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Qt5 QPlainTextEdit设置背景颜色代码如下:codeeditor->setStyleSheet("background-color:lightYellow;");文字的颜色设置:QPlainTextEdit edit;QPalette p = edit.palette();p.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::red);p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Base, Qt::red);edit.setPalette(p);Qt 是一个1991年由奇趣科技开发的跨平台C++图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。它既可以开发GUI程序,也可用于开发非GUI程序,比如控制台工具和服务器。Qt是面向对象的框架,使用特殊的代码生成扩展(称为元对象编译器(Meta Object Compiler, moc))以及一些宏,易于扩展,允许组件编程。2008年,奇趣科技被诺基亚公司收购,QT也因此成为诺基亚旗下的编程语言工具。2012年,Qt被Digia收购。2014年4月,跨平台集成开发环境Qt Creator 3.1.0正式发布,实现了对于iOS的完全支持,新增WinRT、Beautifier等插件,废弃了无Python接口的GDB调试支持,集成了基于Clang的C/C++代码模块,并对Android支持做出了调整,至此实现了全面支持iOS、Android、WP。


Pavel Melenchuk

the sheep meets the rabbit on way,为什么加meets?


at the spin wheel的汉语意思

at the spin wheel在旋转轮at the spin wheel在旋转轮


wheelchairwheelchair ["hwi:l,tu0283εu0259]n. [美国英语]轮椅以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》双语例句原声例句权威例句The patient was put into a wheelchair and trundled to the garden.病人被放进一辆轮椅并被推到了花园。《21世纪大英汉词典》That cannot be, not with his wheelchair stacked high with all he owns, like apickup truck.但那时不可能的,同他的轮椅以及他的全部家当在一起就像一辆小货车。article.yeeyan.orgThe next day, Peterson felt well enough to ask his wife to get a wheelchair andtake him to Yancey.第二天,彼得森觉得自己身体够好了,他向他的妻子要一个轮椅,想让她带他去燕西家。article.yeeyan.org1.Could the team really succeed in a place so accessible to humans?小队真的能在这个人类"触手可及"的地方找到吗?2.It wants to make mobile devices and software more accessible to raise demand for advertising, the segment it dominates.它希望使手机和软件变得更容易获取,从而提升广告的需求这是它所主宰的领域

司闸员freewheelers和real mccoy哪个好



with or without you U2

The wolves (狼) are very hungry饿. They go out to look for food. There are many sheep ( 羊 ) near

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:A小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这个故事说的是狼很饿,想要吃羊,但是羊有牧羊犬照看。于是狼想办法把狗骗到了他们的家里,最后把狗和羊都吃掉了。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文的开头The wolves are very hungry. They go out to look for food.可知,狼非常到饿,他们外出寻找食物。故狼出去找食物是因为他们饿了。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据短文中There are also a few sheepdogs with them......以及狼对牧羊犬说的话you must work for man.可知,这些牧羊犬是为人工作的。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据故事的结尾The wolves ask the dogs to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves" home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.可知,狼让狗去了他们家,当牧羊犬进到狼到家的时候,狼把狗和羊都吃掉了。故狼让狗去他们家是为了吃掉他们。故选A。小题4:细节理解题。根据短文中狼对狗说的话中They make you look after their sheep可知,人们让牧羊犬照看他们的羊。故选B。小题5:主旨大意题。这篇文章讲的这个故事的意思是狼很饿,想吃羊,但是有牧羊犬照看羊。于是狼想办法把狗骗到了他们的家里,最后把狗和羊都吃掉了。所以从这个故事中我们可以看出狼是非常狡猾的。故选D。

sheer和thorough有什么不同 拜托英语达人讲解下哈

这两个词完全不同. thorough 表示“彻底的”或“细致的”,表示动作进行得完整,且处事者细心. sheer 只用于名词前,表示“不掺杂的”“纯粹的”类似于pure,此外还可表示为“几乎透明的”“陡峭的/地”

google sheet pivot sort

如果使用Google sheet的pivot(数据透视表),通过这张表生成的graph中,有些配置可以自由配置 比如选择stacked column chart: 可以把第二行的文字显示在chart的图例中 如果想更改图例中各个数据的颜色,选择series->Apply to,选择不同的serie,再选择不同的color即可 如果想sort图例中的各个值,要在Pivot table editor编辑 定位在表格任意单元格,可以唤起Pivot table editor,在columns->order选择相应的选项:Descending/Ascending ※如果表格是经常更新的,最好把rows的order改成Descending,这样最新的数据都会显示在最上面,表格的数据也会抓最新的

