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departure [di"pɑ:tu0283u0259]n.离去,离开;出发,起程,启程,动身如果你在坐飞机的看到到“飞机起飞时间”,注意大屏幕上的英文会显示 departrue time,意思是起飞时间祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O若有疑问欢迎追问,希望能和你一起探讨~满意请及时采纳,谢谢!


n.离开,离去;起程;背离;东西距离名词复数:departures[例句]The trouble began with the departure of a charismatic chief.极具个人魅力的eBay首席执行官梅格u2022惠特曼于2008年离开该公司。 **************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************

restrict confine的区别

restrict与 confine的区别1、confine侧重施加不可逾越的限制,有时暗示束缚限制、限定 :confine sb./sth. tosth.表监禁、紧闭时:confine sb./sth. in sth.Doctorsare trying to confine the disease within the city.医生正试图将此病控制在城内。2、restrict指把某人或物体限制在一定的范围内,也可用于(以法规)限制: restrict …to在表示约束自己的时候,常用表达:restrictsb. to sth./doing sth.Attemptsto restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem oftraffic congestion.在城市中心限制停车的尝试使阻塞的问题更加严重。【其他表示“限制”词汇】1、limit指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限。一旦超越限度,就会造成不良后果。The economic affairs minister announcedlimits on petrol sales.经济部长宣布了对石油销售的限制。2、restrain(犹指用武力)抑制、制止、管辖也可以表示约束自己,控制自己,常用表达:restrain oneself from sth./doing sth.They couldn"t restrain theirexcitement. 他们无法抑制自己的激动。

looked at in this way, the present

being是它的现在进行时态,一般不单独用,而是用于现在进行时的被动语态.(being+动词过去分词) the bike is being repaired.单车正在被修理中. it is being finished by him这正在被他完成中.


开始界面wireshark是捕获机器上的某一块网卡的网络包,当你的机器上有多块网卡的时候,你需要选择一个网卡。点击Caputre->Interfaces.. 出现下面对话框,选择正确的网卡。然后点击"Start"按钮, 开始抓包Wireshark 窗口介绍WireShark 主要分为这几个界面1. Display Filter(显示过滤器), 用于过滤2. Packet List Pane(封包列表), 显示捕获到的封包, 有源地址和目标地址,端口号。 颜色不同,代表3. Packet Details Pane(封包详细信息), 显示封包中的字段4. Dissector Pane(16进制数据)5. Miscellanous(地址栏,杂项)Wireshark 显示过滤使用过滤是非常重要的, 初学者使用wireshark时,将会得到大量的冗余信息,在几千甚至几万条记录中,以至于很难找到自己需要的部分。搞得晕头转向。过滤器会帮助我们在大量的数据中迅速找到我们需要的信息。过滤器有两种,一种是显示过滤器,就是主界面上那个,用来在捕获的记录中找到所需要的记录一种是捕获过滤器,用来过滤捕获的封包,以免捕获太多的记录。 在Capture -> Capture Filters 中设置保存过滤在Filter栏上,填好Filter的表达式后,点击Save按钮, 取个名字。比如"Filter 102",Filter栏上就多了个"Filter 102" 的按钮。过滤表达式的规则表达式规则 1. 协议过滤比如TCP,只显示TCP协议。2. IP 过滤比如 ip.src == 显示源地址为192.168.1.102,ip.dst==, 目标地址为192.168.1.1023. 端口过滤tcp.port ==80, 端口为80的tcp.srcport == 80, 只显示TCP协议的愿端口为80的。4. Http模式过滤http.request.method=="GET", 只显示HTTP GET方法的。5. 逻辑运算符为 AND/ OR常用的过滤表达式过滤表达式 用途http 只查看HTTP协议的记录ip.src == or ip.dst== 源地址或者目标地址是192.168.1.102封包列表(Packet List Pane)封包列表的面板中显示,编号,时间戳,源地址,目标地址,协议,长度,以及封包信息。 你可以看到不同的协议用了不同的颜色显示。你也可以修改这些显示颜色的规则, View ->Coloring Rules.封包详细信息 (Packet Details Pane)这个面板是我们最重要的,用来查看协议中的每一个字段。各行信息分别为Frame: 物理层的数据帧概况Ethernet II: 数据链路层以太网帧头部信息Internet Protocol Version 4: 互联网层IP包头部信息Transmission Control Protocol: 传输层T的数据段头部信息,此处是TCPHypertext Transfer Protocol: 应用层的信息,此处是HTTP协议wireshark与对应的OSI七层模型TCP包的具体内容 从下图可以看到wireshark捕获到的TCP包中的每个字段。实例分析TCP三次握手过程看到这, 基本上对wireshak有了初步了解, 现在我们看一个TCP三次握手的实例三次握手过程为这图我都看过很多遍了, 这次我们用wireshark实际分析下三次握手的过程。打开wireshark, 打开浏览器输入在wireshark中输入http过滤, 然后选中GET /tankxiao HTTP/1.1的那条记录,右键然后点击"Follow TCP Stream",这样做的目的是为了得到与浏览器打开网站相关的数据包,将得到如下图图中可以看到wireshark截获到了三次握手的三个数据包。第四个包才是HTTP的, 这说明HTTP的确是使用TCP建立连接的。第一次握手数据包客户端发送一个TCP,标志位为SYN,序列号为0, 代表客户端请求建立连接。 如下图第二次握手的数据包服务器发回确认包, 标志位为 SYN,ACK. 将确认序号(Acknowledgement Number)设置为客户的I S N加1以.即0+1=1, 如下图第三次握手的数据包客户端再次发送确认包(ACK) SYN标志位为0,ACK标志位为1.并且把服务器发来ACK的序号字段+1,放在确定字段中发送给对方.并且在数据段放写ISN的+1, 如下图:就这样通过了TCP三次握手,建立了连接

国力通LP219关机状态,按开机键+音量上键,出现的英文 full phone test view phone test result item


Full phone test Item test View testResult Exit Ea



uninteresting是interesting的变形,与boring一样是无聊的意思。而boring并不是interesting的任何一种变形,它只是ingteresting的反义词。1、boring是bore的现在分词转化成的形容词,表示“令人厌烦的”,主语可以是人,也可以是物。相关短语:boring machine 镗床;钻机;搪孔机so boring 真无聊2、uninteresting,英语单词,主要用作为形容词,意为“无趣味的,乏味的;令人厌倦的”。相关短语:Uninteresting Person 乏味人uninteresting background 不有趣的背景uninteresting peak 不重要的峰 ; 无用的峰

手机工程模式刷机都是英文选哪个是出厂模式 full phone Test Item Test View Test Result Exit


Full phone test Item test View testResult Exit Ea

full phone test (完整电话测试) item test(项目测试)View testResult 浏览测试结果Exit(退出)Eat test 只能理解为 "吃”测试 记得采纳哦 亲~




