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great 怎么读

great的读音:【ɡreu026at】。great,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“大师;大人物;伟人们”,作形容词时意思是“伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的”。a great many许许多多,极多,为数极大。Great Lakes五大湖;大湖区;大湖;北美五大湖。Great Recession大衰退;经济大衰退;大萧条;大阑珊。Great Egret大白鹭;暴框之战;白鹭;星空下的大白鹭。I have great faith in all of you.我对你们大家有极大的信心。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。5、学习英语有利于出国学习或者旅游,不会迷路或者手足无措。6、学习英语有利于看外国的原著小说或者电视电影等。





IPhone (app storeappleMussic,icloud)是什么软件怎么会扣费


i am great英语怎么读

爱 哎母 格瑞特


great英[ɡreɪt]美[ɡreɪt]beef英[biːf]美[biːf]read英[riːd , red]美[riːd , red]


1、good读音:英 [ɡu028ad]、美 [ɡu028ad]释义:adj. 好的;上等的;优秀的;太棒了。n. 好处;善行。 2、good在句中作定语时,表示“好的,愉快的”。good在句中用作表语时,表示善用(某物),善于处理(某事),善待(某人),后接for可表示“有益的,合适的”,后接to可表示“对…友善的”,后接at可表示“精通的,熟练的”。good用作表语时,其后还可接动词不定式。 3、good常作为礼貌用语或敬语用在称呼中,有时也用作反语,表示“轻蔑,嘲讽”。 4、good and 形容词,在美国口语中常用来加强语气,表示“很”,等于very。








greater[英][ɡreu026atu0259] [美][ɡreu026atu0259] 生词本简明释义adj.大的(great的比较级)易混淆的单词:Greater以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.(great的比较级)Greater is the comparative of great.2.ADJ(与大城市的名称连用,指包括附近城区及郊区在内的整个城市)大的Greater is used with the name of a large city to refer to the city together with the surrounding urban and suburban area.



great英语怎么读 great英语如何读

1、great:英[ɡreu026at]、美[ɡreu026at] 2、adj.伟大的; 巨大的; 极大的; 大的; 数量大的; 众多的; (强调尺寸、体积或质量等)很; 非常的; 很多的; 3、n.名人; 伟人; 伟大的事物; 4、adv.很好地; 极好地; 很棒地; 5、[例句]The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader.这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。 6、[其他]比较级:greater 最高级:greatest 复数:greats


great [ɡreu026at]adj. 伟大的,杰出的;优异的,显著的;很多的;重大的 adv. [口语]很好地;令人满意地,成功地,顺利地;得意地 n. 大人物们;伟大人物;重要人物,大师;名家 汉语助读:古瑞特请采纳!






great[英][ɡreu026at][美][ɡret]adj.伟大的,杰出的; 优异的,显著的; 很多的; 重大的; adv.[口语]很好地; 令人满意地,成功地,顺利地; 得意地; n.大人物们; 伟大人物; 重要人物,大师; 名家; 复数:greats最高级:greatest比较级:greater例句:1.Lots of great advancements, but it"s not an easy thing to do. 我们取得了很多重大的进步,尽管这并不是一件容易的事。2.Let the great management debate commence. 开始伟大的管理学辩论吧。3.Sony has a great brand in playstation. PlayStation是索尼的大品牌。4.But the uncertainty is great. 但其中存在着巨大不确定性。5.This represents great opportunities for global producers. 这对全球铝生产企业是相当大的机会。


是苹果手机中的音乐软件自动订阅付费项目,开启续费之后就会每个周期自动扣费。如何取消:以苹果X,iOS13为例,打开app stote功能。有一个蓝色的小人的图标,点开它,点击订阅。可以看到所有的开通自动续费的APP,只需点击想要取消的app即可。


  是苹果手机中的音乐软件自动订阅付费项目,开启续费之后就会每个周期自动扣费。   如何取消:以苹果X,iOS13为例,打开app stote功能。   有一个蓝色的小人的图标,点开它,点击订阅。   可以看到所有的开通自动续费的APP,只需点击想要取消的app即可。





