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区别是:provisional用作临时之义,词义很窄, 一般修饰担任某种职务的人且之所以暂时担任 是因为不具备相关资质,只是暂时接替相关专业人员的工作。temporary比provisional宽泛的多,根据英文词义可发现,两者重合的地方只有,serving for a limited time这一项。可以修饰人(serving)、物(used enjoyed)、事 (lasting)。temporary 英[u02c8tempru0259ri] 美[u02c8tempu0259reri] adj. 短暂的; 临时的,暂时的; n. 临时工,临时雇员; [例句]His job here is only temporary他在这儿的工作只是临时的。provisional 英[pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259nl] 美[pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259nu0259l] adj. 暂定的; 暂时的,临时的; n. 临时性; 临时人员; [例句]If you have never held a driving licence before, you should apply for a provisionallicence如果你从未有过驾照,那就应该申请一个临时的。


temporaryadj.临时的;短暂的;一时的;n.临时雇员;临时工同义词:transitory1、用作形容词 (adj.)He suffered a temporary loss of memory.他暂时丧失了记忆。2、用作名词 (n.)The boss hired some temporary workers.老板雇佣了一些临时工。She works in the office as a temporary.她在办公室做临时雇员。


temporary,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词的意思是“临时工,临时雇员”,作形容词的意思是“暂时的,临时的”。来自 temporal,时间的,-ary,形容词后缀。原义为持续一段时间的,后引申词义临时的,暂时的。


temporary形容词:短暂的,暂时的,临时的;名词:临时工,临时雇员短语动词:temporary shelter临时避难所(或收容所)temporary solution 权宜之计 temporary substitute 临时替代品同义词:Ephemeral形容词:暂时的,短暂的,片刻的,短促的momentary形容词:暂时的,短暂的,片刻的,短促的short-lived形容词:短暂的



问:这个英语单词怎么读 temporary / conversion 求谐音



美国有个别州,比如,佛罗里达,田纳西,还有您提到的印第安纳,驾照标记temporary或temporary visitor只是表明持有人的在美身份状态,并不是临时驾照,但国内一些地方比如魔都的车管所以标注不清为由拒绝换领中国驾照,但是同样情况在其他省份就可以换。所以只能说是土政策吧,想让这些人去考驾照贡献地方财政收入吧。魔都的换照还要指定翻译机构翻译驾照内容,其他省份自己翻译好拿去即可,我去问的时候,换照翻译的人和我说一年前你这种情况是给换照的。


Temporary 的意思是:临时性或暂时性。




contemporary,当代的,同时代的 当代艺术是the contemporary art temorarily 是临时性的,反义就是eternal,永恒的


从图中看到你运行″weGame"可能发生了错误。那两个TemporaryFile(即临时文件)就与此有关,且在进程中还有一个相关的错误报告正在运行。结束它们进程应该就解围了。拓展资料:临时文件:在您下载和安装"卸载软件、打开电子邮件和即时消息程序中的文件或传输文件时创建。通常,创建临时文件的程序会在完成时将其删除,但有时候这些文件会被保留。临时文件被保留的原因可能有多种:程序可能在完成安装前被中断,或在重新启动时崩溃。在您进行网上冲浪时也会创建临时文件。Internet Explorer 之类的 Web 浏览程序也会在您的硬盘中保存网页的缓存,以提高以后浏览的速度临时文件百度百科中央处理器(CPU,Central Processing Unit)是一块超大规模的集成电路,是一台计算机的运算核心(Core)和控制核心( Control Unit)。它的功能主要是解释计算机指令以及处理计算机软件中的数据。中央处理器主要包括运算器(算术逻辑运算单元,ALU,Arithmetic Logic Unit)和高速缓冲存储器(Cache)及实现它们之间联系的数据(Data)、控制及状态的总线(Bus)。它与内部存储器(Memory)和输入/输出(I/O)设备合称为电子计算机三大核心部件。CPU百度百科

