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  worker的动词形式是work。   work的意思是:   1、作动词讲时,意思是使工作,使运作,操作,使产生效果,经营,使缓慢进行;   2、作名词讲时,意思是工作,操作,著作,工厂,行为,事业。   work的其他形式有:   1、复数为works;   2、第三人称单数为works;   3、现在分词为working;   4、过去式为worked;   5、过去分词为worked。

worker 什么词性

是名词worker[英][ˈwə:kə] [美][ˈwɚkɚ] 简明释义 n.工人,员工;劳动者;[虫]工蜂,工蚁

worker 什么词性





worker的复数: workers 英 [wk(r)] 美 [wrkr] n.工作者;人员;雇员;(尤指)劳工,工人;干活…的人 扩展资料   The basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent.   工人的"平均基本工资上升了3%。   Life as an aid worker can be a risky business.   救援人员的工作会有危险。   The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him.   那个男人自称是社会福利工作者,老妇人信以为真。


worker的动词形式是work。 work的意思是: 1、作动词讲时,意思是使工作,使运作,操作,使产生效果,经营,使缓慢进行; 2、作名词讲时,意思是工作,操作,著作,工厂,行为,事业。 work的其他形式有: 1、复数为works; 2、第三人称单数为works; 3、现在分词为working; 4、过去式为worked; 5、过去分词为worked。




worker动词形式是work。worker,名词,译为“工人;劳动者;职蚁;人名;(英)沃克”。work,作及物动词时译为“使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进”。 worker基本含义 n.工作者;人员;雇员;(尤指) 劳工,工人;干活…的人; [例句]The society was looking for a capable research worker. 该协会在物色一位有能力的研究人员。 复数:workers work基本含义 v.做体力(或脑力)工作;劳动;干活;受雇于;从事…工作;使工作;(尤指) 使卖力干活; n.工作;职业;职责;工作内容;活计; [例句]Weiner works for the US Department of Transport 韦纳就职于美国交通部。 第三人称单数:works 复数:works 现在分词:working 过去式:worked 过去分词:worked




worker, laborer,都可表示“工人”。其区别是:worker用义最广,由work加后缀-er而构成,基本意思是“工作者,工人”,可指“从事某种工作的人”,也可指“做体力工作或非管理性工作的人”; laborer仅指干非技术性、重体力劳动的工人。例如:Some workers have restored and refinished her parquet floor.几个工匠已把她的镶木地板重新铺好,装修一新。He is an agricultural laborer.他是一个农场工人。还有问认为:worker最常用词,泛指一切从事体力或脑力劳动以谋生的人。labourer多指体力劳动者,尤指无专长或专门技能的工人。

worker怎么读 worker如何读

1、worker英[u02c8wu025cu02d0ku0259(r)]、美[u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r] 2、n.工人; 工作者; 人员; 雇员; (尤指)劳工; 干活…的人; 3、[例句]Stress can exact a high price from workers.压力可能迫使工人付出昂贵的代价。 4、[其他]复数:workers




worker由work加后缀-er而构成,基本意思是“工作者,工人”,可指“从事某种工作的人”,也可指“做体力工作或非管理性工作的人”。 worker是一个英语单词,意思是“工作者,雇员”,也可特指“劳工,工人”。worker是可数名词,其复数形式为:workers。 扩展资料   例句:   I am a mental worker.   我是个脑力劳动者。   He has become a skilled worker.   他已经成为一名熟练的工人。   She was an industrious and willing worker.   她是个勤劳肯干的员工。


解释:工人美式读音:u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r英式读音:u02c8wu025cu02d0ku0259r复数:workers例句:1、They are all office workers.他们都是上班族。2、These construction workers took the company to court.这些建筑工人将公司告上法庭。3、Only the workers themselves can represent the interests of the workers.只有工人本身才能代表工人阶级的利益。4、I can show everyone that I am a hard worker.我可以向每个人表明我是一个努力工作的工人。




worker 的音标是〔ˈwəːkə〕




pork 来自拉丁语 portus,意思是 haven, harbor 避难所,港湾mutton,来源有两个,古法语moton,另一个是拉丁语multo(n-)


worker的意思是:n.工人;工作者;人员;雇员;(尤指)劳工;干活…的人;工蜂。短语搭配:skilled worker技术工入;office worker上班族;social worker社会服务人员;model worker模范劳工;migrant worker外来工;外侨工人双语例句:1、What do you do? I am a worker.你做什么工作? 我一名是工人。What type of worker are you?你是什么类型的工人呢?2、After all, in an idealized market economy each worker would be paid exactly what he or she contributes to the economy by choosing to work, no more and no less.毕竟,在一个理想化的市场经济里,支付给每个工人的工资就应该是他或她通过选择工作而对经济作出的贡献,不多也不少。3、My mother is a worker.What does your mother do?我的妈妈是一名工人。你的妈妈是干什么的?


