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the past ten years has witnessed为什么用has

现在完成时 has done witness不可以用被动

As we all known, the economy has witnessed rapid development in the past 30 years 语法错误

As we all know才对so portable that it draws people "s attention. 才对

past 30 years have witnessed为什么用have


the past few years have witnessed

用第二个:the past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that ... 原因:在句子中,把the past several years 拟人化,而这些年是一直在见证这个现象,故用完成时和复数.

recent years have witnessed分析

从语法的角度来人说,这个表达是错误的,Recent years作主语,谓语动词应该是单数,所有正确的说法应该是:Recent years has witnessed…

求For the First Time in Forever日语罗马音歌词(姐妹分开的)谢谢

《生(う)ま れて 初(はじ) め て》wu ma re te ha ji me te窓 (まど)も ド アも 开(あ) い て る なん て 久(さ) し ぶ りな のma do mo do a mo a yi te ru nann te sa si bu ri na no お 皿(さら)も こん な に たく さんo sa ra mo konn na ni ta ku sann闭(と) ざ され てた 部 屋闭(へや)ざ も お 祝 (いわ) いの た め にto za sa re te ta he ya za mo o yi wa yi no ta me ni绮 丽(きれい) に 饰(かざ) られてki re yi ni ka za ra re reま る で 违 (ちが)う 场 所(ばしょ) ね 不 思议(ふしぎ) な 気 持(きも)ちma ru de ti ga wu ba syo ne fu si gi na ki mo tiこ の 时 (とき)を 梦 (ゆめ) 见てたko no to ki wo yu me mi te taそう 生(う)ま れて 初(はじ)め てso wu wu ma re te ha ji me te音楽 (おんがく)に乗(の)りonn ga ku ni no ri生(う)ま れて初(はじ)め てwu ma re re ha ji me te踊(おど)り 明(あ)か す のo do ri a ka su no嬉(うれ)しすぎ てあたし舞(ま)い上(あ) がりそうwu re si su gi te a ta si ma yi a ga ri so wuもう1人(ひとり)じゃな いのmo wu hi to ri sya na yi no梦(ゆめ)の ようyu me no yowu(「今日は色んな人に会えるのよね 运命の人にも会えるかも」)今夜(こんや)は美(うずく)しい ド レ ス で お 洒落(しゃり) してkonn ya ha wu zu ku si yi do re su de o sya re si te 谁(だれ)よ りも魅力(みりょく)的(てき)にta re yo ri mo mi ryo ku te ki ni 突然(とくぜん)気(き) が 付(つ)くの素敌(すてき)な若者(わかもの)にto ku zenn ki ga tu ku no su te ki na wa ka mo no ni耻(は)ずかしい からチョコを食(た) べ ちゃうha zu ka si yi ka ra tyo ko wo ta be tya wu色々(いろいろ)お话(はな)して仲(なか)良(よく)くなるのyi ro yi ro o ha na si te na ka yo ku na ru noなんか変(へん)な気 持(きも) ちねnann ka henn na ki mo ti ne生(うま)まれ て初 (はじ)め てwu ma re te ha ji me te心 が跃(おど)るのko ko ro ga o do ru no生(う)ま れて初(はじ) め てwu ma re te ha ji ne te声(こえ)をかけられたいのko e wo ka ke ra re ta yi noロマンスの访(おとず)れを密(みそ)かに祈(いの)ろうro mann su no o to zu re wo mi so ka ni yi no rowu特别(とくべつ)な谁(だれ)か出会(であ) えるようにto ku be tu na da re ka to de a e ru yo wu ni[エルサ]1人(ひとり)でいたいのにhi to ri de yi ta yi no ni谁(だれ)にも会(あ)いたくないda re ni mo a yi ta ku na yiもしも  この手(て)で触(さわ)れたらmo si mo ko no te de sa wa re ta ra みんな気付(きつ)いてしまうわminn na ki tu yi te si mawu waでも 今日(きょう)だけな らde mo kyo wu da ke na ra[アナ]今日(きょう)だけでもkyowu da ke de mo[エルサ]う まくやろうwu ma ku ya ro wu[アナ]梦 (ゆめ)を见(み)たいyu me wo mi ta yi[エルサ]开(ひら)くのだ门(かど)を今(いま)ki ra ku no da ka do wo yi ma[アナ]今(いま)yi ma生(うま)ま れて初(はじ)め てwu ma re re ha ni me te[エルサ]1人(ひとり)でいたいのにhi to ri de yi ta yi no ni[アナ]自由(じゆう)に暮(く)らせるのji yuwu ni ku ra se ru no[エルサ]谁(だれ)にも会(あ)いたくないda re ni mo a yi ta ku na yi[アナ]全(すべ)てを変(か)えようsu be te wo ka e yo wu[エルサ]駄目(むだ)よmu da yo[アナ]恋(こい)を见(み)つけてko yi wo mi tu ke te[エルサ]隠(かく)し通(とお)すのよka ku si to o su no yo[アナ]1日(ひとり)だけでも ときめきたいのyi ti ni ti da ke de mo to ki me ki ta yi noそう 生(うま)まれて初(はじ)めてso wu wu ma re te ha ji me te 生(うま)まれて初(はじ)めてwu ma re te ha ji me te自由(じゆう)だからji yu wu da ka ra


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 华人明星 解析: Picasso Horses名字来由 11月13日是黄家强39岁生日,前天他在香港与歌迷一起举行生日庆祝音乐会,家强在音乐会上介绍了自己的新乐队,名字叫做“Picasso Horses”,家强说:“Horses是家驹的意思,而Picasso是毕加索的名字,这两位都是我很尊敬的人,我好喜欢毕加索的画,包括他的风格及特色,所以就叫做Picasso Horses。” 成员列表 GUITAR(吉他手):JOE CHOIDRUM(鼓手):STEPHANE WONG VOCAL+BASS(主音+贝司):黄家强 GUITAR(吉他手):SAMMY SO

Picasso (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Picasso (Lp Version)歌手:World Saxophone Quartet专辑:Breath Of Life175R - PICASSO作词:SHOGO作曲:SHOGO编曲:175R 佐久间正英夜を飞び越えてく昨日よサラバと笑う眠れぬ时を过ぎて梦见て微笑む事もある朝を駆け抜けてく今日こそ死ねるかと呟くいつかの梦を见て笑った方がまだマシだ谁にもわからない约束のない未来谁より早く走り抜けりゃいい远くまで 今すぐにここから逃げ出すかそれともここで叫ぼうかイイもワルイもないルールも谁かのレールもない谁にも探せない未来の予告地図谁かに相谈してみてもわからない 変わらないAll is well that ends well.After a storm comes a calm.Tomorrow is another dayDon"t worry baby.ギリギリのスピード走り出したピカソ远くに见える光掴んで笑えばいい 生きてりゃいいAll is well that ends well.After a storm comes a calm.Tomorrow is another dayDon"t worry baby.永远なんて事どうだっていい事世界中でたった一つの一瞬を梦见れりゃいい哀しみはいつの时も仆の事を励ましてくれた流してきた涙の後残してきた仆の足迹喜びはいつの时も精一杯の笑颜をくれたたった一つの夸れるモノを胸に抱いて生きていけばいい胸に抱いて生きていけばいい胸に抱いて生きていけばいい胸に抱いて生きていけばいい胸に抱いておわり