Dreamweaver 如何制作活动菜单条效果

在自己的网页中加一些元素在Dreamweaer 中实现自动隐藏窗口功能效果,具体怎么做呢?大家就和我一起来制作吧!第1步:制作菜单外貌在Dreamweaer 中新建一个文件,绘制一个层,在该层中插入一个表格(如图1),对该表格进行修饰,然后加入菜单项并建立各项的超链接,为了去掉超链接的下划线,可以编辑超链接的CSS样式,在CSS样式面板中通过CSS选择器将“Link”和“Hover”的“Decoration(装饰)”均设置为 “None(无)”,将“Hover”的“Color(颜色)”设置为红色,最后将设置好的样式应用到各个菜单条中(可按“F12”键预览效果)。第2步:设计菜单的动态效果1、选定层面,当鼠标变成“十”字形时按住左键将层面拖动到页面右上角(使整个菜单条完全露出但上边缘正好靠拢页面上边界),在窗口菜单中打开时间线面板,选定层面将其拖动到时间线上,Dreamweaer会自动产生一个长度为15帧的动画对象,拖动该动画对象的最后一个关键帧到第30帧,将其长度设置为30帧。然后在第15帧处单击右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“添加关键帧”选项插入一个关键帧,并将层面拖动到适当位置(如图2)。在时间线窗口中的第15帧处再次单击右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“添加动作”,为该帧添加一个交互行为,Dreamweaer将自动打开行为面板。单击行为面板中的“+”按钮,从弹出的菜单中选择“Timeline/Stop Timeline”,打开“Stop Timeline”对话框,选择“Timeline1”后单击“确定”按钮关闭该对话框。交互行为的事件为“onFrame15”,动作为“Stop Timeline”,这样当时间线运行到第15帧时,动画将停止播放,这样就实现了菜单条弹回的功能。2、用同样的方法在时间线的第30帧处也添加一个“Stop Timeline”的交互行为,这样就实现了菜单弹出的功能。添加了这两个交互行为后,在时间线窗口的相应帧上面都出现了一个蓝色方块,它代表一个交互行为。选择“自动播放和循环”复选框,使动画能够自动循环播放(如图3)。3、现在还要设置一个行为让时间线停止后能继续播放。我的设想是这样的:在一般状态下菜单条弹回但仅保留下方的“校园大观”字样,而菜单条再次弹出和弹回则由鼠标是否经过了菜单条上的“校园大观”来控制。如此可以这样继续进行:选定菜单条中的“校园大观”(要确保该字样的超链接地址为“#”,即空链接)字样,单击行为面板中的“+”按钮,在弹出的菜单中选择“Timeline/Play Timeline”,在接着弹出的对话框中选择“Timeline1”后单击确定按钮,这时行为面板中将增加一个行为,在其“Events”下拉列表中选择“onMouseOver”事件,表示当鼠标处于该字样上方时播放动画(如图4)。一个活动菜单条制作完成了。可以按“F12”键预览其效果。


timeline的组件是不是ant.design的timeline,如果是ant.design的话很简单<Timeline><Timeline.Item label="左边的文字">右边的文字</Timeline.Item></Timeline>

Marvell 88E8056与Realtek 8168 两个网卡哪个好?

marvell是专业的芯片 设计公司。而且照顾到高中低端的网络处理芯片都有。实力也比较雄厚。可是驱动程序和软件更新支持不是太好。虽然realtek的毛病很多,可是驱动更新很不错。而且价格会更加便宜的。2者选择的话,建议考虑marvell公司的芯片。因为可靠。如果出于性价比考虑的话,还是realtek吧。


  1、Broadcom芯片兼容性最好,是最成熟、最稳定的一种,而且还可以使用DD-WRT这种第三方开源固件改善性能,增加功能;  主要代表磊科,腾达。54M的代表BCM5352、5354、4704、4702;150M代表BCM5356;300M代表BCM5357、5358、4716、4718;  2、 Atheros芯片则主要是突出性能,尤其在匹配Atheros芯片无线网卡时,性能明显要好一些,只是兼容性略差,稳定性也不如Broadcom芯片产品稳定;  主要代表TP,水星,迅捷。150M的代表AR7240、AR9331;300M的代表AR7240、AR7241、AR9341;  3、至于Marvell的产品实在是太少见了,这里就不介绍。  4、此外就是Ralink,目前已知的Edimax、Tenda、ASUS及D-link都有采用Ralink的产品,Ralink芯片产品主要是打低端市场,突出优点就是价格十分便宜,不少100余元的802.11n无线路由都是采用Ralink的。  很多代表,小厂都喜欢,150M的代表RT3050、3350;300M的代表RT3052、3352;  4、速度:Atheros>Broadcom>Ralink;  发Ralink~Broadcom>Atheros(也有例外AR7240发热非常大)但新的比旧的发热是少些。

in minority areas

Please share your research with us. First of all,we need to respect the minorities by using their language and ling English with their language.However,we cannot use their language to teach English,but we can only teach them English in English,because they need to learn English,not reviewing their own language. If they have a language that uses alphabets or letters,take full advantage of that language.We need to remember that most of the learners whose mother tongue cannot learn English well is due to the fact that Chinese and English are not related,both have no relation whatsoever. For minorities to learn English well,they have to start with their alphabetic language,if they have one,then,very quickly,they need to forget their own language and start to learn everything,I mean everything,in English. Never translate.If they want to learn English,it is English only.Never translate English,anything,into the mother tongue.It is even worse to translate their mother tongue into English since they will be using English to talk their mother tongue.That is the worst,exactly like the English many of the native Chinese speakers are using. Choose a textbook that has only English in it.Choose a dictionary that has only English in it.If we really want to help the minorities to learn English,ask them to forget their mother tongue when they are learning English.They can translate when their English is up to the level of their mother tongue.If their English is much worse than their mother tongue,never translate. The only motto they should,or any English language learner should,remember,is,never use English to review your mother tongue. Use your mother tongue to learn your mother tongue,but only use English to learn English,never mix it up with your mother tongue. Good luck.



