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this is nonsense and everything is shit。 什么意思

不雅的语言。意思是:这是废话,一切都是狗 屁。

i am up tomy neck in your bullshit 的汉语意思


败犬里卢卡斯说的mommy boy是什么意思?还有shit?都脏话..都什么意思捏?

mommy就是mummy,翻译过来就是妈咪。mommy boy 大概意思就是说“小男生”,不男子汉的意思咯~恩至于shit,现在被很多人误解为“靠”或者是“操”之类的意思,其实不是的。它就是“呸”、“放屁”的意思,表示厌恶、恼怒等。

你是谁 怎么用英语说 和 fuck you 还有 shit 是什么意思


你是谁 怎么用英语说 和 fuck you 还有 shit 是什么意思


你是谁 怎么用英语说 和 fuck you 还有 shit 是什么意思

Who are you还有两个都是骂人的话

香菇用英文怎么说?是不是shitake mushroom



v.(动词) boomed,, booms v.intr.(不及物动词) To make a deep, resonant sound. 发出隆隆声:发出低沉而有回响的声音 To grow or develop rapidly; flourish: 快速发展:迅速成长或发展:暴涨: Business is booming. 生意兴旺 ...



”shit you”

1. 拉(屎) 2. 对...胡扯;取笑;企图欺骗 1. 屎 粪便 2. 拉屎 3. 蹩脚货 一钱不值的东西 4. 可鄙的人;愚蠢的家伙 5. 胡说八道;谎言;愚蠢 6. 大麻;毒品 7. 腹泻 (表示厌恶、恼怒等)呸!放屁! 参考: Yahoo字典 shit vi.拉屎 <俚>对...胡扯 企图欺骗 取笑 vt.欺骗 n.粪 屎 int.狗屁! It is a bad language. Hi You are shit*ing me = You are lying to me. = You are not honest with me. I shi* you not. = I am honest with you.= I am not lying to you. I am just shit*ing ya. = I am just kidding you. ( this is not true) I don"t suggest you use all these at school. It is kinda rude! 886


主喜爱饶恕怜恤也许你的弟兄曾经得罪你。也许你的弟兄欠你十两银。唯有遵行主的话饶恕怜恤,才能在这些事上荣耀主名。 才能在这些事上显出你是神的儿女。饶恕怜恤是神的命令,饶恕怜恤是释放自己, 若不饶恕怜恤就是悖我主心意,若不饶恕怜恤就是捆绑自己,饶恕怜恤是圣洁的活祭,饶恕怜恤是散发基督的香气,散发基督的香气。如果饶恕七次不足夸口,我应该饶恕弟兄七十个七,主曾白白赦免我欠债千万银,仆人岂敢迫逼弟兄十两银, 仆人岂敢迫逼弟兄所欠小小十两银。饶恕怜恤是神的命令,饶恕怜恤是释放自己,若不饶恕怜恤就是悖我主心意,若不饶恕怜恤是捆绑自己,饶恕怜恤是圣洁的活祭,饶恕怜恤是散发基督的香气,散发基督的香气。


shitng 是 动词shit 的现在分词,意思是“弄脏某物”或“给...扣屎盆子”,shiting anyitng就是“把一切都给搅得一塌糊涂”或“把一切都弄得污秽不堪”。


baoshiting是香奈儿牌子的包。 香奈儿公司是欧洲知名的奢侈品生产品牌。这款香奈儿包是香奈儿公司最新推出来的产品,使用了澳大利亚进口的鳄鱼皮制作,其质量非常优越。这款包是一款小型的女士挎包,外形十分精美,特别适合年轻女士佩戴。






shitng,anyitng中文是什么意思 shitng 是 动词shit 的现在分词,意思是“弄脏某物”或“给...扣屎盆子”,shiting anyitng就是“把一切都给搅得一塌糊涂”或“把一切都弄得污秽不堪”。 regardig中文是什么意思 regarding 英 [ru026au02c8gɑ:du026au014b] 美 [ru026au02c8gɑ:rdu026au014b] prep.关于; 就…而论; 至于 v.regard的现在分词 Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze. 盖尔镇定地注视著哈里,沉默了片刻。 lokii中文是什么意思 1.五月的微风,飘着道边槐花的清芬,轻轻地吹拂著路人的面颊与发鬓,吹拂着人们的胸襟,温柔的慰抚,有如慈母的双手。 2.夜已经很静了,凉飕飕的小风,一股儿一股儿地从支开的窗子上吹进来。那风,带着露水的潮气,也带着麦熟的香味儿,吹在庄稼人的心坎上,比含着一块冰糖还甜呀 3.风抚弄著庄稼,时而把它吹弯,时而把它扬起,仿佛大地在进行有节奏的呼吸,那一档档成熟的小麦也都有了生命,风从那边来,传来麦穗与麦穗间的细语。 4.我闭紧嘴,风却像是一只有力的手,窒息着我的呼吸,逼迫我不时地张一张嘴。就在这一刹那,它也会往我的口腔里扬一把土,类似一个恶作剧的孩子。 5.三月睛明的午后,空气真是融和得很,温暖的微风不知道在什么地方酝酿出来的,带着一种不可捉摸的醉意,使人感受着了怪适意不过,同时又像昏昏迷迷的想向空间搂抱过去的样子 shevin中文是什么意思 shevin Shevin [人名] 谢文 philips中文是什么意思 没有意思,公司品牌名称直译。 polysiloxane中文是什么意思 polysiloxane 英[pu0252lu026asu0259"lu0252kseu026an] 美[pu0252lu026asu0259"lu0252kseu026an] n. 聚有机矽氧烷; 聚矽氧烷(耐洗的防水剂),聚矽醚; [例句]The Study on Copolymerization Emulsion of Polysiloxane and Acrylic Ester(ⅰ) 聚矽氧烷和丙烯酸酯共聚乳液的研究(Ⅰ) enzymes中文是什么意思 enzymes_有道词典 enzymes英 ["enzau026amz]美 ["enzau026amz] n. [生化] 酶(enzyme的复数);酶类,酵素 更多释义>> [网路短语] enzymes 酵母,酵素,酶类 digestive enzymes 消化酶,帮助消化和增加从膳食中获得的营养价值,消化酵素 Myocardial enzymes 心肌酶,心肌酶谱,心肌酶学 medlnova中文是什么意思 me_百度翻译 me 英[mi] 美[mi] pron. (人称代词I的宾格) 我; n. 自我; 自我的一部分; 极端自私的人; [音乐] 固定唱法时的E音; [例句]I had to make important decisions that would affect me for the rest of my life rathikarn中文是什么意思 Rattikarn Yod Ruk = 亲爱的夜晚? connectify中文是什么意思 正规来说,没有connectify这个单词 它应该是一个组合词,事实上是个软体名 connect 是连线的意思 该软体能把笔记本变成一个无线路由器 存在一些连线的关系,所以就起了这个名字作为软体名 Connectify 是一款免费的软体。能把笔记本变成一个无线路由器,让WIFI手机或者别的笔记本能共享上网,它目前仅支援Win7系统。

