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  reservation英 [u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]  n.保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地;  [例句]Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.  1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。  [其他]复数:reservations 形近词: preservation observation conservation


reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; [例句]Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。


reservation,作名词,意为“预约,预订;保留”。读音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n],美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。释义:n. 预订;预约;保留意见;疑惑;(美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地,居留地。例句:We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。变形:复数reservations,名词reservationist。短语:cancel reservations取消预订hotel reservations旅馆房间的预订with〔without〕reservation有〔无〕保留地reservationd的近义词booking读音:英[u02c8bu028aku026au014b],美[u02c8bu028aku026au014b]。释义:n. 预订;(演出等的)预约,约定;(对犯规者的)记名警告。v. (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订;给(某人)预订飞机等座位;和(歌手等)预约演出日期。例句:Early booking is essential, as space is limited.座位有限,务必早日预订。短语:booking office售票处booking note托运单booking report预订清单call booking预约通话


reservations[英][rezu0259"veu026au0283nz][美][rezu0259"veu026au0283nz]n.[法律](权益等的)保留( reservation的名词复数 ); 预订; 保留地; 保留意见; 例句:1.Germany and china had expressed strong reservations about the concept. 德国和中国对这一想法表达了强烈的保留意见。2.Have you confirmed your reservations? 你确认过你的预订了吗?

reservation 怎么读

rezu0259"veu026au0283(u0259)n]n. 预约,预订;保留

考研英语真题句子中的语法问题The new research reveals that the


discount 和 present value 的区别?


这怎么解决 Connection reset by pee



有时候可能需要实现这样的效果:使用ajax提交表单,成功提交表单之后清空表单,如下代码: 复制代码代码如下:<form> <input name="name1" /><br/> <input name="name1" /><br/> <textarea name="content"></textarea> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="subform()">提交</a> </form> 当点击 提交 之后,通过ajax将内容提交。 以前我是通过以下代码来清空表单 复制代码代码如下:$("input").val(""); $("textarea").val(""); 前些日子无意想到另外一个方法(如果知道下面的方法的朋友可以就此打住): 复制代码代码如下://在form表单中添加一个隐藏的reset按钮, <input type="reset" style="display:none;" /> //然后通过trigger来触发reset按钮 function subform(){ /* ... *提交表单的代码部分 * ... */ $("input[type=reset]").trigger("click");//触发reset按钮 }

