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求lady gaga的bloody mary和布兰妮的hold it against me的中文歌词要一行英文和中文的那种

Love is just history that they may prove   爱情仅仅是一段他们会去证明的历史   And when you"re gone I"ll tell them my religion"s you   当你离去,我会告诉他们你是我的信仰   When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne   当庞休斯来到,杀死王位前的国王时   I"m ready for their stones.   我已经准备好他们赐予我的石刑   I"ll dance, dance, dance   With my hands, hands, hands,  Above my head, head, head,   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   Like Jesus said.   就像耶稣说的那样   I"m gonna dance, dance, dance,   With my hands, hands, hands,   Above my head,   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   dance together, Forgive him before   一并欢舞,在我原谅他之前   He"s dead because:   他死去,因为   I won"t cry for you   我不会为你而哭泣  I won"t crucify the things you do   我不会去践踏你所做过的事   I won"t cry for you, see   我不会为你而哭泣,看吧   When you"re gone I"ll still be bloody Mary   当你离去了,我还是 血腥玛丽   We are not just art for Michelangelo to carve,   我们不仅是供米开朗基罗雕刻的艺术品   He can"t rewrite the agro of my furied heart.   他不能重写我那被暴力蹂躏过的心   I"ll wait on mountain tops in Paris cold   我会在巴黎那寒冷的山顶等待   Je ne veux pas mourir tout seule:   我不想一个人孤单的死去(法语)   I"ll dance, dance, dance   With my hands, hands, hands,   Above my head, head, head,   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   Like Jesus said.   就像耶稣说的那样   I"m gonna dance, dance, dance,   With my hands, hands, hands,   Above my head   我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈   dance together, Forgive him before   一并欢舞,在我原谅他之前   He"s dead because:   他会死去,因为   I won"t cry for you   我不会为你而哭泣   I won"t crucify the things you do   我不会去践踏你所做过的事   I won"t cry for you, see   我不会为你而哭泣,看吧   When you"re gone I"ll still be bloody Mary   当你离去,我还是 血腥玛丽   Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga,   Dum dum da da da   Dum dum da da da da da da   Dum dum da da da   Dum dum da da da da da da   Dum dum da da da   嗒嗒啦,嗒嗒啦   I won"t cry for you   我不会为你而哭泣   I won"t crucify the things you do   我不会去践踏你所做过的事   I won"t cry for you, see   我不会为你而哭泣,看吧   When you"re gone I"ll still be bloody Mary   当你离去,我还是 血腥玛丽   Whoah Whoah Whoah, Whoah Whoah Whoah, Whoah Whoah Whoah,   Whoah Whoah Whoah, Whoah Whoah Whoah.   Oh, Liberaté, mi amor.   解放,我的爱(西班牙语) Britney Spears - Hold It Against MeHey over therePlease forgive meIf I"m coming on too strong 嗨,那边的帅哥,不好意思,我来得有点直接。Hate to stare 本不想盯着你看,But you"re winning 但是你实在太帅!And they"re playing my favorite song 而且我最喜欢的歌正飘荡。So come here A little closer Wanna whisper in your ear 所以,靠近一点点,想在你耳边低诉。Make It clear Little question直白点,就一个小问题,Wanna know just how you feel 我想知道你是怎么想的If I said my heart was beating loud 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,If we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我们可以独处一室If I said I want your body now 如果我说我想要你的身体Would you hold it against me 你会抱紧我吗?Cause you feel like paradise因为你就像天堂般美妙and I need a vacation tonight而我今晚正好需要放个假,So if I said I want your body now 那么,如果我说我想要你的身体Would you hold it against me 你会抱紧我吗?  Hey You might think That I"m crazy  嗨,你也许会以为,我有点疯颠。But I you know I"m just your type 但是你知道的,我就是你的菜。I"mma be a little hazy But you just cannot deny  我也许有点疯狂,但是你却无法拒绝我。There"s a spark in between us When we"re dancing on the floor 在跳舞的时候 我们之间擦出了火花。I want more Wanna see It 而我想要更多,想要看到你身体。So I"m asking you tonight 所以今晚我要问你:If I said my heart was beating loudIf we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,如果我们可以独处一室,If I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?Cause you feel like paradiseand I need a vacation tonight 因为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假So if I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 那么,如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?If I said I want Your Body 如果我说我想要你的身体,Would you Hold It Against Me? 你能将身体靠紧我吗?Gimme something goodDon"t wanna wait I want It now(na-na-now) 给我点猛料,不想再等了,现在就要!Pop It like a hoodAnd show me how you work It out 快点脱掉你的衣服,让我看看你锻炼得怎么样?(alright)If I said my heart was beating loud 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞, If we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我们可以独处一室,If I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me 如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?If I said my heart was beating loud 如果我觉得小鹿乱撞,If we could escape the crowd somehow 如果我们可以独处一室,If I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?Cause you feel like paradiseI need a vacation tonight 为你就像天堂般美妙,而我今晚正好需要放个假So if I said I want your body nowWould you hold it against me 所以如果我说我想要你的身体,你会抱紧我吗?

求Ladygaga 的Bloody Mary的歌词要有中文的

Love is just history thatthey may prove 爱情仅仅是一段他们会去证明的历史 And when you"re gone I"ll tell them my religion"s you 当你离去,我会告诉他们你是我的信仰 When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne 当庞休斯杀死在他王位上的国王时 I"m ready for their stones. 我已经准备好他们赐予我的石刑 I"ll dance, dance, dance With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, head, head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Like Jesus said. 就像耶稣说的那样 I"m gonna dance, dance, dance, With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Hands together, Forgive him before 双手合十,在Love is just history thatthey may prove 爱情仅仅是一段他们会去证明的历史 And when you"re gone I"ll tell them my religion"s you 当你离去,我会告诉他们你是我的信仰 When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne 当庞休斯杀死在他王位上的国王时 I"m ready for their stones. 我已经准备好他们赐予我的石刑 I"ll dance, dance, dance With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, head, head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Like Jesus said. 就像耶稣说的那样 I"m gonna dance, dance, dance, With my hands, hands, hands, Above my head, 我将会把我的手举在我的头上尽情舞蹈 Hands together, Forgive him before 双手合十,在

歌迷拍的Lady Gaga新歌Bloody Mary暗黑版MV什么意思

我们能够知道,这个故事一定是发生在宫殿里的。开头出现的是王座和王后,从她的神色中我们可以发现她很不悦。接着玛丽出现了(她显然是被宣召过来的)。然后有两个人劝解不满的王后,但女王挥了挥手示意她们推下。之后两个侍卫坐在了玛丽的前面,而玛丽在这里明显没有话语权。玛丽独自歌唱起来,结合这时的歌词来看,玛丽一定知道自己的结局——死亡。玛丽大概是不愿意就此任人鱼肉了吧,所以她就走到了王后面前为自己辩解,但王后反而皱起了眉头。玛丽看出这是无用功,接着对那两个侍卫说了些什么,然后回到原位上。这时又出现了一个人,她大概是在为玛丽辩护。但她被王后的侍卫拉走了(玛丽这时是绝望的)。王后离开了这里,但玛丽没有走,她依然在将双手举在头上舞蹈。她的内心比较痛苦,希望早日了事,即使是被送到死神面前也好,因为她想要解脱,而不是这样僵持下去。玛丽还想和王后谈谈。她来到了神像面前祈祷。这时的原因有两点:一是基督教的惯例,即用餐前祷告,二是希望自己这一次不再无功而返。后来她的身后出现了几个人,大概是让她进去见王后。玛丽有些紧张。从下一段的画面中我们不难看出玛丽和王后谈砸了——女王竟然想要拿起刀去杀死玛丽!餐后的王后前去神殿祷告。她看见了一个蹲着的女人,然后伸手去碰她(这个女人或许是之前被王后杀死的女人),意想不到的事情发生了。那个女子用手揪住了杀她的人,然后狠狠地尖叫一声(注意王后在这一刻的表情)。还是在最初的宫殿里。玛丽惊恐地看着死在王后刀下的国王(很多人会将此男子当作护卫,然而演员表上唯一死去的男性角色为“The Dead King”。国王的死因或许是想在玛丽即将被杀之际劝阻王后,另外国王极有可能是女王当着王后的面被杀死的,因为玛丽身上沾满的血污,国王也很可能是个傀儡,否则绝不会轻易死去),然后用更为害怕的眼神看着王后手里的尖刀。同时交叉出现的是一片血腥的阴间——这些人都是王后的刀下之鬼!当然,其中没有玛丽。王后应该是想再考虑一下杀死玛丽的问题,而玛丽早已吓瘫在了那个死人的身边。镜头切换回了神殿。那个女的是想告诉王后她被鬼魂包围了!王后知道后迅速地跑出了神殿。那个女人随即带着一群想要制止女王行为的鬼魂来追逐王后,恐惧万分的王后选择放弃杀死玛丽。所以这一群鬼魂才会退去。但玛丽也没有脱身。王后的护卫认定玛丽是这一切的罪魁祸首,所以他们用绸带勒死了她,随后任由她倒在地面上而没有去管她。这个故事的结局是王后在这一切面前屈服了,她任由玛丽的鬼魂(我是这么认为的:这时玛丽画着她从未画过的眼影,且敢去拿走王后的王冠,这种行为不像是她活着时敢对杀人如麻的王后做的)拿去了她的王冠。

ladygaga bloody mary 典故啊 貌似几恐怖


Bloody Mary (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bloody Mary (Album Version)歌手:The Living End专辑:The Living EndBloody MaryWhitesnakeSnakebiteWhen you"re waltzing down the High StreetSinging that sweet French perfume songLooking out for the boys who couldn"t sing alongMoving like a dancer on the ballroom floorSweet ballerina get me begging for moreWhen you"re rolling your eyes behind your Dior shadesBloody Mary, the queen of the ballBloody Mary, you want it allI"ve been looking for you, looking for meI like sugar in my woman more than saccharineToo much sweet talk make a nice boy meanAll in all, Mary, you"re no good for meJust like a bee-sting, babe, you"re a pain in my heartHurting me more and moreYou get me down on my knees when you talk dirty to meBloody Mary, the queen of the ballBloody Mary, you want it allI"ve been looking for youBloody MaryYou know that Madame Palm and her five sweet daughtersCouldn"t give a man what the doctor orderedOoh, Mary, I love the way you turn it onBloody Mary, the queen of the ballBloody Mary, you want it allI"ve been looking for youBloody MaryYou know that Madame Palm and her five sweet daughtersCouldn"t give a man what the doctor orderedOoh, Mary, I love the way you turn it onI told, ooh, Mary, I love the way you turn it onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7931808

鸡尾酒Bloody Mary具体用多少成分调配的?

