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present [5prezEnt]adj.出席的, 到场的How many of the group are present today?今天该组有多少人出席?现在的, 目前的He judged the present situation badly.他很糟糕地错估了当前形势。存在的, 含有的Analysis showed that water was present in the mixture.分析的结果表明混合物中含有水。正在处理或讨论中的We hesitated to accept the present proposal.我们对是否接受这一正在讨论的建议犹豫不决。n.现在; 目前Writers of history books often attempt to integrate the past with the present.写历史书的人总是力图把过去与现在联系起来。礼物, 赠品He gave me a handsome present.他给我一份很好的礼物。[pri5zent]vt.出现; 出席; 显示The question naturally presented itself in my mind.我的脑海中自然而然地出现了这个问题。介绍Miss Smith, may I present Mr. Brown?史密斯小姐, 让我把布朗先生引荐给你好吗?赠与; 交给We presented him a basketball on his birthday.他生日那天我们送给他一个篮球。

present 是啥意思

present形容词 adj.1.出席的, 到场的 How many of the group are present today?今天该组有多少人出席?2.现在的, 目前的 He judged the present situation badly.他很糟糕地错估了当前形势。3.存在的, 含有的 Analysis showed that water was present in the mixture.分析的结果表明混合物中含有水。4.正在处理或讨论中的 We hesitated to accept the present proposal.我们对是否接受这一正在讨论的建议犹豫不决。5.【语法学】现在发生(或存在)的;现在时(态)的名词 n.1.现在; 目前;目前的情况(或场合);正在处理(或考虑)的事 Writers of history books often attempt to integrate the past with the present.写历史书的人总是力图把过去与现在联系起来。2.礼物, 赠品 He gave me a handsome present.他给我一份很好的礼物。3.[复数]本作品;(尤指)【法律】本文件,本证件4.【语法学】现在时态;现在时态动词5.(举枪)瞄准姿势;(举枪)致敬(姿势)及物动词 vt.其他读音:[priˈzent] 1.出现; 出席; 显示 The question naturally presented itself in my mind.我的脑海中自然而然地出现了这个问题。2.介绍 Miss Smith, may I present Mr. Brown?史密斯小姐, 让我把布朗先生引荐给你好吗?3.赠与; 交给 We presented him a basketball on his birthday.他生日那天我们送给他一个篮球。4.颁发;授予5.提出;提交6.展现;显示;表现7.交付;提交8.(在剧院中)主持上演(节目);(在广播或电视中)主持播出(节目) Who will present his show while he"s away?他不在时,将由谁主持播放他的节目? 9.上演,演出,表演;使演员在演出中担任角色 The Capital Theatre presents “Cai Wenji” in a new production.首都剧场上演新戏《蔡文姬》。10.(口头或书面)表达;表示11.使发生;使经历12.【法律】告发,控告;裁决 The grand jury presented many offenses.大陪审团裁决许多犯法行为。13.推荐(牧师)任圣职;举荐14.以(武器)瞄准;举(枪等)敬礼 The soldiers were ordered to present arms.士兵们奉命举枪致敬。15.在神前供奉 to present Christ in the church在教堂供奉耶稣基督 不及物动词 vi.1.举向,面向;举枪瞄准2.(分娩时婴儿)露出,先露


present的英语读音是:[u02c8preznt,pru026au02c8zent]。音标:英[u02c8preznt,pru026au02c8zent];美[u02c8preznt,pru026au02c8zent]。释义:1、(adj.)在场的;出席的;在座的;现在的;目前的;正在考虑的;正在讨论的;存在的;现在时(态)的。2、(n.)现在;眼前;瞄准;礼物;现在时。3、(v.)郑重赠与;授予;呈献;导致;引发;把…对准;以(武器等)瞄准;介绍;提供;展示。短语搭配:1、at present:当前。2、birthday present:生日礼物;寿礼。3、past and present:古今;过去与现在。4、for the present:目前;眼下;暂时;暂且。5、a present for:给...的礼物。双语例句:a setback to the state could present a peril to the regime.国家遇到的挫折会威胁到政权。


present [英]u02c8preznt [美]u02c8pru025bznt adj. 现在的;目前的;出席的;[语法学]现在时的 n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 [例句]I made a present for you.我做了件礼物给您。


present 英[04prez05nt] 美[04pr07znt] 过去式:presented 基本释义词组习语同反义词相关资料adj. 1.出席的, 到场的 2.现在的, 目前的 3.存在的, 含有的 4.正在处理或讨论中的 n. 1.现在; 目前 2.礼物, 赠品 vt. 其他读音:[pri04zent] 1.出现; 出席; 显示 2.介绍 3.赠与; 交给 4.颁发;授予 5.提出;提交 6.展现;显示;表现 7.交付;提交 8.主持播放;主持节目 9.上演;公演;推出 10.(口头或书面)表达;表示 11.使发生;使经历 形容词 adj.1.出席的, 到场的 How many of the group are present today?今天该组有多少人出席?2.现在的, 目前的 He judged the present situation badly.他很糟糕地错估了当前形势。3.存在的, 含有的 Analysis showed that water was present in the mixture.分析的结果表明混合物中含有水。4.正在处理或讨论中的 We hesitated to accept the present proposal.我们对是否接受这一正在讨论的建议犹豫不决。名词 n.1.现在; 目前 Writers of history books often attempt to integrate the past with the present.写历史书的人总是力图把过去与现在联系起来。2.礼物, 赠品 He gave me a handsome present.他给我一份很好的礼物。及物动词 vt.其他读音:[pri04zent] 1.出现; 出席; 显示 The question naturally presented itself in my mind.我的脑海中自然而然地出现了这个问题。2.介绍 Miss Smith, may I present Mr. Brown?史密斯小姐, 让我把布朗先生引荐给你好吗?3.赠与; 交给 We presented him a basketball on his birthday.他生日那天我们送给他一个篮球。4.颁发;授予5.提出;提交6.展现;显示;表现7.交付;提交8.主持播放;主持节目9.上演;公演;推出10.(口头或书面)表达;表示11.使发生;使经历


