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汇编语言中MOV RESULT[DI],ax 什么意思

1. MOV RESULT[DI], AX这一条指令的操作是将AX的内容存放到内存中,内存偏移地址是RESULT的地址再加DI的数值。举例:设RESULT地址是300,DI中的数值是15,那么AX的的内容将被存入315单元中。2.LEA DI, RESULTMOV [DI], AX这两条指令的操作结果,与上面是不同的。第一条LEA指令是将RESULT的偏移地址存入DI。用上面的例子,这条指令执行完以后,DI的内容变成了300。再执行第二条MOV指令时,是将AX的内容存放到内存中,内存偏移地址就是DI的值300。

求助:netscape.ldap.LDAPException:error result

LDAP: error code 49表示认证失败 请检查你的BINDDN和对应的密码,一定要写正确才行。 与base DN没有关系。

pyrosimrun result总是闪退




英语。结果是什么?结果怎么样?用英语怎么说啊what is the result?对吗?如果说wh

so what

The intuition for this result什么意思,关键是intuition要理解为直觉吗

The intuition for this result这一结果的直觉intuition[英][ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn][美][ˌɪntuˈɪʃn]n.直觉; 凭直觉感知的知识; 直觉力; 复数:intuitions例句:1.Learn to use intuition and intelligence in tandem. 学会协调使用你的直觉和智力。2.So trust may lend itself to better interpersonal intuition. 所以诚实有利于培养更好的对人际关系知觉。

这个选什么 a her gym exercise has yielded good results. b she musr have paid a


存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070008) 说明: 执行当前 Web 请求期间,出现未经处


名词可以修饰名词吗?比如说prominence ,可以说prominence result吗?

需要形容词修饰名词。prominence 的形容词是prominent prominent result

satisfactory results什么意思

satisfactory results满意的结果In a world that doesn"t change very quickly, this approach will generally produce satisfactory results.在一个变化不快的世界里,这种方式能使企业得到满意的结果。


导致的英文短语:result in。 result: n.后果;结果;结果(包括比分、得票、获胜者或当选者名单等);(尤指足球比赛的)胜利,胜局; v.(因…)发生;(随…)产生; 第三人称单数: results复数: results现在分词: resulting过去式: resulted过去分词: resulted 扩展资料   The result is going to be too close to call.   双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。   She was invited to give a paper on the results of her research.   她应邀发表一篇论文,报告她的研究结果。   Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.   早期的.结果预示这个政府将重新执政。   They discussed the statistical significance of the results.   他们讨论了这些结果在统计学上的意义。

financial result是什么意思

financial result[会计] 财务计算结果双语例句1.He first to brief us the latest financial progress of the company base on the recentquarterly financial result. 他首先向我们通报最新的进展情况,财务公司的基础上最近的季度财务结果。2.With these features, realistic forecasts of the financial result at the end of theaccounting period can be made at any time. 这些功能的,现实的财务预测的结果结束时的会计期间,可在任何时间。

MSA中Gage R&R Results中GRR 重复性 再现性的方差分量VarComp计算公式


安装sketchup 2017 出现 HRESULT-2147024770

哎哟,国内帖子上所有的办法都试了,没用。换了几台电脑都是这个问题。花了3天的时间,终于把这个问题解决了。。。还是国外的大神牛些看这个帖子全英文的,觉得看着累的话,总结内容就是:更新KB2999226上微软下载适合你自己电脑系统的KB2999226,本人Win7旗舰版,官网上下的SketchUp 2018,可装了。更新KB2999226,直到更新成功为止,重启电脑,再安装SketchUp就OK了。。。。最好不要用系统自带的Windows Update更新,慢死,手动更新还快些。不谢。呵。学好英文很重要。。。。

As a result,two people rarely ( ) all of them. A:agree B: agree on c:agree with D:agree to

agree是不及物动词,排除A,agree on sth, 排除B,

as a result和because of的区别

as a result of 意思是结果是... because of 意思是:由于. As a result of the matter,he lost the game.结果,他输掉了这个游戏. Because of his carelessness,he lost the game.由于他的粗心,他输掉了这个游戏.

overall mark,overall result是平均分还是所有科目的分数呢?

overalladj.全部的, 全面的overall mark是总分

result oriented是什么意思

result oriented 网 络 目标导向;注重结果;结果导向意识;果导向 1. Result oriented, team oriented , self motivated, communication skills, open minded.x09 工作认真,条理性强,具有团队合作精神, 良好的沟通能力, 思维活跃. 2. Result - oriented thinking . Creative and flexible box mentality to problem - solving.x09 以成果为导向,能有创意而且有弹性的解决问题. 3. Pay attention to detail, result oriented, good time management skills.x09 注重细节, 结果导向, 优秀的时间管理技巧. 4. Result - oriented, initiative and be able to work independently under big pressure.x09 以成果为导向, 主动积极,能在巨大压力下独立工作.

