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California state university long beach怎么样 介绍下

Mission California State University Long Beach is a diverse, student-centered, globally-engaged public university committed to providing highly-valued undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities through superior teaching, research, creative activity and service for the people of California and the world. Vision California State University Long Beach envisions changing lives by expanding educational opportunities, championing creativity, and preparing leaders for a changing world.ValuesEducational Opportunity Excellence Diversity Integrity Service Academic PurposeOur academic purpose is to graduate students with highly-valued degrees.Envisioned FutureCSULB is committed to being an outstanding teaching-intensive, research-driven university that emphasizes student engagement, scholarly and creative achievement, civic participation, and global perspectives.Teaching-Intensive, Research-Driven University CSULB students have many opportunities in their studies to gain a love of ideas; an appreciation of artistic expression, science, and technology; and an understanding of varied cultures. CSULB faculty members fully integrate the results of their research and creative activities into their teaching, invigorating and enhancing student learning. Students receive the advising and mentoring they need to realize their dreams because of the student-centered philosophy of CSULB"s faculty and staff. CSULB faculty members are widely recognized for their outstanding teaching, research, and creative activities. The University has the highest average graduation rate and the lowest average time to graduation among the public master"s-degree-granting universities in the West. The University continues to enhance the highly collegial climate that enables broad and deep collaboration in research, creative activities, and teaching. CSULB graduates have the necessary skills for successful careers in various fields and disciplines. CSULB is recognized for the rich diversity of its student body and the accomplishments of its students will demonstrate that it is both possible and essential to offer broad access to high quality education. Student Engagement CSULB is widely recognized for its high quality of services, activities and programs for students. CSULB has strong partnerships with faculty, staff, student and community groups so that we may serve as primary advocates to meet the needs of our diverse student population. CSULB embraces a culture of evidence that strives for continued quality improvement in our programs and services. CSULB invests in our human and technological resources so that we may optimally respond in a dynamic environment. CSULB makes a positive contribution to the greater society by developing responsible citizens, with highly valued degrees, for the 21st century. CSULB students graduate as skilled problem-solvers and practitioners of their disciplines through participation in research projects, creative endeavors, community service learning, and internships. "Beach pride" is pervasive not just among current faculty, staff, and students, but among graduates and friends of the campus, and most alumni will retain significant ties to campus programs, return to campus often, and support the campus financially. Other universities look to CSULB as the source of best practices in student engagement, instructional innovations, academic technologies, student services, and institutional effectiveness. Each CSULB student has the opportunity to enhance his or her educational experience through co-curricular activities that include student-to-student relationship-building in clubs, cultural activities sponsored by departments and colleges, and international programs and events. CSULB faculty receive adequate and appropriate recognition and reward for engaging in pedagogical practices such as community service learning that prepare students for responsible civic participation. CSULB is recognized as an "engaged campus," where students, faculty, and staff are actively involved in campus life and activities. Scholarly and Creative Achievement The expertise and research interests of CSULB faculty are recognized and valued nationally and internationally for their advancement of knowledge. CSULB faculty members receive both internal and external support for their research and creative activities. CSULB faculty researchers make significant contributions to resolving community and regional problems and planning for future needs of our region and the nation. Research/technology parks in the Greater Long Beach area include a high proportion of small companies spun off from campus-originated faculty-staff-student research projects. Community Engagement CSULB faculty, staff, and students are intensely involved in community service and partnerships with community agencies and non-profits, schools, and local government agencies. One of the fastest growing areas of campus activity is the business and technology "incubator" program, whereby faculty-staff-student research teams work together to bring ideas developed through external funding into the marketplace. All students have the opportunity and necessary financial support to earn credit toward degree through internships with area companies and community organizations. Global Perspectives The variety and scope of the University"s international curricular offerings are continuously broadened and deepened. Through a wide variety of curricular and extracurricular stratagems, all CSULB students are significantly exposed to a global perspective and many will develop multi-lingual abilities. Faculty and staff are significantly supported in internationally-related teaching and research. The international strengths of the University are promoted and communicated, both internally and externally. Services and SupportCSULB applies the highest standards in fiduciary and administrative responsibility through personal accountability, fairness and high ethical standards. CSULB is an employer of choice in public higher education. The CSULB physical environment is safe, accessible, functional, and inviting. 学校官方网站:



Acura RSX Type S 的发动机是什么型号?

