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as the result, as a result ,as a result of ,as result ,as a result of 的区别,用法和造句?

2023-07-16 18:19:55
①as the result以及as a result,除了上述区别,用法一致.可作为插入语.
例句:They cut trees without permission,as the(a) result,taken into prison for 3 months.
或者放在句首:He is so cute and gentle,as well as his brain is full of creation.As a result,many girls fall in love with him.
②as a result of以及as the result of (我猜你想说这个)这个就是需要接宾语的成分.
可放在句中:They are taken into prison as the(a) result of cutting trees without permission.
或者放在句首:As a result of weather,all the crops grow well.
③目测应该没有as result的用法.如果是as results还勉强可以接受,用法同①.后面肯定接不只一种后果.


as a result的中文是什么意思及用法

意思:结果…用法:可以放在句首,放在句末例:As a result, he lost his arm. He lost his arm as a result.翻译:结果他丢了只手臂。
2023-07-16 13:21:371

as a result 和as a result of 的区别

2023-07-16 13:21:5811

as a result 与as a result of 用法.后接什么?意义

前者放在一个句子的开头或者末尾 表示 结果是……;后者接短语,意思是由于 例如:he got up late. as a result, he missed the bus. ; as a result of the heavy rain, he missed the bus.希望有用U0001f60a
2023-07-16 13:22:244

as a result和for this reason有什么区别,具体怎么用

for this reason. 导致 as a result
2023-07-16 13:22:348


So 的后面直接接句子. He is not good at physics,so he must work hard. as a result 单独使用,后面一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连结2个句子. He worked hard at his study.As a result,he passed the exam easily. as a result of + 名词或者代词. As a result of his hard work,he passed the exam easily.
2023-07-16 13:23:001

as a result傻词替换

in the end,finally, all in all,in a word
2023-07-16 13:23:084

as a result 和 as the result 和 as a resultof

as a result 结果as the result 不是固定搭配~~as a result of 作为...的结果
2023-07-16 13:23:272

as a result与so的区别

as a result是具有副词词性的短语,在句中只能起过渡词使用,充当状语;而so一般作并列连词用,可以连接两个分句,构成并列句。
2023-07-16 13:23:351

as a result 和as a consequencequ区别

as a consequence比as a result用法正式一些,而且后面跟的往往是不好的结果
2023-07-16 13:23:443

as a result与as result有什么区别?求大神教我!

as a result相当于一个连词,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开,是因此,所以的意思;as aresult of 是一个介词短语,后面接名词,动名词等,不能接句子,是由于,因为的意思。
2023-07-16 13:23:521

asa result和as the result of什么区别

as the result of 是作为……的结果 as a result of 是做副词用,因此,由于 as a result 表示结果,常用于收尾是的总结词,后面加逗号,用法类似于 therefore 希望对你有帮助哦~
2023-07-16 13:24:011


2023-07-16 13:24:112

as a result和with the result that有什么区别

2023-07-16 13:24:193

as a resulf 和as a result of 的区别?造句

of 后面要加名词的.As a result:I am try to answer your question,as a result,you understand the difference between "as a result" and "as a result of".As a result of:As a result of my explaination,you understand the difference between "as a result" and "as a result of".
2023-07-16 13:24:463

