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The ----(follow) Sunday ,Millie went to Sunshine Park again.



我没有实践过 但是据我所知 是这样的



Spark 中用 Scala 和 java 开发有什么区别


Spark 中用 Scala 和 java 开发有什么区别


Spark 中用 Scala 和 java 开发有什么区别

区别 很大 Scala 是面向对象 面向函数式编程,多线程控制起来方便,可以把传递算法JAVA 是面向对象编程 多线程控制麻烦 不能传递算法





请问marketing manager的英文解释是什么?


Important of the Marketing Strategies for the company

Marketing strategy is a key part of the general corporate strategy A marketing strategy is most effective when it is an integral ponent of corporate strategy, defining how the anization will engage customers, prospects and petitors in the market arena for success. It is partially derived from broader corporate strategies, corporate missions, and corporate goals. They should flow from the firm"s mission statement. They are also influenced by a range of microenvironmental factors. A marketing strategy also serves as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a marketing strategy. For example: "Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our anization, via our low cost product, has established a relationship with consumers, our anization will sell additional, higher-margin products and services that enhance the consumer"s interaction with the low-cost product or service." Here are different type of marketing strategies, and it will clearly explain different marketing strategies have different important function on marketing activities: Types of marketing strategies Every marketing strategy is unique, but if we abstract from the individualizing details, each can be reduced into a generic marketing strategy. There are a number of ways of categorizing these generic strategies. A brief description of the most mon categorizing schemes is presented below: Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are three types of market dominance strategies: Leader Challenger Follower this strategy base on internal management Porter generic strategies - strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market peration while strategic strength refers to the firm"s sustainable petitive advantage. Cost leadership Product differentiation Market segmentation this strategy apply porter theory to place effort on target market and positioning. Innovation strategies - This deals with the firm"s rate of the new product development and business model innovation. It asks whether the pany is on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation. There are three types: ------Pioneers ------Close followers -------Late followers this strategies production development Growth strategies - In this scheme we ask the question, “How should the firm grow?”. There are a number of different ways of wering that question, but the most mon gives four wers: ----Horizontal integration ----Vertical integration ----Diversification ----Intensification this strategy based on grow of the firm.,参考: wers/topic/marketing-strategy,Hi some quick thought on it: 1) Help pany identify prospective client 2) Able to help pany generate more revenue 3) Improve pany"s efficiency in terms of operation cost 4) Help pany define or find out their position in the market 5) Identify petitor in the market I think best of all...is to generate REVENUE....REVENUE...,

What is marketing plan?

更新1: 你是否有一份完整的marketing plan可以给我参考?感激万分. 你同我做紧ge野好似 1.ES 简单将成份project的重点讲出。同intro有分别,因为intro只是交代一开头的事情。例如:ES ~This project is to discuss the success of HKDisneyland since it is backed up by an int'l pany...........但系intro系讲现时的情况,例如:The HKDisneyland is now facing growth in the no. of visitors due to..... Table of content (目录) 将你份project入面每一个大point 写出黎。 2.Current mkt situation 而时你做紧那间公司的市场情况,take disney as an example Disney now is suffering from the loss of visitors due to the Ocean park which providing special festival themed parties. In this situation it may loss sales by 20% within 1yr ...... 3. SWOT S~Strengthen 佢有咩强项 eg. Disney is enjoying the economic of scale since it had already built up market share and benifits W~Weaknesses 弱项 eg. Since the HKDisney is *** aller than the Japan Disneyland so it loss its petative advantage. O~Opportunity机会 Since the HK Government is giving a large support for the HK Disneyland it can expand their park size without paying a large amount of rental fee it helps them to explore more customer due to more games. T~Threat危机 Since the Ocean park has started their expension construction. It will enlarge its size by 50% in the ing several years Disney is facing the threat that OP is being its biggest petitor and affecting their sales. 4. Objective 目标 例如你做呢份project目的系咩野,呢个目标要系短期,因为长期的目标叫做goal。例如 The objective of this project is to find out the reason why Disney is getting a rapid decline in sales 5. Mkt Strategy~ 4P Price promition place and product Price~ how to set a price for its product Promotion~in what way can your product be promoted eg TV magazine (remember should focus to ur target market) Place~eg. ur target market is university students then ur place should choose inside Uni campus or the area near to UNI Product~produce what kind of product for our target market. if ur target mkt is uni students u can produce electronic dictionary or notebook puters Marketing Plan is a written document that details the actions necessary to achieve a specified marketing objective(s). It can be for a product or service a brand or a product line. It can cover one year (referred to as an annual marketing plan) or cover up to 5 years. A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use. There are many formats for marketings pl and every pany does it a little differently but the outline that follows is a very plete format. Using this format will produce a 30 to 40 page plan. Many panies prefer an abridged format that would yield a 10 to 20 page plan. Title page 1) Executive Summary Current Situation - Macroenvironment economy legal ernment technology ecological sociocultural supply chain 2) Current Situation - Market Analysis market definition market size market segmentation industry structure and strategic groupings Porter 5 forces *** ysis petition and market share petitors' strengths and weaknesses market trends 3) Current Situation - Consumer Analysis nature of the buying decision participants demographics psychographics buyer motivation and expectations loyalty segments 4) Current Situation - Internal pany resources financial people time skills objectives mission statement and vision statement corporate objectives financial objective marketing objectives long term objectives corporate culture 5) Summary of Situation Analysis external threats external opportunities internal strengths internal weaknesses key success factors in the industry our sustainable petitive advantage Marketing research information requirements research methodology research results Marketing Strategy - Product product mix product strengths and weaknesses perceptual mapping product life cycle management and new product development Brand name brand image and brand equity the augmented product product portfolio *** ysis B.C.G. Analysis contribution margin *** ysis G.E. Multi Factoral *** ysis Quality Function Deployment 6) Marketing Strategy - Market share objectives by products by customer segments by geographical markets 7) Marketing Strategy - Price pricing objectives pricing method (eg.: cost plus demand based or petitor indexing) pricing strategy (eg.: skimming or peration) discounts and allowances price elasticity and customer sensitivity price zoning break even *** ysis at various prices 8) Marketing Strategy - promotion promotional goals promotional mix advertising reach frequency flights theme and media sales force requirements techniques and management sales promotion publicity and public relations electronic promotion (eg.: Web or telephone) 9) Marketing Strategy - Distribution geographical coverage distribution channels physical distribution and logistics electronic distribution Implementation personnel requirements assign responsibilities give incentives training on selling methods financial requirements management information systems requirements month-by-month agenda PERT or critical path *** ysis monitoring results and benchmarks adjustment mechani *** contingencies (What if's) 10) Financial Summary assumptions pro-forma monthly ine statement contribution margin *** ysis breakeven *** ysis Monte Carlo method ISI: Inter Strategic Intelligence Scenarios Prediction of Future Scenarios Plan of Action for each Scenario Appendix pictures and specifications of the new product results from research already pleted

写一篇200个单词的marketing plan作文?

