓住这35分钟的效率。第二、课后及时复习,有问题及时询问老师或同学。可想而知,他们的成功完全靠的是自己后天的努力,要勤奋的锻炼才做得到。


前一个是不开心、不高心、不幸福 后一个是伤心、令人悲痛的

Sad unhappy 什么区别?

Sad 的不开心程度更加深一些。

unhappy跟happy什么关系 happy和sad什么关系?

unhappy 就是不高兴,只不过加了一个否定前缀。un但sad 有悲伤的意思,,,

Pesado的《QuiéN》 歌词

歌曲名:QuiéN歌手:Pesado专辑:Pesado MixQUINCY作词:Samuel Waermo/Marcus Dermulf/Jan Lysdahl/Harry Sommerdahl作曲:Samuel Waermo/Marcus Dermulf/Jan Lysdahl/Harry Sommerdahl日本语词:康珍化编曲:h-wonder歌:BoAきみがわたしのことサイコーにしてくれる Babyそれは自覚してたでも 认めるの ためらってた无视するなんて もう限界It"s a crazy crazy love赤裸な Naked love恋が ふたりに舞い降りるIt"s a crazy crazy love loveやさしい子もいるよ頼れるトモダチも Babyでも 悦びをくれるのはネ きみだけ予感は Change my world 叫んでるIt"s a crazy crazy loveきみの前では谁も似てない子になれるIt"s a crazy crazy love love世界中で きみひとりがBoy boy boy my boyOh, lock on meこの情热の 目撃者It"s a crazy crazy loveYou"re the one I"m feelin" for恋が ふたりに舞い降りるIt"s a crazy crazy love 波打つ Make it loveきみは自分で思うよりずっと sexy sexy boy boyCrazy crazy love赤裸な Naked love时间よとまれ このキスでIt"s a crazy crazy love loveIt"s a crazy crazy love loveIt"s a crazy crazy love love~END~

Suede的《Sadie》 歌词

歌曲名:Sadie歌手:Suede专辑:Sci-Fi Lullabiessuedesadiealbum: Sci-Fi Lullabies Disc 2最爱这段旋律.Inside her is the suburbs,in the sodium lights and the streetsIn the parked cars and the pretty parks,and in every lonely diseaseIn the new loves under covers,in the cold touch of the rightIn the dead flowers and the silent hoursIn the nightclubs and the fightsCold, cold as the night,high as the trees,slow as you likeOh you knowshe"s she"s cold, cold as the the old front room in the rainIn all the bad daysand the music that playsIn the bored kids and their gamesIn the new loves under covers,and all the young mums And their worldsWho are left at home when all the kids have grownwatching the pretty young girlsOh and I"ve got to take it,and I"ve got to fake itAnd I"ve got to use her,and I"ve got to choose herAnd I"ve got to feel it,and I"ve got to steal itAnd I"ve got to be...最爱suede的这首

求 xxxtentacion的Jocelyn Flores和sad!歌曲百度云

Sad Symphony 歌词

歌曲名:Sad Symphony歌手:Esmee Denters专辑:Outta HereEsmee Denters - Sad SymphonyDid anybody hear thatThere"s a string that just broken my heartI can feel itand the sound of it tears me apartPlay it againCause I don"t recognize this song anymoreCan you make it sound like it did before?Its the same old melodyAnd I cant stand what you do to meWhy you keep strumbling on the strings of my heartIt beats like aBut you stole that away from meI shouldve known it right from the startOh babyAll I know is I don"t wanna hurt no moreAll I know is this song needs a different chorusCause theres so many times that I feel like we"ve been hit beforeI stay crying when you walk out the doorI hear a sad, sad symphonyA sad, sad symphonyIts like a sad, sad symphonyI hear a sad, sad symphonySomebody save meCause im surrounded by all of these soundsIts driving me crazyCause you"re playing me way too loudAll I hear is noiseNow I cant hear my own voiceNow I, I didn"t wanna tell you soBut you"re bringing me downBringing me downIts the same old melodyAnd I cant stand what you do to meWhy you keep strumbling on the strings of my heartIt beats like aBut you stole that away from meI should"ve known it right from the startOh babyAll I know is I don"t wanna hurt no moreAll I know is this song needs a different chorusCause theres so many times that I feel like we"ve been hit beforeI stay crying when you walk out the doorI hear a sad, sad symphonyA sad, sad symphonyIts like a sad, sad symphonyI hear a sad, sad symphonyThe song in my head"s playing everywhere I goIt"s taking the beat from my heartI wanna hear the outcomeBut I guess we"re stuckCause I already know this partAnd it seems we just cant get past the startAll I know is I don"t wanna hurt no moreAll I know is this song needs a different chorusCause theres so many times that I feel like we"ve been hit beforeI stay crying when you walk out the doorI hear a sad, sad symphonyA sad, sad symphonyIts like a sad, sad symphonyI hear a sad, sad symphony