NO shit sherlock是什么意思

应该大概意思是自己做的事情不要露出马脚 或者是不要有人跟踪调查我只是揣摩胡扯

Amateur Teen Slave Eating Shit in Toilet (Scat)种子下载地址有么?跪求

Amateur Teen Slave Eating Shit in Toilet (Scat)种子下载地址:

英文翻译:bad shit

bad shit=臭狗屎你要添加臭屎了?你想有一个臭狗屎比赛?







英语有一种骂人,好像翻译过来是狗屎,怎么拼?好像是shit 对不对





Hollaback Girl-Gwen StefaniUh huh, this is my shitAll the girls stomp your feet like thisA few times I"ve been around that trackSo it"s not just gonna to happen like thatBecause I ain"t no hollaback girlI ain"t no hollaback girlOoooh ooh, this my shit, this my shitI heard that you were talking shitAnd you didn"t think that I would hear itPeople hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired upSo I"m ready to attack, Gonna lead the packgonna get a touch down gonna take you outThat"s right, put your pom-poms downs, getting everybody fired upA few times I"ve been around that trackSo it"s not just gonna to happen like thatBecause I ain"t no hollaback girlI ain"t no hollaback girlOoooh ooh, this my shit, this my shitSo that"s right dude, meet me at the bleachersNo principals,no student-teachersAll of us want to be the winner, but there can only be oneSo I"m gonna fight, gonna give it my allGonna make you fall, gonna sock it to youThat"s right I"m the last one standing, another one bites the dustA few times I"ve been around that trackSo it"s not just gonna to happen like thatBecause I ain"t no hollaback girlI ain"t no hollaback girlOoooh ooh, this my shit, this my shitLet me hear you say this shit is bananasB-A-N-A-N-A-S(This shit is bananas)(B-A-N-A-N-A-S)X2A few times I"ve been around that trackSo it"s not just gonna to happen like thatBecause I ain"t no hollaback girlI ain"t no hollaback girlOoooh ooh, this my shit, this my shit下载

"I shit love you"汉语意思是什么


He is the shit啥意思

the shit是表示赞扬的,表示很牛、太牛逼了的意思

shit love you是什么意思

刚才问了我的外国朋友 他们说没这个说法也许真象楼上说的是chin-english把谁发明的 真搞笑 人才

求一个英文歌 里面有shit that

《That‘s My Shit》歌词 - The-Dream&T.I. You try to make her wyle outI just make her wyle outWYLE OUTShe don"t love you cause if she didShe wouldn"t be all on my phoneright now like that"s my dickNigga she don"t love you cause if she didShe wouldn"t be all in the clubreppin" like she my bitchNigga that"s my shit,you can"t stand it but that"s my shitDon"t need to be dramatic but that"s my shitLet a nigga try to come behind meShe met you while tryna find meTry to nevermind meAin"t gotta remind me boy that"s my shitYou try to make her wyle out,I just make her wyle out (turn up)I put that pussy in the rain,you put that pussy in a droughtI make her wanna stay,you just make her wanna leaveShe want me to put a ring on it,but you, she don"t wanna be seenWe"ve been placesthat you"ll never, ever, ever goDon"t know shit about herthat you"ll never, ever knowI know how to push that button,trust me y"all just fuckin"And you gon say that you don"t carebut I know you give a fuck (nigga)She don"t love you cause if she didShe wouldn"t be all on my phoneright now like that"s my dickNigga she don"t love you cause if she didShe wouldn"t be all in the clubreppin" like she my bitchNigga that"s my shit,you can"t stand it but that"s my shitDon"t need to be dramatic but that"s my shitLet a nigga try to come behind meShe met you while tryna find meTry to nevermind meAin"t gotta remind me boy that"s my shitI call and she comin",you call, hit the buttonLove it when I shove inand I have it all in her stomachYou the type "The hell,why you ain"t call me or nothin""Man I wouldn"t have the bitchin the mall with me for nothin"You can keep the petty conversationWe know two words, orgasm and penetrationBig dawg, ball to the wall, goin" all inSend her ass back to ya, hope you fall inKick it with her ratchet friends,you took all ten of "em with you to the cluband got "em all in, scrubBet anything you would give one dayTo know the life that a real nigga live one dayKnow what it like when nigga fuckwith you for real for running yayThat can still hit the streetsand get a mil in one daySo bet, bet if she met the King,the only thing you could be,Is the next best thing niggaShe don"t love you cause if she didShe wouldn"t be all on my phoneright now like that"s my dickNigga she don"t love you cause if she didShe wouldn"t be all in the clubreppin" like she my bitchNigga that"s my shit,you can"t stand it but that"s my shitDon"t need to be dramatic but that"s my shitLet a nigga try to come behind meShe met you while tryna find meTry to nevermind meAin"t gotta remind me boy that"s my shit


come on



这道高中数学题怎么做? 在数列{an}中,


fuck this shit on mouth是哪首歌的歌词

是fuck this shit i"m out.....








