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21世纪英语为什么不能21 century

原因如下:第21个世纪表示这个世纪所以这样表示:Twenty-first CenturyTwentieth Century 20世纪Twenty-second Century 22世纪twenty-third century 23世纪twenty-fourth century 24世纪等等以此类推简写的话,例如21世纪 the 21st century。

表示21世纪的21st century中的st用不用上标?


by the middle of the 21st century

LS说的太摸棱两可 will be living这个意思应该是 那些人将会住在城市里(一直住在) 而如果是will have lived则是 那些人到那个时候将会完成住在城市里这个动作(也就是说后来不住在城市里了)

What does it mean to chinese in the 21st century?

about chinese的发展,其他国家现在对chinese的看法~~~chinese在别人眼里的第一感觉等等的

4uff0eThe last decade of the 21st century ________the


There is no reason why these won’t continue far into the 21st century 翻译下!!


有谁知道美国保健品牌21st Century怎么样

我最近刚好因为家里人生病对健康方面的东西比较关注,你说的这品牌我搜到了21st Century One Daily Men"s,这个应该是其中的一个产品吧,评分很低的,看起来品质一般。你后来又找到什么其他好的品牌了吗?我们可以互通一下信息。

一篇英语作文 《 life in the 21st century》60字左右?

Life in the 21st Century" is an adventurous tale of romance,corruption,and suspense.The story focuses on Ted,an employee at Human Life Healthcare Insurance,he is sent to California to investigate a client"s diagnosis only to discover his new CEO,Lee G.Park,has a secret agenda.Upon his arrival to investigate Lucille Ridgeway he quickly bees attracted to her,and the two develop a romantic relationship.He is relieved to learn that her original and expensive diagnosis was incorrect.Ted"s boss sounds frustrated by this news and quickly hangs up on him.Ted"s friend,who shares a striking resemblance to him,is abducted by a suspicious looking bellman from Ted"s hotel.Ted suspects that Park may have had something to do with it; maybe he was the actual kidnapping target.Looking deeper into the lives of Human Life"s clients,Ted discovers many died in accidents unrelated to their illnesses.Ted learns that his CEO may have been finding ways out of paying insurance claims such as killing off clients with expensive diagnoses for profit."Human Life in the 21st Century" is an exhilarating tale of Ted"s quest to expose the corruption of Human Life.Not sure who to trust,Ted knows he won"t be able to stop running until Human Life is stopped first.Doyle"s story follows Ted and the numerous twisting story lines as he struggles to avoid being found by the CEO,protect Lucille,and restore justice.About the Author Ross Kilarney Doyle was born in New York City and grew up in Bay Ridge,Brooklyn.He graduated from medical school and wrote only about science for many years.Since retiring from teaching at a Midwestern medical school,Doyle has restored a 90-year-old house and explored the arctic as a Sierra Club leader.He is now married and lives in rural upstate New York.AuthorHouse is the premier book publisher for emerging,self-published authors.For more information,please visit ***.EDITORS:For review copies or interview requests,contact:Nick McMurray Tel:317.926.1727 Fax:317.926.1728 Email:nmcmurray@trendyminds (When requesting a review copy,please provide a street address.) This release was issued through eReleases(TM).For more information,visit ***.SOURCE AuthorHouse,2,


《21世纪经济报道》( caa 21st Century Business Herald) 官方网站网址: http://www.21cbh.com/ 中文 《21世纪经济报道》是 南方报业集团 下属中国最大的商业报纸媒体 ,是中国商业报纸的领导者。致力于服务最优秀的人群, 是在世界经济界最受关注的中国经济类日报。 全国三大经济类报纸之一。

我是一名高中生,请问是订the 21st century好,还是china daily好,谢谢


下面这句话中为什么用“of the twenty-first century”而不是“in the twenty-first century”?

用of表示的是望远镜是21世纪的一个课题,用in的话表示是在21世纪这个时间范围。但是这里主要强调的是望远镜 所以用of

找代购买21st Century维生素D3好不好?

个人觉得找代购买保健品并不好的,因为可能存在着假货,而且没有保障。还不如直接找一家正规的海淘网站购买,就比如说iherb,而我也是经常在这家平台购买一些21st Century 维生素 D3,价格方面并不贵,最关键是商品真实,让人放心。

delivery & shipment 区别?

delivery [dī"liv05ri]基本翻译n. 递送,交付,分娩网络释义delivery:交货|发送|配送delivery order:提货单|D/O) 提货单(小提单|交货单delivery time:交货时间|交付时间|交期shipment ["06īpm05nt]基本翻译n. 装船,出货网络释义shipment:装船|装运|出货partial shipment:分批装运|分批装船|部分装货PREVIOUS SHIPMENT:以前走的货|以前出的货,以前走的货delivery意思是货物到达收到。而shipment是指货物出运的整个流程。一个是出,一个是入。

21st Century Schizoid Man 歌词

歌曲名:21st Century Schizoid Man歌手:king crimson专辑:Epitaph, Vols. 3-4cat"s foot iron clawneuro-surgeons scream for moreat paranoia"s poison doortwenty first century schizoid man.blood rack barbed wirepoliticians" funeral pyreinnocents raped with napalm firetwenty first century schizoid man.death seed blind man"s greedpoets" starving children bleednothing he"s got he realy needstwenty first schizoid man.BY:和小谐http://music.baidu.com/song/54948570

free delivery是什么意思

free delivery的意思为免费交货,免费送货。delivery:名词,投递;送交;运送;分娩;投掷;演讲风格;供给;提供;交付;递送物。常用的短语搭配有recorded delivery:挂号邮寄;take delivery of:收到;special delivery:信件特别快递、特种快递、特种快递信件;cash on delivery:货到付款,交货付现;general delivery:存局候领。free:名词,不受他人控制的;自由的;无拘无束的;不受阻碍的;有空的;空闲的;不收费的;免费提供的;出手大方的;大手大脚的;浪费的。副词,免费地;帆脚索被松开地。动词,使自由;释放;解放;使摆脱。常用短语搭配有for free:免费地、无偿地;free time:余暇,空闲时间,业余时间;feel free to:随意;free from:免受、免于、摆脱。双语例句:1、We provide free delivery and installation.我们免费送货和安装。2、Large Quantity, in Shenzhen city, free delivery.量大市内可免费送货。3、Free Delivery in Beijing, tickets to the payment.北京地区免费送票,票到付款。4、This mail service is called Rural Free Delivery.这种邮政服务称为农村免费邮递服务。5、There"s free delivery if you spend over HK$1,000.如果你的采购金额超过港币1000大元,还可以享受免费运送服务。6、In Nanjing urban district free delivery, delivery payment.南京市区内免费送货,货到付款。7、We offer one time free delivery for the wine package.订购上述本公司葡萄酒优惠套装,可获免费送货一次。8、That is in our free delivery area, so there"ll be no extra charge for delivery.那是我们的免费送货区,因此不另收费。

