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trousers 什麽意思 可数码 ?



trousers是复数。trousers[英] [u02c8trau028azu0259z][美] [u02c8trau028azu0259rz]n.裤子;[例句]He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。[原型]trouser[复数]trousers




trousers 英 [u02c8trau028azu0259z] 美 [u02c8trau028azu0259rz] n. 裤子; [例句]He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。[其他] 原型: trouser 复数:trousers


一、详细释义: , n. , 裤子,长裤,西装长裤 , 例句: ,You look very sexy in those tight trousers!,你穿上那条紧身裤子看上去十分性感。, 例句: ,He will have to slim if he wants to wear the trousers.,如果他想穿下这条裤子的话,就得减肥。, 二、词义辨析: , jeans,pants,slacks,shorts,trousers ,这些名词均含有“裤子”之意。jeans指劳动布裤或牛仔裤。pants常用词,在美国,泛指各类裤子,在英国指衬裤或短裤。slacks美国指比较宽松的便裤,英国人指妇女外面穿的长裤。 shorts指短裤或裤衩。trousers指长裤,用于较正式场合。, 三、参考例句: ,My trousers are old.,我的裤子太旧了。,Why are there no trousers?,为什么裤子都不见了?,The trousers are too large.,这条裤子太大。,His trousers are too long.,他的裤子太长了。,When did women"s trousers e in?,妇女的长裤是什么时候流行起来的?,Cut off your trousers takes time.,剪短你的裤子需要时间。,Look at the filth on your trousers!,看你裤子上的脏东西!,Perhaps you should try these trousers?,或许你应该试试这些裤子。,Flared trousers are going out again.,喇叭裤又不流行了。,These trousers are a bit tight.,这条裤子有点儿紧。




trousersn.裤子复数: trousers例句: His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain. 他的灰色针织毛衫和长裤全都被雨水淋透了。满意的话,望采纳~~


触发器可以构成移位寄存器。 A. 基本RS触发器 B. 主从RS触发器 C. 同步19. A. D0=D2=0, D1=D3=1 B. D0=D2=1, D1=D3=0 C. D0=D,poZSBx


因为裤子是两条裤腿,所以 trousers本来就是复数形式。

英语a horse trailer怎么翻译?

a horse trailer翻译之后,他的意思就是:一匹马拖车


俄罗斯固体矿产储量和预测资源量分类体系,经俄联邦自然资源与生态部第278号令批准,于2006年12月11日生效。它是受俄联邦法律法规约束的一系列文件和控制体系的组成部分,其主要目标是计算和核算矿产资源。俄罗斯的分类体系及其在应用方面的方法建议是一个相当完整的体系,描述了与地质勘查活动、资源储量评价及其依据地质勘查程度、经济重要性、商业开发准备程度迸行类别划分有关的所有基本方法原则。俄罗斯不同地质勘查阶段的资源储量分类,列于表4.2中。俄罗斯分类体系在俄罗斯各州通用,具有统一的储量核算原则,其质量、数量、经济性、采矿、选矿、水文地质、环境及其他开采技术条件由俄罗斯联邦各州专家审查后确认。按照地质勘查程度,即地质勘查阶段从高到低的顺序,俄罗斯分类体系划分为四个储量类别(A、B、G1、G2)和三个预测资源量类别(P1、P2、P3)。A类和B类储量仅在G1类储量可信度迸一步提高的矿段内得以划分(见图4.2)。表4.2 俄罗斯各地质勘查阶段固体矿产储量和预测资源量分类体系注:表格从右向左表示资源储量估算可信度和地质勘查程度逐渐增加;从下至上表示技术经济研究程度逐渐增加。图4.2 俄联邦固体矿产储量和预测资源量分类体系示意图根据修正因素的完整性和核算概率(probability),俄罗斯分类体系将修正因素的论证划分为两级(这与GRIRSGO报告标准对修正因素的理解是一致的)。第一级,较低的详细程度以满足开展临时条件的可行性研究,即对矿产地商业开发技术经济效益开展的初步评价。第二级,较高的详细程度以满足长期条件的可行性研究,即最终的、最全面的评价。这两类可行性研究分别对应“已评价(estimated)”和“已勘探(explored)”矿产地(矿床)。在俄联邦的分类体系内,根据经济评价结果将储量分为两类:“表内的”(可经济开发的)和“表外的”(开发具有潜在的经济效益)。因此,依据俄联邦SGR专家审查结果,具有两种勘查程度的储量再次划分为表内储量(可经济开发的)和表外储量(边际的或潜在经济的),然后计入国家储量平衡表(俄罗斯国家矿产资源核算体系)。俄罗斯的分类体系中,矿产的数量和质量,是仅在地质特征基础上或仅考虑了修正因素的情况下评价而来(未按照开采过程中可能发生的贫化和损失迸行相应调整),它也用“储量”这个术语来表示。因此,为了将这种“储量”清楚地区分开,避免与不同分类体系(特别是GRIRSGO)中的储量/资源量术语产生误解,建议采用如下名词术语:A、B、C1和C2类储量:是指仅在地质特征基础上迸行评价的矿产的质量和数量。它们相当于GRIRSGO体系中资源量(mineral resources),因为在资源量的分类要求方面,俄罗斯分类体系和GRIRSGO模板是一致的。表内储量:是指评价时考虑了可变因素的矿产的数量和质量,但未根据开采过程中可能产生的贫化和损失迸行相应调整。可采储量(对矿石而言)或商业储量(对煤炭而言)(以下统称商业储量),是指表内储量评价中考虑了开发中矿产的损失和贫化(对煤炭矿产用混入一词)。商业储量与GRIRSGO体系中的“储量”相当,因为俄罗斯分类体系与GRIRSGO模板在该类储量的要求方面是一致的。按照俄联邦分类体系,将矿产地(矿床)的地质构造复杂类型划分为四级:从第一级(简单的地质构造)到第四级(非常复杂的地质构造)。每一级矿产地具有特定的地质构造类型,这对于合理确定勘查网度和储量类别十分必要。在不同矿种矿床的相关方法建议中,已详细说明勘查网度的要求。矿产地(矿床)地质构造复杂类型划分与相应的储量类别关系见表4.3。俄罗斯的分类体系中,固体矿产资源储量的分类和分组是通过地质勘查的可信度以及采矿、技术、经济、社会及其他修正因素的可信度划分的。根据地质勘查程度,固体矿产资源储量划分为以下几种类型:·A类储量:对于第1级(地质构造简单)的矿产地,位于详细勘查的地段49(优先考虑开发的地段)内;表4.3 地质构造复杂类型与储量类别的对应关系·B类储量:位于构造复杂类型为第1级和第2级(地质构造复杂)的矿产地的详细勘查地段;当矿产地构造复杂类型为第1级时,该储量的置信度较A类储量低。·C1类储量:位于构造复杂类型为第1级、第2级、第3级(地质构造非常复杂)的矿产内;在第4级构造复杂类型(地质构造极其复杂)的矿产地的详细勘查地段。·C2类储量:位于构造复杂类型为第1级、第2级、第3级和第4级的矿产地内。在构造复杂类型为第3级的矿产地内,G1类储量也应在详细勘查地段内定义。在此地段,尽管勘查工程网度较密,但是该类储量的状态未发生变化,即获取的信息不足以将其划分为B类储量。俄罗斯的分类体系提供了储量类别划分是否合理的判别方法,计算参数可信度和精度的定量和概率评价,应作为储量勘查状态的附加特征。在单一的计算矿块内已探明储量与“真实”值之间的最大允许误差,是通过计算矿量与矿业公司年生产量的对比获得,分级如下:<15%(A类储量),<25%(B类储量),<40%(G1类储量),<60%(G2类储量),以确保“地质储量”整体估算的精度,力保已勘探的矿产地15年的开采期限内储量保持<10%的偏差水平;对于已评价的矿产地,保持<15%的偏差水平。预测资源量P1类别:是针对见矿区、矿产地边部和深部而定义的资源量。P1类资源量考虑了G2类储量边界线的分布范围迸一步扩大的可能性;或者在见矿区域、已勘探矿产地和正在实施勘查工作的矿产地内,探测新的矿体。预测资源量P2类别:是针对矿化区、成矿带、矿区而定义的资源量,代表了早期勘查阶段的评价成果。预测资源量P3类别:是针对评价区域采用中小比例尺填图定义的资源量,代表地质勘查最初始阶段相当粗略的矿产潜力评价成果。根据对采矿、技术、经济、社会及其他修正因素的研究程度,固体矿产矿床可划分为如下几类:·己勘探矿床:储量的质量、加工技术性能、开采技术条件和矿产开发条件的研究程度已完全达到了可行性研究的要求,便于矿业企业做出设计建设或重建的决定。已勘探矿床储量评价的基础是长期条件的可行性研究,相当于GRIRSGO模板中的完全的可行性研究。·己评价矿床:其储量的质量、加工技术性能、开采技术条件和矿产开发条件的研究程度能满足判断是否可开展迸一步勘查工作的需要。已评价矿床的储量估算建立在临时条件的可行性研究基础上。根据经济价值的不同,固体矿产储量可划分为以下两类:·“表内储量”(经济的):在竞争的市场条件下,经技术经济评价证明其开发是经济合理的。矿产的生产加工设备和技术手段,能够保证地下资源的合理利用,并能达到环保要求。·“表外储量”(潜在经济的):包括两种情况:①在当下竞争的市场条件下,由于技术和经济水平较低,经过技术经济评价后认为矿产开发不经济,然而,随着矿产品市场价格上涨或开采加工技术水平的提高,可预见到未来有良好销售前景,其开发也可能变得经济合理。②符合表内储量的要求,但是由于处于特殊位置而无法开采利用,如处于水源保护区、人口密集区、建筑设施及农业设施区、野生动物保护区、自然景观区、历史文化名胜区等。表外储量需要计算和核算的前提条件是:地质资料和技术经济评价证实该类储量保存于地下待今后迸一步开采或联合开采、上市、储备的可能性。根据储量类别的经济意义(表内的(经济的),表外的(潜在经济的)),俄罗斯资源储量报告体系提供了评价地下矿段(计算矿块)的概率水平(P%)的计算程序。计算矿块的储量被评价为表内储量,也可能在开发过程中变成表外(潜在经济的)储量。计算矿块储量的表内属性的概率水平时,需要录入的数据包括:矿块内“地质储量”的质量评价误差,矿块内成矿元素的块平均含量(Gbl),以及经条件可行性研究确定的最低商业含量(Gmin)。概率指数可被GP作为辅助条件(伴以修正因素的评价),用于A、B、G1、G2类储量转化为证实储量和概实储量,也可能作为表内储量重新划分为表外储量的依据(在P值<70%的情况)之一。

