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VMware Workstation 中如何开启CPU 的虚拟化支持?

在虚拟机设置cpu设置 开启vt-x或者amd-v



VMware Workstation是什么

虚拟机是独立运行主机操作系统的离散环境。在 VMware Workstation 中,你可以在一个窗口中加载一台虚拟机,它可以运行自己的操作系统和应用程序。你可以在运行于桌面上的多台虚拟机之间切换,通过一个网络共享虚拟机(例如一个公司局域网),挂起和恢复虚拟机以及退出虚拟机 这一切不会影响你的主机操作和任何操作系统或者它正在运行的应用程序。   VMware Workstation 是一款功能强大的桌面虚拟计算机软件,提供用户可在单一的桌面上同时运行 不同的操作系统,和进行开发、测试 、部署新的应用程序的最佳解决方案。VMware Workstation 可在一部实体机器上模拟完整的网络环境,以及可便于携带的虚拟机器,其更好的灵活性与先进的技术胜过了市面上其他的虚拟计算机软件。对于企业的 IT 开发人员和系统管理员而言, VMware 在虚拟网路,实时快照,拖曳共享文件夹,支持 PXE 等方面的特点使它成为必不可少的工具。   #虚拟化提高 IT 效率和可靠性   业务增长总是要求 IT 基础设施不断扩展。经常需要增加服务器以支持新应用,而这会导致许多服务器无法得到充分利用,进而致使网络管理成本增加,灵活性和可靠性降低。   虚拟化可以减少服务器数量的增加,简化服务器管理,同时明显提高服务器利用率、网络灵活性和可靠性。将多种应用整合到少量企业级服务器上即可实现这一目标。   通过整合及虚拟化,数百台服务器可以减少至数十台。10% 甚至更低的服务器利用率将提高到 60% 或更高。IT 基础设施的灵活性、可靠性和效率也得到改进。   #关键虚拟化要素   *企业级服务器(至少为双路服务器)   *多端口英特尔® PRO/1000 服务器网卡(至少要有三个端口才能进行虚拟化)   *VMware* 虚拟化软件套件   #多端口服务器网卡可提高可靠性,减少插槽限制   与其它任何服务器一样,虚拟化服务器也需要高性能网络连接。然而,采用虚拟化,服务器端口数量变得至关重要。例如,VMware 推荐至少需要 3 个千兆位以太网端口才能处理服务器、网络与 VMware 服务之间的流量。   如果希望提高可靠性,还可使用冗余故障切换连接。如果没有冗余,连接故障会使服务器及其所有虚拟机断网。为了防止发生这样的灾难,请一定使用额外的端口来提供冗余故障切换。在多层数据中心架构中进行网络分段也需要多个端口。   英特尔® PRO/1000 双端口和四端口服务器网卡可提供高端口密度,同时为 RAID 等其它应用保留服务器插槽。此外,包括在英特尔® PRO/1000 服务器网卡内的英特尔® 高级网络服务(ANS)软件可提供网卡管理和群组服务,以提高性能和可靠性。   *了解有关英特尔® PRO 服务器网卡的更多信息   虚拟基础设施在更少服务器上运行更多应用   通过将服务器资源分配到多个虚拟机(VM),虚拟化支持不同的应用、甚至不同的操作系统(OS)在同一企业级服务器上同时运行。每个虚拟机就像一台独立的服务器,但实际上在同一虚拟服务器内运行。   在一台服务器上运行多个应用能够提高服务器效率,并减少需要管理和维护的服务器数量。当工作负载提高时,可以迅速创建更多虚拟机,从而无需增加物理服务器即可灵活地响应不断变化的需求。而且,利用 VMware* 技术,IT 管理员可以在服务器之间移动正在运行的虚拟机,同时保持服务器持续可用。   *了解有关 VMware* 虚拟化解决方案的更多信息   #依靠英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡获得最佳性能、可靠性和灵活性   英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡能够为增添服务器端口提供最高灵活性。单端口和双端口千兆位以太网卡均可用于铜线和光纤应用,四端口千兆位以太网卡现在可用于铜线网络。为实现高端口密度,双端口和四端口网卡仅占用一个 PCI-X 插槽,从而可将其余的服务器插槽留给其它应用(RAID 等)。此外,英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡具有灵活的 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps 自适应特性,并且兼容您的全新服务器或现有服务器群中的大多数现有板上以太局域网控制器。   英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡通过大型发送卸载(LSO)和 TCP 分段卸载(TSO)将 CPU 密集型网络任务从服务器转移到网卡上,从而减轻服务器的负担来增强服务器效率。   英特尔® 高级网络服务(ANS)软件能够最大限度提高网络工作效率。借助英特尔 ANS 软件,您能够将多个英特尔® PRO 服务器网卡与其它网卡或 LOM 端口组合使用,以扩展网络流量,提高带宽和网络可靠性。英特尔 ANS 是一款免费下载软件。当与英特尔® PRO 服务器连接一起使用时,它能够兼容所有品牌的网卡,支持链路聚合、自适应负载平衡或设置网卡容错组合。

运行输IP,提示“无任何网络提供程序接受指定的网络路径”,server 和workstation均已开启。怎么弄?

出现这种情况有以下几种原因以及解决方法:原因一、“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”没有安装或者启用。(在网络连接属性中安装Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享)。原因二、Server服务已停止。1、Server(支持此计算机通过网络的文件、打印、和命名管道共享。如果服务停止,这些功能不可用。如果服务被禁用,任何直接依赖于此服务的服务将无法启动。)在开始界面打开“运行”输入 services.msc 找到Server此服务并启动它。2、确定Server此服务已启动。原因三、workstation服务已停止。1、workstatio(创建和维护到远程服务的客户端网络连接。如果服务停止,这些连接将不可用。如果服务被禁用,任何直接依赖于此服务的服务将无法启动。)在开始界面打开“运行”输入 services.msc 找到workstatio此服务并启动它。2、在局域网共享中,server服务关闭,共享服务就无法启动也就没有共享功能。workstation服务提供远程客户端连接的响应,此服务关闭,将无法响应远程计算机的请求,无法建立共享通道。进行了以上操作后重启电脑即可,如果还不能解决问题,建议请专业的工作人员检测维修。


可能是由于非管理员账户的原因导致的把你这样试试看看选中要启动的服务-点击右键-属性-登录-选择此账户-在下面输入超级管理员账户和密码(就是最初的那个账户)一般默认是:administrator 密码 你自己知道 (没有就空着)然后点击启动看看还会不会出错


