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what matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard.怎么理解?to the storyteller作什么成分?

重要的是,这个故事是讲故事的人听到了, 故事



one sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years。it sings to me in the night的意思


Shiver Me Timbers (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shiver Me Timbers (Lp Version)歌手:BETTE MIDLER专辑:Experience The DivineI"m leavin" my fam"lyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesOn a new front page skyMy tears are salt waterAnd the moon"s full and highAnd I know Martin Eden"sGonna be proud of meAnd many before meWho"ve been called by the seaTo be up in the crow"s nestSingin" my sayShiver me Timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on me, now.So swallow me, don"t follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneSo please call my missusGotta tell her not to cry"Cause my goodbye is writtenBy the moon in the skyHey and nobody knows meI can"t fathom my stayin"Shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on meSo come and swallow me, follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneAnd I"m leavin" my familyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesUpon a new front page skyAnd shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" away

Shiver Me Timbers 歌词

歌曲名:Shiver Me Timbers歌手:Tom Waits专辑:The Heart Of Saturday NightI"m leavin" my fam"lyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesOn a new front page skyMy tears are salt waterAnd the moon"s full and highAnd I know Martin Eden"sGonna be proud of meAnd many before meWho"ve been called by the seaTo be up in the crow"s nestSingin" my sayShiver me Timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on me, now.So swallow me, don"t follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneSo please call my missusGotta tell her not to cry"Cause my goodbye is writtenBy the moon in the skyHey and nobody knows meI can"t fathom my stayin"Shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on meSo come and swallow me, follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneAnd I"m leavin" my familyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesUpon a new front page skyAnd shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" away

Shiver Me Timbers 歌词

歌曲名:Shiver Me Timbers歌手:Holly Cole专辑:TemptationI"m leavin" my fam"lyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesOn a new front page skyMy tears are salt waterAnd the moon"s full and highAnd I know Martin Eden"sGonna be proud of meAnd many before meWho"ve been called by the seaTo be up in the crow"s nestSingin" my sayShiver me Timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on me, now.So swallow me, don"t follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneSo please call my missusGotta tell her not to cry"Cause my goodbye is writtenBy the moon in the skyHey and nobody knows meI can"t fathom my stayin"Shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on meSo come and swallow me, follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneAnd I"m leavin" my familyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesUpon a new front page skyAnd shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" away


黑 锁弄。。


高考临近,小编为大家准备了些高考词汇及其用法和搭配,希望大家能从中获益! 【看题】a. He must be very old. Look, he has grey ____.b. He found some ____ in his soup.A. hair, hair B. hairs, hairs. C. hair, hairs D. hairs, hair.【分析】此题应选 C, 容易误选 A, 误认为hair永远不可数。其实hair这个词既可以是可数的, 也可以是不可数, 只是含义稍有变化:1. 作为可数名词, 是指一根一根的“头发”或“毛发”:Look at this, a hair in my soup. 你瞧, 我的汤里有根头发。The cat has left her loose hairs all over my clothes. 猫掉的毛弄得我衣服上到处都是。My father has quite a few gray hairs. 我父亲已有不少白发。There is not a gray hair on his head. 他头上没有一根白头发。2. 作为不可数名词“头发”的总称, 是集合名词:I"ll have my hair cut. 我要去理发。He has blond hair. 他有一头金发。She has a beautiful head of hair. 她有一头漂亮的头发。The woman likes to do her hair in foreign style. 这个女人喜欢把头发梳成外国式。试比较以下句子:He has grey hair. 他满头白发。

谁能翻译下O Holy Night的中文大意?Cary Brothers唱的,《吸血鬼日记》里的



  understand表示懂,理解的意思,那么你知道understand的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了understand的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   understand的短语:   understand by(v.+prep.)   认为u2026的含义是u2026 regard (a meaning) as belonging to (usually a word or words)   What do you understand by justice?你对justice怎样解释?   make oneself understood   将自己的意思表达清楚 make one"s meaning clear   I find it difficult to make myself understood.我发现,要想把自己的意思表达清楚并不容易。   I tried speaking English to them, but couldn"t make myself understood. 我试着和他们用英语说,但他们听不懂。   give to understand (that)...   使(某人)理解、相信或认为 cause (sb) to believe or have the idea that...   His glance gave me to understand that he agreed with me.他这一瞥,使我懂得他同意了我的意思。   同义词辨析:   know, learn, comprehend, understand   这些动词都含"懂,知道,明了"之意。   know : 普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。   learn : 通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。   comprehend : 侧重熟悉了解的过程。   understand : 指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。   understand, comprehend, appreciate, apprehend, grasp   这些动词均有"理解"之意。   understand : 指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。   comprehend : 较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。   appreciate : 语气较弱,指对某事物或意义有充分的理解。着重有能力领悟或觉察。   apprehend : 指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。   grasp : 从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作"理解、掌握"。   understand的短语例句:   1. It was clear Cohen didn"t understand what Millard was driving at.   看得出科恩并不明白米勒德想说什么。   2. I thought, "Here"ssomeone who"ll understand me." So I wrote to her.   我想:“这个人会理解我的。”于是开始给她写信。   3. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.   “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。   4. What I did for you was free, gratis, you understand?   我为你所做的一切都是免费的,无偿的,你明白吗?   5. "I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.   “我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。   6. I tried to understand the adult world and could not.   我试着去了解成人世界,却无法猜透。   7. Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves.   当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义。   8. Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand.   罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。   9. His speech was difficult to understand, his signature shaky and unrecognizable.   他的演说很难听懂,他的签名颤颤巍巍地无法识别。   10. He could only understand a word here and there.   他只能零星地听懂一两个单词。   11. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   12. "I don"t understand it," he said, over and over again.   “我不明白,”他反复不停地说。   13. I can"t understand why folks complain about false teeth.   我就不明白,人们为什么老是抱怨假牙的问题。   14. "I don"t understand," the Inspector mumbled, passing a hand through his hair.   “我不明白,”巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。   15. Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand.   然后,我突然意识到他可能的确是明白了。


