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Exausted,physically and mentally…中文什么意思


一款腕表,表盘字母是OFC. 表里面是UNADJUSTED. JAPAN这是什么牌子腕表?


nginx配置https启动报错:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)

nginx: [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX("/usr/local/ssl/nginx.key") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE) 先贴一下报错,报错指出了key有问题,看一下报错最后一行:TRUSTED CERTIFICATE。 在百度试过各种方法之后,找到这篇文章: 在这篇文章里,楼主指出如果各种方法均无效的话,看一下配置有没有放反,

计量经济学算adjusted r-squared里的n,k是什么,怎么求


计量经济学使用的eviews软件中,R-squared和 adjusted R-squared是怎么回事

R-squared是离差平方和,adjusted R-squared是调整后的离差平方和,你可以学习下二次回归,就能明白为什么他们能表达模型的优劣


[钛: lola (同超出) ] [氩:歌] [铝: ] [ : ] [ 00:07.35 ]我见到她在一个俱乐部下来的旧苏豪[ 00:10.51 ]如果你喝香槟酒和味道就像樱桃可乐[ 00:16.05 ]碳氧左旋一个可口可乐[ 00:20.47 ]她走到我和她问我跳舞[ 00:23.64 ]我问她,她的名字和一个深棕色的声音,她说lola左旋邻左旋一lola罗罗-罗-罗lola [ 00:43.65 ]好我不是世界上最物理家伙[ 00:46.40 ]但是当她对我挤紧,她几乎打破了我的脊柱[ 00:49.93 ]哦,我lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 00:56.40 ]好,我不傻,但我实在不明白[ 00:59.26 ]为什么她走路像一个女子交谈像男子[ 01:02.65 ]哦,我lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 01:18.94 ]好,我们喝了香槟和跳舞一整夜[ 01:22.25 ]根据电动烛光[ 01:25.30 ]她选择了我,和我坐在她的膝盖[ 01:28.60 ]说:亲爱的男孩是不会来你家与我[ 01:31.99 ]好我不是世界上最热情的家伙[ 01:34.74 ]但是当我在看她的眼睛好,我几乎跌我lola [ 03:06.53 ] [ 01:40.51 ]罗-罗-罗-罗lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 03:13.86 ] [ 01:48.04 ] lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 02:03.82 ]我推她带走[ 02:06.38 ]我走到门口[ 02:09.95 ]我倒在地上[ 02:13.04 ]我下来,我就跪[ 02:16.61 ] ,然后我看着她在我[ 02:19.97 ]清楚的方式,我希望它停留[ 02:22.91 ] ,我总是希望它能够获得这样我lola [ 02:41.20 ] [ 02:28.26 ]罗-罗-罗-罗lola [ 02:32.69 ]女孩将男孩和男孩将女孩[ 02:35.62 ] ,它的一个混合起来糊涂了震惊世界的除外lola [ 02:45.32 ]好,我离开家就在一周之前[ 02:48.44 ]和我永远亲吻一名女子日前[ 02:51.72 ]但lola微笑了我的手[ 02:54.92 ]说:亲爱的男孩,我再拖,使你一个人[ 02:57.86 ]好我不是世界上最男性化的人[ 03:00.77 ] ,但我知道我,我很高兴我是一个男子[ 03:03.97 ]等,是lola


风险调整后收益(Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return,MRAR) 风险调整后收益是指将 风险因素 剔除以后的收益指标。其中, 夏普比 率 、 特雷诺指数 和 詹森指数 是三个经典的风险调整后收益指标。希望采纳