真是个笑话 用英语怎么说?是really is a joke吗

what a joke

Real Gone Kid 歌词

歌曲名:Real Gone Kid歌手:Deacon Blue专辑:Raintown/When The World Knows Your NameBilly Ray Cyrus - Real GoneI"m American made but I like ChevroletMy momma taught me wrong from right.I was born in the SouthSometimes I have a big mouthWhen I see something that I don"t likeI gotta say it.Well, we"ve been driving this road for a mighty long timePaying no mind to the signsWell, this neighborhood"s changedIt"s all been rearrangedWe left that dream somewhere behind.Slow down, you"re gonna crash,Baby you"re a-screaming it"s a blast, blast, blastLook out babe, you"ve got your blinders onEverybody"s looking for a way to get real goneReal gone.Real gone.But there"s a new cat in townHe"s got high-faded friendsThinks he"s gonna change historyYou think you know him so wellYeah you think he"s so swellBut he"s just perpetuatin" prophecy(oh, come on)Slow down, you"re gonna crash,Baby you"re a-screaming it"s a blast, blast, blastLook out, you"ve got your blinders onEverybody"s looking for a wayTo get real goneReal gone.Real gone.Real gone.WhaoooWell you can say what you wantBut you can"t say it "round here"Cause they"ll catch you and give you a whippin"Well, I believe I was right when I said you were wrongYou didn"t like the sound of thatNow, did ya?Slow down, you"re gonna crash,Baby you"re a-screaming it"s a blast, blast, blastLook out, you"ve got your blinders onEverybody"s looking for a way to get real goneWell here I come and I"m so not scared,Got my pedal to the metal, got my hands in the airLook out, you take your blinders offEverybody"s looking for a way to get real goneReal gone.Real gone.Ooh.Real gone.Real gone.

电脑没有sccreaming bee怎么办

morphvox缺少驱动screaming bee audio driver无法使用是设置错误造成的。解决方法为:1、首先打开计算机开始按钮,在弹出的选项中点击控制面板。虚拟声卡驱动名称:Screaming Bee Audio Driver。2、进入所有控制面板项,点击声音。3、或者可以点击桌面右下角声音按钮,在弹出的选项中点击录音。4、进入声音设置窗口,点击录制。5、目前我们电脑使用的电脑自带的音频设备,而MorphVOX Pro虚拟声卡驱动名称为:Screaming Bee Audio Driver。因此我们选择该声卡驱动后点击设为默认值即可。

求类似Hold It Against Me或者DJ Jazzy Jeff&The Fresh Prince-Scream的歌曲。 主要是开车听。节奏感强的。

screamvi.1. 尖叫;放声大哭;放声大笑[(+for/with)]The child bumped into a table and started screaming.这小孩撞上了桌子,大声哭喊起来。2. (机器,汽笛等)发出尖锐刺耳的声音;(鸟等)尖鸣;(风)呼啸They were about to leave when they heard a siren screaming behind them.他们正要离开时,突然听到警报器在背后尖叫起来。3. 刺眼,令人触目惊心4. (歇斯底里地)强烈要求[(+for)]The gang was screaming for the immediate release of their leader.那帮人吵嚷着要求立即释放他们的头儿。5. 大叫大嚷着抗议[(+about)]vt.1. 尖叫着说;尖叫着发出[(+out)][+that]The old lady screamed out that there was a burglar inside the house.老太太尖叫着说房子里有贼。2. 尖叫得使[O8]She screamed herself hoarse.她尖叫得把嗓子喊哑了。3. 大叫大嚷着要求[+to-v]n.1. 尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音;呼啸声[C]I was awakened by the sound of screams.我被阵阵尖叫声惊醒。2. 【口】极其滑稽可笑的人(或事物)[S]The dumb show was a scream.那出哑剧真是滑稽有趣。现在时screaming



screaming at the wailing wall 歌词

歌曲名:screaming at the wailing wall歌手:Flogging Molly专辑:Within A Mile Of HomeSo God how come every wrong"s been done?With deals no Christ should allowOnce the communist now the terroristWith blood as thick as yoursNow a caravan of cloudsWarns us all of winter showersThe rattle comes the rainWith each bullet screams your name(Chorus)So how come this gatherin" stormFlogging MollyPours little on the truth?Where the smokin" gun"s a familiarsong let looseWith the bombed out carsCome the falling starsFrom a heaven we"ll never knowAnd the nameless namesOn the misspelled graves grow tallWe"re still screamin" at the Wailing WallI"ll liberate your peoples" fateSpoke the Burnin" BushBut the song of beastsGrowl with oil soaked teethTheir dollar is mighty and trueOver refugee and childAnd to all there is no endAnother day in perfect HellSo how come the gatherin" stormPours little on the truth?Where the smokin" gun"s familiarsong let looseNow a caravan of cloudsWarns us all of deadly showersThen a rattle comes the rainWith each bullet screams your name(Chorus)Oh I"ll liberate your peoples" fateAs we scream at the Wailing Wall


品牌型号:realtek audio 系统:Windows 7 软件版本:for Vista7.1 realtek audio就是一般品牌机的集成声卡,独立声卡就是单独一块卡,跟显卡一样。独立声卡有独立的声音缓存、数/模转换器、专用声频处理器、接口电路、内部总线、电源。realtek(r)audio的好处是不占用系统的内存,使用效率高于集成声卡,全独立电路,避免信号干扰。