一、详细释义: , v. , 理解,知道,明白,懂得,领会 [I,T]9 , 例句: ,If you don" t attend to the lecture, you won" t understand.,如果你不用心听讲,你就不会懂。, 例句: ,He did not understand the significance of my wink.,他没有领会我眨眼的意思。, 听说,获悉,了解 [I,T]9 , 例句: ,You understand the situation, I needn"t elaborate any further.,你了解情况,我不需要再作详细说明了。, 例句: ,I understand you"ve heard about David.,我知道你们已经听说了戴维的事了。, 省略;推断 [T] , 例句: ,In the sentence `I can"t drive", the object `a car" is understood.,在“我不会驾驶”这句话中,宾语“汽车”是不言而喻的。, 例句: ,I understood him to say that he would cooperate.,我推断他会说他愿意合作。, 二、词义辨析: , know,learn,prehend,understand ,这些动词都含“懂,知道,明了”之意。know普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。learn通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。prehend侧重熟悉了解的过程。understand指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。, 三、词义辨析: , understand,prehend,appreciate,apprehend,grasp ,这些动词均有“理解”之意。 understand一般用词,很常用,指对事实或意义不仅知道得很清楚。prehend较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。appreciate语气较弱,指对某事物或意义有充分的理解。着重有能力领域或觉察。apprehend指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。grasp从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作“理解、掌握”。, 四、参考例句: ,Can you understand French?,你懂法语吗?,I understand that skeptici *** .,我明白这一怀疑论。,Totally understand your feeling!,完全理解你的感受!,Multinational corporations understand this.,跨国公司懂得这一点。,Understand cash flow.,理解现金流,Do you understand me?,你明白我的话吗?,Few people understand modern art.,很少有人理解现代艺术。,How much did you understand,你能理解多少?,I understand the whole acting normal thing.,我能理解为什么要装正常点。,I can"t understand his impersonality.,我不能理解他的不近人情。



求 hairspray 英文内容简介

请参考下面两个链接吧! (情节内容提要) (情节摘要)


及物动词要加宾语:understand the question.



为什么是Make oneself understood ?为什么要用Understood 而不是understand





都有的哈~~~~~及物动词的用法为:Can you understand me?类似这样的,后面直接加称呼不及物的用法为:I can"t understand!这样虽然后面没有加东西,也是可以的但是,以上只适用与understand的含义是“理解”当understand作“听说,认为,认识到”这样的意思时,就只能是及物动词了这样解释可以吗?

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有一个动词 understand 意思是明白清楚的意思而understood 就是这个动词的过去分词形式 understanding 就是这个动词的现在分词或者也叫做动名词形式希望能解决您的问题。


understand 是动词,意思是:理解,了解,领会,闻知 相关词形变化:: 形容词 understandable 副词 understandably 名词 understandability 动词过去式understood 过去分词 understood 现在分词 understanding 第三人称单数 understands 例句与用法: 1.If you can"t do it,I will understand. 如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解. 2.I don"t understand what you are saying. 我不知道你在说什么. 3.I don"t understand why he came. 我不明白他为什么来. 4.I"m not sure that I fully understand (you). 我不敢说我已完全听懂了(你的话). 5.Do you understand the difficulty of my position? 你了解我处境的困难吗?


肯定回答:Yes,of course.——是,当然。或者 No, not yet. 不,还没有。 否定回答:Sorry.could you please say it again? 扩展资料   意思是:懂;理解;领会   Can you understand French?   你懂法语吗?   Do you understand the instructions?   你懂得这些指令的意思吗?   She didn"t understand the form she was signing.   她弄不懂她正在签署的表格。   I"m not sure that I understand. Go over it again.   我不敢说我搞懂了。请再来一遍吧。   I don"t want you doing that again. Do you understand?   我不许你再这样做。你听明白了吗?   I don"t understand what he"s saying.   我不明白他在说些什么。





Are you understand?这句英语表达正确么?


Halo (Explicit Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Halo (Explicit Album Version)歌手:Machine Head专辑:The BlackeningBeyonce - HaloRemember those walls I builtWell baby they"re tumbling downAnd they didn"t even put up a fightThey didn"t even make a soundI found a way to let you inBut I never really had a doubtStanding in the light of your haloI got my angel nowIt"s like I"ve been awakenedEvery rule I had you breakin"It"s the risk that I"m takin"I ain"t never gonna shut you outEverywhere I"m looking nowI"m surrounded by your embraceBaby I can see your haloYou know you"re my saving graceYou"re everything I need and moreIt"s written all over your faceBaby I can feel your haloPray it won"t fade awayI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloHit me like a ray of sunBurning through my darkest nightYou"re the only one that I wantThink I"m addicted to your lightI swore I"d never fall againBut this don"t even feel like fallingGravity can"t forgetTo pull me to the ground againFeels like I"ve been awakenedEvery rule I had you breakin"The risk that I"m takin"I"m never gonna shut you outEverywhere I"m looking nowI"m surrounded by your embraceBaby I can see your haloYou know you"re my saving graceYou"re everything I need and moreIt"s written all over your faceBaby I can feel your haloPray it won"t fade awayI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo)Halooooo ouuuuHalooooo ouuuuOuuuuu ouuuuu ouuuuuEverywhere I"m looking nowI"m surrounded by your embraceBaby I can see your haloYou know you"re my saving graceYou"re everything I need and moreIt"s written all over your faceBaby I can feel your haloPray it won"t fade awayI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) haloI can feel your halo (halo) haloI can see your halo (halo) halo


