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renowned prestigious 区别

2023-07-08 20:25:40

renowned 和 prestigious都是有名的意思,但renowned仅指人或地方有名,而prestigious人和物有名都可以形容。


renowned可以用来形容人或物,用法与 famous类似,一般不用来形容奖项;而prestigious后面可以接奖项、学校、竞赛等



单词拼写可能有误,建议参考:prestigious[英][preu02c8stu026adu0292u0259s][美][pru025bu02c8stidu0292u0259s, -u02c8stu026adu0292u0259s]adj.受尊敬的,有声望的; <古>魔术的,欺骗的; 例句:I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious award in recognition of our company"s achievements.我很高兴获得提名,也很荣幸接受如此声誉卓越的奖项,这是对我们公司所取得成就的认可。Line is a slickly designed product that has garnered awards, including a prestigious Nikkei superior products Service Award 2012.它设计精巧,已经获得多个奖项,其中包括著名的2012年日经优秀产品服务奖(Nikkei Superior Products Service Award2012)。
2023-07-08 16:59:311


受尊敬的,有声望的; <古>魔术的,欺骗的(精)(锐)
2023-07-08 16:59:393

英语 名牌大学怎么说

名牌大学: prestigious university.prestigious英[pre"stu026adu0292u0259s] 美[pru025b"stu026adu0292u0259s]adj. 有名望的;享有声望的
2023-07-08 17:01:041


2023-07-08 17:01:121


famous,as well-known
2023-07-08 17:01:296

英语prestigious universities怎么翻译?

prestigious universities著名大学
2023-07-08 17:01:443


2023-07-08 17:01:561


famous ; prestigious
2023-07-08 17:02:154


prestige的发音: 英音 [ pres"tiu0292 ] ; 美音 [ pres"tiu0292 ] prestige的在线翻译:不可数名词解释:1.声望,威望2.威信同义词:prestigiousness。英语句子Once the new leading group has established its prestige, I am resolved to withdraw and not interfere in your affairs.新的领导班子一经建立了威信,我坚决退出,不干扰你们的事。A prestige address;the prestige groups in society.富有魅力的演说;社会中的名人圈Having prestige;esteemed.有威望的;受尊敬的A professor of high prestige威信高的教授Prestige commands public confidence名孚众望换一组prestige英语句子英语解释a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.英语短语prestige pricing 声望定价prestige advertising 【经】 商誉广告unimpaired prestige 【法】 未受损害的威望international prestige 【法】 国际地位fall from position of prestige 下台换一组prestige的英语短语英文单词prestige n.[U] 1.声望,威望 2.威信Prestige 普雷斯蒂奇(姓氏) prest中文意思英文翻译声望 prestige renown reputation享有声望的 prestigious使有声望 renown声望下降 fall into bad odor声望很高的 prestigious
2023-07-08 17:02:241


哈佛大学(Harvard University)是历史悠久的顶尖私立大学,为常春藤盟校(Ivy League)之一,它在学术研究上享有权威(authority)。历史长达将近四百年的哈佛大学,于二〇〇七年出现第一任女性校长,也就是现任的第二十八任校长德露.吉尔平.福斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust)。以下为哈佛大学的校史介绍和实用小会话,带读者认识哈佛大学。 Harvard University, which was founded by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, and is consistently ranked as the top university in the world. Located across the Charles River from Boston in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the school was originally called New College. But several years later, its name was changed to Harvard in honor of John Harvard, an English minister who left half of his fortune and his library of some 400 books to the school when he died. 在西元一六三六年由麻州海湾殖民地所创办的哈佛大学,不但是美国最古老的高等教育机构,也一直名列为全球最顶尖的大学学府。哈佛大学座落于麻州的剑桥市,隔着查尔斯河与波士顿对望,最初名为新学院。不过,数年后,一位名叫约翰.哈佛的英国牧师身后将半数财产和四百多本藏书捐赠给该校,因此校名遂改为哈佛以兹纪念。 Although Harvard was originally established to train Puritan ministers, the curriculum gradually expanded in the 18th century, and Harvard College became Harvard University with the founding of the Medical School in 1780. Today, Harvard is one of the world"s most prestigious research universities, and while it"s most famous for its Law and Business programs, the university offers degrees in well over 100 fields of study. Given Harvard"s reputation, its list of famous alumni— including eight American presidents, prime ministers and princes, scientists and CEOs—is too long to include, and over 150 Nobel Prize winners have either attended or taught there. 虽然哈佛最早创办的目的是要训练清教徒牧师,不过其课程在十八世纪时逐渐扩展,哈佛学院也因在一七八〇年开设医学院而改制为哈佛大学。如今,哈佛是全世界最具威望的研究型大学之一,虽然其法律和商业课程最为出名,不过,该校有一百多种学术领域的学位课程。哈佛的声望非凡,因此著名的校友也不胜枚举,其中包括了八位美国总统、多位首相和王子、各领域科学家及企业执行长等,此外,也有一百五十多位诺贝尔奖得主曾在该校就读或任教过。 单字字汇 institution(n.) 机构 consistently (adv.) 依然,一贯地 minister (n.) 牧师,神职人员 establish (v.) 建立,创立 Puritan (n.) 清教徒 curriculum (n.) 学校全部的课程,(一门)课程 expand (v.) 扩大,扩展 prestigious (a.) 著名的,有名望的 research (n.) 研究,调查 reputation (n.) 名誉,声誉 alumni (n.)(复数)校友,单数为alumnus 【Small Talk实用小会话】 Greg: Here we are —the famous John Harvard statue. It was cast in 1884. Lucy : Who was the sculptor? Greg: Daniel Chester French. His best known work is the statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial. Lucy: That is famous! Say, why is his left toe so shiny? Greg: Tourists rub his toe for good luck. It"s supposed to be a tradition among Harvard students, but it was actually just made up by tour guides. 桂葛:我们到了——著名的约翰.哈佛雕像,它是一八八四年铸成的。 露西:雕刻的人是谁啊? 桂葛:丹尼尔.切斯特.法兰西。他最有名的作品是林肯纪念馆中的林肯像。 露西:那真的很有名!欸,为什么它的左脚趾那么亮啊? 桂葛:游客会磨擦它的脚来沾好运。有人说这是哈佛学生的一项传统,不过,其实是导游编出来的。 单字字汇 cast (v.) 铸造 sculptor (n.) 雕刻家 memorial (n.) 纪念碑,塔,馆 make up (phr v) 编造,捏造
2023-07-08 17:02:311

问英文词汇... "名表"点写?

