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怎么区分be tired of be tired from

be tired of ... 是指“对……感到厌倦”,而be tired from... 是指“因……而疲倦”。所以我觉得第一个填is tired from,第二个was tired of,第三个am tired of。

“be tired of”和“be tired from”有什么区别?

be tired of厌烦…be tired with/from因为…而疲倦be tired with sb因为…厌烦某人 be tired of ... 是指“对……感到厌倦”,而be tired from... 是指“因……而疲倦”。例如:I am tired of living abroad. 我对生活在国外感到厌倦了。He felt tired from walking. 他觉得走累了。

be tired of,be tired for,be tired with,be tired from分别什么意思?最好顺便有典型的例句。

1.tired of sth./doing sth.厌倦的;厌烦的 She was tired of watching television. 她看电视看得厌倦了。You look tired of life.看来你好象对生活厌倦了。2.tired from/with后面跟的是疲倦的原因:The workers were tired from their day-long work.工人们干了一天的活,非常疲劳。I am tired with that long walk.我因长途的步行觉得很疲倦。3.tired for ,我只能说,一般很少用到,意思也不外乎是“疲劳,疲惫”。I"m too tired for a full match.全场比赛对我来说太累了。以上。希望有帮到你~有问题欢迎继续追问满意请及时采纳!

be tired with /be tired from/be tired of区别


be tiredof,with,from和be bored with,of,from区别,谢谢

be tired of 对……厌烦 = be bored with两者没有什么区别单从第一个短语来说的话be tired with sb 这是对人 be tired of是对物

be tired of和be tired from有什么区别

He is tired from walking.他觉得走累了

be tired with /be tired from/be tired of区别

be tired from侧重于身体上的疲倦,如be tired from work表示工作做累了;be tired of doing sth. 侧重于精神上的厌倦,表示厌烦做某事。

be tired of和be tired from有什么区别

be tired of厌烦…be tired with/from因为…而累了be tired with sb因为…厌烦某人

请问be (get ) tired of 与be ( get ) tired from的区别?


Be tired from/with sth.与 be tired of doing sth.的区别?

1】be tired with/from 因···而疲乏 比如因做家务而累,偏重身体上的,强调造成累和疲劳是有原因的. 2】be tired of sth.对···厌倦 be tired of doing sth.厌烦做某事 比如厌烦某种东西某个人,或者厌烦做什么事,这个词组主要是情绪、情感上的.

请问be (get ) tired of 与be ( get ) tired from的区别?

get tired of xxxx 就是对xxxx腻烦了get tired from xxxx 是做某件事(xxxx)会疲累。

09中考英语作文——写林浩Learn from the Hero

小说以外科医生格列佛的四次出海航行冒险的经历为线索,一共由四部分组成。 第一卷 利立浦特(小人国) 外科医生格列佛随航程途遇险,死里逃生,漂到利立浦特(小人国),被小人捆住献给国王。格列佛温顺的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感,他也渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。在格列佛帮助下打败了同样是小人国的“不来夫古斯”,但是格列佛不愿灭掉不来夫斯古帝国,使皇帝很不高兴。这时,皇后寝宫失火,格列佛情急生智,撒了一泡尿把火扑灭,谁知却让皇后大为恼火。于是,小人国君臣沆瀣一气准备除掉格列佛。格列佛听到风声,赶快逃到不来夫斯古帝国,后来平安回到英国。 第二卷:布罗卜丁奈格(大人国)游记。格列佛在利立浦特人的心目中是个庞然大物,但一到布罗卜丁奈格,他就象田间的鼬鼠一般小了。格列佛被当作小玩艺装入手提箱里,带到各城镇表演展览。后来,国王召见他,他慷慨陈辞,夸耀自己的祖国的伟大,政治的贤明,法律的公正,然而均一一遭到国王的抨击与驳斥。 格列佛在该国的第三年,陪同国王巡视边疆.由于思乡心切,他假装生病,来到海边呼吸新鲜空气.天空中的鹰错把他住的箱子当成乌龟叼了起来.几只鹰在空中争夺,箱子掉进海里,被路过的一艘船发现,格列佛获救后,乘船回到英国. 第三卷:勒皮他、巴尔尼巴比、拉格奈格、格勒大锥、日本(飞岛国)游记。主要描述格列佛在勒皮他(飞岛)和格勒大锥(巫人岛)的游历。这些人的相貌异常,衣饰古怪,整天沉思默想。在科学院里,设计家们正在从事研究些荒诞不经的课题,结果造成全国遍地荒凉,房屋坍塌,人民无衣无食。在巫人岛上,岛主精通巫术,擅长招魂,他们博览古今,发现历史真相被权贵歪曲,娼妓般的作家在哄骗人世。格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格"。离开该国后,格列佛来到日本,然后乘船回到英国。 第四卷:慧駰(yin 读第一声 意思是漂亮的马)国游记。(贤马国) 格列佛被放逐到"慧駰国"。这儿马是该国有理性的居民和统治者。而"列胡"(雅虎、野胡、耶胡多种名称。翻译问题!)则是马所豢养和役使的畜生。格列佛的举止言谈在"慧駰"国的马民看来是一只有理性的"列胡(雅虎、野胡、耶胡多种名称。翻译问题!)"。 在"慧駰"各种美德的感化下,格列佛一心想留在"慧駰"国.然而"慧駰"国决议要消灭那里的列胡.所以格列佛的愿望无法实现。无奈之下,格列佛只好乘小船离开该国打道回府。格列佛怀着对"慧駰国"的向往,一辈子与马为友.并且厌弃了世俗,决心不与他人同流合污。将慧骃与耶胡作对比,凸显了理智、仁慈、友谊的人性的可贵和贪婪、无信,嫉妒的丑陋

英语作文What can we learn from this game?


h1z1提示This game must be launched from Steam.


这是two step from hell乐队的 battlecry 我想知道这是不是电影的预告片,


求佐香智久少年T的promise you的歌词罗马音加中文翻译!

