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因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)

sincerely yours是什么意思

一般用于写邮件信件的结尾 诚挚问候类似的意思

你好,请问在翻译英文书信时,”yours sincerely“对应的中文”你的真挚的“是顶格写,还是空两格?谢谢


到底怎么译Yours sincerely/Yours truly



如今,酒店业的上门人数每年都在下降。 在全球数字化时代,75% 的酒店预订都是在线完成的。 在这个数字中,40% 的预订是通过线上第三方进行的,32% 是通过其他经销商进行的,21% 是通过酒店网站进行的。 这清楚地表明了酒店连接各种在线预订渠道以蓬勃发展并吸引更多客户的至关重要性。PMS,即Property Management System,直译为物业管理系统。酒店PMS系统是一个以计算机为工具,对酒店信息管理和处理的人机综合系统,它不但能准确及时地反映酒店业务的当前状态、房源状态,还能快速实现客人预定入住到财务对账等一系列操作;不但是一个数据统计的数据库,还能够提供各方面的报表,且利用数据进行统计分析,从而更有利于酒店的经营和管理。主要包含客房管理系统、移动管理系统、餐厅管理系统、娱乐管理系统、集团管理平台、工程管理系统、会员管理系统、后台管理系统、应收帐管理、网站门户、移动应用平台等功能模块。CRS 或中央预订系统的含义或定义是一种预订软件,用于更新和维护酒店与库存和价格有关的信息,以便酒店能够管理客人预订以及围绕此类预订的实际流程时间。这些预订通过多种分销渠道进行管理,例如第 3 方预订网站、直接互联网预订引擎、全球分销系统 (GDS)、批发商等。 CRS 集中了来自物业管理系统 (PMS)、分销渠道、呼叫中心和电话预订系统的数据,这些数据用于一个或多个物业。杰姆龙酒店直销平台专注于酒店数字化应用,依托PMS系统和预订平台,助力区域连锁酒店和单体酒店提升数字化市场竞争力。

yours sincerely是什么意思

yours sincerelyn.谨上(书信结尾用语); 敬启(书信结尾用语); 鄙人,我; 例句:1.I remain yours sincerely, dr. erwin pollitzer. 您诚挚的尔文波利博士。2.His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "yours sincerely", rather than thetraditional self-abasing deference. 他们注意到哈苏奈的辞职信以一个简短的“此致”收尾,而不是带着传统的自我作践式的顺从口气。


I can ride my bike with no handlebars 我可以在我的单车上放开双手 我可以在我的单车上放开双手 No handlebars 放开双手 No handlebars 放开双手 I can ride my bike with no handlebars 我可以在我的单车上放开双手 No handlebars No handlebars 放开双手 放开双手Look at me, look at me 看看我,看看我hands in the air like it"s good to be ALIVE 放在空中的双手仿佛「活着」是件值得欣喜的事 and I"m a famous rapper 彷佛我是一名当红的饶舌高手even when the paths"re all crookedy即使当所有通往这些事情的道路都已扭曲不堪 I can show you how to do-si-do我可以让你瞧瞧什么叫方块舞I can show you how to scratch a record 我可以让你瞧瞧我刮盘的技巧 (PS:刮盘为DJ常用的一种演出方式) I can take apart the remote control 我可以把一支遥控器拆开 And I can almost put it back together 也几乎可以把它完整无缺的再装回去 I can tie a knot in a cherry stem 我可以用舌头把樱桃梗打个漂亮的结 I can tell you about Leif Ericson 我可以告诉你关于莱佛.艾瑞克森的故事 (PS:第一个发现北美洲的北欧维京探险家) I know all the words to "De Colores" 我知道"De Colores"里的所有歌词 (PS:一首在西班牙语系区域里知名的传统民谣歌曲,在十六世纪时由西班牙人传入美洲) And "I"m Proud to be an American" 也很清楚"我因生为美国人为荣"这句歌词 (PS:这句歌词源自于美国乡村歌手Lee Greenwood的一首爱国歌曲"God Bless the USA") Me and my friend saw a platypus 我和我的朋友看见了一只鸭嘴兽 Me and my friend made a comic book 我和我朋友做了一本漫画书 And guess how long it took 猜猜看这花了多久的时间 I can do anything that I want cuz, look: 我可以做任何我想做的,因为,听着: I can keep rhythm with no metronome 我可以继续保持这节奏,就算没了节拍器 No metronome 没了节拍器 No metronome 没了节拍器 I can see your face on the telephone 我可以在电话上看见你的面容 On the telephone 在电话上 On the telephone 在电话上 Look at me, look at me 看看我,看看我 Just called to say that it"s good to be ALIVE 只要照着说:「活着」是件值得欣喜的事 In such a small world 在这个狭小的世界 All curled up with a book to read 所有人都得蜷曲身子,读着相同的书 I can make money open up a thrift store 我可以在赚大钱之后开设一间二手商店 I can make a living off a magazine 我不靠军火库依然可以过我的生活 I can design an engine sixty four miles to a gallon of gasoline 我可以设计一个可以加个一加仑汽油就能跑在六十四哩的引擎 I can make new antibiotics 我可以制造新型的抗生素 I can make computers survive aquatic conditions 我可以做出不怕泡水的电脑 I know how to run a business 我知道如何经营起一个企业 And I can make you wanna buy a product 我可以让你不断地对我们的新产品消费 Movers shakers and producers 所有位高权重者和产品制造者 Me and my friends understand the future 我和我的朋友看见了什么是未来 I see the strings that control the systems 我看到了一条轻易控制整个体制的细线 I can do anything with no assistance 我可以在不需要任何协助的状况下完成一切 I can lead a nation with a microphone 我可以用一支麦克风领导整个国家 With a microphone 一支麦克风 With a microphone 一支麦克风 I can split the atoms of a molecule 我可以分解一个分子里的所有原子 Of a molecule 一个分子 Of a molecule 一个分子 Look at me, look at me 看看我,看看我 Driving and I won"t stop 狂飙着而且绝不停下的我 And it feels so good to be Alive and on top 「活着」与在世界的巅峰是多么令人欣喜的事! My reach is global 我的势力在全世界 My tower secure 我的堡垒深深紧掩 My cause is noble 我的动机出于高贵 My power is pure 我的力量如此纯粹 I can hand out a million vaccinations 我可以施舍给他们无数的接种疫苗 Or let"em all die in exasperation 或者也可以让他们全陈尸在我的暴怒之下 Have"em all grilled leavin lacerations 让他们全在拷问后身上留下撕痕 Have"em all killed by assassination 让他们全在这场暗杀中丧生 I can make anybody go to prison 我可以决定谁该被丢进囹圄 Just because I don"t like"em and 仅仅因为我不喜欢他们 I can do anything with no permission 我可以做任何事完全不需要经过谁的允准 I have it all under my command 我要所有事情全都在我的掌控之下 I can guide a missile by satellite 我可以用卫星来导航飞弹 By satellite 用卫星 By satellite 用卫星 and I can hit a target through a telescope 我也可以用望远镜来看着它击中目标 Through a telescope 用望远镜 Through a telescope 用望远镜 and I can end the planet in a holocaust 我更可以让这个星球在一场大屠杀后终结 In a holocaust 一场大屠杀 In a holocaust 一场大屠杀 In a holocaust 一场大屠杀 In a holocaust 一场大屠杀 In a holocaust 一场大屠杀 In a holocaust 一场大屠杀 I can ride my bike with no handlebars 我可以在我的单车上放开双手 No handlebars No handlebars 放开双手 放开双手I can ride my bike with no handlebars 我可以在我的单车上放开双手 No handlebars No handlebars 放开双手 放开双手