英语作文 A successful person

ource of human life, which is also the most important part of a human body. The human being should be as the water: clear, free and simple.‘Still Water Runs in Deep" is the spirit of enterprise of China Power Investment Holding company(CPI). From the part of individuality in the CPI, I understand the ‘water" means the employees who should do things right anytime and work hard every day, the ‘still water" means the quality of the employees should have, the ‘run" means vigor and vitality of the employees, the ‘deep" means what the employees should pursuit and look for, and ‘still water runs in deep" means loyalty and devotion of a employee for his (

converse weapon系列的来历?

匡威(Converse)的历史 曾生产过世界上第一双篮球鞋的匡威(Converse)诞生于1908年,多年来一直领导以篮球鞋为主的多种专业运动鞋技术潮流。在美国,年轻人都为拥有一双ConverseAllStar帆布鞋而引以为荣,它同麦当劳、可口可乐、福特汽车、李维斯牛仔裤一样成为美国传统文化精神的象征。正如蝉联NBA七届“篮板王”的罗德曼所言:“AllStar帆布鞋就像牛仔裤一样是每个美国人生活中不可或缺的一部分。”   匡威的历史远比耐克、阿迪达斯、锐步等运动鞋悠久。早在1917年ConverseAllStar在美国便已成为篮球鞋的代名词,是奥运会美国篮球队的指定用鞋,诸多在篮球场上呼风唤雨的NBA巨星如J博士、“魔术师”约翰逊、“大鸟”伯德、“波士顿三杰”之一麦克海尔、“篮板王”罗德曼等都曾穿着Converse迈向辉煌。1999年,犹他爵士队的卡尔·马龙正式签约成为匡威21世纪的代言人,穿上匡威篮球鞋驰骋球场,这是匡威继“篮板王”罗德曼合约到期后新签的又一位NBA巨星。身高近2米1的马龙担任大前锋,人称“邮差”,是1998到1999赛季最有价值球员,也是历史上第二位获得此称号的球员。与马龙几乎同时签约的,还有CBA最有价值球员,中国国家队球员巩晓彬。   天皇巨星的至爱名牌   除了体育界,AllStar的魅力也席卷全球时尚人士,众多演艺巨星都以穿着AllStar为时尚与荣耀。在美国好莱坞,Converse是各位艳光四射明星的至爱服饰;在日本东京涉谷,年轻酷哥辣妹们以一身Converse酷炫装扮在时尚街头招摇过市……茱丽叶·罗伯兹、麦当娜、吹牛老爹、西部男孩主唱贾斯汀、布鲁斯·威利斯、英国顶级流行乐歌手罗比·威廉斯;日本万人迷木村拓哉、偶像明星泷泽秀明;中国歌坛小天后孙燕姿、“青春偶像”徐静蕾、苏有朋、何润东、李威……这些天皇巨星或者当红偶像,都是匡威的忠实Fans。   成为匡威代言人的苏有朋,将自己最喜爱的AllStar休闲鞋和休闲服送给自己好友,使赵薇、林心如、范冰冰这班好友也成了匡威的拥趸。小天后孙燕姿没有任匡威代言人之前,就非常喜欢AllStar这个品牌,不仅自己经常穿着这个品牌的服装和鞋子,还将它作为礼物送给母亲表孝心。在这些明星们眼里,Converse时尚又舒适,堪称鞋中的“劳斯莱斯”。   与影视剧携手引领潮流   一段凄美的爱情成就了一部引起轰动的热播剧,一个万人迷明星的钟爱促成了一双超人气休闲鞋。木村鞋,一款典雅大方的Converse休闲鞋,由于木村拓哉在出演《美丽人生》时,80%的时间都将它穿在脚上,因而被追星族们捧为街头圣品。   其实,用电影和电视来推广自己的产品,匡威早在20世纪80年代的美国影片《霹雳舞》中已经成功使用,当时该片在中华大地风靡一时,片中男女主角自始至终都穿着Converse的全明星帆布鞋。此后,匡威与美国大片《精灵鼠小弟》联手出击;与e龙网站、报刊合办“Converse彩色人服饰搭配摄影比赛”;赞助苏有朋、徐静蕾等当红巨星携手演出的电视连续剧《爸爸的烦恼》以及改编自几米漫画、由当红小生陆毅和贾静雯主演的电视剧《向左走,向右走》……   品牌历史   匡威(Converse),世界顶级运动品牌之一,也是方兴未艾的全球运动时尚最早的倡导者和最成功的实践者。   Converse,创始于1908年,拥有95年的制鞋历史。1917年,篮球运动在美国刚刚开始走向正规化的时候,匡威公司就率先发明生产了篮球鞋,从而带动了整个鞋业界的革命。此后,匡威的AllStar篮球鞋与新兴的篮球运动一度风行全美乃至全世界,AllStar成为篮球鞋的代名词。1966年,Converse第一次推出彩色篮球鞋,打破了近六十年单一白色的色彩策略,翻开了时尚运动鞋新的一页。   匡威AllStarChuckTaylor是所有帆布休闲鞋的潮流领导,AllStar一直采用码重密度最足、质地最佳的帆布、双边条、原生橡胶加细网布,经久耐用,在推陈出新的同时强调自然材质和环保理念,被誉为鞋中的“劳斯莱斯”。   近一个世纪过去了,AllStar帆布鞋随着篮球运动的普及和发展,已经在美国及全世界成为家喻户晓的帆布鞋代名词,它已和麦当劳、可口可乐、哈雷机车等一样成为美国文化精神的象征。今天,Converse正以其百年历史文化底蕴,结合时代精神和消费者的喜好,不断地推陈出新,再次引领运动休闲时尚潮流。 1908年 Converse(匡威)的由来取自于创办人Marquis M. Converse先生的姓氏,All Star从此诞生。 1917年 第一双 Converse All Star鞋问世,凭着产品本身的优异特性,成为历史上最著名的运动鞋之一。 1917年 一位叫Chuck Taylor的年轻篮球运动员加入了职篮联盟,选 Converse All Star鞋做的运动鞋。由于他不断地推荐 Converse All Star卖给各大学、高中地篮球队,所以1921年,Chuck Taylor便与Converse匡威签约,成为业务代表的一员,展开Converse和Chuck Taylor传奇性合作的一页。 1923年 Chuck Taylor的签名被放在运动鞋的脚踝处,成为产品的特色之一,All Star成为篮球鞋的代名词。 1936年 Chuck Taylor的签名成为Converse(匡威)商标的一部分,Converse(匡威)密不可分,并且展开了人们在运动场合穿运动鞋的概念。 1936年 Converse All Star鞋成为美国奥运篮球代表队的指定专用鞋。 1941年 二次世界大战期间Converse(匡威)也投入了美国军需品的生产行列,凭着Converse(匡威)的专业技术,生产了一系列特殊用途的靴子、头套、护脚等等。 1966年 Converse All Star 第一次推出彩色篮球鞋,打破了近六十年单一白色的色彩策略。 1982年 Converse(匡威)在NASDAQ(纳斯达克)股票市场挂牌,成为上市公司。 1985年 Converse All Star鞋风靡日本,创造极佳业绩。 1991年 Converse成为NBA指定比赛用鞋。 1996年 All Star全球销售超过7亿双。 2002年 Converse在中国市场份额位居国际运动品牌前三名。 2004年 Converse运动鞋、休闲鞋及服装配件的销售网络已遍布全球90多个国家和地区,运动用品专卖店和百货公司专柜超过9000家。

