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给你些相关设置选项的:软件设置:(一)、系统图标及四个模块右键点击Tiny Firewall Pro 系统栏图标,可以看到它主要有以下四个模块:Windows Security、Firewall、IDS/IPS、Integrity Guard,你可以在这里启用/禁用某一模块;也可以到 Administration Center(管理中心)里进行具体设置。1、Windows Security(Windwos 安全)Windows Security 是Tiny的主要特色之一。它可以根据MD5、文件名、程序完整路径等来识别程序的合法性,并决定该程序是否可以运行(不管它是不是要连网)。有效利用Windows Security有助于帮你发现和拦截未知的新病毒或木马。该模块对应着“管理中心”的Applications(应用程序)部分。如果你取消Windows Security 的“打勾”选择,那么管理中心 Application 部分的设置将不会起什么作用(以下模块与此类似)。2、Firewall(防火墙)Tiny的防火墙功能,主要用来管理网络与本机的通讯。对应着管理中心的Access To/From This Computer (访问本机)和Routed Connections(路由连接)。3、IDS/IPS(入侵检测系统/入侵防护系统)Tiny Firewall Pro 的入侵检测及防护系统。对应着管理中心的IDS & IPS。4、Integrity Guard(完整性卫士)主要用来保护文件、注册表键值、DLL、OLE/COM、系统服务、设备等的完整性。对应着管理中心的File Protection(文件保护)和 System Protection(系统保护)。(二)Administration Center(管理中心)Tiny Firewall Pro 的设置核心所在。管理中心采用网页的方式来存取设置数据,所做的改动都会立即有效;且没有“应用”、“撤销”之类的按钮,所以操作时要谨慎。右键点击Tiny的系统栏图标,选“Run Adminstration Center”进入管理中心。可以看到管理中心界面左侧分9个部分。1、Applications(应用程序)―― 隶属于 Windows Security 模块Tiny的一个强大之处就在于它可以事无巨细的掌管系统的所有程序;每运行一个程序,Tiny都会根据你预先做好的设置来决定该程序是运行、拦截,还是到时由你来决定如何操作。如果对这部分功能感到麻烦;可以右键点击Tiny系统栏图标处,取消Windows Security 模块;这样的话你运行任何不连网的程序 Tiny 都不会提示(但不提倡)。(1)My Applications(我的程序)该部分主要是对各应用程序进行分组设置,以便于管理。组(Group)为了便于管理成千上万个应用程序,Tiny对程序进行了分组。点击Selected Group右边的第二个下拉箭头,可以看到默认的分组如下:每一组对应着不同的运行授权(即每个组具体可以干什么)。你可以点击小红叉把某个组删掉(但不建议那么做);也可以点击Add New Groups来新建一个组。最常用的组是Trusted(被信任的组),默认Tiny会允许隶属于Trusted的程序进行任何操作。所以,你要信任一个程序前必须确信它毫无问题。应用程序(Application)建好各个组之后,就可以把各个程序划分到各个组中。Tiny安装后已经自动添加了一些程序并对它们进行了分组。点击程序右边的Edit按钮可以对它进行编辑(或选择Remove from Groups 进行删除)。在Tiny中,主要是根据以下特征来识别一个程序:(单选)①.Checksum:检验和;这里指的是程序的MD5值;②.Path:程序所在的完整路径;③.Filename:文件名;④.Checksum and path:MD5及文件完整路径;⑤.Checksum and filename:MD5及文件名。通常选择第一项即可。也可以使用 Enroll Exe or DLL(注入Exe或DLL文件;通常某些程序会调用其它的EXE或DLL文件)或Generate Applications or DLLs(普通应用程序/动态链接库)来新建一个程序并对它进行分组:是不是每个程序都要手工添加呢?当然不是。没有在此处设置的程序,Tiny还有专门的处理方法:Application Start Control 的Unknown Application Policy设置。(2)Application Start Control(程序启动控制)My Applications 部分是对程序进行分组;而Application Start Control部分则是对于组及程序的行为许可进行设置。在Unknown Application Policy(未知程序策略)下有两个项目:Regular Application Start(普通程序启动)、System Application Start(系统程序启动),默认选项为Run(运行)。这里Run的意思是:对于未知程序,Tiny先运行,然后再根据程序的活动来决定自动继续运行或自动拦截等(跟一些杀软对待病毒的方法类似,呵呵)。这个设置看起来似乎很方便;但这样一来Tiny会自作主张的处理那些程序,而且这期间不允许用户进行干预,所以往往会“误杀”一些程序(比如QQ等)。这里有两种方案可供参考:A、继续选择Run,然后在My Applications中把被Tiny拦截的“无辜”程序添加到Trusted组中即可。B、我的选择是Ask Me,由自己来决定该如何做。选择Ask me 后,每运行一个程序,都会出现诸如此类的对话框:可以由用户来根据显示的完整路径、MD5值等来决定如何处理这个程序:①.没有问题的程序:建议选择Trust this Application来自动把它添加到信任组中去。②.安装程序:Run With No Security。③.有问题的程序:可以选择Do Not Run(不运行)或 Move to Quarantine folder(隔离)来禁止它运行。④.无法确信是否有问题的程序:Run with Default Security。熟练的用户也可以使用Track‘n Reverse 来跟踪它。你还可以对而Application Start Control已存在的设置进行删除、编辑等;也可以按 Add New Acount Specific Rule或Add New Rule 来新建一个规则。在新建规则的对话框中,Application 的 Start By 可选择预先设好的组或具体程序:2、Access To/From This Computer(访问计算机)――隶属于 Firewall 模块这跟其它防火墙设置类似,无非是些IP地址、协议之类的,因此不再详述。3、Routed Connections(路由连接)――隶属于 Firewall 模块用于设置 局域网计算机 <——>网关<——>远程计算机 之间的通讯。包括General Rules(普通规则)、NAT/ICS Setting(NAT/ICS 设置)。普通个人用户很少用到这个。注:ICS(Internet Connection Sharing),Internet连接共享,也称为Internet转换连接。NAT(Network Address Translator),网络地址转换,也称为Internet的路由连接。4、IDS & IPS――隶属于 IDS 模块IDS:入侵检测系统IPS:入侵防护系统常用的网络安全技术之一。在Tiny的这个模块中,无法添加或删除规则,只能启用、禁用,或对已存在规则进行编辑:5、File Protection(文件保护)――隶属于Integrity Guard模块在这里建立一个规则来保护你的文件不被读取(Read)、建立(Create)、写入(Write)或删除(Delete)等:6、System Protection(系统保护)――隶属于Integrity Guard模块。除了对文件进行保护,Tiny还可以保护你的注册表键值、DLL、OLE/COM、系统服务、设备、系统权限等。7、Setting管理中心的设置。(1)Protocols and Ports:在这里预设协议和端口。(2)Predefined IP Addresses: 预设IP地址。(3)Time Intervals:预设时间间隔。(4)Backup/Restore:把你的设置备份起来,必要的时候可以从中恢复。 (5)Options:管理中心的总体选项;在这里还可以设置管理中心的界面等。比如你可以通过设置让Tiny管理中心界面看起来更像ZoneAlarm:(6)Track‘n"Reverse Mode Settting:反向跟踪模式设置。8、Reports查看Tiny记录的事件日志。9、Help帮助。Tiny的帮助是连到官方网页查看的。(三)Activity Monitor(活动监控器)使用Activity Monitor可以查看即时事件日志、网络连接及正在运行的进程等。也是Tiny的重要组成部分之一。右键点击具体项目,可以进行相关操作:默认Activity Monitor是随Windows自启动的;可以点击Activity Monitor左上角的Options项进行设置,取消 Launch Activity Monitor automatically选项即可:(四)其它Tiny 还有一个TrackLog Analyzer(跟踪日志分析器)及Checksum Scanner(校验和扫描器,可以点击 Update Known Applications 打开)。在此不再叙述。