SAD position recruitment information:Job description:1, according to the development strategy of company and customer requirements and design standard unified coordination grasp,2, according to the integral style and customer requirements, independently completed A major projects of graphic design.3, according to the customer request and the overall work plan, guide other designer complete B/C level project of graphic design.For requirements:1 bachelor degree or above, majored in five years related working experience, strong ability to grasp, visual works with originality and shock, To lead the team to be independent,2 and a profound art strength artistic accomplishment, senior design strength and expressive hand-painted,3, with super vision guidance and executive ability, has the strong creative strategies understanding ability,4, work, should be clearly, skillfully operate all kinds of related software design work,5, style, humility, good communication skills and team cooperation spirit and personality extrovert,6 and healthy psychological quality, continuous learning capability and the orderly in-service professional morality,7 and independently creative proposal,8 and 3 years relevant working background in art.






mangaddp builder World.世界名称

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator桌面4]RTZ2788TJ%KO5]%VWEH(4.jpg请问下这是一个什么软件,里面




请问 ONE OK ROCK在武道馆的演唱会 主唱TAKA穿的白衬衫(背后印有SAD英文)是什么牌子的 ~~谢谢


sadism and masochism是什么意思

sadism and masochism虐待狂与受虐狂双语例句1Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。2Analyses show that it is sadism and masochism in Jack London that result in his final self-destruction.分析结果表明正是伦敦身上存在的施虐狂倾向及受虐狂倾向导致了他最终的自毁。



sadism and masochism是什么意思

sadism and masochism 施虐-受虐狂,西方称之为sadomasochism(简称sm虐恋),统指与施虐、受虐相关的意识与行为.它的简写SM.虐恋现象最早发现于17世纪末,首先出现在文学活动和一些商业性虐待服务中.

sadism and masochism是什么意思

sadism and masochism 施虐与受虐;施虐症与受虐症;愉虐例句筛选1.He used the names of two famous writers to characterize two of them: Sadismand Masochism .他用上述两位著名作家的名字来表达施虐和受虐的特征。2.Sadism and masochism are sometimes abbreviated as SM.虐待狂和被虐待狂有时缩写成SM。


sadism n.[心] 虐待狂, 病态的残忍masochism n.[心]性受虐狂, 受虐色情狂, 受虐狂就是传说中的SM晕,忘了匿了。。



Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of e-business.

E-business involves using the internet to integrate the vendors or traders with the consumers and suppliers. Probably the biggest advantage of conducting business online is that the firm and its products have a worldwide presence. E-business has greatly contributed to improvement in customer service。Marketing products through the web has made advertising extremely cost effective。 E-business has some very potent sectoral limitations.E-business requires substantial resources at hand for redefining product lines for online selling. There are many different benefits of E-business,but it is not without its negative sides.(2段为优点,3段为缺点)

cad 安装失败 请检查c:usersadmini~1appdatalocal empautocad 2007 setup.log


the disadvantage internet slang(网络用语的弊端) 要用英文说的

1.It will affect students" learning.There are more and more students using cyber slang in their school projects and/or writting.The standard of their English will be lowered.They do not aware the differents between formal and informal English. 2.People who do not use internet frequently find it hard to understand the cyber slang.They cannot grasp the meaning of those abbreviations. PLEASE CHECK IF THERE IS ANY GRAMMAICAL OR SPELLING MISTAKES.

星际争霸里星灵的战吼那句 En taro tassadar是什么意思

en taro是神族语,某某万岁的意思。en taro tassadar就是塔萨达(神族执政官之一)万岁的意思,战役里也出现过en taro Zeratu。别的还真记不住多少了,有一年没玩了


后面直接输ipconfig/all 回车

韩文歌曲goodbye sadness hello happiness 求中文歌词翻译


feel sadness?

feel sadness? 感受忧伤?对的 是指感受忧伤那种感觉make you feel sadness? 这个应该用feel sad让你感到忧伤

I feel a deep sadness.sad为什么要加ness



什么是悲伤? 情绪低落的时候吗?感觉到忧郁?每个人都有伤心.是的,你见到过的每个人都会有.有些人悲伤的感情,只是曾经在一段时间内,其他人可能悲伤的感觉非常频繁,有一半以上的青少年至少每月都会有一次. 悲伤是一种情感,他们失去了一些重要的东西,或者当他们对一些东西感到失望,一些悲伤的事情发生在他们身上或别人.当他们是孤独的,人们常常感到悲伤. 让任何年纪的伤心人得到帮助是很重要的.当这样做,他们可以快点好起来.有时谈论什么让你难过悲伤的时,你感觉好过一些.当你觉得悲伤的时候,总会找到人倾诉.有时,药物可以帮助悲伤愈合.有时,上述的两样都会有用.

