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comsol调试时提示comsol_ process_ terminated是什么意思

COM Surrogate 是"C:WindowsSystem32dllhost.exe"的进程,出现这个进程一般都是COM+组件停止工作,所以电脑很卡。 解决方法就是计算机属性-高级系统设置-性能-设置-数据执行保护-勾选"为除下列选定的程序之外的所有程序和服务启用DEP。1、在桌面“我的电脑”上点击鼠标右键,选择“属性”,然后点击窗口左侧列表中的“高级系统设置”选项。2、在系统属性窗口的“高级”选项卡下,点击“性能”中的“设置”。3、在性能选项窗口中,点击“数据执行保护”标签,选择“为除下列选定程序之外的所有程序和服务启用DEP”选项,再点击“添加”按钮。4、在弹窗中输入dllhost.exe(或通过查找路径C:WindowsSystem32dllhost.exe),然后点击“打开”。5、设置完成后弹出一个数据执行保护的警告窗口,直接点击确定退出,重启电脑即可。


可以使用LINUX 里面的任务安排 例行性工作安排 at 使用 /etc/init.d/atd restart 开启at 然后下达at now+ 1 hours echo "time for supper" > /dev/consol

FTP session was terminated 是什么意思?

FTP 传输中断结束 FTP(File Transfer Protocal),是文件传输协议的简称。用于Internet上的控制文件的双向传输。同时,它也是一个应用程序(Application)。用户可以通过它把自己的PC机与世界各地所有运行FTP协议的服务器相连,访问服务器上的大量程序和信息。 FTP(File Transfer Protocol) FTP的作用 正如其名所示:FTP的主要作用,就是让用户连接上一个远程计算机(这些计算机上运行着FTP服务器程序)察看远程计算机有哪些文件,然后把文件从远程计算机上拷到本地计算机,或把本地计算机的文件送到远程计算机去。 FTP工作原理 拿下传文件为例,当你启动FTP从远程计算机拷贝文件时,你事实上启动了两个程序:一个本地机上的FTP客户程序:它向FTP服务器提出拷贝文件的请求。另一个是启动在远程计算机的上的FTP服务器程序,它响应你的请求把你指定的文件传送到你的计算机中。FTP采用“客户机/服务器”方式,用户端要在自己的本地计算机上安装FTP客户程序。FTP客户程序有字符界面和图形界面两种。字符界面的FTP的命令复杂、繁多。图形界面的FTP客户程序,操作上要简洁方便的多。 简单地说,支持FTP协议的服务器就是FTP服务器,下面介绍一下什么是FTP协议(文件传输协议) 一般来说,用户联网的首要目的就是实现信息共享,文件传输是信息共享非常重要的一个内容之一。Internet上早期实现传输文件,并不是一件容易的事,我们知道 Internet是一个非常复杂的计算机环境,有PC,有工作站,有MAC,有大型机,据统计连接在Internet上的计算机已有上千万台,而这些计算机可能运行不同的操作系统,有运行Unix的服务器,也有运行Dos、Windows的PC机和运行MacOS的苹果机等等,而各种操作系统之间的文件交流问题,需要建立一个统一的文件传输协议,这就是所谓的FTP。基于不同的操作系统有不同的FTP应用程序,而所有这些应用程序都遵守同一种协议,这样用户就可以把自己的文件传送给别人,或者从其它的用户环境中获得文件。 与大多数Internet服务一样,FTP也是一个客户机/服务器系统。用户通过一个支持FTP协议的客户机程序,连接到在远程主机上的FTP服务器程序。用户通过客户机程序向服务器程序发出命令,服务器程序执行用户所发出的命令,并将执行的结果返回到客户机。比如说,用户发出一条命令,要求服务器向用户传送某一个文件的一份拷贝,服务器会响应这条命令,将指定文件送至用户的机器上。客户机程序代表用户接收到这个文件,将其存放在用户目录中。 在FTP的使用当中,用户经常遇到两个概念:"下载"(Download)和"上载"(Upload)。"下载"文件就是从远程主机拷贝文件至自己的计算机上;"上载"文件就是将文件从自己的计算机中拷贝至远程主机上。用Internet语言来说,用户可通过客户机程序向(从)远程主机上载(下载)文件。 使用FTP时必须首先登录,在远程主机上获得相应的权限以后,方可上载或下载文件。也就是说,要想同哪一台计算机传送文件,就必须具有哪一台计算机的适当授权。换言之,除非有用户ID和口令,否则便无法传送文件。这种情况违背了Internet的开放性,Internet上的FTP主机何止千万,不可能要求每个用户在每一台主机上都拥有帐号。匿名FTP就是为解决这个问题而产生的。 匿名FTP是这样一种机制,用户可通过它连接到远程主机上,并从其下载文件,而无需成为其注册用户。系统管理员建立了一个特殊的用户ID,名为anonymous, Internet上的任何人在任何地方都可使用该用户ID。 通过FTP程序连接匿名FTP主机的方式同连接普通FTP主机的方式差不多,只是在要求提供用户标识ID时必须输入anonymous,该用户ID的口令可以是任意的字符串。习惯上,用自己的E-mail地址作为口令,使系统维护程序能够记录下来谁在存取这些文件。 值得注意的是,匿名FTP不适用于所有Internet主机,它只适用于那些提供了这项服务的主机。 当远程主机提供匿名FTP服务时,会指定


重新登录,以激活群组成员的变化。 下一步,编辑Docker配置文件,以便更新Docker二进制代码的位置。 $ sudo vi /etc/default/docker.io DOCKER="/usr/bin/docker.io" 重启Docker服务。

Application terminated错误怎么解决



OPテーマ「TERMINATED」终焉作词:畑亜贵 作曲u30fb编曲:菊田大介(Elements Garden) 歌:茅原実里CTC他アニメ「境界线上のホライゾン」主题歌所见为何?真实的你 封闭自己的温柔 直到变强欲听为何?在秘密的小房间里 聊聊久远的岁月吧记忆抱著 破碎的神秘跨越悲剧 宁神祈愿终焉即是新的开始在新世界 人与未来好比美酒不知能否一饮而尽却将所有投入这个新世界 冰冷的理性与奇迹的狭缝中为何再次与你相会…?领会其意?带著伤病探寻 仍要守护微弱生命的去向意味呐喊?直到深红中闪耀的残影溶化於宇宙在希望坠落之时 去捉住清晨之星(Estrella)现在立刻停下穿透我起程的终焉怀著动摇猜疑之心 未来便是过去的因果报应为了得到而奉献真的是愚蠢至极伴随猜忌心起舞 谁能告诉我眞实?Terminus on time…呀、谁能告诉我悲叹的尽头所失去之物…在新世界 人与未来好比美酒不知能否一饮而尽却将一切投入这个新世界 冰冷的理性与奇迹的狭缝中为何再次与你相会…?




terminatev.停止, 结束, 终止terminated 是terminate的过去时所以意思相同但由于是过去时所以应解释为 已停止结束终止 著名电影《终结者》的英文名就是《Terminator》null-terminated string 字符串; 空终止字符串; 字符串标准库提供的头文件中包含操作以空字符结尾的字符串(null-terminated string)的函数。它们是C++标准特有的一组函数。 当然我们还可以看看以下的含义,这样有助于理解。 null-terminated character string Null 终端字符字符串

terminated 是什么意思

If your boss told u this ,that means you are fired .