Summary and Further Reading on Marketing Plan When making a marketing plan,it is important to know and state the timescale you are working with.Are you making a long term plan,a short term plan,or something in between?You may also find that some areas of your marketing plan are short term,while others will work in the long term. A business that deals with new technology may need to update their marketing plans every 3-6 months,where as a business in an established and stable industry might only need to update their plan every other year. Your targets and objectives need to be based on a realistic timescale,there is little point making a target of 400% sales growth in 2 months when you know that is impossible.Set realistic but challenging targets over an accurate timescale. Summary * A marketing plan is in addition to a standard business plan. * A marketing plan helps set realistic objectives for your business,and helps make sure that the business is focused on the most important areas of marketing. * A marketing plan can help in obtaining finance by demonstrating that the business has been thoroughly planned. * A plan should look at each of the important areas and have realistic objectives for the short,medium,or long term. * Looking at the prices of your products should take into account both consumers and petitors products. * Looking at the locations of your products should take into account where the product is sold as well as the distribution methods used to get there. * You should firmly know the unique selling points of your business and its products. * Sales of one product may help increase sales of another product; you should look at how this can be achieved. * If your product is seasonal,look at introducing a new or modified product to sell during the slower months. * Both the budgets and message of your advertising and public relations should be reviewed regularly to ensure best results. * Word of mouth is free marketing!Look at how you can encourage it. * Special offers and petitions can increase interest in your product and convert possible buyers into sales.Look at how you can maximise this. * In a SWOT,Strengths and Weaknesses are internal,while Opportunities and Threats are external.Each point should be written down briefly to provide a quick overview of the status of your business and its market(s). * A marketing plan should have a timescale relevant to the nature of your business,although different areas of the plan may have different timescales. SWOT Analysis in a Marketing Plan SWOT This is a monly used form of marketing *** ysis.It looks at both your business and the external environment to anticipate possible future action you may need to take to defend or expand your market position. SWOT stands for Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; and Threats. (i) Strengths Here you should list the main strengths of your business and products/services.This should include not only the areas that your business or products are good at,but also high profit margins,successful current marketing campaigns and similar strengths.e.g.Our business has a reputation for excellent quality customer service. Strengths are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (ii) Weaknesses Here you should list the main weaknesses of your business and products/services.This should include the areas that you feel your business could improve on,or are limiting your quality or expansion.e.g.Our slow production speed makes it difficult for us to meet shipment dates effectively. Weaknesses are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (iii) Opportunities Here you should list what you believe to be the best opportunities available in your market,or new markets you believe your business can succeed in.e.g.Gap in market for *** aller versions of our products. Remember,a weakness may be an opportunity in disguise!e.g.If we fix the weakness in our manufacturing speed whilst maintaining quality,we have an opportunity to offer faster delivery to our customers. Opportunities are almost always external,although they may rely on internal strengths.e.g.An opportunity is available by advertising our strengths in quality of service. (iv) Threats Here you should list what you believe to be the biggest threats to your business.This could include petitors,government regulations,changes in customer attitudes and other such areas.e.g.Our petitors are planning to launch a big new product in the next 6 months. Threats are almost always external,although they may rely on internal weaknesses or external factors that limit your strengths.e.g.If our petitors lower their prices and we match them,we may be left with an unprofitable product.,2,

A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车) on a very dark night in the middle of a terr

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在一个暴风雨的午夜,一个男人在路边搭便车,当他上了一辆车后发现没有司机,汽车在自己行使,而在转弯处的时候,却突然又冒出来一只手,他非常害怕,就跳下了车,后来才知道,这辆车坏掉了,司机在后面推车。小题1:细节题。根据文章The man looked at the road and saw a curve(拐弯处) coming his way. Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life.可知,当汽车第一次靠近转弯处的时候,这个男人非常的恐惧。故选B小题2:细节题。根据文章when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!可知,这个男人合理的行为使人们相信他的经历。故选A小题3:细节题。根据文章one said to the other,“Hey, there"s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”可知,这个男人跳上的这个车坏掉了,司机在后面推车。故选C点评:记叙文是高考必考题型,此类题型比较好解答,在答题过程中注意结合题目在文章中找到答案的位置,注意理解作者所叙述事情的起因,经过,结果。 同时,如果第一遍不能理解,结合题目来进行理解全文,也不失为一个好的方法。

英语翻译 高手进By extending a “proven”marketing method, a parent


marketing calendar是什么意思

marketing calendar营销日历例句:1.The expectation of the so-called new year rally has been a mainstay of the annual marketing calendar for fund management companies for many years, and new fund launches are often scheduled for the festive period. 多年来,在基金管理公司的年度营销计划中,对所谓“新年行情”的预期一直是宣传主调,而新基金的发行也常常选在春节期间。

汽车行业, OEM厂商的职位中,Dealer Marketing, retail marketing 和普通的marketing有什么区别


marketing constribution 什么意思




高分悬赏marketing plan

那就要看看你是需要怎样的marketing plan了,因为毕竟4P和online marketing的方式不一样,而且有几个东西你要特别清楚地就是,这是不是一种trend?通常一种基本的marketing plan最重要的就是brainstorming,know-how,risk plan,market demand, price trend等等,这些资料都是需要去收集回来的。计划和规划好后才能真正的去执行。想知道详情的话,可以消息我

marketing plan怎么做啊,麻烦给个范例最好英语的!

A Marketing Plan is a written document that details the actions necessary to achieve a specified marketing objective(s). It can be for a product or service, a brand, or a product line. It can cover one year (referred to as an annual marketing plan), or cover up to 5 years.A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.

求一个简单的marketing plan 英语作文.

Summary and Further Reading on Marketing Plan When making a marketing plan,it is important to know and state the timescale you are working with.Are you making a long term plan,a short term plan,or something in between?You may also find that some areas of your marketing plan are short term,while others will work in the long term. A business that deals with new technology may need to update their marketing plans every 3-6 months,where as a business in an established and stable industry might only need to update their plan every other year. Your targets and objectives need to be based on a realistic timescale,there is little point making a target of 400% sales growth in 2 months when you know that is impossible.Set realistic but challenging targets over an accurate timescale. Summary * A marketing plan is in addition to a standard business plan. * A marketing plan helps set realistic objectives for your business,and helps make sure that the business is focused on the most important areas of marketing. * A marketing plan can help in obtaining finance by demonstrating that the business has been thoroughly planned. * A plan should look at each of the important areas and have realistic objectives for the short,medium,or long term. * Looking at the prices of your products should take into account both consumers and petitors products. * Looking at the locations of your products should take into account where the product is sold as well as the distribution methods used to get there. * You should firmly know the unique selling points of your business and its products. * Sales of one product may help increase sales of another product; you should look at how this can be achieved. * If your product is seasonal,look at introducing a new or modified product to sell during the slower months. * Both the budgets and message of your advertising and public relations should be reviewed regularly to ensure best results. * Word of mouth is free marketing!Look at how you can encourage it. * Special offers and petitions can increase interest in your product and convert possible buyers into sales.Look at how you can maximise this. * In a SWOT,Strengths and Weaknesses are internal,while Opportunities and Threats are external.Each point should be written down briefly to provide a quick overview of the status of your business and its market(s). * A marketing plan should have a timescale relevant to the nature of your business,although different areas of the plan may have different timescales. SWOT Analysis in a Marketing Plan SWOT This is a monly used form of marketing *** ysis.It looks at both your business and the external environment to anticipate possible future action you may need to take to defend or expand your market position. SWOT stands for Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; and Threats. (i) Strengths Here you should list the main strengths of your business and products/services.This should include not only the areas that your business or products are good at,but also high profit margins,successful current marketing campaigns and similar strengths.e.g.Our business has a reputation for excellent quality customer service. Strengths are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (ii) Weaknesses Here you should list the main weaknesses of your business and products/services.This should include the areas that you feel your business could improve on,or are limiting your quality or expansion.e.g.Our slow production speed makes it difficult for us to meet shipment dates effectively. Weaknesses are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (iii) Opportunities Here you should list what you believe to be the best opportunities available in your market,or new markets you believe your business can succeed in.e.g.Gap in market for *** aller versions of our products. Remember,a weakness may be an opportunity in disguise!e.g.If we fix the weakness in our manufacturing speed whilst maintaining quality,we have an opportunity to offer faster delivery to our customers. Opportunities are almost always external,although they may rely on internal strengths.e.g.An opportunity is available by advertising our strengths in quality of service. (iv) Threats Here you should list what you believe to be the biggest threats to your business.This could include petitors,government regulations,changes in customer attitudes and other such areas.e.g.Our petitors are planning to launch a big new product in the next 6 months. Threats are almost always external,although they may rely on internal weaknesses or external factors that limit your strengths.e.g.If our petitors lower their prices and we match them,we may be left with an unprofitable product.