New Days (Radio Version) 歌词

歌曲名:New Days (Radio Version)歌手:Asher Lane专辑:New DaysJay-Z - New DaySplendidyangMe and the RZA connectYeah, me and the RZA connectAnd I"ll never let my son have an egoHe"ll be nice to everyone, wherever we goI mean I might even make him be RepublicanSo everybody know he love white peopleAnd I"ll never let him leave his college girlfriendAnd get caught up with the groupies in the whirlwindAnd I"ll never let him ever hit the telethonI mean even if people dyin" and the world endsSee, I just want him to have an easy lifeNot like Yeezy lifeJust want him to be someone people likeDon"t want him To be hated all the time judgedDon"t be like your daddy that would never budgeAnd I"ll never let him ever hit a strip clubI learned the hard way, that ain"t the place to get loveAnd I"ll never let his mom move to L.AKnowin" she couldn"t take the pressure now we all prayMe and the RZA connectMe and the RZA connectSorry junior, I already ruined yaCause you ain"t even alive, paparazzi pursuin" yaSins of a father make your life ten times harderI just wanna take ya to a barberBondin" on charters, all the shit that I never didTeach ya good values so you cherish itTook me 26 years to find my pathMy only job is cut the time in halfSo at 13 we"ll have our first drink togetherBlack bar mitzvahs, mazel tov, mogul talkLook a man dead in his eyes so he know you talk truth when you speak itGive your word, keep itAnd if the day comes I only see him on the weekendI just pray we was in love on the night that we conceived himPromise to never leave him even if his mama tweakin"Cause my dad left me and I promise never repeat himNever repeat him... never repeat him(Sun in the sky)(You know how I feel)(Breeze driftin" on by)(Breeze driftin" on by)(It"s a new life for me)(For me, for me)(Oooh, oooh)(And I"m feelin" good)(Sun in the sky, you know how I feel)(Breeze driftin" on by, you know how I feel)(Breeze driftin" on by, you know how I feel)(It"s a new life for me)(It"s a new dawn, it"s a new day)(It"s a new life for me)(Oooh, oooh)(And I"m feelin")(Birds flyin" high, you know how I feel)

do you loⅴe your teαchers 英语


The Man I Love (Duet Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Man I Love (Duet Version)歌手:Dinah Shore专辑:Dinah Sings, Previn PlaysKate Bush & Larry AdlerSomeday he"ll come alongThe man I loveAnd he"ll be big and strongThe man I loveAnd when he comes my wayI"ll do my best to make him stayHe"ll look at me and smileI"ll understandAnd in a little whileHe"ll take my handAnd though it seems absurdI know we both won"t say a wordMaybe I shall meet himSunday, maybe Monday, maybe notStill I"m sure to meet him one dayMaybe Tuesday will be my good news dayHe"ll build a little homeJust meant for twoFrom which I"d never roamWho would, would you?And so all else aboveI"m waiting for the man I loveMaybe I shall meet himSunday, maybe Monday, maybe notStill I"m sure to meet him one dayMaybe Tuesday will be my good news dayHe"ll build a little homeJust meant for twoFrom which I"d never roamWho would, would you?And so all else aboveI"m waiting for the man I love

Passage 47: (翻译此篇) How to use "Mr." or "Mrs."?