John snow discovered that polluted water carried the virus of cholera by ( )分析the results

1 exposed 暴露be exposed to 这里省略了to做后置定语2 absorb过去时态3 suspecting 伴随状语4 that强调句型5 into (look into 调查)6 where定语从句7 fortunately 8 the9 another 10 with译文:约翰 雪是19世纪伦敦的一位非常著名的医生,确实,他想到帮助暴露在霍乱王疾病下的普通人时,在那时,这是一个致命的疾病,当时人们普遍相信是因为空气中的细菌或者是人们把疾病吸入了身体。怀约翰 雪疑第二个学说是正确的,他做了进一步的调查。他发现应该责备的是水.接下来,约翰 雪调查死去人们曾经居住过的宽街的水的起源。幸运的是,他发现这水来自被伦敦来的污水污染过的河流,他立刻告诉宽街上惊恐的人们移开水泵的把手从而使他不能被使用。在伦敦的其他部分,他发现其他两个与宽街爆发有关的死亡病例来作为支持证据。用这个证据,约翰 雪有能力确定地宣布是被污染的水带来了病毒.最终,”霍乱王”被击败了.

我想要复制ResultSet的对象 怎么弄?

不知道,clone 行吗?


方法如下protected String helper (ResultSet rs, int dataType, int col)throws SQLException{String retVal = null;Integer intObj;// ask for data depending on the datatypeswitch(dataType) {case Types.DATE:java.sql.Date date = rs.getDate(col);retVal = date.toString();break;case Types.TIME:java.sql.Time time = rs.getTime(col);retVal = time.toString();break;case Types.TIMESTAMP:java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = rs.getTimestamp(col);retVal = timestamp.toString();break;case Types.CHAR:case Types.VARCHAR:case Types.LONGVARCHAR:retVal = rs.getString(col);break;case Types.NUMERIC:case Types.DECIMAL:java.math.BigDecimal numeric = rs.getBigDecimal(col, 10);retVal = numeric.toString();break;case Types.BIT:boolean bit = rs.getBoolean(col);Boolean boolObj = new Boolean(bit);retVal = boolObj.toString();break;case Types.TINYINT:byte tinyint = rs.getByte(col);intObj = new Integer(tinyint);retVal = intObj.toString();break;case Types.SMALLINT:short smallint = rs.getShort(col);intObj = new Integer(smallint);retVal = intObj.toString();break;case Types.INTEGER:int integer = rs.getInt(col);intObj = new Integer(integer);retVal = intObj.toString();break;case Types.BIGINT:long bigint = rs.getLong(col);Long longObj = new Long(bigint);retVal = longObj.toString();break;case Types.REAL:float real = rs.getFloat(col);Float floatObj = new Float(real);retVal = floatObj.toString();break;case Types.FLOAT:case Types.DOUBLE:double longreal = rs.getDouble(col);Double doubleObj = new Double(longreal);retVal = doubleObj.toString();break;case Types.BINARY:case Types.VARBINARY:case Types.LONGVARBINARY:byte[] binary = rs.getBytes(col);retVal = new String(binary);break;}return retVal;}

results are not going to plan. 怎么翻译(catti,英语翻译

results are not going according to plan= this was not ecpected. 这不是所期望的。

as the result of 和at the result of的区别

  as the result of 和at the result of的区别主要是意义不同,at the result of有强调结果本身的意思(可以解释为“-----结果”),而as a result of一般不强调,只是翻译成“因为."。  1、as the result ofMost of my accomplishments came as the result of sheer doggedness.  我大多数的成就纯粹是坚持不懈的结果。He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion.  他因锅炉爆炸而受伤.  2、at the result ofThey were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.  他们对比赛结果极为失望。She look with pride at the result of her work.  她自豪地看着自己的工作成果.

----Have you got your test result? ----Not yet. The papers _____. A.are st...

A 试题分析:考查时态。句意:—你得到考试结果了吗?—还没有,试卷正在被批改。根据句意说明试卷的结果还不知道,正在被批改。故使用现在进行时的被动语态,故A正确。点评:时态和语态是高考中的常见考试内容。做该类题目时,注意好以下两方面:一是时间状语,不同的时态常有一些相应的标志性的时间状语。二是注意主从句中提供的谓语动词给出的暗示,即确定整体时态是现在时态,过去时态还是将来时态。

result in 和account for的区别?

