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be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别

分析下面两个句子:1)He is sure to take good care of himself.2)He is sure of taking good care of himself.以上两个句子所表达的意思是不同的.句1)的意思是“他谅必会照料好自己”;句2)的意思是“他自信会照料好自己”.产生歧义的原由何在?从语义功能分析,不同在于:句1)中的非限定动词用不定式(to take),表示一个“未来的动作”【注1】.故句子指的是:“照料好自己”这个举动,他肯定会去做的.而句2)中的非限定动词用-ing分词(taking)【注2】,表示一种“行为所造成的事态”.故句子指的是对于“照料好自己”这件事,他是具有信心的.从意念功能分析,不同在于:在be sure to do sth结构中的be sure反映了“言语意向”(discourse orientation),即说话人的看法或判断.因此,汉语应译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等.在be sure of doing sth结构中的be sure,反映了“主语意向”(subject orientation),即作为主语的人的看法或判断.因此,汉语应译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等.再比较下列两句:3)My father is sure to live to a hundred.4)My father is sure of living to a hundred.句3)的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”.代表说话人(我)的看法或判断.句4)的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”.代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断.正是由于“意向”所决定,包含be sure to do sth结构的句型 ,其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语.例如:Tom is sure to help her.汤姆肯定会帮她的.We are sure to get a warm welcome.我们一定会受到热烈欢迎的.Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.务必留心注意它.It"s sure to be fine tomorrow.明天准会天晴.This plan is sure to succeed.该计划势必成功.而包含be sure of doing sth结构句型,其主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物).比如,可以说:I"m sure of knowing you well.我确信对你十分了解.Alan is sure of winning before the game.比赛前,阿兰自信稳操胜券.但不可以说:*Such a book is sure of proving popular.(这样一种书确信事实能证明自己会广受欢迎.)*The fish is sure of selling well.(这种鱼自信能畅销.)显然,“人”可以“自信”或“确信”,而“书或鱼等物”则不可能“自信”或“确信”.这便是受限于“主语意向”的结果.以上情况,同样适用于be certain to do sth结构与be certain of doing sth结构.

分别用be sure, be sure that 造句

Be sure to lock the door well 一定要锁好门!Be sure that you give the order for bread to the baker 你一定要面包订单交给面包师。

请问英语中 be sure 是动词 那是不是所以的be+adj都是v

be sure 不是动词,是系表结构,其中be动词做系语,sure作为形容词做表语成分.所有的be+adj都是系表结构.如:She is a beautiful woman.



