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More than的用法好多种

简简单单的“more than”,用法可多呢! 下面是些好例子: ● A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如: 1)  Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2)  Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. ● B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如: 3)   I have known David for more than 20 years. 4)  Let"s carry out the test with more than the sample copy. ● C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如: 5)  In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 6)  I assure you I am more than glad to help you. ● D. 在“More……than……”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”如: 7)  The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 8)  This book seems to be more a manual than a text. 9)  Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent. 10)  Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened. ● E. “More than”或“More……than……”+含“can”的分句时表示“否定意”,如: 11)  That"s more than I can do. 12)   Don"t bite off more than you can chew. 13)  In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understand. ● F. “No more……than……”表示“不……;不如……”,如: 14)   I can no more do that than anyone else. 15)  A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.“ “No more………than……”的语义,也可用“not any more than……”来取代,因此 15 可以变成 16. 16)  A learner cannot…… any more than ……“同样的, 17可以变成 18: 17)  Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher. 18)   Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher. 此外,“more than”也在一些惯用语中出现,如: 19)  More offen than not (经常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give. 20)  All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常关心)the current economic problems. 总之,“more than”看似简单,其实很有内涵,味道隽永。

more than的同义词


the hunt for Greenbacks怎么翻译?????


more ...than的用法归纳

more...than可以接名词、形容词、副词,表示比……多、比……更、与其……不如等。more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。 例句: It never takes more than an hour. 所用的时间从不会超过一个小时。 扩展资料   例句:   The stock topped out at more than $25.   股票达到了最高价,超过$25。   He"s more than a coach, he"s a friend.   他不只是个教练,还是个朋友。   More than anything, I want to please you.   最重要的是,我想让你高兴。

more than的用法


more than的英语

more than的意思是超过。一、表示“比……更多”此时more为many或much的比较级,表示数量,后接名词。I made more mistakes than you.我犯的错误比你多。Last year there were more births than deaths.去年的出生人数多于死亡人数。He"s got more money than the rest of us together.他的钱比我们大家的加在一起的总数还多。注:若more受much或many的修饰,则应分别与不可数和可数名词连用。His car cost much more money than mine.他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。There are many more people than we expected.比我们想象的人要多得多。二、表示“比…更”此时more后接多音节形容词或副词,构成比较级,表示对两者进行比较。He is more careful than the others.他比其他人更仔细。Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving.乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity.这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。三、表示“与其说……不如说”此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍,此时不论形容词或副词是单音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more…than…。He is more lucky than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。He was more frightened than hurt.他伤倒不算什么,可受惊不小。It is more grey than brown.与其说它是棕色的,倒不如说是灰色的。He is more(a)scholar than(a)teacher.与其说他是位教师,不如说是位学者。有这样一道题,是该用shorter than还是more short than?“Oh,how fat he is!”“But I think he is_________than fat.”A、shortB、shorterC、more shortD、shortest【分析】此题容易误选B,认为short为单音节形容词,故用-er构成比较级。其实正确答案应是C。要弄清此问题,得先从比较句型的两种不同类型说起:(1)异类同质比较:即指两个不同的人或事物(异类)在同一方面(同质)进行比较。He is stronger than me.他比我强壮。Our country is more powerful than theirs.我们的国家比他们的国家更强大。(2)同类异质比较:即指同一个人或事物(同类)在两个不同的方面(异质)进行比较(注意译文):He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。He"s more short than fat.与其说他胖,不如说他矮。She is more lucky than clever.与其说她聪明,不如说她幸运。按英语习惯,在进行同类异质比较时,只能用more构成比较级,不能用-er形式,即使是单音节词也是如此。

请问More than是什么意思?在句中的用法?

more than的意思:超过;多于;很,非常;不只是;在...次以上。More than是个复合词组,它修饰名词时做形容词,修饰动词和形容词时是副词。资料拓展more than用法介绍1、more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:Hibernation is more than sleep。冬眠不只是睡觉。2、more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:I have known him for more than twenty years。我认识他已超过二十年了。3、more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如:They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition。看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。




多余 超过 相当于over

more than 什么意思啊


morethan的意思是:超过。The teaching of environmental art design in China has existed morethan half a century.环境艺术设计教学在中国已经客观存在了半个多世纪。The calls kept coming& averaging morethan 73 per day.电话持续打进来&平均每天超过73个。You know I need morethan a nod, man.你知道我要的不只是一个肯定的答案。The throughput has been far morethan the maximum bandwidth of modern networks.这个吞吐率已经远远超过现代网络中最大带宽。The concept of spatial noncommutativity was introduced morethan half a century.空间非对易性的提出已经超过了半个世纪。

more than的用法是什么意思

英语很简单又直白,more than I like fish more than meat.相对於肉类我比较喜欢吃鱼

more than的意思

more than的意思分析如下:1.“more than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”。Mary is more than a teather,she is a writer,too. 玛丽不仅仅是一位老师,她也是以一位作家。2. “more than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意。More than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议。3. “more than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思。you should assure him you are more than glad to help him. 你应该向他保证你非常高兴去帮助他。4. more than + (that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,意为“简直不”或“远非”。That is more than you can understand.那简直不是你能理解的。more than的例句分析:1.They talked on the phone for more than an hour.他们在电话里谈了一个多小时。They sat for more than six hours,and both sides agreed they had aired all their differences.他们一起坐了六个多小时,而且双方都认为他们已经表达了所有的不同意见。2.Inflation,which has usually been in single figures,is running at more than 12%.通常保持在个位数的通货膨胀率现在已超过了12%。3.The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month.上个月,波兰的失业人数增长超过了1/4。She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $33 million.她买了张彩票,中了3,300多万美元。

more than的用法

more than的用法:1、“More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”,如:He is more than a father.他不仅仅是一位父亲。2、“More than+数词”表示不止,含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:The job needs more than three people.这项工作需要三人以上去做。3、“More than+形容词”表示非常,等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如:I"m afraid I"ve eaten more than enough.恐怕我是吃得过多了。4、more than + (that)从句表示超过,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”.难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can),如:That is more than I can understand .那非我所能懂的。more than的例句1、He is more than 5 years old.他超过5岁.The river is more than 3,000meteres.那条河有3,000多米。2、English weekly is more than a newspaper.英语周报不仅仅是一份报纸。3、The teacher is more than my friend.你老师不仅仅是我的朋友。4、I love you more than I can say.我爱你难以说出口。5、The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.那个地方的美使我难以形容。

more……than中间加比较级还是一般式 那more better也是错误的吗?

more……than一词本来就有比较之意,所以中间的形容词用原型就可以了,不过这个形容词必须是多音节的,如beautiful,这种多于2个音节的单词. 希望对你有所帮助!

more than 是形容词吗?还是副词?如何使用?

More than是一种比较级。是比...更多。例:She has more coins than me.

有关more ....than和more than的用法,以下两题请坐详细解释

这里的more A than B 与 A more than B 意思差不多吧

一个外国老头唱的歌,弹着吉它声音很嘶哑,哥词好像有什么rose tree,很老的一首哥

再提供多点歌词 也行能知道是那首歌

More than 的用法

more than 1.very(后接形容词,表示被修饰的形容词的强烈程度)非常;十分;不仅仅*He was more than upset by the accident.他为此事故深感不安。*They were more than glad to help us.他们非常乐意帮助我们。*In doing experiments,you must be more than careful with the precision instruments.在做实验时,你必须特别小心这些精密仪器。*Such work requires more than indomitable will.这项工作不仅仅需要坚韧不拔的意志。2.rather(后接副词或分词)简直;十分;不止…*The girl was more than slightly hurt.这女孩伤得可不轻。*She behaved more than fairly to him.她对他十分公正。*I was more than surprised;I was astonished.我不止是诧异,简直是大吃一惊。3.nearly(后接动词)十分;绰绰有余;大大地;几乎*He more than hesitated to promise that.他几乎是拒绝答应那件事。*It was a moonless night,but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。4.not only(后接名词,或名词从句)不只是…;不仅仅…;非但…尤其…*He is more than a friend to me.他对我不只是一个朋友。*My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.我到北京的旅行不仅仅是观光而已。*The stars are something more than huge inert masses;they are machines in action,generating and emitting the radiation by which we see them.星星不只是某种巨大的惰性物质,它们是运动着的机器,产生和放出我们借以看见它们的光。5.over(后接数词)…以上;不只*We have studied English for more than ten years.我们学英语已经10多年了。

