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brilliant 口语

brilliant是聪明的意思,好像说这是明智之举或者干得漂亮之类的 great是好极了 就是这样很好的意思 两个词用的情景不大一样 great 跟wonderful倒是差不多 不过wonderful更好




brilliant bril.liant[`brIlju0259nt; ˋbrilju0259nt]《源自法语“辉耀”的意思》形容词1 a. <珠宝、阳光等> 光辉的,灿烂夺目的,明亮的b. <宝石切割法> 闪烁效果最佳的a ~ cut闪烁效果最佳的切法(为最常见的一种钻石切法,其形状如两个底部相对的截顶金字塔,共有十八至一百零四个小切面)2 <色彩>鲜明的,鲜艳的a ~ yellow鲜明的黄色3 a. 漂亮的,辉煌的,华丽的,光彩的; <演奏等> (在技巧方面) 精彩 [出色] 的a ~ performance精彩的演奏[演出]b. (在知性或才能方面) 显赫的,英明的,卓越的,有才能 [才华,才气] 的,聪颖的a ~ idea绝妙的主意a ~ mind聪颖 [才华横溢] 的头脑名词1 (C)‘宝石"以闪烁效果最佳之切法切成的宝石(尤指钻石)2 (U)‘印刷"最小型铅字(约为 3.5 磅因 (point) )

老师说学生Brilliant 什么意思


请问带brilliant标的萨克斯是什么来历 谢谢

Brilliant是一种萨克斯风的牌子。Brilliant的萨克斯由法国一家公司制造,设计和制作工艺非常精湛,拥有优秀的音质和演奏表现力。Brilliant萨克斯风的特点是在发声口音管的制作上更注重雕琢细节,以提高音质的音准及声音穿透力。 近年来,Brilliant萨克斯风已经被越来越多的音乐家及萨克斯初学爱好者所认同,成为一款备受推崇的乐器品牌。如果你是萨克斯爱好者,带brilliant标的萨克斯可以视为一件非常高品质的乐器,能够为你的演奏提供协助和展示音乐魅力的极致体现。


brilliant adj.卓越的;灿烂的;美妙的;杰出的;才华横溢的(形容词) n.宝石(名词) 含有“聪明的”之意 brilliant:指人的才华出众,思路敏捷,常令人赞叹不已 She"s brilliant but self-effacing. 她才华横溢而不露锋芒.










brilliant[英][u02c8bru026aliu0259nt][美][u02c8bru026alju0259nt]adj.明亮的; <非正式>美好的; 闪耀的; 才华横溢的; n.宝石; 钻石; 复数:brilliants例句:1.Business class dennis is brilliant! 丹尼斯真的是很聪明!


brilliant的意思是闪耀的;杰出的;精彩的;宝石。读音:英[u02c8bru026aliu0259nt],美[u02c8bru026aliu0259nt]。释义:adj.卓越的;灿烂的;美妙的;杰出的;才华横溢的。n.宝石。例句:Your speech this time is really brilliant.你这次的演讲实在是太出色了。变形:复数brilliants,比较级more brilliant,最高级most brilliant。短语:brilliant diamond耀眼的钻石。brilliant idea高明的主意。brilliant musician卓越的音乐家。brilliant sunshine灿烂的阳光。brilliant的近义词luminous读音:英[u02c8luu02d0mu026anu0259s],美[u02c8luu02d0mu026anu0259s]。释义:adj. 夜光的;发光的;发亮的;鲜亮的;鲜艳的。例句:As for the nature, existence can be made luminous pearl, you have not yet been confirmed.至于自然界是否存在可发夜光的珍珠,则尚未得到证实。变形:副词luminously,名词luminousness。短语:luminous paint发光漆。luminous road signs发光路标。luminous safety clothing发光安全服。






首先你的题意表达得非常不清楚(DATA没说位数,不知道DATA的输出具体是什么),只根据你这个时序图看,各个信号都是输出(每个信号处都标明有o输出除了WAIT是i输入以外)这明明就是个测试波形,写出的文件就是testbench。module UUU;reg CLOCK;reg START;reg ENABLE;reg [7:0] DATA;reg KAISHI;wire WAIT;//WAITassign WAIT = 0;//初始化initial begin CLOCK = 1; START = 0; ENABLE = 0; KAISHI = 0; end//CLOCK产生always #5 CLOCK = ~CLOCK;//START和ENABLEinitial begin #12 START = 1; ENABLE = 1; #10 START = 0; #20 ENABLE = 0; #20 ENABLE = 1; end//KAISHIalways @(posedge START) begin if(START) begin KAISHI = 1; DATA = 1; end end//DATAalways @(posedge CLOCK or posedge START) begin if(KAISHI) begin if(ENABLE) DATA = DATA + 1; end else DATA = 8"bx; endendmodule

黑 gril的资料!!!

