barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-21 18:18:34

一、下面我们来看看understand有几种含义 , v. , 1.理解,知道,明白,懂得,领会 [I,T]9 ,If you don" t attend to the lecture, you won" t understand.,如果你不用心听讲,你就不会懂。, 2.听说,获悉,了解 [I,T]9 ,You understand the situation, I needn"t elaborate any further.,你了解情况,我不需要再作详细说明了。, 3.省略;推断 [T] ,In the sentence `I can"t drive", the object `a car" is understood.,在“我不会驾驶”这句话中,宾语“汽车”是不言而喻的。, 二、词义辨析:哪些词还表示“知道”的意思呢? , know, learn, prehend, understand ,这些动词都含“懂,知道,明了”之意。





三,学会understand的用法了吗?来做个测试吧! ,



2023-07-21 16:58:083


v.懂;理解;领会;了解;认识到;明了;谅解;体谅;得知;默认第三人称单数:understands 现在分词:understanding 过去分词:understood 过去式:understood 造句:1.People are often afraid of things they don"t understand.人往往对自己不懂的东西感到恐惧。2.Feel free to ask questions if you don"t understand.你要是不懂,可以随便提问。3.In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。4.I quite understand that you need some time alone.我很理解你需要独自静一会。5.She doesn"t understand the difference between right and wrong.她不能明辨是非。6.The committee has little or no understanding of the problem.委员会对这个问题了解不多或根本不了解。
2023-07-21 17:00:081


understand和understanding的区别如下:动词 understand 意思是明白清楚的意思understanding 就是这个动词的现在分词或者也叫做动名词形式
2023-07-21 17:00:342


2023-07-21 17:00:563


2023-07-21 17:01:223


I can"t get it
2023-07-21 17:01:4313

2023-07-21 17:02:304


2023-07-21 17:02:396

understand 造句

I don"t understand
2023-07-21 17:03:132


understand 和see 都有"知道, 明白"的意思.1. Understand, 比较用于正式语中, 尤其指对某人或某物在思想上明白,知道, 但是强调理解这一更深层次的意思.比如: i do not understand why he asked such a question? (我不明白他为何提出如此的问题)你可以看出, 重点不在于问的什么问题, 而在于提出如此问题的原由和动机, 着眼点不同)2. see 表示的意思很直白, 例如:yes, i see.(我明白)So far as i can see, the question has not yet been settled.(就我看来, 这个问题还没有解决)
2023-07-21 17:03:281


2023-07-21 17:03:363

understand是什么意思 解释understand一词的含义?

Understand是一个动词,通常表示理解、领会、明白某件事情的含义或意义。具体来说,understand可以表示:理解事物的含义、涵义或意义。例如:"I understand the meaning of this sentence."(我理解这个句子的含义。)了解或明白某个情况、事实或信息。例如:"Do you understand how to use this software?"(你懂得如何使用这个软件吗?)能够与某人沟通、建立良好的关系或相互协作。例如:"I understand my colleagues and work well with them."(我与我的同事们能够互相理解和相互合作。)接受或同意某人或某事物。例如:"I understand your decision and respect it."(我理解你的决定并尊重它。)总之,understand是一个广泛使用的动词,可以指代很多不同的含义,常用于表达理解、了解、接受等概念。
2023-07-21 17:04:002


2023-07-21 17:04:292

understand怎么读 understand的意思

1、understand的读音:英[?nd??stand],美[??nd?r?st?nd]。2、understand的基本意思是“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句及疑问词从句作宾语,还可接以“to be n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。understand接动名词作宾语时,该宾语常可带名词或代词的属格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。3、understand作“听说,获悉”解时,指从获得的情报、消息、情况等中得出结论、推测,一般用于比较正式的场合,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,主要接that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。4、understand作“听说,获悉”解时,还可用于插入语中。5、understand是表示心理或感情状态的动词,一般不用于进行体,也不用于现完成时,偶尔可用于进行体表示“开始懂得”。
2023-07-21 17:04:371


