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Rsc数据库主要收录化学化工、材料、生物、制药、环保、食品加工等领域的文献。英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry,简称RSC)成立于1841年,是以促进全球化学领域研究发展与传播为宗旨的国际权威学术机构,是化学信息的一个重要宣传机关和出版商。RSC出版的期刊是化学领域的核心期刊,大部分被SCI和MEDLINE收录,如Analyst Chemical Society Reviews、Chemical Communications、Green Chemistry等都是相关领域中非常著名的期刊。RSC的旗舰杂志是化学通讯(Chemical Communications),它刊载化学所有领域最新成果的简要报告。在普通化学方面,有新化学杂志和化学学会评论,形成了各类文章的荟萃,其学科涉及出自Dalton Transactions、有机和生物分子化学及材料化学杂志所研究的物理化学。无机化学、有机化学和材料化学,甚至有自1876年以来持续出版的分析家杂志及芯片实验室杂志。与普通化学和“有机和生物分子化学”杂志相关联, 2005年RSC又有分子生物系统和软物质两本杂志出版发行。RSC权威数据库:1、Analytical Abstracts为分析化学领域特制的文摘信息,全面覆盖新技术与应用方面的内容。收录250多种国际性期刊,每月新增约1400条文摘。2、Catalysts and Catalysed Reactions资料时限为2001-2003年,是报道催化化学研究各领域最新研究进展的文摘数据库。每次增加200多条催化方面的图解文摘,原始论文选自100多种期刊,内容包括:均相、异相、多相、生物催化等方面。3、Chemical Hazards in Industry主要涉及化学和相关产业中影响安全和健康的问题,覆盖了工业卫生、工业安全和最优方法、化学处理、化学和生物危险、储存和运输、紧急事件预防和安全立法、工厂加工、工业危险、废物管理、设备保护。

英语smaller mortage brokers怎么翻译?

"Smaller mortgage brokers" 可以翻译为 "规模较小的抵押贷款经纪人" 或者 "小型抵押贷款经纪人"。"Smaller mortgage brokers" 的发音为 /u02c8smu0254u02d0lu0259r u02c8mu0254u02d0ɡu026adu0292 u02c8bru0259u028aku0259rz/。

Les Derniers Seront Les Premiers 歌词

歌曲名:Les Derniers Seront Les Premiers歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Original Album ClassicsCeline Dion - Les Derniers Seront Les Premiers(duet with Jean-Jacques Goldman)Quand marcher sans autre butPlus de passé demain fourbuDans le néant du froid de la rueQuand les mots n"existent plusQuand l"espérance oubliée, dissolueQuand les alcools même ne saoulent plusRestent les phrases écorchéesDe ces phrases qu"on jette avant de renoncerLes derniers seront les premiersDans l"autre réalitéNous serons princes d"éternitéUn billet sur le trottoirDans un journal d"autres histoiresUn rayon de soleil au hasardUne fleur abandonnéeCe que les autres ont laissé de cotéPlus assez neuf, plus assezQuand ta place est au-dehorsNe reste que ces phrases comme ile au trésorLes derniers seront les premiersDans l"autre réalitéNous serons princes d"éternité

Tears smile是什么意思?

眼泪 微笑

Dean (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dean (Lp Version)歌手:Terry Reid专辑:RiverLAST ALLIANCE - deandre作词:ANZAI作曲:佐野森吾deandrerun in parallelWhile keeping space delicatelyThe two of each other go into parallelWhile hitting beautiful lightIrony, seriously, defenseless, funnilyPatronize each otherBut we doesn"t hold a dream and a desireProbably It will be the dull worldWe have a hope and turn down an idea andWe piled up and jumping the stairs slowlyBreak the stairs I piled upEven wanna make friends with somebodydeandrerun in parallelWhile keeping space delicatelyThe two of each other go into parallelWhile hitting beautiful lightTake freedom! Relieve it!Wake up! and open your mind!Irony, seriously, defenseless, funnilyPatronize each otherIf there isn"t a weir, the man will not injure a man,but will become the dull worldA detour and hope are connected by the equal signIt approaches slowlyRepeat de(struction) and re(generation)We make 0 to 1 be hurt, and being hurtEnd

安卓手机跳出“现在您打开了神策SensorsData SDK的”DEBUG_and_TRACK模式.........如何关闭?



分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 解析: 什么是RSS RSS是站点用来和其他站点之间共享内容的一种简易方式,通常被用于新闻和其他按顺序排列的网站,例如Blog。一段项目的介绍可能包含新闻的全部介绍等。或者仅仅是额外的内容或者简短的介绍。这些项目的链接通常都能链接到全部的内容。网络用户可以在客户端借助于支持RSS的新闻聚合工具软件,在不打开网站内容页面的情况下阅读支持RSS输出的网站内容。 RSS如何工作 您一般需要下载和安装一个RSS新闻阅读器,然后从网站提供的聚合新闻目录列表中订阅您感兴趣的新闻栏目的内容。订阅后,您将会及时获得所订阅新闻频道的最新内容。什么是SNS? SNS是一个采用分布式技术,通俗地说是采用P2P技术,构建的下一代基于个人的网络基础软件。 SNS通过分布式软件编程,将现在分散在每个人的设备上的CPU、硬盘、带宽进行统筹安排,并赋予这些相对服务器来说很渺小的设备更强大的能力。这些能力包括:计算速度,通信速度,存储空间。 SNS的技术起源:在互联网中,PC机、智能手机都没有强大的计算及带宽资源,它们依赖网站服务器,才能浏览发布信息。如果将每个设备的计算及带宽资源进行重新分配与共享,这些设备就有可能具备比那些服务器更为强大的能力。这就是分布计算理论诞生的根源,是SNS技术诞生的理论基础。 Wikipedia给blog的定义是: An online journal, typically consisting of a personal diary or social and political mentary, sometimes with replies from readers or RSS feeds.(一种在线日志,以个人日记或社会和政治评论为典型,有时包含读者的回复或RSS源。) 不过,早在blog出现之前,就存在在线日志这种形式,很多网站就提供“What"s New”这个页面,国内很多个人网站也有写“站长手记”的习惯。而且,以在线日志来涵盖blog,既没有定义blog的表象,也没有涉及blog的本质。还有很多人强调blog的链接特性,但链接显然是Web的特性,blog只是回归到Web的本质而已。