请问 bored with / tired of / fed up with / sick of / disgusted by 的区别

bored with something or someone - 对于某个东西或人感到闷/厌倦了tired of something or someone - 对于某个东西或人感到累了/疲惫了fed up with someone/something - 受够了某人或某事(工作等)sick of something/someone - 厌烦(常用在做了很多遍之后,或受够了某个人。disgusted by someone/something - 对某人感到恶心/被某件事或东西感到恶心

no ultimately trusted keys found什么意思

英语no ultimately trusted keys found中文没有最终信任的密钥

找首英文男歌,有句歌词是Good bye to you, my trusted friend. 整首歌是较舒缓的。

season in the sun - westlife goodbye to you my trusted friendwe"ve known each other since we were nine or tentogether we"ve climned hills and treeslearned of love and abc"sskinned our hearts and skinned our kneesgoodbye my friend it"s hard to diewhen all the birds are singing in the skynow that spring is in the airpretty girls are everywherethink of me and i"ll be there we had joy, we had funwe had seasons in the sunbut the hills that we climbedwere just seasons out of timewish you enjoy this music-fireinicegoodbye papa please pray for mei was the black sheep of the familyyou tried to teach me right from wrongtoo much wine and too much songwonder how i got alonggoodbye papa it"s hard to diewhen all the birds are singing in the skynow that the spring is in the airlittle children everywherewhen you see them, i"ll be therewe had joy, we had funwe had seasons in the sunbut the wine and the songlike the seasons have all gonewe had joy, we had funwe had seasons in the sunbut the wine and the songlike the seasons have all gonethank you for enjoying fireinice group"s music lrc!goodbye michelle my little oneyou gave me love and helped me find the sunand every time that i was downyou would always come aroundand get my feet back on the groundgoodybye michelle it"s hard to diewhen all the birds are singing in the skynow that the spring is in the airwith the flowers everywherei wish that we could both be there

i amar usted

Love you!其实这个写法是不符合语法的。也许用te amo好一些。

gracioso usted 西班牙语什么意思

Gracioso 意思是 优美的,有风度,潇洒 usted 您

MARIA USTED 这句西班牙语翻译成中文怎么说


求助:usted 最后字母d发音吗

是 used 吗? 音标 / ju:zd / 字母 d 发 浊辅音 / d /

请问西班牙语中强调第三人称单数的代词是什么。比如强调un estudiante是用usted吗?

看你说是什么强调,él ella那是主格人称代词,不算强调,有一点强调意味的是lo,la,用在宾语 提前,进行复指的时候,比如, Deje el libro en la mesa,我把书放在桌子上了,当我把宾语libro提前表强调的时候,就应该加上lo, 如:El libro lo deje en la mesa.

Usted es。 是西班牙语求翻译。


西语中 tu和usted的区别

tu是你 用单数第二人称usted是您 用单数第三人称

西班牙语中es usted ~?中es不是“第三人称的是“的意思么?为什么可以和usted搭配?


谁来帮忙翻译下? usted es muy inteligente





usted。是您.和 tu 也是一样的。vosotros 很少用了。nosotros 我们。ustedes. 是你们。



hungry and exhausted英语语法解答?

主语补足语,是用来描述主语意义的句子成分,主语补足语是对一句话的主语进行补充说明.1.在主语的后面: eg: Jessica, the best student of our class, won the game.2.主语前: eg:Tired and sleepy, I went to bed. 3.谓语动词后: eg:He died young.



用exhausted; interested; encouraged; absorbed ;造句

I was exhausted after working for eight hours. Tom is interested in playing basketball. John encouraged Mary to talk to him, Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.

he came back home, ( ). A. exhausted B.exhausting C.being exhausted 请解释具体点

答案为 A。过去分词在此用作形容词,表示结果。

"I‘m exhausted! " 这里的exhausted 是形容词么?做的是宾语不? 我英语语法很混乱 知道的稍微讲一下 谢

形容词 作表语

She arrived home exhausted....

不是其实是She arrived home(and she was) exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed. exhausted 是形容词,同样capable 也是个并列的形容词意思是:“她回到家,挺累的,澡都没来得及洗,倒头就躺下了”

下面这句话中的“had tired her”替换为“had made her exhausted”后存在语法错误吗?


be exhausted后面跟什么介词


We were exhausted after the long hard trip.A.fatiguedB.boredC.tired outD.sleepy


He made a few desperate stokes and you could tell he was exhausted 这句自怎么翻译?