How is yours,sir? 有几个意思?





vVAR Variable,变量。vCONST Constant,常量。vPERS Persistent,可变量。

奥雅手表怎样看型号? 后面SWISS MADE SINCE 1860 200 METERS SAPPHIRE CRYSTAL又是什么意思? 请教一下!

SWISS MADE SINCE 1860 200 METERS SAPPHIRE CRYSTAL的意思是:瑞士制造的1860起200米的蓝宝石水晶


你好,虽然铁蛋白是恶性肿瘤的标志物之一,但很多原因都会导致铁蛋白升高,包括炎症、脂肪肝、酒精肝等都会引起升高,不一定是肿瘤。 建议你及时就诊,以明确病因。平常注意饮食,宜清淡饮食,忌辛辣及刺激的食物,戒烟酒,保持心情舒畅。



The _____the proposal is considered, the worse it appears.

因为是一个结构 the more ,the more就是前后都放比较级,意思是越怎样就越越怎样现在carefully要变成比较级当然用more修饰啦much carefully是什么意思。。。。这种结构不存在。

微信小程序开发时文件上传报错Provisional headers are shown

在开发微信小程序上传文件的时候报错, Provisional headers are shown :

详解Provisional headers are shown

我们在发送异步请求遇到问题的时候,都会先打开Chrome的控制台来看一下http请求,有时候会在请求头看到 Provisional headers are shown 的报错 这个问题字面意思是“显示了临时报文头”,浏览器第一次发送这个请求,请求被阻塞,未收到响应。当要求浏览器再次发送这个请求时,上个同样的请求都还没有收到响应,浏览器就会报这个警告。 简而言之,就是 请求并没有发出去 。 这种情况出现的情况很多,但原因是多样的,一般有如下几种: 1. 跨域请求被浏览器拦截 现在网站的静态资源都会存在专门的静态域名下面,和实际访问的域名可能不一致。 这种情况基本发生在ajax请求,都是基于CORS来解决这个问题。 可以替换为 2. 服务器未及时响应(超时) 这种特定情况下才会出现,跟服务器关联不大。 3. 请求被浏览器插件拦截 作为一个开发人员,大家的chrome上肯定装了不少的插件。我们可以通过 chrome://net-internals 来根据关键字查找相关请求,然后具体去看相关状态。 4. 该数据直接采用了缓存,并没有发送请求 只从缓存中获得的通信显示为“显示临时标题”(或“执行”),因为该文件是从缓存中获取的,并且未进行通信,所以并不会显示详细标头。 如果上一个资源加载失败,可能导致从缓存加载的资源失败,即缓存资源请求之前的请求不能失败。强缓存from disk cache或者from memory cache,此时也不会显示。 前面提到的那么多情况,其实都是与服务器没有进行或者完成正确的通信,所以只展示临时信息。


pacman -Qs name查询含有name字符串的安装包

Kill Shot Bravo – Gears

How do I equip new Gear pieces? – Tap the menu bar at the top right of the screen. – Tap ‘Gear". – Select the type of Gear you wish to equip. – Select the Gear piece you wish to equip. – Tap the ‘Equip" button to equip the piece of Gear. If the ‘Equip" button is not displayed, it means that the specific piece of Gear is already equipped. How do I purchase Gear? – Tap the menu bar at the top right of the screen. – Tap ‘Gear". – Select the type of Gear you wish to purchase. – Select the Gear piece you wish to purchase. – Tap the currency type ‘Buy" button to purchase the Gear. Please note that some Gear pieces may be purchased with Medals, Buck, or Gold. Certain Gear pieces are also exclusive to achieving a certain Rank within the Leaderboard during Events! Will different Gear affect my Stats? In most cases, Gear is purely co *** etic in all Modes except PVP. There is a PVP Armored Map Mode where you can not be killed if your Opponent shoots your Armor. That being said, the more unique Gear pieces you own, the higher your Gear Rating will be increased. You will require certain Gear Rating in order to unlock additional Perk Slots. What is Legendary Gear? Legendary Gear is a set of Gear pieces that include a Helmet, Uniform, Kit, and Pads. Collecting and equipping each piece from a Legendary Gear Set will add Set Bonuses that may provide extra bonuses while you play! What is Event Gear? Event Gear can be earned by achieving certain Ranks within the Leaderboard during an Event. To view the Event Rewards: – Tap ‘Event". – Tap ‘View Rewards" from the left side of the screen. – The specific Event Rewards for the current Event will be displayed. What does the Thermal button in the Gear screen do? It shows weaknesses in your current Gear load-out so you can see where you are vulnerable in PVP. Gear Fusion


