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品 牌:oscarschmidt(WASHBURN) 产 地:中国 世界名牌WASHBURN的箱琴副牌,专门生产中低档箱琴和电箱琴。OG2CE现在在中国生产,因此价格低廉,但质量仍然是WASHBURN认证,每把琴都有WASHBURN认证书。

A Very Important Person 翻译


妙语短篇a very important person翻译




Never As Good As The First Time 歌词

歌曲名:Never As Good As The First Time歌手:Sade专辑:The Best Of SadeNever As Good As The First TimeSadeGood times they come and they goNever going to knowWhat fate is going to blowYour way just hope that it feels rightSometimes it comes and it goesYou take it ever so slowAnd then you lose it, and then it flows right to youSo we rely on the pastAnd special moments that lastWere they as tenderAs we dare to rememberSuch a fine time as thisWhat could equal the blissThe thrill of the first kissIt"ll blow right to youIt"s never as good as the first timeNever as good as the first time (never as good as the first time)Good times they come and they goNever going to knowIt"s like the weatherOne day chicken next day feathersThe rose we rememberThe thorns we forgetWe"d love and leaveWe never spend a minute on regretIt is a possibilityThe more we know the less we seeSecond time is not quite what it seemedNatural as the way we came to beThe second time won"t live up to the dreamIt"s never as good as the first time (never as good as the first time)Never as good as the first time (never as good as the first time)Mm buh duh duh duh buh buh bumBuh buh duh duh duh bum bumMm buh duh duh duh buh buh bumBuh buh duh duh duh bum bumNatural as the way we came to beSecond time won"t live up to the dreamAs natural as the way we came to beThe second time is not quite what it seemedIt"s neverAs good as the first timeAs the first time (never as good as the first time)First timeMm buh duh duh duh buh buh bum...

几道有关英语语法的题1.other,the others,another,others的区别及应用.2.以How,Wha

1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如:Do you have any other question(s)?2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如:He has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other is a worker.他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人.the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”.在句中可作主语、宾语.如:Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports.我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动.4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”.特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”.是the other的复数形式.如:Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里. how 感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感.英语感叹句常用"what"和"how"引导,"what"和"how"与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句语序. 一、 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么"用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词.这类句子的结构形式是: what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 如: ① What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! 二、由"how"引导的感叹句:"how"意为"多么",用作状语,修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分).如果修饰形容词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如果how修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词,这类句子的结构形式是: How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:① How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! 三选 B there 后 接be

为什么错the early british settlers organized the east coast of north america

The early British settlers organized the eastern coast of North America

On the way,they fired on settlers houses and stole about twenty___and six horses.


为什么The Settlers Online没有汉化


英语改错练习:The first settlers were unprepared fpr the long and patient toil

for 改成 in 。for which可以用why代替,显然不是原因

cst出现could not determine the number of conductors for port 2,怎么解决

could not determine_有道翻译翻译结果:无法确定the number of conductors for_有道翻译翻译结果:导体的数量port_有道词典port英 [pu0254u02d0t]美 [pu0254rt]n. 港口,口岸;(计算机的)端口;左舷;舱门vt. 持(枪);左转舵vi. 转向左舷n. (Port)人名;(英)波特;(法)波尔;(德、俄、匈、捷)波尔特更多释义>>[网络短语]Port 端口,港口,波特酒

英文名言翻译:This year - a factory of semiconductors. Next year - a factory of whole conductors!


“16 AWG stranded (19x29) TC conductors”括号部分(19x29)在其中什么意思?


北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司翻译成英文是Adecco Personnel Limited可以吗?

Shanghai Adecco HR Service Co,.Ltd.


rollers= roll skating board 滑轮板wheel= man on wheels 所有带轮子的工具castor = electricity stand bike 指电动站立式滑板

求宫崎骏动画片 借东西的小人 中的插曲有一句是 so many years

荒れた庭作词:Cecile Corbel作曲:Simon Caby、Cecile Corbel编曲:Cecile Corbel、Simon Caby 歌:Cecile Corbel [CHORUS]So many years have passedThe dew is still on the rosesI left my childhoodIn a garden green. Come in the gardenAnd look at the treesI used to play there when I was a childSquirrels and birdsLittle fairiesSettled down there long ago. [CHORUS]So many years have passedThe dew is still on the rosesI left my childhoodIn a garden green. Come in the gardenAnd sit on the grassI used to sit there when I was a childIvy and mossLittle daisiesCovered the lane long ago. So many years have passedThe dew is still on the rosesI kept my memoriesIn that garden green.试听: [第5首]PS:不知你是要歌名儿。还是歌词,还是这首歌曲。上面是歌词和试听,如果想要歌曲,请“问题补充”+邮箱地址,我传给你。