  understand有懂得;明白;理解;认识到;听说等意思,那么你知道understand的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    understand的用法:   understand的用法1:understand的基本意思是“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句及疑问词从句作宾语,还可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。understand接动名词作宾语时,该宾语常可带名词或代词的属格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。   understand的用法2:I understand作“听说,获悉”解时,指从获得的情报、消息、情况等中得出结论、推测,一般用于比较正式的场合,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,主要接that从句作宾语,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。   understand的用法3:understand作“听说,获悉”解时,还可用于插入语中。   understand的用法4:understand是表示心理或感情状态的动词,一般不用于进行体,也不用于现完成时,偶尔可用于进行体表示“开始懂得”。    understand的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   give to understand (that)...   make oneself understood   understand by (v.+prep.)    understand的用法例句:   1. It was clear Cohen didn"t understand what Millard was driving at.   看得出科恩并不明白米勒德想说什么。   2. I thought, "Here"ssomeone who"ll understand me." So I wrote to her.   我想:“这个人会理解我的。”于是开始给她写信。   3. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.   “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。   4. What I did for you was free, gratis, you understand?   我为你所做的一切都是免费的,无偿的,你明白吗?   5. "I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.   “我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。   6. I tried to understand the adult world and could not.   我试着去了解成人世界,却无法猜透。   7. Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves.   当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义。   8. Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand.   罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的 故事 。   9. His speech was difficult to understand, his signature shaky and unrecognizable.   他的演说很难听懂,他的签名颤颤巍巍地无法识别。   10. He could only understand a word here and there.   他只能零星地听懂一两个单词。   11. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   12. "I don"t understand it," he said, over and over again.   “我不明白,”他反复不停地说。   13. I can"t understand why folks complain about false teeth.   我就不明白,人们为什么老是抱怨假牙的问题。   14. "I don"t understand," the Inspector mumbled, passing a hand through his hair.   “我不明白,”巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。   15. Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand.   然后,我突然意识到他可能的确是明白了。
2023-07-21 17:04:461


  understand是一个英文词语,翻译成中文是“理解”的意思,比如说别人问你“这道题目你理解了吗?”那么你就可以回答“understand”    翻译成中文   understand翻译成中文是“理解、明白或者领悟”的意思,这是一个很常用的英文词语,在很多场合都会广泛的使用到,所以一定要好好学习这个词语哦。    1、造句   接下来我们还尝试着用understand来造句吧,比如They have trouble with English, but I can understand them.这句话的意思是“他们对学英语有困难,但我能理解他们。”    2、近义词   understand的近义词有comprehend、appreciate和grasp等等,这些词语都有“理解、明白、知道”的意思哦,所以最好掌握几个近义词,才能够灵活运用它们。    3、相关短语   understand可以作为及物动词和不及物动词两大类。相关词语有understand English(懂英语),understand math(懂数学),do you undeerstand(你明白吗?)等等。   最后我们再用understand来造一个句子吧。比如I don"t understand what you are saying.(我不知道你在说什么。)
2023-07-21 17:05:341


understand的意思是懂,理解;了解;默认;听说;领会。过去式:understood过去分词:understood现在分词:understanding第三人称单数:understands短语搭配:understand English懂英语understand finance熟知财政understand sb"s attitude理解某人的态度understand sb"s explanation理解某人的解释understand sb"s feeling理解某人的心情understand the importance of懂得…的重要性understand the meaning of理会…的意思understand the seriousness of懂得…的严重性understand the significance of懂得…的意义understand the situation理解局势understand the truth明白真相例句:He is trying his best to understand his meaning.他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。I don"t understand what you"re talking about.我不明白你在说什么。If you can"t do it, I will understand.如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解。I don"t fully understand his reasons for leaving.我不完全理解他离开的理由。
2023-07-21 17:07:071


明白的英文:understand; 例句: I cant understand a word she says. 她说的我一个字也听不懂。 I dont understand the instructions. 我不懂这些指令的意思。 扩展资料   Few people understand the difference.   很少有人了解这个差别。   I think you heard and also understand me.   我想你听到了我的.话,而且也明白我的意思。   I can understand her wish for secrecy.   我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。   I make no claim to understand modern art.   我自认为不懂现代艺术。
2023-07-21 17:07:261

Are you understand?这句英语表达正确么?

2023-07-21 17:08:031


2023-07-21 17:08:392


2023-07-21 17:09:072


肯定回答:Yes,of course.——是,当然。或者 No, not yet. 不,还没有。 否定回答:Sorry.could you please say it again? 扩展资料   意思是:懂;理解;领会   Can you understand French?   你懂法语吗?   Do you understand the instructions?   你懂得这些指令的意思吗?   She didn"t understand the form she was signing.   她弄不懂她正在签署的表格。   I"m not sure that I understand. Go over it again.   我不敢说我搞懂了。请再来一遍吧。   I don"t want you doing that again. Do you understand?   我不许你再这样做。你听明白了吗?   I don"t understand what he"s saying.   我不明白他在说些什么。
2023-07-21 17:09:351


understand 是动词,意思是:理解,了解,领会,闻知 相关词形变化:: 形容词 understandable 副词 understandably 名词 understandability 动词过去式understood 过去分词 understood 现在分词 understanding 第三人称单数 understands 例句与用法: 1.If you can"t do it,I will understand. 如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解. 2.I don"t understand what you are saying. 我不知道你在说什么. 3.I don"t understand why he came. 我不明白他为什么来. 4.I"m not sure that I fully understand (you). 我不敢说我已完全听懂了(你的话). 5.Do you understand the difficulty of my position? 你了解我处境的困难吗?
2023-07-21 17:10:431


