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marianna 和 maryann一样吗

不同的。Marianna [词典] [人名] 玛丽安娜; [地名] [美国] 玛丽安娜;Maryann [词典] 玛丽安; (女子名)

英语翻译,解释very survival中very在文中的意思。别百度,这是组词中有特定意思的词汇

the very survival of sb./sth或sb./sth."s very survival表示…的生存。

make every effort to do是什么意思

make every effort to do尽力做(某事)双语对照例句:1.He will make every effort to get him to use his valuable resources in its pursuit of wellness. 他会尽他所能的让他的客户在追求身心健康的同时用到所有有用的资源。2.Responsible leaders must nonetheless make every effort to rebalance trade in a less disruptive way. 然而,负责任的领导人必须倾尽全力,通过一种破坏性更小的方式,来实现贸易再平衡

买了东航的国际线机票,请问哪里可以打印flight itinerary

别诗南齐 范云

我在亚航网站买了吉隆坡飞亚庇的机票,打印出一份travel itinerary,凭这张单子和签证我就可以上飞机吗?



游记,旅行日记diary 英["dau026au0259ru026a] 美[u02c8dau026au0259ri] n. 日记,日志;日记簿

Flight Itinerary是什么意思


求英语翻译:Itinerary1 Normal segment


leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency什么意思

leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency 全部释义和例句>>离开您的行程,以便我们能在紧急情况下到达您vleave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency 全部释义和例句>>离开您的行程,以便我们能在紧急情况下到达您


1.timetable只能作名词,schedule可以作名词和动词. 例如: Please schedule a meeting to discuss it. 2.schedule强调的是计划的时间,而且是事件的概要时间. timetable本身没有计划的意思,可以是一些固定的时间表,常常针对的是一系列事件的时间的细节. 比如:你排程一个大会,这个会分三天完成,每天的内容是什么,这个时候用schedule.然后每天的会,几点钟干什么,这个细节性的东西用timetable. 很多时候,如果不是schedule和timetable要同时出现,只要表达正确,还是可以互换的.不过因为timetable本身没有计划的意思,要说排程时,timetable前要加上表示排程的词:have a schedule= set a timetable或schedule a timetable. 但是有些固定的不需要去排的时间表,就不能用schedule了,只能用timetable, 比如,列车时刻表: Train"s timetableitinerary重点强调日程,在时间精度上要低于scheduleThe itinerary of their visit was so full;it simply ran them off their feet.参观日程排得满满的,简直把他们累坏了

Itinerary to australia?

Day 1 :I will visit the Melbourne city and Rod Laver Arena where the Australian Open takes place every year. Day 2 :I will visit Sovereign Hill to learn about the gold-digging history of Chinese immigrants in the city. Day 3: I will visit Philip Island and see the lovely penguins in an open area. If I am lucky enough I will be able to see some seals as well. Day 4:I will visit the Grampi National Park to appreciate the majestic rocks and the beautiful natural scenery of Melbourne countryside. Day 5 :I will be back to the city and visit Melbourne University to experience the academic atmosphere there. 2007-10-06 15:06:44 补充: I write this itinerary with the an assumption that you only stay in one city - Melbourne. 参考: me My teacher told me I need to write about my itinerary to Australia. If you have five days to stay in Australia what is your itinerary or idea? I would plan my travel to Australia in a way that I can experience as many ects of the country as possible --- history culture geography as well as fauna and flora. Day 1: A visit to the museums. Before the Europe came to Australia in the 19th Century the indigenous people ruled the land. Today only a *** all number of these aborigines survive and their culture is fast disappearing. Thanks to the museums we are still able to take a look at what these people look like and learn about their history and culture. Day 2: A visit to the zoos. Australia is famous for its many exotic animals; among them the kangaroo and the koala interest me most. We can hardly see them anywhere else in the world and I am longing to hold a lovely koala in my arms very much. Day 3: A chance to watch soccer matches. The Australian soccer team is not a strong one when pared to many European and South American teams but some Australian footballers playing in other countries are quite famous. Besides soccer matches in Australia are not televised to Hong Kong. As a soccer fan I am much interested in watching one or o of the matches there. Day 4: A ticket to a pop concert. Quite a few of the international pop stars came from Australia such as Olivia Newton John Little River Band and Air Supply. If time is not right for me to watch one of these performing on stage during my stay there at least I hope to join a pop concert in Australia to experience the sound the atmosphere and the people. Day 5: A visit to the Ayers Rock. It is the country"s most recognisable natural landmark appearing to change colours at different times of the day and year. What fascinates me most about Australia is the big red rock that protrudes suddenly from the ground. I have seen it many times in photographs but now I want to see it before my very eyes. ..................................................... fauna and flora = 动物羣和植物羣 indigenous people = 原居民 aborigines = 澳洲土著 exotic animals = 外国的奇异动物 koala = 树熊 televised = 电视转播 recognisable natural landmark = 一看便认出的天然地标 fascinates = 吸引 protrudes = (从地上)突出。 参考: My knowledge about Australia + dictionaries

手账本里面的:schedule和itinerary item 是什么意思,怎么翻译?

schedule和itinerary item 表和行程表项目


itinerary[英][au026au02c8tu026anu0259ru0259ri][美][au026au02c8tu026anu0259reri]n.旅程,路线; 旅行日程; 旅行指南; 旅行日记; adj.旅程的; 巡回的,流动的; 旅行途中的; 复数:itineraries例句:1.We have dinner later. Didn"t you read the itinerary? 我们已经吃过晚餐了你没有看行程吗?

travel itinerary 什么意思

旅游游览型 ,是旅游活动的一种形式。【摘要】 按照旅行目的不同,通常将旅游活动分为游览型( Intinerary) 和逗留型(Stay) 两种方式, 这两种方式直接影响到旅游行为。