血玛丽(Bloody Mary)  材料:伏特加 1.5盎司 、番茄汁 4盎司 、辣酱油 1/2茶匙 、精盐 1/2茶匙 、黑胡椒 1/2茶匙  制法:在老式杯中放入两块冰块,按顺序在杯中加

Bloody Mary是什么意思?有何传说?


血腥玛丽(bloody mary)的传说中...


blood mary 应该怎么去理解它呢?悬赏100有加分

一楼的回答 已经很全面了 楼主给他分吧

blood mary是什么味道?是不是很难喝






滨崎步的《Fairyland》 歌词

歌曲名:Fairyland歌手:滨崎步专辑:A Complete ~All Singles~Fairyland呗:浜崎あゆみ作词:浜崎あゆみ作曲:TASUKU编曲:H∧L大人になって 行く事の意味长大究竟代表了什么なんてわからないままだよ其实根本还懵懵懂懂だけどいつか あのコやあいつ但是过去日子里的那些孩子今顷どこを目指して如今想必正朝着某个目标歩いてるんだろう一步步向前走夜明けが早く なったこの顷在破晓来得比往常更早的此刻风の匂いが変わったよ风的味道也变得不同懐かしいようで まだ见ぬようで彷佛有一些怀念又有一些陌生鼓动が早くなってく心跳开始加快爱しくて切ない爱恋中带着心痛あの海へと続く 道のり无邪気に通往海边的那条道路笑い転げて 走り抜けて行った曾经天真无邪地笑闹奔过远い夏の日在那遥远的夏日今も胸に残る 幼き仆达如今留在心中的是童稚的我们その先に待つ 未来の事なんて在前方等着自己的未来到底是什么知るすべもなく当时又怎会知道残ったものは 残したもので会留下的终究会留下偶然なんかじゃないよ那绝非偶然宇宙の意思が あるとしたなら如果说宇宙有它的意志确かに働いたんだろう那想必它确实的在运作优しくて尊い温柔而高贵地あれからどの位 何かを求めて从那之后究竟又追求了多少事物见つけてはまた失う事ばかり在得到后又再次失去缲り返したけど不断重复这样的过程ここにある笑颜が 教えてくれたよ在这里的笑容告诉了我们知道仆达は今最も永远に我们现在正位在近い场所にいる最接近永恒的场所あの海へと続く 道のり无邪気に通往海边的那条道路笑い転げて走り抜けて行った曾经天真无邪地笑闹奔过远い夏の日在那遥远的夏日あれからどの位 何かを求めて从那之后究竟又追求了多少事物见つけてはまた 失う事ばかり在得到后又再次失去缲り返したけど不断重复这样的过程ここにある笑颜が 教えてくれたよ在这里的笑容告诉了我们知道仆达は今最も永远に我们现在正位在近い场所にいる最接近永恒的场所http://music.baidu.com/song/1134256



请问下bjd大神 fairyland官网的娃包邮吗?


请问这款bjd是正版么?fairyland minifee是正规牌子么?


请问这款bjd是正版么?fairyland minifee是正规牌子么?

这张是FL woosoo的官图哦 FL是韩国正规娃社~ 不过这款已经完售 结转的价格大概在2K出头 平时没有太关注 亲可以去吧里搜搜~ 不过价格过低的就不要接了



帮忙翻译fairyland的The Fall Of An Empire中文歌词

这么多,我们的斗争/与Osyrhia自由/给我们奠定的黑暗/绝不能撤消到了阴影方式,从1000年/我们将看到我们的王国陷入一片黑暗下跌/但我现在想重新早已忘记/以及森林和平原的Siridian /所有这一切早就心爱将转向时机成熟时通过/到"我的心黑暗的梦想舞蹈/因此,我们将结束战斗/和Osyrhia自由/黑勋爵不败/时至少将得到他的时间/什么所有打架,保证我们有/抛弃了我们的上帝,还是轻? /作者:我的话我为上帝要求来指导我的黑暗/我会站在所有/黑暗的梦,被称为自由的呐喊,/正如我已经试过,我想* /悲伤的泪水下降的光辉在这些梦/从来没有地雷/帝国的秋季提出一项1000尖叫声/从未死/在这些梦想下降悲伤的光明之泪/我从来没有一个帝国的下降提高1000尖叫声/尖叫声永远不死* * /从那时起,我们已经游行通过沙漠的希望/但我们的热情不减/的渴望会为我们失去了在这里王国/英雄的轰鸣声再次/通过我们的自由的土地,我们的土地/勇气一切,和闪亮的光,但仍是帝国瀑布/桥* /合唱**


大人(おとな)になって行(い)く事(こと)の意味 (いみ) なんてわからないままだよ だけどいつかのあのコやあいつ 今顷(いまごろ)どこを目指(めざ)して 歩(ある)いてるんだろう 夜明(よあ)けが早(はや)くなったこの顷(ごろ)风(かぜ)の匂(にお)いが変(か)わったよ 懐(なつか)しいようでまだ见(み)ぬようで 鼓动(こどう)が早(はや)くなってく 爱(あい)しくて切(せつ)ない あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く 道(みち)のり无邪気(むじゃき)に 笑(わら)い転(ころ)げて走(はし)り抜(ぬ)けて行(い)った 远(とお)い夏(なつ)の日(ひ) 今(いま)も胸(むね)に残(のこ)る幼(おさな)き仆达(ぼくたち) その先(さき)に待(ま)つ未来(みらい)の事(こと)なんて 知(し)るすべもなく あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く 道(みち)のり无邪気(むじゃき)に 笑(わら)い転(ころ)げて走(はし)り抜(ぬ)けて行(い)った 远(とお)い夏(なつ)の日 (ひ) あれからどの位(ぐらい)何(なに)かを求(もと)めて 见(み)つけてわまだ失(うしな)う事(こと)ばかり 缲(く)り返(かえ)したけど ここにある笑颜(えがお)が教(おし)えてくれたよ 仆达(ぼくたち)わ今(いま)最(もっと)も永远(えいえん)に 违(ちが)い场所(ばしょ)にいる


浜崎あゆみ - fairyland 作词:浜崎あゆみ 作曲:TASUKU 编曲:H∧L あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く...... あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く道(みち)のり无邪気(むじゃき)に 笑(わら)い転(ころ)げて走(はし)り抜(ぬ)けて行(い)った 远(とお)い夏(なつ)の日(ひ) 今(いま)も胸(むね)に残(のこ)る幼(おさな)き仆(しもべ)达(たち) その先(さき)に待(ま)つ未来(みらい)の事(こと)なんて 知(し)るすべもなく 夜明(よあ)けが早(はや)くなったこの顷(ころ) 风(かぜ)の匂(にお)いが変(か)わったよ 懐(なつ)かしいようでまだ见(み)ぬようで 鼓动(こどう)が早(はや)くなってく 残(のこ)ったものは残(のこ)したもので 偶然(ぐうぜん)なんかじゃないよ 宇宙(うちゅう)の意思(いし)があるとしたなら 确(たし)かに働(はたら)いたんだろう 优(やさ)しくて尊(とうと)い あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く道(みち)のり无邪気(むじゃき)に 笑(わら)い転(ころ)げて走(はし)り抜(ぬ)けて行(い)った 今(いま)も胸(むね)に残(のこ)る幼(おさな)き仆(しもべ)达(たち) その先(さき)に待(ま)つ未来(みらい)の事(こと)なんて 知(し)るすべもなく あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く...... あの海(うみ)へと続(つづ)く道(みち)のり无邪気(むじゃき)に 笑(わら)い転(ころ)げて走(はし)り抜(ぬ)けて行(い)った 远(とお)い夏(なつ)の日(ひ) 今(いま)も胸(むね)に残(のこ)る幼(おさな)き仆(しもべ)达(たち) その先(さき)に待(ま)つ未来(みらい)の事(こと)なんて 知(し)るすべもなく あれからどの位(くらい)何(なに)かを求(もと)めて 见(み)つけてはまた失(うしな)う事(こと)ばかり 缲(く)り返(かえ)したけど ここにある笑颜(えがお)が教(おし)えてくれたよ 仆达(ぼくたち)は今(いま)最(もっと)も永远(えいえん)に 近(ちか)い场所(ばしょ)にいる