有一个动词 understand 意思是明白清楚的意思而understood 就是这个动词的过去分词形式 understanding 就是这个动词的现在分词或者也叫做动名词形式希望能解决您的问题。
2023-07-21 17:10:532


2023-07-21 17:12:544


都有的哈~~~~~及物动词的用法为:Can you understand me?类似这样的,后面直接加称呼不及物的用法为:I can"t understand!这样虽然后面没有加东西,也是可以的但是,以上只适用与understand的含义是“理解”当understand作“听说,认为,认识到”这样的意思时,就只能是及物动词了这样解释可以吗?
2023-07-21 17:13:381


2023-07-21 17:13:472

为什么是Make oneself understood ?为什么要用Understood 而不是understand

2023-07-21 17:13:562


2023-07-21 17:14:113


及物动词要加宾语:understand the question.
2023-07-21 17:14:283


2023-07-21 17:15:071


一、详细释义: , v. , 理解,知道,明白,懂得,领会 [I,T]9 , 例句: ,If you don" t attend to the lecture, you won" t understand.,如果你不用心听讲,你就不会懂。, 例句: ,He did not understand the significance of my wink.,他没有领会我眨眼的意思。, 听说,获悉,了解 [I,T]9 , 例句: ,You understand the situation, I needn"t elaborate any further.,你了解情况,我不需要再作详细说明了。, 例句: ,I understand you"ve heard about David.,我知道你们已经听说了戴维的事了。, 省略;推断 [T] , 例句: ,In the sentence `I can"t drive", the object `a car" is understood.,在“我不会驾驶”这句话中,宾语“汽车”是不言而喻的。, 例句: ,I understood him to say that he would cooperate.,我推断他会说他愿意合作。, 二、词义辨析: , know,learn,prehend,understand ,这些动词都含“懂,知道,明了”之意。know普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。learn通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。prehend侧重熟悉了解的过程。understand指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。, 三、词义辨析: , understand,prehend,appreciate,apprehend,grasp ,这些动词均有“理解”之意。 understand一般用词,很常用,指对事实或意义不仅知道得很清楚。prehend较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。appreciate语气较弱,指对某事物或意义有充分的理解。着重有能力领域或觉察。apprehend指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。grasp从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作“理解、掌握”。, 四、参考例句: ,Can you understand French?,你懂法语吗?,I understand that skeptici *** .,我明白这一怀疑论。,Totally understand your feeling!,完全理解你的感受!,Multinational corporations understand this.,跨国公司懂得这一点。,Understand cash flow.,理解现金流,Do you understand me?,你明白我的话吗?,Few people understand modern art.,很少有人理解现代艺术。,How much did you understand,你能理解多少?,I understand the whole acting normal thing.,我能理解为什么要装正常点。,I can"t understand his impersonality.,我不能理解他的不近人情。
2023-07-21 17:15:211


  understand表示懂,理解的意思,那么你知道understand的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了understand的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   understand的短语:   understand by(v.+prep.)   认为u2026的含义是u2026 regard (a meaning) as belonging to (usually a word or words)   What do you understand by justice?你对justice怎样解释?   make oneself understood   将自己的意思表达清楚 make one"s meaning clear   I find it difficult to make myself understood.我发现,要想把自己的意思表达清楚并不容易。   I tried speaking English to them, but couldn"t make myself understood. 我试着和他们用英语说,但他们听不懂。   give to understand (that)...   使(某人)理解、相信或认为 cause (sb) to believe or have the idea that...   His glance gave me to understand that he agreed with me.他这一瞥,使我懂得他同意了我的意思。   同义词辨析:   know, learn, comprehend, understand   这些动词都含"懂,知道,明了"之意。   know : 普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。   learn : 通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。   comprehend : 侧重熟悉了解的过程。   understand : 指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。   understand, comprehend, appreciate, apprehend, grasp   这些动词均有"理解"之意。   understand : 指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。   comprehend : 较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。   appreciate : 语气较弱,指对某事物或意义有充分的理解。着重有能力领悟或觉察。   apprehend : 指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。   grasp : 从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作"理解、掌握"。   understand的短语例句:   1. It was clear Cohen didn"t understand what Millard was driving at.   看得出科恩并不明白米勒德想说什么。   2. I thought, "Here"ssomeone who"ll understand me." So I wrote to her.   我想:“这个人会理解我的。”于是开始给她写信。   3. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.   “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。   4. What I did for you was free, gratis, you understand?   我为你所做的一切都是免费的,无偿的,你明白吗?   5. "I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.   “我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。   6. I tried to understand the adult world and could not.   我试着去了解成人世界,却无法猜透。   7. Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves.   当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义。   8. Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand.   罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。   9. His speech was difficult to understand, his signature shaky and unrecognizable.   他的演说很难听懂,他的签名颤颤巍巍地无法识别。   10. He could only understand a word here and there.   他只能零星地听懂一两个单词。   11. She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.   她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。   12. "I don"t understand it," he said, over and over again.   “我不明白,”他反复不停地说。   13. I can"t understand why folks complain about false teeth.   我就不明白,人们为什么老是抱怨假牙的问题。   14. "I don"t understand," the Inspector mumbled, passing a hand through his hair.   “我不明白,”巡官一边嘟囔道,一边用手捋了一下头发。   15. Then it came to me that perhaps he did understand.   然后,我突然意识到他可能的确是明白了。
2023-07-21 17:15:281