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 这上面很全哦!http://baike.b***.com/view/1751533.htm

october & april的英文歌词

Rasmus - October And April LyricsShe was like April skySunrise in her eyesChild of light, shining starFire in her heartBrightest day, melting (snow)Breaking through the chillOctober and aprilHe was like frozen skyIn October nightDarkest cloud in the stormRaining from his heart?Coldest snow, deepest chill?Tearing down his will?October and AprilLike hate and loveWorld"s apartThis fatal love was like poison right from the startLike light and DarkWorld"s apartThis fatal love was like poison right from the startWe were like loaded gunsSacrificed our livesWe were like love and undone?Craving to entwineFatal torchFinal thrillLove was bound to KillOctober and aprilHate and loveWorld"s apartLight and DarkWorld"s apartThis fatal love was like poison right from the startOctober and aprilOctober and aprilOctober and april

6年级人教版翻译28页Friday,April 23rd


《Thosein Peril》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Those in Peril》(Smith, Wilbur)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: eqc3书名:Those in Peril作者:Smith, Wilbur出版年份:2012-3页数:400内容简介:This is an another outstanding adventure from one of the world"s best loved storytellers. Hazel Bannock is the owner of the Bannock Oil Corp, one of the major global oil producers. While cruising in the Indian Ocean, her yacht is hijacked by Somalian pirates and her nineteen year old daughter Cayla kidnapped. Major Hector Cross is an ex-SAS operative and the man behind Cross Bow Security, the company contracted to Bannock Oil to provide all their security. His loyalty to the Bannock family goes beyond the call of duty. The pirates demand a crippling ransom for Cayla"s release, and complicated political and diplomatic sensitivities render the major powers incapable of intervening. With growing evidence of the horrific torture to which Cayla is being subjected, Hazel calls on Hector to help her rescue her daughter. Between them, Hazel and Hector are determined to take the law into their own hands.


你好,为你解疑:periln. 危险;冒险vt. 危及;置…于险境过去式periled或perilled过去分词periled或perilled现在分词periling或perilling举例:He periled his life to save the drowning boy.他冒险去救那个溺水的儿童。短语 someone" s peril 由某人自担风险;自负后果 the peril of 冒…的危险 peril of 冒着…的危险;使发生危险;有…的危险;在危险中;在危急中

请解释一下“奥巴马竞选胜利演说”中的“a planet in peril”


ignore at your peril是什么意思?


at our peril这个词组在下面这句话里面怎么理解???




dangerous 和peril区别

dangerous adj.危险的a dangerous journey 危险的旅行It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是 很危险的。 现代英汉词典dangerous adj.危险的,不安全的This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。 简明英汉词典dangerous adj.危险的peril n.危险; 冒险危险的事物at sb."s peril 由某人自担风险习惯用语All is not lost that"s in peril [谚]危险不等于完蛋。All is not lost that"s in danger [谚]危险不等于完蛋。at the peril of 冒...的危险in peril 冒着危险in peril of 有...的危险; 使...发生危险Keep off at your peril! 走开点, 否则危险自负。参考词汇danger 现代英汉词典peril n.危险危险物 简明英汉词典peril n.危险

we are always running for zhe zhrill of it是什么歌

歌曲名称:Walking On A Dream所属专辑:《Walking On A Dream》歌手: Empire Of The Sun 发行日期:2008.10歌曲歌词:How can I explainTalking to myselfWill I see againWe are always running for the thrill of it thrill of itAlways pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of itOn and on and on we are calling out and out againNever looking down I"m just in awe of what"s in front of meIs it real nowWhen two people become oneI can feel itWhen two people become oneThought I"d never seeThe love you found in meNow it"s changing all the timeLiving in a rhythm where the minutes working overtimeCatch me I"m falling downCatch me I"m falling downDon"t stop just keep going onI"m your shoulder lean uponSo come on deliver from insideAll we got is tonight that is right till first light


英文中的4月(April)来源于单词aperire,表示“开”,可能意味着植物在春天开始生长。古罗马的4月,正是大地回春,鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文4月是April,由拉丁文Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来。Aprilis又来源于aperio——开花的意思。4月(April)来源于单词aperire,表示“开”,可能意味着植物在春天开始生长。四月天就是春天最美的时候 。“四月蔷薇靠短墙”,四月的代表花是蔷薇花。四月的美好寄语1、四月,花儿吐艳、柳枝婀娜,碧水传情、山峦叠翠,处处芳菲浸染。四月,思念如风,盎然的春意里掠过,姹紫嫣红的季节便着了淡淡的忧伤。思念于四月的春光中成长葱茏,跳动着我无法剥离的心痛。2、终于熬到人间四月。季节如斯,草木将绿未绿,花朵将绽未绽,阳光未至毒辣,冷风不再酷寒。荒芜与繁盛之间,我依稀看到生命的成长与倔强。不至泛滥却无关冷清,一切美好都以不偏不倚恰到好处的姿态存在。3、四月,走在春末的季里。只需舒眉一瞻,便有柔柔的明媚妖娆了眼眸。绿柳吐烟,陌上花艳。微风过处,迷了眉梢,甜了心儿。