In the late 19th century是什么意思

In the late 19th century在第十九世纪末例句:1、 massive elephant exhibited by London Zoo in the late 19th Century19世纪末伦敦动物园展出的一头巨型大象2、The expansion of the middle class in the late 19th century19世纪晚期中产阶级的壮大3、Pidgin usage began to decline in the late 19th century when Chinese and missionary schools began teaching Standard English.19世纪晚期,由于中国人创办的学校和教会学校纷纷开始教授标准英语,洋泾浜英语逐渐退出历史舞台。

My aunt is a doctor. The man is 30 years old. An elephant ananimal. It is an old story.单数变复数 急

My aunts are doctors. The men are 30 years old. The elephant ananimals. They are old stories.


everywhere重音在第一个音节,e vry where

anywhere ,everywhere和 somewhere 有什么区别?

anywhere ,用于疑问句和否定句adv. 在任何地方;无论何处; n. 任何地方。用于肯定句,表示任何地方。everywhere,adv. 到处; n. 每个地方somewhere,用于肯定句。adv. 在某处;到某处; n. 某个地方


e wh




adv. (副词)到处,处处,遍处无论何处完完全全,彻头彻尾各个地方满目皆是各个方面天下东跑西颠n. (名词)每个地方所有地方四面八方无限空间所以everywhere不可能是形容词,是副词或名词


5. Everywhere he went


everywhere这个词是副词,副词一般放形容词前面,动词后面。[英][u02c8evriweu0259(r)][美][u02c8evriwer]adv.到处,处处,无论什么地方; 四下里; 漫; 匝地; 例句:We went everywhere together.我们一起去各个地方。上面的例句中,together就是形容词,可以看到,everywhere是可以放在形容词前面的。其实不定代词和不定副词,被形容词修饰的时候,形容词都在它们的后面。

everywhere与every where,everybody与every body的区别

everywhere 是副词every where是名词短语,两者意思相同.everybody与every body与上面的一样.




anywhere是指任意地方,某一处everywhere所有地点,每一处e.g.-Where do you want to go after class?-Anywhere.放学后你去哪?哪都行.(任意一处)Where did you visit when you were living in that city.Everywhere.当你在那座城市住的时候你都参观哪了?哪都去了.(任何地方)

anywhere 和 everywhere 区别





you can go everywhere.你可以去任何地方。 the rabbish is everywhere.垃圾到处都是。 it rains everywhere.每个地方都下雨了。

everywhere做表语,对吗? 例句:

everywhere一般做副词使用,没有见过作表语的,一般都是在句子中做状语使用,你这句话,从中问来看是没问题的,但有点中国式英语的意味,所以最好不用这样用,这里你可以改为The floor looks dust because the hair is filled everywhere.

every where , everywhere 有什么区别

every where是副词everywhere是形容词根every day everyday一样吧

Adagio的《Everywhere》 歌词

歌曲名:Everywhere歌手:Adagio专辑:EverywhereEverywhereTim McGrawWe were born in this little townGrowin" up I was countin" downEvery single day till we made our get-awayBut you said you could never see yourselfTrying to make a life anywhere elseThis would be your homeAnd I was on my ownBut ever since you said good-byeI"ve been out here on the windAnd baby you would be surprisedAll the places you have beenI"ve seen you inAlbuquerque waitin" out a blizzardArizona dancin" "cross the desertWatchin" the sun set in MontereyGirl I swear just the other day you wereDown in Georgia pickin" them peachesCarolina barefoot on the beachesNo matter where you choose to beIn my heart I"ll always see youEverywhereNow a days when I"m passin" throughThe conversation always turns to youI hear you"re doin" fineLivin" out by the county lineGot a man that"s home every nightA couple of kids and the kind of lifeThat you want to leaveGuess you could say the same for meBut you and I made our choicesAll those years agoStill I know I"ll hear your voiceAnd see you down the roadMaybe inOklahoma drivin" "cross the prairieIn Dallas Texas isn"t that where weAlways said we would like to tryBut never did so maybe that"s whyYou"re on every highway just beyond the high-beamsRight beside me in all of my sweet dreamsNo matter where you choose to beIn my heart I"ll always see youIn..Albuquerque waitin" out a blizzardArizona dancin" "cross the desertWatchin" the sun set in MontereyGirl I swear just the other day you wereDown in Georgia pickin" them peachesCarolina barefoot on the beachesNo matter where you choose to beIn my heart I"ll always see youEverywherehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15281150