求Ed Sheeran kiss me的中文歌词


求Ed Sheeran kiss me的中文歌词

Settle down with me 与我,在此处一同停留Cover me up 将我环绕阖起静静珍藏Cuddle me in 把我拥紧靠近你的怀抱Lie down with me, yeah 与我同卧And hold me in your arms 并请将我拥入你的臂弯And you heart"s against my chest 你的心跳触上我的胸膛Your lips pressed to my neck 你的唇瓣覆上我的脖颈I"m falling for your eyes 我迷失在了你的瞳眸中But they don"t know me yet 但所有人都全然不懂我And with a feeling I"ll forget 伴着一转瞬即逝的触动I"m in love now 此刻的我已坠爱河Kiss me like you wanna be loved 吻我,如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱This feels like falling in love 这种感觉如浴爱河Falling in love 如浴爱河Falling in love如浴爱河Settle down with me 与我,在此处一同停留And I"ll be your safety 我会成为你避风的港湾You"ll be my lady 你则将会成为我的女孩I was made to keep your body warm 我曾尽力温暖你的躯体But I"m as cold as the wind blows 但我却寒如呼哨之风翼So hold me in your arms 因此请将我拥入臂弯吧My heart"s against your chest 我的心跳触上你的胸膛Your lips pressed to my neck 你的唇瓣覆上我的脖颈I"m falling for your eyes 我迷失在了你的瞳眸中But they don"t know me yet 但所有人都全然不懂我And with a feeling I"ll forget 伴着一转瞬即逝的触动I"m in love now 此刻的我已坠爱河Kiss me like you wanna be loved 吻我,如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱This feels like falling in love 这种感觉如浴爱河Falling in love 如浴爱河Falling in love如浴爱河Yeah I"ve been feeling everything 我曾感受万物From hate to love 由憎恨变爱恋From love to lust 再由爱恋成热情From lust to truth 最后由热情至现实I guess that"s how I know you 我想,这大概便是你我注定So hold you close 因此我将你更加拥向我To hope you give it up 希望你回头是岸So kiss me like you wanna be loved 因此吻我吧,如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱This feels like falling in love 这种感觉如浴爱河Falling in love 如浴爱河Falling in love如浴爱河Kiss me like you wanna be loved 吻我,如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱You wanna be loved 如若你亦渴望被爱This feels like falling in love 这种感觉如浴爱河Falling in love 如浴爱河Falling in love如浴爱河


Beta-strand is a structural unit of protein beta sheets.This is an extended stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long that forms hydrogen bonds with other beta-strands in the same beta-sheet. beta-sheet(beta-折叠)是由几个beta-strand(beta-线串)组成的 (beta-strand 没找到中文翻译)

stiff cheese是什么意思


nail the cheer 什么意思

nail在这里俚语用法。 搞定你了 的意思。想象一下像钉子打下去一样,就是狠狠的赢了,搞定了。

Who Cares (As Long As You Care For Me) (Of Thee I Sing) 歌词

歌曲名:Who Cares (As Long As You Care For Me) (Of Thee I Sing)歌手:Alice Ricciardi专辑:Comes LoveWho Cares?Staring at the sky,There"s angels in the snow.Wishing she could fly high,Above the world below.All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s sitting on the stairs,With ribbons in her hair,Waiting for someone who cares,Who cares.Pouring over magazines,She soaks up every page.Each picture like a daydream,She never wants to fade.All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s looking in the mirror,Wondering what to wear,Hoping she"ll meet someone who cares,At the window sill, she"s looking out on,Strawberry daffodils,Butterflies and broken roller skates,The colours bleed like finger paint.Yesterday...All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s rocking in a chair,Silver in her hair, still waiting for someone...All that she wanted,Is to be wanted.She"s sitting on the stairs,Ribbons in her hair,Waiting for someone who cares,Who cares.http://music.baidu.com/song/3465132