英语语法as a result的用法

  as the result ,as a result 和as a result of 在英语语法里的区别是什么?下面是我给大家整理了英语语法as a result讲解,供大家参阅!   英语语法as the result ,as a result 和as a result of 的区别   按照字面的意思理解,as the result 表示的结果是特指,表示的事情的结果必须交代清楚,或者说只表示事情唯一的结果,例如As the result of the failure,he must try it again the next year.翻译成:由于失败,他必须明年再来一次(在这里,由于他失败了,明年再尝试一次是他唯一的选择,也就是他的失败导致的唯一的结果).   而as a result 表示的结果是泛指看,表达的意思可能是某件事请的结果是众多的,在这里只列举其中的一个,例如:As a result of the success,the mayor received him.翻译成:由于他的成功,市长接见了他.(在这里,他的成功导致了一系列的后果,市长接见他只是其中之一.)   而as a result 后不跟任何成分,后加逗号.如:He worked very hard.As a result,he succeeded.   这三个词组不能作连词,只能做状语.   英语语法因果连词as the/a result of u2026的用法 总结   1、as a result of 是由于的意思,例如:   He was late as a result of the snow. 由于 大雪 他迟到了。   2、as a result 作为一个最终结果的意思,例如:   He defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result。   他击败了所有的竞争者,最终赢得了奖学金   As a result,the women of today and tomorrow are powerful consumers and understanding their habits and attitudes is critically important for marketers and advertisers.   因此,今天和明天的女性成为了强大的消费群,了解她们的消费习惯和消费观对 市场营销 商和 广告 商来说是至关重要的。   3、as the result of 是作为......结果,由于   While Paul is describing this behavior as the result of wayward passions, the chief sin is idolatry and separation from the one true God.   虽然保罗描述这种行为为任性激情的结果,主要的罪来自偶像崇拜,将一个人与独一的真神分开。   4、以上都是表示因果的连词,但是,各自的用法和位置还是有些区别的。首先the是表示特指,后半句为前半句原因的唯一结果。而a是没有限定的,后者是前者的结果(结果可以不止是一种,唯一的)。   5、1)as the result以及as a result,除了上述区别外,用法一致。可作为插入语。 例句:   They cut trees without permission, as the(a) result, taken into prison for 3 months.或者放在句首:He is so cute and gentle, as well as his brain is full of creation. As a result, many girls fall in love with him.   2)as a result of以及as the result of 它们都可以接宾语的成分。可放在句中:They are taken into prison as the(a) result of cutting trees without permission. 或者放在句首:As a result of weather, all the crops grow well.   英语语法As的用法   一、作副词,意为“相同地”,“同样地”。例如:   They donu2019t have as many airplanes. 他们没有同样多的飞机。   二、作连词,   1. 引导时间状语从句   as与when,while都是引导时间状语从句的从属连词,含义都是"当u201eu201e的时候"。但它们有区别:   (1). when作“当u201eu201e的时候”解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生。例如:   John was having his dinner when I saw him. 当我看到约翰的时候,他正在吃饭。   She can write only when the baby is asleep. 只有婴儿睡着的时候,她才能写作。   (2). while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生或在从句动作过程中发生。例如:   We must strike while the iron is hot. 要趁热打铁。   While we were reading, the teacher came in. 我们正在读书的时候,老师走了进来。   (3). 但属下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。   ① 用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指“一边u201eu201e,一边u201eu201e”。例如:   The girl dances as she sings on the stage.那个女孩在舞台边 唱歌 边跳舞。   He looked behind from time to time as he went forward. 当他朝前走时,不时地向后   看。   ② 表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,译为“随着u201eu201e”。例如:   As time went on / by, she became more and more worried. 随着时间的流逝,她变得越来越焦虑。   As he grew older, he became more intelligent. 随着他年龄的增长,他变得更有才智了。   ③ 表示两个短促行为或事件几乎同时发生。例如:   I thought of it just as you opened your mouth. 恰好在你开口时,我想到了它。   Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry. 恰巧在飞虫撞到她脸上时,她大哭起来。   2. 引导原因状语从句   as,because,since都可以表示因果关系,连接原因状语从句,含义是“因为,由于”,但它们有区别:because表示的语气最强;as一般放在句首,语气较弱,较口语化;since常常用在书面语中,表示多为对方已知的、或稍加分析便可得知的原因,有时可译作“既然”。例如:   I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。   Since many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money at night. 因为许多顾客白天上班,所以毕利只好晚上去收钱。   As she has been ill perhaps she"ll need some help. 她由于生病可能需要些帮助。   3. 引导让步状语从句   as与although (或though),however (或no matter how)等都可以引导让步状语从句,含义是“虽然,尽管”,但它们有区别:although语气稍正式些,可放在句首,也可放在句中,主句中不能再用 but,但可以用yet;as所表示的语气较强,引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序;however引导让步状语从句时,它的后面可跟形容词或副词,也要用倒装语序。例如:   Although they are poor they are happy. 虽然他们很穷,但很快乐。   Angry as he was, he managed to speak calmly. 虽然他很生气,但是他讲话很平静。   Howeve er hard the question is, he can answer it. 不管问题有多难他都能回答。   注意:当as引导让步状语从句时, 句子 的倒装语序有以下三种形式:   (1). 形容词或副词+as+主语+连系动词be或实义动词。例如:   Rich as he is, he never spends a cent on clothes. 虽然他很富有,但他从不花一分钱在衣服上。   Much as I admire his courage, I donu2019t think he acted wisely. 我虽然佩服他的勇气,但我认为他这样做是不聪明的。   (2). 名词+as+主语+连系动词be (注意句首的名词不带冠词)。例如:   Child as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管他是个孩子,但懂很多事情。   Boy as he was, he was chosen king. 尽管他还是个孩子,但却被立为国王。   (3). 实义动词+as+主语+助动词[如果没有助动词,则要加上一个do(does或did)]。例如:   Try as he may, he never succeeds. 尽管他很努力,但总是不成功。   Change your mind as you will, you will gain no additional support. 即使你改变主意,你也不会得到另外的支持。
2023-07-16 13:24:551