滨崎步的《Fairyland》 歌词

歌曲名:Fairyland歌手:滨崎步专辑:(Miss)UnderstoodFairyland呗:浜崎あゆみ作词:浜崎あゆみ作曲:TASUKU编曲:H∧L大人になって 行く事の意味长大究竟代表了什么なんてわからないままだよ其实根本还懵懵懂懂だけどいつか あのコやあいつ但是过去日子里的那些孩子今顷どこを目指して如今想必正朝着某个目标歩いてるんだろう一步步向前走夜明けが早く なったこの顷在破晓来得比往常更早的此刻风の匂いが変わったよ风的味道也变得不同懐かしいようで まだ见ぬようで彷佛有一些怀念又有一些陌生鼓动が早くなってく心跳开始加快爱しくて切ない爱恋中带着心痛あの海へと続く 道のり无邪気に通往海边的那条道路笑い転げて 走り抜けて行った曾经天真无邪地笑闹奔过远い夏の日在那遥远的夏日今も胸に残る 幼き仆达如今留在心中的是童稚的我们その先に待つ 未来の事なんて在前方等着自己的未来到底是什么知るすべもなく当时又怎会知道残ったものは 残したもので会留下的终究会留下偶然なんかじゃないよ那绝非偶然宇宙の意思が あるとしたなら如果说宇宙有它的意志确かに働いたんだろう那想必它确实的在运作优しくて尊い温柔而高贵地あれからどの位 何かを求めて从那之后究竟又追求了多少事物见つけてはまた失う事ばかり在得到后又再次失去缲り返したけど不断重复这样的过程ここにある笑颜が 教えてくれたよ在这里的笑容告诉了我们知道仆达は今最も永远に我们现在正位在近い场所にいる最接近永恒的场所あの海へと続く 道のり无邪気に通往海边的那条道路笑い転げて走り抜けて行った曾经天真无邪地笑闹奔过远い夏の日在那遥远的夏日あれからどの位 何かを求めて从那之后究竟又追求了多少事物见つけてはまた 失う事ばかり在得到后又再次失去缲り返したけど不断重复这样的过程ここにある笑颜が 教えてくれたよ在这里的笑容告诉了我们知道仆达は今最も永远に我们现在正位在近い场所にいる最接近永恒的场所http://music.baidu.com/song/938937


1958年,法国著名设计师 WORYH成立了法利兰光学机构,集研发创造于一体。机构研发制造的眼镜,无论是从品质还是款式都属于一流产品。法利兰追求轻巧、人性化的设计、产品具有绅士气质,经典而高贵,20世纪90年代,法国法利兰机构在上海设立了分公司,1986年上海法利兰眼镜有限公司正式成立,法利兰眼镜把欧洲浪漫、经典与东方的古典、高贵融合在一起,打造出“法利兰”“好诺钡哒”“HA1BAO”“大浪金鲨”“FOOTBALL”“登宝路”“凯莱路喜”等名贵品牌,尽显佩戴者的尊贵、典雅、成为自信与财富的象征、深受成功、高雅人士与都市淑女的青睐。法利兰眼镜以现代美学观点演绎传统,缔造完美品质。

mary wants to knowhow do you get to school是什么句式?

(注意:去掉从句中的疑问助动词do)Mary wants to know how you get to school?意思是:玛丽想知道你是怎样去上学的?这个句子是一般现在时。句子分析:Mary主语; wants谓语, to know宾补;( how you get to school?)宾语从句

用 put cut max fry cook boil 做一道菜 英语的

put 是“放”的意思,例如把米放进锅里,put some rice into the rice cookercut是“切”,例如把苹果切片,cut the apple into pieces应该不是max是mix吧?mix是混合,搅拌在一起fry是油炸cook是普通的煮boil是水煮有问题还可以再问哦~求最佳~

求katy perry 唱dressin up的歌词, 这首歌很好听但是不知道歌词..



sugary构词法是:形容词的形式。sugary,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“含糖的;甜的;糖状的;甜言蜜语的”。短语搭配:SUGARY LIFE小康生活;sugary endosperm糖质胚乳;sugary tea甜茶;Sugary cut切边粗糙;sugary diarrhea糖源性腹泻。sugary content含糖量;sugary words媚人的语言;Sugary Trap甜蜜陷阱;A Sugary含糖。sugar,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“糖;食糖;甜言蜜语,人名;休格”,作及物动词时意为“加糖于;粉饰”,作不及物动词时意为“形成糖”。短语搭配:Sugar beet糖用甜菜;甜菜;糖甜菜;糖料甜菜;powdered sugar糖粉;砂糖;白糖粉;粉糖;invert sugar转化糖;转化化糖;化糖;sugar candy冰糖;甜皮糖;甜蜜的东西;炭糖。sugar substitute甜味剂 ; 代糖 ; 而以代糖 ; 食糖替代品;sugar glass糖玻璃;Sugar City糖城;舒格城;Custer sugar白砂糖;砂糖;白沙糖;白砂糖适用于做糕点;sugar daddy糖心爹地;富翁;老男人。双语例句:1、With sugar if you have it.如果你有的话,我要加糖的。2、Once we had no sugar for our children.有一次我们没有糖给我们的孩子了。3、Do you have sugar?你们有食糖吗?

Barry Manilow的《Even Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Even Now歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:The Essential Barry ManilowEven NowWritten by Barry Manilow/Marty PanzerPerformed by Barry ManilowEven now when there"s someone else who caresWhen there"s someone home who"s waiting just for meEven now I think about you as I"m climbin" up the stairsAnd I wonder what to do so she won"t seeThat even now when I know it wasn"t rightAnd I"ve found a better life than what we hadEven now I wake up cryin" in the middle of the nightAnd I can"t believe it still could hurt so badEven now when I have come so farI wonder where you are, I wonder why it"s still so hard without youEven now when I come shining through, I swear I think of youAnd how I wish you knew, even nowEven now when I never hear your nameAnd the world has changed so much since you"ve been goneEven now I still remember and the feeling"s still the sameAnd this pain inside of me goes on and on, even nowEven now when I have come so farI wonder where you areI wonder why it"s still so hard without youEven now when I come shinin" throughI swear I think of you and God, I wish you knewSomehowEven nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7491320

地壳脉动说(Pulsation theory,Palsation hypothesis)是指?


在歌谣大战里,俊秀和太阳钢琴对决,太阳唱的那首dont wanna try的歌词是什么啊?

(oooo)...dont wanna try dont wanna try (try try) (oooo)..dont wanna try no more (ooo)..dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try [Verse 1]I cant believe u had the nerve to say the things u said they hurt so bad that they ended our relationship I cant believe it ..4 years go down the drain oh how I wish things would of happened so differently I tryd to save it so many times but you still couldnt see u kept insistin and resistin that u would not fall again and now u tryin to tell me that ur sorry and ur tryin to come back home ur tellin me u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor but baby I [Chorus]dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door dont wanna try dont wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things i hurt u bad to when we both begin to cry dont wanna try dont wanna try I bout just had enough its been a rough road baby just let it go dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more tell me whats the use of holdin on when all we do is hurt our love [Verse 2]u and I had many conversations on the telephone talks about one day we having a place of our own wake up in the morning and have breakfast ready on the table but all of that just seems so far away from me had to wake up face reality it all just seem to good to be true after all you put me through and now u tryin to tell me that ur sorry and u tryin to come back home u tellin me that u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor but baby I [Chorus]dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door dont wanna try dont wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things i hurt u bad to when we both begin to cry dont wanna try dont wanna try I bout just had enough its been a rough road baby just let it go dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more tell me whats the use of holdin on when all we do is hurt our love [..fading into beat] (dont wanna try dont wanna try) (dont wanna try no more) (dont wanna try dont wanna try..oo) (dont wanna try dont wanna try) (dont wanna try no more) (dont wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more ooo)

You Make Me Want To Cry 歌词

歌曲名:You Make Me Want To Cry歌手:Rafael Ramos专辑:Freestyle New Generation Megamixjensin制作To start it off I know you know meTo come to think of it, it was only last week.That I had a dream about us, oh.That"s why I am here, I"m writing this song.To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,Someway let me know, you want me girl.Everytime you see me what do you see?I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.Baby that"s why:You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.Well I know that these feelings won"t end no, no.They"ll just get stronger if I see you again.Baby I"m tired of being friends.I wanna know if you feel the sameAnd could you tell me do you feel my pain?Don"t leave me in doubt.Everytime you see me what do you see?I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.And baby that"s why:You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I"ll take you home real quickAnd sit you down on the couchPour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.Baby we can make sweet love.Then we"ll take it nice and slow.I"m gonna touch you like you"ve never know beforeWe"re gonna make love all night.You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.http://music.baidu.com/song/2794682

公正世界理论(Just-world Theory/Hypothesis)