选择result in ,是引起、导致的意思;account for是解释原因的。或者占有比例。




1)as a resultOffer to take him out for lunch, then (ie as a result of this) he"ll feel in a better mood.请他出去吃午饭,那样他心情就会好些。As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden.因此我们不得不给菜地浇水。He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了。Five hundred jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.由于政府缩减经费的缘故,有五百人被突然解雇了。After-burners have to be used. As a result fuel consumption is heavier.不得不使用加力燃烧室,结果燃料消耗量增加了。2)as a result ofHe claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness.由于长期生病,他申请救助金。The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance.这个计划由于缺乏资金而失败。

as a result so that的区别

用so that 更好。虽然as a result 用在句首,但这里不适合。

a result of后面加什么成分

result of是介词短语,是表示原因的,后面的句子是结果。result of释义:是…结果;由于…结果。result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。result引申还可作“成效”解。result还可表示“人、球队、团体参加考试或竞赛的结果、成绩”。作此解时,一般用复数形式。同根词组:result appreciably 可感觉到差异地产生。result astonishingly 惊讶地产生。result badly 结果不佳。result deplorably 糟透地产生。result fatally 致命地产生。result inevitably 不可避免地产生。result infallibly 不会犯错误地产生。result proportionally 成比例地产生。

Statement 与 ResultSet setFetchSize 是做什么用的

Statement 与 ResultSet setFetchSize的作用分别如下:setMaxRows():是设置Resultset最多返回的行数 。setFetchSize()设置从数据库取得多行的行数大小。Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();ResultSet rsset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM user LIMIT 30");rsset.setFetchSize(10);while({ //这里还是30条记录}

What are the reasons and the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain


We discussed the problem 3 times,but could come to no__ A conclusion B result 二者有何区别?


message No result defined for action 怎么解决

把之前编译好的CLASS删掉再编译过希望这是低版本struts的bug 然后让新版本修复一下吧把name或者其他可以随意修改的改一下 然后重新配置 就可以了 或: 当你在用struts2开发时,如果,从页面跳入action时,页面报No result defined for action and result时,大部分的原因有以下几种:1、validate方法没有通过;2、页面元素中有重命名时,但后台action类的对应的接收此同名参数的是变量而没有写成数组要检查这种错误时,可以1,在后台action类中重写ActionSupport中的void addActionError(String anErrorMessage)void addActionMessage(String aMessage)void addFieldError(String fieldName, String errorMessage)这三个方法,在并在其实现代码中设置断点,监控传入的参数,并可获知页面的相关报错具体原因.2,在页面中加入以下标签,将错误显示出来 :< div style =”color:red” > < s:fielderror /></ div >

高中英语。为何handle要用handled?还有后面那个can result in 的主语是什么


求助英语复合词汇问题,experimental result 和experiment result之间在用法上有什么区别?谢谢!

Well, the first doesn"t quite make sense, since results come from an experiment; they are not experimental in themselves, but I suppose some speakers might use the phrase to mean the same as the other. I suggest "the results of the experiment", however.真正追究起来,experimental result是没有实际含义的,因为result来自实验,其本身并非“experimental 实验性的”,所以最好用“"the results of the experiment”





result oriented是什么意思

result oriented目标导向;注重结果;结果导向意识;果导向1. Result oriented, team oriented , self motivated, communication skills, open minded.x09工作认真,条理性强,具有团队合作精神, 良好的沟通能力, 思维活跃.2. Result - oriented thinking . Creative and flexible box mentality to problem - solving.x09以成果为导向,能有创意而且有弹性的解决问题.3. Pay attention to detail, result oriented, good time management skills.x09注重细节, 结果导向, 优秀的时间管理技巧.4. Result - oriented, initiative and be able to work independently under big pressure.x09以成果为导向, 主动积极,能在巨大压力下独立工作.

result oriented是什么意思

result oriented网 络目标导向;注重结果;结果导向意识;果导向1. Result oriented, team oriented , self motivated, communication skills, open minded. 工作认真,条理性强,具有团队合作精神, 良好的沟通能力, 思维活跃.2. Result - oriented thinking . Creative and flexible box mentality to problem - solving. 以成果为导向,能有创意而且有弹性的解决问题.3. Pay attention to detail, result oriented, good time management skills. 注重细节, 结果导向, 优秀的时间管理技巧.4. Result - oriented, initiative and be able to work independently under big pressure. 以成果为导向, 主动积极,能在巨大压力下独立工作.