2023-07-21 17:04:541

求【宝石姬】钢炼本 Precious Wonder5、箱庭、LOVE ME TENDER、Promise Land、M.P、Riot of Flowers!!

2023-07-21 17:04:561

又见一帘幽梦中的那首外文歌曲,有一段歌词是love me tend love me trued

2023-07-21 17:05:031

Halo -- 碧昂丝诺斯 歌词中文翻译?

Halo 光环 灵光 Remember those walls I built 我还记得那些我砌起的高墙 Well baby they"re tumbling down 亲爱的 看吧 现在它们都已倒塌 And they didn"t even put up a fight 它们甚至没有反抗什么 They didn"t even make a sound 它们吭都不吭一声 I found a way to let you in 我就这样鲁莽的让你进入了我的世界 But I never really had a doubt 但我从未怀疑过你 Standing in the light of your halo 站在你的光环之下 I got my angel now 我找到了我的守护天使 It"s like I"ve been awakened 这就好像我被你唤醒一样 Every rule I had you breakin" 每个束缚都让你打破 It"s the risk that I"m takin" 我是我冒的一个险 I ain"t never gonna shut you out 我不会把你拒而不理 Everywhere I"m looking now 不管现在我走到哪里 I"m surrounded by your embrace 我都被你的拥抱拥护着 Baby I can see your halo 亲爱的 我能看到你那神圣的光环 You know you"re my saving grace 你知道吗 你就是我的守护神 You"re everything I need and more 你是我需要的一切 甚至更多 It"s written all over your face 这都被写到你的脸上 Baby I can feel your halo 亲爱的 我能感到你那神圣的光环 Pray it won"t fade away 我祈祷它永远都不会消逝 I can feel your halo (halo) halo 我可以感觉到你的光环 I can see your halo (halo) halo 我可以清清楚楚的看到它 I can feel your halo (halo) halo I can see your halo (halo) halo Woah... Hit me like a ray of sun 你就像一缕阳光一样照射着我 Burning through my darkest night 点亮我最黑暗的夜晚 You"re the only one that I want 你是我的唯一 Think I"m addicted to your light 我已经沉溺于你所给予的光芒 I swore I"d never fall again 我发誓我再也不会颓靡 But this don"t even feel like falling 但我现在岂不是又是一种颓靡吗? Gravity can"t forget 我不能过度依赖于你 To pull me to the ground again 请松开我 让我自己站起来
2023-07-21 17:05:071


