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thursday怎么读音 英语thursday怎么读

1、Thursday英[u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026a]美[u02c8θu025cu02d0rzdeu026a],Thursday,英文单词,主要用作为名词,意为“星期四”。 2、短语搭配:last thursday 上周四 ; 上星期四 ; 表示过去时间的状语 ; 上周星期四;Thursday y 周四 ; 星期四 ; 赖床大作战。 3、双语例句:What about Thursday, then?那么星期四如何?

英语作文 my new years resolution作文 带翻译 120词

望采纳,谢谢。A new year has come.In order to have a fruitful year, I make a plan for it.Firstly, I must study hard as much as possible. After all, study is the most important for me.Secondly, I will take more exercises.I always got illness last year. Therefore, I must be healthy this year.Thirdly, I want to learn swim this year.I like swimming very much, because I think it"s cool.I hope I can do it.Finally, I hope happiness is fully filled my home in the new year.新的一年已经到来了。为了能度过充实的一年,我制定了新年计划。首先,我要努力学习,毕竟学习才是最重要的事情。其次,我要更多地锻炼身体。去年我经常生病,因此今年我要保持健康的身体。第三,今年我想学会游泳。我很喜欢游泳,因为我觉得游泳是一项很酷的运动。我希望我能学会。最后,我希望在新的一年里我的家充满快乐。

写一篇my new years resolution的英语作文不少于150个词

New Yearu2019s Resolutions New year is coming, Iu2019m going to do a lot of things next year. First, I want to improve my Chinese, so Iu2019m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next, I want to be more healthy, so Iu2019m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on. At the same time, Iu2019m going to eat less junk food. Then I will help my parents with housework and often communicate with them. Finally, I want to join the dancing club, so Iu2019m going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.

wireshark里 tcp port numbers reused 什么原因导致的

把NONE改成ALL可以了。 应该是都检查(ALL),而不是都不检查(NONE) 谢谢 【 在 seamoun (软硬件互搏中...) 的大作中提到: 】 : $ iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --flags RST -j DROP : iptables v1.4.12: unknown option "--flags" : Try `iptables -h" or "iptables --help" for more information. : ...................

求一篇标题为My university resolution的200词英语作文

.how time flies!i will be a student in grade three soon.everybody knows its a quite important part in our can decide if you can go to a good high school,then going to a good high school will make you go to good university easier,your dream won"t be far away from resolution in Grade three is studyin hard.even though it seems easy.only two words.but as the sayinggoes"actions speak louder than words!" in order to realize my dream,i have made a lot of i decide to get up early,then start to read english.listen to the classes carefully,and be careful in finish your homework.i don"t care how tiring it will be.i insist that as long as i go on ,i bet my studying will become better and better.and i believe i can i will be the no.1 some day.because Anything is possible 2.Not long ago,another new year came,I hope that I can have a brand-new look.Therefore,I will make my new year resolution.First of all,I will determine to give up smoking for it"s very harmful to my health.And I also want to help my father give up smoking too which seems to be more difficult than mine.Secondly,I will pay more attention to my study especially the math.Of course,English is also very important,so I will practise my spoken English with my foreigh teachers.At last,I will care more about my parents just like they are caring about me for they are getting older and older.In all,I will attain a yet higher goal in the new year.


!tcp【4】== 0

英语作文My New Years resolution


大学二年纪是用in secondyear of university还是 sophomore?

大二学生的英文表示有以下两种方式:一、sophomore 1、音标:英式 [?s?f?m?:(r)] 美式 [?sɑ:f?m?:(r)] 2、中文意思:强调中等、专科学校或大学的二年级学生 3、英文释义:A sophomore is a student in the second year of college or high school. 二、sophister 1、音标:英式 ["s?f?st?] 美 式["s?f?st?] 2、中文意思: 大学的二(三)年级学生,诡辨家 3、大学的二年级学生(=junior sophister); (英国某些大学)三年级学生(=senior sophister) 三、拓展 1、大一学生:freshman 2、大三学生: junior student 3、大四学生:senior student

求2008欧洲杯宣传片 Like a Superstar 的歌词

歌词如下Chorus:I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are.I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are.Got many money honey, I"m a superstar,My life is funny honey, Have you seen my car?I know a lot of people, I"m a superstar,Everybody know me, Right from near to far.I got a plane (got a plane)I love the fame (love the fame)You know my name (know my name) And I just want you to know.Chorus:I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are,I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are.I got a red Ferrari, I"m a superstar,I really like to party, Am I cool or what?I love a lot of women, I"m a superstar,Star"s got a freaky living, That"s the way we are.I got a plane (got a plane)I love the fame (love the fame)You know my name (know my name)And I just want you to know.Chorus:I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are,I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are.I got fortune, I got fame,Love it when you say my name.Love to party, I am naughty,Prettier than everybody!I got muscles, I"m a stud,Jealous people kiss my butt,I"m so fly I"ll make you cry,Cross my heart and hope to die.Chorus:I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are,I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are.I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are,I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car,I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are

Beyond Compare standard version 和pro version的区别是什么

现在各大网络平台上流传着大量的文件夹和文件比较工具,其中不乏滥竽充数的,软件使用不够流畅,对比功能不够强大。初级开发人员要么找不到合适的工具,要么在寻找过程中浪费了大量的时间。其中,Beyond Compare和 UltraCompare是网友推荐的最为实用文件夹比较工具,那么这两款软件到底谁能摘得“对比神器之王”的桂冠呢?拼外观佛要金装,得有颜值与之前的版本相比,最新Beyond Compare 4中文版主页面设计更加人性化,致力于在最大程度上满足用户的不同需求,最新Beyond Compare 4中文版下载地址:  Beyond Compare win版 Compare mac版主页面左侧是会话部分,包含的会话操作有:文件夹比较、合并、同步;文本比较、合并;表格比较,16进制比较等等,如此多样化的比较会话类型,可以满足不同人士不同行业的需求。主界面的右侧,将具有特色且功能强的会话操作以小图标的形式更加生动形象的展示给用户。在UltraCompare的界面底部,每个文件的活动行的完整宽度,以图形滚动显示很容易找到变化,可以同步水平滚动,交换窗口切换来源于目的地文件或者目录。拼软件功能,好用才是硬道理Beyond Compare可以高效对比整个驱动器和文件夹,检查大小和修改时间,它拥有强大的过滤功能,可以忽略不重要差异部分,软件最主要的功能是查找文件夹以及文件间的差异,文本文件可以用语法高亮和设置比较规则查看和编辑。UltraCompare可进行文本模式,文件夹模式以及二进制模式的比较,并且可以对比较的文件进行合并,同步等操作,支持撤消操作。拥有书签与收藏夹功能,可以设置过滤,的确是一款比较出色的文件比较程序。在功能比较上,两款软件势均力敌,值得一提的是,Beyond Compare中文版已经在大陆发售,对于英文不好的用户来说,绝对是最大的福音。拼内在,代码比较哪家强在遇到需要比较同一文件的不同版本,特别是代码文件时,如果人工去对比查看,势必会浪费大量时间,所以作为一款超强的对比工具,也必须是一款代码比较神器。Beyond Compare文本比较逐字节完整验证每个文件,可以编辑和修改差异代码,设置高亮显示,需要修改的差异部分被用红色标记显示,方便查看,强悍并且快速的比较功能可以让你轻松摆脱繁杂冗长的代码比较工作。UltraCompare吸收了部分优秀比较软件的优点,在易用上和显示上基本能够满足日常需要,但是左右两个文件栏之间没有明显分隔,看起来有些不易区分。文件比较,会把文本文件当成二进制进行,只能显示行与行的不同,行内不能进行细节比较。

The New York Times_____wide readers. B.has C.are D.was 为什么选B,选A不行吗,为什么?

选A意思说不通 这句话应该是说纽约时报有很广泛的读者



棒子创造了宇宙翻译成英语应该怎么说? 是 universe be made in korea 还是 universe was made by korean

the universe is created through the Koreanu2018s mouth

UTM 多伦多大学密西沙加校区(University of Toronto Mississauga)怎么样?有什么特色?

阿X!!!你妹的 butter chicken!!!