Torture Me (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Torture Me (Album Version)歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Stadium ArcadiumTorture MeBecause I"m happy to be sadI want it all I want it badOh-oh-Oh-ohIt"s what I knowA vintage year for pop I hearThe middle of the end is nearLet"s go...Oh-oh-Oh-ohIt"s what I knowTorture me and torture meForcin" me so torture me pleaseTorture me with sorceryForcin" me so torture me pleaseAll the leaves are turning brownThe wind is pushing me aroundLet"s go...Oh-oh-Oh-ohIt"s what I knowTorture me and torture meIts forcin" me so torture me pleaseTorture me with sorceryForcin" me so torture me pleaseThe will of God is standing stillBrazilian children get their fillLet"s go...Let"s turn it up and dumb it downThe vision of your ultra soundIs so....When all the leaves are turning brownThe wind is pushing me aroundLet"s go...A vintage year for pop I hearThe middle of the end is nearIt"s so....Torture me and torture meIts forcin" me so torture me pleaseTorture me with sorceryForcin" me so torture me pleaseTorture me and torture meIts forcin" me so torture me pleaseTorture me with sorceryForcin" me so torture me please

i want to be the first in your mind是什么意思


it must be her还是hers为什么

it must be her还是hers为什么hers 是名词性物主代词这里要用名词性物主代词,所以用hersit must be her还是hers为什么hers 是名词性物主代词这里要用名词性物主代词,所以用hers

it must be karen marsh

这里的场景 有可能是 说话者没看到 这个人,只是猜测,这时候就必须用It .比如有人在外面敲门,主人会问,who is it? 专业八级为您服务.

Undersubscribed 是什么意思啊啊?

