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如何verilog 产生一个复位信号,quartus2仿真不对,求指教,




请教:在modelsim下用Verilog HDL testbench仿真bmp文件读写,写出的文件变大是咋回事?


关于 Verilog 中while函数的一个小问题。






在verilog中赋值失败, 不知道是什么原因, 求大神帮我看看, 谢谢先.


用verilog写的50M分频0.5HZ和1KHZ testbench也写了,用modelsim仿真 输出却没有波形,只有50M和reset信号



`timescale 1ns/1psmodule alu_tb(); wire [7:0]alu_out; wire zero; reg [7:0]data,accum; reg [2:0]opcode; reg alu_ena,clk; reg rst_n; parameter HLT=3"b000, SKZ=3"b001, ADD=3"b010, ANDD=3"b011, XORR=3"b100, LDA=3"b101, STO=3"b110, JMP=3"b111; initial begin clk = 0; rst_n = 0; # 100 rst_n = 1; end always # 10 clk = ~clk; alu dut( .alu_out(alu_out), .zero(zero), .data(data), .accum(accum), .alu_ena(alu_ena), .opcode(opcode), .clk(clk) ); always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) begin if ( ~rst_n ) begin data <= 0; accum <= 0; opcode <= 0; alu_ena <= 0; end else begin data <= data + 1; case ( data ) 10:begin//改你想要的data值,10代表实际输入的是11 alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0;//改你想要的ACCUM值 opcode <= HLT;//改你想要的操作码 end 11:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= SKZ; end 12:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= ADD; end 13:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= ANDD; end 14:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= XORR; end 15:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= LDA; end 16:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= STO; end 17:begin alu_ena <= 1; accum <= 0; opcode <= JMP; end default:begin alu_ena <= 0; accum <= 0; opcode <= 0; end endcase end endendmodule




reset是低电平复位,testbench中应该是先reset<=0;然后再reset<=1;clk<=0;最好跟always #50 clk<=~clk;写在一起always begin clk= 1"b0; #50 Clk = ~Clk; #50;end


你好,我写了一个例子你看看好了。module tb();reg [2:0] inputD;wire reset; wire clk;wire [7:0] result; initial begin clk =0; clk = #5 ~clk; endinitial begin reset =0; #20; reset =1; end always @(posedge clk) if reset ==1 begin inputD =3"b000; end else inputD = inputD +1;decode_38 decode_38 (.code(inputD), .result(result));endmodule

verilog inout信号testbench写法

  对于testbench而言,端口应当和被测试的module一一对应。端口分为input,output和inout类型产生激励信号的时候,input对应的端口应当申明为reg, output对应的端口申明为wire,inout端口比较特殊;  一般用initial块给信号赋初值,initial块执行一次,always或者forever表示由事件激发反复执行。  .一般在testbench的开头定义时间单位和仿真 精度,比如`timescale 1ns/1ps,前面一个是代表时间单位,后面一个代表仿真时间精度。  对于一个设计而言,时间刻度应该统一,如果设计文件和testbench里面的时间刻度不一致,仿真 器默认以testbench为准。一个较好的办法是写一个global.v文件,然后用include的办法,可以防止这个问题。

verilog程序中使用到一些标志位,如reg flag;在testbench中该怎么写



测试就是往DUT接口上加激励,通过DUT的输出判断是否正确。对应到你的模块就是 input iclk_50; input [7:0] keyin;这两个input,时钟端口就给一个时钟keyin给独热码0000000,,0000001,0000010..1000000就可以了不知道你需不需要判断buzzout输出是否正确,需要的话还要更麻烦些

基于verilog的QPSK调制解调系统,书上代码有了 就是不知道如何进行编写testbench 还请大虾劳驾了





`timescale 1ns/1nsmodule testbench ();reg clk;initialbegin clk = 0; repeat(1000) #500 clk = ~clk; repeat(2000) #250 clk = ~clk; $finish;endendmodule如果定义`timescale 10ns/10ns改为repeat(1000) #50 clk = ~clk;repeat(2000) #25 clk = ~clk;降低了仿真精度 可以提高仿真速度如果定义`timescale 100ns/100ns改为repeat(1000) #5 clk = ~clk;repeat(1000)begin #3 clk = ~clk; #2 clk = ~clk;end进一步降低了仿真精度同时提高仿真速度 但时钟占空比不再是1:1 对一般的rtl仿真也没有影响








首先解释三个相关词语的意思:1. reflect on/upon sth:think deeply about, or remind oneself of, past events; consider.沉思或回忆,思考。2. directly:1. in a direct line or manner, straight.径直地。直接地。2. at once; immediately立即,马上。3. voluntarliy: withiout compulsion; willngly自愿地,自动地,主动地。( 以上词汇解释均来自《牛津双解》)高考原文如下:In the regular class, having no worry about keeping up, they began to reflect ____(9) on many problems, some of which were not on the school program.译:1. (填 ditrctly)在普通班里,由于不必担心是否能跟上其他同学,他们直接地(立即,径直地) 开始思考好多问题,有些问题甚至不在学校的教学计划之内。2. (填 voluntarliy)在普通班里,由于不必担心是否能跟上其他同学,他们自愿地(自动地,主动地) 开始思考好多问题,有些问题甚至不在学校的教学计划之内。不难看出,思考好多问题并非是出于自愿,或主动。而是在没有其它学业负担的情况下,可以直接进行的。答案ditrctly应该是很合理的。你好,yutou青青!满意吗?如果不满意可以追问。满意的话请采纳。

verilog 中关键字disable的用法及含义?


有一首英文歌,歌词是so so so sorry 后面还有什么I·m ha pretty gril 重复好几遍

AGA江海伽的wonderful U中国人



Martin Briley的《Dumb Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Dumb Love歌手:Martin Briley专辑:Salt In My Tears: The Complete Mercury MastersSean Kingston - Dumb LoveGirl you make meDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbOur love is soDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbWha, wha, whyYou tell me that you need meBut then you wanna leave meAnd never make your way to the doorI tell you that you"re too muchAnd then I"ll miss you too muchDon"t even know what we"re fighting forYou break my heart, girlAnd then you go get it fixedI talk all them other chicksJust to make you jealousHow can we make it right?When we both put up a fitYou make me so madIt"s kind of hard to competeBut when I look into your pretty eyesMy heart just dropsGirl you make meDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbOur love is soDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbWha, wha, whyYou always talking recklessSending a text messageTelling me to pack and your goneAnd then I get a call a minuteYou sounded so innocentSaying that you can"t sleep aloneI hope I never receive to showHow you spend all my doughYou wanna go in some other roomAnd burn all of my clothesHow can we make it right?When we put up a fitYou make me so madIt"s kind of hard to competeBut when I look into your pretty eyesMy heart just dropsGirl you make meDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbOur love is soDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbWha, wha, whyCalling it quits just ain"tWhat we were built forI"d rather love youThen to hate you girlI want you to knowYou"re my, you"re myYou"re my shawtySay you"re my, you"re myYou"re my shawtyGirl you make meDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbOur love is soDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbWha, wha, whyGirl you make meDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbOur love is soDumb, dumb, dumb, dumbDumb, dum bee dum, dumbWha, wha, why


额,你这是把verliog当成C语言在写啊,语法完全错误red,green,yellow,light_out都没有值, 怎么会有输出呢,没输出当然没波形

Lovely nostril的baby i love you so 歌词?