先net stat workstation,再去看看日志里,这个服务关闭是什么原因,再出对策

Vmware Workstation功能与特点

b不 zd 知道

关于workstation 服务 关闭和启动

Workstation服务用于创建和维护到远程服务的客户端网络连接。如果服务停止,这些连接将不可用。如果服务被禁用,任何直接依赖于此服务的服务(如:Alerter、Computer Browser、messenger、net logon、RPC Locator等)将无法启动。

VMware Workstation卸载不了怎么办

复制下面全部内容,粘贴到记事本中,另存为文件名 卸载清理.cmd ,然后运行“卸载清理.cmd”,再重新安装 VMware。rem VMware Workstation卸载清理批处理命令:@echo offclsecho "flag">>%windir%system32 est.logif not exist %windir%system32 est.log ( cls echo 请右键使用管理员身份运行!!! pause exit)clsecho. 确认进行清理?pausereg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREVMware, Inc." /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREVMware, Inc." /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsC6B325AF07E1AF439D3AD4079F106F7" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsA57F49D06AE015943BFA1B54AFE9506C" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerFeatures7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerFeatures7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerFeaturesDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProducts7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKCRInstallerProductsDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18Products7A26F0EA2A1AF704F9C48439B99DDAD8" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18Products7A79579133DA8984D9E8376086814B46" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsA116201D664610145AD115603930CA56" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsBC78C1BA70810FC44B2CEC1EC481DC4B" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsC3839DFF5D1079849A4534FA95A9DE03" /f >nul 2>nulreg delete "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18ProductsDBBFB30076C6E9142AD4D0ACCFA32594" /f >nul 2>nulecho 清理完成!pause

VMware Workstation这个虚拟机我是会安装,但是我不知道那里下载ISO文件和安装系统文件,


VMware Workstation无法启动?

VMware Workstation无法启动 一启动就弹出这个对话框在线等我在网吧安装的,机器配置 虚拟机版本是VMware.Workstation.v6.5.0.118166 需要重建虚拟机了。

windows10 pro for workstations使用好用吗

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations属于Windows 10专业版系统的最顶级版本,专为高端PC打造、拥有服务器级别的硬件支持,专为高负载场景设计。Windows 10 Pro for Workstations包括了许多普通版Win10 Pro没有的内容,着重优化了多核处理以及大文件处理,面向大企业用户以及真正的“专业”用户。对于个人用户来讲,用普通的专业版就足够了。

vmware workstation pro密钥


vmware workstation 10密钥

以下是通过:vmware workstation 10注册机不对的话,可以试试生成的几组序列号:M109C-N0J5L-08J8A-02ARP-CE64F4F207-8HJ1M-WZCP8-000N0-92Q6G0A6Z5-8H1EJ-WZCL1-PK072-23DJG0F0Q9-8F38L-RZXT9-4U054-ACW5FJA02E-09H47-QZD81-W3A52-A30144F2AG-A0HEJ-JZWH8-L01N6-8C3Q3没有软件的话可以这里下载:vmware workstation 10

vmware workstation怎么读

英语词组【VMware Workstation】读音【"vi:"emweu0259(r) wu025c:k"steu026au0283n】【介绍】VMware是全球台式电脑及资料中心虚拟化解决方案的领导厂商。VMWare Workstation是该公司出品的“虚拟 PC”软件(即:大家常说的“虚拟机”),通过它可在一台电脑上同时运行更多的Microsoft Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、DOS系统。自 9.0.0 Build 812388开始,支持对于 Windows 8 的安装。

win10系统workstation无法启动,Redirected Buffering Sub System 服务启动失败。



如何启动workstation: 只要输入win+r 打开cmd 进入mdos 输入net start workstation 即可,然后你会在服务项看到 workstation. 关闭同上步骤,把start改为stop

系统服务 Workstation 是什么服务 能不能停用

Workstation 服务方向: 该服务提供网络连接和通信,该服务以一个文件系统驱动器的形式工作,并且可以允许用户访问位于windows网络上的资源. 可执行文件: winntsystem32services.exe 风险: 一些独立服务器,例如web服务器,不应当参与到某个windows网络中 建议: 该服务应当只在位于某个内部网络,并受到某个防火墙保护的工作站和服务器上运行,在任何可以连接到Internet的服务器上都应该禁用这个服务. 可以停用!!! 如果服务停止,这些连接将不可用。如果服务被禁用,任何直接依赖于此服务的服务将无法启动。


VMware Workstation运行已有的虚拟机,弹出“内部错误”,无法运行虚拟机。重装几次也不行,遇到这样的问题是不是很迷茫,其实不然,原因是VMware Workstation软件的权限不够导致的工具/原料VMware Workstation方法/步骤右击点击桌面上的VMware Workstation,选择以管理员身份运行软件或者直接右键,然后点击属性,点击兼容性,然后点击下部的以管理员身份启动此程序!然后点击,右下角的应用,确定,再次启动程序即可!windows7和windows8系统的以管理员身份启动位置都一样,但是如果是XP系统呢,其实这个也好办,先右键,然后点击 运行方式然后选择用那个用户启动此程序,选择administrator7问题解决。假如是linux系统或者是unix系统中出现这个错误的话,也是以管理员权限启动即可!