terminate中文翻译为终止、结束、终结、中止、停止、终端。一、读音:英[u02c8tu025cu02d0mu026aneu026at],美[u02c8tu025cu02d0rmu026aneu026at]。二、词语解释:1、终止;结束;使终止;解雇;人工流产;在......结尾;以......收尾;结束行程。2、复数:terminates。3、第三人称单数:terminates。4、现在分词:terminating。5、过去式:terminated。6、过去分词:terminated。三、短语搭配:1、terminate someone with extreme prejudice:暗杀;谋杀。2、terminate contract:终止合同;停止合同。3、program terminate:程序终止。四、双语例句:1、The landlord could terminate the agreement at his pleasure.房东可以随意终止协议。2、Adamson"s putting pressure on me to terminate you.亚当森正给我施压要解雇你。3、He was advised to terminate the contract.人们建议他终止这份合同。4、The train will terminate at Stratford.火车终点将是斯特拉特福德。




terminatedv. 终止;结束;终结(terminate的过去分词);adj. 终止的;有限的[网络短语]request terminated 请求终止application terminated 应用程序终止,终止应用程序,申请终止terminated task 终止任务,已终止任务例句:1、The meeting terminated at 12 o"clock. 会议于12点结束。2、We terminated the meeting at 11 o"clock. 我们在11点钟结束了会议。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油



permit license和qualification区别是什么啊,高手指点@!

一个是许可证,一个是资格证书,很不一样哦~~比方说 教师资格证书要用 qualification营业许可证执照要用 license表示入境许可,工作的要用 permit希望对你有帮助哦~

请问下面句子中的confirmed 为什么要改成confirming?


跪求电影《prince charming》(青蛙王子,又名爱情魔力,2001年的美国电影)


prince charming什么意思?

prince charming是白马王子微信翻译,以供参考

Where is my Prince Charming?

God knows.

prince charming是什么意思



thermistor 英[θu025c:"mu026astu0259]美[θu025c:"mu026astu0259]n. 电热调节器;[例句]A new logarithm linearization compensation method of thermistor without temperature drift is proposed in this paper.提出了一种新的无温漂对数热敏电阻线性化补偿方法。

verilog 编译错误:Concurrent assignment to a non-net registerr is not permitted

调用子模块时 输出端口只能用wire类型变量进行映射 这是verilog语法规定的不知道你说的“无法实现想要的功能”是指什么 但是如果你需要输出信号是reg类型可以增加一个wire类型中间变量 再把这个中间变量赋值给一个reg类型变量wire a;testmodule tss(dataa,a,clockk);reg registerr;always @ * registerr <= a;

【科普】MajorMinor傻傻分不清楚?CS:GO Major比赛详解

**Major**和**Minor**是CS:GO比赛的两个阶段,通常在大型赛事中采用。下面是它们的具体含义:1. **Major**:指世界范围内的最高级别比赛,如ESL Pro League、ELEAGUE Premier等。每个Major比赛都会有很多阶段的预选赛和小组赛,以选拔出最优秀的战队参加淘汰赛阶段的比赛。每个Major比赛的冠军都会获得象征着最高荣誉的奖杯。2. **Minor**:指区域范围内的次高级别比赛,如ELEAGUE Open、Gfinity等。Minor比赛通常由地区性组织或赛事方举办,旨在选拔出各地区的优秀战队参加Major比赛。每个Minor比赛的冠军会获得奖杯,但象征意义不如Major比赛的奖杯。总之,Major和Minor是CS:GO比赛的两个阶段,分别代表世界范围和区域范围内的最高级别和次高级别比赛。它们的冠军都会获得奖杯,但象征意义不同。





德国客人要declaration of conformity做什么


我编程的时候提示declaration terminated incorrectly,这句英语到底是什么意思啊

// - -~~~~把代码贴出来,估计是写多了大括号、分号,或者写少了。自己多留意下。。。不行贴出来我们帮你找。

declaration of conformity是什么意思

合规声明。就跟中文的保证书似的,用来保证自己会遵守某某法律或规定。这种证书不是一个标准的证书,在各种情况下都可能会用到。比如: 某公司对供应商有要求,要遵守该公司关于产品质量方面的规定,就可能要求供应商出具此声明

intermidiate 与 middle区别是什么

主要区别是词语词义有所不同.1. intermediateadj. 中间的,中级的;n. 中间物,中间分子,中间人;vi. 调解:充当调解人,调解; 干涉;2. middle n. 中央; 中部,中间; 腰部; 正中;adj. 中间的; 中部的; 中央的; 正中的;vt. 把…放在中间; 把…对折;

火炬之光2玩不了,显示为Unable to determine file type(Best Guess ASCII)



《最终幻想7 重制版 INTERGRADE》「INTERmission」的流程虽短,但提供了大量的可玩内容,为玩家展现了十分充实的全新战斗风格、有趣且值得体验的支线活动。

Intermission 歌词

歌曲名:Intermission歌手:R. Kelly专辑:12 Play"Intermission"Scissor SistersTyoka526When you"re standing on the side of a hillFeeling like your day may be doneHere it comesThe strawberry smogChasing away the sunDon"t let those precious moments fool youHappiness is getting you downA rainbow never smiles or blinksIt"s just a candy-colored frownYou were going on at half-past sevenNow it"s going on a quarter "til nineAll the angels want to knowAre you lost or treading water?And you"re going on your fifteenth benderBut you"ve only got a matter of timeYes we"ve all got seeds to sowNot everyone"s got lambs to slaughterWhen the night wind starts to turnInto the ocean breezeAnd the dew drops sting and burnLike angry honey beesThat is when you hear the song falling from the skyHappy yesterday to allWe were born to dieSometimes you"re filled with the notionThe afterlife"s a moment awayYou want to tell someone the way that you feelBut then you ain"t got nothing to sayYou fight for freedom from devotionA battle that will always beginWith somebody giving you a piece of advice;By the way you"re living in sinNow there"s never gonna be an intermissionBut there"ll always be a closing nightNever entertain those visionsLest you may have packed your baggageFirst impressions are cheap auditionsSituations are long goodbyesTruth so often to living dormantGood luck walks and bullshit fliesWhen the headlights guide your wayYou know the place is rightWhen the treetops sing and swayDon"t go to sleep tonightThat is when you see the signLuminous and high:Tomorrow"s not what it used to beWe were born to dieHappy yesterday to allWe were born to diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9105183


间歇双语对照词典结果:intermission[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mu026au0283n][美][u02ccu026antu025au02c8mu026au0283u0259n]n.间歇,停顿,(放映电影中)中间休息; 复数:intermissions很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

climate change and global warming 英语作文

The Global Warming People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years.Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters.Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg. The side effects of global warming are alarminS.A warmer global climate melts the ice caps,raising sea levels.What is more,it disturbs weather patterns,causing droughts,severe storms,hurricanes (飓风).People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming. To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts.We hope the situation will soon change.Global warming catches and holds our concern,for it affects us and will affect our later generations.We cannot wait any longer.Do it.Do it right.Do it right now.

power supply terminal什么意思

power supply terminal电源端子-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



determining to do与determined to do 作状语有什么区别

这是表伴随状况的be determined to do 状态determine to do sth 动作O(∩_∩)O 认同请采纳,不懂继续问. 祝学习进步! 谢谢!