shit在Dictionary of American Slang有各种解释: shit [taboo] interjection (shit〖禁忌语〗突然说出的话、惊叹词)1. 无聊的东西、丑陋的东西、引起厌恶的东西。 2. 虚伪的发言、没有诚意的话。 3. 不好看的演技、演奏。 shit是看到或听到无聊的东西时,不由得发出的惊叹词,和“哼!”有相似之处,但还是four-letter word,所以有更强烈的意味。 依据俚语权威Eric Partridge的说法,shit作为动词(大便)是从十四世纪左右开始使用,而从十六世纪左右作为比喻性的名词使用,虽然是俚语倒是有长久寿命的一句话。 俚语是能生动地表达那个时代动态的语言,因此那个时代过去以后也随着消失,否则就升格成为标准语。shit虽然也是禁忌语,但寿命很长。 《美国俚语字典》上记载,在美国是第二次世界大战中士兵们经常使用,然后沿用到一般民间。在美国士兵的谈话中,几乎可以说一定会出现shit或bullshit。 另外,shit作为“哼!”“放屁!”一类的惊叹词使用较解释为“大便”更频繁。 如果仅听到“shit”一字时,因为动词在最前面,所以是“命令型”,通常都不做“去大便”的解释。 现在来谈shit在成语上的用法。不过凡是有shit的话都是禁忌语,最好不要说出来,只要能听懂英美人的谈话就够了,除非也能和英美人一样说流畅的会话,否则最好不要随便在言谈中加上一句Oh, shit!等,那将会自取其辱的。 有一次在游览车上,不知道这位导游在哪里学来的,几乎要撞车时,大声吼叫:Oh, shit! Drop dead! (浑蛋!该死!) 我听了不由得紧张起来,偷偷看四周外国人的表情。 “笨蛋”是shit-head,“不能信任者的名单”是shit list。 已经成为我们惯用语的“黑名单”black list也可以说成shit list。尤其是使用俚语最多的军队,例如海军的军官就将“不良海军士兵名单”称为shit list。 He"s on the shit list. 这是说“他在黑名单上”或“他被列入黑名单”的意思。 在美国常听到有人说Tough shit!,意思是Tough luck!(运气不好),是黑人们常说的话,在小说有时候简称T.S。已经从《美国俚语字典》引用作惊叹词使用的意思,如在文章中是: He is full of shit. (他满口谎言。) I don"t give a shit. (我是没有关系的,不用理它。) “在男厕所吸烟”用shit a smoke,也非常有趣。 用于动词,例如shit out of luck(完全没有好运)也常听说。 He was shitting in his pants. (他便在裤子里。) 这句话的意思是“他感到恐惧”。过分恐惧时会失禁,由此可见任何种族的人都是一样。 相反的,“恐惧之余不能大便”be scared shitless也是非常有趣的说法。 另外与shit同样有“大便”意思的crap也会用来做比喻使用。


turdn.[俗]粪块shitvi.[英卑](shit; shitting) 拉屎; 大便

sheet, shit读音很接近,怎么区分?


what shit I am!!这句话我想表达 我是傻子吗! 该用how 还是 what

how how+adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他 表感叹上面的说的很好


一个字: 똥这是一道几何体,答案选B,可我就是不明白

首先,明确题中所求等价于 以bc为底,正三棱锥的高为高的三角形的面积(这一步是本题的重点)接着,求出正三棱锥的高为2根号3,等于ac所以,所求面积=1/2bc*ac=6

shit 在英语口语中怎么用?

如果让我说的话:I can"t see anything.oh shit!lz给的句子我个人感觉2对。




  shit这个词在英语国家算是四字脏词行列,在美国的电视也是会被beep掉的,但是日常生活中,尤其是年轻人,用的频率颇高。大家用时要谨慎,和熟人朋友没什么问题。SHIT,这个词在日常口语中还真是不陌生,也是英语为母语的人常用的口头禅之一。可惜传统课本和字典给的释义都有所保留,我精心整理了大量原文例句,希望能够帮大家真正理解Shit用法。    定义 :用来形容排泄物的粗俗词汇。 排便(poop)    Shit的用法:    1.它既可以表示可怕的、极讨厌的,也可以表示极好的   “That movie was shit!” .“那部电影是烂片!”   “That movie was the shit!” .“那部电影非常好。”   注意:当 “shit”前面加了“the”时,它就表示真的很好,好中之好。注意“the shit”中特别强调THE。    2.表示处于非常糟糕的境地   例句:“That sounds horrible!”“这听起来太可怕了!”   用shit来表达:“Yeah, I was walking up shit creek.““是的,我太不幸了。”    3.表达惊讶、沮丧的心情   在影视中非常常见。“(Holy) shit!”“天呐!”    4.酩酊大醉   例句:“You seemed pretty drunk last nightu2026”“你昨晚似乎喝醉了...”   “Yeah, I was totally shit-faced.”“是的,我完全醉了。”    5.一种带有侮辱性的方式说不   例句:“Excuse me sir, would you mind filling out a quick survey?“抱歉先生,您介意填写一份快速调查吗?”   “Eat shit!”“不填!吃*吧你。”    6.一点好运都没有   “Oh no, my cell phone died!”“噢不,我的手机坏了!”   “Damn, weu2019re shit out of luck!”“该死,我们真不走运!”   7.形容不是很聪明的人   “Hey dumb shit / shit for brains!”“嘿,笨蛋!”    8.冷静下来,战胜问题   “Stop crying, man. Get your shit together.”“别哭了,冷静下来好好解决所有问题。”(在影视台词中很常见)    9.用来代替东西/事情   [Looking for an email, but all you see is spam] “I ainu2019t got time for this shit![查看电子邮件,但是你看到的全是垃圾邮件]“我没时间看这些东西!”   这种用法有点类似于“thing”,不过用“shit”更加强调了一种不满和不乐意的情绪,比较下:Turn that thing off while Iu2019m talking to you.我跟你说话的时候把那个东西关掉。    10.表示不相信   “I have three girlfriends.”“我有三个女朋友。”   “Bullshit!”“扯淡!/谁信啊!”    11.闲聊/不是讲什么重要事情   “What were you guys talking about?”“你们在聊什么?”   “Oh, we were just shooting the shit.” “噢,我们只是在吹牛皮。”    12.大麻烦   “The cops are coming!”“警察来了!”   “Damn, weu2019re in deep shit.”“该死,我们摊上大事了。”    13.讨厌的   “Have you tried my casserole?“你尝过我的炖菜吗?”   “Yeah, it tastes like shit.”“是的,太难吃了。”(这给对方厨艺的打击也忒大了,一般用在熟人之间好些。)   14.变得非常聪明   “Damn, those guys in that company really know their shit.”“该死,那公司的小伙伴们都知道他们的聪明之处。”    15.强调ton   “I got a shit ton of work done today.”“我今天完成了一大堆工作。”