Undersubscribed 认购不足的例句筛选1.Ministers have warned that undersubscribed institutions could havegovernment-funded places withdrawn.部长们提醒到,生源不足的机构中政府资助的名额可能会被收回。2.In other words, it was undersubscribed, with bids only for 93 per cent ofthe bonds on offer.换言之,该债券认购不足,只有93%的债券获得了投标。

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee。是什么意思出自哪?



lookoversth的读音是:。lookoversth的读音是:。lookoversth的例句是Here"sthemail.I"velookeditover.这批邮件都在这儿。我已逐一查过了。lookoversth的意思是v.检查。一、网络释义点此查看lookoversth的详细内容 检查...lookoutforsb注意lookoversth检查lookround向四周看;环顾...二、例句Here"sthemail.I"velookeditover.这批邮件都在这儿。我已逐一查过了。Wemustlookoverthehousebeforewedecidetorentit.我们必须先查看一下这所房子再决定租不租。lookoversth的相关临近词look、Lookeba点此查看更多关于lookoversth的详细信息



i got youniverse中文翻译是什么?

i got you niverse.中文翻译是:我给你带来了宇宙。


Just for star 那段时光

Lionel Hampton & His Just Jazz All Stars的《Stardust》 歌词

歌曲名:Stardust歌手:Lionel Hampton & His Just Jazz All Stars专辑:StardustStardust- Matt MonroAnd I am once again with youWhen our love was newAnd each kiss an inspirationBut that was long agoNow my consolationIs in the stardust of a songBeside a garden wallWhen stars are brightYou are in my armsThe nightingale tells his fairy taleA paradise where roses bloomThough I dream in vainIn my heart it will remainMy stardust melodyThe memory of love"s refrain

Lyfe Jennings的《Warriors》 歌词

歌曲名:Warriors歌手:Lyfe Jennings专辑:Lyfe ChangeLyfe Jennings - WarriorsNow I was raised in the projects with no running waterNever really knew my fatherSister was a dancer,Granddad died of cancer,Momma was a gambler (uh huh)Ran with the pimps and the hustlers,Praying the police don"t murder usNever met the president but I met some Mexicans(who fly that kush like the pelicans)Lord I know we won"t live foreverKeep my homies togetherAnd if we die before our time (has come)Tell em" it was gloriousWe were warriors, warriorsWasn"t no such thing as TupacDaddy was a rolling stone,Momma was a cordless phone,None of them was ever home (uh uh)Grandma died when I was twenty-threeIn her last days she said to meSomething about fisherman but I wasn"t listeningDidn"t know it was the last time we"d ever speak againLord I know we won"t live foreverKeep my homies togetherAnd if we die before our time (has come)Tell em" it was gloriousWe were warriors, warriorsI call my momma up yesterdayTold her I got found guiltyDon"t cry for meAnd tell my baby momma heyI got ten years in the penDon"t know when I"m coming home againBut it"ll be ok... maybeLord I know we won"t live foreverKeep my homies togetherAnd if we die before our time (has come)Tell em" it was gloriousWe were warriors, warriorsAnd if we die before our time (has come)Tell em" it was gloriousWe were warriors, warriorsLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!


power school电力学校双语对照例句:1.Considering that watching the doors was once the job of a god, its nowonder that someone else with more power at the school board took overthat role while the poor old janitor was busy with his pail. 考虑到看门曾一度是神的工作,这也难怪当那个可怜的老看门人正忙于他的水桶的时候,某些在学校董事会中拥有更多权力的人接管了他的任务。2.The local school district wealth bears no relation to the texas state interest inproviding educational opportunity to the students by vesting power in thelocal school districts to tax. 在通过在本地学校区域对征税保留退休金权利的方式给学生提供教育机会上,当地学校区财富与德州利益没有关系。

The sweaters in the box is light blue 哪错了


it can live up to 50years.为什么使用to表示时间的介词不是用for?如果是固定用法的话,请教我具体用法

第一个问题:to 表示“到“,活到50岁,50岁过一分钟就死翘翘了for 表示一段时间,表示还能够活50年,(也许从今年他30岁开始算起的,那么他还能活50年,80岁死翘翘)第二个问题:这个anything 表示任何事情,你也许会和everything (每件事情)一起选择的时候表示迷惑当anything 和everything 同时出现让你选的时候,我认为:当anything 是something (某事)的变形的时候,你是会的,难就难在,anything 并不是something 的变形,是表任何事情,那么他和所有事情,每件事情everything的区别上各人认为,anything 比较抽象,everything 比较具体,有的时候,过于具体的事情,你是做不到的比较:出发之前,你把所有东西都要带上,(everything)这个你是可以做到的而,你的例句,估计还断章取义了,anything 后面必须跟一个bad,孩子必须远离任何坏的事物。这样的说法,比较含糊和抽象,是什么坏事,没具体说,这样就不会有漏洞,而如果你用所有的坏事,(everything bad)太具体了,你可能办到吗?说话有漏洞,要是辩论的时候,就容易被人抓住把柄。