句子成分分析:Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers……


制冷压缩机电机类型 RSIR代表什么意思

  resistive start inductive run,翻译:电阻电感开始运行  名词解释:  制冷压缩机是制冷系统的核心和心脏。压缩机引的能力和特征决定了制冷系统的能力和特征。某种意义上,制冷系统的设计与匹配就是将压缩机的能力体现出来。因此,世界各国制冷行业无不在制冷压缩机的研究上投入了大量的精力,新的研究方向和研究成果不断出现。压缩机的技术和性能水平日新月异。压缩机的种类很多,根据工作原理的不同,制冷压缩机可以分为定排量压缩机和变排量压缩机。  机械概述  制冷压缩机是制冷系统的核心耗能部件,提高制冷系统效率的最直接有效手段是提高压缩机的效率,它将带来系统能耗的显著降低。同时这样还能避免仅在系统上采集。  标准 Q/Y B00J02.02  采取措施(如一味加大换热器面积等)所造成的材料消耗的大量增加。随着世界上能源紧缺形势的日益严重,各个国家越来越重视节能工作、对耗能产品的效率提出了越来越高的要求。  由于各种损失,诸如摩擦、泄漏、有害传热、电机损失、流动阻力、噪声振动等因素的存在,压缩机工作时实际效率远低于理论效率。因此,从理论上讲,任何能够降低任意一种损失的措施都能够提高压缩机的效率。这一客观事实导致了对压缩机的节能研究范围广、方向宽,研究课题与研究成果多种多样。  国际上对压缩机的节能研究工作主要集中在几个方面:研究润滑特性、压缩机轴承部位的摩擦特性以降低摩擦功耗、提高压缩机效率;降低泄漏损失以提高压缩机的效率;采用变频或变容技术通过制冷系统的出力与用户负荷的最佳匹配来实现节能,有关这方面的内容特别是变频技术已相对较为成熟且广为人知。  气阀的研究是一个古老的课题但也是一个永恒的课题,改进气阀的设计以提高压缩机效率的研究永无止境也永有收获。这方面的研究非常之多,从气阀材料、运动规律、结构优化到适用理论、测试方法等包罗万象。总之,关于压缩机节能方面的研究已成为制冷行业的一个首要热点问题。  机械原理  活塞式压缩机制冷压缩机在蒸汽压缩式制冷系统中,把制冷剂从低压提升为高压,并使制冷剂不断循环流动,从而使系统不断将内部热量排放到高于系统温度的环境中。制冷压缩机是制冷系统的心脏,制冷系统通过压缩机输入电能,从而将热量从低温环境排放到高温环境。制冷压缩机的能效比决定整个制冷系统的能效比。由于环境温度是经常变化的,故压缩机大部分时间是处于部分负荷状态,因此压缩机要具有能量调节。  螺杆式压缩机没有活塞式压缩机所需的气缸,活塞、活塞环、汽缸套等易损部件,机器结构紧凑,体积小,重量轻,没有余隙容积,少量液体进入机内时无液击危险。可利用活阀进行10%~100%的无级能量调节,适用范围广,运行平稳可靠,需检修周期长,无故障运行时间可达(2~5)×104h。由于使用润滑油使机器的冷却使用和密封性能得到改善,排气温度降低,即使蒸发温度较低(-40℃)和压缩比较高(25左右),仍然可以单级运行,即在一定范围内可以代替两级压缩循环。但是,螺杆式制冷压缩机的加工和装配要求精度较高,不适宜于变工况运行,有较大的噪音,在一般情况下,需装置消音和隔音设备,在制冷压缩时,需要喷加润滑油,因而需要油泵、油冷却器和油回收器等较多辅助设备。  在压缩机壳体外侧封闭联通一个Helmholtz共鸣器,即由Helmholtz共鸣器的腔室通过孔颈与压缩机壳体内部空腔相连成,以降低压缩机腔内受激声学模态的幅值。将共鸣器共振频率调制到实际压缩机空腔的最大受激振动模式上,会大幅降低共振峰值和导致响应频谱的显著改变。但是这样会影响压缩机外观和在冰箱中的布置,其研究结果尚未应用于产品中。  压缩机作为跨临界二氧化碳空调系统效率及可靠性影响最大的部件,应当充分结合二氧化碳超临界循环具体特点重新进行设计。CO2和氨一样,其绝热指数K 值较高,达1.30,这可能会使压缩机排气温度偏高,但由于CO2需要的压缩机的压比小,因此不需要对压缩机本身进行冷却。正因为绝热指数高,压比小,可减小压缩机余隙容积的再膨胀损失,使压缩机容积效率较高。经过实验和理论研究,Jurgen SUB和Horst Kruse发现,往复式压缩机有良好的油膜滑动密封,成为CO2系统的首选。BOCK对其二氧化碳压缩机排气阀进行了改进,排气改良后的二氧化碳压缩机效率提高了7%。  剩余润滑油量和电机端线圈绕组也会导致同种型号成批压缩机声级之间存在差异(偏离声级平均值)。通过改变壳体外部支承来增加扭转刚度,且减小振动面;噪声研究的复杂性要求研究者具有较强的理论素质、要求企业具有较好的技术基础、并且需要较大的投资和较长的时间。这方面是中国压缩机企业的薄弱环节之一,基本上处于定性的实验研究阶段,伴随着很大的随意性和偶然性。  基于环保要求的新制冷剂的应用也是制冷压缩机行业的一个热点问题,随着用于冰箱产品的R22制冷剂替代工作的结束,新制冷剂压缩机的研究主要集中在空调行业。除了已比较成熟的R410A、R407C方面的研究外,最大的热点问题是二氧化碳压缩机的研究。由于二氧化碳系统压力远远大于传统的压临界循环系统,压缩机的轴封设计要求比原有压缩机高得多,压缩机的轴封泄漏在一段时间内仍将是阻碍其实用化的主要原因。