Picasso Horses名字来由 11月13日是黄家强39岁生日,前天他在香港与歌迷一起举行生日庆祝音乐会,家强在音乐会上介绍了自己的新乐队,名字叫做“Picasso Horses”,家强说:“Horses是家驹的意思,而Picasso是毕加索的名字,这两位都是我很尊敬的人,我好喜欢毕加索的画,包括他的风格及特色,所以就叫做Picasso Horses。” 成员列表 GUITAR(吉他手):JOE CHOIDRUM(鼓手):STEPHANE WONGVOCAL+BASS(主音+贝司):黄家强GUITAR(吉他手):SAMMY SO

以my university life 为话题,写一篇300词以上的英语作文

As a freshman in Jilin Institute of physical education collage,I am feeling the time flies.Recalling about the past one month,so many thoughts are flooding in my mind.At this time,I just can"t tell my real idea.The memory is just like so fresh,and all the things happened yesterday! When first day I came to University,I really feel that the school is very good,but at the first sight of the dormitory,something disappointing e up to me!The condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room,i feel very sad parens go far away to the school I felt in this city I was just isolated,from that time.And then I came to my dormitory 214.I considered that I would spend one years here and my dorm mates are all there.Most of them came from Jilin Province and they were chatting with a happy voice.Again,I felt myself isolated!I hated that kind of feeling.To my surprise they are very friendly to me,I no longer felt afraid.And I got along well with them. Just spending about 2 weeks here on my Military training,it"s a fresh train and a kind of experience to know the life between the clas *** ates.But to me,I was nervous but excited.This was my first and precious train life because before going to school I have been staying with my family.So,you know,it"s just this kind of feeling I can"t convey it clearly!The train life is impressive on everybody; we had a lot of activities,for example singing together,At that time,I felt myself so little among them.All of them have a special talent but not me.because all of them are less than 2 years on they body Health.I admired them but meanwhile jealousy.I always said to myself.So that time I was also very ambitious,just eager to catch up with them.So many interesting things in the train,I can"t list them all.Individually,I feel the train life is hell unforgotten.I think I will never forget it,cherish it as one bell in the sea.

名的两种英文表达,一种是first name,还有一种?

分为first name和given name.一般来说,First name 是人的姓,而given name则是名字.


开发过的游戏如下:1.dinerdash 美女餐厅。2.dinerdash2美女餐厅2。3.dinerdash-floonthego 美女餐厅之忙碌的菲奥。4.dinerdash:hometownhero美女餐厅之家乡英雄。5.dinerdash-seasonalsnackpack 美女餐厅之四季美食6.cookingdash 美女餐厅之疯狂烹饪。。7.cookingdash2:dinertownstudios 美女餐厅之疯狂烹饪2。8.weddingdash 婚礼进行曲。9.weddingdash2 婚礼进行曲2。10.weddingdash:ready,aim,love!婚礼进行曲之爱神丘比特。11.fashiondash 美女时装店。12.doggiedash 宠物美容店。13.dairydash:backtobasics田园牧场。14.dressshophop美女缝纫店。15.petshophop可爱宠物店。16.spongebobsquarepantsdinerdash 棉球方块餐厅。17.spongebobdinerdash2 棉球方块餐厅2。18.dinerdash:flothoughtime 美女餐厅之穿越时空。


开发过的游戏如下:DinerDash 美女餐厅。DinerDash2美女餐厅2。DinerDash-FloOnTheGo 美女餐厅之忙碌的菲奥。DinerDash:HometownHero美女餐厅之家乡英雄。DinerDash-SeasonalSnackPack 美女餐厅之四季美食CookingDash 美女餐厅之疯狂烹饪。。CookingDash2:DinerTownStudios 美女餐厅之疯狂烹饪2。WeddingDash 婚礼进行曲。WeddingDash2 婚礼进行曲2。WeddingDash:Ready,Aim,Love!婚礼进行曲之爱神丘比特。FashionDash 美女时装店。DoggieDash 宠物美容店。DairyDash:BacktoBasics田园牧场。DressShopHop美女缝纫店。PetShopHop可爱宠物店。SpongeBobSquarePantsDinerDash 棉球方块餐厅。SpongeBobDinerDash2 棉球方块餐厅2。DinerDash:FloThoughTime 美女餐厅之穿越时空。

Her heart broken, she locked herself in the room.为什么不是having broken?

分析:1,her heart broken表达的是“把自己锁在房间里”的原因。做表示原因的状语。2,her heart broken=because her heart was broken.(被动语态)说的是发生在过去的事。3,如果是having broken,那就主动语态,表达不了“被伤害”的意思。




“干杯”除了"cheers",还能这么说:make a toast《剑桥词典》对bottoms up!的解释为“sometimes said by people in a friendly way just before drinking an alcoholic drink together”,这是一个英语俚语,可以理解成中文里的“我干了”“一口闷”之类的。


cheers是干杯的意思。干杯这个词的英文表达,即是Cheers。在最早的时候,这个词语被人们改编自希腊语kherete,它的意思为欢呼、庆祝、祝福。刚开始的时候,Cheers作为一种聚会时的祝福用语,只有在英国出现。作为一种社交礼仪,它最初主要用于表示对王室家族和贵族的敬意,随后慢慢传遍了欧洲大陆和其他国家。现在,Cheers已成为全球范围内广泛使用的干杯方式之一。不同国家和地区间的干杯习惯也有所不同。在西班牙和拉美国家,干杯时人们说的是Salud,意思是健康。意大利人干杯时说的是Cincin,德国人则说Prost或Zumwohl,希腊人说Yamas,法国人说Santé,日本人则说Kanpai,每个国家都有各自的文化传承和祝福的承载意义。cheers的造句1、One week later Cheers。To our first night in our new apartment。一星期后干杯。敬我们在新公寓的第一晚。2、Cheers! Let"s drink to be an international talent。让我们为做国际人干杯。3、You need something to cheer you up ─ I know just the thing。你需要点什么使你高兴起来,我知道什么正合你的需要。4、A great cheer went up from the crowd。群众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。5、A great cheer went up from the crowd。观众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。

