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make determinations to do

2023-07-12 15:37:30
make determinations to do

决定; 决心( determination的名词复数 ); 果断; 坚定
确定; 决断; 规定




2023-07-12 04:40:354


determination英[du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物] 测定,计算; 全部释义>> [例句]The bloody-minded determination to push your life to the next level?那种把你带到生活中另一层次的决心在哪?
2023-07-12 04:41:141


2023-07-12 04:41:225


determination[英][du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations形近词:antiterminationmisterminationextermination1Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination.所有相关人员都表现出了极大的勇气和决心。
2023-07-12 04:41:351


determination[英][du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations例句:1.Her drive and determination won her a place close to murdoch. 她的干劲和决心为她赢得了接近默多克的位置。2.But china"s focus is even more intense because of its acute sense of historical injustice and determination to regain its prestige. 但中国对自身利益的关注格外强烈,因为中国有着强烈的历史不公正意识,并决意重新赢得其声望。
2023-07-12 04:41:441


determination的意思是:决心;测定;果断;坚定;(正式)决定,确定,规定;查明;计算。determination的发音为【du026a,tu025c:mu026a"neu026au0283n】,复数直接加s,相同意思的单词有resolution、decision、resolve,而determination侧重坚定不移的顽强意志力。一、短语搭配(1)gender determination:性别决定。(2)structure determination:结构测定。(3)volumetric determination:容量测定。二、例句1、I got both back through determination and hard work。我通过决心和努力工作又得到了这些。2、As long as you have determination,you can do anything in this world。只要你有决心,你可以在这个世界上任何东西。
2023-07-12 04:42:241


determination的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[du026au02cctu025cu02d0mu026au02c8neu026au0283(u0259)n]美语音标:[du026au02cctu025dmu026au02c8neu0283u0259n]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.决心;测定;规定;(正式)决定;定位单词例句用作名词 (n.)He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed. 他下定决心争取成功。Our sales people need determination and drive. 我们的推销人员需要有决心和干劲。The determination of the amount of iron in ore is very important. 矿石中铁含量的测定是很主要的。In the event that an affirmative determination of dumping and injury is made, the undertaking shall continue consistent with its terms and the provisions of this Agreement. 如做出关于倾销和损害的肯定裁定,则承诺应按其条件和本协定的规定继续有效。The choice of a foster home was left to the determination of the court. 选择怎样的家庭抚养孤儿,将由法庭决定。The determination of a name for the club took a very long time. 决定俱乐部的名称费了很长的时间。Conclusion Diagnosis is depended on qualitative determination of the pericardial effusion and level diagnosis by radionuclide lymphography. 乳糜性心包积液严重者可发生慢性心包填塞,诊断依赖穿刺积液的定性诊断和淋巴显像的定位诊断。The application of genechip based on bioinfomatics became a stronger tool for environmental microbial ecological study and gene determination of function enzyme. 基因芯片技术的运用,成为环境微生物生态研究和功能酶基因定位的有力工具。
2023-07-12 04:42:551


决定的英文的名词:resolution,decision,determination,resolve 这些名词均含“决定、决心”之意。 扩展资料   1、resolution指自觉地正式表示的决心,含极强的主观能动意味,名词,作名词时意为“分辨率;决议;解决;决心”。   2、decision既可指重大的或一般的决定或决心,又可指在多种情况下作出果断的抉择,毫不犹豫地采取行动。引申可表示“决议”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。   例句:We can" t reach a decision without our chairman.主席不在场。   3、determination是名词,作名词时意为“决心;果断;测定”,侧重坚定不移的顽强意志力。   例句:And with our determination , it can be the future of our world.只要我们有决心,它将能够成为我们这个世界的"未来。   4、resolve语气较强,强调克服感情上的软弱,下决心干具体的一件事。resolve的基本意思是“决心”“决定”,指某人为了某种目的或信念而决心去做某事,往往强调个人在某个具体工作或行动中所下的决心。引申可表示“解决”,指为某些问题、争论或困难等找到答案并实施。   在英语里,这种所谓的“新年决心”有一个固定的说法: New Year resolution。注意,“决心”一词在这里既不是的determination,也不是decision,而是resolution。   New Year resolutions通常也不是豪言壮志,大概也就是像戒烟戒酒、学习一门新语言之类的。所以很适合发布在个人社交媒体上。关于resolution这个词:resolution是个多义词,来源于动词resolve。resolve动词本身就有两种截然不同的含义:   1、解决:这也是最熟悉的含义,可以说 resolve an argument/a difficulty:   2、决定:有resolve to do sth这样的句型,含义为“决心做某事”,不常用;而变成名词resolution之后就分别成了。
2023-07-12 04:43:021


determination短语搭配例句:Our English teacher is admired by students for her diligence and determination.我们的英语老师很受学生尊重,因为她勤奋又有毅力。determination的搭配有:quantitative determination定量测定orbit determination轨道计算,定轨sex determination性别决定;性决定final determination最后决定experimental determination实验测定
2023-07-12 04:43:081