sometimes sadness 歌词

Kiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby you"re the bestI got my red dress on tonightDancing in the dark in the pale moonlightDraw my hair up real big beauty queen styleHigh heels off, I"m feeling aliveOh, my God, I feel it in the airTelephone wires above all sizzling like a snareHoney, I"m on fire I feel it everywhereNothing scares me anymoreOne, two, three, fourKiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby you"re the bestI"ve got that summertime, summertime sadnessS-s-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessOh, oh-oh oh-ohI"m feeling e-lec-tric tonightCruising down the coast goin" "bout 99Got my bad baby by my heavenly sideI know if I go, I"ll die happy tonightOh, my God, I feel it in the airTelephone wires above all sizzling like a snareHoney, I"m on fire I feel it everywhereNothing scares me anymoreOne, two, three, fourKiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby you"re the bestI"ve got that summertime, summertime sadnessS-s-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessOh, oh-oh oh-ohThink I"ll miss you foreverLike the stars miss the sun in the morning skyLate is better than neverEven if you"re gone I"m gonna drive, drive, driveI"ve got that summertime, summertime sadnessS-s-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessOh, oh-oh oh-ohKiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby you"re the bestI"ve got that summertime, summertime sadnessS-s-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessOh, oh-oh oh-oh-oh

他们哭的如此悲伤 中的悲伤是用sad还是sadness?为什么

they are crying,so sad~用sad


是这样的,抽象名词如果具体化,常在前面加不定冠词。如:a heavy rain a success a loser

red apple 的sadness 中文歌词

LEDApple - SADNESSbaby i don"t wanna cry切半那路力几吗一咯大出古极莫拉baby don"t you break my heart内给桑qio就几吗都啦哇你噶皮lio嘿诺一集怕配家就噶动噶非几跟诺了ki打里嫩得穷话啦都吧大就忒大比啦都就忒切能哦地一能够你 oh babyooh~~那能诺木卡素米啊怕ooh~~诺哇也粗哦gi切多那baby i don"t wanna cry切半那路力几吗一咯大出古极莫拉baby don"t you break my heart内给桑qio就几吗都啦哇你噶皮lio嘿你噶君pion几你吗几吗给ki一pio一兰加喷读苦家阿木咯几啊能qiopio里都完您qio无搜都能木里喝了内 oh babyooh~~拉地哦哎喝了能诺嘞ooh~~你噶就哇嘿n都一诺嘞baby i don`t wanna cry切半那路力几吗一咯大出古极莫拉baby don`t you break my heart内给桑qio就几吗都啦哇你噶皮lio嘿Rap:米亲撒浪qio龙口里了黑没诺哇卡都啵恰架卡内希他嘞qio龙吗低哦ki能 看就gi 苏了噗米(那了木里内)斗咯破啊都 破一几啊诺诺了破咯都 的里几啊诺come back to me again几肯内够特咯哦mion对 i miss u切半都大噶几慢切半那路里几慢哦都尅 那读够都那摸读阿莫你够呀尅mion 头啊无够呀头啦哇 那一gio特咯oh ~ yeahbaby listen to this songlady listen to this songbaby listen to this songlady listen to this song切白那都那卡机吗切白那无里几能吗头啦哇 那一gio特咯

Summertime Sadness是同性恋么/


sadness madness为什么不用双写d??




LED Apple SADNESS 的中文歌词。


跪求summertime sadness这首歌的中文音译 不是中文翻译 是音译

summertime sadness的音译歌词:苏来几噶啊大哦那No扣哈大哇莫哦,hi呀尅No一咯得就都啊塞诶得,没咯西大No得卡尅那古加,一么苏古你啊噶鹿m ki哦恩都,hi内一西得米恩那卡噶呀ki大苏m,Ho oh~So库,一古哟Let"s Go!Summer Time!扣一苏鹿BOYS And Girls,几噶呢Sunshine哦为苏鹿mGo For It!他一那Ten叫哦,ki一不西得(ki一不西得)他No西加诶,一江!Let"s Go!Summer.Time!一苏一的BOYS And Girls那字No那七库哇米几噶一Go For It!哇丝来啦冷那一,哦莫一得咯(物理得莫)ki米叫那扣扫Summer Time一扫噶西一得啊都妈哇西(啊都妈哇西)西得大啦莫哦,忒哦库来你啦鹿皮气大啊得哈那皮莫扫,他No西一库都ki噶鹿m给忒比ki你莫库哦得库米库恩得,努来他啊忒大一秋不,啊搜波哦,一古哟Let"s Go!Summer Time!扣一苏鹿BOYS And Girls几噶呢Sunshine哦为苏鹿mGo For It!No妈恩地个那咻嗯卡恩莫(咻噶能莫)你No 噶撒就你卡一噶啦,那命你撒拉哇来得西妈恩,米大一你丝古ki也得洗马五噶啦一搜噶那gia啊当没OH BABY Are you ready!一古哟Let"s Go!Summer Time!扣一苏鹿BOYS And Girls几噶呢Sunshine哦为苏鹿mGo For It!他一那Ten叫哦,ki一不西得(ki一不西得)他No西加诶,一江!Let"s Go!Summer.Time!一苏一的BOYS And Girls那字No那七库哇米几噶一Go For It!哇丝来啦冷那一,哦莫一得咯(物理得莫)ki米叫那扣扫Summer Time