a.1. 出席的,在场的[F]How many people were present at the meeting?到会的有多少人?2. 现在的,当前的[B]I"m not at all satisfied with the present situation.我对目前的情况一点都不满意。3. 【语】现在时的[B]4. 留在记忆里的,不能忘记的[F][+in/to]n.1. 现在,目前[the S]There is no time like the present.机不可失,时不再来。2. 【语】现在时态[U][C]3. 【律】本文件present2KK: []DJ: []n.1. 礼物,赠品[C]He often gave his neighbor"s kids little presents.他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。present3KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 赠送,呈献[(+to/with)]They presented him with a bunch of flowers.他们献给他一束鲜花。2. 引起(问题),造成(困难)[(+to/with)]All this presented new safety problems.所有这些都造成了新的安全问题。3. 提出,提交,呈递[(+to)]Some 300 papers were presented at the conference.会上提出了大约三百篇论文。4. 呈现;描述;出示[(+to)]He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted.虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一副笑容。5. 上演;使扮演6. 介绍,引见


present读法可以参考视频:present的读法present 存在的,在场的,现存的,当前的 present 提出,提交,展现,展示,出席,主持,颁奖,礼物来自法语present,在场的,当前的,来自拉丁语praesentem,在场的,当前的,来自拉丁语praeesse,当前,在前,在场,在边上,来自prae,在前,在前面,esse,存在,成为,是,词源同is,essence,absent.-ent,现在分词后缀。来自古法语presenter,提出,介绍,引进,来自拉丁语praesentare,放置,置于前,展示,词 源同present.引申诸相关动词词义及名词词义礼物。present,英语单词,主要用作为名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“礼物;现 在,目 前; 作形容词时意为“现 在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;正在考虑的;现 在时(态)的”; 作动词时意为“颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生;描述;出现;主持(节目);上演;介绍;出席;表达;提交(支票或账单);致谢;(教堂)向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任;向法院正式提交;举枪瞄准 ;(疾病)症状显露”。








present 英["preznt]美[u02c8pru025bznt]adj. 现在的;目前的;出席的;[语法学]现在时的n. 现在;礼物;瞄准第三人称单数:presents;过去分词:presented;名词复数:presents;


present的意思有许多种,作为形容词有现在的,目前的,出席的的意思。作为名词有现在,礼物,瞄准的意思。作为及物动词有介绍,出现,提出,以及赠送的意思。还有作为不及物动词有,举枪瞄准的意思。 而且present的用法可以说是非常的多的,常见的就有present oneself 这个短语的意思是表达某人会出席或者是接受出诊,还有就是for the present这个短语的意思是眼前还有暂时。


n.赠品, 礼物, 现在, 瞄准adj.现在的, 出席的, 当面的vt.介绍, 引见, 给, 赠送, 上演, 提出, 呈现vi.举枪瞄准做名词时第一个音节重读,做动词时第二个音节重读


present可以作为形容词,名词和动词在句式中使用,分别表达不同的含义。 1、当present做形容词时,它的意思是现存的,当前的,出现,在场,出席,存在。 2、当present做名词时,它表示礼物,礼品,当今,现在的意思。 3、当present做动词时,它的含义是把…交给,颁发,提出,提交,展现。 扩展资料   present词组搭配   present oneself出席   at present目前,现在   present condition目前的状态   present status现状   for the present暂时,目前   present at出席;在场   present的"同近义词辨析   present与volunteer,propose,offer这三个词都有“提出,提供”的意思,其区别如下:   1、present:既可指提出意见建议,也可以指拿出某物供人欣赏或赠送。   2、volunteer:侧重出于自愿,而不是受命做某事。   3、propose:指直接而主动地提出问题或建议等,也指在讨论或争辨中提出具体意见或建议。   4、offer:多指主动提出或提供意见或东西等,但是否接受由对方自行决定。


show 是展示的意思 present是直接呈现出来


  present既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道present做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来present的英语意思解释和相关例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   present作名词的意思:   现在;礼物;瞄准   present作动词的意思:   提出;出现;介绍;赠送   present的英语音标:   英 [u02c8entu0259,u02c8entu0259(r)]   美 [u02c8u025bntu025a]   present的时态:   现在分词: presenting 过去式: presented 过去分词: presented   present的英语例句:   1. The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister.   这张地毯是首相送的结婚礼物。   2. They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.   他们说,当前的征兵体系应当逐步废除。   3. I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble.   我把问题抛在一边,目前它还无法解决。   4. At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.   目前,14岁以下 儿童 不允许进酒吧。   5. In the present climate, owners are hanging on to old ships.   在目前的形势下,船东们都不愿淘汰掉旧船。   6. The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th.   现在的议会将于4月30日解散。   7. We were alone, completely private, with not even Angela present.   就我们自己,没有其他人打扰,连安吉拉也不在。   8. The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.   英国人喜欢把自己说成是一个爱狗的民族。   9. At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria.   目前,还没有被广泛认可的疟疾疫苗。   10. Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection.   古奇将举办时装发布会推出他们的秋装系列。   11. Her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television.   她的梦想是主持一档电视时尚生活节目。   12. A spasm of pain brought his thoughts back to the present.   一阵剧痛把他的思绪拉回到了现在。   13. Both of them had the ability to present complex matters lucidly.   两人都具有深入浅出地表述复杂事物的能力。   14. Several of those present, including Weinberger, had contrary information.   几个在场的人,包括温博格,所掌握的信息截然不同。   15. Hampton Court was made over to Henry VIII as a present.   汉普顿宫被作为礼物转送给了亨利八世。