Break be my soul, stay be your soul, 分离是我的心,留下是你的心, shall we know its my soul i control. 我们会让心所捆吗? It does knowing shall we really, 我们会心心相应吗? It doesn"t sorry my soul i control. 我们会对得起自己的心吗? Baby i love u so, 宝贝,我爱你, Baby i miss u so much,baby. 宝贝,我非常的想你,宝贝! I can"t find u, shall we? 我找寻不到你,我们还能在一起吗? I can mama your soul, 我可以安抚你的心, I can give the story know, 我可以告诉你我所有我的故事, I am sorry. 对不起。 Kissing now you and me. 让我们相吻,只有你和我在一起。 2, Break be my soul, stay be your soul, 分离是我的心,留下是你的心, shall we know its my soul i control. 我们会让心所捆吗? It does knowing shall we really, 我们会心心相应吗? It doesn"t sorry my soul i control. 我们会对得起自己的心吗? Baby i love u so, 宝贝,我爱你, Baby i miss u so much,baby. 宝贝,我非常的想你,宝贝! I can"t find u, shall we? 我找寻不到你,我们还能在一起吗? I can mama your soul, 我可以安抚你的心, I can give the story know, 我可以告诉你我所有我的故事, I am sorry. 对不起。 Kissing now you and me. 让我们相吻,只有你和我在一起。 3, Break be my soul, stay be your soul, 分离是我的心,留下是你的心, shall we know its my soul i control. 我们会让心所捆吗?


Bible, riddle, able, capalbe, rival, jungle, style, eagle, nostril, file........太多了。。

at least等于primarily

手工(金融专业)翻译,请支持. Investment投资 the investment can be in the form of cash,equipment,inventory,other tangible property,cash equivalents and indebtedness by assets owned by the alien provided that he or she is personally and primarily liable and the assets of the new commercial enterprise are not used to secure any of the indebtedness.the definition apecifically excludes capital acquired by unlawful means. 投资可以是现金、设备、存货,或其他有形资产、现金等价物,及对外部持有的可靠债权(不包括新企业的不安全资产)该项定义特别不包括非法取得的资金. the basic investment amount is $1 million,the required investment is $500,000 for a business established in a "targeted employment area."Targeted employment areas include: 基本投资额为100万美元,“目标就业区”要求的投资金额是50万美金.“目标就业区”包括: 1 rural areas,defined as any area other than one within a metropolitan statistical area or within the boundary of ta city or town with a population of 20,000 or more; and 2 areas having an unemployment rate that is at least 150% of the national average. 1.农业区域,处于大城市内或处于超过2万人口的城镇边缘的区域除外. 2.失业率至少为国内平均水平的150%的区域.

1._____,it is quite easy to drill a hole in it wi

1 C也是错的,应该是Hard as diamond is, 而不是hardly(几乎不),这是as的复合结构,adj/adv/v./n. +as +主语+谓语,用的是一种倒装结构,意思是“尽管钻石很硬,但是用激光给它凿个洞还是很容易的” A的意思是“我刚一坐下”,B要用Although diamond is hard2 主语是第三人称单数啊,所以谓语动词用A (那个助理研究生)3 D的意思是表示重复或强调,“确实是”,不倒装;B的意思是“它也是”,倒装的时候表示另一个不同的东西也一样,所以选D

everybody get downuff01this is a robberyuff01uff01not drilluff01uff01


drill down into



ajax请求后台数据,将返回数据在后台转换为json格式,然后前台接受到json字符串后直接设置到series里面如下代码示例series:[{,...}]后台转json可以用JSONObject 或者JSONARRAY

请问:sap自带的Drilldown report用处大不大?

Drilldown report是sap自带的一种报表开发工具,不过在我们公司很少用到,请问这个工具又折 么用? Drilldown Report的基于Key Figure和Characteristics等的多维浏览和细化显示数据的方式 非常易用,特别是在CO-PA,CO-PC的Cost Object Controlling,PS以及GL/AR/AP等模块中屡 用不鲜。 同时这个报告工具是面向用户的,建议经常使用哦!





wonder grils 的成员资料?

小故事: 很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡着了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。 深夜,保姆觉得无聊就想去楼下看电视。但是她看不了,因为楼下没有电视(因为孩子的父母不希望他们的孩子看太多垃圾)。她就打电话给孩子的父母,问是否可以在他们的卧室看电视,当然孩子的父母同意了。 但保姆又想要最后一个请求。 她问是否可以用毯子或者衣服盖住那小丑雕像,因为那使她感到很害怕。 电话沉默了一会。 (此时爸爸在和保姆通话) 他说:带孩子离开房间…… 我们将会叫警察……我们从来没有什么小丑雕像。 那小丑很可能是一个从监狱逃出来的杀人犯。 电话里沉默了一会儿。 (正在跟保姆通话的孩子的父亲)说:带上孩子们,离开房子……我们会通知警察……我们没有一个小丑雕像…… 孩子们和保姆被小丑谋杀了。 结果是,小丑是一个从监狱里逃出来的杀人犯。 如果你不在5分钟内转发这个贴子,这个小丑在凌晨3点时将会拿着刀站在你的床前

and he writes brilliant stories怎么读


verilog 中 assign语句放入generate块中可以吗,怎么加??


verilog中generate 能否写到always块里面



没什么区别generatecase(i)0: a[i]=1"b1;1:defaultendcaseendgenerate

一首英文歌曲 叫GRIL 女声唱的 帮忙找找

很早的歌了Leandro - Girl girl, it"s so hard to say goodbye for me girl, can you please tell me oh why it hurts how i can find you now? in my city of hope the streets are empty hope the time will tell how i burn for you yes i do refrain: girl, i"m traveling round the world i hope that i can find you now believe that time will tell somehow girl, please tell me where you are no place can be too far today i raise my hands for you and pray b-refrain: on the day we said goodbye i didn"t know how much i"m gonna miss you i"m about to loose myself in promises i can"t keep i can"t keep girl, you make the time stand still for me and you girl, so many thoughts "bout you runnin" round my head that causes pain instead