R.O.O.O.M的《Mastermind》 歌词

歌曲名:Mastermind歌手:R.O.O.O.M专辑:First ChapterArtist: NasAlbum: God"s SonSong: MastermindUh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh...A Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalVelvet bowties, bulletproofs in the tux, when I roll byIn car similar to a suanas, in my diamondsAnd my principal is to study dramaLook what happened in ManhattanA couple of years ago when guns started clappin"Two of my dogs fell, two of my niggaz ranThey was amatures in beef with a grown manIt taught me the lessons of how the strong standAnd how the weak, end up in a coffinPlay it cool, that"s the old school rule, manKeep your ears to the street, y"all never lose manMake your enemies believe there"s love thereCause in war, belief is all fairRock them to sleep, shots in your jeepAnd you ain"t never know the plot was from meIt"s from my MastermindsA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalIt ain"t a game it"s the lifeThink it"s a game, you layinAnd I"m nice on that black stone merloToast to my hero Nat TurnerWhether below zero, gave the keys to KelisWhispered in her earlobe, drive onCause she the wife and they the freaksThe underneath my girl caliberThey smiled at her and said "Goodbye"With niggaz who thug or die, they wild as usMy bodyguards are my Denali trucksKnownin" that I"m surrounded by OG"s that I don"t really get down withThey got a seperate table for their freaks bought them drinksSo we could talk man-to-man so real niggaz could linkI knew, they kill hos too like Rae CarruthThey used to spray troops, now they managing groupsThe main nigga sunny had big money since "82Had two of my dogs whacked, nothing I could doThat was back when I had no crew, I switch thatNow I"m strong with niggaz who felt Sonny was wrongMy money"s long his money is weak, he"s losing sleepTrying to feel me out, to see what it"s gonna beBut I"m a MastermindA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalI live a clean life, I don"t even steal cableI speak for myslef, my niggaz will slay youLucky us, this rap done worked out fineFEDs, check me out, it"s no dirt y"all findThis King Of New York shit only last 15 minutesEvery nigga get burned, but it"s what you did with itNiggas who brillant, came in and killed itMade millions ever three months, new juryI"m low, smoking blueberry, with a hoWho know a few scary individuals eerie as she gets into itSquares they into voodooShe says a Hail Mary and she says she knew whoWould come and try to kill you tooA Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Mastermind - Before he go to war he counts his oneA Mastermind - Everything planned out perfect, in case y"all niggaz got to get murderedA Mastermind - Sleeps at night, real easyA Mastermind - Cause everything he does is by the bookA Mastermind - Never do a thing irrational, lives forever, these tales are classicalhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3488429

Credit is the capital of a younger son, and one lives charmingly upon it.这句话怎么理解?


buttermilk powder是什么意思





有的,营养不错,比牛奶脂肪含量低,蛋白质高点,也含有维生素D,反正我是天天拿来喝,因为糖分少,比较合口味,美国很多东西重口,难得找到小清新。x0dx0a引用一下:x0dx0aThe nutritional value of buttermilk is similar to that of the skim , or partially skim ,x0dx0a白脱牛奶的营养和脱脂牛奶,部分脱脂牛奶很相似,x0dx0amilk from which it is made.x0dx0a都是用牛奶去制造的。x0dx0aIt is an excellent source of potassium , vitamin B12 , calcium , and riboflavin , and a good source of phosphorus .x0dx0a它拥有钾、维生素B12、钙和核黄素以及磷。x0dx0aIt also contains zinc , magnesium , pantothenic acid , niacin , thiamin , folic acid , and vitamin B6 .x0dx0a它也包含了锌、镁、泛酸、菸碱酸、硫胺素(维他命B1)、叶酸和维生素B6,x0dx0aLow in fat ,x0dx0a低脂,x0dx0ait is often recommended for people with digestiven problems.x0dx0a它常常被推荐给大家来解决消化问题。


white.butter白色的奶油例句:In a bowl place white sugar, brown sugar and butter. 在碗放入白糖,红糖和黄油。

linux系统 bad interpreter:Permission denied问题解决

Permission denied



The consequences of global warming: 请用英文列举,越详细越好。

effects include rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and warming of the ocean surface, leading to increased temperature stratification.

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what can we do about global warming?


what can we do about global warming?

Global Warming and the Greenhouse EffectThe Earth is kept warm by it"s atmosphere, which acts rather like a woolly coat - without it, the average surface temperature would be about -18 degrees Centigrade. Heat from the sun passes through the atmosphere, warming it up, and most of it warms the surface of the planet. As the Earth warms up, it emits heat in the form of infra-red radiation - much like a hot pan emits heat even after it"s taken away from the cooker. Some of this heat is trapped by the atmosphere, but the rest escapes into space. The so-called "greenhouse gases" make the atmosphere trap more of this radiation, so it gradually warms up more than it should, like a greenhouse (although a greenhouse actually does this by stopping warm air rising and escaping from it).What Causes The Greenhouse Effect?There are some natural greenhouse gases: water vapour, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. However, over the past fifty years, production of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane has risen sharply, and a new type of chemical - the chlorofluorocarbon, or CFC - has been introduced as a refrigerant, solvent and aerosol propellant, but it is also a very powerful greenhouse gas, because it can trap a lot of radiation - one molecule of CFC is 12,000 to 16,000 times as effective at absorbing infra-red radiation as a molecule of carbon dixide.This graph shows how much each gas contributes to the greenhouse effect, taking into account how much of it there is and how much radiation it can absorb.The carbon dioxide comes mainly from burning fossil fuels in power stations, which also causes acid rain. It is also created by living animals breathing, and is naturally converted by plants back to oxygen. However, deforestation is reducing the planet"s carbon dioxide absoring capability. Nitrous oxide is a by-product of nylon production, and is also released by fertiliser use in agriculture. The extra methane is produced in coal mining, natural gas production and distribution (natural gas is methane), and waste disposal. One fifth of all methane generated by human activity comes from microbial decay of organic material in flooded rice fields.What Causes The Greenhouse Effect?There are some natural greenhouse gases: water vapour, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. However, over the past fifty years, production of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane has risen sharply, and a new type of chemical - the chlorofluorocarbon, or CFC - has been introduced as a refrigerant, solvent and aerosol propellant, but it is also a very powerful greenhouse gas, because it can trap a lot of radiation - one molecule of CFC is 12,000 to 16,000 times as effective at absorbing infra-red radiation as a molecule of carbon dixide.This graph shows how much each gas contributes to the greenhouse effect, taking into account how much of it there is and how much radiation it can absorb.The carbon dioxide comes mainly from burning fossil fuels in power stations, which also causes acid rain. It is also created by living animals breathing, and is naturally converted by plants back to oxygen. However, deforestation is reducing the planet"s carbon dioxide absoring capability. Nitrous oxide is a by-product of nylon production, and is also released by fertiliser use in agriculture. The extra methane is produced in coal mining, natural gas production and distribution (natural gas is methane), and waste disposal. One fifth of all methane generated by human activity comes from microbial decay of organic material in flooded rice fields.The Greenhouse Effect - Possible SolutionsReducing use of fossil fuels would considerably reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced, as well as reducing the levels of the pollutants which cause acid rain. This can be achieved by either using less energy altogether, or using alternative energy sources. You can help save energy in lots of ways:* Turn off lights when you leave a room * If you have a car, don"t use it for short journeys * Get your parents to insulate their house properly * Basically, anything at all that uses less energy Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect." 123HelpMe.com. 27 Aug 2009

