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上周我们来到敦煌试驾全新的林肯冒险家。林肯冒险家采用了全新Quiet Flight 2.0设计理念打造,大尺寸的点阵式进气格栅并不稀奇,但点阵以车标为中心向四周散射的造型看着还挺有意思的,三角形的飞翼式LED日行灯与格栅连为一体,配合保杠下方的三处开口,前脸整体造型还是挺利落简洁的。车身侧面个人比较欣赏它的腰线过渡设计,有种肱桡肌的线条的感觉,配合悬浮式车顶的造型,整体感觉张弛有度。尾灯也是目前比较流行的贯穿式造型,并且使用了隐藏式的排气布局,很好的保证了车辆的视觉整体感。全新林肯冒险家的内饰变化,相较于老款车来说还是挺大的,主要是这块儿大连屏的造型一直延续到副驾,从视觉上还是挺吸引人的。贯穿式的空调出风口和琴键式挡位都得以保留,实体按键相比老款车型大幅减少,保留了空调双区控制按键,这点必须给个好评。车窗除雾以及发动机启停则在空调控制区上方。10向的主副驾座椅电动调节也是全系标配,并且全系标配座椅加热。整个座椅的乘坐舒适度还是非常高的,座椅比较柔软而且支撑性也不错。顶配车型上是带有座椅按摩的,所以在长途驾驶或者堵车时候可以很好的缓解疲劳,非常的实用。在尺寸方面,全新冒险家车长4612毫米,车宽1887毫米,车高1630毫米,轴距为2711毫米。车身长度有小幅增加,宽度高度和轴距均与老款相同。全新林肯冒险家搭载了一台2.0T涡轮增压发动机,最大功率为190千瓦,峰值扭矩为381牛米,相比老款车型有小幅提升。它的油门调校得还是比较灵敏,尤其是油门的初段响应很快,变速箱也能很好的跟上油门的节奏,整体的加速感受还是很迅猛的,超车基本不需要深踩。8AT的换挡逻辑也非常的成熟,无论升挡还是降挡都是非常及时的。悬挂系统则是作为本次升级的重头戏。配备了CCD自适应悬挂系统,可以根据路况和行驶状态,时时感知车身的姿态,并配合油门开度和刹车力度,对车身姿态进行干预,以保证车身姿态的稳定。而且,得益于四驱系统的动力分配功能,及时对于轮胎附着力的表现进行快速调整,保证车辆的通过性能。在高速巡航时,四驱系统可断开传动轴的连接,以实现低油耗的经济性驾驶。全新一代的L2级驾驶辅助系统也必不可少。这套主动驾驶辅助带有驾驶员状态监测功能。比如在特定高速路段内,开启车机中的Lincoln BlueCruise功能,同时激活巡航并目视前方,就可实现主动驾驶辅助开启。这套系统是带有车道避让功能和车道居中功能的,可通过摄像头识别限速等标识,还标配有防碰撞辅助。但是这套系统仅仅只是用于是辅助,所以它的监测系统会时时监测你的眼睛是否目视前方,以确保安全。相较于同级竞品来说,这次全新冒险家可以在多个维度对于宝马X1和奥迪Q3等对手车型进行打击。硬件方面拥有同级最强的动力输出和越级的悬挂软硬调节,并且拥有同级最宽的前后轮距,可以带来更好的驾控感受。软件方面,360度全景影像在顶配车型上也成为了标配,L2级别的驾驶辅助也下放至多个配置中,诚意十足,竞品则均为选装。体感方面,全系标配空气净化器和PM2.5过滤。售价方面,全新冒险家的入门价格也更低了,并且全系搭载2.0T发动机,动力更是碾压对手,完全可以实现弯道超车。充足的动力储备,基本可以应付日常的大部分场景和通勤需求,智能四驱和高度智能的驾驶辅助更是锦上添花。空间方面林肯则保持了足够的自信,并没有对尺寸进行再度加大。内饰豪华的美式质感营造也是林肯的强项,所以全新一代的冒险家你觉得能不能对BBA构成威胁,在评论区告诉我你的看法。【本文来自易车号作者保罗车闻,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