What Time Is It (Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:What Time Is It (Live Version)歌手:Afrika Bambaataa专辑:Looking For The Perfect Beat 1980 -1985what time is it钊What time is it? SummertimeIt""s our vacationWhat time is it? Party timeThat""s right,say it loudWhat time is it? The time of our livesAnticipationWhat time is it? SummertimeSchool""s out,scream and shoutFinally summer""s hereGood to be chiilin""outI""m off the clock,The pressures outNow my girl""s what it""s all aboutGabriella:Ready for some sunshineFor my heart to take a chanceI""m here to stay,Not movin""awayReady for a summer romanceEverybody ready,going crazy,yeah we""re outCome on and let me hear you say it now,right nowWhat time is it? SummertimeIt""s our vacationWhat time is it? Party timeThat""s right,say it loudWhat time is it? The time of our livesAnticipationWhat time is it? SummertimeSchool""s out,scream and shoutGoodbye to rules, no summer schoolI""m free to shop till I dropIt""s an education vacationAnd the party never has to stopWe""ve got things to doI""ll see you soonAnd we""re really gonna miss you allI""ll see you and youAnd you and youBye bye until next fallEverybody ready going crazy yeah we""re outCome on and let me here you say it now right nowWhat time is it? SummertimeIt""s our vacationWhat time is it? Party timeThat""s right,say it loudWhat time is it? The time of our livesAnticipationWhat time is it SummertimeSchool""s out, scream and shoutNo more wakin""up at 6 am""Cause now our time is all our ownEnough already,we""re waiting come on let""s goOut of controlAll rightEverybodyYeah Come onSchool pride lets show itThe champions we know itWildcats,Are the bestRed white and gold!When it""s time to win we do itWe""re number one we proved itLet""s live it up,Party downThat""s what the summer""s all aboutWhat time is itSummertime is finally hereLet""s celebrateWe wanna hear you loud and clear nowSchool""s outWe can sleep as late as we want toIt""s party timeNow we can do whatever we wanna doWhat time is it ? It""s summertimeWe""re lovin"" itCome on and say okay nowwhat time is itIt""s party timeLet""s go and have Time of our lives

No Limit (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No Limit (Album Version)歌手:front line assembly专辑:Gashed Senses & CrossfireNo LimitMusic: Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker, Eric BazilianWhat"s the noise who"s to blameThe Maserati comes unchainedSmell the power and energyCome away, come away, come awayYou"re the rider of the wildest stormLive your dreams before they"re goneFeel the spirit that sets you freeCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyWe gonna leave for tomorrowlandWe"ve got the future on our handsA piece of heaven for you and meCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)You gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)We gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindOut of my mindComes From 《Sting in the Tail》 - 2010... Scorpions - 老蝎子永远年轻 ...

Live It Up (Amended Version) 歌词

歌曲名称:LIVE IT UP(Featuringt-Rush)专辑名称:E3  出版年代:2003年语言类别:国语歌手名称:Energy歌手类别:台湾乐队ya 就要胡闹 不要迟到看着镜子透露脸红心跳现在就把它ㄑㄧㄠˊ好CD In My Hand 坐上车开始Play时速一百二十 油门随着我的音乐催Keep Move Keep Move 我的姊妹称头点Party世界就在眼前不远要挥霍一切毛头小子闪边 管好你的视线惹火身材暗藏你不知道的危险Baby放轻松 周末Hip Hop Night狂野的节奏 下手可以放纵随音乐摇动 今夜要什么都有享受Party Life 就让音乐带你慢游That"s What I Mean 不要话太多锁定目标后 就不要放过 就给它疯过头麻木神经发作 Oh~ Baby Keepin" It High Live It Up 音乐灯光在摇摆Live It Up 看你Show Ur Body 惹火Live It Up 如果听见我的心跳Live It Up 今夜不管如何随我Live It Up 有多High 房间里头充斥音乐 舞池中央PK 举起双手YO穿着不乏味 养眼镜头Come On男孩跟男人的差别 猎物Fresh害怕孤单寂寞 你Energy还不够快快找个动力插座 一切在重头DJ Play The Music 香槟 Porche搞噱头 这样的Party最好别错过Baby听不懂 我在说什么就把你的衬衫湿透 喔我在等着你Share Ur Fantasy就快进入我的心里用慢动作Move It 想股电流渗透我身体Just Wanna Live It Out On The TopBaby我蠢蠢欲动 是否和我 一样相同进入彼此的幻想国度

Inner Universe 歌词

作词:Origa/Shanti Snyder作曲:菅野洋子编曲:菅野洋子演唱:OrigaAngely i demony kruzhili nado mnojRazbivali ternii i zvyozdnye putiNe znaet schast"ya tol"ko tot,Kto ego zova ponyat" ne smog...nalyubuites"..,nalyubuites"..aeria gloris, aeria glorisnalyubuites"..,nalyubuites"..aeria gloris, aeria glorisI am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and fallingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...Calling Calling, in the depth of longingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...nalyubuites"...,nalyubuites"...aeria gloris, aeria glorisStand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning...Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and......Beskonechnyj beg...Poka zhiva ya mogu starat"sya na letu ne upast",Ne razuchit"sya mechtat"...lyubit"......Beskonechnyj beg...Calling Calling now, For the place of knowingThere"s more that what can be linkedCalling Calling now, Never will I look awayFor what life has left for meYearning Yearning, for what"s left of lovingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and fallingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...Calling Calling, in the depth of longingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...nalyubuites",nalyubuites"aeria gloris, aeria glorisnalyubuites",nalyubuites"aeria gloris, aeria gloris

《攻壳机动队》片头曲《Inner Universe》除英文外,还有一种语言是什么?