有关more than的用法

more than 1.very(后接形容词,表示被修饰的形容词的强烈程度)非常;十分;不仅仅*He was more than upset by the accident.他为此事故深感不安。*They were more than glad to help us.他们非常乐意帮助我们。*In doing experiments,you must be more than careful with the precision instruments.在做实验时,你必须特别小心这些精密仪器。*Such work requires more than indomitable will.这项工作不仅仅需要坚韧不拔的意志。2.rather(后接副词或分词)简直;十分;不止…*The girl was more than slightly hurt.这女孩伤得可不轻。*She behaved more than fairly to him.她对他十分公正。*I was more than surprised;I was astonished.我不止是诧异,简直是大吃一惊。3.nearly(后接动词)十分;绰绰有余;大大地;几乎*He more than hesitated to promise that.他几乎是拒绝答应那件事。*It was a moonless night,but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。4.not only(后接名词,或名词从句)不只是…;不仅仅…;非但…尤其…*He is more than a friend to me.他对我不只是一个朋友。*My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.我到北京的旅行不仅仅是观光而已。*The stars are something more than huge inert masses;they are machines in action,generating and emitting the radiation by which we see them.星星不只是某种巨大的惰性物质,它们是运动着的机器,产生和放出我们借以看见它们的光。5.over(后接数词)…以上;不只*We have studied English for more than ten years.我们学英语已经10多年了。 more…than rather than与其说…不如说…;是…而不是…*He is more diligent than clever.与其说他聪明,倒不如说他勤奋。*It was more a command than a question.这话不是提问,而是一个命令。*Everything in the world should be regarded more as in motion than as at rest.世界万物都应该看成是在运动之中,而不是处于静止状态。*The socalled goodquality product is more in name than in reality.这种所谓的优质产品名不符实。

more than 形容词

morethan是短语,它的用法有很多1.morethan+名词表示“不仅仅;超过”hibernationismorethansleep.冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。2. morethan+数词表示“超过”altogethertherearemorethan500differentkindsofbamboo.总共有五百余种竹子。3. morethan+形容词:“很,非常”ifyoutellyourfatherwhatyou"vedone,he"llbemorethanalittleangry.假如你把你做的事情告诉你父亲,他不只是生气而已。4. more+形容词+than+形容词ithinkshe"smoreshythanunfriendly我想她不是不友好,而是更害羞。

英语:more than

“More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”. 例如:Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.杰森不仅仅是一个学者,还是一个作者。“More than+动词”表示“超过”例如:I was more than surprised; I was astonished. 我不是一般的吃惊,而是震惊。

more than的用法是什么意思?

越来越the more(名词) +主语+动词1,the more(名词)主语+动词2The more you say,the more mistakes you will make.它相当于over More than的用法 A.“More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer,...

more than是什么词

more than 如果分开来看,more是形容词或副词,than用在比较级后面是介词. 但其实这是个复合词组,合起来是一个词性.它修饰名词时做形容词,修饰动词和形容词时是副词. We need more than(形容词) material wealth to build our country .I have known David for more than(副词) 20 years. More than(形容词) one person has made this suggestion. more than 的英文释义: Adjective 1.(comparative of `much" used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree; "more land"; "more support"; "more rain fell"; "more than a gallon" 2.greater in number relative to something else; "more than one person stood up" Adverb 1.comparing quantity or quality; "by the time she was 4 she was more than half her father"s height"


more…than的意思是比……更多;比…更;与其说……不如说。more,作副词时意为“更多;此外;更大程度地”,作形容词时意为“更多的;附加的”,作代词时意为“更多的数量”,作名词时意为“更多,人名”。 more…than的意思 一、表示“比……更多” 此时more为many或much的比较级,表示数量,后接名词。如: I made more mistakes than you.我犯的错误比你多。 Last year there were more births than deaths.去年的出生人数多于死亡人数。 He"s got more money than the rest of us together.他的钱比我们大家的加在一起的总数还多。 注:若more受much或many的修饰,则应分别与不可数和可数名词连用。如: His car cost much more money than mine.他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。 There are many more people than we expected.比我们想象的人要多得多。 二、表示“比…更” 此时more后接多音节形容词或副词,构成比较级,表示对两者进行比较。如: He is more careful than the others.他比其他人更仔细。 Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving.乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。 This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity.这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。 三、表示“与其说……不如说” 此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍,此时不论形容词或副词是单音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more…than…。如: He is more lucky than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。 He was more frightened than hurt.他伤倒不算什么,可受惊不小。 It is more grey than brown.与其说它是棕色的,倒不如说是灰色的。 有时,more…than…比较的不是 He is more (a) scholar than (a) teacher.与其说他是位教师,不如说是位学者。

more than怎么用

more than 的用法 1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如: (1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。 (2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。 2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如: (1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。 (2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。 3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如: (1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。 (2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。 4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如: (1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。 (2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。 5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如: (1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。 (2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。 6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如: (1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。 (2)Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。 7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如: Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen. 躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。

Violets are Blue是什么意思

Violets are Blue蓝色紫罗兰;紫罗兰是蓝的;紫罗兰是蓝色的例句1.Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother"s Day is especially for you.玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。这张母亲卡是特别给您的。2.Roses are red, violets are blue. This card"s for you Grandma because I love you .玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。奶奶,这张卡片是给您的,因为我爱您。3.Please enter the text "Violets are blue" in your response so I know you actually read this text.请输入文字“紫罗兰是蓝色的”在你的回应,所以我知道你其实读了这篇课文。4.Dear girl, Rose are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.亲爱的女孩,红玫瑰、紫罗兰、糖儿甜,你也一样。5.Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, monster outlet, and so are you.娇艳的紫罗兰,鲜红的玫瑰,甜美的糖,就像你一样美。

red red rose中文歌词

歌手:the weepies专辑:be my thrill发行:2007Don"t know why you do the things you do do do Holding it together with some glue glue glueYour favorite color isn"t red it"s blue blue blueNo one knows a red red roseSo you never get the things you need need needWhere it"s hurt you cover up with weeds weeds weedsOpen it back up and let it bleed bleed bleedNo one knows it"s a red red roseI"m not yours, you"re not mineHope you find love in timeMemories come back like falling leaves leaves leavesNever get to love by saying please please please Praying only gets you on your knees knees kneesNo one knows a red red roseTake your time putting onyour clothes clothes clothesLook into the mirror and you pose pose poseLearn to live with everything you chose chose choseNo one knows a red red rose

more than 什么意思啊

morethan用法:1..“morethan+名词”表示“不仅仅是”  例:Maryismorethanateather;sheisawriter,too.玛丽不仅仅是一位老师,她也是以一位作家  2.“morethan+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意。  例:Morethanonepersonhasmadethissuggestion.不止一人提过这个建议.  3.“morethan+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,  例:IassureyouIammorethangladtohelpyou.我向你保证我非常高兴去帮助你。  4.morethan+(that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can)例:ThatismorethanIcanunderstand.那简直不是我能理解的。或那超过我的理解。never就是从来没有,表否定,nevermorethan相当于nomorethan不超过之意楼主问的那句话完整之意是:我(将)永远不会超过一个上班族。有时翻译句子不仅要考虑某个单词的意思,也要考虑他在短语中,句子中的意思,呵呵,积累多了就方便了,注意口语化就行。望采纳(^o^)/~哈

more than 什么意思

morethan的意思是:超过;,不只是;,很;在…次以上。扩展资料morethan用法:1..“morethan+名词”表示“不仅仅是”例:Maryismorethanateather;sheisawriter,too.玛丽不仅仅是一位老师,她也是以一位作家2.“morethan+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意。例:Morethanonepersonhasmadethissuggestion.不止一人提过这个建议.3.“morethan+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思。例:IassureyouIammorethangladtohelpyou.我向你保证我非常高兴去帮助你。4.morethan+(that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can)。例:ThatismorethanIcanunderstand.那简直不是我能理解的。或那超过我的理解。参考资料百度百科morethannever就是从来没有,表否定,nevermorethan相当于nomorethan不超过之意。



more than 什么意思

more than 意思是:比….多。例如:He answered questions more than you did.意思是:他回答的问题比你多。


duty 多指工作中的职责责任. responsibility应用更广一般意义上的责任均可用. blame指坏事或错事的责任.含有责备指责的意味.