a slice of meata sliver of meat
2023-07-21 17:05:0811


2023-07-21 17:05:082


问题一:光晕的意思是什么 光晕 (自然现象) 拼音guāng yùn 注音ㄍㄨㄤ ㄩㄣA 1、从显影后影像边缘漫延出来的虚影 2、摄影中指在曝光拍摄过程中,强光投射到胶片上时,透过胶片乳剂中在片基表面进行反射,从而致使图像发晕。 问题二:光晕是什么意思 你是指游戏吗? 那么光晕是指先行者制造的环带,是武器,用来杀死所有生物 如果不是游戏的话,那么也指环带,也有指路灯四周发出的光环等类似的 问题三:光晕讲的是什么 这个光晕的背景很庞大,网上有编年史,我简述一下。大致是,人类文明发展到星际殖民技术阶段,外星殖民地有人叛乱,为了镇压叛乱研制超级士兵,后来与星盟接触,星盟摧毁了人类基地,人类联合与星盟大战。虫族(洪魔)是先知(科技第一但是非常神秘,被科技发达的先行者一族攻击)发明,为铲除先行者的武器,不过古人类也感染,并先于先行者发现虫族存在,为了避免虫族传播而不断摧毁有虫族的星球,因此把先行者给打了,因为先行者里面也有感染虫族的,而且是直接灭星。因此先行者和古人类大战,最后先行者灭了当初科技高度发达的古人类文明(使人类退化到猿人)同时也发现了虫族,并且无力阻挡,就发明了halo这个武器,摧毁银河所有生命,包括虫族与自己。不过Halo里存有一些虫族样本,星盟探索遗迹的过程中不小心释放了虫族,但是立即隔离了区域,没有扩散,人类与星盟战斗的时候误入才真正再次释放了虫族。 星盟的出现:星盟是一个多种族联盟,形成历史:最早是精英一族发现了先行者遗迹,尊为神迹,直到星盟的先知一族出现(不是那个神秘的先知一族),通过战争,双方都半斤八两打不赢就结盟了(星盟先知一族开发了自己发现的先行者遗迹,但是科技不是很强,因此与没开发遗迹的精英战力差不多),结盟后精英才被先知说动开发先行者遗迹,最后各种族加入星盟,然后先知比较神棍,忽悠所有成员成了领导者。另外星盟不断开发(寻找)先行者遗迹(最大的遗迹就是Halo),这就是朝圣之旅的意义,但是先行者遗迹有生物认证(人类被先行者中的智库长秘密放入了一段基因,可以打开先行者遗迹),星盟只能暴力破解,所以开发进度很慢,而人类科技与先行者科技很像,星盟的先行者科技探测器就把人类科技标识成了先行者,因此星盟发现人类,也发现人类科技很渣,就随手灭了一个人类殖民星,最后双方从小冲突转化为全面战争。 另外Halo不止一个。 暂时打这么多吧,推荐你去百度搜光晕编年史(HALO编年史)会更详细。另外这个游戏的世界观和背景一直在补充,还未完结。 问题四:“光晕”是什么意思? 光晕英文是halo,是一个新词,来源于古人信息库,是古人制造的一种兵器,就是那个环状物。 之所以说那个环状物是武器,是因为它一旦启动,可以毁掉半个宇宙(有些夸张,古人一共造了7个,同时启动的话,可以毁灭宇宙内所有生命体)。古人之所以这么做,是因为他们打开了潘多拉的盒子,制造一直中生物――虫族,感染生命体,寄生。虫族无法消灭,只有短期粮草――毁灭所有生命。 问题五:一什么光晕 你到底要问什么说详细点OK? 问题六:什么什么的光晕 当阳光直接照到镜头上就会出现明显的光晕和光斑。这些光斑或光环就是光晕现象。 解决的办法有两个,一是拍摄角度适当调整,二是在镜头上加遮光罩。 问题七:什么的光晕 形容词 炫目的光晕 刺目的光晕 神圣的光晕 神秘的光晕 柔和的光晕 暧昧的光晕 迷人的光晕 朦胧的光晕 ……………… 问题八:光晕到底在讲一个什么故事 本系列讲述未来人类与来自猎户座,以宗教结合外星种族的联盟“星盟”(Covenant)的战争。