worker, laborer,都可表示“工人”。其区别是:worker用义最广,由work加后缀-er而构成,基本意思是“工作者,工人”,可指“从事某种工作的人”,也可指“做体力工作或非管理性工作的人”; laborer仅指干非技术性、重体力劳动的工人。例如:Some workers have restored and refinished her parquet floor.几个工匠已把她的镶木地板重新铺好,装修一新。He is an agricultural laborer.他是一个农场工人。还有问认为:worker最常用词,泛指一切从事体力或脑力劳动以谋生的人。labourer多指体力劳动者,尤指无专长或专门技能的工人。


worker是泛指职业,工作的意思。一、含义:1、读音英[u02c8wu025cu02d0ku0259];美[u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r]。2、【n.】:工人;工作者;劳动者;工作的动物;做成特定事情的人;工人阶级;体力劳动者;辛勤工作的人;从事某种工作的人。3、复数:workers。4、网络释义:工人;工作者;工作进程;工作人员;工体;蓝领。二、短语搭配:1、medical worker:医务工作者。2、community worker:社会工作者;社工。3、health care worker:医疗卫生工作者;卫生保健工作者;医疗保健人员。4、service worker:服务工作者;服务员。三、双语例句:1、This book is a useful browse for a new worker in the field.对这个行业的新手来说翻翻这本书是有益处的。2、The courts view him in a different light from that of a manual worker.法院不把他看成体力劳动者。3、A bogus social worker conned her way into the pensioner"s home.一个假冒的社会福利工作者用欺骗的办法混进那位养老金领取者的家里。


解释:工人美式读音:u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r英式读音:u02c8wu025cu02d0ku0259r复数:workers例句:1、They are all office workers.他们都是上班族。2、These construction workers took the company to court.这些建筑工人将公司告上法庭。3、Only the workers themselves can represent the interests of the workers.只有工人本身才能代表工人阶级的利益。4、I can show everyone that I am a hard worker.我可以向每个人表明我是一个努力工作的工人。




动者; 工人,员工n. u02c8wu025c:rku0259(r 读中文就是 窝克


youthworker的意思是:以青年为对象的社会工作者;青年工作者。youthworker的意思是:以青年为对象的社会工作者;青年工作者。youthworker的例句是Thesongwerecomposedbyayouthworker.这首歌是一位年青务工人们谱写的。Iwentontobecomeayouthworker,managedaccommodationforyoungpeopleonremandandfortheprobationservice.我又成为一个青年工人,管理住宿年轻人押和感化服务。Theoldworkerremembershisownyouth,whenhewasapoorservantwaitingontherichfamily.老工人想起自己的青少年时代,当时他是一个伺候富人家庭的穷佣人。一、网络释义点此查看youthworker的详细内容 青年工作者社会上的心理医生、行为矫正师、青年工作者(youthworker)与学校开展密切接触,辅助学校心理辅导工作。 青年工人YouthWorker青年工作者;青少年辅导员;青年工人;青少年工作者YouthMolecule花漾凝时因子;青春分子;长寿基因启动钥;漾凝时因子. 青少年工作者...花漾凝时因子;青春分子;漾凝时因子;长寿基因启动钥YouthWorker青年工作者;青少年辅导员;青年工人;青少年工作者..二、例句Thesongwerecomposedbyayouthworker.这首歌是一位年青务工人们谱写的。Iwentontobecomeayouthworker,managedaccommodationforyoungpeopleonremandandfortheprobationservice.我又成为一个青年工人,管理住宿年轻人押和感化服务。Theoldworkerremembershisownyouth,whenhewasapoorservantwaitingontherichfamily.老工人想起自己的青少年时代,当时他是一个伺候富人家庭的穷佣人。youthworker的相关临近词youth、youthify点此查看更多关于youthworker的详细信息




