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Rachel 瑞秋


立秋(英文名:Beginning of Autumn)是二十四节气中的第13个节气,它是秋天的第一个节气,标志着孟秋时节的正式开始,一般预示着炎热的夏天即将过去,秋季即将来临。日期在每年公历的8月7日-9日之间。立秋是古时“四时八节”之一,民间有祭祀土地神,庆祝丰收的习俗。中文名立秋外文名Beginning of Autumn代表寓意秋季开始,暑去凉来气候特点秋老虎,之后天气逐渐凉爽季节秋季时间每年8月7或8或9日太阳位置太阳到达黄经135°太阳直射点北纬16°19′前一节气大暑后一节气处暑风俗活动晒秋节、秋忙会、贴秋膘风俗食物西瓜(啃秋)、四季豆、辣椒农事活动做好整地、施肥的准备、晒秋三候凉风至;白露生;寒蝉鸣养生以养收为原则属性农历二十四节气的七月节令民间饮食民间有立秋贴秋膘的传统


立秋带来的首先是天气的变化英语如下:The first thing that thebeginning of autumn brings is the change of weather在中国农历中,立秋(Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始。立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临。这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。立秋是二十四节气中的第13个节气,更是秋天的第一个节气,标志着孟秋时节的正式开始:“秋”就是指暑去凉来。立秋时,北斗指向西南,从这一天起秋天开始,秋高气爽,月明风清。从这一天开始,天高气爽,月明风清,气温逐渐下降,正如谚语所说:“立秋之日凉风至”,“早上立了秋,晚上凉飕飕”。“立秋”带来的首先是天气的变化,意味着降雨、风暴、湿度等处于一年中的转折点,趋于下降或减少,但立秋并不代表酷热天气就此结束,初秋期间天气仍然很热,俗称“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。


立秋是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第十三个节气,标志着夏日的结束和秋天的到来。所以立秋的英文表达为Start of Autumn.The period of hot days after Start of Autumn, usually lasting for 30 days, is called "Autumn Tiger" or "Indian Summer". Because of the decreasing precipitation, it is even more sweltering during this period than during Major Heat.立秋之后的高温天气通常会持续30天左右,这就是人们所说的“秋老虎”。由于降雨量减少,这段时间甚至比大暑时更加闷热。Autumn Tiger:秋老虎sweltering:闷热的There is a saying that goes: "If it rains on the day of the Start of Autumn, a good harvest is expected."俗话说:“立秋雨淋淋,遍地是黄金。”Each solar term can be divided into 3 pentads. They are: first pentad, second pentad and last pentad. Pentads in Liqiu include:每个节气可分为三候:初候、次候和末候。




天牛是鞘翅目叶甲总科天牛科昆虫的总称,有很长的触角,常常超过身体的长度,全世界约有超过20,000种。有一些种类属于害虫,其幼虫生活于木材中,可能对树或建筑物造成危害。   鞘翅目(Coleoptera)天牛科(Cerambycidae)甲虫,约有25,000种,其英文俗名得自多数种的极长触角。分布全球,但热带最多。长2~152公釐(至多1/8~6吋左右),不过,若把触角计算在内,长度可增加2~3倍。   许多成虫(如欧洲的蜂形虎天牛〔Clytus arietes〕)采花粉,体色黄、黑、橙相间,酷似黄蜂;有些虎天牛属(Clytus)的热带种类貌似蚁类;非洲的大天牛(Pterognatha gigas)则像一块带有几条线(伸出的触角)的苔藓或地衣。   天牛幼虫淡黄或白色,体前端扩展成圆形,似头状,故俗名圆头钻木虫,上腭强壮,能钻入树内生活两年以上,破坏木材。化蛹前向外钻一孔道,在树内化蛹,新羽化的成虫经此孔道而出。由于这种钻木习性,天牛危害木材和浆材树、景观树、果树以及木本观赏植物甚巨。天牛科细分为几个亚科,如下︰   锯天牛亚科(Prioninae),鞘翅革质,淡褐色,前胸(头後面地区)侧向扩展,缘有齿突。该亚科的松天牛属(Parandra, 或称异天牛属,有时列入椎天牛科〔Spondylidae〕)生于松树中,阔颈锯天牛(Prionus laticollis)的幼虫生活在葡萄、苹果、白杨、南方越橘和其他的果树、观赏树等树根中。