Everlasting (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Everlasting (Lp Version)歌手:Michael Mcdonald专辑:Blink Of An EyeHah 破壊束ねし神と Hah 生命(せい)を创りし神のいにしえの说话から 惑う运命(さだめ)を见ん Aha…希望の道を 探すために 歩き出した旅人いまだ知れぬ 未来地図に 歴史を描(えが)いてゆく空を超え大地を蹴って 热く辉く鼓动信じて最後の剣は 悲しみと梦抱く brave sword强さは爱の阳炎 向かう勇気二人ひとつ命の灯(ひかり) 君と はばたく ever last… ever last…憎しみと 争いの 焔(ほむら)が燃え立てども仆らはゆく 眩しいほど 煌く明日(あす)を求め何のため 谁かのために 仆らはここに咲いているのか?心の涙 澪(みお)を引き溶けてゆく true ties强さはひとりじゃないと 纺ぐ绊二人ひとつ命の灯(ひかり) 君と 超えてく ever soul… ever soul…PS3「ラストリベリオン」オープニングテーマEVER LAST作词:BEE"作/编曲:上松范康(Elements Garden)唱:影山ヒロノブ空を飞ぶ あの鸟のように 自由に辉く鼓动感じて滚りの剣は 刹那さと想い驰せる brave sword强さが夸りに変わる 誓う勇気二人ひとつ命の灯(ひかり) 君と はばたく ever last… ever last…-おわり-Lyric by тёяяу

请问以下这几个英文字母分别代表足球场上的什么位置:RB. LB. RM. RCM. LCM. LM. RS. LS.

玩实况,cm就都知道了守门员gk(goalkeeper) 清道夫sw(实况是cwp(cweeper)) 左边后卫lwb(left wing back) 左后卫lb(left back) 左中后卫lcb(left center back) 中后卫cb(center back) 右边后卫rwb(right wing back) 右后卫rb(right back) 右中后卫rcb(right center back) 攻击型后卫ab(attack back) 后腰cdm(center defence midfield,也可分为左后腰和右后腰lcdm和rcdm) 左边中场lwm(left wing midfield) 左中场lm(left midfield) 左中中场lcm(left center midfield) 中中场cm(center midfield) 右边中场lwm(right wing midfield) 右中场lm(right midfield) 右中中场lcm(rght center midfield) 攻击型中场即前腰cam(center attack midfield)(实况好象是omf(offence midfielder)),可分为左前腰和右前腰(lcam和rcam) 左前锋lf(left forward) 中前锋cf(center forward) 右前锋rf(right forward) 左中锋ls(left striker) 中锋st(striker) 右中锋rs(right striker) 实况中中锋是cf,前锋是ss

i like driving cars very much

i like driving cars very much我非常喜欢开车。

no more tears,drive中文歌词

きっときっと仆达は 生きる程に知ってゆく そしてそして仆达は 生きる程に忘れてく 始まりがあるものには いつの日か终わりもある事 生きとし生けるものなら その全てに もしもこの世界が胜者と败者との ふたつきりにわかれるなら ああ仆は败者でいい いつだって败者でいたいんだ きっときっと仆达は 悲しい程に美しく ゆえにゆえに仆达は 悲しい程に汚れてく 守るべきもののために 今日もまた何かを犠牲に 生きとし生けるものたち その全てが もしもこの世界が胜者と败者との ふたつきりにわかれるなら ああ仆は败者でいい いつだって败者でいたいんだ 仆は君に何を伝えられるだろう こんなちっぽけで小さな仆でしかない 今はこれ以上话すのはやめとくよ 言叶はそうあまりにも 时に无力だから 我们一定要一定要 去了解人类生存的限度 所以说所以说我们要 去忘掉人类生存的限度 在事情开始的那个时候 就意味着有一天会结束 一切生物都 在掌握之中 假如在这个世界上的胜者和败者 只有他们两个才能明白的话 啊 我就是败者也无所谓 但是什么时候想成为败者呢 我们一定要一定要 悲哀样的华美 所以说所以说我们要 悲哀样的丑陋 为了我们应该守护的东西 无论现在牺牲什么都可以 一切生物都 在掌握之中 假如在这个世界上的胜者和败者 只有他们两个才能明白的话 啊 我就是败者也无所谓 但是什么时候想成为败者呢 我又能告诉你什么呢 仅有这样微小的我罢了 现在话题就此停止吧 说的实在是太多了 因为没有时间了 Kitto kitto bokutachi wa Ikiru hodo ni shitte yuku Soshite soshite bokutachi wa Ikiru hodo ni wasureteku Hajimari ga aru mono ni wa Itsu no hi ka owari mo aru koto Ikitoshi ikeru mono nara Sono subete ni Moshimo kono sekai ga shousha to haisha to no Futatsukiri ni wakareru nara Aa boku wa haisha de ii Itsudatte haisha de itain da Kitto kitto bokutachi wa Kanashii hodo ni utsukushiku Yue ni yue ni bokutachi wa Kanashii hodo ni kegareteku Mamorubeki mono no tameni Kyou mo mata nanika wo gisei ni Ikitoshi ikeru monotachi Sou subete ga Moshimo kono sekai ga shousha to haisha to no Futatsukiri ni wakareru nara Aa boku wa haisha de ii Itsudatte haisha de itain da Boku wa kimi ni nani wo tsutaerareru darou Konna chibboke de chiisana boku de shika nai Ima wa kore ijou hanasu no wa yametoku yo Kotoba wa sou amari ni mo Toki ni muryoku dakara

Boy Meets Girl (And Vice Versa) 歌词

歌曲名:Boy Meets Girl (And Vice Versa)歌手:FM Static专辑:3 Out Of 4 Ain T BadFM Static - Boy Meets Girl (And Visa Versa)There she was,Time stopped when she walked by,She"s an angel of fashion,With her wings flown high,She"s the queen, of everybody"s social scene,You know what I mean?She moves like royalty, in the flesh,Her hair blows perfectly, never messed,Think I have asthma, ‘cause she took my breathe,Away…Let me tell ya…..She moves, just like a rocket,Shooting through the sky, just to make you watch it,And fireworks go off, whenever she comes my wayShe must have been sent, from another planet,To break my concentration,And change, my understanding,‘Cause until now, I thought,That all girls were the same….Now she"s comin" over, what do I do now?Says she loves her Jesus, and she loves herself,Wish I wasn"t wearin" this shirt somehow…It"s too late nowShe moves like royalty, in the flesh,Her hair blows perfectly, never messed,Think I have asthma, ‘cause she took my breathe,Away…Let me tell ya…..She moves, just like a rocket,Shooting through the sky, just to make you watch it,And fireworks go off, whenever she comes my wayShe must have been sent, from another planet,To break my concentration,And change, my understanding,‘Cause until now, I thought,That all girls were the same…

versa 含义

versa应该跟 vice一起用 vice versa是反之亦然的意思. versa是个拉丁语词,意思是“相反”.是versus的一个什么格来着.记不太清了.