Avril Lavigne的HOT歌词的翻译。中文歌词、

Avril Lavigne的新歌《Hot》歌词的中文翻译You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝~~ I want to lock you up in my closet, where no one"s around 我希望把你锁进我的衣柜[真是暴力啊],在没有人的地方 I want to put your hand in my pocket, because you"re allowed 我希望把你装进我的口袋,因为你同意了!! I want to drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound 我希望把你带进一个角落,然后就亲你!!没有一句话~[MUMA!] I want to stay this way forever, I"ll say it loud 我希望永远都这样,我会把这说的很响亮!!!! Now you"re in and you can"t get out 现在你来啦~~!!你出不去了!! You make me so hot 你让我觉得热!! Make me wanna drop 让我想坠落! You"re so ridiculous 你是多么的荒唐 I can barely stop 我几乎不能停下 I can hardly breathe 我几乎不能呼吸了 You make me wanna scream 你让我多么想尖叫 You"re so fabulous 你是多么让人难以置信[极好的] You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!! You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!! I can make you feel all better, just take it in 我可以让你觉的更好,只要来吧 And I can show you all the places, you"ve never been 我可以让你看到所有地方,那些你从未去过的 And I can make you say everything, that you never said 我可以让你说任何东西,那些你从位说过的 And I will let you do anything, again and again 我可以让你做任何事`!!一次又一次!! Now you"re in and you can"t get out 现在你来啦~~!!你出不去了!!You make me so hot 你让我觉得热!! Make me wanna drop 让我想坠落! You"re so ridiculous 你是多么的荒唐 I can barely stop 我几乎不能停下 I can hardly breathe 我几乎不能呼吸了 You make me wanna scream 你让我多么想尖叫 You"re so fabulous 你是多么让人难以置信[极好的] You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!! You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!! Kiss me gently 请温柔的亲吻我 Always I know 这些哦都知道 Hold me love me 拥抱我,爱我 Don"t ever go 不要离开 You make me so hot 你让我觉得热!! Make me wanna drop 让我想坠落! You"re so ridiculous 你是多么的荒唐 I can barely stop 我几乎不能停下 I can hardly breathe 我几乎不能呼吸了 You make me wanna scream 你让我多么想尖叫 You"re so fabulous 你是多么让人难以置信[极好的] You"re so good to me 你对我来说真是太棒了!You make me so hot 你让我觉得热!! Make me wanna drop 让我想坠落! You"re so ridiculous 你是多么的荒唐 I can barely stop 我几乎不能停下 I can hardly breathe 我几乎不能呼吸了 You make me wanna scream 你让我多么想尖叫 You"re so fabulous 你是多么让人难以置信[极好的] You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!! You"re so good to me Baby Baby 你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!! You"re so good 你真是太棒了


You"re so good to me Baby Baby你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝~~I want to lock you up in my closet, where no one"s around我希望把你锁进我的衣柜[真是暴力啊],在没有人的地方I want to put your hand in my pocket, because you"re allowed我希望把你装进我的口袋,因为你同意了!!I want to drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound我希望把你带进一个角落,然后就亲你!!没有一句话~[MUMA!]I want to stay this way forever, I"ll say it loud我希望永远都这样,我会把这说的很响亮!!!!Now you"re in and you can"t get out现在你来啦~~!!你出不去了!!You make me so hot你让我觉得热!!Make me wanna drop让我想坠落!You"re so ridiculous你是多么的荒唐I can barely stop我几乎不能停下I can hardly breathe我几乎不能呼吸了You make me wanna scream你让我多么想尖叫You"re so fabulous你是多么让人难以置信[极好的]You"re so good to me Baby Baby你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!!You"re so good to me Baby Baby你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!!I can make you feel all better, just take it in我可以让你觉的更好,只要来吧And I can show you all the places, you"ve never been我可以让你看到所有地方,那些你从未去过的And I can make you say everything, that you never said我可以让你说任何东西,那些你从位说过的And I will let you do anything, again and again我可以让你做任何事`!!一次又一次!!Now you"re in and you can"t get outKiss me gently请温柔的亲吻我Always I know这些哦都知道Hold me love me拥抱我,爱我Don"t ever go不要离开You make me so hot你让我觉得热!!Make me wanna drop让我想坠落!You"re so ridiculous你是多么的荒唐I can barely stop我几乎不能停下I can hardly breathe我几乎不能呼吸了You make me wanna scream你让我多么想尖叫You"re so fabulous你是多么让人难以置信[极好的]You"re so good to me Baby Baby你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!!You make me so hot你让我觉得热!!Make me wanna drop让我想坠落!You"re so ridiculous你是多么的荒唐I can barely stop我几乎不能停下I can hardly breathe我几乎不能呼吸了You make me wanna scream你让我多么想尖叫You"re so fabulous你是多么让人难以置信[极好的]You"re so good to me Baby Baby你对我来说真是太棒了!宝贝!!You"re so good你真是太棒了

Brilliant Lies 歌词

歌曲名:Brilliant Lies歌手:New Years Day专辑:My DearI"m trying to sleep,But this pain in my chest,It"s keeping me awake,And every breath I take,Feels like it"s my last,I want to be fine,I want to be sure,I want to be a lot of things,And none of them include you.I keep telling myself I"m not miserable,I keep telling myself I"m better off without youI believed that you meant everything you said,Goodbye and thanks for the memories,For the pain and liesEvery time I had to cry,Goodbye and thanks for the memories.I don"t understand,Because it doesn"t make sense,The way you broke it off,Took away my heart,Took away all my friends,I want to go out,And get out of this house,But to begin again is gonna take more than I think I"d ever have to give.I keep telling myself I"m not miserable,I keep telling myself I"m better off without youI believed that you meant everything you said,Goodbye and thanks for the memories,For the pain and liesEvery time I had to cry,Goodbye and thanks for the memories.I believe that I was so cleverly deceived,By good looks, some charm, and a brilliant lie,All the time that was spent being used I should have said,Goodbye and thanks for the memories.I want to know why you"re such an idiot,I want to know how you can even live with it,I want to know why I should even give a damn,About you missing me so terriblyI"m starting to sleep a little easier now,Now that I"m over this,And I"ve made up my mind to never fall in love again,With someone like you, someone so confused,I just wish I would have realized that a long time before I had...I believed that you meant everything you said,Goodbye and thanks for the memories,For the pain and liesEvery time I had to cry,Goodbye and thanks for the memories.I believe that I was so cleverly deceived,By good looks, some charm, and a brilliant lie,All the time that was spent being used I should have said,Goodbye and thanks for the memories.I believed that you meant everything you said,Goodbye and thanks for the memories.

My life is brilliant My love is pure I saw an ang

My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。My love is pure. 我的爱如此纯真。I saw an angel. 因为我见过天使。Of that I"m sure. 对此,我深信不疑。She smiled at me on the subway. 她在地下铁上对着我微笑。She was with another man. 虽然身边伴着另一个男人。But I won"t lose no sleep on that, 但我可不会为此辗转难眠,"Cause I"ve got a plan. 因为我已有心理准备。You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful, 你就是这么美,你就是这么美,You"re beautiful, it"s true. 你就是这么的美,这是千真万确。I saw your face in a crowded place, 我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸,And I don"t know what to do, 这令我不知所措。"Cause I"ll never be with you. 因为我和你永远无法相依。

《The Summerof Riley》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Summer of Riley》(Bunting, Eve)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: k8p9书名:The Summer of Riley作者:Bunting, Eve出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books出版年份:2002-4页数:176内容简介:"Maybe that"s one of the reasons people get dogs, to kind of close up the empty places inside them." Eleven-year-old William never needed a friend more than now. After his parents" separation, his father"s new engagement, and his grandfather"s dying without any warning -- adopting big, beautiful Riley is the first thing in a long time that has made him feel better. That is, until Riley innocently chases a horse. Local law states that any animal that chases livestock must be put to sleep. Suddenly William stands to lose another thing close to him. Together with his "totally unsurpassed" friend Grace, William begins a campaign to reverse the county commissioners" decision. But with a community divided on the issue, and the bully Ellis Porter trying to stop them at every turn, will they be able to save Riley"s life? Celebrated author Eve Bunting shows William"s determined struggle to fight for what he believes in. The Summer of Riley is an inspiring novel about learning to accept life"s changes, the healing power of friendship, and the unending desire to protect those we love.