公正世界理论(Just-world Theory/Hypothesis)是在社会学和心理学中一个臭名昭著的理论。在这种假说里,人们生活在一个公正的世界里,得到的都是他们理应得到的。不幸的人所遇到的不幸都是“咎由自取”,而幸运的人则收获着他们的奖励。 采用恶毒的言论指责受害人,比如流浪汉流落街头,会被指责为懒惰,不够努力。我们也会听到有关受害人不洁身自好的言论,某个留学生出了事就会说他炫富,非得去国外,吃火锅或者参加娱乐集会的时候发生暴力事件,会有人指责享受娱乐的这些人,为什么如此恶毒的事情会如此普遍呢?这背后有个心理学的解释,经典的认知偏误,公正世界理论,潜意识里相信这个理论的人认为,好人有好报,坏人会受到惩罚,因此如果受害人是个洁身自好的人,却遭受了伤害,我将违背了这个原则,违背这个原则之后,人们将陷入自我怀疑,并将由此感受到强大的不安全感,由此大脑就必须找个理由调节认知去消除带来的恐慌,就会不自觉地去扭曲被害者的形象来保护自己的价值观,于是一个巴掌拍不响,苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋,这些看似公正实则荒谬绝伦的理论就出现。 我们其实忽略了很多意外,是无法设防的。 世界也许刻薄,人性可以温柔。 为了更好地理解这个理论,下面走进今天《纽约时报》的这篇新闻吧,来看看这一事件在爱尔兰掀起的轩然大波。 Defense lawyer suggests a thong equals consent—and Ireland eruptsA criminal trial in Ireland, in which the lawyer of a man accused of rape cited the lacy underwear worn by a woman as a sign of her consent, has ignited outrage across the country and beyond. During the closing argument, the defense lawyer asked the jury to consider the underwear worn by the 17-year-old woman at the time prosecutors said she was raped in a muddy alleyway by a 27-year-old man. “Does the evidence out-rule the possibility that she was attracted to the defendant and was open to meeting someone and being with someone?” the lawyer asked, according to The Irish Times. “You have to look at the way she was dressed. She was wearing a thong with a lace front.” The man was acquitted, and the case immediately drew calls for accountability and sparked a national dialogue about consent and victim blaming. Hundreds of women and men with posters and lace underwear in hand protested in five cities across the country on Wednesday. “My issue isn"t just the barrister; it"s the system that allows it, ” said Mary Crilly, director of the Cork Sexual Violence Center and one of the speakers at the protests. Women also poured out their frustration on social media, where they posted photos of colorful underwear with the hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent. For decades, Ireland was a socially conservative society ruled by the norms of the Roman Catholic Church, and women"s rights often took a back seat. In recent years, socially liberal policies have begun to flourish. But as women"s status in society changes, the laws have not always kept pace.

有没有diary life这种用法?diary life有没有daily life的意思?


IEEE Program Library

我感觉你说的是IEEE Electronic Library(IEL),收录IEEE美国电气电子工程师学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) 及IET英国工程技术学会(Institution of Engineering and Technology)出版内容,包括1988年到现在所有的期刊、会议录和标准。你要下载全文是需要付费的。中心网站http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/guesthome.jsp若想免费下载可以去国家图书馆,清华、北邮图书馆等国家和高校图书馆,或在线寻求有权限的网友帮助下载。一般高校不会购买(估计1年使用和更新费在10-15万美金)。 IEL是IEEE的电子出版物。另外IEE是指英国电气工程师学会,已在06年和英国企业工程师学会(IIE)合并为IET。

Crystal Gayle的《Funny》 歌词

歌曲名:Funny歌手:Crystal Gayle专辑:20 Love SongsFunny, how you turned redWhen I first saidLet"s join the deadFunny, I was driving byFeeling really highIt made me cryWooooohhhhhh.....Ahhhhh...Funny, there were swastikasOn Santa MonicaWhere they were scarredFunny, that no one saidthat you were deadand painted redWhere do you go when you fall on your face?It"s a place that you never should knowIs there a reason why people should changeAnd they changin" the way that they goIf I was there with you for longWould you be singing me this song?I"m holding on...Love Daron V. Malakian 4everWooooohhhhhh.....Ahhhhh...Where do you go when you fall on your face?It"s a place that you never should knowIs there a reason why people should change?And they changin" the way that they goIf I was there with you for longWould you be singing me this song?I"m holding on...Wooooohhhhhh.....Ahhhhh...Wooooohhhhhh.....Ahhhhh...http://music.baidu.com/song/2968377

有没有diary life这种用法?diary life有没有daily life的意思?


请分析一下turning point和stationary point 相同点与不同点

A point at which the derivative changes sign.See stationary point,in mathematics In mathematics,particularly in calculus,a stationary point or critical point is an input to a differentiable function where the derivative is zero (equivalently,the slope of the graph is zero):where the function "stops" increasing or decreasing (hence the name).For a differentiable function of several variables,a stationary or critical point is an input (one value for each variable) where all the partial derivatives are zero (equivalently,the gradient is zero. For the graph of a function of one variable,this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis.For function of two variables,this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent plane is parallel to the xy plane. The notion extends to differentiable maps from Rm into Rn and to differentiable maps between manifolds,but,in these case,only the term critical point (or sometimes bifurcation point) is used,not stationary point. This article focuses only to the case of the functions of a single variable.For the other cases,see Critical point.

求 gavy n.j. 《everyday》 罗马歌词! 谢谢!

  Gavy NJ 《Everyday》 罗马歌词  ireoke  dugeundugeun daeneunge sarangilkka  simjangi  kongdakkongdak sori deullilkka  geudaedo gateun saenggagilkka  jakku naman bomyeon utneun geudae  ireoke  salgeumsalgeum nae soneul ppeodeobolkka  animyeon  eungeunseuljjeok nunbicheul deonjilkka  nae mami deulkyeo beoringeolkka  jayeonseure nae son jamneun geudae  iboda deo joheul suneun eobtjanha everyday  eoneusaenga nae mameun only you  malhaji anhado sumgiji anhado  geudaen algo itjanha  nae gwitgae saranghae  Tell me everyday  harujongil deutgo sipeun mal  urisagwieo bolkka  meonjeo malhaebolkka  oneulbuteo geudaewa nan  saranghae everyday  ireoke  nae mameul swipge jwodo doeneungeolkka  ireoda  ibyeoldo swipge omyeon eojjeolkka  nae gwaenhan geokjeongeul aneunji  josimseureip matchuneun geudae  oh..  iboda deo joheul suneun eobtjanha everyday  eoneusaenganae mameun Only you  malhaji anhado sumgiji anhado  geudaen algo itjanha  nae gwitgae saranghae  Tell me everyday  harujongil deutgo sipeun mal  urisagwieo bolkka meonjeo malhaebolkka  oneulbuteo geudaewa nan  saranghae everyday  ln your eyes ln your eyes  nareul damajwo  ln your heart ln your heart  nareul anajwo  geudae sarangeul yeoreo nal badajwo  urimanui dalkomhan sesang paradise  kkumkkwo watdeon geudaega ongeoya  heeojiji malja ulgehaji malja  uri sarangman haja  sorichyeobwa gaseum beokchage  I love you  dugodugo hago sipeunmal  geudaeramyeon joha  geudaeraseo joha  oneulbuteo geudaewa nan  saranghae everyday

请分析一下turning point和stationary point 相同点与不同点

A point at which the derivative changes sign. See stationary point, in mathematicsIn mathematics, particularly in calculus, a stationary point or critical point is an input to a differentiable function where the derivative is zero (equivalently, the slope of the graph is zero): where the function "stops" increasing or decreasing (hence the name). For a differentiable function of several variables, a stationary or critical point is an input (one value for each variable) where all the partial derivatives are zero (equivalently, the gradient is zero.For the graph of a function of one variable, this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis. For function of two variables, this corresponds to a point on the graph where the tangent plane is parallel to the xy plane.The notion extends to differentiable maps from Rm into Rn and to differentiable maps between manifolds, but, in these case, only the term critical point (or sometimes bifurcation point) is used, not stationary point.This article focuses only to the case of the functions of a single variable. For the other cases, see Critical point.





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advisory 和consultant的区别

advisory 和consultant的区别两个单词词义相近,前者还可以作为形容词.advisory adj. 顾问的; 劝告的,忠告的; 提供咨询的;n. 公告; 报告;consultant n. (受人咨询的) 顾问; 会诊医生,(顾问)医生; 求教者,(与人)商议者,征求意见者,查阅者,咨询者;

网王插曲wondfuIdays里有一句歌词是brand new story,这是什么意思啊?不要百度...

brand new story 意为 全新的故事而且,提醒一下,是 wonderful day [ 无""s""] 美好的一天

sorry sorry歌词

Sorry,SorrySuper JuniorSorry Sorry Sorry Sorrynai ga nai ga nai ga men zenai ga nai ga nai ga ba zeba ze ba ze be re babyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawtynu ni bu se bu se bu sesu mi ma kie ma kie ma kienai ga mi ce mi ce baby ba ra bo nen nun bi sou gainun bi sou gai na nen ma qina nen ma qi mo ai hou(r) rin noum yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai ge re ou nen ne i mou sine i mou si ne nen ma qinai xim zang er bar gou wa na bua yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai e dir ga na dang dang ha gaiwu nen na nen mai rie ze ca han ie za ir sai gi ransai ga d rn bou pen ze dou dou ha gai ge qim e gaizeng mar ne nen huan sang ze dou ri gir su e br man gennai gai ba ze be rie se Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorrynai ga nai ga nai ga men zenai ga nai ga nai ga ba zeba ze ba ze be re babyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawtynu ni bu se bu se bu sesu mi ma kie ma kie ma kienai ga mi ce mi ce babydan dan dan da da da da ran dandan dan dan da da danai gai ba nai be rie se babydan dan dan da da da da ran dandan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra (Hey girl) gir gir gir gir gir girl Inun man d ming ni siang ga(Hey girl)za na gai na sa sir ne ha na ba gai an bou ie ma rai bua ni ma mai nai ga ma rai bua za ri za ba nen ji ma rai wo nai gai ma rai wo na nen ba bou ba bou ba bou zu ben sa ram d rn ma rainai ga e mu ze g ze yi sai sang ai g ren sa rame di han du ri nia gou g ger mou ra g nier mou rasi gi ha mie ha nen mar nai ga bu re da men g geng dai d ri zi nen ge Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorrynai ga nai ga nai ga men zenai ga nai ga nai ga ba zeba ze ba ze be re babyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawtynu ni bu se bu se bu sesu mi ma kie ma kie ma kienai ga mi ce mi ce babydan dan dan da da da da ran dandan dan dan da da danai gai ba nai be rie se babydan dan dan da da da da ra ra radan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba raLet"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance dancedance dance Hey i zai g man nai gai wa zur raizeng mar mi cir ge man da ta yeah nan ne man sa rang ha gou xi pouzer dai da xi han nun par sang ga eb se Hey ai yi ni ra gi bou da qin gu da tennai ga duai gou xi pou ne i mou den gou min sr pmham gai gan zi ga gou pa da xi e br man km man kmne r ne mu sa rang hai nai ga ba ran sa ram ni ga ba rou gthat that that girl Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorrynai ga nai ga nai ga men zenai ga nai ga nai ga ba zeba ze ba ze be re babyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawtynu ni bu se bu se bu sesu mi ma kie ma kie ma kienai ga mi ce mi ce baby~~Music~~ Sorry~~~~ Ha ha ha~