everywhere 英[u02c8evriweu0259(r)] 美[u02c8evriwer] adv. 到处,处处,无论什么地方; 四下里; 漫; 匝地;


everywhere [英]u02c8evriweu0259(r) [美]u02c8evriwer adv. 到处,处处,无论什么地方;四下里;漫;匝地 [例句]Similar horror stories are unfolding almost everywhere.同样恐怖的事几乎到处都有。

every where 和 everywhere的区别

没这词组 最起码高中没有


造句如下:On the playground, children"s laughter is everywhere操场上,孩子的笑声到处都是

anywhere和 everywhere的区别及用法


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somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 的区别 谢谢了


anywhere和 everywhere的区别及用法



《Everywhere》是美国女歌手蜜雪儿·布兰奇演唱的一首流行摇滚歌曲,歌词、曲谱由蜜雪儿·布兰奇、约翰·宣克斯共同编写,约翰·宣克斯负责制作音乐1。该歌曲作为推广专辑的首张单曲,于2001年7月17日通过特立独行唱片公司发布。收录在蜜雪儿·布兰奇于2001年8月14日发行的的第二张录音室专辑《The Spirit Room》。


中文说“任何一处”和“到处”,分别对应any和every否定和疑问句只能用anywhere,陈述句两个都能用,但是everywhere 语气没anywhere强有些东西需要积累和语感.需要阅读量增加就好了.英语多背背感觉就有了.例句I looked for him everywhere, but found nothing.我到处找他,却一无所获。There was flowers everywhere. 这里到处都是鲜花。(这里也可以用anywhere,不过比较少,主要做题时要区分很细,自己写的话不用讲究,怎么都是对的)She couldn"t find me anywhere.她哪儿也找不到我。Is there anywhere for me?(这里也可以用somewhere,表示希望得到肯定回答)如有帮助,请采纳!





every where everywhere 有什么区别

everywhere adv.在(或到)每处,处处,到处,各处;无论哪里,无论何处在所有地方;完完全全地,彻头彻尾地,彻底n.到处;四面八方;所有地方;每个地方


everywhere=here and there 到处


蜗牛爬过的地方留下了一条痕迹,这条痕迹是一种光泽物质(蜗牛的分泌物)。Make yourself at home.=You can do whatever you what.You are free now,I mean,you can go anywhere you what. =You can go any place that you want go to.明白?



somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 的区别 !



anywhere和everywhere可以作副词,也可以作连接词。anywhere作副词时,表示“任何地方”,它一般用在否定句和疑问句中,如:I can"t find my wallet anywhere.Can you find your wallet anywhere?everywhere作副词,表示“到处”,用于肯定句。如:I looked for my wallet everywhere, but I can"t find it anywhere.这两个字作连接词时,引导地点状语从句,含义差不多,表示“任何地方”,如:Everywhere Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.Anywhere Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.