星盟的首领认为人类会阻止他们的伟大使命――朝圣之旅,因此对人类展开杀戮,尽管人类顽强W抗,也无法击败对手的强大科技力量。在联合国太空指挥部(UNSC)最后且最大的要塞Reach星遭到圣约毁灭后,逃出来的幸存者发现了先行者(Forerunners)的遗迹,也是星盟的圣地――“HALO环带”。故事由此展开。光晕游戏照(19张) “HALO环带”在光晕1的故事开始时,共有7座。以04号为标准,直径超过一万公里。它的环境、气候与地球相近,是先行者的遗迹,也是先行者用来保管上古时代的邪恶生物[虫族(The Flood)]的实验室,同时也是具备巨大杀伤力的武器,04号环带启动后会消灭直径2.5万光年内所有的有机生命体。 《光晕》主要围绕超级战士S-117“约翰”(John),也就是士官长(Master Chief),一个经过基因强化改造的人类,与A级战略人工智能科塔娜(柯塔娜)。科塔娜装置在士官长的头部盔甲上,可以随时与士官长对话。 《光晕:致远星的沦陷》 作者:埃里克u30fb尼伦德 内容简介: 人类进入宇宙殖民时代后,与强大而好战的星盟遭遇,星盟宣称人类亵渎了他们的信仰,对人类发动了全面战争。很早以前,人类就在进行一个绝密军事计划--“斯巴达Ⅱ”。该计划培育了数十名基因强化战士,这些超级生化士兵装备着配有人工智能的能量盔甲,战斗力之强超出想象。战争爆发后,以约翰为首的超级战士们被投入战场,果然所向披靡。然而,这支小小的“超人”特种部队毕竟无法挽回人类在太空战场上的惨败。在星盟的疯狂进攻下,人类的殖民地接连沦陷了。当致远星这个重要军事要塞陷落之时,人类最优秀的舰长指挥“秋风之敦号”巡洋舰带着约翰死里逃生,来到了陌生的星系,在这里,他们发现了一个巨大的神秘环状天体--光晕…… 《光晕:虫族》 作者:威廉u30fbCu30fb迪茨 内容简介: “秋风之墩号”巡洋舰在与星盟的战争中逃出来后,降落到了神秘的巨大环状天体“光晕”上。星盟的追兵紧跟着奔袭而来,俘获了“秋风之敦号”巡洋舰的舰长。“秋风之敦号”巡洋舰上惟一的一名超级生化战士约翰在105空降师伞兵们的协助下,左冲右突,四处游击,伺机从星盟手中救回舰长。双方杀得难解难分,却全然不知可称“生命公敌”的虫族同样沉睡在这个不祥世界中。虫族是一种寄生生物,它能通过感染,控制任何满足其寄宿条件的智慧生物。一旦它从禁锢中获得解放,可怕的浩劫将在全宇宙肆虐。这个巨大的光晕就是一个先进外星种族专为禁锢虫族所建造的。为使宇宙苍生免遭虫族荼毒,约翰只身杀向光晕的“心脏”…… 《光晕:初次反击》 作者:埃里克u30fb尼伦德 内容简介: 摧毁光晕后,从光晕上成功出逃的约翰尽力收拢被打散的人类残余部队,力图回到地球。而致远星也并未被星盟彻底摧毁,约翰的部下大多还活着--因为致远星上有着星盟渴望得到的光晕建造者所留下的“圣物”。约翰超人一般永不停息地战斗着,居然成功抢夺了一艘敌舰杀回致远星,救下了自己那些已夺得“圣物”的部下。然而在逃回地球的过程中,他们发现星盟竟集结了约五百艘战舰的庞大舰队,意欲进攻地球!地球的命运已经危如累卵…… 《光晕:奥星的幽灵》、《光晕:丰饶星战役》、《光晕:科尔协定》中国大陆尚未出版。 《光晕:奥星的幽灵》目前已有完全翻译版本,连载于《游小说》,并于第22辑上完结。 《光晕:丰饶星战役》于《游小说》第27辑开始连载,目前正在连载中。...>>
2023-07-21 17:05:141