改进原因分析 TCP Reno 提出的快速恢复算法提高了丢失报文后的吞吐量和顽健性,但是: 仅考虑了每次拥塞发生时只丢失一个报文的情形。 实际网络中,一旦发生拥塞,路由器会丢弃大量的报文,即一次拥塞中丢失多个报文的情形很普遍。 下图是Reno算法中快速恢复状态和拥塞避免状态之间的相互转换: 所以,网络在一次拥塞中丢弃了多个报文,被TCP Reno错误地分析为传输中发生了多次拥塞。过度的窗口减小导致了传输超时的发生。因此为了提高一次拥塞中丢弃多个报文情形下TCP的性能,必须使TCP终端减少盲目削减发送窗口的行为。 New Reno:基于Reno算法的改进 NewReno TCP在Reno TCP的基础上对快速恢复算法进行修改,只有一个数据包丢失的情况下,其机制和Reno是一样的;当同时有多个包丢失时就显示出了它的优势。 Reno快速恢复算法中发送方收到一个新的ACK就退出快速恢复状态,New Reno算法中只有当所有报文都被应答后才退出快速恢复状态。 NewReno TCP添加了恢复应答判断功能,以增强TCP终端通过ACK报文信息分析报文传输状况的能力。 使TCP终端可以把一次拥塞丢失多个报文的情形与多次拥塞的情形区分开来,进而在每一次拥塞发生后拥塞窗口仅减半一次,从而提高了TCP的顽健性和吞吐量。 两个概念:部分应答(PACK)、恢复应答(RACK) 记TCP发送端恢复阶段中接收到的ACK报文(非冗余ACK)为ACKx,记在接收到ACKx时TCP终端已发出的序列号(SN)最大的报文是PKTy,如果ACKx不是PKTy的应答报文,则称报文ACKx为部分应答(Partial ACK,简称PACK);若ACKx恰好是PKTy的应答报文则称报文ACKx为恢复应答(Recovery ACK,简称RACK)。 举例来理解: 如果4、5、6号包丢了,现在只重传4,只收到了4的ACK,后面的5、6没有确认,这就是部分应答Partial ACK。如果收到了6的ACK,则是恢复应答Recovery ACK。 TCP发送端接收到恢复应答表明:经过重传,TCP终端发送的所有报文都已经被接收端正确接收,网络已经从拥塞中恢复。 NewReno发送端在收到第一个Partial ACK时,并不会立即结束Fast-recovery,而会持续地重送Partial ACK之后的数据包,直到将所有遗失的数据包重送后才结束Fast-recovery。收到一个Partial ACK时,重传定时器就复位。这使得NewReno的发送端在网络有大量数据包遗失时不需等待Timeout就能更正此错误,减少大量数据包遗失对传输效果造成的影响。 NewReno大约每一个RTT时间可重传一个丢失的数据包,如果一个发送窗口有M个数据包丢失,TCP NewReno的快速恢复阶段将持续M个RTT。 改进的快速恢复算法具体步骤: 快速恢复是基于数据包守恒的原则,即同一时刻能在网络中传输的数据包是恒定的,只有当旧数据包离开网络后,才能发送新数据包进入网络。一个重复ACK不仅意味着有一个包丢失了,还表示有发送的数据包离开了网络,已经在接收区的缓冲区中,不再占用网络资源,于是将拥塞窗口加一个数据包大小。 Reno和NewReno算法仍存在的问题? 虽然NewReno可以解决大量数据包遗失的问题,但是NewReno在每个RTT时间只能一个数据包遗失的错误。为了更有效地处理大量数据包遗失的问题,另一个解决方法就是让传送端知道哪些已经被接收端收到,但用此方法必须同时修改传送端和接收端的传送机制。 缺乏SACK算法时发送端只能选择两种恢复策略: TCP SACK在TCP Reno基础上增加了: 当一个窗口内有多个数据包丢失时: 减少了时延,提高了网络吞吐量,使更快地从拥塞状态恢复。 SACK中加入了一个SACK选项(TCP option field),允许接收端在返回Duplicate ACK时,将已经收到的数据区段(连续收到的数据范围)返回给发送端,数据区段与数据区段之间的间隔就是接收端没有收到的数据。发送端就知道哪些数据包已经收到,哪些该重传,因此SACK的发送端可以在一个RTT时间内重传多个数据包。 整个TCP选项长度不超过40字节,实际最多不超过4组边界值。 通过一个wireshark示例来说明接收端的SACK行为: 上图中ACK确认序列号为12421,SACK的块左边界值为13801,SACK的块右边界值为15181。明确了这三个参数的数值,我们基本上就可以计算出被丢弃的数据报的序列号和长度了。通过上图所示的带有SACK的数据报文,我们可以知道被丢弃的数据报文的TCP序列号为12422,其数据长度为13801-12421=1380B。 改进的快速恢复算法: 【参考文献】: 吴文红,李向丽.TCP拥塞控制机制定量性能分析.计算机工程与应用.2008,44(18) 孙伟,温涛,冯自勤,郭权.基于TCP NewReno的稳态吞吐量分析模型.计算机研究与发展.2010 陈琳,双雪芹.TCP网络拥塞控制算法比较研究.长江大学学报.2010,3 许豫飞,TCP拥塞控制算法集齐性能评估.北京邮电大学.2005,3 刘拥民,年晓红.对SACK拥塞控制算法的研究.信息技术.2003,9 焦程波,窦睿彧,兰巨龙.无线网络中选择性重传机制性能分析与改进.计算机应用研究.2007.3 James F.Kurose,Keith W.Ross,Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Sixth Edition.机械工业出版社 原文:

make sure和be sure的区别是什么?

make sure:意为“确保;查明”,其后可跟of 短语或that 从句。例句:They scored another goal and made sure of victory.他们又进了一球,从而锁定了胜局。例句:We will do our best to make sure that you are safe here.我们会尽最大努力确保你在这里的安全。be sure:意为“确信;一定;切记”,其后可以跟about 短语、不定式或that从句。:You can be sure about their interest in it.你可以肯定他们对此很感兴趣。be sure的用法:be sure of/ about+动名词或名词,意为“确信......";"对....有把握”。但在接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;而be sure about则侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑。be sure+不定式,表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断,认为句子主语“必定”、“必然会”、“准会”如何如何。

make sure和 be sure在意思、用法方面有什么区别?

