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基因注释是myb 后面加个related是啥意思啊?

related 的意思是“与之有关联”。附图的第一行表述是苹果,这是苹果的基因注释??

relate to 与 be related to区别

relate (something) to 涉及到,联系I can"t relate what he does to what he says.我不能把他说的和他做的联系起来.(be) related to 有关I have some books (which are) related to this phenomenon.我有一些和这个现象有关的书.意思用法都有点不同.

relate to与be related to有什么区别呢?

一、含义不同1、relate to释义:有关联,与……有关,理解。2、be related to释义:和…有(亲戚)关系。二、用法不同1、relate torelate to :涉及,有关。译文:我不能把他说的和他做的联系起来。2、be related tobe related to :中的related 则是一个形容词。三、造句不同relate to:One of the underlying themes of the entire movie is something everyone can relate to, and it's true in many stories like Romeo and Juliet整部电影的潜在主题之一就是与每个人都有关的事情,而且在许多故事里是真实的,像《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。be related to:The only stipulation is that the topic you choose must be related to your studies唯一的要求是你选的题目必须与你的研究科目有关。


related怎么读如下:美[rɪˈleɪtəd],英[rɪˈleɪtɪd]adj.相关的;有联系的;属同一家族的;有亲属关系的v.“relate”的过去式和过去分词网络有关的;关联;有关系的请点击输入图片描述英英释义related[ ri"leitid ]adj.being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics"painting and the related arts"; "school-related activities";"related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces"同义词:related toconnected by kinship, common origin, or marriagesimilar or related in quality or character"the amateur is closely related to the collector"同义词:akin(p)kindredhaving close kinship and appropriateness同义词:germane(p)

relate to和be related to意思一样嘛?



1.基本解释relevantadj.有关的, 相应的例句X. Relevant Guarantees十、相关保障relevant relation or interconnection.相关的联系和互相联络。Strikingly appropriate and relevant.适当的,恰当的极为贴切合适的refer to or be relevant to.涉及或者与……相关。be in connection with something relevant.与相应的某物有关联。2.基本解释relatevt.叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系例句Strange to relate.说来奇怪。To relate in detail.详述深入到细节地叙述To relate to teaching practice联系教学实际Relate to us your adventures.告诉我们你的冒险故事。bring into consonance or relate harmoniously.让音乐协调一致地演奏,呈现和谐的关系。3.基本解释relativen.亲戚, 关系词, 相关物, 亲缘植物adj.有关系的, 相对的, 比较而言的例句relative number相对数relative orientation相对定向relative stability相对稳定性relative volatility相对挥发度relative pronoun; relative clause.限定代词;限定从句。这三个词意境是不同的,你看看吧,你要的东西什么都有relevant是指与...有关系是具体事物的关联关系.relate指人讲话或讲故事用于叙述中的讲出来的关系relative指亲属关系

be related to/in/with等有什么区别,是否还能跟其他介词,意思和用法都请教下,

relate to 涉及; 同…有…关系; 与…协调; 将…与…联系起来 维系;涉及;与…有关;与…相关的 1.将…与…联系起来,使与…相结合 It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts. 很难把他的论证同事实联系起来. 2.涉及,关系到… His remarks didn"t relate to the topic under discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关. 3.与…协调,与…相处得好,与…相适应 She doesn"t relate very well to her mother. 她和她母亲关系不太融洽. 4.同…有…关系 The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices. 失业的数目同物价的上涨并没有必然的联系. relate with 把…同…联系起来 connect sth in thought or meaning 联系;涉及与;和……有关;与联系 这些意思和relate to的意思都差不多,relate with还有“符合”的意思 relate with 使符合,使关联 relate with the facts 与事实相符 relate…with 把关联 没有relate in这样的说法,但是有 “in relation to”意为“涉及、论及” “Sympathy motivates altruism in relation to the plight of the recipient.” “in relation to”也可以表示相对性 “If two drives are on the same cable,you have to specify the priority of one drive in relation to the other.”

