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your与yours的用法:you,你your你的,后要加名词yours,你的,不能加名词。①你(们),主格代词,宾格代词;②你(们)的,形容词性物主代词;③你(们)的,名词性物主代词。1、词性your是形容词性物主代词,yours是名词性物主代词。例如:This is your pen.(这是你的笔。)This pen is yours.(这支笔是你的。)2、用法your不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用;yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词,rours还可以可于of后构成双重所有格。例如:It"s no business of yours.(这不关你的事。)这不关你的事。



to begin with 与at first的区别 first=at the beginning,表示"当初,起初(但后来……)",与后来发生的事相对照。例如: At first I didn"t want to go,but I soon changed my mind. begin with 以…为起点;开始(做)… Knowledge begins with practice. 认识从实践开始。 The ocean began with little drops of water. 海洋是由小水珠组成(起源于水珠)。


yours,英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”短语搭配Yours Always 让爱自邮 ; 你的挚爱Yours Truly 你的挚爱 ; 忠实于你的 ; 此致 ; 你的挚爱SINCERELY YOURS 您非常真挚的朋友 ; 结束语 ; 您真诚Immortally Yours 吸血鬼之吻 ; 永生的吸血鬼Lovingly yours 双喜临门Merrily Yours 祝你幸福 ; 兄妹俩yours mary 你玛丽 ; 你的玛丽 ; 正在翻译Officially Yours 唱片名 ; 我正式与你在一起




yours,英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”外文名yours词性形容词、代词英式读音[ju028arz]美式读音[ju028arz]

first of all; at first ;to begin with有什么区别



yours的中文翻译?回答如下:yours的意思:你的;你们的。yours,英 [ju0254u02d0z],美 [ju0259rz]    pron. 你的;你们的yours是第二人称名词性毁哗轿物主代词,单复数同形,在句中可用作主语、介词的宾芦贺语,也可用作表语。yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处。对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的”;对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意纤肆为“你真挚的”;对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的”。yours例句1、My feelings are in unison with yours.我的感情与你的感情是一致的。2、His problem is similar to yours.他的问题和你的相似。3、We must fit our plan in with yours.我们必须使我们的计划与你们的协调一致。4、His bicycle is of better quality than yours.他的自行车质量比你们的好。Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽;Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。

first of all 与to begin with区别



1、yours,英语单词,读音:英[j?:z]美[j?rz]。主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。2、短语搭配:Yours Always:让爱自由;你的挚爱。Yours Truly:你的挚爱;忠实于你的;此致;你的挚爱。SINCERELY YOURS:您非常真挚的朋友;结束语;您真诚。Immortally Yours:吸血鬼之吻;永生的吸血鬼。Lovingly yours:双喜临门。Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽;Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。


1、yours,英语单词,读音:英[j?:z]美[j?rz]。主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。2、短语搭配:Yours Always:让爱自由;你的挚爱。Yours Truly:你的挚爱;忠实于你的;此致;你的挚爱。SINCERELY YOURS:您非常真挚的朋友;结束语;您真诚。Immortally Yours:吸血鬼之吻;永生的吸血鬼。Lovingly yours:双喜临门。Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽;Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。


yours英文读:英[ju0254u02d0z]美[ju0259rz] 。一、释义yours,英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。二、用法pron.:你的;您的;你们的;用于书信结尾的签名前。adj.:你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语。三、短语搭配yours always :让爱自邮 ;你的挚爱。yours truly :你的挚爱 ; 忠实于你的 ;此致 ;你的挚爱。sincerely yours :您非常真挚的朋友 ;结束语 ;您真诚。Immortally yours: 吸血鬼之吻 ;永生的吸血鬼。lovingly yours :双喜临门。双语例句:1、I received your email and willrespond as soonas possible.我已经收到了你的电子邮件,会尽快回复你。2、I wish you all the best in your newventure.我祝你在你的新冒险中一切顺利。3、Your hard work and dedication havetruly paid offwell done!你的辛勤工作和奉献真的得到了回报,干得好!4、 I hope you enjoy your vacation, youdeserve some time to relaxandrecharge.希望你享受你的假期,你值得有些时间放松和充电。


Yours 你的




you和your和yours的用法区别: you 是人称代词 你 的意思; your 是形容词性物主代词物主代词.你的 其后必须要名词; yours 是名词性物主代词 你的 相当于your 加名词 其后不需要名词 扩展资料   Take as much time as you like.   你想花多少时间就花多少时间。   I"ll see you in the new year.   新的"一年里再见。   Could I use your phone, please?   请让我用一下你的电话可以吗?   Is this your plan for making your way in the world?   这就是你要出人头地的计划吗?   Is he a friend of yours?   他是你的朋友吗?   I"d like one the same as yours.   我要一个和你一样的。



your / yours 中文意思差在哪?秒懂这两个「你的」英文用法差异!

your、yours 中文意思是?your、yours 这两个英文单字只差了一个 s,但意思跟用法上有什么差别呢?可别搞混罗!your 跟yours 同样都是指「你的」,但your 是you的所有格,your 后面会接名词。而yours 则隐含着「你的(东西);你们的(东西)」的意思,yours 后面可以不接任何名词。 下面列举出your / yours 的英文用法、中文意思差别,赶快学起来吧。 1.your 你的 your 是 you的所有格,中文意思指「你的;你们的」。 your 英文例句: 例:Is this your bag? 这是你的袋子吗? 例:Is that your girlfriend? 那是你的女朋友吗? 例:This is your pen. 这是你的笔。 2.yours 你的;您的;你们的 yours 中文意思是指「你的;您的;你们的」。 yours 英文例句: 例:Is this pen yours? 这支笔是你的吗? 例:Is this yours? 这是你的吗? 例:Is she a friend of yours? 她是你的朋友吗? 例:This pen is now yours. 这支笔现在是你的。 your, your yours, your yours 差异, your 中文, your 中文意思, your 中文的意思, your 中文解释, your 意思, your 用法, yours, yours 中文, yours 中文意思, yours 中文的意思, yours 中文解释, yours 意思, yours 用法, 英文 your, 英文 yours

英语作文的结尾 是your 还是 yours



yours是宾格 用作宾语成分比如这个是你的this(主语) is(表语) yours(宾语).这个里面就不能换成youryour相当一个形容词this is your car.





