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值得背诵的英语美文:The Road to Success

  It is well known that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.   Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is "aim high". I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say to yourself, "My place is at the top." Be king in your dreams.   And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.   The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, and everywhere. "Don"t put all your eggs in one basket." is all wrong. I tell you to "put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket." Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.   To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm"s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves."

The Golden Age I wished I lived in the golden age Giving it up on the broadway stage Hang with the

The Golden Age——The Asteroids Galaxy Tour

___(get)to the post office,turn left and cross the road at the corner.


Why do you want to study abroad?


是不是副词前面都不能加to,比如说he has been to abroad,这里面那个to对吗,为什么,正确的写法呢?


用go abroad造句


aboard 和 abroad的区别

aboard: 1.介词 在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上;上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)2.副词 在船(或飞机、车)上, 上船(或飞机、车)abroad:副词 1. 到国外, 在国外2. 到处, 广泛流传3. 在户外, 在室外

Have you ever (been abroad)?为什么不用gone abroad或been to abroad???


go abroad跟go abroard的区别


用go abroad造句






studying abroad is the best choice for college students

这个么肯定就是谈advantage and disadvantage. 你可以先说下,你喜欢那种,为什么,来决定先谈adv. 还是disadv.advantage 就是 eg. broaden ur view 啦, keep my mind widely open啦,increase my ability work in multi-culture environment啦, 反正多的去了,自己编吧。dis么,一是花钱,cost much, 二是可能有negtive effects, 比如homesick 导致depress,或则是adict to drugs/gambling什么的。总之这个问题就是随便瞎编。--------------------------如果是presentation呢,你就直接抄上面的自己背背。但是,如果是对话的话,千万不要死背,记住key words,key points就可以了。背的太死不太好。


另外,Roadmaster经久不衰的魅力也反映在四位大名鼎鼎的别克超级粉丝的车库藏品名单中。“飞机大王”霍华德·休斯在世时曾珍藏了一辆1953年版Roadmaster;而当代美国家喻户晓,入选好莱坞名人堂的王牌脱口秀主持人杰伊·莱诺(Jay Leno)则会不时地亲手擦拭他心爱的1955款Roadmaster。

broad spectrum什么意思

broad spectrum 广谱例句1.Wideband chaotic signals have broad spectrum and acquire wide applications in radar, communications and measurements and control. 宽带混沌信号具有较宽的频谱,在雷达、通信、测量及控制等领域获得广泛的应用。2.A new nanostructured material that absorbs a broad spectrum of light from any angle could lead to the most efficient thin-film solar cells ever. 有一种新型纳米结构原材料,因其可吸收来自各个角度的广谱光源,能制成有史以来最有效的薄膜太阳能电池。

我有一组网段192.168.0.0/28 /29 请问这个网段的network,netmask,broadcast 各是多少?

28的是:network ,netmask , broadcast 可用IP数是14个!29的是:network ,netmask , broadcast ,可用IP数是6个!







broadcasted 和be broadcast

broadcast 的过去分词既可以是 broadcast 也可以是 broadcasted . 两个都可以.

broadcast 可数吗




SendMessage 只处理本身的游戏对象。 BroadcastMessage 处理本身还处理子孙节点。










n.(名词)[U]广播; 播音 an act of sending sound by radio or television[C]广播节目 pictures by radio or television 用作名词 (n.)The broadcast was recorded, not live.这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播。Here is a political party broadcast before an election.这是某党派选举前的政治广播节目。 广播电台,是采编,制作并利用无线电波向一定区域的受众传送声音节目的大众传播机构。通过无线电波或导线传送声音、图像的新闻传播工具。通过无线电波传送节目的称无线广播,通过导线传送节目的称有线广播。广播诞生于20世纪20年代,1920年11月2日正式开播。中国的第一座广播电台建于1923年,是外国人办的。中国人民广播事业创建于1940年12月,即中央人民广播电台的前身——延安新华广播电台。

broadcast 播携手明星及超模为环保发声

【导读】:broadcast这个品牌相信大家都不陌生,近日女装品牌broadcast播携手明星及超模为环保发声,推出环保系列主题T恤,号召大家珍惜水源,保护地球。 当今世界,水体污染日益严重,缺水地区日益增多,保护水资源已经迫在眉睫。3月22日是世界水日,broadcast 播推出了水环保系列主题T恤及主题明信片。 broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤及主题明信片 broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤及主题明信片 《如懿传》演员何泓姗、品牌代言人孙伊涵、中国超模游天翼、《天使之路》小黑储镒恬、百万粉丝的旅行博主@北京小风子等来自不同领域的播女孩纷纷换上broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤,加入到水资源保护的队伍,与broadcast 播一起,为环保发声。 在《如懿传》中有亮眼表演的演员何泓姗,希望所有的播女孩们能够重视水体污染问题,珍惜生命之源。 演员何泓姗着broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤,号召大家珍惜生命之源 broadcast 播代言人孙伊涵号召所有播女孩一起,在明信片上书写环保寄语,为保护水资源发声。 代言人孙伊涵着broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤,为保护水资源发声 20岁之前便两次入围全球超模TOP榜的游天翼,惊艳世界的同时,也时刻关心祖国的缺水问题。她号召所有播女孩一起,大力普及清洁用水,共同关注发展中国家卫生设施建设。 中国超模游天翼着broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤,加入broadcast播环保的队伍 凭借《天使之路》让观众熟知的“小黑” 储镒恬,号召大家,从点滴开始节约用水,为环境保护出份力。 《天使之路》“小黑” 储镒恬着broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤,号召大家为保护环境出份力 拥有百万粉丝的旅行博主@北京小风子,走遍了世界各地,领略了壮阔风光,便更知水资源的重要性。她号召所有的播女孩,珍惜水源,保护地球。 旅行博主@北京小风子着broadcast 播水环保系列主题T恤,号召大家珍惜水源,保护地球 broadcast播母公司日播时尚(603196)市场总监艾皑表示,以此次世界水日为契机,broadcast 播邀请五位具有代表性的播女孩为环保发声,希望这一行动能引起大家对水资源保护的重视,真正为环境保护贡献力量。这既符合品牌生态美学的诉求,也与品牌所提倡的“Living Free”的理念相契合。 此次水环保系列主题T-shirt在设计上围绕水环保主题创作图案,面料则采用了美国棉花公司吸溼快干的WICKING WINDOWS 技术,即便在运动状态下仍能保持干爽、舒适。





broadcast 是不及物动词吗?







broadcast不是网关。 Broadcast1995年成立于英国伯明汉,以优美的女声及动人旋律著称。 乐队由主唱Trish Keenan,吉他Tim Felton,贝丝James Cargill,键盘Roj Stevens及鼓手Steve Perkins组成