方法一:通过查找表数据文件方式这种方法通过查找表的数据文件的方式从而确定表的创建时间,但是这种方法并不能准备查询表的创建时间,而且有时候,这种方法得到的信息还有可能是错误的,下面大致演示下。--1.1 创建表并插入数据francs=> create table test_ctime (id int4 primary key ,name varchar(32));NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test_ctime_pkey" for table "test_ctime"CREATE TABLE francs=> insert into test_ctime select generate_series(1,10000),"create_time test";INSERT 0 10000francs=> d test_ctime;Table "francs.test_ctime"Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------------------+-----------id | integer | not nullname | character varying(32) | Indexes:"test_ctime_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)francs=> dt+ test_ctime;List of relationsSchema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description --------+------------+-------+--------+--------+-------------francs | test_ctime | table | francs | 536 kB | (1 row)备注:表创建好了,接下来演示如何定位表的物理文件。--1.2 定位表所在的表空间francs=> select relname,relfilenode,reltablespace from pg_class where relname="test_ctime";relname | relfilenode | reltablespace ------------+-------------+---------------test_ctime | 24650 | 0(1 row)备注:在 PostgreSQL 的逻辑结构体系中,表位于数据库中,同时表位于表空间上,面表空间对应系统上一个文件目录,每个表由一个或者多个文件组成; 根据上面的结果,表 test_ctime 的 reltablespace值为 0,表示位于所属数据库的默认表空间,注意 relfilenode 值为 24650。--1.3 查询数据库 francs 的默认表空间francs=> select oid,datname,dattablespace from pg_database where datname="francs";oid | datname | dattablespace -------+---------+---------------16386 | francs | 16385 备注:上面查出数据库 francs 的默认表空间的 oid 为 16385。--1.4 查找 oid 为 16385 的表空间 francs=> select oid,* from pg_tablespace where oid=16385;oid | spcname | spcowner | spcacl | spcoptions -------+------------+----------+-----------------------------------------+------------16385 | tbs_francs | 10 | {postgres=C/postgres,francs=C/postgres} | (1 row)备注:查了半天才查到表 test_ctime 的默认表空间为 tbs_francs,这里之所以饶这么大圈,是为了展示 postgresql 中的一些逻辑结构关系,如果自己对环境比较熟悉,可以直接定位到哪个表空间。--1.5 查询表空间 tbs_francs 对应的物理目录francs=> dbList of tablespacesName | Owner | Location ------------+----------+------------------------------------------pg_default | postgres |pg_global | postgres |tbs_francs | postgres | /database/1922/pgdata1/pg_tbs/tbs_francs(3 rows)备注:表空间 tbs_francs 的数据目录为 /database/1922/pgdata1/pg_tbs/tbs_francs。--1.6 进入数据目录[postgres@redhat6 16386]$ cd /database/1922/pgdata1/pg_tbs/tbs_francs[postgres@redhat6 tbs_francs]$ lltotal 4.0Kdrwx------. 4 postgres postgres 4.0K May 22 10:35 PG_9.2_201204301 [postgres@redhat6 tbs_francs]$ cd PG_9.2_201204301/[postgres@redhat6 PG_9.2_201204301]$ lltotal 16Kdrwx------. 2 postgres postgres 12K Jun 26 19:03 16386drwx------. 2 postgres postgres 4.0K May 22 10:37 pgsql_tmp备注:根据前面的步骤 1.3 查询的信息知道 16386 为数据库 francs 的 oid。 再根据步骤 1.2 的信息知道表 test_ctime 的 relfilenode 值为 24650--1.7 查找表 test_ctime 的数据文件[postgres@redhat6 16386]$ ll 24650-rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 512K Jun 26 18:57 24650备注:根据数据文件 24650 知道表的创建时间为 2012-06-26 18:57。但这种方法并不准确,因为表上的操作可能导致表重新生成文件,接着演示。--1.8 cluster 表francs=> cluster verbose test_ctime using test_ctime_pkey;INFO: clustering "francs.test_ctime" using index scan on "test_ctime_pkey"INFO: "test_ctime": found 0 removable, 10000 nonremovable row versions in 64 pagesDETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.CPU 0.00s/0.03u sec elapsed 0.08 sec.CLUSTER francs=> select relname,relfilenode,reltablespace from pg_class where relname="test_ctime";relname | relfilenode | reltablespace ------------+-------------+---------------test_ctime | 24655 | 0(1 row) 备注:表 test_ctime 经过 cluster 操作后,重新生成了数据文件,文件号由原来的 24650 变成了 24655--1.9 系统上再次查询表数据文件[postgres@redhat6 16386]$ ll 24650-rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Jun 26 19:19 24650 [postgres@redhat6 16386]$ ll 24655-rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 512K Jun 26 19:19 24655备注:显然新文件的时间 24655 并不是表 test_ctime 的初始创建时间。--1.10 vacuum full 表francs=> vacuum full test_ctime;VACUUMfrancs=> select relname,relfilenode,reltablespace from pg_class where relname="test_ctime";relname | relfilenode | reltablespace ------------+-------------+---------------test_ctime | 24659 | 0(1 row)备注: vacuum full 操作后,同样产生了新文件,新文件号为 24659--1.11 系统上再次查询表数据文件[postgres@redhat6 16386]$ ll 24659-rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 512K Jun 26 19:22 24659

英语选择题 [ ]-_____dress is new?-_____is a new one. A.Whose;Her B.Whose;Hers C.Whose;His




slip resistant是什么意思

slip resistant防滑-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Globe 地球乐园的《Departures》 歌词

歌曲名:Departures歌手:Globe 地球乐园专辑:15年150曲 (东洋50金曲Vol.1)Departures歌:青酢+キャップと瓶云(くも)が流(なが)れる速(はや)さにも イラダチ覚(おぼ)え戸惑(とまど)う 心(こころ)の中(なか) あやふやで过(す)ぎ行(ゆ)く时间(じかん)の狭间で 足(あ)りない事(こと)が何(なに)か 知(し)りたくなる そんな时(とき)は积(つ)み重(かさ)ねてきた情热(モノ)  胸(むれ)に秘(ひ)めた思(おも)いが まぶしくかがやき出(だ)す时(とき)を越(こ)えて行(ゆ)けるはずさ 今(いま)、鲜(あざ)やかに映(うつ)し出(だ)す未来(みらい)を 君(きみ)の心(こころ)の景色(けしき)をそして 旅立(たびだ)つこの道(みち)に 降(ふ)り注(そそ)ぐ光(ひかり)の中(なか)明日(あした)へ 向(む)かって歩(ある)き出(だ)そう ここから仆(ぼく)ら広(ひろ)がる空(そら)の青(あお)さにも 不安(ふあん)が募(つの)り迷(まよ)う 心(こころ)の中(なか) 暧昧(あいまい)で思(おも)い描(えが)いた理想(りそう)には 手(て)が届(とど)かぬ気(き)がして 挫(くじ)けそうになる そんな时(とき)はすり减(へ)らしてきた魂(モノ) 突(つ)き动(うご)かされるまま 明(あか)るい希望(きぼう)に変(か)わる梦(ゆめ)を叶(かな)えられるはずさ そう、答(こた)えは一(ひと)つじゃない未来(みらい)も 君(きみ)の心(こころ)の景色(けしき)もそして 遥(はる)か彼方(かなた)へと 降(ふ)り注(そそ)ぐ光(ひかり)目指(めざ)し明日(あした)へ向(む)かって歩(ある)き出(だ)そう ここから仆(ぼく)ら信(しん)じる术(すべ)を见失(みうしなった) 昨日(きのう)に别(わか)れを告(つ)げてトンネルをくぐり抜(ぬ)け 虹(にじ)の彼方(かなた)へ时(とき)を越(こ)えて行(ゆ)けるはずさ 今(いま)、鲜(あざ)やかに映(うつ)し出(だ)す未来(みらい)を 君(きみ)の心(こころ)の景色(けしき)をそして 旅立(たびだ)つこの道(みち)に 降(ふ)り注(そそ)ぐ光(ひかり)の中(なか)明日(あした)へ 向(む)かって歩(ある)き出(だ)そう梦(ゆめ)を叶(かな)えられるはずさ そう、答(こた)えは一(ひと)つじゃない未来(みらい)も 君(きみ)の心(こころ)の景色(けしき)もそして 遥(はる)か彼方(かなた)へと 降(ふ)り注(そそ)ぐ光(ひかり)目指(めざ)し明日(あした)へ 向(む)かって歩(ある)き出(だ)そう ここから仆(ぼく)ら ここから仆(ぼく)らby-辷辷

resisting temptation什么意思

resisting temptation抵制诱惑temptation[英][tempu02c8teu026au0283n][美][tu025bmpu02c8teu0283u0259n]n.诱惑,引诱; 诱惑物; 复数:temptations例句:1.Resist the temptation to get another pet right away. 抵制住想马上要个新的宠物的诱惑。2.Every time you defeat a temptation, you become more like jesus! 每一次你击败一个试探,便更像耶稣!

resist the temptation是什么意思

resist the temptation 抵制诱惑; [例句]Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?他们能忍住诱惑不买吗?