doctor [u0259]horse [u0254:]两个单词中的or发音不同

大智慧里图下的MACD KDJ RSI TRLX WR%等都代表什么意思?




How Am I Supposed To Live Without You (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:How Am I Supposed To Live Without You (Lp Version)歌手:Laura Branigan专辑:The Best Of Branigan知行英语Listen and ShareMichael BoltonHow Am I Supposed to Live without YouI could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing morebefore I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living foris gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mineis coming to an endAnd how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingWhen even now it"s more thanI can takeTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living for is gone.And I don"t want to know the priceI"m gonna pay for dreamingNow that your dream has come true.重复歌词大意I could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youStraightget it straight fromget it straight from the horse"s mouthitthe horse"s ageget it straight from somebodyLet"s get it straightThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awaysweep awayI"ll get him to sweep awaythe broken glass.sweep awaytake awaysweep awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing more before I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry oncarry onWe must carry on till successin spite of the extremely difficult conditions.We carried on the discussionlate into the night.When all that I"ve been living for is gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mine iscoming to an endcome to an endThe summer vacationcame to an end at lastAll good things must come to an end.And how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingpay forI paid £1,000 for this house.Pay forpriceYou will pay for your dishonesty.Pollution is the price we pay foran overpopulated, over industrialized planet.When even now it"s more than I can take谢谢收听知行提示

Moon River (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Moon River (Album Version)歌手:James Moody专辑:Moody Plays Mancini知行英语Listen and ShareOpening Music知行音乐厅Breakfast at TiffanysMoon RiverMoon river, wider than a mileI"m crossing you in style some dayOh, dream maker,you heart breakerWherever you"re goin",i"m goin" your waytwo drifters, off to see the worldthere"s such a lot of world to seewe"re after the same rainbow"s end,waitin""round the bendmy huckleberry friend,moon river, and me(moon river, wider than a mile)(I"m crossin" you in style some day)oh, dream maker,you heart breakerwherever you"re goin",I"m goin" your waytwo drifters,off to see the worldthere"s such a lot of world to seeWe"re after that same rainbow"s end,waitin""round the bendmy huckleberry friend,moon river, and me歌词大意Moon river, wider than a mileI"m crossing you in style some daycrossing you in stylecross 碰见, 相遇I crossed an acquaintance on the Street.Style 款式、风格in style 入时Most salesmen like to entertain in style,in order to impress their customers.Oh, dream maker,you heart breakerWherever you"re goin",i"m goin" your waytwo drifters,off to see the worlddrifter 流浪者,漂泊者there"s such a lot of world to seewe"re after the same rainbow"s end,waitin""round the bendmy huckleberry friend,moon river, and mehuckleberryHuckleberry Finn流浪的人Ending Music谢谢收听www.AfterClass.Cn

Moon River (Live) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Moon River (Live) (Album Version)歌手:Brad Mehldau专辑:The Art Of The Trio Volume 2: Live At The Village Vanguard知行英语Listen and ShareOpening Music知行音乐厅Breakfast at TiffanysMoon RiverMoon river, wider than a mileI"m crossing you in style some dayOh, dream maker,you heart breakerWherever you"re goin",i"m goin" your waytwo drifters, off to see the worldthere"s such a lot of world to seewe"re after the same rainbow"s end,waitin""round the bendmy huckleberry friend,moon river, and me(moon river, wider than a mile)(I"m crossin" you in style some day)oh, dream maker,you heart breakerwherever you"re goin",I"m goin" your waytwo drifters,off to see the worldthere"s such a lot of world to seeWe"re after that same rainbow"s end,waitin""round the bendmy huckleberry friend,moon river, and me歌词大意Moon river, wider than a mileI"m crossing you in style some daycrossing you in stylecross 碰见, 相遇I crossed an acquaintance on the Street.Style 款式、风格in style 入时Most salesmen like to entertain in style,in order to impress their customers.Oh, dream maker,you heart breakerWherever you"re goin",i"m goin" your waytwo drifters,off to see the worlddrifter 流浪者,漂泊者there"s such a lot of world to seewe"re after the same rainbow"s end,waitin""round the bendmy huckleberry friend,moon river, and mehuckleberryHuckleberry Finn流浪的人Ending Music谢谢收听www.AfterClass.Cn