my father is a workerhis father is a workerher mather is a worker


我把在v2上发的帖子下面的评论摘抄下来 原帖: https://www.v2ex.com/t/593748#r_7793688 两个说的比较详细的回答: 回答1: 一个工厂(worker)有一个员工(单进(线)程),为了提高效率,请多了几个员工一起工作(单 worker 多进程) 为了防止这个工厂断电无法工作,那么多建了几个工厂,每个工厂有多个员工(多 worker 多进程) 实际上都是在实现并发 单 worker 可以开 n 个进程进行工作,一个 worker 挂了往往所有进程都会挂掉 多 worker 假设为 m 个,可以理解为分布式,为了防止一个 worker 挂了(或者性能不足等原因),导致无法工作 那么能够并发处理的任务数量理论上为 m * n 一般 worker(不仅 celery,很多设计都是这样)指一个调度主进程 + 多个子工作进程 一个 worker 有什么缺点: 比较常见的是在不同机器部署多个 worker 在不考虑机器和进程挂掉但情况,其实一个 worker 开 8 个进程和 2 个 worker 每个开 4 个进程的效率是接近的 回答2: celery 里面的-c 参数指定的是并发度,而-P 参数指定并发的实现方式,有 prefork (default)、eventlet、gevent 等,prefork 就是多进程的方式去实现并发。 你理解的多 worker 对应到多个进程,每个 worker (进程)自己内部还能并发是 gunicorn 的方式。gunicorn 的-w 参数指定有几个 worker (即几个进程),-k 参数指定每个 worker 的并发方式,可以是多线程或者多协程,也可以指定为 sync,表示 worker 是同步的,即不能并发。 比如 gunicorn 的-w 10 -k sync 和 celery 的-c 10 -P prefork 是等价的,都是创建 10 个进程去做并发,并发度最高就是 10。 再例如 celery 的-c 10 -P gevent 表示创建 10 个 gevent 协程去做并发,最高并发度也是 10。而 gunicorn 的-w 10 -k gevent,表示的是创建 10 个进程,且每个进程都是 gevent 异步的,这个并发度就很高了。

workman 和worker 有什么区别?



work 动词,工作worker 名词,工作的人,工人






worker的动词是work。work,作名词时译为“工作;功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂”,作及物动词时译为“使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进”。 W ork 的用法 work可以用作动词 work的基本意思是“有目的地从事体力或脑力方面的工作”,可指人工作、做事,也可指人学习、攻读、研究某事情或学科,还可指机器等运转、发动,计划等进展顺利,药发挥作用,暗示成功或有效等。 work可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接以形容词或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 work偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。 work可以用作名词 work的基本意思是“工作,劳动,作业”,用于泛指时不可数,指具体的一项工作时用不定冠词a修饰。引申可作“职业,职务”“活计”“成果,产品,工艺品”“贸易”“特殊研究”“行为,作用,功”等解,是不可数名词,用作主语时,谓语动词须用单数形式。 work作“著作,作品”解时,多用复数形式works。 work作“工厂”“机件,内部的机件”“工程,工事”“(善良的)行为,善事”解时,常用复数形式,用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用作复数形式。




work是动词,表示工作。worker则是名词,表示工人。如例句:I am a worker, and I work hard.






Worker是一个英语单词,较常用于工作场景中。其读音为[u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r]。在英国英语中,重音位于第一音节;而在美国英语中,重音位于第二音节。Worker的中文意思是“工人”、“劳动者”,通常指的是从事体力劳动或某种手工业的人员,例如在工厂、矿山、农场等行业中的劳动者。此外,worker还可以泛指从事某种职业或领域的人员。例如IT worker就是指从事信息技术领域工作的人员。除了worker这个字本身的含义,它还有一些相关的词汇和用法,可以使我们更好地理解这个单词。1、Team workerTeam worker指的是一个团队合作的成员,一个团队中的优秀成员需要能够与自己的团队成员协调工作,相互参考,协同完成任务。因此,能够成为一个出色的team worker,是许多招聘人才时看重的条件之一。2、Social workerSocial worker(社会工作者)与普通的worker略有不同,是一种专业职业,主要从事为人们提供社会支持和援助,帮助解决疑难问题等工作。例如,他们可能帮助那些遭受家庭暴力或虐待的人们,或者是那些需要心理咨询的人们,以及其他通过政府或其他机构提供的服务。3、Shift workerShift worker指的是那些在轮班制下工作的人员。在许多行业,如医院、酒店和工厂等,需要有人员在不同时段进行工作。因此,这就需要有一定数量的shift worker来保持运营的高效性。4、Front-line workerFront-line worker指的是那些直接参与产品或服务生产的人员。他们通常是企业中最基本的一层,这些员工直接从事现场操作。例如,在制造业中,front-line worker可能是负责组装零部件的工人;而在餐饮行业中,front-line worker可能是服务员等。总之,在许多职业类型中,worker都是一个非常常见的单词,其意义也十分广泛。正确理解和使用worker这个词汇,可以帮助我们更好地掌握英语,并成功应对各种工作场景。