Flight Itinerary是什么意思

  Flight Itinerary的中文翻译  Flight Itinerary  飞行行程;航班行程; 机票行程单  双语例句  1  Much older data is very infrequently accessed, as is certain context information, such as a flight itinerary.  会频繁访问很多旧数据,将其作为特定的上下文信息,如旅行路线等。  2  A lot of people like her, but my upbeat impression of her was came directly from the film we had just seen,“ Flight Itinerary. ”  有很多人喜欢她,而我对她的好感则直接的来于刚看过的电影“飞行旅程。”

travel itinerary可以作为报销凭证吗

问:企业员工出差乘坐飞机,取得的答: 据国家税务总局、中国民用航空局联合制定的《航空运输电子客票行程单管理办法(暂行)》(国税发[2008]54号),《行程单》作为旅客购买电子客票的付款凭证或报销凭证,同时具备提示旅客行程的作用。《行程单》纳入税务发票管理范围,中国民用航空局经国家税务总局授权,负责全国《行程单》的印制、领购、发放、开具、保管和缴销等管理工作。不符合规定的《行程单》,不得作为会计核算的原始凭证,任何单位和个人有权拒收,并向开票单位所属民航地区管理局及其派出机构或所辖地区相关主管税务机关举报。符合规定的《航空运输电子客票行程单》可以作为发票报销。



E-ticket itinerary是什么意思

E-ticket itinerary电子客票行程单双语对照例句:1.E-ticket itineraryis produced by the state administration oftaxation, not only can be used as reimbursement vouchers,travelers can also save information relatedto purchase and, ifnecessary, through a single e-ticket itinerary information to theairline or airport-related sectors verification. 电子机票行程单是由国家税务总局监制,不仅可作为报销凭证,还可以为旅客保存相关购票信息,必要时可通过电子机票行程单上的信息,向航空公司或机场相关部门进行核实







阿肆的《Itinerary》 歌词

Itinerary词曲:阿肆演唱:阿肆Pyramid is napping in the sendsEiffel Tower is sleeping near the SeineBut the landscape is somber without youBut the beauty is blue without youSailing a boat is what I"m waiting forRiding a camel and I"m lying in your armsSee the sunrise and sunsetOh my perfect travelingSailing a boat is what I"m waiting forRiding a camel and I"m lying in your armsSee the sunrise and sunsetOh my perfect itineraryThe Roman Arena is whirling for the fightersStatue of Liberty is standing for the freedomBut the landscape is somber without youBut the feeling is blue without youSailing a boat is what I"m waiting forRiding a camel and I"m lying in your armsSee the sunrise and sunsetOh my perfect travelingSailing a boat is what I "m waiting forRiding a camel and I "m lying in your armsSee the sunrise and sunsetOh my perfect itineraryDon"t tell meMy plan is just a dreamYou can"t come with meLife is shortIt"s our time to pack up and have funYou know thatSailing a boat is what I"m waiting forRiding a camel and I"m lying in your armsSee the sunrise and sunsetOh my perfect travelingSailing a boat is what I "m waiting forRiding a camel and I "m lying in your armsSee the sunrise and sunsetOh my perfect itineraryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/65508811

an itinerary trip什么意思

an itinerary trip 一个旅行的路线itinerary 英[au026au02c8tu026anu0259ru0259ri] 美[au026au02c8tu026anu0259reri] n. 旅程,路线; 旅行日程; 旅行指南; 旅行日记; adj. 旅程的; 巡回的,流动的; 旅行途中的; [例句]The next place on our itinerary was Silistra.我们行程的下一站是锡利斯特拉。

tour plan和itinerary的区别

,itinerary是行程表,tour plan是旅行计划






没有这个字, 你打错了吗?


itinerary[英][au026a"tu026anu0259ru0259ru026a] [美][au026au02c8tu026anu0259u02ccru025bri, u026au02c8tu026an-] 生词本简明释义n.旅程,路线;旅行日程;旅行指南;旅行日记adj.旅程的;巡回的,流动的;旅行途中的


n. 旅程,路线; 旅行日程adj. 旅程的; 巡回的,流动的

麦克学摇滚翻唱的《传奇》英文版 Fairy Tale 歌词

是传奇翻唱迈克学摇滚的 QQ音乐里有歌词的

Fairy Tale是什么意思?是不是英文版“传奇”?

Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚 演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸You only had to look at me and I was yours 你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen 我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化You had walked away and closed the door 你离开了并且关上了门When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再见你一面When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天开始不下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛苦开始结束Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?That cold December night I gave my heart to you 我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你[And] by the summer you were gone 而在夏天你却走了Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim 现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡All I have are memories and this song 我的所有记忆和这首歌When will I see you again 什么时候我才能再一次见到你When will the sky stop to rain 什么时候天空停止下雨When will [all] the stars shine again 什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁When will this hurt start to end 什么时候这种痛开始到尽头Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine? 我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?[And] when we were both a thousand years away [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light? 难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?And did we make every minute last another day? 并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗? 翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。《传奇》中文(歌词): 只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼 再也没能忘掉你容颜 梦想着偶然能有一天再相见 从此我开始孤单思念 想你时你在天边 想你时你在眼前 想你时你在脑海 想你时你在心田 宁愿相信我们前世有约 今生的爱情故事不会再改变 宁愿用这一生等你发现 我一直在你身旁从未走远