1、广播地址broadcast广播的意思嘛2、在IP地址中,如果最后一个数字是255,则一定是一个广播地址。#网络广播地址:网络广播地址在没有进行子网划分的网络内广播,由于当强的网络均涉及子网划分,故此种地址很少存在;#受限广播地址:以255.255.255.255组成的广播地址,在当前路由器均不转发此类广播#子网广播地址:子网广播地址是一种常用的广播方式,它是指在一个具体的子网内进行广播,比如192.168是网络ID,那么192.168.1.255就是子网192.168.1的广播#全部子网广播地址:是指所有子网络的广播,以上一个为例,全部子网广播地址是192.168.255.255 3、广播要采用UDP的方式,具体流程如下:创建UDP套接字设置套接字属性为SO_BROADCAST,设置为广播地址设置广播地址为INADDR_BROADCAST,同时也要指定发送端口进行数据收发操作




Broadcast广播,注册方式主要有两种 第一种是静态注册,也可成为常驻型广播,这种广播需要在Androidmanifest.xml中进行注册,这中方式注册的广播,不受页面生命周期的影响,即使退出了页面,也可以收到广播这种广播一般用于想开机自启动啊等等,由于这种注册的方式的广播是常驻型广播,所以会占用CPU的资源。 第二种是动态注册,而动态注册的话,是在代码中注册的,这种注册方式也叫非常驻型广播,收到生命周期的影响,退出页面后,就不会收到广播,我们通常运用在更新UI方面。这种注册方式优先级较高。最后需要解绑,否会会内存泄露广播是分为有序广播和无序广播。


动词过去式:broadcast/broadcasted 过去分词:broadcast/broadcasted 都可以的

broadcast ,cast的过去时过去完成时分别是什么?

动词原型:broadcast 动词过去式:broadcast,broadcasted 动词过去分词:broadcast,broadcasted 动词原型:cast 动词过去式:cast 动词过去分词:cast





broadcast与 play 区别

broadcast 广播play 是戏剧区别还是有的


及物动词 vt. 1.广播,播送The program is broadcast every Monday evening. 这档节目每星期一晚上播出。 2.广为散播,传布She broadcast the secret to her colleagues. 她向同事们传播这一秘密。 3.播(种)不及物动词 vi. 1.广播,播放2.参加广播演出;发表广播演说The president will broadcast this evening. 今晚总统将发表电视讲话。 形容词 a. [Z][B]1.广播的,播音的There"s something very interesting in the broadcast program. 这档广播节目中有些内容很有趣。 2.散布的;撒播的名词 n. 1.广播;广播节目These broadcasts will be heard in most parts of the country. 这些广播节目国内大部分地区都能听到。 2.散布;播种副词 ad. 1.经广播2.广泛地;散布地The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast. 那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是。



intentreceiver 和broadcast的区别

1. 首先开机启动后系统会发出一个Standard Broadcast Action,名字叫 android....public class OlympicsReceiver extends IntentReceiver{/*要接收的intent源*/


1、广播地址broadcast广播的意思嘛2、在IP地址中,如果最后一个数字是255,则一定是一个广播地址。#网络广播地址:网络广播地址在没有进行子网划分的网络内广播,由于当强的网络均涉及子网划分,故此种地址很少存在;#受限广播地址:以255.255.255.255组成的广播地址,在当前路由器均不转发此类广播#子网广播地址:子网广播地址是一种常用的广播方式,它是指在一个具体的子网内进行广播,比如192.168是网络ID,那么192.168.1.255就是子网192.168.1的广播#全部子网广播地址:是指所有子网络的广播,以上一个为例,全部子网广播地址是192.168.255.255 3、广播要采用UDP的方式,具体流程如下:创建UDP套接字设置套接字属性为SO_BROADCAST,设置为广播地址设置广播地址为INADDR_BROADCAST,同时也要指定发送端口进行数据收发操作


radio市广播设备,broadcast是广播这种行为1、radion. 收音机;无线电广播设备broadcoastn.(电台、电视台的)广播,播放; (电台、电视台)广播员的职业


广播(Broadcast)是一种广泛用于应用程序之间传递消息的机制,是Android系统的四大组件之一。广播机制包含3 个基本要素:广播(Broadcast),用于发送广播;广播接收器(BroadcastReceiver),用于接收广播;意图内容(Intent),用于保存广播相关信息的媒介。 广播分为两个方面:广播发送者和广播接收者(Broadcast Receiver),在 Android 系统中很多操作完成以后都会发送广播,比如:发送短信息、打出一个电话、开机或者网络状态改变和电量改变等。 广播分为无序广播(普通广播)和有序广播。 是一种完全异步执行的广播,效率较高。在广播发出之后,所有的广播接收者甚至可能会在同一时刻接收到这条广播消息,因此它们之间没有任何先后顺序可言。无序广播不可以被拦截,不可终止,不可修改。 是一种同步执行的广播,在广播发出之后,同一时刻只会有一个广播接收者能够收到这条广播消息,当这个广播接收者中的逻辑执行完毕后,广播才会继续传递。广播接收者是有先后顺序的,优先级高的广播接收者可以先收到广播消息,并且前面的广播接收者还可以截断正在传递的广播,使后面的广播接收者无法收到广播消息。 广播的注册分为静态注册和动态注册 在AndroidManifest.xml文件中添加 广播接收者 在Activity的onCreate()中注册广播 在Activity的onDestroy()中注销广播 广播的生命周期只有十秒左右,超过这个时间,就会报Application Not Response(ANR)。如果要做耗时操作,应该通过发送Intent给Service,让Service来完成。广播不能使用子线程来解决,因为BroadcastReceiver的生命周期很短,子线程还没结束,Broadcast可能就结束了。

broadcast 是什么意思



broadcast的意思是:作动词时意为“播送(电视或无线电节目);参加(无线电或电视)节目;传播;播撒(种子)”,作形容词时意为“广播节目的;撒播的;无线电广播的”,作副词时意为“撒播地”,作名词时意为“(无线电、电视)节目;播送;撒播;广播播放时段”。短语搭配:cell broadcast小区广播 ; 细胞广播 ; 小区广播短信息 ; 蜂窝广播。Broadcast Colors传播颜色 ; 广播级颜色 ; 广播级色彩 ; 播放色。broadcast domain广播域 ; 广播区域 ; 广播网域 ; 广播领域。Broadcast Programming广播节目制作 ; 广播节目建造。双语例句1、What kind of information will we broadcast?我们将传播什么类型的信息?2、On this broadcast, we have only one purpose.在这个节目里,我们只有一个目的。