Screaming Bloody Murder 歌词

歌曲名:Screaming Bloody Murder歌手:Sum 41专辑:Screaming Bloody MurderSum 41 - Screaming Bloody MurderI"m not quite myself these daysGuess we all come undoneTime to time in different ways well,I have myself to blame.Guess I don"t understand, I need help anywayAwesome RiffGod"s got no plans for meWell I"m gonna tell you one thing:I don"t got the patience, all the time!What can I say?I"m no angel, I"m not forsaken,But I can bleed!Tear me open I believeGod will send the one to bleed!And no one can decieve,What it is meant to beAnd Bloody Murder we will scream!Well I guess it"s time for meTell me what I"m left to believe in?"Cause I don"t know the concept of the painI don"t want the fateI"m just losingI can"t prove it,Watch me bleed!Tear me open I believeGod will send the one to bleed!And no one can decieve,What it is meant to beAnd Bloody Murder we will scream!God will send the one to tear me open!"Cause I"m not Giving Up!Yourself control!Suffercate to the plougI"m my worst EnemyWho can"t be savedI"m just his disgraceTear me open I believeGod will send the one to bleed!And no one can decieve,What it is meant to beAnd Bloody Murder we will scream!God will send the one to tear me open!These days are strange it"s true.There"s nothing I would change,No mistakes that I"d undo.

Screaming Eagles 歌词

歌曲名:Screaming Eagles歌手:Sabaton专辑:Coat of ArmsSabaton - Screaming EaglesCrack of the lightning splitting the groundThunder is sounding, artillery poundingWrath of the Nazis cast on BastogneFacing their forces aloneALONE!Sent from the skies jumped into the unknownThe march to Berlin has begunSpearhead the charge surrounded by foesEagles are leading the wayFrance is still under enemy rulePush, axis retreatThrown towards Arnhem a bitter defeatThey""re stretched out just one bridge to farTurn of the tide, it""s breaking awayLosing momentum, retreatGo to Bastogne, the crossroads must holdStand, alone in the coldCrack of the lightning splitting the groundThunder is sounding, artillery poundingWrath of the Nazis cast on BastogneFacing their forces aloneALONE! x2Dig your own foxholes or dig your own graveThe storm is about to beginThe siege has begun, there""s nowhere to runPanzerkampfwagen emergeTanks and mortars are shaking the groundPrey of man and machineCrack of the lightning splitting the groundThunder is sounding, artillery poundingWrath of the Nazis cast on BastogneFacing their forces aloneChill of the winter bite to the boneand Christmas is drawing nearSoldiers are freezing, the death toll increasingThey""re dying in their holesThere""s no surrender there""s no retreat,the Wehrmacht is drawing nearThere""s no reinforcements they""re fighting all aloneSent from the skies ended up in BastogneAs Easy, as hard as they getNazi command request and demandOffered surrender – declinedNuts! The generals word echo clearNuts! The Nazi""s shall hearCrack of the lightning splitting the groundThunder is sounding, artillery poundingWrath of the Nazis cast on BastogneFacing their forces alone

Kicking And Screaming 歌词

歌曲名:Kicking And Screaming歌手:Ashlee Simpson专辑:I Am MeDon"t keep me waiting, anticipatingTreating me like a foolI got news for youI"m turning my backI"m dropping a bomb on youYou want meYou need meBelieve me, you"ll be callin"You love meYou hate meBelieve me, you"ll come crawlin"So get down and get offLet me show you what you"ll be missingWe break up, you break downGonna drag you through this kicking and screamingDon"t keep me guessing your favorite obsessionDon"t get me a lame excuseIs it me that you"re messingIt"s the same old confessionYou"re the one with something to loseWatch out nowA blackoutThere"s no doubtYou can"t have itControl youI"ll own youI"ll show you, but you still can"t have itSo get down and get offLet me show you what you"ll be missingWe break up, you break downGonna drag you through this kicking and screamingSo get down and get offYou"re not the only one that I"ve been missingWe break up, you break downGonna drag you through this kicking and screamingYou"ll be kicking and screamingYou"ll be kicking and screamingBut I"m so deceiving, you"ll be kicking and screamingWatch out nowYou"ll find outYou"ll cry outThere"s no one above meI play hardDon"t run farCome back now, I really do like you...So get down and get offLet me show you what you"ll be missingWe break up, you break downGonna drag you through this kicking and screamingSo get down and get offYou"re not the only one that I"ve been missingWe break up, you break downGonna drag you through this kicking and screamingYou"ll be kicking and screamingYou"ll be kicking and screamingKicking and screamingKickingandScreaming