明白的英文:understand; 例句: I cant understand a word she says. 她说的我一个字也听不懂。 I dont understand the instructions. 我不懂这些指令的意思。 扩展资料   Few people understand the difference.   很少有人了解这个差别。   I think you heard and also understand me.   我想你听到了我的.话,而且也明白我的意思。   I can understand her wish for secrecy.   我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。   I make no claim to understand modern art.   我自认为不懂现代艺术。


understand的意思是懂,理解;了解;默认;听说;领会。过去式:understood过去分词:understood现在分词:understanding第三人称单数:understands短语搭配:understand English懂英语understand finance熟知财政understand sb"s attitude理解某人的态度understand sb"s explanation理解某人的解释understand sb"s feeling理解某人的心情understand the importance of懂得…的重要性understand the meaning of理会…的意思understand the seriousness of懂得…的严重性understand the significance of懂得…的意义understand the situation理解局势understand the truth明白真相例句:He is trying his best to understand his meaning.他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。I don"t understand what you"re talking about.我不明白你在说什么。If you can"t do it, I will understand.如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解。I don"t fully understand his reasons for leaving.我不完全理解他离开的理由。


  understand是一个英文词语,翻译成中文是“理解”的意思,比如说别人问你“这道题目你理解了吗?”那么你就可以回答“understand”    翻译成中文   understand翻译成中文是“理解、明白或者领悟”的意思,这是一个很常用的英文词语,在很多场合都会广泛的使用到,所以一定要好好学习这个词语哦。    1、造句   接下来我们还尝试着用understand来造句吧,比如They have trouble with English, but I can understand them.这句话的意思是“他们对学英语有困难,但我能理解他们。”    2、近义词   understand的近义词有comprehend、appreciate和grasp等等,这些词语都有“理解、明白、知道”的意思哦,所以最好掌握几个近义词,才能够灵活运用它们。    3、相关短语   understand可以作为及物动词和不及物动词两大类。相关词语有understand English(懂英语),understand math(懂数学),do you undeerstand(你明白吗?)等等。   最后我们再用understand来造一个句子吧。比如I don"t understand what you are saying.(我不知道你在说什么。)


一、下面我们来看看understand有几种含义 , v. , 1.理解,知道,明白,懂得,领会 [I,T]9 ,If you don" t attend to the lecture, you won" t understand.,如果你不用心听讲,你就不会懂。, 2.听说,获悉,了解 [I,T]9 ,You understand the situation, I needn"t elaborate any further.,你了解情况,我不需要再作详细说明了。, 3.省略;推断 [T] ,In the sentence `I can"t drive", the object `a car" is understood.,在“我不会驾驶”这句话中,宾语“汽车”是不言而喻的。, 二、词义辨析:哪些词还表示“知道”的意思呢? , know, learn, prehend, understand ,这些动词都含“懂,知道,明了”之意。 know普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。 learn通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。 prehend侧重熟悉了解的过程。 understand指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。, 三,学会understand的用法了吗?来做个测试吧! ,


  understand有懂得;明白;理解;认识到;听说等意思,那么你知道understand的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    understand的用法:   understand的用法1:understand的基本意思是“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句及疑问词从句作宾语,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。understand接动名词作宾语时,该宾语常可带名词或代词的属格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。   understand的用法2:I understand作“听说,获悉”解时,指从获得的情报、消息、情况等中得出结论、推测,一般用于比较正式的场合,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,主要接that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。   understand的用法3:understand作“听说,获悉”解时,还可用于插入语中。   understand的用法4:understand是表示心理或感情状态的动词,一般不用于进行体,也不用于现完成时,偶尔可用于进行体表示“开始懂得”。    understand的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   give to understand (that)...   make oneself understood   understand by (v.+prep.)    understand的用法例句:   1. It was clear Cohen didn"t understand what Millard was driving at.   看得出科恩并不明白米勒德想说什么。   2. I thought, "Here"ssomeone who"ll understand me." So I wrote to her.   我想:“这个人会理解我的。”于是开始给她写信。   3. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.   “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。   4. What I did for you was free, gratis, you understand?   我为你所做的一切都是免费的,无偿的,你明白吗?   5. "I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.   “我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。   6. I tried to understand the adult world and could not.   我试着去了解成人世界,却无法猜透。   7. Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves.   当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义。   8. Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand.   罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的 故事 。   9. His speech was difficult to understand, his signature shaky and unrecognizable.   他的演说很难听懂,他的签名颤颤巍巍地无法识别。   10. He could only understand a word here and there.   他只能零星地听懂一两个单词。   11. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   12. "I don"t understand it," he said, over and over again.   “我不明白,”他反复不停地说。   13. I can"t understand why folks complain about false teeth.   我就不明白,人们为什么老是抱怨假牙的问题。   14. "I don"t understand," the Inspector mumbled, passing a hand through his hair.   “我不明白,”巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。   15. Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand.   然后,我突然意识到他可能的确是明白了。

understand怎么读 understand的意思

1、understand的读音:英[?nd??stand],美[??nd?r?st?nd]。2、understand的基本意思是“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句及疑问词从句作宾语,还可接以“to be n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。understand接动名词作宾语时,该宾语常可带名词或代词的属格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。3、understand作“听说,获悉”解时,指从获得的情报、消息、情况等中得出结论、推测,一般用于比较正式的场合,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主要接that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。4、understand作“听说,获悉”解时,还可用于插入语中。5、understand是表示心理或感情状态的动词,一般不用于进行体,也不用于现完成时,偶尔可用于进行体表示“开始懂得”。



understand是什么意思 解释understand一词的含义?