求LED APPLE的歌sadness的中文歌词。。。谢

Sadness作词:枫羽作曲:Lim Sang Hyuck, Son Young Zin(Don"t you know that)La Li La La La SadnessLa Li La La La woo woo woo woo woo(Don"t you know that)La Li La La La SadnessLa Li La La La woo woo woo woo woo (sadness)失去的爱 痛苦迎面而来 你不在整个脑袋 思念排山倒海 抛不开时间无法抹去爱 却留下重伤害回忆不停的倒带 就好像你从没离开Come back 你知不知道我还在等待我无力挣脱 无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞I don"t know why why why whyTell me why why why why绝望中是否爱还存在 (Don"t you know that)La Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La La Li La La LaSadness Sad ne e e ess Sadness孤单就是吞噬我的黑洞我无法抵抗陷入了被动不管思念多重就让我承受这命运的捉弄紧绷 心痛 夜寒冷像被冰冻对你的想念已失控永远不要说 good bye时间无法抹去爱 却留下重伤害回忆不停的倒带 就好像你从没离开Come back 你知不知道我还在等待我无力挣脱 无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞I don"t know why why why whyTell me why why why why绝望中是否爱还存在 (Don"t you know that)La Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La La Li La La LaSadness Sad ne e e ess SadnessSadness Sadness整个世界褪去色彩don"t know why依然相信你会回来don"t know whyCome back我无力挣脱 无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞I don"t know why why why whyTell me why why why why绝望中是否爱还存在 (Don"t you know that)La Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La La Li La La LaSadness Sad ne e e ess SadnessSadness Sadness Sadness


down是方位词sadness是情感词sadness释义n.悲伤,悲痛;使人悲伤的事(或难过)的事down释义adv.在下方,在低处;由高到低,向下;(坐、躺、放)下;(因破坏性力量倒、垮、塌)下;写在纸上;在南部,向南方;传下去地;(在列表或序列中)处于较低位置,处于次要地位;在较低的位置(或程度、水平、速度等);减到更小,变得更弱;失利,落后;不能动弹地,不能移动地;朝向……的方向;完全地,彻底地;作为首期款(或定金);在肚子里;<英>离开学校(或大学);甚至包含(最细微或最不重要部分)地;只剩下(某人或某物);打倒;<英>离开首都(或重要城市);在楼下,住楼下;到,去,在(当地的商店、酒馆等地方); 已完成数量(或进度);失去(钱数);(航海)顺水或顺风;(命令人或动物)坐下(或躺下、趴下);(登记)在名单上;(电脑系统)(尤指暂时)处于故障状态;<美>(橄榄球)(球或持球队员)成死球;(纵横填字游戏)由上至下地adj.在低处的,在下方的;向下的;便宜的,低廉的;降低的,低于正常水平的;不活跃的,萧条的;比分落后于对手的;不运转的,出故障的;悲伤的,低落的;已完成的,完结了的;完全掌握的;正式签署(或记录)的;了解的,赞成的 ;(某人数)出局的;<美>(橄榄球)成死球的;患……病的;<非正式>对……不满的; 记在纸上的;在地上的;赶时髦的;(火车)从大的始发站出发的;(物理)(夸克)下的n.羽绒;绒毛,软毛,汗毛;(美式足球)十码进攻;失败,挫折;<非正式>不快乐,沮丧prep.向下,朝下;沿着,顺;在……的那一端; 贯穿……时间,遍及……时期;在……的下游,向……的下游v.使掉落;<非正式>一口气吃下,一口气喝下;<非正式>(尤指在比赛中)打败,击败,战胜;<美>(橄榄球)使成死球

M4M的《Sadness》 歌词

Sadness演唱:M4M(Don"t you know that)La Li La La La SadnessLa Li La La La woo woo woo woo woo(Don"t you know that)La Li La La La SadnessLa Li La La La woo woo woo woo woo (sadness)失去的爱 痛苦迎面而来 你不在整个脑袋 思念排山倒海 抛不开时间无法抹去爱 却留下重伤害回忆不停的倒带 就好像你从没离开Come back 你知不知道我还在等待我无力挣脱 无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞I dont know why why why whyTell me why why why why绝望中是否爱还存在(Don"t you know that)La Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La La Li La La LaSadness Sad ne e e ess SadnessRap:孤单孤单就是吞噬我的黑洞我无法抵抗陷入了被动不管思念多重 就让我承受这命运的捉弄紧绷 心痛 夜寒冷的像被冰冻对你的想念已失控 永远不要说 good bye时间无法抹去爱 却留下重伤害回忆不停的倒带 就好像你从没离开Come back 你知不知道我还在等待整个世界褪去色彩dont know why依然相信你会回来dont know why Come back我无力挣脱 无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞I dont know why why why whyTell me why why why why绝望中是否爱还存在(Don"t you know that)La Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La Sad ne e e essLa Li La La La La Li La La LaSadness Sad ne e e ess SadnessLa