Jules & The Polar Bears的《Convict》 歌词

歌曲名:Convict歌手:Jules & The Polar Bears专辑:Got No Breedingalbum: To Hell With Godreleased on February 15, 2011A day of death upon the cross of deceitImpure with pleasure to bare witness to heDeath calling you to ChristHuman sacrifice, CONVICTION!Down the unseen, your beliefAbsent god, don"t existGo unto thou, from the deadWalk with him, he ain"t thereLove in retreat, uncompelledFeel no pain, pray unfeltHate run in place, holy graceContemplate, there"s no godThe work of Jesus was the devil in factHis miracles were nothing more than a trapLies pinned upon the crossCrucify his false RELIGION!Conviction, choking on the crucifix in his bloodConviction, take the bullet for the love of a sonConviction, from the cross into his kingdom you goConviction, no more bullshit from the likes of the lordSatanic visions bring the lord to his deathTheir own disenchantment of perversions confessedCaught, harrow in disgustRevel in your lost RELIGION!Conviction, choking on the crucifix in his bloodConviction, take the bullet for the love of a sonConviction, from the cross into his kingdom you goConviction, no more bullshit from the likes of the lord

日本MY FIRST STORY乐队现在为什么只剩下4个人?少了谁啊?

偶只知道ZONE.... 是女子四人团体.... 已经解散了.... 其中 鼓手基本资料: 原名:齐藤瑞穗Saito Mizuho 英文名:MIZUHO 出生年月日:1986年12月12日 出生地:北海道.札幌市 家庭状况:父、母、兄、妹 星座:射...

请问bruno mars的billionaire里的fricking bad是什么意思?

是freaking bad,freaking是f**k收敛的一种讲法,就是强调的作用,将起来比较酷一点(我自认为是用来凑字数),所以就是“特别”的意思句子的意思就是“我特别想成为一个亿万富翁”



Billionaire (Feat. Bruno Mars) 歌词

歌曲名:Billionaire (Feat. Bruno Mars)歌手:Travie Mccoy专辑:BillionaireTravie McCoy - Billionaire (Feat. Bruno Mars)I wanna be a billionaire so fricking badBuy all of the things I never hadUh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazineSmiling next to Oprah and the QueenOh every time I close my eyesI see my name in shining lightsA different city every night ohI swear the world better prepareFor when I"m a billionaireYeah I would have a show like OprahI would be the host of, everyday ChristmasGive Travie a wish listI"d probably pull an Angelina and Brad PittAnd adopt a bunch of babies that ain"t never had sh-tGive away a few Mercedes like here lady have thisAnd last but not least grant somebody their last wishIt"s been a couple months since I"ve single soYou can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho HoGet it, hehe, I"d probably visit where Katrina hitAnd damn sure do a lot more than FEMA didYeah can"t forget about me stupidEverywhere I go I"m a have my own theme musicOh oooh oh oooh for when I"m a BillionaireI"ll be playing basketball with the PresidentDunking on his delegatesThen I"ll compliment him on his political etiquetteToss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of itBut keep the fives, twentysAnd yeah I"ll be in a whole new tax bracketWe in recession but let me take a crack at itI"ll probably take whatevers left and just split it upSo everybody that I love can have a couple bucksAnd not a single tummy around me would know what hungry wasEating good sleeping soundlyI know we all have a similar dreamGo in your pocket pull out your walletAnd put it in the air and singI wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!

she is always willing to help others 句子成分?

主语:shebe willing to do 频度副词:always

managers have been more than willing to do .... 这里 willing是动名,还是adj,

在此句中为形容词willingadj. 乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的

Ours的《Willing》 歌词

歌曲名:Willing歌手:Ours专辑:Mercy... Dancing For The Death Of An Imaginary Enemy朝日を切りきざんで物语のベル鸣りひびくはじめる瞬间(とき)が来たよ自由という时刻に合わせていた胸がふるえて今度こそ风のようにはばたけ もっと伤つく予感も越えて手放せば消えてゆく未来なら抱きしめてこの梦の最後まで駆け抜けてゆくよ明日を学びすぎてひらめきが逃げ出す前に踏み出せば见えてくる素直になれた时の気持だけ覚えておこういつだってこの胸に爱せる きっと见知らぬ世界で会える自由への近道は谁だって探せないはみ出した勇気だけ信じればいいよ悲しい想いはこのままであきらめてしまうことさ手放せば消えてゆく未来なら抱きしめてこの梦の最後まで駆け抜けてゆくよ自由への近道は谁だって探せないはみ出した勇気だけ信じればいいよ


《Stinger》(Robert McCammon)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:fpl6书名:Stinger作者:Robert McCammon出版社:Pocket出版年份:1988-04-01

conversation 怎么读



CDP Web Collection conversationalist n. 交谈者, 健谈者 conversationalist 1 谈话的人 2 健谈者, 会应酬的人

how to be a good conversationalist


Mrs.Longworth, briliant conversationalist, ...请问这句话的意思,并分析句子结构,谢谢!