Jonas Brothers的《S.O.S.》 歌词

歌曲名:S.O.S.歌手:Jonas Brothers专辑:SosS.O.SJonas Brotherslyrics By Larry ChengI told you I made dinner plansfor you and and me and no one elsethat don"t include your crazy friendswell I"m donewith awkward situations emptyconversationsoooh, this is an S.O.Sdon"t want a second guessthis is the bottom lineit"s trueI gave my all for younow my heart"s in twoand I can"t find the other halfits like im walking on broken glassbetter believe I bledits a call I"ll never getSo this is where the story endsa conversation on I.M.well I"m donewith textingsorry for the miscommunicationoooh, this is an S.O.Sdon"t want a second guessthis is the bottom lineit"s trueI gave my all for younow my heart"s in twoand I can"t find the other halfits like im walking on broken glassbetter believe I bledits a call I"ll never getNext time I see yougiv"n you a high fivecuz hugs are overatedjust FYIoooh, this is an S.O.Sdon"t want a second guessthis is the bottom lineit"s trueI gave my all for younow my heart"s in twoYeah!ooh, this is an S.O.Sdon"t want a second guessthis is the bottom lineit"s trueI gave my all for younow my heart"s in twoand I can"t find the other halfits like im walking on broken glassbetter believe I bledits a call I"ll never getcall I"ll never getcall I"ll never get

eclipse出现code recommenders installation problems,怎么办

1、点击报错的那个连接(Window -> preferences -> java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced)`。2、再打开的配置了面将`Default Proposal Kinds`栏中`Java Proposals (Code Recommenders)`前面的对勾去掉就可以了。3、生效后,就没有提示,然后又将剩余的两个`Java Proposals`、`Java Proposals(Task-Focused)`打上对勾才正常。

请问小数点怎么读?比如1.80 meters 用英语怎么读?

point 1.80 meters = one point eight meters

the passengers和the passenger是一样的意思吗?


He is respectful to his elders

He is respectful to his elders句中的to his elders是介词短语,用来修饰表语respectful. 这样理解对吗?解答: 首先to his elders 这里to 是作介词用,表示对象,但并不是来修饰表语respecful,而是来补充说明表语,句子成分为表语补足语。 这个句子的结构是 主语+系动词+表语+表语补足语。他 (主语)+是(系动词)+尊敬别人的人+ 对他的长辈(表语补足语)。 翻译为他是一个尊敬长辈的人。



rochester university在哪儿州

University of Rochester在纽约。

罗切斯特大学University of Rochester中国人多么


rochester university美国排名

全美国大学排名:第38名。全美文理学院排名:第32名。最佳商学院(全国)排名:第37名。最佳教育学院(全国)排名:第36名。最佳工程学院(全国)排名:第58名。Rochester University是一所位于美国纽约州罗切斯特市的综合性私立大学,也是著名的文理学院之一。Rochester University在科学、工程、医学、教育以及商学等多个领域均有着卓越的教学和研究成果,尤以良好的工程和计算机科学领域声誉著称。同时,纽约州罗切斯特市还是全美国一座重要的文化和艺术中心,学校也借此与当地的文化机构合作,开设了一系列音乐、电影等艺术活动和课程。Rochester University在美国乃至全世界享有很高的学术声誉和社会声望,并且注重为学生提供全方位的学术和社会经验,培养出众多的优秀人才。Rochester University还有一些在各自领域内表现突出的学院和研究机构,包括人文科学学院、音乐学院、东亚研究中心、地球科学研究所、光学研究中心等。其中,光学研究中心是全球最著名的光学研究机构之一,与美国宇航局等有深入合作。它在多个领域都展示出了卓越的实力,拥有雄厚的师资力量和优良的科研环境,为学生提供了广泛而深入的学术研究机会。学校在部分专业领域的排名Rochester University在2022年U.S. News & World Report美国大学排名中的其他表现:最佳临床心理学(Doctoral)学院排名:第22名;最佳生物科学(Doctoral)学院排名:第43名;最佳心理学(Doctoral)学院排名:第57名;最佳统计学(Doctoral)学院排名:第33名;最佳物理学(Doctoral)学院排名:第53名。

在英语中短裤"shorts"的单位是piece 还是pairs?



裤子在英语中,可以用 "trousers" 这个词来表示。trousers 是英式英语中的词汇,表示一种覆盖两条腿的下装,通常指长裤。在美式英语中,这种下装通常是用 "pants" 来表示。比如说:I wear trousers to work. (我去上班的时候穿裤子。)She bought a new pair of trousers yesterday. (她昨天买了一条新裤子。)He always wears brown trousers and a white shirt. (他总是穿棕色裤子和白色衬衫。)在英语中还有一些常见的相关词汇和表达,如下:1、Jeans:用于表示牛仔裤。(例如:I prefer to wear jeans instead of trousers.)2、Leggings:用于表示紧身裤或打底裤。(例如:She usually wears leggings with a sweater.)3、Shorts:用于表示短裤。(例如:He likes to wear shorts in the summer.)4、Skirt:用于表示裙子。(例如:She looks very pretty in her new skirt.)5、Slacks:通常是指一种宽松、款式简单的长裤,适用于办公室或正式场合。6、Chinos:一种丝绸或棉质的宽松长裤,颜色通常为卡其色(khaki)或深蓝色等。7、Khakis:又称为 "khaki pants",一种卡其色的长裤,通常用于休闲场合。用法注意事项1、根据场合选择:裤子的样式和颜色因场合而异。通常,正式场合需要穿正装裤,而休闲场合可以选择牛仔裤或短裤等。因此,在选择裤子时,应该考虑当天的活动和场合。2、与鞋子搭配:裤子与鞋子的搭配很重要,不同款式的裤子需要搭配适合的鞋子。例如,正装裤通常与皮鞋搭配,而休闲裤则可以搭配运动鞋或皮拖鞋等。3、注意质地和材质:裤子的质地和材质会影响舒适度和外观。通常,棉质材料透气舒适,而丝绸或聚酯质地更显高档。因此,应根据个人偏好和场合来选择裤子的质感。4、选择适宜的尺码:尺码对于裤子的舒适度和外观有重要的影响。选择合适的尺码可使裤子穿起来更舒适,并能更好地体现身材。因此,在购买裤子时,应注意测量腰围、臀围等尺寸。5、穿着干净整洁:裤子在穿着过程中需要保持干净整洁。因此,应及时清洗和保养裤子,避免沾染污渍和磨损。此外,穿着时也要注意不要弄皱或弄脏裤子。

在英语中短裤"shorts"的单位是piece 还是pairs?

shorts是表短裤.但裤子有两个裤管.即成对的东西,我们要用pair 来搭配. 只是当我们要表示,一条短裤时,要用 a / one pair of shorts 多于一条时都可以用服务(量词)pairs of (修饰词)shorts