Construction Procedures

One of the oldest methods of construction of drilled shafts is the Chicago method ( Figure 9. 7a) . In this method,circular holes with diameters of 3. 5 ft ( 1. 1 m) or more are excavated by hand for depths of 2 - 6 ft ( 0. 6 - 1. 8 m ) at a time. The sides of the excavated hole are then lined with vertical boards,referred to as laggings. They are held tightly in place by two circular steel rings. After placement of the rings,the excavation is continued for another 2 - 6 ft( 0. 6 - 1. 8 m ) . When the desired depth of excavation is reached,the bell is excavated. Following the completion of the excavation,the hole is filled with concrete.In the G owmethod of construction ( Figure 10. 7b) ,the hole is excavated by hand. Telescopic metal shells are used to maintain the shaft. The shells can be removed one section at a time as concreting progresses. The minimum diameter of a Gowdrilled shaft is about 4 ft( 1. 22 m) . Any given section of the shell is about 2 in( 50 mm) less in diameter than the section immediately above it. Shafts as deep as 100 ft ( 30 m ) have been installed by this method.Most shaft excavations are nowdone mechanically rather than by hand. Open helix augers( flight augers) are common excavation tools. These augers have cutting edges or cutting teeth. Those with cutting edges are used mostly for drilling in soft,homogeneous soil; those with cutting teeth are for drilling in hard soil and hard pan. The auger is attached to a square shaft referred to as the kelly and pushed into the soil and rotated. When the flights are filled with soil,the auger is raised above the ground surface,and the soil is dumped into a pile by rotating the auger at high speed. These augers are available in various diameters; sometimes they may be as large as 10 ft ( 3 m) or more.When the excavation is extended to the level of the load-bearing stratum,the auger is replaced by underreaming tools to shape the bell,if required. An underreamer essentially consists of a cylinder with two cutting blades hinged to the top of the cylinder ( Figure 9. 8) . When the underreamer is lowered into the hole,the cutting blades stay folded inside the cylinder. When the bottom of the hole is reached,the blades are spread outward,and the underreamer is rotated. The loose soil falls inside the cylinder,which is raised periodically and emptied until the bell is completed. Most underreamers can cut bells with diameters as large as three times the diameter of the shaft.Figure 9. 7 Chicago method of drilled-shaft construction ( a) ; Gowmethod of drilled-shaft construction ( b)Figure 9. 8 UnderreamerAnother common drilling device is the bucket-type drill. It is essentially a bucket with an opening and cutting edges at the bottom. The bucket is attached to the kelly and rotated. The loose soil is collected in the bucket,which is periodically raised and emptied. Holes as large as 16 - 18 ft ( 5 - 5. 5 m) in diameter can be drilled with this type of equipment.When rock is encountered during drilling,core barrels with tungsten carbide teeth attached to the bottom of the barrels are used. Shot barrels are also used for drilling into very hard rock. The principle of rock coring by a shot barrel is shown in Figure 9. 9. The drill stem is attached to the shot barrel"s plate. The barrel has some feeder slots through which chilled steel shots are supplied to the bottom of the bore hole. The steel shots cut the rock when the barrel is rotated. Water is supplied to the drill hole through the drill stem. Fine rock and steel particles ( produced by the grinding of the steel shots) are washed upward,and they settle on the upper portion of the barrel.The Benoto machine is another type of drilling equipment that is generally used when drilling conditions are difficult and many boulders are in the soil. It essentially consists of a steel tube that can be oscillated and pushed into the soil. A tool usually referred to as the hammer grab,which is fitted with cutting blades and jaws,is used to break up the soil and rock inside the tube and remove them.( 1) Use of Casings and Drilling MudWhen holes are driven in soft clays,the soil tends to squeeze in and close the hole. In such situations,casings may be used to keep the hole open and may have to be driven before excavation begins. Holes made in gravelly and sandy soils also tend to cave in. Excavation of drilled-shaft holes in these soils can be continued either by casing as the hole progresses or by using drilling mud.( 2) Inspection of the Bottom of the HoleIn many instances,the bottom of the hole must be inspected to ensure that the load-bearing stratum is what was anticipated and that the bell is properly done. For these reasons,an inspector must descend to the bottom of the hole. Several safety precautions must be observed during this procedure:1) If a casing is not already in the hole,one should be lowered by crane into it to prevent the hole and the bell from collapsing.2) The hole should be tested for the presence of poisonous or explosive gases,which can be done by using a miner"s safety lamp.3) The inspector should wear a safety harness.Figure 9. 9 Schematic diagram of shot barrel4) The inspector should also carry a safety lamp and an air tank.

all the rest have thirty-one except in leap year。这个怎么翻译啊

all the rest have thirty-one except in leap year。所有其余的有三十一个,除了在飞跃年。

以one advertisement that impressed you为题目写一篇60词左右的英语作文 高中水平

OK, let me talk about a zoo ad that once gave me a deep impression. Basically, the ad is anything but attracts people"s eyes to a particular stuff. it was like a short animated movie with beautiful painting style, It was educational. At the beginning, a monkey was sleeping and then woke by a polar bear. They were good friends. the polar bear carried the monkey on its back when crossing a river, the monkey went to find fruits for them to eat. They were so happy togeter. However, the climate changed, the ice melted and the continent moved apart. A deep valley separated them, which was later a strait. They would not met each other again. I believe hardly can anyone bear to see this scene. At this moment, the background music sang: go to see them back together in the zoo.Wow, how can you say it"s not attractive?

On every piece of the paper __________pictures of some B.are C.has D.have谢谢了,大神

选B。 句型完全倒装,原句是pictures of some horses are on every piece of the paper 。

这单词是何意思? health ensures wealth but not vice versa

vice versa:反过来也是一样,反之亦然 前面有not就是反义,表示反过来不成立 整句话是说:健康就是财富,但是财富不会带来健康

求Git Fresh - Blow Me A Kiss 歌词

Its like this, its like that, I got dough, I got stacks. I can buy anything that I need, but I gotta have you for free. I aint never paid for it in my life so why the hell would I pay for a wife. I need love, yes I do but this is what I need from you (Ooh) A brother needs love and affection, a brother needs TLC. And I aint talking about chili, but I"ll take chili if she don"t want it (Ooh) A brother needs cooking and cleaning, and when she say she loves me she means it. Her insides pretty, hey hey (Oh!) And if thats you, blow me a kiss to let me know if you feeling me. You can do better then (?), babygirl all that you gotta do is blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. I"m "bout this, I"m "bout that. I have O"s, I spit stacks. I"ve had everything in my life but I"ma have you tonight. Yeah I"ma have you, you. I need love, yes indeed. But this is what you get from me (Ooh) I"ma give you love in direction, you can be my PYT. I ain"t talking about Thriller, but I can be your thriller if you want it (Ooh) I don"t need no cooking or cleaning, we can get a maid if we need it. Cause I"m on my (?), hey hey oh. And if thats you, blow me a kiss to let me know that you"re digging me. You can do better then (?), babygirl all that you gotta do is blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. Blow me a kiss.麻烦采纳,谢谢!

ug girp resp代表什么

我记得之前学UG编程中二次开发时,用到过UG GIRP RESP;他是用来作二次二发所使用的!附图说明

VarDict: a novel and versatile variant caller for next-generation sequencing in cancer research