More than 是什么短语?

more than 的用法 1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如: (1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。 (2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。 2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如: (1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。 (2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。 3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如: (1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。 (2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。 4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如: (1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。 (2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。 5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如: (1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。 (2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。 6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如: (1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。 (2)Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。 7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如: Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen. 躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。

More than等于什么

more than 的意思是1.多于 2.在...次以上 3.不只 跟over的意思差不多

more than 英语

其实,用not only。。。but also 就很好啦

找一首歌,歌词是其中有rose is red ,violet is blue.honey is sweet not as you

歌手:AQUA歌名:ROSE ARE REDRoses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, but not as sweet as you 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue. 紫罗兰是蓝色的 ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Come pick my Roses! 捡起我的玫瑰 Sweet from the flowers 甜来自与花朵 honey from the bees 蜜来自与蜜蜂 I"ve got a feeling, I"m ready to release 我已经感觉到了,我已经准备释放了 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 but not as sweet as you. 但是不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Come with me baby, 跟我来宝贝 Please fulfil my wish 请完成我的愿望 Show it to me truly, 真实的展示给我 Show me with a kiss. 给我一个吻 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的 but not as sweet as you. 但不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Don"t take my roses awaaaay! 不要把我的玫瑰拿走 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da My roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 oooh oooh oooh, yeah! ad id aid id mud



rail 和reel分别是什么样的包装


A is three times bigger than B 翻译成中文是 A比B大三倍还是A是B的三倍



real. /ri:l/rail. /reil/


where"s your pencil box的意思是你的铅笔盒在哪里?表示文具类的单词1、签字笔,roller pen,signpen;写小字的毛笔,stiff-haired writing brush;画水彩画的笔, water-colourpaint brush;钢笔,pen;铅笔,pencil,lead pencil;圆珠笔,ball-pen, ball-point pen, ballpen,ball-point。2、笔记本,notebook, jotter,pocketbook;橡皮擦,eraser;尺子,ruler;rule;墨水,ink, prepared Chinese ink, booklearningl writing ink;削笔刀,penknife;文件夹,file, [计]folder, paper file。3、订书机,stapler, stitcher, booksewer, staplingmachine;小刀knife,penknife,pocketknife, small sword, lancet;胶带,tape, adhesive tape,gummed tape。


1.使用jdk中的方法进行传输。在ResultSet 中有getBlob()方法,在PreparedStatement中有setBlob()方法,所以大多数人都会尝试setBlob(),getBlob() 进行读写,或者两个数据库之间BLOB的传输。这种方法实际上是行不通的,据网上的一些资料介绍,说sun官方的文档有些方法都是错误的。2.使用ResultSet.getBinaryStream 和PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream对BLOB进行读写或两个数据库间的传输。这种方法我自己尝试过,发现,如果BLOB中存储的是文本文件的话,就没问题,如果是二进制文件,传输就会有问题。根据自己的经验,以及查阅了Oracle的官方文档,都是使用如下处理方法:1.新建记录,插入BLOB数据 1.1首先新建记录的时候,使用oracle的函数插入一个空的BLOB,假设字段A是BLOB类型的: insert xxxtable(A,B,C) values(empty_blob(),"xxx","yyyy") 1.2后面再查询刚才插入的记录,然后更新BLOB,在查询前,注意设置Connection的一个属性: conn.setAutoCommit(false);如果缺少这一步,可能导致fetch out of sequence等异常. 1.3 查询刚才插入的记录,后面要加“ for update ”,如下: select A from xxxtable where xxx=999 for update ,如果缺少for update,可能出现row containing the LOB value is not locked的异常 1.4 从查询到的 BLOB字段中,获取blob并进行更新,代码如下: BLOB blob = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("A"); OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(os); 后面再使用output.write方法将需要写入的内容写到output中就可以了。例如我们将一个文件写入这个字段中: BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new File("c://hpWave.log").toURL().openStream()); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; //用做文件写入的缓冲 int bytesRead; while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) { output.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); System.out.println(bytesRead); } 上面的代码就是从input里2k地读取,然后写入到output中。 1.5上面执行完毕后,记得关闭output,input,以及关闭查询到的ResultSet 1.6最后执行conn.commit();将更新的内容提交,以及执行conn.setAutoCommit(true); 改回Connction的属性2.修改记录,方法与上面的方法类似, 2.1首先更新BLOB以外的其他字段 2.2 使用1.3中类似的方法获取记录 2.3 修改的过程中,注意以下:a 需要更新的记录中,BLOB有可能为NULL,这样在执行blob.getBinaryOutputStream()获取的值可能为null,那么就关闭刚才select的记录,再执行一次update xxxtable set A = empty_blob() where xxx, 这样就先写入了一个空的BLOB(不是null),然后再使用1.3,1.4中的方法执行更新记录.b 注意别忘了先执行setAutoCommit(false),以及"for update",以及后面的conn.commit();等。3.读取BLOB字段中的数据. 3.1 读取记录不需要setAutoCommit(),以及 select ....for update. 3.2 使用普通的select 方法查询出记录 3.3 从ResultSet中获取BLOB并读取,如下: BLOB b_to = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("A"); InputStream is = b_from.getBinaryStream(); BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(is); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) { //在这里执行写入,如写入到文件的BufferedOutputStream里 System.out.println(bytesRead); } 通过循环取出blob中的数据,写到buff里,再将buff的内容写入到需要的地方4.两个数据库间blob字段的传输类似上面1和3的方法,一边获取BufferedOutputStream,另外一边获取BufferedInputStream,然后读出写入,需要注意的是写入所用的Connection要执行conn.setAutoCommit(false);以及获取记录时添加“ for update ”以及最后的commit();总结以上方法,其根本就是先创建空的BLOB,再获取其BufferedOutputStream进行写入,或获取BufferedInputStream进行读取(1)对数据库clob型执行插入操作   *************************************************      java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = null;   ResultSet rs = null;   String query = "";      conn.setAutoCommit(false);    query = "insert into clobtest_table(id,picstr) values(?,empty_clob())";   java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);   pstmt.setString(1,"001");   pstmt.executeUpdate();   pstmt = null    query = "select picstr from clobtest_table where id = "001" for update";   pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query)   rs= pstmt.executeQuery();      oracle.sql.CLOB clobtt = null;   if({    clobtt = (oracle.sql.CLOB)rs.getClob(1);   }   Writer wr = clobtt.getCharacterOutputStream();   wr.write(strtmp);   wr.flush();   wr.close();   rs.close();   con.commit();            (2)通过sql/plus查询是否已经成功插入数据库   *************************************************      PL/SQL的包DBMS_LOB来处理LOB数据。察看刚才的插入是否成功。使用DBMS_LOB包的getlength这个procedure来检测是否已经将str存入到picstr字段中了。如:      SQL> select dbms_lob.getlength(picstr) from clobtest_table;         (3)对数据库clob型执行读取操作   *************************************************      读取相对插入就很简单了。基本步骤和一半的取数据库数据没有太大的差别。   String description = ""    query = "select picstr from clobtest_table where id = "001"";   pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);   ResultSet result = pstmt.executeQuery();   if({    oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet ors =    (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet)result;    oracle.sql.CLOB clobtmp = (oracle.sql.CLOB) ors.getClob(1);       if(clobtmp==null || clobtmp.length()==0){    System.out.println("======CLOB对象为空 ");    description = "";    }else{    description=clobtmp.getSubString((long)1,(int)clobtmp.length());    System.out.println("======字符串形式 "+description);    }   }