防止全球变暖To Prevent Global Warming

Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth"s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.,很多人都认为是人类活动导致了全球气温上升。他们说全球变暖会对我们的环境造成可怕的后果,如干旱和洪水。,What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions., *** 该做什么来防止全球变暖呢?给出你建议的原因。,The earth"s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth"s atmosphere. This could bee a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming. They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.,地球的温度正在迅速改变。导致很多气候变迁,如热浪、干旱和洪水。科学家认为这是人类活动污染了地球的大气层的结果。如果 *** 不采取行动来防止全球变暖的话,这可能会成为灾难。他们可以在三个方面上有所行动;支持研究,制订法律和保持公众知情。,Firstly, governments can support research. For example, they should encourage panies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem.,首先, *** 可以支持研究。例如,他们应该鼓励公司致力于汽车研发来减少污染。他们也应该支持来自风和水的电力替代能源,而不是来自石油和煤的电源。同时,他们应该主持会议来讨论温室气体排放的影响和可能解决问题的方案。,Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that panies can emit. Private panies should be rewarded for following these laws. They should also be punished for creating pollution.,其次,他们应该制定法律限制公司发出的温室气体。私人公司应该因为遵循这些法律而得到奖励。他们也应该因为创造出污染而受到惩罚。,Finally, everybody is affected by global warming. Therefore, it is important that governments involve individuals in the problem solving process. For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water. They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be pulsory for everyone. Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems. Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy.,最后,每个人都是受到全球变暖的影响。因此, *** 和个人在解决问题的过程中是很重要的。例如,他们应该鼓励家庭尽可能多的节省能源,尽可能多的使用更高效的灯泡或少用热水。他们也应该鼓励公众回收,因为这对每个人来说都是必须的。另一种节约能源的方法是公共交通系统。 *** 应该把钱花在公共交通使公众尽可能容易的节约能源。,In summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that governments can do to prevent global warming. They should involve panies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the pla.,总之,很明确的,各国 *** 可以做很多事情来防止全球变暖。他们应包括公司,支持科学家和鼓励个人保护地球。

global warming关键词3分钟英语演讲

global warmingGlobal warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earthu2019s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. Many cannot take the change, so they die.What is the greenhouse effect?The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sunu2019s heat and light is trapped in the earthu2019s atmosphere. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows, but it canu2019t get back out. This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it canu2019t get out. As a result, the temperature rises.The squiggle lines coming from the sun are visible light and the lines and arrows inside the car are infrared light. The sunu2019s heat can get into the car through the windows but is then trapped. This makes what ever the place might be, a greenhouse, a car, a building, or the earthu2019s atmosphere, hotter. This diagram shows the heat coming into a car as visible light (light you can see) and infrared light (heat). Once the light is inside the car, it is trapped and the heat builds up, just like it does in the earthu2019s atmosphere.Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on. Without it, the earth would be freezing, or on the other hand it would be burning hot. It would be freezing at night because the sun would be down. We would not get the sunu2019s heat and light to make the night somewhat warm. During the day, especially during the summer, it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter it, so people, plants, and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it, if there gets to be too many gases, the earth can get unusually warmer, and many plants, animals, and people will die. They would die because there would be less food (plants like corn, wheat, and other vegetables and fruits). This would happen because the plants would not be able to take the heat. This would cause us to have less food to eat, but it would also limit the food that animals have. With less food, like grass, for the animals that we need to survive (like cows) we would even have less food. Gradually, people, plants, and animals would all die of hunger. What are greenhouse gasses?Greenhouse gasses are gasses are in the earthu2019s atmosphere that collect heat and light from the sun. With too many greenhouse gasses in the air, the earthu2019s atmosphere will trap too much heat and the earth will get too hot. As a result people, animals, and plants would die because the heat would be too strong. What is global warming doing to the environment?Global warming is affecting many parts of the world. Global warming makes the sea rise, and when the sea rises, the water covers many low land islands. This is a big problem for many of the plants, animals, and people on islands. The water covers the plants and causes some of them to die. When they die, the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat. Although animals have a better ability to adapt to what happens than plants do, they may die also. When the plants and animals die, people lose two sources of food, plant food and animal food. They may also lose their homes. As a result, they would also have to leave the area or die. This would be called a break in the food chain, or a chain reaction, one thing happening that leads to another and so on. The oceans are affected by global warming in other ways, as well. Many things that are happening to the ocean are linked to global warming. One thing that is happening is warm water, caused from global warming, is harming and killing algae in the ocean.