results-oriented结果导向;着眼于成果;关注结果It is our view however, that such informal plenary meetings should be results-oriented.然而,我们认为,这种非正式全体会议应当着眼于成果。You are a team player with outstanding communication skills, and a results-oriented attitude.你是一个团队协作者,拥有出色的沟通技巧和关注结果的态度。

result oriented是什么意思

result oriented以结果为导向双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 结果导向2. 结果为导向-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

desired result是什么意思


DirectSound 测试结果: 步骤 19 (用户验证软件) 上有故障: HRESULT = 0x00000000 (错误码)

首先,电脑无音看似简单,其实有时问题比较复杂,既涉及到硬件方面的问题又涉及到软件方面的问题因此,要先查明原因,看是软件还是硬件出了故障,然后针对问题对症下药千万不能原因不明,就乱捣一气,搞不好会把系统弄瘫痪,麻烦就大了 1、检查声卡、连接线,以及音箱等设备是否连接正常;运行杀毒软件进行杀毒; 2、右击“我的电脑”----“属性”---“硬件”----“设备管理器”,打开“声音、视频和游戏控制器”有无问题,即看前面有没有出现黄色的“”如有,重新安装这个设备的驱动程序进行解决; 3、有声音但不见小喇叭时,打开控制面板----声音和视频设备----音量,在“将音量图标放入任务栏”前打上对号; 4、无声音又无小喇叭时,打开控制面板----添加与删除程序----添加删除Windows组件,在“附件和工具”前打对号,点击“下一步”,然后,关机重启,系统会提示安装新硬件,按照提示进行安装即可;无麦克风: 5,双击小喇叭--选项--属性--把“麦克风”前面的钩打上即可调节双击右下角的小喇叭,然后找到麦克风选项。设置一下就好了。在声音界面点击选项——属性,里面有麦克风,打上对勾就有了。 6、卸载声卡驱动程序,重新进行安装或升级声频驱动程序; 7、当安装声卡驱动程序时出现“找不着AC晶片”提示,有可能是电脑中毒,或者因违规操作误删了声卡驱动程序,抑或是内部软件冲突解决的办法是重装系统和驱动程序 8、干脆不予理睬,关机后等待一段时间后再重新开机,有时声音问题会自行解决不妨你可以试 9、开始—控制面板—声音和音频设备—声音,看看是不是调成无声的了,然后选windows默认 10、点击开始-运行,输入regedit,回车,这就打开了注册表,点几HKEY-CURRENT-USER,再点击其中的ControlPanel项,再击其下的Sound中的Beep将它的值由No改为Yes重启,是不是又听见久违了的开关机声音了 可能是声卡驱动不对..重新安装一下..单独的声卡买来的时候应该配有驱动盘集成的应该在主板驱动的那张光盘里如果你下载的声卡建议你卸载掉,用电脑本身的声卡


下载DIRECT 9.0C,重新安装

DirectSound 测试结果: 步骤 3 (DirectSoundCreate) 上有故障: HRESULT = 0x887800 该怎么办啊?

8月23日 22:11 安装DirectX 9.0c下载地址:

电脑没有声音dxdiag测试结果“DirectSound 测试结果: 步骤 19 (用户验证软件) 上有故障: HRESULT = 0x000

提示:“DirectSound 测试结果: 步骤 19 (用户验证软件) 上有故障: HRESULT = 0x00000000 ”这个是跟驱动没关系的。 首先你找一个正常的耳机,正确插入主机后面板的音频口,打开soundman,会有插入提示。 打开声音和音频设置属性,在音频项里面看设置是否正确。

To produce accurate results, the equipment must be manufactured to very ________ specifications.