Tindersticks的《Marbles》 歌词

歌曲名:Marbles歌手:Tindersticks专辑:Tindersticks (1St Album)marble-s作词:LM.C / 作曲:LM.C / 编曲:LM.C歌:LM.C飞行机云の行方を追いかける仆ら 追逐著飞机云去向的我们このままどこまで行くのか 决まっちゃいないけど 接下来该走向何方 虽然尚未决定足りないなにかを探して 找寻著不足的事物気付けばなにを探せばいいか わからずに 日が暮れる 察觉的时候就在连要找寻什麼都 不知道的情况下 已夕阳西下例えるならこの世界は大きなビー玉 如果要比喻的话这个世界就如巨大的弹珠どこにいても なにをしても 転がり続けるんだね 仆らをのせて 无论在哪里 不管做什麼 持续转动呢 为了载著我们今日もまた なんとなく一日が终われば それとなく明日が今日になる 今天也是 不知不觉的过了一天 以後明天随即成为今天わけもなく泣きたくなるような夜も たまにゃあるけど 毫无理由想要哭泣的夜晚 虽然偶尔也会有あんまりくよくよしないでよ そんなにあせることはないよ 别太过於钻牛角尖啊 也不需要那麼著急啊つながるこの道のどこかにいつか答えがあるといいな 延续下去的这条道路某处要是有答案就好了呢はみだすつもりはないのに 何故だろう仆ら 明明没有特别突出的意思 为何我们「右向け左」の毎日 気にしちゃいないけど 「向左转向右转」的每日 并没有察觉到どんなに言叶を选んで どんなに投げかけても 上手に届かないこともある 无论多谨言 不管多努力表达 还是有无法顺利传达的时候例えるならその涙は小さなビー玉 如果要比喻的话这个世界就如细小的弹珠こぼれやすく こわれやすい 儚いダイヤモンドさ なくさぬように 容易落下 如此脆弱 虚幻的钻石 别将它遗失了この场所で どこまでこの手を伸ばしたら どこかの谁かに届くかな 在这个场所 持续的将这双手伸展出去的话 会到达谁的地方呢どこかへ逃げたくなるような朝も たまにゃあるけど 想要逃往某个彼方的早晨 虽然偶尔也会有大きな悲しみもいつかは 小さな笑い话になる 不论是多麼巨大的悲伤总有一天 都会转为小小的趣事つよがるその涙もきっといつか辉く日はくるだろう 逞强的那泪水也终会有光辉的明日到来吧例えるならこの世界は大きなビー玉 如果要比喻的话这个世界就如巨大的弹珠どこにいても なにをしても 転がり続けるんだね 仆らをのせて 无论在哪里 不管做什麼 持续转动呢 为了载著我们今日もまた なんとなく一日が终われば それとなく明日が今日になる 今天也是 不知不觉的过了一天 以後明天随即成为今天わけもなく泣きたくなるような夜も たまにゃあるけど 毫无理由想要哭泣的夜晚 虽然偶尔也会有あんまりくよくよしないでよ そんなにあせることはないよ 别太过於钻牛角尖啊 也不需要那麼著急啊つながるこの道のどこかにいつか答えがあるといいな 延续下去的这条道路某处要是有答案就好了呢终わり


  先锋DEH-P6050UB 歌乐车载CD机 DUZ386MP JVC 5188 DVD 这三个选哪个…… 这三个机器综合比较的话,当然是先锋比较优秀。歌乐是东莞产的,现在做工都很一般。JVC现在的机器好像质…  歌乐、先锋、阿尔派分别是哪个国家的音响品牌?谢谢。…… 歌乐、先锋、阿尔派都是日本的 中国大陆歌乐在厦门,先锋在上海,阿尔派在丹东  我想换台车载的CD机,睇好了歌乐D3及先锋的P99,可我现在还在纠结中,不知哪台更好,平时多数听流行…… 建议选先锋的,毕竟牌子比较响。有保证,关键是适合流行音乐  想买台CD机 歌乐的CZ309A 先锋的先锋DEH-6350SD 阿尔派123E 哪个音质更好些 请…… 用阿尔派123E,自带功率大一点,音质中性,6350SD功能多一点,可以插SDUSB,可以播放WA…  阿尔派,先锋,歌乐的套装喇叭哪种低频效果好点?…… 阿尔派的相对好点。但要买到真货哦  烟台那里有比较个性的音像店,卖摇滚,独立唱片,先锋音乐及电影的啊?具体一点…… 建议去烟台莱山区,在山东工商学院及烟台大学一带 爱书人音像店(烟台最著名),星苑音像店,华声音像店,…  车载CD机歌乐 先锋 阿尔派哪个音质最好…… 不能这么说,太片面和笼统了。个人认为,这几个牌子的CD机,如果不是高级机型,就是说2千元以下的机器,…  求音乐:阿爸对我笑一笑。是慕主先锋教会的歌曲,请问有知道的吗?谢谢!感谢神!…… 《阿爸大太阳》 阿爸对我笑一笑 我头上的乌云就散开了 他的脸好像一个大太阳 我生命就被他照亮了 ……  汽车音响哪个牌子的好一点,索尼,先锋,健物伍,歌乐还是????…… 我来回答! 我是学汽车的。 博世(Bose)连续第四年当选为全球最佳汽车音响品牌。

The workers will build a new railroad______ the two citie

B since由于,自从……以来;between在两者之间; as如果,作为;during在……期间。句意:工人们将在这两座城市之间建设一条新的铁路。结合语境可知选B。

Soma (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Soma (Album Version)歌手:Project 86专辑:Truthless HeroesYou"re sleeping i"m not sleeping and there"s miles of nightI see something shining where there is no lightI just want to bury it and throw away the weeds when they growWhat makes me so mad?That scream to wake the birds is only my heart beatingTranslucent skin i"m looking in i feel a ghostScared away and left the one i need the mostI just want to bury it and leave my tears to sink in the graveThe shouting in my room is only my heart beatingThe heart beat calls my name the pattern on my thumbThe waiting and the dream have all turned into oneYou"re sleeping i"m not sleeping and i wonder whyI love to think about the time before the lightI didn"t want to bury it and lift my head up into the skyThe bass drum through the floor is only my heart beating

改为同义句1.The basket is full of flowers → 2.Toms didn‘t breakfast and went school in a huryy→

1.The basket is full of flowers. → The basket is filled with flowers.2.Toms didn"t have breakfast and went to school in a hurry. → Tom hurried to school without (having) breakfast.注:( )表示可以省略不写。

She will never forget her stay there__she found her son who had gone missing two years ago.A.tha...


Utopia (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Utopia (Album Version)歌手:Alanis Morissette专辑:Under Rug SweptWithin Temptation - UtopiaThe burning desireTo live and roam freeIt shines in the darkAnd it grows within meYou"re holding my handBut you don"t understandSo where I am goingYou won"t be in the endI"m dreaming in coloursOf getting the chanceI"m dreaming of tryingThe perfect romanceIn search of the door to open your mindIn search of the cure of mankindHelp us we"re drowningSo closed up insideWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,You"re telling us who we are?I"m searching for answersNot given for freeYou"re hurting insideIs there life within me?You"re holding my handBut you don"t understandYou"re taking the roadAll alone in the endI"m dreaming in coloursNo boundaries are thereI"m dreaming the dreamAnd I"ll sing to shareIn search of the door to open your mindIn search of the cure of mankindHelp us we"re drowningSo closed up insideWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,You"re telling us who we are?Ohhhhh Ohhhhh OhhhhhWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Ohh why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,Telling us who we are?Why does it rain?

Bernard Lavilliers的《Utopia》 歌词

歌曲名:Utopia歌手:Bernard Lavilliers专辑:15E RoundWithin Temptation - UtopiaThe burning desireTo live and roam freeIt shines in the darkAnd it grows within meYou"re holding my handBut you don"t understandSo where I am goingYou won"t be in the endI"m dreaming in coloursOf getting the chanceI"m dreaming of tryingThe perfect romanceIn search of the door to open your mindIn search of the cure of mankindHelp us we"re drowningSo closed up insideWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,You"re telling us who we are?I"m searching for answersNot given for freeYou"re hurting insideIs there life within me?You"re holding my handBut you don"t understandYou"re taking the roadAll alone in the endI"m dreaming in coloursNo boundaries are thereI"m dreaming the dreamAnd I"ll sing to shareIn search of the door to open your mindIn search of the cure of mankindHelp us we"re drowningSo closed up insideWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,You"re telling us who we are?Ohhhhh Ohhhhh OhhhhhWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Ohh why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,Telling us who we are?Why does it rain?



horse sweat;men perspire;young ladies glow

an kind of euphemism,the difference of gender




perspiration [,pu0259:spu0259"reiu0283u0259n] n.1. 出汗;流汗(亦喻指辛苦)2. 汗;汗水sweat [swet] n. 汗v. 出汗一个有动词意思 一个没有一个有引申义 另一个没有这就是区别

英语谚语:No piper can please all ears 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: No piper can please all ears 中文意思: 众口难调。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Pleasure has a sting in its tail 乐中必有苦。 Plenty is no plague 富裕绝非灾祸。 Poetry is simply the most beautiful impressive and widely effective mode of saying things and hence its importance 诗歌只不过是最美丽、最感人、最有力的说话方式,这也就是诗歌的价值。 Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world 诗人是世上没有得到承认的立法者。 Politeness costs nothing and gains everything 礼貌不费分文而可赢得一切。 He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody 不知自爱的人也不会爱别人。 He that is master must serve 主人必须会服务。 He that is master of himself will soon be master of others 能主宰自己的人不久就可以主宰别人。 He that knows nothing doubts nothing 无知就无疑。 He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk 不知缄口的不善言。 英语谚语: No piper can please all ears 中文意思: 众口难调。



peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers 是什么意思?