Understand是一个动词,通常表示理解、领会、明白某件事情的含义或意义。具体来说,understand可以表示:理解事物的含义、涵义或意义。例如:"I understand the meaning of this sentence."(我理解这个句子的含义。)了解或明白某个情况、事实或信息。例如:"Do you understand how to use this software?"(你懂得如何使用这个软件吗?)能够与某人沟通、建立良好的关系或相互协作。例如:"I understand my colleagues and work well with them."(我与我的同事们能够互相理解和相互合作。)接受或同意某人或某事物。例如:"I understand your decision and respect it."(我理解你的决定并尊重它。)总之,understand是一个广泛使用的动词,可以指代很多不同的含义,常用于表达理解、了解、接受等概念。




understand 和see 都有"知道, 明白"的意思.1. Understand, 比较用于正式语中, 尤其指对某人或某物在思想上明白,知道, 但是强调理解这一更深层次的意思.比如: i do not understand why he asked such a question? (我不明白他为何提出如此的问题)你可以看出, 重点不在于问的什么问题, 而在于提出如此问题的原由和动机, 着眼点不同)2. see 表示的意思很直白, 例如:yes, i see.(我明白)So far as i can see, the question has not yet been settled.(就我看来, 这个问题还没有解决)

understand 造句

I don"t understand






understand和understanding的区别如下:动词 understand 意思是明白清楚的意思understanding 就是这个动词的现在分词或者也叫做动名词形式


v.懂;理解;领会;了解;认识到;明了;谅解;体谅;得知;默认第三人称单数:understands 现在分词:understanding 过去分词:understood 过去式:understood 造句:1.People are often afraid of things they don"t understand.人往往对自己不懂的东西感到恐惧。2.Feel free to ask questions if you don"t understand.你要是不懂,可以随便提问。3.In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。4.I quite understand that you need some time alone.我很理解你需要独自静一会。5.She doesn"t understand the difference between right and wrong.她不能明辨是非。6.The committee has little or no understanding of the problem.委员会对这个问题了解不多或根本不了解。



She has many pairs of shoes. She likes the ______ best. 答案是one 还是ones 为什么?谢谢!



portier-golde-horse 波特尔戈尔德马


怎么打不开啊 ? 看链接是雅虎的图片,我估计是雅虎博客里的图片。33c8.jpg是图片名。

EMINEM 的一个MV开始有个快要死的黑人 那个黑人是谁 是2PAC吗 歌曲是叫Like Toy Soldiers??


求有一首英文歌刚开始是一个女的歌词好像是 on the firstday so vivo 歌中间部分是一个男的说唱!麻烦了!

很明显是love the way you lieⅡ

be the best version to you什么意思

be the best version to you是你最好的版本双语对照例句:1.It"s best you talk to me. 那你还是跟我说吧。2.I need you to bethe best that you can be. 我需要你尽自己最大努力来做好这件事.3.Or do you lie to your best friend? 还是要跟你最好的朋友撒谎?



The news reporters hurried to the airport, only______the film star had left. tell B.te.


Stars 是什么意思?


Sunny Days (Mono Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny Days (Mono Version)歌手:Tuneful Trolley& The专辑:Island In The Sky (With Bonus Tracks)Sunny Day 词:李玟 曲:季龙祥My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above有人说 他没有爱情就不能活这世界恋爱的人很多每份爱情 有悲哀有快乐我只想找一个人好好的爱我陪着我 困难一起度过我的世界里 有温暖的爱火突然间 有一天 巧合的遇见你感觉到 你已偷走我的心本来我不太相信爱情的魔力不知天 不知地 我只知道你我的快乐是和你在一起Oh let"s not waste the time.享受爱的甜蜜My heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky aboveMy heart will love youMy heart will need youMy love will light the sky above