as a result 和 as a consequence有什么区别

as a result 一般情况下可以和as a consequence 通用,但后者更倾向于"随之发生",时间上的连续更紧*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-07-16 13:25:031

as result和 as a result有啥区别?

as a result一般后面有逗号,做状语,表示结果呢as result后面一般加of sth,表示作为某事的结果
2023-07-16 13:25:111

as result中间加什么

as a resultasaresult:作为一个最终结果的意思。用法:asaresult单独使用,后面一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连结2个句子。
2023-07-16 13:25:191

as a result of 请给予举例说明和because of 的区别

as aresult of 是……的原因e.g. As a result of his carelessness, he failed in the exam.由于他的粗心,他考试没及格。because of是因为且它后面通常加句子或者是名词性短语e.g. He failed in the exam because of hie carelessness.一个是原因放前面的,另一个放后面
2023-07-16 13:25:282

as a result 与as a result of 用法。详细!!!

as a result 和as a result of 的区别 as a result 单独使用,后面一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连结2个句子。 He worked hard at his study.As a result, he passed the exam easily. as a result of + 名词或者代词. As a result of his hard work, he passed the exam easily.
2023-07-16 13:25:494

as a result和as a result of的区别是什么?

一、意思不同。1、as a result:意为“因此”“结果”。例句:As a result he was sent away from school。结果他被赶出了学校。2、as a result of:意为“因为”“由于”“……的结果”。例句:The football match had to be put off as a result of the heavy rain。这场足球赛因为下雨的原因。二、用法不同。as a result:表示结果,多作结果状语。相当于一个连词,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开。as a result of:表示原因,用作原因状语,相当于because of。是一个介词短语,后面接名词,动名词等,不能接句子。三、侧重点不同。例句:As a result,the football match had to be put off。结果这场比赛被推迟了。as a result of:侧重于原因。由于,因为的意思。例句:As a result of warning,nobody was hurt。由于得到了警告,因此没有人受伤。
2023-07-16 13:26:101

asa result等于什么

as a result = in consequence 因此 as a result of =in consequence of 由于……的缘故。as a result相当于一个连词,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开,是因此,所以的意思;as a result of为短语介词,后跟名词、代词等,意为“由于…的原因”相当于because of;as a result为副词用法,意为“结果是”,后面指事情的结果,如:The train was delayed as the (a) result of the heavy rain.由于大雨的缘故主,火车晚点了。as a result 作为一个最终结果的意思he defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result。他击败了所有的竞争者,最终赢得了奖学金竞争者,最终赢得了奖学金
2023-07-16 13:26:551

as a result 和 as the result用法有何不同?