VarDict 原文链接 VarDict 通过局部重对齐(包括有监督的和无监督的)提高InDel的等位基因频率统计。有些InDel比read的长度或者核心部分短很多,导致大多数aligners会将其与gap对齐,出现mismatch被强制对齐,当mismatches出现很多时soft-clipping。下面给出一个由IGV做出的例子。很多时候mismatch和soft-clipping会被忽略或者错误处理,实际上这些是InDel的重要判定依据。当这样一个InDel在对齐中被发现时,VarDict会触发有监督的局部重新对齐,识别存在InDel的3"和5"端Read的不匹配对齐,并添加它们以支持InDel使等位基因频率增加。无监督的局部重新对齐时,VarDict扫描soft-clipping附近的局部序列,寻找较大的InDel。Vardict首先从同一基因组位置的 soft-clippings Reads中获得一致序列。如果可以找到一致序列,vardict然后使用它在用户可定义的距离(默认为125 bp)内查找无间隙匹配,但允许小于等于3个碱基的不匹配。当找到匹配并远离断点时,调用删除;当匹配结束部分与断点相邻时,调用插入。如果不能调用indel,vardict通过5′和3′端soft-cliping来识别连续的剪裁良好的序列(通常在5 bp内),假设它们在插入的任意一侧,并确定它们是否有匹配的端。如果发现不匹配≤3,则调用大插入。该方法允许调用大于读取长度的插入,以及大型复杂变量。 VarDict可以检测复杂的变异,删除和插入的组合情况,其他的方法错误检测或超出。据观察,在一条read中复合的proximal (<10 bp) InDels和mismatch通常被看成一个复杂变异。VarDict将一个复杂变异标记为一个变异而非多个独立的。当一条read中检测到一个InDel时,VarDict进行递归扫描寻找是否存在 InDel (within 10 bp) 或者mismatches (within 3 bp),若存在则组合为一个复杂变异。该规则适用于连续mismatches,检测MNVs

theres 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you 是什么意思



第一次握手数据包客户端发送一个TCP,标志位为SYN,序列号为0, 代表客户端请求建立连接。第二次握手的数据包服务器发回确认包, 标志位为 SYN,ACK. 将确认序号(Acknowledgement Number)设置为客户的I S N加1以.即0+1=1。第三次握手的数据包客户端再次发送确认包(ACK) SYN标志位为0,ACK标志位为1.并且把服务器发来ACK的序号字段+1,放在确定字段中发送给对方.并且在数据段放写ISN的+1。

features of fairy tale

The main feature of each fairy tale is the presence of magical and fanciful elements; unreal or incredible events, magic and spells are the peculiar ingredient giving the fairy tales a unique taste.In the fairy tales the magic and the supernatural permeate everyday life, showing that everybody can live happily ever after, that the poor man can make a fortune and that everybody has to face some trials and overcome some difficulties in order to get a better life. In this way the fairy tales deal with real problems and there is a deep meaning in them that you must be able to catch in order to understand the human nature and better realize one"s own individual history.According to scholars the fairy tales have an ancient common root and they are linked to the primitive initiation rites: in ancient times, in fact, when the boys had come of a certain age, they were put through difficult trials, from a physical and psychological point of view, which were part of a ceremonial indispensable for the passage to the adult age. Only the ones who showed skill and courage could be accepted as an esteemed member of the adult community: the same thing happens to the main characters of many fairy tales who face difficult and dangerous trials to get a final reward (the homecoming, the wealth, the beautiful appearance, the love and a happy marriage, etc.).Although we live today in a very different world, the fairy tales" language is still alive and rich in meaning: it is true that those tales always refer to distant times (Once upon a time there was…), but the message they include - success and happiness reached thanks to one"s own merits and to other people"s help - is universal.