首先说明,由于英文水平有限,这段话是我从维基百科综合编辑出的,所以并非原创,请体谅。文中对地名及人名作了注释 On the way back to Seriphos Island(塞里福斯岛,珀尔修斯在此斩杀美杜莎并取其首级), Perseus(珀尔修斯) stopped in the kingdom of Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚,今非洲东部一国家). This mythical Ethiopia was ruled by King Cepheus(刻甫斯) and Queen Cassiopeia(卡西俄珀亚,即天空中的仙后座) Cassiopeia, having boasted her daughter Andromeda(安德洛墨达, 即天空中的仙女座) equal in beauty to the Nereids(海神涅柔斯的女儿们), drew down the vengeance of Poseidon(波塞冬), who sent an inundation on the land and a sea serpent, Cetus(一条名为塞特斯的鲸鱼海怪,即天空中的鲸鱼座), which destroyed man and beast. The oracle of Ammon(阿蒙神,古代埃及的太阳神) announced that no relief would be found until the king exposed his daughter Andromeda to the monster, and so she was fastened naked to a rock on the shore. Perseus slew the monster and, setting her free, claimed her in marriage.Perseus married Andromeda in spite of Phineus(菲纽斯), to whom she had before been promised. At the wedding a quarrel took place between the rivals, and Phineus was turned to stone by the sight of Medusa"s(美杜莎) head that Perseus had kept. Andromeda ("queen of men") followed her husband to Tiryns(梯林斯) in Argos(阿哥斯), and became the ancestress of the family of the Perseidae who ruled at Tiryns through her son with Perseus, Perses(珀耳塞斯).After her death she was placed by Athena(雅典娜) amongst the constellations in the northern sky, near Perseus and Cassiopeia.

Read me the first paragraph.句子结构,谢谢?

祈使句,带了双宾语。read动词原形,me间接宾语,the first paragraph直接宾语,其中first是定语。意思是,把第一段读给我听。

308B(KBC Version)主板应该装什么cpu?

Socket P接口的处理器主频都不高,你要主频3GHz以上的那就只有T9900符合了(3.06GHz),其他的都是3GHz以下的。

in the recent decades 还是in recent decades?in the recent years还是in recent years?

一般我看到外文的杂志上就是直接in recent decades /years,不用定冠词the了.不过原则上说都是正确的.但是一般口语,他们会习惯说"over the last few years" or just "recently".

求英语作文Love Is Understanding,150字、

As a new bride,one woman moved into the small home on her husband"s ranch in the mountains.She put a shoebox on a shelf in her closet and asked her husband never to touch it. For 50 years he left the box alone until his life partners was old and dying.One day,when he was putting their things in order,he found the box again and thought it might hold something important.Opening it,he discovered two doilies and USD82,500 in cash.He took the box to her and asked about the two things. "My mother gave me that box the day we married,"she explained."She told me to make a doilies to help ease myself every time I got angry at you." Her husband was touched,for in 50 years she"d only been angery enough to make two doilies. "What"s the USD82,500 for?"he asked. She explained,"Oh,that"s the money I"ve made selling the doilies," Marge Piercy beautifully said,"Everyone will get three gifts in life.Life is the first gift,love is the second and understanding is the third."But it is love that gives us life and understanding that brings about love.

考研英语Researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.

Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries.同学你好,这句话的主语是researchers,谓语是:have begun to extend,Despite引导让步状语从句,其中嵌套when引导的定语从句修饰the 1960s and 1970s,that引导的从句做appeared的表语从句。中文意思:虽然在20世纪的60年代和70年代,人们起初着实乐观了一阵,那时候晶体管电路和微处理器似乎能在2010年模仿人类大脑的活动,但是最近研究人员已经开始将这个预测延后数十年,甚至数百年。

The first few decades of his life.这个短语怎么翻译?

decade 意思是“十年”,the first few decades of his life 可翻译为“他一生中最初的数十年”。

软美元(Soft Dollars)是指什么?

A soft commission, or soft dollars, is a transaction-based payment made by an asset manager to a broker-dealer that is not paid in actual dollars.

这个图中的three decades years 中的decade用了复数形式decades,而t

Managers for the twenty-first century 21世纪的管理者Historical developments of the past half century and the invention of modern telecommunication and transportation technologies have created a word economy.effectively the American economy has died and been replaced by a word economy.过去半个世纪的历史发展和现代通讯与运输技术的发明已创造出了全球经济.实际上,美国的经济已消亡,取而代之的是全球经济.

decade与ten years有什么区别?