求Fairy Tale/传奇英文版 歌词和中文翻译

  Fairy Tale/传奇英文版歌词传奇英文版.  专辑名:英文版《传奇》迈克学摇滚  演唱者:Michael Learns to Rock  It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face  在那个雾蒙蒙的清晨我看到了你微笑的脸  You only had to look at me and I was yours  你只是无意的看了下我,但是我已经是你的了  And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen  我已开始变质而你看上去没任何变化  You had walked away and closed the door  你离开了并且关上了门  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再见你一面  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天开始不下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛苦开始结束  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我每天都要分分秒秒准备着嘛?  That cold December night I gave my heart to you  我在寒冷的冬夜把心给你  [And] by the summer you were gone  而在夏天你却走了  Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim  现在如同日子一天天变老和[所有的]星星开始变的暗淡  All I have are memories and this song  我的所有记忆和这首歌  When will I see you again  什么时候我才能再一次见到你  When will the sky stop to rain  什么时候天空停止下雨  When will [all] the stars shine again  什么时候[所有的]星星再一次闪烁  When will this hurt start to end  什么时候这种痛开始到尽头  Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?  我真的永远不会在温暖的阳光下见到你嘛?  [And] when we were both a thousand years away  [并且]我们之间的距离真的有1000年远吗(这句翻译不知对不对,欢迎指点)  Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?  难道我真的就永远不能再绚烂的月光下拥有你吗?  And did we make every minute last another day?  并且我在新的一天继续为见你分分秒秒的准备着吗?  翻译部分是本人纯手工打造,绝无抄袭!翻译的不好还望见谅。。。  《传奇》中文(歌词):  只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼  再也没能忘掉你容颜  梦想着偶然能有一天再相见  从此我开始孤单思念  想你时你在天边  想你时你在眼前  想你时你在脑海  想你时你在心田  宁愿相信我们前世有约  今生的爱情故事不会再改变  宁愿用这一生等你发现  我一直在你身旁从未走远


diary是日记的意思。1、diary的记法:都知道day,也就是日子、天。日记日记,记下一天中发生的事情,所以是日记。然后是i,i的拼音是一。最后是r,r的英语发音类似于二。在day的中间发生的一、二件事被记录下来,也就成了日记,所以也就是diary.2、短语搭配:Future Diary未来日记。Dear Diary亲爱的日记;桫椤札记;翻页日记本。My Diary我的日记;电子日记本;原野草屋;小学生日记。site diary地盘工程日志;上盖面积。diary microbiology乳品微生物学。your diary你的日记;强力推荐;幸运日记;榎本香穂。cozy diary轻日记;作词小路;作曲小路。participant diary日志;工作日志法。diary例句:1.We sneaked a look at her diary.我们偷偷看了一眼她的日记。2.Eleanor began to keep a diary.埃莉诺开始记日记了。3.She kept a diary for over twenty years.她记了二十多年的日记。4.There is no entry in his diary for that day.他的日记里没有那天的记录。5.Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。6.The slimline diary fits easily into a handbag.这本超薄的日记本很容易装进手提包里。7.His diary was not published during his lifetime.他的日记在他生前未曾发表过。8.The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.这些事件在她的日记中如实地记录了下来。9.The diary comes complete with a gold ballpoint pen.该日记本还配有一支金圆珠笔。10.I put aside half an hour every day to write my diary.我每天留出半个小时写日记。

求why localization is necessary for any international organization?英语作文不少于100


英语中几个伤害的区别!damage injury hurt harm


找一些早期的嘻哈爵士音乐,如CHUCK BARRY 的you never can tell 这类型风格的歌曲,请帮忙找下,谢谢!

你是不是看过Beyonce演的蓝调传奇CD 101. I"m a Man (Jeffrey Wright)02. At Last (Beyonce)03. No Particular Place to Go (Mos Def)04. I"m Your Hoochie Coochie Man (Jeffrey Wright)05. Once in a Lifetime (Beyonce)06. Let"s Take a Walk (Raphael Saadiq)07. 6 O"Clock Blues (Solange Knowles)08. Nadine (Mos Def)09. The Sound (Mary Mary)10. Last Night (Little Walter)11. I"d Rather Go Blind (Beyonce)12. My Babe (Colombus Short / Coco Short)13. Bridging the Gap (Olu Dara / Nas)CD 201. Maybellene (Mos Def)02. Forty Days and Forty Nights (Buddy Guy)03. Trust in Me (Beyonce)04. Juke (Soul 7 / Kim Wilson)05. Smokestack Lightnin" (Eamonn Walker)06. Promised Land (Mos Def)07. All I Could Do Was Cry (Beyonce)08. My Babe (Elvis Presley)09. I Can"t Be Satisfied (Jeffrey Wright)10. Come On (Mos Def)11. Country Blues (Bill Jr. Simms / Jeffrey Wright)12. Evolution of a Man (Q-Tip)13. Radio Station (Terrence Blanchard)你有邮箱我发给你我下载的

Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important?

小题1:A 小题2:C 小题3:D 小题4:B 小题5:C ,1,Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important threat to public health. Men used tobacco mainly in the form of cigars. They chewed tobacco, piped tobacco, and snuffed. Most women did not use tobacco at all. The cigarette industry began in 1870s with the development of the cigarette manufacturing machine. This made it possible to produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly, and it reduced the price. Today cigarette *** oking is a widespread habit. About forty-three percent of the *** men and thirty-one percent of the *** women in the United States *** oke cigarettes regularly. It is encouraging to note, however, that millions of people have quit *** oking. Seventy-five percent of the male population and forty-six percent of the female population have *** oked cigarettes for some time during their lives, but twenty-six percent of these men and eleven percent of the women have stopped *** oking. The number of persons who have given up *** oking is increasing. Men as a group *** oke more than women. Among both men and women the age group with the highest proportion of *** okers is the age group 24—44. Ine, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person"s *** oking habit. City people *** oke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high ines are less likely to *** oke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower ines. On the other hand, if a well-educated man with a higher ine *** okes, he"s likely to *** oke more packs of cigarettes per day. The situation is somewhat different for women. There are slightly more *** okers among women with higher family ines and higher education than among the lower ine and lower educational groups. These more highly educated women tend to *** oke more heavily. Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenager *** okers from upper-ine, well-educated families, and also fewer from families living in farm areas. High school students who are preparing for college are less likely to *** oke than those who don"t plan to continue their education after high school. Children are most likely to start *** oking if one or both of their parents *** oke. 小题1:The underlined word “picture” in the last paragraph probably means _____________. A.situation B.photo C.painting D.teenager 小题2:Which group of people *** oked more according to the passage? A.The group of women. B.The group of teenagers. C.The group of men. D.The group of old people. 小题3:Which of the following factors will be likely to decide whether a person *** okes or not? A.Ine and sex. B.Education and occupation C.Sex and age. D.All the above. 小题4:According to the passage, if a teenager doesn"t plan to go to college, and if his parents both *** oke, he will ________________. A.probably not *** oke in the future. B.probably start to *** oke in the future. C.persuade his parents to give up *** oking. D.hate his parents as well as other *** okers. 小题5:Which of the following isn"t true? A.It wasn"t until the twentieth century that cigarettes became an important threat to public. B.More and more people are giving up *** oking. C.A poorly-educated woman with lower ine is more likely to *** oke than a well-educated woman with high ine. D.There are the most *** okers in the age group of 24-44.