don t you wish your grilfriend was a raw like me

pussycat的(Don"t cha )[Busta Rhymes] Ok (ahh) Yeahh (ahh) Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweaty in this mu"fucka (oh, baby) Ladies let"s go (uhh) Soldiers let"s go (dolls) Let me talk to y"all and just you know Give you a little situation... listen (fellas) [Buster Rhymes] Pussycat Dolls Ya see this shit get hot Everytime I come through when I step up in the spot (are you ready) Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookout Prowl for the best chick Yes I"m on the lookout (lets dance) Slow bangin shorty like a belly dancer with it Smell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (oh, baby) No tricks only diamonds under my sleeve Gimme tha number But make sure you call before you leave [Pussycat Dolls] I know you like me (I know you like me) I know you do (I know you do) Thats why whenever I come around She"s all over you (she"s all over you) I know you want it (I know you want it) It"s easy to see (it"s easy to see) And in the back of your mind I know you should be f#@*ing with me [Chorus:] Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Dont cha Dont cha Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Dont cha Dont cha Fight the feeling (fight the feeling) Leave it alone (leave it alone) Cause if it ain"t love It just aint enough to leave a happy home Let"s keep it friendly (let"s keep it friendly) You have to play fair (you have to play fair) See I dont care But I know She ain"t gon" wanna share [Chorus:] Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was freak like me? Don"t cha Don"t cha Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don"t cha Don"t cha [Busta Rhymes] Ok, I see how it"s goin" down (ahh, don"t cha) Seems like shorty wanna little menage pop off or somethin, let"s go Well let me get straight to it Every broad wan watch a nigga when I come through it It"s the god almighty, lookin all brand new If shorty wanna jump in my ass then vanjewish Lookin at me all like she really wanna do it Tryna put it on me till my balls are black an blueish Ya wanna play wit ah playa girl then play on Strip out the channel And leave the lingerie on Watch me and I"mma watch you at the same time Lookin at ya wan break my back You the very reason why I keep a pack ah the Magnum An wit the wagon hit chu in the back of tha magnum For the record, don"t think it was somethin you did Shorty all on me cuz it"s hard to resist the kid I got a idea that"s dope for y"all As y"all could get so I could hit the both of y"all [Pussycat Dolls] I know she loves you (I know she loves you) So I understand (I understand) I"d probably be just as crazy about you If you were my old man Maybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime) Possibly (possibly) Until then old friend Your secret is safe with me [Chorus:] Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was freak like me? Don"t cha Don"t cha Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don"t cha

GOOD GRIL 是什么意思?(汉语意思我知道) 我想问下有什么内涵没有?

The Good Girl 《麦田守望者》

good gril英文是什么意思

good girl [词典] 好女孩,好姑娘; [例句]She is a good girl, and will make a hardworking, devoted wife.她是一个好姑娘,将来会成为一个勤劳忠贞的贤内助。

家里的电脑显示器正中间出现一条不动的绿线。我的显示器型号是飞利浦Brilliance 229cl,是led的显示器。


飞利浦Brilliance 272P4刷新率怎么上75

显卡的问题 换了显卡就不叫了 不换的话把屏幕分辨率往右调一格 刷新频率85就不会叫了




华晨汽车brilliance auto是华晨汽车的英文车标。


BRILLIANCE: [ brilj05ns ] n. (色彩)鲜明,光辉,辉煌 例句与用法1. Giving a momentary or superficial impression of brilliance. 闪烁的,炫耀的给人以短暂或表面印象的光彩或才华的 2. A thin layer of polished metal placed under a displayed gem to lend it brilliance. 衬箔在展出的宝石下放置的用以衬出其光泽的薄层剖光金属 3. Something resembling a flame in motion, brilliance, intensity, or shape. 热情,激情在动态、亮度、强度或形态方面类似火焰的东西


brilliance, brilliancy ["brilju0259ns;-ju0259nsi]n.1.光辉,辉煌;光亮;光彩,光耀,灿烂;光泽2.显赫;杰出;才气(或才华)横溢,大智,才智,(卓越的)才华3.鲜明,明亮;亮度4.豪华,壮丽,宏伟5.(用唱机等高保真设备播送音乐的音质)清晰逼真6.【音乐】(声音的)清晰动人This is the brilliance of Bieber. 这正是比伯的才华所在。


brilliance英 ["bru026alu026au0259ns] 美 [u02c8bru026alju0259ns] n.光彩; 光辉; (卓越的)才华; 光亮网络亮度; 辉煌; 华晨双语例句 It demonstrated the brilliance of China"s ancient culture. 它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。

飞利浦 brilliance 239C用什么分辨率啊? 23寸的




Brilliance 229CL 电脑的最佳分辨率是多少


brilliance auto这个是什么意思

brilliance auto 华晨汽车;华晨金杯;华晨控股例句筛选1.In the face of the fierce competition, brilliance auto domestic automobile group chose blue ocean strategy.面对激烈的国内汽车竞争,华晨汽车集团选择了蓝海战略。2.In order to accomplish this goal, brilliance auto group is adjusted after special strategy.为了完成这一目标,华晨汽车集团正在调整此前的专用车战略。


notch 防止嚣叫brilliance 音色亮度



brillance 是什么意思

n. (卓越的)才华;光亮;光辉;光彩网 络响亮;华晨;明度;卓著 宝马的第一个B就是这个意思。


英语音标:[u02c8bru026alj(u0259)ns]美语音标:[u02c8bru026alju0259ns]中文翻译n.才华;(色彩)鲜明;光辉;辉煌单词例句用作名词 (n.)He played with great brilliance. 他的演奏显示出他卓越的才华。Everyone marveled at the young writer"s brilliance. 人人都对这位年轻作家的才华感到惊讶。The moon pales the stars with her brilliance. 月光以她的光华使星星黯然失色。The Chicago Bulls has lost its former brilliance. 芝加哥公牛队失去了往日的辉煌。


  brilliance英 ["bru026alu026au0259ns] 美 [u02c8bru026alju0259ns]  n.光彩; 光辉; (卓越的) 才华; 光亮;  [网络]亮度; 辉煌; 华晨;  [例句]It demonstrated the brilliance of China"s ancient culture.  它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。  [其他]形近词: brilliancy brilliants brilliante