按照字面的意思理解,as the result 表示的结果是特指,表示的事情的结果必须交代清楚,或者说只表示事情唯一的结果,例如As the result of the failure,he must try it again the next year.翻译成:由于失败,他必须明年再来一次(在这里,由于他失败了,明年再尝试一次是他唯一的选择,也就是他的失败导致的唯一的结果);而as a result 表示的结果是泛指看,表达的意思可能是某件事请的结果是众多的,在这里只列举其中的一个,例如:As a result of the success,the mayor received him.翻译成:由于他的成功,市长接见了他.(在这里,他的成功导致了一系列的后果,市长接见他只是其中之一.)来自百度作业帮
2023-07-16 13:27:175

as a result 与as a result of 用法.后接什么?意义

as a result of 由于的意思He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了.as a result 作为一个最终结果的意思he defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result.他击败了所有的竞争者,最终赢得了奖学金
2023-07-16 13:27:502

as the result和as a result的区别是什么?

as the result 与as a result的区别为:一、指代不同1、as the result:结果。2、as a result:因此。二、侧重点不同1、as the result:这里的the是特指。2、as a result:这里的a是泛指。三、引证用法不同1、as the result:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、as a result:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。
2023-07-16 13:27:571


So 的后面直接接句子. He is not good at physics,so he must work hard. as a result 单独使用,后面一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连结2个句子. He worked hard at his study.As a result,he passed the exam easily. as a result of + 名词或者代词. As a result of his hard work,he passed the exam easily.
2023-07-16 13:28:151

as a result 是什么意思

2023-07-16 13:28:351

as a result和as a result of有何异同点呢?

as a result因此As a result of因为
2023-07-16 13:28:422

as the result与as a result有什么区别呢?

as the result 与as a result的区别为:一、指代不同1、as the result:结果。2、as a result:因此。二、侧重点不同1、as the result:这里的the是特指。2、as a result:这里的a是泛指。三、引证用法不同1、as the result:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、as a result:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。
2023-07-16 13:28:551

as a result和as the result的区别

"as a result"和"as the result" 都可以用来表示 "由于...结果" 的意思,但在语法用法上略有不同。"as a result" 是一个短语,用来连接两个句子,表示一个事件、情况或行动的结果,它通常位于句子的中间或结尾:- She failed to get into college as a result of not studying hard enough.- We missed the flight as a result of the heavy traffic.它在句子中的位置可以灵活变动,只要确保句子的意思明确即可。而 "as *the* result" 是一个独立的片语,通常作为名词性短语来使用,表示单一的结果或效果:- As the result, we have to re-plan the entire project.- The project was delayed as the result of bad weather.这种情况下,“the”是定冠词,指代确定的、唯一的结果。它通常只用于正式文体中,而在日常口语中比较少用。最后需要注意的是,“as the result”表示“作为结果”,要么后面要跟名词或动名词,要么不能单独使用。而“as a result”表示“因此、所以”,后面可以接完整的句子。
2023-07-16 13:29:111

有词组as results吗? as a result 和 as results除了复数外有不同吗?求大神解答,先答奖励100

有 没有
2023-07-16 13:29:214

英语中as the result 与as a result的区别

按照字面的意思理解,as the result 表示的结果是特指,表示的事情的结果必须交代清楚,或者说只表示事情唯一的结果,例如As the result of the failure, he must try it again the next year。翻译成:由于失败,他必须明年再来一次(在这里,由于他失败了,明年再尝试一次是他唯一的选择,也就是他的失败导致的唯一的结果);而as a result 表示的结果是泛指看,表达的意思可能是某件事请的结果是众多的,在这里只列举其中的一个,例如:As a result of the success,the mayor received him。翻译成:由于他的成功,市长接见了他。(在这里,他的成功导致了一系列的后果,市长接见他只是其中之一。)
2023-07-16 13:29:482

as a result和as a result of有什么区别呢?

一、意思不同。1、as a result:意为“因此”“结果”。例句:As a result he was sent away from school。结果他被赶出了学校。2、as a result of:意为“因为”“由于”“……的结果”。例句:The football match had to be put off as a result of the heavy rain。这场足球赛因为下雨的原因。二、用法不同。as a result:表示结果,多作结果状语。相当于一个连词,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开。as a result of:表示原因,用作原因状语,相当于because of。是一个介词短语,后面接名词,动名词等,不能接句子。三、侧重点不同。例句:As a result,the football match had to be put off。结果这场比赛被推迟了。as a result of:侧重于原因。由于,因为的意思。例句:As a result of warning,nobody was hurt。由于得到了警告,因此没有人受伤。
2023-07-16 13:30:051

as the result与as a result的区别?