先驱Harbingers末日中的无尽战争测试服v1.0类型:策略棋牌大小:301.9MB评分:5.0平台:标签:回合制懒人挂机放置卡牌先驱Harbingers游戏上线有许许多多的福利活动,很多萌新小伙伴们在初次接触该游戏的时候因为华丽的页面往往不知道该如何玩。接下来和小编一起来看看先驱harbingers每日福利必领攻略。先说下,以下攻略分两种,佛系玩法跟带肝的,佛系是完成第一部分就差不多了,第一部分+第二部分适合有一定时间的人玩。最重要物资来源,也是你需要人物的主要碎片来源之一,最高挂机累计10小时,超出就没了,必领。 首先我们来看一下第一部分: 每天晚上十二点刷新(大概吧),能领的几个东西,图中编号对应下方: 1.每日有三次免费领取金币机会。2.每日VIP经验领取,迟早我就能拿到黑白妹(人物:所罗门)。3.每日摸好友得礼物金币,多多加好友吧,东西少但是可以积少成多。这里说下小秘密,摸哪个人物就有几率得到这个人物的碎片以及专武碎片,但是几率低的可怕。4.每日商店必买东西,花费200钻石买沙漏马上可得到当前地图两个小时挂机的物资,玩家需考虑现在使用还是屯起来看个人。我推荐有就用,不然前期怎么变强推图。5.月签和每日签到,这就不多说了。6.还有界面有个邮箱,别忘了,发家致富,全靠维护。 新手看这里:第5条补充:七天签到、七天竞速,还有人物界面的新手狂欢这三个东西是专属于新手,时效都只有七天,到了就消失了。其中新手狂欢最后任务奖励是专属武器自选箱以及初始S人物自选包,不用所有任务都要完成才能拿,可以选择性完成,你玩到5天左右,你差不多可以知道哪些可以完成,那些可以适当先放着。PS:不用强求一定拿全部小任务,很多是给喜欢挑战的人或大佬用的,不过一般正常玩,多看看任务要求,针对性的去完成任务,一般都能拿到最终奖励。 第二部分: 第一个就是需要看下每日任务的要求,满120活跃度有75钻,加上小任务,一天有100左右的钻石。不用要求小任务每个都做完,一天能做完120活跃度就可以,七天内满750活跃度奖励一个人物抽奖和道具抽奖。 这里说明下,以下大部分搬砖都是需要门票,都是独立的冷却恢复时间,时间到就恢复1张,门票不会根据每日刷新而刷新。一般每天刷新都够,肝帝大佬无视,钱多买门票。悬赏模式:主线推到1-7开启,满票5张,主掉人物加好感的东西,人物升阶全靠这个,不要看战力比你高不刷,你多试试,战力大部分都是虚的。 探索模式:主线推到2-8开启,一般也简称推塔,这个比较特殊,不用每天撸,打到走不动,战力提升了再去试,这里要说明塔的冷却时间是7天,时间到了就会重置,无门票可无限打,不过打不过没东西,主掉专属武器碎片,每周打到好像60层都会得10次人物抽奖。黑暗围场:主线推到4-12开启,简称打猎,打野,刷本,装备的主要来源,满票5张,3小时刷新一张,共有四个刷图点,每个点有3个BOSS,且每周2.4.6开左半边,周1.3.5相反,周日会全开,这个需要重点讲下,到中期后,大部分的等级会慢下来,充钱大佬一般会停留50级,一般的会在30-40级这样,这时候关键就在于装备强不强,没有装备,你就没有一切。街霸模式:主线刷到3-5开启,也是大家熟知的PVP、排位赛,满票15张,每刷满8个图标完成一次环游,奖励当前排位奖励,掉落的币可以买商店里专属武器碎片100个,也可购买里面的套装,其他暂不推荐,7天后降段重新来,商店也会重置。都市怪谈:主线刷到4-6开启,每日可免费重置一次,刷怪谈关键在于平均等人,要刷通关,最起码要2-3队,1队6人,前期需要卡人物等级,不是指挥官的等级,让人物保持30级,等到差不多了可以慢慢升,尽量保证每个人物战力不要差太大。 先驱Harbingers末日中的无尽战争宣传cg视频:


在先驱Harbingers手游中前期的发展路线可以说是非常关键的,那么在先驱Harbingers手游中前期怎么发展比较好呢?下面我就给大家介绍一下,感兴趣的一起来看看吧! 先驱Harbingers前期发展攻略 1.新手指导完成,然后疯狂推图,直到出现伊丽莎白的具现,具体内容参考官方帖子,总之就是抽到自己喜欢的就可以确认了,有强迫症也可以反复刷, 推荐使用——s级:赵云,织田信长,海伦,人物介绍详见官方帖子(别用李舜臣,我头铁过,然后开新号了,这先驱就是大后期霸主,前期没装备真撑不住)。 亚力山大只能通过都市怪谈攒出来,所罗门是vip礼包里的,赫拉克勒斯活动推送。 2.任务尽量完成(位置如图),前期还是以推图为主,直到推过4-12,开启黑暗围场。 3、推图的过程中难免卡关,这个时候可以升级先驱或者强化武器。所有先驱以专属武器为顶配,其它推荐以黑暗围场的套装为主。装备具现建议指挥官等级30以后再抽(官方推荐40)。 4.几个必买东西,一个是沙漏(商店),另一个是先驱经验(怪谈商店),具体效果谁用谁知道,后面的专属武器碎片也有价值。 5.差不多玩到黑暗围场都应该了解怎么继续了,如果不知道怎么配装可以点排行榜第一位的dalao学习学习。 6.街霸模式和探索尽量推到推不动为止,探索的战力是虚高,别怂,锤他丫的。(悬赏的战力没虚高,建议战力碾压着打)。 7.多刷黑暗围场,你变强的一道捷径,装备以T3-T4为主要目标,这两个阶段够用很长一段时间。(套装比散搭强很多,非常多)。 8.关于氪金,以我丢人的计算方式,差不多2000+就能V11(以删档测试的基准来算)就能拿到所罗门和带专属武器的特斯拉,性价比还是不错的(不知道所罗门的专武会不会加入vip礼包)。 分类 人物分类从初始s→c不等,s相较于a—c属性更强具体人物可以在先驱栏里查看。 (除了伊丽莎白的具现和龙妈,愣是一个其他的s都没搞出来,这个成就真的是设计得当) 武器分类从T10→T1不等,金→紫→蓝→绿,4个品阶T10最强,且大部分是专属武器(不知道后面会不会出T10套装),金色最好,推荐刷金色套装。 开局 开场是一段新手教学,第一次人物具现必定是贞德(估计公测也差不多),后面的主要任务就是爬塔刷图(很多功能都需要把图开到一定程度才能解锁),虽然重头开始了两次, 但是我还是没有记录哪个图开功能(惭愧惭愧),第一次武器具现必定是专属武器,该武器随机。 主线 能推就推,推到哪儿在哪儿挂机。 街霸 街霸模式前几个段位相对容易,越到后面越难,还有街霸的排位是通过攻击npc的进度进行排名,并不是直接锤玩家。 都市怪谈 必刷,重要,多队伍打,治疗很有用,建议卡等级打(怪谈的套装不怎么样,还是建议优先换先驱经验) 黑暗围场 组队开锤,躺着抱大腿,刷了就能变强(建议优先拿T3套装,后面可以考虑T4以及更高,以金色为佳) 探索 奖励丰厚,难度适当,战力是虚高,必刷 悬赏 必刷,能刷过哪个就刷哪个。 世界boss 目前是个大饼(不知道会不会真香) 人物 用官方的话来说,都是潜力股,后面都很强,所以不必过分追求初始s(收集强迫症表示强烈谴责),通过主线排行榜瞄瞄dalao的人物阵容是极好的。