present [英]u02c8preznt [美]u02c8pru025bznt adj. 现在的;目前的;出席的;[语法学]现在时的 n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 [例句]* Augmented reality : past , present and future.夸大现实:过去、现在、与未来。希望能帮上忙。如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。


不少的同学,在学到present这个英文单词的时候,觉得很困难,因为没有完全理解这个单词的意思,究竟这个英文单词正确意思是什么呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 present作名词的时候意思是:“礼物;现在,目前;(动词)现在式;作形容词的时候意思是:“现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;作动词的时候意思是:“颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生。 详细内容 单词发音: 英[pru026au02c8zent;(for n.)u02c8preznt]美[pru026au02c8zu025bnt;(for n.)u02c8pru025bznt] 。 present address目前地址 ; 现在通讯地址 ; 一般事项; present simple一般现在时 ; 一般过去时 ; 第一课 ; 动词原型; present worth[金融]现值 ; 当前价值 ; 现值法。 present oneself出席 ; 到场; Present Layer表示层; present income现在收入 ; 现时收入 ; 短得现在收入 ; 如今支出。 present significance当代意义; present stage现阶段; Present Imperfect礼物。 Which present do you like? 你喜欢哪件礼物? I have present for you. 我有个礼物要送你。


adj. 目前的; 现在的; 出席的; [语法学] 现在时的; n. 现在; 礼物; 瞄准; vt. 提出; 出现; 介绍; 赠送;


present英 ["prez(ə)nt]美 ["prɛznt]n. 现在;礼物;瞄准adj. 现在的;出席的vt. 提出;介绍;呈现;赠送vi. 举枪瞄准[网络短语]Present 礼物,现在,今天present value 现值,现值,面值present tense 现在式,现在式,现在时

《the Invisible Presence》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Voices of the Invisible Presence》(Kumiko Torikai)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: avnh书名:Voices of the Invisible Presence作者:Kumiko Torikai出版社:John Benjamins Publishing company出版年份:2009-1-14页数:207

nonexclusive representative是什么意思?


Dog Days的Presenter假名歌词

PRESENTER-堀江由衣[含假名][ti:PRESENTER][ar:堀江由衣][al:PRESENTER][00:00.00][00:00.71]ずっとキミを待(ま)ってた 世界(せかい)へ飞(と)び出(だ)して[00:14.76][00:16.00]PRESENTER[00:19.00]TVアニメ「DOG DAYS」EDテーマ[00:22.00]作词:中村彼方[00:25.00]作曲:Elements Garden[00:28.00]编曲:中山真斗(Elements Garden)[00:31.00]歌:堀江由衣[00:34.00][00:34.67]案内(あんない)するよ 行方不明(ゆくえふめい)になった物语(ものがたり)へ[00:40.95]単纯(たんじゅん)なほど 行(ゆ)き先(さき)忘(わす)れる言叶(ことば)たち[00:47.19]探(さが)しに行(ゆ)こう 捕(つか)まえて欲(ほ)しい何(なに)かが隠(かく)れてる[00:53.58]望(のぞ)んだのなら きっと明日(あす)も変(か)えられるはず[00:58.93][00:59.24]言(い)えなかったありがとうだとか[01:05.81]落(お)としたごめんが彷徨(さまよ)っている[01:12.42]迎(むか)えに来(き)たの[01:14.65][01:14.96]未来(みらい)へのメロディー响(ひび)けば それはキミのための歌(うた)[01:21.90]届(とど)けたくて 届(とど)けたくて この空(そら)见上(みあ)げて[01:28.03]手(て)を伸(の)ばしても切(せつ)ないけど 笑颜(えがお)でいられるように[01:34.29]ねえ 声(こえ)が闻(き)こえたなら 心(こころ)に留(と)めて 思(おも)い出(だ)してみてね[01:48.74][01:58.82]目的地(もくてきち)まで あともう少(すこ)しだから任(まか)せていて[02:05.16]心(こころ)の中(なか)の宝箱(たからばこ)に 手书(てが)きメッセージ[02:10.37][02:10.68]言(い)いそびれた大好(だいす)きだよとか[02:17.11]泣(な)いてたさよなら今度(こんど)こそはと[02:23.75]见(み)つけて来(き)たよ[02:26.12][02:26.43]懐(なつ)かしい言叶(ことば)が响(ひび)いた それはキミのための歌(うた)[02:33.30]伝(つた)えたくて 伝(つた)えたくて ここから叫(さけ)ぶよ[02:39.62]やっと出逢(であ)えた奇迹(きせき)と その心(こころ)を満(み)たす必然(ひつぜん)[02:46.08]ねえ いつか解(わ)かるのかな[02:51.97][03:18.06][03:20.06]「幸(しあわ)せ」の予感(よかん)は不思议(ふしぎ)で どこか「辛(つら)さ」に似(に)てるから[03:27.31]あと一歩(いっぽ)で近付(ちかづ)きそう そっと背中(せなか)押(お)して[03:33.63]今(いま)は足(た)りないモノでも 必(かなら)ずこの手(て)で掴(つか)めるの[03:39.97]ねえ それを探(さが)すとしたなら[03:45.62][03:45.96]一人(ひとり)だけで(キミがくれた) 出(で)かけるつもりだよ[03:52.94]だけど(时(とき)を) お愿(ねが)い(早(はや)め) 待(ま)っててくれるよね[03:58.98]きっと(运命(うんめい)) 溢(あふ)れる幸(しあわ)せを[04:05.41]そう(指(ゆび)で) キミに(なぞる) 届(とど)けてあげるよ[04:11.35]约束(やくそく)しよう(离(はな)れられない) また逢(あ)うその日(ひ)まで[04:19.39][04:22.00]终わり[04:24.00]♂Lrc By 增城OTAKU 卐 地狱门歌词组♀