Kickinng & Screaming 歌词

歌曲名:Kickinng & Screaming歌手:Sebastian Bach专辑:Kicking and ScreamingSebastian Bach - Kickinng & ScreamingQQ : 349777127An original crazyIn a world that I"ve never knownMy life is so rearrangingWhere you end up can you ever know?I gotta get outAnd tear this whole place to the groundIn the night we"ll be kicking, screamingPickin" through the pasts" remainsIn your eyes a future againMake me go insaneWhere we go we can never tellJust take my hand and lead me through this hellYou whispered Prendimi OraI"m roaring "take me now"You can"t imagine the horrorThat you saved me from somehowI gotta get outFrom under the weight of this worldIn the night we"ll be kicking, screamingPickin" through the pasts" remainsIn your eyes a future againMake me go insaneWhere we go we can never tellJust take my hand and lead me through this hellIn the night we"ll be kicking, screamingPickin" through the pasts" remainsIn your eyes a future againMake me go insaneWhere we go we can never tellJust take my hand and lead me through this hellAnd lead me through this hellSebastian Bach - Kickinng & ScreamingQQ : 349777127

kicking and screaming是什么意思

kicking and screaming踢和尖叫 拼音 双语对照 Kicking and Screaming词典[电影]足球老爹数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度百科百度知道1He had to be dragged kicking and screaming into action. 他要被强拉硬拽才肯行动起来。

morphvox缺少驱动screaming bee audio driver无法使用如何解决?

点击软件左上方“工具”那个选项,点击“语音教学”里的“重置所有教学”,然后关闭软件重新打开,软件重复安装步骤,到达你选麦克风的步骤,务必如实选择你电脑上的麦克,选错就会出现这种情况。使用MorphVOX Pro变声打开软件,查看音量条是否正常。确保下图画圆圈位置的按钮处于高亮显示,即打开状态,如果还没有声音,请参考下面设置。确保下图画圆圈位置的按钮处于高亮显示,即打开状态,如果还没有声音,请参考下面设置。点击电脑有下端小喇叭按钮,点击合成器,查看是否下图中有本软件图标,如果没有,请重新安装软件。或者右键单击右下角的小喇叭,查看录音设备,变换不同的设备,查看效果.如若不行,请更换软件版本,查看你的计算机系统是否是精简版的,精简版的缺少系统组件。

realtek usb audio是什么

realtek audio就是一般品牌机的集成声卡,独立声卡就是单独一块卡,像显卡那样的。独立声卡有独立的声音缓存、数/模转换器、专用声频处理器、接口电路、内部总线、电源。 使用独立声卡的好处是: 1、不占用系统资源; 2、全硬件处理,效率高于集成声卡的软硬结合方式; 3、比主板所能提供的更大的电路板面积,能安装更多器件,实现更好的性能; 4、全独立电路,避免信号干扰。

morphvox缺少驱动screaming bee audio driver无法使用如何解决

morphvox缺少驱动screaming bee audio driver无法使用是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、首先打开计算机开始按钮,在弹出的选项中点击【控制面板】。虚拟声卡驱动名称:Screaming Bee Audio Driver。2、进入所有控制面板项,点击【声音】。3、或者可以点击桌面右下角声音按钮,在弹出的选项中点击【录音】。4、进入声音设置窗口,点击【录制】。5、目前我们电脑使用的电脑自带的音频设备,而MorphVOX Pro虚拟声卡驱动名称为:Screaming Bee Audio Driver。因此我们选择该声卡驱动后点击【设为默认值】即可。


《疯狂二十年华》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:xckx导演: 诺亚·鲍姆巴赫编剧: 诺亚·鲍姆巴赫 / Oliver Berkman主演:约什·汉密尔顿/SamuelGould/凯瑟琳·凯尔纳/JonathanBaumbach/JohnLehr/奥利薇亚·阿波/彼得·切尔宁/CarlosJacott/克里斯·埃吉曼/埃里克·斯托尔兹/ElizaRoberts/詹森·威尔斯/帕克·波西/克里斯托弗·里德/诺亚·鲍姆巴赫类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1995-10-06(美国)片长: 96分钟又名: 疯狂双十年华又一部以刚踏入社会却失去生活目标的年轻人为主角的群戏,描写四个才二十几岁的大学毕业生遭遇了事业与家庭的不顺,乃经常相约喝酒聊天,并且问道于酒保。这类型的影片已成九十年代美国低成本电影惯见的一种编剧模式,成绩好坏端看导演能够把握生活气氛,以及那群担纲主演的银幕新人是否能演得真相流露。

请问screaming eagle在这句话里怎么理解?

他那年36岁了,他的青春就像一只咆哮的雄鹰,一去不复返了。在这里的screaming eagle就是咆哮的雄鹰体现出青春的活力。

Screaming Eagles 歌词

歌手:rhapsody 专辑:power of the dragon ... the seven towers are screaming their pain so loudwith my eagles i"ll fly freefrom snowy mountains to crystal seasdargor don"t believe him... listen to my words!或者是歌手:hawkwind 专辑:lyric book u2022 搜索"the aerospaceage inferno"mp3 a flight of steel eagles tearing bythe ripped silk screaming of the rended skyflame on through sound and make time flywhat a good way to go....

求《魂链(Soul-Link)》主题曲《Screaming》 完整版中文歌词

realtek high definition audio是什么?