worker的读音是:英["w??k?(r)]。worker的读音是:英["w??k?(r)]。worker的词语用法是n.(名词)worker由work加后缀-er而构成,基本意思是“工作者,工人”,可指“从事某种工作的人”,也可指“做体力工作或非管理性工作的人”,是可数名词。worker的意思是n.工人;工作者。一、详尽释义点此查看worker的详细内容n.(名词)工人,职工,技工,劳动者,劳工工作者,人员,工作人员【昆】职虫【虫】工蜂,工蚁【印】电铸版任职人学者雇员努力工作的人二、英英释义Noun:a person who works at a specific occupation;"he is a good worker"a member of the working class (not necessarily employed);"workers of the world--unite!"sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages for food and cares for the larvaea person who acts and gets things done;"he"s a principal actor in this affair""when you want something done get a doer""he"s a miracle worker"三、词典解释1.从事…工作的人;工作者A particular kind ofworker does the kind of work mentioned.e.g. ...office workers...办公室职员e.g. The society was looking for a capable researchworker.该协会在物色一位有能力的研究人员。2.工人;雇员Workers are people who are employed in industry or business and who are not managers.worker是什么意思e.g. Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.工资被冻结,工人下岗。e.g. ...a call for the workers of the world to unite...呼吁全世界工人团结起来的号召3.工作做得…的人You can useworker to say how well or badly someone works.e.g. He is a hardworker and a skilled gardener...他工作很努力,对园艺很在行。e.g. A first-classworker, she operated the difficult Jacquard looms.她技艺高超,操作着复杂的提花织布机。四、例句The worker"s overalls were badly burned by acid.这位工人的工作装被酸腐蚀得很厉害。The boss dispenses the sick worker from his duties.老板准许生病的工人不上班。She has been held up as a model worker.她被推举为模范工作者。A health worker immunizes an infant in Nepal.医疗工作者在尼泊尔为婴儿注射预防针。五、经典引文She grew to be the sorceress, Worker of fearful things.出自:W. MorrisAs a numbers runner he is..a worker of miracles.出自:R. Ellison六、情景对话在地铁站A:Let"s go to Wangfujing by bus.我们坐公共汽车去王府井吧。B:Better take the subway. It"s faster, and more convenient.最好乘地铁,地铁更快,更方便。worker什么意思A:O.K, it will be a new experience for me.可以,这对我来说也是一次新的经历。B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy…我们这儿有相当广泛的地铁系统,你可以坐地铁迅速到达任何地方,特别是在白天的这个交通高峰期……A:Where do we pay the fare?我们在哪里付车费?B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he"ll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.给售票员3 元,他会给你一张辅币。你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?让我来付费,我在哪儿能买到地铁图?worker的近义词B:Ask theworker who sells tokens to give you one. It"s free of charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.向售货员要一张,那是免费的,实际上大多数地铁站都贴有线路图。worker的解释A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?换乘地铁时,我还要付费吗?B:No, you don"t have to. Here comes the train.不用,车来了。A:Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.小心,车门是自动开关的。七、词义辨析n.(名词)worker, labour, working man, workman这四个词(组)都可表示“工人”。其区别是:worker用义最广,指“工人”最常用,但也指从事某种工作的人; workman指工匠和一般挣工资的人; working man指工人通常较为狭义,但也包括在工厂或别处干技术性或非技术性体力劳动的人; labour仅指干非技术性、重体力劳动的工人。例如:Some workmen have restored and refinished her parquet floor.几个工匠已把她的镶木地板重新铺好,装修一新。The average working man has only a limited saving power.普通工人储蓄的能力有限。He is an agricultural labour.他是一个农场工人。worker,workman,labourer这些名词均含有“工人,劳动者”之意。worker最常用词,泛指一切从事体力或脑力劳动以谋生的人。workman指雇佣工作,尤指有特种技能的工人。labourer多指体力劳动者,尤指无专长或专门技能的工人。worker的相关近义词employee、labourer、staff、workmanworker的相关临近词workers、workbench、workerist、worker ant、worker bee、worker crew、worker poet、workercadre、Worker First、worker caste、worker pupae、worker novel点此查看更多关于worker的详细信息