Prestigious watches- formal tone Name brand watches- more casual tone I personally think prestigious watches is better! I hope this helps! 参考: me!!! 真的! 现在那们竞争的社会 有的当铺都挂羊头卖狗肉 还没借都讲得很好听 借了之后 难商量 难沟通 被绑住的感觉 其实我也遇到很多那种当铺 自从我找到了 中坜仁宝当铺 之后 那种感觉完全不见 觉得 仁宝当铺 跟那些当铺 完全不同 完全不必看人脸色 就跟去银行的感觉一样 服务态度好 以客至上 详细解说 不会有被骗的感觉 店长 人非常亲切 好商量 真心推荐 中坜仁宝当铺 本人亲身经历 也可以上网搜寻看看 风评超好 超多人推荐 中坜YKK对面 非常好找 03-4520077 好似系Luxury Watches luxurious watches 名贵 = luxurious valuable Luxury Watches
2023-07-08 17:02:401


prestige.prestige; imposing reputation.翻译例句:1. 最近的研究表明鱼可以识别各自的“鱼群伙伴”、社会威望,甚至相关的人际关系。Recent research had shown that fish recognised individual "shoal mates", social prestige and even tracked relationships.2. 他们的父亲在军界很有威望。Their father was very big in the army.3. 他的经验和威望足以成事。He"s got the experience and the authority to carry it off.4. 这个有威望的头衔提供了一个在竞争非常激烈的模特圈获得成功的途径。The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.5. 世界各地的花旗威望卡会员可以通过单一联系点进入其全球礼宾服务。Citi Prestige card members around the world can tap into their global concierge through a single point of contact.6. 清爽,新鲜,威望,凉爽,冷静。Refreshing, fresh, prestige, cooling, calming.7. 他依然有人气,只是威望在不断地下降。He remained popular but his prestige was ebbing.8. 为了做出一份有威望的工作,三鑫花了钱。To win prestige work, Sanxin spends money.
2023-07-08 17:02:471


1. It has the most prestigious business school in the world, a great housing system, and a diverse student body. 宾州大学拥有全世界最负盛名的商学院、良好的住宿制度,以及多样化的学生群。 2. For me the prime factors are performance and the ability to give feedback to the engineers. 对我而言,最基本的因素是表现力和给工程师反馈信息的能力。 3.The school confers a medal on any student who is not absent a single day.学校对一天也不缺席的学生发给一枚奖章。 4.It was difficult to apportion the blame for the accident between the two drivers. 在这次车祸中,很难分清这两个驾驶员谁该承担什么过失。 5.There is no formula for success, except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.成功没有公式可循,除了可能的一种:无条件的接受生活以及生活带来的一切!6.Ideals never discard dedicated pursuers. As long as you never stop pursuing, you will always bathe in the brilliance of ideals.理想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们就会沐浴在理想的光辉之中。——巴金7.He sets strategic goals for the organization and analyzes future growth opportunities for the enterprise.他为组织提出战略目标,并且为企业分析未来的成长机会。
2023-07-08 17:03:011

翻译!!! ,,,

。。。。。。不是吧 就这么点分数 翻译?
2023-07-08 17:03:215


科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant,1978年8月23日—),美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫。自1996年起效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,是前NBA篮球运动员乔·布莱恩特的儿子。科比·布莱恩特是NBA第一个高中生后卫,帮助洛杉矶湖人队拿下5次NBA总冠军,是NBA史上最年轻的30000分先生。2次成为NBA得分王,2次NBA总决赛MVP,1次NBA年度MVP,连续15次入选NBA全明星赛,2枚奥运会金牌,于2014年11月12日加冕历史第一“打铁王”。2014年12月15日,科比·布莱恩特生涯总得分超越迈克尔·乔丹,升至历史第三位。2015年11月30日,科比宣布本赛季结束后正式退役。2016年1月22日,科比以1,891,614票第4次成为全明星票王,入选2016年NBA全明星赛西部首发阵容。2016年4月14日,科比NBA生涯告别战——主场对决爵士后,正式退役。
2023-07-08 17:03:373


尽管已经推出了四年时间,《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》的玩家仍然乐此不疲地在游戏中挖掘各种脑洞大开的创意玩法!八月中旬的时候,玩家“PrestigiousBat3220”在网上分享了一个游戏中的滑翔bug,他利用一只鸡就在天空中滑翔了起来! 具体的流程是:林克扛着鸡从悬崖跳下后,迅速把武器切换成弓,这个时候玩家就飞了起来!这个不用滑翔伞就能滑翔的技巧让其他的玩家们啧啧称奇!不过,这一招的缺陷是:你必须找到一处悬崖,从高处跳下才能触发,而且滑翔的时间有限!因为系统仍然判定林克还扛着鸡,耐力条是会持续消耗的。 使用上述的滑翔bug并不能让林克“原地起飞”,这让一些玩家不是很满意,于是他们继续挖掘着新的bug。而近日,速通高手“LegendofLinkk”大方地分享了自己发现的漂浮bug,林克只需要装备弓箭与盾,然后再准备一个可以被举起的物品,通过操作去撞一个有落差的地形,就可以顺利起飞! 博士研究了一下这位高手的操作,今天分享给大伙,请大家拿出小本本记录一下。首先,上面也说到了,林可需要装备好弓箭与盾,然后把一个可以举起的物品放在附近备用,物品没有其他限制,遥控炸弹、桶子、石头都是可以的。准备就绪后,在持弓的状态下,按“B”键把弓收回的同时,立马打开选单把装备的盾给卸下! 接下来,我们按“A”键把附近的那个物品举起来,按“X”键跳起的同时按“B”取消,立马打开选单把盾牌装备上后又卸下;最后,在射弓姿势时按“B”键取消,如果物体还在手上就算成功了,然后按住“B”键去撞有落差的地形,比如:阶梯、树桩等等,你会发现林克会飞了!当然,如果你松开“B”键或是让左类比摇杆保持在中间就会掉下来。 上述的操作看似复杂,且有很多无厘头的细节,但是经过其他玩家的测试,的确是有效的!而且在大家的尝试下,还发现了一些有趣的玩法,比如:通过上述bug起飞后,你还可以尝试空中加速,只要不断地摇动左类比摇杆,林克的皮肤左右晃动的同时,在空中飞行的速度也会变快!甚至还有玩家让林克一边旋转,一边在空中飞翔! 虽然“PrestigiousBat3220”发现的这个bug并不是游戏中第一个漂浮bug,但是相比其他的bug(比如:前面提到的滑翔bug),“PrestigiousBat3220”使用的方法显得更为简单,没有场景以及物品的限制,只需要找到一个阶梯或树桩的地方就可以发动了! 博士觉得:《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》的选单切换系统是有问题的,因为之前发现的许多bug都利用了这个切换机制。不过,我觉得并不用做到尽善尽美,留着一些漏洞或bug让玩家们去发现也挺好!
2023-07-08 17:03:441

国际上久负盛名的英国语言教育专家Jeremy Harmer在《How to Teach English》一书中指出:人们在社会生活中

Internationally renowned British linguistic expert Jeremy Harmer pointed out in his book 《How to Teach English》that: the same rules that people who learn a language through social lives apply to teaching languages in a classroom setting. After years of research and implementation he summarized the success of those who learn languages outside a school environment into three common characteristics: (1) keep coming in contact with certain languages, even though you may not fully comprehend or use that language. (2) develop an interest to learn that language based on the need to communicate. (3) having the opportunity to actually use the language that you"re learning.After arriving at this conclusion and making necessary adjustments, Jeremy Harmer introduced three basic elements that are essential to teaching languages in a classroom: Engage, Study and Activate, namely the ESA. To engage means to stimulate students" interest in the material that they are using to learn, through a variety of activities such as games, music and discussions. To motivate the students and encourage them to actively participate the classroom activities. To study means to allow the students to grasp the linguistic knowledges such as pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary through classroom and extracurricular activities, instead of simply through analyzing sentence structures and practices. To activate menas to allow students to apply at will and in a real sense any languages that are suitable in particular scenarios or topics, typical activities include role plays and panel discussions.
2023-07-08 17:04:083