shit在Dictionary of American Slang有各种解释: shit [taboo] interjection (shit〖禁忌语〗突然说出的话、惊叹词)1. 无聊的东西、丑陋的东西、引起厌恶的东西。 2. 虚伪的发言、没有诚意的话。 3. 不好看的演技、演奏。 shit是看到或听到无聊的东西时,不由得发出的惊叹词,和“哼!”有相似之处,但还是four-letter word,所以有更强烈的意味。 依据俚语权威Eric Partridge的说法,shit作为动词(大便)是从十四世纪左右开始使用,而从十六世纪左右作为比喻性的名词使用,虽然是俚语倒是有长久寿命的一句话。 俚语是能生动地表达那个时代动态的语言,因此那个时代过去以后也随着消失,否则就升格成为标准语。shit虽然也是禁忌语,但寿命很长。 《美国俚语字典》上记载,在美国是第二次世界大战中士兵们经常使用,然后沿用到一般民间。在美国士兵的谈话中,几乎可以说一定会出现shit或bullshit。 另外,shit作为“哼!”“放屁!”一类的惊叹词使用较解释为“大便”更频繁。 如果仅听到“shit”一字时,因为动词在最前面,所以是“命令型”,通常都不做“去大便”的解释。 现在来谈shit在成语上的用法。不过凡是有shit的话都是禁忌语,最好不要说出来,只要能听懂英美人的谈话就够了,除非也能和英美人一样说流畅的会话,否则最好不要随便在言谈中加上一句Oh, shit!等,那将会自取其辱的。 有一次在游览车上,不知道这位导游在哪里学来的,几乎要撞车时,大声吼叫:Oh, shit! Drop dead! (浑蛋!该死!) 我听了不由得紧张起来,偷偷看四周外国人的表情。 “笨蛋”是shit-head,“不能信任者的名单”是shit list。 已经成为我们惯用语的“黑名单”black list也可以说成shit list。尤其是使用俚语最多的军队,例如海军的军官就将“不良海军士兵名单”称为shit list。 He"s on the shit list. 这是说“他在黑名单上”或“他被列入黑名单”的意思。 在美国常听到有人说Tough shit!,意思是Tough luck!(运气不好),是黑人们常说的话,在小说有时候简称T.S。已经从《美国俚语字典》引用作惊叹词使用的意思,如在文章中是: He is full of shit. (他满口谎言。) I don"t give a shit. (我是没有关系的,不用理它。) “在男厕所吸烟”用shit a smoke,也非常有趣。 用于动词,例如shit out of luck(完全没有好运)也常听说。 He was shitting in his pants. (他便在裤子里。) 这句话的意思是“他感到恐惧”。过分恐惧时会失禁,由此可见任何种族的人都是一样。 相反的,“恐惧之余不能大便”be scared shitless也是非常有趣的说法。 另外与shit同样有“大便”意思的crap也会用来做比喻使用。


“shit”在英汉词典中的解释shit [u0283u026at ]vt.【粗话】1、拉(屎)2、对……胡扯;取笑;企图欺骗


n.屎,粪便; 拉屎,排便; 胡说八道; 不幸或麻烦vi.大便,拉屎vt.拉屎弄脏(某物),排便于…; 取笑; 欺骗,哄骗; 对…胡扯int.胡扯!放屁!讨厌![用以表示厌恶、轻蔑、失望、愤怒等

money talks bullshit works中文什么意思?

His diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.

shoot the shit 什么意思?

shoot the shit[俚语]吹牛皮,夸海口列句:1. You are shoot the shit with bush!Go to see your God!!!!!!!!不要老是发挥你那点BT英语才华,You are butt ugly!2. A certain bag hits the ground.The TRUCK DRIVER shoots a look at a black con, LEONARD, then ambles over to a GUARD to shoot the shit.一个特殊的袋子落在地上,卡车司机对一个黑人囚犯――兰纳德使了个眼色,然后溜达到守卫跟前闲聊起来。3.“The colonel told me to run down this road and shoot the shit out of those houses,” the sergeant in command of the tank said, in a cocky way.“团长让我开通这条路,把那些房子里猪头们轰走,”指挥坦克的中士趾高气扬地说。


就是一句口头语而已,类似于kidding me. 意思差不多,耍我呢,玩我呢,开玩笑呢.这里的me就是自我的称谓。

big shit popin什么意思

big:大的shit:屎popin:The Pop Pop就是一种你震动身体不同部位的动作,这是要靠你震动你的肌肉来达成的。

beach和 bitch ;shit和sheet 怎么读出差别来啊 搞不好会挨揍的啊

beach [bitu0283] bitch [bu026atu0283]shit [u0283it]sheet [u0283it] 读音是一模一样的 读出来没差但其实一般不会被误会的啦 单词是单词 是要放在句子里面 所以翻译是要根据语境来的就像 shit 一般都会单独用 而sheet一般不会bitch 是脏话 假如你要说"i want to go to the beach" 一般不会有人理解为“我要去找婊子”所以 还是比较好区分的 特别是对话的时候

求大神给我一些战术语言,比如stand by、room clear、holy shit之类的那些,最好有中文解释

是打仗的吗?Quck,get over here/thereFire in the holeGrenade Over meHand to hand combatEnemy downFall backFollow meBring downMove/MovingNeed backupNegativeYes sirFall inHold your fireStop fireOpen fireMove onMove outMove back