桃园爱/Cure Peach(桃天使)配音:冲佳苗故事主人公,14岁,公立四叶草中学二年级学生。性格天真烂漫,活力十足,是一个比起自己更在意别人的女孩。喜欢跳舞,厨艺不俗,但学习、运动都不擅长。舞团“Trinity”的忠实粉丝,在偶然的机会下,得到了舞团队长美幸的教导,之后和青梅竹马美希、祈里以及后来加入的刹那一起组成新舞团,梦想是在舞蹈比赛胜出。口头禅是“得到幸福啰”!因“爱”的力量觉醒而变身成为Cure Peach。 苍乃美希/Cure Berry(莓天使)配音:喜多村英梨14岁,艺能学校私立鸟越学院的中学部二年级学生。体育万能,对潮流十分敏感,常刻意表露自己的美丽。梦想是成为时装模特,为此严格进行着自我管理。曾一度嫉妒祈里比自己更早获得新力量,家里开美发和美甲沙龙,和母亲两个人生活。害怕章鱼。受桃园爱邀请,希望令自己身形更健美而和小爱一起组成舞团。口头禅是“我是完美的”!因“希望”的力量觉醒而变身成为Cure Berry。 山吹祈里/Cure Pine(凤梨天使)配音:中川亚纪子14岁,私立白诘草女子学院中等部的二年级学生。学习虽好,但却社会常识不足,为人大方,但对自己没有自信,为了改变自己而和小爱一起组成舞团。由于家中经营动物医院,所以很喜欢动物,并很了解动物,梦想是继承家业并成为一名出色的兽医,唯一不喜欢的是白貂,但后因和白貂塔鲁特互相理解而喜欢上了白貂。口头禅是“我始终相信着”!因“祈愿”的力量觉醒而变身成为Cure Pine。 东刹那/Cure Passion(百香果天使)配音:小松由佳14岁,原为梅比乌斯部下伊斯,被指派以东刹那的身份接近桃园爱等人,但因任务失败被梅比乌斯要求克莱因更改寿命数据而死,红色钥匙的力量令她复活成为光之美少女,与过去的自己诀别,从此不再受迷宫的操纵。也是历代光之美少女上的第一位由敌人倒戈为主角同伴的光之美少女。住在小爱家里,并就读公立四叶草中学二年级,学习与体育优秀,但缺乏常识,有点天然呆,讨厌青椒。最后与小爱等人告别后返回迷宫。口头禅是“我会全力以赴的”!因“幸福”的力量觉醒而变身成为Cure Passion。 希冯(Chiffon)配音:兴梠里美被甜蜜王国的长老收养的来历不明的女宝宝,额头的标志一发光就能发挥特殊能力,由于年幼而有点任性,喜欢用特殊能力捉弄别人。平时住在桃园爱家,被当作玩具娃娃。曾为了鼓励千香,而亲自现身于病房中使出超能力。似乎与光之美少女的力量有关联,在Pirun强化后可以进食固体食物,在Kirun强化后可以说话,并可利用Blun穿上不同的衣服。本体其实是无限内存(Infinity)。名字源自于英文“戚风蛋糕”。 塔鲁特(Tarte)配音:松野太纪从甜蜜王国前来寻找传说战士“光之美少女”的妖精,甜蜜王国的王子,负责照顾希冯。操着一口关西腔,外形类似雪貂,平时以桃园家的宠物身份作为掩护。几乎没有什么战斗力,爱操心喜欢发牢骚,但听到感人故事就会落泪,十分喜欢吃甜甜圈,经常在阿熏的店里表演以赚取甜甜圈。名字源自于英文“挞”。 提拉米苏(Tiramisu)配音:绪方贤一甜蜜王国的长老,外形像鹰的妖精,好色,收养希冯的人。为阻止迷宫的阴谋而带着希冯到森林中解除四枚“Pickrun”的封印,并派塔鲁特和希冯去寻找传说中的战士“光之美少女”。名字源自于意大利文“提拉米苏”。 阿兹姬那(Azukina)配音:一色真由塔鲁特的未婚妻,全身粉红色,左耳及颈项有五片樱花花瓣的长得像松鼠的妖精,喜欢塔鲁特,在甜蜜王国被迷宫占领时得长老相救,成为唯一的幸存者,并与主角们一起前往迷宫为解救甜蜜王国。名字源自于日文“豆沙”。 瓦夫鲁(Waffle)配音:堀本等甜蜜王国君主,塔鲁特的父亲,与提拉米苏长老一起预知未来发生的灾难及光之美少女传说。名字源自于英文“瓦夫饼”。 玛德琳(Madeleine)配音:熊谷妮娜甜蜜王国王后,塔鲁特的母亲。名字源自于法文“玛德琳蛋糕”。   魔人配音:中野慎太郎在甜汁粉之森之中被封印在一个碗里的怪物,长得像哭喊兽,但其实与迷宫并没有关系。    梅比乌斯(Moebius)配音:西村知道迷宫的总统,以征服全部的平行世界为目的,在其他世界收集不幸与痛苦,以填满不幸的罐子,得以得到控制所有平行世界所必须、拥有无限容量的无限内存(Infinity),因此将伊斯等三位干部送到桃园爱的世界。当伊斯即将无法承受卡片造成的伤害时,他也并不在意地舍弃失去利用价值的部下。与Cure Angel战斗后面目全非,才揭露其真身是为以前的迷宫科学家所塑造的智慧型机器人,不过其智慧超出意料之外而想统治迷宫,脱离机械的人工智能最后与梅比乌斯之塔合为一体,打算自爆消灭光之美少女等人,但在希冯激发了力量保护了众人。名字的由来是代表着无限的“莫比乌斯带”。 克莱因(Cline)配音:樋渡宏嗣梅比乌斯的直属干部,外貌是中年男子,衣着与威斯塔同样是黄黑相间,胸口的那基华米基菱形为深蓝色。负责监视三干部并向梅比乌斯报告和收集的光之美少女情报,受梅比乌斯的命令处决已经失去价值的伊斯。最终战斗时将自己怪物化后与诺撒合体成为诺撒克莱因。原为以前的迷宫科学家采取“蝾螈”的DNA所制成的智慧型怪物,被打败后现出原型后被消灭。名字的由来是英文“哭泣(crying)”。 伊斯(Eas)/东刹那配音:小松由佳最先登场的迷宫三干部之一,以四叶镇外洋馆以占卜师为掩护,被总统指派以东刹那的身份接近桃园爱一行人,对光之美少女存有敌意,但在与爱接触中渐渐产生友情。最后因任务失败被梅比乌斯要求克莱因更改寿命数据而死,以Cure Passion的身份复活。名字是英文“东(East)”变形而来。 威斯塔(Wester)/西隼人配音:松本保典最先登场的迷宫三干部之一,被梅比乌斯派来填满不幸的罐子,衣着为黄黑相间。身型健硕,擅于肉搏战。在伊斯与撒乌拉的提议下到街上观察路人,寻找更有效收集不幸的方法,却总是会在无意间帮助到旁人,伪装为一般人时的帅气外型很受女性欢迎。最后因为爱等人的关系明白了在这世上到底什么才是最重要的,与迷宫的其他居民一起给予光之美少女新力量。名字是英文“西(West)”变形而来。 撒乌拉(Soular)/南瞬配音:铃村健一最先登场的迷宫三干部之一,被梅比乌斯派来填满不幸的罐子,衣着为绿黑相间。长发美男子。擅用武器及计谋的策略家。行动手段有点变态,个性冷酷,执着于知识,对人类的感情并不放在眼里,最后因为爱等人的关系终于着世界上明白了什么才是最重要的,与迷宫的其他居民一起给了光之美少女新力量。名字是英文“南(South)”变形而来。 诺撒(Northa)/北那由他配音:渡边美佐梅比乌斯总统的最高级干部。因梅比乌斯总统认为先遣干部毫无用处,所以请克莱因差遣而来协助,拥有制造空间狭门及操控植物生死的能力。战斗时背部能够长出无数植物藤蔓,最后吞下索列塔西之果将自己怪物化后与克莱因合体成为诺撒克莱因。原为以前的迷宫科学家采取“洋葱”的DNA所制成的智慧型怪物,被打败后现出原型并被光之美少女的“真爱之心”消灭。名字是英文“北(North)”由变形而来。 诺撒克莱因(Northacline)配音:渡边美佐由抢夺兽化状态下的诺撒与变成龙的克莱因合体产生,比一般人要高,身体呈紫色,胸口下有抢夺兽的眼睛。除了能发射能量弹以外,尾巴的力量也很显著,能力远胜光之美少女的四人合击,与光之美少女穿梭在人群中战斗,性格非常残忍,最后被Cure Angel净化消灭。 哭喊兽(Nakewameke)配音:中野慎太郎迷宫的第一刺客,原形为菱形宝石图案的卡状物,能附身于物体或动物上并改变其形态,被打败后蒸发消失。伊斯所持有的为红色,威斯塔所持有的为黄色,撒乌拉所持有的为绿色。名字和“哭吧、叫吧”谐音。 大哭喊兽(Nakisakebe)配音:中野慎太郎迷宫的第二刺客,是总统赋予伊斯的哭喊兽实验强化型。原形为分成四部份的三角形卡状物,每一次使用时卡上的眼睛会打开,打败后消耗其中一张,可附身于哭喊兽上加强其力量,亦可直接附于物体上。在发动后使用者手背上会出现与卡片相同的徽记,将所受伤害将全数转移到 使用者身上,让使用者承受极大的痛楚,甚至有机会因此失去性命或成为废人。名字和“大声哭喊”谐音。 抢夺兽(Sorewatase)配音:中野慎太郎迷宫的第三刺客,原不幸之液浇灌所生长出来的球体果实,使用时变为人形再逐渐巨大成怪物,初型态的怪物吞噬哭喊兽后便开始转换型态,第二型态拥有被吞噬的哭喊兽属性、特征,且力量更为强大,被打败后爆裂三次消失。名字和“给我交出来”谐音。 欢笑兽(Hohoemina)配音:中野慎太郎撒乌拉最后使用一张白色菱形宝石卡加Cure Peach的羽毛制造出来的刺客,与哭喊兽相反,身体成淡黄色,有一对翅膀可飞行,尾巴的顶端有颗爱心,载着威斯塔与撒乌拉,乐意辅助主人与光之美少女的战斗。名字和“欢笑”谐音 桃园圭太郎配音:高濑右光桃园爱的父亲,桃园家的入赘女婿,负责假发开发及设计的营业部长,正在与祈里的父亲一起研究动物的假发。 桃园步美配音:冰上恭子桃园爱的母亲,超级市场收银员,过去曾夺得四叶镇小姐的头衔,非常讨厌菠菜。 桃园源吉配音:麦人桃园爱的祖父、步美的父亲,已去世,曾是榻榻米工匠,对爱的童年有着很深的影响,爱的瞳孔颜色就是遗传自他。 苍乃莉美配音:雨籣咲木子苍乃美希与一条和希的母亲,经营美发及美甲沙龙,与美希的父亲已离婚,离婚原因不明,外表妖艳迷人,曾是红极一时的明星。 一条和希配音:KENN苍乃美希的弟弟,就读于四叶中学,因父母离婚,随父亲姓,没有与姐姐及母亲同住。经常被误会为美希的男朋友,小时候是个爱哭鬼,由于身体不是很好而有点悲观,想能成为一名医生。 山吹正配音:木村雅史山吹祈里的父亲,兽医,有点发福,性格豁达受人爱戴。正在与爱的父亲一起研究动物的假发。 山吹尚子配音:根谷美智子山吹祈里的母亲,和丈夫一起在兽医院工作,容貌可爱,性格温和。 知念美幸配音:饭冢雅弓17岁,舞团“Trinity”的队长,爱的憧憬对象。受哭喊兽袭击时被桃园爱所救,为感谢爱而教导她们三人舞蹈。曾被认定是光之美少女的人选,因此塔鲁特私自决定请求她成为光之美少女,但却被美幸以工作无法兼顾为由一口拒绝。在舞蹈大赛亲眼目睹爱等人变身,是知道光之美少女的少数人之一。 阿熏配音:前田健本名橘熏,在桃园爱三人练舞的公园中贩售甜甜圈的叔叔,年龄、住址及围裙的来历皆不详,有着神秘感的存在,经常出言指导及鼓励桃园爱三人。因曾是F1赛车冠军所以驾驶技术高超。与塔鲁特相遇后便以杂耍招揽顾客为契约免费供应塔鲁特甜甜圈,因此是少数与塔鲁特与希冯熟识的人类之一,他对塔鲁特会讲话、希冯的存在和光之美少女的事情丝毫不惊讶并且有点见怪不怪的样子。 知念大辅配音:新垣樽助冲绳出生,桃园爱的同学,相当喜欢爱。由于是美幸的弟弟,经常能提供“Trinity”的情报及表演入场券以及将美幸的行程表泄露给桃园爱,并帮助三人进入电视台。 泽裕喜配音:植田真介桃园爱的同学、知念大辅的朋友。一直交不到女朋友,对美希抱有好感而展开追求,可是襄王有心神女无梦。学校棒球社的捕手。 裕子柴健人配音:丰永利行桃园爱的同学、知念大辅的朋友,裕子柴财团的继承人,个性内向温吞,喜欢祈里。 玲香配音:世户沙织舞团“Trinity”的成员,发型是金色短发。 奈奈配音:一色真由舞团“Trinity”的成员,发型是淡橙色长发。 由美配音:一色真由桃园爱的同学,喜欢麻生学长,在桃园爱撮合下成为一对情侣。 麻生配音:松野太纪四叶中学三年级学长,由美暗恋的对象。初时因由美表白后不知所措而谎称已经有其他对象,后来经桃园爱撮合及澄清后与由美成为一对情侣。 千香配音:天野由梨长期住院的女孩,光之美少女的崇拜者,收集了大量光之美少女的杂志剪报。对希冯爱不释手,亦是第一个知道希冯是生物的外人。得到了希冯及光之美少女的鼓励后消除了动手术的恐惧。

who is responsible _______ the arrangements?