这台便是这次由美国网友向MODI-AUTO提供的一台高性能跑车,名为RSX,车架代号DC5,因为为红顶的K20A2,马力输出200匹.这台ACURA RSX TYPE-S可能在国内暂时还比较少见,但不是没有,但数量不会太多,始终一台国内叫价高达46万的高性能跑车,能够接受的人并不多。车架方面,美版DC5 TYPE-S与日版的TYPE-R区别并不大,除了一点悬挂的设定比较软以外,如果要改装它,基本上完全可以按照日版TYPE-R来进行强化改装。引擎部分的分别也有,例如日版的使用的是编号为K20A的红顶高性能自然吸气引擎,马力在8000转时达到220匹,而美版使用的则是K20A2,动力输出因为受制与压缩比(美为11;日版为11.5)、引擎管理系统、和进气道设计思想的区别等,“只”能够在较低的7400转发出210匹马力。另外两台引擎还有很多细微的差别,例如凸轮轴盖高度、可变进气道设计等等,但如果以车论车的话,在没有TYPE-R的左驾市场,购买一台如TYPE-S这样的足以号称左驾最强前驱车又何妨呢?   目下的银灰色2005年款Acura RSX Type-s版是一辆暂时尚未经过改装的纯原厂车,因为朋友购入的时间尚短,不过其计划内的PARTS LIST已经有足足一张A4纸了,相信在原厂保固完成前,其改装工程必将展开。红顶K20A2的战斗力非常强大,强大到足以令到那些换装KKK K04涡轮增压系统的宝来(Bora)吃惊了。2.0L i-VTEC 引擎,210匹马力由六前速密比波箱驱策下,能做到0-60英里大约六秒的成绩,极速大约一百四十几英里(220公里),与那些涡轮引擎车比起来不算太特出,但其特有的引擎特性令到驾驶者开起来有一种说不出的喜悦和快感。这天我们选了一条比较少车的山路来测试,坐上驾驶座坐,感受着其帖身的桶形跑车椅和那只娇小的方向盘,立刻给你一种浓烈的战斗气氛。着车后隆隆的排气声浪令人觉得好像换了排气喉一样(其实还是原装的)。  开始出发!一档到红8000转上二档,到达8000转时偷空看看速度表已经六十多英里了,其加速能力除了刚起步的5000转之前有点迟顿之外,5000转过后,VTEC系统介入工作,马力好象山洪暴发般凶涌而至,特别是在7000转时,引擎的声浪忽然变得更凶猛,而且转档以后引擎转速跌至6000转左右,也还是在VTEC的工作转数内,让这台DC5仍保持着相当的加速力。在这条多弯的山路上DC5完美的车架设计和超强的操控能力完全得以充分表现,特别是快速弯非常稳定,但低速急弯没有了旧款DC2那种带有轻微甩尾特性换来的是横向倾性。当回复正常架驶时其不算太重的离合器,设定较为适中的悬挂系统(比旧款的要硬朗),与驾驶者得沟通能力非常好,让人开起来很舒畅!总结起来,这是一辆可以平常代步而又非常舒适的跑车,但它也可以能给你提供无比的架驶乐趣(不过开这辆车要小心告票和油耗因为它特有的引擎特性会引诱人经常高转架驶),我偶尔也会返回国内,也曾驾驶过如宝来(Bora)那些号称“驾驶者之车”,但如果有机会将其放在RSX Type-S前相比较的话,或者已经可以成为一个笑话(笔者也曾驾驶过Bora 2.8 4-Motion)。当然人无完人,汽车也是同样,RSX仍有些地方需要进行必要的改装,比如刹车系统不够强,悬挂系统较软等。希望下次能献上另外一台经过改装的旧款美版DC5、DC2,让大家领略一下这台异国的最强前驱车吧

defenders 什么意思

后卫 防御者们

its public defenders are few and unimpressive,where they are not extremely unattractive.where指什么


access denied.please close your firewall first 怎么办

。。这尼玛一看就是防火墙设置问题,你直接进windows defenders里面设置看看卅。你此时是用普通用户身份(user)登录的系统,安装此程序需要管理员权限,只需点开始/注销/切换用户至管理员即可

「每日新游」卡牌多人对战塔防游戏:Prime World Defenders 2

来自俄罗斯的开发商Nival曾经开发过著名的英雄无敌5、闪电战等知名策略类 游戏 ,之前在移动端推出的卡牌塔防 游戏 Prime World Defenders 2更是受到众多玩家的好评,现在终于以免费的形式登陆到PC上,无论画面和玩法都可以说是不可多得的精品各种怪物正在王国中肆虐,包括妖精、僵尸还有外星人,王国的公民相信只有你能拯救他们,不要让你的城堡墙倒塌,使用所有的塔、法术和技巧,你必须保护你的人民。冲到战场上,上演一场史诗般的塔防战斗!此外,其他英雄也渴望挑战你的防守建设技能。制定一个策略,将帮助你获胜,建立防守让敌人无法通过,并成为我们最好的塔防 游戏 高手49种防御塔,每种塔都有独特的能力,同时还有对应的符文系统,可以个性化你的塔,同时也让它更强大26种怪物和29个强大的BOSS,充分考验玩家的策略和技巧17个英雄和21种魔法,让每个玩家都有自己独特的选择游戏 已经登陆Steam,自带简体中文,可以和苹果安卓用户进行跨平台多人对战,免费 游戏

beautiful mystic defenders怎么玩

Beautiful Mystic Defenders(美丽的神秘防御者)是一个战术塔防,浪漫新视觉游戏,在那里你是神秘王国的绝世美女们们的救世主。


以下是几种相关的培养基,和你问的不是很一致,希望对你有用。MRS培养基: 蛋白胨 10.0g 牛肉膏 10.0g 酵母膏 5.0g 葡萄糖 10.0g 琼脂 20.0g 蒸馏水 1000ml pH 6.5Lactic-bacteria Medium I (乳酸菌培养基 I ): Yeast extract (酵母膏) 7.5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 7.5g Glucose (葡萄糖) 10g KH2PO4 2g Tomato juice (西红柿汁) 100ml Tween (吐温) 80 0.5ml Distilled water (蒸馏水) 900ml pH 7.0 适用范围:植物乳杆菌(胚芽乳杆菌)、嗜热乳酸链球菌Lactic-bacteria Midium Ⅱ (乳酸菌培养基 Ⅱ) :Lacto-casein peptone (乳酪蛋白胨) 10g Beef extract (蛋白胨) 10g Yeast extract (酵母膏) 5g Glucose (葡萄糖) 5g Tween (吐温) 80 1g K2HPO4 2g Na-acetate (醋酸钠) 5g Diamine citrate (柠檬酸二胺) 2g MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g MnSO4.H2O 0.05g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000m pH 6.5-6.8 适用范围:植物乳杆菌(胚芽乳杆菌) LB Medium (LB 培养基): Yeast extact (酵母膏) 5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 10g NaCl 10g Agar (琼脂) 1-2% Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml pH 7.0 适用范围:大肠埃希氏菌(大肠杆菌)