初恋50 First Dates What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year? Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father"s birthday, also the date she had the car accident which made her only keep memory before Sunday, so she always felt happy living the same habit as what she did on Sunday a year ago with the kind set-up by her father and brother. After meeting Henry, she could only remember who he was on the same day. But after one night, he became a stranger to her. She couldn"t even recognize he was the one she used to date and love everyday. Henry tried his best to give her a new different meeting every day so as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Henry made her tapes every morning to help her remember what happened the day before and the last whole year. Lucy thus felt grateful with all she had when she woke up everyday. On the same day, she always had the same deep gratitude to face Henry with her sweet smile. What a beautiful feeling it is to always feel thanksgiving and to always appreciate each other"s effort. A touching story between a memory lost woman and a devoted man taught all of us, normal people, the essence of love. When two people can thank each other for their devotion everyday like what they did for each other on first date, love can forever be refreshed and energetic. On Lucy"s side, people with memory will ask for more than yesterday and become critical of their partners day by day, while people without memory will feel grateful for their life and the people around them everyday. In the movie, when one day Lucy decided to break up with Henry to let him rebuild his life by burning all their diaries and tapes, I cried for Henry"s broken heart. For her, it was just one day feeling. For him, it was long-term affection and connection. It was easier for her than him to give up their love. On Henry"s side, people with memory will always remember the past happiness and treasure it for the rest of their life, while people without memory will easily give up at the end of the same day. What a ruthless feeling it is to end a relationship just after one minute thought. People with fragile mind would easily ruin a long-term relationship no matter what reason they have. The torture between Lucy and Henry tells us the fatal factor to do harm to intimacy between a couple is their fragile mind of balancing emotion and reason. Thus most of couple lose their trust for each other after experiencing this weakly testing broke-up. 飓风Taken What is the right relationship between the father and the daughter? There is no certain answer. But the love of Brain"s to his daughter must be one of the best ones. His daughter, a young pretty 17-year-old girl was kidnapped during a tour in Paris. Brain got the news and hurried to France to take his daughter. He found that the gangsters that kidnapped his daughter were connected with an old friend which made him exetreme angry. He finally found the place where was holding an auction selling young virgins and broke in successfully taking his daughter away. No matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced, he never went back just because of the greatest love of a simple father. In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of kindness, but also his insistance and the greatest of all- a father"s love. 魔术师THE ILLUSIONIST FACTS When word of the famed Eisenheim"s (Ed Norton) illusions reaches Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell), the ruler attends one of the magician"s shows in order to debunk the performance. But when the prince"s intended, Sophie von Teschen (Jessica Biel), assists the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize each other from their childhoods, and pretty soon they"re totally hot for each other. As the clandestine romance continues, the prince"s best cop (Paul Giamatti) is charged with exposing Eisenheim, even while the magician gains a devoted and vocal public following. Before long, Sophie turns up dead, and the logical suspect is Eisenheim himself. 一线声机"Cellular" has the setup for a solid straight-ahead thriller: A kidnap victim who does not know where she is being held phones a total stranger who must then stay connected on his cell phone to find her before she is killed. Joel Schumacher scored earlier with a similarly phone-themed Larry Cohen story, "Phone Booth." As executed by tone-deaf director David R. Ellis, however, "Cellular" becomes an unintentionally hilarious cousin to Brian de Palma"s "Raising Cain" and "Snake Eyes." Ellis seems to have unwittingly spliced together two different films with mismatched tones: Kim Basinger as the kidnapee and Jason Statham as the kidnapper occupy the deadly-serious, straight-to-video thriller half, while Chris Evans as the rescuer and William H. Macy as a police officer seem to be in a "Saturday Night Live"-alum action comedy. Nowhere else is the disjointedness in tone more apparent than when Basinger and Evans"s performances are placed side-by-side during their conversations: The scenes keep cutting between an overwrought Basinger wringing out every drop of melodrama, while a blissfully inept Evans seems to be channeling a cross between Chris Kattan/Jimmy Fallon and Ben Affleck/Keanu Reeves. Meanwhile, Ellis pulls out tricks intended to generate thrills and surprises. He throws in out-of-nowhere "shocks," a la "Final Destination"; he throws in flashbacks; he throws in a gun-blazing Macy in Jerry Bruckheimer action-hero slo-mo; and yet, Ellis has no handle on staging any of them competently. Case in point: "Cellular" is the proud owner of one of the most ineptly scored chase sequences ever, as if Ellis simply heard a snippet of the song"s lyrics ("...where you gonna run to?") literally and paid no attention to the inappropriateness of the accompanying music (which just bop, bop, bops along). (The song is even reprised during the closing credits, which itself is misbegotten in conception.) And yet, for all of its failures as art, "Cellular" is always entertaining for those very same faults
2023-07-21 17:05:161