时打开carsim电脑上弹出mesa.dll could not be found 怎么解决

mesa.dll是电脑中一个必不可缺的dll文件,许多的游戏或者软件运行都需要它的支持,如果没有这个文件可能会造成一些游戏或者软件运行不了。假如您的系统提示“丢失mesa.dll” 或者“mesa.dll错误”等信息,请不用担心,您可以在本站下载该文件进行安装修复一下即可。mesa.dll使用说明:1、解压下载的文件。2、复制文件“mesa.dll”到系统目录下。3、系统目录一般为:C:WindowsSystem32 64位系统为C:WindowsSysWOW644、最后点击开始菜单-->运行-->输入regsvr32 mesa.dll后,回车即可解决错误提示。


3hrs是3 hours的英文简写。它是指3个小时的意思。北京时间3个小时,不是北京时间3点。

neglect oversight意思一样吗



不一样,不过其中的ou 是一样的

At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made



fingers 手指toes 脚趾

Universal Pictures是什么意思

Universal Pictures环球影业双语对照词典结果:Universal Pictures[人名]发行环球影业; 例句:1.Universal pictures agreed, in principle, to the concept of film residuals. 环球营业原则上同意了电影剩余工资的概念。2.Its inhouse development fund, backed by universal pictures and said to be the largest inthe uk film industry, remains intact. 它的内部发展基金仍然保持完好,该基金由环球影片公司(universal pictures)支持,据称为全英电影产业之最




怪物猎人崛起好玩吗?怪物猎人崛起在今天开启了试玩版本的下载,还在疑惑的玩家一起来看看怪物猎人RSIE试玩心得分享吧。怪物猎人崛起好玩吗 RSIE试玩心得分享先说总体感觉,我是掌机用jc玩的,在掌机模式下近景并不糊,然后一直在打泡狐所以没怎么看远景。打完泡狐的bgm我直接吹爆,这次bgm感觉用了不少心。然后直接说两把武器打怪的直观感受。双刀因为是第一把的缘故,所以一开始有很多误操作,而且因为之前玩过xx。所以小陀螺总是按成+键,l和zl一直按错。但是熟悉之后就感觉非常流畅暴力了,首先翔虫碰瓷其实没有j回好用,但也非常强力了,j回可以攻击之后接滑步直接触发,但是翔虫碰瓷在攻击之后要受到攻击后摇的影响,并不能第一时间触发,所以比j回其实要稍差一点点,不过只是一点点而已。另外就是虫缠了,首先这招感觉伤害十分暴力,乱舞打泡狐第一下是2个13,而虫缠打头是几十点附加伤害加额外100来点伤害,只消耗一个虫子,最关键是可以压起身,一个乱舞的伤害用来压起身,想想就刺激。总的来说,双刀的操作感是很不错的。然后就是片手,首先片手登龙盾的cd非常的快,比双刀碰瓷快不少,但是伤害只能说还可以,圆环斩消耗2个虫子,伤害很可观,cd一般。我片手玩的少,所以一些深度的东西也没怎么研究,但是我就用平砍和虫技15分钟磨死了泡狐,如果是高玩的话应该不超过10分钟。另外御龙系统十分的好用,用完御龙之后似乎怪很快就换区了,触发也简单,可能不用担心卡普空为了推御龙而大量设置多怪同场,不过其实我也就打了两把,所以判断也不一定准确。最后再有一点,玩mhr之前我其实一直担心为了保证虫技cd的第一时间使用,不浪费伤害,不得不停下攻击使用虫技造成作战割裂的情况,不过现在发现这是真的好上手,所以基本就没什么好担心的了。