21st century breakdown的专辑鉴赏

《21st Century Breakdown》是绿日的又一张极具概念意味的朋克歌剧专辑,在当中,他们永无疲倦地讲述着美国故事和美国梦想,铿锵的节奏与迷人的旋律同在,五年的磨砺让这支流行朋克乐队在叙述起大命题时更为从容,也更有说服力。 该专辑依然延续《AmericanIdiot》的概念之路,以年轻夫妻Christian和Gloria为主角,共分三幕,用英雄与骗局、骗子与圣人、马蹄铁和手榴弹来讲述一个世纪的兴衰成败。 《21st Century Breakdown》的首发单曲《21 Guns》的吉他演奏与绿日的经典之作《Boulevard of Broken Dreams》十分相似,风格及旋律与Mott the Hoople"s《All the Young Dudes》十分相似;同名歌曲《21st Century Breakdown》是一首比较伟大的歌曲,旋律及歌词都不激烈;《Know Your Enemy》的歌词虽然冗长,但节奏快速,吉他演奏十分的激烈;《Before the Lobotomy》与绿日的其它歌曲风格、旋律、歌词方面都截然不同,十分的悲哀;《March of the Dogs》矛头指向了宗教,歌词较讽刺;其它的歌曲,《Restless Heart Syndrome》、《See the Light》、《Christian"s Inferno》等都有安静的钢琴伴奏。

delivery speed

Products for which delivery speed is the priority: 1. Military weapons and equipment - In military science, maintaining one"s supply lines in time while disrupting those of the enemy is a crucial—some would say the most crucial—element of military strategy, since an armed force without resources and trportation is defenceless. 2 Food and Living Necessity for refugees - Delivery speed to maintain people"s lives in the disasters is obviously crucial. Products for which delivery reliability is the priority: 3. Medical logistics is the logistics of pharmaceuticals, medical and surgical supplies, medical devices and equipment, and other products needed to support doctors, nurses, and other health and dental care providers. Because its final customers are responsible for the lives and health of their patients, medical logistics is unique in that it seeks to optimize effectiveness rather than efficiency. 4. Blood and Org for replant - These items are also crucial for the lives and health of patients, its delivery reliability also seeks to optimize effectiveness rather than efficiency. 2008-07-29 14:33:11 补充: Some other products for which delivery reliability is the priority: Money/Gold; Valuables/Jewellery;,参考: web sites,

英文21世纪报的21st Century

歌手:Groove Coverage国籍:德国 专辑:《21st Century》主打:21st Century Digital Girl、On The Radio、Holy Virgin语言:英语公司:Zeitgeist(时代精神)时间:2007-5-1 继上一张专辑《Greatest Hits》(炫舞王国)之后,EMI又将强力推出GC的最新音乐力作《舞动精灵——21世纪》,专辑超值收录包括新歌及经典舞曲珍藏版双CD,必将为喜欢Groove Coverage(以下简略为GC)音乐的人在2008年初送上一份惊喜音乐大礼!作为此次专辑第一主打《On The Radio》除延续GC一贯的火热舞曲风格之外,也将主题特地选定于为DJ送上的一支音乐主播作品之上,这完全基于GC的前期成功得益于各路DJ的极大喜爱,2001年G.C首推出《Are You Ready》的大肆成功,就曾以其超高人气久居德国DJ Chart前十名,以DJ强打路线日渐走红的G.C在新专辑《舞动精灵——21世纪》中将《On The Radio》作为主打,不仅仅是一次对DJ的全新音乐回礼,更是将其国际化舞曲音乐之风席卷至极!《On The Radio》在主题上继续舞动精灵在词作上的创意与大胆,充满幻想意境的电子舞曲,充分释放出不眠夜的寂寞与不安,在渴望能用音乐得到沟通与共鸣的传递中,让每一个听到《On The Radio》的人都能感受到MELL女声中独有的舞曲式煽动性,直率且带给人极大悠远想象空间,突破以往舞曲带给人虽热情却尖锐无比的刚烈感受,用极富包容性的声腺撼动人心深处的敏感神经!成为GC舞曲风格充分成熟之后的又一饱满力作!作为百万制作的新专辑《舞动精灵——21世纪》的力推主打,可见其在专辑中无可替代的重金地位!在专辑《21世纪》中,收录的第二主打歌《November Night》更是GC的主唱Mell首度开唱慢版温柔情歌的一次音乐惊喜!在GC被定义为绝对舞曲组合之后,《November night》以它独具深情的曲风颠覆了大众对GC的武断界定,在GC的音乐世界中,一切都将成为可能!在GC的国际巡回演唱中,Mell曾对他们的歌迷表示:“所有你想要听到的感受,超HIGH的释放,还是痛调的深情,GC都将给你。这就是GC的音乐,希望所有的人都能在我们的音乐中得到完全不同的感受”。《November Night》曲词突破抒情情歌贯有的老套模式,以真实感受作为切入,宛然将人带入具真实情景的11月夜晚,冷峻的舞曲女声嗓音,加入凉凉的Goodbye kiss情调,将这首悲伤的《November Night》演绎的如此非同凡响,别具一格!在专辑《21世纪》中,同时收录了GC从走红至今包括《God Is A Girl》、《She》等最为经典及新作舞曲的Remix CD版。 专辑曲目 CD1:1、 Summer Rain(夏日的雨)2、 21st Century Digital Girl(21世纪数码女孩)3、 Never Ever Stop(不要停)x4、 Holy Virgin (圣女)5、 Call Me(呼唤我)6、 What You Cee Is What You Get(你所看到的就是你所拥有的)7、 Angel From Above(天使)8、 November Night(十一月的夜晚)9、 When I Die(当我死去)10、On the Radio(电台中)11、Rock(摇滚)12、When Love Lives In Heaven(当爱住进天堂)13、Moonlight Shadow (Pure & Direct version) (月光的影子)14、Indonesia(印度尼西亚)15、Let It Be(随它去)CD2:(混音版)1. I Need You VS I Need You (DJ U/Hey Remix)(我需要你我需要你)2. She (Skam Remix)(她)3. God Is A Girl (Axel Konrad Remix)(上帝是女孩)4. On The Radio (Groove Agents Remix)(电台中)5. Summer Rain (Delaction Remix)(夏日的雨)6. Moonlight Shadow (French Club Mix)(月光的影子)7. Runaway (Flip & Fill Remix) (逃离)8. 7 Years And 50 Days (Plazmatek VS Cascada Remix) (7年又50天)9. The End (Brooklyn Bounce Remix) (尽头)