I Will Promise You 求这首歌歌词,要中文的(注:不是译音啊)翻译过来歌词


VIBE唱的promise U 有歌词吗?韩文的别翻译。


promise you啥意思


exo promise歌词韩文版及每句中文翻译

韩文版:가끔 눈을 감고 생각에 빠져 무대 위 내 모습을 상상하곤 했어서투른 나의 모습을 좋아해준 너였지만 과분한 그 사랑을 받아도 될지언제나 그 자리에 기다려준 너 두 팔로 감싸안아주고 안은 널절대로 놓지않을거야 행복하게 만들어줄거야 하나라는 그 말 처럼시간이 지나도 말하지 못하고 맘속으로 삼키는 말우릴 믿어달라고 널 사랑한다고 지금처럼 믿어달라고안아줄게 두 손 잡아줄게 니 맘이 편해질 수 있다면내 모든 걸 바칠게지켜주고싶어 (항상 널) 언제나-RAP(찬열)-언제나 그 자리에 기다려준 너 두 팔로 감싸안아주고 안은 널절대로 놓지않을거야 행복하게 만들어줄거야 하나라는 그 말 처럼난 때론 지쳐도 마음이 다쳐도 난 또 다시 무대 위로다시 한번 더 나 힘을 내볼게 기다려준 너를 위해서 안아줄게 두 손 잡아줄게 니 맘이 편해질 수 있다면내 모든걸 바칠게참 좋았었던 날들 너와 함께 했던 .....너의 말 한마디가 내게 힘이 된듯 해많이도 아파했을 너의 맘을 내가 꼭 안아줄거야시간이 지나도 말하지 못하고 맘속으로 삼키는 말우릴 믿어달라고 널 사랑한다고 지금처럼 믿어달라고안아줄게 두 손 잡아줄게 영원히 함께 할 수 있다면내 모든걸 바칠게-찬열 랩 일부분-떠나지 말라고 붙잡고 싶어하지만 나 평생 네 곁에서 살아 숨쉬고 싶어고마워 미안해 사랑해네게 내 모든걸 다 줘도 모자란 내 사람아 평생 지켜줄게나만 따라와中文版:艺兴:黑暗里我关上门 安静略带无助物是人非的舞台 却是遗憾倒影CHEN:你默默为我付出一切却从来不提起我鼓起勇气再次睁开我的眼睛D.O.:时间在一点一点慢慢地流走我为你做的一切可能还不够伯贤:我依然挣扎要抱紧你不可能有人可以去代替就像我们的约定 oh~合唱:在流走的时间 我用泪水祭奠 怀念那过往的一切(怀念那过往一切 )想说声对不起 可是我好爱你请你再次给予我相信SUHO:抱在我怀里 双手抓紧你只要你开心幸福 我愿意秀珉:把所有的 全给你KAI:yeah 想不顾一切守护 你微笑的眼睛世勋:(你微笑的眼睛)伯贤:只为你艺兴:不知什么时候起微笑着你的样子不是你若你的心 不能再给我那样的爱我还是会想起那些记忆模糊的让我觉得可惜一切会好的 都会过去的 安慰已经 不能够安慰我的心 因为我知道你有天会要离开请不要离开 我想握你的手灿烈:反正已经逃避 誓言里的画面没有你 知道 那能不能让我永远停留在你的左右围绕呼吸 一样我们再次回忆谢谢你 对不起我爱你这些都已经不足 表达我的一切我的爱 就让我守护你yeah 还有那破裂的誓言秀珉:时间在一点一点慢慢地流走我为你做的一切可能还不够CHEN: 我依然挣扎要抱紧你不可能有人可以去代替就像我们的约定合唱:回头看着一路 眼泪却止不住 我把一切藏在心中带着我的梦 和你给予的爱 所有汗水挥洒在舞台KAI:抱在我怀里 双手抓紧你 秀珉:只要你开心幸福 我愿意D.O.:把所有的 全给你~~SUHO:那些美好时光里我和你在一起(我们一起) 一点一滴的记忆D.O.:你用 肯定话语说我们来创造奇迹伯贤:用心感觉 知道你会在我身边向你约定 我要我们永远 CHEN:我不会让任何人伤你的心这是我唯一的坚定合唱:在流走的时间 我用泪水祭奠 怀念那过往的一切想说声对不起 可是我好爱你就让时间来为我证明艺兴:抱在我怀里 双手抓紧你只要你开心幸福 我愿意D.O.:我会兑现 这一切CHEN:oh~yeah艺兴:I promise you

promise i wii always be there

没有用错,但是把他们连起来好一点吧:I promise you that I"m always here.(如果是陪着你的意思的话here好一些)

i will promise you什么意思


我承诺你帮你浇花 i promise you to water your flower 有没有pr


AnyBand《TPL》DE《promise U》中文歌词 ?

TPL BoA: Anywhere you go, anywhere you go, anywhere you go I"ll be there Tablo: Anywhere you wanna go BoA: Anywhere you go, anywhere you go, anywhere you go I"ll be there Tablo: Anywhere you wanna go Tablo: Hybrid~! BoA: 我粗重的呼吸声,不停息的与旋律碰撞, 我身上撒下的 spotlight 在都市的灯光里,拥挤的夜间街头, 只有你和我的世界里 let"s talk, play, and love Xiah: 我来守护你/Tablo: Anywhere you go Xiah: 我会相信你/Tablo: Anywhere you go Xiah: 抹去一切伤痕 BoA: stay in me 合唱: you can talk, you can play, you can love Xiah: Tablo: Tablo: 当巨浪滔天时,当我被笼罩的黑暗束缚时,当所有的路都被挡住时,我呼吸困难,眼中噙满巨大的悲伤, but music - she saved my life, so i"m loving her through day and night, 一切都改变,我得到解脱,就算一个人 hey it"s all right Xiah: 就算一切都在改变, you can talk, you can play, you can love 就算一切都要离开, it"s okay, I will be by your side~ Tablo: 1,2,3 & 4 I"ll go anywhere you go Tablo: +Xiah: 1,2,3 & 4 I"ll go anywhere you go Tablo: +BoA: 1,2,3 & 4 I"ll go anywhere you go 合唱: 1,2,3 & 4 Anyband huh let"s go ! Xiah: 我来守护你 / Tablo: Anywhere you go Xiah: 我会相信你/ Tablo: Anywhere you go Xiah: 抹掉一切伤痕 BoA: stay in me 合唱: you can talk, you can play, you can love Xiah: 就算一切都会改变, you can talk, you can play, you can love 就算一切都要离开, it"s okay, I will be by your side~ 陈宝拉: (钢琴 伴奏) BoA: 在冰冷的都市上扩散的这个夜晚 只为你和我的梦想 let"s go ! Tablo: Anywhere you go I will follow where you go x3 Anywhere you go, go, go BoA: Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go I"ll be there Tablo: Anywhere you wanna go BoA: Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go I"ll be there Tablo: Anywhere you wanna go BoA: Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go I"ll be there Tablo: Anywhere you wanna go BoA: Anywhere you go~ Anywhere you go~ 不管在哪里I"ll be there Tablo: Anywhere you wanna go promise U [BoA]我侧耳倾听 总被时间逼迫 就好像身后被推着 无法消失 I don"t give up [Xiah]随心所欲地打开一个新世界 I balieve 自由地飞向天空 [All]大小拜托掉辛苦的一天 Oh~Any Dream 再次梦想 无论何地 我们在一起 Promise You [Xiha]我抬起头 用想象描画出茫然的梦在那手中 [All]Enjoy your life 给你力量抓住我的手 <Chorus> [All]唤醒梦境的回声 Any&Talk Play Oh~ Any Love 牵引你的 Melody 笑得更大声吧 为了你的世界 Oh Any Dream 再次梦想 无论何地 我们在一起 Promise You [Tablo]I Promise you Everybody 大声喊叫 现在 你和我的声音震响整个世界 火光熄灭的时候也是 you are my sunshine 呼吸停止的时候也是 with you I"ll be fine You"re divine,you"re my everything You are the one that makes my sing Notting in the universe can change that You"re like a song on a constant playback I promise you 我会守护你 I promise you 我会相信你 I promise you 用我的拥抱 抹掉你所有痛苦 come to me now [BoA]在任何等待也遥不可及的梦里 如果另一个辛苦的日子来临 请记起我 [Xiah]踩着我的声音站起来再次画出 Any dream [All]I believe you 自由飞翔天空 重复<Chorus> [BoA]记住我 [All]Anytime Anyday with you *9