Young, Wild & Free (Feat. Bruno Mars) 歌词

歌曲名:Young, Wild & Free (Feat. Bruno Mars)歌手:Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa专辑:Young, Wild & FreeWiz Khalifa Ft.Snoop Dogg – Young, Wild & FreeSo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeUh, Uh huhSo what I keep "em rolled upSaggin" my pants not caring what I showKeep it real with my n-ggasKeep it player for the hoesAnd look clean dont it?Washed it the other day, watch how you lean on itGive me some 501"s jeans on and roll joints bigger than King Kong"s fingersAnd smoke them hoes down "till they stingersYou a class clown and if I skip for the day I"m with you b-tch smokin" grade ASo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeYeah, uh you know what?It"s like I"m 17 againPeach fuzz on my faceLookin", on the caseTryna find a hella tasteOh My God, I"m on the chaseChevy, its gettin" kinda heavy, relevant, sellin" itDippin" away, time keep slippin" awayZip in the safe, flippin" for payTippin" like I"m drippin" in paintUp front four blunts, like "Khalifa put the weed in a J"So what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeYea, roll one, smoke oneWhen you live like this you"re supposed to partyRoll one, smoke one, and we all just having funSo we just, roll one, smoke oneWhen you live like this you"re supposed to partyRoll one, smoke one, and we all just having funSo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeSo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeyeahurh

德语:Besonders 和 Insbesondere 有什么区别?

insbesondere是副词besonders是形容词或副词很多情况下insbesondere可以被besonders替换比如 sie mag Blumen sehr gern, insbesondere/besonders Rosen但有一种情况insbesondere不能被besonders替换Insbesondere kann ich nicht verstehen, dass....

加勒比海盗里的一句英语问题。加1里面,鹦鹉说过shiver me timbers。中文字幕说是触礁。加3里面,海战之后




Laughing (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Laughing (Lp Version)歌手:The Byrds专辑:The ByrdsREM"Laughing"歌词Laocoon and her two sonsPressured storm, tried to moveNo other more, emotion boundMartyred, misconstruedLighted in a room, lanky roomLighted, lighted, laughing in tuneLighted, lighted, laughingLaocoon and her two sonsRun the gamut, sated viewKnow them more, emotion boundMartyred, misconstruedLighted in a room, lanky roomLighted, lighted, laughing in tuneLighted, lighted, laughingIn a room, lock the door, latch the roomLighted, lighted, laughingLaocoon and her two sonsRan the gamut, settled newFind a place fit to laughLock the doors, latch the roomLighted in a room, lanky roomLighted, lighted, laughing in tuneLighted, lighted, laughing in tuneLighted, lighted, laughing in tuneLighted, lighted, laughing in tune。。。


polaris 即 北极星 。天极星在天的北面即北极,故又称北极星、紫微星。北极星的首创者是燧人弇兹氏,故又称紫宫、紫微垣。紫是玄的代称,紫宫也就是玄宫,宫中女主为阴德星,是为弇兹圣母九天玄女。约在距今一万五千年至一万三千年时,北极星因弇兹氏织女而命名为织女星。指的是北方天空中最靠近地轴的一颗星,所以北极星不是一成不变的,现阶段所指是小熊座α星。距地球约323光年,是夜空能看到的亮度和位置较稳定的恒星。古代天文学家对北极星非常尊崇,认为它固定不动,众星都绕着它转,是帝王的象征。由于北极星最靠近正北的方位,千百年来地球上的人们靠它的星光来导航。有些航海的人们迷路了,就会找到小熊星座的北极星,北极星在的地方永远是北方,即使没有罗盘,也可以辨别方向的。

英文话题阐述 1、What do you often do to relax yourself when you are stressed?

When I am stressed, I often play table tennis for a while. It"s not only a kind of good sports but also a good way to release my stress. When I play tabel tennis, I always forget all my worries.It can bring me lots of happiness. After playing table tennis, I often feel relax and refresh.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

parsley sage rosemary音标

三个词的音标:parsley [u02c8pɑ:sli]sage [seu026adu0292]rosemary [u02c8ru0259u028azmu0259ri]给你补一个thyme [tau026am]ps:这几个词的组合,应该是Scarborough Fair

斯卡布罗集市这首歌里Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme这句歌词和哪

Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那里的一位男孩问好he once was a true love of mine 他曾经是我的爱人。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green) (绿林深处山冈旁)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间(A soldier cleans and pulishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。Tell his to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用镰刀收割。(War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束(And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位男孩问好he was once a true love of mine 他曾经是我的爱人。希望您能满意

斯卡布罗集市这首歌里Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme这句歌词和哪


怎样识别电脑主板上的英文字母 他们的含义是什么比如pw sw HDD rst 等





Attempted Hours (AHRS) 学时Earned Hours (EHRS) 获得学时Quality Hours (QHRS) 总学时Quality Points (QPTS) 总分grade point average (GPA) 年级平均分

英文成绩单里有个Course Item项目,

Courses Items: R(Required Courses), C(Controlled Selective Courses), S(Selective Courses).