辉煌双语对照词典结果:brilliance[英]["bru026alu026au0259ns][美][u02c8bru026alju0259ns]n.(卓越的)才华; 光亮; 光辉; 光彩;


brilliance:才华;光亮;光辉;光彩 ; 亮度; 辉煌


你写的代码有问题呗。。。Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity atel2_bin is port( txclk: in std_logic; --2400Hz的波特率时钟 reset: in std_logic; --复位信号 din: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --发送的数据 start: in std_logic; --允许传输信号 sout: out std_logic --串行输出端口 ); end atel2_bin; architecture behav of atel2_bin is signal thr,len: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal txcnt_r: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --数据位计数 signal sout1: std_logic; signal cou: integer:=0; signal oddb:std_logic; type s is(start1,start2,shift1,shift2,odd1,odd2,stop1,stop2); signal state:s:=start1; begin process(txclk) begin if rising_edge(txclk) then if cou<3 then thr<=0000000001010101; --发送的文件头 elsif cou=3 then thr<=0000000000000010; --发送的文件长度 elsif (cou>3 and state=stop2) then thr<=din;--发送的数据 end if; end if; end process; process(reset,txclk) variable tsr,tsr1,oddb1,oddb2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin if reset=1 then txcnt_r<=(others=>0); sout1<=1; state<=start1; cou<=0; elsif txclkevent and txclk=1 then case state is when start1=> ----低8位 if start=1 then if cou=3 then len<=thr; end if; tsr:=thr(7 downto 0); oddb1:=thr(7 downto 0); sout1<=0; --起始位 txcnt_r<=(others=>0); state<=shift1; else state<=start1; end if; when shift1=> oddb<=oddb1(7) xor oddb1(6) xor oddb1(5) xor oddb1(4) xor oddb1(3) xor oddb1(2) xor oddb1(1) xor oddb1(0); sout1<=tsr(0); --数据位 tsr(6 downto 0):=tsr(7 downto 1); tsr(7):=0; txcnt_r<=txcnt_r+1; if (txcnt_r=7) then state<=odd1;cou<=cou+1; end if; when odd1=> --奇校验位 if oddb=1 then sout1<=0; state<=stop1; else sout1<=1; state<=stop1; end if; when stop1=> sout1<=1; --停止位 if cou<4 then state<=start1; else state<=start2; end if; when start2=> ----高8位 tsr1:=thr(15 downto 8); oddb2:=thr(15 downto 8); sout1<=0; --起始位 txcnt_r<=(others=>0); state<=shift2; when shift2=> oddb<=oddb2(7) xor oddb2(6) xor oddb2(5) xor oddb2(4) xor oddb2(3) xor oddb2(2) xor oddb2(1) xor oddb2(0); sout1<=tsr1(0); --数据位 tsr1(6 downto 0):=tsr1(7 downto 1); tsr1(7):=0; txcnt_r<=txcnt_r+1; if (txcnt_r=7) then state<=odd2; end if; when odd2=> --奇校验位 if oddb=1 then sout1<=0;state<=stop2; else sout1<=1;state<=stop2; end if; when stop2=> sout1<=1; --停止位 if len=0000000000000000 then state<=stop2; else state<=start1; len<=len-1; end if; end case; end if; end process; sout<=sout1; end behav;


两个单词的意思基本相同.可以给你看thrilling的英文解释(朗文字典查的): interesting and exciting. 但习惯上有时候thrilling比exciting多了个解释,就是惊悚的.


兴奋 激动


thrilling[英][u02c8θru026alu026au014b][美][ u02c8θru026alu026au014b]adj.令人兴奋的; 毛骨悚然的; 颤动的; <医>震颤的; v.“thrill”的现在分词; 形近词:perillingshrilling双语例句 1Behold a series of thrilling photographs of Felix.看费利克斯拍的一系列惊心动魄的照片。

All of us have read thrilling stories in which th

高手来了。不知你说的的介词是指?定语从句in which ....修饰 live 修饰定语从句中的time.

《Thrilling Narratives》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy》(Anonymous)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: efzx书名:Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy作者:Anonymous页数:348

Few contests in the recent history of boxing have been as thrilling

你好!Few contests in the recent history of boxing have been as thrilling很少有比赛拳击的近代历史是令人兴奋的



thrill tremble 有什么区别



stir 搅拌,搅和,thrill 使激动 ,使兴奋 stirring, stir的ing形式 ,搅拌,搅动thrilling 令人激动的,令人兴奋的




thrill的过去式 thrill的人称和时态变化: 第三人称单数:thrills; 现在分词:thrilling; 过去式:thrilled; 过去分词:thrilled。    扩展资料   thrill的中文翻译   英语单词thrill有以下两种词性:   1、thrill用作名词时,基本意思是“兴奋,激动”,也可指“震颤感,兴奋感”,还可作“令人兴奋的.经历,一阵强烈的感觉”解。复数:thrills   2、thrill用作动词时,基本意思是“使非常兴奋,使非常激动”。   thrill例句分享   She gets an obvious thrill out of performing.   她显然从表演中得到一种兴奋感。   The majesty of the occasion thrilled us all.   那庄严的场面使我们每个人都激动不已。   I was thrilled by your news.   你的消息使我兴奋极了。