两本英文小说the longest memory和black diggers的完整故事情节



  区别是dictionary只是解释了词汇的基本意思;而thesaurus包括了词汇的解释和他的同义词(近义词)和反义词,相当于归纳了词汇的分类。  国出版的冠有韦氏字样的一批英语词典的统称。主要指梅里厄姆英语词典系列。其中最有名的是《韦氏国际英语词典》,它经历了一个不断修订的过程。1828 年美国词典编纂家N.韦伯斯特自行出版《美国英语词典》二册,该书成为继英国约翰逊《英语词典》之后的经典辞书。韦氏死后,开印刷所的兄弟二人G.梅里厄姆和C.梅里厄姆买了韦家的版权,以梅里厄姆 · 韦伯斯特公司 的名义出版梅里厄姆韦氏词典。1847年修订第一版印出,合订成一巨册,并配上插图。1890年改书名为《韦氏国际英语词典》(意即通用于英语国家)。 1909年又改称《韦氏新国际英语词典》,并于1934年出了第二版。1961年出版《韦氏第三版新国际英语大词典》。每年,《韦氏大词典》的编委都要花上几个月的时间在书、杂志、甚至食品标签中搜罗,选出科学、技术、通俗文化及工业领域的一些新词和短语收入词典。

Mary can play chess.对chess提问?

what can Mary playuff1f

老爸送我款手表,小写的lrlr,标志像三个叶子的草背面sapphire crystal tungsten alloy 谁知道啥牌子

SAPPHIRE CRYSTAL TONGSTEN ALLOY意思是蓝宝石表面,钨钢合金制作;其他的不知道了,IrIr可能是牌子,但是我搜过了,没有,可能是啥不知名的牌子吧……you know,made in China~~呵呵。牌子有啥关系哩,喜欢就好了嘛。

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您打错了几个字母,ALL TUNGSTEN SAPPHIRE CRYSTAL 3ATM WATER RESIST RJ98940M;全钨钢,蓝宝石水晶表面,3ATM防水标准,型号RJ98940M。3ATM:可佩带游泳、潜入水下30米而不进水。

Story 与 Task,新时代的定义

(一) Epic 或者 Feature 才是最终可交付的东西。而 Story 很多时候则是不可单独发布的,所以很多 PO 或者团队会有这样的疑问,为什么还要把 Featrue 拆成尽可能小的 Story? 1. 加快反馈。小的 Story 经过开发、QA、Demo的循环,可能会产生新的 Learning。 2. 识别优先级。拆小之后,会发现有些点不是必做的。 (二) Story 一开始叫 User Story,其余的很难归于用户故事的,可以称之为 Technical Spike。 现实中则有很多演化。 1. 比如一个后端API,给小程序、安卓、iOS用。理想的情况是这些团队属于一个Scrum Team,Story 是端对端的。然而不理想的情况,App端和后端属于不同团队,也得找条活路。这时候可以把后端 API 作为单独的 Story。 2. 再比如 Feature 拆成多个 Story 后,每个 Story 都单独验收过了,可是对 Fearure 的联合测试怎么办?可以有个 Test Story。但注意它不属于任何单个 Story,否则的话应该归于那个 Story 的 Task。 3. 再比如,一个 Feature 做完需要发布时,发布需要额外的工作比如 :生产环境的数据迁移。它也没法归于某个 Story。这种情况可以建一个 Release Story。 (三) 问题来了,这些形形色色的 Technical 的 Story,跟 Story 下面的 Task 有什么区别? 可以用 INVEST 的 Valuable 来区分: Story 的Valuable 本来指的是对用户有价值,这边可以把用户的外延扩大,用户指的是“团队以外的人”。所以看上面的 Technical Story: 1. Technical Spike 的价值是对团队外的人澄清,某个 Story 能不能做,多大的 cost 和 Risk。 2. 后端 API 的价值显而易见是对前端团队。 3. 集成测试的价值是确保用户的外部质量。 4. Release Story 的价值也显而易见,让用户用上我们的功能。 所以,区别是,Story 对团队外的人有价值,或者对他们产生直接影响,属于 What。而归属于 S投入下面的 Task ,则只对自己或者本团队有价值,属于 How。

绝地求生 提示batteye:corrupted memory是为什么

这个提示是检测到游戏文件异常首先,试试点击开始-运行,输入services.msc,打开服务,找到Windows Management Instrumentation“或“BattlEye Service”服务,查看状态是否为“已启动”,如果是停止状态,右键属性里改为“手动”并点击“启动”---“应用”开启服务如果服务已经是自动启动的,那就比较麻烦了,要么是删过地图的,要么是有用过去草等外挂的。

求解 ,绝地求生更新后出现 [25]Battleye:COrrupted Memory #0 3.6.15-59ZE15 这个错误,每把定掉线。



英文原文:line up everyone英式音标:[lau026an] [u028cp] [u02c8evru026awu028cn] 美式音标:[lau026an] [u028cp] [u02c8u025bvru026awu028cn]