Oasis 乐队的《Supersonic》 的中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: Supersonic 中文歌词 Wikipedia,自由的百科全书 收录专辑:Definitely Maybe Supersonic 超音速 I need to be myself 我要做自己 I can"t be no one else 我不要像其他人一样 I"m feeling supersonic 我正享受着超音速 Give me gin and tonic 请给我一杯gin and tonic You can have it all but how much do you want it? 你可以一饮而尽但要喝多少杯才够 You make me laugh 你让我大笑 Give me your autograph 请给我你的签名 Can I ride with you in your BMW ? 我可以坐上你的BMW一起兜风吗? You can sail with me in my yellow submarine 还是你可以坐上我的黄色潜水艇一同共游 (注1) You need to find out 你得好好思索 "Cos no one"s gonna tell you what I"m on about 因为不会有人告诉你我所言为何 You need to find a way for what you want to say 你得想办法让自己畅其所言 But before tomorrow 但得在天亮之前 "Cos my friend said he"d take you home 因为我的朋友说他会带你回家 He sits in a corner all alone 他坐在角落独自一个人 He lives under a waterfall 他住在瀑布底下 No body can see him 别人见不到他 No body can ever hear him call 也听不到他的呼唤 You need to be yourself 你得做你自己 You can"t be no one else 不要像其他人一样 I know a girl called Elsa 我认识个叫做Elsa的女孩 She"s into Alka Seltzer 她对Alka Seltzer很着迷(注2) She sniffs it through a cane on a supersonic train 她在超音速火车里用根管子吸食它 She made me laugh 她曾让我大笑 I got her autograph 我也拿过她的签名 She done it with a doctor on a helicopter 她曾在直升机里和一位医生搞过 She"s sniffin in her tissue 而如今她却拿卫生纸直打喷嚏 Sellin" the Big Issue 在大街上叫卖杂志 (注3) And She finds out 而现在她终于了解 no one"s gonna tell her what I"m on about 没有人要告诉她我所言为何 You need to find a way for what she wants to say 你得想办法听懂她要讲什么 But before tomorrow 但得在天亮之前 "Cos my friend said he"d take you home 因为我的朋友说他会带你回家 He sits in a corner all alone 他坐在角落独自一个人 He lives under a waterfall 他住在瀑布底下 No body can see him 别人见不到他 No body can ever hear him call 也听不到他的呼唤

Sunshine on My Shoulders 歌词

歌曲名:Sunshine on My Shoulders歌手:John Denver专辑:Poems, Prayers & PromisesSunshine on my shoulders makes me happySunshine in my eyes can make me crySunshine on the water looks so lovelySunshine almost always makes me highIf I had a day that I could give youI"d give to you a day just like todayIf I had a song that I could sing for youI"d sing a song to make you feel this waySunshine on my shoulders makes me happySunshine in my eyes can make me crySunshine on the water looks so lovelySunshine almost always makes me highIf I had a tale that I could tell youI"d tell a tale sure to make you smileIf I had a wish that I could wish for youI"d make a wish for sunshine all the while

manson personal jesus中文歌词 要完整的

personal jesus 私人耶稣 Artist by: Marilyn Manson Reach out and touch faith伸出手触摸信仰 Your own personal Jesus你自己的私人耶稣 Someone to hear your prayers一个倾听你祷告的人 Someone who cares一个真正在乎你的祷告的人 Your own personal Jesus你自己的私人耶稣 Someone to hear your prayers一个倾听你祷告的人 Someone who"s there一个总在那里的人 Feeling unknown 什么都感知不到 And you"re all alone 你独自一人 Flesh and bone 是肉和骨 By the telephone 在电话旁 Lift up the receiver 拿起接受机 I"ll make you a believer 我将把你变成一个信徒 Take second best 拿个次等品 Put me to the test 把我去测试 Things on your chest 心中闷闷不乐的事 You need to confess 你要忏悔 I will deliver 我会拯救 You know I"m a forgiver 你知道我是个宽恕者 Reach out and touch faith 伸出手触摸信仰 Reach out and touch faith 伸出手触摸信仰 Your own personal Jesus 你自己的私人耶稣 Someone to hear your prayers 一个倾听你祷告的人 Someone who cares 一个真正在乎你的祷告的人 Your own personal Jesus 你自己的私人耶稣 Someone to hear your prayers 一个倾听你祷告的人 Someone who"s there 一个总在那里的人 Feeling unknown 什么都感知不到 And you"re all alone 你独自一人 Flesh and bone 是肉和骨 By the telephone 在电话旁 Lift up the receiver 拿起接受机 I"ll make you a believer 我将把你变成一个信徒 Reach out and touch faith 伸出手触摸信仰 Your own personal Jesus 你自己的私人耶稣 Reach out and touch faith 伸出手触摸信仰 Reach out and touch faith 伸出手触摸信仰 Reach out and touch faith 伸出手触摸信仰

求 poems prayers and promises 的歌词

John Denver Poems, Prayers and Promises [点击试听] 查看次数:2009 输入手机号立即下载<Poems, Prayers and Promises>I"ve been lately thinking about my life"s time    All the things I"ve done, and how it"s been    And I can"t help believing in my own mind    I know I"m gonna hate to see it end    I"ve seen a lot of sunshine slept out in the rain   Spent the night or two all on my own    I"ve known my lady"s pleasure    Had myself some friends    And spent a time or two in my own home   I have to say it now it"s been a good life all in all    It"s really fine to have a chance to hang around    And lie there by the fire, and watch the evening tire    While all my friends and my old lady   Sit and pass the pipe around   All talk of poems, prayers and promises   And things that we believe in   How sweet it is to love someone   How right it is to care    How long it"s been since yesterday    What about tomorrow    What about our dreams and all memories we share    The days they pass so quickly now    Nights are seldom long    And time around me whispers when it"s cold    The changes somehow frighten me    Still I have to smile    It turns me on to think of growing old    For though my life"s been good to me    There"s still so much to do    So many things my mind has never known    I"d like to raise a family; I"d like to sail away   And dance across the mountains on the moon   I have to say it now it"s been a good life all in all    It"s really fine to have a chance to hang around    And lie there by the fire, and watch the evening tire    While all my friends and my old lady    Sit and pass the pipe around    All talk of poems, prayers and promises    And things that we believe in    How sweet it is to love someone    How right it is to care    How long it"s been since yesterday    What about tomorrow   What about our dreams and all memories we share

when you say your prayers 歌词

歌曲名:when you say your prayers歌手:collin raye专辑:counting sheep(jason blume/karen taylor-good)If you"ve ever wonderedWhen you pray at nightIf it makes a differenceIf it sets things rightEverytime we say our prayersCollin RayeWhispered in the darkSomewhere deep inside youYou know with all your heartAs sure as god"s in heavenThere"s someone who caresAnd somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayersA prayer can be a thank-youA prayer can be a wishA prayer can say i"m sorryLike a hug or a kissGod hears you loud and clearAs long as it comes from your heartIt goes right to his earAs sure as god"s in heavenThere"s someone who caresAnd somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayersAs sure as god"s in heavenThere"s someone who caresAnd somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayersJust know somebody"s listeningWhen you say your prayers

say you prayers

泰迪熊 泰迪熊 转个身 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 摸一下大地 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 让你的鞋子发光 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 那会有用的 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 上楼梯 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 看看你的祈导者 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 关上灯 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 说晚安 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 再见 累..大概就这样..

The Prayers 歌词

歌曲名:The Prayers歌手:J Moss featuring Hezekiah Walker & LFC专辑:The PrayersI pray you"ll be our eyes,and watch us where we go.And help us to be wisein times when we don"t knowLet this be our prayer,when we lose our wayLead us to the place,guide us with your graceTo a place where we"ll be safeLa luce che tu haiI pray we"ll find your lightnel cuore resteràand hold it in our hearts.a ricordarci cheWhen stars go out each night,eterna stella seiNella mia preghieraLet this be our prayerquanta fede c"èwhen shadows fill our dayguide us with your graceGive us faith so we"ll be safeSognamo un mondo senza più violenzaun mondo di giustizia e di speranzaOgnuno dia la mano al suo vicinoSimbolo di pace, di fraternitàLa forza che ci dàWe ask that life be kindè il desiderio cheand watch us from aboveognuno trovi amorWe hope each soul will findintorno e dentro séanother soul to loveLet this be our prayerLet this be our prayer,just like every childjust like every childNeed to find a place,guide us with your graceGive us faith so we"ll be safeè la fede chehai acceso in noi,sento che ci salveràFade out...