请问 Proposal & presentation 区别是什么? 谢谢


如何完成一篇剑桥也觉得完美的Research Proposal

每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作.它大致对应中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明:研究动机和意义何在?可能有何成果?为什么它值得你的资助/认可/支持/批准?不知道是否可以说,好的proposal是研究成功的一半.但实际而功利的说,如果你的proposal很烂,可能根本就不会有开始研究的机会. How to write a research proposal? 能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准.但形式也很重要.英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”.程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神.对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识.下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利.[点击这里,查看更多关于RESEARCH PROPOSAL以及GRANT PROPOSAL、PROJECT PROPOSAL写作的网上资源] 文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下: Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one"s research is only as a good as one"s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling. This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. TITLE: It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader"s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal. ABSTRACT: It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used.INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing. If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas. However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current “hot” area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify “key players” and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance. The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements: 1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study. 2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance. 3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing. 4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research. 5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study. 6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.) 7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus. 8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.) LITERATURE REVIEW: Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review of the literature. The literature review serves several important functions: 1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”. 2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research. 3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem. 4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question. 5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information. 6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature. 7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research. 8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature). Most students" literature reviews suffer from the following problems: * Lacking organization and structure * Lacking focus, unity and coherence * Being repetitive and verbose * Failing to cite influential papers * Failing to keep up with recent developments * Failing to critically evaluate cited papers * Citing irrelevant or trivial references * Depending too much on secondary sources Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal. There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc. It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.) METHODS: The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project. The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question. Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method. Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.) For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections: 1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose? 2. Subjects or participants – Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use? 3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable? 4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?

research proposal是什么?怎么写啊?根据什么写?申请南洋理工大学需要用的


如何写英国论文中的Research Proposal?有愿意提供格式范文的吗?

Project Proposal的写作最好选择自己感兴趣的研究方向,记住,一定要体现出自己的逻辑性,因为这样才能体现出我们的学术研究能力。下面是51due整理的Project Proposal写作要素,大家快来看看吧:1.背景对于Proposal有意义的要点,如国家职业证书、技能、经验、能力和实习经历等。2.大纲描述自己明确感兴趣的领域、研究和方向,即我们希望能够通过学习来承接过去的知识并启发未来的职业道路。用3、4句话阐释自己的Project核心,在大纲中我们应回答这些问题:我的Project有什么意义?谁会是它的受众?3.发展参考特定的领域,重要的想法和先例以支撑和表达我们的Proposal。这个部分需要我们展开来描述自己Project所聚焦的具体领域,特别重要的是我们对于先例的评估使用,以及如何看待自己的Project和它们的联系。4.研究概述我们想要采用实际、理论和图像研究的逻辑顺序。这个部分要求我们详细计划如何实施自己的Project,并且预想有哪些巨大的困难。5.评估评估自己目前的作品,我们能得出什么样的结论?我们的作品优势在哪里,有哪些地方需要提高?6.资料来源记录我们在Proposal中使用的资料来源,包括在职业领域有联系的人,图书馆,博物馆,展览,特别档案,收藏等等。记录任何会支持我们项目的专业领域推荐人,这些可能是上面已列出的人,或者是研究人员,生产商,潜在合作伙伴等等。7.参考文献给出明确的引用相关文献资料,包括书籍、图片、视频、艺术品、在线资源等。8.附录(optional)我们可以加入任何与Proposal相关但不是核心的其他材料,这可能是其他项目、笔记本、图纸、公司分析,或额外的研究材料。以上资料由51due整理,希望对您有所帮助。


每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。它大致对应中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明:研究动机和意义何在?可能有何成果?为什么它值得你的资助/认可/支持/批准?不知道是否可以说,好的proposal是研究成功的一半。但实际而功利的说,如果你的proposal很烂,可能根本就不会有开始研究的机会。 How to write a research proposal? 能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。[点击这里,查看更多关于RESEARCH PROPOSAL以及GRANT PROPOSAL、PROJECT PROPOSAL写作的网上资源] 文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下: Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one"s research is only as a good as one"s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher. A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling. This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. TITLE: It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader"s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal. ABSTRACT: It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used. INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing. If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas. However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current “hot” area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify “key players” and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance. The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements: 1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study. 2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance. 3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing. 4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research. 5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study. 6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.) 7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus. 8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.) LITERATURE REVIEW: Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review of the literature. The literature review serves several important functions: 1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”. 2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research. 3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem. 4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question. 5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information. 6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature. 7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research. 8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature). Most students" literature reviews suffer from the following problems: * Lacking organization and structure * Lacking focus, unity and coherence * Being repetitive and verbose * Failing to cite influential papers * Failing to keep up with recent developments * Failing to critically evaluate cited papers * Citing irrelevant or trivial references * Depending too much on secondary sources Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal. There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc. It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.) METHODS: The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project. The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question. Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method. Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.) For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections: 1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose? 2. Subjects or participants – Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use? 3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable? 4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?