2012年,一种叫做MERS的新型冠状病毒肆虐中东,死亡率高达30%。  2015年5月4日,它跟随一名68岁的男子从巴林返回韩国,在短短一周的时间内,导致了7人确诊64人隔离。  5月26日,其中一名确认患者的儿子逃避隔离,前往中国旅行。  5月28日,广东省卫生计生委通报,出现首例输入性MERS疑似病例。  短短两年时间,MERS已经从发源地中东传播到欧洲、北非、东南亚、美国、韩国等地,但对于大部分中国人来说,MERS还很陌生。  MERS是什么?  MERS的全称是中东呼吸症候群冠状病毒感染症,准确来说应该叫MERS-CoV。最早于2012年9月在沙特被发现,因与SARS同属冠状病毒而得名,也成为第6种已知的人类冠状病毒,也是过去10年里被分离出来的第3种。人体内的冠状病毒最早于1960年代在英国被分离出来,病毒因其表面皇冠状的突起物而得名。它可能与人、猪、猫、狗、鼠和鸡的呼吸系统感染相关。  出于通俗易懂的考虑,媒体经常把MERS称为新SARS,但事实上,虽然这两种病毒同属于冠状病毒,但它们在基因上具有明确的差异,而且使用不同的受体。  MERS和SARS,到底差别在哪?  先让我们了解下这两种病毒命名的涵义——这两种疾病的病原同属正义单链RNA病毒,网巢病毒目,冠状病毒科,乙型冠状病毒属。MERS的病原叫做MERS-CoV,非典的叫做SARS-CoV。了解到病毒的分类有什么作用呢?首先,它们都以正义单链RNA作为遗传物质,正义是指遗传物质进入细胞后就能直接当成信使RNA进行翻译。单链RNA在复制过程中本身就爱出错,也没有像双链DNA那样强大的纠错功能,导致这类病毒通常具有较强的变异能力;错太多,基因组自然就相对较小些。  那么这些病毒的进化策略是什么呢?一种可行的办法是用相对精简的遗传信息,去感染不同的物种,在物种之间交叉传播并得到更多的变异机会。MERS-CoV和SARS-CoV目前都被公认为是跨物种传播的,又称人畜共通。人畜共通病通常都非常棘手。  这两种病毒的感染症状也比较类似——  SARS初期症状包括:咳嗽,发热,嗜睡,肌肉酸痛等,常伴随高烧不退,呼吸急促等症状;肺炎症状明显,重者转为肺纤维化,肺组织增厚,丧失换气能力。潜伏期一般在4-10天,临床报告最短病例为1天,最长有20天,甚至有极个别病例达到28天。  MERS的症状有发热、咳嗽、呼吸急促等。大多数住院患者出现发烧、发冷/寒颤、咳嗽、呼吸急促和肌肉疼痛等症状。有四分之一的患者同时表现出胃肠道症状,包括腹泻和呕吐。最大潜伏期是两周。  尽管MERS和SARS具有一些相似的临床特征(比如:发烧、咳嗽、潜伏期),但二者之间也存在一些重要差异。  发病人群有差异  SRAS病毒更容易在医疗机构中和年轻人之间传播,与SARS相反,绝大多数MERS患者为患有慢性疾病的人群。参照埃及卫生和人口部发布的警告,除了医务工作者,年龄在15岁以下的小孩和65岁以上的老人、孕妇、患有心血管、肺炎等慢性病和抵抗力较差的病人,都是易感人群。  临床进程有差异  MERS在短期内快速进展为呼吸衰竭,比SARS早至少5天。  传染性有差异  MERS病毒的传播能力并不强,比2003年SARS病毒和2009年甲型H1N1病毒都弱,可能是该病毒由动物感染到人之后,还没有在人体内完全适应。大部分的病例都出现在海湾国家,特别是沙特阿拉伯。这表明病毒并非高度传染性,即便你接触过一些从沙特阿拉伯的人——哪怕他已经被感染——传染给你的几率依然很低。大多数感染者都是在沙特阿拉伯的工作人员或者医院的病患,而且多是年长者。目前没有证据表明MERS可以在一般人群中传播。客观的说法是:不能在人与人之间持续传染,密切接触者风险较大。  致死率有差异  SARS综合致死率约为14%(对65岁以上人群致死率高达50%以上)。相比MERS的综合致死率要高得多,一直在30%上下波动。MERS能引起非常严重的肾衰竭,通常被认为是致命的主要原因。  既然MERS病程更快、致死率更高,很多人担心,MERS会不会出现像SARS一样的全球流行?  从目前的MERS暴发情况上来看,不太可能。  首要原因是上文所述,MERS的传染性不如SARS,自2012年该疾病开始流行以来,大部分新病例出现在沙特西部的吉达地区,目前没有证据表明MERS病毒本身发生了变异,虽然报告发病数急剧增加,但还主要集中在中东地区的几个国家,没有广泛扩散。  其次,病毒之所以在吉达肆虐,也是因为医院缺乏卫生学知识,至少是没有做好充足的防护,从而加速病毒在患者和医护人员间的传播,沙特阿拉伯的卫生部长也因此被解职(他至少漏报了113起病例,其中有92人现已死亡)。客观来说,只要医院在处理原因不明的呼吸疾病患者时,采取严格的感染预防与观察措施,病毒的传播就能够被遏制住。  目前尚无治疗方法和疫苗吗?  媒体援引最多的一句话就是——现阶段,还没有针对这一新型冠状病毒的特效药和疫苗。这是真的吗?  客观来说,MERS-CoV目前没有特效药,没有已经投入使用的疫苗。但这并不代表,科学家对这个病毒束手无策。  首先,科学家们确定了病毒的源头和传播机制——早先研究认为,沙特阿拉伯的代表性动物骆驼是MERS病毒的宿主,1000年以来,中东居民依赖骆驼作为肉类、奶类、兽皮和运输工具的来源。但更多的科学研究表明,蝙蝠才是MERS-CoV的终极源头,它携带了许多类型的冠状病毒,最终在人体中导致了严重的肺炎。一个国际研究小组在西氏墓蝠的粪便样本中,发现了一种似乎来自于上述病毒的微小基因片段,与首位人类患者的病毒完全相同,而且,它来自首位病患住所附近。欧洲与阿曼的研究人员在《柳叶刀—传染病》杂志上报告说,他们在单峰驼血清样本中发现新型冠状病毒的抗体,表明单峰驼可能作为中间宿主,在病毒传播中起到“帮凶”作用。此后,中美科学家首次发现该病毒从蝙蝠传染到人类的途径(相关成果发表于美国《国家科学院院刊》)。这些研究成果对于了解该病毒的动物起源,以及预防和控制中东呼吸综合征(MERS)及相关病毒在人类的传播,是至关重要的。  基于这些研究,我们或许可以更加冷静的看待MERS。事实上,对于输入性的疾病,中国在传染源的防控上有丰富经验。而且,我们对于MERS病的防控经验并不缺乏,SARS的防控经验同样适用于这种呼吸道的传染疾病。

or vice versa 和 and vice versa有区别么?



trousers特指长裤 或者西装裤 一般用于比较正式的场合jeans 特指的就是牛仔裤Pants才是泛指各类的裤子


THE PLURAL AND VICE VERSA复数,反之亦然双语例句1Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa.单数词包含其复数形态,反之亦然。2Words importing the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires.仅表明单数形式的词也包括复数含义,视合同上下文需要而定,反之亦然。

High School (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:High School (Lp Version)歌手:Mc5专辑:Back In The UsaSuperchick - High SchoolGuy: Dude did you hear that SuperchicCuz, high school (high school)Could be (Could be)A mini me of the rest of societyThere"s always ()A prom queen (prom queen)There"ll always be, always be seroritysSadly (Sadly)Some will be (some will be)Eternally keeping score of popularityAnd just "cause (just "cause )They all do (They all do)Doesn"t mean we have to act like we"re in high schoolHigh school is like a big competitionBeauty contests, prom court is the missionThere can only be one queen, one kingEveryone voting, everyone competingBut these are the rule, the way of high schoolIf someone puts you downThat"s so high schoolSomeone talks behind your backThat"s so high schooland when you you have to get them backThat"s also high schoolI know I"ll be graduating earlyCuz, high school (high school)Could be (Could be)A mini me of the rest of societyThere"s always ()A prom queen (prom queen)There"ll always be, always be seroritysSadly (Sadly)Some will be (some will be)Eternally keeping score of popularityAnd just "cause (just "cause )They all do (They all do)Doesn"t mean we have to act like we"re in high school (*3)High school is like the state of the nationSome people never change after graduationBelieving any light you shine makes their"s lesserThey have to prove to everyone that their"s is betterThese are the rules, the ways of high schoolIf someone puts you downThat"s so high schoolBelieving they"re too cool for youThat"s so high schooland you believe it tooThat"s also high schoolI know I"ll be graduating earlycuz high school (high school)cuz high school (high school)Could be (Could be)A mini me of the rest of societyThere"s always (always)A prom queen (prom queen)There"ll always be, always be celebritiesSadly (Sadly)Some will be (Some will be)Eternally keeping score of popularityAnd just "cause (just "cause )They all do (They all do)we"ve all got bad yearbook photoswhich we forgot to let goand just like acneour insecurity should be something we left with the JVso heres to letting go of yearbook photosthings we"ve got that hold us downso that was yesterday there"s always tomorrowwe are tomorrowwe are tomorrowso i know i"ll be graduating earlyCuz, high school (high school)Could be (Could be)A mini me of the rest of societyThere"s always (there"s always)There"ll always be, always be celebritiesSadly (Sadly)Some will be (some will be)Eternally keeping score of popularityAnd just "cause (just "cause )They all do (They all do)Doesn"t mean we have to act like we"re in high schoolDoesn"t mean we have to act like we"re in high schoolDoesn"t mean we have to act like we"re in high schoolGirl: Stupid highschool

Jim Nabors的《Jean》 歌词

歌曲名:Jean歌手:Jim Nabors专辑:16 Most Requested SongsJeannie- Matt MonroThe dawnis glad to be born for JeannieThe moonwill come out too soon for JeannieThe trees will talk to the breezeabout her smileShe"ll speak and days of the weekwill be worthwhileA starwill fall from the sky for JeannieAnd I"m willing to die for JeannieShe is the kind of girlI dreamed my girl would beThat"s whyI"m so much in love with JeannieShe is the kind of girlI dreamed my girl would beThat"s whyI"m so much in love with Jeannie




病毒在人的面前一直都是未知数,在部分科学家看来病毒才是地球的原著居民,病毒并非来自动植物,也会来自大自然。同样也是大自然的孩子,世界有史以来多数病毒被证实来自热带雨林或原始森林。像黑死病 马尔堡病毒 埃博拉病毒 拉沙热病毒 SARS病毒 西尼罗河病毒 登革热病毒 马秋波病毒 等病毒大多来自非洲中部的热带雨林和原始森林等有着长久历史的地方,