VMware Workstation是什么

虚拟机是独立运行主机操作系统的离散环境。在 VMware Workstation 中,你可以在一个窗口中加载一台虚拟机,它可以运行自己的操作系统和应用程序。你可以在运行于桌面上的多台虚拟机之间切换,通过一个网络共享虚拟机(例如一个公司局域网),挂起和恢复虚拟机以及退出虚拟机 这一切不会影响你的主机操作和任何操作系统或者它正在运行的应用程序。   VMware Workstation 是一款功能强大的桌面虚拟计算机软件,提供用户可在单一的桌面上同时运行 不同的操作系统,和进行开发、测试 、部署新的应用程序的最佳解决方案。VMware Workstation 可在一部实体机器上模拟完整的网络环境,以及可便于携带的虚拟机器,其更好的灵活性与先进的技术胜过了市面上其他的虚拟计算机软件。对于企业的 IT 开发人员和系统管理员而言, VMware 在虚拟网路,实时快照,拖曳共享文件夹,支持 PXE 等方面的特点使它成为必不可少的工具。   #虚拟化提高 IT 效率和可靠性   业务增长总是要求 IT 基础设施不断扩展。经常需要增加服务器以支持新应用,而这会导致许多服务器无法得到充分利用,进而致使网络管理成本增加,灵活性和可靠性降低。   虚拟化可以减少服务器数量的增加,简化服务器管理,同时明显提高服务器利用率、网络灵活性和可靠性。将多种应用整合到少量企业级服务器上即可实现这一目标。   通过整合及虚拟化,数百台服务器可以减少至数十台。10% 甚至更低的服务器利用率将提高到 60% 或更高。IT 基础设施的灵活性、可靠性和效率也得到改进。   #关键虚拟化要素   *企业级服务器(至少为双路服务器)   *多端口英特尔® PRO/1000 服务器网卡(至少要有三个端口才能进行虚拟化)   *VMware* 虚拟化软件套件   #多端口服务器网卡可提高可靠性,减少插槽限制   与其它任何服务器一样,虚拟化服务器也需要高性能网络连接。然而,采用虚拟化,服务器端口数量变得至关重要。例如,VMware 推荐至少需要 3 个千兆位以太网端口才能处理服务器、网络与 VMware 服务之间的流量。   如果希望提高可靠性,还可使用冗余故障切换连接。如果没有冗余,连接故障会使服务器及其所有虚拟机断网。为了防止发生这样的灾难,请一定使用额外的端口来提供冗余故障切换。在多层数据中心架构中进行网络分段也需要多个端口。   英特尔® PRO/1000 双端口和四端口服务器网卡可提供高端口密度,同时为 RAID 等其它应用保留服务器插槽。此外,包括在英特尔® PRO/1000 服务器网卡内的英特尔® 高级网络服务(ANS)软件可提供网卡管理和群组服务,以提高性能和可靠性。   *了解有关英特尔® PRO 服务器网卡的更多信息   虚拟基础设施在更少服务器上运行更多应用   通过将服务器资源分配到多个虚拟机(VM),虚拟化支持不同的应用、甚至不同的操作系统(OS)在同一企业级服务器上同时运行。每个虚拟机就像一台独立的服务器,但实际上在同一虚拟服务器内运行。   在一台服务器上运行多个应用能够提高服务器效率,并减少需要管理和维护的服务器数量。当工作负载提高时,可以迅速创建更多虚拟机,从而无需增加物理服务器即可灵活地响应不断变化的需求。而且,利用 VMware* 技术,IT 管理员可以在服务器之间移动正在运行的虚拟机,同时保持服务器持续可用。   *了解有关 VMware* 虚拟化解决方案的更多信息   #依靠英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡获得最佳性能、可靠性和灵活性   英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡能够为增添服务器端口提供最高灵活性。单端口和双端口千兆位以太网卡均可用于铜线和光纤应用,四端口千兆位以太网卡现在可用于铜线网络。为实现高端口密度,双端口和四端口网卡仅占用一个 PCI-X 插槽,从而可将其余的服务器插槽留给其它应用(RAID 等)。此外,英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡具有灵活的 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps 自适应特性,并且兼容您的全新服务器或现有服务器群中的大多数现有板上以太局域网控制器。   英特尔® PRO 千兆位服务器网卡通过大型发送卸载(LSO)和 TCP 分段卸载(TSO)将 CPU 密集型网络任务从服务器转移到网卡上,从而减轻服务器的负担来增强服务器效率。   英特尔® 高级网络服务(ANS)软件能够最大限度提高网络工作效率。借助英特尔 ANS 软件,您能够将多个英特尔® PRO 服务器网卡与其它网卡或 LOM 端口组合使用,以扩展网络流量,提高带宽和网络可靠性。英特尔 ANS 是一款免费下载软件。当与英特尔® PRO 服务器连接一起使用时,它能够兼容所有品牌的网卡,支持链路聚合、自适应负载平衡或设置网卡容错组合。


1.右键点击我的电脑~管理~找到服务和应用程序~选择服务~在右面窗口找到Workstation双击~启动类型选为自动~~然后重新启动电脑或点击左上方的启动命令~~2.在“开始/运行”中输入msconfig,打开“系统配置实用程序”对话框,再点开上面的“服务”选项卡,找到“Workstation”,在它的前面打上钩,“确定”后重启系统。 您也可以在-控制面板- 的 -管理工具- 的 -服务- 中启用它。3.执行命令如下 C:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exe-k netsvcs


在哪复制的 真牛

如何使用命令让 Workstation 服务及相关服务重新启动?

关闭:net stop workstation开启:net start workstation



VMware Workstation 中如何开启CPU 的虚拟化支持?

VMware Workstation开启CPU虚拟化支持一共分以下几步:第一步:首先鼠标双击点击打开电脑上的“VMware Workstation”。第二步:打开软件之后,点击“创建新的虚拟机”。第三步:鼠标点开之后,会出现一个新建虚拟机向导,按默认的配置,点击下一步。第四步:到了安装客户机操作系统这一项,不用动,直接点击下一步。第五步:到了这里选择安装哪种操作系统,可以按你自己的要求,我这里选的是win7系统。第六步:到了这步命名虚拟机和更改虚拟机的位置,更改好之后点下一步。第七步:这一步指定磁盘容量,一般来说30G足够了,还有下面的将虚拟机储存为单个文件或多个文件,选择默认的就可以了,当然你要改成单个文件也行,然后点击下一步。第八步:到了这步重点来了,先不要点下面的完成,鼠标点击“自定义硬件(C)...”。第九步:这时又会出现一个窗口,鼠标点击左侧的“处理器”项,右侧就会出现虚拟化引擎的选项,首选模式选择“Intel VT-x/EPT或AMD-V/RVI”,下面的“虚拟化Intel VT-x/EPT或AMD-V/RVI(V)”也要勾选,然后点击下方的关闭,这个窗口就会关闭,这时再回到新建虚拟机向导,鼠标点击完成就开启了CPU虚拟化支持。