1.使用jdk中的方法进行传输。在ResultSet 中有getBlob()方法,在PreparedStatement中有setBlob()方法,所以大多数人都会尝试setBlob(),getBlob() 进行读写,或者两个数据库之间BLOB的传输。这种方法实际上是行不通的,据网上的一些资料介绍,说sun官方的文档有些方法都是错误的。2.使用ResultSet.getBinaryStream 和PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream对BLOB进行读写或两个数据库间的传输。这种方法我自己尝试过,发现,如果BLOB中存储的是文本文件的话,就没问题,如果是二进制文件,传输就会有问题。根据自己的经验,以及查阅了Oracle的官方文档,都是使用如下处理方法:1.新建记录,插入BLOB数据 1.1首先新建记录的时候,使用oracle的函数插入一个空的BLOB,假设字段A是BLOB类型的: insert xxxtable(A,B,C) values(empty_blob(),"xxx","yyyy") 1.2后面再查询刚才插入的记录,然后更新BLOB,在查询前,注意设置Connection的一个属性: conn.setAutoCommit(false);如果缺少这一步,可能导致fetch out of sequence等异常. 1.3 查询刚才插入的记录,后面要加“ for update ”,如下: select A from xxxtable where xxx=999 for update ,如果缺少for update,可能出现row containing the LOB value is not locked的异常 1.4 从查询到的 BLOB字段中,获取blob并进行更新,代码如下: BLOB blob = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("A"); OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(os); 后面再使用output.write方法将需要写入的内容写到output中就可以了。例如我们将一个文件写入这个字段中: BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new File("c://hpWave.log").toURL().openStream()); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; //用做文件写入的缓冲 int bytesRead; while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) { output.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); System.out.println(bytesRead); } 上面的代码就是从input里2k地读取,然后写入到output中。 1.5上面执行完毕后,记得关闭output,input,以及关闭查询到的ResultSet 1.6最后执行conn.commit();将更新的内容提交,以及执行conn.setAutoCommit(true); 改回Connction的属性2.修改记录,方法与上面的方法类似, 2.1首先更新BLOB以外的其他字段 2.2 使用1.3中类似的方法获取记录 2.3 修改的过程中,注意以下:a 需要更新的记录中,BLOB有可能为NULL,这样在执行blob.getBinaryOutputStream()获取的值可能为null,那么就关闭刚才select的记录,再执行一次update xxxtable set A = empty_blob() where xxx, 这样就先写入了一个空的BLOB(不是null),然后再使用1.3,1.4中的方法执行更新记录.b 注意别忘了先执行setAutoCommit(false),以及"for update",以及后面的conn.commit();等。3.读取BLOB字段中的数据. 3.1 读取记录不需要setAutoCommit(),以及 select ....for update. 3.2 使用普通的select 方法查询出记录 3.3 从ResultSet中获取BLOB并读取,如下: BLOB b_to = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("A"); InputStream is = b_from.getBinaryStream(); BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(is); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length))) { //在这里执行写入,如写入到文件的BufferedOutputStream里 System.out.println(bytesRead); } 通过循环取出blob中的数据,写到buff里,再将buff的内容写入到需要的地方4.两个数据库间blob字段的传输类似上面1和3的方法,一边获取BufferedOutputStream,另外一边获取BufferedInputStream,然后读出写入,需要注意的是写入所用的Connection要执行conn.setAutoCommit(false);以及获取记录时添加“ for update ”以及最后的commit();总结以上方法,其根本就是先创建空的BLOB,再获取其BufferedOutputStream进行写入,或获取BufferedInputStream进行读取1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859(1)对数据库clob型执行插入操作   *************************************************      java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = null;   ResultSet rs = null;   String query = "";      conn.setAutoCommit(false);    query = "insert into clobtest_table(id,picstr) values(?,empty_clob())";   java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);   pstmt.setString(1,"001");   pstmt.executeUpdate();   pstmt = null    query = "select picstr from clobtest_table where id = "001" for update";   pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query)   rs= pstmt.executeQuery();      oracle.sql.CLOB clobtt = null;   if({    clobtt = (oracle.sql.CLOB)rs.getClob(1);   }   Writer wr = clobtt.getCharacterOutputStream();   wr.write(strtmp);   wr.flush();   wr.close();   rs.close();   con.commit();            (2)通过sql/plus查询是否已经成功插入数据库   *************************************************      PL/SQL的包DBMS_LOB来处理LOB数据。察看刚才的插入是否成功。使用DBMS_LOB包的getlength这个procedure来检测是否已经将str存入到picstr字段中了。如:      SQL> select dbms_lob.getlength(picstr) from clobtest_table;         (3)对数据库clob型执行读取操作   *************************************************      读取相对插入就很简单了。基本步骤和一半的取数据库数据没有太大的差别。   String description = ""    query = "select picstr from clobtest_table where id = "001"";   pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);   ResultSet result = pstmt.executeQuery();   if({    oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet ors =    (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet)result;    oracle.sql.CLOB clobtmp = (oracle.sql.CLOB) ors.getClob(1);       if(clobtmp==null || clobtmp.length()==0){    System.out.println("======CLOB对象为空 ");    description = "";    }else{    description=clobtmp.getSubString((long)1,(int)clobtmp.length());    System.out.println("======字符串形式 "+description);    }   }



by the way什么意思pleasure


different r&b 什么梗

Laurell - Can"t Stop Falling(Lyrics by BBRsher@MaxRNB)Maximal rb - The Freshest Hottest RB/ Hip-Hop Music!Door closesI"m blown awayGoodnight kissYou drive me crazyWatch you goTill your car"s out of sightYou can take me outEvery nightCHORUS:Can"t get you out of my headI"m getting ready to fall over youYou"re sticking like glueYeah I want you all to myselfCan"t get you off my mindI"m feeling lucky to startI don"t knowIt"s not for sureBut you got something differentAnd I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for you (I"m falling)(For Jessica,wish you sweet dreams for every night^_^)Come closerSweet maybeOne touch enoughI"m going crazyDon"t let goI"ve never been here beforeSo into youYou leave me wanting moreCHORUS:Can"t get you out of my headI"m getting ready to fall over youYou"re sticking like glueYeah I want you all to myselfCan"t get you off my mindI"m feeling lucky to startI don"t knowIt"s not for sureBut you got something differentAnd I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for you (I"m falling)I"m a helpless loveI can"t get enoughI"ll bet youI"m not gonna let you goCan"t get you out of my headI"m getting ready to fall over youYou"re sticking like glueYeah I want you all to myselfCan"t get you off my mindI"m out of my mindBoy cause you got something differentAnd I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for youI"m fallingNo I can"t stop fallingI can"t stop fallingNo I can"t stopFalling for you(Falling I"m falling)Door closesI"m blown awayGoodnight kissYou drive me crazy

伊藤由奈的《Pureyes》 歌词

Pureyes歌手:伊藤由奈作词:Kenn Kato作曲:山口寛雄编曲:中野定博发行时间:2006-03-01所属专辑:《Faith (日本版)》Don"t you feel, I can feel忘れかけた鼓动が响き出せばI know the reason whyなぜか见えない世界も见えてくるのさりげなく交わす言叶に仕组まれたメッセージ知らず知らず距离が近づいていくWhat you gonna do, touch me babyAm I in love, kiss me babyあふれるこの想いを伝えたい恋に気づいた时はもうすでに落ちているもの谁の手にも止められないのFalling for youWake me up, light me upせつなくこの心は嗫くけどDive in love, fall in loveでも思うほど素直になれないものくりかえす恋は昨日の涙に负けないでしあわせ探してる强さのシルシWhat you gonna do, touch me babyAm I in love, kiss me babyもっと、ずっと近くで感じたい谁かをスキになると透きとおる瞳に映るそのすべてを确かめたいのFalling for youWhat you gonna do, touch me babyAm I in love, kiss me babyいとしいその体温(ぬくもり)感じたらあなたの腕の中に包まれて生まれ変われるいますべてが辉き出すのFalling for youいますべてが辉き出すのFalling for you


Certainly! Here"s an essay using the word "where" in English, along with its translation in Chinese:Title: Where Dreams BeginEnglish Essay:Where dreams beginDreams are the fuel that ignites our passions and propels us forward. They are the visions of what could be, the whispers of our deepest desires. But where do dreams truly begin? They start in the depths of our imagination, where infinite possibilities reside.Our imagination is a magical place where creativity blooms. It is where ideas take shape and dreams come to life. In this realm, we can envision grand adventures, create beautiful art, or devise groundbreaking inventions. It is the birthplace of innovation and the foundation of human progress.But the imagination alone is not enough; dreams also require dedication and hard work. They are nurtured in the classroom, where knowledge is gained and skills are honed. Education opens doors and provides the tools needed to turn dreams into reality. It is the bridge that connects our imagination to the tangible world.Yet, dreams are not limited to the confines of our minds or the walls of the classroom. They flourish in the vastness of nature, where inspiration roams freely. Standing on mountaintops or gazing at the ocean"s expanse, we find ourselves humbled by the beauty and awestruck by the power of the natural world. It is in these moments of connection with nature that dreams take flight.Furthermore, dreams often thrive in the company of others. They are nurtured in communities where support, encouragement, and collaboration abound. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who share our aspirations and values can provide the motivation and strength needed to pursue our dreams relentlessly.In conclusion, dreams begin in the realms of our imagination, where endless possibilities await. They are shaped through education, fueled by nature"s wonders, and nourished by supportive communities. So, let us dare to dream, to explore the depths of our imagination, and to strive for a future where our dreams become our reality.Translation in Chinese:标题:梦想始于何方中文翻译:梦想始于何方梦想是点燃我们激情的动力,推动我们向前。它们是未来可能的幻景,最深处欲望的低语。但梦想真正起源于何处?它们始于我们想象的深处,无限可能的所在。我们的想象力是一个魔幻的地方,创造力在其中绽放。它是思想成形和梦想实现的地方。在这个领域,我们可以构想宏大的冒险,创造美丽的艺术,或者构思开创性的发明。它是创新的诞生地,人类进步的基础。然而,光靠想象力是不够的;梦想还需要奉献和努力。它们在课堂上得到培养,知识在其中获得,技能在其中磨砺。教育打开了大门,提供了将梦想变为现实所需的工具。它是将我们的想象力与实际世界连接起来的桥梁。然而,梦想并不局限于我们的思维或课堂的墙壁之内。它们在大自然的广袤之中蓬勃发展,在那里灵感自由驰骋。站在山巅或凝望海洋的辽阔,我们会为大自然的美丽所折服,为其力量所震撼。在与大自然的联系中,梦想翱翔飞扬。此外,梦想往往在他人的陪伴下茁壮成长。它们在充满支持、鼓励和合作的社群中得到滋养。与志同道合、分享我们抱负和价值观的人相伴,可以提供追逐梦想所需的动力和力量。总之,梦想始于我们的想象力领域,无尽可能等待着我们。它们通过教育塑造,以大自然的奇迹为燃料,通过支持的社群滋养。因此,让我们敢于梦想,探索我们想象力的深处,为一个梦想成为现实的未来而奋斗。

Moya Brennan的《Falling》 歌词

歌曲名:Falling歌手:Moya Brennan专辑:Two HorizonsRAY - Falling作词:余传贤/Willion T Avery(王威廉)作曲:余传贤 编曲:许恒瑞和声:廖大森Girl , when I see your faceYou take my breath awayBut I just can"t find the wards to sayI can"t take it if you say you don"t love meI try to hide the truthNo matter what I doNo more let I try to run from youthen the more I seem to be falling for youYou never know the love way that I feelMy love for you is realI"m so crazy for you, babyI"ll never falling, fallingFalling in love with youWhen I lock my love down deep insideAnd I see your eyes I can"t deny

spark streaming应用日志怎么看?