英语会话:Give up some tips of making a good inperssion

A good impression results from a combination of factors which includes your manner of dress, your body language, and your attitude. They say that the interviewer decides if (s)he likes you in the first 5 seconds. Read on to see how to make the best of that 5 seconds.AttireTo suit or not to suit, that is the question. The answer is not as clear as it was even five years ago. Many of the interviewers do not wear suits, so what do you do? If you have a chance to observe the company employees at work, you will see how the they dress and that can help you to decide what to wear for an interview. In any case, however, you should dress professionally unless the interviewer tells you otherwise. What is professional attire? It is fabric on the conservative side. Avoid large prints and large expanses of bold, contrasting color, glitter and shine, and excessive trim. This applies to clothing, shoes, and accessories. It is comfort and appropriateness. Sandals, fishnet stockings, white socks, tennis shoes, heavy makeup, large amounts of jewelry and too little skirt are inappropriate. Heavy wool in 100 degree heat is inappropriate, as is linen in a blizzard. Tight shoes or clothes are not comfortable. Avoid wearing more than one pair of earrings, especially if they are not in your ear lobes; two rings on your hand; one watch; and a necklace or pin - and I don"t mean a safety pin, which is never appropriate. It is color and style that coordinates well. A navy blue striped jacket does not look good with black pants. It is color and style that flatters you and makes you feel confident. It is consideration for others. Avoid heavy amounts of perfume or after shave - some people are allergic. Besides, you want a job, not a date. It is a dress, suit, or coordinating jacket and pants or skirt with coordinating shoes and accessories. Choose clothes you will want to wear again. When in doubt, ask a sales representative in a clothing store or your career advisor to help. Body LanguageWe watch each other"s body language all the time, but are often unaware of our own. Yet that is the first signal that we are happy and confident, or upset and fearful. Interviewers are especially cognizant of body language, because it can tell them so much about you. Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, a smile, and good posture. Sit in the chair with your back straight, but not rigid, your arms and legs relaxed, neither spread too far apart, nor drawn in tight to your body. It is O.K. to lean forward once in a while to show your interest. Keep hand gestures small and infrequent. Using occasional gestures to emphasize a point can add liveliness to the interview. Maintain eye contact, but don"t stare. It is O.K. to look away once in a while. Remember to smile once in a while. Verbal LanguageWhat you say and how you say it are equally important. Have your answers well rehearsed, but not memorized. This will help you feel relaxed and confident. Avoid saying "um," "you know," or "like" too often. Pause if you need to think about what to say next. Use proper English. The language you use with your friends may be inappopriate for an interview. Listen carefully before you answer and if you don"t understand the question, ask the interviewer to explain it. Focus on the positive. Avoid being too brief in your answers or too wordy. Don"t feel you have to fill the silence. A good interviewer knows that most people feel uncomfortable with silence and will say anything to fill it up. To avoid saying something you might regret, wait for the interviewer to initiate the next interchange.

remains,remainders, remnants 有什么区别

remains剩余物、残留物、剩饭菜;古代遗物、遗迹 。remaindor其他人员、剩余物、剩余时间;差数、余数。 remnant残留部分、剩余部分;零料、布头。


区别在于:remains指的是遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹;废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额。remainders指的是剩余物( remainder的名词复数 );其他人员;差数;廉价出售的图书。例句解释:remains1、More human remains have been unearthed in the north of the country. 在该国北部挖出了更多的人类遗骨。2、Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime. 在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。3、There are Roman remains all around us. 我们周围都是古罗马的遗迹。remainders1、What this does is it takes those little remainders. 这所做的就是将那些很少的余数。2、If either of these remainders is0, the function returns true. 如果这两种情况的余数有一个是0,那么此函数返回true。3、After maintenance the main remains and remainders are left on the domain.维修之后,主要遗骸和剩余物留在了领地上。

想问stable version是什麽意思啊?


求 Queen & Paul Rodgers - Reaching Out 歌词

Get your party gown Get your pigtail down Get your heart beatin" baby Got my timin" right Got my act all tight It"s gotta be tonight my little Schoolbabe Your momma says you don"t And your Daddy says you won"t And I"m boilin" up inside Ain"t no way I"m gonna lose out this time Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Lock your Daddy out of doors I don"t need him nosing around Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Give me all your love tonight You"re such a dirty louse Go get outta my house That"s all I ever get from you Family ties, in fact I don"t think I ever heard A single little civil word from those guys But you know I don"t give a light I"m gonna make out all right I"ve got a sweetheart hand To put a stop to all that Grousin" an" snipin" Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Take your little brother swimmin" With a brick (that"s all right) Tie your Mother down, Tie your Mother down She you ain"t no friend of mine Your mamma and your Daddy gonna Plague me til I die They don"t understand I"m just a Peace lovin" guy Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Tie your Mother down Give me all your love tonight All your love tonight All your love tonight All your love tonight All your love tonight Give it to me

请问我现在的位置在佛山我想要买到MERTERS/BONWE MTEE系列的tee有没有什么最便捷的方法呢?


Carpenters的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:Carpenters专辑:HorizonCarpenters - DesperadoDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneBut I know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well,that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(let somebody love you)You better let somebody love youbefore it"s too late


Fate on our side缘来是你Our side,我们这边Love is on our side爱You Are On Our Side你在我身边Time is on our side时间与我们同在Our side...自己身边With heaven on our side天作之合Because love is on our side baby因我们有爱相助wu014ffāng] our side,we我方May only be returned to our side只可返回我方I"ll be right here rememebering when time is on ourside我会在这里记住时间在我们那边例句We must gather the people to our side.我们必须把人民集结在我们身边。See if we can"t get God to work on our side.是否能请上帝帮帮我们的忙。Since our price is determined on the basis of cfr, the insurance premium shall is bear by our side.由于我们的价格是以成本加运费为基础而定的,所以保险费因我方承担。

The Morning After (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Morning After (Album Version)歌手:George Duke专辑:SnapshotThe Morning Aftersinger:Keren Ann - lady&bird作为See me fall 和 Suiside is painless的过渡,本曲你可以看见不断重复的sky 和 hard to liveNana: Wow, the sky..Lady: I own the skyBird: Bird...God: It"s really hard to live for a long timeLady: I own the skyLady: I own the skyLady: I own the skyLady: I own the skyBird: Bird...It"s really hard to live for a long time

American authors的go big or go home的歌词翻译

Go Big Or Go Home - American Authors去大或回家-美国作家Don"t feel like going home不想回家But all my cash is gone但我所有的现金都不见了Yeah I got nothing to do tonight是的,我今晚没有什么事I"m passed out on the floor我昏倒在地上Up in the hotel bar在巴尔酒店But it don"t matter cause I"m feeling fine但这并不重要,因为我感觉很好I"m thinking life"s too short it"s passing by我觉得生命太短暂了So if I"m gonna go at all所以如果我要去Go big or go (go, go)去大或去(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家(go, go)(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家I gave the dice a roll我给掷骰子And then we lost control然后我们失去了控制You know we"re lucky that we survived你知道我们是幸运的,我们幸存Cause when we jump the ship因为当我们跳船Oh, man, that boat, it flipped哦,人,那条船,它翻转But we should do it all again tonight但今晚我们应该再做一遍I"m thinking life"s too short its passing by我觉得生命太短暂了So if were gonna go at all因此,如果要去的所有Go big or go (go go)去大或去(去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家(go, go)(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家Giving my body all the things I need让我的身体所有我需要的东西Whisking me with a little whiskey挥动我一点威士忌Staying out, don"t need no sleep不需要睡眠,不需要睡眠I"ll sleep when I"m dead当我死的时候,我会睡觉You can bury me你可以埋葬我I"ll sleep when I"m dead当我死的时候,我会睡觉You can bury me你可以埋葬我I guess I"m going home, cause all my cash is gone我想我要回家了,因为我所有的钱都不见了I spent it all trying to feel alive我花了所有的努力去感受活着Go big or go (go go)去大或去(去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home (go, go)去大或回家(去,去)Go big or go home去大或回家It"s getting crazy它变得疯狂We"re gonna do some things that we won"t forget我们会做一些我们不会忘记的事情Go big or go home去大或回家I"m going crazy我要疯了Gonna live my life, I got no regrets我要过我的生活,我没有遗憾Go big or go home去大或回家

zigbee 模块和GPRS 模块差异在哪?zigbee 模块比较合适什么项目应用呢?