UPU(Universal Postal Union)是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  UPU(Universal Postal Union),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:万国邮政联盟。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

truckers hitch的中文歌词(权威翻译)

truckers hitch我知道怎么打每一种结除了一个它太难了最大的结如此灵活和强大的但我做错事我知道了帆脚索,缩结,和双上手但卡车司机的顺利我只是不明白让我们做卡车司机的顺利卡车司机的悬挂装置我真的很喜欢航行只是大海的风和我但每当我调整我的帆试着放松一下当我把我的船停靠我失败了我知道平结,丁香结双鞋带结但卡车司机的顺利我想现在让我们做卡车司机的顺利卡车司机的悬挂装置让我们做卡车司机的顺利世界上的人!时间到了把这知道一劳永逸!鲤鱼!显示我的绳索!在每一个舞池世界各地让我们做卡车司机的顺利你准备好了吗?让我们把这个知道!领带!领带!领带!领带!这是你怎么做!把它检查钢丝绳旋转在脖子上鞭鞭带回家把它,把它现在肩,现在。做一个环拉它,喂它,完成它起来,舒展,下来在脸上,并准备电梯,拉,带轮大腿收紧,领带,领带踢脚跟旋转时间圆形,圆,回结拉动循环经过再次举起手拉通过循环做一个绣现在,你有你的卡车司机的顺利望采纳~


cucumbers的意思是黄瓜。读音:英['kjuu02d0ku028cmbu0259z],美['kju028a,ku028cmbu025az]。释义:n.黄瓜(cucumber的复数)。变形:单数cucumber。短语:pickled cucumbers酱瓜;酸黄瓜。stewed sea cucumbers with shrimps虾仁海参。sea cucumbers海参类;海参。Box of Cucumbers一箱小黄瓜。cucumbers的例句1、Cucumbers can be eaten raw.黄瓜可以生吃。2、It looks like cucumbers.它看起来像黄瓜。3、Pass me the cucumbers.把黄瓜递给我吧。4、Look at the cucumbers.看看这些黄瓜。5、I will help you to get some cucumbers.我帮你去拿些黄瓜。



Love Is For Suckers (Like Me And You) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is For Suckers (Like Me And You)歌手:Full Force专辑:Guess Who"S Coming To The Crib?Title: Love Is For SuckersBand: Twisted SisterAlbum: Love Is For Suckers(1987)Line Up:Dee Snider - Vocals, Eddie Ojeda - GuitarJay Jay French - Guitar, Mark Mendoza - BassJoe Franco - DrumsLyrics edit by Batsblood 666 (Q:9875719)You saw me comin", you had my numberBut you don"t want me, could you be dumberYour eyes are flashin", your lips are willingBut I"m a patsy for the killingYou"re so beautiful, so unforgettableYou think that I"d do most anythingLove is for dreamerslove is for believersLove is for losers, loveIs for suckersLove is for suckerslove is for suckersListen, I"m not some poor foolwon"t jump through your hoopAin"t gonna crawl, girl, to that I won"t stoopSo if you want me, you"ll have to get meAnd if you"re willing I"ll be readyYou"re so beautiful, so unforgettableTo me that just don"t mean anythingLove is for dreamerslove is for believersLove is for losers, loveIs for suckersLove is for suckerslove is for suckersListen, well, well, wellif it isn"t little miss perfectAnd to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?You wanna get back together? You do, huh?Well, listen honey, I"m just not interestedYou"ll what? You will? With your heels on?Oh no, come on, babe, let"s goHere I go againGuitar Solo - (by Eddie Ojeda)You"re so beautiful, so unforgettableYou know that I"ll do most anythingLove is for dreamerslove is for believersLove is for losers, loveIs for suckersLove is for suckerslove is for suckersListen, love is for suckerslove is for suckersSucker fight me, sucker fight you (love is for suckers)Always be suckers and do most anythingI wanna be a sucker (love is for suckers)I"m a sucker, you"re a suckerHe"s a sucker, she"s a sucker (love is for suckers)Would you like to be a sucker, to be sucker?Love is for suckers, yeah, yeah, SuckerThe End

so longsuckers是什么意思


sherbet suckers什么意思


英语作文on kindness:my personal story

描写人物的英语作文 成年男人一个身材矮小,身高只有五英尺六英寸的人,他首要任务就是减肥。他是意大利本土人,因为他有深色的头发,橄榄色的皮肤和高挺的鼻子。嘴唇上有一排平整干净的胡子。清澈的眼神与优美的声线相呼应。 A man of small stature, he was only five feet, six inches at the most, and he was somewhat overweight even in his prime. His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose. A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. Clear blue eyes contrasted nicely with his olive tone. There was a kindness in those eyes, and they always showed his every emotion. 他眼里充满着慈爱,仁慈常常能从他的行为中表现出来。Making him so easy to read.使得他很容易被看透。An easygoing manner acted like a magnet for him, attracting the love and respect of everyone he cameJn contact with, 他性格开朗 ,非常好接触,跟她接触的人,总被他吸引,对他充满爱慕和崇拜之情。 During World War II, his compassionate nature was utilized as a nurse in the Navy and in the Marines. 在二战时期的海军和水手中,他的同情天性表现的跟护士一样Scars on his back were proof of his heroism.他后背的刀伤证明了他的英勇。 He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also share his love. Both of them having dark hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. everyone said how they were the spitting image of him, Oh, how he beamed at that statement. He worked very hard at being a good husband and father. Years passed, and he became a grandfather who was affectionately called papa. His grandchildren adored him and were his constant companions. Going to McDonalds became a weekly outing for them. Bout, alas, the heart that had always given too much Jove grew weaker and weaker. After two heart attacks and a triple by-pass, his loving heart stopped, and he breathed forth his soul into the arms of God. At his funeral mass, the priest spoke of how his success was not stored in banks but in that hearts of those who loved him. From this perspective, he was a most-successfu man and truly died a millionaire. This profile of Bob La Coy is very accurate. I know because he was my Joying father. 有关名人的英语作文  雷锋的事迹Lei Feng was a model(模范) soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor farmer family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn"t go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for (因…受表扬)his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and always did good for others. As a result(结果), he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on(号召)the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds(事迹). Lei Feng"s spirit will live in our hearts forever关于写姚明的英语作文1. 姚明出生在上海,身高2.25米.2. 9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球.3. 爱好:玩电脑游戏4. 对人礼貌友好,是青少年的偶像,也是中国的骄傲.备注:要两个吸引人的题目,两个精彩绝伦的结尾.   Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated. As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA. And depending on his height andweight ,Yao can control the restricted area easily just like O"Neil.  Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than othercenters. By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,  Yao is very successful because he can use more advantages to face different players. In this aspect , Yao has already been a superstar. On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a man become a god. Why people pay more attention on Kobe , James ,Iverson? Those players are not only playing well , but also markmatches with their own signs. They make their matches differ fromothers. Although they may have weaknesses , people still like towatch there performance. So , if Yao can put his feature into matches , it will be soon to get a great achievement.All in all(总之), in my view point(在我看来), Yao has a good future considering his ability and faith.关于刘翔的英语作文My favorite sports star --- Liu XiangLiu Xiang is one of the famous athletes/ players in China. He was born on July 13th, 1983. In his spare time, he likes singing and playing computer games. He is best at 110-metre hurdle in sports. He got the gold medal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. And in 2006, he set a new world record with the time of 12.88 seconds. He didn"t take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics because of the condition of his wound(伤势).But he got the gold medal in 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. He hopes to to be the winner at 110-metre hurdle in 2012 London Olympic Games. We think that his dream will come true. We are very proud of him. Good luck to him.