Leadership Retreat 中文指什么?


ministers retreat 什么意思翻译

ministers retreat部长们撤退

纪念品用什么量词?clusters of keepsakes怎么翻译?

keepsake(纪念品)在英语表达力不需要另外加量词。a keepsake,一件纪念品;some keepsakes,一些纪念品。clusters of keepsakes 表示的意思相当于汉语里的“堆”。a cluster of keepsakes,一堆纪念品。clusters of keepakes,几堆(多于一堆)纪念品。



帮忙写一个英文小作文,感谢信(Letters of Thanks)

Dear Mr.Harry: I am so grateful and excited after I got your invitation letter to dinner.And I enjoyed the dinner very much last night that I would never forget.I was really moved by the hospitality of you and your family.With the feeling in my heart,I will treasure the friendship between us and value the long-established relationship with your pany.I am sure that we will certainly have a bright future in our co-operation.I really look forward to increasing business in the ing years. Let"s joint together and continue our relationship. Thank you again! Best Wishes! Sincerely Yours,xxx


PL(事假)=personal leave SL(病假)。AL表示什么假?

请假事由(填写代码):SL 病假、PL 事假、ML1 婚假、ML2 产假、FL 丧假、AL 年休假、OL 其他

rock paper scissors中文翻译

Rock , paper , scissors to see who goes first . ready 石头,剪刀,布来决定谁先准备好了 Rock , paper , scissors . fpp a coin 石头,剪刀,布,或者抛硬币 Never mind . rock , paper , scissors 别介意.石头,剪刀,布 As a tradition we " ll start with the game of rock , paper , scissors 作哦惯例,我们将以石头剪子布这一游戏来开场 As a tradition ? ? we " ll start with the game of rock , paper , scissors 作哦惯例,我们将以石头、剪子、布这一游戏来开场 Rock , paper , scissors . . 剪刀石头布 Rock , paper , scissors 石头剪子布! A game of rock , paper , scissors , will determin who answer question first . gentleman , 将根据石头,剪子,布的游戏来决定回答问题的次序,先生们 A game of rock , paper , scissors , will determin who answer question first . gentleman , 将根据石头,剪子,布的游戏来决定回答问题的次序,先生们

This is scissors对吗?

不对 These is a pair of scissors.or there are scissors.不过通常第二句也不对,都是说a pair of 的


你可以说a pair of scissors. Scissors是负数形式啊,前面不可以直接加a 或 an


加are 因为scissors 本身是复数形式的名词




a pair of pants/trousers你怎么看


最好用词组a pair of scissors(一把剪刀),其中pair可用复数形式pairs scissors就已经代表复数形式,没有所谓的scissorses

Emery的《Scissors》 歌词

歌曲名:Scissors歌手:Emery专辑:We Do What We Want (Deluxe Edition)sllipknot - ScissorsI play doctor for five minutes flatBefore I cut my heart open...and let the air outThree bugs, a pound of dustSome wind spilled before meIn the strangest manner that hadBroke away my tear spoutAS I LIE THEREWITH MY TONGUE SPREAD WIDE OPENA BLACK WIDOW HAD OFFERED MEA SWEETHEART TUBEAS I INJECTEDTHE CANDIED HEART THAT I SELECTEDShe said don"t hesitateJUST DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO ME!..It"s hard to stay between the lines of skinJust cuz I have nerves, don"t mean that I can feelI wasn"t very much fun to be with anywayJust let the blood run red CUZ I CAN"T FEEL!Biding my time until the time is rightBiding my time...It"s time x3BIDING (my time)BIDING...




scissors [scis·sors || "su026azu0259(r)z]n. 剪刀



一把剪刀英语该说成a scissor 还是a scissors?