英语谚语:A road of a thousand miles begins with one step 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A road of a thousand miles begins with one step 中文意思: 千里之行始于足下。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Rain es after sunshine and after a dark cloud a clear sky 晴日之后有雨水,乌云过去见青天。 Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship 船沈鼠先窜。 Readiness is all 有备无患。 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body 读书养神,锻链健身。 Reading makes a full amn meditation a profound man discourse a clear man 博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰。 Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man and writing an exact man 读书使人渊博,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Read not books alone but men 不要光是读书,还要识人。 Ready money is a ready medicine 现钱等于成药。 Real knowledge like everything else of value is not to be obtained easily it must be worked for studied for thought for and more than all must be prayed for 真正的学问,像其他一切有价值的东西一样,是不容易得到的,必须学习、钻研、思考,最重要的是必须有迫切的要求。 Reap as (or what) one has sown 自食其果。 英语谚语: A road of a thousand miles begins with one step 中文意思: 千里之行始于足下。


浜崎あゆみ「crossroad」歌词ここから见(み)えている景色(けしき)は梦(ゆめ)に描(えが)いていた景色(けしき)とどのくらい违(ちが)うのかななんて思(おも)う时(とき)があるよねあの时(とき)立(た)った分(わ)かれ道(みち)の始(はじ)まり选(えら)んだ方(ほう)はこっちでよかったかなってあの时(とき)立(た)った分(わ)かれ道(みち)の反対(はんたい)侧(がわ)にあったのはなんだったのかなってそれでも进(すす)み続(つづ)けてるまだ负(ま)けてなんかいないよって伤(きず)つかない様(よう)に强(つよ)がる事(こと)だけで自分(じぶん)を守(まも)っていたアイツはうまく笑(わら)えるようになったかな変(か)わって行(い)く事(こと) 変(か)えて来(き)た事(こと)変(か)えられない事(こと) 私(わたし)はうまく笑(わら)えてる?懐(なつ)かしい想(おも)い出(で)达(たち)ばかりそこらじゅうに転(ころ)がる道(みち)を偶然(ぐうぜん)通(とお)り过(す)ぎたら温(あたた)かいけど苦(くる)しかった大人(おとな)になって行(い)く程(ほど)に失(うしな)ってきたものは一体(いったい)何(なに)だったかなって大人(おとな)になって行(い)く程(ほど)に増(ふ)えてくこれって一体(いったい)ねぇ何(なに)なのかなって考(かんが)えたこの瞬间(しゅんかん)さえもほら过去(かこ)に変(か)わってくね今(いま)すれ违(ちが)った谁(だれ)かがいつかのあの子(こ)の横颜(よこがお)に见(み)えたような気(き)がしたのにどうして声(こえ)をかける事(こと)さえも出来(でき)ないまま远(とお)ざかって行(い)く后(うし)ろ姿(すがた)を见(み)つめてたそれでも进(すす)み続(つづ)けてるまだ负(ま)けてなんかいないよって伤(きず)つかない様(よう)にと强(つよ)がる事(こと)それだけで自分(じぶん)を守(まも)っていたアイツはうまく笑(わら)えるようになったかな変(か)わって行(い)く事(こと)とか 変(か)えて来(き)た事(こと)とか変(か)えられない事(こと) 私(わたし)はうまく笑(わら)えてる?罗马拼音歌词:CrossroadAyumi HamasakiKoko kara miete iru keshiki waYume ni egaite ita keshiki toDono kurai chigau no kanaNante omou toki ga aru yo neAno toki tatta wakaremichi no hajimariEranda hou wa kotchide yokatta ka natteAno toki tatta wakaremichi no hantaiGawa ni atta no wa nandatta no kanatteSore demo susumi tsuzuketeruMada makete nanka inai yo tteKizutsukanai you niTsuyogaru koto dakedeJibun o mamotte itaAitsu wa umaku waraeru you ni natta ka naKawatte iku kotoKaete kita kotoKaerarenai kotoWatashi wa umaku waraeteru?Natsukashii omoide-tachi bakariSokora-juu ni korogaru michi oGuuzen touri sugitaraAtatakai kedo kurushi kattaOtona ni natte iku hodo ni ushinatteKita mono wa ittai nandatta ka natteOtona ni natte iku hodo ni fuete kuKore tte ittai nee nanina no kanatteKangaeta kono shunkanSae mo hora kako ni kawatte ku neIma surechigattaDare ka ga itsuka noAno ko no yokogao niMieta youna ki ga shitanoni doushiteKoe o kakeru kotoSae mo dekinai mamaTouzakatte ikuUshirosugata o mitsumetetaSore demo susumi tsuzuketeruMada makete nanka inai yo tteKizutsukanai you niTsuyogaru koto dakede Jibun o mamotte itaAitsu wa umaku waraeru you ni natta ka naKawatte iku kotoKaete kita kotoKaerarenai kotoWatashi wa umaku waraeteru?从这里看到的风景与梦中所描绘的风景有的时候总是会想究竟有多大的差异那时,站在叉路的起点我说著应该要选哪条路才好那时,站在叉路的另一边我想著另一边又是怎麼样的尽管如此我还是继续大步向前我还没因此被打败为了不受伤害假装坚强保护自己那个家伙是否还能展开笑颜?持续地在改变的事情已经改变的事情不曾改变的事情我是否还能展开笑颜?只剩下令人怀念的记忆我偶然走向远处在这条迂回的道路上很温暖 却有一阵鼻酸在变成大人的路途上究竟遗失了什麼在变成大人的路途上究竟有什麼一直增加著在思考这些事的瞬间彷佛回到了过去与我擦身而过的那个人有著似曾相似的那孩子的侧脸我没有大声地呼唤那个人只是看著他走向远方背对著而走向远方尽管如此我还是继续大步向前我还没因此被打败为了不受伤害假装坚强保护自己那个家伙是否还能展开笑颜?持续地在改变的事情已经改变的事情不曾改变的事情我是否还能展开笑颜?


whitle yroad惠特利 Whiteley的变体

求高手翻译下面的一首英文歌曲,Keane on the road,非常感谢,把自己这点仅有的财富值贡献出来了。。。

你有感觉,拉?  和你听到电话吗?  因为你已经得到了一切,你需要做出一个开始    我有一个梦我自己的  刚刚走出我的家  去,我不知道在星星下唱歌    你的整个人生前方  它只是在拐角处    所以当太阳出来和你去  仍然如此多的东西你不知道  你不回头,我一点都不怀疑我  将会看到你在路上    当世界的铺设你低  你为什么不让米

what remains of our chalk road是什么意思

what remains of our chalk road我们的粉笔路的残骸例句1、A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。2、Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime.在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。3、The fossil remains of apemen can help us infer how they lived.猿人化石可以帮助我们推测猿人的生活情况。4、The remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore海滨凸立着的战时防御工事的遗迹5、He wiped off the remains of the lather with a towel.他用毛巾抹去余下的皂沫。