  everywhere有到处,处处;无论何处等意思,everywhere的用法有很多,你都清楚吗。下面跟着我一起来学习everywhere的用法及其他知识吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    everywhere的用法   everywhere的用法1:everywhere作副词的意思是“到处,处处”,在句中作状语,用于否定句时,表示 句子 部分否定。   everywhere的用法2:everywhere无比较级和最高级形式。   everywhere的用法3:everywhere在美国口语中有时说成everywheres。例如:His dog goes everywheres.他的狗到处走。   everywhere的用法4:everywhere也可作名词,意思是“到处”。例如:People come from everywhere to celebrate the victory.人们从各处汇集而来庆祝胜利。Everywhere is covered with dust.到处落满了灰尘。   everywhere的用法5:everywhere还可作连词,意思是“无论哪里”。例如:Everywhere they went, they were warmly welcomed.他们每到一处,都受到热烈的欢迎。You can find honest men everywhere you go.你无论到哪里,都能找到诚实的人。His cats follow him everywhere he goes.他走到哪里,他的那几只猫就跟到哪里。   everywhere的网络释义   everywhere   到处; 各处; 锁定空间; 普遍的;   almost everywhere   几平处处; 几乎处处; 殆遍; 几乎到处;   TV Everywhere   电视无处不在;   scatter everywhere   凋谢的世道上;   Improv Everywhere   处处改进;   everywhere的用法例句   1. Stars appeared everywhere, spinning round and round, faster and faster.   满眼金星乱转,而且越转越快。   2. Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.   任一处的建筑物正面都布满了弹洞。   3. Compton was sending the ball here, there, and everywhere with each stroke.   康普顿一会将球打到这里,一会打到那里,每一拍的落点都不同。   4. Bradley is still accustomed to travelling everywhere in style.   布拉德利仍然保持着每次出行必派头十足的习惯。   5. He follows me everywhere and it makes me feel so trapped.   他走到哪里都跟着我,我觉得被困住了。   6. Fires broke out everywhere, the entire city went up in flames.   到处都燃起了火,整个城市陷入一片火海。   7. They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere.   世界各地人类的预期寿命均有所延长。   8. Wine and food of superlative quality are available everywhere at giveaway prices.   随处都能买到价格低廉而质量上乘的酒和食品。   9. Girls everywhere are gagging for a car like this.   天底下的女孩儿都对这种车梦寐以求。   10. Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice.   家里到处是泼洒的橙汁留下的黏糊糊的痕迹.   11. The rooms were empty of furniture and dust lay everywhere.   房间里没有家具,到处都是灰尘。   12. As a result, industry was overmanned and pen-pushers were everywhere.   结果是,企业人浮于事,到处都是耍笔杆子的人。   13. They had to travel everywhere by bus.   他们只得乘公共汽车出行。   14. I looked everywhere. I couldn"t find him.   我到处都找了,就是找不到他。   15. Dust is everywhere.   到处都是灰尘。 猜你喜欢: 1. dictionary的复数和用法例句 2. here的用法和短语例句 3. love的过去式和用法例句 4. fast的比较级和用法例句 5. round的用法和用法例句

everywhere等于哪个词组 要三个单词

no matter where

everywhere anywhere somewhere的区别

anywhere 任何地方 somewhere某些地方everywhere 每个地方 nowhere 任何地方都没有,其中anywhere和everywhere是近义词,很多地方这俩词都可以混着用,比如I can not find my girlfriend anywhere。我在任何地方都找不到我的女朋友。这里把anywhere换成everywhere也是可以的,句子意思一样。somewhere是某些地方 比如I think you can find your girlfriend somewhere。我想你在某些地方会发现你的女朋友的。而nowhere和anywhere是反义词,意思正相反






anywhere - 任何一个地方everywhere - 所有的地方例:anywhere - 在某种程度上有限制问:Do you prefer to go to France or United States?你比较喜欢去法国还是美国?答:I can go anywhere I want.我想去任何地方都可以.在这里,回答的人被(被给与选择)限制在France和United States之间,但选择不被这两个地方辖制 因而回答我想去任何地方/哪儿都可以everywhere 呢 相反没有辖制问:Where would you like to visit?你想去哪儿游览呢?答:If I can,I would travel everywhere.如果我可以,我将会哪儿都去。在这里,问的人没有给答的人选择,答的人可以任意无辖制的回答,我哪儿都会去。