论文里面,related work 和 literature review是一个意思吗?请写过英文论文的学姐学长们指教~

related work 是相关作品,而literary review 是文献综述,能一样吗?



relatedto... 造句

Is the topic related to what we are saying. 这个话题是否与我们说的有关系?

be related to和be relevant to,在用法上有区别吗

be related to 和be relevant to都表示与……相关 但be related to侧重原因,即前面提到的是因为后面提到的才产生的。 例子:Spelling problem can also be related to the disorder. 拼写的困难也可能与这种失常有关。 be relevant to侧重的是相关性,即是否有关系。 例子:Some of the material presented may not be relevant to you or your circumstances.手册中有些材料可能和你关系不大或者与你的情况不同

英文SRE缩写是什么意思? skeletal-related event (SRE) 医学专业俗语


regard as ;related to ;be appropriate to三个词组造句 一个词组造两个

1Here I advanced a criterion which I regard as the only valid one.我在这里提出了一个标准,我认为是唯一的标准。Or rather, we know that they can produce results, which, in a human being, we"d regard as creative.或者,更准确地说,我们知道了它们能产生那些对于人类来说,我们认为是具有创造力的结果。Even so, some South Koreans resent what they regard as overly generous state handouts to the new arrivals.就算是这样,还是有韩国人抱怨政府太慷慨接济新到来的朝鲜人。2The second difference is related to the first.第二个区别是与第一个相关的。Spelling problems can also be related to the disorder.拼写问题同样可能与书写障碍症有关。Thus the author spends much time and money "to find out what I already know—I am related to everyone".因此作者花费大量时间和金钱“找到了一个我早已知道的答案——我跟每个人都有关系”。3Preventive actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the potential problems.预防措施应与潜在问题的影响程度相适应。Autumn dry climate, psoriasis patients should be appropriate to drink water, weak tea, milk.秋季气候干燥,银屑病患者应适当饮开水、淡茶、牛奶等。I do not trust that it would be appropriate to have the introduction of the IMF as a supplier of help.我认为让IMF参与进来提供援助不合适。

human ether-a-go-go-related gene是什么意思

human ether a go go related gene人类醚的去相关基因很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

biz-related 什么意思


closely related是什么意思

closely related[英][u02c8klu0259u028aslu026a ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad][美][u02c8kloslu026a ru026au02c8letu026ad]嫡;自己;例句:双语英语1.The two features are closely related.这两个特征密切相关。

mouse-related items什么意思?

其意思为:与鼠标相关项目!其中,mouse 鼠; 鼠标; 青肿; 乌青块; 鼠皮色; 小哺乳动物; 胆怯的人; 不声不响的人; 浅棕灰色; 捕鼠; 用鼠标在计算机屏幕上移动光标; 四处走动related 属于同一家族的; 关联的; 有关系的; 有因果关系的; 有关联的items 项目; 条款; 名目; 所有物品!

be linked to be related to be in connection with区别 都是联系的意思,怎么去分别

基本可以互换,注意接续和连接的介词的就可以了 be linked to 与……有联系 与……相关 be related to 与 ...有关 同……有亲戚关系 have connection with / be involved in 有牵连

be referred to和be related to 有什么区别

be referred to 是,涉及如:The invention of gunpower is referred to China.是中国发明了火药be related to 与...有关如:The theme of the dialogue should be related to the theme of the reading passage.对话...

Related Searches的意思


移除或关闭“Related Searches”是因为你安装了一个程序SerialTrunc.这里有详细的说明有的程序不是SERIALTRUNC,有的是FIND RIGHT等等。你在浏览器出现这个问题时,点击左上角的灰色的T,会有程序的详细说明,还有名字。记住这个名字,在控制面版==添加删除程序里找到,再卸载就可以了。

related articles是什么意思

related articles网 络相关文章;相关条目;相关物品;有关条文双语例句1. More related articles can be at the lower part of this page. 更多相关文章可在较低的一部分这一页.2. Appendix: Related Articles of the Criminal Law. 附: 刑法有关条款.3. Climate change - related articles from the popular scientific magazine. 提供流行科学杂志的有关气候变化的文章.

criterion-related validity是什么意思


criterion-related validity是什么意思

criterion-related validity释义效标关联效度双语例句 1Methods: The split-half method and the equivalent form method were used, and the concurrent validity and predictive validity of the criterion-related validity were tested.方法:采用分半相关法,复本法以及效标关联效度的同时效度和预测效度进行检验。

be related to 和be related with有区别吗


related reference是什么意思



related substance 英[ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad u02c8su028cbstu0259ns] 美[ru026au02c8letu026ad u02c8su028cbstu0259ns] [词典] 有关物质; [例句]Objective: To establish an HPLC method for determining related substance in Decloxizine Hydrochloride.目的:建立高校液相色谱法测定盐酸去氯羟嗪中的有关物质。

请问老师,59题为什么需要用related过去分词,the course related to t?