interracial interethnic 有什么区别?

2023-07-21 17:05:201


2023-07-21 17:04:525


2023-07-21 17:04:502


attempt英 [u0259"tem(p)t]美 [u0259"tu025bmpt]n. 企图,试图;攻击vt. 企图,试图;尝试
2023-07-21 17:04:502

谁知道《温柔的爱我》love me tender 的简谱,最好是口琴谱。

2023-07-21 17:04:491


hall of fame 还有阿黛尔的set fire to the rain (极力推荐)超好听的两首!!!
2023-07-21 17:04:422


interracial美 [.u026antu0259r"reu026au0283(u0259)l]英 [.u026antu0259"reu026au0283(u0259)l]adj.不同种族的人的;种族间的 人种间的;跨种族;人种混合的例句筛选1.At the time, interracial marriages were illegal in certain states.那时候,异族通婚在有些州属于非法行为。2.Even now, mixed couples face many obstacles, including laws restrictinginterracial marriage.即使是现在,异族男女之间的婚姻仍然面临着重重阻碍,包括限制异族通婚的法律。
2023-07-21 17:04:411


2023-07-21 17:04:407


问题一:爱情英文怎么写 只要说Love 就表示爱情 问题二:爱英语怎么写 love English 问题三:爱情用英文怎么翻译 爱情 love affection amor fervent love; 热烈的爱情 sweet affection; 甜蜜的爱情 1. 爱情歌曲 love song;2. 爱情纪念品 love token;3. 爱情结 love knot (一种装饰性花结);4. 爱情镜头 love scene;5. 爱情恐怖 erotophobia;6. 爱情片 love film;7. 爱情热 love fever; 盯eated discussions about love in literature;8. 爱情小说 romance novel; love story;9. 爱情心理学 love psychology 问题四:爱的英文怎么写 love 如 i love you. 问题五:爱情英语怎么说 我有更好的回答 love affection amor情感医生loveloveQQ无线互助二团 love26个爱情英语单词:) A:accept――接受 “世上没有十全十美的人。”记着,你爱他,就必须接受他的一切,甚至缺点。 B:belief――信任 不信任对方,经常以怀疑的口吻盘问对方,这种互相猜度的爱情就只有分手的下场。 C:care――关心 关心的程度正好表现你对对方的重视程度,间或打个电话给对方关心地问候一句:“工作辛苦吗?”又或者传呼他:“天气凉了,请加衣。”这些关心未必有实际用途,但起码能令对方暖在心头。 D:digest――理解 我们不是圣人,总有情绪起伏的时候,若对方是“凸”的时候,你何不做“凹”去忍耐一下他,安慰一下他呢? E:enjoy――欣赏 你应该欣赏对方的一切,欣赏这段爱情开给你的开心、幸福。这样,你便会爱得更愉快,不要只懂埋怨,在鸡蛋里挑骨头。 F:freedom――自由 纵然已婚,也应给予对方应有自由及保持秘密的权利。你的另一半不是你的终生奴隶,不要让他认为跟你结婚就等于被困笼中。 G:give――付出 爱情这样东西并不一定是你付出“一”,便会收回“一”。但不付出,便一定没有收获。对你的爱人,应有如对自己一样,毫抚保留地付出,这才算得上真爱。 H:heart――心 爱情最重要的道具是心,你必须真心对待,用心去爱。没有心,又怎称得上真心相爱? I:independence――独立 甜言蜜语的人会说:“我是为了你而生。”其实,每个人都有自己的生存意义,不应过分依赖对方,成为对方的沉重负担,甚至累赘。 J:jealousy――妒忌 适当的妒忌,吃醋能表示你对对方的重视,但切记是合情合理的吃醋;反之,毫不讲理,大发雷霆地吃醋,必惹人反感。 K:kiss――吻 一吻胜过千言万语,轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜他、爱护他,所以请不要吝啬你的红唇。 L:love――爱 都说是爱情,没有爱又怎会有情呢?爱跟喜欢不同,爱一个人,你必定愿意为他做任何事,这是最高的境界。闲时不妨跟对方说句“我爱你”,担保比任何礼物来得甜蜜开心。 M:mature――成熟 为什么一般人的初恋总会无声无色地惨败,因为年轻人都恋爱得较幼稚。况且,没有一个人会喜欢配偶长年没头没脑地蹦蹦跳跳。人成熟一点,你的爱情亦会早熟一点,甚至开花结果。 N:natural――自然 很多人初拍拖是都会把一切缺点隐藏起来,变成另一个人。日子久了,缺点才一箩箩地出现,令对方吃不消。其实,不做作,流于自然的爱情才是细水常流的。 O:observe――观察 经常细心观察爱侣的喜好,不但能更了解对方,更能给他惊喜。那份心意必定比礼物还来得珍贵。 P:protect――保护 做男朋友的当然要保护女朋友,但做女朋友的亦要保护对方的尊严,不应容许别人中伤、侮辱你的另一半。 Q:quarter――宽大 宽大是基本的要决,对爱侣的错误,你应以宽大的态度原谅他,因为你是最爱他的人。 R:receive――接受 对于爱侣为你所做的,请不要表现得无动于衷,令他气馁。他付出,你便应以欣赏的态度去接受,这才能令感动更进一步。 S:share――分享 若你爱他,就必能与他分享他的喜与哀,这是作为一个伴侣最简单的责任。 T:tender――温柔 歌都有的唱“lovemetender”啦!爱人当然要温柔地爱,因为男人女......>> 问题六:4年爱情英文怎么写? Four years of love 问题七:爱情故事用英语怎么翻译 love story / love stories romance a tale of love 电影:Love Story Arthur Hiller Kama Sutra 问题八:爱情电影用英语怎么说romantic movie? “爱情电影”用英语常表示为: Love movie 例句: 1畅 哪一部经典的爱情电影让你毕生难忘? Which is the most unforgettable movie for you? 2. 我们绝大多数人都至少看过一部经典的浪漫爱情电影。 Most of us have watched at least one old, romantic movie. 3. 你喜欢浪漫爱情电影吗?你最喜欢的爱情电影又是哪一部呢? Do you like romantic films? And if so what is you all-time favourite movie romance? 4. 这些人可能不会在感情关系中反复无常,但是会花费大量的时间在聊天室中,读浪漫小说,或者去狂看爱情电影。 These people may not actually go in and out of relationships, but instead spend large amounts of time in chat rooms, reading romance novels, or going to movie after movie. 5. 这部爱情电影使我十分感动,你看了也会哭! This love movie plays on my heart strings. It may also make you cry. 问题九:爱情开始的英文怎么说 fall in love ! let"s begin our love story 问题十:爱情英文怎么写 只要说Love 就表示爱情
2023-07-21 17:04:341