Realtek High Definition Audio音效驱动程序,仅支持64位的win7以上操作系统。专门针对用户打造的一种非常专业的驱动软件,这款软件在安装之后能够方便用户恢复声卡的正常状态,而且充分借助于声卡的相应功能,有效的提升软件的兼容性。在传统的AC97音频芯片市场,Realtek瑞昱的产品就以其较为出色的性价比赢得了大部分市场,保持着在板载声卡领域中的领先地位。所以电脑上配置的声卡大都是使用着realtek high definition audio driver。HD Audio功能:HD Audio的音频接口具备所谓的接口路由和自动识别功能,一部采用HD Audio音频系统的PC机可同时输出四路互不相关的音频,彼此之间互不干扰,这样便能让PC同时处理不同的音频应用。例如,可以通过音频线/无线网络连接客厅的音箱;同时可通过连接在HD Audio声卡上的多媒体音箱回放游戏中的音乐特效;接着再借助耳机来聆听PC中播放的MP3音乐……倘若还想通过麦克风与远程网络上的朋友交流,HD Audio也可以应付自如。这些应用可在同一时间进行,用户好比拥有多个独立的音频设备,同时进行多项音频相关处理便不再是个问题。以上内容参考:百度百科——Realtek HD


realtek audio就是一般品牌机的集成声卡,独立声卡就是单独一块卡,跟显卡一样。独立声卡有独立的声音缓存、数/模转换器、专用声频处理器、接口电路、内部总线、电源。realtek(r)audio的好处是不占用系统的内存,使用效率高于集成声卡,全独立电路,避免信号干扰。

IQ的《screaming》 歌词

歌曲名:screaming歌手:IQ专辑:nomzamoSooner or laterReady or notWe find ourselves dissolved in soilThe big sleep stateI don"t worryWhen you got to go you got to goBut wouldn"t it be nice to have a sayIn our final dayWhen I take my dying breathIqYou"d better bet your life I"m going outScreamingLike I came inScreamingLove and emotionWe"re told will keep us shelteredFrom the threat of the bearBut danger is everywhereSo take my hand nowAs they adopt their fighting stanceParade our derisionAnd assume the position, configurationYou"d better bet your life I"m going outScreamingLike I came inScreamingI want to be the first to go, to test the waterI miss those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summerIn our younger phaseAll the things I took for granted but most of allYouWhen I take my dying breathYou"d better bet your life I"m going outScreamingLike I came in nowScreaming

Tokio Hotel的《Screaming》 歌词

歌曲名:Screaming歌手:Tokio Hotel专辑:进化城市Screamin"Artist:Tokio HotelAlbum:HumanoidI`ve never seen anything elseQuite like youYou look at me vacantly emptyJust stare right throughI`m such a sad, sad sightIt`s such a cold, cold nightI`m screaming on the top of the worldCan you hear meI`m screamin′ from the top of the worldcan you hear meDon`t you know thatDon`t you feel meI`ll scream till I`m bleedingand I will crush through the ceilingNo you don`t knowWhat I`m feelingAnd that I`m dyingTrying, tryingI`ve analized everything, AnythingThat you doI am physically, mentally over obsessed with youAnd I`m so closeTo what I`ve dreamed ofBut it hurts soYeah it hurts sotop of the worldI`m screamin′ on the top of the worldBut I don`t think I can be heardbut you, you, you, youCould it be you never willCould it be I have to killThis dream that makes me illTokio Hotel - Screamin"By:Vancetina.Y

when he heard screaming为什么用ing?

when he heard screaming. screaming 这里做动名词,相当于一个大名词。


screaming 英["skri:mu026au014b]美["skri:mu026au014b]adj. 尖叫的,令人惊愕的,引人捧腹大笑的v. (因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫 ~发出尖叫声( scream的现在分词 );...[例句]Screaming my head off when my son scores a goal.当我儿子进了一个球时大声尖叫。


screaming 基本解释如下:adj. 尖叫的,令人惊愕的,引人捧腹大笑的。v. (因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫 ~发出尖叫声( scream的现在分词 );(向某人或为某事)高声喊;发出大而尖的声音;呼啸而过。中文词源screaming 用法和例句Witnesses told german media of hearing shots and screaming .目击者听到枪声和尖叫声以后通知了德国媒体。Oh my god , I can hear the screaming now !我的天呐,我觉得我都能听见尖叫了!People were screaming , equipment was falling and glass was breaking .人们大叫,器具掉落在地上,玻璃摔碎了。One night daddy closed the door to his bedroom , started screaming at mother , then began to hit her .一天夜里,老爸关上卧室的门,冲着母亲大喊大叫,接下来就开始动手打她。An older-looking soldier I took to be the squad leader ran over , screaming , and clocked me in the face with his fist .一位看起来年长些,我觉得像是班长的士兵走了过来,一边喊叫一边用拳头打我的脸。

realtek usb disk autorun1.0是什么

AutoRun是自动运行,是微软的windows系统的一种自动运行的文件命令,主要用于对于移动设施的自动运行。 本是微软为了方便用户使用CDROM等移动设施而设置的程序,而现在却被很多病毒利用,所以一旦用户发现来源不明的AutoRun.exe或者AutoRun.inf文件时一定要注意,要及时用杀毒软件查杀,避免因此遭受损失。

you may have complimentary breakfast since it is an early departure啥意

中文翻译为:you may have complimentary breakfast since it is an early departure你可能有免费的早餐,因为这是一个早期的离开early departure早出发例句:No refundment can be made for early departure, and the late arrival.驻地艺术家提早离开或晚到,月记窑陶瓷艺术中心不归还其驻地费用。

英语complimentary breakfast怎么翻译?