欧洲杯爱尔兰队歌The Rocky Road To Poland中文歌词是什么


Guilty roads to an endless love.什么意思


Jack London的小说:The Road 的评论和summary,中文英文都可以

杰克·伦敦(1876—1916)是美国作家,生于旧金山一个破产农民的家庭。因家境贫困,自幼从事体力劳动,当过童工,装卸工和水手等,后又在美国各地流浪。靠劳动所得曾进过加利福尼亚大学学习。在1897年加入过阿拉斯加等地淘金者的行列。早年坎坷的生活经历使他体会到下层人民的悲惨处境和人与人之间的激烈竞争,成为他后来从事创作的源泉。伦敦一共写过十九部长篇小说,一百五十多篇短篇小说和故事,三部剧本,以及论文、特写等。主要作品有:小说集《狼的儿子》(1900)、中篇小说《荒野的呼唤》(1903)、长篇小说《海狼》(1904)、《铁蹄》(1908)和《马丁·伊登》(1909)、特写集《深渊中的人们》(1903)等。伦敦的创作思想较为复杂,受到过马克思、斯宾塞、尼采等多人影响。作为现实主义作家,他在创作中带有明显的自然主义色彩,作品歌颂对生命的热爱和对大自然的斗争,同时反映了弱肉强食、生存竞争的哲学观点。伦敦善于通过行动刻画人物性格和揭示主题。小说结构紧凑,文字精炼,生动感人。《马丁·伊登》是杰克·伦敦的代表作,带有自传性质。主人公马丁·伊登原是一个年轻的普通水手。一次偶然的机会,他结识了银行家莫斯的女儿罗丝。他崇拜罗丝的纯洁高雅,而罗丝也被他的粗野不羁所吸引。在爱情的鼓舞下,马丁刻苦读书,发奋写作。但他们的感情遭到了莫斯夫妇的反对,罗丝同马丁断绝了来往。后来马丁以极大的毅力获得了成功,成为名作家。原先对他不屑一顾的人都对他另眼相看。罗丝也想重修旧好,被马丁愤然拒绝。然而马丁跻身于上流社会后,却看透了资产者的自私和虚伪,在幻灭的痛苦中投海自杀。《马丁·伊登》是杰克·伦敦最有影响的作品,一则因为它具有明显的自传色彩,提供了认识、研究伦敦宝贵材料,二则由于它在思想上和艺术上有很高的价值,标志着美国现实主义文学在本世纪初的重要发展。★《马丁·伊登》的思想内容相当丰富。首先,它真实生动地描写了一个出身微贱的作家的艰难的奋斗道路,表现了在资本主义制度下一个正直作家的坎坷命运。其次,小说对资产阶级的体面人物作了细致的解剖和无情的嘲讽。小说告诉人们,真正的野蛮人并不是马丁和他所属的阶级,而恰恰是那些自诩为文明人的罗丝小姐和她的父母莫斯夫妇等。此外,小说对个人主义也作了一定的批判。马丁为了赢得罗丝的爱情,竟可以不顾一切。他离开自己的阶级和朋友,到头来却发现是南柯一梦。他后来的悔恨、落寞、空虚、孤独和自杀,实际上是对个人主义的怀疑和否定。不过,需要指出的是,作者在对个人主义进行鞭挞时,流露出对斯宾塞的社会进化论和尼采的超人哲学的矛盾态度。 小说细致的心理描写和善于通过人物的行动去揭示人物的性格这两点,也为人们所称道。杰克·伦敦简介:伦敦,J.(1876~1916)美国小说家,生于加利福尼亚旧金山一个破产农民家庭。他从幼年起就不得不出卖体力养活自己。他当过牧童、报童、童工、工人、水手。他还参加过1893年大恐慌中失业大军组成的抗议队伍,以流浪罪被捕入狱,罚做苦工几个月。出狱后,他一边拼命干活,一边刻苦学习,广泛涉猎达尔文、斯宾塞、尼采和马克思等人的著作。他曾考进加利福尼亚大学,一年后辍学。后来受了阿拉斯加淘金热的影响,加入了淘金者的行列,却因病空手而归,但带回了北方故事的丰富素材。从此,他埋头写作,成为“出卖脑力劳动”的职业作家。杰克·伦敦从1900年起连续发表了许多短篇小说,通称为“北方故事”,是他的成名之作。描写英国伦敦贫民窟和工人的悲惨生活《深渊中的人们》(1903)、自传体小说《马丁·伊登》(1909)、政治幻想小说《铁蹄》(1908)等许多中长篇小说和散文集,深刻地揭露资本主义社会的弊端和罪恶,有力地控诉资产阶级对劳动人民的剥削,公开号召用阶级斗争和武装革命推翻资本主义制度。杰克·伦敦在不长的十几年创作生涯中共写了19部长篇小说,150多篇中短篇小说和大量文学报告集、散文集和论文。其中比较优秀的还有《荒野的呼唤》(i903)、《白牙》(1906)、《天大亮》(1910)、《月谷》(1913)、《黑西哥人》(1913),和受到列宁赞赏的《热爱生命》(1906)。但是到了晚期,他逐渐脱离社会斗争,为了迎合出版商的需要和满足个人的物质享受也写了不少粗制滥造的作品。1916年杰克·伦敦和他的代表作中的主人公马丁·伊登一样,在精神极度空虚和悲观失望中自杀身亡。▲·内容提要· 《马丁·伊登》是杰克·伦敦的不朽作品。小说的前半部带有自传性质,取材于作者早年的生活经历和后来成名的过程。年轻水手马丁·伊登在一次偶然的机会中救了大律师摩斯的儿子亚瑟。为了感谢马丁的救命之恩,亚瑟热情邀他到家里作客。摩斯家富丽堂皇的摆设,优雅文明的风度使马丁眼花缭乱,惊慕不己。更使他心醉神移的是亚瑟年轻、美貌的妹妹罗丝。在马丁的眼中,罗丝是那么高尚纯洁。对俗不可耐的公子哥儿腻烦了的罗丝也喜欢这个精力充沛、才智过人的无产者。在罗丝的鼓励下,更确切地说,在憧憬“高尚而又纯真的爱情”的巨大动力下,马丁以超人的毅力发愤读书,他只用几个月的时间就学完了常人需要两年才能学完的中学课程。他常常每天只睡四五个小时,像作者杰克·伦敦开始写作时一样,一边做苦工,一边学习、写作,为的是能有朝一日跻身“上流社会”,成为可与罗丝匹配的“上等人”。尽管他不断写作,稿子一篇篇寄出,却一次次遭到拒绝。后来,虽然罗丝私下与马丁订了婚,但是,她的父母认为马丁是个缺乏教养、粗鲁无礼的穷光蛋,因而竭力反对女儿与马丁的进一步接近;摩斯家客厅里的阔老阔少也嘲笑、冷落马丁。马丁逐渐发现“上流社会”并非他过去想象的那么高尚,那么文明。在一次客厅辩论中,他直言不讳地批评了这些“高等人士”,冒犯了他们的尊严,从此被拒于摩斯家的门外。继而罗丝也同他断绝了来往。这时,马丁痛苦地发现罗丝根本不是他想象中的“安琪儿”,而是一个目光短浅、庸俗的资产阶级小姐。支撑他努力奋斗的精神支柱崩溃了,他无力再继续写作,只是将原先退还的稿件再寄给出版商和报刊杂志。没想到,他的一篇作品被刊登了。一夜之间他成了名闻遐迩的大作家。请帖和稿约纷至沓来,金钱和荣誉接踵而至。昔日那些对他嗤之以鼻、攻击嘲讽的“高贵人士”如今向他献媚,“上流社会”向他敞开了欢迎的大门。摩斯家听说他功成名就,急忙叫罗丝主动上门,哭哭啼啼地要求重归于好,恢复婚约。然而,这时已爬上社会“顶峰”的马丁却看透了这些虚伪透顶、趋炎附势的芸芸众生;名誉和金钱,虚假的友谊和庸俗的爱情再也激不起他昔日那种对靠个人奋斗带来个人幸福的憧憬,再也无法改变他对人生的冷漠态度。他痛恨这些浑身散发出铜臭的资产阶级市侩,但也无法回到他原来出身的阶级。他想到一个孤岛上去过与世隔绝的隐士生活,但最终还是投海自杀,结束了他年轻的生命。