everywhere [5evrIweE(r)] pron. 到处,处处 We have looked everywhere for you. 我们到处找你。 "Everywhere they went, the distinguished guests were warmly welcomed." 贵宾每到一处都受到了热烈的欢迎。 Everywhere are scenes of prosperity. 到处是繁荣的景象。 People come from everywhere to celebrate the success of the launching of the first sattelite. 人们从各处聚拢来庆祝成功地发射第一颗人造卫星。


everywhere 英[u02c8evriweu0259(r)]美[u02c8evriwer]everywhere,英语单词,主要用作副词、名词,作副词时意为“到处”,作名词时意为“每个地方”。短语搭配:Enemies everywhere 四面受敌Always everywhere 时时处处valid everywhere 放之四海而皆准Shapes Everywhere 认识形状Christmas Everywhere 耶诞节 ; 圣诞无处不在 ; 让圣诞无处不在Messaging Everywhere 消息无处不在Happiness everywhere 欢天喜地 ; 快乐无处不在Zombies Everywhere 僵尸 ; 到处是僵尸 ; 满城僵尸双语例句:And should we be everywhere?而且我们应该处处?We looked for him here and there everywhere.我和康康非常担心。我们到处找他。All around us, everywhere, there are people like this.在我们周围,无论何处,全部有像这样的人。




everywhere到处,处处,无论什么地方; 四下里; 漫; 匝地But now he sees opportunities everywhere. 但现在他看到机会无处不在。


everywhere的读音是:英["evriwe?(r)]。everywhere的读音是:英["evriwe?(r)]。everywhere的详尽释义是adv.(副词)到处,处处,遍处无论何处完完全全,彻头彻尾各个地方满目皆是各个方面天下东跑西颠。everywhere【近义词】ubiquitously同时普遍存在的(处处存在..。一、详尽释义点此查看everywhere的详细内容adv.(副词)到处,处处,遍处无论何处完完全全,彻头彻尾各个地方满目皆是各个方面天下东跑西颠n.(名词)每个地方所有地方四面八方无限空间处处,到处二、双解释义adv.(副词)处处,到处 every place三、词典解释1.处处;四处;各处;到处You useeverywhere to refer to a whole area or to all the places in a particular area.e.g. Working peopleeverywhere object to paying taxes...各地的工薪族都反对缴税。e.g. We wenteverywhere together...我们一起去各个地方。2.所经之地;所到之处You useeverywhere to refer to all the places that someone goes to.everywhere在线翻译e.g. Bradley is still accustomed to travellingeverywhere in style...布拉德利仍然保持着每次出行必派头十足的习惯。e.g. Everywhere he went he was introduced as the current United States Open Champion.他所到之处人们都介绍他是本届美国公开赛的冠军。3.(强调范围广)四处,到处You useeverywhere to emphasize that you are talking about a large number of places, or all possible places.e.g. I saw her pictureeverywhere...我到处都可以看见她的照片。e.g. I lookedeverywhere. I couldn"t find him.我到处都找了,就是找不到他。4.遍地;到处If you say that someone or something iseverywhere, you mean that they are present in a place in very large numbers.e.g. There were cartons of cigaretteseverywhere...到处都是香烟盒。e.g. Clothes wereeverywhere; hanging out of drawers, strewn across the floor, even spilling from the wastepaper basket.到处都是衣服:挂在抽屉上、扔在地上、甚至堆在废纸篓里。四、例句New factories are going up everywhere.到处在兴建新工厂。I hunted for my book everywhere.我到处找我的书。五、常见句型用作副词(adv.)用作状语The snow had drifted everywhere.雪飘至各处。She blazed her discovery abroad everywhere.她到处宣扬她的发现。I can"t find it though I"ve looked everywhere.虽然我什么地方都找了,但还是没有找到。It was raining hard and there were puddles everywhere.雨下得很大,到处都是水坑。Secret Service agents accompanied the President everywhere.特工人员处处都跟随着总统。The bag fell on the floor and broke open.The sweets went everywhere!包掉在地板上,摔破了,糖撒了一地!We can"t find the animal everywhere.这种动物并不是到处可见。六、词汇搭配用作副词 (adv.)动词+~exist everywhere普遍存在look everywhere到处寻找七、词语用法adv.(副词)everywhere作副词的意思是“到处,处处”,在句中作状语,用于否定句时,表示句子部分否定。everywhere无比较级和最高级形式。everywhere的相关临近词evict、everything、everywhere else、everywhere dense、everywhere regular、everywhere converge、everywhere convergent、everywhere-dense set、everywhere in the world、everywhere h- separable点此查看更多关于everywhere的详细信息