为什么我运行3Dmark5 就会程序未响应?

我来回答,电脑测试软件大全 大凡要配电脑的人一定要认真看看下面的软件,最好是拷贝到U盘里面带去检测,可以完全杜绝JS的欺骗! 一、综合性检测分析 1.AIDA32(现在统一叫:EVEREST Ultimate Edition) 这是一个综合性的系统检测分析工具,功能强大,易于上手。它可以详细的显示出PC每一个方面的信息。支持上千种(3400+)主板,支持上百种(360+)显卡,支持对并口/串口/USB这些PNP设备的检测,支持对各式各样的处理器的侦测。目前AIDA32已经有多语言的支持并且加入了病毒检测功能。AIDA32拥有数十种测试项目,主要包括CPU、主板、内存、传感器、GPU、显示器、多媒体、逻辑驱动器、光驱、ASPI、SMART、网络、DirectX、基准测试等等,支持的平台包括了Intel、AMD、VIA、nVIDIA、SIS等。 注意:AIDA32有一个小BUG,它显示的nVIDIA的FX系列GPU的核心频率为其2D频率,目前还不能正确显示其3D频率。 http://ftp.pconline.com.cn/pub/download/200504/everesthome_build_0304.zip 2.SiSoftware Sandra Pro 这是一套功能强大的系统分析评测工具,拥有超过30种以上的测试项目,主要包括有CPU、Drives、CD-ROM/DVD、Memory、SCSI、APM/ACPI、鼠标、键盘、网络、主板、打印机等。全面支持当前各种VIA、ALI芯片组和Pentium 4、AMD DDR平台。 http://hecz.onlinedown.net/down/SiSoftware.Sandra.Professional.2005.2.10.50.rar 3.HWiNFO32 电脑硬件检测软件。它主要可以显示出处理器、主板芯片组、PCMCIA接口、BIOS版本、内存等信息,另外HWiNFO还提供了对处理器、硬盘以及CD-ROM的性能测试功能。每个月都要出现许多我们知道或者不知道的电脑硬件,因此建议大家要经常下载这款测试软件的新版本。 http://hbcrc.onlinedown.net/down/hw32_152.exe ; 二、CPU相关 1.检测CPU是否被REMARK Intel Processor Frequency ID Utility是芯片业老大Intel发布的一款检测自家CPU的工具,权威性不容置疑。软件使用一种频率确定算法(速度检测)来确定处理器以何种内部速率运行,然后再检查处理器中的内部数据,并将此数据与检测到的操作频率进行比较,最终会将系统总体状态作为比较结果通知用户。 我们最关心的无非是两点:CPU的主频和倍频,CPU是否被超频。工具列出了“报告频率”和“预期频率”两项数据,前一项表示被测试CPU的当前运行速度,后一项表示被测试CPU出厂时所设计的最高操作速度,只要两者数据一致,即说明CPU未被超频。 http://gzcnc.onlinedown.net:88/down/fidchs32.msi ; (2)AMD系列CPU,可以使用Central Brain Identifier进行检测。 http://hlbr.onlinedown.net/files2/cbid75b.zip ; 2.CPU信息检测 (1)CPU-Z 该软件可以提供全面的CPU相关信息报告,包括有处理器的名称、厂商、时钟频率、核心电压、超频检测、CPU所支持的多媒体指令集,并且还可以显示出关于CPU的L1、L2的资料(大小、速度、技术),支持双处理器。目前的版本已经不仅可以侦测CPU的信息,包括主板、内存等信息的检测CPU-Z同样可以胜任。新版本增加了对AMD64处理器在64位Windows操作系统的支持,增加了对新处理器Celeron M、Pentium 4 Prescott的支持。 http://hld.onlinedown.net/down/ha-CPUZ1282-sy.rar (2)WCPUID WCPUID可以显示CPU的ID信息、内/外部时钟频率、CPU支持的多媒体指令集。重要的是它还具有“超频检测”功能。而且能显示CPU/主板芯片组/显示芯片的型号。有了它大家在购买电脑的时候就不用害怕被JS的打磨CPU所欺骗,因为它不到1MB的大小完全可以装进软盘,这样你就可以带着它去买CPU,相信JS看见了它就不敢再骗你了。 http://sccrc.onlinedown.net:88/files2/ha-wcpuid33b1092_sy.rar 3.CPU稳定性测试 (1) Prime 95 在所有的拷机软件中,Prime 5 是公认比较BT的一款,其他大部分拷机软件和它比较起来,简直是小巫见大巫。Prime 95 和Super π有类似的地方,都是利用不停计算函数来达到测试系统稳定性的目地。不过Prime 95 的测试环境非常苛刻,即使能在Super π中顺利通过419万次测试的系统,也不见得能在Prime 95 中熬过1分钟。很多玩家用Prime 95 来测试超频后的CPU,并以此作为超频成功的证据。只要点击执行文件就可进入主界面。点击菜单栏“Option(选项)”中的“CPU”即可对测试进行设置。在这里,用户可以设置测试的时间、测试所使用的内存容量,可以看到测试的起始和结束时间、以及CPU的型号、实际频率以及缓存等信息。设置好以后点击单栏“Option(选项)”中的“Torture Test(稳定性测试)”就开始进行测试了。由于Prime95的系统稳定性测试消耗的系统资源并不多,用户可以在测试期间进行其它操作,这时Prime 95 会在系统托盘中生成一个红色的图标,代表测试正在顺利进行着,如果这个图标的颜色在测试还没有结束之前就变成黄色了,说明测试失败,你的系统没有达到Primr 95 所要求的稳定性。Prime 95 默认的测试时间为12小时,如果通过12小时的测试,那说明系统稳定;如果能通过24小时以上的测试,那么这个系统就基本不会因为稳定性而出现故障。 http://mersenne.org/gimps/p95v238.exe (2)Hot CPU Tester Pro 它特别适用于爱好超频的狂热者,支持MMX、SSE、AMD 3DNow!等技术,可以测试出L1和L2缓存、系统和内存的带宽、主板的芯片、多CPU的兼容性、CPU的稳定性、系统和内存总线,新版本支持最新的AMD Athlon 64和AMD Opteron CPU、支持超线程处理器,更换了新的界面,优化了测试功能。 http://hdt.downloadsky.com:8080/down/hotcpu422.exe (3)Super π π是计算圆周率的软件,但它更适合用来测试CPU的稳定性。即使你的系统运行一天的Word、Photoshop都没有问题,而运行Super PI 也不一定能通过。可以说,Super π可以作为判断CPU稳定性的依据。使用方法:选择你要计算的位数(一般采用104万位),点击开始就可以了。视系统性能不同,运算时间也不相同,当然是时间越短约好。 http://hecz.onlinedown.net/down/ha_superpimod!.zip ; (4)PassMark BurnInTest Professional 与Super π和Prime95不同,PassMark BurnInTest Professional是一款专业的系统可靠性和稳定性测试工具,它通过对CPU、硬盘、声卡、显卡(2D/3D)、打印机、内存、串口、网络、磁带机、并口以及计算机系统与其它外围设备的持久运行,来测试系统是否稳定,可以说非常的全面 http://ftp2.ttdown.com:8081/2004/12B/PassMark.BurnInTest.Pro.v4.0.Build.1021.Final.rar PassMark BurnInTest Professional 特别文件(CR) http://ftp2.ttdown.com:8081/2004/12B/PassMark.BurnInTest.Pro.v4.0.Build.1021.Final.CR.rar 三、内存检测 1.DocMemory “内存神医”是一种先进的电脑内存检测软件。它的友善的用户界面使用方便,操作灵活。它可以检测出所有电脑内存故障。“内存神医”使用严谨的测试算法和程序检测电脑基本内存和扩展内存。用户无需拆除内存条即可进行检测。从网上下载的初装软件可以生成一个自行起动的“内存神医”测试软盘。只要将这个软盘插入欲测电脑的软驱内并起动电脑即可开始内存检测。“内存神医”提供十种精密的内存检测程序,其中包括MATS,MARCH+,MARCHC-,以及CHECKERBOARD等。选用老化测试可以检测出95%以上内存软故障。用户可以使用鼠标器方便的选择检测程序和设定测试参数。 http://hlbr.onlinedown.net/files2/DocMem1_45a.exe 2.MemTest MemTest不但可以彻底的检测出内存的稳定度,还可同时测试记忆的储存与检索数据的能力,让你可以确实掌控到目前你机器上正在使用的内存到底可不可信赖。 MemTest是一个绿色软件,直接点击执行文件即可运行。出现主界面后,用户可以在空格里填写想测试的内存容量,如果不填写,软件则默认为“所有未用的内存”。随后按下“开始测试”按钮,内存测试就开始了。在测试中,只要点击“停止测试”,测试即可终止。 ftp://wh:whdown@ftpwh.onlinedown.net/ha_memtest%20v3.1.rar 四、音频系统测试 Audio WinBench 99 可以准确的测试出PC音频子系统的性能,全面测试CPU使用情况、Hardware Voices、3D声场以及声卡的驱动程序、芯片、DirectSound与DirectSound 3D软件、扬声器基准。