2023-07-08 17:04:162


The Original Venice WalkAn absolute must for the first time visitor to Venice Walking Tour features: San Marco Square and its famous landmarks, The Pantheon of the Venetian nobility, legends of Casanova & Marco Polo, Paintings by the great Venetian masters, Sculptures, House of Marco Polo, Merchants warehouse and the Rialto bridge."The guide was fabulous and the tour truly gave me a taste of the real Venice"Marc Cohen, Washington D.C.Visit San Mark"s square and learn the history that lies behinds the walls of its most famous landmarks; the Basilica and its Byzantine heritage, the Doge"s Palace and its adjoining prisons, that retain the true secrets to comprehend how a city built on swamps became one of the most enlightened cities of the western world, and learn how all of a sudden fate turned its back on her. Then, leave the square to discover the "real Venice", enter a labyrinth of narrow passageways and alleys where a magical city of meandering canals punctuated by delicate bridges awaits you......And through the sights and the historical narrations learn how illustrious Venetians, the likes of Casanova and Marco Polo, and more common citizens made this city of stone a vibrant and magical place. And, of course, discover how Venice is today and how it is to live in the most beautiful city of the world, though not the most practical!
2023-07-08 17:04:232

Jahan is new to the hospitality industryuff0c she recently won a prestigious customer service awarduff0e

2023-07-08 17:04:431


蒙娜丽莎的微笑是一副享有声望的肖像画作。代表了艺术的最高境界。列奥纳多达芬奇成功描绘了资本主义萌芽使其的中产阶级妇女形象。画中妇女坐姿优雅,笑容微妙 ,背景深邃,生动形象地展现了形似烟状的"无界梯度上色方式”画家试图让人物内在感情饱满,外在造型迷人,rich inner feelings and beautiful appearance, to achieve the combination ably in canthus lips like face such disclosure of the key parts of the feelings, and especially emphatically grasp accurately and implicative, achieve the dialectical relationship between the verve, thereby mono lisa smile with a mysterious, though GuJiYun thousands like smile, is a charming art historian called "mysterious smile." Leonardo Da Vinci in under the influence of humanism, the expression of human feelings. In composition, leonardo Da Vinci"s portrait during the past half side by using the habit of chest, with positive bust composition, perspective: rose slightly, make a composition, Mona Lisa pyramidal appears more dignified and steady. In addition, the Mona Lisa"s hands, tender, precise and plump, showed her gentleness, and identity and class status, shows that leonardo Da Vinci"s exquisite and he shares the keen observation nature. Additionally the Mona Lisa"s eyebrows for chemical reaction and disappeared, background had blue sky.
2023-07-08 17:04:522


An article published recently in the prestigious scientific journal Nature is shedding new light on an important,but hitherto little has been appreciated,aspect of human evolution.翻译为:最近在著名的科学杂志《自然》上发表的一篇文章,对人类进化的一个重要方面(但迄今为止鲜有人认识)提出了新的见解。
2023-07-08 17:05:011


1.a prestigious professor at a prestigious university. 享有声望的大学里的有名望的教授。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报2.My uncle is a professor in this university. 我的伯父是这所大学的一名教授。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报3.They plan to try out several makes of cars before making a final choice. 他们计划先试用几种不同型号的汽车,然后再决定定购买哪一种。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报4.But for a professor, who is nearly always a university professor, you may call him professor, with or without his surname. 但是,对于一位教授(多半是指一位大学教授),你可单称他教授,带不带姓氏都行。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报5.A university teacher, especially one ranking next below a professor. 高级讲师大学的教师,尤指仅低于教授职称的那一级教师来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报6.a professor visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time. 一位定期到另一所大学或学院教学的教授。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报7.That story is as unputdownable to a taxi driver as to a university professor. 这个故事叫计程车司机和大学教授都爱不释手,津津乐读。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报8.He was at one time a professor in that university. 他曾一度是那所大学的教授。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报9.A college or university teacher who ranks above an associate professor. 教授大学或学院里职称高于副教授的教师来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报10.A college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant professor. 大学讲师学院或大学中级别低于副教授的教师来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报尝试查询:a university professor a R-professor of a sociology
2023-07-08 17:05:521


prestigious[英][preu02c8stu026adu0292u0259s][美][pru025bu02c8stidu0292u0259s, -u02c8stu026adu0292u0259s]adj.受尊敬的,有声望的; <古>魔术的,欺骗的;
2023-07-08 17:06:121


你好!prestigious 英[preu02c8stu026adu0292u0259s] 美[pru025bu02c8stidu0292u0259s, -u02c8stu026adu0292u0259s] adj. 受尊敬的,有声望的; <古>魔术的,欺骗的; [例句]The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe"s tallest building这家公司赢得了一份极为重要的合同,参与建设欧洲最高的大厦。
2023-07-08 17:06:192

尊贵的,高贵的,有地位名誉的 的英文是什么?

尊贵的,高贵的,有地位名誉的 的英文是什么? Prestigious (adj) 有名望 名誉的 Prestige (noun) Elegant 高雅 高贵 Honorable 有荣誉 有体面的 参考: SELF 尊贵 = .honorable; respectable; respecteddignity; 2. esteemed greatness 高贵 = noble; high; lofty (of character etc) highly privileged; elitist (of social status etc) 地位名誉 = irant Hope can help you la ^_^ 参考: Yahoo Dictionary prestigious prestige
2023-07-08 17:06:251

prestigious famous区别是什么?求高手解答

prestigious adj. 受尊敬的, 有声望的, 有威信的 Her first novel won a prestigious literary prize. 她的第一部小说就获得了一个颇具声望的文学奖。 这个词用于更加出名的,比famous 更加显赫和更加书面化。希望我的回答能够让你满意,祝好。
2023-07-08 17:06:321


prestige 的形容词是: prestigious名词变形容词一般加-ly, -ish,-ous等,具体请参考百度文库:
2023-07-08 17:06:422


所有名词形式如下: prestigious prestidigitation to betray betrayal to extract extraction to deflate deflation formal formality desperate desperation to enunciate enunciation to assign assignment to escalate escalation diplomatic diploma sudden sudden (比如 all of a sudden) frequent frequency effective effect sensitive sense apologize apology
2023-07-08 17:06:491

prestigious university指国内哪些大学

北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学等。prestigious university一般是指国内的985和211大学,但具体的哪些大学也可以再参考一下官方的其他信息,例如一些专业页面会列出不同层级院校相应的要求分数,也可以发邮件向校方具体询问。
2023-07-08 17:06:571


问题一:重点大学用英文怎么说 a famous university a prestigious university a well-known university a key university 以上四种说法都可以表示名牌大学 问题二:教育部直属的全国重点大学 用英语怎么说 the state key university directly under the Ministry of Education; 或者 the national key university directly under the Ministry of Education。 问题三:名牌大学用英语怎么说? a famous university a prestigious university a well-known university a key university 以上四种说法都可以表示名牌大学 问题四:“重点大学”英语翻译? key university 问题五:被重点大学录取 英语怎么说 1,That girl was admitted to a key university. 2, He got the admission notice from Harvard University. 3, On behalf of the General manager, he will go to the meeting tomorrow afternoon. 4, He has already made an apology to Jack for me. 问题六:考的好,能上名牌大学的英语翻译 考的好,能上名牌大学 If you get good grades, you will be admitted to famous universities 问题七:有上名牌大学的强烈愿望用英语怎么说 问题八:我的梦想是我能够上一所重点大学 用英语翻译过来怎么写呢? 你好,很高兴为你解答 翻译为:My dream is that I can go to a key university.希望对你有帮助 问题九:“需要超过一本重点大学分数线40分”英文怎么说??谢谢,急求 Need more than one key univers供ty fractional line 40 points 问题十:重点大学用英文怎么说 a famous university a prestigious university a well-known university a key university 以上四种说法都可以表示名牌大学
2023-07-08 17:07:041