谁有first daughter的英文观后感

First Daughter is a second helping of a twice-filmed (this year!) fairy tale about the romantic rigors confronting an American president"s daughter. You"ve seen it all before-better and recently-as Chasing Liberty. Liberty was the Secret Service code name for Mandy Moore"s character in that film. Katie Holmes operates in this one as Lucky Charm. There are other plot differences-well, one, anyway. Whereas Moore had the happy advantage of scenic globe-hopping, Holmes focuses on her freshman year in a California college. Both fall for the first attractive young man who hovers over them a few seconds, never suspecting that he"s a Secret Service agent in Papa"s employ hired to protect her. The horror! The horror! If you take this practical necessity as betrayal and can imagine being hurt by it, then you are probably too young to vote-or too pampered to be bothered. Marc Blucas (View From the Top) is the collegiately camouflaged Galahad in question and, with his quiet-strength intensity, steals the picture from his time-hogging leading lady (as did, incidentally, Matthew Goode from Moore before him-both sterling examples of acting with economy). They create out of cardboard characters to care about. First Daughter marks the screenwriting debut of actor Jerry O"Connell, who started writing it in 1999 with the idea of playing the Secret Service Samaritan himself, but, once the ball got rolling, he opted to stay on board to executive-produce. Jessica Bendinger and Kate Kondell, who penned Bring It On and Legally Blonde 2, did the script follow-through. Another actor, Forest Whitaker, took up the directorial reins-as he"s prone to do these days (Waiting to Exhale, Hope Floats). The most notable thing about his direction-and this becomes an annoyance-is that he begins a scene with actors reacting to the words of the preceding scene. It"s editing-made-easy, but it irritates. The most unusual aspect of First Daughter is that it elects to put Beetlejuice in the White House-Michael Keaton, who, truth to tell, is too short for that gesture. (Almost all the women tower over him.) Where Keaton truly falls short is, simply, in connecting with the character. Anyone who has seen him in, say, Clean and Sober knows he has talent to spare. Here, he seems to be walking through the part as if protesting the shallowness of the scripting. "That whole China thing was real good," he is told by one particular constituent, who plummets what little political depth that there is in the film. Actually, the line is uttered by a cloyingly politically correct character-Holmes" African-American roommate and sidekick. R&B singer Amerie, as lacking in acting skills as she is a last name, plays the part with a crowd-displeasing chip on her shoulder. As the first lady, the excellent Margaret Colin exudes her preconditioned charm and poise (she played Jackie O on Broadway in 1998 and won a Theatre World Award for it). What a pity she is in a perfunctory little picture that doesn"t go far beyond sitcom superficiality.记得采纳啊


看你想要表达什么了?last lady 渊源: 最早的 "First Lady" 的称谓是由 "first lady of honor", "first lady of the Admiralty" 演化而来,用来这些称呼指那些有影响力的杰出女性。1834 年更出现了 "first lady in (of) the land"的称呼。 爱德华-布尔沃-里顿在1851年引用了这一说法, "She was so beautiful and so good, and not proud she! Though she looked like the first lady in the land." "First Lady"第一次被用来指总统夫人是1849年, 托卡里-泰勒总统称赞多利-麦迪逊夫人时说道, "She will never be forgotten because she was truly our First Lady for a half-century." (希拉里-克林顿在她的1999年多利-麦迪逊夫人纪念银币发行仪式上的讲话中引用了这句话。) 19世纪下半期,人们则很少用 "First Lady" 来指总统夫人,直到20世纪, "First Lady"才开始流行。 1911年, 埃尔西-费格森主演的名为 "Dolly Madison" (又名"The First Lady of the Land")的戏剧在纽约上演。1941年普林德维尔出版"First Lady"一书。 《牛津英语词典》引用了《芝加哥论坛》的 "Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey discloses today what kind of first lady she will be." 在过去的二十几年中,由 "First Lady" 又派生了一系列的与总统有关的人或物的特殊称呼。最早是在1978年, 卡特总统夫人的爱犬被冠以 "first dog"("第一爱犬")的称呼。 那么,我们将来是不是该称呼某为女总统的丈夫为 "First Gentleman"("第一先生")呢

lady first怎么读

lady first 意思是女士优先,非常绅士的礼貌用语, 常常用于让别人先行音标是 ["leidi] [fest]中文谐音是 雷第 发斯特

Bruno Mars-Today my life begin的歌开头的那几个吉他和弦是什么?

  Bruno Mars-Today my life begin的吉他谱如下  Today My Life Begins  Artist: Bruno Mars  Tabbed by: Abe Chung  Standard Tuning(EADGBe)  No Capo  Chords I used...  C G F Dm Em Am  e---0---| e---3---| e---1---| e---1---| e---0---| e---0---|  B---1---| B---0---| B---1---| B---3---| B---0---| B---1---|  G---0---| G---0---| G---2---| G---2---| G---0---| G---2---|  D---2---| D---0---| D---3---| D---0---| D---2---| D---2---|  A---3---| A---2---| A---3---| A-------| A---2---| A---0---|  E-------| E---3---| E---1---| E-------| E---0---| E-------|  Intro(1x): C G F F  C G  i"ve been working hard so long  F  seems like pay has been my only friend  C G  my fragile heart"s been done so wrong  F  i wondered if i"d ever heal again  Dm Em  ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same  F G  all around me i can feel a change (ohh)  C G Am  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  F  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  C G Am  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  F  i know i can make it, today my life begins  C G  yesterday has come and gone  F  and i"ve learnt how to leave it where it is  C G  and i see that i was wrong  F  for ever doubting i could win  Dm Em  ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same  F G  all around me i can feel a change (ohh)  C G Am  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  F  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  C G Am  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  F  i know i can make it, today my life begins  Dm Em  life"s to short to have regrets  Am G Dm  so i"m learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget  Dm Em  only have one life to live  F G  so you better make the best of it  C G Am  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  F  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  C G Am  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  F  i know i can make it, today my life begins  C G Am  i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me  F  leave the past behind me, today my life begins  C G Am  a whole new world is waiting it"s mine for the takin  F  i know i can make it, today my life begins  Outro(Try playing note by note):  C G F F C  today my life begins...