两个单词的意思基本相同。可以给你看thrilling的英文解释(朗文字典查的):interesting and exciting。但习惯上有时候thrilling比exciting多了个解释,就是惊悚的。希望能够帮到你。O(∩_∩)O~


thrilled 英[θru026ald]美[θru026ald]adj. 非常兴奋的; 极为激动的;vt. “thrill”的过去式和过去分词;[网络] 激动的; 激动; 兴奋;[例句]I was so thrilled to get a good report from him.收到他的好消息让我欣喜若狂。[其他] 形近词: perilled shrilled thrillerthrilling 英[u02c8θru026alu026au014b]美[u02c8θru026alu026au014b]adj. 令人兴奋的; 毛骨悚然的; 颤动的; <医>震颤的;v. “thrill”的现在分词;[网络] 刺激; 惊心动魄; 令人兴奋;[例句]Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.野生动物园之旅使我们得以接触自然状态下的野生动物,让人感觉很刺激。[其他] 形近词: perilling shrilling


thrilled生词本英 [θru026ald]美 [θru026ald]adj.非常兴奋的; 极为激动的vt.“thrill”的过去式和过去分词网 络激动;喜不自胜的;极度兴奋地;惊喜万分

thrilling 是什么意思

thrilling[英][u02c8θru026alu026au014b][美][ u02c8θru026alu026au014b]adj.令人兴奋的; 毛骨悚然的; 颤动的; <医>震颤的; v.“thrill”的现在分词; 例句:1.Traffic safety might not be the most thrilling investment. 交通安全或许并不是最让人兴奋的投资。2.It was a thrilling time in music. 那是音乐史上激动人心的时代。

有首英文歌什么big big gril的,是谁唱的,歌名是什么

big big world,我用来做闹铃的音乐.很好听的.

求音乐:i am a big big gril 的歌词,要翻译

2011-9-5 19:48 只素太阳花 | 二级 big big world 歌手:Emilla 专辑:Big big world Big big world-Emilia 大世界(艾美丽娅) I"m a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩! In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里! It"s not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。 But I do do feel.但我确实感到。 That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你! Miss you much ! 太过想念你了! I can see the first leaf falling.我能看见第一片落叶。 It"s all yellow and nice.是那样黄也那么的美。 It"s so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷。 Like the way I"m feeling inside.就象我内心的感受。 I"m a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩! In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里! It"s not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。 But I do do feel.但我确实感到。 That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你! Miss you much ! 太过想念你了! Outside it"s now raining.现在外面正在下雨。 And tears are falling from my eyes.而我的眼睛也在流泪。 Why did it have to happen ? 这一切为什么要发生? Why did it all have to end ? 这一切又为什么要结束? I"m a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩! In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里! It"s not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。 But I do do feel.但我确实感到。 That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你! Miss you much ! 太过想念你了! I have your arms around me ooooh like fire.我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的。 But when I open my eyes.但当我醒来张开眼睛。 You"re gone ! 你却已经走了! I"m a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩! In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里! It"s not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。 But I do do feel.但我确实感到。 That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你! Miss you much ! 太过想念你了! I"m a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩! In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里! It"s not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。 But I do feel that will miss you much ! 但我确实觉得我将会非常想念你! Miss you so much ! 太过想念你了!

谁有marilyn manson ,,,,,的歌词?