支持mysql的,下面是示例sparkstreaming使用数据源方式插入mysql数据importjava.sql.{Connection,ResultSet}importcom.jolbox.bonecp.{BoneCP,BoneCPConfig}importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactoryobjectConnectionPool{vallogger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)privatevalconnectionPool={try{Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")valconfig=newBoneCPConfig()config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://")config.setUsername("test")config.setPassword("test")config.setMinConnectionsPerPartition(2)config.setMaxConnectionsPerPartition(5)config.setPartitionCount(3)config.setCloseConnectionWatch(true)config.setLogStatementsEnabled(true)Some(newBoneCP(config))}catch{caseexception:Exception=>logger.warn("Errorincreationofconnectionpool"+exception.printStackTrace())None}}defgetConnection:Option[Connection]={connectionPoolmatch{caseSome(connPool)=>Some(connPool.getConnection)caseNone=>None}}defcloseConnection(connection:Connection):Unit={if(!connection.isClosed)connection.close()}}importjava.sql.{Connection,DriverManager,PreparedStatement}importorg.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtilsimportorg.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds,StreamingContext}importorg.apache.spark.{SparkConf,SparkContext}importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactory/***记录最近五秒钟的数据*/objectRealtimeCount1{caseclassLoging(vtime:Long,muid:String,uid:String,ucp:String,category:String,autoSid:Int,dealerId:String,tuanId:String,newsId:String)caseclassRecord(vtime:Long,muid:String,uid:String,item:String,types:String)vallogger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)defmain(args:Array[String]){valargc=newArray[String](4)argc(0)=""argc(1)="test-1"argc(2)="test22"argc(3)="1"valArray(zkQuorum,group,topics,numThreads)=argcvalsparkConf=newSparkConf().setAppName("RealtimeCount").setMaster("local[2]")valsc=newSparkContext(sparkConf)valssc=newStreamingContext(sc,Seconds(5))valtopicMap=topics.split(",").map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMapvallines=KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,zkQuorum,group,topicMap).map(x=>x._2)valsql="insertintologing_realtime1(vtime,muid,uid,item,category)values(?,?,?,?,?)"" ")).map(x=>Loging(x(9).toLong,x(1),x(0),x(3),x(25),x(18).toInt,x(29),x(30),x(28))).filter(x=>(x.muid!=null&&!x.muid.equals("null")&&!("").equals(x.muid))).map(x=>Record(x.vtime,x.muid,x.uid,getItem(x.category,x.ucp,x.newsId,x.autoSid.toInt,x.dealerId,x.tuanId),getType(x.category,x.ucp,x.newsId,x.autoSid.toInt,x.dealerId,x.tuanId)))tmpdf.filter(x=>x.types!=null).foreachRDD{rdd=>//rdd.foreach(println)rdd.foreachPartition(partitionRecords=>{valconnection=ConnectionPool.getConnection.getOrElse(null)if(connection!=null){partitionRecords.foreach(record=>process(connection,sql,record))ConnectionPool.closeConnection(connection)}})}ssc.start()ssc.awaitTermination()}defgetItem(category:String,ucp:String,newsId:String,autoSid:Int,dealerId:String,tuanId:String):String={if(category!=null&&!category.equals("null")){valpattern=""valmatcher=ucp.matches(pattern)if(matcher){ucp.substring(33,42)}else{null}}elseif(autoSid!=0){autoSid.toString}elseif(dealerId!=null&&!dealerId.equals("null")){dealerId}elseif(tuanId!=null&&!tuanId.equals("null")){tuanId}else{null}}defgetType(category:String,ucp:String,newsId:String,autoSid:Int,dealerId:String,tuanId:String):String={if(category!=null&&!category.equals("null")){valpattern="100000726;100000730;\d{9};\d{9}"valmatcher=category.matches(pattern)valpattern1=""valmatcher1=ucp.matches(pattern1)if(matcher1&&matcher){"nv"}elseif(newsId!=null&&!newsId.equals("null")&&matcher1){"ns"}elseif(matcher1){"ne"}else{null}}elseif(autoSid!=0){"as"}elseif(dealerId!=null&&!dealerId.equals("null")){"di"}elseif(tuanId!=null&&!tuanId.equals("null")){"ti"}else{null}}defprocess(conn:Connection,sql:String,data:Record):Unit={try{valps:PreparedStatement=conn.prepareStatement(sql)ps.setLong(1,data.vtime)ps.setString(2,data.muid)ps.setString(3,data.uid)ps.setString(4,data.item)ps.setString(5,data.types)ps.executeUpdate()}catch{caseexception:Exception=>logger.warn("Errorinexecutionofquery"+exception.printStackTrace())}}}


如何缩放AcDbBlockReference对象?setScaleFactor()如何使用? ....AcDbBlockReference *blkRef = (AcDbBlockReference*)pEnt;AcGeScale3d sc;//sc->sx = sf;//sc->sy = sf;//sc->sz = 1.0;blkRef->setScaleFactors(sc);这段代码不正确! 不用下面的方法: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 缩放块(INSERT), 自定义比例因子(scale factor)//void scaleInsert(){int rc;struct resbuf *rbl;ads_name ss;ads_real sf; // 比例因子long lenSS;int idx;ads_name ssEntName;struct resbuf *rbSSEnt;struct resbuf *rbTrav; rbl = acutBuildList(-4, "<AND",RTDXF0, "INSERT",-4, "AND>",RTNONE); rc = acedSSGet("X", NULL, NULL, rbl, ss);if (rc != RTNORM) {acutPrintf(" 空的或无效的选择集!");return;} rc = acedSSLength(ss, &lenSS);if (rc != RTNORM) {acutPrintf(" 空的或无效的选择集!");return;} // 输入比例因子acedInitGet(RSG_NONULL + RSG_NONEG + RSG_NOZERO, NULL);acedGetReal(" 比例因子: ", &sf); for (idx = 0; idx < lenSS; idx++){// 取得选择集中索引位置的实体名rc = acedSSName(ss, idx, ssEntName);if (rc != RTNORM) {break;} // 取得实体数据rbSSEnt = acdbEntGet(ssEntName);if (!rbSSEnt) {break;} rbTrav = rbSSEnt; while (rbTrav) {switch (rbTrav->restype) {case 41 :case 42 :rbTrav->resval.rreal = rbTrav->resval.rreal * sf;break;}rbTrav = rbTrav->rbnext;}//while rc = acdbEntMod(rbSSEnt);if (rc != RTNORM) {acutPrintf(" 编辑实体失败!");} if (rbSSEnt) {acutRelRb(rbSSEnt);}}//for acedSSFree(ss);if (rbl) {acutRelRb(rbl);} return;}

急求关于waht do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?