sunflower-韩剧《Doctors》OST插曲片尾曲Younha演唱歌词翻译:uc5b4uc81c uc544ud514uc5d0 uba4dud558ub2c8 uc11cuc788uc9c0ub9c8不要因为昨日的悲伤而茫然地站着uc678ub86dub2e4uace0 uc544ud30cud558uc9c0ub9c8不要说孤独 不要说痛ub0b4uac00 uafc8uafe8ub358 uc774uae38uc774 ub9deub294uac74uc9c0我曾梦想过的这条路是对的吗ubd88uc548ud55c ub09c ub4a4ub3ccuc544 ubd24uc5b4不安的我回过头看uc624 uc544 uadf8 uae38uc744 ucc3euc73cuba74oh ah 若是找到那条路uc6c3uc744 uc218uac00 uc788uc744uae4c还会露出笑容吗uc695uc2ecuc774 ub9ceuc544 uc544ud320ub358 ub0a0ub4e4曾痛苦的日子里有着太多欲望uc5b4uc81cuc640 ub2e4ub97c uc218 uc788uc5b4也许会与昨日有些不同ud63cuc790ub77cub294 uc0dduac01uc744 ud558uc9c0ub9c8不要有孤身一人的想法uc9c0ub098uac04 uc544ud508 uae30uc5b5uc740已逝去的悲伤的回忆uc774uc81c uc911uc694ud558uc9c0 uc54auc544现在已不重要uc5b8uc820uac00ub294 ub208ubb3c uba4euc73cuba74总有一天若是止住眼泪ud798ub4e4ub358 uc2dcuac04uc774 ub9d0ud558uaca0uc9c0疲惫的时光会说ub0b4uac8c uace0ub9c8uc6e0ub2e4uace0 ud798ub0b4ub77cuace0对我说谢谢 对我说加油uad1cucc2euc744uac70ub77cuace0 ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574对我说会没关系的ub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77clalala lalalaub098ub294 ub098ub97c ub354 uc544ub084uac70uc57c我会更加爱惜自己ub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77clalala lalalaub098ub294 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574我爱我自己ub0b4uac00 ubb34uc5c7uc744 uc815ub9d0 uc6d0ud588uc5c8ub294uc9c0我真正想要的是什么呢ubd88uc548ud55c ub09cub4a4ub3ccuc544ubd24uc5b4不安的我回过头看uc624 uc544 uadf8 uae38uc744 ucc3euc73cuba74oh ah 若是找到那条路uc6c3uc744 uc218uac00 uc788uc744uae4c还会露出笑容吗uc695uc2ecuc774 ub9ceuc544 uc544ud320ub358 ub0a0ub4e4曾痛苦的日子里有着太多欲望uc5b4uc81cuc640 ub2e4ub97c uc218 uc788uc5b4也许会与昨日有些不同ud63cuc790ub77cub294 uc0dduac01uc744 ud558uc9c0ub9c8不要有孤身一人的想法uc9c0ub098uac04 uc544ud508 uae30uc5b5uc740已逝去的悲伤的回忆uc774uc81c uc911uc694ud558uc9c0 uc54auc544现在已不重要uc5b8uc820uac00ub294 ub208ubb3c uba4euc73cuba74总有一天若是止住眼泪ud798ub4e4ub358 uc2dcuac04uc774 ub9d0ud558uaca0uc9c0疲惫的时光会说ub0b4uac8c uace0ub9c8uc6e0ub2e4uace0对我说谢谢ud798ub0b4ub77cuace0 uad1cucc2euc744 uac70ub77cuace0对我说加油 对我说会没关系的ub2e4uc2dc uc6b8uc9c0 uc54auc744ub798不会再哭泣uc544uc9c1 ub2a6uc9c0 uc54auc558uc5b4现在还为时不晚uc5b8uc820uac00ub294 ub2e4uc2dc uc2dcuc791ud560总有一天 会真心感谢ub0b4 ud558ub8e8uc5d0 uc815ub9d0 uac10uc0acud574我重新开始的一天uac10ub3d9 uc8fcuae30ub97c ubc14ub798希望会给予感动ub0b4 ubbf8ub798uc5d0 uac71uc815ub9d0ub77cuace0不要担忧我的未来ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud574对我说ub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77clalala lalalaub098ub294 ub098ub97c ub354 uc544ub084uac70uc57c我会更加爱惜自己ub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77clalala lalalaub098ub294 ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud574我爱我自己

doctors 中的歌曲sunflower歌词中文谐音

doctors 中的歌曲 sunflower 的歌词中文谐音如下:闹爱够 闹爱够 脑尔康 脑尔康 脑den得 脑den得 靠呀靠得 靠呀靠得耨爱够 耨爱够 乃爱乃爱 耨爱乃爱 扫住噶景 乃爱扫住噶景哭呀卖呀 怕呀卖呀 溜呀溜呀 怕呀溜呀 所性给恁 单给恁哭呀卖呀 怕呀卖呀 溜呀溜呀 怕呀溜呀 所性给恁 单给恁Sunflower sunflower 铺够呀 铺够呀 Sunflower sunflower 乃爱乃爱 耨爱乃爱 Sunflower sunflower 铺够呀 铺够呀 Sunflower sunflower 乃爱乃爱 耨爱乃爱够呀卖呀 哈呀卖呀 窟窿蛾眉 哈牙窟窿 所性给恁 单给恁够呀卖呀 哈呀卖呀 窟窿蛾眉 哈牙窟窿 所性给恁 单给恁Sunflower sunflower 铺够呀 铺够呀 Sunflower sunflower 乃爱乃爱 耨爱乃爱 Sunflower sunflower 铺够呀 铺够呀 Sunflower sunflower 乃爱乃爱 耨爱乃爱