I will promise you是什么意思


i promise-babyface的LRC歌词

[Verse 1]Maybe I was scaredJust a little bit confusedYesTo do all the things that I did, to hurt you, like thatBut if I had a second chanceI"d be a better man, yes I willThere"d be no more tears on your faceYou could trust in me againOnce again[Chorus]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love you Lets start over againAgain, again.All the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from me[Verse 2]Now that you"re gone,Girl I understand, I really doHow it feels to reach out someoneAnd find there aint nobody thereSee, when i should have been right there holding youNo one"s softer at heart, than youThere"ll be no more cheese or rainy daysI"d give anything just to see you smile once againOhh baby[Chorus]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love you Lets start over againAgain, again.All the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from me[Verse 3]I learned the grass wasn"t greenerWhen you get to the other sideGirl, I learned from my mistakesI wanna make it up somewayWithout you nothing"s going rightI just need you back in, back in my life[Chorus X2]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our days (til the end of our days)I promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll change (I"ll change)I promise I"ll love you Let"s start over again (let"s start over again)Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t (All the things I wasn"t)I promise to be (I promise to be)Just give me a chance (give me a chance)A changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything (down on everythingg)A promise, from meoohh yea, from meAnd I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Til the end of our days I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Baby I"ll change I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Let"s start over again (over againn)Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t (All the things I wasn"t)I promise to be (I promise to be)Just give me a chance (give me a chance)A changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything (down on everythingg)A promise, from meoohh yea, from me

i promiss you will see the sun again出自哪首歌

歌曲:See The Sun歌手:Dido 专辑:Life For Rent歌词:I"m comin" "round to open the blindsyou can"t hide here any longermy god you need to rinse those puffy eyesyou can"t last here any longerand yes they"ll ask you where you"ve beenand you"ll have to tell them again and againand you probably don"t want to heartomorrow"s another daywell I promise you you"ll see the sun againand you"re asking mewhy pain"s the only way to happinessand I promise you you"ll see the sun againcome on take my handwe"re going for a walk, I know you canyou can wear anything as long as it"s not blackplease don"t mourn forevershe"s not coming backand yes they"ll ask you where you"ve beenand you"ll have to tell them again and againand you probably don"t want to heartomorrow"s another daywell i promise you you"ll see the sun againand you"re asking mewhy pain"s the only way to happinessand i promise you you"ll see the sun againand i promise you you"ll see the sun againdo you remember telling meyou found the sweetest thing of allyou said one day of this was worth dying forso be thankful you knew her at allbut it"s no moreand you probably don"t want to heartomorrow"s another dayBut i promise you you"ll see the sun againand you"re asking mewhy pain"s the only way to happinessand i promise you you"ll see the sun again

You have my word与I promise you有何区别

一样,只是you have my word更口语化一些,不过word常用单数You have my word ——>>> 我以人格向你保证语气重很多的。

promise you什么意思


求Ronan keating---this i promise you 歌词的中文大意

When visions around you, Bring tears to your eyes 当身边的所见都带给你泪水, And all that surrounds you, Are secrets and lies 所有的周围都是秘密和谎言, I"ll be your strength, I"ll give you hope, 我会是你的力量,给你希望, Keeping your faith when it"s gone 保存你的信仰当她已经不在。 The one you should call, Is standing here all alone...你应该呼唤的那个人,一直在这儿孤独地站立。 And I will take You in my arms 我会把你拥在怀中, And hold you right where you belong把你拥在你属于的地方 。 Till the day my life is through 到我生命结束的那天, This I promise you我许诺你如此, This I promise you 我许诺你如此, I"ve loved you forever, 我已经永远爱你, In lifetimes before 在过去的一生。 And I promise you never... 我许诺你永远... Will you hurt anymore 如果你又有受伤, I give you my word 我给你我的承诺, I give you my heart (give you my heart)我给你我的心(给你我的心) This is a battle we"ve won这是一场我们已赢的战斗, And with this vow, 带着这个誓言, Forever has now begun... 永远已经开始... Just close your eyes 就闭上你的眼睛, Each loving day (each loving day) 在每一个可爱的日子(每一个可爱的日子) I know this feeling won"t go away (no..)我知道这种感觉不会消失(不会) Till the day my life is through 到我生命结束的那天, This I promise you 我许诺你如此 Ooh.. I promise you.. 我许诺你如此... Over and over I fall (over and over I fall)我一次又一次地倾倒( 我一次又一次地倾倒) When I hear you call 当我听到你的呼唤 Without you in my life baby 生命中如果没有你 I just wouldn"t be living at all... 我也就一点也不算是活着 And I will take (I will take you in my arms)我会把你拥在怀中(我会把你拥在怀中), You in my arms 你拥在我怀中 And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong)把你拥在你属于的地方(就在你属于的地方)。 Till the day my life is through 到我生命结束的那天, This I promise you baby 我许诺你如此 Just close your eyes 就闭上你的眼睛, Each loving day (each loving day) 在每一个可爱的日子(每一个可爱的日子) I know this feeling won"t go away (no..)我知道这种感觉不会消失(不会) Every word I say is true 我说的每一个字都真实, This I promise you 我许诺你如此 And every word I say is true, 我说的每一个字都真实, This I promise you 我许诺你如此 Ooh, I promise you... 我许诺你如此... Thanks Honey谢谢,亲爱的

求Westlife《I promise you that 》的中英文歌词...