1979年,创始人Guy Azoulay以50年代美国空军服为设计灵感,以驾驶四引擎的空军机师Charles Chevignon的名字为品牌名称创立了Chevignon.Chevignon以战后50年代“美国梦想”为背景,以美国重建的传奇故事为依归。在当时美国物资缺乏的情况下,西部寻金热盛行,在大量涌现的市集上有各种不同的店铺给人们寄卖物品。Guy Azoulay于是引入Trading Post的概念——以物换物,并将此概念建立了第一间店铺,里面有各种时尚生活用品,甚至包括象防护头盔这样的非主流潮流物,感觉好象是一个真正的美国艺术装置博物馆。 近30年来,Chevignon带着其倡导的独特自由生活方式,以及法国人演绎的美国风格,从法国Etienne Marcel Street的第一家旗舰店越洋过海到纽约、东京和香港开设形象店,如今再到中国大陆全速发展,Chevignon的服装、配饰乃至品牌的Logo渐渐深入人心,成为年轻个性一族追逐的多元化生活时尚品牌。 Chevignon与生俱来的自由浪漫气息,通过品牌标志传达了高贵与优雅的现代融合。高贵的灰色混合着宇宙蓝的Logo,预示在宽广大气的时尚空间中存在的永恒现代个性价值。作为血统纯正的法国品牌,在其产品开发中致力捕捉个性细节,张扬不羁的年轻风采。不论是牛仔裤的剪裁、撞钉或车线,还是创立品牌时的标志性代表——皮衣,在满足怀旧复古又时尚前卫的风格需求时,还透露出Chevignon对完美细节的执着追求,和将审美与实用结合的周全意识。求采纳


Are these sweaters Sarah"s?


这句中名词复数表示一类,再给你一例子I like flowers.

我们有价格便宜的毛衣 英语翻译 We have sweaters ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

We have sweaters at much lower prices.

i like the sweaters为什么加s

用复数 不只一件毛衣

any other sweaters

1B 其他任何一件毛衣 其他:A any sweaters才对,表示不想买任一件毛衣;C 有buy了,肯定不会再buy自己的衣服;D疑问句不出现some 2D wish to do sth ,father是第三人称单数,所以加了s

Here ( ) some sweaters for you.


who are the sweaters and t-shirts for?

Whose are the sweaters and t-shirts for?

big sweaters and t shirt sale

答案:B;C;B;C;C 解析: (1) 根据We have sweaters in red and blue可知答案。句意为:我们有红色和蓝色的毛衣。 (2) 根据T-shirts in four colors: red blue black and white可知答案。 (3) 根据These great T-shirts are seven dollars可知答案。句意为:这些好的T恤衫7美元一件。 (4) 由the sweaters are fifteen dollars可知答案。句意为:我们的毛衣15美元一件。 (5) 由文中T恤衫7美元一件,毛衣15美元一件可知。

Do you like sweaters?是什么意思?



答案:children. 根据The--(child) are wearing red sweaters,可知孩子们穿着红毛衣,这里are是个复数形式,所以前面的主语应该是复数形式,child的复数是children.故填children.

These sweaters are of the same size. 这句英语可以把of去掉吗?

These sweaters are of the same size这些毛衣大小一样of the same相同的

his sweaters什么提问

1how many books are tere? 2what is his favourite color? 3how many old sweaters do you have?

初一英语问题 We have green sweaters for only $15可不可以改成

两个谓语,语法不通。建议修改如下: we(主语)have(谓语)greensweaters(宾语),whichareonly$12(宾语的定语从句)

what colors are the sweaters ?这句话那个词有语病

答案是:提问颜色的时候只能用what colour因此答案是:what colourarethesweaters? ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

5.sweaters whose they are(?)连词成句

Whose sweaters are they?特殊疑问句,并且主谓倒装。希望能帮到您

thⅰs ⅰs new sweaters对吗?

不对因为sweaters 是复数正确的是This is a new sweater.这是一件新毛衣。或These are new sweaters.这些是新毛衣。

wear sweaters什么意思

sweaters 毛衣身穿几件毛衣,因为sweater这里是复数

It will also be more than 746 years in the future since we would noticeably begin travelling for


那些是你的毛衣吗? ( )( )your sweaters?

are that


sweaters 毛衣毛衣 [ máo yī ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ máo yī ]用毛线织成的上衣。



a kind of sweaters 一种毛衣 sweater 加不加 s


yellow sweaters are only 50yuan be动词为什么要用are?

一般现在时 be动词(am, is, are“是”)的用法:主语第三人称单数用is;He is a student. 他是一个学生。主语复数用are; They are students. 他们是学生。主语I用am; I am a student. 我是一个学生。主语you用are; You are a student. 你是一个学生。口诀:单用is,复用are,I am,you are.此句中主语是Yellow sweaters “黄色毛衣”sweaters加了s说明主语是复数,主语复数be动词用are。

come and see the blue sweaters什么意思


sell sweaters用英语怎么译

1.sell sb. Tom sells sweaters to him. 后面接宾语... 主+谓+宾 不可能是he 的 你还问题真多可都是没什么实际意思的问题 你只要套就好了 比如 He sells apples to his classmates. 他卖给他同学苹果. 3.没有这个意思 ,不能按中文来想,他在商店卖东西就是 He is a seller in that shop. 4.没别的意思...就这个意思吧.. 5.这个其实不能按着中文来翻译,因为他在商店卖毛衣听起来是动作,但其实应该是一个状态,是1个工作. 所以可以这么说 He sells sweaters in the shop. 后面不用加宾语了

sweaters are made from cotton.对吗?