How old与 How many years 的区别

How old 多老,问年龄How many years 多少年,问时间

跪求The harters的《If I run》中英文歌词

英文歌词为:My heart has a right, love lives in your eyes and I need to know what you see in mine. I"ve been shattered and healed searching for something thats real, where do you stand how do you feel? If I run, will you run after me? If I walk, will you wait patiently? If I fall, will you have sympathy? If I run, if I run will you run after me? yeahhhhahhhhh I"ve dreamed of a place, of white satan and lace, black on a tie, and cake on my face, wicker rocking chairs, salt and peppered hair, when that day comes round will you still be there? If I run, will you run after me? If I walk, will you wait patiently? If I fall, will you have sympathy? If I run, if I run will you run after me? yeahhhhahhhhh ahhhhohhhh If I ruunn, oh if I, if I, if I run, If I run, will you run after me? If I walk, will you wait patiently? If I fall, will you have sympathy? If I run, If I run, If I run, If I run, If I run, will you run after me? If I walk, will you wait patiently? If I fall, will you have sympathy? If I run, If I run, will you run after meeeeee? ohhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhahhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhh my heart has a right.中文歌词,现在没时间翻译,而且怕译得不好,呵呵。。我弄好了再修改吧。

"The crazy fans ________ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the mo"

答案B从they would wait till the movie star arrived可看出:他们一直在等,并且还要继续等下去。从句中的时态发生于过去,所以用过去完成进行时,强调从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到当时,并且还有可能继续下去。

our teachers teach us very paiently的状语是什么?

very 是程度副词,修饰动词或形容词,patiently 本来就是副词,怎么能放在一起


the family in our house 我的家人

butter is nourse用定语从句合并成另一个句子

This is the nacklace which she is looking for.

He was nourse about this?什么意思




micrsoft offic 里边那个 onenote是干什么的?

OneNote是一款同时支持手写输入和键盘输入的记事本软件。由于可以进行键盘输入,因此从可以同时用于普通台式电脑和笔记本电脑这一点来说,与“Windows Journal”(平板电脑附带的手写输入软件)有所不同。 OneNote虽说是记事本软件,但其实就象是学生用的装订成册的记事本一样,记录的内容可以利用索引按科目进行分类整理(上图)。OneNote正如其开发代号“scribbler”(字迹潦草者),不但可以轻松记录各种信息,而且还可以进行横向检索。这种检索就是指输入特定的单词后,可以从OneNote中的大量记录中检索到所需内容,完全就像是词典软件一样。另外,在平板电脑中使用时,还可以对手写文字进行检索。 OneNote还可以进行语音输入,具有时间图章的功能。比如,在会议等场合一边利用文本进行记录,一边记录声音,声音与文本记录将被赋予关联性。“尽管还做不到利用笔记本电脑的内置麦克进行语音识别,但有了这种功能就已经非常方便了”(微软OneNote开发小组负责人Chris Pratley)。 定位相当于“Office新战略的第二款产品” OneNote不仅可以进行手写输入、键盘输入以及语音输入,而且还可以通过鼠标的拖动功能粘贴WWW页面中的信息,或者以文章和段落为单位移动整理加注的记录。还可以改变优先顺序,以及与朋友进行信息共享。 换句话说,字处理软件属于支援文件生成的最后工序的工具,而OneNote则是支援前期工序的工具。“可以利用纸面随心所欲地书写文字、图形和图画等。但在信息检索或修改方面就不太方便。电子记事本能够将观点与别人共享,这点上非常方便,但是却没有像纸那样的自由度。OneNote则将两者的优点融为一体,因此可以统一管理全部的文件、调查资料和记录”。







谁知道Through the Years and Far Away的歌词

Through the Years and Far AwayHello, little starAre you doing fine?I"m lonely as everything in birthSometimes in the darkWhen I close my eyesI dream of you, the planet earthIf I could fly across this nightFaster than the speed of lightI would spread these wings of mineThrough the years and far awayFar beyond the milky waySee the shine that never blinksThe shine that never fadesThousand years and far awayFar beyond the silky wayYou"re the shine that never blinksThe shine that never diesHello, tiny starCan you hear me call?I"m so blind as everything at birthIf I could flow against these nightsStraiter than the string of lightI would lay these hands on timeThrough the years and far awayFar beyond the milky waySee the shine that never blinksThe shine that never fadesThousand years and far awayFar beyond the silky wayYou"re the shine that never blinksThe shine that never diesThrough the years and far awayFar beyond the milky wayYou"re the shine that never blinksThe shine that never dies

《Though the years and far away》(《星之声》)的歌词??

[ti:THOUGH THE YEARS AND FAR AWAY][ar:Low][al:][by:][00:26.86]Hello, little star[00:32.58]Are you doing fine?[00:37.71]I"m lonely as everything in birth[00:47.23]Sometimes in the dark[00:52.58]When I close my eyes[00:57.06]I dream of you, the planet earth[01:05.94]If I could fly across this night[01:16.09]Faster than the speed of light[01:26.21]I would spread these wings of mine[01:35.86]Through the years and far away[01:41.46]Far beyond the milky way[01:46.25]See the shine that never blinks[01:51.72]The shine that never fades[01:56.50]Thousand years and far away[02:01.52]Far beyond the silky way[02:06.57]You"re the shine that never blinks[02:11.58]The shine that never dies[02:35.49]Hello, tiny star[02:40.92]Can you hear me call?[02:45.72]I"m so blind as everything at birth[02:54.68]If I could flow against these nights[03:05.06]Straiter than the string of light[03:14.70]I would lay these hands on time[03:24.84]Through the years and far away[03:29.96]Far beyond the milky way[03:34.90]See the shine that never blinks[03:40.57]The shine that never fades[03:45.02]Thousand years and far away[03:50.01]Far beyond the silky way[03:55.43]You"re the shine that never blinks[04:00.10]The shine that never dies[04:05.68]Through the years and far away[04:10.48]Far beyond the milky way[04:15.47]You"re the shine that never blinks[04:20.71]The shine that never diesTHROUGH THE YEARS FAR AWAY (Hello,little star) 作曲:天门 作词:K.JUNO 演唱:Low