英文歌曲every shalala

yesterday once more 昨日重现的歌词

求Adele - Hometown Glory 歌词翻译

阿黛尔-家乡的荣耀我已经走在相同的方式,正如我没有失去了裂缝,在路面和tutting我的足跟和strutting我的脚“有什么我可以为您做亲爱的? 是否有任何人我可以呼吁“ ? “不和,谢谢,请主席。 I是不会丧失,只是彷徨“ 一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界我喜欢它在这个城市当空气是如此厚和不透明我喜欢看到大家在简短的裙子,短裤及色调我喜欢它在这个城市时,两个世界的碰撞你得到人民和政府每个人都以不同的两岸表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国表明我们是在哪里也不会采取它表明我们是在哪里也不会站在shit外围表明我们是美国一轮我的家乡回忆新鲜一轮我的家乡户外人民的我找到了我的是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,我的世界是奇迹,这个世界是奇迹,我的世界… …

长女:Jennifer Katharine Gates 长子:Rory John Gates 次女:Phoebe Adele Gates




voluntary 和 volunteering 有什么区别?


Everybody Loves Me 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Loves Me歌手:OneRepublic专辑:Waking UpEverybody Loves MeOneRepublicWell hell sees her shadow in my backseatAnd her friends are standing right in front of meWorld wide from the center burning turkeyOpen up said everybody loves meAnd you don"t have to make a soundCause they got what you need what you needOh oh oh ohGod love all the people that have warned youGod love all your sentimental virtueEight balls with the takers that"ll make youLay cards with the lovers that"ll hate youCause you don"t have to make a soundThey got what you needWhat you needLike you sayOh my!Feels just like i don"t tryLooks so good i might dieAll i know is everybody loves meGet down,Swaying to my own soundFlashes in my face nowAll i know is everybody loves meEverybody loves meWell IPlay the music don"t stop till i turn grayStars like don suzan never fade,He had a beautiful child, named her desireeHope i"ll remember the good things that i"ll never madeCause you don"t have to make a soundThey got what you needLike you sayOh my!Feels just like i don"t tryLooks so good i might dieAll i know is everybody loves meGet down,Swaying to my own soundFlashes in my face nowAll i know is everybody loves meEverybody loves meEverybodyEverybodyOhEverybodyEverybodyDon"t need my healthGot my name and got my wealth iStare at the sunJust for kicks all by myself iLose track of timeSo i might be past my primeButI"m feeling oh so goodYeah!Oh my!Feels just like i don"t tryLooks so good i might dieAll i know is everybody loves meGet down,Swaying to my own soundFlashes in my face nowAll i know is everybody loves meEverybody loves me!Don"t you know you wannaEverybodyEverybodyEverybodyWhooooa!http://music.baidu.com/song/8533820


Apple, ant, angry, name 4个单词中,以 name的发音不相同。

求Carry On(Acoustic)Young Rising song 中英歌词

Fun. - Carry OnWell I woke up to the sound of silenceThe cars were cutting like knives in a fist fightAnd I found you with a bottle of wineYour head in the curtainsand heart like the fourth of JulyYou swore and said" we are notWe are not shining starsThis I know" I never said we areThough I"ve never been through hell like thatI"ve closed enough windowsto know you can never look backIf you"re lost and aloneOr you"re sinking like a stoneCarry onMay your past be the soundOf your feet upon the groundCarry onCarry on" carry onSo I met up with some friends at the edge of the nightAt a bar off 75And we talked and talked about how our parents will dieAll our neighbors and wivesBut I"d like to think I can cheat it allTo make up for the times I"ve been cheated onAnd it"s nice to know when I was left for deadI was found and now I don"t roam these streetsI am not the ghost you want of meIf you"re lost and aloneOr you"re sinking like a stoneCarry onMay your past be the soundOf your feet upon the groundCarry onWoahMy head is on fire but my legs are fineAfter all they are mineLay your clothes down on the floorClose the door" hold the phone" show me howNo one"s ever gonna stop us nowCause we areWe are shining starsWe are invincibleWe are who we areOn our darkest dayWhen we"re miles awaySo we"ll comeWe will find our way homeIf you"re lost and aloneOr you"re sinking like a stoneCarry onMay your past be the soundOf your feet upon the groundCarry onEnd


使用F1帮助 UFT的F1是很强大的

希望日后得到你的大力支持,如果英文表示, thank you very much

It will be appreciate that can receive your strong support in the future.

翻译成英语"外科医生" 1.不是词组! 2.不是surgery





华为hry-al00是荣耀10青春版。上市日期:2018年11月27日屏幕类型:全面屏(水滴屏)出厂系统内核:Android 9操作系统:EMUI 9.0.1CPU型号:海思 麒麟 710机身颜色:幻夜黑,渐变红,渐变蓝,铃兰白解锁方式:后置指纹识别触摸屏类型:电容屏,多点触控主屏尺寸:6.21英寸主屏材质:TFT LCD(IPS)主屏分辨率:2340x1080像素屏幕像素密度:415ppi窄边框:3.77mmCPU频率:2.2GHz(大四核),1.7GHz(小四核)核心数:八核RAM容量:4GBROM容量:64GB存储卡:MicroSD卡扩展容量:512GB电池类型:不可拆卸式电池电池容量:3400mAh扩展资料:荣耀10青春版支持移动TD-LTE,联通TD-LTE,联通FDD-LTE,电信TD-LTE,电信FDD-LTE等4G网络和移动3G(TD-SCDMA),联通3G(WCDMA),电信3G(CDMA2000),联通2G/移动2G(GSM)等3G网络。荣耀10青春版后置摄像头自动对焦,前置摄像头固定焦距。有AI美拍,大光圈,夜景,人像,录像,专业相机,全景,流光快门,HDR等拍照功能。参考资料来源:中关村在线——荣耀10青春版(4GB RAM/全网通)

the summary of Moby Dick, and the symbolic of the moby dick急急,请各位高手帮忙啊

The novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville is an epic tale of the voyage of the whaling ship the Pequod and its captain, Ahab, who relentlessly pursues the great Sperm Whale (the title character) during a journey around the world. The narrator of the novel is Ishmael, a sailor on the Pequod who undertakes the journey out of his affection for the sea. Moby Dick is the masterpiece of Herman Melville, famous American novelist of 19th century, who uses the symbolic methods in the novel and make the novel full of the permanent artistic charm and the literary value above time and space.ue003可以参考文库的一篇文~希望对你有帮助哦~