方逸伦:Don"t you know that合:La Li La La LaSadnessLa Li La La La罗胜宇:Woo woo woo woo woo方逸伦:Don"t you know that合:La Li La La La朱兆丰:Sadness合:La Li La La La朱兆丰:Woo woo woo woo wooSadness方逸伦:失去的爱 痛苦迎面而来你不在朱兆丰 :整个脑袋 思念排山倒海抛不开方逸伦:时间无法抹去爱朱兆丰:却留下重伤害方逸伦:回忆不停的倒带罗胜宇:就好像你从没离开come back你知不知道我还在等待方逸伦:我无力挣脱无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞朱兆丰:Sadness罗胜宇:Sadneeeess方逸伦:Sadness于斌:孤单就是吞噬我的黑洞 我无法抵抗陷入了被动不管思念多重就让我承受着命运的捉弄紧绷 心痛 夜寒冷的像被冰冻对你的想念已失控永远不要说 goodbye方逸伦:时间无法抹去爱朱兆丰:却留下重伤害方逸伦:回忆不停的倒带罗胜宇:就好像你从没离开come back你知不知道我还在等待方逸伦:我无力挣脱无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞罗胜宇:IDon"t knowwhywhywhywhyTellmewhywhywhywhy方逸伦:绝望中是否爱还存在朱兆丰:Don"t you know that合:La Li La La LaSadneeeess朱兆丰:La Li La La La于斌:Sadneeeess合:La Li La La LaLa Li La La La朱兆丰:Sadness罗胜宇:Sadneeeess方逸伦:Sadness朱兆丰:整个世界褪去色彩don"tknowwhy罗胜宇:依然相信你会回来于斌:don"tknowwhy罗胜宇:come back方逸伦:我无力挣脱无处闪躲无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞罗胜宇:IDon"t knowwhywhywhywhyTellmewhywhywhywhy方逸伦:绝望中是否爱还存在朱兆丰:Don"t you know that合:La Li La La LaSadneeeess罗胜宇:La Li La La La于斌:Sadneeeess合:La Li La La LaLa Li La La La朱兆丰:Sadness罗胜宇:Sadneeeess朱兆丰:SadnessSadnessSadnessSadness


名词 悲哀,忧伤,忧愁,悲哀



跪求summertime sadness的音译歌词!

苏来几噶啊大哦那No扣哈大哇莫哦,hi呀尅No一咯得就都啊塞诶得,没咯西大No得卡尅那古加,一么苏古你啊噶鹿m ki哦恩都,hi内一西得米恩那卡噶呀ki大苏m,Ho oh~So库,一古哟Let"s Go!Summer Time!扣一苏鹿BOYS And Girls,几噶呢Sunshine哦为苏鹿mGo For It!他一那Ten叫哦,ki一不西得(ki一不西得)他No西加诶,一江!Let"s Go!Summer.Time!一苏一的BOYS And Girls那字No那七库哇米几噶一Go For It!哇丝来啦冷那一,哦莫一得咯(物理得莫)ki米叫那扣扫Summer Time一扫噶西一得啊都妈哇西(啊都妈哇西)西得大啦莫哦,忒哦库来你啦鹿皮气大啊得哈那皮莫扫,他No西一库都ki噶鹿m给忒比ki你莫库哦得库米库恩得,努来他啊忒大一秋不,啊搜波哦,一古哟Let"s Go!Summer Time!扣一苏鹿BOYS And Girls几噶呢Sunshine哦为苏鹿mGo For It!No妈恩地个那咻嗯卡恩莫(咻噶能莫)你No 噶撒就你卡一噶啦,那命你撒拉哇来得西妈恩,米大一你丝古ki也得洗马五噶啦一搜噶那gia啊当没OH BABY Are you ready!一古哟Let"s Go!Summer Time!扣一苏鹿BOYS And Girls几噶呢Sunshine哦为苏鹿mGo For It!他一那Ten叫哦,ki一不西得(ki一不西得)他No西加诶,一江!Let"s Go!Summer.Time!一苏一的BOYS And Girls那字No那七库哇米几噶一Go For It!哇丝来啦冷那一,哦莫一得咯(物理得莫)ki米叫那扣扫Summer Time

Summertime Sadness是在说什么



sadness的同义词:unhappiness。sadness,意为“悲哀;悲伤,悲痛;使人悲伤的事”。 sadness短语搭配 Summertime Sadness 夏日忧伤;夏日忧郁;夏日忧愁;白凉凉 Goodbye Sadness 告别悲伤;如此难过 inexplicable sadness 莫名的悲伤;令人费解愁;莫名的忧伤;莫名伤感 Helpless sadness 无奈的悲伤;无奈悲伤 little sadness 浅的悲伤;小忧伤 Underwater Sadness 水底悲歌 Blue sadness 蓝色悲哀;浅蓝色忧伤 Hello sadness 你好忧伤;唱片名 Vienna sadness 维也纳的悲伤 sadness双语例句 He felt a great sadness for this little girl. 他为这个小女孩深感悲哀。 As the evening progressed, sadness turned to rage 随着夜幕逐渐降临,悲伤变成了愤怒。 All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension 所有很棒的歌曲都透着某种悲伤和张力。 There was a terrible sadness in her eyes 她眼神中流露出深深的悲伤。