NHK : decade 跟 ten years...没有啥明显的分别...ten years 是标准英文的表示...而 decade...忘记是从古代希腊文...还是从拉丁文...演化出来的...中古世纪的1些英文词句...有很多是从希腊寓言...或拉丁法律中...演化出来的...decade 是其中1个例子...就像我们的"甲子"和"60年"1样...你现在用回"1甲子"去形容60年...也没人敢说你错...如果你怕词义不够明确...就用 ten years 吧...但是...有些句子的写法...是用 decade 比较优美...例如...the decade from 1900 to 1909....己经标示了数字年份...再直接用 Ten 去形容...会显得比较"累赘"...用 decade 就优美多了~...再者...decade 可以被重复...例如...Ten Decades 就是100年...比起直接写 A Hundred Years...又优美多了~...嘿嘿嘿....而且...decade 不止用于形容年数...它还是有其他用法滴~...存在主义...每1件现存于世界上的东东...总是有它自已...不被人取代的道理或优势~....哈哈哈嘻........

H.O.T在数学上什么意思?非线性部分?求大神给详细说明(肯定不是High-five Of Teenagers)



为您解答空间space通常指存在于天体celestial objects之间的空隙。然而宇宙universe是指所有天体和空间。因此,空间和宇宙之间的关键区别是包含不包含天体。

关于莫比乌斯反演(Mobius Inversion)的证明,需详细解释

用乘法分配率把每一个m(d)分配进每个g(d"),然后再重新提取每一个g(d") 而前面的系数为m(d),其中d满足d | (n/d")所以这些加起来就是sigma[ d | n/d" ] ( m(d) )举个例子当 n = 10d = 1 d‘ = 1,2,5,10 m(1)g(1) + m(1)g(2) + m(1)g(5) + m(1)g(10)d = 2 d‘ = 1,5 m(2)g(1) + m(2)g(5)d = 5 d" = 1,2 m(5)g(1) + m(5)g(2)d = 10 d" = 1 m(10)g(1)

I Was 17 (Easy Come, Easy Go Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Was 17 (Easy Come, Easy Go Album Version)歌手:Starflyer 59专辑:Easy Come, Easy Go Box Set恐 - Why (I Was)累荤 累邦 祈邦 碍鸥庆绢柳促绰 芭 备瞒窍瘤 臼霸 澄 焊郴林绰 芭 曼 绢妨奎绢弊贰辑 绢痘霸电 澄 棱绊 酵菌唱毫瘤陛 积阿秦焊搁 澄 棱瘤 给窍绊 庆绢柳 荤角焊促快府 庆绢龙 锭 郴啊 澄 腹捞 塞甸霸 沁带 霸 歹 饶雀啊 蹬啊阐 甸府绰 聪 家侥篮 捌沥档 绊刮档 腹篮 巴 鞍酒 焊咯弊贰辑 捌沥蹬 捞繁 积阿甸 锭付促 栋坷福绰 绢蠢 矫笼 力格贸烦瘤陛 舅绊乐绰吧 弊锭档 舅疽促搁 捞犯霸 酒橇柳 臼阑刨单酒聪菌绰单 呈甫 嘿棱绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单荤尔沁带 矫埃父怒捞扼档 酒抚翠霸 巢败抵具 沁绰单 恐 官焊贸烦坷罚 扁促覆 场俊 呈狼 楷遏阑 罐疽绢 技惑 绢蠢 锭焊促 青汗沁绢弊犯霸 促矫 焊霸等 呈档 郴 葛嚼阑 焊哥烤积阿苞 肚 弊措肺牢 郴 付澜俊 青汗秦窍绰 巴 鞍疽绢快赴 辑肺啊 肚 促弗 眠撅阑 父甸 荐 乐阑 芭扼 促咙沁绢窍瘤父 恐 弊法绰瘤 澄 促矫 焊霸 等 鉴埃何磐 郴 妇加浚肚 促弗 捞扁缴捞 积扁扁 矫累沁绢唱客 庆绢廉乐带 悼救 炼陛篮 崔扼柳 聪 葛嚼俊利瘤 臼篮 拳档 郴绊 腹篮 何淬阑 玲唱毫弊矾绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单 郴 捞扁缴捞 澄 肚 焊郴绊 富疽绢酒聪菌绰单 呈甫 嘿棱绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单荤尔沁带 矫埃父怒捞扼档 酒抚翠霸 巢败抵具 沁绰单 恐 官焊贸烦酒聪菌绰单 呈甫 嘿棱绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单荤尔沁带 矫埃父怒捞扼档 酒抚翠霸 巢败抵具 沁绰单 恐 官焊贸烦夸硫篮 澄 促 镭菌促 积阿窍绊 瘤郴 窍瘤父 啊阐 贱俊 秒茄 朝浚弊繁 朝浚 聪啊 腹捞 焊绊酵绢廉 固救秦 捞繁 唱慧 滚俯 绊媚具窍绰单呈 郴啊 捞矾绰 芭 饺绢窍垒酒 捞力 客辑 捞繁 娟扁窍绰 郴啊 快嚼摆瘤父弊 饶 1斥捞鄂 矫埃悼救 腹篮 积阿苞 肚促弗 饶雀甫 沁绢弊贰 捞哩 倒捞懦 荐 绝绰 巴档 澄 促矫 杭 荐 绝促绰 巴档 促 舅酒促弗 扒 酒衬 促父 弊历 聪啊 焊绊酵绢荤尔沁绰单 呈甫 焊郴绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单家吝沁带 呈甫 棱瘤 给窍绊 促矫 焊郴绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单 恐 官焊贸烦荤尔沁绰单 呈甫 焊郴绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单家吝沁带 呈甫 棱瘤 给窍绊 促矫 焊郴绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单 恐 官焊贸烦荤尔沁绰单 呈甫 焊郴绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单家吝沁带 呈甫 棱瘤 给窍绊 促矫 焊郴绰 霸 酒聪菌绰单 恐 官焊贸烦