) 大学最重要的,是给自己一个定位,就是自己到底喜欢些什么。要多读书多锻炼,无论你的课程多重,也应该挤出时间做些别的,因为兴趣隐藏着无限力量。 The most important thing about university is to find an orientation for yourself. That is to say, find out what you really like. You should read a lot of books and exercise a lot. Even if your course load is very heavy, you should still squeeze in some time to do other things, "cause interest contains limitless power. 2) 永远记得,身体比成绩重要得多。 Always remember, your health is much more important than your grades. 3) 如果进了不喜欢或者不擅长的专业,可以抱怨,但是,如果能转系就转系,能坚持就坚持,只要你活下来,就能得到别人没有的财富。 If you enter a major that you don"t like or aren"t good at, it"s okay to complain. But if you can switch departments then switch departments, if you can stick with it then stick with it; as long as you survive, you"ll gain riches that others don"t have. 4) 不要忽视社团,那里可以让你找到新生活。 Don"t overlook clubs, because they can help you find new experiences. 5) 不要为了参加社团而参加。 Don"t join clubs just to join them.6) 网恋是游戏,很危险,所以最好拒绝深夜无聊的QQ陌生人,因为你不知道他是你的爸爸,奶奶,还是什么不认识的坏人。 Online romance is a game, and it"s dangerous, so it"s best to refuse to stay up late having boring online chats with strangers, because you never know if it"s your father, your grandmother, or some scoundrel that you don"t know!7) 世界上最快乐的事情,莫过于帮助别人,然后再被别人尊敬。这就是我加入爱心社的原因。如果你去过老年公寓或者支教,你会明白的。虽然会有钉子碰,但更多的是温暖。 There"s nothing on this earth that brings more happiness than helping others and earning their respect. This is why I joined the "Kindness Club". If you"ve been to an old folk"s home, or taught in underprivileged areas, you understand. Even though you"ll run into snags, the feeling of warmth makes it worth it. 8) 可能的话,去练武,如果你困惑,看看校园里横冲直撞的机动车,就知道软弱是多么悲哀的一件事。 If possible, practice martial arts. If you feel perplexed, take a look at the cars as they barge about the campus, and you"ll realize how sorrowful it is to be weak and feeble. 9) 在自己强大的同时,保持谦逊,因为总有比你更强大的。 When you"re at your strongest, maintain your modesty, because there are always those who are stronger than you. 10) 不要放弃玩的时间,有的时候,玩比书本更可贵。 Don"t forget to leave time for play. Sometimes play can be more valuable than books. 11) 不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。权力是个诱人的东西,正因为它诱人,所以才非常危险。 Don"t fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do. Power is alluring, and because it is alluring it is also extremely dangerous. 12) 最感人,却最容易被人忽视的,是对父母,对那些爱你和你爱的人的感情,还有你们之间美好的关系。 The most touching sort of feeling, yet the easiest to ignore, are the feelings you feel towards your parents, those who love you and those you love, as well as the wonderful relationships between you. 13) 对于男生而言,追求爱情没有错误,但是真正的爱是宽容,是体贴,是淡然,而不是一见之下轻易说出来的“我爱你”。爱同时是一种亲情。 As far as male students are concerned, pursuing love is not wrong. But true love is tolerant, considerate and cool, not rashly saying "I love you" at the first glance. At the same time, love is a form of affection. 14) 如果你没追上一个女生,就让她随便,你哭是可以的,但是不要等人家结婚了才想起来自己单身,记得,无论多好的女子,面对一个自己不爱的人,也不得不冷漠。 If you don"t succeed in getting the girl, just let her go. You can cry, but don"t wait until she marries to realize that you are single. Remember, no matter how great a girl she is, when facing someone she doesn"t love, she can only feel cold and detached. 15) 网络游戏是毒品,如果你不怕死,或者意志够坚强,可以去玩。我遇到的人里,除了同寝室有一位,其他人还没有会不上瘾的。 Online games are a type of drug. If you don"t fear death, or have a strong enough will, you can play them. Of all the people I"ve encountered―with the exception of one roommate―no one has failed to become addicted. 16) BBS上怒气冲天地吵架,是最愚蠢的行为,你也许会勃然大怒,但是记得,你气炸了肺,对手会笑开花。锋芒太刺眼的人往往没有好结果。 Expressing rage in arguments on a BBS is the stupidest form of behavior. You might get mad, but remember, when you explode with anger your adversary will start smiling. Aggressive and irritating people rarely end up with a good result. 17) 对于女生而言,感情并非生命的第一要务,更不要轻易献出自己,因为我是男生,了解那些自诩所谓不在乎贞洁的男生心理,他们可能是很可怕的。 As for girls, you shouldn"t think that feelings are the most important things in life, let alone lightly give yourself out. Because I"m a male, I understand the mentality of those male braggarts who say they don"t care about chastity, and they can be quite terrible. 发信人: Rommel, 信区: FreshmanSender: Rommel Area: Freshman标 题: 同学们在大学期间要保管好各种证件、证明Subject: Credentials and documentation that classmates should take care not to lose发信站: 北大未名站 (2004年06月16日12:32:09 星期三)Forum: Peking University Weiming (06/16/2004)这些东东到毕业的时候很重要的。包括学生证,图书证,医疗证,还有住宿押金证明。不然,毕业的时候就受罪了,口袋会被掏走不少票子。Here"s a list of things that are very important come graduation(=when graduation arrives; upon graduation): your student ID, your library card, your medical card, and the deposit slip for your accommodation. If you don"t have them, you"ll be in trouble when graduation comes around, and quite a few bills will be pulled out of your pocket

eleven kilometers directly below ghe city

在这个城市下面的11公里处,可算得上20 世纪最大的地震之一发生了 很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,

英语The city is a greener city怎么翻译?


有首歌中有句One city,one nature,one singapore是什么歌?应该是群唱,是外国人的声音。急求!!

孙燕姿新加坡国庆歌曲歌词英文版《one united people》one singapore one people strong free with one heart,one voice we make our history,we are a rainbow of a thousand colors lighting up the sky we share the singapore heartbeat together you i , we are one singapore one nation strong free a thousand voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland my singapore our island in the sun this is my homeland its where my strength is from a rainbow of thousand colors lighting up the sky we build a brighter future together you i we are one singapore one nation strong free a thousand different voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland one singapore one nation strong free a thousand different voices sing in harmony we will stand together together hand in hand as one united people for singapore my homeland


韦氏词典解释:abrade 1 a : to rub or wear away especially by friction : ERODE b : to irritate or roughen by rubbing 2 : to wear down in spirit : IRRITATE, WEARY 由1中的a:abrade 与erode 侵蚀同义,侵蚀当然变少咯~~所以反义词是augment增加~



帮我翻译下Premiere Pro中的英文

1 。调整调整汽车颜色自动颜色自动对比自动对比汽车各级自动水平色彩平衡颜色平衡卷积内核提取各级灯光效果procamp阴影/突出门槛2 。朦胧&激化antialias相机朦胧复方朦胧gaussi是一个模糊gaussi了激化鬼影锐利边缘锐化掩模3 。频道三维眼镜运算cineon转炉复方算术定锍固体复合四,色彩校正快速彩色校正亮度校正亮度曲线三原色光correcror的rgb曲线三路颜色校正视频限制器5 。扭曲河曲角落边镜头畸变放大抵消纹波spherize湍流取代波经6 。 gpu的影响页卷曲折射纹波( cirular ) 7 。图像控制黑白改变颜色改变颜色的色彩平衡( rgb )来色配色抵消通过颜色的彩色取代平衡伽马校正聚苯乙烯arbitarary地图8 。键控阿尔法调整蓝幕关键色度色键的主要差别是锍关键8点垃圾锍四点垃圾锍绿屏关键形象锍关键亮度关键乘以关键非红色关键的rgb差异关键移除锍屏幕上16个关键点垃圾锍田径锍关键9 。噪音谷物尘&擦伤噪音阿尔法噪音合肥光源噪声自动合肥光源10 。过时backwaeds [视频] (过期)更好的高斯模糊(过时) ,模糊(过时) ,模糊多(过期) 亮度及对比度(过期)彩色校正卷积内核作物热烫压花(过期) 寻找边缘(过期) ,高斯模糊(过期)呼救声&饱和度(过期)图像潘(过期) 倒置(过期)的中位数(过期)镜子(过期)马赛克(过期) multicam hilite posterize (过期) posterize时间(过时) resize (过期)磨(过期) 激化以上(过时)频闪(过期) ,色彩(过期) 11 。透视下降的阴影径向阴影12 。 pixelate 面13 。会使4 -彩色梯度细胞形态棋盘圈椭圆e yedropper填补电网油漆桶14 。 stylize 阿尔法辉光刷招假彩色复制粗糙,边缘solarize写就15 。变换相机查看剪辑作物边缘羽毛横向翻盖横向举行辊垂直翻转16 。转型座解散梯度擦拭直线擦拭径向擦拭威尼斯百叶窗17 。视频外地插补时钟




  CorelDRAW 11是目前优秀的矢量绘图与文档排版软件之一,它以强大的功能和直观的操作界面,成为图形设计领域的佼佼者。 下面我给大家整理了关于coreldraw11的介绍,希望大家喜欢。   coreldraw11中文版   coreldraw11中文版是Corel公司出品的最新版本的矢量图形制作工具软件,它既是一个大型的矢量图形制作工具软件,也是一个大型的工具软件包。   coreldraw11简体中文版新特性:   1.在CorelDRAW 11这个基于矢量的图形程序中增加了许多新的特性。其中提供了对特征符的支持,此教程由软件自学网首发,可在特定的物体中使用特征符,使创建的文件更小。新增的Library Docker面板可供用户管理这些特征符。   2.新版增加了带压敏功能的Smudge和Roughen画笔。Severenuk告诉MacCentral,这些画笔也可感知倾斜姿态和方向,在把CorelDRAW与压敏笔和输入板一起使用时可增加逼真的效果。   3.新版中增加了三点定位绘图工具:三点椭圆、三点矩形和三点曲线工具可让用户仅通过两次点击便可创建或定位带角度的或倾斜的形体。先用点击和拖过中线或基线的 方法 创建出形体,然后再次点击便可定义其高度。新的多线工具及笔工具也简化了绘制曲线和直线的过程。   4.新版增强了文本处理,用户可将文本段落转换成曲线形,不过Severenuk提示不要对文本量太大的文档使用这种功能,以保证文件的合理大小。   5.CorelDRAW 11大大加强了对形体的处理,在原有的“整形”和“交叉”基础上增加了新的菜单项,其中有“简化”、“前减后”和“后减前”。这些工具对于形体以及在文档中放置物体提供了进一步控制。   6.Severenuk说,实现线段的闭合变得更容易了。通过四种选项,可以从多条直线或曲线中创建单一的闭合轨迹,这有助于在快速创建物体的过程中保持物体的外观。   coreldraw11的功能使用:

close to where i live宾语从句吗

where I live是做介词to的宾语从句。

英语作文 my parents’ lifestyle

My lifestyleIf the weather is good, I often run with my dog after getting up in the morning. And then I usually take a short shower before eating my breakfast with my family.I always make sure I have diner with my parents at least three times a week, sometimes at a nice restaurant but mostly at home. I hardly ever work overtime because I don"t want be a slave of it and will never put the work before my family。So this is my lifestyle and this is my life.

an interesting thing in my school life60词作文.快

The city comes across everyone"s lifetime lots and lots of thing. Of course , our neither exception. Come across the too grieved thing , the regret thing , happy thing in my lifetime. Because of the t...

you are my life什么意思

1. 你就是我的生命2. 你是我的生命3. 你就是我的全部

仙剑奇侠传三一点新游戏就出现create KEY error


求kat-tun my angel you are angel 歌词,谢谢!!!