你想要知道什么,zigbee是短距离通讯协议 就是通过节点采集上来数据通过自组网来做数据转发到上位机。而GPRS是通过运营商网络做数据转发的,GPRS模块将数据送入附近的运营商基站,基站在讲信息投送到远端的服务器。zigbee比较适合小数据量(带宽限制)近距离(通过2.4G进行数据传输,传输接近直线),应该说比较适合的就是近距离的工业现场的遥测遥控。这是最早zigbee的设计应用方向。而国内用zigbee来做定位的应用,从应用效果来看并不理想(场强非线性变化)而且容易受到人体影响,在新的wifi芯片和蓝牙4.0出来后,低功耗的特点也不明显了。


路灯智能化控制方式目前使用较为普遍,基于gprs/cdma和ussd两种,ussd逐渐趋于淘汰,较为先进的是基于gprs/cdma通信网络的路灯单灯智能监控,在单灯监控上使用zigbee笔者有粗浅的认识,希望有所帮助。zigbee在下述几个方面更具优势:(1)更适合低功耗、低传输速率的场合:zigbee在三个频段的传输速率在20kbps~250kbps,更专注于低传输应用。在低功耗的待机模式下,两节普通干电池可以使用6个月到2年。而蓝牙设备只能在不充电的情况下工作几周。对于电池供电的简单设备而言,更换电池的费用往往比器件本身的成本还要高。因为蓝牙技术的数据传输速率较高,在芯片上的开销也就较大,所以在以传感器数据为主、不易经常更换电池的场合,zigbee的优势就凸现出来。它可以让设备在无数据传输是处于休眠状态,从而节省功耗。(2)网络容量大:一个zigbee网络可以有效地处理255个主从设备,而蓝牙网络只能有8个。所以zigbee特别适合在在工业控制等大面积场合中应用。(3)成本更低:由于zigbee的系统复杂度较低,其协议栈所需要的系统资源约为30k,而蓝牙协议栈则需要250k。并且zigbee定义了两种类型的设备:全功能设备ffd(full function device)和简化功能设备rfd(reduced function device)。一个网络需要一个协调器(coordinator),且必须是ffd,它负责管理和维护网络的安全性、路由等等。而其他终端设备可以是rfd,或者ffd。当然rfd的价格要小于ffd,且占用系统资源仅为4kb。因此,zigbee设备的单价是蓝牙设备的是分之一左右。


Never Ever Say Goodbye Never Ever Say Goodbye是一首英文歌曲。...

Little Wild One (No. 5) (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Little Wild One (No. 5) (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Marshall Crenshaw专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Marshall CrenshawLittle Wild OneJoan OsborneLet"s make it simple Just be funDon"t speak of it to anyoneI seem the way you looking my eyesI know that"s you ready to flyI put my Kodak on the tableYou know I"m willing I know you"re ableThe star"s around The night is youngLittle wild oneI need you like the endless breathI need you like the sky and the treesI need you like you wouldn"t believeI need you like the sunLittle wild oneI failed on my way of defencesNo way and no one what the endlessI make it simple I take it slowIt"s prepar for you ready to goIf you are hurting I want to heal itI"ll be your heaven Oh can you feelingThe fire was burning The time has comeLittle wild oneI need you like the endless breathI need you like the sky and the treesI need you like you wouldn"t believeI need you like the sunLittle wild oneI need you like the heaven"s aboveI need you like the one that I loveFor all you are and hope you"ll be comeI love you like the sunLittle wild oneLittle wild oneTHE END如有错误,请君指正< Thank you >

Little Wild One (No. 5) (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Little Wild One (No. 5) (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Marshall Crenshaw专辑:DowntownLittle Wild OneJoan OsborneLet"s make it simple Just be funDon"t speak of it to anyoneI seem the way you looking my eyesI know that"s you ready to flyI put my Kodak on the tableYou know I"m willing I know you"re ableThe star"s around The night is youngLittle wild oneI need you like the endless breathI need you like the sky and the treesI need you like you wouldn"t believeI need you like the sunLittle wild oneI failed on my way of defencesNo way and no one what the endlessI make it simple I take it slowIt"s prepar for you ready to goIf you are hurting I want to heal itI"ll be your heaven Oh can you feelingThe fire was burning The time has comeLittle wild oneI need you like the endless breathI need you like the sky and the treesI need you like you wouldn"t believeI need you like the sunLittle wild oneI need you like the heaven"s aboveI need you like the one that I loveFor all you are and hope you"ll be comeI love you like the sunLittle wild oneLittle wild oneTHE END如有错误,请君指正< Thank you >

Little Wild One (No. 5) (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Little Wild One (No. 5) (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Marshall Crenshaw专辑:This Is Easy: The Best Of Marshall CrenshawLittle Wild OneJoan OsborneLet"s make it simple Just be funDon"t speak of it to anyoneI seem the way you looking my eyesI know that"s you ready to flyI put my Kodak on the tableYou know I"m willing I know you"re ableThe star"s around The night is youngLittle wild oneI need you like the endless breathI need you like the sky and the treesI need you like you wouldn"t believeI need you like the sunLittle wild oneI failed on my way of defencesNo way and no one what the endlessI make it simple I take it slowIt"s prepar for you ready to goIf you are hurting I want to heal itI"ll be your heaven Oh can you feelingThe fire was burning The time has comeLittle wild oneI need you like the endless breathI need you like the sky and the treesI need you like you wouldn"t believeI need you like the sunLittle wild oneI need you like the heaven"s aboveI need you like the one that I loveFor all you are and hope you"ll be comeI love you like the sunLittle wild oneLittle wild oneTHE END如有错误,请君指正< Thank you >

The Wild One (7 Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7 Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:A S, B S And RaritiesSUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7' Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7"" Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:QuatroSUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7' Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7"" Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:A"S, B"S And RaritiesSUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7' Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7"" Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:Essential (Digital)SUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7' Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7"" Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:Essential (Digital)SUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7' Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7"" Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:EssentialSUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7 Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7 Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:This Is... 1974SUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

The Wild One (7' Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wild One (7"" Single Version)歌手:Suzi Quatro专辑:6 x 6 - The SeventiesSUZI QUATRO - The Wild One(ChapmanChinn)"All my life I"ve wanted to be somebody, and here I am.I know what I"ve got, and there ain"t nobody gonna take it away from me.So let me tell ya what I am!"I"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"ve got my head screwed on, and the days are goneWhen you kept me down, and you pushed me "roundI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a blue-eyed bitch and I wanna get richGet out of my way "cause I"m here to stayI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneWell it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep score...YEAH!Well it ain"t no use. Turn me looseMore...more...I can"t keep scoreI"m a red-hot fox. I can take the knocksI"m a hammer from hell. Honey, can"t you tell?I"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild oneI"m a touched-up freak on a winning streakI"m gonna own this town. You can"t hold me downI"m the wild one. Yes, I"m the wild one

Wild One (Remastered Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Wild One (Remastered Album Version)歌手:Faith Hill专辑:The HitsWild OneFaith HillThey Said Change Your ClothesShe Said No I Won"tThey Said Comb Your HairShe Said Some Kids Don"tAnd Her Parents" Dreams Went Up In SmokeThey Said You Can"t LeaveShe Said Yes I WillThey Said Don"t See HimShe Said His Name Is BillShe"s On A Roll And It"s All UphillShe"s A Wild OneWith An Angel"s FaceShe"s A Woman ChildIn A State Of GraceWhen She Was Three Years Old On Her Daddy"s KneeHe Said You Can Be Anything You Want To BeShe"s A Wild One Runnin" FreeShe Loves Rock And RollThey Said It"s Satan"s TongueShe Thinks They"re Too OldThey Think She Is Too YoungAnd The Battle Lines Are Clearly DrawnShe"s A Wild OneWith An Angel"s FaceShe"s A Woman ChildIn A State Of GraceWhen She Was Three Years Old On Her Daddy"s KneeHe Said You Can Be Anything You Want To BeShe"s A Wild One Runnin" FreeShe Has Future Plans And Dreams At NightWhen They Tell Her Life Is Hard She Says That"s All RightShe"s A Wild OneWith An Angel"s FaceShe"s A Woman ChildIn A State Of GraceWhen She Was Three Years Old On Her Daddy"s KneeHe Said You Can Be Anything You Want To BeShe"s A Wild OneWith An Angel"s FaceShe"s A Woman ChildIn A State Of GraceWhen She Was Three Years Old On Her Daddy"s KneeHe Said You Can Be Anything You Want To BeShe"s A Wild One Runnin" Free





请高手帮我找下开头是When a customer enters my store,forget me.He is king的阅读,急!