related to...是过去分词短语作course的定语,意思是与...知识有关的课程。


related sites 网络 相关网站; [例句]Each health topic page provides lists of related sites, links and documents.每一健康主题网页提供了有关网站、链接和文件的清单。

论文中related work是什么意思

1. 相关工作2. 相关研究3 相关著作例句:1.In serious cases, the related work unit will be suspended or shut down. 如出现更严重的情况,相关的工作部们将被勒令歇业整顿或停业。article.yeeyan.org2.The largest percentage decline was in arizona, where the housing downturn has cutdeeply into real-estate related work. 百分比跌幅最大的是亚利桑那州,该州房屋市场的低迷大大的减少了与房地产有关的工作

be related with与 be related to的区别? 意思都一样 哪方面有区别?

be realted to较常用,“与……有关联/相关"、 "与……有亲缘关系" be related with“与……有关系”

they are related这个句子用related是因为一个句子里不能同时有两个谓语动词吗?


be related to 和be related with有区别吗

be related to与.有关be related with 有关联,有关其实第二个词组应该是没有被动态的,只有relate with.反正be related to是通用的,with那个可以无视掉.

想请教你,这里的related是从句的谓语,还是定语修饰customer service?


be related to中related是什么词性


be related to/with 有什么异同

be related to sb 和某人相关 be related with sth 和某物相关

-related 前面加上名词构成形容词对吗?求高手指点;是不是都是加名词构成符合形容词(类似的举些例子呗)



related和介词to搭配,构成be related to与...有关。

related to和with区别是什么?

1、被动态不同be related to与…有关,be related with有…关联,有关,第二个词组是没有被动态的,只有relate with。2、语气不同be related to的书面语气比be related with强烈,be related to是通用的,可以替换掉be related with。3、侧重不同be realted to较常用,“与……有关联/相关"、"与…有亲缘关系";be related with“与…有关系”。扩展资料related是relate的过去式。relate的用法:1、relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。2、用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用to引出。3、relate还可作“把…联系起来”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。4、用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词with。



be related to 和be related with有区别吗

be related to 与...相关be related to强调前后两件事(物)的相关性.后面一般接人,抽象的概念等等;what he does can"t be related to what he connected with强调 涉及到...;与...有干系; 与...有染,后面一般接某种事件或者组织.那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关.

related 和 relevant有什么区别

做形容词意思一样的related可以related to作短语,意思是和什么什么有关系

related 与 relating

Related to usually describes a permanent relationship, whether between people or ideas. A few examples:He is my brother. I am related to him.The English word "ship" is related to the Old Norse word "skip".Nationalism is related to ideas about identity.It can also be the past tense of "relate to", meaning to identity or sympathise with:I enjoyed the novel because I related to the main character.Relating to is usually used to denote a reference to something else, e.g.:The email relates to what we discussed in the meeting.There were several themes in my essay relating to nationalism.There"s probably more to it than that, because the verb "relate" has a lot of different uses in English, but these are the first ones that sprung to my mind.

relate to和be related to意思一样嘛?





related动词形式是 relate relate为动词,vt. 使有联系; 联系; 讲述; 叙述; 把…联系起来; 讲(故事);related adj. 相关的; 有联系的; 属同一家族的; 有亲属关系的; 属于同一种类的; 同一组别的; v. 联系; 使有联系; 把…联系起来; 叙述; 讲述; 讲(故事);


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:adj. 有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的v. 叙述(relate过去式) .

be associated with 和 be related with 的用法区别是什么?

related to 和 associate with都是和...相关的意思。一般情况下可以通用,但有一点小的差别。 首先,他们关联的程度略有不同,associated with的关联更加紧密一些,而related to的关联不是非常紧密。associate的关联可以紧密到逻辑上的因果关系,或事情发展的前因后果这样的关系。而related to则没有非常紧密地关系。 其次,associate with比较正式一些,related to更加口头话一点。 He wish to forgot everything related to his childhood.其实这里用associated with也可以。但是比较起来,related to更好一些。这是因为,句子的意思是要表达,一切和儿童时期相关的东西统统忘掉,(原因可能是有一个不幸的童年)。当然是,只要有一点关系的,都要统统忘掉,而不是非常有关的才忘掉。everything related to his childhood这种略带夸张的说法比较准确地反映了作者想要表达的意思。而文邹邹地说everything associated with his childhood,不是不可以,只是听上去不大自然。 associate the result with the cause,这里不用related to。cause and result这样的关系是非常紧密地,也是比较正式和书面的。事实上科技论文当中,associated with 经常用在说明一个试验的结果和某个原因之间的关系。这是一个很常用的搭配。主要原因就是associated with比较正式,而且关联比较紧密。