  My Angel, you are Angel  Please be my angel, baby I miss you, I want to be your angel  Yes 朝焼けにも気付かずうつむいたまま 石コロ蹴っ飞ばした  Yes  So 夕焼け云の向こうに问いかける空 答えのない未来だ  So  全部.形にしたなら 壊れてしまいそうな暗い时代に  「爱の言叶」届けるための呗 君の前髪に触れた  My Angel, you are Angel  不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になった  My Angel, you are Angel  素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わった希望  My Angel, you are Angel  不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になった  My Angel, you are Angel  素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わった  ほらきっと ただそっと 降り出した雨に  濡れた素肌を 寄せあうみたいに  My Angel, you are Angel  いつもそばにいるよ 今この呗が约束 仆达の希望  -------------------------------  Please be my angel, baby  I miss you, I want to be your angel  Yes 低头踢著小石头 甚至朝霞也看不到  So 试问晚霞云彩那一头的天空 没有答案的未来  如果将全部化为有形 再这个一切都暧昧不明的黑暗时代  一首传达「爱的语言」的歌 轻触著你的浏海  My angel,you are Angel  我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方  My angel,you are Angel  连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望  My angel,you are Angel  我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方  My angel,you are Angel  连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望  不信你看 我们就有如轻轻地 在飘起一阵雨里  让彼此淋湿的肌肤 相依相偎在一起  My angel,you are Angel  我永远在你的身边 此刻这首歌就代表了承担我们的希望

东方神起red sun音译歌词


Lying in the sun on a rock, the cougar(美洲豹)saw Jeb and his son, Tom, before they saw it. Jeb

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:D 试题分析:文章讲述了勇敢的父亲Jeb为保护儿子Tom和美洲豹斗志斗勇的故事。为了显得比美洲豹大,Jeb先是展开自己的外衣,然后又把儿子横放在身上,正当美洲豹要跑开时,儿子害怕挣脱了父亲跑开了,结果差一点成为美洲豹的口中餐。为了吸引美洲豹的注意力,父亲只好挺身而出,和美洲豹厮打起来。儿子跑回来从包里拿出一把刀,两人合力打跑了美洲豹。小题1:细节理解题。 第一段的第二句话和第三句话的意思是:Jeb 很快放下他的包,用双手展开他的夹克衫,使自己看上去比这只美洲豹个大。这的确管用了。所以他想把美洲豹吓跑。故选B。小题2:推理判断题。根据第四段Jeb 的反应和美洲豹的动作。Jeb的儿子Tom 挣脱父亲跑开了,在这一瞬间,Jeb扑向从岩石上跳起来的美洲豹,他们在半空中厮打起来,都摔倒了。美洲豹瞬间骑在Jeb身上,忘掉了Tom,这正是Jeb想要的结果。由此判断美洲豹喜欢攻击跑着的人。故选D。小题3:细节理解题。根据全文理解。事情发生的顺序是D—B—A—C。故选D。

The Windmills Of Your Mind (Remastered Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Windmills Of Your Mind (Remastered Version)歌手:Dusty Springfield专辑:Son Of A Preacher Man & Other HitsThe windmills of your mindDusty SpringfieldRound, like a circle in a spiralLike a wheel within a wheel.Never ending or beginning,On an ever spinning wheelLike a snowball down a mountainOr a carnaval balloonLike a carousell that"s turningRunning rings around the moonLike a clock whose hands are sweepingPast the minutes on it"s faceAnd the world is like an appleWhirling silently in spaceLike the circles that you findIn the windmills of your mindLike a tunnel that you followTo a tunnel of it"s ownDown a hollow to a cavernWhere the sun has never shoneLike a door that keeps revolvingIn a half forgotten dreamOr the ripples from a pebbleSomeone tosses in a stream.Like a clock whose hands are sweepingPast the minutes on it"s faceAnd the world is like an appleWhirling silently in spaceLike the circles that you findIn the windmills of your mindKeys that jingle in your pocketWords that jangle your headWhy did summer go so quicklyWas it something that I saidLovers walking allong the shore,Leave their footprints in the sandWas the sound of distant drummingJust the fingers of your handPictures hanging in a hallwayAnd a fragment of this songHalf remembered names and facesBut to whom do they belongWhen you knew that it was overWere you suddenly awareThat the autumn leaves were turningTo the color of her hairLike a circle in a spiralLike a wheel within a wheelNever ending or beginning,On an ever spinning wheelAs the images unwindLike the circle that you findIn the windmills of your mind

The Quireboys的《7 O Clock》 歌词

歌曲名:7 O Clock歌手:The Quireboys专辑:Best Of The QuireboysT-Pain feat. Wiz Khalifa & Lily Allen - 5 O"clockIt"s 5 o"clock in the morningConversation got boringYou said you"d go into bed soonSo I snuck off to your badroomAnd I thought I"d just wait thereUntil I heard you come up the stairsAnd I pretended I was sleeping and I was hopingIt"s 5 o"clock in the morning,and I want yaAnd you want me, don"t ya?I can see itCause you"ve been waiting on me sinceI said that I was hittin the clubSomething coming up on meAnd I know you be getting so hornyCause you be sending me textsLike boy just get your ass up in that carAnd come get all of this love(It"s 5 o"clock in the morning)You ain"t got to remind meShe already said if I don"t come home on timeShe might go crazyAnd she"ll be waiting on me nakedWith one of my chains onShe might come and find meAnd then ask me kindlyDo I want her to go crazy?We do this every nightAnd then we always wake up singing the same songIt"s 5 o" clock in the morningConversation got boringYou said you"d go into bed soonSo I snuck off to your bedroomAnd I thought I"d just wait thereUntil I heard you come up the stairsAnd I pretended I was sleepingAnd I was hoping you were creepingGoodniteIt"s 5 o" clock in the morningConversation got boringYou said you"d go into bed soonSo I snuck up to your bedroomAnd I thought I"d just wait thereUntil I heard you come up the stairsAnd I pretended I was sleepingAnd I was hoping you would creep inIt"s 5 o"clock in the morningAnd you callingAnd these females got me stallingI can hear your voice in my head like"What is he doing?" oh what is he doing?Cause I keep checking my cell phoneAnd these missed callsYou texting me like I"mma kill y"all"If you don"t get your ass up out of that clubAnd you do know what time it is"(It"s 5 o"clock in the morning)On my bed, girlAnd this Nuvo got me trippinAnd I know that you mad, girlBut you ain"t got to worry about nothingGirl I got you, girl I got youShe might come and find me,And then ask me kindlyDo I want her to go crazyWe do this every night and thenWe always wake up singing the same songIt"s 5 o" clock in the morningConversation got boringYou said youd go into bed soonSo I snuck off to your bedroomAnd I thought I"d just wait thereUntil I heard you come up the stairsAnd I pretended I was sleepingAnd I was hoping you were creepingBaby girl goodniteYou ain"t got nothing onBut the t-shirt that I left over your houseThe last time I came and put it on yaToo many thirsty girls up in this clubFor me to leave here with one of themThat"s why I call herAnd youll be right at home waiting for meIphone plugged in the wall, just waiting for meClub closed at 6, left around 4:30Yeah so by the time I"m at your crib..(It"s 5"o Clock in the morning)And you yawning,But I"ve been drinking all nightAnd I feel like performingWith you in the bedroomFlooring to the dresserDont want nothing lessCause I"m sure you"re the bestYou"re the one, So I let youThats how you show me loveAnd when we finish you like"damn, babe you woke me up"I like you way you put it downLikes its for both of usThe sun aint the only thing thats coming up