from改为 of即Sweaters are made of cotton.注be made of 看得出原材料be made from 看不出原材料

Fuel 歌词中文翻译 歌手:Marit Larsen

歌曲:Fuel 歌手:Marit Larsen 专辑:The Chase by:GABY 歌名:Fuel歌手:Marit Larsen专辑:The Chasemade by GABYFuel to ride 星星之火去奔腾To burn 去燃烧 to stay alive 生生不息To stand the wait 蓄势待发 It takes fuel to light the tiniest star 星星之火点亮了小星星And fuel to start a fire 也点燃了火焰Mmh Mmh mmh mmhFuel to win 星星之火去胜利 To dare 去拼搏to keep the rhythm 保持节奏The courage to trust 勇于相信Takes fuel to take the leap 星星之火在跃动To keep the pace 保持速度to start the engines 发动引擎 Mmh MmhI get it from you 我从你那得来一切It takes fuel to walk the line 星星之火燃成一线To put one foot in front of the other 规行矩步Mmh MmhIt takes fuel to turn the wheels 星星之火把轮子转动 To keep the grace 保持优雅to still discover 继续探索Mmh Mmhmmh mmhI get it from you 我从你那里得到一切Mmh MmhI get it from you 我从你那里得到一切Mmh MmhI get it from you 我从你那里得到一切

sweaters jackets什么意思


i have a jacket and sweaters句型对吗?

这样说,免得发生歧义。l have a jacket and some sweaters.

wear hats and sweaters 为什么后面加s?

你这个句子不完整 我要看看主语是什么才能此外你解释






sweaters[u02c8swetu0259z] n. 毛衣( sweater的名词复数 ); [例句]I was wearing two sweaters under the green army jacket我在绿军装里套了两件毛线衫。[其他] 原型: sweater

,,知道Fuel的歌词吗,一定要是Marit Larsen,玛莉特唱的。

唉 全是外文 我看不看也罢

green fingers是什么意思

园艺技能。green这个单词我们知道是绿色的意思,fingers表示手指,意思可不是说手指是绿色的,而是指的他们非常擅长园艺,植物种的很好。在读这句话的时候要注意green这个单词的发音,中间发长元音/e/。我们在发这个音的时候,嘴角要使劲的向外拉扯,嘴成扁平型,面部会有紧绷的状态。单词信息:一、green英/ɡriu02d0n /美/ɡriu02d0n /简明柯林斯adj.绿色的;青春的n.绿色;青春vt.使……变绿色vi.变绿色n.(Green)人名;(英、意)格林;(瑞典、芬)格伦二、finger英/u02c8fu026au014bɡu0259(r) /美/u02c8fu026au014bɡu0259r /n.手指;(手套的)手指部分;(酒在杯中的深度)一指宽;指状物;竖中指;指针v.用手指触摸;<美>告发,告密;拨弄(乐器);用某种指法演奏(乐曲);给(乐谱)标明指法符号【名】(Finger)(英、德、捷)芬格,(俄)芬格尔(人名)

飞机上的spoilers armed什么意思?

spoiler arm是机翼扰流板上的支撑结构

僵尸新娘中英文歌词 Tears to shed

本站歌词来自互联网 What does that whispy little brat have that you don"t have double? She can"t hold a candle to the beauty of your smile How about a pulse? Overrated by a mile Overbearing Overblown If he only knew the you that we know CORPSE BRIDE (sigh) And that silly little creature isn"t wearing his ring And she doesn"t play piano Or dance Or sing No she doesn"t compare But she still breathes air Who cares? Unimportant Overrated Overblown If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know If I touch a burning candle I can feel the pain If you cut me with a knife it"s still the same And I know her heart is beating And I know that I am dead Yet the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it"s not real For it seems that I still have a tear to shed The sure redeeming feature From that little creature Is that she"s alive Overrated Overblown Everybody know that"s just a temporary state Which is cured very quickly when we meet our fate Who cares? Unimportant Overrated Overblown If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain In the ice or in the wun it"s all the same Yet I feel my heart is acheing Though it doesn"t beat it"s breaking And the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it"s not real I know that I am dead Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed 本站歌词来自互联网



Method Actors的《Pigeons》 歌词

Pigeonラングリッサーミレニアム 梦幻模拟战-千年纪ED演唱者:沢崎寛香、梅原まどか作词:岩里祐穂作曲:小仓良あなたを守る深い森にもしあわせはこぶ 鸩にもなれないかもしれないげとそばにいてあげたいわたしたち いつも试されているみたい何ができる? できない?そして无力さだけ思い知るでも(さあ)今日が未来の始まり(昨日は终わり)あたらしい自分を见つけて强い风が吹きつけるけど(真っ青な空)明日をめざして友たちどうし つらい时でも笑颜见せてあなたの优しい气持ちにいつも励まされてきた私だってあなたの力になってあげたいあたりまえの言叶それだけしか今は言えないけど闭じた世界に逃げこまないで(ヘッドフォンはずして)心のほんとの声闻こうよ固くつぶったその目を开けて(こわがらないで)真实を见よう

Angel (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Angel (Album Version)歌手:Lace专辑:Laceblackuhuru - AngelGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelThis is for my destiny uh huh uh huhThis is for my fans uh huh uh uhThis is for my future uh huh uh huhThis is for my best friend uh huh uh huhThis is for my future children uh huh uh uhThis is for my motherThis is for myYou are my best friend,And I love you.You were always there to love me.When I didn"t even love myself,You bring out the best in me,And I thank you.Thank you for my life thanks for your advice,Your wisdom and your strength.My earth angelThank you I"m so gratefulFor trusting me and loving meWith your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.You are my messenger,From heaven.No matter how unhappy I become,You always find a way to make me smile.And I admire you,For your pure heart.You"re always giving all of you to,Everyone around you and I pray we never part.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.And if it wasn"t for you,And if I didn"t know you,And if you never reached me,And if you didn"t teach me,I wouldn"t be who I am right now,I wouldn"t give what I give right now,I wouldn"t think what I think right now.I"m thanking you I"m thanking youMy earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.