"Preserve"和"protect"都有保护的意思,但用法和区别略有不同:"Preserve"强调的是保护某物、某事、某种状态或传统。它的重点是保存某物本身的品质、特征或价值,以便它能够在未来得到保留或再次体现。例如,“We need to preserve our natural resources to ensure they"re here for generations to come”(我们需要保护自然资源以确保它们能够在未来得以保存)。"Preserve"还可以用于保护历史文物和文化遗产等的意义上。"Protect" 强调的是保护人、动物或其他生命所受到的威胁或伤害。它的重点是防止某物被伤害、威胁或损失,以确保其安全和保护。例如,“We must protect endangered species to prevent them from becoming extinct”(我们必须保护濒危物种,以防止它们灭绝)。"Protect"还可以用于保护人权、消费者权益以及他人的利益。综上所述,"preserve"一般用于保留、维持某物本身的特性和传统,而"protect"则主要用于保护人、动物和其他生命的利益和安全,以及保障公正和正义。



if the present unemployment should continue, the

这里的should的作用是:(formal) used to refer to a possible event or situation (表示可能)假如,万一 If you should change your mind, do let me know. 假如你改变主意的话,一定要告诉我。 In case you should need any help, here"s my number. 万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。 Should anyone call (= if anyone calls), please tell them I"m busy. 如果有人打电话来,请告诉他我正忙着。


demonstration.示范, 实证, 有动作居多,有很多人参与,像是游行示威也是用这个,而presentation,介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达,语言居多,一般是个人参与演讲之类.


1He is doing some researches for his report.2A canadian comes in winter and enjoys the ture mountains.3Please join us for dinner.4 I hope to see you in Canada.5You can go skiing or play in the snow.6What is the temperature?

idea的副词,名词,spot形容词有污点的,『洁白的』reserve名词、形容词 waste的形词,名词 要拼写


illustrate 和represent的区别


represent new life中life为什么单独用?

单词life表示“生活”时是不可数名词,因此没有复数形式,当然life意思是“生命”时,它是可数名词其复数形式是lives。represent new life意思是“象征着新生活”。此处,life为不可数名词。

对下面这篇英语范文进行巨型语法分析   u2022Atpresent, there is a tendency that

u2022At present, there is a tendency that children tend to lavish money, particularly those from wealthy families.(there be句型结构,that从句修饰主语名词tendency,相当于一个定语从句,those句修饰限定children)u2022Engagingin some kinds of paid work(动名词作主语) can lighten the economic burden of family,especially some impoverished families, (加which could help children to) establish the correct recognition of work and understand their parents more.(变非限定性从句补充说明主句)u2022Moreover, children can collect valuable work experience which is essential for their future careers.(which代指整个主句内容,引导非限制性定语从句)Against: 浪费本该用来学习的时间,容易沾染社会不良风气,投入多,产出少。u2022Engagingin paid work, children squander precious time which should be spent on academicstudy. (which从句作定语修饰先行词precious time)After all, in different life stages people have different tasks to fulfill.(不定式作定语)u2022At the same time, it is easier for them to go astray under the influence of bad socialcircumstances.(it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句)u2022Inaddition, because children have not acquired high-value skills yet, what they can do is usually exhausting, but low-pay manual work.(because引导原因状语从句;they can do修饰what,what做主语)u2022So it is not difficult to make a judgement that the output is far outweighed by theinput.(it作形式主语,to do 结构是真正主语,that引导同位语从句解释说明judgement)

网页提示 the key is not present in the dictionary 怎么办






sourceTree :报错error: RPC failed; curl 56 Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

网上很多方法都试了,但是不成功,最终这样处理。上面的这个 56 ,这个有时候是 18 ,处理方法都一样。 1、查看当前配置命令 2、 httpBuffer 加大 (即 http.postBuffer 的值,单位为 B , 1GB = 1024*1024*1000 B = 1048576000 B ): 或者 注: 4.497MB 的项目是clone成功啦,但 809MB 的项目克隆失败,设置成 2GB 后克隆成功,所以尽量设置大点。 3、压缩配置 4、修改配置文件 5、 cd 到目标文件夹下,那就先执行 6、再输入: 7、再重新终端 git clone ,就成功了。 关键点重中之重注意:为什么用终端 git clone ,不用 sourcetree ?以及具体步骤

Amplifier Research DC3010A. 翻译以下文字。

研究DC3010A放大器。该型号:DC3010A是一种高功率、ultra-broadband二元定向耦合器性能优良的特性与范围内超过14个八度音阶。这双定向耦合器是很方便的同时监测和反射功率系统在正常的实验室,电压表一样,电能表的示波器和光谱分析仪。该型号:DC3010A特别推荐用于与我们的“A”和“W”系列放大器、及其他放大器操作在频率和权力范围。 使用我们的折旧程序为现金或信用卡对采购。维修服务。你是否正在出售闲置资产或转售设备,我们买的所有类型的测试设备,以最优惠的价格。选择从三万多的产品。节省了30% - 80%购买二手设备价格清单。 DC3010A型号 生产:放大器研究



search 和research有什么区别??急急急







researchful adj. 好探讨的; 好问的

research与research for的区别

researchn. 研究; 调查; vi. 研究; 调查; vt. 研究; 调查research for为寻求…而作调查研究,从事…研究,研究…仅供参考。

我想问一下,搜索的英语单词是research,还是 reaserch?谢谢!