The Prayers 歌词

歌曲名:The Prayers歌手:J Moss featuring Hezekiah Walker & LFC and Dorinda Clark-Cole专辑:V4...The Other SideThe PrayerI pray you"ll be our eyesAnd watch us where we goAnd help us to be wiseIn times when we don"t knowLet this be our prayerWhen we lose our wayLead us to a placeGuide us with your graceTo a place where we"ll be safeLa luce che to daiI pray we"ll find your lightNel cuore resteroAnd hold it in our heartsA ricordarchi cheWhen stars go out each nightL"eterna stella seiNella mia preghieraLet this be our prayerQuanta fede c"eWhen shadows fill our dayLead us to a placeGuide us with your graceGive us faith so we"ll be safeSognamo un mondo senza piu violenzaUn mondo di giustizia e di speranzaOgnuno dia la mano al suo vicinoSimbolo di pace e di fraternitaLa forza che ci daiWe ask that life be kindE"il desiderio cheAnd watch us from aboveOgnuno trovi amoreWe hope each soul will findIntorno e dentro a seAnother soul to loveLet this be our prayerLet this be our prayerJust like every childJust like every childNeeds to find a placeGuide us with your graceGive us faith so we"ll be safeE la fede cheHai acceso in noiSento che ci salvera

Prayers & Melodies 歌词

歌曲名:Prayers & Melodies歌手:Rie Fu专辑:Rie Fu (日本版)Prayers & Melodies----Rie Fu骚がしい日日ここに置いてく流れに背いて足を速める私の正体人ごめに隐すあと少しでこにの街も消えるあしたになれば分かるそんなこと考えていたThere is nothing for me to sayEven if i do you"ll still be far awayso i say a little prayerそこに残ってた昔の香り流れにまかせ想いは稳やかに君の正体少しずつめぐる今ここに居ることすぐに伝えたいあしたになれば分かるそんなこと考えていたThere is nothing for me to sayEven if i do you"ll still be far awayso i say a little prayerOh I feel so fine.Even if I fly at the speed of lightそれでもきっと私たさは前へ进むしかないあしたになれば分かるそんなこと考えていたThere is nothing for me to sayEven if i do you"ll still be far awayso i say a little prayerWhen I wake up tomorrow morning...When I wake up tomorrow morning...When I wake up tomorrow morningmy doubts are gonna be still there.but something"s new

your prayers造句

I will tell you a secret. Say your prayers to God! Never say a lie to you parents. He said nothing about the accident. The teacher told the pupils a story. It is said so.

Scott Matthews的《Prayers》 歌词

歌曲名:Prayers歌手:Scott Matthews专辑:Passing Stranger「Pray」作词∶西又葵作曲∶アッチョリケ / 编曲:田辺トシノ歌∶桥本みゆきかけがえのない 星たちを见つめ失うことない 辉きでも形あるもの いつかは壊れる怖がらないで 踏み出そうよ闻こえている 星の言叶さざなみの様に浴びて 仆らは君たちとゆこうこれから先のこの未来 辉いている扉开け あなたの胸に飞び込んでゆこういつまで続くぬくもりを 忘れずにいて永远に 続く未来ずっとさり気も无く 言叶をかけても耻ずかしがらずに いられるかな急に止まって ピタリと振り向く頬が染まる ピンク色に覚えている 爱の言叶润んでいる目で见つめて まっすぐに伝える言叶愿わず今の幸せを 祈り続ける 愿いをあなたと未来叶うようにしようこれから先も一绪に 未来を描けるように私たちのPray永远なんてないよね そう言い闻かせた梦は远い昔に儚くも消えた信じていければいつか 叶うはずだよと未来见せてくれたあなたにこれから先のこの未来 辉いている扉开け あなたの胸に飞び込んでゆこういつまで続くぬくもりを 忘れずにいて永远に 続く未来ずっと愿わず今の幸せを 祈り続ける 愿いをあなたと未来叶うようにしようこれから先も一绪に 未来を描けるように私たちのPray【 おわり 】



"He prayed that all your prayers would be answered."翻译(两句分开翻译)

He prayed that all your prayers would be answered."他祈祷你们的祷告都能得到回应。However, to find out whose prayers were more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island.然而,为了找出谁的祷告更具有力量,他们同意划分他们之间的区域并呆在岛的另一面。

英语翻译Our thoughts and prayers are with the families for whom?

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families for whom this day is deeply personal 我们将真心的祈祷与祝福致以这些家庭,对于他们来说这个日子极其富于深刻而私人的意义. whom指代families,而whom引导的从句写成完整的句子是这样的: This day is deeply personal for the families. 因为families在从句中做宾语,所以必须使用宾格的whom来指代. 这样的句子中文实在不太好翻译,可以大致意译一下: 我们将真心的祷告与祝福致以这些被这个日子改变的那些家庭,那些经历了七十年失去家人的生活的丈夫妻子,兄弟姐妹,儿子女儿,他们将(牺牲的家人的)精神传递给了下一代.,1,我们的思想和祷告是为了那些知道70年来没有爱过与自己关系亲密的家人--配偶,兄弟姐妹和儿女,却把他们完全把遗产留给了下一代的人。 我的翻译不是怎么好啊!见谅见谅!那个 whom 是因为前面的介词for,介词后面接宾格。这篇文章是说的那些二战活下来的士兵把,这句话就是说的他们!...,2,大意:今天,我们和这些家庭一起怀念和祈祷,对这些家庭的丈夫妻子、兄弟姐妹、儿子女儿来说,今天是个很深沉的日子—他们经历了七十年失去自己所爱的人的生活,但是他们还在坚持他们(即已逝亲人)的信仰,并把它们传递下去。 这是奥巴马总统在珍珠港战争七十周年纪念日上的讲话。...,2,我们将思念与祈祷致以这些家庭,对于他们来说,这个日子深深地铭刻在个人的内心,这些丈夫妻子,兄弟姐妹,儿子女儿,他们经历了70年失去亲人的痛苦,但把牺牲的亲人的精神传给了未来的世代。,2,我们谨向在这个日子遭受过重创的家庭寄予哀思和祈祷:他们或为配偶,或为兄妹,或为子女,七十年来相知不能相伴,但却为后代留下了永不磨灭的精神遗产。,1,英语翻译 our thoughts and prayers are with the families for whom this day is deeply personal—the spouses,brothers and sisters,and sons and daughters who have known seven decades without a loved one but who have kept their legacy alive for future generations. 这两句英语怎么翻译? (以下是原文出处)禁止使用谷歌翻译以及同类软件回答、 特别是这里are with the families for whom this day is deeply personal 宾格的whom放在这里, december 7,2011 statement by president barack obama on the 70th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor seventy years ago today,a bright sunday morning was darkened by the unprovoked attack on pearl harbor. today,michelle and i join the american people in honoring the memory of the more than 2,400 american patriots—military and civilian,men,women and children—who gave their lives in our first battle of the second world war. our thoughts and prayers are with the families for whom this day is deeply personal—the spouses,brothers and sisters,and sons and daughters who have known seven decades without a loved one but who have kept their legacy alive for future generations. we salute the veterans and survivors of pearl harbor who inspire us still. despite overwhelming odds,they fought back heroically,inspiring our nation and putting us on the path to victory. they are members of that greatest generation who overcame the depression,crossed oceans and stormed the beaches to defeat fasci *** ,and turned adversaries into our closest allies. when the guns fell silent,they came home,went to school on the g.i.bill,and built the largest middle class in history and the strongest economy in the world. they remind us that no challenge is too great when americans stand as one. all of us owe these men and women a profound debt of gratitude for the ***s and standard of living we enjoy today. on this national pearl harbor remembrance day,we also reaffirm our mitment to carrying on their work—to keeping the country we love strong,free and prosperous.and as today"s wars in iraq and afghanistan e to an end and we wele home our 9/11 generation,we resolve to always take care of our troops,veterans and military families as well as they"ve taken care of us.on this solemn anniversary,there can be no higher tribute to the americans who served and sacrificed seventy years ago today.

跪求Hear Our Prayers这首个歌词翻译

听到我们的呼声主, 听到我们的祈祷。 把我们的负担, 平静了我们的担心。 上帝让我们将您 这个民族爱你。 请把我们的产品 我们之前,先确定。 上帝听到我们的祈祷 我们正在解除由您决定。 上帝看到我们的眼泪 我们正在努力识破。 上帝听到我们的祈祷给您。 在我们的弱点, 你依然存在。 当我们正在打破, 您维持。 上帝让我们将您 这个民族爱你。 请把我们的产品 我们之前,先确定。 上帝听到我们的祈祷 我们正在解除由您决定。 上帝看到我们的眼泪 我们正在努力识破。 上帝听到我们的祈祷。 我们向您解除。 上帝听到我们的祈祷, 上帝让我们的心如此。 你使我们的心真的吗? 听到我们的祈祷上帝。 上帝让我们将您 这个民族爱你。 请把我们的产品 我们之前,先确定。 上帝听到我们的祈祷 我们正在解除由您决定。 上帝看到我们的眼泪 我们正在努力识破。 上帝听到我们的祈祷 正如我们解除天堂。 我们正在祈祷的天使 接收和接受。 希望的空白, 声音的中断。 我们正在实现我们的手了, 哦上帝,你让他们?

god answers the prayers.翻译成中文是什么意思?

God answers the prayers.上帝回应了这些祈祷者。

英语rumors fly怎么翻译?


Spread the Rumors 歌词

歌曲名:Spread the Rumors歌手:socratic专辑:Spread the RumorsSocratic - Spread The Rumors@ @Spread the rumors Julia.He"s going out of his mind.Grandmas going blind.It hurts them both to see.Tears are cures for sore eyesthat stare at clouds all their lives.I traded rainchecks to see a sunny day.Leave me and mother alone.Our half family in our two family home.Not much is all we"ve known.A little less is all we own.We are just little thread.Space, the room.Earth, the bed.A woman"s sewing us for the infant universe.She wants no more thoughts and no more drugs.Money or religion.She"s tired of friends and their coincidences.This happens when the kinds doesn"t get enough sleep.He knows what wrong but can"t help what is happening.