为什么信署名yours 加名词?yours不是不能加名词吗?

署名的名字是个人,不是名词,例如:Sincerely Your, Tom Sawyer


“your是形容词性物主代词,不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用。your father、your pen.yours是名词性物主代词=your+名词,所以yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词。your是形容词性物主代词,后面必须跟名词。yours是名词性物主代词,后面不需要加名词。人称代词 英语的人称代词(Personal Pronoun)有三种不同的人称形式:第一人称(First Person)指说话人自己;第二人称(Second Person)指说话的对象;第三人称(Third Person)指说话人谈论的对象。三种人称又各有单、复数形式,第三人称单数还有阳性、阴性、中性的区别。这样,人称代词就具有下列诸种形式: 第一人称 单数I,me,my,mine 复数we,us,our,ours 第二人称 单数you,you,your,yours 复数you,you,your,yours 第三人称 单数he,him,his,his(阳性) she,her,her,hers(阴性) it,it,its(中性) 复数they,them,their,theirs 在上列人称代词的不同形式中,还包含了主格(Subjective Case)、宾格(Objective Case)和属格(Genitive Case)三种“格”的形式。这样,从“格”的形式来划分,英语的人称代词又可归纳为: 主格:I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they 宾格:me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them 属格:my,mine,your,yours,his,her,hers,its,our,ours,their,theirs 属格又可分为两类:一类是形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,our,their)即本书所讲的“物主限定词”;另一类是名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs),即本书中的“物主代词”。


yours和your的区别是:yours:英语单词,主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“ 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。your:英文单词,主要用作代词,作代词时意为“你的,你们的”。短语搭配:your name 你的名字 ; 您的姓名 ; 姓名 ; 你的姓名。Your Highness 王子殿下 ; 殿下 ; 皇子殿下。Your Profile 可以修改你的个人资料 ; 修改帐户信息 ; 职位要求 ; 您的个人资料。your arrival 驾临 ; 皇帝驾临 ; 您的到来 ; 敬辞。Your Goals 你的目标 ; 你的目的。Your Hometown 你的家乡 ; 家乡。Your dream 你的梦想 ; 你的梦 ; 牧羊少年奇幻之旅 ; 你的幻想。Your Words 我说你啊 ; 你说我说 ; 你的话语 ; 你的话。




your是形容词性物主代词,yours是名词性物主代词。your不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用;yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词,yours还可以可于of后构成双重所有格。1、词性your是形容词性物主代词,yours是名词性物主代词。例如:This is your pen.(这是你的笔。)This pen is yours.(这支笔是你的。)2、用法your不能独立使用,必须与名词一起使用;yours可以单独使用,后面不能再接名词,yours还可以可于of后构成双重所有格。例如:It"s no business of yours.(这不关你的事。)这不关你的事。3、含义your的意思是“你的”,yours的意思是“你的(某人/某物/某事)”,yours=your+名词。4、成分your在句中用作定语,也可用作动名词的逻辑主体;yours在句中可用作主语、介词的宾语,也可用作表语。例如:I hope he doesn"t mind your saying it.(我希望他不介意你说的话。)5、其它yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处,your没有这种用法。yours用于信函结尾处的不同写法:对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的…”; 对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意为“你真挚的…”; 对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的…”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的…”。


Is this pencil yours?

yours怎么读 yours如何读

1、yours读音:英[ju0254u02d0z]、美[ju0259rz] 2、pron.你的; 您的; 你们的; 用于书信结尾的签名前; 3、adj.你(们)的(东西); 信末署名前用语; 4、[例句]The moneys not yours, its Johns.这钱不是你的,是约翰的。

英文信的结尾 Yours 是什么意思?





yours单词表示你的 但在信的末尾的Yours sincerely(/XX)其实是表示‘鄙人/我"的意思,可理解为‘谨上/敬启"或‘您忠诚的" 给普通朋友或不熟的人写信的结束语为: Yours sincerely,/ Yours faithfully,/ Your friend, 给家人或亲密朋友写信的结束语为: Your loving son,(/XX,看你和对方是什么关系) Yours lovingly, Yours affectionately, With love, Lots of love, Beloved, 恋人的话Lots of love,和Beloved,都不错 beloved -- 所深爱的