abroad,读音:英[u0259u02c8bru0254u02d0d],美[u0259u02c8brɑu02d0d]。释义:adv.在国外;到海外。adj.往国外的。n.海外;异国。词源:15世纪进入英语,直接源自古英语的on brede,意为出门,离开家。短语:be able有能力;聪明,能干。feel able感觉能够。prove able证明有能力。market abroad海外市场。abroad的例句1、She worked abroad for a year.她在国外工作了一年。2、He had been abroad many times.他曾多次出国。3、He"s never ventured abroad in his life.他一生中从来不敢出国。4、I have never contemplated living abroad.我从未考虑过去国外居住。5、I grasped the opportunity to work abroad.我毫不犹豫地抓住了去国外工作的机会。

Long Road Out Of Eden 歌词

歌曲名:Long Road Out Of Eden歌手:Eagles专辑:Long Road Out Of EdenEagles--Long Road Out Of Eden1223_dd制作Moon shining down through the palmsshadows moving on the sandsomebody whispering the twenty-third psalmdusty rifle in his trembling handssomebody trying just to stay alivehe got promises to keepover the ocean in americafar away and fast asleepsilent stars blinking in the blackness of an endless skycold silver satellites, ghostly caravans passing bygalaxies unfolding, new worlds being bornpilgrims and prodigals creeping toward the dawnbut it"s a long road out of edenmusic blasting from an suvon a bright and sunny dayrolling down the interstatein the good ol" usahaving lunch at the petroleum clubsmokin" fine cigars and swappin" liveshe said: "gimme "nother slice o" that barbecued brisket!"gimme other piece o" that pecan pie!"freeways flickering, cell phones chiming a tunewe"re riding to utopia, road map says we"ll be arriving sooncaptains of the old order clinging to the reinsassuring us these aches inside are only growing painsbut it"s a long road out of edenback home i was so certainthe path was very clearbut now i have to wonder that are we doing here??I"m not counting on tomorrowand i can"t tell wrong from rightbut i"d give anything to be there in your arms tonightweaving down the american highwaythrough the litter and the wreckage and the cultural junkbloated with entitlement, loaded on propagandaand now we"re driving dazed and drunkbeen down the road to damascus,the road to mandalaymet the ghost of caesar on the appian wayhe said, "it"s hard to stop this bingeing, once you get a taste.""but the road to empire is a bloody stupid waste."behold the bitten apple - the power of the toolsbut all the knowledge in the world is of no use to foolsand it"s a long road out of eden....

