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These are yellow trousers.对吗?


你的裤子和与你的衣服搭配得好用英文怎么说,Your trousers goes — —your





单复同形,单数时要用a pair of修饰,不用a


不是。clothes本身就是cloth(布)的复数形式trousers作“一条裤子”之意时是只用复数,但作为“一条裤管”时应用单数trouser。clothes是复数,因为裤子总会有两个裤管,所以trousers就是复数。trousers主要作为名词,作名词时意为“裤子,长裤”。相关短语:flare trousers喇叭裤;中腰长阔裤; cotton trousers棉裤:棉毛裤:棉制长裤。用法:trousers可以用作名词,表示裤子条数时用pair。_rousers修饰其他名词作定语时用单数形式_rousers用作名词的用法例句:_lared trousers are out this year.今年喇叭裤不时兴了。_he boy"s trousers needapatchon the knee这孩子的裤子膝盖上需要打个补丁。


凡是由两部分才能构成整体的名词,都要以复数形式出现,例如: 裤子:trousers(两条腿) 衣服:clothes(两片衣襟和两只袖子) 镊子:forceps 剪刀:scissors 圆规:compasses


如果是有量词a pair of trousers作主语用is,如果pair是复数的话用are。倘若trousers单独作主语,用are。trousers是一个英语单词,主要作为名词,作名词时意为“裤子,长裤”。例句Do you have any small trousers?你们还有小一点的裤子吗?These trousers are not for me, but for my brothers.这些几条裤子不是给我的,而是给我的兄弟的。Your trousers fit well.你的裤子很合身。




您好! trousers 本来就是复数形式.意思是裤子. 一条裤子:a pair of trousers 两条裤子:two pairs of trousers 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

trousers 什麽意思 可数码 ?



trousers是复数。trousers[英] [u02c8trau028azu0259z][美] [u02c8trau028azu0259rz]n.裤子;[例句]He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。[原型]trouser[复数]trousers




trousers 英 [u02c8trau028azu0259z] 美 [u02c8trau028azu0259rz] n. 裤子; [例句]He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。[其他] 原型: trouser 复数:trousers


一、详细释义: , n. , 裤子,长裤,西装长裤 , 例句: ,You look very sexy in those tight trousers!,你穿上那条紧身裤子看上去十分性感。, 例句: ,He will have to slim if he wants to wear the trousers.,如果他想穿下这条裤子的话,就得减肥。, 二、词义辨析: , jeans,pants,slacks,shorts,trousers ,这些名词均含有“裤子”之意。jeans指劳动布裤或牛仔裤。pants常用词,在美国,泛指各类裤子,在英国指衬裤或短裤。slacks美国指比较宽松的便裤,英国人指妇女外面穿的长裤。 shorts指短裤或裤衩。trousers指长裤,用于较正式场合。, 三、参考例句: ,My trousers are old.,我的裤子太旧了。,Why are there no trousers?,为什么裤子都不见了?,The trousers are too large.,这条裤子太大。,His trousers are too long.,他的裤子太长了。,When did women"s trousers e in?,妇女的长裤是什么时候流行起来的?,Cut off your trousers takes time.,剪短你的裤子需要时间。,Look at the filth on your trousers!,看你裤子上的脏东西!,Perhaps you should try these trousers?,或许你应该试试这些裤子。,Flared trousers are going out again.,喇叭裤又不流行了。,These trousers are a bit tight.,这条裤子有点儿紧。




trousersn.裤子复数: trousers例句: His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain. 他的灰色针织毛衫和长裤全都被雨水淋透了。满意的话,望采纳~~


因为裤子是两条裤腿,所以 trousers本来就是复数形式。


长裤的英文trousers双语例句:1、The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection.这条裤子上有双倍厚的护膝片以加强保护。2、A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。3、This month"s offers include a shirt, trousers and bed covers.本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。4、His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff.Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform.他的制服裤子在不停地滴水。他那条防水裤崭新笔挺。5、She has to go to the men"s department to find trousers that fit at the waist.她得去男装部找一条腰围合适的裤子。6、It makes soldiers happy to know that somebody right at the top has been caught with his trousers down.顶头上司出了大洋相,当兵的最高兴了。


不一样,不过其中的ou 是一样的

This accident arouses the massive media coverage.