when honesty disappears课文翻译是什么?

when honesty disappears课文翻译是:当诚实消失。重点词汇:honesty英['u0252nu0259sti]释义:n.诚实,正直;银扇草,金钱花。短语:Honesty is the best policy诚实为上策;老实为上策。词义辨析:integrity,honesty,justice。这些名词均有“诚实、正直”之意。1、integrity指品格纯正,有高度是非感,正直诚实,受人敬佩。2、honesty普通用词,侧重为人忠厚,老实,正直,不欺骗,不说谎。3、justice侧重办事或处事公正,公道不偏心。






taking photos 拍照

Mrs Smith 翻译中文



读作 /"mu026asu026az smu026aθ/ 。适用于女士的称呼,有Miss、Mrs.和Ms。对于未婚的女性,我们可以用Miss加在女士的姓前面,而对于已婚的女性,我们可以用Mrs加在丈夫的姓的前面,如果丈夫的姓是陀思妥耶夫斯基,我们就可以读Mrs. Dostoevsky。如果婚姻状况不明,可以把Ms.加在女士的姓的前面,这是一种适用于未婚和已婚的女性的称呼。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

求翻译 a principle of 4100 dollars is invested at


Miss Mrs Ms Mr 用来称呼老师该怎么用?

Miss: 未婚女老师Mrs: 已婚女老师Ms: 未/已婚女老师Mr: 未/已婚男老师追问:那么在学校用这些词叫老师的时候,就都可以翻译为XX老师吧?因为还翻译成小姐夫人什么的,好怪呀.回答:那很简单,男老师你用Mr.女老师你用Miss追问:不管女老师结婚没吗?就算是用MrMiss也翻译成老师,不是小姐先生吧.回答:是的!追问:TodayisMonday,sotomorrowisTuesday.Ican"tdrawwell.怎么翻译.不好意思,麻烦了.回答:今天是星期一,所以明天便是星期二.我画画画的不好.so:所以


Dr.是Doctor的缩写,意思是博士或医生,例如:Dr.Lee 李博士或李医生Mr.是mister的缩写,意思是先生,例如:Mr.Smith史密斯先生Miss是指未婚的女生,例如:Miss Sherry雪莉小姐Mrs是mistress的缩写,意思是指已婚女士,如:Mrs.Lee李女士Ms也是miss的缩写,但这种形式可在你不确定对方是否已婚的情况下使用。


答:mr ,mrs ,miss和 ms的区别是:1.Mr 意为“先生”,是 mister 之略,用于男子(不论婚否)的姓(名)或职务之前;2.Mrs 意为“夫人”,是 mistress 之略,用于已婚妇女,其后通常接丈夫姓(名)或自己婚后的姓名。3.Miss意为“小姐“,用于未婚女性,还可用于小学生对女教师、顾客对女店员、主人对佣人的称呼。注意Miss不是缩写,所以通常不结尾不加点。4.MS意为“女士“,通常在不确定女性婚否时使用,使用时要注意发音,与Mrs相区别。除此之外,MS还可以表示对在场全部女性的称呼但是常用的正式称呼:在一些正式场合,除非他人明确指出要怎样称呼他,一般都使用正式称呼。比如想要强调或提醒对方:“Excuse me, Sir” or “Pardon me, Madam.”但是在一些英剧美剧中我们常常看到正式称呼也会用于和亲近的人的对话中,用于开玩笑、夸张、幽默、讽刺或者表示强调。例如当妈妈拒绝小女孩买零食的请求时则有可能说:NO Madam,加语气而且显得不生硬。

Mr.and Mrs.Smith are having dinner in the d_____ room.(根据首字母提示完成下列句子)


同义句转换 1. Mr and Mrs Smith lived in the countrysid

1, used to live 2, northern part

求英语作文 a campus guide for overseas students

Nowadays college studentsu2019 marriage has attracted general attentions in our society.Newspapers also carry articles pertaining to this matter now and then.People put forward different opinions.Based on an investigation 65% of people hold the opinion that students shouldnu2019t get marry on campus,and I take the same view.There are probably four reasons.First of all,students havenu2019t come into close contact with the society.Our blind pursuit of love maybe misleads us to find a person who is not really fit for us.A senior of Nanjing University divorced from her husband after a yearu2019s marriage life because of the poor economic condition and the lack of communication.Secondly,the period during we are at college is a golden time for our study.We should work hard to acquire knowledge and enhance abilities.Chances are that marriage and family take up so much time that our study will be seriously affected.When we enter the society,it is really hard to make a successful career because 22% of companies donu2019t want to employ graduates who have already got married.This will be a great threat to student-couples.Many of them will be forced to leave each other because they couldnu2019t find suitable jobs in the same city.Thirdly,although universities have canceled the ban to studentsu2019 marriage,they donu2019t encourage it.College will never offer apartments to student-couples.And it is both inconvenient and unsafe to rent apartments outside the campus.Meanwhile a lot of money will be wasted in the family life.Students havenu2019t earned money.How could we ask for money from our parents and lead a luxury life?Whatu2019s more,many parents are afraid of becoming mother-in-law or father-in-law unconsciously.The immature marriage will bring family and society a great unsteadiness.If it ends in a divorce,the hurt of heart is really uneasy to bear.To sum up,college students have the right of getting married.But we must handle the right with great care.We should pursue academic interest first.When we graduate and have a better understanding of love,when we have the abilities to raise a family,we can think about marriage.