到处。everywhere=here and there=around是副词,当主语后面谓语是三单。并且一直放于副词,形容词前面。类是的有:somewhere。。。望采纳,谢谢了!下面的人是在网上搜的,一点诚意都没有!不信你去搜搜看!




adv.到处,处处,无论什么地方; 四下


everywhere的英语说法:英:[/u02c8ev.ri.weu0259r/];美:[/u02c8ev.ri.wer/]一、中文翻译adv. 到处,各处,无论何处n. 每个地方二、形式作为副词,"everywhere"无变化形式。作为名词,用来表示"每个地方"。三、短语搭配1. be everywhere 在各处,无处不在2. look everywhere 到处寻找3. everywhere in 在...的各处4. almost everywhere 几乎在所有地方5. go everywhere 到处走6. everywhere else 其他所有地方四、双语例句1. I"ve looked everywhere, but I can"t find my keys.我到处都找了,但我找不到我的钥匙。2. People everywhere are talking about the crisis.无论到哪里,人们都在谈论这场危机。3. Flowers are blooming everywhere in the garden.花园里的花朵到处都在盛开。4. She travels everywhere for her work.她工作需要到处旅行。5. Pollution is a problem almost everywhere.污染几乎在所有地方都是一个问题。6. I like this place better than everywhere else.我更喜欢这个地方,胜过其他所有地方。五、用法1. "Everywhere" 是一个副词,主要用来表示“在所有地方”,通常用于描述事物、人或动作存在或发生的地点。例如:"Books were scattered everywhere in his room." (他的房间里到处都是书。)2. 作为名词时,"everywhere"用来表示"每个地方"。例如:"I want to go to everywhere." (我想去每个地方。)3. "Everywhere" 可以和一些动词如 "look", "go", "be" 等搭配使用,构成短语,例如:"look everywhere" (到处寻找), "go everywhere" (到处走), "be everywhere" (无处不在)等。例如:"I"ve looked everywhere for you." (我到处都找过你了。)4. "Everywhere" 也可以和介词 "in" 搭配使用,构成 "everywhere in" 短语,表示在某个范围内的所有地方。例如:"He is known everywhere in the country." (他在这个国家的各个角落都很有名。)5. "Everywhere" 还可以和其他副词如 "almost", "nearly" 等搭配使用,构成 "almost everywhere", "nearly everywhere" 等短语,表示“几乎在所有地方”。例如:"There is snow almost everywhere." (几乎所有地方都有雪。)










到处,Cockroaches are everywhere!