跪求:老鹰乐队《远离伊甸园(Long Road Out Of Eden)》的同步mp3中英翻译歌词

?什么同步歌词?你用千千静听听这个就有了 会自动下载同步歌词的 这里先给你个我截取的[ti:Long Road Out Of Eden][ar:Eagles][al:Long Road Out Of Eden][by:1223_dd][00:00.51]Eagles--Long Road Out Of Eden[01:00.52]1223_dd制作[01:32.73]Moon shining down through the palms[01:38.42]shadows moving on the sand[01:44.04]somebody whispering the twenty-third psalm[01:50.62]dusty rifle in his trembling hands[01:55.78]somebody trying just to stay alive[02:02.26]he got promises to keep[02:07.62]over the ocean in america[02:13.70]far away and fast asleep[02:18.74]silent stars blinking in the blackness of an endless sky[02:30.59]cold silver satellites, ghostly caravans passing by[02:42.84]galaxies unfolding, new worlds being born[02:47.72]pilgrims and prodigals creeping toward the dawn[02:53.38]but it"s a long road out of eden[03:10.75]music blasting from an suv[03:16.46]on a bright and sunny day[03:23.17]rolling down the interstate[03:28.51]in the good ol" usa[03:34.10]having lunch at the petroleum club[03:39.13]smokin" fine cigars and swappin" lives[03:44.65]he said: "gimme "nother slice o" that barbecued brisket!"[03:50.90]gimme other piece o" that pecan pie!"[03:56.26]freeways flickering, cell phones chiming a tune[04:07.65]we"re riding to utopia, road map says we"ll be arriving soon[04:20.24]captains of the old order clinging to the reins[04:25.98]assuring us these aches inside are only growing pains[04:31.55]but it"s a long road out of eden[05:01.22]back home i was so certain[05:04.25]the path was very clear[05:07.14]but now i have to wonder that are we doing here??[05:11.36]I"m not counting on tomorrow[05:14.44]and i can"t tell wrong from right[05:17.68]but i"d give anything to be there in your arms tonight[07:04.16]weaving down the american highway[07:08.85]through the litter and the wreckage and the cultural junk[07:14.96]bloated with entitlement, loaded on propaganda[07:20.65]and now we"re driving dazed and drunk[07:25.68]been down the road to damascus,[07:29.43]the road to mandalay[07:32.36]met the ghost of caesar on the appian way[07:37.33]he said, "it"s hard to stop this bingeing, once you get a taste."[07:44.05]"but the road to empire is a bloody stupid waste."[07:49.87]behold the bitten apple - the power of the tools[07:55.68]but all the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools[08:02.08]and it"s a long road out of eden....再加一点 这是好不容易才找到的中文翻译Long Road Out of Eden在哑巴虎知识上乱逛发现有人在求这首老鹰的歌词一时手痒请大师们指教一下吧Long Road Out of Eden原来是翻译成逃离伊甸园不过,个人比较喜欢叫它『远离天堂』啦!又不过,伊甸园跟天堂似乎是两回事於是尊重一下前人的翻译还是来个伊甸园吧!远离伊甸园的漫漫长路Moon shining down through the palms 月光穿过棕榈叶间流泄Shadows moving on the sand 树影在沙滩上摇曳Somebody whispering the twenty-third Psalm 是谁在沉吟著第二十三首诗篇Dusty rifle in his trembling hands 蒙尘的来福枪就握在他忏抖的手上Somebody trying just to stay alive 有人费尽心力只为了要活下去He got promises to keep 他必须信守誓言Over the ocean in AmericaFar away and fast asleep. 越过遥远的海洋,回到沉沉睡梦中的美国 Silent stars blinking in the blackness of an endless sky 沉默的星辰在无垠的夜空中闪耀Cold silver satellites, ghostly caravans passing by 冰冷的银色人造卫星,像沙漠里鬼魅般的商旅穿梭而过Galaxies unfolding; new worlds being born 浩瀚的银河中,新世界一个一个诞生Pilgrims and prodigals creeping toward the dawn 虔敬的朝圣者与浪荡子都恭顺的朝著黎明的方向匍匐而行But it"s a long road out of Eden. 但那只是带领我们远离伊甸园的漫漫长路Music blasting from an SUV 休旅车里传出震天嘎响的音乐On a bright and sunny day 在这明亮晴朗的日子里Rolling down the interstate 在州际公路间奔驰In the good ol" USA 在这美好的美利坚合众国Having lunch at the petroleum club 在石化工业区里大啖午餐Smoking fine cigars and swapping lies 抽著高级雪茄并且交易著彼此的谎言"Gimme "nother slice of that barbecued brisket!" 再给我一片烤胸肉"Gimme "nother piece of that pecan pie"再给我一片胡桃派Freeways flickering, cell phones chiming a tune 高速公路在眼前若隐若现,手机不断的响著同一个声调We"re riding to Utopia; road map says we"ll be arriving soon 我们正朝著乌托邦(理想国)前进,从地图上看来,我们就快到了Captains of the old order clinging to the reins 旧秩序的领导人固执的紧握领导韁绳Assuring us these aches inside are only growing pains 不断的告诉我们这种内在的渴望只会带来痛苦But it"s a long road out of Eden 但那只是带领我们远离伊甸园的漫漫长路Back home, I was so certain; the path was very clear 回家吧!我是如此的确信,通往真里的路是如此清楚But now I have to wonder - what are we doing here? 但此刻我不禁怀疑,我们到底在这里做些甚麼?I"m not counting on tomorrow and I can"t tell wrong from right 现在的我看不到明天,无法辨别是非But I"d give anything to be there in your arms tonight 但今晚我将把我的一切交付到你的怀里,让你带领我回家Weaving down the American highway 穿越美洲公路Through the litter and the wreckage, and the cultural junk 越过过那杂乱破败的废物堆与老旧的文化垃圾Bloated with entitlement, loaded on propaganda 满脑子都是我天生就该有的权益 车厢里载满了我要宣扬的意念Now we"re driving dazed and drunk此刻我们正一步步迈向茫然与迷醉 Went down the road to Damascus, the road to Mandalay 顺著往大马士革的路驶去,一路往缅甸的瓦城Met the ghost of Caesar on the Appian Way 在古罗马的亚壁古道上遇见了凯撒大帝的鬼魂He said, "It"s hard to stop this binging once you get a taste 他说:一旦你接受了考验,就无法停止这种渴望But the road to empire is a bloody, stupid waste" 但通向权利的道路是血腥而愚蠢的Behold the bitten apple - the power of the tools 瞧瞧这被咬了一口的苹果,这就是上天的工具的力量But all the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools 对愚蠢的人而言,这世界上所有的知识都是无用的And it"s a long road out of Eden