어제 아픔에 멍하니 서있지마(o zei a pen ei mong ha ni so i ji ma)不要因沉浸于昨日悲伤而驻足외롭다고 아파하지마(wei lo da go a pa ha ji ma)不要喊着孤单 喊着痛苦내가 꿈꿨던 이길이 맞는건지(nei ga gun guo don i gi li ma nen gon ji)我曾梦想过的这条路是否正确불안한 난 뒤돌아 봤어(bu an lan nan dwi do a bwa so )不安的我回首遥望오 아 그 길을 찾 (o a ge gi le ze mion)oh ah 若是找到那条路웃을 수가 있을까 ( u se su ga i se ga)我会微笑吗욕심이 많아 아팠던 날들(yo xin mi man la a pa don na de )充满贪心 痛苦的那些日子어제와 다를 수 있어(o zei wa da le su i so)也许会和昨日有些许不同혼자라는 생각을 하지마(hon za la nen seing ga ge ha ji ma )不要觉得自己孤身一人지나간 아픈 기억은(ji nan a pen gi o gen)过去的痛苦回忆이제 중요하지 않아(i zei zung yo ha ji an la )如今也不再重要언젠가는 눈물 멎으면(on jen ga nen nun mu mo ze mion)终有一天停止落泪힘들던 시간이 말하겠지(hin de don xi gan li ma ha gei ji )曾痛苦的日子会说내게 고마웠다고 힘내라고(nei gei go ma wo da go hin nei la go )对我说谢谢 让我加油괜찮을거라고 내게 말해(gwein can le go la nei gei ma lei)告诉我都会好起来的라라라 라라라(la la la la la la )lalala lalala나는 나를 더 아낄거야( na nen na le do a gi go ya )我更加珍惜自己라라라 라라라(lalala lalala)lalala lalala나는 나를 사랑해( na nen na le sa lang hei )我爱我自己내가 무엇을 정말 원했었는지( nei ga mu o se zong ma won hei so nen ji )我曾如此渴望什么呢불안한 난뒤돌아봤어( bu an lan nan dwi do la bwa so )不安的我回首遥望 오 아 그 길을 찾으면( o a ge gi le ca ze mion)oh ah 若是寻到了那条路웃을 수가 있을까我会微笑吗욕심이 많아 아팠던 날들曾痛苦的日子里有着太多欲望어제와 다를 수 있어也许会与昨日有些不同혼자라는 생각을 하지마不要有孤身一人的想法지나간 아픈 기억은已逝去的悲伤的回忆이제 중요하지 않아现在已不重要언젠가는 눈물 멎으면总有一天若是止住眼泪힘들던 시간이 말하겠지疲惫的时光会说내게 고마웠다고对我说谢谢힘내라고 괜찮을 거라고对我说加油 对我说会没关系的다시 울지 않을래不会再哭泣아직 늦지 않았어现在还为时不晚언젠가는 다시 시작할总有一天 会真心感谢내 하루에 정말 감사해我重新开始的一天감동 주기를 바래希望会给予感动내 미래에 걱정말라고不要担忧我的未来내게 말해对我说라라라 라라라lalala lalala나는 나를 더 아낄거야我会更加爱惜自己라라라 라라라lalala lalala나는 나를 사랑해我爱我自己


1. 词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices) metaphor(比喻), metonymy(借代), personification(拟人), irony(反语), hyper***(夸张), understatement(低调), euphemism(委婉语), contrast(对照), oxymoron(矛盾修辞法), transferred epithet(移就), pun(双关), syllepsis(异叙), zeugma(粘连), parody(仿拟), paradox(隽语) 2. 结构修辞格(Syntactical Stylistic Devices) repetition(反复), catchword repetition(联珠), chiasmus(回文), parallelism(平行结构), antithesis(反对), rhetoric question(设问), anticlimax(突降) 3. 音韵修辞格(Phonetic Stylistic Devices) alliteration(头韵), onomatopoeia(拟声)

Sympathy (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sympathy (Album Version)歌手:Billy Talent专辑:Billy Talent IiSympathyBilly Talent666A slap in the face,And I can"t erase,These things that you say,Don"t make it all okay, it"s not okayWhen push comes to shove,I"ll put on the gloves,Intentions are cruel,I ain"t nobody"s fool you knowIt hurts, my pride, step aside,"Cause I don"t need your...SympathyWon"t get the best of me!MiseryThat"s what you"re giving me!SympathyIt"s just like trickery!Breaking me downA fistful of lies,Dressed up in disguise,And make no mistake,I know they"re all so fake, they"re all so fakeMy self-righteous friend,I just can"t pretend,Your words are the truth,Sincere only when they suit youIt hurts, my pride, step aside,"Cause I don"t need your...Sympathy!Won"t get the best of meMisery!That"s what you"re giving meSympathy!It"s just like trickeryBreaking me downSympathyWon"t get the best of me!MiseryThis shit is killing me!SympathyIt"s just like trickery!Breaking me downBreaking me downSympathy!Won"t get the best of meMisery!That"s what you"re giving meSympathy!It"s just like trickeryBreaking me downSympathyWon"t get the best of me!MiseryThis shit is killing me!SympathyIt"s just like trickery!Breaking me downBreaking me downBreaking me down

inversely proportional是什么意思

inversely proportional生词本英 [u02c8u026anu02c8vu025c:slu026a pru0259u02c8pu0254:u0283u0259nu0259l] 美 [u02c8u026anu02c8vu0259:slu026a pru0259u02c8pu0254ru0283u0259nu0259l]成反比例的网 络成反比;反比的;成反比的1. The size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass. 这个阶段星云的大小与其质量成反比。

inversely proportional是什么意思


inversely proportional是什么意思

inversely proportional[英][ˈɪnˈvɜ:slɪ prəˈpɔ:ʃənəl][美][ˈɪnˈvə:slɪ prəˈpɔrʃənəl]成反比例的; 例句:1.Recent buys will perform inversely proportional to your expectations. 对你球员的购买总是表现的和你的希望成反比。2.In fact, brightness is inversely proportional to diffusion. 事实上,亮度和光扩散是反比的。

Y is inversely proportional to the square root of


inversely proportional是什么意思

[英] [u02c8u026anu02c8vu025c:slu026a pru0259u02c8pu0254:u0283u0259nu0259l] [美] [u02c8u026anu02c8vu0259:slu026a pru0259u02c8pu0254ru0283u0259nu0259l]成反比例的;

inversely proportional是什么意思

inversely proportional英[u02c8u026anu02c8vu025c:slu026a pru0259u02c8pu0254:u0283u0259nu0259l]美[u02c8u026anu02c8vu0259:slu026a pru0259u02c8pu0254ru0283u0259nu0259l]释义成反比例的反比的; 成反比例1The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa.生存的机会是跟着陆角度是成反比例的。大的着陆角度,小的生存机会,反之也是。2inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the rod.,棒子的横截面积,成反比。

有块手表,不知是什么牌子。手表的字母是UNIVERSAL GENEVE是什么牌子。上边的标是U.