曲是营野洋子编的,歌是俄罗斯歌手Origa唱的是俄语 Universe作词:Origa/Shanti Snyder 作曲:菅野洋子 演唱:Origa —————————————————————————————————— Ангелы и демоны кружияи надо мной Раэбивали тернии и эвёэлные пути Не энает счастьа только тот, Кто его эова понять не смог... I am Calling Caling now, spirits rise and falling Собой остаться дольше... Calling Caling, in the depth of longing Собой остаться дольше... Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning... Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and... ...Бесконечный бег... Пока жива я могу старатьсяна лету не упасть, Не раэучиться мечтать... любить... ...Бесконечный бег... Calling Calling, For the place of konwing There"s more than what can be linked Calling Calling, Never will I look away For what life has left for me For what life has left for me Yearning Yearning, for what"s left of loving Собой остаться дольше... Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling Собой остаться дольше... Calling Calling, in the depth of longing Собой остаться дольше... —————————————————————————————————— Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj Rassekali ternii i mlechnye puti Ne znaet schast"ya tol"ko tot, Kto ego zova ponyat" ne smog... I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Calling Calling, in the depth of longing Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning... Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and... ...Beskonechnyj beg... Poka zhiva ya mogu starat"sya na letu ne upast", Ne razuchit"sya mechtat"...lyubit"... ...Beskonechnyj beg... Calling Calling, For the place of knowing There"s more that what can be linked Calling Calling, Never will I look away For what life has left for me Yearning Yearning, for what"s left of loving Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Calling Calling, in the depth of longing Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... —————————————————————————————————— 天使与恶魔在我上方环绕 飒飒穿过困苦与银河 唯一不知道快乐的人 是唯一不懂他召唤的人 我正在召唤,召唤着,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿… 孤单一人…生命的意义何在… 孤单一人…一切都不再真实… …无止境地奔跑… 当我活着的时候,我能努力的飞翔而不跌落 不会忘记如何幻想…如何去爱 …无止境地奔跑… 召唤召唤,为了在熟悉的地方 有更多的东西彼此相联 召唤召唤,决不无视 生活所留给我的 向往,渴望,爱 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿…

攻壳机动队第一季OP“Inner Universe”的中文歌词

天使与恶魔在我上方环绕 飒飒穿过困苦与银河 唯一不知道快乐的人 是唯一不懂他召唤的人 我正在召唤,召唤着,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿… 孤单一人…生命的意义何在… 孤单一人…一切都不再真实… …无止境地奔跑… 当我活着的时候,我能努力的飞翔而不跌落 不会忘记如何幻想…如何去爱 …无止境地奔跑… 召唤召唤,为了在熟悉的地方 有更多的东西彼此相联 召唤召唤,决不无视 生活所留给我的 向往,渴望,爱 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿…

Bill Withers的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Bill Withers专辑:CollectionsLean On MeHOME MADE 家族作诗:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI作曲:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI/Takahiro Watanabe(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(KURO)You are not alone 一人じゃないの倒れそうなら 仆を使えよ远虑せずに 寄り挂かればいい别に気にするな Lean On MeI"m your F.R.I.E.N.D.だ 『友达』だマブダチだ“SOUL BROTHA”つまり『人』という字の小っさい方さキミを伤付けるものを决して许さん(MICRO)Tell me, Tell me, Tell meその浮かない颜の訳は何?话せば すっきりする时もあるから 乗るぜ相谈に昔から何でも语り合ってきた中そんな仲间が 宝だから独りで悩みを抱えてないで苦楽は分かち合って行こうぜ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(MICRO)何が正解で不正解かさえも解らず行きばを无くしたPEOPLE见えない不安に怯えながら孤独を抱えた多くの人々大人たちも迷い込んだ迷路こんな时代だからこそ、一层寄りそって互いに助け合って行こう君は决して独りじゃないよ(KURO)谁もそんな强くはないし本当は淋しい それこそが本心だが最後に决めるのは自分自身さ勇気持って踏み出せ uh!してやれることは そうさ、ここまで後は自力で “顽张るだけ”そしてどうしようもなく 打ち拉がれたらまたここにくればいいさ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(KURO+MICRO)谁にも頼らないで生きている人间なんて绝対にいないだから Lean On Me 困った时はお互い様Lean On Me 持ちつ持たれつ助け合えばいいLean On Me You"re my friend そう心の支え キミがいるから仆にみなぎる底力(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こうLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”

A catch-up as a noun refers to a meeting 的中文意思?




Way Down (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Way Down (Lp Version)歌手:John Prine专辑:Common SenseTORI AMOS"Way Down"by sississMaybe I"m the afterglowCause I"m with the band you knowDon"t you hear the laughterOn the way downYes I am the anchormanDining here with Son of SamA hair too much to chat of On the way downGonna meet a great big starGonna drive his great big carGonna have it all here On the way downThe way downThe way downShe knowsLet"s goway downway downway downShe knowsway downway downway downShe knowsway downway downway downShe knows

Way Down (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Way Down (Lp Version)歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Boys For PeleTORI AMOS"Way Down"by sississMaybe I"m the afterglowCause I"m with the band you knowDon"t you hear the laughterOn the way downYes I am the anchormanDining here with Son of SamA hair too much to chat of On the way downGonna meet a great big starGonna drive his great big carGonna have it all here On the way downThe way downThe way downShe knowsLet"s goway downway downway downShe knowsway downway downway downShe knowsway downway downway downShe knows