NARS口红是不少小姐妹们都爱不释手的口红,颜色很绝美,质感也是干好的,用户口碑非常的不错,那么nars口红最值得入手的爆款色号有哪些呢?下面我就为大家整理出了几款热门色号,感兴趣的朋友们一起来看看吧。 1、 SHANGHAI EXPRESS #964上海快车 冷调的枣泥红棕 hin特别的一只! 枣泥红里有莓果调~ 薄涂就hin有气质!厚涂复古感up 2、 BANNED RED #912禁欲红 之前有发过随手po的一只! 敲喜欢der的一只肉桂红棕 秋冬都放在包里 薄涂是一个红豆奶茶 厚涂就是肉桂红棕 3、 INTRIGUE #974魔力红 这只比较冷门,我也是才发现 带一点点棕调的冰糖山楂红 薄涂hin元气少女,厚涂会有秋冬的感觉~ 4、 IMMORTAL RED #975永生红 浓郁的暖调枣泥红棕~ 不偏橘不偏玫红 很有复古港风气质的一只 5、 INAPPROPRIATE RED #977特工红 不会出错的显白蓝调正红! 薄涂会有女团的感觉 厚涂气场real绝!

One In A Million (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:One In A Million (Album Version)歌手:David Sanborn专辑:Love SongsOne In A Million1,2,1,2,3,4(Whistle)Guess I needed sometime to get awayI needed some piece of mindSome piece of mind that"ll staySo I thumbed it down to Sixth and L.A.Maybe a Greyhound could be my wayPolice and Niggers, that"s rightGet out of my wayDon"t need to buy none of yourGold chains todayI don"t need no braceletsClamped in front of my backJust need my ticket; "til thenWon"t you cut me some slack ?You"re one in a millionYeah, that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, much too high,Much too high, yes, ow !Immigrants and faggotsThey make no sense to meThey come to our countryAnd think they"ll do as they pleaseLike start some mini Iran,Or spread some fuckin" diseaseThey talk so many goddamn waysIt"s all Greek to meWell some say I"m lazyAnd others say that"s just meSome say I"m crazyI guess I"ll always beBut it"s been such a long timeSince I knew right from wrongIt"s all the means to an end, II keep it movin" alongYou"re one in a millionOo, you"re a shooting starYou"re one in a million, babeYou know that you areMaybe someday we"ll see you, OoOh, Before you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, Oo, much too highYeah,Much too high, huh, no, no, ohOw!Radicals and RacistsDon"t point your finger at meI"m a small town white boyJust tryin" to make ends meetDon"t need your religionDon"t watch that much TVJust makin" my livin", babyWell that"s enough for meYou"re one in a millionYeah that"s what you areYou"re one in a million, babeYou"re a shooting starMaybe someday we"ll see youBefore you make us cryYou know we tried to reach youBut you were much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high,Much too high, much too highYeah, yeee, yeah, yeee, igh !Ow! Much too high(Oh, much too high, ah,Much too high, ah, much too highMuch too high, ow, much too high)

Landslide [Orchestra Version] [Live From Soundstage] 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide [Orchestra Version] [Live From Soundstage]歌手:Stevie Nicks专辑:The Soundstage SessionsDixie Chicks - LandslideI took my love and I took it downClimbed a mountain then I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide brought me downOh, mirror in the skyWhat is love?Can the child within my heart rise aboveCan I sail through the changing ocean tidesCan I handle the seasons of my lifeUh ah ... uh ah ....Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell ...Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell, I"m getting older tooSo, take this love, take it downIf you climb a mountain and turn aroundAnd If you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will brought it downIf you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell maybe ...The landslide will bring it down.↑↑END↑↑


一个社区的兴旺在很大程度上和该区的人口和社区构成有关。即所谓人气的兴旺。人气旺会带动本地的商业,促进消费,还会招来邻区甚至更远的人到这个地方来消费,这种无声的推高某一区兴旺的因素是非常重要的。Hurstville曾被称为“小香港”。很明显是说这里香港居民比较多。但最新数据表明在Hurstville总人口75,177中来自大陆的居民占了16%!而这一人口比例在大悉尼区中只有2%。来自香港的居民占7%,大悉尼区该比例只得1%。仅算来自香港的居民已大大超出排在其后只占3%的新西兰居民。当然,澳洲本土出生的仍占居首位,达47%,而大悉尼区占到61%。来自大陆和香港的居民人口占到Hurstville总人口的23%,居悉尼各市镇之首。在Hurstville,新来的移民或居民英文说不好一点没问题,只要能说普通话和广东话。这也就是这里的亚洲食品杂货的超市开一家旺一家。出火车站沿着Forest路走,去数数有多少家小超市。新装修的火车站价格极平的“通利”超市也即将开业。这足以说明Hurstville人口繁荣,商业兴旺。年轻人占人口的相当比例,20至39岁的人占人口总数的33%,与大悉尼区的比例持平。5岁到19岁占19%,高出大悉尼区5%。说明自然人口增长呈上升趋势。Hurstville距CBD15公里,面积24.7平方公里,所辖自然区有Bexley, Bexley South, Kingsgrove, Kingsway West, Beverly Hills, Allawah, Carlton, South Hurstville, Penshurst, Hurstville。地势高,靠近海岸,受海洋气候影响大。夏天不会像近蓝山那些市镇那么热,冬天又不会太冷,有时温差会有六至七度之多。另外,近水,就可享受更多的水中乐趣,在George河里驾摩托艇,在Botany Bay中驾舟,甚至出洋在近海钓鱼。去沙滩就更不用说了,喜欢热闹就去Bondi海滩;舒适点的就去Cronulla海滩,求清静的去Royal National Park。

others和the others有什么区别?

others“其它的(人或物)”泛指其它的,相当于“other+复数名词”;the others“(除了……之外的)其它的(人或物)”相当于“the other+复数名词”;特指在一定的范围内,除了一部分个体外,剩下的其它部分。重点区别:二者的主要区别体现在有没有在一个特定的范围内比较个体。1、others举例:Give me some others. 给我一些其他的吧。2、the others举例:There are five student, one likes reading, the others like writing.有五个学生,一个喜欢读书,(剩下的四个)其它的喜欢写作。延伸:each other 彼此,互相on the other (on the other hand)另一方面some other 其他;另一些every other 所有其他的;每隔一个的other than 除了;不同于

others和the others的用法区别是什么?