宇宙表公司(日内瓦)Universal Geneve

universal appeal是什么意思


关于universal studio的英语作文

环球影业制片厂(Universal City Studios)是好莱坞近来颇具号召力的一个热门观光据点.游客进到此处后便搭上片场的游览车,沿途上会经过如乱世佳人等电影的拍摄场景,遇见大金刚之类的旧时电影主角.片场中的一条街上是世界各大城市的街景,有美国西部片里的小镇、纽约、英国伦敦、德国柏林、罗马古城等,布景几可乱真.最新的游乐区是斥资一亿美金的侏罗记公园,游客在这里坐上游艇,然后驶入一个充满热带景象的环境,恐龙在一旁平静的漫步着,突然间恐龙大发兽性,制造出一场混乱,尤如天崩地裂般令人心惊胆跳.Based on the theme of Hollywood Movies,Universal Studio was actually a carnie as well as a movie-making factory.A tremendous park which was full of grotesque houses and gift shops and restaurants.As a movie buff,I couldn"t refuse the tempting to witness how a hollywood movie makes and the Universal Studio provides visitors a chance to peer at the special effect producing.the hosts who gave the demostrations are funny and you"ll enjoy it and learn the interesting things at the same time.Anyway,the computer graffiti technology played a big role in Hollywood movies nowadays and it gave little encourages to me who"ve dreamed of making a movie"s nothing but money at all..For those who never think of making a movie,Studio was still an irresistible place.the houses were stylish and they had been designed in relation to certain movie,such as the decoration of the house of “the Revenge of the Mummy” totally derived from the ancient Egyptian culture.Beside their gorgeous appearance,these houses held really exciting secrets inside.Among those theme-houses,the one titled”Back To The Future” was my most favoured.Once inside it ,visitors would be arranged in a dark room and seated on a model car,then,as the virtual technology making effect and the car being on motion,visitors would be in a world as fantastic as what they"ve seen in the movie and within minutes,they would experience a time travel within which the visitors had to get through a horrifying volcano and some terrifying,everything was so real,Einstein would have loved it if he could have a,that"s the Universal Studio,a place should be on the highest priority whatever you are looking for through your journey in Los Angles… 中文哪个不是翻译.是另外一个简介.你自己看着选吧 .

Universal Pictures是什么意思





不是的,利用Universal-USB-Installer工具,将iso镜像加载并烧写进U盘;直接拷进去,没有引导。搜“universal usb installer ubuntu”,有教程


universal control通用控制双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 通用控制例句:1.You guys got a universal remote control back here? 你们这里有万能遥控器吗?2.Research on the universal electro-hydraulic control platform based ondiscreteness technology. 基于组件技术的通用电液控制平台的研究。3.If not to pay himself for its independent, it will be antinomy to the universalresidual rights of control and governance rights. 如果为保证其独立性而不给其支付报酬,又会与人们普遍认为的剩余索取权与控制权相对称的原则相矛盾。4.Britain"s national health service offers universal coverage but as a resulthas to limit patient choice in order to control the costs. 英国国家医疗服务提供了全民医疗保健,但不得不因此限制病人的选择来控制成本。www.ecocn.org5.Technical control of for the cross joint type universal coupling long servicelife. 十字轴式万向联轴器长寿命服役的技术控制。很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。你的采纳是我前进的动力记得好评和采纳,互相帮助如果满意记得采纳哦·


分子力场是描述各种形式的相互作用力对分子势能影响的势能函数,包括键合能和非键合能相互作用。键合能包括:键长的伸缩能、键角的弯曲能、二面角扭转能;非键能包括分子间作用能(范德华力能)、 静电相互作用能、氢键能。分子力场的性能取决于势能函数和结构参数,结构参数则来源于大量的热力学和光谱学实验,或者来源于量子化学计算结果。到目前为止,分子力场总共有十多种,不同的分子力场,势能函数表达式有所不同,适合于研究不同的分子体系。每个分子力场,键合能部分基本相似,主要差别在于非键合能部分。依据研究的对象需要选择不同的分子力场。大家也可加入分子动力学qq群交流991702076交流目前主流的分子力场罗列如下:AMBER力场——它是传统力场之一,主要适用于蛋白质和核酸体系、多糖。GAFF力场(gaff.dat)=Generation Amber Force Field:普适型有机小分子力场,函数形式和AMBER力场相同,与AMBER力场完全兼容。CHARMm力场(Chemistry at Harvard Macromolecular mechanics)。也是传统力场之一。适用于各种分子性质的计算和模拟。对于从孤立的小分子到溶剂化的生物大分子体系的多种模拟体系都可以给出较好的结果,但不适合于有机金属配合物。CVFF 力场(Consistent Valence Force Field),属传统力场。适应于有机小分子和蛋白质体系。扩展后可用于某些无机体系的模拟,如硅酸盐、铝硅酸盐、磷硅化合物等,主要用于预测分子的结构和结合自 由能。MMX 力场包括 MM2 和 MM3,是目前应用最为广泛的力场,主要针对有机小分子。也可用于生物大分子体系,计算速度较慢。第二代力场比传统力场要更加复杂,涉及的力场参数更多,计算量也更大,当然也相应地更加准确。CFF 力场,属于第二代力场。CFF91主要用于模拟有机小分子、蛋白质以及小分子-蛋白质之间的相 互作用。CFF95,除了 CFF91 功能外,还可用于高分子体系的模拟。而 PCFF 在 91 的基础上,还适用于 聚碳酸酯、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂、多糖、核酸、分子筛等其它无机和有机材料体系的模拟。MMFF94 力场(Merk Molecular Force Field),属于第二代力场。它是目前最准确的力场之一,定义了 非常完善的原子类型,既适应于有机小分子,也适用于大分子体系。COMPASS 力场(Condensed-phase Optimized Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Studies),属 于第二代力场。用于原子水平模拟研究的凝聚态优化的分子力场,是第一个能同时预测气态和凝聚态性 质的从头力场,适用于常见的有机小分子、无机小分子和高分子,也使用于金属、金属氧化合物及金属 卤化物的模拟,较准确地预测晶体的多种性质。还有一些通用力场:ESFF 力场(Extensive Systematic Force Field)用于有机分子、无机分子及有机金属化合物的结构预测。UFF 力场(Universall Force Field)覆盖了周期表中所有元素,应用最为 广泛。Dreiding 力场适用于有机分子、生物大分子即位于主族的无机分子。通用力场是基于规则的力场(Rule-based Force Fields),具有较好的可移植性,较广的使用范围,但精度较差。分子力学计算,并不计算电子相互作用,它是对分子结构的一种简化模型。分子力场函数为来自实验结果的经验公式,对分子能量的模拟比较粗糙,但与量子力学相比,计算量要小数十倍,所以计算速度也就快数十倍。在适当的范围内,分子力学计算的精度与量子力学计算相差无几。这对于大分子复杂体系,显然分子力学方法更有优势。如对于蛋白质体系,能够进行能量优化、结合常数计算、蛋白质折叠的动力学模拟、活性位点检测、结合位点设计等等。

universal education和compulsory education有什么区别?