as the result 与as a result的区别为:一、指代不同1、as the result:结果。2、as a result:因此。二、侧重点不同1、as the result:这里的the是特指。2、as a result:这里的a是泛指。三、引证用法不同1、as the result:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、as a result:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。
2023-07-16 13:30:181

as a result. 是什么意思

2023-07-16 13:30:351

therefore和as a result的区别

therefore表示因此,as a result 表示结果是
2023-07-16 13:30:523

as a result of的意思

2023-07-16 13:31:012

as a result 和as a result of 的区别

2023-07-16 13:31:093

as a result和as a result of有什么区别?

一、意思不同。1、as a result:意为“因此”“结果”。例句:As a result he was sent away from school。结果他被赶出了学校。2、as a result of:意为“因为”“由于”“……的结果”。例句:The football match had to be put off as a result of the heavy rain。这场足球赛因为下雨的原因。二、用法不同。as a result:表示结果,多作结果状语。相当于一个连词,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开。as a result of:表示原因,用作原因状语,相当于because of。是一个介词短语,后面接名词,动名词等,不能接句子。三、侧重点不同。例句:As a result,the football match had to be put off。结果这场比赛被推迟了。as a result of:侧重于原因。由于,因为的意思。例句:As a result of warning,nobody was hurt。由于得到了警告,因此没有人受伤。
2023-07-16 13:31:331

as a result和as the result有什么区别啊?

as a result 和 as the result用法有何不同?As a result 是副词短语,单独使用,后+句子,表示“结果、因此”.例如:All singers kept together.As a result,theirperformancewassuccessful.所有的歌手协调一致,结果他们的演出非常成功.And as a result,the world sees them with suspicion rather than affection.结果就是,当世界看他们的时候,带着的是猜疑,而不是喜爱.as a result of +sth ,表示“因此,由于;作为…的结果”,例如:As a result of evolution,it seems to me that humans should have no more value than any other creature.由于进化的结果,在我看来,人类并不比其它动物拥有更多的价值.As a result of his historic flight he became an international hero and legend.由于他这次历史性的飞行,他成为了一个国际英雄和传奇.
2023-07-16 13:31:462

as a result 同义短语

Finally;Soconsequentlythereforein consequencein consequence, therefore, as a consequence希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问
2023-07-16 13:31:551

due to 和 as a result of 区别

due toadv.由于, 应归于as a result ofadv.作为结果
2023-07-16 13:32:114

as the result of

按照字面的意思理解,as the result 表示的结果是特指,表示的事情的结果必须交代清楚,或者说只表示事情唯一的结果,例如As the result of the failure,he must try it again the next year.翻译成:由于失败,他必须明年再来一次(在这里,由于他失败了,明年再尝试一次是他唯一的选择,也就是他的失败导致的唯一的结果). 而as a result 表示的结果是泛指看,表达的意思可能是某件事请的结果是众多的,在这里只列举其中的一个,例如:As a result of the success,the mayor received him.翻译成:由于他的成功,市长接见了他.(在这里,他的成功导致了一系列的后果,市长接见他只是其中之一.) 而as a result 后不跟任何成分,后加逗号.如:He worked very hard.As a result,he succeeded. 这三个词组不能作连词,只能做状语.
2023-07-16 13:32:271

as a result放在哪里

2023-07-16 13:32:341

as a result 后面必须加逗号么

2023-07-16 13:32:412

as a result of和as a result有什么区别啊?

2023-07-16 13:32:492

as a result 是什么意思?

2023-07-16 13:33:145

so,as a result和as a result of三者的区别

so 和 as a result 都作连词用,后面接句子,功能基本等同,后接原因.而as a resut of 就是介词短语,后面只能接名词或动名词. e.g.:It"s raining ,so I"m late. It"s raining,as a result,I"m late. As a result of the rain I"m late.
2023-07-16 13:33:291

英语单选题求解 1, As a result of his hard work, he has

1, A
2023-07-16 13:33:392

as a resulf 和as a result of 的区别?造句?

2023-07-16 13:34:073