course work是以上课为主,最后写篇论文毕业,有点像国内的大四最后一年。research则是以研究为主,上课包括成绩都不是重要的因素,一般毕业要求有论文发表。二者的文凭有些许差别,不过都是master degree。就读的话首先考虑能否申请,一般来说,course work比较容易,而Research理工科一般会希望你有项目经验或者科研经历,文科希望你有工作经验,这样把握会更大一些。至于如何选择,或者像你说的,哪个好,这个要看你的定位或者对未来的想法。如果你想从事研究,那么Research肯定好,一般读完后都可以继续在教授那里做phd,如果不考虑这个,那其实两者差别不大,只是,research因为有更多的实际操作经验,找工作的时候可能会更有优势一些,不过,就文凭程度而言,两者是一样的,比如你要评职称,无论是哪种类型的硕士,只要有degree,一视同仁。祝你好运!


investigate强调事件的调查. research强调学术的研究.

coursework 和research 的区别

1、research n.研究、探索;v.调查、发掘eg: Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country. 研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。2、coursework n.课程作业[不可数名词] work that students do during a course of study, not in exams, that is included in their final mark/grade (计入最终成绩的)课程作业eg:Coursework accounts for 40% of the final marks.课程作业占最后总成绩的40%。希望可以帮助到你。


可数的。当research作为名词的时候,它是可数名词,复数形式为researches。所以,题中有“a lot of ”,便用复数形式researches。


research 是可数名词复数形式是 researchesResearch英 [ rɪˈsɜ:tʃ ] 美 [ rɪˈsɜ:rtʃ ]高频词考研 CET6 CET4 IELTSn. 研究,追究; 探讨,探测; 调查; 探索 vi. 做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果 vt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究 变形复数: researches 过去式: researched 过去分词: researched 现在分词: researching 第三人称单数: researches双语例句1. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded. 据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。2. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research. 全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。3. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country. 研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。


research泛指“研究”时是不可数名词,不与不定冠词a连用,也不用于复数形式; research的复数形式可用于特指对某个具体问题的研究,但其前不能加数词或者many, several等词。 扩展资料   相关例句:   用作名词 (n.)   1、We all support his scientific research.   我们都支持他的科学研究。   2、Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.   研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。   用作动词 (v.)   1、They have been researching the effects of the drug on mice.   他们一直在研究老鼠对这种药物的反应。   2、He needs to research about the coffee market.   他需要对咖啡市场进行调查。   用法:   v. (动词)   1)research主要指为了学术上或有创造性的长期认真研究而做的调查或查询,也指为了把已知晓的"事实和规律落实到简要的文字上而做的研究,还可指做一般的、无足轻重的调查。   2)research可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   3)research用作不及物动词时后接介词into或on表示“研究”的领域或方向。   4)当research是名词时,是可数的,但多用research和researches,很少用a research;   5)research后面跟的介词有in,into和on,三者没有严格区别,但前两者后接较为抽象的事物,而on后接的事物比较具体;   6)当research是动词时,通常作不及物动词,后面接介词into。


  既然research有名词的用法,你们觉得它有可数的含义在里面吗?以下是我给大家带来research可数名词用法,以供参阅。    research可数用法   research的基本意思是“研究,探讨”,尤指对知识方面的新事物进行彻底调查、研究。research泛指“研究”时是不可数名词,不与不定冠词a连用,也不用于复数形式。   research的复数形式可用于特指对某个具体问题的研究,但其前不能加数词或者many, several等词。   research后可接介词in、on或into,表示研究或调查的对象或范围。   research的用法辨析   nquiry, survey, investigation, research这 组词 都有“调查”的意思,其区别是:   inquiry 普通常用词,指正式调查,也指一般的打听或查询。   survey 多指为写书面 报告 而进行的民意测验或调查。   investigation 一般指有系统的调查以得到希望发现或需要知道的事。   research 指科学工作者等为揭示自然规律或获取某个领域的新知识而进行长时间的调查研究。   research的 短语 搭配   research and development (产品等的)研究与开发   scientific research 科学研究   research results 研究结果,研究成果   research institute 研究机构,研究所   research work 调查研究工作   research center 研究中心   research into 探究,研究;调查   experimental research 实验性研究;试验调查   research method 研究 方法 ;研究模式   market research n. 市场调查   research field 研究领域   basic research 基本研究   research area 研究方向   academic research 学术研究   research project 研究项目   empirical research 经验 研究,实证研究;实征性研究   research group 研究小组   medical research 医学研究;医疗研究   research team 研究小组;科学研究组   research findings 研究成果    research英语例句   1. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded.   据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。   2. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.   全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。   3. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.   研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。   4. Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.   在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。   5. The thing that matters is the furtherance of research in this country.   重要的是推进这个国家的研究。   6. The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely.   如果草率施行,该法律将会阻滞高质量研究的进展。   7. The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics.   该调查研究在语言学研究领域的重要性应该会得到证实。   8. Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud"s job.   把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。   9. Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.   若干研究已经发现了两个重要常量。   10. For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.   对我们而言,研究和教学是齐头并进的。   11. His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.   他的研究被用来为多动的 儿童 设计治疗方案。   12. For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant.   我曾与一位女研究助理约会了一年的时间。   13. Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research.   行业领袖希望科学家从事基础性研究,而非应用性研究。   14. Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan.   依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。   15. He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University.