  The Nobodies 一楼有人发了 那个不必重复了  <<comawhite>>  There"ssth.cold&blank.有某些冷酷苍白的东西。  Behindhersmile.在你的微笑背后。  She"sstandingonanoverpass.她站在天桥上。  Inhermiraclemile.在她的奇迹路上。  "Uwerefromaperfectworld."你从一个完美的世界来。  "Aworldthatthrewmeawaytoday."一个把我抛弃的世界。  "Today,today2runaway."今天把我抛弃。  Apill2makeUnumb!药物使你麻木!  Apill2makeUdumb!药物使你变哑!  Apill2makeUanybodyelse!药物使你变成别人!  Butallthedrugsinthisworld.但都是在这个麻醉自己的世界。  Won"tsaveherfromherself.她不会挽救自己!  Hermouthwasanemptycut.她的嘴是一个空洞的伤口。  Andshewaswaiting2fall.她在等着堕落。  Justbleedinglikeapolaroid.象个人造偏光板那样渗出!  Thatlostallherdolls.失去了她所有的玩偶。  <<we"re disposable!>>我们是放荡不羁的!  yeah! yeah! yeah!  the more that u fear us!你越是敬畏我们!  the bigger we get.我们就越是成长!  and don"t be suprised!你不要惊讶!  don"t be suprised!你不要惊讶!  if we discover it!我们摧毁所有这些时!  disposable teens(中英对照) - marilyn manson - holy wood  and i"m a black rainbow!我是条忧郁的彩虹!  and i"m an ape of god!我是上帝的猿猴!  i"ve get a face!我弄到张脸谱!  that"s made for violence upon!以利于我的暴力至上原则!  and i"m a teen distortion!我是个少年!  survived abortion!幸免于堕胎!  a rebel from the waist down!一个来自下体的反叛者!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  i wanna thank you,mom!我要谢谢你妈妈!  i wanna thank you,dad!我要谢谢你妈妈!  for bringing this fucking world!把我带到这他妈的世界!  to a bitter end!直到最后的终结!  i never really hated the one true god !我并不是真的憎恨真实的上帝!  but the god of the people i hated!但为人所用的上帝是我所憎恶的!  you said you wanted evolution.你说你需要进化。  the ape with the great big hit.猿猴是个巨大的打击!  you said you wanted revolution, man!你说你需要革命!  and i say that you"re full of shit!我说你他妈的放狗屁!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable!我们是放荡不羁的!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable!我们是放荡不羁的!  you said you wanted evolution.你说你需要进化。  the ape with the great big hit.猿猴是个巨大的打击!  you said you wanted revolution, man!你说你需要革命!  and i say that you"re full of shit!我说你他妈的放狗屁!  yeah! yeah! yeah!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  the more that you fear us!你越是敬畏我们!  the bigger we get我们就越是成长!  the more that you fear us!你越是敬畏我们!  the bigger we get我们就越是成长!  and don"t be suprised!你不要惊讶!  don"t be suprised!你不要惊讶!  don"t be suprised!你不要惊讶!  if we discover it!我们摧毁所有这些时!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!  you said you wanted evolution.你说你需要进化。  the ape with the great big hit.猿猴是个巨大的打击!  you said you wanted revolution, man  and i say that you"re full of shit  yeah! yeah! yeah!  you said you wanted evolution.你说你需要进化。  the ape with the great big hit.猿猴是个巨大的打击!  you said you wanted revolution, man!你说你需要革命!  and i say that you"re full of shit!我说你他妈的放狗屁!  yeah! yeah! yeah!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  we"re disposable!我们是放荡不羁的!  we"re disposable teens!我们是放荡不羁的少年!  <<The Dope Show>> 对不起这个我也没有翻译  The drugs they say make us feel so hollow  We love in vain narcissistic and so shallow  The cops and queers to swim you have to swallow  Hate today, no love for tomorrow  We"re all stars now in the dope show  We"re all stars now in the dope show  There"s a lot of pretty, pretty ones  That want to get you high  But all the pretty, pretty ones  Will leave you low and blow your mind  We"re all stars now in the dope show  We"re all stars now in the dope show  They love you when you"re on all the covers  When you"re not then they love another  They love you when you"r on all covers  When you"re not then they love another  The drugs they say are made in California  We love your face  We"d really like to sell you  The cops and queers make good-looking models  I hate today  Who will I wake up with tomorrow?  There"s a lot of pretty, pretty ones  That want to get you high  But all the pretty, pretty ones  Will leave you low and blow your mind  They love you when you"re on all the covers  When you"re not then they love another  They love you when you"re on all the covers  When you"re not then they love another  There"s a lot of pretty, pretty ones  That want to get you high  But all the pretty, pretty ones  Will leave you low and blow your mind, blow your mind  We"re all stars now in the dope show  We"re all stars now in the dope show  <<I don‘t like the drug>> 这个太难淘动了 我这里没有 网上也没搜到 抱歉!  <<Tainted Love>> 抱歉这个也没有翻译  Sometimes I feel I"ve got to  Run away I"ve got to  Get away  From the pain that you drive into the heart of me  The love we share  Seems to go nowhere  I"ve lost my lights  I toss and turn I can"t sleep at night  Once I ran to you (I ran)  Now I"ll run from you  This tainted love you"ve given  I give you all a boy could give you  Take my tears and that"s not nearly all  Tainted love  Tainted love  Now I know I"ve got to  Run away I"ve got to  Get away  You don"t really want any more from me  To make things right  You need someone to hold you tight  You think love is to pray  But I"m sorry I don"t pray that way  Once I ran to you (I ran)  Now I"ll run from you  This tainted love you"ve given  I give you all a boy could give you  Take my tears and that"s not nearly all  Tainted love  Tainted love  Don"t touch me please  I cannot stand the way you tease  I love you though you hurt me so  Now I"m going to pack my things and go  Touch me baby, tainted love  Touch me baby, tainted love  Touch me baby, tainted love  Once I ran to you (I ran)  Now I"ll run from you  This tainted love you"ve given  I give you all a boy could give you  Take my tears and that"s not nearly all  Tainted love  Tainted love  Tainted love


下面是一个简单的 Verilog HDL 代码,可以实现六位数码管动态显示从左到右为123456的效果。module six_digit_display(clk, reset, digit_out);// 输入信号input clk; // 时钟信号input reset; // 复位信号// 输出信号output [5:0] digit_out; // 数码管输出信号// 内部信号reg [26:0] counter; // 计数器// 显示的数字reg [5:0] digit [0:5] = {6"b000000, 6"b000001, 6"b000010, 6"b000011, 6"b000100, 6"b000101};always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) beginif (reset == 0) begincounter <= 0;digit_out <= 6"b000000;end else begincounter <= counter + 1;digit_out <= digit[counter[25:20]];endendendmodule在这个代码中,我们定义了一个名为 six_digit_display 的模块,该模块包含三个信号:clk、reset 和 digit_out。其中,clk 是时钟信号,reset 是复位信号,digit_out 是数码管输出信号。在 six_digit_display 模块的 always 块中,我们使用了一个计数器 counter 来控制数码管显示的数字。每当时钟信号上升沿到来时,计数器就会自增1。然后,我们使用计数器的高6位(即 counter[25:20])来选择要显示的数字。具体地,我们使用一个名为 digit 的数组来存储要显示的数字,然后将 digit 数组中对应的数字输出到 digit_out 信号中。在复位信号下降沿到来时,我们将计数器和数码管输出信号都重置为0,以确保数码管从最左边的数字开始显示。这样,当时钟信号不断变化时,数码管就会动态显示从左到右为 123456 的数字序列。