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1. 请在提供我司的托书上提供收,发货人的详细信息,包括电话,传真,地址,收货人信息,邮政编码。 2. 请在托书上注明合约号,如无MAERSK合约号的一律以公开价计算。有合约号的客户,还需要在货物描述栏中填写合约号的公司名以及相应的合约号 3. 请在托书上注明付款方式-----预付或到付或第三地付费。如是第三地付费,必须提供第三地付款人名,地址,联系人电话和联系人。 4. 危险品订舱注意事项 1. 提供DG FORM 及 DG DECLARATION各一份,并需加盖SHPR及包装公司的章及英文签名(附件为DG FORM的样本) 2. 提供对应的危险货物包装检验结果单 3. 如有内外包装应注明,并注明每个外包装中装了多少个内包装 4. 如超过两个集装箱(包括两个)应注明每个的件毛体 5. 如有海洋污染应注明轻度还是重度 6. 客户在提箱后应尽快提供带箱封号的DG FORM 7. 24HR紧急联系人应有电话及人名 8. 请至少提前十个工作日订舱 5. 若是冷冻货物,挂衣箱或特种箱,请提供完整准确的信息,尽早订舱,以便安排设备。 6. 如是拼箱在关单号后加A,B,C……,此种关单号只用于订舱,若出提单时需要分单,请在EDI备注栏中注明SPLIT BILL字样及分单的总件数,MAERSK将随机产生新的提单号 7. 出口美国货物的运输必须在订舱单上注明运输路径是“MLB”还是“ALL WATER”,只有在次信息被去人后,相关的订舱才能被接受。 8. 当MAERSK确认舱位后,会以E-MAIL形式发送BOOKING COMFIRMATION。我司会及时发送您,您可以凭此领取设备交接单;设备交接单的截止时间为截港前提前四小时;箱子进港时的中转港代码请根据设备交接单右下交的三位代码填写。 9. 如有退关请尽早以书面形式通知我司客服,以便我司发送退关清单给MAERSK。

maersk 怎么读






Stars 的Dead Hearts歌词

Tell me everything that happened,Tell me everything you saw.They had lights inside their eyes...They had lights inside their eyes...Did you see the closing window,Did you hear the slamming door?They moved forward and my heart died...They moved forward and my heart died..Please, please tell me what they looked like,Did they seem afraid of you?They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew..I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!Did you touch them, did you hold them?Did they follow you to town?They make me feel I"m falling down...They make me feel I"m falling down...Was there one you saw too clearly,Did they seem too real to you?They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!I can say it, but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.It"s hard to know they"re out there,It"s hard to know that you still care.I can say it,but you won"t you believe me.You say you do, but you don"t deceive me.Dead hearts are everywhere!Dead hearts are everywhere!They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...They were kids that I once knew...They were kids that I once knew...Now they"re all dead hearts to you...

The Kids (Outta Time) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Kids (Outta Time) (Album Version)歌手:The Creetins专辑:(The) City Screams My NameB.O.B. Ft. Janelle Monae - The KidsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceDrug boy said it"s show timeStreets don"t give a damnThey filled with such pollutionThe kids don"t stand a chanceWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceWell, since I was planted at birthI abandoned my own planet and I landed on earthAs I kid I never understood what I observedSome of it was strange but most of it disturbed meAlways in detention for the lack of my attentionYou could call it deficit, really I just didn"t listenAnd I was always missin"The teachers like, where is bobby simons?But tryna get a record deal is all I can I rememberIt"s funny cause lookin back on the past that I had all my days in the streetsTryna prove that I was badI still elevated to the level that i"m atStill elevated to the level that i"m atWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceSometimes it"s hard to growWhile livin in fear of the unknownHow can he ever give loveWhen no love is in his heart?A child can barely see that iDo worry bout tomorrowAnd what it beholds,He drowns himselfDeep down in his sorrowWill you run or will you share your lightTell a story of the live and trySee it when we"re given hopeThat we know that we can growWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

The Kids (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Kids (Album Version)歌手:The Parlor Mob专辑:And You Were A CrowB.O.B. Ft. Janelle Monae - The KidsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceDrug boy said it"s show timeStreets don"t give a damnThey filled with such pollutionThe kids don"t stand a chanceWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceWell, since I was planted at birthI abandoned my own planet and I landed on earthAs I kid I never understood what I observedSome of it was strange but most of it disturbed meAlways in detention for the lack of my attentionYou could call it deficit, really I just didn"t listenAnd I was always missin"The teachers like, where is bobby simons?But tryna get a record deal is all I can I rememberIt"s funny cause lookin back on the past that I had all my days in the streetsTryna prove that I was badI still elevated to the level that i"m atStill elevated to the level that i"m atWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceSometimes it"s hard to growWhile livin in fear of the unknownHow can he ever give loveWhen no love is in his heart?A child can barely see that iDo worry bout tomorrowAnd what it beholds,He drowns himselfDeep down in his sorrowWill you run or will you share your lightTell a story of the live and trySee it when we"re given hopeThat we know that we can growWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