Brownie Mcghee&Sonny Terry的《Louise》 歌词

歌曲名:Louise歌手:Brownie Mcghee&Sonny Terry专辑:California BluesLouiseRobbie WilliamsWhen he saw her getting off the busIt seemed to wipe away the yearsHer face was older, just a little roughBut her eyes were still so clearHe drank his coffee and he hurried outAcross before she walked awayThen he approached her like a little childToo scared for what he had to say"Hello Louise,Remember me?Now should we partOr stay awhile?As if we were still lovers"She took a moment just to recognisethe man she"d known so well beforeAnd as he started to apologiseLose any bitterness she boreShe gently put her finger on his lipsTo let him know she understoodAnd with her suitcase standing on the floorEmbraced him like a lover wouldHe told louise"You look so goodIt"s just you seeYou make me feelAs if we were still lovers"It"s not always true that time heals all woundsThere are wounds that you don"t wanna healThe memories of something really goodSomething truly realthat you never found againAs if we were still loversAnd though they talked just for just a little timeBefore she said she had to goHe saw the meeting as a tiny signThat told him all he had to knowAnd so LouiseWaved from the busAnd as she leftShe gave that smileAs if they were still loversIt"s not always true that time heals all woundsThere are wounds that you don"t wanna healThe memories of something really goodSomething truly realthat I"ve never found againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8511324

jeep jeep next sheep 这句话是什么意思


汉译英Translate the following sentences into English, and put your answers down on the Answer Sheet

1. This issue is noteworthy.2. This trail leads to the school.3. Despite our objections, he made that decision.4. Since we are good friends, you should support me.5. These new equipment will be put into use next month.6. This dictionary is very useful to us, I just can not do without it.7. They maintained the car very well.8. He found it hard to concentrate in class thinking.9. This poem was too difficult, a 9-year-old child of course can not comprehend.10. Our new products, good quality, we are proud of it. These new products have greatly improved the image of our company.11. It is understood that science and technology development of China"s modernization is essential.12. After several failures, he finally succeeded in the invention of a more than any one had been a good bike.13. Mathematics teachers know that if Tom could not is another difficult solution, then the most likely solution is also no other students in the class.14. Scientists have made numerous experiments show that improving the people"s behavior, the praise than criticism much more effective.15. I do know that there are a lot of young people while doing homework while listening to background music habits.

Shepherd, No Sheep 歌词

歌曲名:Shepherd, No Sheep歌手:Showbread专辑:The Fear Of GodShowbread - Shepherd, No Sheepforgive me children for i have sinnedi never asked you firstthe way in which i wrote this song,the pen which scribed the versei never stopped to think of youeach chord change, each refrainwas done so with you not in mindthe farthest from my brainalready gone and such a wastewill you please put me in my place?it"s not enough to just say the things you doand i hate music because of youbeing the conisourre you are, with all you listen toyou know exactly what we"ve done wrong and what we need to docome to you before each note is ever written downfind out exactly what you want before we make a soundbut i, in my arrogancehave gone my separate waymusic is dead and so are we, and soon will come the daywhen every single stupid song and everything onlinewill turn to dust, the moth, the rust, decay and wasted timeif i am honest, there"s part of me that hopes it makes you sicki hope you cannot stand to hear it, or bear the thought of iti hope that tomorrow you"ll curse our nameyou"ll drill it in the dirti hope you"ll not come back to usi hope it always hurtsbut at Your feet i admit defeatmy work is now in Your handsif they want to hear stupid music so very badthey can start themselves a bandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10535374


shepherd与sheepherder 都是牧羊人的意思首先说sheep的意思不用说了吧 是羊的意思herder的意思是牧人的意思 sheep+herder 羊的牧人自然就是牧羊人的意思咯但是英语一向讲究简单 勿重复的原则 所以sheepherder一词中间的两个e去掉一个 简写成shepherd 久而久之 此词便流传开来 故形成牧羊人一说