"yours" 是一个代词,常用于表示归属或所有关系,意思是“你的”、“你们的”。具体来说,它可以用于以下几种情况:用于表示归属关系:例如,当你借给朋友一本书时,你可以说 "This book is yours" (这本书是你的)。用于表示礼貌的表达方式:例如,在写信或电子邮件中,你可以用 "Yours sincerely" (你的真诚)或 "Yours faithfully" (你的忠实)作为信尾,表示你对收信人的尊重和诚意。用于表示自己的东西:例如,当你向别人介绍自己的物品时,你可以说 "This is my book, and that one is yours" (这是我的书,那个是你的)。




yours的意思:你的;你们的。yours,英 [ju0254u02d0z],美 [ju0259rz]    pron. 你的;你们的yours是第二人称名词性物主代词,单复数同形,在句中可用作主语、介词的宾语,也可用作表语。yours首字母大写时常可用于信函结尾处。对陌生人要写Yours faithfully或Yours truly,意为“您忠实的”;对熟人可写Yours sincerely,意为“你真挚的”;对朋友则可写Yours ever,意为“你永远的”,也可只写Yours,意为“你的”。yours例句1、My feelings are in unison with yours.我的感情与你的感情是一致的。2、His problem is similar to yours.他的问题和你的相似。3、We must fit our plan in with yours.我们必须使我们的计划与你们的协调一致。4、His bicycle is of better quality than yours.他的自行车质量比你们的好。



yours是什么意思 yours应该怎么读

1、yours,英语单词,读音:英[ju0254:z]美[ju0259rz]。主要用作形容词、代词,作形容词时意为“你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语”,作代词时意为“你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函”。 2、短语搭配: Yours Always:让爱自由;你的挚爱。 Yours Truly:你的挚爱;忠实于你的;此致;你的挚爱。 SINCERELY YOURS:您非常真挚的朋友;结束语;您真诚。 Immortally Yours:吸血鬼之吻;永生的吸血鬼。 Lovingly yours:双喜临门。 Merrily Yours:祝你幸福;兄妹俩。 yours mary:你玛丽;你的玛丽; Officially Yours:唱片名;我正式与你在一起。

Tom is ___ next year, so he is asking Mr. Smith, a __ _ doctor, who is 80 years old, for ...

A 试题分析:原句意思是,汤姆明年就退休了,所以他正在询问史密斯先生一些关于如何度过退休生活的建议。史密斯先生是一名医生,今年已经八十岁了。retired不表示被动意义,只表示完成意义。所以选A。点评:本题考查的是词汇retired不表示被动意义,只表示完成意义,平时注意多积累。

Greenland,_____ island in the word ,covers over two million square kilometers.


The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese Kongfu well.(改为同义

The foreigners want to know,"How can they learn Chinese Kungfu well



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VERSACE是意大利知名品牌。中文名字是:范思哲。范思哲(VERSACE),1978年诞生于意大利,由意大利设计师Gianni Versace与兄弟Santo及妹妹Donatella创立。2018年年末,Versace范思哲被美国轻奢集团Michael Kors(后更名为Capri控股)收入麾下,成为该集团旗下品牌。不是阿玛尼的标志。versace的品牌标志是神话中的蛇发女妖美杜莎,代表着致命的吸引力。扩展资料:品牌故事范思哲创立于1978年范思哲的设计风格非常鲜明,独特的美感、极强的先锋艺术表征让他风靡全球,强调快乐与性感,领口常开到锁骨以下,拮取了古典贵族风格的豪华、奢丽,又能充分考虑穿着舒适及恰当地显示体型。参考资料来源:百度百科--versace



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Versace 是什么意思?

  VERSACE中文译名;范思哲  创立于1978年,品牌标志是神话中的蛇妖玛度莎(Mdeusa),代表着致使的吸引力。  范思哲的设计风格非常鲜明,是独特的美感极强的艺术先锋,强调快乐与性感,领口常开到腰部以下,设计师拮取了古典贵族风格的豪华、奢丽,又能充分考虑穿着舒适及恰当的显示体型。范思哲善于采用高贵豪华的面料,借助斜裁方式,在生硬的几何线条与柔和的身体曲线间巧妙过渡,范思哲的套装、裙子、大衣等都以线条为标志,性感地表达女性的身体。  范思哲品牌主要服务对象是皇室贵族和明星。

versace jeans是什么牌子

Versace jeans是范思哲旗下的一个年轻品牌。来自意大利知名奢侈品牌VERSACE集团旗下的休闲系列品牌。VERSACE(范思哲)创造了独特的时尚帝国,代表着一个品牌家族,创立于1978年,品牌标志是神话中的蛇妖美杜莎(Medusa)。范思哲的设计风格非常鲜明,独特的美感、极强的先锋艺术表征让其风靡全球。强调快乐与性感,拮取古典贵族风格的豪华、奢丽,又能充分考虑穿着舒适及恰当地显示体型,将人性中最性感的部分展露无遗。主要服务对象是皇室贵族和明星。扩展资料:范思哲(VERSACE),1978年诞生于意大利,由意大利设计师Gianni Versace与兄弟Santo及妹妹Donatella创立。2018年年末,Versace范思哲被美国轻奢集团Michael Kors(后更名为Capri控股)收入麾下,成为该集团旗下品牌。范思哲经营服饰、香水、眼镜、领带、皮件、包袋、瓷器、玻璃器皿、丝巾、羽绒制品、家具产品等。品牌标志是神话中的蛇发女妖美杜莎(Medusa),代表着致命的吸引力。来自意大利的奢侈品牌范思哲创造了一个独特的时尚帝国,代表着一个品牌家族,它的时尚产品统领了生活的每个领域,其设计风格鲜明,美感独特。参考资料:百度百科-范思哲



VJC Versace 是范思哲嘛???