一、这是一个并列句 第一分句: Mrs. Longworth, brilliant conversationalist, began to talk in her usual charming manner 其中 —— 主语 —— Mrs. Longworth 同位语 —— brilliant conversationalist 进一步说明 Mrs. Longworth 的特点—— 有才气的的健谈者。 谓语动词 —— began 由不定式充当的宾语 —— to talk in her usual charming manner,(其中 in her usual charming manner 是 talk 的方式状语),意思是“以她通常吸引人的方式谈话”。 第二分句 —— but all attempts to awake interest on the part of vice-president were unproductive 其中 —— 主语:all attempts to awake interest on the part of vice-president, 其中不定式 to awake interest on ... 是名词 attempts 的后置定语,意思是“激发对有关副总统职责的兴趣的企图” 系表结构的谓语部分:were unproductive 是徒劳的二、附注: 朗沃思·艾丽斯·罗斯福:(1884-1980) 美国社会工作者,美国总统西奥多·罗斯福的女儿,由于她活跃的社会生活和尖刻的措辞而成为新闻界的热门话题。全句的意思: 朗沃思是有才气的的健谈者,她开始以通常吸引人的方式谈话,但是所有激发对副总统职责兴趣的企图总是收不到效果。


你好这位朋友,这个是个名词,他有谈话、会话、会谈、议论的意思,你可以根据他在你所要知道的那句话中选择合适的含义 ,望采纳


CDP Web Collection conversationalist n. 交谈者, 健谈者 conversationalist <<名词>> 1 谈话的人 2 健谈者, 会应酬的人


stinger英 [ˈstɪŋə] 美 [ˈstɪŋər] n.螫针;刺激者,讽刺者stingers是它的复数

vest,university,end tabe,hour前用什么冠词?

泛指用不定冠词a/an举例:a vest, a university,an end, a tabe, an hour特指用定冠词the举例:the+名词,the vest, the university...

what matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard.t?

对于讲述者来说,最重要的是这个故事有人听. to the storyteller 在本句中可以看做独立成分,表示“对于某人来说”,起补充作用.试看: To the storyteller, what. 这样改写之后,句义完全不受影响.,4,重要的是,这个故事是讲故事的人听到了, 故事,1,what matters to the storyteller is that the story is the storyteller作什么成分?

Tracks Of My Tears 歌词

歌曲名:Tracks Of My Tears歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:Soul "69Tracks of my tearsBoyz II MenAlbum: Motown Hitsville USAby: kooPeople say I"m the life of the party"Cause I tell a joke or twoAlthough I might be laughing loud and heartyDeep inside I"m blueSo take a good look at my faceYou"ll see my smile looks out of placeIf you look closer, it"s easy to traceThe tracks of my tearsI need you, need youNeed you, need youSince you left me if you see me with another girlSeeming like I"m having funAlthough she may be cuteShe"s just a substituteBecause you"re the permanent one.So take a good look at my faceYou"ll see my smile looks out of placeLook closer, it"s easy to traceThe tracks of my tearsI need you, need youNeed you, need you(BIIM & Wanya)Outside I"m masqueradingInside my hope is fadingJust a clown oh yeahSince you put me downMy smile is my make upI wear since my break up with youSo take a good look at my face... smile looks out of place... closer, it"s easy to traceThe tracks of my tearsSo take a good look at my faceYou"ll see my smile looks out of placeIf you look closer, it"s easy to traceTracks of my tears


一:不能单纯的说后面跟什么数.你首先要理解的是few和a few的用法和区别. few,后面跟可数名词复数,用于否定,表示几乎没有. 例句:there are few apples on the table.(桌子上几乎没有苹果) a few,后面跟可数名词复数,用于肯定句,表示有,但数量少.几个 例句:there are a few apples on the table.(桌子上有几个苹果) 二:关于family,它始终是一个名词,至于是家人还是家庭要看它在句子中的意思了. 给您几个例子,希望可以帮到您. 例句:My family is large. 我的家是个大家庭. His family are all waiting for him. 他的一家人都在等他.