1、others(=other+复数名词)代词,泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。在句中可作主语、宾语。例如:People have very different opinions about the film. Some like it very much; others think it is boring.人们对于这个电影有不同的观点,有些人认为它非常好看,有的人觉得很无聊。2、the others(=the other+复数名词)代词,指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,“余下的人或物的全部”。例如:There are 100 people in the classroom.Sixty are teachers,the others are student.教室里面有100个人,60个老师,40个学生。the others指代“在某一范围内剩余的全部”,即100个人剩余的那40个学生。扩展资料:相关词组:one… the other 只有两个some… the others 有三个以上some… others,others…others = other people/thingsthe others = the rest 剩余的全部1) 泛指另一个用another。2) 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。3) 一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third。4) 一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。5) 泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others。


other后接单复数均可,other one或other two students. others只能作代词,意思是“其它的人、物、事等”,常用来泛指。 the other也是既能作形容词,又能作代词。但它一般用来表示总数为二时的“另外一个”,经常与one搭配。 other也能既作形容词又可作代词,意思是“别的,另外的”。 another作形容词时,是指在原有的基础上再加一(些),表示“再一(些)”或“另外一个(些)”的意思,在心理上至少有三个。 another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样。它前面不能加任何冠词,后面也不能加s

the others和others区别是什么?

the others和others的区别为:一、指代不同1、the others:那些其他人。2、others:其他人员。二、侧重点不同1、the others:带有the是特指固定的人群。2、others:泛指除了提及人群之外的人们。三、引证用法不同1、the others:other用作形容词作“别的,其他的,另外的”解时,常用来修饰复数名词或不可数名词。2、others:other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”; others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。

others和the others有什么不同

"Others"和"The others"都是指其他人或其他物品,但在用法和含义上略有不同。"Others"通常用于一般情况下,表示除了特定的人或物之外的所有其他人或物。例如,"Can I have some cookies?" "Sure, just leave some for the others."("我能拿些饼干吗?" "当然,留点给其他人。")"The others"则指明了一个特定的群体或者集合中的余下的成员。例如,"I"m going to the movies with Sarah, John, and Jessica. The others will meet us there."("我和萨拉、约翰和杰西卡一起去看电影。其他人会在那里和我们碰面。")总之,"others"隐含着一般性或泛指,而"the others"更明确地指向特定的群组或集合中的成员。

the others是什么意思怎么用的?

the other指两个事物或两个人中的“另一个”;其复数形式the others,指两个部分或两部分人中的另一个部分.如: I"ll take this one,you may take the other.我要这个,你可以拿那个. This article is better than the others.这篇文章比其余的好. another,other都可以与数词或不定代词连用,它们的用法一样的.another后跟数词或不定代词,而other前用数词或不定代词. We need another three bottles of ink.我们还需要三瓶墨水 Three other people came in.又进来三个人.

other,others,the other,the others.分别是什么意思,弄乱了,求方法区分!!!


英语中other、others、the others、 another各是什么意思,有什么区别


others和the others有什么区别

1、others相当于other+复数名词,如:(注意:所指的其他人并非其他所有的人,指其他部分的全部)ome people like walking.Some like running.Others like swimming.有些人喜欢散步,有些人喜欢跑步,其他人喜欢游泳.He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于助人.2、the others其余的相当于the other的复数形式,特指某一范围内的其他全部,如:Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里.Thirty of them are boy students and the others are girls.他们当中三十人是男生,其他人是女生.



other he other he others othersanother的几个词使用的区别是什么?能各个举一个例子吗?谢谢··

others和the other 和other还有another the others这几个词的用法 another, (the)other 和 (the) others都表示“另外的、别的”,但其意思及用法仍有所不同。 another和the other 都用来表示“另一个”。 (1) anther 指的是三个或三个以上的人或同类中的另一个,只能和单数名词连用。 (2) the other指已知的两个人或事物中的另一个,常和one搭配使用,构成one...the other句型,表示一个……另一个……。它和复数名词连用指“其他的……”。 (3) other 可用作形容词,修饰单、复数名词。 (4) others 通常可以做代词使用,比如:other students=others。 表示泛指,意为“其他的人或事物”,表示除了一部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全体,有列举未尽的意味在内,常和some搭配构成some...others句型。用做复数,表示一些……另一些。 (5) the others表示特指,意为“其他 1. (两个中的)另一个人(或物);另一方[the S] It is hard to tell the twin brothers one from the other. 这对孪生兄弟很难辨认。 2. 其余的人(或物) Some boys are reading; others are listening to the radio. 有些孩子在阅读,有些则在听收音机。 1. (两者中)另一个的;其余的 Her first-born is a doctor. Her other children are all in the army. 她的长子是医生,其余几个孩子都在部队服役。 1. 又一,再一 He drank another glass of beer. 他又喝了一杯啤酒. the others表示范围内的另一些(范围总数通常多于两个个)后面不能加名词 There are 40 students in our class, three are American, the others are Chinese

others和the others有什么区别

others是指别的,其余的,其他的,the others是指去掉一些之后的别的或者其它的

the other和others的区别是什么?

  the other和others的区别具体如下:  1、the other 指两个中的“另一个。指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。  如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.  他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。  另,the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。  例如:  Mary is much taller than the other girls.  玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。  2、others 泛指“另外的人或物”,是other的复数形式, 但不指其余的人或物的全部。句中可作主语、宾语。  如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.  我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。  You should take care of others(other people);  你应当关心别人

others和the others的区别是什么?