Westlife《I promise you that 》的中英文歌词如下: I Promise You That 我向你保证There is no reason you should feel like this你不该有如此感觉I know that I am the only one to blame(我知道)一切都是我一个人的错I feel your agony its hidden in your kiss,oh我能感觉到你吻上的痛苦I don"t believe that things are said and done我不相信话已说出口,事已做I only hope theres still time to be the one但愿我还有时间去做你的唯一We can work it out if only you let me,oh要是你答应,我们就能在一起Whatever you say,whatever you do不管你说什么,不管你做什么There will be good times waiting for you我会一直等着你Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear不管你听到什么,我会一直陪着你I promise you that,I promise you that我向你保证,我向你保证I never said that I could change the world我从没说过我可以改变世界But if you gave me the chance that I deserve但如果你给我一次机会,我就能I know that in your heart, you can forgive me,oh我知道在你心里,你能原谅我Whatever you say, whatever you do翻译同上There will be good times waiting for you同上Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear同上I promise you that,I promise you that同上We have times only a fool could miss我们拥有的美好时光,只有傻瓜会错过But still there is time to turn it around但还有机会回心转意Im not saying its an easy thing我没说它是件容易的事Let me show you,I promise you that,oh,yeah让我来告诉你,我向你保证Whatever,whenever,there will be good time不管怎样,不论何时 ,我会等着你Whatever you hear不管你听到什么, I won"t disappear我会一直陪着你Whatever you say, whatever you do不管你说什么,不论你做什么There will be good times waiting for you我会一直等着你Whatever you hear,I won"t disappear不管你听到什么,我会一直陪着你I promise you that,I promise you that我向你保证,我向你保证

This I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:This I Promise You歌手:John Tesh专辑:Power Of Love Vol. 1Ronan Keating - This I promise youMy love, here I stand before you 我的爱, 我站在你面前I am yours now 现在我是你的人From this moment on 从此刻开始Take my hand 握著我的手Only you can stop me shaking 只有你可以让我停止颤抖We"ll share forever 我们会永远共享彼此This I promise you 我向你承诺And when I look in your eyes 当我望进你的眼睛All of my life feels before me 我的生活历历在目And I"m not running anymore 我再也不会逃开Cause I already know I"m home 因为我知道我已经回到家了With every beat of my heart 随著我的每次心跳I give you my love completely 我会给你我全部的爱My darling, this I promise you 亲爱的, 我向你承诺My love, I can feel your heartbeat 我的爱, 我可以感觉你的心跳As we dance now 当我们正在跳舞Closer than before 比以前更亲近Don"t let go 不要放手Don"t let go 不要放手Cause I can almost cry now 因为此刻我几乎要哭出来了This is forever 这就是永恒I make this vow to you 我对你发誓And when I look in your eyes 当我望进你的眼睛All of my life feels before me 我的生活历历在目And I"m not running anymore 我再也不会逃开Cause I already know I"m home 因为我知道我已经回到家了With every beat of my heart 随著我的每次心跳I give you my love completely 我会给你我全部的爱My darling, this I promise you 亲爱的, 我向你承诺My darling, this I promise you 亲爱的, 我向你承诺This I promise you, oh I promise you, promise youThis I promise you

后街男孩I promise you 歌词???(按写完一句英语后跟着中文翻译那种格式写)

It"s in the silences, 静谧。。。 the words you never say 你不曾说的那句话 I see it in your eyes, 却能从你眼中洞悉 it always starts the same way 总是这样开始 It seems like everyone we know, 似乎身边所有人is breaking up 都分开了Does anybody ever stay together, anymore? 还有没有人仍旧在一起相守? I promise you, 我向你承诺 from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意 With everything I am 心中再无别人 ooh 哦, I see you look at me, 我看到你在看着我 when you think I"m not aware 想了解我的心意 You"re searching for clues, 你搜寻点点线索 of just how deep my feelings are. 你怎么来证明?How do you prove the sky is blue, the oceans wide? 天如此蓝,海如此宽,心中再无别人 All I know is how I feel, 我只知道自己的心意when I look into your eyes 当我直视你的眼 I promise you, 我向你承诺 from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意 With everything that I am ooh yeah 心中再无别人 Oh there are no guarantees 无须保证 That"s what you always say to me 你一直这样对我说 But late at night I feel the tremble in your touch 但我却在夜里感受到了你的战栗 Oh what I"m trying to say to you, 我从未对任何人说过的 I never said to anyone 我想对你说的全部是I Promise 我发誓。。。I promise you 我向你承诺 from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 (I do my darling I promise you) (亲爱的,我愿意)I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意With everything I am I promise you, 我向你承诺我会爱你,全心全意from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 ( I love you I love you I love you I love you) I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意With everything I am 心中再无别人 You"re everything I am oh yeah 你是我的全部 With everything I am 我的全部属于你自己敲的昂 望采...

I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise You歌手:Leslie Hutch Hutchinson专辑:Centenary Celebrations忘れないで I promise you tonight forever爱はまだここにあなたの手を离さないで ずっと木枯らしの中で通り过ぎる风が 揺らす髪で涙隠す冷たくなったコーヒー握りしめ 歩く 二度目の季节忘れられない过去も 未来 想像してみても疑いを舍てて いつもそばにいたい负けたくない 距离に忘れないで I promise you tonight forever私はここです隣りにいる温もりを感じて爱を信じたい今日もあなたの梦见て“さみしい”気持ち言えないまま「私は大丈夫」笑って隠した 本当の理由は?心を试す不安にいつもいつも瞳を闭じてたあなたの携帯で 偶然闻こえてしまった「会いたい...」と忘れないで I promise you tonight forever爱はまだ ここにあなたの手を离さないで ずっと木枯らしの中で胸の奥缔め付けられるほど 意地悪ね爱は寛容じゃないだけど それでもあなたの梦を见てる あぁ忘れないで I promise you forever爱はまだ ここにあなたの手を离さないで ずっと木枯らしの中で爱を信じたい歌曲:I promise収録:仓木麻衣 - FUTURE KISS (初回限定盤)/発売日:2010/11/17作词:Mai Kuraki/作曲:Aika Ohno歌手:仓木麻衣

欧美男女合唱 i promise you i never ever let you go you wanna歌曲一开始就唱,女的先唱

never be replaced——1st Ladi Baby I love you and i"ll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know All the love we make can never be erase And i promise you that you will never be replaced Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know All the love we make can never be erase And i promise you that you will never be replaced I love you yes i do I"ll be with you as long as you want me too Until the end of time From the day I met you I know we"ve be together And now I know I wanna be with you forever I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses I can say i"m truly happy to the same You"ve made me think I"ll die and live my life hesitate There"s never been no doubt in my mind That i"ll regret ever having you by my side But if the day come that i"ll have to let you go I think that something I should probably let you know With everything that i spent with you Then i will miss you cuz i"m happy that i have you at all Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know All the love we make can never be erase And i promise you that you will never be replaced Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go But if I have to boy I think that you should know All the love we make can never be erase And i promise you that you will never be replaced I feel for you yes i do I"ll be with you as long as you want me to Until the end of time

啊,baby i promise you叫什么英文歌

Unwanted播放歌手:Avril LavigneAll that I did was walk overStart off by shaking your handsThat"s how it wentsI had a smile on my face and I sat up straightOh yeah yeahI wanted to know youI wanted to show youYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meYou don"t want me thereYou just shut me outYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meIf you had your wayYou"d just shut me upMake me go awayNo I just don"t understand whyYou won"t talk to meIt hurts that I"m so unwanted for nothingDon"t talk words against meI wanted to know youI wanted to show youYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meYou don"t want me thereYou just shut me outYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meIf you had your wayYou"d just shut me upMake me go awayMake me go awayI tried to belongIt didn"t seem wrongMy headachesIt"s been so longI"ll write this songIf that"s what it takeYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meYou don"t want me thereYou just shut me outYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meIf you had your wayYou"d just shut me upMake me go awayYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meYou don"t want me thereYou just shut me outYou don"t know meDon"t ignore meIf you had your wayYou"d just shut me upMake me go awayMake me go awayMake me go away