worker[英][u02c8wu025c:ku0259(r)][美][u02c8wu025c:rku0259(r)]n.劳动者; 工人,员工; [虫]工蜂,工蚁; 复数:workers形近词:Workercorkerporkerworked1The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions.该协议鼓励工人参与管理层的决策。


worker读音:英[u02c8wu025cu02d0ku0259(r)] 美[u02c8wu025cu02d0rku0259r]翻译:n.工人;工作者;人员;雇员;(尤指)劳工;干活…的人;工蜂例句:1.She"s a good little worker.她是个讨人喜欢的工人。2.The basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent. 工人的平均基本工资上升了3%。3.Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients. 社会工作者必须时刻考虑其当事人的最佳利益。4.Stress can exact a high price from workers. 压力可能迫使工人付出昂贵的代价。5.Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry. 对建筑业的工人来说形势看来很不乐观。6.The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. 力量均势从工人向雇主倾斜。7.Life as an aid worker can be a risky business. 救援人员的工作会有危险。


worker英 [u02c8wu025c:ku0259(r)] 美 [u02c8wu025c:rku0259(r)] n.劳动者;工人,员工;[虫]工蜂,工蚁


worker 英["wu025c:ku0259(r)]美[u02c8wu025aku025a]n. 工人,员工;劳动者;[虫]工蜂,工蚁名词复数:workers[例句]What if the worker is a robot?那如果工人是机器人怎么办?

the we gained while working in this field

A.perform B.profit C.drift D.competently E.in practice F.register G.evidence H.alert I.transparent J.in advance 11.The profit we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual. 12.Most students register over 90% in the exam; few,in fact,scored below 80%. 13.The little girl watched the balloons as they drift up into the sky. 14.In theory,this sounds like a good idea; however,I doubt that it will work in practice. 15.I think Tom played the role very competently. 16.We should make our reservations as far in advance as possible to get the flight we want. 17.He drew out a transparent plastic bag and held it up to the light to show me the golden fishes inside. 18.The police have had to drop charge against him because they couldn"t find any evidence. 19.A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement in the field. 20.Some athletes take drugs to improve their performance. Please note:N0.20 The correct word is " performance" (a noun)

marketing savvy是什么意思

marketing savvy精明的市场营销例句:1.The deep-pocketed korean company has used a combination of engineering prowess, manufacturing heft and marketing savvy to create smartphones that can rival the iphone in both sales and appeal. 这家财大气粗的韩国公司利用自己在设计、制造和营销方面的能力和经验,推出了销量和魅力都可与iphone比肩的智能手机。


Matt Parkman,洛杉矶警察,职位低下,想办大案子,非常希望能够晋级成为侦探,但是由于他有阅读障碍,三次考试都没有通过。他的工作生涯似乎已经走进了一个死胡同,同时妻子Janice也和他分居了,所有的事情对Matt来说都是糟糕透顶了。在一次针对罪案现场的调查中,Matt依靠自己听到别人想法的本领找到了藏在壁橱中的受到惊吓的小女孩。  Matt的饰演者Greg Grunberg出生于1966年7月11日,住在加利福尼亚的洛杉机。2000年,他试演了《he Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas》中的角色Fred Flintstone。他几乎参演了J. J. Abrams的每一部制作。在他的早期生涯中,Greg出演了几部票房很高的商业电影,其中一个角色为他赢得了在《The Tonight Show》中客串的机会。在投身演艺界之前他自己开了一家冷冻乳酪的快递服务公司,同时,他出现在24张主要运动项目的宣传画里面。在《Perfect Picture》中,Greg的表现并不被人们所看好。此外,他还是即将制作的电视电影《The Catch》的执行导演,预计会在2006年开拍。现在,他正在拍摄《Mission Impossible III》,这部影片会在2006年上映。他像Baywatch, Melrose Place和Murphy Brown一样,是在一些电视节目中担任小角色而开始演艺事业。在侦探电视剧《Alias》中,他扮演了CIA探员Eric Weiss,并出演了很多季。同时,他和好莱坞也有联系,《Alias》、《Lost》和《Felicity》的制作人。

Do you think that working in media is glamorous?