summertime sadness怎么唱

按歌词唱:Lana Del Rey - Summertime SadnessKiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby, you the bestI got my red dress on tonightDancin" in the dark in the pale moonlightDone my hair up real big, beauty queen styleHigh heels off, I"m feelin" aliveOh my god, I feel it in the airTelephone wires aboveAre sizzlin" like a snareHoney I"m on fire, I feel it everywhereNothin" scares me anymore(One, two, three, four)Kiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby, you the bestI got that summertime, summertime sadnessSu-su-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessI"m feelin" electric tonightCruisin" down the coast, goin" about 99Got my bad baby by my heavenly sideI know if I go, I"ll die happy tonightOh my god, I feel it in the airTelephone wires aboveAre sizzlin" like a snareHoney I"m on fire, I feel it everywhereNothin" scares me anymore(One, two, three, four)Kiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby, you the bestI got that summertime, summertime sadnessSu-su-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessThink I"ll miss you foreverLike the stars miss the sun in the morning skyLater"s better than neverEven if you"re gone I"m gonna driveI got that summertime, summertime sadnessSu-su-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadnessKiss me hard before you goSummertime sadnessI just wanted you to knowThat baby, you the bestI got that summertime, summertime sadnessSu-su-summertime, summertime sadnessGot that summertime, summertime sadness


sadness是名词,悲伤sad是形容词 悲伤的


前者形容词后者名词I am sadI am filled with sadness一目了然了。 怎么个具体法,如果你连形容词和名词的用法都不知道的话,那问题就大了。




sadness: 悲伤, 忧愁sad系常用词, 含义很广, 一般指“不十分强烈地悲愁或难过的”, 如:The news made her sad.这消息使她伤心。distress指“精神上悲痛或造成痛苦的原因”、“身体上的疼痛或不适”或“某种灾难所造成的痛苦或苦难”, 如:Famine caused widespread distress.饥荒引起了普遍的忧虑。


unhappy 不开心的

summertime sadness中英歌词

  Kiss me hard before you go  在你离开之前请用力亲吻我  Summertime sadness  以纪念这夏日之伤   I just wanted you to know  我只想让你知道  That baby you"re the best  亲爱的你对我来说是最好的  I got my red dress on tonight  今晚我穿上了火红的舞裙  Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight  在黑暗中在那惨白的月光下跳舞  Got my hair up real big beauty queen style  还有我那如选美王后般华丽的发型  High heels off, I"m feeling alive  脱下了高跟鞋我感受着活力  Oh, my God, I feel it in the air  Oh, my God, 在空气中隐约感觉到  Telephone wires above all sizzling like your stare  电话线嘶嘶作响如同你穿透的视线  Honey I"m on fire I feel it everywhere  亲爱的我感到每个角落的热情都在燃烧着我  Nothing scares me anymore  我无所畏惧  Kiss me hard before you go  在你走之前请用力亲吻我  Summertime sadness  以纪念这夏日之伤  I just wanted you to know  我只想让你知道  That baby you"re the best  亲爱的你对我来说是最好的