D be responsible for为...负责

fresh 和recent的区别?

recent表示新近的,最近的,时间的长短依据所修饰的人或物而定。如:Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。fresh 常用作形容词,修饰名词,意思是新鲜的

亮度阀值(Threshold Brightness)是什么?


请问sap中resource/master recipe与workcenter/routing的区别在哪里?

最基本的概念,BOM的基本元素是Material,Routing的基本元素是Work Center,而Resource是WorkCenter的一个类型,或者可以这样说,Resource就是Workcenter。最后,BOM+Routing=Recipe。


recipe在做"处方"解时比较口语一点, 比如你去cvs买药, 那个药剂师会问你"你有没有prescription", 因为用这种牛词显得他专业, 但你可以直接说,"yep, i have the recipe...", 因为你没必要跟他抢饭碗; 另外, recipe有"照处方配成的药"的意思.所以得小心著用, 容易有歧异.



The soldier is in green.(The soldier is dress in green.)有什么区别


interested me和interested in me 区别和意思?

吸引我, 对我感兴趣

pressure gradient

1. What is pressure gradient? Pressure gradient is the variation of pressure over distance. It is clear that in a centrifuge the pressure at the bottom of the test tube which is farthest away from the axis of rotation is the highest whereas pressure near the top of the test tube is lowest. Thus there exists a pressure variation along the test tube increasing in magnitude as one goes from top to the bottom of the tube. Such pressure variation is a "pressure gradiant". 2. How can it provide the centripetal force for the substances inside the test tube? Particles inside the revolving centrifuge being a non-inertia reference system are subject to an inertia force - the centrifugal force. The magnitude of this force is proportional to the mass of the particle and the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation. Thus heavier particles being of larger mass experience a larger centrifugal force which pulls the particles towards the bottom of the tube more than light particles. As a result heavier particles are pressed against the bottom of the test tube which in turn provides the necessary centripetal force for the particles to rotate with the test tube. 3. What is the reaction pair according to the newton"s third law? As said above if you are looking at the position of the test tube in revolution the inertia force (centrifugal force) is balanced by the normal reaction (this normal reaction is termed as "centripetal force" when looking outside the test tube system). The centrifugal force which gives a pressing force onto the bottom of the test tube and its normal reaction which acts on the revolving particle constitute an action-reaction pair.

A creative and resilient team

Build a creative and resilient team via diversity and inclusion.Imagine two teams. One is diverse. It consists of men and women, black people and brown people, younger people and older people. The other team is homogeneous – a group of men, most of them white, all about 40. Some people might find this surprising, but the diverse team consistently outperforms the homogenous team, despite its members having far fewer commonalities. Why?Before exploring why diversity improves performance, let"s talk about what diversity is.If you work in a big corporate firm, you"re probably familiar with the term diversity and inclusion. This phrase describes what strategies and practices a business has in place to support an inclusive workplace. For example, the company may have initiatives to increase the proportion of women in senior management roles, or it may give workshops on how to reduce stereotyping at work. When it comes to the recruitment process, hiring for diversity means recruiting people of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and even educational backgrounds – which should be high on any business"s agenda to ensure equality. Most people would agree that equality is a good thing. But why is it good for business? Well, there are two reasons. First, diverse teams tend to be more resilient. Just as a person who"s had many experiences is better prepared to handle the unexpected, a diverse team is more likely to have the tools to cope with instability and change. Second, diverse teams tend to be more innovative. This is because individuals from different cultures and with different experiences expand the range of a company"s ideas and improve its ability to solve problems. So having a diverse team is undoubtedly a good thing, but, unfortunately, it can"t happen overnight. Leaders will need to work hard to embed inclusion into their hiring practices. They"ll also need to foster a team culture that is fundamentally conducive to embracing new ideas. One way to do this is to encourage open communication in the workplace and allow everybody in the room to speak up and offer their input. More importantly, diversity and inclusion shouldn"t just be seen as a “special project” or an HR initiative that"s nice to have. Instead, leaders should view inclusion as an essential part of their business strategy.

以Forests are important to us为题写一篇为60字的英语作文,继续瓦 今天就要!!! 望大家速度瓦

Froests are very useful to people. They provide us with wood and other products. They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and floods.Unfortunately, in many parts of our country, people haven"t realized the importance of froests. They cut them down at will. They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. As a result, the forests continue to disappear.Where there are no froests the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless deserted.The big floods of 1998, in parts of China, have already taught us a good lesson. So every one of us must love trees, protect forests, and keep on planting trees each year.

each one of us shares this planet with seven原文及翻译?


对下面这篇英语范文进行巨型语法分析   u2022Atpresent, there is a tendency that

u2022At present, there is a tendency that children tend to lavish money, particularly those from wealthy families.(there be句型结构,that从句修饰主语名词tendency,相当于一个定语从句,those句修饰限定children)u2022Engagingin some kinds of paid work(动名词作主语) can lighten the economic burden of family,especially some impoverished families, (加which could help children to) establish the correct recognition of work and understand their parents more.(变非限定性从句补充说明主句)u2022Moreover, children can collect valuable work experience which is essential for their future careers.(which代指整个主句内容,引导非限制性定语从句)Against: 浪费本该用来学习的时间,容易沾染社会不良风气,投入多,产出少。u2022Engagingin paid work, children squander precious time which should be spent on academicstudy. (which从句作定语修饰先行词precious time)After all, in different life stages people have different tasks to fulfill.(不定式作定语)u2022At the same time, it is easier for them to go astray under the influence of bad socialcircumstances.(it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句)u2022Inaddition, because children have not acquired high-value skills yet, what they can do is usually exhausting, but low-pay manual work.(because引导原因状语从句;they can do修饰what,what做主语)u2022So it is not difficult to make a judgement that the output is far outweighed by theinput.(it作形式主语,to do 结构是真正主语,that引导同位语从句解释说明judgement)



We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because ___ of us had ___ money on us. A.all;any B.on;any C.none;a

no one后不可以接of短语。none后可以接of短语 作主语时 谓语动词常用单数第二题 和···一样 否定时 not as· ···as

what is the marketing research error ?