Angels (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Angels (Lp Version)歌手:Randy Travis专辑:Passing Throughblackuhuru - AngelGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelThis is for my destiny uh huh uh huhThis is for my fans uh huh uh uhThis is for my future uh huh uh huhThis is for my best friend uh huh uh huhThis is for my future children uh huh uh uhThis is for my motherThis is for myYou are my best friend,And I love you.You were always there to love me.When I didn"t even love myself,You bring out the best in me,And I thank you.Thank you for my life thanks for your advice,Your wisdom and your strength.My earth angelThank you I"m so gratefulFor trusting me and loving meWith your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.You are my messenger,From heaven.No matter how unhappy I become,You always find a way to make me smile.And I admire you,For your pure heart.You"re always giving all of you to,Everyone around you and I pray we never part.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.And if it wasn"t for you,And if I didn"t know you,And if you never reached me,And if you didn"t teach me,I wouldn"t be who I am right now,I wouldn"t give what I give right now,I wouldn"t think what I think right now.I"m thanking you I"m thanking youMy earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.


trainers 英[t"reu026anu0259z] 美[t"reu026anu0259z] n. 教练( trainer的名词复数 ); (无钉的) 软运动鞋; 教练机; 驯兽师; [网络] 运动鞋; 训练鞋; 教练员; [例句]The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.培训师计划教他们一些职业技能。[其他] 形近词: trainess trainees

谁有The_board_of_governors_of_the_federal_reserve_system的简介?拜托了各位 谢谢

美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve Board,全称 The Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System,简称美联储) 美联储官方网站网址: http://www. 联邦储备系统 的核心机构是联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve Board,简称美联储;它的全称叫 The Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System ,即联邦储备系统管理委员会,也可以称之为联邦储备系统理事会) ,它是一个联邦政府机构,其办公地点位于美国华盛顿特区( Washington D.C.) 。该委员会由七名成员组成( 其中主席和副主席各一位,委员五名),须由美国总统提名, 经美国国会上院之参议院批准方可上任,任期为十四年( 主席和副主席任期为四年,可连任 ) 。

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others!!!是什么意思


scheduledexecutorservice 定时任务 只执行一次怎么回事

下面是该接口的原型定义java.util.concurrent.ScheduleExecutorService extends ExecutorService extends Executor接口scheduleAtFixedRate原型定义及参数说明[java] view plain copypublic ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable command, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit); command:执行线程initialDelay:初始化延时period:两次开始执行最小间隔时间unit:计时单位接口scheduleWithFixedDelay原型定义及参数说明[java] view plain copy

怎么停止scheduledexecutorservice 定时任务

你好,用 ScheduledExecutorService.shutdownNow() shutdown() 方法 还会把后续任务都执行完毕才关闭。


用 ScheduledExecutorService.shutdownNow()shutdown() 方法 还会把后续任务都执行完毕才关闭。




英文原文:schedule dexecutor service英式音标:[u02c8u0283edjuu02d0l; u02c8sked-] dexecutor [u02c8su025cu02d0vu026as] 美式音标:[u02c8sku025bdu0292ul] dexecutor [u02c8su025dvu026as]