你好!决定decision 英[dɪˈsɪʒn] 美[dɪˈsɪʒən] n. 决定; 决议; 果断; (法院的) 判决; vt. [口语][拳击]靠判定击败(对手); [例句]A decision was taken to discipline Marshall已作出对马歇尔进行处罚的决定。
2023-07-12 04:43:334


2023-07-12 04:44:322


2023-07-12 04:44:439

determination 后面是跟on 还是of

determination [du026a.tu025crmu026a"neu026au0283(u0259)n]n.测定;确定;决心;计算But he said he had not changed the goal because it underlined the government"s determination to fight inflation.不过他表示,他没有改变这个目标,因为它表明了中国政府抗击通胀的决心。But he said he had not changed the goal because it underlined the government"s determination to fight inflation.不过他表示,他没有改变这个目标,因为它表明了中国政府抗击通胀的决心。
2023-07-12 04:45:332

determination能加to do吗

不能determine to do sth
2023-07-12 04:45:437


determination更多的是指在面对困难危险是所表现出来的坚决,决心,有点果断的抉择的意味 resolution则感觉是那种认死理的,有点一意孤行的决心,当然你的理解是有一定道理的,建议你查查字典看看英文解释,再互换一下语境再体会
2023-07-12 04:46:001


2023-07-12 04:46:081


2023-07-12 04:46:164


2023-07-12 04:46:386


5个音节 de Ter mi na tion
2023-07-12 04:46:531

determination to do sth.可以用吗?

2023-07-12 04:47:011


2023-07-12 04:47:081


determination make up one"s mind
2023-07-12 04:47:186

All it takes is determination

根据后面的determination可知,它所话费的所有只有determination,只能用is.比如说:All i have is money.我所拥有的只有钱。在这种情况下,你只能看be后面的是单数还是复数,来确定是is还是are
2023-07-12 04:47:461


问题一:决心用英语怎么说?? 决心 determination resolution resolve 例; This did not shake his resolve 这事并未动摇他的决心 make up one"s mind; be resolute; 下定决心 be determined to correct one"s mistake; 决心改正错误 问题二:更加坚定了我的决心用英语怎么说 Even more has strengthened my determination 问题三:下决心用英语怎么说 下决心 make a decision to do sth make up ones mind to do sth decide to do sth 有不会的可以再问我 问题四:下决心的英语短语怎么说 make up one"s mind to do sth 问题五:“下决心”的英文是什么? 下决心 v. determine, decide; resolve 问题六:必死的决心要用英语怎么说? 家庭教师里,他们是这么说的。 Withmy dying will, I w郸ll defeat you! 以我必死的决心,我会打败你! 但是如果你说With my determination todie,你的意思虽然一样是‘必死的决心",但是却有种‘一定要死" 的味道。但是如果你说dying will的话,意思就有点‘死亡前一定要做到某某事情" 的感觉。 问题七:我已经下定决心 用英语怎么说 I have made the decision I have made up my minds. I have decided 记住一定要用现在完成时。 问题八:一门外语英语怎么说,我的决心与自我提高 我的决心与自我提高_有道翻译 翻译结果: My determination and self-improvement determination 英 [d?,t??m?"ne??(?)n] 美 [d??t??rm??ne??n] n. 决心;果断;测定 Determination 决心,测定,决定 cell determination 细胞决定,指决定分化状态细胞的向特定方向分化的过程,细胞决议 Determination method 测定方法,检测方法,确定方法
2023-07-12 04:47:531

a person of determination是什么用法

2023-07-12 04:48:172


1 were born 2 mine 3 was 4 searching5 Without 6 to buy 7 the 8 that9 actually 10 determination
2023-07-12 04:49:072


determination[英][du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations形近词:antiterminationmisterminationextermination1Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination.所有相关人员都表现出了极大的勇气和决心。
2023-07-12 04:49:472