java socket 线程connection reset异常,创建线程不能读客户端的内容。急啊,详见代码。


git reset head^怎么回去

在git的一般使用中,如果发现错误的将不想提交的文件add进入index之后,想回退取消,则可以使用命令:git reset HEAD <file>...,同时git add完毕之后,git也会做相应的提示,比如:引用 # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD<file>..." to unstage) # # new file: Test.scala git reset [--hard|soft|mixed|merge|keep] [<commit>或HEAD]:将当前的分支重设(reset)到指定的<commit>或者HEAD(默认,如果不显示指定commit,默认是HEAD,即最新的一次提交),并且根据[mode]有可能更新index和working directory。下面列出一些git reset的典型的应用场景: A) 回滚add操纵 引用$ edit (1) $ git add frotz.c filfre.c $ mailx (2) $ git reset (3) $ git pull git:// nitfol (4) (1) 编辑文件frotz.c, filfre.c,做了些更改,并把更改添加到了index (2) 查看邮件,发现某人要你pull,有一些改变需要你merge下来 (3) 然而,你已经把index搞乱了,因为index同HEAD commit不匹配了,但是你知道,即将pull的东西不会影响已经修改的frotz.c和filfre.c,因此你可以revert这两个文件的改变。revert后,那些改变应该依旧在working directory中,因此执行git reset。 (4) 然后,执行了pull之后,自动merge,frotz.c和filfre.c这些改变依然在working directory中。 B) 回滚最近一次commit 引用$ git commit ... $ git reset --soft HEAD^ (1) $ edit (2) $ git commit -a -c ORIG_HEAD (3) (1) 当提交了之后,你又发现代码没有提交完整,或者你想重新编辑一下提交的comment,执行git reset --soft HEAD^,让working tree还跟reset之前一样,不作任何改变。 HEAD^指向HEAD之前最近的一次commit。 (2) 对working tree下的文件做修改 (3) 然后使用reset之前那次commit的注释、作者、日期等信息重新提交。注意,当执行git reset命令时,git会把老的HEAD拷贝到文件.git/ORIG_HEAD中,在命令中可以使用ORIG_HEAD引用这个commit。commit 命令中 -a 参数的意思是告诉git,自动把所有修改的和删除的文件都放进stage area,未被git跟踪的新建的文件不受影响。commit命令中-c <commit> 或者 -C <commit>意思是拿已经提交的commit对象中的信息(作者,提交者,注释,时间戳等)提交,那么这条commit命令的意思就非常清晰了,把所有更改的文件加入stage area,并使用上次的提交信息重新提交。 C) 回滚最近几次commit,并把这几次commit放到叫做topic的branch上去。 引用$ git branch topic/wip (1) $ git reset --hard HEAD~3 (2) $ git checkout topic/wip (3) (1) 你已经提交了一些commit,但是此时发现这些commit还不够成熟,不能进入master分支,但你希望在新的branch上润色这些commit改动。因此执行了git branch命令在当前的HEAD上建立了新的叫做 topic/wip的分支。 (2) 然后回滚master branch上的最近三次提交。HEAD~3指向当前HEAD-3个commit的commit,git reset --hard HEAD~3即删除最近的三个commit(删除HEAD, HEAD^, HEAD~2),将HEAD指向HEAD~3。 D) 永久删除最后几个commit 引用$ git commit ... $ git reset --hard HEAD~3 (1) (1) 最后三个commit(即HEAD, HEAD^和HEAD~2)提交有问题,你想永久删除这三个commit。 E) 回滚merge和pull操作 引用$ git pull (1) Auto-merging nitfol CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict innitfol Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts andthen commit the result. $ git reset --hard (2) $ git pull . topic/branch (3) Updating from 41223... to 13134... Fast-forward $ git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD (4) (1) 从origin拉下来一些更新,但是产生了很多冲突,你暂时没有这么多时间去解决这些冲突,因此你决定稍候有空的时候再重新pull。 (2) 由于pull操作产生了冲突,因此所有pull下来的改变尚未提交,仍然再stage area中,这种情况下git reset --hard与 git reset --hard HEAD意思相同,即都是清除index和working tree中被搞乱的东西。 (3) 将topic/branch合并到当前的branch,这次没有产生冲突,并且合并后的更改自动提交。 (4) 但是此时你又发现将topic/branch合并过来为时尚早,因此决定退滚merge,执行git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD回滚刚才的pull/merge操作。说明:前面讲过,执行git reset时,git会把reset之前的HEAD放入.git/ORIG_HEAD文件中,命令行中使用ORIG_HEAD引用这个commit。同样的,执行pull和merge操作时,git都会把执行操作前的HEAD放入ORIG_HEAD中,以防回滚操作。 F) 在被污染的working tree中回滚merge或者pull 引用$ git pull (1) Auto-merging nitfol Merge made by recursive. nitfol | 20 +++++---- ... $ git reset --merge ORIG_HEAD (2) (1) 即便你已经在本地更改了一些你的working tree,你也可安全的git pull,前提是你知道将要pull的内容不会覆盖你的working tree中的内容。 (2) git pull完后,你发现这次pull下来的修改不满意,想要回滚到pull之前的状态,从前面的介绍知道,我们可以执行git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD,但是这个命令有个副作用就是清空你的working tree,即丢弃你的本地未add的那些改变。为了避免丢弃working tree中的内容,可以使用git reset --merge ORIG_HEAD,注意其中的--hard 换成了--merge,这样就可以避免在回滚时清除working tree。 G) 被中断的工作流程 在实际开发中经常出现这样的情形:你正在开发一个大的feature,此时来了一个紧急的bug需要修复,但是目前在working tree中的内容还没有成型,还不足以commit,但是你又必须切换的另外的branch去fix bug。请看下面的例子 引用$ git checkout feature ;# you were workingin "feature" branch and $ work work work ;#got interrupted $ git commit -a -m "snapshot WIP" (1) $ git checkout master $ fix fix fix $ git commit ;# commit with real log $ git checkout feature $ git reset --soft HEAD^ ;# go back to WIPstate (2) $ git reset (3) (1) 这次属于临时提交,因此随便添加一个临时注释即可。 (2) 这次reset删除了WIP commit,并且把working tree设置成提交WIP快照之前的状态。 (3) 此时,在index中依然遗留着“snapshot WIP”提交时所做的uncommit changes,git reset将会清理index成为尚未提交"snapshot WIP"时的状态便于接下来继续工作。 (H) Reset单独的一个文件 假设你已经添加了一个文件进入index,但是而后又不打算把这个文件提交,此时可以使用git reset把这个文件从index中去除。 引用$ git reset -- frotz.c (1) $ git commit -m "Commit files inindex" (2) $ git add frotz.c (3) (1) 把文件frotz.c从index中去除, (2) 把index中的文件提交 (3) 再次把frotz.c加入index (I) 保留working tree并丢弃一些之前的commit 假设你正在编辑一些文件,并且已经提交,接着继续工作,但是现在你发现当前在working tree中的内容应该属于另一个branch,与这之前的commit没有什么关系。此时,你可以开启一个新的branch,并且保留着working tree中的内容。 引用$ git tag start $ git checkout -b branch1 $ edit $ git commit ... (1) $ edit $ git checkout -b branch2 (2) $ git reset --keep start (3) (1) 这次是把在branch1中的改变提交了。 (2) 此时发现,之前的提交不属于这个branch,此时你新建了branch2,并切换到了branch2上。 (3) 此时你可以用reset --keep把在start之后的commit清除掉,但是保持working tree不变。

git reset 会删除stash的内容吗

不会吧。。 我的stash在一个分支,我切换到其它分支,执行了reset,stash数据还是在的。。 要是不放心,你可以自己再测试一下。或者将更改commit到一个新的分支。然后再切回来。



reset phone 中文什么意思?是手机恢复出厂设置英文怎么说?