SLIPKNOT的 people shit 歌词

come on!here we go again, motherfucker!yeah!come on down, and see the idiot right heretoo fucked to beg and not afraid to carewhat"s the matter with calamity anyway?right? get the fuck outta my faceunderstand that i can"t feel anythingit isn"t like i wanna sift through the decayi feel like a wound, like i got a fuckinggun against my head, you live when i"m deadone more time, motherfucker!everybody hates me now, so fuck itblood"s on my face and my hands, and i don"t know whyi"m not afraid to cry, but thats none of your businesswhose life is it? get it, see it, feel it, eat itspin it around so i can spit in its facei wanna leave without a trace"cause i don"t wanna die in this placepeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shit (whatcha gonna do?)people = shit ("cause i am not afraid of you)people = shit (i"m everything you"ll never be)people = shit (yeah)yeahcome on!it never stops - you can"t be everything to everyonecontagion - i"m sitting at the side of satanwhat do you want from me?they never told me the failure i was meant to benow, over do it - don"t tell me you blew itstop your bitching and fight your way through iti"m - not - like - you - i - just - fuck - upc"mon motherfucker everybody has to diec"mon motherfucker everybody has to dieeverybody has to diepeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shit (yeah)people = shit (yeah)people = shit (yeah)people = shit (aaargh)people = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shit (whatcha gonna do?)people = shit ("cause i am not afraid of you)people = shit (i"m everything you"ll never be)people = shit (yeah)goddamn light!



找一首英文歌 女声唱的 开始是啊哈 is b my shit

找一首英文歌 女声唱的 开始是啊哈 is b my shit Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl 找一首英文歌开始是啊哈嗯哼女中音 Touch - Barcelona I"ve been up all night thinking bout you baby You"ve been runnin round in my head Tell me what you like I can give it to you We can start right here in my bed Start by closing your eyes, baby it"s easy I can ease your mind if you will let me Let me touch you right give you my everything Everything you ain"t got time baby believe me Take my hand, kiss me I"ll kiss your back, just breathe I don"t wanna wait another day I wanna drive you crazy When you feel my hand, just breathe On the *** all of your back, e with me I don"t wanna wait another day I wanna drive you crazy In my past I loved but I"ll touch you baby Like a thief in the night, I"m bad But this cold cold heart has a new beginning What I take I will give you right back Start by closing your eyes, baby it"s easy I can ease your mind if you will let me Let me touch you right give you my everything Everything you ain"t got time baby believe me Take my hand, kiss me I"ll kiss your back, just breathe I don"t wanna wait another day I wanna drive you crazy When you feel my hand, just breathe On the *** all of your back, e with me I don"t wanna wait another day I wanna drive you crazy Pick it up, pick up just a little bit more Baby tell me what you"re waiting for Pick it up, pick up just a little bit more I"ll give to you because I want you more Let me touch you baby Let me touch you baby Let me touch you baby Let me touch you baby Take my hand I"ll kiss your back I don"t wanna wait another day When you feel my hand On the *** all of your back I don"t wanna wait another day 找一首开始是啊哈啊哈的歌 我晕了,我听过的,晚上帮你找找,现在播放列表不能显示··· 找一首英文歌,女生唱的,哈啊哈啊啊~~~ DJ Project -- Lacrimi De Inger :music25.51./new/user/e/87/guangjing01/acdf9ba030fc222dc642a5dc6c71b6f7.wma 要是真的喜欢这种慢摇,有空多推荐些给你!!! 求一首英文歌,男生唱的,最开始是用假声唱的啊哈哦.. Magnus Carlsson - Live Forever :v.youku./v_show/id_XMjc2MzkyODg=. 一首女声英文歌,一开始是this ir my hobby ...... Skies are crying I am watching Catching teardrops in my hands Only silence as it"s ending Like we never had a chance Do you have to make me feel like there"s nothing left of me You can take everything I have You can break everything I am Like I"m made of glass Like I"m made of paper Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground Like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper As the *** oke clears I awaken and untangle you from me Would it make you feel better To watch me while I bleed All my windows still are broken But I"m standing on my feet You can take everything I have You can break everything I am Like I"m made of glass Like I"m made of paper Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground Like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper Go run run run I"m gonna stay right here Watch you disappear, yeah~ Go run run run Yeah its a long way down But I"m closer to the clouds up here You can take everything I have You can break everything I am Like I"m made of glass Like I"m made of paper Oh go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground Like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper Like a skyscraper 我想找一首个英文歌,女声唱的,开始是 one na one na one na la la la 是这个吗? 寻一首英文歌, 学街舞是的热身歌, 开始是女的唱啊哈啊哈哈~ 糖果盒子 China girl 一首女生唱的英文歌开始是ah,this is my show/shoes Graham Colton - New Years Resolution Album:Here Right Now I"ve got a new years resolution I think I know what I"ve gotta do I"ve got a new years resolution getttin over you I"ve got some old friends I think I"m losing I"ve got some new ones that I"m not talking to But all of my new years resolutions are getting old to you So here"s to the love The love that we had Here"s to the time The good and the bad Here"s to the ones you never fet Here"s to the year that we had I gotta find a new solution For all of the ghosts that keep haunting me I gotta get some absolution For all I failed to be So here"s to the love The love that we had Here"s to the time The good and the bad Here"s to the ones you never fet Here"s to the year that we had The break ups The makeups The birth and the death The peaceful solution that war never helps The mistakes you make the heart you break A memory that never goes away I"ve got a new years resolution I think I know what I"ve gotta do So here"s to the love The love that we had Here"s to the time The good and the bad Here"s to the freinds you never fet So here"s to the love The love that we shared And when it all ends we"re never prepared Here"s to the friends you never fet Here"s to the year that we had Here"s to the year that we had Here"s to the year that we had 找一首英文歌:开始是女声清唱,结束时是掌声,说Thank you。 haunted吧

跪求电影 天才雷普利 的种子~!!!要清晰版英文中字的~~~其他的不要!!! 邮箱


You are bosh shit! Go to the hell! 汉语解释?


dumb shit 什么意思


飞虎2里面的格杀勿论是shit the kill吗?还是什么?