determination的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [di?t?:mnein] KK音标发音: [dt?mnen] determination的词性: n.(名词) 1. The act of making or arriving at a decision.See Synonyms at decision 决定:作出或达成一项决定的行为参见 decision 2. The decision reached. 达成的决定 3. Firmness of purpose; resolve: 坚决:目的坚定;坚定: 用法与例句: approached the task with determination and energy. 坚决努力地致力于这项任务 4. A fixed intention or resolution: 决心:固定下来的打算或决心: 用法与例句: returned to school with a determination to finish. 带着完成学业的决心回到学校 5. The settling of a question or case by an authoritative decision or pronouncement, especially by a judicial body: 判决,确定:通过权威的决定或官判解决某一问题或官司,尤指通过司法部门解决: 用法与例句: The choice of a foster home was left to the determination of the court. 选择怎样的家庭抚养孤儿,将由法庭决定 6. The decision or pronouncement made. 决定,断言:作出的决定或断言 7. The ascertaining or fixing of the quantity, quality, position, or character of something: 查明,确定:弄清楚某事物的数量,质量,位置或特征: 用法与例句: a determination of the ship"s longitude; a determination of the mass of the universe. 对这艘船长度的确定;宇宙质量的测定 8. The result of such ascertaining. 定值:查明的结果 9. A fixed movement or tendency toward an object or end.
2023-07-12 04:51:161


2023-07-12 04:51:461

Determination 歌词

歌曲名:Determination歌手:The Miracles专辑:Stevie Wonder/ Jimmy Ruffin/ Smokey Robinson & The Miracles『Determination』作词:椎名庆治作曲:y@suo ohtani编曲:斋藤真也歌:喜多修平摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?适当な思いで自分を骗しゃ逃げ切れるなんて思ってないかい?背中にジワリ 缠わりつくシーツと记忆には无い泪の理由消えない苛立ち 壁の落书きのよう 络む合うから また眠れないどれだけ全て押し溃ても渗んでしまう心なら摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?本当の思いを自分に晒しゃ逃げる事なんて出来やしない忧郁な声が がんじがらめにするから 踏み出す足 転びそうだよ心の伤迹 その痛みを知るのは 自分だけどさ 谁を责めるの?ふとした瞬间に颜出すのが 後悔や忏悔じゃやりきれない摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?适当な思いで自分を骗しゃ逃げ切れるなんて思ってないかい?「明日は」なんて期待して今日と言う日やり过ごしても永远に缲り返されるのはそう上书今日だろ摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?本当の思い自分に骗しゃ逃げる事なん出来やしない
2023-07-12 04:52:251


determination可数determination[英][d??t?:m??ne??n][美][d??t?:rm??ne??n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations例句:1.I got both back through determination and hard work. 我通过决心和努力工作又得到了这些。
2023-07-12 04:53:051


determination一般是不可数。N-UNCOUNT 决心;坚决;坚定;果断Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination... 所有相关人员都表现出了极大的勇气和决心。He reaffirmed their determination to tackle inflation... 他重申了他们要解决通货膨胀问题的决心。
2023-07-12 04:53:121


determined adj. 决定了的;坚决的; 例句: Im determined to succeed. 我决心要获得成功。 Hes determined to pass this time. 这一回他决心要考及格。 He is determined to win at any cost. 他决心无论如何要争取胜利。 扩展资料   She was determined to prove everyone wrong.   她决心证明大家都错了。   He was determined to rise to the challenge.   他决心克服困难迎接挑战。   They were determined to break from precedent.   他们决心打破先例。   I was determined to go, come hell or high water.   我决心要去,无论有什么困难。   She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown.   她决心卫冕她的温布尔登网球赛的冠军宝座。
2023-07-12 04:53:191

决定的名词英文 英文怎么说

决定的名词英文 :determination;n.决心;果断;坚定;(正式)决定,确定,规定;查明;测定;计算; 复数: determinations 扩展资料   He showed great courage and determination.   他表现得十分勇敢和果断。   We intend to pursue this policy with determination.   我们准备坚决贯彻这项政策。   Everyone admires her strength of character and determination.   每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决心。
2023-07-12 04:53:261


2023-07-12 04:53:332


  A为奇数阶反对称矩阵及AT=-A ,则|AT|=|-A|=(-1)n|A|=-|A|  另外由于|AT|=|A|,所以|A|=-|A|,即|A|=0.(其中AT表现A的转置)
2023-07-12 04:53:511

决心 信心 耐心 中的 决心这个词用grit好还是determination好

经常用的是determination,更贴切,按英语语法后者更好。grit:n. 粗砂,砂砾砂砾,粗砂石;勇气;决心 vt. 研磨;在…上铺砂砾,覆以砂砾;咬紧牙关 vi. 摩擦作声grit是意译过来的勇气,而determination本义就是勇气决心。希望可以帮助你。
2023-07-12 04:53:581

科技英语中the determination of …… determination啥意思

2023-07-12 04:54:053

determination后加to do 如何理解啊?例如 the determination to attain it.

to attain it 是定语,修饰 the determination
2023-07-12 04:54:153


您好,determination 本身就已经是【名词】形式了:1)其动词形式是 determine2)其形容词形式是 determining
2023-07-12 04:54:241