英语多少世纪 例如 21世纪 是 21st century。其中“st”代表的是first的“st

yes 19th Century数字+序数词最后两个字母第1 first 第2 second 第3 third 第4 fourth 第5 fifth 第6 sixth 第7 seventh 第8 eighth 第9 ninth 第10 tenth 第11 eleventh 第12 twelfth 第13 thirteenth 第14 fourteenth 第15 fifteenth 第16 sixteenth 第17 seventeenth 第18 eighteenth 第19 nineteenth 第20 twentieth 第21 twenty-first 第22 twenty-second 第23 twenty-third 第24 twenty-fourth 第25 twenty-fifth 第26 twenty-sixth 第27 twenty-seventh 第28 twenty-eighth 第29 twenty-ninth 第30 thirtieth 第31 thirty-first 第32 thirty-second 第33 thirty-third 第34 thirty-fourth 第35 thirty-fifth 第36 thirty-sixth 第37 thirty-seventh 第38 thirty-eighth 第39 thirty-ninth 第40 fortieth 第41 forty-first 第42 forty-second 第43 forty-third 第44 forty-fourth 第45 forty-fifth 第46 forty-sixth 第47 forty-seventh 第48 forty-eighth 第49 forty-ninth 第50 fiftieth 第51 fifty-first 第52 fifty-second 第53 fifty-third 第54 fifty-fourth 第55 fifty-fifth 第56 fifty-sixth第57 fifty-seventh 第58 fifty-eighth 第59 fifty-ninth 第60 sixtieth 第61 sixty-first 第62 sixty-second 第63 sixty-third 第64 sixty-fourth 第65 sixty-fifth 第66 sixty-sixth 第67 sixty-seventh 第68 sixty-eighth 第69 sixty-ninth 第70 seventieth 第71 seventy-first 第72 seventy-second 第73 seventy-third 第74 seventy-fourth 第75 seventy-fifth 第76 seventy-sixth 第77 seventy-seventh 第78 seventy-eighth 第79 seventy-ninth 第80 eightieth 第81 eighty-first 第82 eighty-second 第83 eighty-third 第84 eighty-fourth 第85 eighty-fifth 第86 eighty-sixth 第87 eighty-seventh 第88 eighty-eighth 第89 eighty-ninth 第90 ninetieth 第91 ninety-first 第92 ninety-second 第93 ninety-third 第94 ninety-fourth 第95 ninety-fifth 第96 ninety-sixth 第97 ninety-seventh 第98 ninety-eighth 第99 ninety-ninth 第100 one hundredth

21st Century


网上很多把21世纪翻译成21th Century,对吗?


Ryan Adams的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Ryan Adams专辑:Ashes & FireTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10558595

time of shipment /time of delivery 的具体区别是什么

当然不同啦!首先要知道shipment不等于delivery的哦!time of delivery指的是出货的时间;time of shipment 指的是装船的时间。一般来说这两个时间都不会相隔太长。比如:货物做好以后,被工厂的搬运工搬上货柜的时间,就是time of delivery;而货柜从工厂出发,到达出发港,再被吊车吊上船,船出发的时间才是time of shipment哦!

delivery & shipment 区别?


在坐的各位朋友,我想问一下外贸中的delivery time 是指shiping date 吗?还是这两者有区别的


Delivery time:15 days ARO.意思是不是交货期:15天左右

ARO:after receipt the order 确定下单后(或者订单确认后)Delivery time:15 days ARO是指货期下单后15个工作日装船

请问electric scooter和electric motorycle有什么区别呢?谢谢大家

motorcycle 是 摩托车。Scooter 是 踏板车/小轮摩托车

delivery time 具体指什么?

  从字面上和原则上来讲,Delivery time是指交货期 ,也就是产品的生产时间。如果产品生产周期是30天,那么Delivery time就是30天,即delivery time=原料采购时间+生产时间+客户验货时间+送到港上。   不过,由于货物在出运时有很多阶段,所以专业的术语已经有点不是太个别的含义。如果客人在订单阶段的话,一般Delivery time就是厂家按照生产完毕验货通过的日期,但是,如果是在船运的阶段,可能已经指的是货物上船离开交货港口的准确日期,即船期 。这也就是需要我们的单证人员在具体情况下需要和客户联系好,这样才能提供所需要的信息。   还有一点可能涉及到的是交货期还要看合同中所规定的贸易术语。可以分为:1.如果是EX work,那么Delivery time是指完成生产后包装出厂的日期.2.如果是FOB贸易方式,那应该就是指装船期,需结合客FORWARDER的相关日期。3.要是CIF的话,则可能是到港期,这要计算生产,内陆运输,海/空运,等相加的日期,还有DDU也是同样的情况。总之,根据不同的背景,主要还是跟客户确定为好。 delivery,,time,,意思,,不好意思,,问下,, 你的交货时间,一般都是按在中国港口开船日算 具体情况具体分析。 因为不同时间段就有不同意思。 你都说对了。 在开始谈业务前提到的DELIVERY TIME是指工厂把货物打包打好,等集装箱来装货的时间段。即交货时间。 报好关了,货上船了。这时候的DELIVERY TIME是指船离港口日期哟。 交货期是指卖方将货物装上运往目的地(港)的运输工具或交付承运人的日期,习惯上称为装运期。 海运提单的出单日期是指货物装上船的日期, 铁路运单、航空运单、邮包收据和国际多式联运单据的出单日期,是指货物装上运输工具或承运人收到并接管货物的日期。假如信用证未规定交运期,按惯例受益人所提交的运输单据日期,不得迟于信用证的到期日。我国的出口业务中,通常要求信用证的议付到期日规定在交货期限后15天。 Delivery time的解释呢?  从字面上和原则上来讲,Delivery time是指交货期 ,也就是产品的生产时间。如果产品生产周期是30天,那么Delivery time就是30天,即delivery time=原料采购时间+生产时间+客户验货时间+送到港上。   不过,由于货物在出运时有很多阶段,所以专业的术语已经有点不是太个别的含义。如果客人在订单阶段的话,一般Delivery time就是厂家按照生产完毕验货通过的日期,但是,如果是在船运的阶段,可能已经指的是货物上船离开交货港口的准确日期,即船期 。这也就是需要我们的单证人员在具体情况下需要和客户联系好,这样才能提供所需要的信息。   还有一点可能涉及到的是交货期还要看合同中所规定的贸易术语。可以分为:1.如果是EX work,那么Delivery time是指完成生产后包装出厂的日期.2.如果是FOB贸易方式,那应该就是指装船期,需结合客FORWARDER的相关日期。总之,根据不同的背景,主要还是跟客户确定为好

国际贸易中的dilivery time

Delivery time在合同上显示的话,就等同于Shipment time,保险起见,都理解为上船时间(on board time)

两个Planned Delivery Time的区别?