后街男孩I promise you 歌词???(按每写完一句歌词后,跟着中文翻译的格式写)

It"s in the silences, 静谧。。。 the words you never say 你不曾说的那句话 I see it in your eyes, 却能从你眼中洞悉 it always starts the same way 总是这样开始 It seems like everyone we know, 似乎身边所有人is breaking up 都分开了Does anybody ever stay together, anymore? 还有没有人仍旧在一起相守? I promise you, 我向你承诺 from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意 With everything I am 心中再无别人 ooh 哦, I see you look at me, 我看到你在看着我 when you think I"m not aware 想了解我的心意 You"re searching for clues, 你搜寻点点线索 of just how deep my feelings are. 你怎么来证明?How do you prove the sky is blue, the oceans wide? 天如此蓝,海如此宽,心中再无别人 All I know is how I feel, 我只知道自己的心意when I look into your eyes 当我直视你的眼 I promise you, 我向你承诺 from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意 With everything that I am ooh yeah 心中再无别人 Oh there are no guarantees 无须保证 That"s what you always say to me 你一直这样对我说 But late at night I feel the tremble in your touch 但我却在夜里感受到了你的战栗 Oh what I"m trying to say to you, 我从未对任何人说过的 I never said to anyone 我想对你说的全部是I Promise 我发誓。。。I promise you 我向你承诺 from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 (I do my darling I promise you) (亲爱的,我愿意)I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意With everything I am I promise you, 我向你承诺我会爱你,全心全意from the bottom of my heart 用心灵最深处 I will love you till death do us part 我会爱你直致死去的那一天 ( I love you I love you I love you I love you) I promise you as a lover and a friend 向对爱人和朋友那样对你发誓 I will love you like I never love again 我会爱你,全心全意With everything I am 心中再无别人 You"re everything I am oh yeah 你是我的全部 With everything I am 我的全部属于你

I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise You歌手:N2U专辑:IssuesRND - I PromiseThe way you smile the way you laughThe way you look into my eyes like no one ever hasThe way we kiss the way we make loveIs this for real or one day will i wake up from a dreamI never knew someone could understandCould make me feel, make this realLike the way you doGetting to know you has made me realiseThere"s no one else that comes closeTo the love i have for youif i had one wish it would be to lay next to you each nighti promise to love you with all that i canWhen you"re not here i find myselfLaying down thinking of you and wishing you was thereIn you i"ve found my special loveYou"re irreplaceableI wouldn"t change you for the worldRemember when we said those precious wordsBy candlelight, felt so right, from that moment i knewWhenever i"m with you that"s when i"m happy mostYour pretty face, warm embraceI"m so thankful i"ve found youIf i had just one wish you"d be here to lay next to me each nightAnd i promise to love you with all that i can.Somehow you know - (you know you know)How to make me feel ok - (whenever you give that look)Now i knowAll this time that we"ve spent in loveIs why i promise to you girlIf i had just one wish you"d be here to lay next to me each nightAnd i promise to love you with all that i can. x3

I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise You歌手:Y-StarI promiseBabyfaceBabyface-I promiseMaybe I was scaredJust a little bit confused,yesTo do all the things that I did,to hurt you, like thatBut if I had a second chanceI"d be a better man, yes I willThere"d be no more tears on your faceYou could trust in me againOnce againAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from meNow that you"re goneGirl I understand, I really doHow it feels to reach out someoneAnd find there aint nobody thereSee, when i should have been right there holding youNo one"s softer at heart, than youThere"ll be no more cheese or rainy daysI"d give anything just to see you smileonce againAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meI learned the grass wasn"t greenerWhen you get to the other sideGirl, I learned from my mistakesI wanna make it up somewayWithout you nothing"s going rightI just need you back in, back in my lifeAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything...

I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise You歌手:Y-Star专辑:首张同名专辑I promiseBabyfaceBabyface-I promiseMaybe I was scaredJust a little bit confused,yesTo do all the things that I did,to hurt you, like thatBut if I had a second chanceI"d be a better man, yes I willThere"d be no more tears on your faceYou could trust in me againOnce againAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from meNow that you"re goneGirl I understand, I really doHow it feels to reach out someoneAnd find there aint nobody thereSee, when i should have been right there holding youNo one"s softer at heart, than youThere"ll be no more cheese or rainy daysI"d give anything just to see you smileonce againAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meI learned the grass wasn"t greenerWhen you get to the other sideGirl, I learned from my mistakesI wanna make it up somewayWithout you nothing"s going rightI just need you back in, back in my lifeAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything...

求y-star 《i promise you》的歌词


I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise You歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Greatest Hits 1985 - 1995Michael Bolton-I Promise YouI will promise youyes I promise toLove you for all your lifeLove you every day and nightI will always be there for youI"ll be in your armsYou"ll be in my heartI"ll love you foreverI promise youWe"ll be togetherOur whole life throughThere"s nothin"thatI woulndn"t doWith all of my heartI promise youI will take your handand I"ll understandShare all your hopes and dreamsShow you what love can meanWhenever life just gets too much for youI"ll be on your sideto dry the tears you cryI"ll love you foreverI promise youWe"ll be togetherOur whole life throughThere"s nothin"thatI woulndn"t doWith all of my heartI promise youOh I will always be in your armsAnd you will always bein the flame with in my heartI"ll love you foreverI promise youWe"ll be togetherour whole life throughThere"s nothin"that I would rather doWith all of my heartI promise youThere"s nothin"in this world I wouldn"t doI promise youTHE END