求比尔盖茨《The Road Ahead》(未来之路)的英文版,只要英文的。

I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics who claim there is no hope. They say: "Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end – because people just … don"t … care." I completely disagree. I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with. All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing – not because we didn"t care, but because we didn"t know what to do. If we had known how to help, we would have acted. The barrier to change is not too little caring; it is too much complexity. To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see the impact. But complexity blocks all three steps. Even with the advent of the Internet and 24-hour news, it is still a complex enterprise to get people to truly see the problems. When an airplane crashes, officials immediately call a press conference. They promise to investigate, determine the cause, and prevent similar crashes in the future. But if the officials were brutally honest, they would say: "Of all the people in the world who died today from preventable causes, one half of one percent of them were on this plane. We"re determined to do everything possible to solve the problem that took the lives of the one half of one percent." The bigger problem is not the plane crash, but the millions of preventable deaths. We don"t read much about these deaths. The media covers what"s new – and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it"s easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it"s difficult to keep our eyes on the problem. It"s hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don"t know how to help. And so we look away. If we can really see a problem, which is the first step, we come to the second step: cutting through the complexity to find a solution. Finding solutions is essential if we want to make the most of our caring. If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or individual asks "How can I help?," then we can get action – and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted. But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares — and that makes it hard for their caring to matter. Cutting through complexity to find a solution runs through four predictable stages: determine a goal, find the highest-leverage approach, discover the ideal technology for that approach, and in the meantime, make the smartest application of the technology that you already have — whether it"s something sophisticated, like a drug, or something simpler, like a bednet. The AIDS epidemic offers an example. The broad goal, of course, is to end the disease. The highest-leverage approach is prevention. The ideal technology would be a vaccine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose. So governments, drug companies, and foundations fund vaccine research. But their work is likely to take more than a decade, so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand – and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior. Pursuing that goal starts the four-step cycle again. This is the pattern. The crucial thing is to never stop thinking and working – and never do what we did with malaria and tuberculosis in the 20th century – which is to surrender to complexity and quit. The final step – after seeing the problem and finding an approach – is to measure the impact of your work and share your successes and failures so that others learn from your efforts. You have to have the statistics, of course. You have to be able to show that a program is vaccinating millions more children. You have to be able to show a decline in the number of children dying from these diseases. This is essential not just to improve the program, but also to help draw more investment from business and government. But if you want to inspire people to participate, you have to show more than numbers; you have to convey the human impact of the work – so people can feel what saving a life means to the families affected. I remember going to Davos some years back and sitting on a global health panel that was discussing ways to save millions of lives. Millions! Think of the thrill of saving just one person"s life – then multiply that by millions. … Yet this was the most boring panel I"ve ever been on – ever. So boring even I couldn"t bear it. What made that experience especially striking was that I had just come from an event where we were introducing version 13 of some piece of software, and we had people jumping and shouting with excitement. I love getting people excited about software – but why can"t we generate even more excitement for saving lives? You can"t get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. And how you do that – is a complex question. Still, I"m optimistic. Yes, inequity has been with us forever, but the new tools we have to cut through complexity have not been with us forever. They are new – they can help us make the most of our caring – and that"s why the future can be different from the past. The defining and ongoing innovations of this age – biotechnology, the computer, the Internet – give us a chance we"ve never had before to end extreme poverty and end death from preventable disease. Sixty years ago, George Marshall came to this commencement and announced a plan to assist the nations of post-war Europe. He said: "I think one difficulty is that the problem is one of such enormous complexity that the very mass of facts presented to the public by press and radio make it exceedingly difficult for the man in the street to reach a clear appraisement of the situation. It is virtually impossible at this distance to grasp at all the real significance of the situation." Thirty years after Marshall made his address, as my class graduated without me, technology was emerging that would make the world smaller, more open, more visible, less distant. The emergence of low-cost personal computers gave rise to a powerful network that has transformed opportunities for learning and communicating. The magical thing about this network is not just that it collapses distance and makes everyone your neighbor. It also dramatically increases the number of brilliant minds we can have working together on the same problem – and that scales up the rate of innovation to a staggering degree. At the same time, for every person in the world who has access to this technology, five people don"t. That means many creative minds are left out of this discussion -- smart people with practical intelligence and relevant experience who don"t have the technology to hone their talents or contribute their ideas to the world. We need as many people as possible to have access to this technology, because these advances are triggering a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, corporations, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches, and measure the impact of their efforts to address the hunger, poverty, and desperation George Marshall spoke of 60 years ago. Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world. What for? There is no question that the faculty, the alumni, the students, and the benefactors of Harvard have used their power to improve the lives of people here and around the world. But can we do more? Can Harvard dedicate its intellect to improving the lives of people who will never even hear its name? Let me make a request of the deans and the professors – the intellectual leaders here at Harvard: As you hire new faculty, award tenure, review curriculum, and determine degree requirements, please ask yourselves: Should our best minds be dedicated to solving our biggest problems? Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world"s worst inequities? Should Harvard students learn about the depth of global poverty … the prevalence of world hunger … the scarcity of clean water …the girls kept out of school … the children who die from diseases we can cure? Should the world"s most privileged people learn about the lives of the world"s least privileged? These are not rhetorical questions – you will answer with your policies. My mother, who was filled with pride the day I was admitted here – never stopped pressing me to do more for others. A few days before my wedding, she hosted a bridal event, at which she read aloud a letter about marriage that she had written to Melinda. My mother was very ill with cancer at the time, but she saw one more opportunity to deliver her message, and at the close of the letter she said: "From those to whom much is given, much is expected." When you consider what those of us here in this Yard have been given – in talent, privilege, and opportunity – there is almost no limit to what the world has a right to expect from us. In line with the promise of this age, I want to exhort each of the graduates here to take on an issue – a complex problem, a deep inequity, and become a specialist on it. If you make it the focus of your career, that would be phenomenal. But you don"t have to do that to make an impact. For a few hours every week, you can use the growing power of the Internet to get informed, find others with the same interests, see the barriers, and find ways to cut through them. Don"t let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of your lives. You graduates are coming of age in an amazing time. As you leave Harvard, you have technology that members of my class never had. You have awareness of global inequity, which we did not have. And with that awareness, you likely also have an informed conscience that will torment you if you abandon these people whose lives you could change with very little effort. You have more than we had; you must start sooner, and carry on longer. Knowing what you know, how could you not?And I hope you will come back here to Harvard 30 years from now and reflect on what you have done with your talent and your energy. I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world"s deepest inequities … on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity.

---minded 的说法还有哪些 比如 broad-minded 、narrow minded 、 open-minded 、simple-minded。求补充

多得数不过来的,很多很多抽象形容词都可以与 minded 搭配,用来表达“某种状态/某种倾向的思想”。大致上只要含义上正确,就可以。很多名词也可以用来与 minded 配合。criminal minded: 有犯罪心理的literary minded: 文化思想的money-minded: 拜金思想的double-minded: 口是心非的feeble-minded: 意志薄弱的strong-minded: 意志坚定的absent minded: 漫不经心的like-minded: 志同道合的此外还有 single minded, clear minded, social minded, 等等你甚至可以自己组合一些不常用的。这种自造的情况下一般不能去掉连字符。比如:peace-minded: 有和平倾向的health-minded: 具健康理念的revenge-minded: 有复仇心态的Apple-minded: 对苹果产品狂热的tech-minded: 对科技感兴趣的game-minded: 爱玩游戏的display-minded: 喜欢炫耀的hollow-minded: 没有内涵的……等等