求新人组合m4m 《sadness 》韩文版的中韩对照歌词

韩文:Don"t you know that la li la la la sadness la li la la wohuhuhu la li la la la sadness la li la la la wohuhuhu sadness A:uc544ub4ddud574uc9c4uc800ud380 uae30uc5b5uc5d0uc11c ub110 ucc3euc544uac00 J:ub10cub610 uc560uc368 ucc38uc558ub358 ub208ubb3cub85c ub0a0 ucc3euc544uc640 A:uc2dcuac04uc740 ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b0ub824 J:ub208ubb3cub85c ub4e4uc544uc640 A:ucd94uc5b8uc740 ub108ub97c ube44ucd94uba70 Y:ub610ub2e4uc2dc ub370ub824uc624uc796uc544 ub10cuc65c uc544ub9ad ub0b4 uac89uc5d0 ub5a0 ub098 uc9c0ub97c uc54auc544 A:uc774uc7b0ub110 uc9c0uc6b8uac8c woo woo woo ub2e4ubc84ub9b4uac8c woo woo woo uc9c0ub09c ucd94uc5b5uc5d0uc11c ubcf4ub0b4uc990uac8cwoo woo woo I don"t know why why why Tell me why why why uc65cub10cud56duc0c1 ub610 uadf8 uc9c0ub9acuc5d0 Don"t you know that la li la la la sadne ne ne ss la li la la la sad ne ne ne ss la li la la la la li la la la sadness sadne ne ne ss sadness Rap B:uae49ud321uc9c8ud321 ub5a0ub098ub824ub358 uc9d1uc55e uc544ub450uc6b4 ubc25uc744 ubc14ub77cubcf4uc9c0ub9cc uc2acud508 uc6b0ub9ac uae30uc5b5 ub2e4uc2e0 uc77cuc5b4ub098uae30 ud568ub4e3 uae30uc801 ub69d ub69d ub538uc5b4uc9c0ub294 ub208ubb3cub85c uc9c0uc6ccuc9c0uc9c0uac00 uc54auc544 uc7a9 uac00ub77cub294 uc2acud508goodbye A:uc2dcuac04uc740 ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b0ub824 J:ub208ubb3cub85c ub4e4uc544uc640 A:ucd94uc5b8uc740 ub108ub97c ube44ucd94uba70 Y:ub610ub2e4uc2dc ub370ub824uc624uc796uc544 ub10cuc65c uc544ub9ad ub0b4 uac89uc5d0 ub5a0 ub098 uc9c0ub97c uc54auc544 A:uc774uc7b0ub110 uc9c0uc6b8uac8c woo woo woo ub2e4ubc84ub9b4uac8c woo woo woo uc9c0ub09c ucd94uc5b5uc5d0uc11c ubcf4ub0b4uc990uac8cwoo woo woo I don"t know why why why Tell me why why why uc65cub10cud56duc0c1 ub610 uadf8 uc9c0ub9acuc5d0 Don"t you know that la li la la la sadne ne ne ss la li la la la sad ne ne ne ss la li la la la la li la la la sadness sadne ne ne ss sadness J:uc2a4uce58ub294 ubc14ub78cuc5d0 ub098ub97c ub370ub77cuc640 Y:uc9c0ub098uac04 uc2dcuac04uc740 ub110uc560 ucc3euc544uc640 ub610uc65c ucd94uc5b8uc740 ub108ub97c ube44ucd94uba70 Y:ub610ub2e4uc2dc ub370ub824uc624uc796uc544 ub10cuc65c uc544ub9ad ub0b4 uac89uc5d0 ub5a0 ub098 uc9c0ub97c uc54auc544 A:uc774uc7b0ub110 uc9c0uc6b8uac8c woo woo woo ub2e4ubc84ub9b4uac8c woo woo woo uc9c0ub09c ucd94uc5b5uc5d0uc11c ubcf4ub0b4uc990uac8cwoo woo woo I don"t know why why why Tell me why why why uc65cub10cud56duc0c1 ub610 uadf8 uc9c0ub9acuc5d0 Don"t you know that la li la la la sadne ne ne ss la li la la la sad ne ne ne ss la li la la la la li la la la sadness sadne ne ne ss sadness sadness sadness sadness中文:A:Don"t you know that 合:La Li La La La   Sadness 合:La Li La La La V:Woo woo woo woo woo A:Don"t you know that 合:La Li La La La J:Sadness 合:La Li La La La J:Woo woo woo woo woo J:Sadness A:失去的爱 痛苦迎面而来 A:你不在 J :整个脑袋 思念排山倒海 J:抛不开 A: 时间无法抹去爱 J: 却留下重伤害 A :回忆不停的倒带 V : 就好像你从没离开 V : come back V:  你知不知道我还在等待 A: 我无力挣脱 A:无处闪躲 A:无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞 V:I Don"t know V:why  why why why V: Tell me V: why  why why why A:绝望中是否爱还存在 J:Don"t you know that 合:La Li La La La A:Sad ne e e ess V:La Li La La La B:Sad ne e e ess 合:La Li La La La 合:La Li La La La J:Sadness V:Sad ne e e ess A:SadnessB:孤单就是吞噬我的黑洞   我无法抵抗陷入了被动 B:不管思念多重 B:就让我承受着命运的捉弄 B:紧绷 心痛  夜寒冷的像被冰冻 B:对你的想念已失控  B:永远不要说 good  bye A:时间无法抹去爱 J:却留下重伤害 A:回忆不停的倒带 V :就好像你从没离开 V :come back V: 你知不知道我还在等待 A:我无力挣脱 A:无处闪躲 A:无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞 V:I Don"t know V:why  why why why V: Tell me V: why  why why why A:绝望中是否爱还存在 J:Don"t you know that 合:La Li La La La Sad ne  e   e  ess V:La Li La La La B:Sad ne  e   e  ess 合:La Li La La La 合:La Li La La La J:Sadness V:Sad ne  e   e  ess A:SadnessJ:整个世界褪去色彩  don"t  know why V:依然相信你会回来 B:don"t  know why V :come back A:我无力挣脱 A:无处闪躲 A:无法抵抗最深沉的寂寞 B:I Don"t know B:why  why why why V: Tell me V: why  why why why V:绝望中是否爱还存在 J:Don"t you know that 合:La Li La La La Sad ne  e   e  ess V:La Li La La La B:Sad ne  e   e  ess 合:La Li La La La 合:La Li La La La J:Sadness V:Sad ne  e   e  ess B:Sadness    Sadness    Sadness    Sadness


两者都是名词,做主语或宾语。虽然都有表示悲伤的意思,但程度不同sadness一般指心情的低落,而grief更强调发自内心的悲痛,程度更深 习惯用语bring sb. to grief 使某人遭到不幸, 使失败; 使吃苦头come to grief 遭难, 受伤, 失败;