求助!! 有这样的事?我们这里不会啊。这个是可以在选项里设置的吧你找找看吧 没办法,不能删


Leopard和cheetah的区别如下:1. 外形特征不同:豹和美洲豹通常是指leopard,它们的身体上有很多黑色和棕色的斑点,斑点大小不一,呈现出一种独特的美丽斑马条纹。而cheetah的身体上则是有许多黑色的斑点,斑点形状相对较小、较圆,分布比较整齐。2. 体型不同:Cheetah的体型通常比leopard要小,cheetah体型更修长,适应高速奔跑,而leopard则比较结实,适应攀爬和游泳。3. 奔跑速度不同:Cheetah是陆地上奔跑速度最快的动物,其奔跑速度可达每小时120公里以上。leopard奔跑速度相对较慢,但它们具有很强的攀爬和游泳能力。以上是这两种动物的主要区别,您可以根据这些特征来判断这两种动物。


cheetah和leopard区别就是动物的名字不同,cheetah指的是猎豹,而leoqard指的是花豹,猎豹要比花豹的体型小一些。 猎豹和花豹都是猫科动物,然后都是以捕食肉食动物为生,要说这两个动物有什么区别,不经常见的人确实是分不清楚的。不过产地也是不同的,猎豹产于印度,花豹产于美洲,就算产地不同,但是这两种动物的花色,模样,大小是相似的。不过猎豹的速度要比花豹快很多,猎豹的毛也要比花豹的长一些。


Cheetah 和 Leopard 都是豹科的一种,它们的身体形态和外貌很像,但也有许多不同之处。以下是它们的区别:1、外貌Cheetah的身体更长而纤瘦,运动时呈现出优美的弧线,体重较轻,脚掌上有明显的爪痕,被毛显得光滑细密,颜色为黄褐色,亮斑为黑色,斑点排列呈现出流畅的横向条纹。Leopard的身体相对较短而胖,虽有力量却不如Cheetah拥有奔跑的速度,体重较重,脚掌上没有爪痕,被毛粗糙而颜色呈金黄色,身上斑点与豹身上的一样,但斑点分布呈现出比较散乱的花纹。2、生活习性Cheetah是白天猎捕的动物,主要以小型瞪羚和其他小型哺乳动物为食。它们通常独居且不会互相攻击,喜欢生活在广阔的平原、山坡等开阔的草原环境中.Leopard则是夜间行动的捕手,它们的猎物比较广泛,主要以小型动物、鸟类为食,也会捕食狗、野猪等大型猎物。Leopard是一种孤独的动物,它们喜欢生活在山地、丘陵地带或森林等密林环境中。3、捕猎方式Cheetah基本上是在追逐猎物,具有高度的加速和跑速,同时独有的尾部平衡作用使它可以维持高速奔跑时的稳定性,从而有能力猎取远离自己的猎物。Leopard则采取更加隐秘的捕猎方式,通过伏击猎物完成捕获。它会将自己伪装成周围环境的一部分,静待猎物上钩后,一口咬住猎物的颈部或喉咙部,以夺取猎物的生命。Cheetah和Leopard虽然在许多方面存在差异,但它们也有一些相同点,比如它们都属于豹科,都是非常优秀的猎手,拥有敏捷的身手和出色的狩猎能力。此外,它们在生态系统中都扮演着重要的角色,为保护生物多样性做出了贡献。


cheetah:印度豹(一种似豹的动物, 产于南亚及非洲)。leopard:豹, 美洲豹,美洲虎。猎豹cheetah和花豹leopard的主要区别是:看斑点,猎豹是黑点,花豹有金钱听叫声,猎豹吱吱叫,花豹重低音吼;看动作,猎豹呆在开阔地带,花豹喜上树;比长短,猎豹长一些,花豹短一些,但猎豹头较小有明显黑色泪线猎豹捕猎靠速度花豹捕猎靠奇袭。猎豹(学名:Acinonyx jubatus):是食肉目的猫科动物,也是猎豹属下仅有的物种。分为5个亚种和一个变异种。体型最大的是北非亚种,成年雄性体重29-71千克,均重45千克,成年雌性21-63千克,均重38千克;其他4个亚种的成年体重一般在35千克以下。因外貌与花豹相似,奔跑速度特别快,故称猎豹。猎豹有独特的身体结构:灵活的脊椎、半伸缩的爪子,头小而圆,吻较短,体型纤细,腿长。后颈部的毛比较长,好像很短的鬃毛一样。眼部有白斑,内眼角沿鼻吻部两侧各有一道明显的黑纹。被毛呈黄褐色或淡黄色,吻部、颔部、胸腹部和四肢内侧为白色;体表遍布黑色斑点,与豹相比其斑点较小且均为实心。尾巴末端的三分之一部位有黑色的环纹。栖息在温带和热带草原,包括半沙漠和有稀疏树木的大草原及裸岩地区。专门的肌肉可以让四肢有更大的摆动,从而增加加速度。是世界上跑得最快的陆生动物,能够在短短三秒内达到每小时110公里以上的速度。以最高速度,它们的步幅长达七米。是食肉动物,主要食物为各种羚羊。野生种群现分布于非洲和伊朗。