1、指向不同others 与the others,意思相同,都表示其他人或者其他事。 前面是泛指,后面是特指】例:This T-shirt is too big. Pls show me others(或者other T-shirts)这T恤太大了,请给我看一下别的T恤。1/3 of the studens go to cinema. The others go swimming(特指这个班剩下的2/3学生)一个班的人去看电影。2、用法不同others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”,是the other的复数形式。Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。扩展资料:1、another=an other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。I don"t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。2、the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: other others the other the others 和 another 的用法 ①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。 【解析】other表示“别的”,“另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the即可与单数名词连用。如: I have o pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black. 我有两枝钢笔。一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。 ②John did better than all the other players in the sport. 在那项运动中John比所有别的运动员都出色。 【解析】the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。如: We must think more of other rades. 我们必须多想想别的同志。 ③ This shirt is too large for me. Please show me another. 这件衬衫我穿太大。请另外拿一件我看看。(一般商店不会只有两件纳溃? 【解析】another, the other作代词的用法。The other表示“两个数量中的另一个”,表示特指,总数为俩;another表示“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。如: His parents both work in a hospital. One is a doctor and the other is a nurse. 他父母都在一家医院工作。一个是医生,一个是护士。(父母为两个人) 其他习惯用法one another, from one…to another, the other day = a few days ago,every other day/ week/year, some…, others…,如: I met Mr. Smith in the park the other day. 前几天我在公园里碰见了Smith先生。 While at the university, he went to the library every other day. 在大学时他每隔一天去图书馆一次。 Some people like football, others like volleyball. 有些人喜欢足球,有些人喜欢排球。 They are very different from one another. 他们互相之间差别很大。 When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them. 当美国人从一个地方迁移到另一个地方时, other指另外的人或物;other泛指别人,可与some连用;the other 指两个中的另一个,常和one连用;the others表示其余所有的人或物;another则泛指另一个。 other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人。 也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。 others 和some对比使用时, 是“有些”的意思而不是做“其他”讲, 如:Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor. 有的擦窗户, 有的擦地板。 the others 是“其余的”意思, 表示在一个范围内的其他全部, 如: This dictionary is better than the others. 这本字典比别[其余]的好。 the other 是其中的“另一个”, 如:Give me the other one; not this one. 给我那一个, 不是这一个。 两个中的“另一个”是“the other”; 不定数目中的“另一个”是“another” , 如:This glass is broken. Get me another. 这个杯子坏了, 给我另拿一个来。(在许多杯子中的一个) any other 刚指其他一切的什么、、、 another 指另一个,没有固定的范围。比如:this dress is dirty,please change another one for me.这件裙子脏了,再给我换一件吧。 either指的两者中哪个都可以。如:which dress do you want,the yellow one or the blue one? 你想要哪件裙子,黄色的还是蓝色的? 回答可以是either is ok.哪件都可以。

others和the others有什么区别

1、others相当于other+复数名词,如:(注意:所指的其他人并非其他所有的人,指其他部分的全部。)ome people like walking.Some like running.Others like swimming.有些人喜欢散步,有些人喜欢跑步,其他人喜欢游泳.He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于助人.2、the others其余的相当于the other的复数形式,特指某一范围内的其他全部,如:Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里.Thirty of them are boy students and the others are girls.他们当中三十人是男生,其他人是女生.


others 是复数代词,泛指其他的人或物。others1. 其他加工用材料光电词汇港台地区译法(O)others 其他加工用材料2. 其它美容院相关术语其它(others)Others1. 其它方面英语标识语和提示语(一)—生命经纬Others 其它方面some...others 相当于汉语“有些人......其他人......”,(some 和 others 都没有特指范围,即对他们范围和数量的都没有限定,也就是说都是泛指。当然others 也可与其他词配合,比如Many people went there by bus; others on foot.中的many,)some (of...)...the others 相当于汉语 “(其中)一些人......其余的...... (some 和 the others都是特指范围内的,有限定的。)例句Many people went there by bus; others on footPeople have very different opinions about the film. Some like it very much; others think it is boring.泛指别的人或物时,用others;当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,用the others。


others是复数代词,泛指其他的人或物。Others:其它方面;some...others相当于汉语“有些人......其他人......”,(some和others都没有特指范围,即对他们范围和数量的都没有限定,也就是说都是泛指。当然others也可与其他词配合,比如Manypeoplewenttherebybus;othersonfoot.中的many,) some(of...)...theothers相当于汉语“(其中)一些人......其余的......(some和theothers都是特指范围内的,有限定的。)


others是复数代词,泛指其他的人或物。Others:其它方面;some...others相当于汉语“有些人......其他人......”,(some和others都没有特指范围,即对他们范围和数量的都没有限定,也就是说都是泛指。当然others也可与其他词配合,比如Manypeoplewenttherebybus;othersonfoot.中的many,) some(of...)...theothers相当于汉语“(其中)一些人......其余的......(some和theothers都是特指范围内的,有限定的。)

others和the others有什么区别

the other加复数名词=the others指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词=others 却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物

the other, the others, other, others的区别是什么?