如果Windows 10无法启动Workstation服务,可能会有几种可能的原因和解决方法,下面是一些可能的解决方法:确认Workstation服务是否启用 - 打开“服务”应用程序并检查Workstation服务是否已启动。如果没有启动,请右键单击服务并选择“启动”。检查网络 - 如果您的计算机无法连接到网络,Workstation服务可能会无法启动。确保计算机已连接到网络,并尝试重新启动服务。执行系统文件检查 - 运行“命令提示符”作为管理员,并运行命令“sfc /scannow”来检查系统文件是否有损坏。如果发现损坏的文件,请运行命令“dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth”修复它们。禁用防病毒软件 - 有时,防病毒软件可能会阻止Workstation服务启动。尝试禁用您的防病毒软件并查看是否解决了问题。卸载并重新安装Workstation - 如果其他方法都无效,请尝试卸载并重新安装Workstation。在Windows 10中,您可以通过单击“控制面板”>“程序”>“卸载程序”来卸载程序。然后从Microsoft网站下载并重新安装Workstation。




分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: Workstation,计算机工作站, 日常称作 工作站,是一种高端的通用微型计算机,它是为了单用户使用并提供比PC更加强大的性能,尤其是在图形,处理能力,任务并行方面的能力。3Com的3Station就是早期的一个典型例子。比较一下过去的计算能力定义,一些人会认为工作站实际上就是一台单人的小型计算机。 在80年代初期,这个领域的先锋是Apollo Computer和太阳微系统公司,他们制造了基于Motorola 68000处理器和Unix系统的工作站。 工作站通常比较昂贵,价格一般是标准PC的数倍,有时会和一辆汽车一样贵。高昂的价格通常来自比当地电脑店中能找到的快的多的奢侈组件。制造商试图保持用“平衡”的观点来设计系统,确保数据在计算机中的各个子系统中不受阻碍的传送。此外,工作站制造商试图在高价位上销售系统来保持比日用PC制造商更高的利润率。 工作站厂商制造的系统通常提供SCSI或者光纤通道磁盘存储系统,高端3D加速设备,单个或多个64位处理器,大量的RAM,以及设计优秀的冷却系统。另外,制造这些产品的公司试图拥有非常优秀的修理/更换计划。然而,工作站和PC的分界线逐渐模糊甚至正趋向消失,削减开支导致工作站制造商使用现有的PC组件和图形解决方案而不是专有的自家开发的技术。有一些制造低成本工作站的尝试(对于标准PC来说仍然是昂贵的),但是它们往往在性能上没什么闪光点。消费品级别的PC和游戏机现在处于技术的边缘,这使得对于很多组织来说决定是否购买工作站十分困难。有时仍需要这些系统,可很多时候会选择不那么昂贵的但是有更多缺陷的PC级别的硬件。 工作站的特点 工作站上应用的特定技术曾经不同于个人电脑,考察一下这个历史是有益的。主流PC广泛的采用这些技术是在工作站市场的衰退时期: RISC CPU: 在RISC在早期(80年代早期),RISC在单位成本上提供比CISC处理器高几个数量级的性能。正是在这个时期,CISC处理器的一族(Intel的x86)渐渐侵占市场份额。到了大约90年代中期,Intel的CPU终于拥有了同 RISC 相提并论的性能(虽然以高的多的芯片复杂性为代价),并将后者赶进了一个狭窄的市场。 硬件支持浮点操作: 这是80年代以来高端PC的标准部件,但是直到90年代中期在市场低端产品中仍不普遍。 使用一些UNIX的变体作为操作系统: 早期的8位和16位 PC CPU 不能运行尖端的UNIX,但是80年代后期情况发生了变化,拥有32位CPU以及集成MMU的PC开始广泛普及。 高速网络连接 (10 Mbit/s 或者更高): 90年代中期在PC中普及。 大屏幕的显示器(17"-21"): 90年代中期在PC中普及。 高性能的3D图形硬件: 90年代中后期就在PC市场中开始流行,主要是由于电脑游戏的推动。 SCSI磁盘存储: 在PC市场从未流行,除了AppleMacintosh。SCSI是一个高级的控制接口,对于磁盘需要同时接受多重访问请求的场合尤为有效。这使得它适合在服务器中使用,但是这种特性对于绝大多数是单用户操作系统的桌面PC来说就毫无优势。目前,桌面系统获得更多的多用户能力(由于Linux数量的增长),新的磁盘接口串行ATA拥有近似SCSI的速度和较低的成本。 工作站制造商 其中的很多都不复存在。 3Station Apollo Computer Atari Transputer Workstation Datamax UV-1 DEC HP Intergraph Lilith NeXT SGI 太阳微系统公司 Unisys ICON Xerox Star






market-oriented以市场为导向拼音双语对照market-oriented英["mɑ:ku026at"u0254:ru026au0259ntu026ad]美["mɑ:ku026at"u0254:ru026arntu026ad]词典以市场为导向网络市场主导; 市场取向; 市场导向数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1Develop labor market, consummate employment services, strengthen job training, and set up a market-oriented labor system.发展劳动力市场,完善就业服务体系,加强职业培训,形成以市场为导向的就业机制。2The situation is different in the case of market-oriented agriculture, which registers huge increases in rural non-farm activities.对于市场取向的农业,情况大不一样,农村非农活动大大增长。


coworker是什么意思:同事1、A great coworker can help you look forward to going to work each day. 一个好的同事能够让你每天都期盼着去上班。2、An old coworker of his sold them at the time. 他的一位同事当时正在销售这款汽车。3、You might find that a coworker has been two faced. 你也许会发现你的工作同伴是个两面派。4、The Effect of Coworker Similarity on Their Work Attitudes and Behaviors 人际相似性对员工态度和行为的预测作用5、they may be your friend, they may be your coworker. 也可能是你的朋友,还有可能是你的同事6、As a coworker, use IM to get to know the other person. 作为一名员工,你可以通过它来认识其他同事。

sparkadia的《Connected》 歌词

歌曲名:Connected歌手:sparkadia专辑:PostcardsSparkadia - Connected★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Sitting in your little car it"sfeels like something"s pulling us apartMaybe it"s just gravity someforce of nature bigger than the two of usIf we wait and see,we could live like this forever and never really see,that you and are not meant to be alone,floating in the nightDon"t tell me that we"re not connectedDon"t tell me that we"re not the sameDon"t say that we"ll be the only ones floating all aloneNot you, not me, not usMaybe it"s the hand of god, the twist of fate,the lucky break that never comes...(till it"s too late)Sitting in your little car it feels like something"s pulling us apartIf we wait and see,we could live like this forever and never really see,that you and are not meant to be alone,floating in the nightDon"t tell me that we"re not connectedDon"t tell me that we"re not the sameDon"t say that we"ll be the only ones floating all aloneNot you, not me, not usIf we wait and see,we could live like this forever and never really see,that you and are not meant to be alone,floating in the sky until the morning sun comes up.We don"t have the time,to wonder what connects us to each other"s lives,I guess we"ll never know,so don"t compromise what we have nowEndSparkadia - Connected★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师http://music.baidu.com/song/54208767