The Kids [Feat. Janelle MonáE] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Kids [Feat. Janelle MonáE] (Album Version)歌手:B.o.B专辑:B.O.B Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby RayB.O.B. Ft. Janelle Monae - The KidsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceDrug boy said it"s show timeStreets don"t give a damnThey filled with such pollutionThe kids don"t stand a chanceWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceWell, since I was planted at birthI abandoned my own planet and I landed on earthAs I kid I never understood what I observedSome of it was strange but most of it disturbed meAlways in detention for the lack of my attentionYou could call it deficit, really I just didn"t listenAnd I was always missin"The teachers like, where is bobby simons?But tryna get a record deal is all I can I rememberIt"s funny cause lookin back on the past that I had all my days in the streetsTryna prove that I was badI still elevated to the level that i"m atStill elevated to the level that i"m atWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceSometimes it"s hard to growWhile livin in fear of the unknownHow can he ever give loveWhen no love is in his heart?A child can barely see that iDo worry bout tomorrowAnd what it beholds,He drowns himselfDeep down in his sorrowWill you run or will you share your lightTell a story of the live and trySee it when we"re given hopeThat we know that we can growWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

Dead (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dead (Lp Version)歌手:They Might Be Giants专辑:FloodDead Song LyricsArtist(Band):NortherBY fyongcuThere"s pain within,I can"t defineInside, within, inside,illhealthy I feelWhen your inmost yieldsand you falldeeper and deeper into grieffor each breath you takeDark dresses my pale skincold shivers down my spineI have lost hopeof loving a day of lifeFaithhas fallen from meI"m rotting insideFearsickening conditionsfrightening reflections...feeling divine!!! dim the light in nothing......all ending...solo: P.Lindroos & K.RantaSleeping well in my killing bedstaring blind around -Am I slipping away?In the hollow decorating my gravebegging please...disconnect the painWhen you"re going blindfrom your tearsand you wander deeperand deeper into sorrowfor each step you takeAnd your feet won"t carryyou no moreand you sink deeperand deeper into miseryand you"ll soon dim the light in nothing......all ending...

类比的句子求帮忙~ 1.leaving home for first time is like 2

1、Leaving home for the first time is like taking the first step in your life. You know you may fall, but nothing can stop you from movin forward. 第一次离开家就像人生中第一次走路。你知道你可能会摔倒,但是任何事都无法阻拦你的脚步。2、Dealing with failure is like fixing wounds. It"s painful but it makes you stronger. 面对失败就像处理伤口。很痛,但是能够让你变得更坚强。3、Experiencing grief is like having your heart out and dried up in the sun. You know you are alive, somehow you feel dead inside. 经历悲伤就像把你的新掏出来,并且在太阳底下晒干。你知道自己还活着,但感到到得却是死亡。这样的可以吗?如果可以,我再继续向下下面的。



legal last name 和legal first name 分别对应中文名中的什么?


look,the kids (wear) hats and sweaters

are wearing.因为look是现在进行时的标志

There are two toy bears in the box.two toy bears划

What are there in the box?盒子里有什么?

The Kids (Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Kids (Live Version)歌手:Lou Reed专辑:Perfect Night In LondonB.O.B. Ft. Janelle Monae - The KidsMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceDrug boy said it"s show timeStreets don"t give a damnThey filled with such pollutionThe kids don"t stand a chanceWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceWell, since I was planted at birthI abandoned my own planet and I landed on earthAs I kid I never understood what I observedSome of it was strange but most of it disturbed meAlways in detention for the lack of my attentionYou could call it deficit, really I just didn"t listenAnd I was always missin"The teachers like, where is bobby simons?But tryna get a record deal is all I can I rememberIt"s funny cause lookin back on the past that I had all my days in the streetsTryna prove that I was badI still elevated to the level that i"m atStill elevated to the level that i"m atWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceSometimes it"s hard to growWhile livin in fear of the unknownHow can he ever give loveWhen no love is in his heart?A child can barely see that iDo worry bout tomorrowAnd what it beholds,He drowns himselfDeep down in his sorrowWill you run or will you share your lightTell a story of the live and trySee it when we"re given hopeThat we know that we can growWe"re trapped inside the matrixForced to play our handWe"re fill with so much hatredThe kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceI said the kids don"t, the kids don"t stand, the kids don"t stand a chanceMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

toy box 的superstar在那儿下载啊?

SUPER STAR Tarzan & Jane ftp:。。222。635。75。08。Best 82。00 Tarzan & Jane。mp6 I Believe In You s唰ㄚ撺ētЕdㄐdㄐm

what are in the toy box---- five cars 找错误

ARE 应该改为IS

your cars is in the toy box的肯定回答是什么?