1、think可以替换成deem, reckon, consider, argue, harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it"s my view that等 2、more and more 可以替换成 increasing(ly), growing(ly), an increasing number of(越来越多的), from bad to worse(每况愈下) 3、good 可以替换成 beneficial, favorable, positive, excellent, fantastic, splendid, rosy, promising等 4、bad 可以替换成dreadful, unfavorable, adverse, detrimental等 harm可以替换成 endanger, damage, threaten 5、many 可以替换成 a considerable number of, mountainous, an army of, an ocean of, a multitude of, a host of 6、thing 可以替换成affair, business, matter, issue 7、In my opinion 可以替换成in my view, for my part, from my own perspective 8、very可以替换成more than, exceedingly, extremely, intensely, proportionately, overwhelmingly 9、person(people) 可以替换成 residents, citizens, individuals, characters, folks 10、aspect可以替换成 facet, dimension, sphere, regard 11、cause可以替换成 give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger, be responsible for 12、pay attention to可以替换成 pour attention to, attach importance to, pay emphasis on, put... on agenda, highlight 13、with the development of 可以替换成with the growth of 14、have 可以替换成enjoy, possess, be in possess of 15、famous 可以替换成 distinguished; prestigious 16、according to 可以替换成 on the ground of (that), in the light of, take ...into consideration; take ...into account, in consideration of 17、realize 可以替换成carry out, implement, make…come true 18、opinion 可以替换成 viewpoint; point of view; perspective; standpoint 19、big 可以替换成 gigantic; colossal; vast; enormous; tremendous, remarkable, considerable, dramatic 20、Generally speaking 可以替换成 it is generally believed that..., ...conventional wisdom suggests that... Zaojiance论文查重系统我祝大家顺利通过~~~
2023-07-08 17:07:111


1、delicious:美味的。 2、famous:著名的。 2、humorous:幽默的。 3、dangerous:危险的, 4、serious: 严肃的,严重的。 5、various:各种各样的,多方面的。 6、anxious: 焦急的;,渴望的。 7、nervous:紧张的。 8、poisonous:有毒的。 9、prestigious:受尊敬的,有声望的。 10、notorious:臭名昭著的,臭名远扬的。
2023-07-08 17:07:181


2023-07-08 17:08:122

写150字英文,关于What do you think are the most prestigious jobs?

The most prestigious jobs in my eyes What are the most prestigious jobs in the world? Some people may think they are those that can bring people power and money, such as the president of a state or the board chairman and CEO of a multinational company. In my eyes, however, these jobs are just important, but not prestigious at all. To me, the most prestigious job is that of a teacher. Some may say that there are so many teachers in our society, which makes the job so common and unattractive. But think twice. If you are a parent, and you want your kid to receive decent education and have a brilliant future, who is the most imporatnt person to you? Definitely the teacher. A good teacher can not only teach your kid knowledge in the textbooks, but also how to be a good person who can contribute to the progress of mankind and human society. And don"t forget that all presidents and business leaders, almost with no single exception, also had their teachers in different stages of their life. In China, teachers are dubbed "the engineers of souls", which I think is a perfect description of the prestige and importance of their jobs. If possible, I also want to become a teacher some day, to be loved by the students and their parents and respected by the whole society. 绝对的原创精品,请放心采用并加分,谢谢。
2023-07-08 17:08:191


In addition, it should not be denied that ambition is prerequisite for success. In most situations, ambitious people are more likely to be successful. Basketball players who earned great scores in games are often more aspiriant. Besides, ambitionb can help people fulfill a more prestigious education and corporate success, these may make people happier in the long run. For example, most people will always remember the feeling they had when they found out that their dream college accepted their application.As indicated above, ambition is a good characteristic for people who want success. Though wanting success contain some bad elements, its advantages outweigh disadvantages. Therefore, b
2023-07-08 17:08:291


是「客户至上」或「客户之上」? 「客户至上」的话: We always place/put our clients first. (我们永远把客户放在第一位) Our clients are always our first priority. (客户永远都是我们的优先考虑) We care about our clients more than anyone else. (我们比任何人更关注我们的客户) 注:our clients 可改成 you (即「你」),这样读起来较人性化。 「客户之上」的话: Something superior to clients. (优越于客户的事物) Something more important than clients.(比客户更重要的事物) Something more than/beyond clients. (超越客户的事物) 希望帮到你。 2013-07-24 00:36:11 补充: 「至上的客户」的话: Premium clients (尊贵客户) Prestigious clients (有地位的客户) Top clients (最大/重要的客户) 注:clients 比 customers 是「高级」一些。 参考: 自己 Excellence至上 客户(服务)至上 Customer Excellence 卓越的客户excellent customers Customers on 参考: Me 客户至上- customers first. ----- It is better you let us know the entire message as there are different expression during different occasion 客户至上 Our guest of honor ; Our honorable guest; Our valued customer; Customer is superior;Customer surpassed anything; Customer deserved our appreciation; Customer"s patronage ranks above all; 参考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner"s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation published by H.K.Oxford University Press in1975
2023-07-08 17:08:361