ply n.厚度, 板层, 褶

「摩天轮」英文怎么说?秒懂 Ferris wheel 中文意思!

摩天轮 英文 应该怎么说呢?「摩天轮」的英文叫做Ferris wheel,是一种游乐设施,就是那种有很大的箱子,可以让人坐在里面,并且由一个转轮转到高空,可俯瞰远方的游乐设施。 下面整理了「摩天轮」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. Ferris wheel 摩天轮 「摩天轮」的英文是Ferris wheel,Ferris wheel的中文意思就是指「摩天轮」。 摩天轮相关英文例句: 例: The Ferris wheel is my favourite ride at the park. 这摩天轮是我最喜欢的这公园游乐设施。 例: Do you want to ride the Ferris wheel and merry-go-round? 你想坐摩天轮跟旋转木马吗? Ferris wheel, Ferris wheel 中文, Ferris wheel 中文意思, Ferris wheel 中文的意思, Ferris wheel 中文解释, Ferris wheel 意思, Ferris wheel 用法, Ferris wheel 翻译, 摩天轮, 摩天轮 英文, 摩天轮 英文怎么说, 摩天轮的英文, 英文 Ferris wheel, 英文 摩天轮

英语Achilles’s heel怎么翻译?




结构光(structured light)和片光(sheet of light)的区别?百度百科的介绍略显不清晰




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《The Cheeseandthe Worms》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Cheese and the Worms》(Carlo Ginzburg)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s-93WY72FgDukY70_1ctQQ 提取码: c95b书名:The Cheese and the Worms作者:Carlo Ginzburg译者:Anne C. Tedeschi豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Johns Hopkins University Press出版年份:2013-9-4页数:224内容简介:A survey of popular culture in 16th century Italy. Ginzburg"s study The Cheese & The Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-century Miller, first published in 1976, is one of those fascinating micro-histories which explores the remote lives of unknown and forgotten people. The story of Menocchio is one of a peasant life of obscurity but also one of strange and powerful ideas – confused and half-baked even – but powerful enough to bring him into conflict with the Inquisition and thereafter to the final purgatorial flames.“I have said that, in my opinion, all was chaos … and out of that bulk a mass formed – just as cheese is made out of milk – and worms appeared in it, and these were the angels, and among that number of angels, there was also God, he too having been created out of that mass at the same time ….”作者简介:Carlo Ginzburg has taught at the University of Bologna, the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. The recipient of the 2010 International Balzan Prize, he is author of The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method, also published by Johns Hopkins.


the sheep so are cute


都可以 看情况的

现代英语中不怎么用thee而是用you 多,但是写诗的时候还是用thee 吗?


shaun the sheep是什么意思

您好:小羊肖恩双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 小羊肖恩例句:1.There is also a spin-off of a spin-off planned for pre-schoolers called timmy time, featuringthe character timmy from shaun the sheep. 另外还计划了一档专为学龄前儿童拍摄的衍生剧《蒂米时间》(timmy time),主要展示的是《小羊肖恩》里的角色小蒂米。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


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shaun the sheep是什么意思


请问包装方式上写着floor loading and no slip sheet pallet是什么意思?谢谢!