需要安装DirectX6以上版本。 五、显示器检测 1.CRT显示器检测 Nokia Monitor Test 不少朋友买了CRT显示器就直接接上去使用了,从未做过任何调试,也不知道自己的显示器是好是坏,现在我们可以用NOKIA Monitor Test这个程序来测试并调整你的显示器。这是一款Nokia公司出品的显示器测试软件,界面新颖、独特功能齐全,能够对几何失真、四角聚焦、白平衡、色彩还原能力等进行测试。 http://nm.onlinedown.net/files2/30_1816.zip ; 2.液晶显示器测试 CheckScreen 这是一款非常专业的液晶显示器测试软件,可以很好地检测液晶显示器的色彩、响应时间、文字显示效果、有无坏点、视频杂讯的程度和调节复杂度等各项参数。 打开Monitors Matter CheckScreen程序后,切换到“LCD Display”标签页。这里列出了相关测试项目: Colour:色阶测试,以3原色及高达1670万种的色阶画面来测试色彩的表现力,当然是无色阶最好啦,但大多数液晶显示器均会有一些偏色,少数采用四灯管技术的品牌这方面做得比较好,画面光亮、色彩纯正、鲜艳。 Crosstalk:边缘锐利度测试,屏幕显示对比极强的黑白交错画面,我们可以借此来检查液晶显示器色彩边缘的锐利程度。由于液晶显示器采用像素点发光的方式来显示画面,因此不会存在CRT显示器的聚焦问题。 Smearing:响应时间,测试画面是一个飞速运动的小方块,如果响应时间比较长,你就能看到小方块运行轨迹上有很多同样的色块,这就是所谓的拖尾现象。如果响应间比较短,我们所看到的色块数量也会少得多,因此笔者建议使用相机的自动连拍功能,将画面拍摄下来再慢慢观察。 Pixel Check:坏点检测,坏点数不大于3均属A级面板。 TracKing:视频杂讯检测,由于液晶显示较CRT显示器具有更强的抗干扰能力,即使稍有杂讯,采用“自动调节”功能后就可以将画面大小、时钟、相位等参数调节到理想状态。 http://hn-http.skycn.net:8080/down/checkscreen1_2.zip 显卡性能测试 3DMARK2005 自1998年发布第一款3DMARK图形测试软件至今,3DMARK已经逐渐成长为一款最为普及的3D图形卡性能基准测试软件。由于3DMark05提供了对微软DirectX 9.0C的支持,所以完全支持Shader Model 2a、2b、3.同时加入的更加详细显示控制面板,可以使用户对测试进行更为详细的画面控制。3DMark05还使用了全新的更为类似游戏的3D引擎,使测试更接近于正常的游戏运行。它包含了三个全新的测试场景,分别为:Return to Proxycon、Firefly Forest、Canyon Flight,通过这三个场景的测试便可以得出分数。另外,3DMark05还包含了CPU Test、Fill Rate Test、Single Texturing、Multi Texturing、Pixel Shader Test、Vertex Shader Test和创新的Batch Size Tests。运行3DMark05入门级的平台需要一块中端的DX9显示卡和2.0Ghz的处理器,而主流平台则需要一块第二代的DX9显示卡和3.0GHz以上处理器。最后需要注意的是,由于3DMARK05完全基于DX9架构,使用DX8显卡的朋友这次就无缘欣赏3DMARK05激动人心的新画面了。 http://file2.mydrivers.com/tools/tweak/3DMark05_v100_installer.exe 六、其他设备测试 1.硬盘测试 HD Tach 这是一款硬盘物理性能测试软件,利用VXD特定模式来获得测试最大精确度的硬盘性能测试工具。这是目前硬盘测试必备的一款专门针对磁盘底层性能的测试工具软件,主要通过分段拷贝不同容量的数据到硬盘进行测试,它可以测试平均寻道时间、最大缓存读取时间和读写时间(最大、最小和平均)、硬盘的连续数据传输率、随机存取时间及突发数据传输率,它使用的场合并不仅仅只是针对硬盘,还可以用于软驱、ZIP驱动器测试。其中,平均读写时间是和平常应用最接近的情况。这是目前的最新版本,在新版本中加入了写测试和对WinNT4/2000/XP操作系统的支持。 http://gzcnc.onlinedown.net:88/down/HA-HDTach3010-SY.rar 2.光驱测试 (1)Nero InfoTool 3.00 Nero Info Tool是一款光盘驱动器信息检测软件,它可以检测光盘驱动器的类型(Type)、固件版本(Firmware)、存取写入(Read/Write)速度、缓存(Buffer)以及所支持的读取光盘格式(Supported Read Features)和所支持的写入光盘格式(Supported Write Features)、刻录机所支持技术(Modes),如Justlink等;对于DVD来说,它还可以检测DVD的区码设置以及剩余的更换区码次数。Nero Info Tool还可以提供接口以及软件等信息,能够让我们迅速了解自己所购买的光盘驱动器的大致情况。 http://nm.onlinedown.net/files2/NeroInfoTool_300.zip ; (2) Nero CD-DVD Speed Nero CD-DVD Speed是一个测试项目非常细致周全的CD-DVD驱动器测试软件,它用于普通CD、CD-RW、DVD、DVD刻录机以及COMBO等各类光盘驱动器的读取和刻录测试,主要测试项目有数据传输速率、寻道时间、CPU占用率等各种主要的光盘驱动器技术指标。 测试光驱的读取能力时,最好准备几张容量比较大的光盘,容量在70分钟之上,然后将它们分批放入光驱使用Nero CD-DVD Speed测试。 而测试光驱的刻录能力,则可以在刻录机中放入空白光盘,按下“Start”开始测试。 不论是读取能力还是刻录能力测试,Nero CD-DVD Speed的测试结果都是以曲线图和信息框形式表示。 若是测试光驱的读取能力,一般曲线图越平稳表示光驱读盘的纠错能力越好,波动剧烈的光驱则纠错能力太差。当然,刻录能力测试的曲线也是同样的,越平稳刻录光盘越稳定,反之则说明刻录机刻坏盘的机率较大。 连续测试几张CD,是为了检测光驱是否有挑盘现象。而从曲线图上,还可以得知光驱和刻录机的读取和写入速度。 http://gzcnc.onlinedown.net:88/down/NeroCDSpeed_375.zip 显卡测试软件 RivaTuner 可能你以为RivaTuner只是一个非常好的显卡优化工具,用来对显卡进行超频,这你可就错了!RivaTuner的功能远不止超频那么简单,它的显卡检测功能也非常强劲,是辨别显卡真伪的火眼金睛。 http://crc.onlinedown.net:88/files/rivatuner.zip 七、电源测试 OCCT 电源是电脑中所有部件的动力,其性能的好坏直接关系着系统的稳定,劣质的电源通常是导致系统多发问题的原因,硬盘出现坏道与其有莫大关系。以前我们只能通过外观和分量来判断电源的优劣,但自从有了OCCT,电源的测试也变得直观和简单起来。 OCCT是“OverClock Checking Tool”的缩写,它用来检查系统电源稳定性以及在满负荷下CPU和主板芯片的温度,以测试电脑是否能够超频,我们由此也可以看到高品质的电源对超频是多么重要! OCCT不能独立工作,必须配合Motherboard Monitor 5(以下简称MBM5)、SpeedFan或者ASUS PC Probe才能为用户提供一分完美的电源质量报告,否则测试将不完全. OCCT http://www.ocbase.com/OpenBeta/OCCTv0.91.exe Motherboard Monitor 5 http://www.techwarelabs.com/downloads/files/mbm5370.exe 笔记本电池测试软件 电池对于笔记本重要的重要性不必多说,没有了电池笔记本与移动PC就没什么两样。笔记本电池一般能够稳定工作一年左右,充电次数为300-500次,之后待机时间就会大大减少。所以不管是购买新机还是二手机,第一步就是要看电池的充电能力。IBM等大厂商的笔记本自带有相应软件,可以显示电池的充电次数与寿命,若没有使用这类笔记本,也不必担心,PassMark BatteryMon和Battery Eater一样能助我们了解笔记本电池的详细情况。 PassMark BatteryMon BatteryMon是一款专门针对笔记本电池监视的小软件,可以显示电池的设计容量、放电曲线、放电电压等等数据。运行BatteryMon后会自动监视电池充放电状态,并且会自动绘制成曲线来告诉你目前的充电情况。一款性能良好的电池一定会有着非常平滑的放电曲线,每下降一格的时间大概都是相同的;而充电的曲线也应该很平稳,只有当电池容量达到90%之后,外界电源会改成小电流来对电池继续充电,那么在最后的10%电量的充电区就会非常的直,并且会延续很长的时间,这样的情况才说明这款电池的活性很好,是一个合格的电池。 http://hecz.onlinedown.net/down/batmon.exe Battery Eater Battery Eater和BatteryMon一样,是一款方便易用的笔记本电池测试软件. http://nm.onlinedown.net/files2/beProv251.zip 27684希望对你有帮助!