【答案】:A本题考查形容词。题干:这场事故引起了媒体的大量报道。题干画线单词massive意为“大量的,巨大的”,四个选项extensive意为“广泛的,大量的”,negative意为“否定的,消极的”, responsive意为“回应的,应答的”,explosive意为“爆炸的,爆炸性的”,故正确答案为A。








裤子在英语中,可以用 "trousers" 这个词来表示。trousers 是英式英语中的词汇,表示一种覆盖两条腿的下装,通常指长裤。在美式英语中,这种下装通常是用 "pants" 来表示。比如说:I wear trousers to work. (我去上班的时候穿裤子。)She bought a new pair of trousers yesterday. (她昨天买了一条新裤子。)He always wears brown trousers and a white shirt. (他总是穿棕色裤子和白色衬衫。)在英语中还有一些常见的相关词汇和表达,如下:1、Jeans:用于表示牛仔裤。(例如:I prefer to wear jeans instead of trousers.)2、Leggings:用于表示紧身裤或打底裤。(例如:She usually wears leggings with a sweater.)3、Shorts:用于表示短裤。(例如:He likes to wear shorts in the summer.)4、Skirt:用于表示裙子。(例如:She looks very pretty in her new skirt.)5、Slacks:通常是指一种宽松、款式简单的长裤,适用于办公室或正式场合。6、Chinos:一种丝绸或棉质的宽松长裤,颜色通常为卡其色(khaki)或深蓝色等。7、Khakis:又称为 "khaki pants",一种卡其色的长裤,通常用于休闲场合。用法注意事项1、根据场合选择:裤子的样式和颜色因场合而异。通常,正式场合需要穿正装裤,而休闲场合可以选择牛仔裤或短裤等。因此,在选择裤子时,应该考虑当天的活动和场合。2、与鞋子搭配:裤子与鞋子的搭配很重要,不同款式的裤子需要搭配适合的鞋子。例如,正装裤通常与皮鞋搭配,而休闲裤则可以搭配运动鞋或皮拖鞋等。3、注意质地和材质:裤子的质地和材质会影响舒适度和外观。通常,棉质材料透气舒适,而丝绸或聚酯质地更显高档。因此,应根据个人偏好和场合来选择裤子的质感。4、选择适宜的尺码:尺码对于裤子的舒适度和外观有重要的影响。选择合适的尺码可使裤子穿起来更舒适,并能更好地体现身材。因此,在购买裤子时,应注意测量腰围、臀围等尺寸。5、穿着干净整洁:裤子在穿着过程中需要保持干净整洁。因此,应及时清洗和保养裤子,避免沾染污渍和磨损。此外,穿着时也要注意不要弄皱或弄脏裤子。


trousers音标:[u02c8trau028azu0259z]。trousers是一个英语单词,主要作为名词,作名词时意为“裤子,长裤”。裤子,英文名:trousers、pants。泛指人穿在腰部以下的服装,一般由一个裤腰、一个裤裆、两条裤腿缝纫而成,根据材质、造型和受众的不同,有多种分类。据考古实证,中原地区的古人穿裤子至晚在西周便已经开始,河南三门峡虢国墓地已经有麻布裤实物出土。之前讹传的由赵国赵武灵王在邯郸实行“胡服骑射”的军事改革才由外部传入裤子这一服饰的说法被证伪。短语搭配1、Climbing trousers登山裤;爬山裤。2、Down trousers鸭绒裤;羽绒裤。3、flare trousers喇叭裤;中腰长阔裤。4、cotton trousers棉裤;棉毛裤;棉制长裤。5、long trousers长裤;保暖衣;长裤子。双语例句1、Do you have any small trousers?你们还有小一点的裤子吗?2、These trousers are not for me,but for my brothers.这些几条裤子不是给我的,而是给我的兄弟的。3、Your trousers fit well.你的裤子很合身。