句子错了 主谓不一致要么是 Is your car in the toy box? 肯定回答 Yes, it is. 或Are your cars in the toy box? Yes, they are. 既然是回答,肯定是针对一个问题啊,所以要是问句

求助英语短文改错I am a boy in the first grades of a senior high school.

first grade offeel uneasy recently

toy box的surperstar中文歌词

  泰勒 斯威夫特:  [00:12.28]This is wrong 这是不正确的  [00:13.60]But I can"t help but feel like 但是我控制不住自己去想  [00:18.05]There aint nothin" more right babe 宝贝 没有比这个更正确的了  [00:23.37]Misty morning comes again and I can"t 雾蒙蒙的早晨又来了  [00:28.95]Help but wish I could see your face 我真的好期待可以看到你的脸  [00:34.24]And I knew from the first note played 我从我的第一个乐符就知道  [00:37.29]I"d be breaking all my rules to see you 为了见你 我可以违反一切原则  [00:44.69]You smile that beautiful smile  [00:47.52]And all the girls in the front row  [00:49.64]Scream your name  [00:52.50]  [00:55.81]So dim that spotlight,  [00:58.56]Tell me things like I can"t take my eyes  [01:05.87]Off of you I"m no one special,  [01:10.87]Just another wide eyed girl  [01:14.97]Who"s desperately in love with you  [01:19.43]Give me a photograph to hang on my wall  [01:28.54]Superstar  [01:32.72]  [01:41.50]Morning loneliness comes around when I"m not  [01:47.88]Dreaming about you  [01:52.78]When my world wakes up today  [01:55.89]You"ll be in another town  [02:03.50]And I knew when I saw your face I"d be  [02:06.67]Counting down the ways to see you  [02:14.71]And you smile that beautiful smile  [02:17.36]And all the girls in the front  [02:18.96]Row scream your name  [02:23.41]  [02:25.19]So dim that spotlight,  [02:27.97]Tell me things like I can"t take my eyes  [02:35.24]Off of you I"m no one special,  [02:40.36]Just another wide eyed girl  [02:44.32]Who"s desperately in love with you  [02:48.82]Give me a photograph to hang on my wall  [02:57.92]Superstar  [03:02.11]  [03:05.32]You played in bars, you play guitar  [03:10.71]And I"m invisible and everyone knows who you are  [03:16.30]And you"ll never see you sing me to sleep  [03:22.10]Every night on the radio  [03:27.98]  [03:29.48]So dim that spotlight,  [03:32.16]Tell me things like I can"t take my eyes  [03:39.29]Off of you I"m no one special,  [03:44.16]Just another wide eyed girl  [03:48.45]Who"s desperately in love with you  [03:52.96]Give me a photograph to hang on my wall  [04:02.09]Superstar  [04:05.51]  [04:07.32]Sweet, sweet superstar superstar.  [04:20.15]

高考英语题 English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of___uses it somewhat

这是考察定语从句,each of which 的which 指代逗号前面的 several diverse cultures,选项只有which,是定语从句关系代词。B选项what,不是定语从句关系代词中的。

Their problem today is somewhat similar to _________ they faced many years ago.

填that容易被误认为是that引导的宾语从句 我认为最好的答案应为what 或者 the ones 更恰当

English is a language shared byseveral diverse culture, each of ____ uses it somewhat differently.


It is a pair of trousers. or It is a trousers.谁是正确?

(pair of ) trousers shorts slack. For attributive adjective naming a quality is used with the noun as in "of trousers" (a) Some nouns have the same form in plural as in singular:- eg:-deer (b)Some nouns have no plural forms although they are not material or abstract nouns:- eg:-luggage; often use "a piece" and "some pieces" to count them. (c)Some nouns look singular but have a plural meaning:- eg:-the young (d) Some nouns look plural but are singular:- eg:-news (e)Some nouns are always plural:- eg:-clothes pants pyjamas shorts trousers pair of trousers "some" pair of trousers It is a pair of trousers. It is a pair of trousers. trousers:[名词]〔复数使用〕裤子(◆在美国:形式以外,使用 pants。 <本题> 例1. It is a (new) pair of trousers { 这是一条(新)裤子 } 例2. These trousers are dirty. { 这条(这些)裤子很脏。} (◆1条或2条以上皆可使用;欲明示2条以上的事情之场合,使用 these pairs of trousers) 例3. be in short trousers { (我)还是孩子 } 根据Yahoo奇摩字典 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 It is a pair of trousers. 因为牛仔裤系计双数嘅 A pair of trousers is the correct form. Trousers always in pairs. 裤子中文不分单、复数,英语裤子永远是复数。 It is a pair of trousers.

work in pairs pair为什么加s,pair本身已经是两个人(一对)的意思

对班级里面学生说,就是pairs 因为学生不可能才有两个。是有好几个两个。

our teacher tell you to work in ____(pair).pairs ??请讲一下这个词的用法

in pairs 是固定搭配

"Work in pairs."是什么意思?


work in pairs是什么意思


in pairs,decide who alice


work in pairs是什么意思


please ask and answer the qusetions in pairsu3002pair


sometimes we do our exercises 【】是填on pair,on pairs。in pair,in pairs

in pairs一对对的

"work in pairs"是什么意思?

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