There is a lot of water


scissors[英]["su026azu0259z] [美]["su026azu0259rz] 生词本简明释义n.剪刀;两腿前后错跃v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿)复数:scissors易混淆的单词:Scissors以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组The form scissor is used as a modifier. scissor 用作修饰语。1.N-PLURAL剪刀;剪子Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth.


scissors[英]["su026azu0259z] [美]["su026azu0259rz] 生词本 简明释义 n.剪刀;两腿前后错跃 v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿) 复数:scissors 易混淆的单词:Scissors 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 The form scissor is used as a modifier. scissor 用作修饰语. 1.N-PLURAL剪刀;剪子Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth. He told me to get some scissors... 他让我去拿把剪刀. She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill. 她从窗台上拿起一把剪刀.


scissors的音标:[u02c8su026azu0259z]。一、单词释义:作名词时意为“剪刀;剪式跳法颂迅枣”,作动词时意为“剪开;删除”。二、短语搭配:1、Dissecting scissors解剖剪2、scissors cut交叉型3、Corneal Scissors角膜剪4、curved scissors曲剪刀5、Scissors bite剪刀式咬合6、scissors forceps剪钳7、gum scissors牙龈剪8、rubber scissors橡胶剪刀scissors的造句:1、Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料昌塌上剪一个小口。2、That"s not the right way to hold a pair of scissors.那样拿剪子不对。3、Mrs. Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a ribbon.海恩斯夫人站在旁边,手持剪刀准备剪彩。4、Watch how you use those scissors ─ you could do yourself a mischief!看你那是怎么用剪刀野拆啊——你会伤着自己的!5、She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill.她从窗台上拿起一把剪刀。










scissors 英[u02c8su026azu0259z] 美[u02c8su026azu0259rz]释义情景对话0:41n.剪刀v.剪断;删除scissor的第三人称单数[例句] He told me to get somescissors他让我去拿把剪刀。


scissors[英]["su026azu0259z][美]["su026azu0259rz]n.剪刀;两腿前后错跃v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿)复数: scissors双语例句1.a pair of nail scissors一把指甲剪2.a pair of scissors一把剪刀3.That"s not the right way to hold a pair of scissors.那样拿剪子不对。4.The woman stabbed at her attacker with a pair of scissors.那个妇人手持剪刀向攻击者刺去。5.There is nothing new in the book, just a scissors-and-paste job.书中没有什么新东西,只是一部拼凑而成的作品。



I see a scissors,这句话对吗?

I saw a pair of scissors.



shears 和scissors区别

shears 通常指那种用两只手拿着的大剪刀

I have scissors为什么不用加a或者an?






this is 后加"a pen "还是"pen ",为什么"this is paper"可以不加?"these are scissors"可以不加?

不定冠词a和an 一般用在可数名词前。而定冠词the 可加在可数的和不可数的名词前。

剪刀 scissors

单词剪刀scissors,我跟着录音 读很多很多遍 也没记住发音,这个单词的发音 不符合一般音标发音 规则 我请教了一下身边的英语老师April老师 为了加深印象在白板上写了下来 第一行是音标,第二行是单词 第2个字母C后面接了一个元音i所以这c的发音等同于s 这样第1个s和c一起仍然是发 s 第4和第5 个字母都是s,两个辅音连在一起浊化之后发‘z"的音 or组合发音‘er" 最后一个字母s因为在浊辅音r的后面所以发‘z"的音 经过这般分析之后终于记住了发音和拼写。加上写一遍文章,更加不会忘记了。