给我一篇英语作文:my wiews on working from home 400字

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE LOST THE ABILITY TO WORK TOMORROW? HAVE YOU ENOUGH MONEY TO MAINTAIN YOUR LIFESTYLE? WHY ITS IMPORTANT TO WORK FOR YOURSELF TODAY AND TO START TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LIVES & THE LIVES OF YOUR FAMILYThe world is a rapidly changing place today and in particular the business world is changing at lightning pace, Today the big boom that is grasping over the business world and changing the way products and services are brought to the finish consumer is done through people working from home in their very own home based businesses, According to entrepreneur magazine 25 million Americans alone run a home Business in other words approximately every 11 seconds someone starts a home based business, and annually the home based business industry is a $427 billion industry. The reality is more and more people today are looking for other ways of building a more secure future for their families because they are tired and burned out from the stresses of commuting in the rat race to their 40 year day job - all the people are starting to become aware that their day job is no longer secure and will no longer provide them with secure retirement in to the future, So therefore are looking for ways to achieve more and this is why the home business industry is booming because everybody want independence and finding the right home business provides many people with exactly that over a period of part instant work fitting ones own schedule without having to interfere with their day job at the start of their new venture. The average U.S home business earns $50,000 a year.As much as it sounds so workable to work from home part instant and earn a small fortune it does have some downsides and thats what i want to bring to the surface in this newsletter, You see there are also a lot of many people out there offering all hype and no substance I call these people the rip of merchants of the home business industry these people typically come across claming that you might get rich overnight with little or no effort, and a lot of all the people get burned by these scams.

wholesale market是什么意思


in new york什么歌

“IN NEW YORK”歌词出自Jay-Z、艾丽西亚·凯斯演唱歌曲《Empire State of Mind》。歌手简介:"Jay-Z(1969年12月4日-),本名Shawn Corey Carter,原艺名Jay-Z,美国嘻哈歌手、唱片制作人、企业家。歌手生涯共发行了18张大碟,全球销量达到7500万。在Billboard专辑榜上的冠军专辑数达13张(历史第二,超越猫王,仅次于披头士)。而他的音乐作品共获得17项格莱美奖。歌词Empire State of Mind (心中的帝国) - Jay-Z (杰斯)/Alicia Keys (艾莉西亚·凯斯)Written by:Shuckburgh/Sewell/Carter/Hunt/Augello/KeyesJay-Z:Yeah yeah I'm out that Brooklyn now I'm down in TribecaRight next to DeNiro but I'll be hood foreverI'm the new Sinatra and since I made it hereI can make it anywhere yeah they love me everywhereI used to cop in Harlem hola my DominicanosRight there up on BroadwayBrought me back to that McDonaldsTook it to my stash spot 560 State StreetCatch me in the kitchen like a Simmons whippin' pastryCruising down 8th street off white LexusDriving so slow but BK is from TexasMe I'm out that Bed Stuy home of that boy BiggieNow I live on Billboard and I brought my boys with meSay what up to Ty Ty still sipping Mai TaisSitting courtside Knicks and Nets give me high fivesNi**a I be Spiked out I can trip a refereeTell by my attitude that I'm most definitely fromAlicia Keys:New York concrete jungleWhere dreams are made ofThere's nothing you can't doNow you're in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youLet's hear it for New YorkNew York New YorkJay-Z:Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee gameSh*t I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee canYou should know I bleed Blue but I ain't a Crip thoughBut I got a gang of niggas walking with my clique thoughWelcome to the melting pot corners where we sellin' rocksAfrika Bambaataa sh*t home of the hip hopYellow cab gypsy cab dollar cab holla backFor foreigners it ain't fair they act like they forgot how to addEight million stories out there in the naked cityIt's a pity half of y'all won't make itMe I gotta plug special Ed I got it madeIf Jeezy's paying LeBron I'm paying Dwyane WadeThree dice Cee lo three card MonteLabor Day Parade rest in peace Bob MarleyStatue of Liberty long live the World TradeLong live the king yo I'm from the Empire State that's

pi network encountered an error. err:538是什么意思


linkin park《the Requiem》的歌词及翻译

[ti:The Requiem安魂曲][ar:Linkin Park][al:A Thousand Suns][by:lyz625翻译lyz625][01:39.35][01:16.59]God save us everyone上帝拯救我们[01:43.41][01:20.56]Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?我们会在一千太阳般的火焰中被焚烧吗?[01:49.02][01:26.39]For the sins of our hand因为我们手上的罪恶[01:52.26][01:29.71]The sins of our tongue语言的罪恶[01:54.98][01:32.58]The sins of our father父辈的罪恶[01:57.79][01:35.36]The sins of our young下一代的罪恶[02:00.29]-= Linkin Park - The Requiem =-

work at和work on的区别

其实在老外眼中两者之间也许没这么大的鸿沟,比如我看到的这一句:What do you think? I"m working on the Kickstarter site right now...按照这里的说法,是不是该用at?但人家用的是on。


Sleazy fork



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油猴Greasy Fork一直深受网友的喜爱,你有什么推荐的脚本吗?


翻译:Your work leaves nothing to be desired.


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not take no for an answer和not so far off the mark在这句话的语境中是什么意思呢?采纳之后给10分


workbench 为什么安装后只有一个模块project


register trademark是什么意思

  register trademark  注册商标  N-COUNT标志;特点If you say that something is the trademark of a particular person or place, you mean that it is characteristic of them or typically associated with them.  ...the spiky punk hairdo that became his trademark.  成为他标志的朋克刺猬头