应该是Shoot to kill吧u301c

shut up是闭嘴那shit up呢


Yoko Ono & Shitake Monkey的《O Oh》 歌词

歌曲名:O Oh歌手:Yoko Ono & Shitake Monkey专辑:Yes, I M A Witch<Ooh>By Scissor sisterSome people say such awful thingsI don"t understand why they"re so hatefulWe don"t need those diamond ringsEven though they look tastefulChichi partiesSo importantSink a fortuneHigh-class apartmentOne or two ooh-oohsMake you feel so goodIt"s not a threat to nobodyIn fact the people shouldOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohWhen you talk sweet things in my earI get so hot inside I"m burning my clothesMeasure distances with tearsThe tracks"ll run for miles when I feel thoseMixed emotionsIn your heartGuilty feelingsYou fall apartOne or two ooooh"sNothing left to loseI"m not a threat to nobodyDon"t try and give me them bluesOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohSay honey baby don"t you knowAin"t got any money left to blowCan"t buy you no snow coneEven when it"s hot outsideWanna make love show you what I can doPocket that rug and ride the grooveJust lemme go dance and give me no blues tonightOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say oooohOoohDon"t you give me them bluesI got magic in my dancing shoesLet me hear you say ooooh

We all love crazy shit, so we have it!!!的中文翻译


when you focus on shit,shit grows 出自哪儿

这句话出自道恩·强森(Dwayne Johnson)的自传。完整的为:when you focus on you, you grow.when you focus on shit, shit grows.专于己则己强,陷于恶则恶长。巨石强森是美国的好莱坞巨星,参演过许多著名影片,他出色的演技和完美的身形在中国也收获了一大批粉丝。

Talk That Shit 歌词

歌曲名:Talk That Shit歌手:Chris Brown专辑:In My Zone 2Chris Brown - Talk That ShitGirl I know when we fussin" every little thing I say ain"t rightNow, you callin" me names and I can see the pain that"s in your eyesThen we be makin" love all around then I got my body in between your thighsOh baby I like it when we make upKeep it upKeep it goin"Cause your fineAnd you know itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTalk real loudSo I can hearCuss me outMake me feel itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitGod dammit I just like everything you do cause I know you keep me in checkAnd if a girl try to push up on me you won"t hesitate to grab her by her neckA little crazy but you"re amazingYou ain"t scared to show your bad sideOooh babyYou"re the one I wantOne I loveKeep it upKeep it goin"Cause your fineAnd you know itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTalk real loudSo I can hearCuss me outMake me feel itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTell me shut up, tell me noYou get better if I let you throw my phoneThen you tell me to the left to the leftThen I"m right back for the sex for the sexI know you mad now but later onYea we gon" take it to the roomYou can let out all your aggressionAnd put it all on me likeI hate youYou ain"t shit but I love youDon"t nobody else make me mad as youBut when we makin" up thought I"m glad it"s youLady"s sing itI hate youYou ain"t shit but I love youDon"t nobody else make me mad as youBut when we makin" up thought I"m glad it"s youLady"s sing itKeep it upKeep it goin"Cause your fineAnd you know itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTalk real loudSo I can hearCuss me outMake me feel itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitOh babyi love u when u talk that shitwaaaa

Talk That Shit 歌词

歌曲名:Talk That Shit歌手:Chris Brown专辑:All Eyes On Me(Mixtape)Chris Brown - Talk That ShitGirl I know when we fussin" every little thing I say ain"t rightNow, you callin" me names and I can see the pain that"s in your eyesThen we be makin" love all around then I got my body in between your thighsOh baby I like it when we make upKeep it upKeep it goin"Cause your fineAnd you know itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTalk real loudSo I can hearCuss me outMake me feel itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitGod dammit I just like everything you do cause I know you keep me in checkAnd if a girl try to push up on me you won"t hesitate to grab her by her neckA little crazy but you"re amazingYou ain"t scared to show your bad sideOooh babyYou"re the one I wantOne I loveKeep it upKeep it goin"Cause your fineAnd you know itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTalk real loudSo I can hearCuss me outMake me feel itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTell me shut up, tell me noYou get better if I let you throw my phoneThen you tell me to the left to the leftThen I"m right back for the sex for the sexI know you mad now but later onYea we gon" take it to the roomYou can let out all your aggressionAnd put it all on me likeI hate youYou ain"t shit but I love youDon"t nobody else make me mad as youBut when we makin" up thought I"m glad it"s youLady"s sing itI hate youYou ain"t shit but I love youDon"t nobody else make me mad as youBut when we makin" up thought I"m glad it"s youLady"s sing itKeep it upKeep it goin"Cause your fineAnd you know itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitTalk real loudSo I can hearCuss me outMake me feel itI love it when you talk that shitI love it when you talk that shitOh babyi love u when u talk that shitwaaaa

Through the Arc of the Rain Forest的中文书名是什么?还有它的作者Karen Tei Yamashita中文名是什么?

您好!很高兴为您解答!如果觉得正确,请采纳,谢谢!山下凯伦(Karen Tei Yamashita)为著名日裔作家,其获国家图书奖的处女作《穿越雨林之弧》(Through the Arc of the Rain Forest,1990),以亚马逊雨林的经济开发为背景,以魔幻现实主义风格探讨了全球化条件下的经济、环境、文化等问题。


1/fish释义: n. 鱼;鱼肉;双鱼座;接合板;(非正式)怪人;(非正式)鱼雷 v. 钓鱼,捕鱼;搜寻;打听消息;打捞;用接合板修补 2/例句: The missing vehicle was eventually fished out of the water. 失踪的车辆最终从水中被打捞上来。 3/fish后面可以跟下列单词: big fish大鱼;重要人物 fish for摸索;寻找 fish oil鱼油,鱼肝油 fish meal(用作肥料或饲料的)鱼粉 fish out掏出,摸索出;捕尽鱼


Batshit (Explicit) - Sofi Tukker - QQ音乐 - 千万正版音乐海量...

我的华硕笔记本电脑光驱是什么尺寸的啊 型号W518L 光驱MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8E2 S




您好请问下我的华硕笔记本的光驱是Matshita dvd-ram UJ8e2 s,请问是几毫米的呀?