要记住英语单词 “scissors”,需要有一些小技巧,以帮您更容易地记住这个单词:1. 这个单词的中文意思是"剪刀",在记忆的过程中可以把这个单词与“剪刀”联系起来,帮助您更容易地记忆这个单词。2. “scissors”是一个复数形式,因此可以把“s”看成是“复数”的首字母,这有助于您记住这个单词的正确形式。3. 将“scissors”分成两个部分, “sci”和“ssors”,把“sci”看作是“science”(科学)的简称,而把“ssors”看作是“scissors”的后半部分,也就是我们需要记忆的词根。4. 只要看到单词“scissors”,您就可以马上想到“两个刀片”,因为大多数剪刀都有两个刀片。5. 如果您还是感觉难以记住,可以使用一个有趣的记忆技巧,将“scissors”与一种具有感染力的形象联系起来,例如把一张彩虹色的纸用一把长长的“scissors”剪成许多小块,这样您可以看到“scissors”的形状以及其用途,从而更容易地记住这个单词。6. 最后,如果您感觉很难记忆英语单词,可以尝试使用各种互动学习方式,如看电影、听歌曲、练习口语等,每天花费一定的时间学习英语,并在学习过程中尽可能地积累生词和短语,不断地加深对英语的理解和认识,从而逐渐提高你的英语水平。




"scissors"是一个英语名词,指的是一种剪刀,通常用来剪纸、布、线等材料。剪刀通常由两个叉形的刀片组成,它们通过一个中心螺钉连接在一起,并且可以通过手柄来控制刀片的运动。剪刀的形状和大小可以根据不同的用途而有所不同。"scissors"这个词是复数形式,因为剪刀通常是成对出现的。如果只有一把剪刀,可以使用"pair of scissors"或"scissor"来表示单数形式。在英语中,"scissors"是一个非常常见的词,经常用于日常生活中的许多场合,例如裁缝、美容、手工艺等。




scissors 英 ["su026azu0259z]     美 ["su026azu0259rz]     基本释义n.剪刀用作名词 (n.)Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. 达芬奇发明了剪刀。We bought some new scissors yesterday. 我们昨天买了一些新剪刀。


scissors 英["su026azu0259z] 美["su026azu0259rz] n. 剪刀;两腿前后错跃 v. 剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿) 名词复数:scissors [例句]The other blade of the scissors is supply.剪刀的另一侧锋刃则是供给。


scissors 英["su026azu0259z] 美["su026azu0259rz] n. 剪刀;两腿前后错跃 v. 剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿) 名词复数:scissors [例句]The other blade of the scissors is supply.剪刀的另一侧锋刃则是供给。



我想请问下,我目前准备去申请英国的斯旺西大学读研(Swansea University),有相关问题如下:

很一般 你看排名 没进前30 都算比较一般的 我人就在英国~

Onward, Christian soldiers! (St Gertrude) (brass & perc. arr. Tracey) 歌词

歌曲名:Onward, Christian soldiers! (St Gertrude) (brass & perc. arr. Tracey)歌手:Massed Choirs from Merseyside&Liverpool Cathedral Brass Ensemble&Liverpool Cathedral Choir&Ian Wells&Ian Tracey专辑:50 Best HymnsOnward Christian SoldiersOnward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going on before.Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;Forward into battle see His banners go!Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going on before.At the sign of triumph Satan"s host doth flee;On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!Hell"s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going on before.Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.Glory, laud and honor unto Christ the King,This through countless ages men and angels sing.Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going on before.

电影中的unrated version,即未分级版本,是不就是影片中的特暴力、血腥的片段没有被删减的版本?


Ten Out Of Ten (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Ten Out Of Ten (Album Version)歌手:Sammy Davis Jr.专辑:If I Ruled The WorldPaolo Nutini-Ten Out Of TenAll the people wana try ya girli hope you tell them where to goCos ive got so much here to offer girli love you more than you could knowSome people want to speed me downin fact i wana slow it downI wana get myself dressed upand take you out on the townAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenEverybody"s got opinions girlTheir own version of a good ideaBut the best one i can think of nowIs to make sure that I keep you nearand I know I"m gona keep it upcos i can see you"re feeling downI wana get myself dressed up yehand take you out on the townAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenget an A in the taxiA in the restaurantget ten out of tenget an A in the kitchenan an A in the bedroomget ten out of ten eeeeeemake it out of nothingturn it into somethingand give it to you all for freeAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of ten