anyband的Promise You 中文翻译歌词

1.promise you uc790 uadc0 uae30uc6b8uc5ecubd10 ub298 uac19uc740 uc2dcuac04uc5d0 ucad3uaca8 ub4f1 ub5a0ubc00ub824uac00ub4ef uc0acub77cuc9c8 uc218ub294 uc5c6uc796uc544 I don"t give up ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uac07ud78c ub098uc758 uafc8ub4e4 ub354 uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 uc138uc0c1 ub9c8uc74cuaecf ud3bcuccd0ub3c4 uc88buc544 I believe you ub0a0uc544uc62cub77c uc790uc720ub86duac8c ud06cuac8c uc6c3uc5b4ubc84ub824 uace0ub41c ud558ub8e8 uc53buc5b4ub0b4 Oh any dream ub610 uafc8uc744 uafb8uac8c ub298 ud568uaed8ud560ud14cub2c8 uadf8 uc5b4ub514ub77c ud574ub3c4 Promise you uace0uac1c ub4e4uc5b4ubd10 ub298 uc0c1uc0c1uc73cub85c uadf8uce58ub358 ub9c9uc5f0ud55c uafc8ub4e4uc774 uadf8 uc190uc548uc5d0 uc788uc796uc544 Enjoy your life ud798uc774 ub3fcuc904uac8c uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544 uc7a0uc744 uae68uc6b0ub294 uc77c Any talk Any play oh any love ub110 uc774ub044ub294 uba5cub85cub514 ub354 ud06cuac8c uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 ub110 uc704ud55c uc138uc0c1uc744 Oh any dream ub610 uafc8uc744 uafb8uac8c ub298 ud568uaed8 ud560ud14cub2c8 uadf8 uc5b4ub514ub77c ud574ub3c4 Promise you I promise you Everyboby uc18cub9acuccd0 uc774uc81c ub108uc640 ub098uc758 ubaa9uc18cub9acuac00 uc628 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc6b8ub824ud37cuc9c0uac8c ubd88uc774 uaebcuc9c8ub54cub3c4 You"re my sunshine uc228uc774 uba4euc744ub54cub3c4 with you I"ll be find you"ll flying You are my everything you"re the one that makes me sing Love that uni-universe can changed You like a soul wanna constant play back I promise you ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c I promise you ub0b4uac00 ub110 ubbffuc5b4uc904uac8c I promise you ub108uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uc544ud514 ub098uc758 uafc8uc5d0uc11c uc9c0uc6ccuc904uac8c Come to me now uae30ub2e4ub824ub3c4 uba40uc5b4uc9c0ub294 uafc8uc5d0 ub610 ud798ub4e0 ub0a0uc774 uc624uba74 ub0a0 uae30uc5b5ud574uc918 ub0b4 ubaa9uc18cub9acub97c ub4e3uace0 uc77cuc5b4ub098 ub2e4uc2dc uadf8ub9acub294 anydream I believe you ub0a0uc544uc62cub77c uc790uc720ub86duac8c uc7a0uc744 uae68uc6b0ub294 uc77c Any talk Any play oh any love ub110 uc774ub044ub294 uba5cub85cub514 ub354 ud06cuac8c uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 ub110 uc704ud55c uc138uc0c1uc744 Oh any dream ub610 uafc8uc744 uafb8uac8c ub298 ud568uaed8 ud560ud14cub2c8 uadf8 uc5b4ub514ub77c ud574ub3c4 Promise you anytime any day with you anytime any day with you anytime any day with you ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8c promise you!!!!

promise you -brown eyed soul 中文歌词


求一首经典老摇滚音乐,是个女生唱的,里面好像有一句是 I promise you are .why you are wo wo wo wo o~


找超级男孩"this i promise you"的中文歌词.


i promise you my love(heart)歌词中有这句的歌

promise 韩国歌手东玄

i promise you that 这首歌歌词

Made by HandsomeCKThere is no reason you should feel like thisI know that I am the only one to blameI feel your agony it"s hidden in your kiss,ohI don"t believe that things are said and doneI only hope there"s still time to be the oneWe can work it out if only you let me,ohWhatever you say,whatever you doThere will be good times waiting for youWhatever you hear,I won"t disappearI promise you that,I promise you thatI never said that I could change the worldBut if you gave me the chance that I deserveI know that in your heart, you can forgive me,ohWhatever you say, whatever you doThere will be good times waiting for youWhatever you hear,I won"t disappearI promise you that,I promise you thatWe have times only a fool could missBut still there is time to turn it aroundI"m not saying it"s an easy thingLet me show you,I promise you that,oh,yeahWhatever,whenever,there will be good timeWhatever you hearI won"t disappearWhatever you say, whatever you doThere will be good times waiting for youWhatever you hear,I won"t disappearWhatever you say, whatever you doThere will be good times waiting for youWhatever you hear,I won"t disappearI promise you that,I promise you thatWhatever you hearI won"t disappearI promise you that,I promise you that

I promise you i never hide是一个什么从句啊?


i promise you 为题目写一篇英语作文带翻译

I promise you 我承诺你 嘿嘿,还真的把我给难住了,我不太喜欢随便承诺别人,一般开口说的,一定做到。能承诺的就是过好当下,一天的苦难一天当。不娇柔不造作,也不嫉妒谤犊别人。信口开河的话少说,做好自己的事情。虽然俺们是狂野里的一棵小草,但是,何必都跟别人一样呢?做自己也不错,虽然不起眼,但是,至少是一个真实的人。Hey, really difficult for me, I don"t like promises others, generally speak, must do. Promise istoo good at the moment, day one day when suffering. Not feminine without affectation, don"t envy others slander calf. He said, do their own thing. Although we are wild in the grass, but,why are like everyone else? To do their own good, though inconspicuous, but, at least, is a real person.

becyonce的一首歌 有一句歌词是好像i promise you什么的 好像中国好声音选手没能晋级也是用这个音乐送走的

till the end of time

will you.回答 yes i ----(promise)

一般疑问句的回答一般使用助动词或相对的情态动词. will you. yes,i,i won"t.注意这些回答应该是一句话.yes后面用逗号,说话时连续无停顿. 但是实际生活中,一些其他形式的回答也会出现. will you... yes.I promise you.而这样的回答是两句话.yes后面常用句号.说话时可以停顿一下.

求音乐:谁知道《中国好声音》选手离开时的背景音乐“i promise you"是谁的歌?谢谢

Leona Lewis - Footprints In The Sand

听到一首英文歌曲 歌词里面有 I promise you什么什么的

a better man

中国好声音每次有人离开舞台的时候播放的那首歌"I promise you......"那首歌叫什么名字啊?

Leona Lewis - <Footprints In The Sand>

i promise you(后街男孩)的歌词!!!

I Promise You Backstreet Boys ※※本歌词由〖第七音乐〗添加整理 http://www.D777.comIt"s in the silencesThe words you never sayI see it in your eyesAlways starts the same wayIt seems like everyone we know is breaking upDoes anybody ever stay in love anymoreCHORUSI promise youFrom the bottom of my heartI will love you ‘til death do us partI promise youAs a lover and a friendI will love you like I"ll never love againWith everything I amI see you look at meWhen you think I"m not awareYou"re searching for cluesOf just how deep my feelings areHow do you prove the sky is blueThe ocean"s wideAll I know is what I feelWhen I look into your eyesCHORUS - repeatThere are no guaranteesThat"s what you always say to meAnd late at night I feel the tremble in your touchWhat I"m trying to say to youI never said to anyoneCHORUS – repeat…with everything I am

谁有《I Promise You》Frankie J。 的歌词?