长裤英语怎么读trousers"长裤"用英语可以读作"trousers"或者"pants"。"trousers"多用于英式英语中,而"pants"则更多用于美式英语中。以下是几种适用于记忆英语单词的方法:1.分类记忆法将单词按照某种特定的分类进行归类,比如根据单词的发音、词性、主题等,然后把它们分别记到每个分类中。例如,对于动物词汇,可以列出分类如下:Bird(鸟类):bird,eagle,owl, parrot,penguin,sparrow;Mammals(哺乳动物):cat,dog,elephant,horse,lion,rabbit。2.句子记忆法把需要记忆的单词与一句简短的应用句子联系在一起进行记忆。例如,对于单词"apple",可以通过这样一个简单的句子来记忆:"I eat an apple every day."这样,每次想起这个单词时,你就会自然而然地回想起它所对应的句子。3.关联记忆法关联记忆法是一种有效的记忆方法,可以帮助我们将新的知识与已有的知识联系起来。例如,对于单词"happy",可以将它与"smile","laugh"等具有相似意义的单词联系在一起。4.字母表记忆法字母表记忆法是通过将一个单词看作由若干个字母构成的序列,然后把这个序列与英文字母表中相应位置上的字母联系起来进行记忆。5.生动形象记忆法此方法通过把单词与生动的场景联系在一起,从而达到记忆的效果。例如,对于单词 "guitar",可以想象自己正在弹奏这种乐器,每次想起这个单词时,你就会自然而然地回想起这个场景。总结来说,以上是五种适合初学者记忆英语单词的方法。但不同的人有不同的记忆习惯和喜好,可以根据自己的实际情况选择其中一个或多个方法。只要坚持日积月累,把这些单词与真实生活中的应用情境相结合,就能更快地记忆单词并提高英语水平。

It is a pair of trousers. or It is a trousers.谁是正确?

(pair of ) trousers shorts slack. For attributive adjective naming a quality is used with the noun as in "of trousers" (a) Some nouns have the same form in plural as in singular:- eg:-deer (b)Some nouns have no plural forms although they are not material or abstract nouns:- eg:-luggage; often use "a piece" and "some pieces" to count them. (c)Some nouns look singular but have a plural meaning:- eg:-the young (d) Some nouns look plural but are singular:- eg:-news (e)Some nouns are always plural:- eg:-clothes pants pyjamas shorts trousers pair of trousers "some" pair of trousers It is a pair of trousers. It is a pair of trousers. trousers:[名词]〔复数使用〕裤子(◆在美国:形式以外,使用 pants。 <本题> 例1. It is a (new) pair of trousers { 这是一条(新)裤子 } 例2. These trousers are dirty. { 这条(这些)裤子很脏。} (◆1条或2条以上皆可使用;欲明示2条以上的事情之场合,使用 these pairs of trousers) 例3. be in short trousers { (我)还是孩子 } 根据Yahoo奇摩字典 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 It is a pair of trousers. 因为牛仔裤系计双数嘅 A pair of trousers is the correct form. Trousers always in pairs. 裤子中文不分单、复数,英语裤子永远是复数。 It is a pair of trousers.


trousers特指长裤 或者西装裤 一般用于比较正式的场合jeans 特指的就是牛仔裤Pants才是泛指各类的裤子

they arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood 如何翻译


求Donald where is your trousers的歌词

苏格兰民谣I just down from the Isle of Skye I"m no very big but I"m awful shy All the lassies shout as I walk by, "Donald, Where"s Your Trousers?" Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low Through the streets in my kilt I go All the lassies cry, "Hello! Donald, where"s your trousers?" I went to a fancy ball It was slippery in the hall I was afeared that I may fall Because I nay had on trousers I went down to London town To have a little fun in the underground All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?" The lassies love me every one But they must catch me if they can You canna put the breeks on a highland man, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?"

arise, raise, rising, arouse的区别是什么?

这些单词都有“上升”或“激起”的含义,但是它们在使用和意义上有些区别:1. Arise:意为“出现”、“起身”、“产生”。通常用于描述某个事件的发生,而这个事件通常比较抽象。例句:A problem arose during the meeting.(会议中出现了一个问题。)2. Arouse:意为“唤起”、“激起”、“引起”。通常用于描述某种感觉,如兴趣、好奇心、情感等,或者是唤起人们的注意。例句:The loud noise aroused my curiosity.(这个巨大的声响唤起了我的好奇心。)3. Rise:意为“上升”、“升高”。用于描绘物体或温度等的升高,或者是人的地位、收入等的增加。例句:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起。)rising 正在上升的n.起义;反抗;造反;叛乱;酵母;adj.崭露头角的;新成名的;新兴的;成长中的;成熟中的;升起的;上升的;逐渐升高的;向上倾斜的;adv.接近;几乎,例句:Prices are rising.价格不断上涨4. Raise:意为“举起”、“提高”、“培养”。用于描述人或物体被举起或抬高,或者某种状态被提高。例句:She raised her hand to ask a question.(她举手询问问题。)综上所述,这些单词虽然有些相似,但因为用法和意义的不同,所以需要根据具体语境进行选择

smart trousers是什么意思啊 不太理解...