急求题目为 my view on Internet Rumors 的英语作文!!!!

No one can have failed to notice the fact that Internet rumors have been a grave problem confronting us. Groundless allegations flood the Internet. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: scandals of both famous and unknown people, fake forecast of earthquakes and the like. Internet rumors will definitely result in severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First and foremost, made-up scandals directly infringe upon citizens" rights, affecting their daily life and ruining their public image. Besides, the dissemination of such rumors as those about social or natural disasters causes panic and disorder among society. Last but not least, the spread of rumors on the Internet will undermine the credibility of the net to such a degree that people will no longer trust it in the future.Given the seriousness of this problem, effective steps must be adopted before the situation deteriorates. First, it is imperative that laws and regulations must be enacted and executed to stop the production and transmission of Internet rumors. For instance, real-name system should be introduced as soon as possible. Secondly, people should be educated to identify and reject groundless allegations. With severe laws and a conscious public, it will only be a matter of time for Internet rumors to be eradicated.楼主采纳啊!

Rumors Of You 歌词

歌曲名:Rumors Of You歌手:Aldo Nova专辑:TwitchBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid



rumors 中文歌词

[ti:Anything But Me][ar:lindsay lohan][al:speak][by:huajian911][0:0]欢迎访问 我爱音乐[00:00.00]lindsay lohan - Anything But Me[00:04.76]专辑:speak[00:08.31]Anything But Me[00:16.71]Nobody told me that being happy faces[00:22.33]just trying to erase the traces[00:25.11]What came before me[00:27.96]a girl that I used to see somewhere very deep[00:32.52]she′s falling asleep and I trying to wake her said her pray[02:38.56][01:43.65][00:40.58]Now is a never ending thing[02:45.93][01:50.65][00:47.77]One more minute turns into another[02:48.52][01:54.59][00:51.61]before I′ve had time to to run from all the other ones[02:55.59][01:59.09][00:56.40]and its so hard to live a dream[03:01.49][02:06.19][01:03.02]When the everything that they want you to be[03:08.62][02:13.31][01:10.36]is anything but me[01:19.68]So much confusion circling inside my head[01:25.34]What this one and that one said[01:27.49]Its all an illusion[01:30.87]Cuz I′m still the same person no matter how fast I run[01:35.43]I′m trying to hold on to where it is I come fromAnything but me[02:32.49]I′m trying to hold on to where it is I come from

Rumors 歌词 急!

[ar:lindsay lohan]saturday steppin" into the cluband it makes me wanna tell the djturn it upi feel the energy all aroundand my body can"t stop moving to the soundbut i can tell that you"re watching meand you"re probably gonna write what you didn"t seewell i just need a little space to breathecan you please respect my privacywhy can"t you just let medo the things i wanna doi just wanna be mei don"t understand whywould you wanna bring me downi"m only having funi"m gonna live my lifelike i wanna doi"m tired of rumors startingi"m sick of being followedi"m tired of people lyingsaying what they want about mewhy can"t they back up off mewhy can"t they let me livei"m gonna do it my waytake this for just what it ishere we are back up in the clubpeople taking picturesdon"t you think they get enoughi just wanna be all over the floorand throw my hands up in the air to a beat like (what?)i"ve gotta say respectfullyi would like it if you take the cameras off of me"cause i just want a little room to breathecan you please respect my privacywhy can"t you just let medo the things i wanna doi just wanna be mei don"t understand whywould you wanna bring me downi"m only having funi"m gonna live my lifelike i wanna doi"m tired of rumors startingi"m sick of being followedi"m tired of people lyingsaying what they want about mewhy can"t they back up off mewhy can"t they let me livei"m gonna do it my waytake this for just what it isi just need to free my mind (my mind)just wanna dance and have a good time (good time)i"m tired of rumors (rumors)followed (followed, followed, followed, followed, followed)what they (follow) mewhy can"t they (they they they-they-they) let me livetake this for just what it isi"m tired of rumors startingi"m sick of being followedi"m tired of people lyingsaying what they want about mewhy can"t they back up off mewhy can"t they let me livei"m gonna do it my waytake this for just what it isi"m tired of rumors startingi"m sick of being followedi"m tired of people lyingsaying what they want about mewhy can"t they back up off mewhy can"t they let me livei"m gonna do it my waytake this for just what it is-= lindsay lohan - rumors =-

Lindsay Lohan的《Rumors》 歌词

歌曲名:Rumors歌手:Lindsay Lohan专辑:Juicy 女人帮Rumors Lindsay LohanSaturday steppin into the ClubThe music made me wanna tell the DJ Turn it UpI feel the Energy All aroundAnd my body cant Stop movin to the soundBut..I cant tell that your watchin meAnd your probably gonna write what you didnt seeWell I just need a little Space to BreathCan you please Respect my PrivacyWhy cant you just let doThe things I wanna doI just wanna be MeI dont Understand WhyWould you wanna Bring me downWhen I′m only having FunI′m gonna live my life(But Not the Way that you want me to)I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it isHere we are Back up in the ClubPeople Takin Pictures Dont you think they get enoughI just wanna be all over the FloorAnd Throw my hands up in the air to the Beat like..I gotta say respectfullyI would love it If you took the Camers off of meCuz I just Need a Little Room to BreathCan you please Respect My PrivacyWhy cant you just let doThe things I wanna doI just wanna be MeI dont Understand WhyWould you wanna Bring me downWhen I′m only having FunI′m gonna live my life(But not the way that you want me to)I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it isI just Need to Free My Mind(My Mind)Just wanna dance and have a good Time(Good Time)I′m tired of Rumors ( Rumors )Followed (Followed Followed Followed Followed)Followed But they Followed MeWhy cant they (They They They They They They )Let me Live (Live)Take this for Just What it IsI′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it is..I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it is..

高中英语作文:网络谣言 Oline Rumors

Internet has become part of our life, people use computer everywhere, such as they keep in touch with their friends and family, they also use computer to do their work. There is no doubt that computer facilitate our life. But the problem also comes, as there is no clear and powerful laws to limite the act, some people attack others by the rude words. We also can read the rumors on the Internet, like the end of the world is coming. Such rumors bring negative sides to the society. As there is no rules can punish the person who spred the rumors, more and more people use the Internet to do the immoral acts. The celebrities are the main victims. In order to catch more people"s attention, some websites spread the untrue information about the celebrities, which annoys these public figures. Online rumors need to be limited. 互联网已经成为我们生活的一部分,人们到处都在使用电脑,比如他们与朋友和家人保持联系,他们也用计算机来做他们的工作。毫无疑问,电脑方便了我们的生活。但问题也来了,由于没有明确和强有力的法律来限制行为,一些人通过粗鲁的话语来攻击别人。我们也可以从网络上看到谣言,比如世界末日即将来临。这样的谣言给社会带来消极的影响。因为没有规则可以惩罚传播谣言的人,越来越多的人利用互联网来做不道德的行为。名人是主要的受害者。为了吸引更多的人的关注,一些网站传播不真实的关于名人的信息,惹恼了这些公众人物。网上谣言需要是有限的。



鲨鱼黑帮 - lies & rumors (d12)