He made a few desperate stokes and you could tell he was exhausted.翻译:他绝望地拍打了几下, 看得出他快耗尽了。

英语句子里的being exhausted是什么用法


he returned home,exhausted.

exhausted做伴随状语,是伴随着returned home而同时产生的状态he returned home,exhausted.可以看做he returned home and he was exhausted.总不能说he being exhausted吧望采纳!


我用尽全部的时间来等你。I exhausted all my time to wait for you.我用尽了全部的时间来等你。I will exhaust all my time to wait for you.我将用尽全部的时间来等你。

being exhausted 和exhausted的区别



填 exhausted 过去分词,表示被动 现在分词,表示主动 你的胳膊,肯定是“被累着了”,所以用被动


exhausted[i^5zC:stid]adj.耗尽的, 疲惫的tired[5taiEd]adj.疲劳的, 累的, 疲倦的


exhausted [iɡ"zɔ:stid] 以格扫斯替的

exhausted 和 exhausting 用法区别?

exhausted:指人感到精疲力尽的 exhausting:指令人精疲力尽的


exhausted有三个音节。发音:英/ u026aɡu02c8zu0254u02d0stu026ad / 美/ u026aɡu02c8zu0254u02d0stu026ad /。意思:筋疲力尽的;耗尽的,枯竭的;使精疲力尽;耗尽;详尽讨论(exhaust 的过去式和过去分词形式)。双语例句1、She felt limp and exhausted.她感到浑身无力,累极了。2、Even a short walk exhausted her.即使走一段短路,她也疲惫不堪。3、I"m completely exhausted.我完全筋疲力尽了。4、I feel quite exhausted.我感到筋疲力尽。5、She sank back into her seat, exhausted.她筋疲力尽,又坐回椅子上。







Exhausted, he flopped into the nearest chair。请问,Exhausted, 这种用法是省略句呢?

其实exhausted的主语是he.完整的表达应该是“He was exhausted,he flopped into the nearest chair.” 他急匆匆的,他摔倒在附近的椅子上。可以看到,两个分句的主语是一致的。这种情况下,我们就可以省略掉一个主语,省略掉一个谓语。只保留分词的形式。就成了看似分词独立作为一个句子的用法。而generally speaking.这是固定的用法。

I feel exhausted中的exhausted是形容词,不是动词后面接副词吗?