When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most. When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is King, ""said John Wanamaker, who in l876 turned an abandoned railway station in Philadelphia into one of me world"s first department stores. This revolutionary concept 55 the face of retailing (零售业) and led to the development of advertising and marketing as we know it today. But convincing as that slogan was, 56 the shopper was cheated out of the crown. 57 manufacturing efficiency increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a 58 number of publications. Now media choice, has 59 too, and consumers select what they want from a far greater variety of sources—especially with a few clicks of a computer mouse. 60 the internet, the consumer is finally seizing power. As our survey shows, 61 has great implications for companies, because it is changing the way the world shops. Many firms already claim to be "customer-driven" or "consumer-centered". Now their 62 will be tested as never before. Taking advantage of shoppers" 63 will no longer be possible: people will know—and soon tell others, even those without the internet—that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. The internet is working wonders in 64 standards. Good and Good and honest firms should benefit most.

宝马线束中 黄色GE 粉色RS 黑色SW 白色WS 英文怎么翻译啊


Back Door Man [Live At The Aquarius - The First Performance] (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Back Door Man [Live At The Aquarius - The First Performance] (Lp Version)歌手:The Doors专辑:Live At The Aquarius - The First PerformanceTitile:Back Door ManArtist:The DoorsEdit by:Happy PiggieOh, yeah, maYeah, I"m a back door manI"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girl understandHey, all you people that tryin" to sleepI"m out to make it with my midnight dreamyeah"Cause I"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girls understandAll right, yeahYou men eat your dinnerEat your pork and beansI eat more chicken than any man ever seenyeah, yeahI"m a back door man, whaThe men don"t knowBut the little girl understandWell, i"m a back door manI"m a back door manWhoa, babyi"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girls understand



Back Door Man ( Live Version ) 歌词

歌曲名:Back Door Man ( Live Version )歌手:The Doors专辑:American Nights - In ConcertTitile:Back Door ManArtist:The DoorsEdit by:Happy PiggieOh, yeah, maYeah, I"m a back door manI"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girl understandHey, all you people that tryin" to sleepI"m out to make it with my midnight dreamyeah"Cause I"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girls understandAll right, yeahYou men eat your dinnerEat your pork and beansI eat more chicken than any man ever seenyeah, yeahI"m a back door man, whaThe men don"t knowBut the little girl understandWell, i"m a back door manI"m a back door manWhoa, babyi"m a back door manThe men don"t knowBut the little girls understand

Rising Sun (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Rising Sun (Lp Version)歌手:Paul Rodgers专辑:Cut LooseNow I cry under my skin天空的雨滴是我的眼泪就算它飘落大地也不能洗刷岁月给我留下的伤痛(No!)宽恕是对我绝对的奢移(No!)没有路标迷失方向的愤怒(No!)是我在用迷恋的话语 祈祷着赎罪(No!)Hero I go Come back!XIAH:失去飞翔力量翅膀只化为灰烬的青春时光想要飞翔的梦想破灭成为碎片的早上 没有一丝的阳光HERO:世界原本充满了歌声和善良可是每个人都会穿着虚假的伪装谁能告诉我该如何的躲藏ALL:突破重围 勇敢奋力向前追 寻找我的 INNOCENT熊熊燃烧的青春火花 最后就像天边灿烂的晚霞Waiting for Rising sunNow burn My eyessun comes up BLowingthe fogNever lies to be your mind Got to be a true我要走的路101醒悟中的醒悟达不到目的地是现实在我太阳面前不至于惭愧I just try me And nowMAX:到底 混沌的尽头在那里(Somebody talks)每天有不同的回答绝望 是通往幸福的门窗(Sonmebody talks)只有时间知道解答XIAH:人生就象那 永无止尽的轨道 将信念都围绕HERO:就像 在寻找无尽的问题与解答就像要完成一幅遗留下的画MAX:You know why............MICKY:青春跟着岁月得脚步走一去不回头不要把后悔留给青春时光在我的面前变的更坚强MAX:哭伤心的眼泪接来的幸福它的价值要记住 千万不要忘对考验伸出的双手轻轻的一吻我的纯真绽放在苦难的大地上虽然不会有任何规定的事情没天都是崭新的开始A........ALL:突破重围 勇敢奋力向前追 寻找我的 INNOCENT熊熊燃烧的青春火花 最后就像天边灿烂的晚霞Waiting for Rising sunMAX:到底 混沌的尽头在那里(Somebody talks)每天有不同的回答绝望 是通往幸福的门窗(Sonmebody talks)只有时间知道解答

旭日号RisingSun游艇 德国乐顺Lurssen公司生产的超级游艇

2005年6月,埃里森带着他的甲骨文队到西班牙的瓦伦西亚参加美国杯帆船赛,照例把他的游艇带到了赛场外。这次随他同行的是旭日号游艇(Rising Sun)。 人们已经可以想见埃里森那艘巨大的珠光宝气的豪艇将怎样傲然于一众游艇之间了。此时瑞士雪兰诺生物工程公司的巨头厄内斯托-贝塔莱利已经将自己90英尺的VAVA号停泊在瓦伦西亚专为富豪开设的游艇码头,虽然目前看来她是最值得骄傲的游艇,但是和旭日号(Rising Sun)比起来简直不值一提,旭日号的长度是她的两倍! 瑞士雪兰诺生物工程公司的巨头厄内斯托-贝塔莱利已经将自己90英尺的VAVA号停泊在瓦伦西亚专为富豪开设的游艇码头,虽然目前看来她是最值得骄傲的游艇,但是和旭日号(Rising Sun)比起来简直不值一提,旭日号的长度是她的两倍! 可是结果让埃里森和人们大跌眼镜:旭日号(Rising Sun)在瓦伦西亚赛场的游艇码头转了一圈, 发现这里秀气的泊位没有一个能容纳自己的大身板,最后只好孤零零地停靠在了瓦伦西亚港口的另一边。 旭日号游艇船长138M,宽19米。见过旭日号(Rising Sun)的人形容它有半个足球场那么大。因为甲板太过巨大,设计师干脆在上面设计了一个篮球场。 内装的色调用了米色为主,看上去温馨自然。而在该下功夫的地方,旭日号一点也不含糊。船上的小电影院,连斯皮尔伯格都赞叹不已,声称这是他见过的最漂亮的电影院。虽然旭日号有82个房间、30多名船员,但埃里森却只留了8个房间给客人们。似乎埃里森对朋友比较挑剔。 除此之外,船上一应俱全的各类设施和那超级速度也让旭日号的油耗大得吓人,连埃里森这样花钱如流水的人也无法毫不计较了。“不要问我它的耗油量有多大,”他说,“如果我知道了,‘旭日号(Rising Sun)"带给我的乐趣将会被一扫而空。”

投过JACS可以转投Nano Letters吗

why not?只要你按照杂志的格式改了,当然可以投啊。我还见过被Advanced Materials 拒了,然后转投JACS被接收的呢。以上内容来自小木虫 学术科研第一站ucraul

abandoning time person, time also will give up him. 那本书

abandoning time person, time also will give up him是莎士比亚的一句出名的格言, 意思为放弃时间的人, 时间也会放弃他。这句格言告诉我们大家要珍惜时间。

The Avett Brothers的《salina》 歌词

歌曲名:salina歌手:The Avett Brothers专辑:emotionalismSalina, I抦 as nowhere as I can beCould you add some somewhere to meAh Kansas I抦 kneeling, ah Kansas pleaseThe Avett BrothersCleveland, I ain抰 never felt nothing so strongBeen believing the words to my songsOhio I抦 leaving, Ohio I抦 goneFrom town to town and state to stateThere抯 people everywhere that try to capture usWe stole the cash and left our namesAnd almost slipped in IndianapolisThe rain it fell, and we got gonePoughkeepsie, hang up the telephoneWon抰 answer your phone calls no moreNew York quit callin New York leave me beChanging the plans that I抳e been setting onI抦 scared by the way that my life is getting goneCarolina one day I抣l, someday I抣l come homeCarolina one day I抣l, someday I抣l come home

Turn The Page (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn The Page (Album Version)歌手:Matt Hires专辑:Take Us To The StartOn a long and lonesome highway east of OmahaYou can listen to the engine, moanin out as one long songYou can think about the woman, or the girl you knew the night beforeAnd your thoughts will soon be wandering the way they always doWhen youre riding sixteen hours and theres nothing much to doYou dont feel much like traveling, ou just wish the trip was throughBut here I am, on the road againHere I am, up on the stageHere I go, playing the star againThere I go, turn the pageYou walk into a restaraunt, strung out from the roadAnd you feel the eyes upon you, as youre shaking off the coldYou pretend it doesnt bother you, but you just want to explodeSometimes you can here em talk, other times you cantAll the same ole cliches: is that a woman or a man?And you always seem outnumbered, you dare not make a standBut here I am, on the road againHere I am, up on the stageHere I go, playing the star againThere I go, turn the pageOut there in the spotlight, your a million miles awayEvery ounce of energy, you try to give awayAnd the sweat pours from your body, like the music that you playLater in the evening, as you lie awake in bedEchos of the amplifiers, ringing in your headAs you smoke the days last cigarette, remembering what she saidBut here I am, on the road againHere I am, up on the stageHere I go, playing the star againThere I go, turn the pageThere I go, turn the pageThere I go, turn the pageThere I goThere I goThere I goThere I go