The more mon marketing research errors are highlighted 1) Sampling error — the estimated inaccuracy of the results of a study when a population sample is used to explain behavior of the total population. 2) Non-Sampling error — all the sources of bias or inaccuracy in a study besides sampling error. Examples: leading by the interviewer, recording/data entry errors (see below) 3) Non-Response error — the estimated inaccuracy that results from a systematic difference beeen those who do and do not respond to the measurement instrument. 4) Response errors — the estimated inaccuracy that can be introduced potentially by the researcher, the interviewer or the respondent. 5) Researcher errors — the error that the researcher can make in survey design & execution throughout the 6 Steps of the research process. 6) Problem definition — the error made during Step 1 of the research process when the researcher misinterprets, misunderstands or does not properly define the issue/problem and related information need. 7) Population definition error — the difference beeen the actual population relative to the issue/problem and the population as defined by the researcher. For example, estimating that the total target population is 50,000 when it is actually 10,000. 8) Sample design error — the estimated inaccuracy beeen the properly defined actual target and the population sampled. 9) Questionnaire error — the total of errors made when creating the survey instrument (see below). 10) Questionnaire structure error — the error made when the structure and layout of the survey instrument leads to inaccurate responses. 11) Questionnaire language error — the error made when the researcher uses incorrect language (ambiguous, leading, assumptive, etc) in the survey instrument so that respondents are influenced in their wers. Language errors severely limit the validity and usefulness of those questions and are the most mon error for inexperienced marketing researchers. 12) Questionnaire measurement/scale error — the estimated inaccuracy that occurs when improper measurement and scaling techniques are used in the survey instrument. There are far too many measurement/scale errors to list here — the key is that for each type of question, there is a measurement/scale that is most appropriate, and sometimes it is intuitive and sometimes not. 13) Data *** ysis error — the error that occurs when *** ysis is incorrectly executed. Simple mathematical errors are mon, which is why data *** ysis should be checked over by more than one qualified person for quality. 14) Reporting error — the best approach and program design bined with the best *** ysis is only as good as the researcher"s capability to synthesize and report on the results. The most mon reporting error by far is the improper representation of the significant findings in a format conducive to creating management understanding and buy-in of survey results. 15) Interviewer error —when a live interviewer improperly affects responses (see below) 16) Questioning error — when the interviewer improperly leads the respondent in any way through personal bias or any other improper delivery of questions. 17) Cheating error — when the interviewer falsifies any results. 18) Population definition error — when the interviewer does not randomly select potential respondents according to the methodology specified. 19) Respondent error — when respondents purposefully or mistakenly give incorrect wers to survey questions.,参考: polari *** r/edctr_monerrors#1,marketong research always has unintentional or intentional errors, so don"t trust too much research results,

warning :the powerkey is long pressed,please rel


key is Being pressed是什么意思?


restart now or key is needed中文

在紧急情况停止或开启设备后,那个“重新启动”按钮需要打开所有驱动程序.当导致紧急情况停止的干扰恢复、这个按钮中的指示灯闪烁时,这个按钮才可能有用处. 一种当前活动的干扰,以指示灯亮起的方式来显示. 一种成为导致紧急情况停止原因但却对开启设备不产生影响的干扰,现在用指示灯闪烁来标示.

match the descriptions with the pictures是什么意思


lunatica的新碟new shores歌词哪有?

Lunatica-《New Shores》1.New shoresA brand new thought is born in our minds,Growing and taking clear shapeWill you reach for our hands and believeThat we are leading you up to new shores?Caged, awakeSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingEveryone can live their own dreamsIt"s just a matter of willTake a step ahead, don"t look backMay the wind be our eternal guideSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingFollow your heart, lift your voice!Music can open a doorIt"s the oldest way of expressing our feelingsUp to new shores! We"ll go ahead2.Two DreamersYou"ve always had the gift to make people smileYou rest inside yourself so naturallyMaybe sometimes you are far too sensitive, you know?But that"s why you mean so much to meYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made for living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to sayYour eyes are curious and so is your mindYou want to understand the nature of all thingsYou"re such an artist in everything you doIt is a blessing to be loved by youYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made fir living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to say3.How Did It Come To ThisYou left me brokenTorn up insideAnd the sky has darkenedLike I"m buried aliveThis scar won"t stop to bleedBut I can"t make a soundTry to say what I feelBut nothing comes outHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamTry to reach the surfaceBut something pulls me downAnd there"s a voice withinDying to come outIn the corners of my headThe silence is so loudHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamCalling for yourBut I can"t break throughWill I be rescued?Before it"s too lateHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got no air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent scream4.The IncrediblesOnce upon a time there wasA planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right5.My Hardest WalkMy thoughts afre bothering me,there"s no sleep this nightWill be strong enough to rule the land?After this I"ll never be the same againMy whole life I was prepared for this one dayI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightWhen the morning come I"ll be the next queenI must lead thousands to an unknown fateI know they"ll follow me wherever I may goAnd it"s pressing heavily upon my heartI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightNow the moment is hereI"m on the crucial walkA thousand eyes are followingMy steps towards the swordForged by the GodsI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryThat"s the way that I have to goI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyBecause I know there"s no timeTo take a restTo banish the eternal night6.Farewell My LoveI"ve been felling so uncertainSince the day you left my lifeNow I"m standing at the crossroadsNo direction left to goI"ve been thinking about the good timesAnd I"ve cried a lake of tearsIf loosing you is just a nightmareI hope I"ll wake up by your sideFarewell my loveForgive the things I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the lightSo many words have been left unspokenAnd some words were far too muchMaybe sometimes love is hurtingBut it"s the sweetest pain I knowFarewell my loveForgive the thins I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the light7.The Chosen OnesIn times of fear and loss, of strving and of pain,Struggling to escape from here, but trying in vainA group of the bravest men, born to change this plightAwaited but not expected, they came to turn things rightThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miseryThe seed of hope is sown, it"s time for braveryFreedom to the land shall com, and no more slaveryThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miserySeasons are changing, so is mankindFeelings unbound, setting free our mindsWhat does mankind want? What do they need?We all wan somebody to trust in.Someone to follow who leads us in hard times,who makes us believe in our strength, in ourselves.They are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the misery8.Heart Of A LionBroken heart broken dreamsNo idea of what love meansA girl on the run with much hope left insideShes alone that night but the starlight guidesHer small steps on this road leading back to youShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShes a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noNo more fear no more liesNo more tears in her eyesA new day has come with new chances in sightBack on her feet again she"s made a brand new startTo explore the whole world and the secrets withinShe"s a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noDon"t you keep waiting!You can"t hold her tightShe"s a leaf in the wind, she"s broken her chainsShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh no9.Into The DissonanceInto the dissonance I fallCarried by an instant forceCraving for harmonyBut playing the oddsI see a light in the tunnelBut I step to the leftPut my hands to my hipsAnd do the danceI can"t hear you ground controlAnd it seems they cut the ropeWeightless I seem to fallAnd it feels so goodInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceYes life was good to me i knowAnd I don"t wanna let it goI will come back soonAnd try againI"d be a raving fool to sayThat i wish it all awayYes i knew the consequencesLike i knew the gainsDo you think I"m out of tune?Or these tones don"t fit the songJust a little melodyIn a much bigger symphonyInto the dissonance I fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonantSet me free please could youExorcise me and iStart again please help meInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep it dissonant10.Winds Of HeavenThere is no place for meHere in this lunacyIts getting harder to breatheAnd hold my screamsI might"ve made it throughIf I"d just talked with youNow it"s too late to pursueOr hold this dreamOh, but I"d love to flyUp to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roarI might"ve been someoneBut I was on the runNow that it"s said and doneI"m free to stopOh, but I"d love to flyTo to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roar11.The Day The Falcon Dies100 years we are bound on this spellLovers separated in a cruel wayWhat did we do to deserve such a fate?Somebody free us before it"s too leateI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightWith first sunshine I spread my wingsWatching over you and every step you takeAt night I can"t sleep, I know you are nearI listen to your howling, my eyes filled with tearsI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightThe day the falcon dies I will be free(我找个歌词不容易,如果有人要引用请标明)

whores in this house是什么意思呢?