跪求《sorry sorry》歌词

骚瑞骚瑞骚瑞骚瑞你该系我吸纳伊萨米盖力夏耐马该哇 哈哇萨那一丫BABY少离少离少离少离牛查丽查色隔该杀色哥给撒有了米嘎耐嘎米嘎有了BABY妈的魔王魔鬼搜里魔鬼搜里妈咪阿拉互为购网够期哪一NO开拉该扎开它麻木户苦木嘎土路开路买路路改库赛拉伊赛哦系 盖膜 马库赛拉 西塔搜怒搜哈他哪一 嘎哦 沪台给累 死太给内爱改哦够有 米哦 赛给吗呢 搜内啦内搜哦萨沟里 该以 神迹该那 以后努力不留NO骚力骚力骚力骚力你该系我吸纳伊萨米盖力夏耐马该哇 哈哇萨那一丫BABY少离少离少离少离牛查丽查色隔该杀色哥给撒有了米嘎耐嘎米嘎有了BABY


歌曲:sorry sorry歌手:Super Junior歌词:Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby <源> ba ra bo nen nun bi sou gai nun bi sou gai na nen ma qi na nen ma qi mo ai hou(r) rin noum <声> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <贤> ge re ou nen ne i mou si ne i mou si ne nen ma qi nai xim zang er bar gou wa na bua <声> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <旭> e dir ga na dang dang ha gai wu nen na nen mai rie ze <敏> ca han ie za ir sai gi ran sai ga d rn bou pen ze <旭> dou dou ha gai ge qim e gai zeng mar ne nen huan sang ze <敏> dou ri gir su e br man gen nai gai ba ze be rie se Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da nai gai ba nai be rie se baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra <海> (Hey girl) gir gir gir gir gir girl I nun man d ming ni siang ga(Hey girl) za na gai na sa sir ne ha na ba gai an bou ie <声> ma rai bua <强> ni ma mai nai ga <声> ma rai bua <强> za ri za ba nen ji <声> ma rai wo <强> nai gai ma rai wo <声> na nen ba bou ba bou ba bou <旭> zu ben sa ram d rn ma rai nai ga e mu ze g ze <敏> yi sai sang ai g ren sa ram e di han du ri nia gou <旭> g ger mou ra g nier mou ra si gi ha mie ha nen mar <敏> nai ga bu re da men g gen g dai d ri zi nen ge Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da nai gai ba nai be rie se baby dan dan dan da da da da ra ra ra dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance <声> Hey i zai g man nai gai wa zur rai zeng mar mi cir ge man da ta yeah <贤> nan ne man sa rang ha gou xi pou zer dai da xi han nun par sang ga eb se Hey <澈敏海> ai yi ni ra gi bou da qin gu da ten nai ga duai gou xi pou <强庚贤> ne i mou den gou min sr pm ham gai gan zi ga gou pa <旭赫源> da xi e br man km man km ne r ne mu sa rang hai <声> nai ga ba ran sa ram ni ga ba rou g that that that girl Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby ~~Music~~ <贤> Sorry~~~~ <澈> Ha ha ha~ dance dance dance dance dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 始源 望着我的眼神 仿佛我是被什么骗了的人 银赫 已经无法挣脱 韩庚 走过来的你的样子 好像震动了我的心 银赫 已经无法挣脱 厉旭 到哪里都笑的堂堂的你的魅力 晟敏 善良的女人都是一色的普遍性 厉旭 高傲的 没有胆怯你真是幻想派 晟敏 无法回头的迷上你了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da 起范 看上你了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra 东海 hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl 睁开眼就想你 利特 hey girl 东海 睡着醒着 只能看到你一个 晟敏 说说看 强仁 你的心里 我 晟敏 说说看 强仁 是否已经有我 晟敏 告诉我 强仁 对我说 东海 我是傻瓜 傻瓜 厉旭 周边的人都说我太积极 晟敏 这世界这种人又不是一两个 厉旭 不懂 她不懂 说的话 晟敏 如果羡慕我就是他们输了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童&起范 dan dan … 看上你了 baby dan dan… Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 艺声 hey 现在可以到我身边吗 真的快疯了 yeah 圭贤 我只想爱你 绝对不会花心 hey 利特 比起情人更想成为朋友的我 希澈 你的烦 恼 悲伤 想一起珍存 利特 不会再有的 爱你 希澈 我期待的人 你就是那 that that that girl sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby dance dance dance dance come on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 圭贤 sha w…ty 东海 哈哈哈

跪求恶搞SJ《sorry sorry》的歌词

dance dance dance dance dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh danceoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohsorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby始源 望着我的眼神 仿佛我是被什么骗了的人银赫 已经无法挣脱韩庚 走过来的你的样子 好像震动了我的心银赫 已经无法挣脱厉旭 到哪里都笑的堂堂的你的魅力晟敏 善良的女人都是一色的普遍性厉旭 高傲的 没有胆怯你真是幻想派晟敏 无法回头的迷上你了sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da起范 看上你了 baby神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra东海 hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl 睁开眼就想你利特 hey girl东海 睡着醒着 只能看到你一个晟敏 说说看强仁 你的心里 我晟敏 说说看强仁 是否已经有我晟敏 告诉我强仁 对我说东海 我是傻瓜 傻瓜厉旭 周边的人都说我太积极晟敏 这世界这种人又不是一两个厉旭 不懂 她不懂 说的话晟敏 如果羡慕我就是他们输了sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby神童&起范 dan dan … 看上你了 baby dan dan…Let"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance danceLet"s dance dance dance dance dance danceoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh艺声 hey 现在可以到我身边吗 真的快疯了 yeah圭贤 我只想爱你 绝对不会花心 hey利特 比起情人更想成为朋友的我希澈 你的烦恼 悲伤 想一起珍存利特 不会再有的 爱你希澈 我期待的人 你就是那 that that that girlsorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 babydance dance dance dance come onoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh圭贤 sha w…ty东海 哈哈哈


歌曲:sorry sorry歌手:Super Junior歌词:Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby <源> ba ra bo nen nun bi sou gai nun bi sou gai na nen ma qi na nen ma qi mo ai hou(r) rin noum <声> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <贤> ge re ou nen ne i mou si ne i mou si ne nen ma qi nai xim zang er bar gou wa na bua <声> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <旭> e dir ga na dang dang ha gai wu nen na nen mai rie ze <敏> ca han ie za ir sai gi ran sai ga d rn bou pen ze <旭> dou dou ha gai ge qim e gai zeng mar ne nen huan sang ze <敏> dou ri gir su e br man gen nai gai ba ze be rie se Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da nai gai ba nai be rie se baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra <海> (Hey girl) gir gir gir gir gir girl I nun man d ming ni siang ga(Hey girl) za na gai na sa sir ne ha na ba gai an bou ie <声> ma rai bua <强> ni ma mai nai ga <声> ma rai bua <强> za ri za ba nen ji <声> ma rai wo <强> nai gai ma rai wo <声> na nen ba bou ba bou ba bou <旭> zu ben sa ram d rn ma rai nai ga e mu ze g ze <敏> yi sai sang ai g ren sa ram e di han du ri nia gou <旭> g ger mou ra g nier mou ra si gi ha mie ha nen mar <敏> nai ga bu re da men g gen g dai d ri zi nen ge Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da nai gai ba nai be rie se baby dan dan dan da da da da ra ra ra dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance <声> Hey i zai g man nai gai wa zur rai zeng mar mi cir ge man da ta yeah <贤> nan ne man sa rang ha gou xi pou zer dai da xi han nun par sang ga eb se Hey <澈敏海> ai yi ni ra gi bou da qin gu da ten nai ga duai gou xi pou <强庚贤> ne i mou den gou min sr pm ham gai gan zi ga gou pa <旭赫源> da xi e br man km man km ne r ne mu sa rang hai <声> nai ga ba ran sa ram ni ga ba rou g that that that girl Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby ~~Music~~ <贤> Sorry~~~~ <澈> Ha ha ha~ dance dance dance dance dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 始源 望着我的眼神 仿佛我是被什么骗了的人 银赫 已经无法挣脱 韩庚 走过来的你的样子 好像震动了我的心 银赫 已经无法挣脱 厉旭 到哪里都笑的堂堂的你的魅力 晟敏 善良的女人都是一色的普遍性 厉旭 高傲的 没有胆怯你真是幻想派 晟敏 无法回头的迷上你了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da 起范 看上你了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra 东海 hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl 睁开眼就想你 利特 hey girl 东海 睡着醒着 只能看到你一个 晟敏 说说看 强仁 你的心里 我 晟敏 说说看 强仁 是否已经有我 晟敏 告诉我 强仁 对我说 东海 我是傻瓜 傻瓜 厉旭 周边的人都说我太积极 晟敏 这世界这种人又不是一两个 厉旭 不懂 她不懂 说的话 晟敏 如果羡慕我就是他们输了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童&起范 dan dan … 看上你了 baby dan dan… Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 艺声 hey 现在可以到我身边吗 真的快疯了 yeah 圭贤 我只想爱你 绝对不会花心 hey 利特 比起情人更想成为朋友的我 希澈 你的烦 恼 悲伤 想一起珍存 利特 不会再有的 爱你 希澈 我期待的人 你就是那 that that that girl sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby dance dance dance dance come on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 圭贤 sha w…ty 东海 哈哈哈