在你的 iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, 点击Settings > General > Reset. 然后选择" Erase All Content and Settings."就能清空所有数据并恢复出厂设置


GHOST完成后,出现对话框内容是Continue或ResetComputer是很正常的系统温馨提示。Continue是继续的意思,如果你还需要修改其他的内容,选择这个。ResetComputer 是重启的意思,挂起(启动)你刚刚克隆过的系统。




在Excel打开控件工具箱,在Excel中添加一个Button(CommandButton1)。然后在Button上鼠标右键->查看代码,在VBA编辑界面中,将下面的代码拷贝进去。Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim cellFor Each cell In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("I25:O40") //->"I25:O40"这里换成你需要Reset的单元格编号就可以了 Dim content content = cell.Value content = 空值 cell.Value = contentNextEnd Sub


m_combo1.SetWindowText(0); m_combo1.SetWindowText(_T(""));








reset 复位set 设置up 向上/增加down 向下/减少


衣服价位问题悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时luka 羽绒背心 大概多少钱 reserved 皮革的黑色上衣 短裙 分别大概什么价位 ohlala 冬天穿的很厚的长的大衣 大概多少还有人知道kuhle一件夏天短袖什么价位么 考进大学了 人家送我几件衣服算是祝贺 我很白痴的以为不值钱 貌似我错了 谁来告诉我多少钱啊

英语look like和resemble区别是什么?

一、意思不同1、look like:看起来与(某人或某物)相像或相似,很可能出现或引起(某事、做某事)。2、resemble:看起来像,显得像,像。二、用法不同1、look like:like用作形容词时,其意思是“相似的,相同的”,指两个或两个以上的人或物具有某些类似之处,以至区别不开,但并非同一个人或物。like多用来修饰外貌、性质专等抽象的事物,有时也可修饰具体事物。2、resemble:resemble意为“类似”,着重强调视觉上感觉相像。三、侧重点不同1、look like:更倾向于指人的相似。2、resemble:更倾向于指事物的相似。

手机connector reset是怎么回事?

手机connectionreset101,这是网络问题,建议重新登录你的网站,或者换个时间段在登陆,就可以解决。导致“Connection reset”的原因是服务器端因为某种原因关闭了Connection**,而客户端依然在读写数据,此时服务器会返回复位标志“RST”,然后此时客户端就会提示“ Connection reset”。可能有同学对复位标志“RST”还不太了解,这里简单解释一下:TCP建立连接时需要三次握手,在释放连接需要四次挥手;例如三次握手的过程如下:第一次握手:客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SENT状态,等待服务器确认。第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,并会确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(syn=k),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态。第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK包,向服务器发送确认包ACK(ack=k+1),此包发送完毕,客户端和服务器进入ESTABLISHED(TCP连接成功)状态,完成三次握手。总结如下:可以看到握手时会在客户端和服务器之间传递一些TCP头信息,比如ACK标志、SYN标志以及挥手时FIN标志等。

手机connector reset什么意思?

手机connectionreset101,这是网络问题,建议重新登录你的网站,或者换个时间段在登陆,就可以解决。导致“Connection reset”的原因是服务器端因为某种原因关闭了Connection**,而客户端依然在读写数据,此时服务器会返回复位标志“RST”,然后此时客户端就会提示“ Connection reset”。可能有同学对复位标志“RST”还不太了解,这里简单解释一下:TCP建立连接时需要三次握手,在释放连接需要四次挥手;例如三次握手的过程如下:第一次握手:客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SENT状态,等待服务器确认。第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,并会确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(syn=k),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态。第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK包,向服务器发送确认包ACK(ack=k+1),此包发送完毕,客户端和服务器进入ESTABLISHED(TCP连接成功)状态,完成三次握手。总结如下:可以看到握手时会在客户端和服务器之间传递一些TCP头信息,比如ACK标志、SYN标志以及挥手时FIN标志等。

sale representative 和sales manager 哪个职位大啊?



research研究,调查,探究,着重探究,一般比较高深看解释:research----advanced study of a subject,so as to learn new facts or scientific lawsdo some research on diseases of the blood/in ancient historyMy researches were directed towards finding a cure for headaches.study研究,课题,研究事项,值得研究之物,一般用词study----a thorough enquiry into,esp.including a piece of writing on,a particular subjectmake a study of Shakespeare"s plays亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!