Our first flag had a white elephsnt on it为什么用had

这个elephsnt应该是拼错了吧 之所以用had过去式表过去动作就是因为那是我们的第一面旗帜,用过去式隐含了现在的旗帜图案至少已经改变了。

Our first flag had a white elephant on it 是什么意思?


Our first flag had a white elephant on it中为什么要用had?

这个句子用的是一般过去式,如果是一般现在时,则是:Our first flag has a white elephant on it.

Pets ( Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pets ( Lp Version)歌手:Porno For Pyros专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Porno For PyrosPET SHOPA song for PearlPassin" by a pretty pet shop window,The captives there were barking at their walls.No one had time to stop and give them comfort,Or answer when the voice of bondage called.Turning back and goin" on my journey,I realized the world was just the same.The people who were walkin" here beside me,Were only in a little bigger cage.Listen to me, if you"re searchin",if you"re lookin" to be free.Hear the words of freedom,there"s a place for you and me.Get on board,don"t be left out in the storm,Before the chance is gone…you must flee.I wish I had a way to break your cages,And lift the iron bars from off your walls.But you alone can break the chains that bind you, bind you,And take the hand of freedom when she calls.I see the lonely tears within you cryin",Although your face is dry and wears a smile.There"s so much more to life than bein" empty,When you could have had the answers all the while.Listen to me, if you"re searchin",if you"re lookin" to be free.Hear the words of freedom,there"s a place for you and me.Get on board,don"t be left out in the storm,Before the chance is gone…… We must fleeListen to me, if you"re searchin",if you"re lookin" to be free.Hear the words of freedom,there"s a place for you and me.Get on board,don"t be left out in the storm,Before the chance is gone…… We must flee… We must flee

flowers are reluctant to flower是什么意思

lowers are reluctant to flower花不愿意花如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


one-versus-rest和one-versus-one的不同  SVM算法最初是为二值分类问题设计的,当处理多类问题时,就需要构造合适的多类分类器。  目前,构造SVM多类分类器的方法主要有两类:一类是直接法,直接在目标函数上进行修改,将多个分类面的参数求解合并到一个最优化问题中,通过求解该最优化问题“一次性”实现多类分类。这种方法看似简单,但其计算复杂度比较高,实现起来比较困难,只适合用于小型问题中;另一类是间接法,主要是通过组合多个二分类器来实现多分类器的构造,常见的方法有one-against-one和one-against-all两种。  a.一对多法(one-versus-rest,简称1-v-r SVMs, OVR SVMs)。训练时依次把某个类别的样本归为一类,其他剩余的样本归为另一类,这样k个类别的样本就构造出了k个SVM。分类时将未知样本分类为具有最大分类函数值的那类。  假如我有四类要划分(也就是4个Label),它们是A、B、C、D。于是我在抽取训练集的时候,分别抽取A所对应的向量作为正集,B,C,D所对应的向量作为负集;B所对应的向量作为正集,A,C,D所对应的向量作为负集;C所对应的向量作为正集, A,B,D所对应的向量作为负集;D所对应的向量作为正集,A,B,C所对应的向量作为负集,这四个训练集分别进行训练,然后的得到四个训练结果文件,在测试的时候,把对应的测试向量分别利用这四个训练结果文件进行测试,最后每个测试都有一个结果f1(x),f2(x),f3(x),f4(x).于是最终的结果便是这四个值中最大的一个。  p.s.: 这种方法有种缺陷,因为训练集是1:M,这种情况下存在biased.因而不是很实用.  b.一对一法(one-versus-one,简称1-v-1 SVMs, OVO SVMs, pairwise)。其做法是在任意两类样本之间设计一个SVM,因此k个类别的样本就需要设计k(k-1)/2个SVM。当对一个未知样本进行分类时,最后得票最多的类别即为该未知样本的类别。Libsvm中的多类分类就是根据这个方法实现的。