歌名: only love 歌手:trademark 的中文意思

歌名:只有爱歌手:1. 商标 2. (人或物的)标记,特征补充一下:Trademark  发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sadeghian三位喜欢音乐的好友所组成,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,"这三个家伙真不赖。"乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。   成员Sascha Sadeghian12岁即开始学习古典吉他,同样发现他歌唱的天赋。结束高校学业后,他在科伦学习了几年声乐并在几家音乐室工作。成员Mirko Baumer 对QUEEN乐队非常入迷,所以索性自己组织了一个乐队,翻唱自己喜欢的组合的歌曲。他接受了一系列音乐训练以发展自身歌唱潜能。他的音域是这样的有利悦耳,使他很快成为其他乐队的歌手。成员Achim Remling 与音乐有非常特殊的联系。他的父亲是Wolfgang Petry, 一个著名的德国歌星,受其影响,他在很小的时候就接触到流行音乐的世界,但他很快走出了自己的路。Achim 在他作为一个摇滚乐队歌手时积累了最初的经验。很快,不同乐队的邀请纷纷而来。Achim在以一种非常明确的方式和信念生活, 并完全独立于他的父亲。在他25岁时, Achim凭自己的努力成为了一个成功的音乐人。他制作了两首热门金曲和几项奖项。Achim的磁性,沙哑的声音是TRADEMARK的最独特的一项特质。   自从成功的发行了他们的首张专集Another Time -- Another Place, 并打进德国排行前30,TRADEMARK已成功的达到一个国际水准。 在1998年,三人两次在亚洲进行了为期几周的巡演,并与听众进行了灵魂上的交流。每次现场演唱会后,这些耀眼的明星都被数不清的歌迷所包围。"我们甚至不能不为注意的离开宾馆。我们一直都被尖叫的歌迷所包围。到处都在放我们的歌--事情就是那样,简直有如魔幻般。"两首单曲I"ll Be The One 和I"m Not Supposed 在每个广播中重复播放, 歌曲的录影片也在MTV节目中频繁播放。 专集的成功使之成为香港,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾的金唱片之冠。尤其是当他们受邀至亚洲巡回宣传时,更在东南亚各国引起乐迷的骚动,轰动的情形可见一斑。   《Only Love》这张他们睽达二年的最新专辑,光看专辑名称就知道,这又是一张他们颠倒众生的情歌宝典,尤其是首支单曲《Amazed》,这首翻唱至Lonestar称霸全美Billboard单曲榜乡村榜冠军的作品要听音乐网文案,籍由细腻的编曲和他们更深情的歌声娓娓述说一段感情,深深感动听众内心,相信只要听过的人都会喜欢,此外,他们亦借着三人不同的嗓音表现不同的曲风和不同的情绪,在表现他们长足的成熟和进步。


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 本人急需Trademark乐队的英文介绍! 谢谢啦!!! 解析: Trademark are a band formed in 1995 consisting of Oliver Horton, Stuart Meads and Paul Soul *** y (who joined in 1999). They are noted for predominantly using synthesizers and are often branded as Electropop or Synth Pop (and for a short time "Oddball Labcoat Pop"). They have played live regularly since 2002 and over the years their shows have included science lectures, illuminated labcoats, giant perspex plugs and slide projections. They were signed to Truck Records in 2004 and are due to release their second album "Raise The Stakes" in September 2006. Trademark was formed around the time of 1995 by o teenage cousins Oliver Horton and Stuart Meads. They had previously played music together as children, and by their mid teens they wanted to formulate themselves as a group. In 1999 the pair were joined by Paul Soul *** y.A highly successful gig at the 2002 Truck Festival (where Trademark were noted as being the only band without guitars) led to a series of performances in Oxford. The band also played regularly in London with a few notable appearance at The Fan Club at The Verge in Kentish Town. As the band"s reputation grew, Trademark supported Chicks on Speed at Oxford Zodiac and The Human League at Ocean in London. "Fear : Disconnection" was finished in Jan 2003 and was sold by the band at gigs and over the website to a great reception. In January of 2004 the band followed this up by self releasing "This is Our Trademark" an EP with a set of 5 slightly poppier sounding tracks. This lead to them being signed by Truck records and the putting together of "Trademark Want More" which featured tracks from "Fear:Disconnection" and "This is Our Trademark" plus a few new tracks. "Want More" was released in June 2004 to the critical aclaim of The Sunday Times among others. In December 2004 Trademark went on tour with The Human League around the UK. At the start of 2005 they started recording the follow up to Want More. The recording took 18 months to plete as the band wanted to explore new production techniques and instrumentations. During this time the band continued to gig in the UK and recording was finally pleted in May 2006. The album is due for release in September 2006.




trademark商标双语对照trademark[英][u02c8treu026admɑ:k][美][u02c8treu026admɑ:rk]n.(注册)商标; (人的行为或衣着的)特征,标记; 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

我 手表后面有两个单词请问是什么意思TRADEMARK.,TWELVE前面也有这两个单词啊。前面也有这两个单词,



他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,"这三个家伙真不赖。"乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。 成员Sascha Sadeghian12岁即开始学习古典吉他,同样发现他歌唱的天赋。结束高校学业后,他在科伦学习了几年声乐并在几家音乐室工作。成员Mirko Baumer 对QUEEN乐队非常入迷,所以索性自己组织了一个乐队,翻唱自己喜欢的组合的歌曲。他接受了一系列音乐训练以发展自身歌唱潜能。他的音域是这样的有利悦耳,使他很快成为其他乐队的歌手。成员Achim Remling 与音乐有非常特殊的联系。他的父亲是Wolfgang Petry, 一个著名的德国歌星,受其影响,他在很小的时候就接触到流行音乐的世界,但他很快走出了自己的路。Achim 在他作为一个摇滚乐队歌手时积累了最初的经验。很快,不同乐队的邀请纷纷而来。Achim在以一种非常明确的方式和信念生活, 并完全独立于他的父亲。在他25岁时, Achim凭自己的努力成为了一个成功的音乐人。他制作了两首热门金曲和几项奖项。Achim的磁性,沙哑的声音是TRADEMARK的最独特的一项特质。 自从成功的发行了他们的首张专集Another Time -- Another Place, 并打进德国排行前30,TRADEMARK已成功的达到一个国际水准。 在1998年,三人两次在亚洲进行了为期几周的巡演,并与听众进行了灵魂上的交流。每次现场演唱会后,这些耀眼的明星都被数不清的歌迷所包围。"我们甚至不能不为注意的离开宾馆。我们一直都被尖叫的歌迷所包围。到处都在放我们的歌--事情就是那样,简直有如魔幻般。"两首单曲I"ll Be The One 和I"m Not Supposed 在每个广播中重复播放, 歌曲的录影片也在MTV节目中频繁播放。 专集的成功使之成为香港,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾的金唱片之冠。 歌曲片段 1. I"ll Be The One 2. I"m Not Supposed To Love You 3. Only Love 4. Amazed 5. Miss You Finally 专辑 Fear:Disconnection This is Our Trademark Trademark Want More