创建采购信息记录的时候,本来就是从物料主数据中带出来的啊,我试了一下楼主说的,不同供 应商对该物料的信息记录中,维护不同的计划交货时间,对物料主数据中的计划交货时间根本没 有影响,我觉得物料主数据的是一个参考时间,根据以往的交货经验,根据不同的供应商,采购 信息记录能够修改。

first delivery是什么意思

first delivery 意思第一次交货例句:双语英语1.So what"s the first delivery capper? 那幺,第一步是什么?2.Nutrient adjustment of mothball and first delivery swine. 后备及初产母猪的营养调节。3.The c919 is scheduled to make its first test flight in 2014 and first delivery by 2016. 根据计划,c919将在2014年首次试飞,在2016年首次交付。

complete delivery是什么意思



delivery的意思是投递;递送;运送;演讲方式;演讲风格;分娩;生产;提供;交付;投递物;交付物;拯救;解脱;投球;投出的球;交付;交割;排气量;必需品供给。投递的;递送的;运送的。一、基本意思1、n:投递;递送;运送;演讲方式;演讲风格;分娩;生产;提供;交付;投递物;交付物;解救;拯救;解脱;投球;投出的球;交付;交割;(压缩机或泵的)排气量;(面向种族隔离区的)必需品供给。2、comp:投递的;递送的;运送的。二、短语搭配1、delivery room产房。2、special delivery特种快递。3、general delivery邮件的存局候领。4、delivery system送货上门系统,服药。5、delivery speed排气速度,输出速率。6、pump delivery泵输出量,泵供水量。7、delivery pump输送泵。8、delivery pressure输出压力。9、forward delivery远期交割。10、delivery nozzle输送管嘴,输出喷嘴。delivery的例句:1、You have to pay a premium for express delivery.你得支付特快投递的补加费用。2、If you can guarantee punctual delivery,we shall place order with you.如果你能保证按时交付,我们将给你定购。3、Please send this parcel by express delivery.请用快递寄送这个包裹。4、As her delivery time neared,they urged her to leave for the hospital.她分娩时间逼近时,他们都劝她到医院去。5、We will verify your delivery address and arrange for another test material to be sent.我们将会检查您的邮寄地址,并安排另外递送一份测试样品。

delivery time 在合同里是什么意思 谢谢


请问各位高手,delivery time是点时间还是段时间?

还有就是lead time 包括 deliver time 么?

delivery time 具体指什么?

  从字面上和原则上来讲,Delivery time是指交货期 ,也就是产品的生产时间。如果产品生产周期是30天,那么Delivery time就是30天,即delivery time=原料采购时间+生产时间+客户验货时间+送到港上。   不过,由于货物在出运时有很多阶段,所以专业的术语已经有点不是太个别的含义。如果客人在订单阶段的话,一般Delivery time就是厂家按照生产完毕验货通过的日期,但是,如果是在船运的阶段,可能已经指的是货物上船离开交货港口的准确日期,即船期 。这也就是需要我们的单证人员在具体情况下需要和客户联系好,这样才能提供所需要的信息。   还有一点可能涉及到的是交货期还要看合同中所规定的贸易术语。可以分为:1.如果是EX work,那么Delivery time是指完成生产后包装出厂的日期.2.如果是FOB贸易方式,那应该就是指装船期,需结合客FORWARDER的相关日期。3.要是CIF的话,则可能是到港期,这要计算生产,内陆运输,海/空运,等相加的日期,还有DDU也是同样的情况。总之,根据不同的背景,主要还是跟客户确定为好。 delivery,,time,,意思,,不好意思,,问下,, 你的交货时间,一般都是按在中国港口开船日算 具体情况具体分析。 因为不同时间段就有不同意思。 你都说对了。 在开始谈业务前提到的DELIVERY TIME是指工厂把货物打包打好,等集装箱来装货的时间段。即交货时间。 报好关了,货上船了。这时候的DELIVERY TIME是指船离港口日期哟。 交货期是指卖方将货物装上运往目的地(港)的运输工具或交付承运人的日期,习惯上称为装运期。 海运提单的出单日期是指货物装上船的日期, 铁路运单、航空运单、邮包收据和国际多式联运单据的出单日期,是指货物装上运输工具或承运人收到并接管货物的日期。假如信用证未规定交运期,按惯例受益人所提交的运输单据日期,不得迟于信用证的到期日。我国的出口业务中,通常要求信用证的议付到期日规定在交货期限后15天。 Delivery time的解释呢?  从字面上和原则上来讲,Delivery time是指交货期 ,也就是产品的生产时间。如果产品生产周期是30天,那么Delivery time就是30天,即delivery time=原料采购时间+生产时间+客户验货时间+送到港上。   不过,由于货物在出运时有很多阶段,所以专业的术语已经有点不是太个别的含义。如果客人在订单阶段的话,一般Delivery time就是厂家按照生产完毕验货通过的日期,但是,如果是在船运的阶段,可能已经指的是货物上船离开交货港口的准确日期,即船期 。这也就是需要我们的单证人员在具体情况下需要和客户联系好,这样才能提供所需要的信息。   还有一点可能涉及到的是交货期还要看合同中所规定的贸易术语。可以分为:1.如果是EX work,那么Delivery time是指完成生产后包装出厂的日期.2.如果是FOB贸易方式,那应该就是指装船期,需结合客FORWARDER的相关日期。总之,根据不同的背景,主要还是跟客户确定为好

on each side of on every side of 区别

on each(either) side of the street/ road/ river (一般只有两个边的) 比较: on every side of the playground/ sqaure/...(有两个以上的边的) 另: on every side 在…各个方向,到处; 周围 词典例句 1.There was a lot of people on every side. 到处都是人. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2.There was devastation on every side. 到处都是破坏的创伤. 来自《简明英汉词典》