各自的意思就不说啦。一般会出现在选择题或者是完形填空中。三个词都有研究的意思。区别:study偏重于理论研究一般指研究成果 research则多指做实验实践性的研究而得出的结果而且较study正式 search则有搜索性追寻式的学习偏重搜索追寻一般不常用 给你一个论文的题目便于理解 eg: A Study on the Research of Internet Search Engines

英语介词study on/of/for;research on/of/for

我觉得study应该看用的地方,study for English就是对的。。。。。。。。research 就是加 on的...................

conduct research是什么意思

conduct research行为研究


这俩个意思完全不一样啊research是调查研究的意思conduct是领导或者进行某种行为倒是可以连在一起比如conduct a research 领导一项实验研究

Congress has decided that the present law____________(maintain)?

Congress has decided that the present law (should) be maintained.国会决定维持现行法律。decide, decree, order, vote等属于此用法。

reserved consent是什么意思

reserved consent有保留的同意希望能帮到你如有疑问,可追问~

贸易术语presentation和negotiation 区别

Presentation 是用在展示会Negotiation 在信用证时 当押汇用 就是银行审单证平时当协调的意思

negotiation under reserve是什么意思

negotiation under reserve英 [nu026au02ccgu0259u028au0283i:u02c8eu026au0283u0259n u02c8u028cndu0259 riu02c8zu0259:v] 美 [nu026au02ccɡou0283iu02c8eu0283u0259n u02c8u028cndu025a ru026au02c8zu025av] 词典保结押汇网络议付行有保留地议付了单据; 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1Negotiation/ payment under reserve of against an indemnity prohibited, in that case, negotiation should be processed under our approval. 禁止在有担保条件下的议付/付款,如果在这种情况下,议付应该在我们的许可下进

assume present均有呈现之意求区别

最主要的差别还是一个是动词一个是名词。Assume 作为 呈现;露出 是后面可搭用 importance (重要性) 和 expression (表情);是个动词就Expression 来起一个例句: Oliver (人名) assumed (露出) an expression of penitence.这里assume 几乎是和 show 一个意思。翻译: Oliver 露出忏悔的表情。Present 是个形容词,所以意思其实是 存在的;在场的。 用法u2b07ufe0fu2b07ufe0fAll those present。 在场所有人。 这里也就是所有人都是 存在的;在场的。

y11进入recovery怎么没有wipe data/factory reset


进入recovery模式,选择wipe data/factory reset, 界面跳转至后,没有出现reboot system now怎么办?


安卓手机开机进去我按了wipe data factory reset 后点击 YES delete 后面什么的 然后不动了

请先长按电源键十秒以上强制重启试试,如果还是不行,建议再双清试试,可以同时按住音量上键+开机键,等手机出现vivo字样,放开开机键,继续按住音量上键直到出现机器人界面,选择wipe data/factory reset再按开机键, 等界面跳转之后,再选择reboot system now 重启手机即可。进行此操作会丢失手机上的所有数据,包括安装的应用程序、电话本、短信息等。如果还是不行的话,还请带手机去我们售后服务中心处理一下的, 售后服务中心地址及电话可以进入vivo官网首页--服务--网点查询--进行查询。

手机进入recovery模式后点了wipe data/factory reset 后却只有叹号和小机器人,怎么办??



关机重启手机完全关机后长按住音量上键和HOME键和电源键就是开关机键,这两键同时按住3秒,即可进入recovery模式。1对于锁屏密码,也可以通过清除用户数据功能来实现。首先关闭手机,同时将手机电池拆下,等待5秒钟后,再安装上。同时按住“音量+”和“电源键”不放。手机就会自动进入Recovery模式。2在Recovery模式下,利用音量加和音量减将光标移动到“wipe data/factory reset”项,并按一下电源键进行确认。3然后打开的“确认清除用户数据”界面中利用“音量+”和“音量-”将光标移动到“Yes,delete all user data”项,按一下“电源键”进行确认。4当用户数据清除完成后,程序会返回主界面,再次利用音量+和音量-将光标移动到reboot system now项,按一下电源键进行确认。5手机就会自动重启,重启完成后,就会发现手机解锁密码被消除了,手机正常进入桌面。

wipe data factory reset是什么意思 刷机新手必看

wipe data factory reset擦除数据,恢复出厂设置(手机刷机时会用到。)wipe英 [wau026ap] 美 [wau026ap] vt. 擦;消除;涂上vi. 擦;打n. 擦拭;用力打[ 过去式 wiped 过去分词 wiped 现在分词 wiping ]双语例句:Here she interrupted herself to wipe her glasses. 读到此地,她停下来擦她的眼镜。

wipe data/factory reset是什么意思

wipe data/factory reset擦除数据并重置;数据复位;清除工厂数据wipe英 [wau026ap] 美 [wau026ap]vt.擦,拭; 擦去,消除; 涂上; 刷卡n.擦,拭; 抹布,毛巾; 用力打vi.擦,抹; 打,揍擦;擦拭布;揩;擦去复数: wipes 过去式: wiped 过去分词: wiped 现在分词: wiping 第三人称单数: wipes派生词:wipeable reset英 [u02ccri:u02c8set] 美 [riu02c8su025bt]vt.重置; 重排; 重新安装n.重新放置; 重放之物vi.重置; 清零复位;重置;复位键;重设过去式: reset 过去分词: reset 现在分词: resetting 第三人称单数: resets派生词:resettability resettable