连在一起的意思还是? 连在一起是 没有网络覆盖 分开是 no,network,coverage不,没有;网络;覆盖

求linkin park音乐push me away, run away的歌词



mark :标记;分数;标签;痕迹;  The scandal left a mark on his reputation. 那件丑事玷污了他的名声。Score n.二十,分数(多指比赛得分)【音乐】 乐谱vt.刻痕于…划线于…;得分full score 完整的乐谱,全谱passing score 及格线failing score 不及格形近字 scare 惊恐 Are you scared ? 你害怕吗?Grade 成绩等级; 年级,班级perfect grade 优异成绩 low grade 低分point n.尖端;分数;小数点;要点 vt.指向, 指出, 瞄准I don"t see your point. 我不懂你的意思。point out意为“指出,使注意”。 point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表不礼貌”。关于“分数” score是指得分(考试、测验),比如100分、59分等,也多指比赛得分.The TOEFL Test score is usually reported six to eight weeks after the test.托福考试成绩一般在考试后六至八周内寄到。The final score 决赛比分grade是指成绩等级,如A、B、C、优秀、良好等He got a grade A in physics.Mark 分数 常用来表示不同等级的学科成绩的一个数字、字母或符号full mark 满分 high mark 高分 got a mark of 95 instead of 100.Point 点数、分数,每一分即一个point。He scored 15000 points.他得了15000分。


先说mark.名词中有分数的意思,但是那是英式英语中,美式中没.做动词是,表示打分的意思.The teacher marked the examination papers.教师给试卷打了分数。 再说score,作名词,表示(比赛中的)得分,比数;(测验的)成绩,分数 His total score was one hundred and fifty-five. 他的总积分是一百五十五. 作动词时, 1.表示给...打分,给...评分 Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 亨特教授正忙于给考试评分. 2.体育比赛中或者考试中得(分),记(分);使得分 Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. 玛丽考试中得了个最高分。

E-MARK认证中 Reg. ECE 10 所要求的测试,测试哪些内容,请高手帮忙指导一下。谢谢呵!


Distribution 和marketing 有什么区别

Distribution分销marketing 营销分销是营销方式的一种

docker:IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work. 解决方法

docker:IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work. 解决方法 1.当你使用docker容器的时候有可能出现以下情况:IPv4转发已禁用。网络是行不通的。是因为IPv4转发被禁用了,只需要开启就可以了。 2.开启转发配置 然后看一下是否配置成功,看到这句话就是配置成功了。 只需要在检查一下是否成功




Bomfunk MC"s - - Live Your Life (Feat. Max"c)



Hye-Kyung Park的《Fine Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Fine Day歌手:Hye-Kyung Park专辑:Park Hye Kyung Vol.5It"s fine day 辉く时が 照らしたふたりは寄り添うまま 手を繋ぐIt"s fine day 羽ばたく时を 探していた梦はキミの笑颜を 见ている「Fine Day」作词∶YUMIKO/藤末树作曲∶藤末树歌∶入野自由远く见上げた空に 强く螺旋を描いた云は 切なく消える wow wow…吹き付ける 风の夜 寂しく离れても君を守る 誓うよIt"s fine day 辉く时が 照らしたふたりは寄り添うまま 手を繋ぐIt"s fine day 羽ばたく时を 探していた梦はキミの笑颜を 见ている近く感じる程に キミの见つめる瞳が仆の 心を愈す wow wow…响いてる 伝えたい ありふれたコトバでも「ずっとそばに…」誓うよIt"s fine day 重なる影が 映したふたりは永远さえ 超えてゆくIt"s fine day 出会えた奇迹 刻んだこの手でキミの全てを 包もうIt"s fine day 煌めく星に 愿いをかけては梦をたどる 时の中It"s fine day どんなに远く 离れてもずっと君を守る いつまでも…It"s fine day 辉く时が 照らしたふたりは寄り添うまま 手を繋ぐIt"s fine day 羽ばたく时を 探していた梦はキミの笑颜を 见ている辉く明日を见ている収録:Soleil発売日:2009/06/24http://music.baidu.com/song/2604934

歌词:Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho, it s off to work we go!

Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs(白雪公主和七个小矮人)MiscellaneousHi Ho Hi Ho , Its Off To Work We Go!!We did dig dig dig dig dig dig digIn our Mine the whole day throughTo dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig Its what we like to doIt aint no trickTo get tricks clickIf ya dig dig digWith a shovel or a stickIn the Mines (Echo: In the mines)LOUDER: IN THE MINES(echo: IN THE MINES)Where a million diamondsLONG: Shhhiiinnnneee (shine)We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig digFrom early mornin" til" nightWe dig dig dig dig dig dig dig digUp everything in sightWe take our timeThen find some moreThere"s thousands to be sometime bornAnd We dont know what we dig them for[ Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs Lyrics are found on www.dapslyrics.com ] We dig dig diga dig dig----lightly sounding music plays-----_-_ THE VERY BEGINNING TO HI HO OFF TO WORK WE GO STARTS, NOW:::::Bell Rings: Hi hoooo, Hi hooooo, HI hoooooooo, Hi hooooo, Hi hooooooooooooo:: Hi ho Hi ho Its home from work we goWhistles: do do do do dodododoHi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho Hi hoIts home from work we gohi hoWhistles:Hi HO HI HO HI HO HI HO HI HO HI HO HI HO thumb, hi ho hi ho hi ho hi hoIts home from work we go---------Repeat till endFades out-------------


发音:骚特 窝科丝 thought works,thought是think的过去式。

beihai park是什么意思?

  Beihai park is located in the downtown area of Beijing City, on the west side of Jingshan Hill, in the northwest of the Imperial Palace, and the sea, the South China Sea as the sea three. Chinese belongs to the ancient royal garden. Mainly composed of Beihai lake and Qionghua island. Area of 68 hectares, of which about 39 hectares of water, 29 hectares of land. Here is the original Liao, Jin and yuan, Ming and Qing five feudal dynasty Royal "Jinyuan", has thousands of years of history.  北海公园位于北京市中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与中海、南海合称三海。属于中国古代皇家园林。主要由北海湖和琼华岛所组成。面积68公顷,其中水面约39公顷,陆地为29公顷。这里原是辽、金、元、明、清五个封建王朝的皇家"禁苑",已有上千年历史。

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crypto market 是什么意思

crypto market秘密成员市场crypto英 ["kru026aptu0259u028a] 美 ["kru026aptou028a] n. (尤指信仰共产主义的)秘密成员



sort of work

这是一个强调句型,the sort of work 正是被强调对象,译成...正是这种工作...,是特指,所以用the 而不用a .

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He came late ____ work.用to还是for?谢谢

He came late (for) work.be late for:迟到于

Linkin Park的《Part Of Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Part Of Me歌手:Linkin ParkPart of me won"t go away.Every day reminded how much I hated it.Weighted against the consequences,Can"t live without it so it"s senseless.Want to cut it out of my souland just live with a gaping hole.Take control of my lifeand wash out all the burned tastes.I made the problems in the first place.Hang my head low "cause its part of me.You"ll hardly see right next to the heart of me.Heard of me?The moons soon scar.New cuts cover where the old ones areand now I"m sick of this.I can"t stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity.I"d rather not even bethan the man that"s staring in the mirror through me.Cut myself freewillingly stop just what"s killing me.I feel it everyday.I feel I"m in my way.I feel it swell up inside,Swell up inside.Swallowing me!(Freedom can be frightening if you"ve never felt it)Once it"s been dealt,when you feel like you"ve been touched by something angelicand then melted down into a pool of peace.Cease to be,the animal you used to be.Removed the broken parts you know were wrong,and feel the calm when the problems all gone,and then you start to seea little piece of yourself that you can"t let be.Memories of the last fight to free yourselftake you to the depths at the bottom of the welland now you know that you can chose to lose the part in your heartwhere your insides bruise.You can live if you"re willing to.Put a stop to just what"s killing you.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams violently, silently.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.This part of me won"t go away, (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsA part of me won"t go away. (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsEverywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.Every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.Everywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.And every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.http://music.baidu.com/song/5873753

LINKIN PARK的《Part of Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Part of Me歌手:LINKIN PARK专辑:Hybrid Theory PromoPart of me won"t go away.Every day reminded how much I hated it.Weighted against the consequences,Can"t live without it so it"s senseless.Want to cut it out of my souland just live with a gaping hole.Take control of my lifeand wash out all the burned tastes.I made the problems in the first place.Hang my head low "cause its part of me.You"ll hardly see right next to the heart of me.Heard of me?The moons soon scar.New cuts cover where the old ones areand now I"m sick of this.I can"t stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity.I"d rather not even bethan the man that"s staring in the mirror through me.Cut myself freewillingly stop just what"s killing me.I feel it everyday.I feel I"m in my way.I feel it swell up inside,Swell up inside.Swallowing me!(Freedom can be frightening if you"ve never felt it)Once it"s been dealt,when you feel like you"ve been touched by something angelicand then melted down into a pool of peace.Cease to be,the animal you used to be.Removed the broken parts you know were wrong,and feel the calm when the problems all gone,and then you start to seea little piece of yourself that you can"t let be.Memories of the last fight to free yourselftake you to the depths at the bottom of the welland now you know that you can chose to lose the part in your heartwhere your insides bruise.You can live if you"re willing to.Put a stop to just what"s killing you.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams violently, silently.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.This part of me won"t go away, (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsA part of me won"t go away. (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsEverywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.Every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.Everywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.And every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.http://music.baidu.com/song/56757604

linkin park part of me 歌词翻译

上面的那位,你打了一堆翻译,我感觉这歌词有问题,我听过这歌,歌词有句的正确翻译是:你的爱(如此)便宜。 而你的翻译根本没这句,你这歌词哪里复制或查到的呢?或者,你根本不知道这首歌。

Linkin Park - Part of me 歌词翻译

我的一部分不会离开每一天都提醒我我有多恨这样与这结果过不去却不能离开这种感觉生活,这真是毫无意义想要把它从我的灵魂里切除带着个撕裂的漏洞过活重新掌握我自己的生活洗去所有被烧焦烧伤的味道是我自己一开始就造成了问题把我的脑袋放低,因为这是我的一部分你很难看正确看清我心所想听到我说的吗?月亮上很快留下了道道疤痕新的伤口遮盖了原来老的而我现在已经厌烦了这样我无法忍受这些砂纸慢磨一样的难受想法老是刺激着我的理智我宁愿我从来没这样过而不是看着镜子中的那个男人盯着我自己割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我(如果你从没感觉到它,自由也可以很可怕)一旦这被解决掉当你感觉你似乎被天使一样的东西感动到然后被溶化进一池平和里去不再是像你以前野兽一样的去掉你知道是错的那已损坏的部分并在问题都离去时感觉宁静这时你就开始看到你不能由着它去的自己的一小块,最后争吵的记忆,让自己自由带你沉入井底深渊 而现在你知道你可以选择失去心里的这一部分那你内心被碰伤的(部分)如果你愿意你可以好好生活只要让那些正在谋杀你的感觉停止隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我狂烈地,默默地尖叫着活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我贤明地尖叫着这部分的我不会离开,(活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我尖叫着)这部分的我不会离开,(活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我尖叫着)环顾四周我到处都看到事情本来应该是怎样的每一次我看着我自己,总有哪里不对劲环顾四周我到处都看到事情本来应该是怎样的而每一次我看着我自己,总有哪里不对劲我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我