地狱猫歌曲第22集结束时插曲是什么,歌词好像是no hope,no glory,no happy ending,急求。谢谢。

是 Mika 的 Happy ending吧 ,望采纳 This is the way you left me, I"m not pretending No hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending This is the way that we love, like its forever Then live the rest of our life but not together Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life Can"t get no love without sacrifice If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well Mmm a little bit of heaven with a little bit of hell This is the hardest story that I"ve ever told (ooohh) No hope, no love, no glory A happy ending gone forever more I feel as if I"m wasted And I"m wasted everyday This is the way you left me, I"m not pretending No hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending This is the way that we love, like its forever Then live the rest of our life but not together Two o"clock in the morning, something"s on my mind Can"t get no rest, keep walking around If I pretend that nothing ever went wrong I can get to my sleep, I can think that we just carried on This is the hardest story that I"ve ever told (ooohh) No hope, no love, no glory A happy ending gone forever more I feel as if I"m wasted And I"m wasted everyday This is the way you left me (oh I feel as if I"m wasted) I"m not pretending No hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending This is the way that we love (and I"m wasted everyday) like its forever Then live the rest of our life but not together Little bit of love Little bit of love [repeat匽 I feel as if I"m wasted And I"m wasted everyday This is the way you left me, I"m not pretending No hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending This is the way that we love, like its forever Then live the rest of our life but not together This is the way you left me, I"m not pretending No hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending This is the way that we love, like its forever Then live the rest of our life, but not together This is the way you left me, I"m not pretending No hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending

hell has no fury as a woman scorned 什么意思


与paul smith story香水类似的香水有吗

story确实是停产很久了,相对来说,比较像它的,目前可以选择chanel的沙龙线,梧桐影木(Chanel Les Exclusifs de Chanel Sycomore),官方宣传如图:另,也有人提及过,dior homme Cologne与story的柚香很相似。如图:另,墨恋(Lalique Encre Noire)前调与story前调很像,墨恋如图:以上,是个人所知和story比较有相似度的几款,仅供参考。但愿我的回答能帮到你。

jquery slider宽度

.scroll-content { width:2440px; float: left; wordBreak: "break-all"; wordWrap: "break-word" }

jquery-ui-slider-pips 怎么用

//具体可参考官网文档https://github.com/simeydotme/jQuery-ui-Slider-Pips$(".element").slider({ min: 20, max: 65, values: [30, 40, 50]});// Then you can give it pips and labels! $(".element").slider("pips", { first: "label", last: "label", rest: "pip", labels: ["label1", "label2", ...], prefix: "", suffix: "" });// And finally can add floaty numbers (if desired) $(".element").slider("float", { handle: true, pips: true, labels: ["label1", "label2", ...], prefix: "", suffix: "" });




1、本质上的区别jQuery是一个JavaScript函数库。jQuery就是基于JavaScript语言写出来的一个框架,实质上还是JavaScript而已。2、代码书写的不同jQuery 极大地简化了 JavaScript 编程,jQuery代码比沉重的JavaScript轻灵多了,jquery设计的初衷就是要用更少的代码,漂亮的完成更多的功能。3、在使用方法上的不同(1)使用JavaScript和jQuery分别加载DOM:JavaScript只会执行一次,而jQuery会执行多次。(2)使用JavaScript和jQuery获取class方法:JavaScript没有默认的获取class的方法 ,而JQuery, 可以通过$(".className") 调用class的方法。扩展资料jQuery的语言特点1、快速获取文档元素jQuery的选择机制构建于Css的选择器,它提供了快速查询DOM文档中元素的能力,而且大大强化了JavaScript中获取页面元素的方式。2、提供漂亮的页面动态效果jQuery中内置了一系列的动画效果,可以开发出非常漂亮的网页,许多网站都使用jQuery的内置的效果,比如淡入淡出、元素移除等动态特效。4.创建AJAX无刷新网页AJAX是异步的JavaScript和ML的简称,可以开发出非常灵敏无刷新的网页,特别是开发服务器端网页时,比如PHP网站,需要往返地与服务器通信,如果不使用AJAX,每次数据更新不得不重新刷新网页,而使用AJAX特效后,可以对页面进行局部刷新,提供动态的效果。4、提供对JavaScript语言的增强jQuery提供了对基本JavaScript结构的增强,比如元素迭代和数组处理等操作。参考资料:百度百科-jQuery

jquery-ui slider 能否将最大最小值对调?

我是2个表单滑动:比如从:1-10的小数滑动(1.1,1.2...9.8,9.9,10)$( "#slider-rangec" ).slider({ range: true, min: 10, max: 100, values: [10, 100 ], //这里范围设置10倍 slide: function( event, ui ) { $( "#input_1" ).val(ui.values[ 0 ]/10); $( "#input_2" ).val(ui.values[ 1 ]/10);}});$( "#input_1" ).val( 1 );$( "#input_2" ).val( 10 ); //这里初始化正常整数

jquery ui slider在移动端不能拖动,有没有简单快捷的方法处理,比如把slider转化为touch事件之类的


jquery ui slider怎么修改样式

在这里调整你要的样式http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/然后下载到本地 覆盖原有的css

Tom worked in a factory in a big town.He liked fishing very?

1.How many weeks did he stay in that cheap hotel? 答案为:a.one 短文中的关键句子 1)On the first day he caught a lot of fish 2)After that he did this every day. 3)when Tom got his bill(帐单) at the end of the week. 4)For oil to fry fish(油炸鱼) 7 days:$3`50. 说明他在宾馆住了一个星期. bo c.three d.four 2.Tom was___________. 答案为:a.kind and poor 1)stayed at a *** all,cheap hotel,证明他 poor; 2) He gave them to the hotel,and they cooked them for all the people in the hotel,说明他 kind. 同义句: 1.Mary is interested in English.提供三种: Mary is fond of English.(be fond of ...喜爱...) Mary"s favourite is English.(favourite 喜欢的事物 ) English is Mary"s favourite. 2.His grandma often tells her stories.提供两种: 用tell sth.to *** .改动: His grandma often tells stories to her. 用被动语态改动: She is often told stories by his grandma,1,a a mary likes English his grandma often tells stories to her.,1,Tom worked in a factory in a big town.He liked fishing very much,and was good at it.When he was free,he went down to a *** all river behind the factory and wanted to catch some fish,but there were very few there,because the water wasn"t clean.One day he went to the seaside(海边).And stayed at a *** all,cheap hotel.“I never fished (钓鱼) in the sea before.It must be different from fishing in our river.” On the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very happy.He gave them to the hotel,and they cooked them for all the people in the hotel.They enjoyed them very much.After that he did this every day.But when Tom got his bill(帐单) at the end of the week.The bill was like this. “For oil to fry fish(油炸鱼) 7 days:$3`50.” 1.How many weeks did he stay in that cheap hotel? a.one bo c.three d.four 2.Tom was___________. a.kind and poor b.kind and rich c.not kind or rich d.not kind or poor 同义句:Mary is interested in English. His grandma often tells her stories.