英国伦敦著名露天市集【Portobello Road Market】

喜欢看英国电影Notting Hill(诺丁山恋情)的,都应该记得男主人公是在集市路边开书店的。影片中很多的镜头都会有看到这个市场 – 卖什么杂货的都有。这个电影里的市场就是Portobello Road Market(波托贝洛路市场)。据说,伦敦时尚人士带动了整个跳蚤市场文化,因为是他们最早逛跳蚤市场找寻时尚的旧服饰。也因为这个原因,跳蚤文化渐渐被推动,进而横扫世界每个角落。在伦敦跳蚤市场购物,不同的区域会出售截然不同的物品。而除去那些新潮的、前卫的商品,伦敦实际上也有十分“亲民”的一面。二手货、杂货、土特产……都可以寻到。 Portobello Road Market 波特贝罗路跳蚤市场(Portobello Road Market)是伦敦乃至英国最有名的露天市集。地处诺丁山区域,每周六的波特贝罗路古董市场吸引了大批人潮。从最“in”的年轻货品到祖母级的古董,波特贝罗路跳蚤市场这样的伦敦市集绝对能让你对沉默拘谨的英国人改变看法。 波特贝罗路跳蚤市场实际上由3个不同的市场组成,只有在每周六这3个市场才全部开放。 南端的古董市场是离地铁站最近的,也是游客们去波特贝罗路跳蚤市场的主要目的。古董市场仅在周六开放,有同学曾经在周日去扑了个空。在波特贝罗路古董市场有上百个摊位,可以看到来自世界各地的古董,从罗马时代到20世纪60年代的应有尽有。 向北继续走,过渡到一个主要为当地老百姓服务的食品市场,主要销售各种蔬果、鱼肉、奶酪等食品,不妨在这里买点零食吃。 走到最北端的则是位于西路(Westway)高架桥下的二手货跳蚤市场了,每逢周五和周六,这里便会异常热闹,小贩们兜售着各种各样的商品,从一些装饰品、小玩意到流行服饰应有尽有。 {游走经验} 在市集的进口就拥挤了很多人,简直就是春运,好像迫不及待就买买买了,其实酱紫是不对的。 一般在市集进口的物品价格都是偏高的,而且太多人,根本看不了多少。市集范围基本是沿着一条直线的街道,可以逛一天,因为真的太多好东西了。有时间就慢慢逛呗..就是来享受的,看看别人的收藏,而不是来进货的。 喜欢逛Portobello市场的装扮更倾向于复古、怀旧,当然还多了点与众不同的创新感。每个人都不甘于消失在人群中,而是一定要穿出个性来。出了地铁站,路两旁一家家的卖各式风格服装和饰品的小店和大大小小的咖啡店马上就开始让人禁不住走几步,就停一停。从这里开始,即使不知道Portobello怎么走,也不要着急。只要跟着人群,一家店一家店的逛下来,不知不觉就会走到Portobello的路口。 整个市场分三个部分:一进市场是售卖各种古董、首饰、配饰和家具装饰物的小店和摊位。等走到你筋疲力尽、眼花缭乱的时候,就到了市场售卖蔬菜水果和各种小吃的部分。在这里可以买一份小吃临街一站,或是边走边吃。也可以找家咖啡店临窗坐下来,边看热闹边歇歇脚。过了这一段的市场,就是Westway flyover(韦斯特韦天桥)。天桥下面这一段是十几岁二十几岁的年轻人喜欢经常逛的时尚地带,这里有最时尚的怀旧服饰店、二手店和几家当下时兴的咖啡店。但是想买便宜二手货的不要到了这里就止步不前。过了天桥,就是专门卖二手时装鞋帽和室内装饰品的摊位。这一带最好吃的cupcake(杯形蛋糕)店Lisboa Patisserie也在这里。 规模基本分成三大块,分别是:①古董,饰品②饮食③衣物 你喜欢什么我们就有什么,男生也不忍走开吗? 只要你有好眼光带上你的钱包我们一起上路 美食街自一个十字路口开始,然后顺着香味走就没错了 在Portobello Road Market这样偌大的市场里想逛个明白,确实不是一件容易事。但是要想找特别的店,还是有几家相当突出的,一定要去看看: Decadent vintage 这家摊位周围用各种颜色的羽毛围巾装饰,一定不能错过。这里专门售卖手工制的各种饰品。每一件都是精心设计、独一无二(很多商品只有一件)的作品。同时还有各种20年代流行的带亮片的礼服和80年代流行的设计大胆的舞会礼服,价钱都不贵。喜欢买真正复古款式的美眉们经常把这个摊位围的水泄不通。 Portwine Arcade 位于Portobello Star酒吧旁边,这里跟附近卖古董的和卖首饰的有点格格不入。Portwine Arcade主要经营各种乐器和头饰。一进店门,就不禁想把这里的头饰一件一件地试过来。 Military stall 这个冬季实行军服风格的服饰。在英国,军服风格的服装一直受崇尚于摇滚风格的年轻人的喜爱。这家摊位位于天桥下面,专卖1914年以前的正宗的英式军装、军靴和配饰。 最后一定要记住的是:想不负Portobello一行,一定要带足现金。尤其是那些准备想买几百英镑以上的古董、首饰的,市场上的几家取款机经常被掏空,所以口袋里一定要踹满现金,否则后悔莫及。 Love it ?

offroad drive desert12关怎么过

蓝色柜子第一层,电线沙发坐垫下,一个螺丝刀柄柜子打开,篮球花瓶,螺丝刀头,与2组合,得螺丝刀在相框后,使用螺丝刀。 得钥匙用钥匙打开蓝色柜子第二层得到剪刀剪刀打开篮球得到一个门把手用门把手打开柜子左边得到游戏手柄把电线接上显示器,放大边上的日历得到日期20,7,13注意飞镖盘上的飞镖位置结合以上两个调整奖杯下面的三个圈,得到一个磁带,放入CD机用游戏手柄打开显示器,放下所有砖头得到一个图形记住从左到右是2431,在电话上输入2431按#,得到一把钥匙开门过关。




越野操作开关,打开时 越野性能开启。

4x4 offroad是什么车


马自达 cx30 offroad 模式

马自达 cx30 offroad 模式是指越野路面模式,其集成了陡坡缓降、斜坡起步、雪地防滑等一系列功能,结合了ABS、ESP等电子系统和动力系统控制的一套系统的一种越野必备功能。







Tuguan的车上off road是什么功能哦?

1. 坡道行驶辅助功能(HDC): 在陡峭下坡路段行驶时,提供类似点刹的制动,以更好控制车辆.上坡时也提供同样功能。2. 油门踏板特性匹配: 在较小油门踏板角度时,获得更好的扭矩输出特性.3. EDS匹配: 与正常行驶相比,在更小的滑移量时会启动EDS(电子差速锁)功能.4. ABS匹配: 在斜坡松软路面上行驶时,提高了制动效能.5. 起步辅助功能(仅对手动档):辅助起步过程并通过限制发动机转速来优化离合器的接合.6. AQ档位预选(仅对自动档): 行驶程序类似于5档变速器,更好地应用了发动机的制动效果.






off-road vehicle:英[u0254f rou028ad u02c8vi:u026akl] 美[u0254f ru0259u028ad u02c8viu026aku0259l](可在崎岖地面使用的) 越野车辆。复数:off-road vehiclesBy using controllable suspension, the consideration for off-road vehicle is given to both on road and cross-country.可控悬架可以使越野车辆兼顾越野行驶和道路行驶。

雷克萨斯LX600 OFFROAD官图发布 将亮相2022东京改装车展

易车讯 雷克萨斯发布了LX600 OFFROAD官图,其将亮相2022东京改装车展。信息显示,2022东京改装车展将于1月14日至16日举行,雷克萨斯LX600 OFFROAD定制车型由雷克萨斯和JAOS公司联合打造。JAOS成立于1985年,一直致力于研发提供四轮驱动汽车和SUV零部件。新车在雷克萨斯LX600的基础上,拥有独特的外观设计,展现了强大的越野性能。外观方面采用轻质、高强度的CFRP零件,配备了285/55 R20 AT轮胎。更多细节将在车展公布,易车将持续关注。


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