tyra b---exhausted 中文歌词

全部是自己翻译的,希望能帮到你I love you more than life itself 我爱你超过爱生活We"ve been together going five long years 我们在一起都五年了and, you know it ain"t perfect, someone"s always hurting 你知道那并不完美,有人总会受伤But I hate picturing you with someone else,so 但我讨厌描绘出你和其他人在一起的画面I stuck by hoping things would change 我深陷于期待事情能发生改变I soon discovered this a big mistake 我很快发现这是一个很大的错误cause, it only got worse and 因为事情只会变得更糟now it"s just a burden that, I don"t 现在这是一个负担wanna carry no more 我不想再背负它了So, I gotta go, you gotta go your way 所以我该走我的路,你应该走你的路Ask anyone, you can"t control these things, no 问问别人吧 你不能控制这些事This time I"m leaving, and 这一次我离开了I really mean it 我确实是这么想的It ain"t that I don"t love you no more 这并不是我不爱你了I"m justexhausted 我只是累了(aye-hey-hey-yeah)and I"m tired of going there with you 我厌倦了和你一起走I"m justexhausted 我只是累了(aye-hey-hey-yeah)Don"t tell me that you don"t feel it, too 别告诉我你没有这种感觉I"m just exhausted(aye-hey-hey-yeah) 我只是累了Of going back and forth with you 和你犹豫不决Exhausted, tired, fed up, baby Loving loving, yeah,loving loving you累了倦了受够了爱你 宝贝Wipe your tears, baby don"t you cry 擦掉你的泪水,宝贝别哭Cause we"ve rehearsed it "bout a thousand times 因为我们已经排练无数次了So, we don"t need the practice, now it"s time for action --所以我们不需要练习 现在是时候来真的了I"m gonna get up and I"m gon" walk out that door, cause 我要起床走出那个们If I stay another day, it only brings more stress and pain that 应为如果我再多呆一天 那只会带来更多压力和痛苦I can"t endure, no --我不能再忍受了positively sure, I promise this is the last time 完全确定 我保证这是最后一次So, I gotta go, you gotta go your way 所以我该走我的路,你应该走你的路Ask anyone, you can"t control these things, no 问问别人吧 你不能控制这些事This time I"m leaving, and 这一次我离开了I really mean it 我确实是这么想的It ain"t that I don"t love you no more 这并不是我不爱你了I"m justexhausted 我只是累了(aye-hey-hey-yeah)and I"m tired of going there with you 我厌倦了和你一起走I"m justexhausted 我只是累了(aye-hey-hey-yeah)Don"t tell me that you don"t feel it, too 别告诉我你没有这种感觉I"m just exhausted(aye-hey-hey-yeah) 我只是累了Of going back and forth with you 和你犹豫不决Exhausted, tired, fed up, baby Loving loving, yeah,loving loving you累了倦了受够了爱你 宝贝My heart is telling me give it another shot 我的心告诉我再试一次But I know that I"ve given you everything I"ve got 但我知道我已经给了你我的所有I"m throwing in the towel cause we"ve lost it 我输了因为我们已经失去那些And you know I don"t give up very often 而且你知道我并不经常放弃But I can"t go on I"m too damn exhausted 但我不能继续我太累了Baby, ohhhh.宝贝I"m justexhausted 我只是累了(aye-hey-hey-yeah)and I"m tired of going there with you 我厌倦了和你一起走I"m justexhausted 我只是累了(aye-hey-hey-yeah)Don"t tell me that you don"t feel it, too 别告诉我你没有这种感觉I"m just exhausted(aye-hey-hey-yeah) 我只是累了Of going back and forth with you 和你犹豫不决Exhausted, tired, fed up, baby Loving loving, yeah,loving loving you 累了倦了受够了爱你 宝贝oh you, you, you, you 你




exhaustedly疲惫双语对照词典结果:exhaustedlyadv.exhausted(精疲力竭的)的变形; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Hours later, as the sun crept up over the edge of the awesome lassenpeak the jagged relic of a powerful volcanic explosion that strewedboulders over hundreds of square miles in the remote northeast ofcalifornia, I pulled my sleeping bag over my head and whinedexhaustedly that "everything has gone wrong." 几个钟头之后,旭日爬上拉森峰的山巅这是一次剧烈火山迸发留下的遗迹,巨石散布,延绵数百平方公里在这加州遥远东北部,我拉起睡袋把头一蒙,有气无力地发出哀鸣,“全搞错了。”


exhausted耗尽的,用完的exhausted resources 被耗尽的资源 2.精疲力竭的All three men were hot, dirty, and exhausted. 三个人都是又热、又脏且精疲力竭。 tired英音:["taiu0259d]美音:[tau026ard] 形容词 a. 1.疲倦的[(+from/with)]I was tired after shoveling snow all day. 铲了一天的雪我很累了。 2.厌倦的;厌烦的[F][(+of)]She was tired of watching television. 她看电视看得厌倦了。 3.陈腐的;破旧的a tired old car 一辆破旧的汽车 从词义上可以看出,虽然都有疲惫的意思,但exhausted更加倾向于筋疲力尽。程度上比tired更加厉害些。

英语句子里的being exhausted是什么用法


exhausted exhausting exhaustive exhaustion 如何解释?

牛津词典p696.exhausted adj . 疲惫不堪的,筋疲力尽的;耗尽的,枯竭的,用完的, exhausting vt . 使人疲惫不堪的,令人筋疲力尽的 ,exhaustive adj. 详尽的,彻底的,全面的 ,exhaustion n .筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪.耗尽,用尽,枯竭,(其实自己查一下词典就好了,我给你查了一下,帮助了你,自己也长记性),






exhausted[英][u026agu02c8zu0254:stu026ad][美][u026aɡu02c8zu0254stu026ad]adj.精疲力竭的; 筋疲力尽的; 耗尽的; 用完的; v.用尽( exhaust的过去式和过去分词 ); 使非常疲倦; 详尽讨论(或研究); 弄空; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Failed entrepreneurs are almost always exhausted entrepreneurs. 失败的创业者几乎总是筋疲力尽。