one-versus-rest和one-versus-one的不同  SVM算法最初是为二值分类问题设计的,当处理多类问题时,就需要构造合适的多类分类器。  目前,构造SVM多类分类器的方法主要有两类:一类是直接法,直接在目标函数上进行修改,将多个分类面的参数求解合并到一个最优化问题中,通过求解该最优化问题“一次性”实现多类分类。这种方法看似简单,但其计算复杂度比较高,实现起来比较困难,只适合用于小型问题中;另一类是间接法,主要是通过组合多个二分类器来实现多分类器的构造,常见的方法有one-against-one和one-against-all两种。  a.一对多法(one-versus-rest,简称1-v-r SVMs, OVR SVMs)。训练时依次把某个类别的样本归为一类,其他剩余的样本归为另一类,这样k个类别的样本就构造出了k个SVM。分类时将未知样本分类为具有最大分类函数值的那类。  假如我有四类要划分(也就是4个Label),它们是A、B、C、D。于是我在抽取训练集的时候,分别抽取A所对应的向量作为正集,B,C,D所对应的向量作为负集;B所对应的向量作为正集,A,C,D所对应的向量作为负集;C所对应的向量作为正集, A,B,D所对应的向量作为负集;D所对应的向量作为正集,A,B,C所对应的向量作为负集,这四个训练集分别进行训练,然后的得到四个训练结果文件,在测试的时候,把对应的测试向量分别利用这四个训练结果文件进行测试,最后每个测试都有一个结果f1(x),f2(x),f3(x),f4(x).于是最终的结果便是这四个值中最大的一个。  p.s.: 这种方法有种缺陷,因为训练集是1:M,这种情况下存在biased.因而不是很实用.  b.一对一法(one-versus-one,简称1-v-1 SVMs, OVO SVMs, pairwise)。其做法是在任意两类样本之间设计一个SVM,因此k个类别的样本就需要设计k(k-1)/2个SVM。当对一个未知样本进行分类时,最后得票最多的类别即为该未知样本的类别。Libsvm中的多类分类就是根据这个方法实现的。

R | ggpairs -- 可视化相关性

最近想要可视化样本间的相关性,但又不满足于常规的相关性热图。因此,就注意到 GGally 包中的 ggpairs 函数,可以方便地实现多方面的相关性可视化。 下面以 airway 数据集进行演示: 这里我们在前4个样本中随机选取1000个基因进行展示 ggpairs 将输出的图划分为三个区域,分别是左下角的 lower , 对角线的 diag , 以及右上角的 upper . 对于连续性数值变量,默认在 lower 区画pairwise scatter plot, diag 区画density plot, upper 区展示相应的pairwise Pearson"s correaltion coefficient. 进一步,我还希望在左下角的散点图中加入 y=x 的拟合线,并在对角线的加上直方图。我们可以通过自定义画图的函数实现这些操作。 再放一个高度修改的版本 在我看来 ggpairs 相当于是一个 ggplot2 的集成可视化方法,可以很方便的一次性展示多个方面的相关性信息。同时,它的可定制性也很高,可以满足许多额外的可视化需求。唯一的缺陷可能是需要耗费一定功夫写出包装的函数。


英文原文: letters and sounds怎么读英式音标: [let?z] [?nd; (?)n; ?nd] [?sa?ndz] 美式音标: [let?z] [?nd? ?n??nd] [?sa?ndz]


我来讲一下,手机支持USB host与否是与处理器有关的,现在的手机处理器好多是支持的。但关键来讲,要想实现USB与232通信需要一下硬件支持:USB转232芯片模块软件:操作系统有USB host驱动,有USB转232芯片驱动,有通信软件所以理论上可行,实际上是几乎不可能的。事实上,几乎百分百的手机处理器都带有电平方式的串口(可以理解为232),多数不止一组,只是驱动和通信软件是难题,还有,手机和GSM GPRS通信模块通信就是采用的串口方式,和GPS通信也是串口方式,具体可以百度或谷歌。以上,是准确说法

Satisfy (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Satisfy (Album Version)歌手:Meshell Ndegeocello专辑:BitterVedera----satisfyIf There was a way to try and make it backBack to where we started fromCould I find a way to try and make you stayWould you know what could be doneI don"t wanna deny my heartIt"s dense to feelI don"t wanna deny my soulSomething realIs there anything left in ths world that would satisfy me, ohh...Is there anything thing left in this world that will satisfy you, tonight..We were sailing onI could see the world belowNever thought I"ve come downExpectations failIt seemed as though our will was no match for the trouble foundI don"t wanna deny my heartIt"s dense to feelI don"t wanna deny my soulSomething realIs there anything left in this world that would satisy me, ohh...Is there anything left in this world that will satisfy you, tonight...So take me hand and I won"t look backThough I"ve lived times along these waysI will stay...Is there anything left in this world that would satisfy me, ohhh...Is there anything left in this world that would satisfy me, ohh...Is there anything left in this world that will satisfy you, ohhoo...Is there anything left in this world that would satisfy me, tonight...


water flow sensor水流量传感器拼音双语对照双语例句1Application of Water Flow Sensor to Gas Water Heater水流量传感器在燃气热水器的应用

Faster (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Faster (Album Version)歌手:Dial-7专辑:Never Enough TimeI can"t see,"Cause it"s burning deep inside.Like gasoline, a fire running wildNo more fear,"Cause I"m getting closer now.So unreal, but I like it anyhow.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.I can feel,That you"ve mezmerized my heart.I feel so free, I"m alive, I"m breaking out.I won"t give in,"Cause I"m proud of all my scars.And I can see I"ve been wasting too much time.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.A fairytale of lies.