人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching Aims:   In this class Ss will be able to   ① practice skimming and scanning for information needed like what are the two concerns and what are Earth Careu2019s suggestions.   ② Master the phrases such as: put up with, so long as, and so on, make a difference, have no effect on u2026 , by making sentences or by using them into the post er.   ③ become aware of the serious effects of global warming and the importance of saving energy to be environmentally friendly.   ④ Summarize the points according to their understanding.   ⑤ work together to design a poster by using the suggestions in the article.   教学重难点   Teaching Difficulties:   Students may find it hard to add more suggestions about how to save energy in our daily life and to summarize the points according to those suggestions. Students may not know clear what is a poster and how to design an attractive and persuasive poster in short time.   教学过程   Teaching Procedure:   Step1. Lead-in (individual & collective work)   1. Teacher begins the class by asking: Have you ever seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? and then let students enjoy a short movie clip with the following two questions:   ① What kinds of disasters have you seen in the film?   ② Can you guess how they came about (happen)?   2. introduce the topic: global warming. And then have a further question:   ①What other disaster will be caused by global warming?   【Designing Purpose】   To arouse studentsu2019 interest by watching the movie clip and educe the topic, that is global warming. And then by showing a lot of pictures, make students know and understand the terrible effects of global warming, thus making preparations for promoting environmental protection.   Step2. While Reading (Individual work)   Skimming: Go through the first letter to f ind:   ① who is the writer?   ② what are his two concerns?   Scanning: Read the second letter and answer the following questions:   ① Does Earth Care agree with Ouy ang Guangu2019s opinion that individuals can have no effect?   ② what are Earth Careu2019s suggestions?   ③ Can we carry those suggestions out? Why?   【Designing Purpose】   To help the students grasp the main information of the two letters by skimming and scanning. While stud ents get the answer to question1, ask them to find the supporting sentence : Together, individuals can make a difference. We do not have to put up with pollution. Guess the meanings of the two italicized phrases according to the surroundings and their understanding.   Step3. Post reading (Pair work)   1. Discussion: Make students discuss whether they can find more ways or suggestions about reducing carbon dioxide and saving energy in our daily life.   Suggested ways:   1) Use less hot water 7)Change a light bulb 8)Try car sharing   2) Take a shower instead of a bath   3) Buy fresh food instead of frozen   4) Buy things that are actually in season   5) Eat less high fat food like KFC and Macdonald   6) Clean filters(过滤 器) on your air conditioner.   【Designing Purpose】   To cultivate students to work in pairs and learn to summarize an opinion and share the knowledge of saving energy in daily life. To practice the ability of understanding the meaning of new words and expressions to remove the obstacles in reading.   Step4. learn what is a poster (collective work)   Know what is a poster by giving a simple sample and try to get the structure.   【Designing Purpose】   To know clearly a poster should have a heading, contents and an eye-catching slogan, which will make it easy for students to design an acceptable poster.   Step5. Prepare the poster (individual & group work)   1. Decide our content s:   ①Choose and decide five most important suggestions. (individual work)   ②Write them down on your paper and try to make them persuasive by using imperative   sentences. (individual work)   ③Compare your list with your group members and decide five for your poster. (group   work)   2. Slogan and heading: showing sample posters to help them decide a heading and a slogan for your poster.   【Designing Purpose】   This is the most important part of this writing task. Students will be able to summarize and compose sentences by choosing and organizing what they want to say, thus improving their writing ability and the process of output based on what they have learned in reading part. And by learning some sample posters to help them decide their own heading and slogan.   Step6. produce &show time (group work)   With the heading, slogan and ways, students will not find it difficult to make a poster. What they   Should pay attention is how to illustrate their poster and make it more attractive. And then choose several pairs to represent their posters.   【Designing Purpose】   Making the poster will improve their cognitive capability of the importance of environmental protection and at the same time they can enjoy a sense of achievement in show time. And they make believe that individuals can really make a difference.   课后习题   Homework:   Put their poster up around the school to make more students know about energy saving and global warming. Write a short passage to tell others how to solve the problem of global warming based on the suggestions you have collected and send it in your QQ zone or blog.   板书   板书设计:tsunami/ flood/   More suggestions: make full use of paper/ use both sides of paper   reuse water   limit the time of using private cars   send emails instead of cards   use less hot water   always take a shopping bag with you   drive a bicycle but not e-bicycle   人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching goals 教学目标   1. Target language 目标语言   a. 重点词汇和短语   energy, light (v.), heat (v.), renewable, non-renewable, fuel, blame, run out   b. 交际用语   Expressing agreement and disagreement   Yes, I agree with you.   Yes, I think so.   I believe that youu2019ve got it right.   I donu2019t think so.   I donu2019t think thatu2019s right.   Iu2019m afraid you are wrong.   2. Ability goals 能力目标   Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy and express their own ideas.   3. Learning ability goals 学能目标   Help the students learn how to give their ideas about the use of energy.   教学重难点   Teaching important points 教学重点   Enable the students to express agreement and disagreement.   Teaching difficult points 教学难点   Enable the students to learn how to express agreement and disagreement.   教学过程   Step ⅠRevision   T: Good morning, everyone.   Ss: Good morning, teacher.   T: Sit down, please. Before class, Iu2019ll check your homework first. Mary, would you read your homework to us?   Check the studentsu2019 homework and have a discussion with the students about the mistakes Mary made. Let the students have a clear understanding about the mistakes and then correct them.   Step ⅡWarming up   T: As we all know, we depen d on energy to do many things in our daily life. Some people even say we could do nothing without energy. Can you tell me what we use energy for?   Sa: Energy lights our cities.   Sb: Energy heats our buildings.   Sc: Energy entertains us. With the help of electricity, people have got a lot of fun from watching TV, playing computers and so on.   Sd: There are many other electrical appliances that make our life more convenient and comfortable such as washing machines, microwaves, air conditioners and so on.   Se: Today energy also helps people realize many so-called dreams in the past. For example, people can “fly” from one place to another by plane which runs on energy.   Sf: Itu2019s true. In fact, not only planes but also cars, ships and trains run on energy.   T: Well done. All that youu2019ve just said is right. So it seems that energy plays a very important role in the modern world. Then where does all the energy come from? Open your books and turn to page 25. Look at the pictures on this page. They may help you find out the answers.   After a while.   T: Whou2019d like to tell us your answers?   Sg: Wind power.   Sh: Coal power.   T: Right. Is there any difference between them?   Si: Yes. Wind will never run out while coal is a limited source.   T: Itu2019s true. As we know, an energy source is renewable when supplies of it never run out while some supplies, such as coal, will definitely run out one day. Energy of this kind is called non-renewable sources. Please think of as many sources as you can and decide which energy sources on your list are renewable and which are non-renewable.   If necessary, give some words related to the pictures which might be difficult for the students such as oil refinery, hydroelectric power and so on.   The teacher should also collect as much information about different sources of energy as possible and show it to the students in class through a computer. In this way, the students will become more interested in this topic and their knowledge on this aspect will be enlarged.   Sample answers:   Step Ⅲ Listening and Discussing   T: Fromwhat weu2019ve just talked about, it is clear that energy does a lot of good to us.But every coin has two sides. Is there any negative effect of using energy?   Sa: Yes.People use too much energy which is resulting in an increase in carbon dioxide.That is how the global warming comes about.   Sb: Andmeanwhile it pollutes the environment.   T: Itu2019strue. Many people have realized the problem. Next weu2019ll do some listeningpractice on this topic. Letu2019s see what other people think of this issue.   Thestudents are asked to read the questions quickly to find out the listeningpoints first. Then listen to the tape twice and give the correct answers.   T: Nowplease turn to page 31. Letu2019s do listening. Before you listen to the tape,please read fast the statements in Exercise 1 to find out the listening points.Pay much attention to the key points while listening.   Play thetape for the first time. Help the students get a general understanding aboutthe dialogue. The students listen and try to finish Exercise 1. Play the tapeagain, train the studentsu2019 ability to spot specific information and understandthe implication in the dialogue. The students listen and finish Exercise 2.   Severalminutes later.   T:Have you finished the exercises?   Ss: Yes.   T: OK,letu2019s check your answers.   Explainsome difficult points if necessary.   T: Nowread what Professor Chen and Li Bin say. Work in groups. Discuss who you agreewith and give reasons. Use some of the phrases listed in Exercise 2 or anyothers you know.   课后习题   Homework   1. Review the new words and expressions you learned in this class.   2. Preview Reading.