  意思和用法有区别。  1.other:adj. 其他的,另外的。  后面要加名词的,它是形容词,意思是别的,其他的意思,不能单独使用,在句子里只能做定语。  如:I want some other books.  我需要一些其他的书。  He mixes well with other children in the school.  他在学校里与其他孩子能很好相处。  2.others:pron. 别人,其他人;其他的东西。  有俩层意思:一是别人,其他人;二是other+名词的复数的缩写。  Give me some others 给我一些其他的吧。  After finishing his share of the work he went to help others  他完成了自己的那部分工作以后, 又去帮助别人。  If he is allowed to do this, it will be a precedent for others.  如果允许他这样做, 就会为别人开先例。  3.the other:另一个;其余的。  主要有俩层用法:一是和one一起使用,one ...... the other,(意思是俩者中一个,另一个)  如: The lady has two daughters,one is a worker,the other is a nurse.  那位女士有俩个女儿,一个是工人,另一个是护士。  另一层用法,后面加名词的复数,表示其他所有的,其余的,  如:some students are reading in the classroom,while the others are running on the playground.  4.the others:其余的(表示在一个范围内的其他全部)。指其余的所有人或物  I"ll back him against all the others.  我将支持他反对所有其他人。  In ability she towers over all the others in her class.  她的能力胜过班上的所有其他同学。

the other和others的区别是什么?

  the other和others的区别具体如下:  1、the other 指两个中的“另一个。指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。  如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.  他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。  另,the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。  例如:  Mary is much taller than the other girls.  玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。  2、others 泛指“另外的人或物”,是other的复数形式, 但不指其余的人或物的全部。句中可作主语、宾语。  如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.  我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。  You should take care of others(other people);  你应当关心别人


others是塑料材质。市面上的塑料制品有聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯、高密度聚乙烯、other(其它)塑料等。而other(其它)塑料中最典型的塑料就是聚碳酸酯,也就是人们所说的PC材料,主要用于太空瓶和奶瓶的制作,此类材料制成的水杯也经常被百货商场用来当作赠品。 others是塑料材质。市面上的塑料制品有聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯、高密度聚乙烯、other(其它)塑料等。而other(其它)塑料中最典型的塑料就是聚碳酸酯,也就是人们所说的PC材料,主要用于太空瓶和奶瓶的制作,此类材料制成的水杯也经常被百货商场用来当做赠品,但这种材料很容易释放出有毒的化学物质,会对人体产生危害,所以使用这种材料时,注意不要加热,更不要在阳光下直接暴晒。






  others  n.其他的; 别的; ( other的名词复数 ) (两个中的) 另一个; 其余的;  [网络]其它方面; 其他类; 旁人;  [例句]A crafty, lying character who enjoys plotting against others  狡猾奸诈、满嘴谎言而且爱算计人的家伙

Without You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Without You (Album Version)歌手:Mest专辑:Destination UnknownI warned you I told you I"d be better without youBut you didn"t care youTold me I"d go nowhere if I didn"t have youBut where are you nowI haven"t seen you around you know where to be foundI wonder what happened to youAll the insecurities built inside of youMust have just blown upThoughts of happinessOnly when you reminisceCause now that things are badYou think of what you could"ve hadThink of the years they spentWith no money for the rentFrom the bottom to the topThey stuck to their guns they"ll never stopCause I warned you I told you I"d be better without youI wonder what happened to youAll the insecurities built inside of youMust have just blown upNow everyone has changedBut somehow you stayed the sameA life lesson has been learnedYour past came back and you got burnedWhat you done you try to hideIt"s time to swallow your prideYou"ll never change and I can seeWhen you said at least you"re makin money from meWhen I warned you I told you I"d be better without youBut you didn"t care youTold me I"d go nowhere if I didn"t have youBut where are you nowI haven"t seen you around your no where to be foundI wonder what happened to youAll the insecurities built inside of youMust have just blown upAnd I wonder where you are sometimesAnd I wonder where you areRight nowI warned you I told you I"d be better without youBut you didn"t care youTold me I"d go nowhere if I didn"t have youBut where are you nowI haven"t seen you around your no where to be foundI wonder what happened to youAll the insecurities built inside of youHow do you feel nowI warned you I told you I"d be better without youBut you didn"t care youTold me I"d go nowhere if I didn"t have youBut where are you nowI haven"t seen you around your no where to be foundI wonder what happened to youAll the insecurities built inside of youMust have just blown up

Without You (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Without You (Lp Version)歌手:The Great Divide专辑:RevolutionsThree Days Grace - Without YouWhat if I walk without youWhat if I ran without youWhat if I stand without youI could not go onWhat if I live without youWhat if I love without youWhat if I died without youI could not go onYou left my side tonightAnd I, I just don"t feel rightBut I, I can"t let you out of sight,Without you I"m no one, I"m nothing at allWhat if I lie without youWhat if I rise without youWhat if I dream without youI could not go onYou left my side tonightAnd I, I just don"t feel rightBut I, I can"t let you out of sight,Without you I"m no one, I"m nothing at allYou left my side tonightAnd I just don"t feel rightI can"t let you out of sight,Without you I"m no one, I"m nothing at allYou left my side tonightAnd I, I just don"t feel rightBut I, I can"t let you out of sight,Without you I"m no one, I"m nothing at allNothing at all !

如何评价兵马司旗下乐队Gate to Otherside


other,others,the other,another的用法和区别

它们的用法现归纳如下;other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如:Doyouhaveanyotherquestion(s)?你还有其他问题吗?Asksomeotherpeople.问问别人吧!Putitinyourotherhand.把它放在你另一只手里。  2.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如:Someofuslikesinginganddancing,othersgoinforsports.我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Givemesomeothers,please.请给我别的东西吧! Therearenoothers.没有别的了。  3.theother指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用theother,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如:Hehastwodaughters.Oneisanurse,theotherisaworker.他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。  theother后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如:Ontheothersideofthestreet,thereisatalltree.在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Maryismuchtallerthantheothergirls.玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 Helivesontheothersideoftheriver.他住在河的对岸。  4.another,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如:Idon"tlikethisone.Pleaseshowmeanother.我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 Ihavethreedaughters.Oneisanurse,anotherisateacherandanotherisaworker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人

others,the other, other的词性,用法和含义分别是什么?