universal education 是遍及教育,如大学本科compulsory education 是强制教育,如小学中学


universal是iOS9后新增的特性,通过universalLink可以快速打开APP。相较于URL scheme的方案,有如下优点: 本次替换是因为微信跳转小程序,WXOpenSDK的api必须传universalLink校验,所以研究了下。 添加通用链接的步骤简单分为下面三步: apple-app-site-association文件格式如下 注意apple-app-site-association文件不要加后缀 appID的格式为:teamID.explicit ,位置如下图 appID 密钥的值是团队ID或应用程序ID前缀,后跟捆绑软件ID。对应上面红框中的两个值 paths 键的值是一个字符串数组,用于指定应用程序支持的网站部分以及您不想与该应用程序关联的网站部分。 要指定不应作为通用链接处理的区域,请在路径字符串的开头添加“ NOT ”(包括之后的空格 T )。 例如,下面所示的文件可以防止 /videos/wwdc/2010/* 通过更新 paths 数组,将网站区域视为通用链接,如下所示: 注意 1.用于在 paths 数组中指定网站路径的字符串区分大小写; 2.使用*指定整个网站; 3.包含特定的URL,例如/wwdc/news/,以指定特定的链接; 4.用添加 到特定的URL,例如NOT /videos/wwdc/2010/ ,可以指定网站的一部分; 5.使用?匹配单个字符,/videos/wwdc/201?/* 创建apple-app-site-association文件后,将其上传到HTTPS Web服务器的根目录或者.well-known子目录。 需要通过HTTPS在https://<domain>/apple-app-site-association或https://<domain>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association进行访问,而无需任何重定向; 其中<domain>路径为我们在APP内applinks中配置的路径,下面会说到。 1.给后台的apple-app-site-association文件不能有后缀; 2.注意检查格式,防止有其他字符或者乱码导致无法跳转; 1.把链接粘贴到备忘录,点击看能否直接跳转到APP,或者长按链接看有没有弹出跳转到APP的选项; 2.通过苹果API工具 App Search API验证工具 校验,结果以1为准; 3.你将要测试的网址在safari中打开,在出现的网页上方(the Smart App Banner),可以看到有在”XX”应用中打开 如下图 Xcode内设置如下图,Domains格式applinks: offlinetest.e*** ,offlinetest.e***x.net对应2.2的<domain> 当点击某个链接,直接可以进我们的app了,但是我们的目的是要能够获取到用户进来的链接,根据链接来展示给用户相应的内容。 我们需要在工程里的实现 AppDelegate 里对应的方法: 通过2.2.3校验通过,但是在跳转微信时候还是提示universal link校验不通过。分析原因是微信开放平台配置的universalLink和当前链接不匹配,去更新就行 某系第三方,如sharaSDK提供了一个universalLink可直接使用,当然也可以选择自己生成 通过其他平台管理: 通过openinstall平台 参考链接: 苹果通用链接

请问这个全模组电源英文 是什么意思 写着 UNIVERSAL 具体写打的......

, forward of the snake, and set his little




环球(Universal)UN116 是一把很烂的球杆。首先, 它没有很好的品牌声誉(甚至不如飞利)。其次,它技术已经过时。再说,性价比太低,完全离谱。与其花这个钱,你还不如去培训一下自己的台球技术。希望你能满意。谢谢



跪求环球九球杆Universal所有型号的名称 谢谢了。急求。谢谢各位大神。

LS尾(UN-S4 UN-S3 UN-S2 UN-S1 UN-001 UN-20 UN-30 UN-40 UN-50 UN-60 )MAX8尾新款(L-1 L-2 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4)MAX8尾老款(UN-003 UN-004 UN-073 UN-075 UN-078 UN-079 UN-080)单片尾新款(UN-068 UN-069 UN-070 UN-071 UN-072)单片尾老款(UN-009 UN-011 UN-013 UN-015)冲跳系列 (UN-T2 UN-A UN-B)这是台湾环球的 所有型号。 全手打的 希望你采纳。还有美洲豹也是我给你回答的 真累人 你是哪个台球器材店的啊





ordinary common universal general 的区别?

common"普通的",有常见的意思;general"普通的",指较少例外的,语气比common强;ordinary"普通的",指显得平常,一般,无奇特之处;"universal "通常的,惯常的,指常闻,常见或常做的事物和动作.

Domain Local,Global,和Universal 有什么区别

这个问题的知识范畴属于Active Directory的Group Scope.Domain local group可以包含任何一种universal group, global group, 本domain内的其他local group, 本forest内的任何domain的account。Local security group可以被赋予可以访问仅存在于本domain中的资源的权限。Global group可以在它所在的domain内使用,还有其内的成员服务器或工作站,还有信任本domain的domain中使用。在所有这些地方,你可以赋予global group权限,也可以让global group成为local group的成员。然而,global group仅能包含它所在domain的用户帐户。Universal group是包含本forest内的任何domain内的用户,组,计算机的security goup或distribution group。你可以给universal group在本forest中的任何domain中的资源上赋权限。

Domain Local,Global,和Universal 有什么区别


a universal language还是an universal language?

a universal language 因为universal第一个音j是辅音

universal smt 配件 是哪个国家的

universal 是美国产的贴片机



a universal law 还是an universal law?

a universal law.u是元音字母,但是它的发音是/ju:/,用a还是an取决于它的发音./ju/不是元音.,2, wenai818 举报 /ju/不是元音?a e i o u ,它为什么不是?我蒙了 a e i o u是元音字母,你翻开音标表,那里有分的很清楚的,是音标。,an universal law,2,A universal law 解释得很清楚楼上,2,U是原音字母,发音是/ju:/,/ju:/这个发音不是原音,故,应该是a universal law!,1,a universal law 还是an universal law 选自 徐绽写作专项



general, universal 的区别?





Universal,作名词时意为“ 一般概念;普通性”。短语搭配:Universal Pictures 环球影业;Universal grammar 普遍文法;NBC Universal 美国国家广播环球公司。例句:There are no economic universals.英语是一种世界通用的语言。Universal Pictures作形容词时:1. 全体的;普遍的;一般的The government introduced universal secondary education years ago.几年前,政府就倡导普及中等教育。2. 众所周知的3. 宇宙的;全世界的Football is a universal game.足球是一项全球性的运动。4. 万能的,通用的This machine has a universal use in the home.这种机器在家庭中有广泛的用途。5. 多才多艺的;博闻广见的Such a universal genius is hard to come by.这样的全才是很难得的。6. 整个的,完整的7. 【电】交直流通用的8. 【哲】全称的,总称的


universal[英][u02ccju:nu026au02c8vu025c:sl][美][u02ccju:nu026au02c8vu025c:rsl]adj.普遍的,一般的; 通用的,万能的; 全世界的; 宇宙的; n.[逻辑学]全称命题; [哲学]一般概念; 一般性; The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care.保险业提出了自己的全民医疗保健方案。


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