We Want (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:We Want (Album Version)歌手:Skindred专辑:BabylonWell if we had our own willing way to goYou"d be doing things, and hoping theres antidote!When we saw that we"d give you it all!We can get a try!We can get a try!with a 1, 2, 3You"d be startin" to drown!We can clear the floorWe"d give you a bangin"ladies and gentelmen do it together!We want you to give us something more...You have to lay down on us!We want us to get up off the floor...Don"t ever lay down on it!We don"t want to ever live or die!We gotta get out we can make it todayyou gotta HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! make it today!We want fun and you better believe it!We want fun "cos we desperately need it!We want fun, but you dont understand...... you gotta HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! make me a man!We want fun and you better believe it!We want fun either take it, or leave it!We want fun, and we"re gonna get pasted!We want to have fun, and we want to get wasted!When we had the time of our lifeWe"d hook up with the gangand take you through!Then youd be in the back of our vanMum and dad started gettin" real bad!We want you to give us something more...You have to lay down on us!We want us to get up off the floor...Don"t ever lay down on it!We don"t want to ever live or die!We gotta get out we can make it todayyou gotta HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! make it today!We want fun and you better believe it!We want fun "cos we desperately need it!We want fun, but you dont understand...... you gotta HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! make me a man!We want fun "cos we medically need it!We want fun eiter take it, or leave it!We want fun, and we"re gonna get pasted!We want to have fun, and we want to get wasted!We want pie, want pie, want fun YEAH!What do we want? What do we want?We want fun, want pie, want fun YEAH!What do we want? What do we want?We want fun, want pie, want pie YEAH!What do we want? We know what we want!We want pie, want pie, want pie!We want to have fun, and we want to get wasted!

开头是 Many years ago,one of my students a


The Corrs的《Breathless》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathless歌手:The Corrs专辑:Vh1 Presents The Corrs Live In Dublin-AtlanticGo on, go onLeave me breathlessCome OnThe daylight"s fading slowlyBut time with you is standing stillI"m waiting for you onlyThe slightest touch and I feel weakI cannot lie, from you I cannot hideAnd I"m losing will to tryCan"t hide it, can"t fight itSo go on, go on, come on leave me breathlessTemp me, tease me, until I can"t denyThis lovin" feelingMake me long for your kissGo on, go on, yeahCome onAnd if there"s no tomorrowAnd all we have is here and nowI"m happy just to have youYou"re all the love I need somehowIt"s like a dreamAlthough I"m not asleepAnd I never want to wake upDon"t lose it, don"t leave itSo go on, go on, come on leave me breathlessTemp me, tease me, until I can"t denyThis lovin" feelingMake me long for your kissGo on, go on, yeahCome onAnd I can"t lieFrom you I cannot hideAnd I"ve lost my will to tryCan"t hide itCan"t fight itSo go on, go on, come on leave me breathlessTemp me, tease me, until I can"t denyThis lovin" feelingMake me long for your kissGo on, go on, come on leave me breathlessGo on, go on, come on leave me breathlessGo on, go on, come on leave me breathlessGo on, go on?by Stane?& Mla餫

NRSV版本的英文圣经跟 NIV版本的英文圣经有什么区别吗?

NIV版本的相对来说容易理解,用的比较普遍。一、《圣经》是神所默示的,是犹太教、基督教的经典。最初出于希伯来文kethubhim,原意为“文章”,后衍意为“经”;希腊文作graphai,拉丁文作Scripturoe,汉译作“经”。二、《圣经》是犹太人和欧洲人的信仰经典,讲述古时犹太人的历史,并记录先知预言。[1]当犹太教经典大量译成希腊文本后,希腊文ta biblia(复数,原意为“诸书”)遂被用以专指这些经典;拉丁文衍为单数词Biblia,后成为犹太教、基督教正式经典的专称,汉译作“圣经”。三、《圣经》是一本相当厚的书,页数跟字典差不多,但其实《圣经》不只是一本书,而可以说是一套有66本的丛书。其中有长有短;有古老的作品,也有较近期的作品,内容包括:历史、诗歌、哲学,甚至私人信件和讲章。四、《旧约圣经》即犹太教的《圣经》,是从犹太教承受下来的。全书卷数和次序,基督教各派略有不同。五、《新约圣经》是基督教的经典,共27卷,包括记载耶稣生平、言行的“福音书”,叙述早期教会情况的《使徒行传》,传为使徒们所写的《书信》和《启示录》。

English version是什么意思

English version英文版

求英文单词 "Version" 缩写版



chinese version

English version是什么意思


English version是什么意思

翻译过来是: 英文版本


英语很简单又直白,单词要用正确的单词,否则表达就会混乱。我有新版本= I have new version.我有远见=I have new vision. 看到差别了没。

版本英文怎么说?version 还是 edition

两个都可以 version 描述,说法,看法;版本,形式;译本,剧本 edition 版次,版本

加拿大Rogers Wireless的4G网络频率(MHz)是多少

您好,加拿大Rogers Wireless的网络频率(MHz)是700/1700/2100/2600



谁有TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress Trial Version的注册码这是注册机。


这里边存放的是软件运行时和结束后的数据和配置文件。有些可以删除,有些最好不要删除。解决方法如下:1、win+R键调出运行库。2、在运行框中输入【control folders】,点【确定】。3、来点按下【查看】,将【显示隐藏的文件夹、文件及驱动器】开启。4、接着打开电脑的C盘根目录-用户,如图。5、再将【AppData】文件夹打开。6、在这里面就有三个文件夹,先看第一个【Local】文件夹,其实都是一些自己电脑的软件文件夹,基本都是可以删除的。7、接着第二个【LocalLow】文件夹中,也是可以删除的,包含了Adobe文件+输入法文件,一般输入法的不建议删除,Adobe的看是否安装ps、pr等软件,安装了也不需要删除。8、最后一个【Roaming】其实和第一个类似,看电脑是否有该软件,有则不删除,没有则可以删除。