  我为大家介绍个人陈述英文范文,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。   Among the 26 English alphabets, the one I like most is the capitalized D because this alphabet, simple as it is, is the most beautiful one. The two strokes, one vertical line and one curve, adumbrate two totally divergent trajectories as if serving as constant indicator of the psyche of the professionals in the advertising industry: to travel from one point to another, there is an infinite number of routes to choose; but ultimately speaking, there are only two routes: one is along a straight line, the other along a curve. While the general public may opt for the first, advertising professionals should decide on the second. A curved trajectory may well enable one to expand his horizon, enrich his experience of life, and cultivate his capability for excellent interpersonal exchange and communication. I maintain the conviction that the longer the journey of life that one travels, the richer the experience one can derive from life and hence the greater the novelty that he can create out of the apparently commonplace.   In 1998, I entered XX University with remarkable performance at the National College Entrance Examination (among the top 10 percent of the participants majoring in Humanities Disciplines). During the first year of my undergraduate studies, I majored in International Law but it immediately dawned on me that I was not meant for studies in this field and my real interest lied in advertising. Therefore, with extra efforts I audited all the major courses in advertising and in the second year, with a solid command of all the theoretical knowledge of the basic courses, I transferred to Advertising Speciality. Once I embarked on studying what really interested me, I made rapid progress and my GPA reached 3.5 (among the top three for 26 students of my class). In addition, I achieved the highest score of the class in four most important courses in the field: History of Chinese and Foreign Advertising, Principles of Advertising, Advertisement Planning, and Mass Communication.   As I delved deeper into my subject, I came to acquire an increasingly profound understanding of the nature of advertising. As a matter of fact, advertising is an art of persuasion, concerned with how the advertiser can influence the behavior and value orientation of the general public with his individually unique mentality and perspective. It is an integral branch of mass communication, inextricably intertwined with both art and economics. At the same time, it requires a framework of scientific management. In the course of my studies, I learned to exploit another form of language, my advertising designs, to conduct dialogues with my audience and to convey through those work my ideas and perceptions in order to achieve the objective of affecting the recipients" psychology and conduct and realizing the value of communication. But I ventured beyond the mere designing of individual advertisements. I also attempted at a series of coordination work that included the planning, execution, solution and effect of advertising. This process helped me to perfect my framework of theoretical conceptions concerning such notions as personal communication, interpersonal communication and mass communication. I immersed myself in a wide variety of advertising courses. By studying advertising, I could feel the joy of thinking and the charm of knowledge.   Advertising is an art more to be practiced than theorized. For my extra-curricular practice, I worked part-time for the WuHan Silver-Horse Advertising Corporation, an advertising agency which enjoys very prestigious reputation in and around WuHan. After being subjected to the most rigorous screening test, I was recruited as one of the five undergraduate students from my university and worked on several projects under the direct leadership of the chief supervisor of the Planning Department. On account of my distinctive notion and original creativity, my design for an advertisement for an automobile maintenance center was adopted, a fact which adequately evinces my professional qualities and tremendous potential. Later, with strong recommendations from my teacher, I worked at a medium-size advertising company in Beijing, responsible for the advertising agent business in the magazine Global Weekly. With the company"s support, I participated in a number of designing contests ranging from the 10th Golden Calf Advertising Contest sponsored by the Taiwan"s China Times, the 2nd Academy Advertising Competition sponsored by China Advertising Association to the Annual CAC Public Welfare Advertising Competition sponsored by the publishing house of International Advertising Magazine. My participation in those events not only brought me important awards but also enabled me to derive much professional knowledge from the exchange and cooperation with other staff, apart from enhancing my hands-on ability and practical problem-solving skills.   I took part consecutively in two authoritative Competitions for Young Advertisers, which aroused my attention to the discrepancies in the advertising level and the advertising consciousness between Taiwan and mainland China as well as the disparity in the advertising management. In order to call the serious attention of China"s advertising industry to those problems, I published a full-length academic paper entitled On the Eve of WTO Accession: A Perspective on the Present Conditions of Advertising Management on Mainland China on the website of China Advertising Communication and Research (this website is launched by XiaMen University, the first university in China to have established an Advertising Department and which enjoys a very high academic prestige).   Historically speaking, China"s advertising industry can only be described as underdeveloped compared with that of the advanced Western countries. Although China"s advertising industry is achieving remarkable development around the turn of the century, challenges and obstacles are equally serious. For instance, the relationship between the client, the media and the advertising company has not been properly established. The advertising agent system and the relevant legal regulations of advertising are not fully developed. The awareness of self-discipline is weak within this profession and a sound system of social supervision over unlawful advertising practices is lacking.   With China"s immediate accession into WTO, China"s overall advertising industry will face severe challenges presented by major international advertising agencies. On the other hand, China promises a bright and alluring prospect in advertising industry as China has the largest advertising market among the developing countries. The profit of the advertising industry maintains an annual growth rate of 39.73. Such a growth momentum is sufficient to indicate the tremendous dimension and the exciting prospect of China"s future advertising industry. This situation necessarily calls for the emergence of a large number of highly qualified advertising professionals, especially those who can incorporate both their intimate knowledge of China"s domestic advertising market and international advertising background.   It is precisely against this backdrop that I, equipped with a solid groundwork (at once theoretical and empirical) in the field of advertising acquired from my undergraduate education, wish to apply for a graduate program. My motivation is fairly simple: only the United States, a country with the most unparalleled development in advertising industry and the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in mass communication of which advertising is a part, can offer the necessary environment in which I can mature toward my professional goals.   Now that I have charted my course of action, I am on the verge of proceeding from one point of my life to another point. To return to my metaphor of the alphabet D, I have decided to relinquish the effortless straight line in favor of the beautiful curve, for I believe that whatever the turns and twists alongside it, it will ultimately lead to my prescribed ideal. The profound truth inherent in it has already been given the most poetical pronunciation by the poet Robert Frost at the conclusion of his The Road Not Taken: Two roads diverged in the wood, and I - / I took the one less traveled by / And that has made all the difference.
2023-07-08 17:08:451


1.~y lucky doggy funny teddy 2.~ly daily slowly quickly possibly slightly 3.~ful careful doubtful beautiful tearful 4.~able probable expectable designable fightable 5.~ing interesting exciting doing expecting giving 6.~ed wanted worked needed played excited 7.~ish selfish establish english spanish8.~ous dangerous delicious serious various 9.~ern concern 10.~al animal capital hospital total
2023-07-08 17:08:532


2023-07-08 17:09:123


1. 英语作文:whaillmylifebelike what my life will be like in the future?i am not sure,frankly.but one thing i can be certain is that i will be living a better life.i will have had a wife and a lovely child,perhaps.Everyone will enter marriage one day.I hope I can meet a nice girl who can share life with me,though I know finding the right person is not easy.probably i will afford to buy an apartment several years later if i can develop a habit of saving money.Since my present work is not well-paid,getting a better job with higher salary is also my dream.To support a family,you have to earn enough money.I will have had a strong expertise which leads to a good career,I sum,I believe I have a bright future.Of course,just being confident is not enough.I must work hard for a better life.。 2. 摘抄2014 1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are monly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性)2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响)3To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段)Ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板)1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。中间段:措施结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are monly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that……中间段 Firstly….Secondly…..Lastly but in no means least……结尾段 To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点)结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点)开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what"s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people"s ideas vary.中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that …..On the other hand, a great many people insist that….结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it"s time that (措施之类的)6级作文万能句子(补充在”…..”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合)重点背:1)5)6)7)句子,最好全部都被过一遍,自己琢磨怎么用。 1)Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 。 能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,。 可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩2)For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has bee the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment 对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术占据了他们的生活和充实了他们的生活。3)。 , by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom. 。 占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西(充实了某人生活)4)What"s more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way beeen home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. 住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上 5)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.。 3. 以回首2017展望2018为题写英语作文 Our life will change greatly in the 2018.In 2018,every family will own at least one puter,with which we can shop online without going out.That is really fantastic.Also,robots will be employed by every family.They can help do much of the housework.Therefore family members will have more free time to spend time together.In the future,kids don"t need to attend school any more.There is inter access in every family,with the help of which kids can study by themselves。 4. 英语作文,编一个小故事,Longlongago,therewereomen. Long long ago,there were o men living in the forest.They are brothers.One is called Michael and the other Jack.They never see the outside world.One day,The older one,Michael decided to go out to see the outside world.So he pack some clothes and went out.But he found that because he had been living in the forest for so long that he didn"t know how to survive outside there.Everything from eating to living was so hard for him.He almost died.Finally he decided to go back home.When he was back,his younger brother told him that I knew you would be back.Because we were so used to the life here.Therefore,habit is really a powerful thing.It can even change who you are.So,please be stronger than the guy called "habit".有什么问题欢迎提问。 5. 英语读后续写作文 Although we have learned English for several years, and we have some knowledge about the English-speaking countries, there are still many people can not distinguish the relationships beeen England, Britain and United Kingdom. UK is the short form of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or monly known as Britain. UK is posed of four parts. They are: England, Scotland, Welsh and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of UK. UK is a constitutional monarchy, and the head of state is a king or a queen. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty"s Government. Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one"s curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal。 6. 【英语作文specialmemoriesinjuniorhighschool】 My time at junior high schoolhas been mostly good.I"ve been at junior high schoolsince 2004.In the first year,I made some good friends,and had a lot of fun.However ,I didn"t do so well at school in Grades 6 and 7.I didn"t study hard enough.Fortunately,my friends showed me that education is important for my future,and I began to work harder at school.I used to be a bit shy,but my friends and teachers have helped me to be more confident.Now I know that I have the ability to do good work.My reports in Grade 8 were much better than in Grades 6 and 7.I"m very happy that I"m no longer bottom of the class.Since Grade 8,I think Ihave bee more confident.I have learned a lot at junior high school.I have worked hard and I have enjoyed these last four years.I hope to do well in the final exam.I want to make my parents and teachers proud of me。 7. 【写150字英文,关于Whatdoyouthinkarethemostprestigiousjobs The most prestigious jobs in my eyesWhat are the most prestigious jobs in the world?Some people may think they are those that can bring people power and money,such as the president of a state or the board chairman and CEO of a multinational pany.In my eyes,however,these jobs are just important,but not prestigious at all.To me,the most prestigious job is that of a teacher.Some may say that there are so many teachers in our society,which makes the job so mon and unattractive.But think ice.If you are a parent,and you want your kid to receive decent education and have a brilliant future,who is the most imporatnt person to you?Definitely the teacher.A good teacher can not only teach your kid knowledge in the textbooks,but also how to be a good person who can contribute to the progress of mankind and human society.And don"t fet that all presidents and business leaders,almost with no single exception,also had their teachers in different stages of their life.In China,teachers are dubbed "the engineers of souls",which I think is a perfect description of the prestige and importance of their jobs.If possible,I also want to bee a teacher some day,to be loved by the students and their parents and respected by the whole society.绝对的原创精品,请放心采用并加分,。
2023-07-08 17:09:191