Frankie J - I Promise You i promise that you"ll never be alonethis house will always be your homeand our hearts will always beat as oneas long as i can breathe i sweari promise that i will never let you downbe strong for you, i"ll always be aroundlook into my eyes you"ll see that we were meant to be together (oh)this love of ours was sent from up abovetogether i know that we could touch the skynothing ever felt so rightgirl i..this i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i will be there (i will be there) i will be therethis i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i will be there (i will be there)i promise all my lifethere"s something that you really gotta knowi"m with you til the end of the road (end of the road)i"ll never let you goi swear i"ve never felt like this beforecos everyday i love you more and moreyou lift me up so high, i look into your eyes i see foreverthis love of ours was sent from up abovetogether i know that we could touch the skynothing ever felt so rightgirl i, i, i..this i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) oh i"ll be there (i will be there) oh i"ll be therei promise my time (this i promise you),i promise my heart (this i promise you),i promise my love (this i promise you)girl i"ll be there, girl i"ll be therethrough the fire we could hold each other upi"ll be your shelter cos the storms are gonna comeso don"t worry anymorecos this is no ordinary loveand this i promisethis i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i promise baby (i will be there) i will be therei promise my time (this i promise you),i promise my heart (this i promise you),i promise my love (this i promise you)(girl i"ll be there) i"ll be there (i will be there) i will be therethis i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i"ll be there (i will be there) i"ll be therei promise my time (this i promise you),i promise my heart (this i promise you),i promise my love (this i promise you)(girl i"ll be there) i will be right there (i will be there)i promise all my lifeoh baby baby baby baby baby this i promise you

中文版I promise you 歌词

i promise you好吧 慢慢地离开我逝去的爱依然会让我冲动你忘了我好吗 未来我要勇敢 面对没有你的时光走呵 你勉强的爱情 STOP NOW 说再也没有人像我一样爱你OH MY BABY 就这样离开 受到伤害 L.O.V.E说到爱情 想起来romeo juliet结果就是saranhyi 造成的故事 让人记住我是你的romeo 你是我的julieti promise you i promise you我不能忘记你 OH.i can"t love with you i can"t love with youoh no 有谁会像我一样地爱着(守护)你你留给了我 太深的伤害所以不再奢望你能回来被你的爱囚禁了那么久 我用决心来 彻底拯救自己我的心停在那场雨夜 我们的爱 究竟发生了什么夜空中亮着星 闪烁着那约定 不知道还能否实现算了吧 就这样离开算了吧散了吧 把我的号码删了吧别再电话 别再烦恼 快乐的活 寻找你自己有一天你那深深的心里面会觉得痛,让你觉得后悔i promise you i promise you我不能忘记你 OH.i can"t love with you i can"t love with youoh no 有谁会像我一样地爱着(守护)你想念你的脸 想念过去 想念你 那么温柔 就这样一个人 一遍一遍回忆希望 我能会 忘记 真的希望 找回快乐 那么痛的爱 让我心伤害现在让我 彻底忘记 走出阴影 找回我自己就这样留下 悲伤记忆离开hey 那天分手后 我心多么刺痛 好像迷失了自我i deep inside my hearthold me now cause i miss u babyi promise you i promise you我不能忘记你 OH.i can"t love with you i can"t love with youoh no 有谁会像我一样地爱着(守护)你快点离开 就这样离开 放开我的心离开 放开我们的回忆离开i love you love me 别再跟我说 yea please just say goodbye快点离开 就这样离开 放开我的心离开 放开我们的回忆离开。

好声音里面的背景音乐 i promise you的歌词名字是什么

You walked with me你和我一起漫步在沙滩上Footprints in the sand留下串串的脚印And helped me understand Where I"m going你让我明白了该何去何从You walked with me When I was all alone当我感到孤独的时候你陪我一起散步With so much unknown Along the way等待我的还有许多未知而又漫长的路then I heard you say当我听到你说道I promise you I"m always there我答应你我会一直在那里When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望I"ll carry you我会支撑着你When you need a friend当你需要一个朋友的时候You"ll find my footprints in the sand你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印I see my life flash across the sky我看见我的人生一瞬间划过天空so many times have I been so afraid大多数的时候我感到很害怕and just when I I thought I lost my way当我认为我迷失方向的时候you give me strength to carry on你给与我力量去继续下去that"s when I heard you say当我听你说到I promise you I"m always there我答应你我会一直在那里When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望I"ll carry you我会支撑着你When you need a friend当你需要一个朋友的时候You"ll find my footprints in the sand你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印when I"m weary当我疲惫的时候well I know you be there and I can feel you我知道你会在那里,因为我可以感受得到when you say当你说I promise you I"m always there我答应你我会一直在那里When your heart is filled with sorrow And despair当你的心充满了悲伤与绝望I"ll carry you我会支撑着你When you need a friend当你需要一个朋友的时候You"ll find my footprints in the sand你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印When your heart is full of Sadness and despair即使当你的心彻底的绝望了I"ll carry you我也会支撑着你when you need a friend当你需要一个朋友的时候You"ll find my footprints in the sand.你会发现我留在沙滩上的脚印

I Promise You 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise You歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Greatest Hits 1985-1995Michael Bolton-I Promise YouI will promise youyes I promise toLove you for all your lifeLove you every day and nightI will always be there for youI"ll be in your armsYou"ll be in my heartI"ll love you foreverI promise youWe"ll be togetherOur whole life throughThere"s nothin"thatI woulndn"t doWith all of my heartI promise youI will take your handand I"ll understandShare all your hopes and dreamsShow you what love can meanWhenever life just gets too much for youI"ll be on your sideto dry the tears you cryI"ll love you foreverI promise youWe"ll be togetherOur whole life throughThere"s nothin"thatI woulndn"t doWith all of my heartI promise youOh I will always be in your armsAnd you will always bein the flame with in my heartI"ll love you foreverI promise youWe"ll be togetherour whole life throughThere"s nothin"that I would rather doWith all of my heartI promise youThere"s nothin"in this world I wouldn"t doI promise youTHE END

女生对男生说i promise you有什么含义?


You have my word与I promise you有何区别?