Metallica的《Dyers Eve》 歌词

歌曲名:Dyers Eve歌手:Metallica专辑:The Metallica Collection[ti:Dyers_EveMOMO制作~永远支持乔~Dear motherDear fatherWhat is this hell you have put me throughBelieverDeceiverDay in day out live my life through youPushed onto me what"s wrong or rightHidden from this thing that they call lifeDear motherDear fatherEvery thought i"d think you"d disapproveCuratorDictatorAlways cencoring my every moveChildren are seen bur are not heardTear out everything inspiredInnocenceTorn from me without your shelterBarred realityI"m living blindlyDear motherDear fatherTime has frozen still what"s left to beHear nothingSay nothingCannot face the fact i think for meNo guarantee,it"s life as isBut damn you for not giving me my chanceDear motherDear fatherYou"ve clipped my wings before i learned to flyUnspoiledUnspokenI"ve outgrown that fucking lullabySame thing i"ve always heard from youDo as i say not as i doInnocenceTorn from me without your shelterBarred realityI"m living blindlyI"m in hell without youCannot cope without you twoShocked at the world that i seeInnocent victim please rescue meDear motherDear fatherHidden in your world you"ve made for meI"m seethingI"m bleedingRipping wounds in me that never healUndying spite i feel for youLiving out this hell you always knew


immerse用法及搭配如下:immerse是及物动词,必须后接宾语,本义为把某物浸入液体中。引申义为某人把自己投入到某项工作中,用反身代词作宾语或用被动结构。搭配如下:1.I immerse my clothes in the water.我把衣服浸在水里。2.Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes.把布浸在染料里浸泡20分钟。3.Immerse yourself with inspirational thoughts and motivational quotes.让自己沉浸在鼓舞人心的想法和话语中。4.Researchers use tongs to immerse and remove objects from cryogenic liquids.研究人员用夹具浸入低温液体中来移动物体。5.Before cooking, immerse the vegetable in hot water for two or three minutes.烹饪之前,把蔬菜浸泡在热水中两到三分钟。



1 Tere are sonne cars in the shanghai 2 Ben can hear a ship 3 Linda has some beautiful dresses

1 Tere are sonne cars in the shanghai 疑问:Are there any cars in the shanghai ?否定: There aren"t any cars in the shanghai .2 Ben can hear a ship 疑问:Can Ben hear a ship ?否定:Ben can"t hear a ship .3 Linda has some beautiful dresses疑问:Does Linda have any beautiful dresses? 否定:Linda doesn"t have any beautiful dresses4 Sam likes eating bohes 疑问:Does Sam like eating bohes ?否定:Sam doesn"t like eating bohes .5 Sally is peter " s sister 疑问:Is Sally peter " s sister 否定:Sally isn"t peter " s sister 望采纳,祝开心!

(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅱ)It was only after he had read the papers ________Mr.Gross realized the t

B 选B。题干的意思是:“直到他读了文件之后,格罗斯先生才意识到他面前的任务非常难完成。”本句为强调句型,强调状语only after he had read the papers。根据强调句结构“It is/was+被强调部分+that+剩余部分.”可知选B。此外,我们也可以将It is/was与空格去掉来验证此句是不是一个强调句。

It was only after he had read the papers Mr. Gross realized the task B...

B 考查强调句型。only after he had read the papers是被强调的部分,Mr. Gross realized the task Before him was extremely difficult to complete句子成分完整,排除C、D;把It was和that去掉后不影响句意,因此是强调句,故选B。【考点定位】强调句型it is...that。

Read the paper and __________ it __________ to the other teachers. 填空题

pass on

关于Read English nespapers的英语作文

1:Reading English newspaper may help us learn a lot of vocabulary,raise our reading skills such as easy to find the points,or increase reading speed,etc.Another benefit is that we can learn new things or knowledge from newspaper articles. Choosing a formal newspaper is the first step.Then read hard news and head lines.We can learn a lot from head lines.And find out what we are interested. Select 5 articles to read.No more than 5 since we won"t have much time to finish many pages and columns in a day.Next,read first or second paragraph of each article from which we"ll know what,when,how,why,and who to the information about news.There are some websites that help us to know up- to-date information.After we register,we can get access to news everyday.As I said, read headlines first.If we really like the title,we can read the whole article.These are the few ways to read English newspaper to benefit us. 2:Reading English newspapers can improve reading skills,increase English vocabulary and learn more things to write.But we need to know how to read newspaper well if it"s going to turn out an advantage to us.First,make the newspaper thinner.This means just read the headline,the topic of the article, then find the interesting sections that you like.Second,browse every article you like just one or two paragraphs.Read no more than five articles.You can understand what it is talking about and you don"t want to waste your time,right? Third,read more about the article you like by reading the information containing “when”,“where”,“what”,“who”,and “how”.That will help you read quickly.The last one,don"t be afraid of new words.You can understand what it means in the context.