问题一:决策用英语怎么说 decision determination 问题二:决策力 英语怎么说 decision-making power decision-making a憨thority 问题三:作为一个成功的领导者是怎么样做出决策的? 英文怎么说啊? To be(用as,being也都可以) a succes订ful leader,how can he make decisions ? 问题四:决策方法英文题目翻译 20分 CT公司向餐厅销售混合茶包,此茶每袋60磅。为了将此茶包标注为SCT,袋中茶在重量上至少有55%是Carolina 成熟物。在质量上,C要求此混合茶达到1.65的aroma比例。每磅C茶花费1.8美元,C茶aroma比例为2。其他类似C茶的茶包只达到1.2的比例,每磅只需0.6美元。要实现C茶的目标,做出Caroline与常规茶叶的最好混合茶,尽可能保持此成本开销。 Ps: 相关专业名词没有专业解释,仅供楼主参考。 CT公司=Coastal Tea pany 海滨茶公司 SCT=South Carolina Tea 南卡罗莱纳州茶 aroma 芳香 C茶=Carolina茶(包) 问题五:英语翻译(决策方面) 理性决策的基础是做出相关的选择,选择要能很好地把我描述的不变性原则,这是理性选择的一个基本的要求。 问题六:话.请问“具备基本的领导和决策能力”用英语怎么说 “具备基本的领导和决策能力” Basic leadership and decision making skills “具备基本的领导和决策能力” Basic leadership and decision making skills 问题七:最优化问题中的决策变量用英语怎么说 目标函数 objective function 约束条件 constraints 决策变量 decision variable 最优化问题 optimization problem 问题八:预测与管理决策 这门课程用英语怎么讲 5分 你好! 预测与管理决策 这门课程 Forecast and management decision This course 问题九:导致公司决策失误 英文怎么说的翻译是:什么意思 导致公司决策失误 to result in the pany"s decision error to lead to the pany"s decision fault to give rise to the pany"s fault in decision-making to bring about the pany"s defect in decision-making 问题十:决策用英语怎么说 decision determination
2023-07-12 04:54:321

cell determination是什么意思

cell determination[英][sel diu02cctu0259:miu02c8neiu0283u0259n][美][su025bl du026au02cctu025amu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]细胞决定; 例句:1.Cell fate determination of mouse preimplantation embryo. 小鼠着床前胚胎细胞发育命运。2.Tightly control of cell migration and cytokinesis is a crucial for the determination ofcell fate and tissue differentiation during embryonic development. 在动物胚发育过程中,细胞迁移和细胞质分裂则可影响细胞命运之决定和组织分化之过程。
2023-07-12 04:54:512


identification 辨认, 鉴定, 证明determination 计算analysis 分析, 分解assay 化验ouantitation 无此词analyte 分析物
2023-07-12 04:54:582

1.Determination is a kind of basic quality and is --it takes to do jobs well. 为什么填what不是which

1. Determination is a kind of basic quality and is _____it takes to do jobs well 1) 从句跟在is 后面, 是表语从句, 也就是名词性从句一种。 2) 名词性从句,如果少了成分, 常用what 。 从句it takes 后面少了宾语, 用what 完全正确。2. 从句接在 streets and small house 后面, 是定语从句 定语从句少成分用关系代词, 这个从句少主语,用关系代词,that, which都可以。分清楚 从句类型再做题。
2023-07-12 04:55:063

it takes determination

应该是likes 她喜欢(欣赏)那种从事体育锻炼所需的决心 she(主语) likes(谓语) the determination(宾语) it takes to do the sports(修饰宾语的定语从句) 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,
2023-07-12 04:55:131


2023-07-12 04:55:202


D : 介词,表示 尽管
2023-07-12 04:55:296

-----It will _____ determination and hard work to master a foreign language . -----

D .determination是决心的意思,take determination下定决心。 pay for 为····付钱、spend on 在····方面花费CC
2023-07-12 04:55:482

fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below.change the forms if necessary. fond of 喜欢2. is worth be worth doing sth.值得做某事3.balance 平衡4.own 自己的5.. tired .... out 是的某人疲倦6.decides on 7.determination 决心8. look...up 查字典9. judge 判断10. refer to 提到,谈到
2023-07-12 04:55:595

Determination is a kind of basic quality and this is _____ it takes to do jobs well.

答案C主要测试表语从句。结合具体语境可知句子_____ it takes to do jobs well中的动词take需要宾语,另外还能够引导表语从句,因此只能选what。译文:决心是一种最基本的能力,这就是做好工作多需要的。
2023-07-12 04:56:511