Topic: global warming

global warming, the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth"s lower atmosphere as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution. The temperature of the atmosphere near the earth"s surface is warmed through a natural process called the greenhouse effect. Visible, shortwave light comes from the sun to the earth, passing unimpeded through a blanket of thermal, or greenhouse, gases composed largely of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Infrared radiation reflects off the planet"s surface toward space but does not easily pass through the thermal blanket. Some of it is trapped and reflected downward, keeping the planet at an average temperature suitable to life, about 60°F (16°C). Growth in industry, agriculture, and transportation since the Industrial Revolution has produced additional quantities of the natural greenhouse gases plus chlorofluorocarbons and other gases, augmenting the thermal blanket. It is generally accepted that this increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases is trapping more heat and increasing global temperatures, making a process that has been beneficial to life potentially disruptive and harmful. During the past century, the atmospheric temperature has risen 1.1°F (0.6°C), and sea level has risen several inches. Some projected, longer-term results of global warming include melting of polar ice, with a resulting rise in sea level and coastal flooding; disruption of drinking water supplies dependent on snow melts; profound changes in agriculture due to climate change; extinction of species as ecological niches disappear; more frequent tropical storms; and an increased incidence of tropical diseases. Among factors that may be contributing to global warming are the burning of coal and petroleum products (sources of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone); deforestation, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; methane gas released in animal waste; and increased cattle production, which contributes to deforestation, methane production, and use of fossil fuels. Much of the debate surrounding global warming has centered on the accuracy of scientific predictions concerning future warming. To predict global climatic trends, climatologists accumulate large historical databases and use them to create computerized models that simulate the earth"s climate. The validity of these models has been a subject of controversy. Skeptics say that the climate is too complicated to be accurately modeled, and that there are too many unknowns. Some also question whether the observed climate changes might simply represent normal fluctuations in global temperature. Nonetheless, for some time there has been general agreement that at least part of the observed warming is the result of human activity, and that the problem needs to be addressed. In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, over 150 nations signed a binding declaration on the need to reduce global warming. In 1994, however, a UN scientific advisory panel, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, concluded that reductions beyond those envisioned by the treaty would be needed to avoid global warming. The following year, the advisory panel forecast a rise in global temperature of from 1.44 to 6.3°F (0.8–3.5°C) by 2100 if no action is taken to cut down on the production of greenhouse gases, and a rise of from 1 to 3.6°F (0.5–2°C) even if action is taken (because of already released gases that will persist in the atmosphere). A UN Conference on Climate Change, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 resulted in an international agreement to fight global warming, which called for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations. Not all industrial countries, however, immediately signed or ratified the accord. In 2001 the G. W. Bush administration announced it would abandon the Kyoto Protocol; because the United States produces about one quarter of the world"s greenhouse gases, this was regarded as a severe blow to the effort to slow global warming. Despite the American move, most other nations agreed later in the year (in Bonn, Germany, and in Marrakech, Morocco) on the details necessary to convert the agreement into a binding international treaty, which came into force in 2005 after ratification by more than 125 nations. Improved automobile mileage, reforestation projects, energy efficiency in construction, and national support for mass transit are among relatively simpler adjustments that could significantly lower U.S. production of greenhouse gases. More aggressive adjustments include a gradual worldwide shift away from the use of fossil fuels, the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons, and the slowing of deforestation by restructuring the economies of developing nations. In 2002 the Bush administration proposed several voluntary measures for slowing the increase in, instead of reducing, emissions of greenhouses gases.

求一篇英语作文,How to fight global warming?演讲稿格式的!如题

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China"s target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so grea

How to fight against global warming?

Fight against Global Warming With the fast development of industry, more and more carbon dioxide was released into the air,which caused the temperature going up.Global warming has become a serious problem which we must take some measures to solve as soon as possible in that it affected our daily life and our health so much. To fight against it,from my point of view, there are still many things undone.On the one hand,we should adapt ourselves into the environment caused by global warming.As we all know,global warming didn"t come into being in one day,and it"s origin can date back to the first industrial revolution,so we can"t solve it in one day,either.Before it dies out, the first thing we should do is trying to accept what it brings to us and make our loss to the minimum.On the other hand,we should face up to it and try to fight against it.To begin with, we should reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The government plays an essential role in it.It should enact strict laws to control greenhouse gases emission and then firmly follow them. Secondly,developing new sources of energy with the help of science and technology is also a crucial solution.Thirdly,for ordinary people, we should start from the side small,such as planting more trees,saving water and electricity,traveling by bus and so on.If we do these things together,the effects can be seen soon.Above all,co-operation is indispensable among countries to fight with global warming. As we all know,global warming is a problem for all the people in the world.Only when every country co-operates with other countries can we won this battle early and completely. It will be a long way to go,but I strongly believe that as people all over the world band together to fight against it,we will overcome it one day.

求堀江由衣Peppermint Days日语歌词,多谢~

Peppermint Days作词:椎名可怜 作曲:上田晃司 编曲:佐藤 准歌:堀江由衣やわらかな风が吹く Have a day!Lovely days.so beautiful daysあの日くれたミント ポケットに残ってた1口かじったら きみがそばにいる気がした flavor窓辺のフリズム反射したら 飞び込む光が部屋に虹を描いて足踏みしていた昨日までのこと 动き出す予感がしたの部屋のドアを开けた时人差指で叩くピアノみたい つたなくてだけどあったかいね そんなとこにひかれてゆく may be日曜 早起き 自転车の后ろ だいすきな道の街路树ever evergreen耳をすり抜ける 风の匂いほら 辉きはじめたいちばんまぶしい季节感じてるpeppermint 一粒で新しい风が生まれるように lalalalalapeppermint 今日もしあわせなスパイスをふりかけて 进んでこうwow... good days! wow... nice days!歌うように はしゃぐように ずっとずっと 笑っていたいね深呼吸するたびに 生まれる あの空気みたいうまくゆからくても 颜を上げて笑えたら少しずつ何かが 変わりだした そんなsomething new...may be読みかけの本と 蔷薇色のチークオレンジの红茶 ほらhappinessの种ウサギが飞び出すシルクハットに 隠したカードはまだまだ尽きない 饱きない そうでしょう?peppermint 一粒でちいさな元気が生まれるように lalalalalapeppermint 今日もしあわせのピースいくつ见つけよう 集めようpeppermint 一粒で新しい风が生まれるように lalalalalapeppermint 今日もしあわせなスパイスをふりかけて 进んでこう good days!青空に手を伸ばし 太阳の光を集めてLike a peppermint, the wind is blowingThe sun is shiningLovely days, so beautiful daysつなぎあう指に また ぎゅっときゅっとちからをこめるよ歌うように はしゃぐように ずっとずっと 笑っていたいね深呼吸するたびに 生まれる あの空気みたいやわらかな风が吹く Have a good day!Lovely days, so beautiful days终わり

判定系数coefficient of determination是属于哪一种统计分析里面的

英文【coefficient of determination】汉语【决定系数】有的教材上翻译为【判定系数】也称为【拟合优度】。决定系数:在Y的总平方和中,由X引起的平方和所占的比例,记为R2(R的平方)决定系数的大小决定了相关的密切程度。当R2越接近1时,表示相关的方程式参考价值越高;相反,越接近0时,表示参考价值越低。这是在一元回归分析中的情况。但从本质上说决定系数和回归系数没有关系,就像标准差和标准误差在本质上没有关系一样。在多元回归分析中,决定系数是相关系数的平方。表达式:R^2=SSR/SST=1-SSE/SST其中:SST=SSR+SSE,SST (sum of squares for total)为总平方和,SSReg (sum of squares for regression为回归平方和,SSE (sum of squares for error) 为残差平方和。意义:拟合优度越大,自变量对因变量的解释程度越高,自变量引起的变动占总变动的百分比高。观察点在回归直线附近越密集。取值范围:0-1.