Sheer Driving Plesure,还有BMW Service什么意思,bmw是宝马的意思,其它的就不知道了

是Sheer Driving Ple sure吧?应该是驾驶模式的切换,好比 street,race...街道模式,运动模式等。。BMW SERVICE是宝马服务中心,维修中心

sheer powder怎么用


the sheer volume of rubbish

真正的谓语动词是后面那个is we produce 只是做后置定语.其实是the sheer volume of rubbish (that / which )we produce ,定语从句省略关系代词,因为关系词在后面从句中做宾语,所以省略了的

The sheer volume of是什么意思

  The sheer volume of的中文翻译  The sheer volume of  体积庞大的  双语例句  1  The sheer volume of traffic and accidents  交通流量之大、事故之多  2  The sheer volume of social conversations can be mind-numbing.  社交网站舆论的数量如此庞大,足以令人抓狂。  3  But the sheer volume of applications masks some of the agency"s recruiting problems.  但是大量的应聘者中凸显了一个问题。

倩碧city block sheer管尾B18是什么意思?

B18是品牌批号的意思:代表这款倩碧city block sheer的生产日期是2018年1月1日,保质期则默认以三年为标准于2021年1月1日。

sheer industry 是什么意思

but for sheer industry, 翻译成单就产业来说。。。。

sheer glowing skin 汉语是什么

容光焕发 气色好

sheer volume是什么意思

1. 绝对值 绝对数量2. 透明容量



Ireen Sheer的《Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Lisa歌手:Ireen Sheer专辑:Heut" Abend Hab" Ich KopfwehLisa - ToujoursDedicace a mon pays qu"on appelle la belle ileSunommee Formosa, des secrets elle ne peut plus tenirCar la souffrance amene le moral a la deprimeTaiwan, Taiwan est aussi dans la ligne de mireYes, made in Taiwan, c"est la d"ou je viens100% Taiwanais avec mon son je te tiens100% Taiwanase, mon peuple je soutiensIls veulent enterrer le passe, attention je previensPendant toutes ces annees, nos voix sont passees sous silenceRiche de culture, nos chants imposent leur cadenceMais avec le sang ils ont inonde toutes nos chancesImpossible de nous en sortir, la vie n"a plus de sensToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreDe notre temps on oublie le passe trop vitePartout les champs de guerre decores comme un siteLe paysage peint en dollar c"est la reussiteAmenez vos missiles et surtout soyez subtilesDe notre temps on oublie le passe trop viteCeux qui sement les graines de la revolte, ils les enferment facileContre leurs propres freres, ils sortent le fusilLeur mentalite de personnage servile, c"est a faire fremirToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreCinquante ans apres ils reviennent pour nous parler d"unirAlors que jusque-la ca a toujours ete chacun sa vieDepuis, petit a petit le jeune frere a grandiPour menacer l"independance avec les canons ils tirentL"origine taiwanaise ignoree, c"est de pire en pireLes mains sur le pouvoir, les politiciens ont le coeur rejouiQuanda la situation se gate, avec l"argent ils s"enfuientLaissant derriere eux le peuple comme victimeToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreMessage aux victimes ceux qui sont asepitsees du cerveauLa tombee peut etre rude quand on ne vuet que sauver sa peauQue l"histoire serve de lecon, sans que la haine detienne le controleSauvegarder notre identite, que chacun joue son role.N"oubliez pas le passeN"oubliez pas le passeN"oubliez pas le passeN"oubliez pas le passeN"oubliez pas le passeN"oubliez pas le passeToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encoreToujours...L"histoire se repete encore et encorehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10316659


1. 纯粹驾驶乐趣2. 纯粹的驾驶乐趣例句:1.According to the launch blurb, "Sheer driving pleasure can bederived with zero emissions".2.BMW defines premium as environmental friendliness, highefficiency and innovation as well as advances combining pureaesthetics and sheer driving pleasure.

谁有julia sheer的you will never be的歌词

歌曲名称:You Will Never Be歌曲原唱:Julia Sheer所属专辑:Julia Sheer发行时间:2010-05-30歌词:How did we ever come to thisI never thought you"d beSomeone I"d have to miss...And there I was caught in your gameNeeding answers that never cameAnd we took a chance,You said you were strongStrong enoughBut you were wrong...And now I"m...Deafened by your silenceBlinded by the tearsIf you"re looking for forgivenessYou won"t find that hereCause you lied your way to heartbreakAnd now it"s all too clearThat you will never be...Look at herShe won"t ever compareYou can say you"re sorryBut I still don"t careWas she worth this messWas she worth this painYou can say it"s her faultBut you"re both to blameAnd now I"m...Deafened by your silenceBlinded by the tearsIf you"re looking for forgivenessYou won"t find that hereCause you lied your way to heartbreakAnd now it"s all too clearThat you will never be...Looking back it was all so easyI hope you know you"re my last mistakeDon"t come around and say you need meI won"t stayNow I know that you were so deceivingWas it fun for you to walk awayI hope you liked itCause she"s so damn easyYou won"t changeDeafened by your silenceBlinded by the tearsIf you"re looking for forgivenessYou won"t find that hereCause you lied your way to heartbreakAnd now it"s all too clearThat you will never be...That you will never be...