这是个德国组合,已经解散,有一首歌Only Love 经典永远是经典 流行只是一时的 就像一阵风 风过曲也就散了采纳哦


“商标”和“品牌”的区别。trade是指“注册”商标,brand是指品牌。1.Trademark 经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用 2.Brand 没有经过正式注册的,不受法律的保护

人性化一点翻译Trademark的something only love can do这首歌歌词

2.a.m.and the rain is falling雨下在凌晨的2点Here we are at the crossroads once again我们再次来到这分手的十字路口You"re telling me you"re so confused你告诉我,你那么彷徨You can"t make up you mind也无法下定决心Is this meant to be世事是否注定You"re asking me你这般问我But only love can say try again or walk away或许唯有爱可以给予回答,我们应该重新开始或离开But I believe for you and me然而我坚信,你我之间The sun sill shine one day阳光会再一次照彻大地So I"ll just play my part因此我将扮演好自己的角色And pray you"ll have a change of heart藉此祈祷你的心情会从此改变But I can"t make you see it through但我无法让你明白That"s something only love can do有些事,只能让爱决定In you arms as the dawn is breaking晨熹在你的臂膀间升起Face to face and a thousand miles apart面对面,心却相距千里I"ve tried my best to make you see我竭力让你明白There"s hope beyond the pain痛楚过后还有希望If we give enough如果我们给予If we learn to trust如果我们相信But only love can say try again or walk away或许唯有爱可以给予回答,我们应该重新开始还是离开But I believe for you and me然而我坚信,你我之间The sun sill shine one day阳光会再一次照彻大地So I"ll just play my part因此我将扮演好自己的角色And pray you"ll have a change of heart藉此祈祷你的心情会从此改变But I can"t make you see it through但我无法让你明白That"s something only love can do有些事,只能让爱决定I know if I could find the words我知道,如果能够找到那些To touch you deep inside深深触动你的话You"d give our dream just one more change你会给我们的梦想再一次机会Don"t let this be our last goodbye不要让这次成为我们的永别


trademark不是牌子!是商标的意思!~quartz 很多表上面也是有这个的,因为表是石英做的啊!~


真诚的推荐楼主only love我一直喜欢的歌曲,还学了一段时间呢? 不过怎么也学不会..原唱唱得实在太好了。.

trade name 与trademark是一个意思吗?





trademark 英[u02c8treu026admɑ:k]美[u02c8treu026admɑ:rk]n. (注册) 商标; (人的行为或衣着的) 特征,标记;[例句]“ We bought Proview "s worldwide rights to the iPad trademark in 10 different countries several years ago.“我们已在数年前购买了唯冠在全球十个不同国家的(iPad商标)所有权。


trademark 英[u02c8treu026admɑ:k] 美[u02c8treu026admɑ:rk] n. (注册) 商标; (人的行为或衣着的) 特征,标记; [例句]the designer bars which have become the new trademark of the city.已成为这个城市新标志的时尚酒吧[其他] 复数:trademarks

conduct a workshop

进行车间的意思,conduct是行为,visit and review是参观考察

conduct work 和 work is conducted有什么区别吗?


A survey was conducted in Shanghai where the intervees was asked if they wanted to be workers.


《Collected Worksof Oscar Wilde》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度云资源

《Collected Works of Oscar Wilde》(Oscar Wilde)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12bPu_nAyxJBtzZs4C0hS8g 提取码: xkds书名:Collected Works of Oscar Wilde作者:Oscar Wilde豆瓣评分:9.6出版社:Wordsworth Editions出版年份:1997-9-5页数:1104内容简介:Book DescriptionThis volume of Poems and Poems in Prose inaugurates the Oxford English Texts Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, which will for the first time provide students of Wilde with scholarly and textually accurate texts of his complete oeuvre. In it, Bobby Fong and Karl Beckson provide reliable texts of all Wilde"s poems and poems in prose, including 21 never published in his lifetime, together with information on the locations of extant manuscripts; bibliogaphical details of each poem"s publishing history; commentaries that identify and clarify contexts and allusions to figures and events; and emendations and variant readings, in manuscripts and printed editions, which illuminate Wilde"s craftsmanship in revising. The variety of poetic forms in Wilde"s 199 poemsDSfrom his earliest known verse, written while a student at Oxford, to his final masterpiece, The Ballad of Reading GaolDSreveals a versatility and accomplishment that previously has often been overlooked. Many of the poems, most of which were written before Wilde achieved fame, express themes developed in his later work in prose and drama, pointing to a continuity now perceived by critics. This new edition includes an informative introduction by Ian Small, one of the general editors of the Complete Works, which provides the historical context for an understanding of Wilde"s career, information about the conditions surrounding the publication of his poetry, and insight into the current resurgence of scholarly interest in the man and his writing. Publication of the Complete Works will confirm Wilde"s centrality in the development of early Modernism towards the end of the nineteenth century.About AuthorBorn in Ireland in 1856, Oscar Wilde was a noted essayist, playwright, fairy tale writer and poet, as well as an early leader of the Aesthetic Movement. His plays include: An Ideal Husband, Salome, A Woman of No Importance, and Lady Windermere"s Fan. Among his best known stories are The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Canterville Ghost.Book Dimension :length: (cm)23.2 width:(cm)15.2

Morten Harket的《Listening》 歌词

歌曲名:Listening歌手:Morten Harket专辑:Out Of My Hands"Listening"Your skin attached this fragile clicheOf my broken heart attackYou should swallow your teeth and hang outStay for a whileIf your heart"s still beating it must be the bloodIf your lungs are still working it must be the mudIf its still light out than a kick in the ribstoday"s worth livingI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayLights out, I can"t stand to hear you screamWhile we were making love I was fast asleepand the night sky better give something up (give something up)I don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayLights out, lights out, lights out, lights out...Lights out! I can"t stand to hear you screamWhile we were making love I was fast asleepIf your heart"s still beating it must be the bloodIf your lungs are still working it must be the mudIf its still light out than a kick in the ribsAnd today"s worth living, it probably isI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayI don"t see anything nowSo just say what you wanna sayIt"s kind of funny how I"m not listening anywayI"m not listening anywayI"m not listening anywayI"m not listeningListening, I"m not listeningI"m not listeningI"m not listeningI"m not listeninghttp://music.baidu.com/song/15184151