Manic Street Preachers的《Faster》 歌词

歌曲名:Faster歌手:Manic Street Preachers专辑:National Treasures - The Complete SinglesI"m just as nervous as youlast night I took one look at youand I got this feeling you"re the right oneNow you don"t know what to dotime ticks away and you got to chooseyou know which feeling is the right one,the right oneThis is what it looks likethis is what it feels likeand this is your heart beating faster,fasterI"ll lose my voiceif you won"t make a choiceI"ll lose my headif you go to him againI"ll lose my mindif you won"t take me back tonighttake me back tonightI hope I"m not pressuring youthat"s the last thing I"d ever want to docause you know which feeling"s the right onethe right oneThis is what it looks likethis is what it feels likeand this is your heart beating faster,fasterI"ll lose my voiceif you won"t make a choiceI"ll lose my headif you go to him againI"ll lose my mindif you won"t take me back tonighttake me back tonighttake me back tonightI can"t stand thisI can"t just watch you get hurtyou know which feeling"s the right onethe right oneThis is what it looks likethis is what it feels likeand this is your heart beating faster,fasterI"ll lose my voiceif you won"t make a choiceI"ll lose my headif you go to him againI"ll lose my mindif you won"t take me back tonighttake me backI"ll lose my voiceif you won"t make a choiceI"ll lose my headif you go to him againI"ll lose my mindif you won"t take me back tonighttake me back tonighttake me back tonighttake me back tonight

Manic Street Preachers的《Faster》 歌词

歌曲名:Faster歌手:Manic Street Preachers专辑:Forever DelayedI can"t see,"Cause it"s burning deep inside.Like gasoline, a fire running wildNo more fear,"Cause I"m getting closer now.So unreal, but I like it anyhow.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.I can feel,That you"ve mezmerized my heart.I feel so free, I"m alive, I"m breaking out.I won"t give in,"Cause I"m proud of all my scars.And I can see I"ve been wasting too much time.I go faster and faster and fasterand faster and faster and faster and faster.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.And I can"t hide from the feeling "cause it"s right.And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.I can"t live in a fairytale of lies.A fairytale of lies.

be vital to making a good first impression这里为什么to后用making

be vital to sth/doing sth.. 意思是“为...所不可缺少的”,这里的 to 是介词而不是用在不定式前的小品词 to ,介词后必须用名词活动名词,所以句子中用了 making 而不是 make。同样的例子还有:look forward to sth/doing sth. 期待某事或做某事;be used to sth/doing sth. 习惯于某事或做某事;be due to sth/doing sth 归因于事或做某事;owe to sb. 归功于某人

求高一英语作文my first impression of my new school

I am one a member of the high school now, I love this school very much.The school contains beautiful teaching buildings, big playground, the book building and science building.There are plenty of green tree in the campus . There are a lot of big gardens, precinct chief in garden wears various flowers.This school set up in more than 100 year ago, it has a very long history.Our class makes up of 61 students, they are all very friendly, the headteacher calls Mr. wang, we get along well with him.Teacher WANG experienced a lot, the work enthusiasm;The classmates study effort, the life is filled with merriment.

First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get ______ second chance to make _...

A 这题考查冠词的用法:第一空填a,a second chance“再一次机会”,第二空填the,表示第一印象,选A。

My first impression to 作文

I"m very happy to be your teacher. You are a good student. You can finish your homework in time and in high quality.You are fond of playing computer. I think you can make your life happy and wonderful. As a tutor, l think it is good for you and me. l willtry my best to help you with your difficulty in study and living.I believe you will become a better student. Your family is warm and happy .Do you think so ? Your mother ,father and grandmother are all very friendly,I feel happy .It is a pleasure to come to your home.I know your parents are often at work ,you only stay with your grandmother.Do you feel loney?If so ,I am willing to be your friend,and you can say something to me .Parhaps I can help you.You are a teenage ,all you should to do is to study hard and to be a good person. 7th April By——liu

the first world war加the 对不对?


how to create a good first impression?


what do you think makes a bad first impression?

i don"t know what do you mean.But don"t worry too much of 别人对你的看法。四级没过,见谅。萝卜青菜,各有所爱。第一印象固然很重要,但是不同的人忠爱或是欣赏的人的类型又是不同的。不用刻意在意会给别人留下坏的印象,欣赏你的人自然会欣赏,不欣赏你的人刻意讨好也没用。

第一次世界大战first world war前面有没有the?


world war I怎么读为什么有人读first~有人读one?

应该是oneWorld War One=the first eorld war

make a first impression为什么用a而不用the


第一印象是the first impression 还是a first impression


单句英语改错: First impressions are the most lasting .

First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never have any chance to make first impressions.

make a first impression为什么用a而不用the

first 是序数词,序数词前必须加定冠词。

巩固训练2,为什么first impression前是a 不是the?


First impression on sb first impression of sb


first impression是什么意思

first impression英[fu0259:st imu02c8preu0283u0259n]美[fu025ast u026amu02c8pru025bu0283u0259n]释义初步印象第一印象; 初感; 第一印模1Two-time world 400 metres hurdles champion Kerron Clement said his first impression of the London wasn"t that favourable.两夺400米栏世界冠军的克莱门特说他对伦敦的第一印象不太好。