Moby的《Very》 歌词

歌曲名:Very歌手:Moby专辑:HotelVeryMobyYou would never make itInside , oh insideLove you won"t be aloneInside, oh insidePainIt"s cold out thereSo come insideSo come insidePainIt"s warm in hereSo come insideSo come insideHow we will make itJust you, you and meSoon we"ll take itJust you, you and mePainYeahhhPainYeahhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3486163

curry beef balls怎么读

curry beef balls的读音介绍如下:英 /u02c8ku028cri biu02d0f bu0254u02d0lz。美 /[u02c8ku025cu02d0ri biu02d0f bu0254u02d0lz]。咖喱牛肉粒。咖喱牛肉粒是一道特色风味小吃,主要制作食材是牛肉,配料是食用盐、咖喱、烤肉酱等,通过大火将牛肉煮熟后,烤制而成。制作步骤:1、将牛肉表层的粘膜部位剔除洗净,分切成2.5-3CM厚度的大块,将牛肉块放入炖煮锅中,炖煮香辛料用温热水稍加浸泡抓洗,投入锅中,冰糖入锅,锅中添加清水,水量以略平肉材面为准,淋入生抽、老抽,锅中材料搅匀,大火煮开将浮沫撇清后转中小火加盖焖煮约30分钟熄火,将牛肉浸泡在卤汁中过夜。2、将浸泡过夜的牛肉带汤汁一同煮开,将牛肉块捞出沥干汁水平铺在烤架上,将蜂蜜、牛肉用烤肉酱、食用油混合(比例约为0.5:1:1),将混合酱汁均匀涂刷肉块正反面,烤箱预热180℃,将肉块放入上下火烤制,牛肉油脂溢出水分收干后取出(约20分钟,中途翻面加刷混合酱汁);将牛肉再改刀成大颗粒状。3、将五香牛肉粒放入大碗中,撒上炒香孜然粒、加入咖喱粉掂拌均匀;将牛肉粒平铺烤盘上回炉加烤3-5分钟至香味溢出,取出摊凉;制作糖果牛肉粒,烤箱专用锡纸裁剪成糖纸大小,将咖喱五香牛肉粒包裹进去,两头拧紧即可。摊凉后的牛肉粒也可以直接装瓶密闭保存。






Temple [简明英汉词典] [5templ]坦普尔(姓氏)temple [简明英汉词典][5templ]n.庙, 寺, 神殿, 教堂, 礼拜堂, 太阳穴, 鬓角monastery [简明英汉词典][5mCnEstri]n.修道院, 僧侣