  Versace中文名字 范思哲,是来源于西班牙的品牌,范思哲开创于1978年,品牌图标是神话传说中的蛇发女妖大娜迦Medusa,意味着着致命的吸引力。来源于西班牙著名的奢侈品品牌范思哲Versace造就了1个与众不同的时尚潮流王国。   范思哲的室内设计风格独特,是与众不同的艺术美很强的先峰造型艺术的代表。在其中最风采独具一格的是这些展现填满欧洲文艺复兴特点的绮丽的具备丰富多彩想像力的品牌女装样式,他们性感迷人好看,女士味十足,色彩艳丽,具有歌舞剧式的超平实际的绮丽,又能考虑到衣着舒适度及适当地体现身型。范思哲还运营淡香水、近视眼镜、领结、皮革制品、包包、陶器、玻璃容器、真丝围巾、羽绒制品、家俱商品等。范思哲的室内设计风格独特,与众不同的先峰造型艺术定性分析他会红遍全球,他注重开心与性感迷人,衣领常调到颈部下列,拮取了古典风格皇室设计风格的奢华、奢丽,又能考虑到衣着舒服及适当的显示信息身型,在考虑到不一样的人的需要的另外也是始终坚持不懈自身的设计风格。范思哲擅于选用高雅奢华的布料,依靠斜裁方法,在生涩的几何图形线框与温和的人体曲线图间恰当衔接,范思哲的著作等都以线框为标示,性感迷人地表述女性身体,相比别的的知名品牌更提升了1个方面。范思哲标志设计方案应用代表的技巧,选用神话传说中蛇妖大娜迦的造型设计做为精神实质代表所属,吸取古罗马、印度、印尼等的壮丽文化艺术打造出而成。大娜迦意味着着致命的吸引力,它象征范思哲不但拥有超脱歌舞剧式的绮丽,很强的先峰时尚潮流造型艺术特点遭受大家的青睐。


  品牌Versace范思哲标志是神话中的蛇妖美杜莎(Medusa),代表着致命的吸引力。下面是我整理的versace是什么牌子,供大家参考!   Versace中文名:范思哲。Versace是意大利语,很多Versace的粉丝却常常将其发音搞错,其正确发音:VA-SA-QI 创立人:Gianni Versace詹尼·范思哲(1997年去世) 设计师:Gianni Versace詹尼·范思哲 设计风格: 创立于1978年,品牌标志是神话中的蛇妖美杜莎(Medusa),代表着致命的吸引力。 范思哲的设计风格非常鲜明,是独特的美感极强的艺术先锋,强调快乐与性感,领口常开到腰部以下,设计师拮取了古典贵族风格的豪华、奢丽,又能充分考虑穿着舒适及恰当的显示体型。范思哲善于采用高贵豪华的面料,借助斜裁方式,制作高档服饰。   经营范围   女装系列、男装系列、男士手表、女士手表、香水、眼镜、丝巾、领带、内衣、包袋、皮件、床单、台布、瓷器、玻璃器皿、羽绒制品、家具产品等。





初一英语!回答好的最后还会再给50财富!能回答多少都可以,最好是全部回答好!Mrs.Green has lots of m

(1)ACFE(2)eyes actor put singer differently (3)healthy ways straight do put


《The Fault in Our Stars》(John Green)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:04dm书名:The Fault in Our Stars作者:John Green豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Dutton Juvenile出版年份:2012-1-10页数:336内容简介:TIME Magazine"s #1 Fiction Book of 2012!“The Fault in Our Stars is a love story, one of the most genuine and moving ones in recent American fiction, but it"s also an existential tragedy of tremendous intelligence and courage and sadness.” —Lev Grossman, TIME MagazineDespite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel"s story is about to be completely rewritten.Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning-author John Green"s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.Winner of the 2013 Children"s Choice Teen Book of the Year Award作者简介:John Green is an award-winning, New York Times–bestselling author whose many accolades include the Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. He has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize. With his brother, Hank, John is one half of the Vlogbrothers, one of the most popular online video projects in the world. You can join John"s 1.1 million followers on Twitter (@realjohngreen). John lives with his wife and son in Indianapolis, Indiana.


《The Fault in Our Stars》(John Green)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: hnx6书名:The Fault in Our Stars作者:John Green豆瓣评分:8.2出版社:Dutton Juvenile出版年份:2012-1-10页数:336内容简介:TIME Magazine"s #1 Fiction Book of 2012!“The Fault in Our Stars is a love story, one of the most genuine and moving ones in recent American fiction, but it"s also an existential tragedy of tremendous intelligence and courage and sadness.” —Lev Grossman, TIME MagazineDespite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel"s story is about to be completely rewritten.Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning-author John Green"s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.Winner of the 2013 Children"s Choice Teen Book of the Year Award作者简介:John Green is an award-winning, New York Times–bestselling author whose many accolades include the Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. He has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize. With his brother, Hank, John is one half of the Vlogbrothers, one of the most popular online video projects in the world. You can join John"s 1.1 million followers on Twitter (@realjohngreen). John lives with his wife and son in Indianapolis, Indiana.

特别喜欢德爷,谁知道在哪儿可以看到《First man out》吗?

《First man out》浏览器打开

Out Of Time Man (Version 2005) 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Time Man (Version 2005)歌手:Mano Negra专辑:Best Of 2005Out of timeKevin Borg - The BeginningI know you′re a sensitive soulI′m still gonna try to paint your heartWith colours you might knowThe sound of a silent spaceCan be so vivid and feel so coldSo before it gets too late..Can We Make Right The WrongsAnd Start The HealingCos When The Fear AloneStops You BelievingThen You KnowWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Run Out Of TimeYou know it′s a matter of factThe clock is ticking and there′s still more to sayBut we won′t look back...Can We Make Right The WrongsAnd Start The HealingCos When The Fear AloneStops You BelievingThen You KnowWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Run Out Of TimeCan We Make Right The WrongsAnd Start The HealingCos When The Fear AloneStops You BelievingThen You KnowWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Run Out Of Time(Time don′t run away, don′t get away)And I won′t let go(Time don′t run away, don′t get away)and I′m sure you know(Time don′t run away, don′t get away)That this won′t be the last timeIt can′t be the last time...Can We Make Right The WrongsAnd Start The HealingCos When The Fear AloneStops You BelievingThen You KnowWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Run Out Of TimeCan We Make Right The WrongsAnd Start The HealingCos When The Fear AloneStops You BelievingThen You KnowWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Out Of TimeWe′re Run Out Of Time-Fin-Timelined by GiraffeJoker