wipe data factory reset是什么意思 刷机新手必看


刷机时wipe data/factory reset什么意思


如果没有wipe data/factory reset怎么办

关机 按住音量键上+电源键开机 开机有个机器人的图像 按home键(像房子)选择wipe data factory reset 按菜单键 恢复出厂设置 然后选择reboot aystem now 按菜单键重新启动

vivo手机进入wipe datq/factory reset怎么还开不了机

建议尝试以下的方法是否可以开机:1.长按电源键10秒强制重启手机试试。2.可以尝试充电20分钟再长按电源键10秒试一下是否可以开机的(手机完全没电再充电是没有任何提示的)。3.手机关机状态同时按住音量上键以及电源键3到4秒手机出现vivo手机标志后,放开按键进入recovery模式,先选择wipe data/factory reset,完成等待界面跳转后选择wipe cache partition,完成后选择reboot system now立即重启手机就可以了,(进行此操作会丢失手机上的所有数据(TF卡上的数据除外),包括安装的应用程序、电话本、短信息等。当手机无其它办法解决时,才使用此项,谨慎使用。)4.将手机固件升级,可以去官网下载固件升级包恢复系统的。固件升级前建议将手机数据备份一下,以防数据丢失。若以上的方法还是无法开机或者手机有重要数据不进行以上操作建议带着手机去当地售后检测处理一下的,售后的技术人员会处理好的。可以到vivo官方网站查询售后服务中心地址,查询所在省市的售后地址就可以了。

没有这个wipe data/factory reset 清除所有数据/恢复出厂设置选项怎么办?

要执行这两个操作,一种是通过手机系统设置里自带项处理。另一种是通过进入手机自带的recovery 模式或者刷第三方的recovery来操作。如果询问的是第二种:先检查自己的组合键是否按对;如果对可能系统自带的不支持这种操作,可以通过线刷第三方recovery来处理。具体哪个工具比较好请先声明手机型号。

vivoY11开不了机怎么办,按照步骤手机界面里没有Wipe data /factory reset,应该恢复出厂设置吗?

建议您尝试以下的方法是否可以开机:1.长按电源键10秒强制重启手机试试。2.您可以尝试充电20分钟再长按电源键10秒试一下是否可以开机的(手机完全没电再充电是没有任何提示的)。3.手机关机状态同时按住音量上键以及电源键3到4秒手机出现vivo手机标志后,放开按键进入recovery模式,先选择wipe data/factory reset,完成等待界面跳转后选择wipe cache partition,完成后选择reboot system now立即重启手机就可以了,(进行此操作会丢失手机上的所有数据,包括安装的应用程序、电话本、短信息等。当手机无其它办法解决时,才使用此项,谨慎使用。)若以上的方法还是无法开机或者手机有重要数据不进行以上操作建议您带着手机去当地售后检测处理一下的,售后的技术人员会为您处理好的。可以到vivo官方网站查询售后服务中心地址:,查询您所在省市的售后地址就可以了。

刷机时wipe data/factory reset什么意思


“wipe data factory reset”是什么意思?

对于经常刷机的朋友们来说,wipe data factory reset这个选项大家一定不会陌生.而对于想要学习刷机的朋友们来说,它也是您必须了解的一个操作.今天,巴士MOTO小编就跟大家说说,什么是wipe data factory reset,想要学习刷机的朋友们务必看一看.和诺新手朋友在刷机的时候都会碰到这么个问题,刷机教程中往往会让用户进行wipe操作,而wipe的操作就是进入您的手机recovery模式,执行wipe data factory reset这个选项的意思了.那么,对于不少英文不好的朋友们来说,这一长串的英文选项到底是什么意思呢?wipe的本质和作用又是什么呢?首先,在刷机过程中的双wipe,其实指的就是刷机模式中Recovery界面的两个前缀带有wipe的选项,他们的作用分别是清空缓存与还原出厂设置.而有些手机两个选项会合并在一起,就是wipe data factory reset了,点击并且确认之后,清空了手机中的垃圾信息,才能进行之后的刷入系统的操作.对于刷机来说这个步骤可以说是相当重要的,因为如果不爽wipe的话,就有可能造成手机刷机失败.那么,现在您是否知道了双wipe的意思了呢?更多刷机小知识,尽在巴士MOTO手机攻略.巴士MOTO(了解更多)

factory reset什么意思


factory reset什么意思

factory reset工厂重置

刷机时出现“factory reset ”后,该怎么确定,然后呢


三星Galaxy S3如何进入恢复出厂模式(Factory Reset)?