related和relative的区别. RT

这两个词主要是在词性上有所区别. 类似:在两个词词性同为adj(形容词)时,related的含义是“有关系的,叙述的”,可以说两个事物有关系,也可以表示两个事物与第三个事物有关系;而relative的含义是“相关的;比较而言的”主要用于对两个事物之间的比较上. 不同:另外还要注意到这两个词分别都还有另外一个词性的使用: 1、related vt.(动词) 叙述(此时,它是动词relate的过去分词) 2、relative n.(名词)亲属,关系词. 下面有几个例子,希望对你有所帮助. ep.1.These two points are closely related.这两点是密切相关的. 2.He related to his students his adventures vividly.他向学生们生动地叙述了他的奇遇. 3.Being match for marriage is not absolute but relative.门当户对不是绝对,但是是相对的. 4.You live with a relative?你住在亲戚家吗?


Related,作动词用时,是relate(叙述)的过去式,当作形容词用时,意指“有关系的、有关联的、讲述的”。上图中第一个单词是作形容词用,related civilians 即指“相前人员、有关人员”,其它常见词组有:related document(相关单证)、related factors(相关因素)说明下,上图是好莱坞巨制“金刚.骷髅岛”中的画面,左边的女生不是范冰冻,是景甜哦,影片不错大家可以去看看……取景地越南、美国夏威夷、澳大利亚昆士兰等,其中有越南的山水洞,超大的洞,可容纳城市街道、摩天大楼、有河流有丛林有整个地下生态系统,特惊人,是世界上最大洞穴景观。


related 英[ru026a"leu026atu026ad]美[ru026au02c8letu026ad]adj. 有关系的;叙述的vt. 叙述(relate过去式和过去分词)


related 有关的, 苹果 related 和苹果相关的。。。




related_百度翻译related 英[ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad] 美[ru026au02c8letu026ad] adj. 有关系的; 叙述的; vt. 叙述(relate过去式和过去分词); [例句]The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related.或然性和自由意志这两个哲学问题是紧密相关的。[其他] 原型: relate


related怎么读如下:美[ru026au02c8leu026atu0259d],英[ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad]adj.相关的;有联系的;属同一家族的;有亲属关系的v.“relate”的过去式和过去分词网络有关的;关联;有关系的请点击输入图片描述英英释义related[ ri"leitid ]adj.being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics"painting and the related arts"; "school-related activities";"related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces"同义词:related toconnected by kinship, common origin, or marriagesimilar or related in quality or character"the amateur is closely related to the collector"同义词:akin(p)kindredhaving close kinship and appropriateness同义词:germane(p)

minimum amount covered individual-related and issue related是什么意思

minimum amount covered individual-related and issue related涉及的个人相关问题及相关问题的最低金额minimum amount covered individual-related and issue related涉及的个人相关问题及相关问题的最低金额



此句子中 related是非谓语非谓语动词吗 是定语从句还是状语?

related前面省略了which are,所以是定语从句,be related to是一短语,与……相关的意思


您好,很高兴为您解答:Secondly,Consumer Associations and other legal procedure should be further smoothed so that consumers possess the right channel to report related issues.其次,应该进一步消除消费者协会及其他法律程序的障碍,以使消费者拥有进行投诉的正确渠道。related 形容词 “相关的” ,修饰名词issuesissues “问题”,这里可以理解为“投诉”满意及时采纳哟~-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------

relate to 和 related to的区别

Don"t relate the past to the present situation.I have a book related to environment.

be related to/with 有什么异同

  berelatedto/with相同点都是与......有关;区别在于berelatedto强调前后两件事(物)的相关性,后面一般接人,抽象的概念等等;whathedoescan"connectedwith强调涉及到...;与...有干系;与...有染,后面一般接某种事件或者组织。例如:  1、Thatsolitaryoldmanwassuspectedtobeconnectedwiththecrime.  那个孤独的老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。  2、Heisrelatedtomyfather。  他是我爸的亲戚。

下边这句话中的 related是动词 ,这不就有俩动词了但是连词是哪个呢?为啥用的是did的形式

related to... 这里为形容词化的过去分词词组作后置定语,修饰knowledge and skills。该词组的功效相当于定语从句that are related to future career。be related to... 与.... 有关。

related to是什么意思

与……有关1.Each of these are expenses related to your job.这些开支都是和你的工作相关的。2.The Belgian language is closely related to French.比利时语与法语密切相关。《21世纪大英汉词典》3.On the other hand, you have more direct control over choices related to thread scheduling since you use the thread API directly.另一方面,您对于与线程调度有关的选择也有更多直接控制,因为您可以直接使用线程 API。