【答案】:D题目意为“为了产生准确的结果,设备必须制造到非常高的规格。”high specification意为“高规格”,选项A意为“深的”,选项B意为“宽的”,选项C意为“关键的”,故选D。  

as a result of造十个句子

As a result of the rain, I had to stay at home.As a result of the accident, the boy got hurt.As a result of his failure, he gave up.As a result of the weather, he got ill.As a result of the match, the team won the game.As a result of the grades, he was the winner.As a result of the election, he failed.As a result of the snow, the roads were blocked.As a result of the earthquake, many houses were ruined.As a result of being late, he was punished by the teacher.

estimation result fe not found

“not found”中文意思是:未找到 例句: 1、If not found, it will return a message.如果没有找到,则将返回一条消息。 2、An antenna was not found inside, but a balloon with freon was there.但里面并未找到天线,而是一个气球以及氟利昂。 3、So many of my friends ask about “what do I really need in my life” as they have not found one yet.当然,我遇到了很多的朋友都还没有找到这一生的目标,回答不了“我一生到底想要什么?” 这样的问题。 4、If a destination was not found, the action sets an error message and rejects the request.如果目的地未找到,则该操作将设置一个错误消息并拒绝该请求。 5、If the method is not found in any parent, an error-trapping method is invoked.如果在任何父对象中都没找到该方法,会调用一个错误捕捉方法。 6、If it is not found, then the nearest matching combination present on the system is used.如果未找到,则使用系统上存在的最接近的匹配组合。

result of methord of reduction在数学中是什么意思

在数学中,result of method of reduction就是“减法所得的差(结果)”。顺带,再列举一些基本的数学词汇:result —结果(加和,减差,乘积,除方)reduction -- minous, reduced by减法——减去,被相减addition -- plus, added to加法——加上,被相加multiple -- multiple乘法——乘以,division -- divide, devided by除法——除以,被除以上,希望满意。

The result of the study indicated that it was the type of fat()made the difference

这个句子是强调句 可以简化为The result of the study indicated that the type of fat made the difference 强调 the type of fat 句子结构就变了The result of the study indicated that it was the type of fat (that) made the difference

能否解释一下lead to和result in的区别和用法?

result in=to make something happen 例句:An accident resulted in the death of two passengers. These policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship. 从较大部分的例句可以看到,句中的谓语(即引起事情发生的主动方)多是静态、客观的一件事或物,同时被引起的通常是消极的事故或方面,而且多用于描述已经发生的过去的事件。再看lead to:lead to(该用法与lead to具有可比性)=to have something as a result 例句 Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. This investment program will lead to the creation of new jobs. 可以看到,句中的谓语多是一个动态的动作或计划,而宾语(即被引起的事情)无严格的消极与积极之分,而且多用于描述客观的可能性和对未来的预测。 当然,在绝大多数情况之下,这两个动词短语是可以通用的,关于lead to的其它词义在字典上都很好找,这里就不赘述了。

[A] Otherwise[B] However[C] Moreover[D] As a result

【答案】:DD [解析]此题考查对文意的理解。前后句是因果关系,所以选D。

请问at the result of和as a result of 有什么区别 还有down by the sea的意思

楼主你好~大部分情况下都可以通用,只是as the result of有强调结果本身的意思(可以解释为“就是因为......”),而as a result of一般不强调,只是翻译成“因为......"。至于down by the sea,意思是沿海而下。如果还有问题,可以继续追问,我一上线就会立即回答的^_^如果满意,那请采纳我的答案吧~ 顺便点个赞哈~(≧▽≦)/~Have a good day~Neil Steven

regression results是什么意思?

regression results regression 1. 倒退,退步;回归;复归 2. 【同义词】retrogression 3. 退行 4. 退化 5. (疾病及症状的)消退 6. 退行(作用或机制) 7. 回归 退化结果的意思

他从不锻炼,结果生病了 英语 用as a result

  翻译:He never works out.As a result,he fell ill  满意请采纳,谢谢

as a result为什么不能直接放句中两边是两个独立的句子?为什么一定要加and

如果想放在句中的话,可以用as a result of。as a result of为短语介词,后跟名词、代词等,意为“由于…的原因”相当于because of;as a result为副词用法,意为“结果是”,后面指事情的结果,如: The train was delayed as the (a) result of the heavy rain. 由于大雨的缘故主,火车晚点了。 He got up very late today. As a result, he missed the first bus. 他今天起晚了,结果没赶上头班车。

as a result和for this reason有什么区别,具体怎么用

字面意思:as a result,是作为结果,翻译成因此;for this reason, 是基于此原因,也翻译为因此。as a result常常是直事情发生的先后顺序,而for this reason则更强调于逻辑的承接性。比如说:He saved that boy in this accident, as a result, boy"s father gave him a lot of money.Fish must be living in the water, for this reason, it dies when you put it in the air for along time.

as a result 与as a result of 用法。详细!!!