你们知道star farming怎么翻译比较好吗。。




Star farming 怎么翻译


Compilation unit analysis terminated






the outcome,critics say,has undermined...成分

the outcome,critics say,has undermined.的成分分析如下:The outcome 句子主语,critics say, 是插入语has undermined.. 是句子谓语。

很急!有没有知道informix中row_number over 函数怎么用啊?



音乐格式五花八门,多如牛毛,但不外乎分为两大类:一类为音乐指令文件(如MIDI),一般由音乐创作软件制作而成,它实质上是一种音乐演奏的命令,不包括具体的声音数据,故文件很小;另一类为声音文件,是通过录音设备录制的原始声音,其实质上是一种二进制的采样数据,故文件较大。 从播放形式上,声音文件还可以分为“音频流”和“非音频流”两种,前者能够一边下载一边收听,比如“.WMA”、“.RA”、“.MOV”等,后者则不能。所谓流媒体技术就是把连续的影像和声音信息经过压缩处理后放上网站服务器,让用户一边下载一边观看、收听,而不需要等整个压缩文件全部下载到自己机器后才可以观看的技术。 下面,将各种音乐文件的格式收集整理如下: 流式音频:Windows Media Audio(WMA) WMA就是Windows Media Audio的缩写,是微软自己开发的Windows Midea Audio技术。它和Windows Midea Video一样,经历了几代改良后,变得非常出色。比起老掉牙的MP3压缩技术,WMA无论从技术性能(支持音频流)还是压缩率(比MP3高一倍)都远远把MP3抛在后面了。 据微软声称,用它来制作接近CD品质的音频文件,其体积仅相当于MP3的1/3。在48Kbps的传送速率下即可得到接近CD品质(Near-CD Quality)的音频数据流,在64Kbps的传送速率下可以得到与CD相同品质的音乐,而当连接速率超过96Kbps后则可以得到超过CD的品质。 流式音频:RealMedia(RA/RM/RAM) RealMedia采用的是RealNetworks公司自己开发的Real G2 Codec,它具有很多先进的设计,例如,SVT(Scalable Video Technology),该技术可以让速度较慢的电脑不需要解开所有的原始图像数据也能流畅观看节目;双向编码(Two-Encoding)技术类似于VBR,它可通过预先扫描整个影片,根据带宽的限制选择最优化压缩码率。RealMedia音频部分采用的是RealAudio,它具有21种编码方式,可实现声音在单声道、立体声音乐不同速率下的压缩。 流式音频:QuickTime(MOV) QuickTimeApple的QuickTime是最早的视频工业标准,在1999年发布的QuickTime 4.0版本后开始支持真正的实时播放,其格式为“.mov”。它的视频压缩部分采用Sorenson Video技术,该技术支持VBR(Variable Bit Rate),也就是我们常说的动态码率,它可以动态地分配带宽以尽可能小的文件获得最好的播放效果,并能使在解压缩时获得平滑流畅的画面。音频部分QuickTime采用一种名为QDesiglMusic的技术,据说是一种比MP3更好的音频流技术。 VQF VQF即TwinVQ(Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization),是由NTT(Nippon Telegraph and Telephone)与Yamaha共同开发的一种音频压缩技术。VQF的音频压缩率比标准的MPEG音频压缩率高出近一倍,可以达到18:1左右甚至更高。也就是说把一首4分钟的歌曲(WAV文件)压成MP3,大约需要4MB左右的硬盘空间,而同一首歌曲,如果使用VQF音频压缩技术的话,那只需要2MB左右的硬盘空间。因此,在音频压缩率方面,MP3和RA都不是VQF的对手。 如此之高的压缩率是否会影响音质呢?实际聆听的结果告诉我们——不会。当VQF以44KHz、80kbit/s的音频采样率压缩音乐时,它的音质优于44KHz、128kbit/s的MP3,当VQF以44KHz、96kbit/s的频率压缩时,它的音质几乎等于44KHz、256kbit/s的MP3!经SoundVQ压缩后的音频文件在进行回放效果试听时,几乎没有人能听出它与原音频文件的差异。 AIFF(AIF/AIFF) AIFF是音频交换文件格式(Audio Interchange File Format)的英文缩写,是Apple公司开发的一种声音文件格式,被Macintosh平台及其应用程序所支持,Netscape Navigator浏览器中的LiveAudio也支持AIFF格式,SGI及其它专业音频软件包也同样支持AIFF格式。AIFF支持ACE2、ACE8、MAC3和MAC6压缩,支持16位44.1kHz立体声。 Audio(AU) Audio文件是Sun微系统公司推出的一种经过压缩的数字声音格式。AU文件原先是UNIX操作系统下的数字声音文件。由于早期Internet上的Web服务器主要是基于UNIX的,所以.AU格式的文件在如今的Internet中也是常用的声音文件格式,Netscape Navigator浏览器中的LiveAudio也支持Audio格式的声音文件。 Voice(VOC) Voice文件是新加坡著名的多媒体公司Creative Labs开发的声音文件格式,多用于保存Creative Sound Blaster系列声卡所采集的声音数据,被Windows平台和DOS平台所支持,支持CCITTA Law和CCITTμLaw等压缩算法。在DOS程序和游戏中常会遇到这种文件,它是随声卡一起产生的数字声音文件,它与WAV文件的结构相似,可以通过一些工具软件方便地互相转换。 Module(MOD、S3M、XM、MTM、FAR、KAR、IT) 模块(Module)格式同时具有MIDI与数字音频的共同特性——既包括如何演奏乐器的指令,又保存了数字声音信号的采样数据。因此,其声音回放质量对音频硬件的依赖性较小,也就是说,在不同的机器上可以获得基本相似的声音回放质量。模块文件根据不同的编码方法有MOD、S3M、XM、MTM、FAR、KAR、IT等多种不同格式。 MIDI(MID/CMF/RMI) MIDI是乐器数字接口(Musical Instrument Digital Interface)的英文缩写,是数字音乐/电子合成乐器的统一国际标准。MIDI规范由美、日几家著名电子乐器厂商于1983年共同制定,目的是解决各种电子乐器间存在的兼容性问题。MIDI规范不仅定义了电脑音乐程序、音乐合成器及其它电子音乐设备交换音乐信号的方式,而且还规定了不同厂家的电子乐器与电脑连接的电缆和硬件及设备间数据传输的协议,可用于为不同乐器创建数字声音,能很容易地模拟钢琴、小提琴等传统乐器的声音。MIDI本身并不能发出声音,它是一个协议,只包含用于产生特定声音的指令,而这些指令则包括调用何种MIDI设备的音色、声音的强弱及持续的时间等。电脑把这些指令交由声卡去合成相应的声音(如依指令发出钢琴声或小提琴声等)。最初,因为不同MIDI设备的乐器音色排列方法不一,所以会造成同一MIDI文件在不同的设备上会出现完全不同的放音效果(比如一个钢琴音色的MIDI文件,在不同设备上播放时会变成小提琴或者小号的音色)。为避免出现这种混乱情况,GM(General MIDI,通用MIDI)标准被提出并得到了Windows操作系统的支持,得到了相当广泛的应用。它规定了前128种常用乐器音色的编排方式,例如1号是钢琴、66号是萨克斯管等等。GM标准还描述了成为GM兼容格式的硬件设备应具有的其它特征,如GM标准音源同时发音数不少于24,MIDI通道为16,第10通道为打击乐声部等等,它实际上是对MIDI规范的补充。 Roland公司提出的GS标准在兼容GM标准的基础上,对其进行了发展,增强了音乐的表现力——它提供比GM标准数量更多的打击乐器组和更多的特殊音效。GS标准具有广泛的软硬件适应性,包括声卡、音乐爱好者的娱乐乐器到专业音乐器材等。后来,Yamaha公司又提出了基于GM标准的XG标准。相对于保存真实采样数据的声音文件,MIDI文件显得更加紧凑,其文件的大小要比WAV文件小得多——一分钟的WAV文件约要占用10MB的硬盘空间,而一分钟的MIDI却只有区区的3.4KB。现在,MIDI已经成为电脑音乐的代名词。 电脑播放MIDI文件时, 有两种方法合成声音: FM合成和波表合成。FM合成是通过多个频率的声音混合来模拟乐器的声音;波表合成是将乐器的声音样本存储在声卡波形表中,播放时从波形表中取出来产生声音。采用波表合成技术可以产生更逼真的声音。 MIDI文件有几个变通的格式,其中CMF文件是随声卡一起使用的音乐文件,与MIDI文件非常相似,只是文件头略有差别;另一种MIDI文件是Windows使用的RIFF文件的一种子格式,称为RMID,扩展名为RMI。 声音波形文件(WAV) 由Microsoft公司开发的一种WAV声音文件格式,是如今电脑上最为常见的声音文件格式,它符合RIFF(Resource Interchange File Format)文件规范,用于保存Windows平台的音频信息资源,被Windows平台及其应用程序所广泛支持。Wave格式支持MSADPCM、CCITTALaw、CCITT μ Law和其它压缩算法,支持多种音频位数、采样频率和声道,但其缺点是文件体积较大(一分钟44kHZ、16bit Stereo的WAV文件约要占用10MB左右的硬盘空间),所以不适合长时间记录。 MPEC音频文件(MP1/MP2/MP3) MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group,活动图像专家组)代表的是MPEG活动影音压缩标准,MPEG音频文件指的是MPEG标准中的声音部分,即MPEG音频层(MPEG Audio Layer)。MPEG音频文件根据压缩质量和编码复杂程度的不同可分为三层(MPEG Audio Layer 1/2/3),分别与MP1、MP2和MP3这三种声音文件相对应。MPEG音频编码具有很高的压缩率,MP1和MP2的压缩率分别为4∶1和6∶1~8∶1,而MP3的压缩率则高达10∶1~12∶1,也就是说一分钟CD音质的音乐,未经压缩需要10MB存储空间,而经过MP3压缩编码后只有1MB左右,同时其音质基本保持不失真。因此,目前Internet上的音乐格式以MP3最为常见。 MP3为降低声音失真采取了名为“感官编码技术”的编码算法:编码时先对音频文件进行频谱分析,然后用过滤器滤掉噪音电平,接着通过量化的方式将剩下的每一位打散排列,最后形成具有较高压缩比的MP3文件,并使压缩后的文件在回放时能够达到比较接近原音源的声音效果。虽然它是一种有损压缩,但是它的最大优势是以极小的声音失真换来了较高的压缩比。 MP4 MP3问世不久,就凭着较高的压缩比(12:1)和较好的音质创造了一个全新的音乐领域。然而,MP3的开放性却最终不可避免地导致了版权之争。在这样的背景下,文件更小、音质更佳,同时还能有效保护版权的MP4就应运而生了。 MP4与MP3之间其实并没有必然的联系。首先,MP3是一种音频压缩的国际技术标准,而MP4却是一个商标的名称。其次,它采用的音频压缩技术也迥然不同,MP4采用的是美国电话电报公司(AT&T)所研发的、以“知觉编码”为关键技术的a2b音乐压缩技术(),可将压缩比成功地提高到15:1(最大可达到20:1)而不影响音乐的实际听感。同时,MP4在加密和授权方面也做了特别的设计。它有如下特点: (1)每首MP4乐曲就是一个扩展名为.exe的可执行文件,在Windows里直接双击就可以运行播放,十分方便。MP4的这个优点同时又是它的先天缺陷---容易感染电脑病毒! (2)更小的体积!更好的音质?相对先进的a2b音频压缩技术的采用,使MP4文件大小仅为MP3的3/4左右,从这个角度来看,MP4更适合在Internet上传播,而且据说音质也更胜一筹,但我怎么也没听出它比MP3的音质更为优越。 (3)独特的数字水印。MP4乐曲采用了名为“Solana”技术的数字水印,可方便地追踪和发现盗版发行行为。而且,任何针对MP4的非法解压行为,都可能导致MP4原文件的损毁。 (4)支持版权保护。MP4乐曲还内置了包括与作者、版权持有者相关的文字、图像等版权说明,既可声明版权,又表示了对作者和演唱者的尊重。 (5)比较完善的功能。MP4可独立调节左右声道音量控制;内置波形/分频动态音频显示和音乐管理器,可支持多种彩色图像、网站链接及无限制的滚动显示文本。