英语谚语:He works best who knows his trade 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: He works best who knows his trade 中文意思: 内行的人做他的事一定会做得最好。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Good children make glad parents 孩子好,父母笑。 Good counsel does no harm 忠言无害。 Good counsel never es amiss 忠言有利无害。 Good counsel never es too late 忠言绝不嫌迟。 Good deeds will shine as the stars of heaven 善行如日月经天。 Good fame is better than a good face 美名胜美貌。 Good for good every man can do good for bad only a noble man can do 以德报德,人人都能做到;以德报怨只有高尚的人才能办到。 Good health is above wealth 健康重于财富。 Good news goes on crutches 好事不出门。 Goods are theirs that enjoy them 能享受自己财产的人是财产的真正主人。 英语谚语: He works best who knows his trade 中文意思: 内行的人做他的事一定会做得最好。

continued working和continued to work的区别

一、侧重点不同continued to work也就是continue to do 侧重于指中途有所停顿或间断,continued working也就是continue doing 侧重于指中途没有间断或中断的时间非常短。二、指代不同continued to work继续做工作,是做完一件事继续做另一件事continued working继续做工作,指继续做刚刚做过的那件事。扩展资料:continue的用法1、continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇,也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。2、continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。3、continue还可用作系动词,接(to be+) adj或as+ n作表语,to be常可以省略。

continued working和continued to work的区别

continue working 与 go on working 同义,意思是 “继续做手中的工作”。continue to work 意思是 “停下手中的活儿继续做别的工作”。

什么是network segment




谁能帮我翻译一下Louis Armstrong的Autumn in New York 的歌词 不要机翻..

Autumn in New York 纽约的秋天Why does it seem so inviting 为什么看起来那么魅惑Autumn in New York 纽约的秋天It spells the thrill of first-nighting 阐述了首演时的激情Glittering crowds and shimmering clouds 拥挤的人群亮眼的天空In canyons of steel 在钢筋水泥的街巷里They"re making me feel, I"m home 我感觉到家的味道It"s autumn in New York 这是纽约的秋天That brings the promise of new love 它承诺我一段新的恋爱Autumn in New York 纽约的秋天Is often mingled with pain 它时常参杂疼的味道Dreamers with empty hands 一穷二白的逐梦者They sigh for exotic lands 他们追寻远方的大地It"s autumn in New York 这是纽约的秋天It"s good to live it again 多么幸运,我又回到这里Autumn in New York 纽约的秋天The gleaming rooftops at sundown 落日下泛光的屋顶Oh, autumn in New York 哦,纽约的秋天It lifts you up when you run down 你惆怅时它将你撑起Yes, Jaded Rogues and Gay Divorces 是的,在丽兹饭店吃饭的Who lunch at the Ritz 贾达若各和格里迪沃尔Will tell you that it"s divine 会告诉你这就是天赐This autumn in New York 纽约的这个秋天Transforms the slums into Mayfair 让贫民窟也变作富人区Oh, autumn in New York 哦,纽约的秋天You"ll need no castles in Spain 你不需要西班牙的城堡Yes, lovers that bless the dark 哦,隐匿在黑暗里的情人们On the benches in Central Park 坐在中央公园的长凳上Greet autumn in New York 迎接着纽约的秋天It"s good to live it again 多么幸运,我又回到这里Autumn in New York 纽约的秋天That brings the promise of new love 它承诺我一段新的恋爱Autumn in New York 纽约的秋天Is often mingled with pain 它时常参杂疼的味道Dreamers with empty hands 一穷二白的逐梦者They sigh for exotic lands 他们追寻远方的大地It"s autumn in New York 纽约的秋天It"s good to live it again 多么幸运,我又回到这里










一提到剖腹产,相信很多宝妈们和我一样都很心慌,生孩子倒是不那么担心,选择了剖腹产就是为了让孩子顺顺利利生下来,但是剖腹产留下的疤痕要是恢复不好,它得一辈子趴在肚子上,这对于爱美的我实在是难以接受的。好在我有一个做医美的闺蜜,在我产后不是在祛疤就是护理的道路上,推荐我一款Drkegel剖腹产恢复套装,让我少走了不少的弯路。Drkegel手术贴+Drkegel疤痕贴再加上Drkegel疤痕凝胶的“剖腹产疤痕修复三件套”,一涂一贴真的省不少事情,关键是用着方便,可以淡化疤痕,预防疤痕增生,经历了270天的护理修复,我终于顺利上岸。我是术后开始护理疤痕,事实证明,Drkegel手术贴真的是超级适合剖腹产疤痕愈合的一个产品,不仅能够为伤口提供一个极好的保护,而且还防水透气,完全不影响我平时翻身。我原本就是一个比较敏感的人,但用了Drkegel手术贴之后,感觉伤口的痛感也完全能够接受了。而且不需要经常更换,3-5天一换就可以。按照Drkegel介绍的使用方法来看,当剖腹产手术完成41天之后,就可以更换Drkegel疤痕贴了。Drkegel疤痕贴最大的亮点就是能够在伤口上施加一个足够大的下压力,能够很好地促进伤口愈合,进一步减少伤口增生!另外在淡化妊娠纹时,Drkegel抚纹液也是非常好用,其核心成分虾红素萃取自科学培育的冰岛雨生红球藻,能有效减少妊娠纹、维持肌肤弹性,使肌肤充足保持紧致。在保湿方面,Drkegel抚纹液中的纳米金缓释玻尿酸成分是普通玻尿酸保湿力的1.5倍,现在我肚子上的妊娠纹也基本没啦。 如果我的回答能够对您有帮助的话,请采纳








效果特别好,我剖腹产快四个月了,术后41开始贴的Drkegel疤痕贴,大概5-6天换一张。我的使用感受是,用起来简直太服帖了,洗澡之类的完全不怕进水,粘性超级好。给我做产后修复的老师也说,见过很多剖腹产的宝妈们贴的各种牌子的疤痕贴,Drkegel的疤痕贴是最服帖的。我刚剖完四个月,使用之后目前状态是疤痕完全没有增生,没有凸起,愈合得非常好。 需要可以百度搜下。


以自己的亲身经历说下,我是用来涂抹疤痕的,有淡化作用。我已经用了一年多了。其实我不是疤痕体质,但是剖腹产后留下了伤口,也不知道是怎么长出来的,伤口上都是一些黑色的印子。 一般都是先涂在伤口上,再涂在疤痕上。不过我觉得可以先涂在疤痕处,然后再涂抹在伤口上。 我一般都是每天晚上睡觉前涂一次。不过也看个人情况而定吧。 目前已经用了一年多了,效果还是可以的。就是比较容易涂抹开而已。用到现在也没有出现过敏啊之类的现象吧?也没发现有什么其他的不良反应。 所以说这个祛疤产品还是效果不错的。