research 是可数名词复数形式是 researchesResearch英 [ rɪˈsɜ:tʃ ] 美 [ rɪˈsɜ:rtʃ ]高频词考研 CET6 CET4 IELTSn. 研究,追究; 探讨,探测; 调查; 探索 vi. 做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果 vt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究 变形复数: researches 过去式: researched 过去分词: researched 现在分词: researching 第三人称单数: researches双语例句1. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded. 据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。2. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research. 全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。3. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country. 研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。




除了其他回答所说的之外,可以用a piece of research, two pieces of research来给它加量词


research 是可数名词复数形式是 researchesResearch英 [ rɪˈsɜ:tʃ ] 美 [ rɪˈsɜ:rtʃ ]高频词考研 CET6 CET4 IELTSn. 研究,追究; 探讨,探测; 调查; 探索 vi. 做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果 vt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究 变形复数: researches 过去式: researched 过去分词: researched 现在分词: researching 第三人称单数: researches双语例句1. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded. 据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。2. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research. 全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。3. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country. 研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。

有关research词组, 急急急

research on :研究, 探讨…research associate : 助理研究员research field: 研究领域research and development :(产品等的)研究与开发不确定你需要什么样的,先给你提供这些。。。希望能帮到你!


【 #英语资源# 导语】研究用的英语单词与短语是research,对于它的用法,你们知道吗?以下是 给大家带来research的用法和短语及参考例句,以供参阅。 【篇一】research的用法   research的用法1:research的基本意思是“研究,探讨”,尤指对知识方面的新事物进行彻底调查、研究。research泛指“研究”时是不可数名词,不与不定冠词a连用,也不用于复数形式。   research的用法2:research的复数形式可用于特指对某个具体问题的研究,但其前不能加数词或者many, several等词。   research的用法3:research后可接介词in、on或into,表示研究或调查的对象或范围。   research的用法4:research主要指为了学术上或有创造性的长期认真研究而做的调查或查询,也指为了把已知晓的事实和规律落实到简要的文字上而做的研究,还可指做一般的、无足轻重的调查。   research的用法5:research可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   research的用法6:research用作不及物动词时后接介词into或on表示“研究”的领域或方向。   research的用法7:research和re-search是两个词,后者意为“再查找”。 【篇二】research的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   research into (v.+prep.)   research on (v.+prep.) 【篇三】research的用法例句   1. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded.   据说为研究和技术方面提供的经费严重不足。   2. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.   全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。   3. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.   研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。   4. Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.   在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。   5. The thing that matters is the furtherance of research in this country.   重要的是推进这个国家的研究。   6. The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely.   如果草率施行,该法律将会阻滞高质量研究的进展。   7. The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics.   该调查研究在语言学研究领域的重要性应该会得到证实。   8. Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud"s job.   把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。   9. Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.   若干研究已经发现了两个重要常量。   10. For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.   对我们而言,研究和教学是齐头并进的。   11. His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.   他的研究被用来为多动的儿童设计治疗方案。   12. For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant.   我曾与一位女研究助理约会了一年的时间。   13. Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research.   行业领袖希望科学家从事基础性研究,而非应用性研究。   14. Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan.   依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。   15. He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University.   他接受了剑桥大学的研究员一职。


research 是可数名词。 例句: She is pursuing her linguistic researches. 她在从事语言学的研究. 扩展资料   Research has so far proved inconclusive.   迄今为止研究还没有任何定论。   Too much emphasis is placed on research.   把重点过多地放在研究上   The research seemed founded on quicksand.   该研究仿佛建立在一盘散沙基础上的。   Our scientific research is second to none.   我们的科学研究不亚于任何人。   I attach great importance to this research.   我认为这项研究十分重要。