2023-07-08 17:09:304


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2023-07-08 17:09:504


  下围棋她可能不是下的很好,但是她在女工这一块真的很有天赋。下面是我给大家整理的有天赋英语短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!   有天赋英语短语篇1   1. Even the most gifted can have confidence destroyed by the wrong instructor.   即使是最有天赋的人也可能会被错误的导师摧毁自信。   2. He"s an exceptionally talented dancer.   他是个非常有天赋的舞者。   3. He may be a very talented designer, but as a manager he"s a dead loss.   他可能是一个很有天赋的设计师,但作为经理他却很无能。   4. A gifted American psychologist has said, " Worry is a spasm of emotion u2026 "   一位有天赋的美国心理学家说过: “ 焦急是感情的一阵发作u2026u2026 ”   5. She is endued with wisdom from above.   她有天赋的智慧.   6. He is a man of genius.   他是一个有天赋的人.   7. Michael may have been a dunce at mathematics, but he was gifted at languages.   迈克尔在数学上可能不太灵光,但在语言方面很有天赋。   8. Graeme remains a supremely talented cricketer and must still have a splendid future in the game.   格雷姆依然是一个极有天赋的板球运动员,在这项运动中一定仍可拥有辉煌的前程。   9. The man had genius and had made his mark in the aviation world.   这人很有天赋,在航空界非常出名。   10. Everybody says she"s the most talented actress in the drama club.   人们都说她是戏剧俱乐部里最有天赋的演员.   11. Mr Sharp is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every song.   夏普先生是一位很有天赋的歌词作者,他在每首歌曲中都做出好成绩。   12. She is as gifted as sedulous.   她不但有天赋,而且勤奋。   13. Don"t sell her short: she"s very gifted in some areas.   别小看她,她有些方面很有天赋.   14. Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.   并非所有的人生来都像你这样有天赋.   15. The boy was endowed by nature with genius.   那个男孩有天赋的才能((那个男孩是个天才)).   有天赋英语短语篇2   如果你仍然觉得你的孩子是真的有天赋的话,就做个智商测试吧。   If you still feel your child is truly gifted, ask for an individual IQ test.   是的,他们有天赋,受到追捧,有成就(在某些方面),但是,不管你信不信,他们实际上和你一样。   Yes they are gifted, driven and successful (in some ways) but believe it or not, theyu2019re no better than you.   我们要求,有天赋的父母贫困的孩子,无论阶层与职业,国家支付其教育的费用。   We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.   而且,我们有很多有天赋的朋友愿意与我们合作,但是他们都比较忙,没有时间,如果利用这种方式,即使他们没有到场,大家也还是可以向他们学习。   We also have a lot of talented people who work with us, but they are very busy and canu2019t alwaysmake it to the sessions, so this way, people will still be able to learn from them.   他们是一个伟大的团队,了不起的队友,在球场上非常有天赋。   They are a great group of guys, tremendousteammates, and very talented on the court.   如果你真的有一些睿智、有天赋、并且勤奋好学的员工,那你的工作便是帮助他们将自己的能力最大化。   If you have someone whou2019s smart, talented, aggressive and wants to learn, then your job is tohelp them become allthey can be.   然而,进入耶鲁大学的学生也许只是比在杜兰大学就读的学生更有天赋或更加勤奋。   But maybe the kids who got into Yale were simply more talented or hardworking than those who got into Tulane.   奥巴马在他的回忆录中将父亲描绘成一个有天赋但举止怪异的人,还有酗酒问题,他没有尽到他的家庭责任。   In his memoir, the president portrayed his father as a gifted but erratic man with an alcoholproblem, who failed to live up to his family responsibilities.   巴基斯坦有天赋极佳的队员,但是比赛训练条件却跟不上;他们需要自己为自己创造更好的板球条件。   Pakistan have some immensely talented players, but they play in a vacuum; they are having tomake it up for themselves as they go along.   我不会笨到认为你们这些年轻、有天赋、受过良好教育的孩子就从来不知道困难和心碎的滋味。   I am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, youhave never known hardship or heartbreak.   她说,西方人总是夸孩子“天才”或者“有天赋”,而亚洲父母强调努力工作的重要性。   Westerners often laud their children as "talented" or "gifted," she says, while Asian parentshighlight the importance of hard work.   即使考虑到围绕更有天赋的球队身上更高期的望值之后,这种关联依然存在。   And even after the high expectations surrounding the more talented teams were taken into account, the correlation persisted.   有天赋英语短语篇3   幸运的是,有天赋的新人仍然愿意担任公职。   Fortunately, talented new people were still willing to come serve.   然而,当试验结束后被要求评价那两个人时,人们还是说,得到奖励的那个人更聪明,更有天赋,更有能力,也更有效率。   Still, when asked later to evaluate the two men, people said the one who got the award wassmarter, more talented, better at solving puzzles and more productive.   这是有天赋的青年离开匹兹堡的又一个例子。   Here was another example of a talented young person leaving Pittsburgh.   她很有天赋,曾是久负盛名的巴格达音乐和芭蕾学校的学生,她在那一直学习到2003年,直至入侵来临。   A gifted child, she earned a place at the once prestigious Baghdad Music and Ballet School, where she studied until the 2003 invasion.   我并不比其他任何人更聪明或更有天赋,我只是更坚定于更认真地对待自己想要达到的目标。   I am not smarter or more talented than anyone else who might attempt this, but I am much morecommitted and serious about reaching my goals.   中国足协已经启动这一重点项目,使得有天赋的选手得到机会前往欧洲发展。   The Chinese Football Association (CFA) has launched a major project where talented playersget the chance to develop in Europe.   许多人透露,他们因为出生富贵而被人瞧不起,总觉得不管自己做什么,多么有天赋,他们的商业智慧也得不到别人的敬仰。   Many confided concern about being looked down on for being born into wealth, feeling that nomatter what they did or how talented they were, people wouldn"t respect them for their businessacumen.   瑞格上学时获得过三个A等级是一个有天赋的艺术家,他抽出一年时间在玛莎百货工作了五个月,以此来攒钱出国。   Ziggy got three A-levels and was a talented artist, then she took a gap year and worked inMarks & Spencer for five months to save up to go abroad.   我认为福杰特未必不会是(或者已经是)一个明智的选择。他很有天赋,但他过度的模仿了马奎尔困倦,忧郁的风格。   I donu2019t think Fugit would be (have been) an unwise choice, heu2019s talented, but he sharesMacguireu2019s sleepy, melancholy style to a fault.   在你的内心会有天赋,目标以及种子,她们会在你的内心生长起来。   There are gifts, purposes, and seeds on the inside of you, which came here to grow.   随着时间的流逝,我发现他很喜欢聆听钢琴声,而且在弹奏钢琴方面也很有天赋。   As time passed by, I found he was interested in hearing the special sound of the piano and was gifted in playing piano.   很多人像你一样有天赋,但是你却赢了,你觉得你们之间的差别是什么呢?   You think separates the people who are merely gifted from those like you who in this instance won?   很多人像你一样有天赋,但是你却赢了,你觉得你们之间的差别是什么呢?   You think separates the people who are merely gifted from those like you who in this instance won?   
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很多的公园和娱乐区域附近的特征运动的领域,网球,羽毛球,足球和篮球场, 健身拖, 和湖。 有环的藉着浓密树木繁茂高山,Valais 尤其是划船的一个风景好的位置, 钓鱼, 滑雪和溜冰。 大多数的商学院相当大。 CMSD-瑞士人很骄傲是享有声望的,和价值和个性的小和友好的商学院。 所有的 CMSD-瑞士的毕业生在管理位置
2023-07-08 17:10:163