i promise you什么意思


i promies you.是什么意思


A Decade Under The Influence [Live From Bamboozle] 歌词

a decade under the influence歌手:taking back sundayWell, that"s more sweet, so delicateIt used to be this dying breedWell I"ve got a bad feeling about thisI"ve got a bad feeling about thisYou kept still until the long drive homeYou slept safe and close to the window...Well, I"ve got a bad feeling about thisI"ve got a bad feeling about...You used to say you"ll have to go (I could go all night)Well say you"ll have to go (I could go all...)To hell with you and all your friendsTo hell with you and all your friends, it"s onWell that"s more sure in porcelainYou"re skin and bones, I"m a nervous wreckWell I"ve got a bad feeling about this (when it comes to this)I"ve got a bad feeling about thisYou kept still until the long drive homeYou slept safe and close to the windowWell I"ve got a bad feeling about thisTaking Back SundayI"ve got a bad feeling about...You used to say you"ll have to go (I could go all night)Well, say you"ll have to go (I could go all...)To hell with you and all your friendsTo hell with you and all your friends, it"s onWell I got a bad feeling about this (what is this for?)I got a bad feeling about...Anyone will do tonightAnyone will do tonightClose your eyes, just settle, settleClose your eyes, just settle, settleAnyone will do tonightAnyone will do tonightClose your eyes, just settle, settleClose your eyes, just settle, settleAnyone (anyone) will do tonightAnyone (anyone) will do tonightClose your eyes, just settle, settleClose your eyes, just settle, settleWell I got a bad feeling about this,I got a bad feeling about this (to hell with you and all your friends, it"s on).I"m coming over but it never was enoughWell I got a bad feeling about thisI got a bad feeling about this (to hell with you and all your friends, it"s on)I"m coming over but it never was enoughI thought it through and my worst brings out the best in youWell I got a bad feeling about thisI got a bad feeling about this (to hell with you and all your friends, it"s on)I"m coming over but it never was enough,I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in youWell I got a bad feeling about this,I got a bad feeling about this (in you...).I"m coming over but it never was enough,I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in youWell I got a bad feeling about this,I got a bad feeling about this (in you...).I"m coming over but it never was enoughI thought it through and my worst brings out the best in youI got a bad feeling about this,I got a bad feeling about this,I got a bad feeling about this (in you, in...)I got a bad feeling about this (you, in...)I got a bad feeling about this (you, in...)I got a bad feeling about this (you, in...)I got it bad (you)I got it badI got it badI got it badI got it badI got it bad


vermoda衣服是丹麦知名女装品牌,所以价格要贵一些。VERO MODA是丹麦最大时装集团BESTSELLER旗下的知名女装品牌。自1987年成立以来,VERO MODA就致力于为世界各地的摩登女性打造优雅时装,它代表着当今最前沿的时尚潮流与制衣工艺。品牌概述时至今日,VERO MODA的销售网点已遍布45个国家。集团创立以来,已在全球拥有2000多家概念店、其产品在超过6000多家的时装零售店内销售。主要市场包括丹麦、挪威、瑞典、德国、芬兰、荷兰、西班牙、法国、加拿大、英国等欧美国家。VERO MODA的设计师遍布巴黎、米兰、伦敦和哥本哈根等国际潮流之都,这也让VERO MODA的时装设计能时刻走在欧洲流行的前端。






veromoda中文被称为Vero Moda。相关内容如下:1.Vero Moda品牌简介Vero Moda是一家源于丹麦的女装时尚品牌,成立于1987年。该品牌的主要产品线包括服装、鞋类、配件等,款式时尚新颖,注重剪裁和面料质量。目前,Vero Moda已经在全球范围内拥有数百家门店。2.Vero Moda的特点作为一家时尚品牌,Vero Moda的设计风格注重现代感和简约性。 Vero Moda的产品风格清新优雅,对女性身材的体态协调、潮流感的设计处理都有着非常独到的思考和表现。3.Vero Moda的发展历程在创立初期,Vero Moda只是一家小型女装设计公司,主要生产婚纱和礼服。随着业务扩大,该公司成长为一个成功的时尚品牌,设计出了更多时尚的产品线并更深层次地挖掘了年轻人的市场需求。目前,Vero Moda已成为全球性的女装品牌,并开设了许多实体门店以及在线商店,受到了许多时尚爱好者的喜爱。4.Vero Moda的设计理念Vero Moda的设计理念主张女性独立自信、自由自在地展现自己。为此,在设计Vero Moda产品的时候,设计师们强调女性美丽的轮廓线。运用柔软的面料和精湛的手工剪裁技术,打造出一系列具有时尚感、个性化的服装。这样的设计理念也得到了越来越多女性消费者的认同和支持。5.Vero Moda的市场表现随着时代趋势不断变化,消费者对于品牌的需求和欲望也在不断调整。在竞争日益激烈的市场环境中,Vero Moda始终保持着自己的特色和市场优势,向消费者提供优质的服务和产品。正是这种坚定的市场定位,让Vero Moda在国内外拥有了广泛的市场和良好的声誉。



eclipse 中出现警告 :The method divide(BigDecimal, int, int) from the type BigDecimal is deprecat

这个警告是说:这个方法(divide)已经过期了,不建议使用。过期的意思就是说,你现在还能用,用了结果也正确,但是说不定什么时候开始,新版本就没有这个方法了。给出警告的原因是,因为在将来某个时间有不再提供该方法的可能,会给你的代码带来兼容性问题(在新版本上不能正确运行,或者根本不能运行)。解决的办法:一般对于过期方法,作者会在注释中写明:use xxxx instead字样,告诉你改用哪个新方法,这是最佳的办法如果你一定要使用,就会面对黄色浪线的问题,如果是重度强迫症,可以加上@SuppressWarnings("deprecation"),这样编译器不会对过期发出警告。

select * from v$nls_parameters查询出的NLS_LANGUAGE为AMERICAN,请问如何修改为SIMPLIFIED CHINESE?


effective from是什么意思

  effective from  [释义]生效日期; 自…起生效;  [例句]If you want to get your team to move from platform a to platform B, the most effective way to do that is convince them that platform a is on fire.  如果你想让你的团队从A平台转移到B平台上,最有效的方法就是让他们相信A平台着火了。

suffer from和suffer有什么区别?

suffer 和suffer from的区别:suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦、财产损失等抽象名词,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难以及具体疾病suffer 1.感到疼痛、痛苦 He died very quickly,he didn"t suffer much. 他死得很快,没有多少痛苦. 2.承受,遭受 He suffered defeat. 他遭受了失败。suffer from 1.患有(疾病等) 2.为...所苦,因...而吃苦头 She suffers from headache. 她患头痛病 举个例子吧失去学生的尊重,他很痛苦。误 He suffered from the loss of his pupil"s respect.正 He suffered the loss of his pupil"s respect.表示“遭受损失〔痛苦〕”时, suffer通常用作及物动词,后面直接接宾语,而不必用suffer from的形式。

get away from和 get out of 的区别是什么??

get away from, “远离”的意思。而get out of是“离开”的意思。既然你就不想去,那就根本不可能离开,所以只有远离。

get away from me 与get away from me 有区别吗?

get out away from me 滚出去,离我远点! get away from me! 离我远点! 区别在于前者得先离开与说话者共处的房间,后者可能还在室内,所以前者离开的距离长,前者引起说话者的愤怒情绪比后者强烈。

get away from的近义词是什么?

run away fromfleeescaped

suffer+名词 和 suffer from+名词 有什么不同


get away with 与get away from的区别


where is your cell phone from主谓宾分布?

Where is your cell phone from?这是一个特殊疑问句,也就是说,句中的句子成分与一般陈述句不同了。为了分析句子的成分的方便和易懂,我们暂且将句子还原成陈述句形式,如下:Your cell phone is from where.显而易见,这是一个系表结构的句子,即主语+系动词(be)+表语; 系动词+表语通常称复合谓语主语:Your cell phone 系动词 be(is) +表语from where;即复合谓语:is from where如果还要细分析,your 是cell phone 的修饰语,定语;where 是介词from的宾语,我们通常说介词宾语。
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