merry kissmyass是什么意思

kiss my ass的含义有下面几个:1. 你不同意他人的观点并且态度非常强烈,感觉别人纯属扯淡,可以说kiss my ass!,表达类似“去你妈的”之类。2. suck up,brownnose, charm,flatter and kiss butt by bodily or vocal charm,就是阿谀奉承,拍马屁的意思。3. When you can"t believe something,表达一种强烈的不相信情绪,要和别人打赌的架势,但无愤怒和侮辱含义。I"ll kiss your ass if she agrees to go out with you!4. 也可以用作一个名字,指拍马屁的人,He"s such a kiss ass.

有关what is poetry 的诗

Poetry is the struggle to wake up each morning 诗歌是每个早晨挣扎着起来Poetry is the struggle to sleep each night 是每个夜晚不情愿地睡去Poetry is the image you see in the mirror 是你在镜中看见的图像Even when you know that the image isn"t right. 尽管你知道,那图像不是你。Poetry is the song you sing when in love 诗歌是你爱恋时吟唱的歌谣Poetry is the tears when things fall apart 是你分手时流下的泪珠Poetry is when your fingers barely hold on 是你Even when you know you broke your heart. 尽管你知道,你伤透了心。

poem和poetry的区别? poem和poetry都是名词,怎么区分呢?

poetry指诗歌、散文这一类文体 poem就指一首诗

Poetry 复数形式是什么?

poetry是个不可数名词,它不存在复数形式;For example; 不可数名词 n.[U] 诗;诗集 poems · Wordsworth wrote beautiful poetry. 华兹华士写了优美的诗歌。


poetry 诗的总称poem 诗篇,诗歌verse 诗句这三个词的区别在:poetry > poem > versepoetry 里包括 poem,versepoem 里包括 verse

What is poetry?

1.Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature- he is chiefly famous for his love poetry2.A quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems- poetry and fire are nicely balanced in the music3.Something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty- the music department is housed in a building that is pure poetry

《诗》POETRY 【英】埃莉诺·法杰恩

What is Poetry? Who knows? Not a rose, but the scent of the rose; Not the sky, but the light in the sky; Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly; Not the sea, but the sound of the sea; Not myself, but what makes me See, hear, and feel something that prose Cannot: and what it is, who knows 诗是什么?有谁知道? 不是玫瑰,却有玫瑰的芬芳; 不是天空,却有天空的明亮; 不是流萤,却有流萤的闪光; 不是海浪,却有海浪的声响; 不是自我,却可以耳濡目染, 切身体会绝非散文所能比拟。 诗是什么,有谁知道? 何为诗,难以明? 不是玫瑰却有香; 不是天空却明亮; 不是流萤却闪光; 不是大海却声响; 不是散文却悠长; 不是自我可感想。 诗为何,难以明。 诗,难以形容,不可言旨。 虽然不是玫瑰,却有玫瑰的(芳香四溢(沁人心脾), 虽然不是天空,却有天空的风和日丽, 虽然不是流萤,却有流萤的顾盼神飞(流光溢彩), 虽然不是大海,却有大海的波涛海澜(惊涛拍岸), 虽然不是自我,却可以耳濡目染, 切身体会(眼耳鼻口舌身意)绝非散文所能描摹, 诗,只可意会,不可言说。

Pat Green的《Poetry》 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry歌手:Pat Green专辑:Wave On WaveDanity Kane PoetryAubrey:when i stand in a crowded roomI feel alone like nobody"s thereAnd when u talk cold to meI can see ur breath in the airit"s taking it"s toll on meIn the bathroom taking showersso u don"t see me crybaby it"s such a crimeDawnI"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter you"re not making sensei missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyyou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?D.Woods:When I give you gratitudeYou act like you don"t hear me speakAnd when i tell you what you do to meYou don"t even hear the truthwhat are you trying to prove?I stare out of the window for hoursCuz you don"t listen to meYou won"t even look in my eyesDawn:I"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?Aundrea:Don"t believe what you"re sayingI read your face and I"m blankingCuz I don"t know what"s in front of my eyesI try to feel confidentTried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookMy sanityHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhI started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?hah hah hah hahhh(till end)http://music.baidu.com/song/8039534


poetry的复数:poetries n.诗集;诗歌;诗作;美好的品质;优雅的气质;诗意 扩展资料   例句:   His poetry was slow in achieving recognition.   他的诗迟迟得不到赏识。   Most poetry does not translate well.   诗歌大多翻译不好。   She"s very creative ─ she writes poetry and paints.   她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。

poemhe poetry的区别


poetry ;poet;colonel这几个英语怎么读?

poetry英:[u02c8pu0259u028au0259tri]美:[u02c8pou028au0259tri]释义:n. 诗,诗歌;诗意,诗情;作诗;诗歌艺术poet英:[u02c8pu0259u028au026at]美:[u02c8pou028au0259t]释义:n. 诗人;空想家;古典芭蕾舞大师colonel英:[u02c8ku025c:nl]美:[u02c8ku025crnl]释义:n. 上校

什么是poetry slam?翻译成中文是什么意思?





poetry可数。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。 扩展资料 名词根据其可数性可分为可数名词(Countable Noun)和不可数名词(Uncountable Noun)。可数名词即指可以分为个体,且可直接用数目进行计数的名词,如课桌、风筝、女孩、房间、学校等。名词可缩写为[N].