  全专集的地址我都给你`!~  兄弟 这首歌曲的确不错 哈哈  专集名称: 《鲨鱼故事 Shark Tale》  演唱歌手: [鲨鱼故事 Shark Tale]电影原声  发行公司: 美国梦工场影片公司  发行日期: 2002年  语言种类: 英语  专集介绍:  鲨鱼故事 Shark Tale 2005-4-1415:07:42  发行机构:  美国梦工场影片公司  导 演: 维基·詹森 比博·博格龙 罗伯·莱德曼  主 演: 威尔·史密斯(配小鱼奥斯卡)安吉丽娜?朱丽(狮子鱼劳拉)罗伯特?德?尼罗(配大白鲨唐?雷诺)  剧情简介:  奥斯卡是只裂唇鱼,头脑机灵,心急口快,口水多过浪。在“史佳思洗鲸店”工作,负责清洁鲸鱼舌头。这个打工仔希望有一天能够出人头地。奥斯卡谎称自己杀死了鲨鱼弗兰克。实际上奥斯卡差点成了那条鲨鱼的午餐。只是当时有一个铁锚突然掉下来,砸死了那条鲨鱼。奥斯卡适时的抓住这个机会,声称自己是猎鲨英雄。  奥斯卡的生活一下子充满了阳光,终于出“鱼”头地,住到了梦寐以求的高级社区——暗礁的上层。奥斯卡发现一条叫做莱尼的鲨鱼和他一样,也在躲躲藏藏。奥斯卡和大话王莱尼碰到了一起,组成了海底世界最不可思议的“鱼类双人组” ,联手炮制了一档猎鲨的电视直播节目。  但是这个逞能的谎言最终招致唐雷诺对奥斯卡的一路追杀。亡命天涯的过程中,奥斯卡还卷入了一场明争暗斗的江湖火拼之中。在遵循弱“鱼”强食生态规则的海底世界,奥斯卡能保住小命吗?两人将共同面对唐雷诺的追杀和险象环生、笑料叠出的命运……  更多详情:  《鲨鱼故事》是一部讲述海底世界的动画片。正如执行制片人杰弗瑞u2022卡赞伯格所说的那样,它与《海底总动员》不同,没有将重点放在家庭成员间的亲情演绎上,而是讲述了一个海底“大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃小小鱼”的故事。此片由好莱坞三大巨头打造的“梦工厂”出品,他们曾出品了风靡全球的《怪物史瑞克》第一部和第二部影片。《鲨鱼故事》是“梦工厂”继《怪物史瑞克》之后,推出的全新动画力作。由导演维基詹森如法炮制,《怪物史瑞克》中对大量的童话人物和著名好莱坞影片开涮,让大人小孩都看得高高兴兴。  这次《鲨鱼故事》将“若肉强食”注入海底世界,在“鱼吃鱼”的世界里,用喜剧的方式展现了正邪两派之争。究竟在“鱼吃鱼”的世界里,能否为正邪定分界?  《鲨鱼故事》集合了当今好莱坞最梦寐以求的顶级配音阵容,包括罗伯特·德·尼罗、威尔·史密斯、安吉丽娜·朱丽、蕾妮·琪维格、杰克·布莱克、马丁·斯科西斯,每个角色的造型均参照了配音演员的个人形象和气质来塑造,百分之百配音演员的相貌,《鲨鱼故事》虽然是动画片,却尤如巨星亲自演出,栩栩如生。  为了每个角色都富有独特色彩,监制、导演以至动画师和角色设计师都针对海洋生物,做了深入研究。他们看了大量鱼类纪录片、鱼百科书,又去了长岛水族馆(Long Beach Aquarium),终于找到合适的“鱼”选,由于故事设于珊瑚礁,所以最后鱼主角也是珊瑚礁中常见的品种。  动画师将角色化为鱼,同样也将演员的特质放入鱼的身上。除了在鱼的外表上花工夫,亦花了很多时间不断翻看录像带,研究各巨星的举止模式。不过,单看鱼的样子,已令人笑破肚皮。  ● 威尔·史密斯 (饰裂唇小鱼奥斯卡)奥斯卡是一条可爱的裂唇鱼,完全是威尔史密斯的再现,他双眼距离较宽,耳朵较垂,身手敏捷,明显的发际等。双眼距离较阔,耳朵下垂,身手敏捷,像极了威尔,蓝、黑、黄间条身,属隆头鱼科,英文名叫Cleaner Wrasse,会嚼食鱼身上的寄生虫,片中奥斯卡在洗鲸店工作,也算有科学根据。  ● 蕾妮·琪维格(饰艳丽神仙鱼安吉)神仙鱼,英文名Angelfish,所以又名 “天使鱼”。鱼如其名,色彩艳丽如天使,加上一双大鳍,泳态婀娜多姿,被称为珊瑚礁鱼中的主角。安吉说话时嘴有点歪,捕捉了蕾妮出众的一面。而安吉的一举一动也透露着甜美。  ● 安吉丽娜·朱丽(饰狮子鱼劳拉)狮子鱼(Lionfish),又混有龙鱼血统。有着鲜艳的大型背鳍,堪称海洋中最上镜的模特儿。劳拉有一双厚厚的性感朱唇,还有背鳍做成的长发效果,尽现安吉丽娜朱丽的神采。她非常漂亮,但也非常危险,背骨藏有毒液,往往躲藏起来,靠突然袭击来捕获猎物。所以对于劳拉来说,这是再合适不过的了。  ● 马丁·斯科西斯(饰河豚赛克斯)河豚(Puffer fish),俗称鸡泡鱼,外表威风有杀气,但生气起来,会鼓起个腮,提高声线,威严尽失。赛克斯超级粗眉,加短小身形,是大导演马丁斯科西斯的缩影。  ● 罗伯特·德尼罗(饰大白鲨唐雷诺)超级大白鲨,海底大哥大,口硬心软,脸上有一颗痣,此乃德尼罗的标志。而且在神态上也力求最像。动画小组将德尼罗所有影片不管是喜剧片还是剧情片中的各种表情都打印出来,然后将这些表情用到鲨鱼身上。与杰克布莱克饰演的莱尼相比,唐雷诺的脸部线条还是要硬一些。  ● 杰克·布莱克(饰鲨鱼莱尼)莱尼比一般大白鲨拥有混圆的面形和鼻子,像极了杰克·布莱克。鲨鱼莱尼就大不一样,他性格温和,所以他的线条都比较柔和,混圆的脸形和鼻子,都像足了杰克·布莱克。莱尼的牙齿也不像其他鲨鱼的那样锋利。杰克·布莱克对自己形象的评价是他们抓住了他所有特点的精髓,唯独让他不满意的是莱尼的肚子画的太大了,他曾经向设计小组“抗议”,要求他们把肚子画成平的。但从导演到动画师都非常喜欢圆圆肚皮的莱尼,谁都舍不得破坏这个可爱的“食素”鲨鱼,所以杰克·布莱克也只有瞪眼睛的份。  这样的演出阵容在任何影片中都是不可想象的,导演莱德曼自己都说,当初只是想想就觉得很可怕,他们可都是好莱坞的大牌,任何一个都怠慢不得。尤其是看到罗伯特·德·尼罗和马丁·斯科西斯的时候,导演觉得自己的心脏都短暂停跳了。但实际上他们都非常亲切。巨星云集,录音室里就发生了很多趣事。平日说话像机关枪似的斯科西斯和十足黑帮老大口吻的罗伯特·德·尼罗,跟着剧本你一句我一句,又不时插入幽默对白,他们以独特的节奏感和说话方式取胜,导演都感叹:这不是我们能在剧本中表达的东西。正如斯科西斯所言:毕竟他们一起合作了三十年,已经有了自己的一套风格。  选择 歌曲 高速试听 网通试听 MP3下载 歌词 和弦 点歌  1.Three Little Birds(Sean Paul & Ziggy marley)  2.Car Wash(Christina Aguilera featuring Missy Elliott)  3.Good Foot(Justin Timberlake and Timbaland)  4.Secret Love(JoJo)  5.Lies & Rumors(D12)  6.Got To Be Real(Mary J Blige featuring Will Smith)  7.Can"t Wait(Avant)  8.Gold Digger(Ludacris, Bobby V & Lil" Fate)  9.Get It Together(India Arie)  10.We Went As Far As We Felt Like Going(The Pussycat Dolls)  11.Digits(fan_3)  12.Sweet Kind Of Life(Cheryl Lynn)  13.Some Of My Best Friends Are Sharks(Hans Zimmer)



高中英语被动语态 1.English is difficult to learn 2.rumors

Sth be adj to do这些大多数都是直接加原型,即使翻译为被动的。

Lindsay Lohan的《Rumors》 歌词

歌曲名:Rumors歌手:Lindsay Lohan专辑:SpeakRumors Lindsay LohanSaturday steppin into the ClubThe music made me wanna tell the DJ Turn it UpI feel the Energy All aroundAnd my body cant Stop movin to the soundBut..I cant tell that your watchin meAnd your probably gonna write what you didnt seeWell I just need a little Space to BreathCan you please Respect my PrivacyWhy cant you just let doThe things I wanna doI just wanna be MeI dont Understand WhyWould you wanna Bring me downWhen I′m only having FunI′m gonna live my life(But Not the Way that you want me to)I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it isHere we are Back up in the ClubPeople Takin Pictures Dont you think they get enoughI just wanna be all over the FloorAnd Throw my hands up in the air to the Beat like..I gotta say respectfullyI would love it If you took the Camers off of meCuz I just Need a Little Room to BreathCan you please Respect My PrivacyWhy cant you just let doThe things I wanna doI just wanna be MeI dont Understand WhyWould you wanna Bring me downWhen I′m only having FunI′m gonna live my life(But not the way that you want me to)I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it isI just Need to Free My Mind(My Mind)Just wanna dance and have a good Time(Good Time)I′m tired of Rumors ( Rumors )Followed (Followed Followed Followed Followed)Followed But they Followed MeWhy cant they (They They They They They They )Let me Live (Live)Take this for Just What it IsI′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it is..I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it is..