Odd Man Out (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Odd Man Out (Lp Version)歌手:Poco专辑:InamorataMitchel Musso - Odd Man OutI could be the guy with all the clever lines.Beneath my breath is standing just outside.You started pulling me in but next to him.I"m falling further behind.You don"t even know himBut I see that three"s a crowd.I am the odd man out.I don"t wanna be but I"m just the best friend now.I am I am the odd man out.I am the odd man out.But I lost myself and let you slide away.Now there"s someone else appearing in my place.Am I the last one to know or a year too slow?All I wanted to say.You don"t even know himBut I see that three"s a crowd.I am the odd man out.I don"t wanna be but I"m feeling all crushed now.I am I am the odd man out.I am the odd man out.I want in I got something to say.I could still win this race.I"m not losing this game.Cause it doesn"t have to end upDoesn"t have to end up that way.You don"t even know himYou don"t really know meYou don"t even know meBut you see that three"s a crowd.I am the odd man out.I"m just lonely cause I"m just the best friend now.I am the odd man out.Listen closely cause you can"t be sorry.I am in ? and bout to drown?I don"t wanna be but I"m feeling all crushed now.I am I am the odd man out.I am the odd man out.

Out Of Time Man (Version 2005) 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Time Man (Version 2005)歌手:Mano Negra专辑:Mini NegraBlur - Out Of TimeWhere"s the love song to set us freeToo many people downEverything turning the wrong way roundAnd I don"t know what life would beIf we stop dreaming nowLord knows we"d never clear the cloudsAnd you"ve been so busy latelythat you haven"t found the timeTo open up your mindAnd watch the world spinning gently out of timeFeel the sunshine on your faceIt"s in a computer nowGone to the future way out in spaceAnd you"ve been so busy latelythat you haven"t found the timeTo open up your mindAnd watch the world spinning gently out of timeTell me I"m not dreamingBut are we out of timeWe"re out of timeOut of timeOut of timeOut of timeOut of time



Crystal Baller [Explicit Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Baller [Explicit Version]歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:Out Of The VeinCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron SeaCrystal BallKeaneUnder The Iron Sea12th June, 2006Who is the man I seeWhere I"m supposed to beI lost my heartI buried it too deepUnder the iron seaOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallLines ever more unclearNot sure I"m even hereThe more I look the more I think that I"mStarting to disappearOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belongI don"t know where I amAnd I don"t really careI look myself in the eyeThere"s no one thereI fall upon the earthI call upon the airBut all I get is the same old vacant stareOh crystal ball, crystal ball save us allTell me life is beautifulMirror, mirror on the wallOh crystal ball hear my songI"m fading outEverything I know is wrongSo put me where I belong

Thnks fr th Mmrs 歌词

歌曲名:Thnks fr th Mmrs歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:Infinity on HighThnks Fr Th MmrsFall Out BoyInfinity On HighI"m gonna make it bend and break(It sent you to me without wait)Say a prayer but let the good times rollIn case god doesn"t show(Let the good times rollLet the good times roll)And I want these words to make things rightBut it"s for wrongs that make the words come to lifeWho does he think he is?If that"s the worst you got,better put your fingers back to the keysOne night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memoriesThanks for the memoriesSee, he tastes like youOnly sweeterBeen looking forward to the futureBut my eyesight is going badAnd this crystal ballIt"s always cloudyExcept for when you look into the pastOne night stand (One night stand)One night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memoriesThanks for the memoriesSee, he tastes like youOnly sweeterThey say"I only think in the form of crunching numbersIn hotel roomsCollecting paycheck lovers"Get me out of my mindGet you out of those clothesI"m a letter awayFrom getting you into the moodWhoaOne night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memoriesThanks for the memoriesSee, he tastes like youOnly sweeterOne more night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren"t so greatHe tastes like youOnly sweeterOne night, yeah, one more timeThanks for the memories(For the memories)Thanks for the memories(For the memories)See, he tastes like youOnly sweeter18475929