骂人piss of shit什么意思


英文词组释义:Shit And Piss

在Dictionary of American Slang有各种解释:   shit [taboo] interjection (shit〖禁忌语〗突然说出的话、惊叹词)   1. 无聊的东西、丑陋的东西、引起厌恶的东西。   2. 虚伪的发言、没有诚意的话。   3. 不好看的演技、演奏。   shit是看到或听到无聊的东西时,不由得发出的惊叹词,和“哼!”有相似之处,但还是four-letter word,所以有更强烈的意味。   依据俚语权威Eric Partridge的说法,shit作为动词(大便)是从十四世纪左右开始使用,而从十六世纪左右作为比喻性的名词使用,虽然是俚语倒是有长久寿命的一句话。   俚语是能生动地表达那个时代动态的语言,因此那个时代过去以后也随着消失,否则就升格成为标准语。shit虽然也是禁忌语,但寿命很长。   《美国俚语字典》上记载,在美国是第二次世界大战中士兵们经常使用,然后沿用到一般民间。在美国士兵的谈话中,几乎可以说一定会出现shit或bullshit.   另外,shit作为“哼!”“放*!”一类的惊叹词使用较解释为“大便”更频繁。   如果仅听到“shit”一字时,因为动词在最前面,所以是“命令型”,通常都不做“去大便”的解释。   现在来谈shit在成语上的用法。不过凡是有shit的话都是禁忌语,不要说出来,只要能听懂英美人的谈话就够了,除非也能和英美人一样说流畅的会话,否则不要随便在言谈中加上一句Oh, shit!等,那将会自取其辱的。   有一次在游览车上,不知道这位导游在哪里学来的,几乎要撞车时,大声吼叫:   Oh, shit! Drop dead! (浑蛋!该死!)   我听了不由得紧张起来,偷偷看四周外国人的表情。   “笨蛋”是shit-head,“不能信任者的名单”是shit list.   已经成为我们惯用语的“黑名单”black list也可以说成shit list.尤其是使用俚语最多的军队,例如海军的军官就将“不良海军士兵名单”称为shit list.   He"s on the shit list.这是说“他在黑名单上”或“他被列入黑名单”的意思。   在美国常听到有人说Tough shit!,意思是Tough luck!(运气不好),是黑人们常说的话,在小说有时候简称T.S.已经从《美国俚语字典》引用作惊叹词使用的意思,如在文章中是:   He is full of shit. (他满口谎言。)   I don"t give a shit. (我是没有关系的,不用理它。)   “在男厕所吸烟”用shit a smoke,也非常有趣。   用于动词,例如shit out of luck(完全没有好运)也常听说。   He was shitting in his pants. (他便在裤子里。)   这句话的意思是“他感到恐惧”。过分恐惧时会失禁,由此可见任何种族的人都是一样。   相反的,“恐惧之余不能大便”be scared shitless也是非常有趣的说法。   另外与shit同样有“大便”意思的crap也会用来做比喻使用。   Oh, crap! (浑蛋!你骗人!)   That"s a crap! (那是谎言!)   He is full of crap! (他是个说谎的人!)   也可以作“无用之物”的意思使用。   What"s all this crap about? (这个无用之物究竟是什么东西?)   有些字典上没有crap,但对于看现代小说的人是一定需要知道的字,而且在谈话中也常常听到。   v Piss   小孩子撒尿时,在前面已经介绍过是weewee,通常母亲要小孩子小便时说:   Go make weewee.小孩子要小便时会说:   I wanna pea.(wanna是want to的音混合而成)   小孩子们另外还会说peepee.   P或pea或pee可能是piss的缩短形成。已经介绍过许多单音节的禁忌语是盎格鲁撒克逊的语源,唯有piss是单音节又是four-letter word,但语源不同,有人说是拉丁系,也有人认为是来自古代法语。   piss和shit相同,在日常谈话中用来做各种形容,但毕竟是禁忌语,最后还是不要使用。   曾经和我共事一年多的一位在美国船公司担任副经理的人,只要不高兴就会说:I get pissed off.   用got取代be动词,成被动态是美式英语一个特征,所以be pissed off也是相同的意思。在表达“不幸”或“生气”时使用。   前面说过tough shit的意味过分下流,在文章里有时会被简写为T.S,不过piss off有时会写成P.O"ed.   pissed off也和shit一样是第二次世界大战时在军队流行的俚语,战后退役的官兵又将其带到一般民间使之普及。依据《美国俚语字典》的说法,如今不仅是在低阶层,在有教养的人们之间也广泛使用。   在军队中说piss call是“起床号”,囚犯之间说piss house 是“警察局”,和shit一样用于表示“讨厌的东西或人”。pisser就是“困难的问题、讨厌的工作”。   I"ll piss on him. (我要用小便浇他。)   比喻性的意思是指“我才不会听那种人说的话”或“我最讨厌他”。   He is pissing on ice. (他尿尿在冰上。)   这句表示“有钱人”的比喻确实很有趣。据说高级餐厅的男厕所的小便池都放有冰块,大概与此有关吧!   用“盐水”salt water也有表示piss(小便)的情形,如果是说full of piss and vinegar(装满小便和醋)就是“充满精神”的意思,从医学上也可知道盐水或醋有提神的作用。   piss through the same quill.(通过相同的管子小便。)   这是在有权威的《牛津英语辞典》上介绍的谚语,意思是“肝胆相照的好友”,大概是从十八世纪开始使用。

shit man fuck off什么意思?