Complimentary breakfast.意思是营养早餐。

Hard to Breathe 歌词

歌曲名:Hard to Breathe歌手:Christopher Dallman专辑:Light the Love – EPChristopher Dallman - Hard to BreatheFirst the party was in moonlightThen it bled into the dayThen the party went and swallowedEach 24 hours straightawayWhen it gets hard to breatheDon"t breathe too hardWhen those ghosts line upIn your own backyardEach one and no regretYou can disregardIt gets hard to breatheSo don"t breathe too hardThen there"s is a matter of a telephoneI just let it ring and ringI guess somewhere along the lineAnd fantasy and fancy wineI forgot the simplest thingWhen it gets hard to breatheDon"t breathe too hardWhen those ghosts line upIn your own backyardEach one and no regretYou can disregardIt gets hard to breatheIt gets hard to breatheFirst the party was in moonlightThen it bled it into the dayI guess if I"m gonna findSomething close to peace of mineI better changin" my waysWhen it gets hard to breatheDon"t breathe too hardWhen those ghosts line upIn your own backyardEach one and no regretYou can disregardIt gets hard to breatheSo don"t breathe too hardHard to breatheSo don"t breathe too hardHard to breatheSo don"t breathe too hardChristopher Dallman - Hard to Breathe


你好,很高兴为你解答:Where are you,Tom ?【谐音:味儿啊you,汤姆】你在哪儿,汤姆?词汇Where are you你在哪儿; 你在哪里Tom雄猫; 公猫



break the news to sb, show the news to sb哪一个对,为什么。分别是什么意思

show the news to sb显示消息给某人break the news to sb把消息透露给某人

1He did not (reaction)to the news 2 Ther


英语新目标九年级上2单元16页While You Read翻译

16页翻译:他过去总是制造麻烦 马丁·莫里是一个十五岁大的男孩,他过去是一个问题少年,但是最近他与妈妈的谈话改变了他的人生。在他父亲几年前去世之后,马丁的生活变得很艰难,他的妈妈无力供他读书,为了付学费,他妈妈不得不外出工作,经常不在家。 他妈妈尽心尽力地照顾他,不幸的是,马丁仍然给他自己和家人制造麻烦。他对学习没有兴趣并且常去给警察惹麻烦,好在他妈妈非常耐心并且从未放弃帮助马丁。最后,他妈妈做了一个艰难的决定,把他送去男子寄宿学校,马丁很讨厌那个学校并且在学校里又继续惹祸。一天,他告诉他的老师说他想离开学校,老师也觉得他呆在学校是在浪费光阴。 班主任认为马丁需要和他妈妈谈一下。于是马丁给妈妈打了电话,让他没有想到的是这通电话改变了他的人生。他说:“正如我想要的,妈妈帮助我去了解她曾给予我多少东西,她告诉我尽管爸爸不在了,但其实他一直在看着我并且总是为我所做的一切事情感到骄傲,就是那个时候我才决定改变,我意识到自从爸爸去世后我一直都害怕独处并且总想引起妈妈对我的更多注意力”。 马丁现在真的变了。他一直以来都很努力工作并且现在是他们班里优秀的学生。他是如何能够改变的呢?是妈妈的爱让他纠正了对自己的看法,正像马丁自己所说的一样“父母对孩子来说很重要”。原文:He used to cause a lot of troubleMartin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy.He used to be a "problem child",but a recent conversation whit his mother changed his life. He didn"t use to give his mother many problems. However,after his father"s death a few years ago, Martin"s life became much more difficult. His mother couldn"tafford to pay for her child"s education. To do this, she had to work, and so was often not at home.His mother looked after him as well as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still cause problems for himself and hie family. He was not interested in studying and he often go into trouble with the police. Luckily, his mother was very patient and didn"t give up trying to help him.In the end,she made a difficult decision : to send him to a boy"s boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day,he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time.The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother. Martin called hie mother, but to his surprise,this phone call changed his life. "It was exactly what i need," he said. "My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do. That"s when i decided to change. I realize that since my father died, i have been afraid of being alone,and have tried to make my mother my mother pay more attention to me ."Now Martin has really changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change? His mother"s love helped him to feel good about himself ,and as Martin himself says, "It"s very important for parents to be there for their children."祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