谁有这种阀的资料Kip inc.farmington,ct.06032 valve no.1x1363 orifice .018 volts 24Vdc mopd 230 wa...

我好像见过这个阀,估计是诺冠出的,两位两通电磁阀,我想请问楼主是做什么行业用的?国内好像没有生产商,但应该有代理商,D—— 低功率电磁阀 功率为3W左右;1—— 诺冠第一系列的产品

统计学里:coefficient of determination是什么意思?


They will carry out their plan with _(determine填啥?

填写:determination.They will carry out their plan with determination。意思是:他们下定决心要去完成他们的计划。

make determinations to do



这说明这个表达不是完整句子,而是一个名词性短语。其中核心词是名词the determination,紧跟的动词不定式to do something做名词determination的后置定语。



it takes determination

应该是likes 她喜欢(欣赏)那种从事体育锻炼所需的决心 she(主语) likes(谓语) the determination(宾语) it takes to do the sports(修饰宾语的定语从句) 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

determination后加to do 如何理解啊?例如 the determination to attain it.

to attain it 是定语,修饰 the determination

科技英语中the determination of …… determination啥意思


决心 信心 耐心 中的 决心这个词用grit好还是determination好

经常用的是determination,更贴切,按英语语法后者更好。grit:n. 粗砂,砂砾砂砾,粗砂石;勇气;决心 vt. 研磨;在…上铺砂砾,覆以砂砾;咬紧牙关 vi. 摩擦作声grit是意译过来的勇气,而determination本义就是勇气决心。希望可以帮助你。
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