【 #英语资源# 导语】秋风起了,吹散了暑气;秋雨降了,消退了暑热;秋意浓了,爽透了身心;秋天来了,悦动了生活;秋福到了,愉悦了心扉。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于立秋的英语作文   In the morning, on the old locust tree in front of the door, several withered and yellow old leaves were blown down by the wind, rotating and dancing in the air, landing slowly, and rolling again. Grandma said: the weather turns cold. It"s almost autumn! I opened my calendar. It turned out that autumn began at 5:1 this afternoon. Looking at the blue sky, there is no cloud shadow. It is so transparent. Autumn not only brings us cool wind, but also brings us the joy of harvest.   The grass on the field is no longer as delicate as spring and soft as summer. The grass tip was yellow, and the shepherd boy was leisurely driving the cattle to graze. The fields are full of spring and autumn fruits and full of vitality. Heavy cotton peaches bend the branches like copper bells. The Red Sorghum bowed its head as if saluting me. The mature rice also bears the joy of harvest. Even the dog tail grass on the field stem really hung its head. Sesame is chasing the flowers straight up, can not help but sigh, the early autumn is so beautiful! It"s autumn. I look forward to the coming of late autumn. It will bring us ripe fruits and unexpected surprises.   Autumn is a harvest season. Autumn is a cool wind. Autumn is a cup of intoxicating wine. Love this season to realize your dreams. 2.关于立秋的英语作文   It"s autumn today, and the weather is much cooler than yesterday, because the weather forecast says "it"s going to rain today." In the afternoon, after I finished my homework, I went to the roof to get some air. I stood on the roof, blowing the cool wind and looking at the sky. I saw a large black cloud moving slowly in the distance. I think it might rain! After a while, another beautiful scenery appeared in the sky. I think if I were a painter, I would leave this beautiful scenery on my drawing board and keep it forever.   I stood there quietly, observing the changing sky from time to time, and felt that the sky was really beautiful! This beauty is usually ignored by us. Next to them, there are a group of pigeons who practice flying hard. They fly on the roof in a regular circle. Sometimes they fly into a rectangle, sometimes they fly into the appearance of all kinds of animals. After a period of practice, they have flown from the first five floors to a higher sky. Of course, not every pigeon worked so hard, and some lazy pigeons stopped resting on the roof after flying for a while. 3.关于立秋的英语作文   When Wutong, I stood alone under the Wutong tree in the yard, and some of the wild flowers around me were blooming. The autumn wind was blowing gently, and a yellow Chinese parasol tree leaves fell before my eyes.   This is the first fallen leaf I saw this autumn. I bent down to pick it up and looked at it. I thought a lot: in a few days, I will step into the gate of middle school and become a junior high school student. I am separated from my alma mater who has trained me for six years, and from my classmates who have been together day and night for six years! Like this fallen leaf, it left its "mother" for survival, turned into nourishment and began a new life. Leaves, yellow; Flowers, thanks; Classmate, goodbye; Class, scattered; Why don"t I want to get together with my classmates and go to my alma mater to study and play. The first fallen leaves in autumn aroused my nostalgia for my alma mater and my classmates. Unknowingly, my eyes were wet. I carefully took this fallen leaf and took it home.   At night, I looked at this leaf through the soft moonlight and watched it for a long time, a long time. 4.关于立秋的英语作文   Today is the beginning of autumn among the 24 solar terms, which is the first solar term of autumn and the beginning of autumn.   I saw on the store calendar that seven and eight days are autumn, so I asked my mother, "which day is autumn?", Mom was also very strange and said she didn"t know. Watching TV at night, I knew that many people were as confused as me. Fortunately, the host checked the information and gave us an answer. The beginning of autumn was at 22:49 p.m. on the 7th.




立秋的英文表达为StartofAutumn。早立秋凉飕飕,晚立秋热死牛。Ifautumnarrivesearly,itwillbecool;otherwiseitwillbehot.尽管立秋的到来预示着凉爽秋日的开始,但酷热的天气并未完全结束,“秋老虎”的威力不容小觑。文中的StartofAutumn就是“立秋”的意思,也可以说成BeginningofAutumn,其中autumn是“秋天”的意思,多用于英国,美国则一般用fall来表示。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com