Yes.I love the job.It makes me feel glamorous and creative every day.




- -狂战士

讲讲美国民权斗士John Parker的故事,要英文的,不要太长!

John Parker (July 13, 1729– September 17, 1775) was an American farmer, mechanic, and soldier who commanded the Massachusetts militia at Lexington during the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. Parker was born in Lexington and his experience as a soldier in the French and Indian War at the Siege of Louisbourg and conquest of Quebec most likely led to his election as militia captain by the men of the town. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Parker_(Captain)John Johnston Parker (November 20, 1885–March 17, 1958) was a judge during the Nuremberg trials after World War II. He was the alternate American judge during the proceedings. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Parker_(judge)John Parker (June 24, 1759–April 20, 1832) was an American planter and lawyer from Charleston County, South Carolina. He was a delegate for South Carolina to the Continental Congress from 1786 to 1788. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Parker_(delegate)John P. Parker (1827-1900) was an African American inventor, industrialist and abolitionist who secretly participated in the Underground Railroad resistance movement. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Parker_(abolitionist)Herbert John Harvey Parker, normally known as John Parker (1906-1987) was a long-serving British Labour politician. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Parker_(UK_politician)John L. Parker (born in Toronto, Ontario) is a former politician in Ontario, Canada. He was a Progressive Conservative member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from 1995 to 1999. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Parker_(Ontario_politician)


冷冷清清~好,结贴吧!这个在linux下vim编辑,gcc运行一切ok!学习linux c编程还是在linux下做吧。codeblocks固然是跨平台的,但不能说linux有的东西它都有。

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do you like doing housework? 为什么用doing ?


以New York写一篇英语作文.要用到touristy/fascinating/

New York is a fasnating city of America.It is very beautiful and busy.Many people live in there,but they are not all Americans,some of them are from froeign country,they go to there to find a better job.New York is a big city,it has many shops and companies.And it is also famous for tour.Every year,there are many tourists,they go to they to have a look at the big city"s beauty and share the life with local people .New York is a touristy city,too.

Lament (Work In Progress Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Lament (Work In Progress Mix)歌手:Ultravox专辑:LamentLamentNick Cave & The Bad SeedsI"ve seen your fairground hairyour seaside eyesyour vampire toothyour little truthand your tiny liesI know your trembling handyour guilty prizeyour sleeping limbsyour foreign hymnsand your midnight criesSo dry your eyesAnd turn your head awayNow there"s nothing more to sayNow you"re gone awayI know your trail of tearsyour slip of handyour monkey clawyour monkey pawand your monkey handI"ve seen your trick of bloodyour trap of fireyour ancient woundyour scarlet moonand your jailhouse smileSo dry your eyesAnd turn your head awayNow there"s nothing more to sayNow you"re gone awaySo dry your eyesAnd turn your head awayNow there"s nothing more to sayNow you"re gone awayI"ll miss your urchin smileyour orphan tearsyour shining prizeyour tiny criesyour little fearsAnd I"ll miss your fairground hairyour seaside eyesyour little truthand your vampire toothAnd your tiny lies*So dry your eyesAnd turn your head awayNow there"s nothing more to sayNow you"re gone away*Reapet*你很好但请你离开我痛的美学!干嘛那么苛刻?失去了才发现值得拥有?脸上长斑的女孩也可爱完美不在我们身边所以我们会快乐只喝纯净水只吃刚烤的面包只看新闻联播不要摔跤不许放纵不准说脏话不能睡懒觉下雨一定要带伞走路必须端正时刻保持微笑小心走路小心扒手小心禽流感哎%>_<%……http://music.baidu.com/song/3480135