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs的英文歌词翻译

I `m gonna make it bend and break (it sent you to me without wings)我要让你心悦诚服(诚心诚意的)Say a prayer,but let the good times roll祈祷好时光能继续来过In case God doesn`t show (let the good times roll,let the good times roll)万一上帝没有闪现(让这好时光降临,让这好时光再次降临)And I want these words to make things right.希望由衷之言能让事情顺心如意But it`s the wrongs that makes the words come to life但是有时候让这些话语充满生活中却是个错误Who does he think he is?他以为他是谁?If that`s the worst you`ve got, better put your finger back to the keys.如果那是你得到的最糟糕的结果,你最好把你的手收回One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great即使它们并不完美He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆啊See,he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些Ohhhhhh哦~~~~~~Been looking forward to the future诚心的期待着未来But my eyesight is going bad但是我的视力正在逐渐衰老退化in this crystal ball在这个水晶球里,It`s always cloudy except for (except for)它总是布满乌云密布,(除了)When you look into the past(look into the past)除了回顾过去之外One night stand. (One night stand, off!)站了一夜。(站了整整一夜)One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great即使它们并不完美He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night yeah one more time再来一个夜晚,也~~~ ,再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆啊See,he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些Ohhhh哦~~~(they say)I only think in the form of crunching numbers他们说我只会用计算数字的方式来思考In hotel rooms, collecting page-six lovers在旅馆包间里收集情人的信息Get me out of my mind and Gets you out of those clothes让我疯狂的为你宽衣解带I `m a liner away我不在状态From getting you into the mood.(wa-ooooohhh)无法让你充满兴致(哇-哦~~~~)One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great即使它们并不完美He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆啊See,he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time(one more night, one more time)再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次(再来一晚,再来一次)Thanks for the memroies感谢那些回忆Even though they weren`t so great(even though they weren"t so great)即使它们并不完美(它们并不完美)He tastes like you only sweeter它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些One night and one more time(one more night, one more time)再来一个夜晚 再尝试更多一次(再来一晚,再来一次)Thanks for the memroies(for the memories)感谢那些回忆(为了那些记忆)Thanks for the memroies(for the memories)感谢那些回忆啊(为了那些记忆)See he tastes like you only sweeter看,它的滋味很像你,只是更甜美一些Fin

Way Back Into Love (Demo Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Way Back Into Love (Demo Version)歌手:Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore专辑:Music And Lyrics - Music From And Inspired By The Motion PictureWay Back into LoveHugh Grant and Drew BarrymoreI"ve been living with a shadow overheadI"ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bedI"ve been lonely for so longTrapped in the past, I just can"t seem to move onI"ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams awayJust in case I ever need them again somedayI"ve been setting aside timeTo clear a little space in the corners of my mindAll I wanna do is find a way back into loveI can"t make it through without a way back into loveOh oh ohI"ve been watching but the stars refuse to shineI"ve been searching but I just don"t see the signsI know that it"s out thereThere"s gotta be something for my soul somewhereI"ve been looking for someone to shed some lightNot somebody just to get me through the nightI could use some directionAnd I"m open to your suggestionsAll I wanna do is find a way back into loveI can"t make it through without a way back into loveAnd if I open my heart againI guess I"m hoping you"ll be there for me in the endThere are moments when I don"t know if it"s realOr if anybody feels the way I feelI need inspirationNot just another negotiationAll I wanna do is find a way back into loveI can"t make it through without a way back into loveAnd if I open my heart to youI"m hoping you"ll show me what to doAnd if you help me to start againYou know that I"ll be there for you in the end

Way Back Into Love (Demo Version) [Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore] 谁有他的中英文歌词?

我有哈! Way Back into Love Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore I"ve been living with a shadow overhead I"ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I"ve been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can"t seem to move on I"ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need them again someday I"ve been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind All I wanna do is find a way back into love I can"t make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh I"ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine I"ve been searching but I just don"t see the signs I know that it"s out there There"s gotta be something for my soul somewhere I"ve been looking for someone to shed some light Not somebody just to get me through the night I could use some direction And I"m open to your suggestions All I wanna do is find a way back into love I can"t make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again I guess I"m hoping you"ll be there for me in the end There are moments when I don"t know if it"s real Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration Not just another negotiation All I wanna do is find a way back into love I can"t make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart to you I"m hoping you"ll show me what to do And if you help me to start again You know that I"ll be there for you in the end

how do you think the superstition around you ?

I"m a Chinese.As many foreigners know,lots of Chinese people believe in superstitions.我是一名中国人,如许多外国人所知,很多中国人都相信迷信。 Forty or thirty years ago, many Chinese were very serious with superstitions. On festivals, parents tabooed their children say number 4, because in Chinese the number 4 pronounces as similar as the word death,people think that"s not auspicious.In those days, people"s living conditions were at a low level,there were many problems they couldn"t solve, so they made good wishes with superstitions. They thought if they really believe in something, whatever it"s right or not, things would get better and better. In my opinion that"s stupid. It"s easy to see that all these things were useless.大概三四十年以前,许多国人对迷信都很执着。过节时,父母禁止孩子们说数字4,因为在中文中4发音像“死”,他们认为那样不是吉兆。人们的生活水平很低并且有很多他们不能解决的问题,所以他们用迷信来许下美好的祝愿。他们认为只要相信一件事,无论对与错,事情就会变得越来越好。我认为那样很愚蠢。显而易见那些东西都是没用的。 At present days in China, things have changed a lot. The developing of economy improved people"s living conditions. Many people graduated from colleges and universities.Higher education teaches people to consider things in correct ways. So,believe me,in today"s China most people don"t really believe in superstitions,they talk about superstition and discuss superstition just for fun,they are not serious any more.近期已有很多改变。经济的高速发展提高了人民的起居条件。很多从高等学府毕业。高等教育告诉人们正确认知事物的方式。所以,相信我。现在的人民不是真正的相信迷信,他们谈论迷信只是找些笑柄罢了,而不是执着。 There is a problem has been confusing me --- What"s the differences between superstition and religion? Many superstitions sound impossible, it"s easy to see they are really false. Something about religion sound not logical neither. Is there a god in heaven? Is there anyone has a afterlife? Really hard to believe..一直以来有个问题使我困惑————迷信和宗教的区别是什么?迷信听起来就不可信,显而易见是假的。一些宗教问题也不合逻辑。天堂里右上帝吗?任何人都有来生吗?很难相信。 Many things are so strange for us.There still are many phenomenons that we can"t explain. I think if human beings try harder, we"ll find out the truth with science in the near future.We should believe in science,not superstition.Religion? I don"t know. I just wanna express my views indeed, if my words hurt someone,please forgive me.朋友,后面的不翻译了,如果需要请给我发信联系。工作忙。