《Sorry sorry》的歌词

dance dance dance dance dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 始源 望着我的眼神 仿佛我是被什么骗了的人 银赫 已经无法挣脱 韩庚 走过来的你的样子 好像震动了我的心 银赫 已经无法挣脱 厉旭 到哪里都笑的堂堂的你的魅力 晟敏 善良的女人都是一色的普遍性 厉旭 高傲的 没有胆怯你真是幻想派 晟敏 无法回头的迷上你了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da 起范 看上你了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra 东海 hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl 睁开眼就想你 利特 hey girl 东海 睡着醒着 只能看到你一个 晟敏 说说看 强仁 你的心里 我 晟敏 说说看 强仁 是否已经有我 晟敏 告诉我 强仁 对我说 东海 我是傻瓜 傻瓜 厉旭 周边的人都说我太积极 晟敏 这世界这种人又不是一两个 厉旭 不懂 她不懂 说的话 晟敏 如果羡慕我就是他们输了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童&起范 dan dan … 看上你了 baby dan dan… Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 艺声 hey 现在可以到我身边吗 真的快疯了 yeah 圭贤 我只想爱你 绝对不会花心 hey 利特 比起情人更想成为朋友的我 希澈 你的烦 恼 悲伤 想一起珍存 利特 不会再有的 爱你 希澈 我期待的人 你就是那 that that that girl sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby dance dance dance dance come on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 圭贤 sha w…ty 东海 哈哈哈

super junior sorry sorry日文版中文音译歌词

Sorry,Sorry Super Junior Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby <源> ba ra bo nen nun bi sou gai nun bi sou gai na nen ma qi na nen ma qi mo ai hou(r) rin noum <声> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <贤> ge re ou nen ne i mou si ne i mou si ne nen ma qi nai xim zang er bar gou wa na bua <声> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <旭> e dir ga na dang dang ha gai wu nen na nen mai rie ze <敏> ca han ie za ir sai gi ran sai ga d rn bou pen ze <旭> dou dou ha gai ge qim e gai zeng mar ne nen huan sang ze <敏> dou ri gir su e br man gen nai gai ba ze be rie se Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da nai gai ba nai be rie se baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra <海> (Hey girl) gir gir gir gir gir girl I nun man d ming ni siang ga(Hey girl) za na gai na sa sir ne ha na ba gai an bou ie <声> ma rai bua <强> ni ma mai nai ga <声> ma rai bua <强> za ri za ba nen ji <声> ma rai wo <强> nai gai ma rai wo <声> na nen ba bou ba bou ba bou <旭> zu ben sa ram d rn ma rai nai ga e mu ze g ze <敏> yi sai sang ai g ren sa ram e di han du ri nia gou <旭> g ger mou ra g nier mou ra si gi ha mie ha nen mar <敏> nai ga bu re da men g gen g dai d ri zi nen ge Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da nai gai ba nai be rie se baby dan dan dan da da da da ra ra ra dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance <声> Hey i zai g man nai gai wa zur rai zeng mar mi cir ge man da ta yeah <贤> nan ne man sa rang ha gou xi pou zer dai da xi han nun par sang ga eb se Hey <澈敏海> ai yi ni ra gi bou da qin gu da ten nai ga duai gou xi pou <强庚贤> ne i mou den gou min sr pm ham gai gan zi ga gou pa <旭赫源> da xi e br man km man km ne r ne mu sa rang hai <声> nai ga ba ran sa ram ni ga ba rou g that that that girl Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty nu ni bu se bu se bu se su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie nai ga mi ce mi ce baby ~~Music~~ <贤> Sorry~~~~ <澈> Ha ha ha~

sorry sorry罗马音

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 Nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ube60uc838 Nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ube60uc838 ube60uc838 ubc84ub824 baby Ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154 Nu ni bu se bu se bu se uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600 Su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 ubbf8uccd0 baby Nai ga mi ce mi ce baby <源>:ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 <10>: ba ra bo nen nun bi sou gai ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 ub9c8uce58 Nun bi sou gai na nen ma qi ub098ub294 ub9c8uce58 ubb50uc5d0 ud640ub9b0 ub188 Na nen ma qi mo ai hou(r) rin noum <赫>:uc774uc820 ubc97uc5b4ub098uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 <250> yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <庚>:uac78uc5b4uc624ub294 ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5 <庚>: ge re ou nen ne i mou si ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5 ub108ub294 ub9c8uce58 Ne i mou si ne nen ma qi ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc744 ubc1fuace0 uc654ub098ubd10 Nai xim zang er bar gou wa na bua <赫>:uc774uc820 ubc97uc5b4ub098uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 <250>:yi zen be se na zi dou mou sai <旭>:uc5b4ub51c uac00ub098 ub2f9ub2f9ud558uac8c <萌>: e dir ga na dang dang ha gai uc6c3ub294 ub108ub294 ub9e4ub825uc801 Wu nen na nen mai rie ze <敏>:ucc29ud55c uc5ecuc790 uc77cuc0c9uc774ub780 <兔>:ca han ie za ir sai gi ran uc0dduac01ub4e4uc740 ubcf4ud3b8uc801 Sai ga d rn bou pen ze <旭>:ub3c4ub3c4ud558uac8c uac70uce68 uc5c6uac8c <萌>:dou dou ha gai ge qim e gai uc815ub9d0 ub108ub294 ud658uc0c1uc801 Zeng mar ne nen huan sang ze <敏>:ub3ccuc774ud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc744ub9ccud07c <兔>:dou ri gir su e br man gen ub124uac8c ube60uc838 ubc84ub838uc5b4 Nai gai ba ze be rie se <All>Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 Nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ube60uc838 Nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ube60uc838 ube60uc838 ubc84ub824 baby Ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154 Nu ni bu se bu se bu se uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600 Su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 ubbf8uccd0 baby Nai ga mi ce mi ce baby <童>:ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub780ub534 <肉>:dan dan dan da da da da ran dan ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 Dan dan dan da da da <范>:ub124uac8c ubc18ud574ubc84ub838uc5b4 baby <饭>: nai gai ba nai be rie se baby <童>:ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub780ub534 ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub77cube60ube60ub77c <肉>: dan dan dan da da da da ran dan Dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra <海>:Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl i ub208ub9ccub728uba74 ub2c8 uc0dduac01 Hey girl <海>:Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl i Nun man d ming ni siang ga Hey girl uc790ub098uae68ub098 uc0acuc2e4 ub108 ud558ub098 ubc16uc5d0 uc548ubcf4uc5ec Za na gai na sa sir ne ha na ba gai an bou ie <敏>:ub9d0ud574ubd10 <兔>: ma rai bua <强>:ub2c8 ub9d8uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 <强>: ni ma mai nai ga <敏>:ub9d0ud574ubd10 <兔>: ma rai bua <强>:uc790ub9ac uc7a1uc558ub294uc9c0 <强>: za ri za ba nen ji 敏>:ub9d0ud574uc918 <兔>: ma rai wo <强>:ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574uc918 <强>:nai gai ma rai wo <All>:ub098ub294 ubc14ubcf4 ubc14ubcf4 ubc14ubcf4 <All>:na nen ba bou ba bou ba bou <旭>:uc8fcubcc0 uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub9d0ud574 <萌>:zu ben sa ram d rn ma rai ub0b4uac00 ub108ubb34 uc801uadf9uc801 Nai ga ne mu ze g ze <敏>:uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uadf8ub7f0 uc0acub78c <兔>: yi sai sang ai g ren sa ram uc5b4ub514 ud55cub458uc774ub0d0uace0 e di han du ri nia gou <旭>:uadf8uac78 ubab0ub77c uadf8ub148 ubab0ub77c <萌>:g ger mou ra g nier mou ra uc2dcuae30ud558uba70 ud558ub294 ub9d0 Si gi ha mie ha nen mar <敏>:ub0b4uac00 ubd80ub7fdub2e4uba74 uadf8uac74 <兔>: nai ga bu re da men g gen uadf8ub300ub4e4uc774 uc9c0ub294 uac70 g dai d ri zi nen ge <All>Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 Nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ube60uc838 Nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ube60uc838 ube60uc838 ubc84ub824 baby Ba ze ba ze be re baby <童>:ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub780ub534 ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 <肉>: dan dan dan da da da da ran dan Dan dan dan da da da <范>:ub124uac8c ubc18ud574ubc84ub838uc5b4 baby <范>:nai gai ba nai be rie se baby <童>:ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub77cub77cub77c ub534ub534 ub534ub530ub2e4 ub530 ub530ub77cube60ube60ub77c <肉>: dan dan dan da da da da ra ra ra Dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance 声>:Hey uc774uc81c uadf8ub9cc ub0b4uac8c uc640uc904ub798 uc815ub9d0 ubbf8uce60 uac83ub9cc uac19uc544 yeah 声> hey i zai g man nai gai wa zur rai Zeng mar mi cir ge man da ta yeah <贤>:ub09c ub108ub9cc uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc808ub300 ub2e4uc2dc ud55cub208 ud314 uc0dduac01 uc5c6uc5b4 hey <贤>:nan ne man sa rang ha gou xi pou Zer dai da xi han nun par sang ga e xi hey <特>:uc560uc778uc774ub77cuae30ubcf4ub2e4 uce5cuad6cuac19uc740 ub0b4uac00 ub418uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 <特>: ai yi ni ra gi bou da qin gu da ten Nai ga duai gou xi pou 澈>:ub108uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uace0ubbfc uc2acud514 ud568uaed8 uac04uc9c1ud558uace0ud30c 澈>: ne i mou den gou min sr pm Ham gai gan zi ga gou pa <特>ub2e4uc2dc uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c ub9ccud07c ub108ub97c ub108ubb34 uc0acub791ud574 <特> da xi e br man km man km ne r ne mu sa rang hai <澈>:ub0b4uac00 ubc14ub780 uc0acub78c ub2c8uac00 ubc14ub85c uadf8 that that that girl <澈>: gai ga ba ran sa ram ni ga ba rou g that that that girl <All>Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 Nai ga nai ga nai ga men ze ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ub124uac8c ube60uc838 Nai ga nai ga nai ga ba ze ube60uc838 ube60uc838 ubc84ub824 baby Ba ze ba ze be re baby Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154 ubd80uc154 Nu ni bu se bu se bu se uc228uc774 ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600 ub9c9ud600 Su mi ma kie ma kie ma kie ub0b4uac00 ubbf8uccd0 ubbf8uccd0 baby Nai ga mi ce mi ce baby参考资料:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=549790395