《Summertime Sadness》--Lana Del Rey之前推荐过Lana Del Rey的歌叫《Diet Mountain Dew》,所以对于她本人就不做过多介绍了。 《Summertime Sadness》创作于2011年夏季,词曲由 拉娜·德雷 和Rick Nowels编写. 专辑版音乐由Emile Haynie、Rick Nowels制作,而电台版音乐则另由Rick Nowels和Devrim Karaoglu制作。在此之前,当Rick Nowels遇到拉娜·德雷后,他便主动与她交谈,他说当他听到拉娜·德雷发布在YouTube上的一些歌曲后,便想要为她做一些音乐,并询问她想要写什么样的歌曲。当他们在写这首歌的时候,Rick Nowels便意识到拉娜·德雷是一个杰出的作曲家和一个神奇的艺术家 . 个人还是很喜欢她的声音,非常具有穿透力,可以让人直接进入他的歌曲中,不管你能否可以听懂歌词,那个好听的迷人的声音就足够支撑她的歌曲。 歌词: Kiss me hard before you goSummertime sadness I just wanted you to know That baby you"re the best I got my red dress on tonight Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight Done my hair up real big beauty queen style High heels off, I"m feeling alive Oh, my God, I feel it in the air Telephone wires above are sizzling like your snare Honey, I"m on fire I feel it everywhere Nothing scares me anymore One, two, three, four Kiss me hard before you go Summertime sadness I just wanted you to know That baby you"re the best I"ve got that summertime, summertime sadness S-s-summertime, summertime sadness Got that summertime, summertime sadness Oh, oh-oh oh-oh I"m feeling e-lec-tric tonight Cruising down the coast goin" "bout 99 Got my bad baby by my heavenly side I know if I go, I"ll die happy tonight Oh, my God, I feel it in the air Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare Honey, I"m on fire I feel it everywhere Nothing scares me anymore One, two, three, four Kiss me hard before you go Summertime sadness I just wanted you to know That baby you"re the best I"ve got that summertime, summertime sadness S-s-summertime, summertime sadness Got that summertime, summertime sadness Oh, oh-oh oh-oh Think I"ll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky Late is better than never Even if you"re gone I"m gonna drive, drive, drive I"ve got that summertime, summertime sadness S-s-summertime, summertime sadness Got that summertime, summertime sadness Oh, oh-oh oh-oh Kiss me hard before you go Summertime sadness I just wanted you to know That baby you"re the best I"ve got that summertime, summertime sadness S-s-summertime, summertime sadness Got that summertime, summertime sadness Oh, oh-oh oh-oh-oh




在汉语里 可是名词 也可是形容词

summertime sadness 这首歌的mv讲了什么


sadness 和sad 的区别





miserable英 ["mɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l]美 ["mɪzrəbl]adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的sadadj.悲哀的;糟糕的;可悲的;令人遗憾的;一般miserable感情更深入一些。


saddle stitching [词典] 骑马订; [例句]It is set up the equipment adjusted and has such function: flat and saddle stitching.它设有校车调整装置,具有平订或骑马订功能。骑马订,英文为Saddle stitches,saddle 是马鞍的意思,取其于装订之时,将摺好的页子如同为马匹上鞍一般的动作,配至装订机走动的链条之上。装订以后钉子就订在马背的位置上。因此,打开书来看最中间的部份,可以发觉整本书以中间钉子为中心,全书的第一页与最后一页对称相连接,最中间两页也以其为中心对称且相连。




"Sado"(Sadomasochism)和 "maso"(masochism)是指性快感与痛苦相结合的性倾向。它们通常用于描述一种人们从痛苦或受虐中获得性满足的偏好。"Sado" 一般用来描述享受对他人施加身体或心理痛苦的性倾向,而 "maso" 则指愿意接受痛苦、屈辱或虐待的性倾向。而 "dom" 和 "sub" 则是 BDSM(Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission)的缩写,这是指一种探索权力与控制的性爱行为。在这种情况下:- "Dom"(Dominant)代表掌控或占据主导地位的角色。他们通常在性关系中负责给予指导、命令和控制。Dom也被称为"主人"或"主导者"。- "Sub"(Submissive),则代表服从或被主导的角色。他们愿意接受和服从Dom的指导和控制。Sub也被称为"奴隶"或"受控者"。这些角色关系在 BDSM 中,需要建立在双方同意和尊重的基础上,并且在情感和性行为上的行为边界由相关方面事先共同设定和协商。BDSM 所涉及的活动以及程度会根据个人偏好和约定而有所不同。需要强调的是,任何参与 BDSM 的行为必须建立在双方自愿和同意的基础上,并且应该遵守安全、稳定和相互尊重的原则。



sado maso switch sub dom各是什么意思?

sado的意思是茶道,佐渡。dom的意思是多姆。sado的例句Tea ceremony is humanity(茶道即人道)。1、主体不同,Sub和dom主精神的上下位感,s和m更像是体验形式上的类似bd。2、概念不同,BDSM是完全不同的一个概念。将BDSM中处于支配或者施虐地位的角色简称为dom即S,将处于臣服或者受虐地位的角色简称为sub即M。3、状态不同,在一段正常的BDSM中,dom和sub完全处于自愿的状态,不存在强迫、胁迫的情况,基于完全的自由意志,自愿建立起一种不平等的社交关系。dom和sub的关系:dom对于sub的掌控,完全处于sub默认的情况下,因此在字母圈内也流传这一个“在调教过程中,M才是掌握者”的说法。最后,BDSM关系一定会走向终结。sub在与dom的社交或者被调教关系中,能够获得对dom的感情依赖(这点和斯德哥尔摩效应是比较相似的),而这种感情寄托正是sub在生活中长久缺失的,这种缺失可能来自于sub童年的阴影、原生家庭的影响或者是孤僻的性格使然。
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