《3》 Britney Spears的歌词内容

歌曲名:3 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:3 (Digital 45) 3 Britney Spears 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" Babe, pick a night To come out and play If it"s alright What do you say? Merrier the more Triple fun that way Twister on the floor What do you say? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin"! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Three is a charm Two is not the same I don"t see the harm So are you game? Lets" make a team Make "em say my name Lovin" the extreme Now are you game? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" What we do is innocent Just for fun and nothin" meant If you don"t like the company Let"s just do it you and me You and me... Or three.... Or four.... On the floor! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin"

Level 6 - Unit 2 - Part 2 Dialogue - A Fight between Lovers(恋人间的争吵)

F1: What"s wrong? You look awful. 怎么了?你看起来糟透了。 F2: My boyfriend and I have just had another fight. I think I"m going to break up with him. 我男朋友和我又吵了一架,我想和他分手。 F1: Hey, you"ve said that before. Calm down. Is that really what you want to do? 嘿,你以前就说过。冷静点,你真想这么做吗? F2: Yeah, I think so. I don"t see any future in our relationship. 是的,我是这么想,我看不到我们的未来。 F1: Is there anyone else you"re interested in? 有其他你感兴趣的人吗? F2: No, but there are some guys on the internet who have sent me messages. 没有,但是网上有人给我发信息。 F1: What, you"ve been online? 什么,你上网了? F2: Sure, just for fun. It"s nice to know that I can meet people if I want to. 当然,只是为了好玩。知道我可以见一些我想见的人挺好的。 F1: Does your boyfriend know about it? 你男朋友知道吗? F2: No, if he knew it, he"ll be furious. He can be very jealous, and he has a violent temper. 不知道,如果他知道了,他会发火的。他非常嫉妒,而且脾气暴躁。 F1: Anyway, what was your fight about? 不管怎样,你吵架是为了什么? F2: Oh, it"s just the way he talks to me. He never shows any interest in what I"m doing or in what I"m feeling. If I have a bad headache or anything he says nothing. 哦,就是他跟我说话的方式。他对我做的事和我的感受从不关心,如果我头痛得厉害,他也是什么都不说。 F1: So who started the fight? 那是么谁先吵架的? F2: He came over and wanted to kiss me, and I turned away. I told him I didn"t feel anything for him right then. So then he got angry, and we both blew up. Now we"re not talking to each other. 他过来想吻我,我转身走了。我告诉他我对他没有感觉,所以他生气了,我们俩都发火了。现在我们不说话了。 F1: Oh, is that all? That kind of thing is normal. Maybe you"re overreacting. 就这些?这种事很正常,也许你反应过度了。 F2: No, it"s just that I"m beginning to realize that I don"t feel anything for him anymore. Our relationship is getting cold. I don"t feel appreciated. 不是这样,只是我开始意识到我对他没有感觉了。我们的关系越来越冷淡,我感觉到被欣赏。 F1: Well then, maybe you should break up for a while and start seeing other man. But be careful. If I were you, I wouldn"t start seeing anybody else until I break up first. 你也许可以分开一段时间,见见其他男人,但是要小心。如果我是你,我在分手之前不会见其他人。 F2: Why do you think so? 你为什么这么想? F1: If he sees that you"re serious about breaking up, he may change. 如果他看你真的要分手,也许他会改变。 F2: Maybe, but I doubt it. 也许,不过我有点怀疑。 F1: It could be that he feels the same way about you. Maybe he has lost interest. So it"s best to find out. You need to have a serious conversation with him. 可能他对你感觉也一样,也许他失去了兴趣。所以最好查一下,你需要和他认真谈谈。 F2: Hemm, you"re right. Maybe it"s time to really find out. 嗯,你说得对。也许是应该找出问题了。

3 Doors Down的《Let Me Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Go歌手:3 Doors Down专辑:Let Me Go3 Doors Down - Let Me GoOne more kiss could be the best thingOr one more lie could be the worstAnd all these thoughts are never restingAnd your not something I deserveIn my head there"s only you nowThis world falls on meIn this world there"s real and make believeAnd this seems real to meAnd you love me but you don"t know who I amI"m torn between this life I lead and where I standAnd you love me but you don"t know who I amSo let me go, let me goI dream ahead to what I hope forAnd I turn my back on loving youHow can this love be a good thingAnd I know what I"m going throughIn my head there"s only you nowThis world falls on meIn this world there"s real and make believeAnd this seems real to meAnd you love me but you don"t know who I amI"m torn between this life I lead and where I standAnd you love me but you don"t know who I amSo let me go, just let me go, let me goAnd no matter how hard I tryI can"t escape these things insideI know, I knowBut all the pieces fall apartYou will be the only one who knows, who knowsYou love me but you don"t know who I amI"m torn between this life I lead and where I standAnd you love me but you don"t know who I amSo let me go, just let me go(you don"t know)You love me but you don"tYou love me but you don"t(you don"t know)You love me but you don"t know who I am(you don"t know)You love me but you don"tYou love me but you don"t(you don"t know)You love me but you don"t know me