recognition memory是什么意思


求sorry和Blow Me A Kiss的完整歌词,中英文都要

I"ve heard it all before... 我早就已经听过了 I don"t wanna hear 我不想再听 I don"t wanna know 也不想知道 Please don"t say you"re sorry 所以请你不要再说对不起 I"ve heard it all before 我早就已经听过了 And I can take care of myself 现在我可以好好照顾自己 I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say forgive me 不用再说原谅我 I"ve seen it all before 我早就已经看透 And I can"t take it anymore 而且我再也不能接受 You"re not half a man you think you are 你认为你是个完美的男人,但你连一半都达不到 Save your words because you"ve gone too far 省省你的口舌吧,因为你已经差得太远 Listen to your lies and to your stories 听听你的谎言和你的故事吧 You"re not half a man youlike to be 你认为你是个完美的男人,但你连一半都达不到 I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say you"re sorry I"ve heard it all before And I can take care of myself I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say forgive me I"ve seen it all before And I can"t take it anymore Don"t explain yourself cause talk is cheap 你不需要再解释因为言语太廉价 There"s more important things than hear you speak 这里还有比言语更重要的事情 You stay because I made it so convenient 你留下来因为我把事情弄得那么方便 Don"t explain yourself you"ll never see 不要再解释了,我们走着瞧 Sorry sorry sorry sorry... I"ve heard it all before... I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say you"re sorry I"ve heard it all before And I can take care of myself I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say forgive me I"ve seen it all before And I can"t take it anymore Don"t explain yourself cause talk is cheap There"s more important than hear you speak I"ve heard it all before. 上面是SORRY It"s like this (this) 就像这样 It"s like that (that) 就像那样 I got dough (dough) 我有钱 I got stacks (stacks) 很多钱 I can buy anything that I need (need) 我可以买任何我需要的 But I gotta have you for free 但我一定要不花一文得到你 I ain"t never paid for it in my life (my life) 我不是没有付出过 So why the hell would I pay for a wife (wife) 可是我为什么要在妻子上付出那么沉重的代价 I need love (love) 我需要爱情 Yes I do (do) 是的没错 But this is what I need from you 这就是我需要你给我的 Ooh a brother need love and affection 男人需要有人来爱他 A brother need TLC 男人也需要关心和体贴 And I ain"t talking about chilli (chilli) 我没有瞎说 But I"ll take chilli if she want it 但如果你喜欢的话我也以随便怎样 Ooh a brother need cooking and cleaning 男人需要有人为他洗衣做饭 And when she say she love me she mean it 当她开始对我表达爱意的时候 Her insides pretty (pretty) 我感觉到了她的内在美 Hey hey hey 嘿嘿 And if that"s you (you) 如果这个人真的是你 Blow me a kiss (kiss) 那就给我一个飞吻 To let me know (know) if you feeling me 好让我知道你是否感觉到了我 You can do better (hey) 你可以做的更好 Than that scrub that you with (than scrub that you with) 放下一切包袱 Baby all that you gotta do (gotta do) is blow me a kiss 宝贝你唯一需要做的就是给我一个飞吻 Hey hey 嘿嘿 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 I"m about this (this) 我就这样 I"m about that (that) 我就那样 I had hoes (hoes) 我富有 I spent stacks (stacks) 我不在乎钱 I"ve had everything in my life (my life) 我什么都不缺 But I"ma have you tonight 但今晚我只想得到你 Yeah I"ma have you... you... 是的我要得到你 I need love (love) 我需要爱情 Yes indeed (deed) 我是认真的 But this is what you get from me (from me) 而且这也是你将得到的 Ooh I"ma give you love and direction 我要指引你找到爱情 You can be my PYT 你将成为我的小宝贝 I ain"t talking about thriller (thriller) 我不是逗你玩 But I could be your thriller if you want it ooh 但只要你喜欢那我就都依你 I don"t need no cooking and cleaning 我不是不需要有人来洗衣做饭 We can get a maid if we need it 如果需要的话我们可以找个保姆 Cause I"m on my crazy (crazy) 因为我为你疯狂 Hey hey hey 嘿嘿 And if that"s you (you) 如果这个人真的是你 Blow me a kiss (kiss) 那就给我一个飞吻 To let me know (know) if you feeling me 好让我知道你是否感觉到了我 You can do better (hey) 你可以做的更好 Than that scrub that you with (than scrub that you with) 放下一切包袱 Baby all that you gotta do (gotta do) is blow me a kiss 宝贝你唯一需要做的就是给我一个飞吻 Hey hey 嘿嘿 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 (The song right here) (It got the medicine) (Some big show right here) Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 (Studiomonkeyz) Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻上面是Blow Me A Kiss歌词满意请采纳


recognition和memory的区别:recognition是针对记忆回忆的能力而言的。memory是指记忆和回想起来的事物而言的。 、


《Ave Maria》(圣母颂)。NK细胞 - 阿夫玛丽 www.cococ.com★卜超制作 摩托车在停车场 转速的发动机和它只是不会停下来 我选择了噪音在我的脑海尖叫 休斯顿,我认为我们有一个问题 每个人都去哪里时,他们去 该会走得这么快,我不认为他们知道 我们讨厌这么快 而我们的爱太缓慢 伦敦,我想我们有一个问题 当我考虑一下 我不能去想它 我尝试饮用它 我一直纺纱 阿夫玛丽 你去哪儿 你去哪儿 你怎么知道走出了疯狂的世界 帮我放手 在我周围的混乱 我的魔鬼是猎犬 我需要你告诉我 仍尽量仍尽量各地的现场破碎的心 我不禁想,我们失去了阴谋 自杀炸弹客和学生开枪 东京我想我们有一个问题 但对于他们得付出 如果不杀你,然后将产生的副作用 如果我们不互相残杀,然后将产生的副作用 在内心深处,我认为我们有一个问题 阿夫玛丽 你去哪儿 你去哪儿 你怎么知道走出了疯狂的世界 帮我放手 在我周围的混乱 我的魔鬼是猎犬 我需要你告诉我 仍尽量如果来最黑暗的时刻 前灯 光在哪里 光在哪里 如果来最黑暗的时刻 前灯 光在哪里 光在哪里 哪里是光,是啊 阿夫玛丽 你去哪儿 你去哪儿 你怎么知道走出了疯狂的世界 帮我放手 在我周围的混乱 我的魔鬼是猎犬 我需要你告诉我 仍尽量 仍尽量 仍尽量

cry just a little bit 中文歌词

歌词: Everytime you have to whisper good-byeWell I cry just a little bit - cry just a little bitI know it"s crazy and I don"t know whyBut I die just a little bit - die just a little bitI need to be the one that"s by your sideYou are the beat in my heartMy love for you is something I can"t hideAnd I cry just a little bit - cry just a little bitCry just a little bit - cry just a little bitEvery night before I"m fallin" asleepWell I pray just a little bit - pray just a little bitI pray nobody wants your loving to keepAnd you stray just a little bit - stray just a little bitDon"t let temptation fill your heart with dreamsDon"t let your mind run awayForbidden love is never what it seemsAnd you cry just a little bit - cry just a little bitCry just a little bitYou"re the light that brightens all of my daysThe sun shines above you and I would dieIf someone took you away"cause I love you, love youCry just a little bit, cry just a little bitI want forever to be you and IThat"s the way it should beI live for you and baby that is why I cry just a little bitCry just a little bit, cry just a little bitEverytime you have to whisper good-byeWell I cry just a little bit - cry just a little bitI know it"s crazy and I don"t know whyBut I die just a little bit - die just a little bitCrycrycrycry just a little bitcry just a little bitCrycrycrycry just a little bitcry just a little bit