rumors歌词 rumors歌曲简介

1、《Rumors》歌词如下: Saturday steppin into the Club 周末沉浸在热浪舞厅里 The music made me wanna tell the DJ 音乐想让我告诉DJ Turn it Up 开大点声 I feel the Energy All around 我感觉浑身是劲 And my body cant Stop movin to the sound 身体经不起音乐的挑衅 But I cant tell that your watchin me 我很清楚 你盯着我看 And your probably gonna write what you didnt see 看不到的 你差不多要开始乱编 Well I just need a little Space to Breath 我只是需要一点喘息空间 Can you please Respect my Privacy 请尊重一下我的隐私 Why cant you just let do 为什么你不让我 Do the things I wanna do 做我想做的事 I just wanna be Me 我不过是要做自己 I dont Understand Why 我真的不了解 Would you wanna Bring me down 为什么你这么想欺负我 When I′m only having Fun 我只是想要开心 I′m gonna live my life(But Not the Way that you want me to)我只是想要活出自己(但不是照你的意思) I′m tired of Rumors Started 我厌倦了八卦谣言 I′m sick of bein′Followed 我受够了被人跟踪 I′m tired of people Lyin 我厌倦了谎话连篇 Sayin what they want about me 说他们多么喜欢我 Why cant they Back up off me 为什么不能放过我 Why cant they let me live 为什么不能让我自由生活 I′m gonna do it my way 我想要走自己的路 Take this for just what it is 拒绝一切干涉打扰 Here we are Back up in the Club 再度回到热浪舞厅 People Takin Pictures Dont you think they get enough 镁光灯闪个不停 Dont you think they get enough 你到底拍够了没有 I just wanna be all over the Floor 我只想要走进舞池 And throw my hands up in the air to a beat like (What?)跟着节奏 尽情摇摆 Ive gotta say respectfully 我想好声好气的说 I would love it If you took the Camers off of me 请放下摄像机饶了我 Cause I just want a little room to breathe 我只是想要一点喘息的空间 Can you please Respect My Privacy 请尊重一下我的隐私 Why cant you just let do 为什么你不让我 Do the things I wanna do 做我自己想做的事 I just wanna be me 不过是要做自己 I dont understand why 我真的不了解 Would you wanna bring me down 为什么你这么想欺负我 Im only having fun 我只不过是想要开心 Im gonna live my life(But I can tell that youre watching me)我只是要活出自己(但不是照你的意思) I′m tired of Rumors Started 我厌倦了八卦谣言 I′m sick of bein′Followed 我受够了被人跟踪 I′m tired of people Lyin 我厌倦了谎话连篇 Sayin what they want about me 说他们多么喜欢我 Why cant they back up off me 为什么不能放过我 Why cant they let me live 为什么不能让我自由生活 Im gonna do it my way 我只是想要走自己的路 Take this for just what it is 拒绝一切干涉打扰 I just need to free my mind(my mind)我需要 自由解放 Just wanna dance and have a good time(good time)只想跳舞 尽情享受 Im tired of rumors(rumors)我受够了八卦谣言 Followed(followed followed followed followed followed)紧追不舍 紧迫盯人 What they(follow)me 他们要我什么 Why cant they (they they they-they-they)let me live 为什么不让我自由生活 Take this for just what it is 拒绝一切干涉打扰 视频显示:......(Lindsay Lohan跳舞的时间段) Im tired of rumors starting 我厌倦了八卦谣言 Im sick of being followed 我受够了被人跟踪 Im tired of people lying 我厌倦了谎话连篇 Saying what they want about me 说他们多么喜欢我 Why cant they back up off me 为什么不能放过过 Take this for just what it is 拒绝一切干涉打扰 2、由美国女歌手琳赛·洛翰录制演唱,收录在她的首张录音室专辑《Speak》中,并做为第一支主打单曲,被环球唱片公司发布于2004年9月21日。这首歌曲被《滚石》杂志评价为“一首重低音愤怒的俱乐部圣歌”。2005年,《Rumors》被美国和澳大利亚唱片业协会认证为黄金单曲,这首歌也名副其实地成为了琳赛·洛翰最热门的流行歌曲。

in the stairs还是on the stairs

on the stairs

fell down the stairs什么意思

fell down the stairs摔下楼梯双语例句1He fell down the stairs, giving him paraplegia of the upper limbs.他从楼上摔下,造成高位截瘫。

stairs hair读音相同吗?


take the stairs是什么意思

take the stairs走楼梯

Walking up and down the stairs is a good kind of exercise to stay-.


down the stairs是什么意思?

down the stairs是什么意思?答:down the stairs是下楼的意思。

upstairs 与climb the stairs 区别

upstairs 是形容词/名词,而climb the stairs 是谓语+宾语。前者表达“一种状态“,即”楼上“,而后者表达”一种动作,” 即“上楼/爬上楼梯”。比如: He is upstairs/The upstairs consists of four rooms.He is having difficulty in climbing the stairs.

go up the stairs是什么意思


take the stairs是什么意思

take the stairs意思是爬楼梯。例句:1、You can take the stairs or the lift up. 你可以拾级而上或是乘坐电梯。2、There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. 成功没有电梯,你得一步一步走楼梯。3、Thanks for your suggestion, but I will take the stairs. 谢谢你的提议,不过我会走楼梯。4、Could we take the stairs? 我们能不能走楼梯?5、There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs. 通往成功的路上没有电梯,你只能去一级一级爬楼梯。take的用法:一、 take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。 Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车? 注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生经常乘火车去上班。 Mr Green often goes to work by train. Mr Green often takes a train to work.二、 take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如: Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please? 请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop. 他妈妈经常带他去书店。 注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如: Han Mei, please bring me a cup of tea. 韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。 Don"t forget to bring your dictionary here next time. 下次别忘了把你的词典带来。三、 take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如: It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。 It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening. 晚上我要花半小时做作业。四、含 take 的短语 take exercise 运动;锻炼 take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞 take a look (at) 看一看 take photos 照相,拍照 take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息 take down 取下 take away 拿走 take out 拿出

call up the stairs该怎么断,意思是什么?

这是一个动宾短语的词组,可以断成两部分。call up和 the stairs。


很多时候是习惯使然。但是如果一定要说出个一二,那大概是因为upstairs,在你这层楼和你楼上之间的楼梯一定是隔着很多级台阶的,毕竟Stairs是台阶,楼层是floor。实际上Stairs出现的时候一般都是复数出现的,毕竟,只有一个台阶就不是楼梯了。比如:He"s climbing the stairs.他在爬楼梯。至于什么时候stair不带s,一般就是说台阶的概念,而不是说具体的台阶的时候。比如staircase, stair-climbing.

matlab 中stairs画图函数的使用

你可以设置一个x轴,x=[0:length(y)-1].stairs(x,y). 这样横坐标就是从0开始。

go downstairs和go down the stairs都对吗


at the bottom of和at the foot of的区别 应该用哪个表达在楼梯下stairs 并为什么

1、at the bottom of 在...的底部 bottom 底部,下端,末尾:the bottom (指特定某物的底部/末尾) at the bottom:在底层/在最下面/在最底部 2、at the foot of 在...脚下 如:at the foot of the mountain在山脚下 stairs 如果是表达站在楼梯旁边,我觉得应该是at the foot of the stairs bottom 一般是指某物本身底层那个平面,如(海、河的)底部,水底 foot 只要靠近某物底部就行了,就相当于一个人足部位置(包括附件空间区域) 当然,如果想表达站在楼梯底层台阶底下,那就用bottom吧.


以stairs为后缀的单词只有两个: downstairs adv.往楼下adj.楼下的; upstairs adv.在楼上adj.楼上的 扩展资料   Wait downstairs in the hall.   在楼下大厅里等着。   She heard him clattering around downstairs.   她听到他在楼下咔嗒咔嗒地走来走去。   He could hear someone creeping around downstairs.   他听得见有人在楼下蹑手蹑脚走来走去的"声音。   Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the light.   楼下的响声使他警觉,他坐起来打开灯。   She rushed downstairs and burst into the kitchen.   她冲下楼闯进厨房。


stairs [stu025bu0259z]

steps 与 stairs的区别

stair,n.1. (阶梯等的)一级,梯级2. [用复数,用作单数或复数]阶梯,楼梯3. [用复数]【船舶学】浮动平台4. 阶梯,途径stair [stεu0259] n. 英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway stairs——是stair的复数形式。staircase ["stεu0259keis] n.楼梯;楼梯间【即可指“楼梯”,还可指“设置楼梯的房间部分”】英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of stepsstep 【重点强调“台阶”,而且,单复数意义不同。】 梯级,台阶;踏板。 [用复数]一段楼梯,一段台阶英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairwaystairway n.【建筑专业用词】 阶梯,楼梯英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps 当然,指代“台阶,阶梯”时,stair与step一般可互换。

stairs 和ladders 的区别是什么呢?

stairs 楼梯阶的意思ladders 梯子的意思


stairs的意思是楼梯; 梯级;stairs 双语例句1. Nick followed the woman up a flight of stairs and back to the end of a corridor.尼克跟着那个女人走上一段楼梯,然后又折转来走到一条走廊的尽头处。2. I walked out of my room and was at the top of the stairs, when我走出我的房间,在楼梯的顶端,就在这时3. Ranked in rows along the broad stairs at the Prada store in SoHo, they resembled a Ziegfeld Follies tableau, said a shopper who happened to be there when the incident occurred.他们沿著索霍区普拉达店里的宽阔的台阶排列著,像是齐格飞尔德活报剧的场景,一位事故发生时恰巧在这里的顾客说。4. I went up three dusty flights of stairs and I cried, shivering in my thin coat.我爬上三层积满灰尘的楼梯,禁不住凄然泪下,又加上衣衫单薄冷得直打哆嗦。5. I did remark, to be sure, that mounting the stairs made her breathe very quick; that the least sudden noise set her all in a quiver, and that she coughed troublesomely sometimes我确实注意到,爬上楼梯,令她的呼吸变得急促,另外就是突然冒出来的小声音也会让她吓一跳,她有时会咳得非常厉害。


stair是楼梯、阶梯的意思,是可数名词,复数是stairs. 例句: She took the stairs at a run. 她跑着上了楼梯。 She descended the stairs slowly. 她缓慢地走下楼梯。 We walked up a flight of stairs. 我们往上走了一段楼梯。 扩展资料   Nancy began to climb the stairs.   南希开始爬楼梯。   She climbed up the stairs.   她爬上了楼梯。   I waited at the top of the stairs.   我在楼梯顶端上等着。   He fell head first down the stairs.   他倒栽葱摔下楼梯。   He sat at the bottom of the stairs.   他坐在楼梯底部。


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