三星手机恢复出厂设置参考路径:在待机页面下,点击【应用程序】-【设定】-【重置】-【恢复出厂设置】-【重置设备】,点击【全部删除】。 完成上述操作后,待手机自动重启后就成功恢复出厂设置了。 提示:如果恢复出厂设置提示需要密码,请输入自行设置的屏幕锁密码进行解锁。

刷机时出现“factory reset ”后,该怎么确定,然后呢

国产杂牌机子得通病 需要重新刷机

Turn up. Present. Attend. 在出席出现的区别

turn up 为不及物动词短语,表示出席时,在句中常充当谓语成分。present 表示出席时,为形容词,前应有 be 动词才可构成句子的谓语成分。attend 为一个及物动词,后可直接跟宾语,充当谓语成分。如:attend the meeting 等。

请问在申请学校时候Postgraduate research courses和Postgraduate taught courses区别是什么?

英国硕士课程分为两种:一种是授课型硕士——taught postgraduate (PGT) courses,包括MSc,MA,MBA等;另一种是研究型硕士——postgraduate research (PGR) programs,包括MPhil,MRes等


"Research"和"search"的区别在于它们的含义和用途。"Research"通常指对某一特定问题或话题进行系统的调查和研究,包括收集数据、分析信息、提出结论等一系列复杂的过程。例如,“He spent months researching the effects of climate change on wildlife.”"Search"则指寻找、搜索某一特定的信息或物品,可以是简单的查找或深入的探究。例如,“I need to search for my keys, I can"t find them anywhere.”总的来说,“research”强调的是系统性和深度,而“search”则强调的是寻找的过程。



research and search 的用法区别


at present there must be nothing we can do to prevent the juvenile crimes


this(present) is for you语法结构











Current指当下的,常见于句首Currently,……  present指现在,目前,常见于词组atpresent  recent指最近的,常见于句首Recently,……


they opend their Christmas present under the tree

求迈克尔杰克逊《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》专辑的全部歌曲的歌词的中英翻译





appeared是出现意思presented是代表现在的意思 这两个均是过去式

咩系contributed equity, reserves, and retained profits?

Contributed equity me the capital contributed either in cash or in assets at fair market value. The amount will be reflected in the Share Capital issued in cash or otherwise than in cash. Reserves is the aggregation of retained profit and some retained profit being put aside for a specific purpose and/or amount due to increase in its valuation of the assets or amount put in and not regarded this an ine. E.g. general reserve, capital reserve, share premium account, revaluation reserve on properties e This maybe used for capitalization issue of share in 1 scenario. Retained profit is the accumulated profits after putting aside for reserves. This amount is technically speaking distributable to all shareholders as dividend ,contributed equity = 所贡献的比率 reserves = 储备 retained profits = 保留起的利润,

Texting is a great way to communicate and teenagers are doing just that. New research shows tha...

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A小题4:D 略

三个英语词汇的区别: acting representative agency

representative 固然可以是从群众中推举或选出来的,比如美国国会议员就用的这个词,而众议院更是以此为名(House of Representatives),但并不局限于此。前面如果加了 personal,也可以成为“个人代表”另外两个词 acting 和 agency 从词性和词义上来讲,反而不能如此理解。我们可以说 A 是 B 的personal representative, 却不能说 A 是 B 的 acting 或 不是某个人,而是一家公司或中介所。agent 比较合适,但通常中文都把agent 翻译为经纪人;从法律专业角度诠释,agent 是的确可以作为“代理人”看待的。acting 就更不同了,本身通常是当作形容词用,比如 acting chairman 代理主席;"acting on sb"s behalf " 也是常见的短语,表达“做为某人的代表来... 发言或行使权力”因此这三个词要看在语境中怎么被使用,不能断章取义一概而论。

三个英语词汇的区别:acting representative agency

epresentative 固然可以是从群众中推举或选出来的,比如美国国会议员就用的这个词,而众议院更是以此为名(House of Representatives),但并不局限于此.前面如果加了 personal,也可以成为“个人代表” 另外两个词 acting 和 agency 从词性和词义上来讲,反而不能如此理解.我们可以说 A 是 B 的personal representative,却不能说 A 是 B 的 acting 或 agency. agency 不是某个人,而是一家公司或中介所.agent 比较合适,但通常中文都把agent 翻译为经纪人;从法律专业角度诠释,agent 是的确可以作为“代理人”看待的. acting 就更不同了,本身通常是当作形容词用,比如 acting chairman 代理主席;"acting on *** "s behalf " 也是常见的短语,表达“做为某人的代表来...发言或行使权力” 因此这三个词要看在语境中怎么被使用,不能断章取义一概而论.

为什么我的AE中的trapcode>particular下的animation presets菜单下没选项呢?