Lies (Mark Goodier Session - 17Th Nov 90) 歌词

歌曲名:Lies (Mark Goodier Session - 17Th Nov 90)歌手:EMF专辑:Mark Goodier Session (17Th November 1990)Black Keys - :iesBY Kevin Boul & Larry ChengSaid the moon was ours, yeahSaid the moon was ours, the hell with the dayThe sunlight is always gonna take love awayBrings up suspicions and alibiesBut I can see blue, tear-blinded eyesLies, lies, lies, ohh liesI got a stone where my heart should beI got a stone where my heart should beAnd nothing I do will make you love meI"d leave this time, break all my tiesBe no more use for any disguiseLies, lies, lies, ohh liesI wanna die without painI wanna die, oh, without painAll this desception I just can"t maintainThe sun, moon, the stars in the skyIt"d hurt me too bad if you said goodbyeLies, lies, lies, ohh lieshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2954843

单选Sadly,as spending on private gardens has __,spending on public parks has generally declined.


ERP、KM、Workflow、CRM、FI、Portal 是什么意思

查百度百科就知道啦,是在要是想听直白一些的说明可以上技术论坛,多交流,我知道有一家公司貌似在这些技术方面还不错,你可以跟他们联系看看 好像是叫广州天翎吧

dorothy perkins贵么,它是个什么样的牌子?


dorothy perkins贵么,它是个什么样的牌子?


Happiness is a journey not a purpose so work like you don’t need Money……出自哪里






mark owen的close to the edge歌词翻译,不要机译谢谢……

I was into, 我陷了进去Like a sudden fix from a bowl of sugar, 就像突然对一碗白糖上了瘾To you 至于你And all that you were standing for, 你所代表的一切Yeah, you knew, 你知道的I was so caught up that I could barely move, 我陷得太深以致不能自拔To stop you, 为了不让你 From having everything and more 拥有一切甚至更多Do you pick me up, 你会结识我吗To put me under 因为爱我Break me in, 当我逐渐习惯So you can choose your ways to put me back again 这样你就能用你之所好使我再次回心转意You can leave a hole like a nail in my head, 你可以在我心中留下一个洞,就像钉进脑袋的钉子You can leave me turned into nothing instead, 相反地你可以使我一文不值You can leave me close to the edge, 你可以使我处在边缘You won"t ever hear me hit the ground 但你再不会听我跌到地面(这里应该是指受到爱人巨大的伤害)Are you into, 你陷进来了吗Have you given up, have we gone to far, 你还没有放弃吗,我们是不是走得太远了Do you wander, 你在四处游荡吗Or are you staying where we are 或是待在我们在一起的地方I abhor you, 我憎恨你Yet all the while still I adore 但我却始终爱着你Knowing you, 我了解你And all that might have been before 那些却早已成为过去Do I say too much, to take you over 我是否因为想要控制你而说得太多?Break me in, 当我逐渐习惯So I can choose my ways to put me back again 这样你就能用你之所好使我再次回心转意You can leave a hole like a nail in my head, 你可以在我心中留下一个洞,就像钉进脑袋的钉子You can leave me turned into nothing instead, 相反地你可以使我一文不值You can leave me close to the edge, 你可以使我处在边缘You won"t ever hear me hit the ground 但你从没有听我跌到地面Cos I"m floored but not broken, 因为我虽受到打击却没有崩溃And I"m scarred but I"ll heal 虽然我被伤害但是我会痊愈Yeah I"m blissfully tortured, 痛并快乐着Naked and real 真诚并真实And I"m stung and I"m sorry, 我很痛苦,我很遗憾But I"m calm now and clear 但我已镇静也已明白Like the sky hanging over, 就像悠闲的苍穹Like the scratch on my shoulder, 就像放松的肩膀That I no longer feel, feel 我再也不会觉得I was into 我爱你了Too close to the edge, 就在边缘Too close to the edge 就在边缘You can leave a hole like a nail in my head, 你可以在我心中留下一个洞,就像钉进脑袋的钉子You can leave me turned into nothing instead, 你可以使我一文不值You can leave me close to the edge, 你可以使我处在边缘You won"t ever hear me, 你再不会Ever hear me 听到我Hit the ground 跌落地面翻译的不准的地方见谅




SuperK 这个牌子的羽毛球拍没用过!好象是国内一个不知名企业生产滴,应该和强力等品牌差不多---很普通滴一种吧。经常打球滴人很少用滴







“He is stressed out of his school work.”这句话有语法上的错误吗?