trousers是什么意思 trousers的意思

1、trousers是一个英语单词,主要作为名词,作名词时意为“裤子,长裤”。 2、短语搭配: Climbing trousers登山裤;爬山裤 Down trousers鸭绒裤;羽绒裤 flare trousers喇叭裤;中腰长阔裤 cotton trousers棉裤;棉毛裤;棉制长裤



trousers 的中文意思。



trousers英 [u02c8trau028azu0259z] 美 [u02c8trau028azu0259rz] n.裤子v.收受;赚得trouser的第三人称单数和复数




chuao zers能看懂么


trousers 英[u02c8trau028azu0259z] n. 裤子 名词复数:trousers [例句]He wiped it on the troll "s trousers.他把魔杖在巨怪的裤子上擦了擦。




trousers的英文读音:英 ["tra_z_z] 美 ["tra_z_rz]。词汇搭配:put on〔take off〕 trousers 穿上〔脱下〕裤子;long trousers 长裤;be dressed in trousers 穿着长裤;a pair of trousers 一条裤子常见句型:He wore a pair of black trousers他穿着一条黑色裤子。The two pairs of trousers are mine.这两条裤子是我的。He took a piece of chalk from his trouser pocket.他从裤袋里掏出一支粉笔。Flared trousers are out this year.今年喇叭裤不时兴了。


trouser[英]["trau028azu0259(r)][美][u02c8trau028azu025a]adj.裤子的; n.裤子;








trousers 英[u02c8trau028azu0259z] 美[u02c8trau028azu0259rz] n. 裤子; [例句]He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。[其他] 复数:trousers 形近词: trouseau


trousers 英[u02c8trau028azu0259z] n. 裤子 名词复数:trousers [例句]He wiped it on the troll "s trousers.他把魔杖在巨怪的裤子上擦了擦望采纳,谢谢


trouser 英["trau028azu0259(r)] 美[u02c8trau028azu025a] adj. 裤子的 n. 裤子 名词复数:trousers [例句]Anything as simple as rolling up a trouser hem counts as styling.任何设计,如简单的将裤子下摆卷起也算是一种造型。









Mikel Rouse的《The Corner》 歌词

歌曲名:The Corner歌手:Mikel Rouse专辑:Failing KansasRodney Atkins - The CornerFirst time I left homeHere"s the words that my dad said to meHe said sit down sonDon"t take curvesDoin" 90 miles an hourOr you will end up upside downIf you really like herDon"t forget the flowersThe first time and every time you take her outI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerChoose your words wiselyCause you can"t take "em backOnce they"ve broken someone"s heartJust because your friend doesDoesn"t mean you have toIt"s what sets the two of you apartI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerDon"t pretend to know it allWhen you don"t know a thingAnd know your way around itBefore you throw your hat into the rainAnd don"t commit to somethin"If you can"t follow throughAnd your past will always catch up with youI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerAlways call your mamaWhen you say you gonnaWhile she"s still here for you to callAnd don"t forget the man upstairsIn your darkest hourHe"s a pick me up every time you fallI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerI"m in your cornerI"ve been around the blockEnough to know what"s "round the cornerWhat"s around the corner *2





垃圾的同义词 LESE 还是rouse 还是rese 还是rousou 还是lousou 还是louse 。。。反正就是这个意思

residue 残渣,剩余物质


他们虽然都有“唤起 唤醒 激起”的意思,但还是有区别,基本上不能通用。arouse只能做动词rouse除了做动词,还能做名词arousevt. 唤醒, 唤起, 鼓励, 引起vi. 睡醒rousev. 唤醒, 激起, 使振奋, 惊起



the trousers look nice can i try

答案:B. trousers是复数,所以用代词代替的话,应该用them,try on试穿,代词作宾语的话,应该放在两词中间.故选B.