是过去分词,这里QELATED是作为过去分词作定语修饰MATTERS 表示“与什么有关联” 举个例子:I bought a book written by a famous writer. 这里written就是一个过去分词作定语修饰book.表示一种被动的含义,就是说书是被写的,不是自己写的 所以这里的related也是表达一种被动的含义,是“所有的事情与学生的福利有关” 这种关联不是那些事情自己产生的,是被联系起来的。 总之一般过去分词作定语都表示被动的含义。 像V-ing是现在分词作定语,表示主动的含义。 再举个例子:The woman washing clothes is my mom.那位在洗衣服的女士是我的妈妈。 这里washing就是作定语修饰woman.它是表示主动的,也就是说那位女士在洗衣服,而不是说那位被洗的女士。 我觉得我解释的还是比较详细的哦


第一字面意思 相关联的 第二 是个函数 RELATED 函数要求当前表与包含相关信息的表之间存在关系。 需要指定包含所需数据的列,该函数将通过现有的多对一关系从相关表中的指定列中提取值。


可以的,这类词被称作复合词,即compoundword,我们通常遇见的复合词是名词,例如blackboard,是由形容词black 和名词board构成的,但是注意这两个都不是词根和词缀,因为英语单词根据构成形式可以分为简单词,派生词和复合词,派生词是由词根和词缀构成的,这里你说的名词+-related属于复合词中的复合形容词,如drug-related .你查一下词典会发现-related是复合形,即复合形式,combining form,这种形式只能构成复合词.这个讲深了跟词素也有关的,如果想详细了解也可以问我哈


relate英[riu02c8leit]美[ru026au02c8let] 过去式: related 过去分词: related 现在分词: relatingvt. & vi. 1. 联系,(把…)联系起来,使有联系vt. 1. 讲述; 叙述;讲(故事1.To relate in detail. 详述深入到细节地叙述2.To relate to teaching practice 联系教学实际3.Relate to us your adventures. 告诉我们你的冒险故事。4.bring into consonance or relate harmoniously. 让音乐协调一致地演奏,呈现和谐的关系。5.To construct or relate a myth. 创作神话;讲。述神话related 英[ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad]美[ru026au02c8letu026ad]adj. 1. 与…有亲戚关系的, 属同一家族的;2. 有关系的3. 属于同一种类的;同一组别的 adv. 1. 与…有亲戚关系地;有关系地n. 1. 与…有亲戚关系;有关系1.closely related or associated. 有密切关系或有关联的。2.Not related to religion. 和宗教没有联系的3.Related by an isomorphism. 同晶的;同态的4.They are nearly related. 他们是近亲。5.Crime related to drug abuse 与滥用麻醉药品有关的罪案如果你看了两个词的音标就会发现,这是两个词(我认为),从用法上看也是如此


区别很明显,词性不一样,related是形容词,about是介词,当然在句中的功能和位置就不一样了。具体解释如下(来自百度翻译):related 英[ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad] 美[ru026au02c8letu026ad] adj. 有关系的; 叙述的; vt. 叙述(relate过去式和过去分词); about 英[u0259u02c8bau028at] 美[u0259u02c8bau028at] prep. 关于; 大约; 在…周围; adv. 大约; 在附近; 在四周; 几乎; adj. 在附近的; 四处走动的; 在起作用的; 在流行中的;


动词是relate,意思是使有联系; 联系; 讲述; 叙述; 把…联系起来;名词是relation,意思是联系,关系。related是学生时期学到的一个很经典的英文单词。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。


adj.相关的;有联系的;属同一家族的;有亲属关系的拓展:related和relevant的区分一、related有两种意思1、与某人或某物有关的,相联系的。这种用法表示两人或两物的存在关系。Crime is closely related to unemployment.犯罪和失业是紧密联系在一起的。Smoking is related to many diseases.抽烟和很多疾病有关系。Tom hates it when you say that everything is related to money.汤姆讨厌你说一切都和金钱有关。2、属于同一家族或种类。表示两人或物都可以划分为某一种类,或家族。The two are related species of dog.这两种是有亲缘关系的两种狗。All the ants in the colony are genetically related.同一窝里的蚂蚁都有亲缘关系。He claims to be distantly related to one great emperor in China history.他声称自己和中国历史上的一个伟大皇帝有亲缘关系。二、relevant有关的,切题的这是一个形容词,英文解释为:~to sb/sth, connected with what is being discussed, what is happening, what is being done.The new secretary had all the relevant documents ready before the meeting.新秘书在开会之前就把所有相关的文件准备好了。综上所述,related表示二者之间有联系,有关系或属于同一个种类。relevant是指某人或某物与某一主题相关或切题。