分析这句英文的主谓宾结构和句子成分,短语之类的:one may miss the mark to

one(主语) may (情态动词和后面的动词原形一起做谓语)miss (谓语)the mark(宾语) too high to low(定语,修饰前面的名词)不知道你打错了没,翻译要根据语境。可能翻译:一个人可能错过/想念 分数/标记,要么太高,要么太低

A good marksman may miss.


a good marks may miss 啥意思




Dark Moor的《Lovers》 歌词

歌曲名:Lovers歌手:Dark Moor专辑:Tarotloversdark moor/黑色沼泽-<Tarot>(2007)LoversUnderneath the star shinewhere the white light glowsLovers in the skylinecupid shoots his bowOne promise, true love foreveror one life calmed in wealthto choose passion or stealthIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be oneIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be oneThe night brings a sweet love caressa broken feeling possessmy heart in the doubtthat fills my distressIn every soul there is a lighta dream that drives each fatethat just love celebratesIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be oneIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be oneIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be oneIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be oneIn my heart, the love is in my heartThe dream beneath the sunThe lovers will be one...............http://music.baidu.com/song/17691597

The Dark Night Of The Soul 歌词

《Dark Night of the Soul》演唱者:Mayhem所属专辑:《Chimera》唱片公司:Season of Mist 发行时间:2004年09月29日 歌词:Caress the deceitful snake, The one who speaks in tongues Of all my devastating truths, Collect the power of my dreams Cast by the devious fire demons, A thousand whorish tongues A fiendish lust a hallow trust. In Black Death, salute the visions, Mayhem of living, infected blood. In this, dark night of the soul !! I close my eyes to the world, Kiss my skinless corpus, Make me revel in your weak souls, Make me feast on your nightmares. Death"s heads enshrined in my head, I deal exclusively in mysterious pain I seal the orbits of misanthropy. The mystical blood runs tonight, Gifting through your inner thighs, A moment of inconceivable lust.

经典英语诗歌:My Soul is Dark 我灵魂阴郁

  下面是带来的 拜伦 经典英语诗歌:My Soul is Dark 我灵魂阴郁 ,欢迎阅读。    原诗抑扬格,每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababbcbc,译诗依原诗(但有时是押相近的韵)。   My soul is dark—Oh! quickly string   我灵魂阴郁——快调好琴弦,   The harp I yet can brook to hear;   趁我还受得住聆听乐曲;   And let thy gentle fingers fling   用轻柔手指向我耳边   Its melting murmurs o"er mine ear.   弹弄出喁喁细诉的低语。   If in this heart a hope be dear,   只要这颗心还有所希图,   That sound shall charm it forth again;   乐音会再度将它诱导;   If in these eyes there lurk a tear,   只要这双眼还藏着泪珠,   "Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.   会流出,不再把脑髓煎熬。   But bid the strain be wild and deep,   让琴曲旋律深沉而激越,   Nor let thy notes of joy be first:   欢快的调门请暂且躲开;   I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,   乐师呵,让我哭泣吧,否则,   Or else this heavy heart will burst;   沉重的心呵,会爆成碎块!   For it hath been by sorrow nursed,   它原是悲哀所哺育,后来   And ached in sleepless silence long;   长期在失眠中熬受痛楚;   And now "tis doom"d to know the worst,   命运给了它最坏的安排:   And break at once—or yield to song.   碎裂,——要么,被歌声收伏。

求助无法连接的Dark Soul III 游戏服务器

方法1:打开360安全卫士,工具里,打开修复lsp,然后立即修复。系统保留网速设置,运行的对话框,在输入文字的位置,输入命令gpedit.msc,调出组策略进行设置,选择管理模板-网络-Qos数据包计划程序,选择后在右侧的窗口选择限制可保留带宽选项,将未配置的选择更改成已启用,并将带宽限制将默认设置的20更改为0。方法2:打开搜索运行(WIN键+R)输入services.msc找到WINDOWS FIREWALL,双击。启动类型设置成手动,然后下面的服务状态停止掉点确认就OK了。

黑暗之魂3( dark soul 3)单机存档会保存到steam账号里吗

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