九年级新目标英语第24页While You Read翻译

我应该被允许自己作决定吗?许多青少年都有自己的爱好。但有时这些爱好会妨碍学业,而且父母们可能会担心他们的孩子在学校的表现。青少年经常认为他们应该被允许如他们所愿地尽多地实践自己的爱好。你同意吗? 刘宇,一个5岁的山东男孩,是个赛跑新星。他加入了学校赛跑队并且一直想成为一个专业运动员。然而,他父母不允许他想训练多久就多久。我们当然想看到刘宇实现他的理想,刘先生说“而且我们知道他有多喜欢他的跑步。那很棒,我和我妻子观看了他的每一场比赛。我们毫不反对跑步!但我们真的认为我们的儿子需要现实一些。既然他在长大,他必须想一想如果他最终不能成为专业选手会怎么样”。 刘宇并不十分同意。“哦我认为我应该被允许自己作决定,”他说。“我父母经常教给我努力学习的重要性和不要只做自己喜欢的事。我理解这个。但我对赛跑很认真。成为一名专业的赛跑运动员是我唯一想做的事。” 刘先生和刘夫人都认为刘宇应该在晚上努力学习,所以他们不允许他在上学的晚上练习跑步。“我知道这也许看起来很严格,”刘夫人说,“但我们认为我们做得对,他必须明白只有极少的人可能成为专业运动员。那是个很难实现的理想。我们不允许他每天训练是因为我们认为他应该氢时间药在做作业上。” 但刘宇仍然不同意。“我知道我父母关心我,”他说“但他们总是谈论如果我不成功会怎么样。但我会成功的!我认为我应该被允许自己作这个决定。只有这样我才有机会实现自己的理想。

九年级新目标英语第四单元的Reading中文翻译。原文“Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot o

Martin Robinson 是一个对治疗青少年有丰富经验的医生。他的新著作《What Would You Do If…? 》上月上市。这本书给出了许多怎样做的建议...


Struts+Hibernate+Spring (清华大学出版社)可供你参考!

我才装了系统。请教高手PPStream 和BitComet什么意思?

nginx 104 Connection reset by peer while reading upstream错误处理

1.看日志发现正常日志和错误日志比例几乎1:1 2.错误日志全部是104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream 3.看访问日志也没有其他http错误状态码 1.连续责任人咨询业务场景发现客户端请求基本上都是POST请求,开始以为是上传大文件连接超时了,后来开发确认为了安全使用POST请求,所以并没有大文件上传 2.由于upstream重置连接了,就是说后端主动断开了连接,然后发现连接里有很多TIME-WAIT,应该是qps比较大的情况下,连接处理比较快还在断开连接中就显得比较多了 3.nginx作为反向代理既然是客户端又是服务端,当和后端服务建立连接时并没有默认开启长连接,开启长连接后性能应该会提升很多 4.默认开启长连接不需要keeplive参数,如下是nginx官网查寻的keepalive参数,看的不是很明白,不过有个链接讲的很清楚,他可以激活连接缓存,应该属于长连接性能优化类 5.keepalive参数值应该与qps有关,默认不需要设置太大,如果访问日志里面有5XX错误还得根据实际情况调整,以达到最优效果 下面是官网keeplaive参数解释 Syntax: keepalive connections; Default: — Context: upstream This directive appeared in version 1.1.4. Activates the cache for connections to upstream servers. The connections parameter sets the maximum number of idle keepalive connections to upstream servers that are preserved in the cache of each worker process. When this number is exceeded, the least recently used connections are closed. It should be particularly noted that the keepalive directive does not limit the total number of connections to upstream servers that an nginx worker process can open. The connections parameter should be set to a number small enough to let upstream servers process new incoming connections as well. When using load balancing methods other than the default round-robin method, it is necessary to activate them before the keepalive directive. 1.修改nginx配置开启长连接及结合连接缓存 2.重启nginx服务 主要配置如下 1.查看错误日志 错误日志清空后没有增长过 2.查看连接数状态 长连接前TIME-WAIT比较多 长连接后TSTAB比较多


thereafter adv. 此后,在那之后; 〈罕〉据此 (可以是从将来的某一刻开始的往后)afterprep.(时间)在…后;表示反复不断或一个接着一个;跟随;追赶;在(某人)后面conj.在…以后adv.后来;以后adj.后来的;以后的


【thereafter】 adv.此后,其后【短语】thereafter ad 其后;以后shortly thereafter 在这之后不久【例句】(1)Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris.从那之后,它为巴黎的报纸和杂志撰稿。(2)The plan will help you lose 3-4 pounds the first week,and 1-2 pounds the weeks thereafter.该计划将帮助你在第一周减3-4磅,其后每周减1-2磅

we love 什么play thereafter school?

we love to play there after school

thereby thereafter therefore thereupon 哪个应该用在这个句子的这个位置?












he really pitched in on the housework 这里的on可不可以去掉?为什么要不直接pitch in the housework?

不可以去掉 on. on,这里需要才有意思.(英文的习惯用语)pitched in 词组 投入的意思。 on the housework 词组


  一种用于缝纫针织品的绣针 ,覆盖针脚。  绣针的分类  按针尖的工艺可分为圆头针和尖头针,圆头针适用于真丝、网纱等有细孔的面料,以避免针尖穿过面料纤维,导致面料抽丝。其它的面料则用普通的尖头针即可。  按外形可分为羊毛针、苏针、欧针、钝头针四类。  羊毛针最细,供绣人像之面用;  苏针次之,锋尖锐、鼻底钝,不易伤手;  欧针,粗而鼻底利,易伤手。  钝头针针头粗钝,鼻底粗长。




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