求一首英文歌,歌词副歌she is my grilfriend... ,she is...,she is...之类的,

groove coverage - she

艾薇儿grilfriend 中英文歌词


Avril Lavigne的《Girlfriend》 歌词

歌曲名:Girlfriend歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:The Best Damn ThingGirlfriend 中文版Avril LavigneHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友You"re so fineI want you mineYou"re so deliciousI think about youall the timeYou are so addictive.Don"t you know.What I can do.To make you feel alrightDon"t pretend.I think you knowI"m damn preciousHell YeahI"m the mother princessI can tell you like me tooAnd you know I"m rightShe"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友I can see the waySee the wayYou look at meAnd even when you look awayI know you think of meI know you talk about me all the timeagain and againSo come over hereand tell me what I wanna hearBetter, yeah,make your girlfriend dissapearI don"t wanna hear you say her nameever againCuz she"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way.这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你女朋友In a secondyou"ll be wrapped around my finger‘Cause I can.cause I can do it betterThere"s no otherso when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupid,what the hell were you thinkingIn a secondyou"ll be wrapped around my finger‘Cause I can,.cause I can do it betterThere"s no other,so when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupidwhat the hell were you thinkingHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way.这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way.这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey

Avril Lavigne的《Girlfriend》 歌词

歌曲名:Girlfriend歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:GirlfriendGirlfriend 中文版Avril LavigneHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友You"re so fineI want you mineYou"re so deliciousI think about youall the timeYou are so addictive.Don"t you know.What I can do.To make you feel alrightDon"t pretend.I think you knowI"m damn preciousHell YeahI"m the mother princessI can tell you like me tooAnd you know I"m rightShe"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友I can see the waySee the wayYou look at meAnd even when you look awayI know you think of meI know you talk about me all the timeagain and againSo come over hereand tell me what I wanna hearBetter, yeah,make your girlfriend dissapearI don"t wanna hear you say her nameever againCuz she"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way.这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你女朋友In a secondyou"ll be wrapped around my finger‘Cause I can.cause I can do it betterThere"s no otherso when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupid,what the hell were you thinkingIn a secondyou"ll be wrapped around my finger‘Cause I can,.cause I can do it betterThere"s no other,so when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupidwhat the hell were you thinkingHey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way.这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey You You.我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way.你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You.我可能会是你女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey You You.我知道你喜欢我No way No way.这是一个秘密Hey Hey You You.我要当你的女朋友(No Way)...Hey Hey

Avril Lavigne的《Girlfriend》 歌词

歌曲名:Girlfriend歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:12" Masters - The Essential MixesHey Hey You You我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你的女朋友Hey Hey You You我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友You"re so fineI want you mineYou"re so deliciousI think bet you"re all the timeSo addictiveDon"t you knowWhat I can doTo make you feel alrightDon"t pretendI think you knowI"m damn preciousHell YeahI"m the mother fucking princessI can tell you like me tooAnd you know I"m rightShe"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You You我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你女朋友Hey hey you you我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友I can see the waySee the wayYou look at meAnd even when you look awayI know you think of meI know you talk about me all the timeagain and againSo come over hereand tell me what I wanna hearBetter, yeah, make your girlfriend dissapearI don"t wanna hear you say her nameever againShe"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You You我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger"Cause I can, Cause I can do it betterThere"re no other, so when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger"Cause I can, Cause I can do it betterThere"re no other, so when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?Hey Hey You You我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey hey you you我可能会是你女朋友No way no wayHey hey you you我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友No way No wayHey Hey You You我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你女朋友No way No wayHey Hey You You我知道你喜欢我No way no way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友No way No wayHey Hey!


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Marilyn Manson的《Evidence》 歌词