2011年08月01日 04时28分,《2011英语:如何征服考研英语事务信函的语言[1]》由liuxue86.com英语我整理. ome information about … I would be very grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me essential information about… Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through. 申请主题 I am writing to let you know about my keen interest in the academic research on… I would like to ask for your permission to attend the conference on August 31. I would sincerely request that … If additional information is required, please advise me at your early convenience. Your prompt and favorable attention to my request would be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. 求职主题 I have read your advertisement in Nov.23 Beijing Evening News for a part time interpreter, and should be grateful if you could consider me favorably as an applicant for the position. I wish to apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in yesterday"s newspaper. I believe I am suitable for the job due to my rich experience on the field and my pleasant personality. Upon graduation, I first worked as… The following job was … and currently I am working for… With the kind of experiences I have accumulated, I would expect a salary no less than … I shall be much obliged if you would give me an opportunity for an interview. I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you regarding my application. 邀请主题 I am writing to invite you to attend a party on… I am particularly anxious to have you join our party on… I feel it a great honor If you could participate in … I should be much pleased if you would come to our party on… We look forward to seeing you as our honorable guest. 推荐主题 I am very glad to recommend you a former student of mine, Mr…. to be a candidate for… With reference to your advised position, I have the pleasure to say that he is the just person you are looking for. In view of his previous achievements, I am convinced that Mr…. will become a successful graduate student/staff member in your university/company. He has proved to be industrious, conscientious, responsible and skillful in carrying out his assignment. If further information about him is required, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation and kindly offer him the job. 事务信函范例:申请信 一名英语专业的大学本科毕业生在联系去美国耶鲁大学读文学专业硕士,以下是他写的申请信,供各位读者参考:A Letter of Application Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to pursue a master"s degree in English Literature at Yale, your prestigious university. The following is my statement of purpose about making this critical decision. >
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"Reward" 和 "award" 都可以表示奖励或 awards,但它们在语义上有一些区别。"Reward" 通常指某种行为或活动的奖励,例如获得奖金、荣誉、表扬等。它通常用于描述对某个人、团队、组织或项目的努力或成就给予的正式、公正的奖励。"award" 也可以指对某个人、团队、组织或项目的努力或成就给予的非正式的奖励,例如口头赞扬、礼物、荣誉等。但是, awards 往往更多地用于表示一种肯定、鼓励和赞赏的态度,而不仅仅是一种物质奖励。因此,通常情况下,"Reward" 更常用于描述正式的奖励,而 "award" 更常用于描述非正式的奖励。
2023-07-08 17:11:043