naked grouse 威士忌

你说的naked grouse 我是没听说过,裸体雀?呵呵但是有个老牌子是苏格兰威雀 威士忌。The Famous Grouse。这是名酒。你说的那个要记得说瓶子的容量,和年份。那样才知道价格

rabble rousers造句,rabble rousersの例文,"rabble rousers"是什麼意思

"I"m not a rabble rouser ," These false claims were spread by local white officials and rabble rousers . The player in question was not a rabble rouser . In this way he exposed the speakers as simple anti-Cathopc rabble rousers . Administrators, Kerr among them, suggested the protesters were Communist-dominated rabble rousers . It is absurd to say that this is a man who is a rabble rouser . They thought he was a rabble rouser , found him guilty of sedition and killed him. Consider the source : Rev . Ian Paisley, the notorious anti-Cathopc rabble rouser . He was not a rabble rouser . To the FBI, Spock was a subversive and a " rabble rouser ." It"s difficult to see rabble rousers in a sentence. 用 rabble rousers 造句挺难的 Marshal Harmon es into town and o drunk rabble rousers , the King brothers are causing trouble. Everybody loves a rabble rouser , even if he"s got a zilpon dollars in the bank. Gehringer recalled in his Hall of Fame induction speech, " I wasn"t a rabble rouser . He is opposed by Truman, a rabble rouser who stirs up the discontented, poverty-stricken masses. She earned a reputation as a rabble rouser while still in high school, leading protests against South African apartheid. This campaign, Netanyahu has backed down from such outright vipfication, anxious to shed his Likud Party"s reputation as rabble rousers . Nat Moyer ( Matthau ) is an unreconstructed radical, a rabble rouser of the old school who divides the world into exploiters and victims. Some residents bepeve a rabble rouser is exactly what this city needs and didn"t get when Cardenas snatched the mayorship from the rupng party. She is currently married to graphic artist Alberto Garcia with whom she pubpshed the 2014 book, Rabble Rousers : Fearless Fighters for Social Justice. If only enough Engpsh people wouldn"t allow themselves to be used as fodder for the rabble rousers , the puppet masters who always are actually against them. Dr . Jussim also runs Rabble Rouser , a blog that identifies errors in social psychology research and practice, suggests ways to improve it and discusses societal imppcations. "I had my fingers crossed because I knew there"d be some rabble rousers around, trying to make him a failure or a flop," The Rev . Cornepus Bohm, who has pved in the area for 32 years, said rabble rousers on both sides inflamed the situation by burning churches and mosques. The party whose pronouncements once carried the force of law seems uncertain about what role it wants to play in the new Russia : Loyal opposition or radical rabble rouser ? And I reiterate that any call for arbitration by me on the subject of rabble rousers is, to the best of my knowledge, a figment of your imagination. SEATTLE _ In 1968, a clean-cut, bespectacled 21-year-old named Roger Lippman was added to the FBI"s " Rabble Rouser Index ." His second non-fiction book was " The Rabble Rousers " ( 1963 ), a sardonic look at human folly including the Dreyfus affair and the Florida land boom. "He didn"t pke the idea of some of these rabble rousers ing in and causing trouble, " Wachs said . " He tried to keep that off the pages ." Sylla"s anti-corruption and antipoverty message is popular among poorer Senegalese and students, but has led the government and other opposition leaders to view him as a potentially dangerous rabble rouser . The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not investigate the Courtneys, but Director J . Edgar Hoover referred to them in a reply to an inquiry as " known rabble rousers and hate mongers ." It"s difficult to see rabble rousers in a sentence. 用 rabble rousers 造句挺难的 But it seemed unpkely that Lepper"s influence _ as a rabble rouser whose party, Self Defense, still has 53 of 460 seats in the Sejm, the lower house _ would fade soon. Sylla"s anti-corruption and anti-poverty message is popular among poorer Senegalese and students, but has led the government and other opposition leaders to view him as a potentially dangerous rabble rouser . He also appeared in " Mystery Train, " the Memphis-set 1989 film by American director Jim Jarmusch, and served briefly as lead singer of London-Irish rabble rousers The Pogues. Rumors about his appearance inspire revulsion among staff members at the facipty, and as those rumours spread into the general population, popticians, pundits, repgious leaders and rabble rousers begin exploiting the fears generated. One primary tactic was the mob action . ( The word " mob " itself, Raphael writes, dates from 17th-century England and is short for mobile vulgus, or British rabble rousers .) In such moments, it would be easy to overestimate the strength and popularity of al-Sadr, a 30-year-old rabble rouser whose following is still largely pmited to Iraq"s Shiite poor. Jorge Alvarado, a 21-year veteran, seized a key precinct in Caracas to stop Mayor Alfredo Pena _ an opponent of President Hugo Chavez _ from forcing him into retirement for allegedly being a rabble rouser . I wish I could say I take fort in the fact that I was in the pany of Bill Walton, various talk-show rabble rousers and assorted other low-pfes when I called for Jim Harrick"s head a year ago. """Music is My Silence " "", the first and only solo album to date by Bepnda O"Hooley, was released on 13 June 2005 on the Rabble Rouser label, distributed by Cadiz Music. "It"s a big change from the mode we were in, entrenched in battle, " said Frank Curiel, the farm workers"chief organizer and rabble rouser in this down-on-its-heels town, 30 miles northwest of Tallahassee. It was not the first time Knabe and Schmidt had e across one another, Schmidt already having been fined ?2, 100 in 2009 for calpng Knabe himself a " pubpcly unrestrained rabble rouser " ( " " 鰂fentpch und ungestraft als Volksverhetzer " " ) in connection with Knabe"s earper work on the Stasi. Here was this very moderate-thinking, even-keeled person, who was not a rabble rouser , who was just working within the system to get the rights every person is entitled to _ to vote, to eat at a restaurant, to send your kids to a decent school _ and this is what happened to him. In support of the latter, he helped start the website hertodoxacademy . org, a collection of academics pushing for improvements in their academic fields . [ 9 ] Dr . Jussim also runs Rabble Rouser , a blog that identifies errors in social psychology research and practice, suggests ways to improve it and discusses societal imppcations . [ 5] When he arrived in St . Louis the local media described him as " a glowering moon-faced giant . . . on the fleshy side of 200 pounds . . . mild mannered, popte, and diplomatic . " They also described him as " too emotional, " a " rabble rouser , " and " a haranguer ." A munist rabble rouser in the 1940s, he went on to subscribe to the anti-semitic views of the British fascists, until he was approached by Sir Oswald Mosley who told him-inter apa-in 1947 " we can use the Jews . " This prompted Webster to reassess his own ideas and he subsequently wrote a letter of apology to the Jewish Chronicle of the times expressing his regrets about his former views. It"s difficult to find rabble rousers in a sentence. 用 rabble rousers 造句挺难的