因为poetry 是诗歌总称,就跟科目名一样,是不可数的。





Javier的《Poetry》 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry歌手:Javier专辑:Left Of CenterDanity Kane PoetryAubrey:when i stand in a crowded roomI feel alone like nobody"s thereAnd when u talk cold to meI can see ur breath in the airit"s taking it"s toll on meIn the bathroom taking showersso u don"t see me crybaby it"s such a crimeDawnI"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter you"re not making sensei missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyyou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?D.Woods:When I give you gratitudeYou act like you don"t hear me speakAnd when i tell you what you do to meYou don"t even hear the truthwhat are you trying to prove?I stare out of the window for hoursCuz you don"t listen to meYou won"t even look in my eyesDawn:I"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?Aundrea:Don"t believe what you"re sayingI read your face and I"m blankingCuz I don"t know what"s in front of my eyesI try to feel confidentTried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookMy sanityHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhI started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?hah hah hah hahhh(till end)http://music.baidu.com/song/3463264




poetry与poem的区别:意思不同、用法不同、可数性不同。1、意思不同。poem的意思是“诗”,为可数名词,可指具体的一首诗、两首诗、几首诗等;而poetry的意思也虽然是“诗”,但为诗的总称,是不可数名词;用作主语时,谓语动词总是用单数。2、用法不同。poem用作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于poem的数(即poem为单数,谓语动词用单数;poem为复数,谓语动词用复数)。而poetry的用法多用于主语。3、可数性不同。Poen是可数名词,可以有复数形式,其后可以加-s。poetry是不可数名词,诗的集合名称,没有复数形式,其后不可加-s。poetry和poem的用法poetry的造句:1 She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetryandliterary criticism.(她已出版了二十多本书,其中包括小说、诗歌和文学评论。)2、He could spoutpoetryfor hours.(他聊起诗来一聊就是半天。)3 In the 18th century art was seen,along with music andpoetry,as something edifying.(在18世纪美术和音乐 诗歌一样被看作是具有启发作用的。)4 That"s the wonder ofpoetryyoure always discovering somethingnew.(这就是诗的奇妙之处,你总有新的发现。)poem造句如下:1 And I, is your poem, you, is my painting.而我,则是你的诗,而你,则是我的画。2 He interpreted the difficult poem for me.他给我解释了那首很难的诗。3 I like your poem so much that I decide to write one for you.我非常喜欢你的诗以致于我决定给你写一首。



poem 和poetry的区别


Douglass的《Poetry》 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry歌手:Douglass专辑:PoetryDanity Kane PoetryAubrey:when i stand in a crowded roomI feel alone like nobody"s thereAnd when u talk cold to meI can see ur breath in the airit"s taking it"s toll on meIn the bathroom taking showersso u don"t see me crybaby it"s such a crimeDawnI"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter you"re not making sensei missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyyou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?D.Woods:When I give you gratitudeYou act like you don"t hear me speakAnd when i tell you what you do to meYou don"t even hear the truthwhat are you trying to prove?I stare out of the window for hoursCuz you don"t listen to meYou won"t even look in my eyesDawn:I"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?Aundrea:Don"t believe what you"re sayingI read your face and I"m blankingCuz I don"t know what"s in front of my eyesI try to feel confidentTried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookMy sanityHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhI started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?hah hah hah hahhh(till end)http://music.baidu.com/song/15109759