verilog中model name和top level entity不一致有什么问题

意思是verilog文件(.v)里的模块名和顶层实体名(Top-level design entity,通常就是.v文件的文件名)不一致。例如模块名是modelsim_test,而工程目录下的verilog文件名是simulate。需要将modelsim_test修改为simulate就能解决问题。扩展资料:常见错误提示——1、Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at verilog_ctrl.v(111): truncated value with size 10 to match size of target (8)。解释1:数值不指定位宽的话,会被默认成32位,然后就有这个警告了。解释2:因为没有指定位宽,所以系统提示默认为32位所以你将out <= out + 1 改为out <= out + 1"b1 就可以了。2、Warning: Clock multiplexers are found and protected。解释1:取消时钟mux。如果不能取消,那么就用专门的时钟mux单元。就是对时钟做了多路选择。一般的来说,系统时钟树的处理要特别注意。


Hi Barbie! Hi Ken! You wanna go for a ride? Sure, Ken! Jump in! I"m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it"s fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on, Barbie, let"s go party I"m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it"s fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation I"m a blonde single girl in the fantasy world Dress me up, take your time, I"m your dollie You"re my doll, rock and roll, feel the glamour and pain Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky-panky You can touch, you can play You can say I"m always yours, oooh whoa I"m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it"s fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, ha ha ha, yeah Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, oooh, oooh Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, ha ha ha, yeah Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, oooh, oooh Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again Hit the town, fool around, let"s go party You can touch, you can play You can say I"m always yours You can touch, you can play You can say I"m always yours Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, ha ha ha, yeah Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, oooh, oooh Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, ha ha ha, yeah Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, oooh, oooh I"m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it"s fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation I"m a Barbie girl in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it"s fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, ha ha ha, yeah Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, oooh, oooh Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, ha ha ha, yeah Come on, Barbie, let"s go party, oooh, oooh - Oh, I"m having so much fun! - Well, Barbie, we"re just getting started! - Oh, I love you Ken!barbiegirl 这是歌曲名字

求Avril when you are gone歌词下载






Sarubin是Arista唱片的副主席,曾经为Spinfire工作过。他正在纽约市寻找可以与加拿大歌手艾薇儿合作的人。埃文收到了5卷艾薇儿DEMO带并在三天内必须学完。在纽约的试唱中,主吉他手人选已经敲定,所以埃文作为鼓手和贝司手的人选。在演奏了几个小节后,总监想和他签约让他做主吉他手和backup singer (可能是指後备歌手或艾薇儿乐队的二部和音歌手)。所以他努力工作,学完了所有歌曲,然后你们都知道了艾薇儿现在多有名,她的第一张专辑卖了数百万张(一千六百万,至07年为一千八百万张)。   和艾薇儿一路走来,在舞台上表演。让埃文成为世界上最快乐的人。虽然他脱离了艾薇儿的乐队自己做音乐,但这是生命中一段真实的经历。 在Evan与艾薇儿合作前,人人都叫他Evan David ,加入艾薇儿乐队後,他才用自己的真实姓名 Evan David Taubenfeld,但把David除去。   2004年5月。艾薇儿推出了第二张专辑《酷到骨子里》,她的第一首单曲,don"t tell me,就是埃文写给自己的。为这张专辑埃文做了大量工作,他写了三首曲子,(freak out ,don"t tell me, take me away).和艾薇儿一起录制了。这当然只是他自己事业的开始……   后来他与EMI(百代音乐)签约成为EMI的工作人员和作家。便在2004年9月离开艾薇儿乐队。2004年10月,Evan与Sire/Warner Bros. records (华纳)签约。埃文完全投入到音乐中去。 他唯一想做的就是写和玩音乐。在一次访谈中他也谈到想要建立起属于自己的音乐帝国。   在2007年2月,Avril Lavigne的新单曲音乐录影带“Girlfriend”首映,Evan在这音乐录影带中作为一个吉他手。   Evan也在 Avril Lavigne的“The Best Damn Thing” 音乐录影带中担任鼓手。   Evan和Avril Lavigne在The Best Damn Thing中合作写了4首歌"Hot", "Innocence", "One of Those Girls", "Contagious". ,“Evan是我在这个世界上最好的朋友之一”,她非常亲切地说道,“他从第一天起就一直陪伴在我身边”。   他最爱的是"Hot" 和 "Innocence" .   Evan离开艾薇儿的乐队之后,两人依旧是最好的朋友,保持着密切的联系也有过多次合作。   Avril不太精于电脑,每次她上网的时候都要找evan帮手。


总有很多人误以为Evan和Avril关系那么好他们肯定是男女朋友或者曾经是男女朋友这种想法纯粹是主观臆断真正熟悉他们的人都知道他们是最好的朋友是最亲密的伙伴但也只是这种哥哥和妹妹的关系没有别的什么爱情一类的感情Avril目前有正在交往的对象Brody而Evan也有他的亲亲小女朋友名叫BreezyEvan有一首歌叫Starbucks Girl写的就是他们之间的故事两个人可以说是在星巴克一见钟情的所以,那些认为Avril和Evan在一起的人希望你们醒一醒另外一个澄清就是关于Evan为Avril写歌这件事情首先,Evan有没有为Avril写过歌?答案——当然是有你可以上Avril的专辑里翻翻,Don"t Tell Me,Hot,Innocence……这些我们耳熟能详津津乐道的歌曲都是Evan和Avril的合作然而,也总会有人认为XX歌是Evan为Avril写的最最出名的可能就是The Best Years of Our Lives总有人认为这是Evan离开Avril之后为她写的歌这种想法大错特错!!我们都应该明白,本来艺术这种东西就是来源于生活而高于生活,就像小说是虚构的一样我们也不能仅仅因为主观臆断而断定这首歌是写给Avril的实际上,它应该是Evan写来纪念自己的高中生活的第二首是所谓的“My Life Without Avril”或者有人认为叫“Try Life Without Me”其实这首歌叫做Stubborn,也与Avril没有任何关系







求Avril Lavigne全部的歌

专辑:《Avril Lavigne》《Goodbye Lullaby》《The Best Damn Thing》《B-Sides》《Under My Skin》《Let Go》每张里面十几首其他:Touch The SkyTemple Of LifeTwo RiversFalling Into HistoryBreakawayDaydreamCandy/Gone/Complete MeI Will BeWon"t Let You GoFlyGet Over Me(ft. Avril Lavigne)-Nick CarterBest Years of Our Lives(ft. Avril Lavigne)-Evan TaubenfeldWavin" Flag-Young Artists For Haiti翻唱:O Holy NightImagineKnockin" On Heaven"s DoorSpongeBob SquarePants ThemeAdiaLove RevolutionBad ReputationHow You Remind MeTik Tok给别人的:Dancing Crazy-Miranda CosgroveI Don"t Wanna、All Because Of You-Puffy她本人唱的中文版(都是艾薇儿本人唱的):Hello Kitty(演唱会现场版部分歌词)Hot(中文版、日文版)Girlfriend(有MV),还有feat.Lil Mama版(也有MV)、中文版和其他语言版本(日语版、法语版、德语版、葡萄牙语版、西班牙语版、意大利语版)