Be Mine (Tonight) (Lp Version) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Be Mine (Tonight) (Lp Version)歌手:Grady Tate&Grover Washington Jr.专辑:Love SongsThe Kooks - Be Mine lyricsArtist: The Kooks lyricsAlbum: B-Sides & DemosTitle: Be MineEdit By:manutdr08I never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose you nowSo easy to lose you nowBecause there calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorNow my thoughts are very darkAnd my dreams are always darkDon"t let them take me awayCause I want me to stayBut be mine, ohWon"t you be mine, ohBe mine, oh ohTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cryI never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose it nowOh it"s so easy to lose it nowBecause they"re calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorOh be mine, ohWont you be mine, ohBe mineBe mineTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cry, yeahSo be mine, oh ohBe mine, ohBe mine!http://music.b***.com/song/7863247

please love me i will be yours you will be mine

say you love me很有jazz的feel,听的时候让人有种想跟着音乐的节奏晃动身体的感觉。歌词是直接的表白,表达出一种大胆无畏的喜爱。英文歌词:Don"t you know that I want to be more than just your friendHolding hands is fineBut I"ve got better things on my mindYou know it could happenIf you"d only see me in a different lightBaby when we finally get togetherYou will see that I was rightSay you love meYou know that it could be niceIf you"d only say you love meDon"t treat me like I was icePlease love meI"ll be yours and you"ll be mineAnd if you"d only say you love me babyThings would really work out fineDon"t you know that I want to be more than just your friendHolding hands is fineBut I"ve got better things on my mindYou know it could happenIf you"d only see me in a different lightBut baby when we finally get togetherYou will see that I was rightSay you love meYou know that it could be niceIf you"d only say you love meAnd don"t treat me like I was iceOh please love meI"ll be yours and you"ll be mineAnd if you"d only say you love me babyThings would really work out finedont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?Say you love meYou know that it could be niceIf you"d only say you love meAnd don"t treat me like I was icePlease love meI"ll be yours and you"ll be mineAnd if you"d only say you love me darlingThings would really work out finewo~baby would u say u love me ?dululu du luu i want u to stay together with me.ohohoh woooooosay i want u love me,wooooowaaaaasay i want u love me,love me love me love me ayeeeeee.dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?dont u know i love u baby?dont u know i need u baby?dont u know how much i really care for u ,would u be mine?双语版:Don"t you know that I want to be more than just your friend你知道我不想只成为你的朋友Holding hands is fine牵手是美好的事But I got better things on my mind但我脑海幻想着更多you know it could happen你知道它会发生If you"d only see me in a different light只要你在特别的夜里看着我Baby when we finally get together当我们相依在一起You would see that I was right你会知道我是对的Say you love me说你爱我You know that it would be nice你知道那会美好If you"d only say you love me只要说你爱我Don"t treat me like I was ice别冷漠地对待我Please love me请爱我I"d be yours and you"ll be mine我们将属于彼此If you"d only say you love me baby只要说你爱我Things would really work out fine一切都会变得美好希望能帮到你!


中文名: 米歇尔·罗德里格兹 英文名: Michelle Rodriguez 性 别: 女 生 日: 1978-07-12 角 色:演员 简历: 出生于美国德克萨斯 入学成绩: 只演过一部影片就引起人们的关注,这部影片就是独立制片电影《女生出拳》(Girlfight)。 受训课程: 等待她的还有《速度与激情》(The Fast and The Furious)和斯派克·李参加圣丹斯电影节的作品《凌晨三点》(3 A.M.)等两部新片。 备注: 自圣丹斯电影节上一鸣惊人之后,罗瑞吉丝便引起了媒体的高度兴趣,各种溢美之词如雪片一般落到了罗瑞吉丝的头上,对于一个年轻而初出茅庐的演员来说,真不知道是福是祸。 素以桀骜不驯、我行我素闻名好来坞的另类美女安吉丽娜-朱莉(AngelinaJolie)这回算是遇到对手了——此人就是在外表及为人处事风格上都颇得朱莉真传的拉丁美女米歇尔-罗德里格兹(Michelle Rodriguez)。朱莉主演的那部炒作经年的《古墓丽影》(Tomb Raider)在票房上刚刚风光了一周便遭到由罗德里格兹担任女一号的《速度与激情》(The Fast and the Furious)的无情打压,从首映周的票房第一被一下子挤到了第二周的第三。讲述洛杉矶非法飙车活动的《速度与激情》也许是今年迄今为止最黑的票房黑马。这部没有一位大牌明 星、成本刚刚3000万美元的制作,公映第一周就收入4160万美元,不仅拉下了吹破了牛皮的上周冠军《古墓丽影》,也战胜了由喜剧巨星埃迪-墨菲担纲主演的《怪医杜立德2》(Dr. Dolittle 2)。《速度与激情》虽然在公映第二周输给了导演大师斯皮尔伯格的《人工智能》(A.I.),但仍然牢牢占据着票房第二的位置,且公映两周(10天)已收入了7780万美元。 米歇尔-罗德里格兹在《速度与激情》里饰演飙车高手托雷托(Vin Diesel饰演)的女友乐蒂(Letty)。也许是出于桀骜不驯的本性,罗德里格兹一开始便对导演罗勃-科汉(Rob Cohen)说,她不想将乐蒂演绎成片中一个可有可无的花瓶角色。导演听从了她的意见。在片中,乐蒂与那些粗鲁的街头混混小子们一样强硬暴烈,甚至比她人高马大的男友更无耐性而先出手揍了与之发生争执的另外一位男飙车手。 《速》片仅仅是出道才刚刚一年半的罗德里格兹的第二部影片,其银幕处女作则是大名鼎鼎的《女生出拳》(Girlfight)。这部独立制作的艺术性极强的影片虽然票房成绩差强人意,更不能与她的第二部影片相提并论,但它却曾经获得过有世界独立电影人的天堂之称的圣丹斯电影节的评委会大奖(2000年度),在同一年的戛纳电影节上也广受舆论好评。出道以来两部影片均“意外”地取得巨大成功的罗德里格兹怎么如此幸运?这位被称之为介于詹妮弗-洛佩兹与安吉丽娜-朱莉之间的拉丁女孩是如何步入影坛的呢? 米歇尔-罗德里格兹1978年7月12日生于美国德州的贝尔县(Bell County)。母亲是某合唱队的成员,父亲则是大学讲师,均来自波多黎各。8岁那年,他们举家搬到多米尼加,两年后又搬到波多黎各住了一年。由于父亲后来在纽约大学取得了一个职位,他们又举家搬到了纽约附近的新泽西。父母离异之后,罗德里格兹随管教甚严的母亲及外祖母生活,但可以经常去探望放浪形骸的父亲(他与不同女人共生育了10个子女)。虽然母亲、外祖母以及父亲三人给了她许多混杂甚至相互矛盾的教育和影响,但罗德里格兹从小一副野小子的性格却浑然天成,从未有过改变与动摇。动荡的生活使得她经常换校读书,但似乎哪一所学校也不对她的胃口。因常常与老师顶嘴,她先后曾经被6所学校扫地出门。终于,在17岁那年,当她再次被学校开除之后,她觉得自己也受够了学校的教育,决定不再返回校园。多年之后,她对此解释说:“我不想做一个朝九晚五的上班木偶。我也从来就不是那种只求结婚生子的芭比娃娃式的女孩。我会穿上紧扣的衬衫和牛仔裤,叉腿而坐,灌着啤酒,摆出一股无需男人庇护的架式。我不需要保护,但我(那时)也不知道如何寻找一种不同的生活。” 无人引导的罗德里格兹却认准了电影这条路。她虽然连高中都未读完,但却一直梦想着写电影剧本。为此,她一边在新泽西的一家“玩具反斗城”(Toys‘R"Us)里打工养活自己,一边尽可能地关注着身边招聘群众演员的电影广告,以求一个在“游泳中学会游泳”的机会。在改变命运的《女生出拳》之前,她断断续续地应聘过一年多的群众演员,虽然因此也得到了一点报酬,但让她经济上得以自立的还是“玩具反斗城”的那份工作。《女生出拳》是对罗德里格兹的梦想和不懈努力的最终回报,只不过令所有人更令她自己感到意外的是,作为那次应聘群众演员的360多名应聘者之一,最后却是她成了该片的主角。《女生出拳》的导演卡琳库莎玛(KarynKusama)在解释为什么最后选中罗德里格兹时是这么说的:“我们绝未想到会有那么多女孩来应聘。但米歇尔似乎有一些不寻常的东西。她有一种很野性的单纯,形象很硬,但却智慧过人。与经验比起来,她的信心、精力与个性给人的印象更强烈。” 多亏库莎玛导演慧眼识珠,好来坞才又多了一位硬派女星。罗德里格兹的下一部影片将是根据著名电子游戏“生化危机”(Biohazard)拍摄的电影版《阴魂不散》(Resident Evil),并饰演其中的“冷酷女王”芮恩(Rain)一角——这将是又一个为罗德里格兹所熟悉的硬女形象。在与著名黑人影星丹尼-格拉夫(DannyGlover)合作的《凌晨3点》(3 AM)里,她将饰演一位纽约的女出租汽车司机。罗德里格兹是否也能出演性感柔和一些的女性,也许此片能给影迷们一个交待。 PS:在前一部中,她饰演的女特警因为被僵尸咬而感染了病毒,最后变成僵尸,被队友一枪爆头,所以在第三部中就没有出现~~~~~~~~