D.O.A. [Death Of Auto-Tune] (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:D.O.A. [Death Of Auto-Tune] (Amended Album Version)歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:The Blueprint 3Jay-Z Ft. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - D.O.A (Remix)(Jay-Z)Only rapper to rewrite history without a penNo I.D. on the track let the story begin…begin… beginThis is anti-autotune, death of the ringtoneThis ain"t for Itunes, this ain"t for sing-alongThis is Sinatra at the opera, bring a blondePreferably with a fat ass who can sing a songWrong, this ain"t politically correctThis might offend my political connectsMy rap"s don"t have melodiesThis shit make jackers wanna go n commit feloniesAh, get your chain tookenI may do it myself, I"m so BrooklynI know we facin a recessionBut the music yall makin gonna make it the great depressionAh, or your lack of aggressionPull your skirt back down, grow a set menAh, ah.. nigga this just violentThis is death of autotune, ah moment of silencela da da da… hey hey hey goodbye(Krayzie Bone)Whooo! C"mon, Bone Thug,We gon" do it like this, yeah… Kray Jackson…Remember the killa, the lyrical beast? I"m gon" murda ya!Up in you like a hernia.You suck, Im just confirmin" ya, nigga!If you did it, nigga, then clearly we talkin" about you!Get off the bandwagonNigga, quit swingin" on dicks and get your brand accurate.Kray Jack the man, ask "em!Don"t need a hand.Rappin" insane with the same average, always above!Nigga, never no love,You niggas is artificial, insufficient, not an issue.Our position is monumental, all your shit was accidental!Simple, don"t be no fool!Don"t be consumed in auto-tune. (Auto-tune!)"Cause it"s a deadly storm blowin" through here soon.Originators can survive it if they stay true and innovate.Imitators, fakers, they all die(Flesh -n- Bone)Y"all simply can"t all rap and it ain"t no time to play.Twenty-four hours a day, that"s seven straight!My killers be rallied up, the scrilla – they tally up.Like Bally"s – I exercise you.Like Dahmer – I victimize you.Criticize you for using auto-tune.Recognize here comes your doom.There"s no room for the wack.They be givin" a black eye to the game.But ther"s more than a thousand ways to get "em and leave the lames strangled.Flesh banged on "em and I never did let up.Fandango you hoes!Opponents they keep their back on the ropes, their faces hit the floor.Suckers ain"t nothin" but jokes with their vocals made artificially.I"d rather buck "em y"all exposed, now they gotta get disposed.My temp is still burning hot, while these phony"s, they hardly not!We can lock on up and then see how hard of a hit you got!(Layzie Bone)Na, Na, Na, Na… Hey, Hey, Hey… Good Bye!… Bye Bye!… Bye Bye!Why they want to sound like, dress like, act like? (Bone, Bone, Bone, Bone, Bone)Why they want to look like, dress like, sound like?(It"s the Thuggish Ruggish!) It"s the critical, criminal, non-subliminal.Set it off, let it off, lines is visible.I battle, I challenge, I rhyme my syllables.Sound like Bone, that"s dispicable.I"ll put you in I.C.U. I see you is not original.It"s pitiful, niggas ain"t lyrical.Give me that deal, give me that miracle!They lackin" the talent, they lackin" the balance, they lackin" the harmony.These niggas pretenders, no contenders, it ain"t hard to see.No authenticity, they won"t make history.They only makin" Lil Lay-Lay mad, they going out like they J.J. Fad.Now how do these stars assume they can use the auto-tune,Just because the bass go boom I spend my dollars, consume?But naw, I bring these lames to their doom.Better wake up! Wake up! Wake up!We bringin" back innovation.We havin" a celebration, cause Flesh-n-Bone is home.Been ten years strong, that"s domination.Never need no nomination "cause homie the streets respect it.We keepin" it epic and never neglect it we get it in on a record.I"m talkin" about keepin" it classic, they talkin" about keepin" it plastic.They puttn" the game in a casket. We gonna live on like the Jacksons.I"m sorry I"m endin" your cycle, I gotta do this for Michael.You heard from Jay-Z, but nigga this Layzie, it"s somethin" I"m willin" to die forYeah… Come on! Come On! Come On!Na, Na, Na, Na… Hey, Hey, Hey… Good Bye!(Jay-Z)Only rapper to rewrite history without a penNo I.D. on the track let the story begin…begin….beginHoldup, this ain"t a number 1 recordThis is practically assault with a deadly weaponI made this just for Flex n Mrs. C,I want niggas to feel threatenedStop your blood clot cryingThe kid the dog everybody dyingNo lyin, your niggas" jeans too tightYour colors too bright, your voice too lightI might wear black four years straight,I might bring back Versace shades,This ain"t for Z100Ye told me to kill yall to keep it 100This is for Hot 9-7For Khaled, for we the best n"Nigga this shit violentThis is death of autotune, moment of silence…la da da da… hey hey hey goodbye

Outrageous (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Outrageous (Album Version)歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Outrageous RemixesCapital Lights - OutrageI"ll take the blame for you for taking onechance away from me at getting over thisAnd what you were to me, your work is done,I"m laughing, after all we"re getting too old for this andWhat a pretty night, what a pretty night,You finally fit into my shoes,I"m never dressed for the occasionalInvasion of surprises, I don"t get surprisedYou think your secret"s safe with you,I"ll catch it swinging through the grapevineIt"s time I let you go,And here"s looking at you kidYour last word comes out slower than you thought it wouldIts all you ever wanted butYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"m taking shame with you for taking 2,too many years that could have lasted now we"ll never get backBut tonight the moon will set the mood,I"m a train routed off course just to keep on track andWhat a petty crime, what a petty crime,How could you be anything but greedy when its all that you knowGive another try, give another try,But if you"re one for the money than you"re too good to show on timeI let you down,And here"s looking at you kidNow that I found and caught you red- handed I"m the last man standing "cuzYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeTake my goodbyes with love and meaningful lyricsI got you this time, I got you this timeA closing line unannounced and breaking your spiritsA curtain call cry, I got you this time, I got you this timeIt"s happened all before with you the one to call it shortbut girl when I say that it"s over than its over for goodWe"re nothing now but history,I"ll leave you reminiscing in a diary regretting paying duesYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,soon your gonna find that I"ll take you out,This is an Outrage!You couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"ll leave you raining on your own parade

Britney Spears的《Outrageous》 歌词

歌曲名:Outrageous歌手:Britney Spears专辑:In The ZoneCapital Lights - OutrageI"ll take the blame for you for taking onechance away from me at getting over thisAnd what you were to me, your work is done,I"m laughing, after all we"re getting too old for this andWhat a pretty night, what a pretty night,You finally fit into my shoes,I"m never dressed for the occasionalInvasion of surprises, I don"t get surprisedYou think your secret"s safe with you,I"ll catch it swinging through the grapevineIt"s time I let you go,And here"s looking at you kidYour last word comes out slower than you thought it wouldIts all you ever wanted butYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"m taking shame with you for taking 2,too many years that could have lasted now we"ll never get backBut tonight the moon will set the mood,I"m a train routed off course just to keep on track andWhat a petty crime, what a petty crime,How could you be anything but greedy when its all that you knowGive another try, give another try,But if you"re one for the money than you"re too good to show on timeI let you down,And here"s looking at you kidNow that I found and caught you red- handed I"m the last man standing "cuzYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeTake my goodbyes with love and meaningful lyricsI got you this time, I got you this timeA closing line unannounced and breaking your spiritsA curtain call cry, I got you this time, I got you this timeIt"s happened all before with you the one to call it shortbut girl when I say that it"s over than its over for goodWe"re nothing now but history,I"ll leave you reminiscing in a diary regretting paying duesYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeGung ho, you let your guard down,you"re nothing but a write-out,I"ll leave you raining on your own paradeYou couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,soon your gonna find that I"ll take you out,This is an Outrage!You couldn"t see me coming with the lights out,You"re gonna find outI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"ll leave you raining on your own paradeI"ll leave you raining on your own parade