The man worked hard to earn more money同义句转换?

earn more money可以换成make more money.都是赚钱,挣钱的意思。

2014年英语下册reading《the ghost in the park》全文急用啊啊

One Sunday morning ,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. They love to chat there. As usual, they sat under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree. They turned around but could not see anything unusual. They were frightened."Is anybody there ?" Millie asked. Nobody answered. They listened very carefully and heard the strang noise again. The two girls were very afraid. They ran away quickly. On their way, they saw Andy."What happened?" Andy asked."There"s a ghost in the park. Please help us." Millie said."Really? Tell me more." Andy said.Millie told Andy everything. Andy went to the park, stood beside the tree and listened carefully. Then he heard the whisper! He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper. He was now sure the sound came from the bushes. He searched carefully ."Oh! Here it is." Andy said to himself. He found a littIe cat in the bushes. It was very weak .When it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper.Andy put the little cat into a box and went to find Millie and Amy. They were still frightened. Andy opened the box and showed them the "ghost"."This is the ghost in the park,"Andy said.Millie and Amy were surprised — it was a little cat!Later that day,they took the little cat to the animal centre.People in the centre would take care of it.The following Sunday,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park again and had a great time there.They were not afraid any more.一个星期日的早晨,米丽和艾米去阳光公园,他们喜欢在那里闲聊。像平常一样,他们坐在一棵大树下,突然,他们从大树后面的灌木丛中听到一阵窃窃私语声。他们转过身,但是没有发现任何不寻常的东西,他们很害怕,米丽问:“有人在吗?” 没有一个人回答. 他们很认真的听,并且又听到那个奇怪的声音响起来了。这两个女生非常的害怕,因此她们飞快的跑了起来,在路上,她们看见了安迪,“发生什么事了?”安迪问道。“公园里有一个怪物,请帮助我们”米丽说。安迪说“真的吗?多告诉我一些吧。”因此,米丽告诉安迪刚刚发生的一切,安迪就去了公园,站在那棵树下仔细的听。然后,他听到了私语声,往树后面看,又听到另外的声音。他现在肯定声音来自灌木丛。他小心地搜寻着,"哦! 它在这里。”安迪自言自语。 他发现了灌木丛中有一只小猫。 它是非常微弱的。当它呻吟的时候,听起来就象私语的声音。安迪把小猫放入箱子并且去找米丽和艾米。 他们两个人仍然被吓坏了。 安迪打开了箱子并且给他们看所谓的‘怪物"。“"这个就是公园里的怪物”, 安迪说。米丽和艾米非常的惊奇—它居然只是一只小的猫! 那天以后,他们把小猫送到了动物中心,那里的人们会好好照料它。下一个星期天、米丽和艾米再去阳光公园并且有在那里度过了愉快的时光。他们再也不害怕了。

译林7B U5 ReadingThe ghost in the park 翻译

不知道是不是这个????One Sunday morning ,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park .They love to chat there . As usual ,they sat under the big tree ,Suddenly,they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree .They turned around but could not see anything unusual.They ran away quickly.On their way,they saw Andy." What happened?" Andy asked ." There"s a ghost in the park .Please help us, " Millie said." Really? Tell me more ," Andy said .Millie told Andy everything .Andy went to the park ,stood beside the tree and listened carefully.Then he heard the whisper ! He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper .He was now sure the sound came from the bushes .He searched carefully." Oh! Here it is ," Andy said to himself .He found a little cat in the bushes .It was very weak .When it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper .Andy put the little cat into a box and went to find Millie and Amy .They were still frightened. Andy opened the box and showed them the "ghost"." This is the ghost in the park,"Andy said.Millie and Amy were surprised------it was a little cat ! Later that day,they took the little cat to the animal centre. People in the centre would take care of it .The following Sunday , Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park again and had a great time there .They were not afraid any more .一个星期日的早晨,米莉和艾米去了阳光公园。他们喜欢在那里聊天。像往常一样,他们坐在那棵大树下,突然,他们从树后灌木丛中听到耳语。他们转过身,但没看到什么不寻常的事。他们跑得很快。在路上,他们看见安迪。出什么事了。安迪问。在公园里有一个幽灵。请帮助我们,”米莉说。“真的吗?告诉我更多,”安迪说。米莉把一切都告诉了安迪。安迪去了公园,站在树旁,仔细听。然后他听到耳语!他看了看树后面,又听到一声低语。他现在确定声音来自灌木丛。他仔细地搜查。哦。在这里,”安迪对自己说。他在草丛中发现了一只猫。它非常虚弱。当它喵喵叫时,它发出像低语的声音。安迪把小猫放进一个盒子,去找米莉和艾米。他们仍然感到害怕。安迪打开盒子,发现他们的“鬼”。这是在公园里,鬼"andy说。米莉和艾米都很惊讶------它是一只猫!那天的晚些时候,他们把小猫送到了动物中心。中心的人会照顾它。接下来的星期日,米莉和艾米去了阳光公园又有很大的时间。他们再也不害怕了。

why should we work so hard英语作文

Most people need to work.If someone loses his job,he may be nervous and wants to find a new job as fast as possible.And even some people give up his spare time because of working.But have you ever thought this question:why should we workuff1f In my opionion,the basic reason is that we need to work to make a living.If we work, we can get award—money,which is necessary for us to live. So it is an important way to earn money for most people. But if we only work for money ,our lives will become boring and hopeless.Working also provide us a way to realize our dreams.For exampleuff0cjust like Ma Yun,who is a famous businessman,worked hard to earn much money to support his business—online shopping.He had been a teacher,a translater and so on.And finally he made a challenge in Internet with the money that he earnd through his hard work.With his talent and effort ,he succeeded.So working is a way for us to get close to our dream and let it come true. Whatu2019s more,our working has a great effect on our society,which promotes our society to develop.Our society needs teachers,doctors,drivers,cooku2026u2026Only with all the labor force can our society run healthily.Maybe you might feel that your work is tiny,but it can make differences for our society. The last but no least,work can inprove our feelings of happiness.Recently,there is a concerned word on the internet saying “what makes us feel delighted is that you have something to struggle for and look forward to.”Though working ,not only can we get the reword for living ,but also can we enrich our lives.Being busy and do the meaningful job are the good ways to be satisfied to the world. So working is a hard but meaningful thing in our lives.Working hard is not only good for ourselves but also our society.Work hard,please!



we work and earn money for food.谚语意思



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