World War Iii (Lp Version) 歌词

歌名:WorldWar演唱:费尼克斯谁建立的帝国都即将没落我发动一场世界大战this is my world war我帮助我的臣民解除困惑kill all the motherfuckaz this is my world war你们为了什么什么 在这世界活着活着在这世界活着活着 到底为了什么什么你们在等凤凰凤凰 现在凤凰来了来了把你的一切给我给我 看我带给你wut wut我到底睡了多久 我的大门一直紧扣有很多人试图把我唤醒 可是我沉默依旧我在一个幻境游走 找寻一个出口等待某个时候 释放被驯化的野兽this world is too oldnew rule needs to know这些本该嗜血的孩子不懂强食弱肉就象玩具商店在巡游 到处都是木偶所有动作都已被确定 就跟着齐步走responsibility i have 我有责任拯救自己或是孩子 不应该做行尸走肉可是谁能给谁保佑 谁又可以给谁诅咒人类几千年的进化也没能阻止人性的丑陋当我睁开双眼ayo 一切都loose control这个世界竟然还是被一群小丑左右希望凤凰说yes?no!凤凰说stop!oh!我扯断你的喉咙fucking bitches i kill you老师教你有什么基础 就一定会有什么建筑也会教你走什么路 做什么事要有什么度but sumting they"ll never know ur shit is so kool我摧毁他们你给的束缚 we dont wanna be fooled所有教化 最初 都希望人们有所悔悟我们的想法和现实不符 应该乞求宽恕?所以统治者都先是仁慈后来又都变冷酷被统治者也都先是感恩后来又都变麻木so good?做只吃饱的绵羊别做挨饿老虎i dont believe dat bullshit 竟被当作过街老鼠我打碎牢笼释放这些被囚禁的暴徒nothing to loose 是时候该让我们报复有主人的和没主人的谁比谁更舒服那驯化了的和没驯化的谁比谁更无助who will win?who will loose?there is a gun here is the shoot一将功成万骨枯 all the people die you too所有年轻的孩子们啊 你们想过会死吗?你去问问superman他也不会长寿吧给你幻想的一些神话 把你带去哪呢?这有个机会让你爆发 你会把握住吗无论什么人都活在别人掌控之下与其让别人给个制度 不如自己创造吧每个人都能成为KING只是因为你害怕害怕失去所有的一切 u are the moteherfucka所有的个性价值观统统面临绞杀朋友告诉你铤而走险妈妈告诉你脚踏实地世界变化快妈妈已经老了旧的终将倒塌 那些老的终将倒下有多少人无所事事都在原地踏步有多少人瞎了眼睛迷失在面前岔路该去哪 我为你占卜 听这隆隆战鼓费尼克斯现在就为你揭开战争大幕

第一次世界大战英语是the first World War还是the first World Gre

the First World War (1914-1918); World War; WW I; first world war; world war one ;



Blackjack (Remastered Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Blackjack (Remastered Version)歌手:Ray Charles专辑:Definitive Soul: Ray Charles作词:yasu作曲:yasu编曲:Janne Da Arc君と逢った バッタリ杀し文句 バッチリよく决まった ハッタリ今すぐ恋に堕ちてくれ君と二人 じっくり人目隠れ しっとり裸になり まったり君のすべてを见せてくれキスしただけ それっきり軽くフラれて ガッカリ悔しさだけが たっぷりここで引くわけにはいかない恋も常にギャンブル负けを知らないBLACK JACKまだまだまだクールフェイスいつも 俺は 无敌のJOKER!キレイな女はいらないケバイジュエルもつまらない魔薬なスリルが欲しいのさ明日の事は このコインに委ねるOne for ギャンブル!Two for the 娯楽!Three for SEX! Last HONEY×2One for ギャンブル!Two for the 娯楽!Three for SEX! Last My HONEY君と逢った バッタリ杀し文句 バッチリよく决まった ハッタリ今すぐ恋に堕ちてくれ饮み干された カクテル行き场のない ピストル今からが サバイバル胜负はまだまだこれから意地になり もう一回ハイリスクで いっきにヤバイ予感 ちょっぴりサングラス越しの苦笑いイタズラに君 ニッコリヒキの强さに ビックリボロ负けしてもやっぱり君がどうしても欲しくて切り札は最上级负けるはず无いBLACK JACKギリギリギリポーカーフェイスなぜか 胜てない 君だけ堕ちないこの悲しみだけ消えないいつまでも忘れられない落とした涙を拾って夜のあの空に投げ舍て星になるOne for ギャンブル!Two for the 娯楽!Three for SEX! Last HONEY×2One for ギャンブル!Two for the 娯薬!Three for SEX! Last My HONEY君にフラれて ガッカリ...终わり


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)



yours sincerely的标准译法


sincerely yours是什么意思

sincerely yours你的真诚 拼音 双语对照 sincerely yours英 [su026anu02c8su026au0259lu026a ju0254:z] 美 [su026anu02c8su026arli ju028arz] 词典谨上网络结束语; 您诚挚的; 歧路天堂形近词: Sincerely Yours




因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)

yours sincerely和yours sincerely有什么区别?