as a result 和 as a result of 的区别 意思 用法 求教

As a result 是副词短语,单独使用,后+句子,表示“结果、因此”.例如: All singers kept together.As a result,theirperformancewassuccessful. 所有的歌手协调一致,结果他们的演出非常成功. And as a result,the world sees them with suspicion rather than affection. 结果就是,当世界看他们的时候,带着的是猜疑,而不是喜爱. as a result of +sth ,表示“因此,由于;作为…的结果”,例如: As a result of evolution,it seems to me that humans should have no more value than any other creature.由于进化的结果,在我看来,人类并不比其它动物拥有更多的价值. As a result of his historic flight he became an international hero and legend. 由于他这次历史性的飞行,他成为了一个国际英雄和传奇.

as a result和at last差别

as a result因此,作为结果所以,由于,因此As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden.因此我们不得不给菜地浇水。at last终于; 最后The big moment has come at last!重要的时刻终于到来了!

as a result和so that的区别

因为so that 是连词,连接目的状语从句或结果状语从句,本句是结果状语从句,as a result 相当于一个副词,不能连接两个句子.如果用它,得改成这样:The room was packed with people.As a result,we couldn"t get in.

As a result 同义词是什麼

in the issue; in result

英语造句问题 用as a result造句

1.As a result,daily output has doubled. 结果日产量翻了一番. 2.Leave sb(somebody的简称) somewhere as a result of a shipwreck 某人因沉船而流落某处 3.To produce as a result. 实现产生一种结果

turnout和as a result的区别?

1) turn out: 结果为, 发现是:I was positive things were going to turn out fine.我当时就确信事情最终会好起来。2) as a result:由于; 原因是. As a result, services have been drastically reduced.正因如此,服务被大大减少了。


as a result of 由于的意思He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了.as a result 作为一个最终结果的意思he defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result.他击败了所有的竞争者,最终赢得了奖学金

therefore,as a result的区别

therefore,表示前面的分析顺承下来的结果,不是直接的因果关系,意为因此,所以,与后面的句子用逗号隔开;as a result,因此,结果,是个习惯短语,与后面的句子用逗号隔开,例 He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday.As a result,he had to be away from doing sports.他昨天从自行车上摔下来了弄伤了腿,所以,他不得不停止运动;

as a resulf 和as a result of 的区别?造句?


英语单选题求解 1, As a result of his hard work, he has

1, A

so,as a result和as a result of三者的区别

so 和 as a result 都作连词用,后面接句子,功能基本等同,后接原因.而as a resut of 就是介词短语,后面只能接名词或动名词. e.g.:It"s raining ,so I"m late. It"s raining,as a result,I"m late. As a result of the rain I"m late.

as a result 是什么意思?


as a result of和as a result有什么区别啊?


as a result 后面必须加逗号么


as a result放在哪里


as the result of

按照字面的意思理解,as the result 表示的结果是特指,表示的事情的结果必须交代清楚,或者说只表示事情唯一的结果,例如As the result of the failure,he must try it again the next year.翻译成:由于失败,他必须明年再来一次(在这里,由于他失败了,明年再尝试一次是他唯一的选择,也就是他的失败导致的唯一的结果). 而as a result 表示的结果是泛指看,表达的意思可能是某件事请的结果是众多的,在这里只列举其中的一个,例如:As a result of the success,the mayor received him.翻译成:由于他的成功,市长接见了他.(在这里,他的成功导致了一系列的后果,市长接见他只是其中之一.) 而as a result 后不跟任何成分,后加逗号.如:He worked very hard.As a result,he succeeded. 这三个词组不能作连词,只能做状语.

due to 和 as a result of 区别

due toadv.由于, 应归于as a result ofadv.作为结果

as the result, as a result ,as a result of ,as result ,as a result of 的区别,用法和造句?

首先区别the和a the是特指,后句为前句原因的唯一结果. a是没有限定的,后者是前者的结果.(结果可以不止一种) 以上区辨可用于全部例子 然后 ①as the result以及as a result,除了上述区别,用法一致.可作为插入语. 例句:They cut trees without permission,as the(a) result,taken into prison for 3 months. 或者放在句首:He is so cute and gentle,as well as his brain is full of creation.As a result,many girls fall in love with him. ②as a result of以及as the result of (我猜你想说这个)这个就是需要接宾语的成分. 可放在句中:They are taken into prison as the(a) result of cutting trees without permission. 或者放在句首:As a result of weather,all the crops grow well. ③目测应该没有as result的用法.如果是as results还勉强可以接受,用法同①.后面肯定接不只一种后果. 以上内容全部手打,

as a result 同义短语

Finally;Soconsequentlythereforein consequencein consequence, therefore, as a consequence希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问
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