风险调整贴现率(risk-adjusted discount rate)


听英文新闻,一美国发言人说more robusted....但robust这个词的比较级是robuster,最高级是robustest啊。

更正一下,robust的比较级和最高级是more robust和the most robust。robuster是另一个单词了,表示强硬的人。robusted这个词正经说是不存在的,但在某些口语中也会出现,意思和robust一样。more robusted这样的语言不是正规的英文,只能说口语比较随心所欲。

when was the last time you dusted the apartment? 为什么不是when did 呢?改陈述句怎么样的?

因为疑问句的主语是the last time,不是you。改为陈述句是,The last time I (you) dusted the apartment was two weeks ago.

Busted的air hostes中文歌词

(let"s go!) 我们走吧(yeah! alright!) 是的,好吧walking through the terminal 走到飞机尽头I saw something beautiful我看到了美丽的景色you left, for your duty call 你离开去应付你的工作职责next I"m getting on the plane 接下来我将登机that"s when I see you again 从重新见到你的那一刻起I can"t get you off my brain你就一直在我脑子里(let"s go) 我们走吧that uniform you"re wearing so hot I can"t stop staring 你穿的制服那么的诱人,我无法转移视线you"re putting on an awesome show 你在上演一场服装秀the cabin pressure"s rising 机舱内的压力不断身高my coke has got no ice in now我的可口可乐现在没有了冰air hostess空姐I like the way you dress 我喜欢你的着衣风格 though I hate to fly虽然我讨厌飞行but I feel much better但是我感觉很好occupied my mind writing you a love letter给你写一封情书的想法一直萦绕在我的脑海I messed my pants 我弄脏了我的裤子when we flew over France 当我们飞越法国时will I see you soon in my hotel room不久后我将在我的酒店房间见到你吗for a holiday romance? 开始一段浪漫的假期air hostess空姐throwing peanuts down the aisle 将花生扔在过道stupid but it made you smile 虽然愚蠢但是博得了你的微笑you came over for a while 你走了过来then you whispered in my ear在我耳边低声说the words that I longed to hear 我渴望听到你的绵绵情话I want you to thrill me here 我想让你就在这带给我兴奋you can"t because you"re working 但是你不能因为你正在工作the paparazzi"s lurking狗仔队在潜伏you didn"t know I"m in a band in England people know me 在英格兰人人都认识我one photo"s worth a hundred grand一张照片价值100air hostess 空姐I like the way you dress我喜欢你的着衣风格though I hate to fly 虽然我讨厌飞行but I feel much better 但是我感觉很好occupied my mind writing you a love letter 给你写一封情书的想法一直萦绕在我的脑海I messed my pants我弄脏了我的裤子when we flew over France当我们飞越法国时will I see you soon in my hotel room 不久后我将在我的酒店房间见到你吗for a holiday romance? 开始一段浪漫的假期air hostess空姐na, na na-na na, na na-na na, na na-na na, na na-na na, na na-na na, na na-na na, na na-na that uniform you"re wearing so hot I can"t stop staring你穿的制服那么的诱人,我无法转移视线you"re putting on an awesome show你在上演一场服装秀the plane has almost landed 飞机已经着陆so tell me where I"m standing now 请告诉我我现在在哪air hostess 空姐I like the way you dress 我喜欢你的着衣风格though I hate to fly虽然我讨厌飞行but I feel much better但是我感觉很好occupied my mind writing you a love letter给你写一封情书的想法一直萦绕在我的脑海I messed my pants我弄脏了我的裤子when we flew over France 当我们飞越法国时will I see you soon in my hotel room不久后我将在我的酒店房间见到你吗for a holiday romance? 开始一段浪漫的假期air hostess 空姐cos" you"re my air hostess 你是我的专属空姐I love the way you dress我喜欢你的着衣风格air hostess空姐my air hostess 我的专属空姐I love the way you dress 我喜欢你的着衣风格air hostess空姐