总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式);一个比较 informal(非正式),建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,区别就是Yours sincerely 比Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。扩展资料:如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语Faithfully yours或Faithfully。如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely。美国英语是Yours truly 或Sincerely yours或Sincerely,都是“谨启”的意思。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter.The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer,more friendly,more personal.You use it when writing to a friend.参考资料:百度翻译-yours sincerely


因为yours是名词性物主代词,表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours。还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。yours是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和介词,可以翻译为你的家属,尊函,等等。万能的用法是:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours, 最方便。建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。扩展资料:Yours在英语书信中的特殊用法:1、私人信件中可以用:Best wishes,Best regards,Best,Regards,Warmesr regards,Yours ever,Yours,Cordially。2、公务信件的话,一般可以用:Yours faithfully,Yours trully,Yours respectfully,Yours gratefully,Yours cordially,如果是公务的正式信件中,给团体或者不知名的人写信,还可以用:Trully yours,Faithfully yours。英语信件最后可用的其他词:1、Love:非常私人的用法。适用于恋人,家人和亲密的朋友之间。2、Cheers:Cheers更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”;3、Thanks/Thank you:Thanks比较非正式一些,Thank you更加正式一些,常用于商业语境,尤其是当写信给陌生人问问题或者提要求的时候,Thank you是一种非常好的结束敬语;4、Best or Best Wishes:比较安全的非正式致意词,也是一个非常礼貌的用法,也可用于朋友之间或者陌生人之间。5、Regards or Best Regards:用于正式或非正式的商业场合,常用于对方是联系很久单位正式见面的人。参考资料来源:百度百科-yours (英语单词)







yours sincerely大写还是小写

总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式);一个比较 informal(非正式),建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,区别就是Yours sincerely 比Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。扩展资料:如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语Faithfully yours或Faithfully。如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely。美国英语是Yours truly 或Sincerely yours或Sincerely,都是“谨启”的意思。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter.The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer,more friendly,more personal.You use it when writing to a friend.



yours sincerely是什么意思

yours sincerelyn.谨上(书信结尾用语); 敬启(书信结尾用语); 鄙人,我网络您真诚的; 经常用在信的结尾; 你的真诚的双语例句1Your support is a foundation of our development, it is the space that we survive that yours is satisfied, We will serve you sincerely.你的支持是我们的发展根基,你的满意是我们的生存空间,紫烟全体员工挚诚为你服务。2Did you write “ sincerely yours ”?你写了“你诚挚的”吗?

高中英语:书信最后结尾your sincerely和sincerely yours是不是都可以?

英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter. The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer, more friendly, more personal. You use it when writing to a friend.总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式) 一个比较 informal。 建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely.希望解释对你有帮助—— u2665

请问写信结尾时除了sincerely yours,还有词吗?

1、投诉信 投诉信的结尾常用句式和套话 I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of … 2、询问信 询问信的结尾常用句式和套话 Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 3、请求信 请求信的结尾常用句式和套话 I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter. 4、道歉信 道歉信的结尾常用句式和套话 I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. 5、感谢信 感谢信的结尾常用句式和套话 I must thank you again for your generous help. 6、 建议信 表达建议常用句式和套话 I feel that it would be beneficial if … I would like to suggest that … I would recommend that … If I were you, I would … You may consider doing … It would seem to me that you could … As you may agree that … 建议信的结尾常用句式和套话 I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. 7、求职信 求职信的结尾常用句式和套话 Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you. If you need to know more about me, please contact me at … 8、推荐信 推荐信的结尾常用句式和套话 Therefore, I don"t hesitate to recommend … as the right person for your consideration. Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor. 9、 寻找失物信 寻找失物信的结尾常用句式和套话 I would really appreciate it if you could … 10、邀请信 邀请信的结尾常用句式和套话 My family and I would feel honored if you could come. We would be looking forward to your participation in the party. I really hope you can make it. Yours sincerely,原来还有一个「倒装」的版本,就是Sincerely yours。跟上面各种写法一样,第一个字以大草字母(S)开始,后面的字就以小草字母(y)开始。一般来说,Sincerely yours在美国人的书信中较常用。如果嫌Yours sincerely和Sincerely yours太长,还可以用「极简」版本,就是单一个字Sincerely。

通过ours Sincerel通过都大写吗

Yours sincerely不用都大写,开头的Yours大写即可,sincerely不用大写。Yours sincerely是谨启的意思,用于英文信件结尾署名前,也可以表示“您非常真挚的朋友”的意思。日常交往,商务往来或者正式文书都可以使用Yours sincerely,是标准的结尾方式。其他英文信件结尾有:1、Yours / Yours truly / Truly日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,虽然有一点点随意,但还是一种礼貌的方式。一般用于你之前见过面的对象。2、Best / Best wishes日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,是一种礼貌的方式。对朋友和陌生人都可以用。3、Regards / Best Regards商务往来或者正式文书。如果你和收信人没有在现实中打过交道,就用这个。

Yours Sincerely 同Yours Faithfully的分别?

letter开始是Dear sir/madam 即是你不知那个人的姓就有Yours faithfully 如果你知那个人的姓什么 eg开始你写Dear Mr Chan..... 就用Yours sincerely 纯粹问问, 其实返工之后问人都说用这两个都没什么分别, 没有特定几时用边个, 什至 *** 信有时有人名 DEAR MR. XXX 之后都用 YOURS FAITHFULLY (我都有收过), 咁点解以前考试用错就又一定要扣分? 正确是DEAR MR. XXX 用 YOURS SINCERELY DEAR SIR/ MADAM 用 YOURS FAITHFULLY, 只是现在大家都唔想考究而随便用? THANKS! 基本上没有任何分别,只是一句恭维语法。

英文信件的落款可以用那些句子? 除了 sincerely,yours,还有什么其它的说法吗?

yours lovingly yours sincerely yours fondly yours best wishes best regards kind regards kindly regards

到底怎么译Yours sincerely/Yours truly

Yours sincerely(用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启yours truly此致;你的挚爱;敬上

yours sincerely下面要加名字吗


yours sincerely和yours truly有什么区别?

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