Avril Lavigne《how you remind me》歌词翻译



VV和EV只是一对好朋友,但他们俩之间不同寻常的亲密无间曾传来一阵诽闻。我们都明白,VV和EV是一对朋友,但EV是那样优秀,V迷们宁愿相信VV和EV真的不仅仅是好朋友。而EV在事业上帮助VV,同时又是她的好朋友,我们很喜欢他。在EV和其他乐队成员的帮助协作下,VV的事业蒸蒸日上。然而,EV突然走了,乐队里少了往日清脆娴熟的吉他声。也许,是因为VV的转型EV才走。接着,VV迅速地转型,成为一个成熟端庄的乖乖女。与此同时,她又与SUM41的主唱小戴相爱,并闪电地订婚。这对深爱VV的V迷们无疑是一剂强酸,让我们伤心欲绝。我们深深地想念EV,我们想念EV在时那个狂野不驹的VV,那个充满个性、歌声可以使人落泪的VV。EV从此销声匿迹,开始了他自己的事业。我曾在心里无数次的呼喊:EVAN,你为什么要走!但我们最终无奈地明白,EV他走了,任凭我们怎样地不舍,然而这就是现实。 可是我们多么希望这对朋友能走到一起!在我们心里,EV和VV永远是最般配的一对。 之后,我的心被VV与小戴的婚礼撕碎了。她就这样离EV越来越远,而我们,还在歇斯里底地紧紧抓着他们两个不放,哪怕他们之间的距离拉近一点点!我们心里天真地憧憬着EV会再回来,但是,一切都太迟了,这只能是我的梦想。我们不得不放手,看着曾经的一切就这样消失…… 这就是Avril和Evan的故事。每次讲起来我都会不由自主地惆怅。




  很早的时候,Evan就对音乐显现出莫大的兴趣。在他4岁以前他就已经得到了第一架鼓。之后得感谢他的祖父母为他买了一整套的结他设备。后来,他开始学的第一首曲子是come as you are。虽然他学音乐的热忱还在增长,但他仍必须上高中。他顺利第从Baltimore"s elite McDonogh中学毕业还得到进步最快的毕业生的嘉奖。然而他意识到他是这么热爱音乐并想要为此作出贡献。所以他加入了当地他的第一支乐队The Suburbanites,成为乐队的一名鼓手。3年后,他和朋友Matt Halpern成立了乐队Spinfire,作为乐队的主唱和吉他手。这支乐队灌录了自己的CD,在马里兰州也有数次的表演。遗憾的是,2002年它解散了。 之后他到贝克里大学学习,但两周后因为Josh Sarubin的一通电话他的生活完全改变了。 Sarubin是Arista唱片的副主席曾经为Spinfire工作过。他正在纽约市寻找可以与加拿大歌手艾微儿合作的人。Evan受到了5卷艾微儿DEMO带并在三天内必须学完。在纽约的试唱中,主吉他手人选已经敲定,所以Evan作为鼓手和贝司手的人选。在演奏了几个小节后,总监西想和他签约让他做主吉他手和backup singer (可能是指后备歌手或艾微儿乐队的二部,和音歌手)。所以他努力和艾微儿努力工作,学完了所有歌曲,然后你们都知道了艾微儿现在多有名,她的第一张专辑卖了数百万张(一千六百万,至07年为一千八百万张)。   和艾微儿一路走来,在舞台上表演。让Evan成为世界上最快乐的人。虽然他脱离了艾微儿的乐队自己做音乐,但这是生命中一段真实的经历。 在Evan与艾微儿合作前,人人都叫他Evan David ,加入艾微儿乐队后,他才用自己的真实姓名 Evan David Taubenfeld,但把David除去。  2004年5月。艾微儿推出了第二张专辑酷到骨子里,她的第一首单曲,don"t tell me,就是Evan写给自己的。为这张专辑埃文做了大量工作,他写了三首曲子,(freak out ,don"t tell me, take me away).和艾微儿一起录制了。这当然只是他自己事业的开始。。。   后来他与EMI(百代音乐)签约成为EMI的工作人员和作家。便在2004年9月离开艾微儿乐队。2004年10月,Evan与Sire/Warner Bros. records (华纳)签约。Evan完全投入到音乐中去。 他唯一想做的就是写和玩音乐。在一次访谈中他也谈到想要建立起属于自己的音乐帝国。    在2007年2月,当Avril Lavigne她的新单曲音乐录影带“Girlfriend”首映,Evan在这音乐录影带中作为一个吉他手。   Evan也在 Avril Lavigne的“The Best Damn Thing” 音乐录影带中担任鼓手。   Evan和Avril Lavigne在The Best Damn Thing中合作写了4首歌"Hot", "Innocence", "One of Those Girls", "Contagious".  多伦多凤凰城音乐厅剧场(17张)  他最爱的是"Hot" 和 "Innocence" .   Evan亦是MTV节目“KAYA” 中的行政音乐总监,他同时为此节目写曲和参与音乐录制.   在第8集KAYA中他有几分钟的演出,戏中他是一名吉他手.   2008年, Evan 与 Hip Hop 歌手Tyga(与Evan亦是好友)合作. 他写了第二单曲"First Timers" 并参与制作和和音在Tyga的专辑“No Introduction”中.   另外,Evan在音乐方面也有继续与Tyga合作.   经过这些年,他的音乐路已经成熟。感谢他的经验,他在今后将取得更大的发展。他的乐迷从一开始就伴随着他,也将一直陪伴着Evan Taubenfeld的音乐生涯.  Evan资料:  Evan Taubenfeld  姓名:Evan David Taubenfeld 生日 :1983年6月27日   家乡 :巴尔的摩港市(美国马里兰州)   发色 :暗金黄色,一点点茶啡色   眼睛颜色 : 绿色   身高 5"8 (大概1.73-1.78)   家庭成员:Ami (妈妈), Mark (爸爸), Drew -25(弟弟,1985出生) , Annie -19(妹妹,1991出生)   职业:音乐家,作曲家,行政音乐总监,制作人   流派:摇滚乐,另类摇滚,朋克流行,流行摇滚 , Post-grunge  生活和其它(20张)  乐团:   Spinfire(主唱兼吉它手,Evan14岁时建立,02年解散)   The Suburbanites(在Spinfire之前,曾担任鼓手2年)   Ditch Ruxton (03年建立,但只表演过一次就解散了)   The Black List Club/现改名为Evan Taubenfeld (为主唱及吉他手)   最喜欢的颜色:黑色和蓝色   最喜欢的乐团   Alice In Chains, Fuel, Matchbox 20, Nickelback, Vertical Horizon, Tantric, Days of the New, Stabbing Westward, The Beatles, Stone Temple Pilots, The Police and 311   最喜欢表演的地方:洛杉矶和克利夫兰   第一次买的专辑:Dookie - Green Day   最喜欢的饮料:smoothies ,咖啡   怎麼学会弹吉它:刚开始自学,但后来在Berklee上课学会的   第一次学会用吉它弹的歌是:Come As You Are-Nirvana and Alice in chains   刺青:有   最丢脸的万圣节装扮:扮女生   会玩的乐器:鼓和吉它,钢琴,贝斯,键盘(Evan有趣地跟一位fans说:你给我一个大号,我就给你演奏大号.)   合作过的女艺人:蜜雪儿,Brittany Murphy,凡妮莎和艾薇儿   牙刷颜色:白色和蓝色   最喜欢的地方:自己的办工室   在家中:最爱的地方是睡房   曾经在德国待过六年。   有犹太人血统。父母职业是犹太教餐饮业。   小时候曾经左手手腕骨折。   在中学时是足球队的队员,担任左翼和防卫。   Evan不止擅长於音乐,还有电子科技和电脑,及艺术设计。   在 Evan 4岁时,他和当时2岁的弟弟Drew 把保姆锁在衣厨里,后来该保姆辞职了。   第一首写的正式歌曲名为 should never have gone for you,在Evan十一岁时.   Evan说自己曾经是一个麻烦制造者在学校.   在15岁时,写了 Waiting .(后来曾再修改.)   Evan不喜欢去沙滩.   Evan每天最喜欢的时刻是“早晨咖啡”.   Evan曾经被蜜蜂蜇.