那个是对的?“read newspaper”和“read newspapers”

前者 报纸不可数

read newspaper还是 read newspapers对?

报纸是可数的:例句1早饭前,他浏览几张报纸。He looks through several newspapers before breakfast.2屋内徒有一张日历、一些公告牌和几张报纸。Just a calendar remained, along with a couple of bulletin boards and newspapers clippings about teacher"s pay.3一本小说、几张报纸、一杯香茗可以打消我任何的闲暇时光。A piece of book, a couple of newspapers and a cup of tea can while away any of my spare time.这我写了很久的你要来纳我,我还举了例子!好好学加游

Shooting Stars 歌词

歌曲名:Shooting Stars歌手:Cauterize专辑:So Far From RealShooting Star专辑:东方蓬千歌~Sound of Chord~原曲:「恋色マスタースパーク」(上海アリス幻乐団)ボーカル: うっち-アレンジ: らんてぃ / 芳叶作词: 芳叶几年も前 辉いていた光広い宇宙の下 ずっと眺めていたいつかは消えてしまう そのストーリー何度も 自分に重ね合わせて朝を迎える 儚さを共に 见えなくなってしまっても走る强さと 止まる弱さを 抱え私たちは この大地に辉いている明日に吹く风 止まるその日まで そっとあなたへの 想いを込めて 祈る Shooting Starいつもあることが 当たり前だったり「変わるはずがない」と信じていたりふと空 见上げてみれば 流れ星必死に その瞬间を 辉かせていた夜に拡がる 美しさをだけど 朝日の 煌めく光を向かう强さと 迫る怖さを 抱え今 私は あなたへのカタチを 探してる重ね合わすmy dream 叶うその日まで ずっとあなたへの 想いを込めて 放つ Shooting Star朝を迎える 儚さを共に 见えなくなってしまっても走る强さと 止まる弱さを 抱え私たちは この大地に辉いている明日に吹く风 止まるその日まで そっとあなたへの 想いを込めて 祈る Shooting Star向かう强さと 迫る怖さを 抱え今 私は あなたへのカタチを 探してる重ね合わすmy dream 叶うその日まで ずっとあなたへの 想いを込めて 放つ Shooting Staredit by rhapsode(c53918120)

Shooting Star (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shooting Star (Album Version)歌手:Golden Smog专辑:On Golden Smog [Ep]ピコ - Shooting Star作词:ピコ作曲:大平勉悲しみ积もる世界ひとりぼっち膝に落とした涙痛くて怖くて震えていた君の为に仆が光りになって照らしていくんだどんな暗闇も乗り越えていける谁より强く辉くから小さな梦 手にとって大きな绊にして星屑を集め 煌く仆らシューティングスター向い风の中だって繋いだ手を离さないように君と辿り着く 未だ见ぬ明日へとまた一つ消えていった命の灯は星になり照らすだろう「ありがとう」「さようなら」その言叶の数だけ君は前に进んでいくんだ立ち止まらないんだ冷たい夜でも寂しくはないよ仆达がまた辉くからどんなに困难だって君の描く未来がある星屑を集め 彩る仆らシューティングスター时が流れてもずっと繋いだ手を忘れないように君が纺いでく 未だ见ぬ明日へとどんな暗闇も乗り越えていける谁より强く辉くから小さな梦 手にとって大きな绊にして星屑を集め 煌く仆らシューティングスター向い风の中だって繋いだ手を离さないように君と辿り着く 未だ见ぬ明日へとおわり

other,others,another,one……the other的区别和用法这里有详细的解释

shooting stars是什么动漫的主题曲


No Limites (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:No Limites (Album Version)歌手:Alliance Ethnik专辑:No LimitesNo LimitMusic: Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker, Eric BazilianWhat"s the noise who"s to blameThe Maserati comes unchainedSmell the power and energyCome away, come away, come awayYou"re the rider of the wildest stormLive your dreams before they"re goneFeel the spirit that sets you freeCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyWe gonna leave for tomorrowlandWe"ve got the future on our handsA piece of heaven for you and meCome away, come away, come awayYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)You gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyHigher higherTake me higher always higherReach for the skyYou gotta live it up (there"s no limit)We gotta make itYou give it all you"ve got (there"s no limit)Reach for the skyYou gotta let it go (there"s no limit)We gotta take itYou leave me hot and cold (there"s no limit)Out of my mindOut of my mindComes From 《Sting in the Tail》 - 2010... Scorpions - 老蝎子永远年轻 ...

2个人,two people, two persons都可以, 请问,3个人呢?30个人呢?300个人呢?3000个人,也可以two thou

Three people 30 people 3000 people


two persons or people

请问 person 用几个人的范围内能说 two people

person 是一个人.He is a good person. people 是集合名词,可以说two people,three people ,a lot of people,a bunch of people
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