网络营销(cybermarketing,online marketing),“cyber”一词在字典中的解释为“控制复杂系统的科学”,而在实际应用中,其含意还演化为电脑和通讯实现交汇的无形“空间”。网络营销则是借助联机网络、电脑通信和数字交互式媒体的威力来实现营销目标。 网络营销的产生,是科技发展、消费者价值变革、商业竞争等综合因素所促成的。 网络营销产生的技术基础 现代电子技术和通信技术的应用与发展是网络营销产生的技术基础。 我们现在正走进电脑发展的第四个阶段:网络时代(Network Age)。 最初是主机(mainframe)时期,接下来是微型电脑(minicomputer)时期,再以后是个人电脑(personal computer)时期。这几个时期都有其各自的特征:主机时期要穿白大褂,微机时代是团体工作,个人电脑时代单调枯燥,而网络时代则很“酷”(cool)。 距离第一台计算机(1946年2月14日,世界上第一台计算机“埃尼克”在美国宾夕法尼亚大学启动)刚刚启动23年后之后,网络降临在了人间。1969年11月21日中午,6名科学家聚会加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的计算机实验室,观看这里的一台计算机与远在千里之外的斯坦福研究所的另一台计算机联通。 这是一个历史性的时刻,可惜当时没有一个新闻记者拍下珍贵的照片,正像20年以后《时代》周刊激动而又遗憾地评论道:这些研制者根本没有想到,他们不只是连接了两台计算机,而宣告了网络世界的到来。也正如《连线》杂志所描述的那样,数字化一下子就变得时髦起来了。 国际互联网络是一种集通信技术、信息技术、计算机技术为一体的网络系统。简单地说,Internet就是众多计算机及其网络,通过电话线、光缆、通信卫星等连接而成的一个计算机网。它将入网的不同类型的网络和不同机型的计算机互联起来,构成一个整体,从而实现了网上资源的共享和网络信息的共享。Internet是目前计算机之间进行信息交换和资源共享的最佳方式。 早期的Internet主要用于军事。60年代美国国防部开始研究计算机网络通信的最佳方案,当时连接了不同地区的四台计算机。后来美国高级研究规划署(ARPA)开发研究了TCP/IP网络传输协议,并于1982年被确定为标准网络传输协议。这一协议的诞生,大大方便了各种平台、网络、大型机、中型机、小型机、微机的加入,实现了网上用户信息资源的共享,对网络的发展起了重大作用。


network English

cyber security跟network有什么区别?

Cyber源自Cyberculture , 意思是更偏向于"网络文化", 是基于network的而network则更多的倾向于"网络"自身的情况, 没有cyber那么文艺


Cyber源自Cyberculture , 意思是更偏向于"网络文化", 是基于network的而network则更多的倾向于"网络"自身的情况, 没有cyber那么文艺

Van Darkholme 是一个怎样的人

以下是Van Darkholme 简介节选:My name is Van Darkholme and thank you for visiting my website. I was born in Vietnam and currently, I am living in San Francisco. English is my third language so please pardon my grammar. I am now working as a director and performer for two other Here"s a little something about me:As of 7-05-2009, 100% profit from this website will go to KIVA.org. At Kiva you can give out small loans ($25) to individuals in undeveloped countries. People get these loans to run small businesses etc. I"ve been doing this since Nov 2008 and people do pay me back. I just use the money to lend out to other people again and again. My goal is to lend out to 100 people this year. That"s why 100% profit from http://VanDarkholme.com will go toward my Kiva goal. You can check out my progress on my lender I know you all think it"s funny/bizarre doing some good with p@rn. I think you all can relate to "doing the best you can with what you got." :)My life consist of working on my bondage art, going to the gym, restaurants with friends, having small dinner parties, riding my Triumph Bonneville motorcycle, working in my garden, watching a lot of junk TV, the usual boring stuffs.


其实就是hallmark,一种标记而已hallmarkKK: []DJ: []n.1. 品质证明;戳记;保证书2. 标志,特征vt.1. 给...盖上品质证明印记2. 使具有...标志



朋友送了一件Hallmark Babies的羽绒服给宝宝,这个牌子的羽绒服怎么样的?


贺曼国际电影台的Hallmark channel (贺曼娱乐公司)

Hallmark channel成立于1994年,并且开始为全球市场制造及传送精彩的电视节目,就得奖的数量而言,Hallmark无疑是世界上为全球民众制作及传送最多得奖迷你影集及电视节目的频道,在前三年中,Hallmark channel总共制作了超过200部的自制电影及迷你影集,计划在1999年制作超过45部的节目。由于全球对电视节目品质的要求日渐提升,使得Hallmark在全球的卫星及有线电视市场上占有一席独特的地位,自1995年Hallmark频道首播起,这个频道快速成长,目前已在65个国家播出、并有一千两百万收视户,在1999年底,收视户预计可达两千万户。大通集团(Chase Capital Partners)大通集团是一个全球性的金融组织,并管理55亿美金的金融运作;纽约大通银行是大通集团的合作伙伴,并且也是美国拥有最多银行资产的公司;自从大通集团在1984年成立之后,大通集团已经成功的管理北美地区、欧洲、亚洲及拉丁美洲的投资个案。达成讲究高品质节目之观众的要求基于对高节目品质的执着,Hallmark努力朝着得奖作品的方向去制作节目,从这些年来,Hallmark总共获得126项艾美奖,可以证明Hallmark高品质的节目内容及制作方式;Hallmark扬弃了色情及暴力的低级娱乐,为观众提供更高品质的娱乐选择,并且为了诉求更广大的观众,Hallmark的节目表反映出Hallmark对家庭观念的价值观,也就是说,Hallmark是一个适合阖府观赏的频道,在这种信守与观众承诺之下,Hallmark也希望建立与观众之间长久的关系,进而建立观众的忠实度及而与相传的好口碑。


因为它的创始人叫做Joyce Hall,此品牌应是以创始人的名字命名。

Bjork的《Isobel》 歌词

歌曲名:Isobel歌手:Bjork专辑:PostI thought it was funny when you missed the trainWhen I rang you at home they said you left yesterdayI thought it was strange when your car was foundby the tree in Ennis where we used to hang aroundDear IsobelI hope you"re well and what you"ve done is rightOh it"s been such hellI wish you well and hope your safe tonightIt"s been a long day coming and long will it lastwhen it"s last day leaving, and I"m helping it passby loving you moreAnd who he would become, all the things he"d have donewould he have loved you, and not let you downand would he be stronger than his fatherdon"t punish yourself, leave it well aloneDear IsobelI hope you"re well and what you"ve done is rightOh it"s been such hellI wish you well and hope your safe tonightIt"s been a long day coming and long will it lastwhen it"s last day leaving, and I"m helping it passby loving you morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1209762


赫曼的品质 一般的牌子没法比 款式大方 颜色鲜艳 色牢度好 材质软绵 不易变形 其他牌子 要么材质不好 要么色彩单一 要么款式奇怪 要么容易变形 比如ALLO 英氏 云朵 BABIBOO PIYOPIYO。。。综合来说 赫曼优于这些品牌 价格贵 有贵的道理 但是 比赫曼价格更贵的 也还有很多 比如 MIKIHOUSE HYSTERIC 所以 价格贵不是原因~~ 我觉得 主要原因还是 决策问题~~ 赫曼花样翻得太快 新款出了 老款就没了 早几年的一些款式 真心漂亮 看近几年的设计 用色越来越奇怪 而且 每出一个花色就是一个系列 一旦大众接受不了 就卖不动 滞销了~~ 赫曼应该学学MIKI 用经典款留住老客户 每年再掺一些新款进来试水 去芜存菁 或许 这样才能生存下去~~

我想买品牌童装,大家都说 Hallmark 贺曼不错,是这样吗?

贺曼家的衣服特别好,看水洗标就知道了 厚厚的一打,唯一的缺点就是贵,但舒服度和质量都刚刚滴,尤其是睡衣,舒服得不要不要滴


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