《WAP》歌曲歌词如下:Frank Ski:Whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseCardi B:I said certified freak seven days a weekWet-ass pussy make that pullout game weakAhYeah yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyCardi B:Beat it up nigga catch a chargeExtra large and extra hardPut this pussy right in your faceSwipe your nose like a credit cardHop on top I wanna rideI do a kegel while its insideSpit in my mouth look in my eyesThis pussy is wet come take a diveTie me up like Im surprisedLets roleplay Ill wear a disguiseI want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garageMake it cream make me screamOut in public make a sceneI dont cook I dont cleanBut let me tell you how I got this ringMegan Thee Stallion:Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of meQuick jump out fore you let you get inside of meYeahI tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to beIll run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin meTalk your shit bite your lipAsk for a car while you ride that dickWhile you ride that dickYou really aint never gotta fuck him for a thangHe already made his mind up fore he cameAyy uhNow get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussyHe bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussyClick clickPay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussyNow make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussyCardi B:Look I need a hard hitter need a deep strokerNeed a Henny drinker need a weed smokerNot a garter snake I need a king cobraWith a hook in it hope it lean overHe got some money then thats where Im headedPussy A1 just like his creditHe got a beard well Im tryna wet itI let him taste it now he diabeticI dont wanna spit I wanna gulpI wanna gag I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil dangly thingThat swing in the back of my throatMy head game is fire punani DasaniIts goin in dry and its comin out soggyI ride on that thing like the cops is behind meI spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me wooMegan Thee Stallion:Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashesSwitch my wig make him feel like he cheatinPut him on his knees give him somethin to believe inNever lost a fight but Im looking for a beatingIn the food chain Im the one that eat yaIf he ate my ass hes a bottom-feederBig D stand for big demeanorI could make ya bust before I ever meet yaIf it dont hang then he cant bangYou cant hurt my feelings but I like painIf he fuck me and ask Whose is itWhen I ride the dick Ima spell my name ahCardi B:Yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyNow from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussyNow get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussyIm talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussyMacaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huhFrank Ski:Theres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this house《WAP》《WAP》(Wet Ass Pussy)是美国说唱女歌手卡迪·B与 Megan Thee Stallion 演唱的歌曲,收录于同名单曲《WAP》中。Cardi B 亲自解释新单曲《WAP》的意思是西瓜苹果菠萝。美国歌手Cardi B推出了自己的新单曲《WAP》,这首歌曲在美国火爆程度很高,刚推出就登上了排行榜第一位,而因为这个单词很陌生,很多人都在网络词典里搜索了WAP是什么意思。为了解除大家的困惑,Cardi B 亲自解释了新单曲《WAP》是什么意思,Cardi B说,其实“WAP”这个单词是Watermelon(西瓜),Apple(苹果)和Pineapple(菠萝)的组合单词,单曲名称就叫做《西瓜苹果菠萝》。

为什么我的电脑开机时总出现an error occurred while loading resource dll.请教



错在in,应该用on,应该是on the ground,意思是在地上,不能说in the ground(意思是在地里)。pictures是画当然应该在地上不能在地里。




limitKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 界线;界限That fence is the limit of the schoolyard.那堵围墙是校园的界限。2. 限度;限制;极限He knows his own limits.他自知能力有限。3. 范围,境界[P]Drive slowly within the city limits.在市区内车子要开得慢点。4. 【口】使人无法容忍的人(或事物)[the S]That man"s the limit.那人真叫人无法容忍。5. (渔猎等的)限额vt.1. 限制;限定[(+to)]The teacher limited his students to 500 words for their compositions.老师把学生的作文限制在五百字以内。We must limit ourselves to one cake each.我们必须限定每人只吃一块蛋糕。restrictKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 限制;限定;约束[(+to/within)]Membership of the club is restricted to men only.该俱乐部的成员仅限于男士。His activities were restricted by old age.他的活动因年事已高而受到限制。大概是范围问题,前者RESTRICT更多的动词用,限制,局限。后者LIMIT的范围则更大,除了RESTRICT的用法外,也有名词的使用。其实在通常情况下也都用后者。

it being understood that all rights in and to said properties are reserved exclusively to licensor




[A] consciousness[B] conscience[C] caution[D] response


location.refresh 和location.reload的区别在什么时候用

location.refresh:刷新页面location.reload: 重载页面








1,首先记下出问题的docker,开头的hash值docker ps -a2,进入docker容器目录cd /var/lib/docker/containers# 找到上一步找到的hash值开头的文件夹名,删掉它rm -rf xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3,重启docker服务systemctl restart docker# service docker restart4,测试docker ps -a

absolute threshold是什么意思

这是两个心理学名词。绝对阈限(absolute threshold)是指能可靠地引起感觉的最小刺激强度(物理能量)。差别阈限(different threshold)是指刚刚能够引起感觉差异的最小刺激变化强度。【阈限(threshold),是指人刚刚能够感觉到的刺激强度水平。】由于不同人的个体差异很大,即使一个人的差别阈限每时每刻也不尽相同,因此我们给了差别阈限一个操作性定义:有一半次数能觉察出差异的刺激值。这个值又被叫做最小可觉差(just noticeable difference, JND) 举例来说,绝对阈限是指刚能引起感觉的最小刺激量,比如说用一个很小声音来刺激人的听觉系统,那个刚好能被听到的临界强度就是人的听觉系统的绝对阈限值。而差别阈限是指能感觉到的最小的刺激差异量,所以差别阈限也叫最小可觉差。比如说手持一定重量的重物,然后逐渐增加微小的重量,当持物者感到重量变化时,那个添加的重量就是差别阈限。心理物理学对差别阈限的研究揭示了差别阈限的规律:最小可觉差是一个恒定的比例常数,而不是一个差值。就是说,最小可觉察和原有强度是成正比关系的。打个比方说,如果l00克的物体至少要增减3克才可以产生差别感觉,那么200克的物体就要增减6克。

.net asp mvc response HttpResponse 怎么new对象?



所有名词形式如下: prestigious prestidigitation to betray betrayal to extract extraction to deflate deflation formal formality desperate desperation to enunciate enunciation to assign assignment to escalate escalation diplomatic diploma sudden sudden (比如 all of a sudden) frequent frequency effective effect sensitive sense apologize apology


prestige 的形容词是: prestigious名词变形容词一般加-ly, -ish,-ous等,具体请参考百度文库:

prestigious famous区别是什么?求高手解答

prestigious adj. 受尊敬的, 有声望的, 有威信的 Her first novel won a prestigious literary prize. 她的第一部小说就获得了一个颇具声望的文学奖。 这个词用于更加出名的,比famous 更加显赫和更加书面化。希望我的回答能够让你满意,祝好。


prestige的发音: 英音 [ pres"tiu0292 ] ; 美音 [ pres"tiu0292 ] prestige的在线翻译:不可数名词解释:1.声望,威望2.威信同义词:prestigiousness。英语句子Once the new leading group has established its prestige, I am resolved to withdraw and not interfere in your affairs.新的领导班子一经建立了威信,我坚决退出,不干扰你们的事。A prestige address;the prestige groups in society.富有魅力的演说;社会中的名人圈Having prestige;esteemed.有威望的;受尊敬的A professor of high prestige威信高的教授Prestige commands public confidence名孚众望换一组prestige英语句子英语解释a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.英语短语prestige pricing 声望定价prestige advertising 【经】 商誉广告unimpaired prestige 【法】 未受损害的威望international prestige 【法】 国际地位fall from position of prestige 下台换一组prestige的英语短语英文单词prestige n.[U] 1.声望,威望 2.威信Prestige 普雷斯蒂奇(姓氏) prest中文意思英文翻译声望 prestige renown reputation享有声望的 prestigious使有声望 renown声望下降 fall into bad odor声望很高的 prestigious

renowned prestigious 区别

renowned可以用来形容人或物,用法与 famous类似,一般不用来形容奖项;而prestigious后面可以接奖项、学校、竞赛等




受尊敬的,有声望的; <古>魔术的,欺骗的(精)(锐)

sourcetree中 reset master to this commit 是什么意思

reset master to this commit 重置主此提交reset master to this commit 重置主此提交


procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);var a : integer;begin Listbox1.Items.Clear; progressbar1.Max:=10000;//和端口数量一致 progressbar1.Position:=0; for a :=0 to 10000 do begin application.ProcessMessages; serversocket1.Close; serversocket1.port :=a; try; progressbar1.Position:=a except Listbox1.items.add(intTostr(a)+"端口被打开"); progressbar1.Position:=a end; end;end;

Amplifier Research DC3010A. 翻译以下文字。

研究DC3010A放大器。该型号:DC3010A是一种高功率、ultra-broadband二元定向耦合器性能优良的特性与范围内超过14个八度音阶。这双定向耦合器是很方便的同时监测和反射功率系统在正常的实验室,电压表一样,电能表的示波器和光谱分析仪。该型号:DC3010A特别推荐用于与我们的“A”和“W”系列放大器、及其他放大器操作在频率和权力范围。 使用我们的折旧程序为现金或信用卡对采购。维修服务。你是否正在出售闲置资产或转售设备,我们买的所有类型的测试设备,以最优惠的价格。选择从三万多的产品。节省了30% - 80%购买二手设备价格清单。 DC3010A型号 生产:放大器研究






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