____in history when remarkable progress in relatively short periods of time.

一次问的好多。。。。 第一题后面时间状语明显是划分出时间段 可以分析出是用完成时语态 你选的B也很难讲通 这里不是强调time 而是想说历史上有这么一个时间是快速发展进步的。第二题前一句是一个简单疑问句,问的是所有人受伤了么,并不是问你多少人受伤,还记得一个经常提到的错误么,is there。。。。?no,there isn‘t 。 is it。。。。?no ,it isn"t。这么看是不是可以理解一下了呢?第三题楼主可以死记一下,一个固定用法就是there is no doubt that。。。。 最后一题是这样的,有一句话想必我们从小都知道,有志者事竟成 英语谚语就是where there is a will ,there is a way 。 其实就是由where引导的地点状语做的一个there be 句型的从句 楼主只要多加练习 就会分得清楚啦 求最佳答案哈

Perry Como的《Ave Maria》 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria歌手:Perry Como专辑:Greatest Christmas SongsBeyonce - Ave MariaShe was lost in so many different waysOut in the darkness with no guideI know the cost of a losing handThere but for the grace of God go II found heaven on earthYou were my last, my firstAnd then I hear this voice insideAve MariaI"ve been aloneWhen I"m surrounded by friendsHow could the silence be so loudBut I still go home knowing that I"ve got youThere"s only us when the lights go downYou are my heaven on earthYou are my hunger, my thirstI always hear this voice insideSinging Ave MariaSometimes love can come and pass you byWhile your busy making plansSuddenly hit you and then you realizeIt"s out of your hands, baby you got to understandYou are my heaven on earthYou are my last, my firstAnd then I hear this voice insideAve MariaAve MariaAve Mariahttp://music.baidu.com/song/8873032

求一首歌 有句歌词是everytime i need you

我想可能是这首吧。你试听一下。i love you歌手:faith evansmy heart belongs to youso what could i doto make you feel i"m down withyou see me hangin aroundbut you don"t know how you make me feel for you, andeach and every day, i try to make some sense of thiswhat you mean to me, i know it could be seriouseach and every nite, i dream about just holding youloving you like this, what is a girl supposed to doi love you (i love you)i want you (i want you)you"re the one that i live forand i can"t take it any morei love youi need youwhat can i do to make you seeyou"re the only one for mefirst time i saw your facemy heart just erased all the guys i knew beforeyou walked into my lifei was the type to never want for nothingeach and every day, i try to make some sense of thiswhat you mean to me, i know it could be seriouseach and every nite, i dream about just holding youloving you like this, what is a girl supposed to doi love youi want youyou"re the one that i live forand i can"t take it any morei love youi need youwhat can i do to make you seeyou"re the only one for mei love you, i want you, i need you in my lifecan"t you see what you mean to mebaby come hold me tighti miss you, wanna kiss youeverytime i see your facebaby i"ll be waiting for youeach and everydayi love youi want youyou"re the one that i live forand i can"t take it any morei love youi need youwhat can i do to make you seeyou"re the only one for meyou"re the only one for meand i know it"s meant to bewhat can i do to make you seemy love will carry onso listen to my heart and knowyou"ll find out where my love will gothe future lies between us boyoh babe i love you soi love youi want youyou"re the one that i live forand i can"t take it any morei love youi need youwhat can i do to make you seeyou"re the only one for mei love youi want youyou"re the one that i live forand i can"t take it any morei love youi need youwhat can i do to make you seeyou"re the only one for me

I Cry Just A Little Bit 歌词

歌曲名:I Cry Just A Little Bit歌手:Shakin" Stevens专辑:Rockin" With CountryCry Just A Little BitEverytime you have to whisper good-byeWellI cry just a little bitcry just a little bit.I know it"s crazy and I don"t know whyBut I die just a little bitdie just a little bit.I need to be the one that"s by your sideyou are the beat in my heart.My love for you is something I can"t hideAnd I cry just a little bitcry just a little bitCry just a little bitcry just a little bit.Every night before I"m fallin" asleepWellI pray just a little bitpray just a little bit.I pray nobody wants your loving to keepAnd you stray just a little bitstray just a little bit.Don"t let temptation fill your heart with dreamsDon"t let your mind run away.Forbidden love is never what it seemsAnd you cry just a little bitcry just a little bitcry just a little bit.You"re the light that brightens all of my daysYesthe sun shines above youand I would die If someone took you away"cause I love youlove you.Cry just a little bitcry just a little bit.I want forever to be you and Ithats"s the way it should be.I live for you andbabythat is why I cry just a little bitCry just a little bitcry just a little bit.Every night we have to whisper good-byeI cry just a little bitcry just a little bit.I know it"s crazy and I don"t know whyBut I die just a little bitdie just a little bit.Crycrycrycry just a little bitcry just a little bitCrycrycrycry just a little bitcry just a little bit.http://music.baidu.com/song/12309392


up left X up left Y low right X low right Y 利用左下角的XY坐标和右上角的XY坐标为指定的一个范围。


基本上lab是laboratory的口语形式,laboratory更为正式一些,写文章的话还是用laboratory好一些基本解释laboratoryn.科学实验室,研究室, 化验室化学工厂, 药厂实验课炉膛a hygienic laboratory卫生实验室an express laboratory快速化验室laboratory method实验室方法laboratory procedure实验室程序laboratory school为学生实习而设的大学实验学校lab n.[口]实验室, 研究室凝乳糖



partially owned subsidiary什么意思


Everyone Nose (All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom) 歌词

歌曲名:Everyone Nose (All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom)歌手:N.E.R.D.专辑:Seeing SoundsN.E.R.D. - Everyone Nose (Remix)(Ft. Kanye West, Pharrel, Lupe Fiasco & Pusha-T)(Kanye)Hey, Do you have any black inside you/Would you like some, like some?/You know you got a right to/ do whatever you like to/ don c, weGot the right one, the right one/ in the club, always the flyest/Always got her hands the highest/ she stopped drinking dietCoke, she on that coke diet/ she bat she bat her eyelids/ that girlIs so wired/ I know she so tired/ but oooh she on fire/ hundredDollar bill, look at you look at you/ a hundred dollar bills, this aintNew this aint new/ from that paris, lindsey, britney, mary-kate,And whitney/ people say that they clean,Motherfucker don"t bullshit me(Chorus)All the girls standing in line for the bathroom (2x)All the girls standing in the, all the girls standing in theAll the girls standing in the line for the bathroom(Pharrel)You left yo nigga home, you said you at your sisters/You and your girlfriends wrong, you in here taking pictures/You aint gotta tell us you spending daddy"s cash/Your girlfriends jealous, you got the fattest ass/One down to p, one trying to leave/It"s hot as fuck but you dying just to ski/It"s clear as black and white, like a fat panda/Your brain is magic city, your nose is atlanta/I said think about your future, you can"t do that tomorrow/But you don"t hear a word, you see that SLR/ you like,"hey,pharrel, I aint trying to kill your mood/ but I can do the star trakSign, see, killer dude."(Chorus)All the girls standing in line for the bathroom (2x)All the girls standing in the, all the girls standing in theAll the girls standing in the line for the bathroom(Lupe Fiasco)Now she got high hopes, just to say hi to us/She want the high life, she like them higher ups/She know we high rolling, she know it"s high stakes/That"s why she high-speeding out on that highway/She say she high maintenance, she say she high fashion/She say high priced, I think she high cappin/She had her high heels, I had my high tops/Sippin a hi-C, eatin on hydrox/I asked her high it feel up on this high rise/She said this high score, this was the high life/She got her hiPod, bumpin her hiTunes/ This higher education,Welcome to high school/(Chorus)All the girls standing in line for the bathroom (2x)All the girls standing in the, all the girls standing in theAll the girls standing in the line for the bathroom(Pusha T)I got a crown made of powder, everybody knows who"s the king ofThe coke flow be/ all I hear is oh ki, every line is oh ki/ all youRappers okey dokey/ nigga, you don"t paint pictures/ I paintMirechois on you niggas/ and dime yay speedy bag bitches/ buyAnd sell, I can accomodate your clientel/ shamu weight,Motherfucker, brace your scales/ p to the usha, with a name likeThat what you look for?/More less like p with the hook up, hit me on the bat phone if youWant it cooked up/ ride with me, as I"m switchin lane to lane/ inMy play clothes as I"m grippin grain/ in a hail of bullets how IWrite my name/ whether soft or hard, motherfucker, caine is caine(Chorus)All the girls standing in line for the bathroom (2x)All the girls standing in the, all the girls standing in theAll the girls standing in the line for the bathroomAll the girls standing in line for the bathroom (2x)All the girls standing in the, all the girls standing in theAll the girls standing in the line for the bathroom(Ft. Kanye West, Pharrel, Lupe Fiasco & Pusha-T)http://music.baidu.com/song/788573

increases every year as

C 考查时态。句意“那项计划已经被证明是一个成功,因为公司的收入每年都在增加。”叙述的是现在的情况,排除B;动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响,用现在完成时。故选C。





什么是分子轨道理论(molecular orbital theory)?










if you are angry and you know it,stamp your feet的

这是英文歌曲“if you are happy ”的歌词,百度能搜到,歌词如下:If you"re happy and you know it,clap your hands (clap, clap).If you"re happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap, clap).If you"re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.If you"re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap, clap).If you"re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).If you"re happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).If you"re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.If you"re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).If you"re happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray, hurray).If you"re happy and you know it, do all three (clap, stomp, hurray!).



什么是分子轨道理论(molecular orbital theory)?

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