一个英文翻译问题(in another country )by ernest hemingway

in another country :在另一个国家里

HP Mercury LoadRunner怎么用,如何使用,使用问题,使用方法和技巧

 1.LoadRunner录制脚本时为什么不弹出IE浏览器?   当一台主机上安装多个浏览器时,LoadRunner录制脚本经常遇到不能打开浏览器的情况,可以用下面的方法来解决。  启动浏览器,打开Internet选项对话框,切换到高级标签,去掉“启用第三方浏览器扩展(需要重启动)”的勾选,然后再次运行VuGen即可解决问题  提示:通常安装Firefox等浏览器后,都会勾选上面得选项,导致不能正常录制。因此建议运行LoadRunner得主机上保持一个干净的测试环境。  2.录制Web脚本时,生成的脚本中存在乱码该如何解决?  录制脚本前,打开录制选项配置对话框Record-Options,进入到Advanced标签,先勾选“Support charset”,然后选择中支持UTF-8。再次录制,就不会出现中文乱码问题了。  3.HTML-based script与URL-based script的脚本有什么区别?  使用“HTML-based script”的模式录制脚本,VuGen为用户的每个HTML操作生成单独的步骤,这种脚本看上去比较直观;使用“URL-based script”模式录制脚本时,VuGen可以捕获所有作为用户操作结果而发送到服务器的HTTP请求,然后为用户的每个请求分别生成对应方法。  通常,基于浏览器的Web应用会使用“HTML-based script”模式来录制脚本;而没有基于浏览器的Web应用、Web应用中包含了与服务器进行交互的Java Applet、基于浏览器的应用中包含了向服务器进行通信的JavaScript/VBScript代码、基于浏览器的应用中使用了HTTPS安全协议,这时使用“URL-based script”模式进行录制。  4.为什么脚本中添加了检查方法Web-find,但是脚本回放时却没有执行?  由于检查点功能会耗费一定的资源,因此LoadRunner默认关闭了对文本及图像的检查。要想开启检查功能,必须修改运行时的配置Run-time Setting。  进入“Run-time Setting”对话框,依次进入“Internet Protocol→Preferences”,勾选Checks下的“Enable Image and text check”选项即可。  检查执行结果时推荐使用web_reg_find方法。  5.运行时的Pacing设置主要影响什么?  Pacing主要用来设置重复迭代脚本的间隔时间。共有三种方法:上次迭代结束后立刻开始、上次迭代结束后等待固定时间、按固定或随机的时间间隔开始执行新的迭代。  根据实际需要设置迭代即可。通常,没有时间间隔会产生更大的压力。  6.运行时设置Log标签中,如果没有勾选“Enable logging”,则手工消息可以发送吗?  Enable logging选项仅影响自动日志记录和通过lr_log_message发送的消息。即使没有勾选,虚拟用户脚本中如果使用lr_message、lr_output_message、lr_error_message,仍然会记录其发出的消息。  7.LoadRunner 8.0版本的VuGen在录制Web Services协议的脚本时一切正常,而回放时报出错误提示“Error:server returned an incorrectly formatted SOAP response”。这时说明原因引起的?  造成这种情况的主要原因是LoadRunner 8.0的VuGen在录制Web Service协议的脚本时存在一个缺陷:如果服务器的操作系统是中文的,VuGen会自动将WSDL文件的头改为,因此会有上面的错误提示。  解决方法:把“LR80WebservicesFPI_setup.exe”和“lrunner_web_sevices_path_1.exe”两个补丁打上即可解决。 8.VuGen支持Netscape的客户证书吗?  不支持。目前的VuGen 8.0版本中仅支持Internet Explorer的客户端证书。录制脚本时可以先从Netscape中导出所需的证书,然后将其导入到Internet Explorer中,并确保以相同的顺序导出和导入这些证书。而且,在每台将要录制或运行需要证书的Web Vuser脚本的计算机上都要重复执行前面的过程。  9.VuGen会修改录制浏览器中的代理服务器设置吗?  会修改。在开始录制基于浏览器的Web Vuser脚本时,VuGen首先会启动指定的浏览器。然后,VuGen会指示浏览器访问VuGen代理服务器。为此,VuGen会修改录制浏览器上的代理服务器设置。默认情况下,VuGen会立即将代理服务器设置更改为Localhost:7777。录制之后,VuGen会将原始代理服务器设置还原到该录制浏览器中。因此,在VuGen进行录制的过程中,不可以更改代理服务器设置,否则将无法正常进行。  10.在LoadRunner脚本如何输出当前系统时间?  LoadRunner提供了char *ctime(const time_t *time)函数,调用参数为一个Long型的整数指针,用于存放返回时间的数值表示。  调用语句与返回值如下示例:  typedef long time_t;  Action()  {  time_t t;  lr_message(“Time in seconds since 1/1/70: %ld ”,time(&t));  lr_message(“System time and date: %s”,ctime(&t));  }  输出结果为:  Time in seconds since 1/1/70: 1185329968  System time and date:Wed Jul 25 10:19:28 2007  11.一些Web虚拟用户脚本录制后立刻回放没有任何问题,但是当设置迭代次数大于1时,如果进行回放则只能成功迭代一次。为什么从第二次迭代开始发生错误?  这种现象多是由于在“Run-time Setting”的“Browse Emulation”的设置中,勾选了“Simulate a new user on each iteration”及其下面的选项“Clear cache on each iteration”这两个选项的含义是每次迭代时模拟一个新的用户及每次迭代时清除缓存。  由于脚本迭代时,init和end只能执行一次,如果每次迭代都模拟一个新的用户并清除缓存,则用户登录信息将一并清除,因此迭代时可能会发生错误。  12.虚拟客户脚本“Run-time Setting”中的线程和进程运行方式的区别?  如果选择“Run Vuser as a process”,则场景运行时会为每一个虚拟用户创建一个进程;选择“Run Vuser as a thread”则将每个虚拟用户作为一个线程来运行,在任务管理器中只看到一个mmdrv.exe,这种方式的运行效率更高,能造成更大的压力,时默认选项。  另外,如果启用了IP欺骗功能,则先在Controller中选中Tools菜单下的“Expert Mode”,然后将Tools菜单下的“Options>General”标签页中的IP地址分配方式也设置为与Vuser运行方式一致,同为线程或进程方式。  13.在Controller中运行Web相关测试场景时,经常会有很多超时错误提示,如何处理这类问题?  这主要有脚本的默认超时设置引起。当回放Web脚本时,有时候由于服务器响应时间较长,会产生超时的错误。这时需要修改脚本的运行时配置。  进入“Run-time Setting”对话框后,依次进入“Internet Protocol→Preference”。然后点击“Options…”按钮,进入高级设置对话框,可以修改各类超时设置的默认值。  14.为什么Windows系统中的CPU、内存等资源仍然充足,但是模拟的用户数量却上不去?  在Windows计算机的标准设置下,操作系统的默认限制只能使用几百个Vuser,这个限制与CPU或内存无关,主要是操作系统本身规定了默认的最大线程数所导致。要想突破Windows这个限制,须修改Windows注册表。以Windows XP Professional为例。  (1)打开注册表后,进入注册表项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE中的下列关键字:SystemCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerSubSystems。  (2)找到Windows关键字,Windows关键字如下所示:  %SystemRoot%system32csrss.exe bjectDirectory=Windows  SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1  ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2  ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16  SharedSection=1024,3072,512关键字的格式为xxxx,yyyy,zzz。其中,xxxx定义了系统范围堆的最大值(以KB为单位),yyyy定义每个桌面堆得大小。  (3)将yyyy的设置从3072更改为8192(即8MB),增加SharedSection参数值。  通过对注册表的更改,系统将允许运行更多的线程,因而可以在计算机上运行更多的Vuser。这意味着能够模拟的最大并发用户数量将不受Windows操作系统的限制,而只受硬件和内部可伸缩性限制的约束。

terrible 和 scary 的区别 最好要有例句

terrible有“可怕的,可怖的”的意思,例如A terrible sight met my eyes,“我看见了一幅可怕的景象”.相比scary,它还有“极度的,厉害的”、“令人讨厌的”、“糟糕的”等更为宽泛的含义. scary只表示“引起惊慌的,骇人的”,比如a scary ghost story,“令人毛骨悚然的鬼故事”.两者在都表示“可怕的”的意思时可以换用,但scary较为口语化.