跪求research paper on Toni Morrison,英文的,如果要钱也可以!2天时间

Biography / CriticismToni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford, the second of four children, to George and Ramah Wofford on February 18, 1931. Both of her parents came from sharecropping families who had moved North in pursuit of better living conditions in the early 1900s, and her father"s family had faced a great deal of discrimination. Due to these bitter memories and the racial troubles he endured during his childhood, he maintained a strong distrust of whites throughout his lifetime. Morrison"s parents instilled the value of group loyalty, which they believed was essential to surviving the harsh realities of racial tension during that era. As an African-American in a town of immigrants, she grew up with the notion that the only place she could turn to for aid and reassurance would be within her own community in Lorain, Ohio. Here, Morrison had "an escape from stereotyped black settings -- neither plantation nor ghetto".She grew up in a lively household and was surrounded by songs, fairy tales, ghost stories, myths, music, and the language of their African-American heritage. A common practice in her family was storytelling; after the adults had shared their stories, the children told their own. The importance of both listening to stories and creating them contributed to Morrison"s profound love of reading.Morrison"s parents encouraged her passion for reading, learning, and culture, as well as a confidence in her own abilities and attributes as woman. They educated Morrison before she was sent to school, and as an adolescent she became enthralled by classic literature, including Jane Austen, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Leo Tolstoy. In an interview with Jean Strouse, Morrison described her childhood experiences with literature: "Those books were not written for a little black girl in Lorain, Ohio, but they were so magnificently done that I got them anyway -- they spoke directly to me out of their own specificity.” Morrison was especially impressed by the ability of her favorite authors to identify with and present their own cultural roots.Morrison graduated high school with honors in 1949 and went on to attend Howard University in Washington D.C. It was during this time that Morrison changed her name from ‘Chloe" to ‘Toni", (derived from her middle name, Anthony) so that her name would be easier to pronounce. Morrison was also a member of the Howard Repertory Theatre; their trips to perform gave her the opportunity to observe the African-American experience in the South. In 1953, she graduated from Howard University with a bachelor"s degree in English and a minor in Classics. Morrison went on to pursue graduate studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. In 1955, she completed her master"s thesis on the works of Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner and received a Master of Arts.Following her graduation, Morrison began her teaching career at Texas Southern University. She returned to Howard in 1957 as an English instructor and began working on her own writing. There she met and married Harold Morrison, a Jamaican architect and fellow faculty member. The couple had two sons: Harold Ford and Slade Morrison.During this period, Morrison joined a small writer"s group as a temporary escape from an unhappy marriage. She needed to be around people who appreciated literature as much as she did. For discussion, each member was required to bring a story or poem. After one week, Morrison had brought nothing so she quickly wrote a story based on a girl she knew during childhood who had prayed to God for blue eyes. Although her group enjoyed the story, Morrison put it away, thinking she was done with it. Over that same period the marriage deteriorated, culminating in divorce in 1964. After her divorce, Morrison left Howard University and began working as an associate editor for Random House in Syracuse, New York.While working during the day, her housekeeper took care of her two sons. In the evening, Morrison cooked dinner and played with her sons until their bedtime, when she would start writing. She found writing exciting and challenging; she found everything else boring by comparison with the exception of partenting. In an interview with Nellie McKay, when asked how she manages these responsibilities, her response was, “Well, I really only do two things… It only looks like many things. All of my work has to do with books. It"s all one thing. And the other thing that I do is to raise my children which, as you know, I can only do one minute at a time” (McKay 140). In 1967, she was transferred to New York where she became a senior editor for Random House.It was during this time when Morrison began to develop the story she had presented at her literature group. For several years, she tried to get the novel published, but after many rejections, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston accepted The Bluest Eye for publication in 1970. From 1971-1972, Morrison became the associate professor of English at the State University of New York while continuing her job at Random House. During this time, Morrison mentored African-American women writers, including Toni Cade Bambara and Gayl Jones and compiled and anthologized the works and histories of African-Americans. She also spent her spare time writing her second novel, Sula, a story focused on a friendship between two adult black women. It was published in 1973 and was nominated for the 1975 National Book Award in fiction.Sula is the story of two women from a poor African-American community called ‘the Bottom" in Ohio. Nel is the only daughter of Helene Wright, a socially conscious and conservative woman. Sula is the only daughter of Hannah Peace and lives in a large and mysterious house with her grandmother Eva Peace. Nel comes from a very restrictive household whereas Sula is raised not so much with a sense of freedom as without boundaries. Her mother has had relations with many of the men in the Bottom and is considered to be quite beautiful. This seems to influence Sula"s sense of freewill and spirit later in the novel. Nel and Sula become fast friends and are inseparable through much of their childhood. Helene is initially apprehensive of her daughter"s friendship with Sula because of her mother"s reputation. However, Sula is a polite houseguest and Helene easily dismisses her fears. Each child prefers the others" home to their own because of the significant difference in atmosphere.After high school, Nel and Sula"s paths diverge and do not intersect for another ten years. Nel stays in the Bottom and marries Jude Greene, a waiter at the local hotel and a member of the church choir. Sula leaves the Bottom and goes off to college, and like her mother, has many affairs with men. When she returns to the Bottom, she and Nel immediately