Evidence 痕迹歌手: Marilyn Manson翻译:发呆是成熟美歌词来源:manson吧You have eyes that 你的眼睛Lead me on 引导着我And a body that 你的身体Shows me death 展示给我死亡Your lips look like they were made 你们的嘴唇就像他们制造的For something else but 代替其他的一些东西They just suck my breath 他们只是吸收我的气息I want your pain 我想得到你的痛苦To taste why you"re ashamed 去体验你为什么羞耻And I know you"re not just what you say to me我知道你不仅仅是你告诉我的那样And I"m not the only moment you"re made of 而我也不是唯一你如此对待的You"re so sudden and sweet 你如此的突然和甜蜜All legs, knuckle, knees 腿,关节,膝盖Head"s blown clean off 头脑膨胀的一片空白Your mouth"s paid off 你口头上的偿清Fuck me "til we know it"s unsafe 干我直到我们知道这是危险的And we"ll paint 然后我们会描绘Over the evidence 覆盖掉痕迹I want you wanting me 我想要你等着我I want what I see in your eyes 我想要我在你在你眼中看到的So give me something to be scared of 所以给我一些被吓坏的东西Don"t give me something to satisfy 不要给我一些东西来满足You"re so sudden and sweet你如此的突然和甜蜜All legs, knuckle, knees 腿,关节,膝盖Head"s blown clean off 头脑膨胀的一片空白Your mouth"s paid off 你口头上的偿清Fuck me "til we know it"s unsafe干我直到我们知道这是危险的And we"ll paint 然后我们会描绘Over the evidence 覆盖掉痕迹I want your pain我想得到你的痛苦To taste why you"re ashamed 去体验你为什么羞耻And I know you"re not just what you say to me 我知道你不仅仅是你告诉我的那样And I"m not the only moment you"re made of 而我也不是唯一你如此对待的You"re so sudden and sweet 你如此的突然和甜蜜All legs, knuckle, knees腿,膝盖,关节Head"s blown clean off 头脑膨胀的一片空白Your mouth"s paid off 你口头上的偿清Fuck me "til we know it"s unsafe干我直到我们知道这是危险的And we"ll paint 然后我们将会描绘Over the evidence 覆盖掉痕迹You"re so sudden and sweet 你如此的突然和甜蜜All legs, knuckle, knees腿,膝盖,关节Head"s blown clean off 头脑膨胀的一片空白Your mouth"s paid off 你口头上的偿清Fuck me "til we know it"s unsafe干我直到我们知道这是危险的And we"ll paint 然后我们将会描绘Over the evidence 覆盖掉痕迹

跪求tomorrow avril的鼓谱,元旦演节目要用!!会追加的

A - x02220 || G#5 - 466xxxF#m7 - 2442x0 || D - xx0232Dsus2 - xx0230 || C#m - x46654A F#m7 Dsus2A F#m7 Dsus2 GAnd I wanna believe you, when you tell me that it will be okayA F#m7 Dsus2Yeah I try to believe you, But I don"tA F#m7 Dsus2 AWhen you say that it"s gonna be, it always turns out to be a different wayA F#m7 Dsus2 AI try to believe you, not todayA F#m7 Dsus2Today today today todayF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know how I feel, tomorrow, tomorrowF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know what to say, tomorrow, tomorrow is a different dayA F#m7 Dsus2A F#m7 Dsus2 AIt"s always been up to you, it"s turning around it"s up to meA F#m7 Dsus2I"m gonna do what I have to do, just don"tA F#m7 Dsus2 AGive me a little time, leave me alone a little whileA F#m7 Dsus2 A Maybe it"s not too late, not todayA F#m7 Dsus2Today today today today, ohF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know how I feel, tomorrow, tomorrowF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know what to say, tomorrow, tomorrow is a different dayA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, and I know I"m not readyA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, maybe tomorrowA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, I"m not readyA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, maybe tomorrowA Dsus2A F#m7 Dsus2 AAnd I wanna believe you, when you tell me that it will be okayA F#m7 Dsus2 AYeah I try to believe you, not todayA F#m7 Dsus2Today today today todayDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might changeDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might changeDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might changeDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might change

找avril—tomorrow钢琴谱 其他也行只有·Anything But Ordinary和Don"t Tell Me Skater Boy

avril的tomorrow 和evan 求吉他谱

A - x02220 || G#5 - 466xxxF#m7 - 2442x0 || D - xx0232Dsus2 - xx0230 || C#m - x46654A F#m7 Dsus2A F#m7 Dsus2 GAnd I wanna believe you, when you tell me that it will be okayA F#m7 Dsus2Yeah I try to believe you, But I don"tA F#m7 Dsus2 AWhen you say that it"s gonna be, it always turns out to be a different wayA F#m7 Dsus2 AI try to believe you, not todayA F#m7 Dsus2Today today today todayF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know how I feel, tomorrow, tomorrowF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know what to say, tomorrow, tomorrow is a different dayA F#m7 Dsus2A F#m7 Dsus2 AIt"s always been up to you, it"s turning around it"s up to meA F#m7 Dsus2I"m gonna do what I have to do, just don"tA F#m7 Dsus2 AGive me a little time, leave me alone a little whileA F#m7 Dsus2 A Maybe it"s not too late, not todayA F#m7 Dsus2Today today today today, ohF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know how I feel, tomorrow, tomorrowF#m7 G#5 D C#mI don"t know what to say, tomorrow, tomorrow is a different dayA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, and I know I"m not readyA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, maybe tomorrowA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, I"m not readyA F#m7 Dsus2Hey yeah hey yeah, maybe tomorrowA Dsus2A F#m7 Dsus2 AAnd I wanna believe you, when you tell me that it will be okayA F#m7 Dsus2 AYeah I try to believe you, not todayA F#m7 Dsus2Today today today todayDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might changeDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might changeDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might changeDsus2 A F#m7 Dsus2Tomorrow it might change



你好,下面是verilog的五进制计数器的logic。module counter(clk,cout,num,Rst_n);input clk;//时钟input Rst_n;//复位键output reg cout=0;//进位output reg [3:0] num=0;//输出要显示数字,BCD码always@(posedge clk or negedge Rst_n)if(!Rst_n) num=0;else if(num==4)begin //0到4num<=0;cout<=1;endelse beginnum<=num+1;cout<=0;endendmodule
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