Mr & Mrs Smith (feat. Eva Simons) 歌词

歌曲名:Mr & Mrs Smith (feat. Eva Simons)歌手:M. Pokora - Eva Simons专辑:Mise à jour (nouvelle version 2.0)artist: M. Pokora album: Updatedreleased on March 14, 2011Excuse me, she"s my ladyShe follows me firstSo lucky I"m her daddyFor better or for worstI know she"s lethal! (So)A lovely angel! (So)But I always getWhat I want in the endTries to be so smart, genius? Mr. AlgebraThinks he got me all figured out! (Silly boy)He"s got me right! (He"s got me right!)He"s dangerous! (He"s dangerous!)I may be sneaky, but he"s trickyAnd I won"t let him fool me againShe"s knows she"s all that I want, but yourI"m the myth, all of the frontAnd I know she"s all my lifeIt"s so confusing and twisted butGuess this is how we do it as MR.& MRS. SMITHGet Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Come on!So bring that sexy!(Boy I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that sexy!(Girl I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!Excuse me, irresistibleShe"s turning me onThe west sun is fallingAnd I guess the games have begunHer looks could kill me! (Oh, Her looks!)Her words could shoot me! (Oh, Her words!)But I better what my back with herYou never knowCaptured in my trap,Like a mouse, I"m a kitty-catGo on, go on baby! Run, run!But watch your backStart the chase! (Start the chase!)Come to me-e-e-e-e (yeah!)I love to see him sweatAll wet, like a waterfallShe"s knows she"s all that I want, but yourI"m the myth, all of the frontAnd I know she"s all my lifeIt"s so confusing and twisted butGuess this is how we do it as MR.& MRS. SMITHGet Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Come on!So bring that sexy!(Boy I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that goody(Girl I need it)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that sexy!(Girl I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that goody(Boy I need it)Bring it to me, come on!Bring it on boyBring it, bring it on girl, girlBring it boyBring it, bring it, bring it!Be Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Come on!

7. Mr. Smith and Mrs . Smith are teacher.修改?

修改的话就是这样子喽,Mr. and Mrs. Smith are both teachers.

Mr.and Mrs.Smith are ____________.


Mr & Mrs Smith 歌词

歌曲名:Mr & Mrs Smith歌手:M. Pokora (Feat. Eva Simons)专辑:Mise à jour (Version 2.0)artist: M. Pokora album: Updatedreleased on March 14, 2011Excuse me, she"s my ladyShe follows me firstSo lucky I"m her daddyFor better or for worstI know she"s lethal! (So)A lovely angel! (So)But I always getWhat I want in the endTries to be so smart, genius? Mr. AlgebraThinks he got me all figured out! (Silly boy)He"s got me right! (He"s got me right!)He"s dangerous! (He"s dangerous!)I may be sneaky, but he"s trickyAnd I won"t let him fool me againShe"s knows she"s all that I want, but yourI"m the myth, all of the frontAnd I know she"s all my lifeIt"s so confusing and twisted butGuess this is how we do it as MR.& MRS. SMITHGet Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Come on!So bring that sexy!(Boy I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that sexy!(Girl I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!Excuse me, irresistibleShe"s turning me onThe west sun is fallingAnd I guess the games have begunHer looks could kill me! (Oh, Her looks!)Her words could shoot me! (Oh, Her words!)But I better what my back with herYou never knowCaptured in my trap,Like a mouse, I"m a kitty-catGo on, go on baby! Run, run!But watch your backStart the chase! (Start the chase!)Come to me-e-e-e-e (yeah!)I love to see him sweatAll wet, like a waterfallShe"s knows she"s all that I want, but yourI"m the myth, all of the frontAnd I know she"s all my lifeIt"s so confusing and twisted butGuess this is how we do it as MR.& MRS. SMITHGet Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Come on!So bring that sexy!(Boy I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that goody(Girl I need it)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that sexy!(Girl I want ya)Bring it to me, come on!So bring that goody(Boy I need it)Bring it to me, come on!Bring it on boyBring it, bring it on girl, girlBring it boyBring it, bring it, bring it!Be Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Ready! (Ready!)"Cos tonight I want youAs soon as you get inBeware I"m coming for youBe Ready!I"ll be all upon youShow you who"s in controlLet"s get it started!Come on!

翻译:Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant. In order to attract


staples 和main course 的区别

main course 相当于staple,主食


Mr.先生,指男士,可以用于一切男子(不zhi论婚否)的姓或姓名的前面。 Mrs.太太,已婚女性,后加丈夫姓,。 扩展资料   1、男性称谓语 Mr 既可用于已婚者也可用于未bai婚者,而女性称谓语 Mrs 只用于已婚者,Miss 通常只用于未婚者。   2、当 Mr 与 Mrs 连用,表示某某夫妇时,其词序通常是将Mr 放在 Mrs 前面。如:Mr and Mrs Smith (史密斯夫妇),Mr, Mrs, Miss 有时可与姓名以外的.名词 (如地名、运动、职业等)连用;   例句:   A Mr Smith phoned just now. 一位名叫史密斯先生的人刚才来过电话。   Since her husband"s death, Mrs Kay has been very much alone. 自从丈夫去世后,凯太太就一直是孤单一人。
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