pick up where they left off. However, Sula and Jude have an affair and Nel walks in on them. This incident ends the friendship between Sula and Nel, as well as the marriage of Nel and Jude. After Jude leaves her, Nel raises her two children alone, and has no communication with Sula for three years. The next time they speak is when Sula has become very sick and is near death. The novel takes a more explicitly philosophical turn as the two friends have their final conversation about what it means to be good or bad and how one knows the difference. Sula dies soon after this conversation and is buried in the town cemetery. In the final scene of the novel, Nel visits Sula"s grandmother, Eva, in a nursing home. Eva is quite old and appears to be forgetful of the memories Nel seeks to retell. Saddened by her conversation with Eva, Nel walks home; she finds herself at the town cemetery and realizes that she misses Sula, her one and only friend. This novel focuses mainly on the struggles of womanhood as faced by African-American women within their own communities and white communities as well. Morrison also concerns herself with what it means to be good and bad and how these very concepts are indefinable. The final scene between Nel and Sula is both touching and sad, as both come to question the other"s opinion and knowledge. Morrison also introduces several characters and scenes which challenge the reader"s sense of good and evil, especially the scene in which Chicken Little (a young boy who lives in the Bottom) is climbing a tree with the help of Sula and then falls into the river and dies. Nel and Sula do not know what to do, and neither one tells anyone what has happened. Definitions of good and evil are also challenged when Eva struggles to survive as a woman on her own with three children. Eva made many sacrifices and was able to sustain her family; however, later on in the novel she kills her own son after he returns from war with an addiction to drugs. The novel also questions American society as well as the choices made by those who live in it. After all is said and done, is it necessary for one to defend one"s actions? What is the point of a life lived for anyone else? Are sacrifices important to lead a ‘good and true life"? Sula raises these questions through the examination of two women who live out their own unique idea of a just life.The article, “Toni Morrison"s Sula: a Satire on Binary Thinking” by Rita A. Bergenholtz argues that Toni Morrison"s novel Sula should be considered a novel in the tradition of satire. Bergenholtz begins by stating that Sula has been read in a variety of different contexts as a “black woman"s epic, a study of ‘female friendship", an ‘antiwar novel," a ‘fable," and an exploration of the ‘feminine psyche"” (Bergenholtz 1). However, in selecting one definition against others, it becomes clear that Morrison"s novel is indeed written with the sense of binary in mind, which, Bergenholtz argues, is what Morrison"s novel is “about”.According to Bergenholtz, Sula should be read as a satire because Morrison is successful in causing the reader not only to rethink common societal problems, but also to reach a sense of catharsis in the process. The novel is engaging and humorous, as well as extremely tragic. One feels almost torn between these two opposing emotions and unsure of how to categorize the novel, which is exactly how Bergenholtz begins her argument. Bergenholtz continues by mentioning the theme of binary oppositions in the novel, most evident in the beginning of the novel in which Morrison begins with a joke about the town being named the “Bottom” even though it is on top of a mountain. Bergenholtz briefly analyzes each character to show that Morrison uses binaries in their descriptions and actions. Satire is a genre which is well paired with the notion of binary since satire, generally, is a subtle critique of accepted norms and mores.Bergenholtz makes a strong case for the number of opposites that appear throughout the novel. One of the novel"s central themes of good and evil (the problem of dissociating one from the other) is also a compelling argument in her favor since good and evil are binaries. Nevertheless, despite this evidence, one can"t help but take a somewhat existentialist view of the novel. Given the complex nature of good and evil, it seems unlikely that Morrison is seeking a strict definition of either term. This is reflected in the complexity of the characters found in the novel, whose human flaws and various decisions defy categorization as merely good or evil. Just as the “Bottom” is actually the top of the mountain but, as white people begin to move to it, it becomes the “top”; these arbitrary definitions and terms seem to prove only that language is an imprecise tool at best, which lacks the ability to objectively define these abstract concepts. Bergenholtz does mention the difficulty with language towards the end of her argument; however, this brief passage begins what could be a much larger discussion, which is unrealized. Indeed, the end of the novel seems to be the most compelling evidence for the inability to truly understand human actions and justify right against wrong, as Nel breaks down and cries after the death of Sula. Despite the fact that Nel and Sula are “binary characters” who think and have opposing actions, Morrison concludes her novel with the sadness of the loss of the seemingly “amoral character” as viewed by the morally strong-willed character, Nel.The publication of these first novels opened up new pathways for Morrison and encouraged her to write even more. From 1976-1977, she was a visiting lecturer at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, while also writing her third novel, Song of Solomon. Unlike Sula, this novel would focus on strong male characters, an interest she developed while watching her two sons start to grow up. This third novel was published in 1977 and won both the National Book Critic"s Circle Award and the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award. President Jimmy Carter nominated Morrison to the National Council on the Arts. By 1981, she published her fourth novel, Tar Baby, where she explored the interaction between black and white society.After working at Random House for almost twenty years, Morrison left her position there in 1983. She was named the Albert Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities at the State University of New York in Albany in 1984. While living in Albany, she started writing her first play, “Dreaming Emmett”. It was based on the true story of a black teenager, Emmett Till, killed by racist whites in 1955 after being accused of whistling at a white woman. The play"s first performance opened on January 4, 1986 at the Marketplace Theater in Albany. Soon after, she began work on her fift
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