He stayed on at university to do research . 他留在大学里做研究工作。 He "s deeply engrossed in physical research . 他醉心于物理学的研究。 He"s talked with some of our research people . 他对那些研究人员说了。 Another is the huge research pbrary . 另一座是巨大的学术图书馆。 The research director threw up his hands . 研究部主任挥动双手。 We give three research fellowships a year . 我们每年给三个研究生的奖学金。 He in particular, distrusted this new research . 尤其是他怀疑这种新的研究。 The hospital was voted $ 100000 for research . 经表决拨给该医院100000美元。 Her research results correlate with his . 她的研究成果和他的研究成功相关联。 Monsoon research is provincial . 季风研究工作是有局限性的。 Her work was divided beeen tutoring and research . 她兼做导师工作和研究工作。 We need to revitapze human nutritional research . 我们需要振兴人类营养学研究。 The mission of a university is teaching and research . 大学的任务是教学和研究。 The purpose of a university is teaching and research . 大学的任务是教学和研究。 His research formed the basis of his new book . 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。 He is engaged in scientific research . 他从事科研工作。 A new research field was growing up around us . 在我们周围发展起一个新的研究领域。 We also have a marine information research division . 我们还有一个海洋情报研究室。 Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches . 一些较大的公司从事了研究工作。 Your paper marks a forward step in the research . 你的报告标志著研究工作的向前发展。 Our scientists are leading the way in space research . 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处于领先地位。 Her research is center on the social effects of unemployment . 她的研究课题是失业对社会的影响。 Persistent research will uncover a logical justification . 持续的研究将会揭示出逻辑上的正确性。 He kindly made me free of his pbrary for my research . 他热情地让我随意使用他的书房做研究工作。 The college has enrolled another group of research students this year . 学校今年又收了一批研究生。 From the outset these researches caused a considerable stir . 这些研究从一开始就造成了巨大的轰动。 The research sheds important new pght on tooth formation . 这项研究为了解牙齿的形成提供了新线索。 There was a fire , and five years of research work went west . 失了一场火,五年的研究工作毁于一旦。 He was not disheartened, and he continued with his researches . 他没有失去信心,仍然继续自己的研究。 Exciting as this research will be, also has its problems . 这项研究虽然是令人振奋的,但也存在著问题。 He has lots of original ideas about the research into microelectronics . 他对微电子学的研究很有创见。 I began to concentrate all of my research on birds and their songs . 我开始集中精力研究鸟和鸟的歌声。 The numerous research findings do not seem to be very pertinent . 为数众多的研究结果看来并不十分有用。 They struck oil only after years of market research . 他们花了好些年工夫去作市场研究,以后才大发横财。 Such an approach may give rise to a research field of interest . 这种手段可能产生一个有意义的探索领域。 The real breakthrough in this pne of research came about 1940 . 在这一研究分支中真正的突破大约在1940年。 Basic research is of great importance in all scientific fields . 在各个科学领域里,基础研究是非常重要的。 It"s impossible to do research without infpcting some pain on animals . 搞研究不让动物遭点罪是不可能的。 Long before the car came out, we started doing market research . 在此车问世之前很久,我们就开始做市场研究。 He read a paper at a medical conference on the results of his research . 他在医学会议上宣读了他的研究论文。

research 和 investigation 的区别

research更偏重于较专业的,学术上的研究调查eg She"s doing cancer research而investigate偏重于调查案件,事件eg The detective was sent to investigate the crime其实单词的辨析多去看看句子,翻翻字典就会明白~

research 的用法

research n.调查, 探讨; 仔细搜索(for, after)[常用复]学术[创造性]研究; 探索basic research 理论[科学, 基本]研究be engaged in research 从事研究make scientific researches on 进行...的科学研究习惯用语research into 研究, 探讨agricultural water saving research 农业节水研究assessment of social research 社会调查研究评估Beijing Qin Research Association 北京古琴研究会Changsha Mine Research Institute 长沙矿山研究院Cotton Industry Research Institute 捷克斯洛伐克棉纺织工业研究所experimental and research aircraft 试验研究机Global Atmospheric Research Programme 全球大气研究计划International Agricultural Research Centres 国际农业研究中心Maanshan Mine Research Institute 马鞍山矿山研究院metallurgical research in China 中国冶金科学研究


research泛指“研究”时是不可数名词,不与不定冠词a连用,也不用于复数形式。research的复数形式可用于特指对某个具体问题的研究,但其前不能加数词或者many, several等词,复数形式是researches. 扩展资料   例句:   They do some researches on the postzygotic isolation.   他们做了一些关于合子后分离的研究。   Firstly, this thesis researches car bus technology and current situation of motormeter.   本文首先研究了汽车总线技术、汽车仪表的发展现状。   She is pursuing her linguistic researches.   她在从事语言学的.研究。   He was of great assistance to me in researches for my books.   在我为写书所作的研究中,他提供了很大的帮助。



Research 是什么意思

research[英][riˈsə:tʃ] [美][rɪˈsɚtʃ, ˈriˌsɚtʃ] 简明释义n.研究,追究;探讨,探测;调查;探索vi.做研究;探究;(从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果vt.从事……的研究,为……而做研究




research 英[ru026au02c8su025c:tu0283] 美[ru026au02c8su025c:rtu0283] n. 调查; 探索; 研究,追究; 探讨,探测; vi. 做研究; 探究; (从市场调研中) 得出所预测的结果; vt. 从事…的研究,为…而做研究; [例句]She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary她花了两年时间在佛罗里达州南部做研究,拍摄纪录片。[其他] 第三人称单数:researches 复数:researches 现在分词:researching过去式:researched 过去分词:researched




taught和 research的区别:前者是你到学校去,老师给你上课。课程一般安排在晚上的。 后者是你到学校去替老师作研究工作,课程很少。因为taught的不给老师干活,所以都要自己掏钱。有点进修的味道。 research的有义务为学校工作,所以由学校赞助。前面都已经说过了,香港本地人都是读taught的,很少有读research的。因为taught一般晚上上课,读taught的同时还可以在公司工作,而读 research却必须放弃自己的工作了。就业都靠个人的 ,taught也好research 也好。在香港找工作难度都比较大。但是每年照样有不少人留下来的。research 的因为经费有限,所以有quota的限制。相应地录取也比较难一些。可能这是很多版友觉得research好找工作的原因,其实找工作的时候公司并不管你是taught还是 research


researchn.调查, 探讨; 仔细搜索(for, after)[常用复]学术[创造性]研究; 探索basic research理论[科学, 基本]研究be engaged in research从事研究make scientific researches on进行...的科学研究

do a search和do a research有什么区别这两个短语都有吗?

do a search搜索do a research做研究


没有相应的副词research英 [rɪˈsɜ:tʃ] 美 [rɪˈsɜ:rtʃ] n.调查;探索;研究,追究;探讨,探测vi.做研究;探究;(从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果vt.从事…的研究,为…而做研究
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