危害健康行为(health-risky behaviors)是指个体或群体表现出的对个人、他人、

危害健康行为(health-risky behaviors)是指个体或群体表现出的对个人、他人、社会期望方向上表现一组行为。主要特点1、危害性行为对人、对己、对社会健康有直接或间接的、明显或潜在的危害作用,例如吸烟行为,不仅对吸烟者本人的健康产生危害作用,而且对他人(造成被动吸烟)和社会(影响与吸烟有关的疾病的发病率及死亡率水平)健康带来不利影响。2、潜伏期长行为形成以后,一般要经过相当长的时间才能对健康产生影响,出现明显的致病作用。3、特异性差行为与疾病之间没有明确的对应关系,表现为一种行为与多种疾病和健康有关,而一种疾病或健康又与多种行为有关。4、协同作用强当多种行为同时存在时,各因素之间能协同作用、互相加强,这种协同作用最终产生的危害,将大于每一种行为单独作用之和。5、变异性大行为对健康的危害大小、发生时间早晚存在明显个体差异。6、广泛存在行为广泛存在于人们的日常生活中,且具不良行为的人为数较多,其对健康的危害是广泛的。7、习得性危害健康的行为都是个体在后天的生活经历中学会的,故又称“自我制造的危险因素”。分类不良生活方式与习惯:持续的定势化的行为称为习惯。日常生活和职业活动中的行为习惯及其特征称为生活方式。不良生活方式是一组习以为常的、对健康有害的行为习惯,包括能导致各种成年期慢性退行性病变的生活方式,如吸烟、酗酒、不良饮食习惯、缺乏体育锻炼等。不良生活方式与肥胖、心脑血管疾病、早衰、癌症等的发生有非常密切的关系。


nursery的意思是婴儿室;儿童房;苗圃;育苗场;幼儿园;托儿所;保育院;温床;滋生地;(连续)连撞两球;两球连撞。幼儿园的;托儿所的;保育院的。相关短语:1、seedling nursery 苗圃。2、nursery bed 苗床。3、nursery planter 苗圃播种机。4、polybag nursery 袋育苗圃。5、multiplication nursery 增殖范围。相关例句:1、Most nurseries sell certified trees.多数苗圃都出卖合乎标准的苗木。2、Many children under 5 go to nursery school.5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。3、Otherwise,no trees could be discarded in the nursery.否则,苗圃中的树木就不能被淘汰。4、The nursery lay at one end of a long,bright corridor.育婴处位于一条长而明亮的走廊尽头。5、They followed him out of the nursery and along the corridor to the staircase.他门跟着他走出育儿室,穿过走廊来到楼梯口。

写一篇初二做饺子的英语作文 提示语:First,next,then,after,that

How to Make dumpling dumpling is my favourite food.Since childhood I haw learned how to make it.There are five steps. First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour.The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow.Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky.When the dough is ready,leave it there for use later,then go on to make the fillings. The second step is to mince the meat,mushrooms and shnmps till they are mixed in a paste.Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly. The third step is to make the wrappings.Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings,each two inches in diameter. The fourth step is to put the filling in the middle of a wrapping.Then press the wrapping tight and a dumpling is ready.When you have made enough Jiaozi,the next step is to boil them. That is the last step.Put a pot of water on the stove.When the water is boiling,put the dumpling one by one into the water and cover the pot.When steam comes out,add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time.When you see the dumpling floating in boiling water,you can put them in bowls or plates,get the chopsticks and be ready to eat. 怎样包饺子? 饺子是我喜欢的食物.从童年起我就学会了包饺子,共有5个步骤. 第1步,先用水和面,和面盆要大些,以免水和面溢出.用手揉面团,直到不粘手为止.和好面以后,将做饺馅. 第2步,剁肉馅,将蘑菇和虾米搅拌成糊状,放入调味品如姜、葱,并把馅搅匀. 第3步,做饺皮.用擀面杖擀出一张张直径为两英寸的圆饺皮. 第4步,把馅放入饺皮中,捏紧饺皮,一个饺子就做成了.饺子包够了,下一步就是煮饺子. 煮饺子是最后的一步,锅中放上水,搁在炉灶上烧,水开时,一个一个地把饺子放入开水中,盖上锅盖.水冒气时,要加些冷水;水开时,再加第2次冷水.当饺子漂浮上来时,盛入碗中,准备好碗筷,即可食用. PS:你自己适当修改