python - Poetry介绍

一、简介 Poetry 是一个Python 中的好用的包管理工具。在 Python 中,打包系统和依赖管理非常复杂:一个项目经常要同时创建多个文件,例如: setup.py requirements.txt setup.cfg MANIFEST.in Pipfile 基于此, poetry 将所有的配置都放置在一个 toml 文件中,包括:依赖管理、构建、打包、发布等,可谓是简单方便。 二、安装 Poetry 要求 Python 版本为 2.7 或者 3.5+。Poetry 官方提供了一个脚本,可以快速方便地进行安装。 osx / linux / bashonwindows 安装: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/install-poetry.py | python - windows powershell 安装: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/install-poetry.py -UseBasicParsing).Content | python - Poetry 会被安装在系统中的如下位置: $HOME/.local/bin Unix系统 %APPDATA%PythonScripts Windows系统 然后把路径添加到系统变量 PATH 中,即可使用 poetry 命令调用: poetry --version 卸载: python install-poetry.py --uninstall POETRY_UNINSTALL=1 python install-poetry.py 如果你想要改变安装的默认路径,可以设置 POETRY_HOME : POETRY_HOME=/etc/poetry python install-poetry.py 除了官方的安装脚本,也可以使用 pipx 或者 pip 进行安装: pipx install poetry pipx upgrade poetry pipx uninstall poetry pip install --user poetry 更新: poetry self update 三、基础使用 在已有项目中执行: poetry init 该命令创建了一个pyproject.toml 文件。你可以手动修改 pyproject.toml 文件添加依赖,然后运行: poetry install 也可以执行 add 命令安装具体某个模块并自动添加到 pyproject.toml: $ poetry add xxxx 默认情况下,poetry会在 {cache-dir}/virtualenvs 下创建虚拟环境,你也可以手动修改该配置项,或者在 pyproject.toml 配置[virtualenvs.in-project] 在你的项目目录中创建虚拟环境。 你可以使用 run 命令在虚拟环境中运行脚本: poetry run python your_script.py 或者直接激活你的虚拟环境,新建一个 shell 运行: poetry shell 只安装dependencies : poetry install --no-root 更新所有锁定版本的依赖: poetry update 四、命令选项 全局选项: --verbose (-v|vv|vvv): "-v" 正常输出, "-vv" 详细输出 "-vvv" debug --help (-h) : 帮助信息 --quiet (-q) : 不输出任何信息 --ansi: 强制 ANSI 输出 --no-ansi: 禁止ANSI 输出 --version (-V): 显示版本 --no-interaction (-n): 禁止交互询问 NEW: poetry new my-package 创建项目模板,项目结构如下所示: my-package ├── pyproject.toml ├── README.md ├── my_package │ └── init .py └── tests └── init .py init:创建pyproject.toml文件 。 install:读取pyproject.toml并安装依赖,它具有如下这些选项: --without: 忽略依赖 --with: 安装可选的依赖 --only: 只安装指定的依赖 --default: 只安装默认的依赖 --sync: 同步锁定的版本至环境中 --no-root: 不安装根依赖包 --dry-run: 输出操作但不执行 --extras (-E): 安装额外的包 update:升级包 poetry update 不指定任何包时,更新所有,也可以指定升级包: poetry update requests toml 它具有如下选项: --dry-run : 输出操作但不执行 --no-dev : 不按照开发依赖 --lock : 只更新锁定不安装 add: 添加依赖并安装 限制范围: poetry add pendulum@^2.0.5 poetry add "pendulum>=2.0.5" 它具有如下选项: --group (-D): 分组 --editable (-e): 添加到编辑模式 --extras (-E): 添加额外的依赖 --optional: 添加至可选依赖 --python: 指定python版本 --platform: 指定操作系统 --source: 使用源名称安装 ---allow-prereleases: 接受 prereleases 安装 --dry-run: 输出操作但不执行 --lock: 只更新锁定不安装 remove:移除依赖 它具有如下选项: --group (-D): 分组 --dry-run : 输出操作但不执行 show:列出所有的可安装的包 如果你想看具体某个包的信息: poetry show pendulum name : pendulum version : 1.4.2 description : Python datetimes made easy dependencies: --without: 忽略依赖 --with: 同时显示 --only: 只显示指定的依赖 --default: 只显示默认的 --no-dev: 不显示开发的依赖 --tree: 以树状形式显示 --latest (-l): 展示最新的版本 --outdated (-o): 显示最新版本,但仅适用于过时的软件包 build:构建 publish:发布 config:配置项 使用方法: poetry config [options] [setting-key] [setting-value1] ... [setting-valueN] 它具有如下选项: --unset: 删除配置项 --list: 展示现在的配置 run:在虚拟环境中执行命令 shell:激活虚拟环境 check:检查pyproject.toml文件 search:搜索远程包 lock:锁定版本 version:显示版本 export:导出锁定的文件为其他的格式 poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt 它具有如下选项: --format (-f): 转换的格式,暂时只支持requirements.txt --output (-o): 输出文件名字 --dev: 包括开发的依赖 --extras (-E): 额外的依赖 --without-hashes: 忽略哈希 --with-credentials: 包括合格证书 env:与虚拟环境进行交互 cache:缓存 显示缓存列表: poetry cache list 清除缓存: poetry cache clear pypi --all plugin:插件 安装插件: poetry plugin add poetry-plugin 显示插件列表: poetry plugin show 移除插件: poetry plugin remove poetry-plugin source: 仓库源 添加源: poetry source add pypi-test https://test.pypi.org/simple/ 显示仓库源列表: poetry source show 移除: poetry source remove pypi-test 五、配置 你可以运行config命令进行配置,或者直接修改config.toml文件,这个文件通常位于: macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/pypoetry Windows: C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingpypoetry Unix~/.config/pypoetry 可以使用--local命令对具体项目进行配置: poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local 配置项: cache-dir缓存目录 installer.parallel并行安装 virtualenvs.create如果不存在,则新建一个虚拟环境 virtualenvs.in-project在项目根目录创建虚拟环境 virtualenvs.path虚拟环境路径 virtualenvs.options.always-copy复制源文件还是创建链接到虚拟环境 virtualenvs.options.system-site-packages虚拟环境获得系统包的权限 repositories.<name>设置一个新的可选仓库 六、依赖配置 依赖的配置有很多种写法: 版本限制: 尖括号:^1.2 代表 >=1.2.0 <2.0.0 波浪号:~1.2.3 代表 >=1.2.3 <1.3.0 星号:1.* 代表 >=1.0.0 <2.0.0 使用git仓库: [tool.poetry.dependencies] requests = { git = " https://github.com/requests/requests.git " } 使用本地路径: [tool.poetry.dependencies] my-package = { path = "../my-package/", develop = false } my-package = { path = "../my-package/dist/my-package-0.1.0.tar.gz" } 使用URL: [tool.poetry.dependencies] my-package = { url = " https://example.com/my-package-0.1.0.tar.gz " } python限制: [tool.poetry.dependencies] pathlib2 = { version = "^2.2", python = "~2.7" } 环境限制: [tool.poetry.dependencies] pathlib2 = { version = "^2.2", markers = "python_version ~= "2.7" or sys_platform == "win32"" } 组合: [tool.poetry.dependencies] foo = [ {version = "<=1.9", python = "^2.7"}, {version = "^2.0", python = "^3.4"} ] 如果限制很多,写成一行不方便阅读,可以写成多行: [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] black = {version = "19.10b0", allow-prereleases = true, python = "^3.6", markers = "platform_python_implementation == "CPython""} 写成多行后: [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies.black] version = "19.10b0" allow-prereleases = true python = "^3.6" markers = "platform_python_implementation == "CPython"" 分组功能: [tool.poetry.group.test.dependencies] pytest = "^6.0.0" pytest-mock = "*" 例如以上,就建立了一个test的组合的依赖。 下面这两种写法是等价的: [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] pytest = "^6.0.0" pytest-mock = "*" 或者: [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] pytest = "^6.0.0" pytest-mock = "*" 以上两种写法都声明了一个dev的组的依赖。 声明组合是可选的,这在具体的环境中有的特定的用途时很有用: [tool.poetry.group.docs] optional = true [tool.poetry.group.docs.dependencies] mkdocs = "*" 添加依赖到组中: poetry add pytest --group test 同步依赖,只使用poetry.lock中的依赖,移除其他不是必须的依赖: poetry install --sync 七、环境管理 Poetry可以为项目使用独立的虚拟环境,而不是使用系统安装的。 切换环境: poetry env use /full/path/to/python poetry env use python3.7 poetry env use system 显示当前激活的环境信息: poetry env info 运行命令会输出如下信息: Virtual environment Python: 3.7.1 Implementation: CPython Path: /path/to/poetry/cache/virtualenvs/test-O3eWbxRl-py3.7 Valid: True System Platform: darwin OS: posix Python: /path/to/main/python 列出所有的虚拟环境列表: poetry env list 删除环境: poetry env remove /full/path/to/python poetry env remove python3.7 poetry env remove 3.7 poetry env remove test-O3eWbxRl-py3.7




诗是什么?谁知道呢? 不是玫瑰,但是在玫瑰气味中, 不,但在天空的光芒里。 不,但在隐约的飞翔。 没有大海,但却是大海的声音。 不是我自己,但让我能 看、听、感受一些像散文的东西 不是:它是什么,谁知道呢?个人翻译,不一定对





poetry n. 诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术 答案poetry可数。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。 扩展资料   例句:   She began writing poetry in her teens.   她从十几岁开始写诗。   He thought the poetry of Whitman barbarous.   他认为惠特曼的诗歌很粗俗。   Poetry always loses something in translation.   诗歌一经翻译总会失去某些东西。






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