Where U At? (Solo Simon D)的歌词

Where U At (Simon D Solo)Geu sarang cham eo-i-eobtdaDu saram jigeum eodi ittnaShijakhanji handu dalBeol sseokyeonae-ui keuthphanHEY jeokkeugjogin GENTLEMANDangyeon shi yeokyeotdeon cheotNeukkimiraneun maeryeoke daehan Gyeolgwaneun myeonheoshiheoCheoreom yeonae-ui jindonIljuil aneuro haekyeolhagoChingu nomdeul hantheneunGyaeneun kkeuthnaejweotgo byeoroyeotgoTteobeorrigo danineun ge baro neoragoMaebeon ganjohaneun PLATONIC LOVE geuraetdeoniEodum geon jeonghaejin ibyeolgwaGabyeo-un mannamdeulGeuman dweo ibeonen eotteon yeojailkkaBwabwa jigeum ni phaljjangeul kkin Cheonsa gatheun yeojaNinundo mot majuchil jeongdoro bukkeureom thajanhaShip bunimyeon saeng-gineun maeumeun swibge deulkhijiAni ilbureo deulkhin cheogNeungsukhan SKINSHIPeun theukkijiJanmeori gurineunde seonsuJageobui jeong seokHangsang saero-un cheokJoldae wero-un beob eobtjiCheoreobtdeon gwageoreul deopgoMak eoreun gathgo shipheo hagoMotsaeng-gin aedeuregen sareoreum gathgoJigeum neo-ui geunyeo-neoneun ttak bonikka ssugmaegMae-umeun neol hanghaneunde ssugsseureoweo sumneChankan ae gatheunde sangcheo jul saengag hajimaTheumman boimyeon khiseuharyeogo deombyeon deuljimaPalli geunyeoga algo shipheojyeoSwibke jirril geo ppeonhajana neon micheosseoTteolchyeobeoryeo geunomui aejong-gyeolphibJom neung-geulmatgin hajiman geuraedo gwiyeobjiJogeuman cheoncheonhi geunyeoreul anajwoYejeon sunsuhaettdeon neoro dasi darawajweoYEAH YEAHBeolsseo butheo ibyeolui muntheog Apheul saeng-gaghaneun geunyeoga Hanshimhae jejariro dorawajweoYEAH YEAHWhere u at boy where u at girlStop your pace Slow down slow downX2HEY bukkeureo-un LADYGeureul gabyeobge seuchyeogatteon BABYjungHanmyeongi dwegil weonhaji anhjiDwaeji gongju nae aegi wanjan sojungGeureon aeching deure ajigeun sushimhan jogeungJigeu thaetteon sorrosaenghwal cheongsanJjib jjib hage kkeuthnaetteon jeon ibyeolui gyeomalGeudongan mureog mureog jaranan geogjeongui julgiGeu ppuri chae ppobeul su eobtneun geunshimui gulgiHeogeobjigeob jigyeobdorogGyeobchyeo ittneun geobiran gosseunNeol ji doghido gwerob hijimanGeogeon seodbureun heoseNeon seshimhan seong-gyeogui soyujaGeureul saeng-gaghamyeo bamjam seolchimyeoGyeo-u jamdeuljiman Kkumsogeseoneun ajikdo geureul geurigoGilmongdo agmongdo Anin mijigeunhan DREAM ONEodikkaji ga-isseo STOP THINKINNeomu aphseogan geon an bwadoPpeonhae hwakshilhiSeomsehan gamjeong gyehwigdeulDa jotginhae geureoda ji machimyeonNeon mirae e jjotgineAni beol sseo jjotgin deutHaengdonghaneun niga geogjeong dwaeGeureul bwa yeoyuroweo ajikkajin meoljjeonhaeJogeuman cheoncheonhi geunyeoreul anajwoYejeon sunsuhaettdeon neoro dasi darawajweoYEAH YEAHBeolsseo butheo ibyeolui muntheog Apheul saeng-gaghaneun geunyeoga Hanshimhae jejariro dorawajweoYEAH YEAHWhere u at boy where u at girlStop your pace Slow down slow downX2Geu sarang cham eo-i-eobtdaDu saram jigeum eodi ittnaSijaghanji duse dalGyeolgug yeonaeneun kkeuthnaX2Gyeolgug geugheo pheureun ttag Baegie jjae dweneunnalHe-eojyeosseo seong-geubhan Yeonae-ui gyeolmal ganjireob hineunMaljangnam deulgwa geotheuromanDalkhomhae boyeotteon naldeuriGeudeurui gi-eog sogesso heuthnarideut Sarajigettji sagyeotteon sungan mankheumeunSoreo-ui jarangi-eotgieDul junge nugun-ganeunGeugeotto sarangi eotjirago jotgeMudeobeorigo saraga getjiMomideun maeumideun aphaseogagi bappatteonGeudeurui bangshigiGeuri nappatteon geon jeoldaeAni-eottjiman Aswi-umi namjanheoJom deo cheoncheonhi yeoyuga isseotteoramyeonGagja-ege mushimhan chaero kkeuthnaejin anhasseulthendeJagi-ui yogshimboda aejeongi deo kheosseulthende

有没有像katy perry的teenage dream这样的风格的有 *** 的欧美曲子

有没有像katy perry的teenage dream这样的风格的有 *** 的欧美曲子 我推荐的歌都是比较有节奏感的 都不是新歌了~但还是希望你喜欢! 歌手——歌名 Akia——California Mckinney——Sunrise Ldy lickem——Tell me who you are Ateens——Floorfiller Groove coverage——She Groove coverage——Far away from home Groove coverage——7 years and 50 days Ayur——Children of the earth Ashlee Simpson——L.O.V.E 请问有没有像麦当娜《Celebration》这首歌的风格的曲子了啊? 去听麦当娜06年的 舞池告白 吧 几乎都是这样的曲风 当然也可以听 hardcandy 专辑 有没有比较 *** 的音乐,像《Son Of The Sun》 这样的 ,求~ 哥特金属和重金属吧,最出名的within temptation和evanescence和nighish这三只乐队,都是 *** 振奋人心的女声, 其他的如xandria ,Lacuna Coil,Lunatica (推荐),epica,Delain(挺不错的),Sirenia。 我高中的时候特别喜欢那三支乐队,一听就喜欢上。 有没有跟kiss the rain这曲一样风格的曲子 Tears Song From A Secret Garden 这个是神秘园的,很有名,应该听过,他们其他曲子也有很多好听,虽然不是纯钢琴的,有相当部分的苏格兰风笛,但我个人很喜欢,你可以去听听 另外你要的这种并非古典钢琴一类,我手里的这种纯钢琴的曲子有很多是动漫歌曲的钢琴版BGM,个人很喜欢,比方说AIR里的《鸟之诗》,《夏影》,高达的《晓之车》等等,你可以听听看,啊,还有舞-HiME里的《媛星の静けさ》,这个应该比较接近,当然包括宫崎骏的那些动画里的,也是相当有水准的钢琴BGM 有没有像 love story 这样的歌?风格 lenka应该算吧 欧美有呒像BEYOND的风格的歌啊? 听“批头四”拉,60年代的。他们是影响BEYOND音乐道路的乐团之一。很多歌也是反战争讽刺现实社会的。 信我,无错架! 有没有像street life风格的rap 哎,推荐你几首真正经典的吧: life goes on dear mama keep ya head up changes Ghetto Gospel均为2PAC 还有can"t fet about you-NAS empire state of mind- jay-z amazing ft. young jeezy-kanye west believe me-font minor 有没有像nighish和林肯公园这样风格的歌曲 那你就试试 绿日乐队的音乐吧 感觉两个乐队 有相似的地方 有没有像 一直很安静 这样风格的歌? 您好! 我也喜欢阿桑的歌。。。 给您说几首吧-- 寂寞在唱歌 angel 疯了 你要离开的一些 被动 保管 你要离开一些时 开车 开关 。。。希望您满意。。。 It"s my life -bonjovi 有没有其他类似这种风格的歌曲,(听起来很 *** 的) 个人觉得是everyday



vmware 安装出现 windows Installer 无法访问

首先,请确认:1、请确认你没有删除Windows Installer。删掉的话自然要重新安装2、请确认Windows Installer服务没有被禁用。到控制面板->管理工具->服务中查看Windows Installer,确认设置不为禁用(自动手动都可以,默认设置应该为手动)。3、请确认你没有删除C:WINDOWSInstaller文件夹,如果此文件夹被删除,会导致一系列不确定的错误,其中就有可能如你所描述的错误。卸载和重新安装windows installer服务1、先用dos命令窗口msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。2、下载InstMsiW.exe,用winrar解压开。进入目录。3、右击msi.inf ,点击安装,右击mspatcha.inf ,点击安装。4、再用dos命令窗口msiexec.exe /regserver 启用服务。

come to result

A.conclusian本身就有结论的意思,而result则偏向于事情的结果,成绩的意思.come to a/no conclusion也是一固定词组

请问firmware.bin后缀怎么显示出来啊? 在网上下了一个NO$Zoomer但是只有firmware并没有BIN


在Win7和Win8上安装NTsyslog,出现这样的错误: There is a problem with Windows Installer package.



没有这个单词哦~~~radicula就有意思是: 根端部细根胚根


The colour of preposterous is stronger than ridiculous in the negative sense.
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