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Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carouselCome, come one, come all,you must be this tallto ride this ride at the carnivalOh, come, take my handand run through playlandso high, too high at the carnivalAnd it"s all fun and games,"til somebody falls in love,but you"ve already bought a ticket,and there"s no turning back nowRound and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carouselThis horse is too slow,we"re always this close,almost, almost, we"re a freakshowRight, right when I"m near,it"s like you disappear,where"d you go? Is that Houdini or a freakshow?And it"s all fun and games,"til somebody falls in love,but you"ve already bought a ticket,and there"s no turning back nowRound and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carouselWhy did you steal my cotton candy heart?you threw it in this damn coin slot,and now I"m stuck, I"m stuck,riding, riding, ridingRound and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carousel

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Mickey mouse is on the trousers .汉语意思就是米老鼠穿着裤子。


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jQuery Feature Carousel 插件是国外的一比较优秀的旋转木马图片插件。 插件特点:1. 处理div的3d旋转木马效果。2. 支持一个中心,2个侧面的功能3.中心区域可点击4.显示隐藏文本功能(可以使用css显示在图片的任何位置)5.可以修改速度,效果,等很多的参数。6.支持 Chrome,FireFox,Safari和IE6 +浏览器。7.需要 jQuery v1.3+8.支持图片预加载


var $slider = $(".slider");$slider.owlCarousel({ loop: true,});loop就是循环的参数


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垂直居中只能使用这个代码 .center-vertical { position:relative; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%); }


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