  我们每天都能遇到related的人,不论是在办公室还是在家里。下面我为大家带来related的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   related的英语音标   英 [ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad]   美 [ru026au02c8letu026ad]   related的意思   adj. 有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的   v. 叙述(relate过去式)   related的 近义词   participant   related的同根词   词根 relate   adj.   relative 相对的;有关系的;成比例的   relational 相关的;亲属的   n.   relative 亲戚;相关物;[语] 关系词;亲缘植物   relationship 关系;关联   relation 关系;叙述; 故事 ;亲属关系   relativity 相对论;相关性;相对性   relatedness 关联性;关系;亲缘   vi.   relate 涉及;认同;符合;与u2026有某种联系   vt.   relate 叙述;使u2026有联系   related的词汇搭配   related products 相关产品;关联产品   related information 相关资讯   related data 相关数据;相关资料   to be related 有关系;有联系   positively related 正相关的   related party 关联方   be related with 与u2026有关系   related words 相关词汇   related document 相关文件;有关单证   related company 相关公司;联营公司   related function 相关函数   related的英语例句   1. A spokesman insisted the two events were "in no way related"   一位发言人坚称这两起事件“绝无关联”。   2. There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises.   没有为与业绩挂钩的加薪预作资金准备。   3. They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.   他们说这些指控与另一件欺诈案有关。   4. You might be having an occupationally related skin problem.   你可能得了职业性皮肤病。   5. Teachers will fight Ministers" plans to introduce performance-related pay in schools.   教师们将竭力反对部长们在学校中实行绩效工资的计划。   6. Bolivia has been mercifully free of large-scale, drug-related violence.   幸运的是,玻利维亚没有发生过与毒品有关的大规模暴力事件。   7. I"m one of the few that"s very pro performance-related pay.   我是少数极力赞成绩效工资的人之一。   8. He professed a distaste for everything related to money.   他声称厌恶与金钱有关的一切。   9. The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related.   或然性和自由意志这两个哲学问题是紧密相关的。   10. Unemployment benefits are directly related to previous earnings.   失业救济金的额度与以前的收入有直接关系。


related英 [ru026au02c8leu026atu026ad] 美 [ru026au02c8letu026ad]adj.有关系的; 叙述的vt.叙述(relate过去式和过去分词 The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related. 或然性和自由意志这两个哲学问题是紧密相关的。

related relavant 区别 附上例句 谢谢

related 相关的 connected with sth or sb in some way relevant 紧密相关的 closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking about

relevant和related的区别 related department relevant department

related department relevant department 相关部门重点词汇释义related department有关部门relevant有关的,中肯的; 相关联的; 确切的; 有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的

relevant and related做形容词“相关的”有什么区别


related revelant relative 辨析

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: related: connected with *** /sth in some way 相关的,有联系的 relevant:closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking about 紧密相关的,切题的 relevant more close and direct than related. related其他意思:1in the same family 2belong to the same group relavant其他意思:having ideas that are valuable and useful to people in their lives and work有价值的,有意义的 relative指“亲戚”,关系比较疏远。 relative adj. 与..有关 The documents are relative to the discussion. 相比较而言的,相对的 We weighed up the advantages of driving there or going by train. the relative quiet of suburbs Since I got a job, i"ve been living in relative fort. related adj.与..有关 We discussed inflation,unemployment and related issue. Experts believe that large number of cancer cased in this area are directly to nuclear power station. 有亲缘关系的 She"s related to me by marriage. She claims she is related to royalty. relevant adj.和手头事务有关联的 relevant to 与..有关 All evidence relevant to this trial must be given to the police. The point is highly relevant to the discussion. 确当的,适宜的 The board of Education has announced plans to make schooling more relevant and prepare students better for life beyond high school.


relevant[5relivEnt]adj.有关的, 相应的related[ri5leitid]adj.叙述的, 讲述的, 有关系的relative[5relEtiv]n.亲戚, 关系词, 相关物, 亲缘植物adj.有关系的, 相对的, 比较而言的
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