sheer color是什么意思


sheer stress和shear stress有什么差别

shear stress[力] 剪应力;[力] 剪切应力网络释义:shear stress: 剪应力shear viscous stress: 剪切粘性应力shear yield stress: 剪切屈服应力sheer stresssheer stress: 切应力sheer stress force: 剪应力


窗帘 sheer off 避开



sheer 和 mere区别

sheer 和 mere区别两个单词只有字形相近,词义是不同的sheer v. (使) 偏航,(使)转向;adv. 完全地,全然; 垂直地,陡峭地;n. 舷弧; 单锚系泊的船位; 偏离的方向; 船体型线;mere adj. 纯粹的; 仅仅,只不过; 小的,轻微的;n. 小湖,池塘; 〈英〉边境(线);


steep 用来形容峭壁的陡峭,名词是 峭壁,形容词是 陡峭的sheer 急剧的,可以形容价格上升或下降, 尖锐的 steep[英][sti:p][美][stip]adj.陡峭的,险峻的;过分的,夸张的;极高的;急剧升降的vt.浸泡;使渗透或沉溺;使浸透vi.在液体中浸泡n.泡的行为或过程;被浸泡的状态;浸泡液现在分词:steeping最高级:steepest过去式:steeped第三人称单数:steepssheer[英][u0283iu0259][美][u0283u026ar]v.(使)偏航,(使)转向adv.完全地,全然;垂直地,陡峭地n.舷弧;单锚系泊的船位;偏离的方向;船体型线adj.完全的,全然的;极薄的;几乎垂直地,陡峭的;绝对的现在分词:sheering最高级:sheerest过去式:sheered第三人称单数:sheers


sheer[英][u0283u026au0259(r)][美][u0283u026ar]v.(使)偏航,(使)转向; adv.完全地,全然; 垂直地,陡峭地; n.舷弧; 单锚系泊的船位; 偏离的方向; 船体型线; adj.完全的,全然的; 极薄的; 几乎垂直地,陡峭的; 绝对的; 第三人称单数:sheers现在进行时:sheering过去式:sheered过去分词:sheered比较级:sheerer最高级:sheerest相关单词:Sheer

ultra sheer 是什么意思

ultra sheer 超纯


Sheet1表格式如下:A…………… ………B1 店面名称…………销售额Sheet2中要显示销售额的单元格=vlookup(店面名称所在单元格,Sheet1!A1:B100,2,false)公式中的2是所选的Sheet1表区域中销售额实际所在的相对列

sheer numbers什么意思?sheer表示什么


Because of the sheer scale of the modern state

sheer 也有 “....之重/之大”意思,表示强调 所以Because of the sheer scale of the modern state, 意思就是“由于这个现代国家规模之大”相同用法的例句:The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult. 该国幅员辽阔,造成了通讯的困难。

最近在翻译一篇关于化妆品的文章,可是看到关于粉底的什么sheer foudation 我就晕,到底是什么东西?

sheer foundation 属于轻薄型的粉底液,遮盖力不强,给皮肤自然的光泽。satin没有粉底液的意思,但是他经常用来表明粉底液的finish,satin finish就是丝光感的,有光泽的粉底液;相对应的就是亚光型的粉底液——matte finish。基本上sheer是说粉底液的遮盖情况,satin 和 matte是说粉底的完妆效果。就是说sheer foundation可以有丝光有亚光效果(但很多情况都是丝光的)。NARS不就有款叫sheer matte foundation和sheer glow foundation 吗?

sheer number

sheer 有“绝对”,“完全”的意思。sheer number指的是“非常大的数字”,具体是什么数字则应根据上下文内容确定。试译:因为数字巨大,所有服务人员必将站在黄队一方。

sheer color是什么意思

sheer color纯粹的颜色双语例句1"Mentholatum" sheer color balm is a new product loved by young girls. “曼秀雷敦”薄色润唇膏是新推出的产品,受到女孩子们的喜爱。

国外丝袜包装上的sheer,ultra sheer是什么意思

black sheer 黑色透明薄纱 pretty polly 老式连袜裤 gold Ultra Sheer 金色超薄纱

为什么不能用sheer 形容mountain?