有谁知道 Avril Lavigna艾薇尔的那首 knock on heavens door 的中文意思?

歌名:Knockin"On Heaven"S Door 敲开天堂之门 中文歌词: 妈妈,摘掉我的徽章 因为我再也用不着它 我正逐渐坠入黑暗,暗的无法视物 我感觉自己好像正在敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 妈妈把我的枪放到地上 因为我再也不能用枪射击 那浓重的乌云正笼头照下 我感觉自己好像正在敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门 敲响、敲响、敲响天堂之门

my life is brilliant but the lack of friendship and love这句话有没有语法错误

but后面缺少动词~~~可以改成lacking friendship and love~~~

Avril Lavigne "my world"的歌词谁知道?

my world - avril lavigne - Let Go avril lavigne - my worldplease tell me what is taking place,cause i can"t seem to find a trace,guess it must"ve got erased somehow,probably cause i always forget,everytime someone tells me their name,it"s always gotta be the same.(in my world)never wore cover-up,always beat the boys up,grew up in a 5000 population town,made my money by cutting grass,got fired by fried chicken ass,all in a small town, know i always stay up without sleepin",and think to myself,where do i belong forev

the “impossible trilogy” principle是什么

不可能的三位一体(Impossible trinity)是国际经济学上的原则,又称“三元悖论”,也称“三难选择”,指一个国家不可能同时完成下列三者:资本自由进出(Capital)固定汇率(Exchange)独立自主的货币政策(Monetary policy)而货币政策是用来控制利率,故在一个资本自由进出的国家或者地区(如香港特区),政府是不能控制双率的。为何不可能资本自由进出且固定汇率在资本自由进出及固定汇率之下,政府无法钉住货币供给,也不能钉住利率,于是资本的流动将使利率趋向于国际利率水平,失去货币政策自主性。像是香港资本自由进出,且港币在1983年10月17日采联系汇率制度钉住美元。故香港利率水平完全由美国主导。资本自由进出且自主的货币政策在资本自由进出且自主的货币政策之下,利率变化造成的资本流动会被汇率的反向变动所抵销,使资本的进出不影响货币供给,因此国家可以拥有货币政策自主性,却不能钉住汇率。已开发之大型开放经济体多采用此种制度。(开放指资本自由进出)自主的货币政策与固定汇率在上面两个情况皆为资本流动造成双率只能择一控管,于是在管制资本流动后,便可控制双率。如亚洲金融危机后采金融锁国之马来西亚。

Avril Lavigne的《Contagious》 歌词

歌曲名:Contagious歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:The Best Damn Thing/Under My SkinAvril Lavigne-ContagiousAlbum:The Best Damn ThingUh oh Uh ohWhen you"re aroundI don"t know what to doI do not think that I can waitTo go over and to talk to youI do not know what I should saySo I walk out in silenceThat"s when I start to realizeWhat you bring to my lifeDamn this guy can make me cryIt"s so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt"s so outrageousYou make me feel so high all the timeThey all say that you"re no good for meBut I"m too close to turn aroundI"ll show them they don"t know anythingI think I"ve got you figured outSo I walk out in silenceThat"s when I start to realizeWhat you bring to my lifeDamn this guy can make me smileIt"s so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt"s so outrageousYou make me feel so highI will give you everythingI will treat you rightIf you just give me a chanceI can prove I"m rightIt"s so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt"s so outrageousYou make me feel so highIt"s so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt"s so outrageousYou make me feel so highAll the time

秀智 rill my bell音译歌词,拜托了

by370190792哦地送跟 奶普了嫩爹后西可爹一嘎可你搜你一家那难撒西哦了豆豆可爹 SING嘎给送giao疼捏马么够捏努口怕那门破捏那梦就可爹粗啊汗大够买哈秒莫咯几嘎巴内马么送gi聊嘿豆那一咯尅耨撒拉哈家那I wish ooh ooh oohRing My BellI want you ooh oohRing My Bell后西那度屋里满奶爹马大内心脏一dvil嫩素你嘎特林大miang库爹阿木买哦b西奶勒阿拉粗gi勒可爹马么普哟choi哟可你哦塞开几按尅莫西给他嘎哇巴哟奶一咯尅耨 ki大你家那I wish ooh ooh oohRing My BellI want you ooh oohRing My Bell后西那度屋里满奶爹马大内心脏一 dvil嫩素你嘎特林大miang奶勒阿拉粗gi勒努勒卡马怕豆 ong姐那可爹内阿配搜一gi勒那满撒浪哈gi勒可给I wish ooh ooh oohRing My Bell(可爹马勒 ki大里捏)I want you ooh oohRing My Bellong姐那度捏嘎普古西大娘汗口咯米太聊嘎疼爹可尅嘎巴无勒豆难一咯尅库爹路ki大里捏oh~ 那库爹路撒浪嘿

verilog中 句点有什么用

以.CLK( CLK ),为例,.CLK表示led3_module中的端口,( CLK )表示当前模块的端口,.CLK( CLK )就表示把这两个端口衔接起来。请采纳~

Avril Lavigne的《Who Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Knows歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Bonez Tour In Osaka JapanWho KnowsAvril LavigneWhy do you look so familiarI could swear that I have seen your face beforeI think I like that you seem sincereI think I"d like to get to know you a little bit moreI think there"s something moreLife"s worth living forWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayHow do you always have an opinionAnd how do you always find the best way to compromiseWe don"t need to have a reasonWe don"t need anything we"re just wasting timeI think there"s something moreLife"s worth living forWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayFind yourself"Cause I can"t find youBe yourselfWho are you?Find yourself"Cause I can"t find youBe yourselfWho are you?Who knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new daySo you go and make it happenDo your bestJust keep on laughingI"m telling youThere"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last day

Avril Lavigne的《Who Knows》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Knows歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:Under My SkinWho KnowsAvril LavigneWhy do you look so familiarI could swear that I have seen your face beforeI think I like that you seem sincereI think I"d like to get to know you a little bit moreI think there"s something moreLife"s worth living forWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayHow do you always have an opinionAnd how do you always find the best way to compromiseWe don"t need to have a reasonWe don"t need anything we"re just wasting timeI think there"s something moreLife"s worth living forWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last dayFind yourself"Cause I can"t find youBe yourselfWho are you?Find yourself"Cause I can"t find youBe yourselfWho are you?Who knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new daySo you go and make it happenDo your bestJust keep on laughingI"m telling youThere"s always a brand new dayWho knows what could happenDo what you doJust keep on laughingOne thing"s trueThere"s always a brand new dayI"m gonna live today like it"s my last day