短文填空,When I was 18 years old,I just learned to drive.开头的。

When I was 18, one morning, my father told me to drive him into a town, about 18 miles away. I had just learned to drive, so I agreed with pleasure. First, we came to the town. Then I took the car to a nearby garage to have it repaired and promised(答应) to pick Dad up at 4 pm. Because I had a few hours to spend, I decided to go to the cinema. However, I became so interested in the film that I forgot the time. When the last film finished, it was 6 o"clock.I was afraid Dad would be angry and never let me drive again, so I drove back quickly to meet Dad and made an excuse for my being late. I"ll never forget the cry he gave me.“I"m disappointed that you feel you have to lie to me, Mike. I"m angry, not with you but with myself. I have failed because I"ve brought up (抚养) a son who can"t even tell the truth to his own father. I"m going to walk home now and think seriously about where I have gone wrong all these years.”Dad began walking along the road. I begged(祈求)all the way, and I drove behind him for 18 miles, at a speed of 5 miles an hour. It was the most unforgetablt lesson. I have never lied to him ever since.

帮忙写一篇What do you think of celebrity endorsements 的英语对话作文,150词左右

Everybody has their own reverence of celebrity.These celebrities,may be great men,experts,scholars.Of course,I was no exception.My heart reverence of celebrity,he is a Beethoven.Beethoven is the year since the eighteenth century,the world"s most famous German musician.Beethoven is the human art one of the creators of the greatest.He has a remarkable music on the talent,the hot rebellious temperament and gigantic strong character; On the other hand he the indomitable will and a sense of social responsibility and produce the high ideology,forming his as the special quality of the musicians.




guy:是非正规用法,是美国俚语,常用在口语里, people是集体名词,表复数意思,前面不能加a,表示一个人,做主语时谓语要用are, 如,The people here are happy. 表示“人们”时不加s, 加了s表示“民族” person是普通说法,强调一个人,前面可以加a, 表示复数时可以加s, 如;one person, two persons,

在英语中college和 university 和 institute哪个表示更高的的学校

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: University 某某大学,如清华大学 college 某某学院,如上海轻工业学院 institute 某某研究院或大专,如清华大学研究生院 它们都是大学,只是university一般指综合性的大学,college指在一个领域开始起家的大学,后来也可以有其它学科,institute研究性强



the killers 成员里面的这个人是谁??


玩实况足球2012,里面英超球队名都是什么“LONDON”,“MERSEYSIDE WHITE”之类的,怎么回事啊?

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The Mixed Tape (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Mixed Tape (Album Version)歌手:Jack"S Mannequin专辑:The Mixed TapeThe Mixed TapeJack"s MannequinEverythingInTransitMixed Tape LyricsJack"s Mannequin-<Everything In Transit>This is mourningThat"s when I spend the most timeThinking "bout what I"ve given upThis is a warningWhen you start the day just to close the curtainsYou"re thinking "bout what I"ve given upWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI"m writing you a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I rearrange the songs againThis mix could burn a hole in anyoneBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofI read your letterThe one you left when you broke into my houseRetracing every step you madeAnd you said you meant itAnd there"s a piece of me in every singleSecond of every single dayBut if it"s true then tell me how it got this wayWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI"m writing you a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I rearrange the songs againThis mix could burn a hole in anyoneBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofAnd I can"t get to youI can"t get to youI can"t get to youyou, youWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI conduct a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I"m cutting through you track by trackI swear to God this mix could sink the sunBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofWhere are you now?(you now)Where are you now?(where are you now?)And this is my mixed tape for herIt"s like I wrote every noteWith my own fingers

The Mixed Tape (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Mixed Tape (Album Version)歌手:Jack"S Mannequin专辑:Everything In TransitThe Mixed TapeJack"s MannequinEverythingInTransitMixed Tape LyricsJack"s Mannequin-<Everything In Transit>This is mourningThat"s when I spend the most timeThinking "bout what I"ve given upThis is a warningWhen you start the day just to close the curtainsYou"re thinking "bout what I"ve given upWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI"m writing you a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I rearrange the songs againThis mix could burn a hole in anyoneBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofI read your letterThe one you left when you broke into my houseRetracing every step you madeAnd you said you meant itAnd there"s a piece of me in every singleSecond of every single dayBut if it"s true then tell me how it got this wayWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI"m writing you a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I rearrange the songs againThis mix could burn a hole in anyoneBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofAnd I can"t get to youI can"t get to youI can"t get to youyou, youWhere are you now?As I"m swimming through the stereoI conduct a symphony of soundWhere are you now?As I"m cutting through you track by trackI swear to God this mix could sink the sunBut it was you I was thinking ofIt was you I was thinking ofWhere are you now?(you now)Where are you now?(where are you now?)And this is my mixed tape for herIt"s like I wrote every noteWith my own fingers


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