Little Stars [Single Version] 歌词

歌名:little star演唱:MC光光『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:浩瀚天堂●●认识你不久之后 我就想要写一首歌根本就没有什么 有些话想对你说我不是你的superstar没那么了不起只是个普通人可是我也多么希望能够保护你是谁在给我机会 让我做明星oh my god 听众在哪 里有你就行你需要一个男佣 我就是吴克群如果你想拍照片 我就是陈冠希这张照片要拍到你的心好象我总想唱歌给你听shorty shorty该怎么做我教你教你有时我太过粗心对你说声sorry sorry我带着我的呆滞可爱的说不碍事让所有人都知道你是我的天使给我力量坚持 爱就不会变质是谁说爱情没有浪漫只有现实fuck 这话说的差我偏要给他们看看爱情多伟大虽然我不是刘德华也为你开场演唱会现在就开始吧hey girl drop it like its hot你是我的忠实歌迷我是你的little starsay oh say oh say ohshorty你准备好了没hey girl 手别停下我的舞台就是我们的家say oh say oh say oh如果你会喜欢就say woohsay wooh我不是super star 总让你shoulder shrugs可是我从来都没有听你说过分手吧是真的bug up感动的不得了这辈子幸福的感觉从来没有这么了不得就下定决心对您老负责god damn有时候真的希望下一秒钟就能够领取结婚证书做你老公在脑中 这是个好梦i love a dream girli need a happy home幻想一下吧我以为我的天真你早已经习惯啦it"s all i think about我说要爱到老的到老了回过头看那时候傻的可爱那么多的辛酸 多少争议多少忍耐多亏等待 这story才能up in here如果能有下辈子我都 想要能够再爱你好几遍就一直做 my babydo the song do the song for my sweetyare you ready1 2 3 here we go nowhey girl drop it like its hot你是我的忠实歌迷我是你的little starsay oh say oh say ohshorty你准备好了没hey girl 手别停下我的舞台就是我们的家say oh say oh say ohok here we go say woohsay wooh﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏

Nyc Gangsters 歌词

歌曲名:Nyc Gangsters歌手:manic drive专辑:Reset & Rewind-WhiplashManic DriveNYC GangstersSo let"s commenceChapter one first page of the new beginningPack your bags cause I think we"re leavingI know exactly who we areSo jump on in and let"s get startedSay goodbye to the things we loveAnd leave them all behindIt won"t do no good when we"re just trying to rideI know exactly who we areSo jump on in and let"s get startedGasolineWe"ll need more let"s find some cash and sell your thingsLet"s go full force until we"re force to leaveI know exactly who we areSo jump on in and let"s get startedFollow me my misfitsAnd leave this world behindAs we ride like New York City gangstersLighting it up as we drop the bombFollow me my misfitsWe need someoneLet"s show them what we gotDon"t ask whereJust have faith I"m sure that"s enough to get us thereWe got too much that we need to shareI know exactly who we areSo jump on in and let"s get startedGet in lineMake sure no one gets left behindWe need to fight before this world becomes blindI know exactly who we areSo jump on in and let"s get startedFollow me my misfitsAnd leave this world behindAs we ride like New York City gangstersLighting it up as we drop the bombFollow me my misfitsWe need someoneLet"s show them what we gotFollow me my misfitsAnd leave this world behindAs we ride like New York City gangstersLighting it up as we drop the bombFollow me my misfitsWe need someoneLet"s show them what we gotAnd leave this world behindAs we ride like New York City gangstersLighting it up as we drop the bombFollow me my misfitsWe need someoneLet"s show them what we gotWe need someoneLet"s show them what we gotLet"s show them what we got

in massive numbers是什么意思

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