< Better Of Two Evils Marilyn Manson > 的歌词、

歌手:marilyn manson 专辑:the golden age of grotesque Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyI am something you can never beHey!Yeah, yeah, yeahHold a prayerful smile for the pictureMotherfuckers never liked me thenAnd they sure won"t like me nowTry to drag me down in your clicheYou fake your picture, fake your faceSo I find all my pleasure in your misery, yeahYeah, yeah, yeahI"ll step on you on my way upI"ll step on you on my way downI"ll step on you on my way upI"ll step on you on my way downHaters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!I"ll be your scapegoatI"ll be your saviorI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI want to hang all you cattle with your velvet ropeMotherfuckers step up and get into an orderly lineI"ll show you how to make a muscleTakes the strength toIt doesn"t spit on all you paparazzi Nazis, yeahYeah yeah yeahI"ll step on you on my way upI"ll fucking step on you on my way downHaters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!I"ll be your scapegoatI"ll be your saviorI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahDon"t try to lead me to temptationDon"t try to lead me to temptationDon"t try to lead me to temptationI made a living, and I already know the wayHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!Haters call me bitchCall me faggotCall me whineyBut I am something that you"ll never beHey!I"ll be your scapegoatI"ll be your saviorI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeahI"m the better of two evilsYeah, yeah, yeah

avril lavigne 每张专辑的销量

封面专辑名称榜单排名销量与认证:(表格中的数据依次是)美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、爱尔兰、德国和法国   Let Go 发行日期:2002年6月4日   2 1 1 1 1 2 13 全球销量: 1千8百万。【截止2010年5月】   美国销量: 6百50万   美国认证: 白金*6  Under My Skin 发行日期:2004年5月25日 以前的Avril  1 1 1 1 1 1 4 全世界销量: 1千万   美国销量: 3百万   美国认证: 白金*3 The Best Damn Thing 发行日期:2007年4月17日   Worldwide Sales: TBA   全世界销量:已经超过700万张。【截止2010年5月】  ◎全球热卖700万张,07年最热卖西洋专辑《美丽坏东西》继英美冠军曲Girlfriend后最新抒情曲   ◎荣登日本公信榜「年中总排行」第五,抢先成为日本全年销售No.1西洋专辑 专辑"Let Go"连续22周美国专辑榜Top 10销售   专辑"Let Go"连续17周超过10万张周销售  专辑"Let Go"全美5白金专辑(600万张) 专辑"Let Go"海外销售高达450万张   专辑"Let Go"8个国家认证为多白金专辑   专辑"Let Go"全球销售量超过1000万张   专辑"Let Go"2003年英国,澳洲专辑榜冠军   专辑"Let Go"2002年全年度全美唱片销售第三名   专辑"Let Go"加拿大4白金销量   专辑"Let Go"荣获2003年加拿大朱诺奖颁奖典礼「最佳流行专辑奖」   单曲"Complicated"连续5周高距单曲榜首   单曲"Complicated"2002年度全美电台播歌率第7   单曲"Complicated"22个国家播歌冠军   单曲"Complicated"荣获英国第48届Ivor Novello音乐奖年度国际最佳歌曲   单曲"Complicated"荣获2003年迪士尼无线音乐奖「最佳原创歌曲」   单曲"Complicated"令Avril荣获2002年MTV音乐奖「最佳新人」   单曲"Complicated"打入2003年MTV Asia Hitlist   单曲"Skaer Boy"2003年新加坡播放榜冠军   单曲"Skaer Boy","I"m With You"荣获2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼2项大奖「最佳音乐录影带」   单曲"Skaer Boy"荣获2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼「国际最佳音乐录影带(加拿大)」   单曲"Losing Grip"荣获2003年Much Music音乐录影带典礼特别增设的奖项