日常生活中你说sheer mountain老外也明白。要严格讲的话,sheer的不是山,而是山的一部分-山崖。sheer cliff就可以。国内的考试嘛,不是为了让咱学到有用的知识的,只是刷人系统,淘汰人用的。你明白的。




当然有sheer[FiE]adj.全然的, 纯粹的, 绝对的, 彻底的, 透明的, 峻峭的vi.避开, 躲避, 偏航vt.使避开, 使偏航adv.完全, 全然, 峻峭n.偏航vertical[5vE:tikEl]adj.垂直的, 直立的, 顶点的, [解]头顶的n.垂直线, 垂直面, 竖向

英语中有world-class 表示世界级,那么外国人常用的(足球里听说的)sheer-class


This is sheer nonsense(这完全是胡说);This trip was sheer delight。这2句话中sheer是形容词还是副



Sheer wine纯酒

sheer pure区别是什么

sheer [u0283u026au0259] n. 偏航;透明薄织物adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;纯粹的vt. 使偏航;使急转向adv. 完全;陡峭地vi. 偏航pure [pju028au0259] adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的;清白的;纯理论的


sheer[英][u0283u026au0259(r)][美][u0283u026ar]v.(使)偏航,(使)转向; adv.完全地,全然; 垂直地,陡峭地; n.舷弧; 单锚系泊的船位; 偏离的方向; 船体型线; adj.绝对的; 完全的,全然的; 极薄的; 几乎垂直地,陡峭的; 第三人称单数:sheers现在进行时:sheering过去式:sheered过去分词:sheered比较级:sheerer最高级:sheerest双语例句1His music is sheer delight.听他的音乐完全是一种享受。2Android may be gaining in sheer volume, he says, but not in quality.Android也许仅仅在数量上获得了增长,但在质量上并无进步。3There was a sheer drop just outside my window.陡坡就在我窗户外面。


sheer英 [u0283u026au0259(r)] 美 [u0283u026ar] v. (使)偏航,(使)转向adv.完全地,全然; 垂直地,陡峭地n. 舷弧; 单锚系泊的船位; 偏离的方向; 船体型线adj. 绝对的; 完全的,全然的; 极薄的; 几乎垂直地,陡峭的纯粹的; 彻底的第三人称单数: sheers 现在分词: sheering 过去式: sheered 过去分词: sheered 比较级: sheerer 最高级: sheerest 形近词: Sheer


sheer[英][u0283u026au0259(r)][美][u0283u026ar]v.(使)偏航,(使)转向; adv.完全地,全然; 垂直地,陡峭地; n.舷弧; 单锚系泊的船位; 偏离的方向; 船体型线; adj.绝对的; 完全的,全然的; 极薄的; 几乎垂直地,陡峭的; 第三人称单数:sheers现在进行时:sheering过去式:sheered过去分词:sheered比较级:sheerer最高级:sheerest双语例句1His music is sheer delight.听他的音乐完全是一种享受。2Android may be gaining in sheer volume, he says, but not in quality.Android也许仅仅在数量上获得了增长,但在质量上并无进步。3There was a sheer drop just outside my window.陡坡就在我窗户外面。

Near my God to thee God是上帝的意思!

thee 是古英语的 you. Nearer my God to thee 的意思是 “上帝,我们想靠近你”.x05 这是19世纪英国诗人 S.F.亚当斯 (Sarah Flower Adams) 写的基督教赞美诗, 据说这是泰坦尼克号的乐队在邮轮沉没时演奏的最后一首歌.

古英语里 thou thee thy 都是什么意思?

这不叫古英语,硬要说的话叫早期现代英语(Early Modern English)。thou thee thy分别相当于you(主格)you(宾格)your,属于一种不那么尊敬的称呼,后来you用的多了,就淘汰了。例句: I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.
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