wiz khalifa 的when im gone和get your shit的歌词

GET YOUR SHITI"m tired of arguing and fighting girlEvery night you keep calling me with the same shitI"m going insaneI swear I love but this ain"t right for usI never thought it would end this wayIts gonna kill me to say but you gottaPack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.I"ve told you that I"m moving onYou did it where, you had to know.To how to shape and mold you i admit was my missionBut everything went wrong dear"cause you started acting differentThe day you ran up on me I was smokinchillin, swore you was tryin to roll aint know what was so appealin"Fast forward, I"m on the roadYou at home calling me back forthCan"t deal with this relationshipBut this what you asked forask for them pictures of them b*tches, shitI probably wouldn"t be with them If your ass wasn"t trippin"Not to mention you"re acting like a kidIs the f*ck shit I gotta deal withsend a text, leave me a message try not to listenBring the rap you was the main player I had to bench youWhen I showed your ass how to ballthat Louie I bought it all.Chorus:I"m tired of arguing and fighting girlEvery night you keep calling me with the same shitI"m going insaneI swear I love but this ain"t right for usI never thought it would end this wayIts gonna kill me to say but you gottaPack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.Pack your stuff leave my keys,Get your shit, gotta go.I"ve told you that I"m moving onYou did it where, you had to know.Gone on the road that I"m hardly home on the weekendYou be blowing my phone up tryin to see who I"m seeingBut I"m chasing this paper so for this paper I"m reachingmight f*ck one or two b*tches but don"t consider it cheatinI consider the fact that we"ll break up anyway, anywayBased on all that shit you don"t appreciateMe switching states, working hard, meetin dates,You were thinking everything was sweet piece of cakeWell that all changed, what we had was bigbut you"re gonna miss the small thingsand that little cash I spent that was small changebut above all things i still love youjust gotta do my own thing.[Chorus:]I"ll go, I"ll never come backNow when you call.. I never call back"cause I got a new girl, yeah I got a new girlEverything was all good, .. then went all badAnd no I don"t think about the times that we had"cause I got a new girl, yeah I got a new girl.Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Oh (x8)WHEN I"M GONEAnd they say all I rap about is bitches and champagne,他们说我rap的都是女人和香槟,纸醉和金迷You would too if every night you seen the same thing我说如果你每晚都看到同样的事,你也会像我这样Money wall to wall, young famous n-gga, spend it all,堆积成墙的钱,年少成名的黑人,尽情花掉when you die you can?t take it with ya因为你死了一切都不能带走Bottle of Rose if I"m drinking with ya我会跟你喝着葡萄美酒Cause most n-ggas is broke, their bank is injured因为很多人都穷得响叮当,银行里没多少存款Then bitches gonna ride with who they think‘s a winner美女会抢着跟她们认为是赢家的人去驾车兜风And I"ll be smiling in case they take a picture我会维持微笑好让他们拍下我的帅照Oh, I‘m smoking weed drinking liquor make a hundred喔,我还会吸着大麻喝着酒在台上赚个几百块,on a show spend it all on my n-ggas再把它花在我的兄弟身上When I go shopping I tell them pick one当我去血拼的时候,会跟他们说”随便挑一个“Cause they was with me when nobody seen a vision因为没有人看好我的时候他们就在我身旁了Always about my business don"t play the cards总是关注我的事业,不会玩桥牌游戏I talked to the n-ggas who dealed them, uhh因为我只跟负责发牌的老大讲话Royal flush, now look up them n-ggas and baby girl you see us, yeah老子就是同花顺,膜拜我吧!I"m gonna spend it all why wait for another day我要财散人安乐,为什么要等到明天再挥霍?I‘m a take all this money I own and blow it all away我要带走我的钱,散尽千金Cause I can‘t take it when I"m gone, gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走No I can‘t take it when I"m gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走I‘m gonna spend it all why wait for another day我要财散人安乐,为什么要等到明天再挥霍?I"ma take all this money I own and blow it all away我要带走我的钱,散尽家财Cause I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走No I can?t take it when I‘m gone, gone, gone, gone, gone因为离开的时候我什么都不能带走Hella hoes in my car, they wanna feel that maximum speed美女在我的车上,她们想要领教什么是最高速度Never had an absence of weed大麻永远不会缺席Tired of being at the bar, everything Louie V,你看,我已经厌倦了呆在酒吧,周围都是LVPlus the most exclusive treat in my jar所到之处都是最高款待Making my bank, spending it all自己开间银行,再把里面的钱提光and that expensive shit you paid for, she had it on看着妞们穿着你买的贵价东东She taking it off, most of these n-ggas just talk and taking it off再脱掉,很多穷鬼只敢搭讪Back in the day money was short, I"m making it taller想起当年没什么钱,我拼命去赚you know what I mean, some say it‘s a problem你知道吗?有人说这是个问题Blowings my greens, not saving my collards耗费我的时间,但却赚不回面包( collard greens 也是蔬菜一种,这里将green 和collard拆开了)No NBA, they say I"m a baller没有参加过NBA,他们都说我是个球员Live for today, it‘s not like my father不像父辈一样,我要活在当下I?m gonna spend it all why wait for another day我要财散人安乐,为什么要等到明天再挥霍?I?ma take all this money I own and blow it all away我要带走我的钱,散尽家财Cause I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, gone因为到了离开的时候我什么都不能带走No I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, goneI?m gonna spend it all why wait for another dayI?ma take all this money I own and blow it all awayCause I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, goneNo I can?t take it when I?m gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.No I can?t take it when I?m gone

oh ha this is my shit all 英文歌

Welcome to New York - Taylor SwiftWalking through a crowd the village is aglowKaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coatsEverybody here wanted something moreSearching for a sound we hadn"t heard beforeAnd it saidWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkIt"s a new soundtrackI can dance to this beat (beat)ForevermoreThe lights are so brightBut they never blind me (me)Welcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWhen we first dropped our bags on apartment floorsTook our broken hearts put them in a drawerEverybody here was someone else beforeAnd you can want who you wantBoys and boys and girls and girlsWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkIt"s a new soundtrackI can dance to this beat (beat)ForevermoreThe lights are so brightBut they never blind me (me)Welcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkLike any great love it keeps you guessingLike any real love it"s ever-changingLike any true love it drives you crazyBut you know you wouldn"t change anything anything anythingWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York It"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New YorkIt"s a new soundtrackI can dance to this beatThe lights are so brightBut they never blind meWelcome to New York New soundtrackIt"s been waiting for youWelcome to New YorkThe lights are so brightBut they never blind meWelcome to New York So brightThey never blind meWelcome to New YorkWelcome to New York


This is the new shit-Marilyn Manson 这是新的谎言(玛丽莲·曼森)Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymore还有很多,只是输不上了。你在QQ音乐里面搜歌词,就可以找到了
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