到处 无论哪里 的意思

歌词中有merry merry christmas 男声 不是中文歌 告诉我歌名和歌手

last christmas应该是这个吧,我找好久找到的

Asher Book《Try》中英文歌词对照翻译

If I walk would you runIf I stop would you comeIf I say you"re the one would you believe meIf I ask you to stay would you show me the wayTell me what to say so you don"t leave meThe world is catching up to youWhile your running away to chase your dreamIt"s time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to changeAnd maybe I"m not readyCHORUSBut I"m trying for your loveI can hide up aboveI will try for your loveWe"ve been hiding enoughIf I sing you a song would you sing alongOr wait till I"m gone, oh how we push and pullIf I give you my heart would you just play the partOr tell me it"s the start of something beautifulAm I catching up to youWhile your running away, to chase your dreamsIt"s time for us to face the truth cause we are coming to each other to changeAnd maybe I"m not readyCHORUSBut I"m trying for your loveI can hide up aboveI will try for your loveWe"ve been hiding enoughI will try for your loveI can hide up above2x Huh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh huhhhIf I walk would you runIf I stop would you comeIf I say you"re the one would you believe me


moves like jaggerlast nightlet me think about iti wanan be downJustin Bieber-BoyfriendI know you want me -pitbulltrouble makerjust fineyou are my everythingdeepsoul

Justin bieber的歌。。好像有一句歌词是。。Marry marry Christmas..


Lollipop Luxury的中英文歌词是怎样的?

Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀S-T-A-R【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?) (什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch) (母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck 没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move 做我的爱Make you move做你的爱Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuсk看我丅操你See me suck a lollipop 看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm) Wanna get messy(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot我会让你浑身火热Make you rock 让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees滴在你的双膝Pretty please拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想上的就是你L-L-L Luxury.享受吧Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuсk me just to get somewhere我让你操丅我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me我知道你想要吸我的XXWhat you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你的双丅臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切Hot damn, here I come真丅他妈的热,我来了Tell me how you want it done告诉我你想怎样来做At the mall, in the hall, on your mama"s bedroom wall在商场,在大厅还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?You can choose, either way you will end up on the news(Yeah, just like you wanted, right?)你可以选一种,不过不管哪种都会让你上新闻(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)Do I make you wet我让你湿了吗?It"s all about the C-U-N-T全部是关于你的**【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】

求《Lollipop Luxury》歌词

Lollipop Luxury-Jeffree StarS-T-A-RS-T-A-R, what?S-T-A-RJeffree Star and Nicki MinajQueen BitchS-T-A-RI"m on the top , there"s no luck.Never turned around to stop.Make my move, make you move...Make you wanna hear me talk, see me walk, see me fuck, see me suck a lollipop.Wanna get messy?I"ll make you hot, make you rock.I"ll leave the world in shock.I"ma tease, I"m your fuel.I just wanna see you drool, on your knees, pretty please...You wish you were my main squeeze.Like luxury...Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your eyes off me. I make you wanna fuck me just to get somewhere. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your hands off me. I know you wanna suck me, what you waiting for? Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be. Mmm hot damn, here I come. Tell me how you want it done... At the mall, in the hall, on your mommas bedroom wall. You can choose, either way you will end up on the news.(Just like you wanted, right?)Ahhh, do I make you wet?It"s all about the C.U.N.T. I wanna hear you say: "Love my pink knife." You wish you had a slice of me... I"m a celebritease. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your eyes off me. I make you wanna fuck me just to get somewhere. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your hands off me. I know you wanna suck me, what you waiting for? Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be.omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.now it"s time for you to go.【so what , so what】omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always sell.now it"s time for you to go.【so what, so what】oh my god , can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?【not yet , not yet.】oh my god , can"t you tell.my mmmm makes you wanna sweat.am i all set?【not yet , not yet.】Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be.

一首男声英文圣诞歌曲,节奏不欢快,但很好听词中出现了merry Christmas

这样的男声merry Christmas能凑够几十张专辑

bodycology和BERRY LIP GLOSS分别是什么意思啊?

保体高乐Bodycology(保体高乐)是来自美国的产品,原产于美国德克萨斯州达拉斯市,产品具有新时尚、新创意理念,获得美国化妆品协会2007年金奖。BERRY LIP GLOSS浆果润唇膏

welfare lottery是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  welfare lottery,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:福利彩票。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
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