Murder By Numbers 歌词翻译谢谢

数字谋杀案 当你已经决定杀人, 首先,你做你的心理准备。 如果您发现您的双手(心里)仍然想, 然后,你可以变成艺术,一宗谋杀案。 实在没有任何流血事件的需要, 你刚才做了一点技巧了。 如果你能潜入别人的咖啡片剂, 然后,它避免了很多可怕的混乱。 这是由数字,谋杀一,二,三, 它作为简单易学作为您的美国广播公司。 谋杀案的数目,一,二,三, 它作为简单易学作为您的美国广播公司。 现在,如果您有这方面的经验口味 而你和你的第一个刷新的成功, 然后,你必须尝试人一组或三人 而且你会发现你的良心你烦恼少得多 由于谋杀是任何你想采取什么 这是一个习惯形成需要越来越多。 你可以碰到过的每一个家庭成员 和其他人找到一个孔 因为这是谋杀数字,1,2,3, 它作为简单易学作为您的美国广播公司 谋杀案的数目,一,二,三, 它作为简单易学作为您的美国广播公司。 现在您可以加入队伍的杰出 在历史上最伟大的名声黑暗的大厅。 我们所有的最大杀手是勤奋 起码是我们大家都知道的名字。 但是你可以达到你的职业生涯的顶峰 如果你成为领导者的土地, 谋杀是体育的当选, 而你并不需要解除您的手的手指 因为这是谋杀数字,1,2,3, 它作为简单易学作为您的美国广播公司。 谋杀案的数目,一,二,三, 它作为简单易学作为您的甲,乙,丙,丁,电子,..........


digits 是位数, 例如:5 digits 意思是5 为数,像是 10000 或是 23890numbers 是数字 例如:5 numbers 意思是5个数字,像是 {1,7,9。10,25} 是5 个不同的数字

The first cup of milk tea in autumn这段英文怎么读?

每个单词读出来即可两个地方连读。cup-of, in-autumn。

有人知道美国格理集团 Gerson Lehrman Group 上海代表处的工作情况和工资情况吗


All the Lovers 歌词

歌曲名:All the Lovers歌手:Kylie Minogue专辑:All The LoversAll The Lovers 恋人们Kylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神台湾EMI官方CD内页正式版 中英歌词Dance 跳舞It"s all I wanna do 我只想跳舞So won"t you dance 也请你和我一起跳舞I"m standing here with you 站在你面前Why won"t you move 请别再迟疑I"ll get inside in your groove 让我们合二为一Cause I"m on fire, fire, fire, fire 感受发烫的心跳It Hurts 爱会伤人When you get too close 当你全心全意、付出一切时But baby it hurts 就算被爱灼伤If love is really good 但 爱情的美好You just want more 总让人上瘾Even if it throws you to 即使把恋人们推向熊熊烈火The fire, fire, fire, fire 也在所不惜All the lovers 给天下的恋人们That have gone before 与其 为旧爱情商They don"t compare to you 不如 掌握当下幸福Don"t be frightened 别再做个爱情逃兵Just give me a little bit more 再给真爱多些信心They don"t compare 幸福不该有天平两端All the lovers 给天下的恋人们Feel 感受Can"t you see 难道你看不到There"s so much here to feel 我眼里对你的感受Deep inside your heart you know I"m real 在你的内心深处Can"t you see that this is getting 我就是你的幸福青鸟Higher, higher, higher, higher 就让这幸福青鸟,展翅高飞Breathe 呼吸I know you find it hard 真爱来时 总让人呼吸急促But baby breathe 宝贝 调整呼吸You being next to me 请躺在我的怀抱里It"s all you need 这就是你的小世界And I"ll take you there 让我带着你I"ll take you higher, higher, higher 在蓝色的幸福天空里 展翅高飞All the lovers 给天下的恋人们That have gone before 与其 为旧爱情商They don"t compare to you 不如 掌握当下幸福Don"t be frightened 别再做个爱情逃兵Just give me a little bit more 再给真爱多些信心They don"t compare 幸福不该有天平两端All the lovers 给天下的恋人们Dance 跳舞It"s all I wanna do 我只想跳舞So won"t you dance 也请你和我一起跳舞I"m standing here with you 站在你面前Why won"t you move 请别再迟疑Even if it throws you toThe fire, fire, fire, fire 感受我发烫的心跳All the lovers 给天下的恋人们That have gone before 与其 为旧爱情商They don"t compare to you 不如 掌握当下幸福Don"t be frightened 别再做个爱情逃兵Just give me a little bit more 再给真爱多些信心They don"t compare 幸福不该有天平两端All the lovers 献给全天下的恋人们Kylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神台湾EMI官方CD内页正式版 中英歌词

rock city 的long distance lovers 歌词

Iu2019m not sure how to sayI want him, he wants meCome here close, take me withRead my eyes,I have never felt the way I feelRight now with himI wish that he could me tell meWhat it feels like!Chorus:u2026in the distance, nobodyu2026The lovers go.. and itu2019s so as it started,See the look in his eyes,See the look in mine at the moment whenu2026And we became long distance lovers, oh, oh!And u2026 love undiscovered, oh, oh, oh!And we never found words tou2026Touch and a kiss, nothing like this,Long distance lovers, oh!Cross the shores, cross the skies,Touch these lips, touch my bodies,All I wantu2026 tonight..ainu2019t a crime to treat me passionu2026So I donu2019t know why I want him so mine!Chorus:u2026in the distance, nobodyu2026The lovers go.. and itu2019s so as it started,See the look in his eyes,See the look in mine at the moment whenu2026And we became long distance lovers, oh, oh!And u2026 love undiscovered, oh, oh, oh!And we never found words tou2026Touch and a kiss, nothing like this,Long distance lovers, oh!Long distance, la, la, la!Long distance, la, la, la!Long distance, la, la, la!Long distance, la, la, la!Chorus:And we became long distance lovers, oh, oh!And u2026 love undiscovered, oh, oh, oh!And we never found words tou2026Touch and a kiss, nothing like this,Long distance lovers, oh!
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