wannacry病毒对于密码技术的滥用包括1、Wannacry 病毒利用密码技术的漏洞,实施了大规模的勒索攻击,给全球带来了毁灭性的影响。密码技术是保护信息安全的重要技术手段,但是滥用可能会给社会和个人利益带来损失。2、WannaCry病毒文件的大小3MB,是一款蠕虫勒索式恶意软件。除Windows 10系统外,所有未及时安装MS17-010补丁的Windows系统都可能被攻击。WannaCry通过MS17-010漏洞进行快速感染和扩散,使用RSA+AES加密算法对文件进行加密。3、WannaCry也被称为WannaCrypt/WannaCrypt0r,目前还没有统一的中文名称,目前很多媒体按照字面翻译为“想哭”。此病毒文件的大小3MB,是一款蠕虫勒索式恶意软件。4、WannaCry(又叫Wanna Decryptor),一种“蠕虫式”的勒索病毒软件,大小3MB,由不法分子利用NSA(National Security Agency,美国国家安全局)泄露的危险漏洞“EternalBlue”(永恒之蓝)进行传播[1] 。使用EternalBlue达到攻击目的使用的三个漏洞是什么?Wannacry 病毒的攻击方式利用的是 SMB 漏洞,该漏洞最初是由美国国家安全局(NSA)发现的。NSA 利用该漏洞开发了 EternalBlue 工具,该工具可以在 Windows 系统中植入恶意软件,利用系统内置的 MS17-010 漏洞进行攻击。病毒连接时使用的是“永恒之蓝”(EternalBlue)漏洞,这个漏洞在之前的WannaCry勒索病毒中也被使用过,是造成WannaCry全球快速爆发的重要原因之一,此次Petya勒索病毒也是借助了此漏洞达到了快速传播的目的。在NSA泄漏的文件中,WannaCry传播方式的漏洞利用代码被称为“EternalBlue”。MS17-010漏洞指的是,攻击者利用该漏洞,向用户机器的445端口发送精心设计的网络数据包文,实现远程代码执行。wannacry勒索病毒是怎么传播的勒索病毒是怎么传播的 “CTB-Locker”病毒主要通过邮件附件传播,因敲诈金额较高,该类木马投放精准,瞄准“有钱人”,通过大企业邮箱、高级餐厅官网等方式传播。WannaCry利用Windows操作系统445端口存在的漏洞进行传播,并具有自我复制、主动传播的特性。据360安全中心分析,此次校园网勒索病毒是由NSA泄漏的“永恒之蓝”黑客武器传播的。WannaCry是利用Windows系统的445端口漏洞进行攻击和传播的病毒,中毒后会锁定电脑上的文件,打开文件时就会弹出提示信息,要求支付赎金。席卷全球的Wannacry勒索病毒就是利用了永恒之蓝漏洞在网络中迅速传播。攻击者利用系统漏洞主要有以下两种方式,一种是通过系统漏洞扫描互联网中的机器,发送漏洞攻击数据包,入侵机器植入后门,然后上传运行勒索病毒。wannacry使用的哪一种攻击方式与传统计算机病毒不同WannaCry使用一种名为永恒之蓝(EternalBlue)的攻击方式。根据查询相关公开信息显示,它是一种利用Windows操作系统漏洞进行攻击的“网络蠕虫”(worm)攻击方式。一种电脑病毒。投资界巨擘巴菲特在2017年股东大会上表示:人类面临的最大威胁是网络攻击,发生核战争的可能性要低于生化武器与网络攻击。话音未落,WannaCry蠕虫席卷全球,这是一起大规模勒索软件感染事件,并在持续。对称加密指的是加密和解密使用相同的密钥;非对称加密则使用一对密钥,公钥用于加密,私钥用于解密。Wannacry 病毒利用的密码技术漏洞 Wannacry 病毒的攻击方式利用的是 SMB 漏洞,该漏洞最初是由美国国家安全局(NSA)发现的。该恶意软件会扫描电脑上的TCP 445端口(Server Message Block/SMB),以类似于蠕虫病毒的方式传播,攻击主机并加密主机上存储的文件,然后要求以比特币的形式支付赎金。勒索金额为300至600美元。WannaCry 通过 MS17-010 漏洞进行快速感染和扩散,使用 RSA+AES 加密算法对文件进行加密。也就是说,一旦某个电脑被感染,同一网络内存在漏洞的主机都会被它主动攻击,因此受感染的主机数量飞速增长。传播如下:该病毒分蠕虫部分及勒索病毒部分,前者用于传播和释放病毒,后者攻击用户加密文件。蠕虫病毒是一种常见的计算机病毒。通过网络和电子邮件进行传播,具有自我复制和传播迅速等特点。

carry yourbag怎么读?



carry的过去式和过去分词都是carried。它的英式读法是["kri];美式读法是["kri]。作动词意思是携带;运送;搬运;带有;传播;承载。 carry的过去式过去分词 1.carry的基本意思是“运输”“传送”,可指人自身提、搬、拿、抱、背、扛,也可指人役使牲畜或使用交通工具如飞机、汽车将某物由一地运往另一地。作此解时, carry多用作及物动词,主语多为人,也可为天然或人工的通道等,宾语则为运送的有形物或无形物。carry也可用作不及物动词,这时多与hardly,easily之类的状语连用,主动形式含有被动意义。 2.carry引申用于抽象事物,用作及物动词,可接反身代词,表示“举止,行动”,此时不用于被动结构。 carry用作及物动词时还可作“支撑”“支承”解,指承受静止物体的重量,接抽象名词时意为“经得住,承受得了”; carry也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to的宾语。 3.carry有时可以指“怀孕”,是非正式用法,尤用于进行体。 4.用作双宾动词 (1)S+~+ pron. + n. Please carry me an umbrella. 请给我带一把伞。 (2)S+~+ n. +to pron./n. Tom carried this accident to his wife. 汤姆把这次事故告诉了他的妻子。 She carried a letter to me. 她为我带来了一封信。


1 运 ,送 The goods will be carried by train to London2携带,佩戴 In Brain the police don"t usually carry guns3 传播 Many dieases are carried by insects4支持支撑 These pillars carry the whole roof5 刊登All the newapapers carried articles about the plan6 出售 This shop carries all kinds of clothes


carry 携带;手提;肩挑;运送





  就是carry的读音加上ing(英的读音),中文读音:卡瑞英  满意请采纳,谢谢


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