  美文是新文学领域最亮丽的一方新土地,具有可意会难言说的韵味。本文是大学英语美文摘抄带翻译,希望对大家有帮助!   大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:生命就是小甜饼   One of my patients, a successful busines *** an, tells me that before his cancer he would bee depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was "having the cookie." If you had the cookie, things were good.   我有一位病人,他是一个成功的商人,告诉我,在他患癌症之前,凡事如果没有确定下来他就忧心忡忡。对他而言,幸福是“拥有小甜饼”。   If you didn"t have the cookie, life wasn"t worth a damn. Unfortunately, the cookie kept changing.   如果你拥有了小甜饼,一切都一帆风顺。如果你没有小甜饼,生活就一文不值。   Some of the time it was money, sometimes power, sometimes sex. At other times, it was the new car, the biggest contract, the most prestigious address.   不幸的是,小甜饼总是不断变换著,有时是金钱,有时是权力,有时是欲望。在其他时候,它是一辆新车、一份数额最大的合同、或者一个享有声望的通讯地址。   A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate cancer he sits shaking his head ruefully. "It"s like I stopped learning how to live after I was a kid.   在他被诊断出患有前列腺癌的一年半之后,他坐在那里,悲天悯人地摇著头,说:“长大以后,我好像就不知道怎样生活了。   When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it breaks, he is unhappy.   当我给我儿子一个小甜饼时,他心花怒放。如果我拿走甜饼或者是小甜饼碎了,他就闷闷不乐。   But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. It"s taken me this long to understand that the cookie will never make me happy for long.   不同的是,他只有两岁半,而我已经 43 了。我花了这么长的时间才明白小甜饼并不能使我长久感到幸福。   The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you.   从你拥有小甜饼的那一刻,它就开始破碎,或者你就开始担心它会破碎,抑或你开始担心别人拿走它。   You know, you have to give up a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be sure that no one takes it away from you.   为了守护你的小甜饼,为了防止它破碎或者确定别人不会从你手中夺走它,你不得不放弃许多东西。   You may not even get a chance to eat it because you are so busy just trying not to lose it.   你忙于不让自己失去它,甚至没有时间享受它。   Having the cookie is not what life is about." My patient laughs and says cancer has changed him.   拥有小甜饼并不是生活的全部内容。”我的病人笑着说癌症已经改变了他。   For the first time he is happy. No matter if his business is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. "   不论他的生意是否一帆风顺,不论他在打高尔夫球时是输是赢,他有生以来第一次感到幸福。   Two years ago, cancer asked me, "Okay, what"s important? What is really important?" Well, life is important.   “两年前,癌症问我‘什么重要?什么才真正的重要?"对,生命重要。   Life. Life any way you can have it, life with the cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie; it has to do with being alive. Before, who made the time?" He pauses thoughtfully. "Damn, I guess life is the cookie."   生命。生命,无论如何你拥有生命。有小甜饼也罢,没有小甜饼也罢,幸福与小甜饼并非息息相关,而是与生命的存在有关。可是,时光一去不复返,谁又能让时光倒流呢?”他停顿了一下,若有所思,说:“该死,我觉得生命就是那块小甜饼”。   大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:人如孤岛   How wonderful are islands! Islands in space, like this one I have e to, ringed about by milesof water, linked by on bridges, no cables, no telephones.   岛屿是多么奇妙啊!它处在一望无际之中,四周海水围绕, 没有桥梁相通,没有电缆相连,更无电话可打。   An lsland from the world and the world"s life. Islands is time, like this short vacation of mine.   我来的小岛就是 这样一个地方,它远离尘世,不见喧嚣。小岛是时间的孤岛,就 像我的这次短期假期。   The past and the future are cut off: only the present remains.   在这里,过去和未来都被隔断,只有现时 依然存在。   One lives like a child or a saint in the immediacy of here and now.   一个人,或是像个孩子:或是像个圣人,现在便实 实在在地在这里活着。   Every day, every act, is an island, washed by time and space, and has an island"s pletion.   每一天、每一个动作其实都是一个小岛,经受着时间和空间的冲刷,像小岛一样完美。   People, too, bee like islands in such an atmosphere, self-contained, whole and serene;respecting other people"s solitude, not intruding on their shores, standing back in reverncebefore the miracle of another individual.   人在这种环境下也变成了小岛,独立自主,完整安详,尊重他人的孤独,不践踏他 人的海岸半步,毕恭毕敬地在他人的奇迹面前靠后站。   "No man is an island," said John Donne. I feel we are all islands--in a mon sea.   “没有人 会是小岛。”约翰?多恩说过。我却认为每个人都是公共海域的 小岛。   We are all, in the last *** ysis, alone.   归根结底,我们都是孤独的。   And this basic state of solitude is not something we have any choice about.   这种孤独的基本状态由不得 我们选择。   It is , as the poet Rilke says, "not something that one can take or leave".   奥地利诗人里尔克曾经说道:“由不得我们带走或是 放弃。”   We are solitary. We may delude ourselves and act as though this were not so, yes, even tobegin by assuming it."Naturally," he goes on to say,"we will turn giddy."   虽然身心孤独,但是我们都欺骗自己,假装事实并非如 此。里尔克还说,“我们很自然就会弄得头晕目眩。”   We seem so frightened today of being alone that we never let it happen. Even if family,friends, and movies should fail, there is still the radio or television to fill up the void.   今天的人们都非常害怕孤独,所以极力避免它。当与家人 和朋友相处或是看电影都无法消除孤独的时候,我们就用听广播 和看电视来填补空白。   Women, who used to plain of loneliness, need never be alone any more.   女人们曾经埋怨孤独,现在想孤独也办不 到。   We can do our housework with soap-opera heroes at our side. Even day-dreaming was morecreative than this; it demanded something of oneself and it fed the inner life.   她们可以一边做家务一边看肥皂剧。做白日梦都显得更有创 造力,它需要人们具有一些东西,而且能够丰富内心生活。   Now instead of planting our solitude with our dream bolssoms, we choke the space withcontinuous music, chatter and panionship to which we do not even listen.   我们 本该用白曰梦的似锦繁花来种下一片孤独,但却用连续不断的音 乐、喋喋不休、吵嚷的同伴来把孤独的空间堵死。   It is simply there to fill the vacuum. When the noise stops there is no inner music to take itsplace. We must relearn to be alone.   这其实仅仅是 _个填补空缺的问题,一旦暄闹消失,便不再有内心的音乐来填 补空缺。我们要重新学会孤独。   大学英语美文摘抄带翻译:一直走在阳光里   Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill. Its wheel, rusted and fallen, lay silent in the lush bluegrass. Its once animated silhouette was now a tall motionless steeple in the twilight sun.   多年的风雨毁坏了古老的风车。车轮已经锈了,倒了,静静地躺卧在茂盛的六月禾丛中。在落日的衬托下,曾经散发着生气的风车如今如耸立的尖塔般冰冷、生硬。   I hadn‘t walked across our old farm in fifteen years. Yet the sensations came flooding back. I could *** ell the freshness of new mown alfalfa. I could feel the ping of the ice cold summer rain, and the sun‘s sudden warmth on my wet shoulders when it reappeared after a brisk July thunderstorm.   我已经有十五年没有走过我们的农场了。然而,那些感觉又汹涌而至。我仿佛闻到了新割的苜蓿的清新气息,感觉到了冰冷夏雨敲打在身上,还有七月的雨后阳光照射在溼漉漉的身上骤然传来的暖意。   Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each day to see Greta. She always made me *** ile, even after Sis and I had just had a big squabble. I would help Greta with her chores. Then we would visit over a generous helping of her delicious homemade chocolate cookies and ice cream. Being confined to a wheel chair didn‘t stop Greta from being a fabulous cook.   无论雨天或晴天,我曾经天天沿着这条小径去探望葛丽塔。即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。我会帮葛丽塔做些家务。然后,我们会大快朵颐,品尝她亲手做的巧克力曲奇饼和冰淇淋。以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。   Greta gave me two of the greatest gifts I‘ve ever received. First, she taught me how to read. She also taught me that when I forgave Sis for our squabbles, it meant I wouldn‘t keep feeling like a victim. Instead, I would feel sunny.   Mr. Dinking, the local banker, tried to foreclose on Greta‘s house and land after her hu *** and passed away. Thanks to Pa and Uncle Johan, Greta got to keep everything. Pa said that it was the least he could do for someone talented enough to teach me to read!   在葛丽塔的丈夫去世后,当地的银行家丁肯先生曾经要收取她抵押给了银行的房子。幸亏有爸爸和约翰叔叔的帮忙,葛丽塔才保住了一切。爸爸说,对一位聪明得能教会我认字的人,这只是他力所能及的一件小事!   Soon folks were ing from miles around to buy Greta‘s homemade cakes, pies, breads, cookies, cider, and ice cream. Hank, the grocery store man, came each week to stock his shelves and bring Greta supplies.   很快,方圆数英里的人们都来买葛丽塔做的蛋糕、馅饼、面包、曲奇饼、苹果酒和冰淇淋。每周,杂货店老板汉克都会给她送来材料,并从她那里进货。   Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr. Dinking who became one of her best customers and friends. That‘s just how Greta was. She could turn anyone into a friend!   葛丽塔甚至让我给丁肯先生送去一个大苹果馅饼。他也成为了她的顾客和朋友。这就是葛丽塔。她可以把任何人都变成朋友!   Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" No matter how terrible my day started, I always felt sunny walking home from Greta‘s house-even beneath the winter starlight.   葛丽塔常说:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!” 每天,不管一开始怎么糟糕,从葛丽塔的小屋走回家时,即使是披着冬夜的星光,我都会感觉心情舒畅。   I arrived at Greta‘s house today just after sunset. An ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door, it‘s red lights flashing. When I ran into the old house, Greta recognized me right away.   这天,太阳刚下山我就来到葛丽塔家了。她门前几尺外已然停著一辆救护车。车上的红灯闪烁不停。当我冲入那所旧房子时,葛丽塔立刻认出了我.   She *** iled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes. She was almost out of breath when she reached out and softly touched my arm. Her last words to me were "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!"   她冲我微微一笑,令人难忘的那双蓝眼睛闪著光芒。当她伸手轻抚我的手臂时,她已经奄奄一息了。她最后对我说的话是:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!”   I‘m sure that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she‘s ever seen. And, I‘m sure that she heard every word I read at her memorial service.   我肯定葛丽塔此时正漫步在她所见过的最明媚的阳光里。我也肯定她听见了我在她的追悼仪式上所念的每一个字。   I chose a beautiful verse by Leo Buscaglia. It‘s one that Greta taught me to read many years ago…   我选了利奥·巴斯卡格里亚的一首优美的诗,正是那首葛丽塔多年前教我念的诗。   "Love can never grow old. Locks may lose their brown and gold. Cheeks may fade and hollow grow. But the hearts that love will know, never winter‘s frost and chill, summer‘s warmth is in them still."   “爱能历久常新。华发或会失去原有的光彩。双颊或会日显消瘦黯淡。然而,有爱的心中,从无寒冬霜冰,只有夏之温热。”   
2023-07-08 17:11:531


i prefer brand
2023-07-08 17:12:374