Avril Lavigne Biography Unapologetically original. Unabashedly in your face. Avril Lavigne"s 2002 debut Let Go gave young women a defiant voice and set it to music they could rock out to. Fourteen million albums and eight Grammy nominations later, the Canadian chanteuse returns with Under My Skin but if you"re expecting a whole lot of the same, you"ve got another thing coming. This is not a girl who rests on her laurels. Under My Skin opens with the dramatic tracks "Take Me Away" and "Together," which set the scene for the kick-ass guitars and radio-ready chorus of "Don"t Tell Me," a song of willful female empowerment that picks up where "Complicated" left off. From there it"s a one-two punch of three-chord guitar licks ("He Wasn"t") and head-bopping optimism ("Who Knows") alongside swirling, brooding melodies ("Freak Out") and moody tracks ("Forgotten," "Nobody"s Home") that reveal a darker side of Avril Lavigne. "I grew up so much in the past two years," admits the Napanee, Ontario, native. "I"ve been through a lot, I"ve learned a lot, and experienced a lot both good and bad. These songs are about all of that, and each is very personal to me." Working with producers, Butch Walker (of the Marvelous 3), Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace), Don Gilmore (Linkin Park, Pearl Jam), Avril co-wrote the dozen introspective songs on Under My Skin in near secrecy. "I"d just come off my world tour and got back to Toronto and was writing right away," the 19-year-old says. "I had no idea what I was going to do. No one did. People wondered if I"d run out of things to write about, but it was the opposite." After a lunch date with fellow Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk turned into a major chick-bonding session, Avril and Chantal sat down to write. The chemistry was ineffable. "We got together one night and all of a sudden we had a song," she says. "No one knew what I was up to, not my management, not my label." The duo got together the next night and wrote another song. "We did that for two weeks and wrote 12 songs." Momentum took over and by summer Avril was moving into Chantal and her husband Raine Maida"s Malibu house to record. "I was only off my tour for a couple of weeks, and I was ready to record," Avril recalls. The California air provided a needed escape from Avril"s frantic life. "It was a great time for me, living out there, being out of the public eye, and having my independence. And my friendship with Chantal evolved into one of the best I"ve ever had." Chantal and Avril would spend all night in the studio perfecting the songs. During the day, Avril learned the city by driving to and from the studio and wherever she needed to be. No photos, no interviews, no pressure. Eventually they recorded most of the songs in Raine"s studio, and those songs appear unaltered on Under My Skin. The rest of the tracks, co-written with her guitarist Evan Taubenfeld (and one track with former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody), were cut just up the road. "I was involved in every aspect of making this record. I"m very hands-on," she says. "I knew how I wanted the drums, the guitar tones, and the structures to be. I understand the whole process so much better this time because I"ve been through it. I"m really picky with my sound." Picking favorites out of her 12 hand-made babies is another matter. "They all mean so much to me, but I love ‘Together," which is all about being in a relationship and knowing it"s not right. It"s a song that basically says, it"s not working out honey." A couple of other tracks mine dysfunctional relationships and have hooks as catchy as those on "Complicated" and real-life narratives (like "Sk8er Boi"), but what truly underscores Avril"s growth are the more positive tracks, such as "Who Knows" and "Take Me Away." "I guess that"s just the way that I am now," admits the former supposed attitude junkie. Deep, piano-driven tracks like "Together" and "Forgotten" reflect Avril"s growth, maturity, and change since the release of Let Go. "I"m happy with what I"m doing and have faith that everything is going to work out for the best." She"s also found a feminine side to offset her well-publicized tomboyishness. "I"m such a chick. I"m a hopeless romantic, and surprisingly old-fashioned," Avril laughs. "That"s why I wrote a song about not giving it up to just any guy ["Don"t Tell Me"]." Girly quirks aside, Avril"s anxious to get the show on the road. "It feels so good to be singing new songs," she says. "I feel refreshed and I"m looking forward to the next thing." Optimistic or melancholic, Avril"s two-year wild-ride on the rock-star express has shaped her world view and taught her a whole lot about balance. "The songs on Under My Skin are definitely deeper than those on Let Go," she says, "But I still love a good pop song. I"m basically just a girl who likes to write, who likes to rock out, and who wants music to be a part of my life forever." She"s also just a girl with a bell-clear voice and the ability to bottle youthful anguish and enthusiasm into tidy, infectious songs. Avril Lavigne"s Under My Skin is sure to get under yours. 艾薇儿来自加拿大人口只有5000人的小镇纳帕尼,她承认自己在学校时功课并不好,在课堂上不开心时,就去弹心爱的吉他和写歌平静自己。还没签约成为歌手之前,艾薇儿和其它小孩一样都要去打工赚零用钱,艾薇儿曾帮邻居当保母看小孩,很有小孩缘的她颇受欢迎,但是当她去快餐店打工时便没有这么幸运了,因为她曾经因为在做炸鸡的时候,不小心炸错部位,炸到鸡屁股而被炒鱿鱼。 艾薇儿说她在15岁时,谈过一段纯纯的6个月恋爱,但很不幸的,最后她被甩了!艾薇儿说当时的她简直快疯了,那时让自己平静下来的方法,就是去溜滑板,把感情暂抛脑后。现在艾薇儿希望自己有一天能碰到一个能体谅她、并且有深度的男孩子,如果这个男孩还能写歌、弹吉他、再带点儿坏坏的气质,那就更棒了。 艾薇儿虽一副叛逆刁蛮样,但到了十五岁才有了「亲」密接触,「中学放圣诞节,事情就这么发生了,那次经验糟透了,因为我根本不知道自己在干什么,不过,很明显那并非真爱就是了。」 18岁的艾薇儿,因首张专辑『展翅高飞』全球大卖的关系,必须为了专辑宣传四处飞。欢度十八岁生日时,大老板L.A.瑞德亲自「下海」陪她打曲棍球,这让从小就喜欢打曲棍球的艾薇儿开心不已,觉得这比什么昂贵的礼物还要更好。讨好她很容易, 不要把她当成千万畅销歌手,只要将她当成平凡小女孩就好。 艾薇儿曾说,如果不当歌手的话,她想成为一名女警,天秤座的她追求公平正义,妈妈对艾薇儿的严格管教当然也影响她的作为,艾薇儿说,就连歌词或歌名当中有「酒」这歌字的歌曲她都不能唱,因为妈妈觉得她还只是个小孩,「她要保护我的形象」,艾薇儿丝毫没有抱怨。 谈到她18岁生日最想要的生日礼物,就是能赶快交一个男朋友!原来这个总是穿着大垮裤、简单背心上衣的女孩,可是早就在心中描绘好她完美新娘礼服的样子。 艾薇儿的梦幻新娘礼服得要是高腰设计,不喜欢露胸、露肚的她,希望这件礼服能露出她的背部,当然最重要的,一定要有一个完美的头纱,因为当新郎掀起她的头纱亲吻她时才会够浪漫! 出道一年以来,艾薇儿最坚持的一件事就是做自己。从她的歌到她的人,每一样都是原汁原味,艾薇儿特喜欢强调出道前和出道后的她,完全一样没有改变。拿服装来说,艾薇儿坚持穿自己喜欢的衣服,而不穿唱片公司找设计师帮他准备的服装。有趣的是,艾薇儿的穿著竟然成为今年万圣节,青少女最喜欢模仿的装扮。不过当艾薇儿知道之后,她不好意思的笑说: 『大概是我这种白背心、领带 + 垮裤买起来很便宜的关系吧。』而且艾薇儿身上从来没有刺青,原来她完全不知道她想要刺什么图案!在舞台造型部分,一头长长金发甩啊甩,完全跟随音乐节奏满场乱乱跑,和乐团男生就像哥儿般相处。艾薇儿也喜欢和歌迷近距离接近,时常唱到一半就跳入人群中。 艾薇儿是公认的矛盾综合体,因为健康的需要,她吃素。而有演唱行程的时候,她甚至连奶制品都不碰,但是她又承认,她有时还是会偷吃其它一起表演的团员的起司汉堡。一如她的打扮和外表,因为她几乎从不穿裙子,帮她做现场演出伴奏的是4个男生,表面上看来她似乎是个野丫头,不过艾薇儿还是有像一般女孩儿温柔和女性化的一面,例如外出巡回演唱时,团员中的男生有人脸上长粉刺、或者需要敷脸的面膜,大家都知道去找艾薇儿就对了。 艾薇儿喜欢和男生一起玩,她甚至回加拿大的家休假时,最喜欢的也是和父亲和哥哥一起去打猎。问艾薇儿喜欢和什么样的男孩去约会?艾薇儿想都不想的说: 『不知道耶,不过如果能跟个摇滚歌手约会的话一定很酷!』不过说是这么说,艾薇儿2002年的感情方面却交了白卷,她说在2001年的圣诞节前夕,和前男友正式分手,至今还在等下一位有缘人呢。 成了大明星之后,艾薇儿也开始碰到不少热情的歌迷,但有些歌迷表现热情的方法,有时也很令她啼笑皆非。例如最近艾薇儿家乡,父母家前面的草地就常无缘无故的少一块,原来都是热情的歌迷跑来偷拔回去,贴在自己的艾薇儿收藏本中。 艾薇儿说:『我还是个平凡人,我会受伤,对一些事情会不爽,但音乐给我灵感,我爱创作,那是对我来说最自在的事情。 』走红一整年的艾薇儿,依旧保有最原始的灵魂。 对于自己现在在全球走红的原因,艾薇儿只淡淡的说: 『大概是我在对的时间,碰到了对的人吧!还有就是我一直都坚信这一切都会发生在我身上!』诚实的她也在媒体面前招认,她并不喜欢、也不擅长面对媒体的访问,艾薇儿喜欢现场的演唱会,记者会上有媒体问她演唱时如果音响效果不佳,会不会影响她的心情?她回答得很妙,她说: 『我在台上唱歌时都戴着监听器,我自己都觉得还不错,不过演唱会有时现场的气氛更重要,歌迷来看得开心,我也唱得愉快,这才是最重要的 』。也道出走红后的心情: 『我想这一年对我来说真是太棒了,我感到开心不已,虽然我不可能再过像这一年的日子,但未来又是新的开始。』 首张专辑『展翅高飞』在全球销量超过一千万张,但私底下的个性仍像个邻家女孩一般,害羞时会把一头长长的直发当成「帘幕」遮住眼睛,透过发间空隙看外面的世界。而面对媒体一再询问复杂的问题,艾薇儿又会不知如何是好的频频皱眉头。要收买她的心很容易,亲切的和她话家常,她没有想象中的酷,反而是一颗童稚的心,直接、坦白的令人喜爱。 若没有仔细观察艾薇儿的个性,很多人大概会认为她很奇怪,问东答西,不知所云,然而深入了解之后必能发现,艾薇儿纵然已是畅销歌手,但她还是不适应媒体生态,跟她相处的模式是:越简单越好!



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