《Spinsters in Jeopardy》(Marsh, Ngaio)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:k7qu书名:Spinsters in Jeopardy作者:Marsh, Ngaio出版年份:2002-6内容简介:Alleyn is suspicious that a huge drugs ring operates from within the ancient portals of a Saracen fortress. It is the home of the mysterious Mr Oberon, leader of a witches coven. Marsh is the author of "A Clutch of Constables", "A Surfeit of Lampreys" and "Tied up in Tinsel".

翻译英文 lose yourself


用worked,side,they,by,side,the police,to,their,pull,out,of,the,neighbours,with,damaged,car.造句,

They worked with the police to pull out their neighbours of the damaged car side by side .如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可祝学习进步!


游戏简介收起游戏简介Flowers春Flowers夏Flowers秋Flowers冬文字冒险视觉小说游戏FLOWERS秋目前已经在steam平台正式发售,本作四季为同一世界观的连续剧情,下面来看看flowers春夏秋冬的故事剧情详解游戏简介《FLOWERS》是由Innocent Grey制作的清水百合向游戏系列作品,由《FLOWERS -Le volume sur printemps-》《FLOWERS -Le volume sur été-》《FLOWERS -Le volume sur automne-》《FLOWERS -Le volume sur hiver-》四部曲组成。此外还有四季的合集《FLOWERS -Les quatre saisons-》游戏类型:百合解密ADV初春,一位少女为了改变自身而决意入读拥有“amitié制度”的圣彗星兰学院。在这里,她将与形形色色的人相遇、相识、相知,也或许会有许多复杂、迷离的事件、谜团挡在她面前,等待着她去推理、去解决。那么,生性胆怯的少女能否在这所学院里如愿地获得珍贵的友谊;在各自的季节里,命运交织的少女们又能否彼此救赎,最终寻觅到自己梦寐以求的“归属”呢?如花四散,余香绕指,心中的裂痕亦能被填补。简而言之,这是“一个少女们与季节一起成长的故事The tale of the girls who grow with a season”——(来自萌娘百科)Flowers海外版由万年不打折的鸽王JAST USA发行,STEAM有官中,但只有春夏已经上架,春2016年8月上架,夏2018年7月上架,秋预计2020年下半年,冬预计2022年下半年,但也可能就这么鸽了。春夏有STEAM官中,秋有圣彗星兰学院汉化版,本来是没授权自己偷偷翻译的汉化组。在翻译完秋篇后被JAST USA收为官方汉化组。作为官方汉化组自然就不能发布盗版冬篇汉化了。所以冬篇中文得等到STEAM正版上线才有。顺带一提,如果各位没玩过游戏就想看剧透的话,请先看秋,因为春夏的题材并不适合看剧透,春的主线讲起来非常无趣,夏主要是发糖,剧情比较简单。如果想玩游戏可以先从夏秋里挑一个玩,夏篇主要发糖,秋篇重剧情,先玩春容易被劝退。

put perspective是什么意思


put sth. in perspective是什么意思?



出货时间:2022年7月(魂限定) 《假面骑士Build》(原文:_面ライダ_ビルド/Kamen Rider Build)是“平成假面骑士”系列的第19部作品,于2017年播出。是该系列史上初次以“物理科学”作为设计原型之一。本作标题以及主角骑士的名字“Build”,正是“创造、形成”的意义,这也符合主角的身份——青年天才物理学家,同时是拥有平成骑士史上最高IQ的主角。主角的变身道具是科研人员常用的“实验试剂瓶”,战斗就如同在科学实验一般。而且从主角口头禅“那么,开始实验吧”与“胜利的法则已然决定!”,可见物理实验与法则是本作中的一大线索。另一方面,导演也宣称本作世界观的规模是史上最大——涉及了整个日本列岛。

Moreover, __________you may hardly believe, the examiners had decided in advance to fail half t...

A which所引导的定语从句的先行词是题干的后半分句。要注意先行词的后置,不要被迷惑。



使用Powershell配置Windows Failover Cluster群集

前面有几篇文章介绍了Windows Failver Cluster集群的相关知识和实际案例,请参考如下: 接下来,我们将尝试如何通过Powershell来更高效的部署和管理Windows故障转移群集。实验环境所用的系统版本为Windows Server 2012,但应适用于更高版本。 本文实验环境为两台Windows Server 2012 R2 如上图,出现报错,这是因为我们的每个节点有两块网卡,分别连接不同的网络( 和192.168.199.0/24),如果集群需要向两个网段同时提供服务或者两个节点来自不同的网段,则可以提供多个虚拟IP如下例;如不需要则可以添加-ignorenetwork参数忽略掉 New-Cluster -Name TestClusterA -Node node1,node2 -StaticAddress, 如果我们集群的地址涉及地址都开启DHCP自动获取IP,我们也可以用下面命令创建 New-Cluster -Name TestClusterA -Node node1,node2 创建集群时,我们还可以指定它创建后所在的AD的OU,比如下面的命令 New-Cluster -Name "CN=TestClusterA,OU=Cluster,DC=buffallos,DC=com" -Node node1,node2 -StaticAddress 本例将使用比较常用的方式,只指定静态地址和(的虚拟IP 集群创建成功 对应的计算机和DNS记录已经创建. 小知识 : 6.将创建好的iSCSI磁盘添加进群集 TestClusterA 2.将创建好的iSCSI磁盘添加进群集 TestClusterA 如果像设置为节点共享文件夹多数仲裁,可以使用如下命令 PS C:> Set-ClusterQuorum -NodeAndFileShareMajority \DCClusterFSW 4.为了方便日后运维,资源可以更改名字,下面我们将加"群集磁盘1"更改为 Witness 用户被分配管理权限后,可以在用户所用的计算机上安装RSAT进行远程管理群集,但是为了安全,不建议将此用户添加到Domain Admins组。 移除某个用户的群集管理权限可以使用 Remove-ClusterAccess PS C:> Remove-ClusterAccess -Cluster TestClusterA BuffallosClusterAdmin 但是这种方式移除用户后,并不能保证该用户已经没有群集权限,因为有可能该用户所隶属的组可能有管理权限,因此如果想明确某个用户不能拥有群集权限可以使用 Block-ClusterAccess ,如下,明确 ClusterAdmin 不能有集群权限 Block-ClusterAccess -Cluster TestClusterA -user buffallosClusterAdmin 7.下面我们将使用powershell快速创建一个群集文件服务角色( Windows 故障转移群集 Part 3 中详述了图形化创建过程),然后再了解下群集组。 执行上面的函数后,结果如下,我们可以看到, 群集磁盘 3 容量最大,我们将它作为文件服务器存储 我们把磁盘3名称改为F_Disk,方便区分 创建文件服务器FileA并创建共享文件夹E:Data 默认情况下,群集组类型只有群集组和可用存储组,但是在我们创建了文件服务器后,与文件服务器相关的资源都被放在了FileA这个群集组中,如下 我们定义集群组,其目的就是为了方便管理,一般会把所提供服务或应用所用到的资源归为一组,每当需要管理其相关资源时,可以通过组方式筛选 依赖关系还可以添加,下面我们将FileA组中的闲置磁盘添加文件服务器FileA依存关系,使其被后者依赖 注意:添加的依赖逻辑操作符均为逻辑与(AND),即所有被依赖的资源上线后,依赖者才能上线,下线顺序相反


吐槽:实在看不下去楼上复制黏贴的不知所云---------------------------------------------------recursively是递归的意思,比如忽略Release以及忽略Release(recursively)分别代表:前者是忽略的Release*.*,后者是仅仅忽略的ReleaseRelease*.* 或者Release*Release*.*...
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