the other,other,another和others的区别和用法




one....the other; some...others;one...the others;的意思,和用法




The Otherside 歌词

歌曲名:The Otherside歌手:Breaks Co-Op专辑:The Othersidehyde - THE OTHER SIDE作词:Hyde作曲:HydeAnd the seaWaits to bring me downDrown me in its wavesStill I have no doubtThis meaning of lifeWearing this shroud I"ve journeyed longI"ve seen so many worlds in my timeWandering far and back againMy soul is getting wornAnd the happiness like a fireworkHow it shone, now it"s goneAnd the seaWaits to bring me downDrown me in its wavesStill I have no doubtThis meaning of lifeI know that darkness follows lightI see the traps that stand in my wayI"ll use my head to make it throughBelievers get it toughEverything I cherished so dearlyWasn"t love, wasn"t loveAnd the seaWaits to bring me downDrown me in its wavesStill I have no doubtThough my fleshPerishes in timeI will reach the shoreOn the other sideThis meaning of lifeMeaning of lifeMeaning of life



求英文中the other、another和others的区别


The Otherside 歌词

歌曲名:The Otherside歌手:The Roots专辑:Undunhyde - THE OTHER SIDE作词:Hyde作曲:HydeAnd the seaWaits to bring me downDrown me in its wavesStill I have no doubtThis meaning of lifeWearing this shroud I"ve journeyed longI"ve seen so many worlds in my timeWandering far and back againMy soul is getting wornAnd the happiness like a fireworkHow it shone, now it"s goneAnd the seaWaits to bring me downDrown me in its wavesStill I have no doubtThis meaning of lifeI know that darkness follows lightI see the traps that stand in my wayI"ll use my head to make it throughBelievers get it toughEverything I cherished so dearlyWasn"t love, wasn"t loveAnd the seaWaits to bring me downDrown me in its wavesStill I have no doubtThough my fleshPerishes in timeI will reach the shoreOn the other sideThis meaning of lifeMeaning of lifeMeaning of life

one...the other/others/other some...the other/others/other 的用法和区别。


求onther,the other,the others,others的区别和用法。




another 和other和others和the other的区别和用法。。


The Otherside 歌词

歌曲名:The Otherside歌手:Breaks Co-Op专辑:Top of the Pops 2006Evanescence - The Other SideMake me whole againOpen your eyesTaunted by the shadows of your lieCold and far awayLike you"re not even mineUndo everything and take me higherNever believing what they say "cause I"m...Counting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeI"m not giving inI want you backHolding together by shards of our pastStole my heart awayI can"t let you goBreak these chains and let me fly to you highabove or belowOver and over in my mindCounting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeI am so lost without my place inside your heartI won"t survive I need to know you hear meAwaken and release my loveCounting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeCounting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeEnd

The Otherside 歌词

歌曲名:The Otherside歌手:Breaks Co-Op专辑:The Sound InsideThe Other SideScissor SistersTyoka526What will one dayBecome of usWe"ll grow as grass under their feetNo one here will ever know your nameAnd you still lie there next to meIf it takes another lifeI"ll wait for youOn the other sideEverything that comes to meAs goodBelongs to youI"ll count our blessings as IWait for youOn the other sideGood luxk and I will see you throughGet used to thisYour"re going to be alrightThe world goes on with or without meIf I don"t ever leave a thing behindI"ll still leave you without meIf it takes another lifeI"ll wait for youOn the other sideEverything that comes to meAs goodBelongs to youI"ll count our blessings as IWait for youOn the other sideGood luxk and I will see you through

Otherside (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Otherside (Album Version)歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:CalifornicationHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everI heard your voice through a photographI thought it up it brought up the pastOnce you know you can never go backI"ve got to take it on the othersideCenturies are what it meant to meA cemetery where I marry the seaStranger things could never change my mindI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everPour my life into a paper cupThe ashtray"s full and I"m spillin" my gutsShe wants to know am I still a slutI"ve got to take it on the othersideScarlet starlet and she"s in my bedA candidate for my soul mate bledPush the trigger and pull the threadI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everTurn me on take me for a hard rideBurn me out leave me on the othersideI yell and tell it thatIt"s not my friendI tear it down I tear it downAnd then it"s born againHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everHow long I don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I ever

Otherside (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Otherside (Album Version)歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Greatest HitsHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everI heard your voice through a photographI thought it up it brought up the pastOnce you know you can never go backI"ve got to take it on the othersideCenturies are what it meant to meA cemetery where I marry the seaStranger things could never change my mindI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everPour my life into a paper cupThe ashtray"s full and I"m spillin" my gutsShe wants to know am I still a slutI"ve got to take it on the othersideScarlet starlet and she"s in my bedA candidate for my soul mate bledPush the trigger and pull the threadI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everTurn me on take me for a hard rideBurn me out leave me on the othersideI yell and tell it thatIt"s not my friendI tear it down I tear it downAnd then it"s born againHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everHow long I don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I ever

Mandy Capristo的《Otherside》 歌词

歌曲名:Otherside歌手:Mandy Capristo专辑:GraceMandy Capristo - OthersideHow longhow long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlittin my throatIt"s all I everI heard your voice through a photographI thought it up and brought up the pastOnce you"ve know you can never go backI"ve got to take it on the othersideCenturiees are what it meant to meA cemetery where I marry the seaStranger things could never change my mindI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow longhow long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlittin my throatIt"s all I everPour my life into a paper cupThe ashtrays full and I"m spillin" my gutsShe wants to know am I still a slutI"ve got to take it on the other sideScarlet starlet and she"s in my bedA candidate for a soul mate bledPush the trigger and pull the threadI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow longhow long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlittin my throatIt"s all I everTurn me on take me for a hard rideBurn me out leave me on the othersideI yell and tell it thatIt"s not a friendI tear it down I tear it downAnd then it"s born againHow longhow long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlittin my throatIt"s all I ever

求春风物语中的曲子 the otherside




英语知识求解∶another,other,the other,others这四个有什么区别有什么用法


other和others和the other和the others的区别

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