make sure 表一动作,而be sure则是一个状态。前者是短暂性,后者是持续性。

be sure 意思


be sure 和 make sure 的区别意思上区别

Ⅰ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚。如:① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的。② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的。Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语。如:① I am sure of success= I am sure that I will succeed. 我深信会成功。② Will you make sure of his return?= Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了。好吗?Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时。如:① Make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来。② I am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的。Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制。如:① Make sure to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会。② He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的。

be sure 短语用法

be sure about sth.确信,肯定, 有把握(思想或想法)是正确的be sure to do sth. 一定,必定会做或某事会发生;定要,务必做某事be sure of sth./doing sth. 一定将会得到或会发生be sure with sth/sb 确信某人/证实某事

be sure 是什么意思

be sure[英][bi: u0283uu0259][美][bi u0283u028ar][法]确信; 诚然; 有谱儿; 肯定; 确定; 双语例句1When I finally snapped the lid of a box shut, I sealed it with transparent tape and checked to be sure that it would not loosen.当我在最后啪嗒一声关上箱子盖子的时候,我就用透明胶带把它封好,并进行检查,确信它不会松动。

sure of与sure about有什么区别?

of 比about更有针对性,范围更明确

make sure of be sure about be sure of 的区别和意思 sure of 确信,有把握例:I hope you are sure of your facts我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实2.make sure of 设法保证例:they scored another goal and make sure of victory.他们又进了一球,以确保得到冠军3. be sure of / about对……有把握

be sure to do和be sure of do有什么区别?

1、含义不同be sure to do sth的意思是肯定、一定、谅必、势必。be sure of doing sth的意思是确信、自信、信得过、有把握。2、用法不同be sure to do sth用法:be sure to do一般指别人认为主语可以做某事。be sure of doing sth用法:be sure of doing一般指主语自己认为可以做到某事。3、侧重点不同be sure to do sth主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。be sure of doing sth主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的例句:My father is sure to live to a hundred.My father is sure of living to a hundred.第一句的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”。代表说话人(我)的看法或判断。第二句的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”。代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断。1、Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.译文:务必留心注意它。2、I"m sure of knowing you well.译文:我确信对你十分了解。

be sure of doing 和 be sure to do 有什么区别


be certain of和be sure of sure of 确信,有把握 例:I hope you are sure of your facts我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实 2.make sureof 设法保证 例:they scored another goal and make sure of victory.他们又进了一球,以确保得到冠军

make sure to do sth、be sure of sth、be sure that 、be certain of/about的区别


be sure of和be sure about有区别吗?如果是Are you sure____that,这儿应填什么

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.

make sure of be sure about be sure of 的区别和意思 sure of 确信,有把握 例:I hope you are sure of your facts我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实 2.make sure of 设法保证 例:they scored another goal and make sure of victory.他们又进了一球,以确保得到冠军 sure of / about 对……有把握

两个词组的区别 be sure of 以及be sure about有什么区别呢?

be sure of 后只能加宾语,例如I am sure of it. be sure about后面可以加动名词做宾语.也可以加从句.I am sure about that he will pass the exam./ I am sure about doing sth.

make sure to do sth、be sure of sth、be sure that 、be certain of/about的区别

就是用法的区别,意思大致相同,表示“确定要做某事” make sure to do sth 就是sure后面跟动词不定式,有表示将来时的意味 如:i make sure to finish this work later. be sure of sth/ doing sth 就是sure 后面跟名词或者动名词 如:i "m sure of having finished this work be sure that 就是sure 后面跟一个完整的从句,that 可以省略 如:i am sure that i will finish this work later be certain of/about的用法跟be sure of 相似,后面跟名词或动名词

be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别

1、含义不同be sure to do sth的意思是肯定、一定、谅必、势必。be sure of doing sth的意思是确信、自信、信得过、有把握。2、用法不同be sure to do sth用法:be sure to do一般指别人认为主语可以做某事。be sure of doing sth用法:be sure of doing一般指主语自己认为可以做到某事。3、侧重点不同be sure to do sth主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。be sure of doing sth主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的例句:My father is sure to live to a hundred.My father is sure of living to a hundred.第一句的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”。代表说话人(我)的看法或判断。第二句的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”。代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断。1、Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.译文:务必留心注意它。2、I"m sure of knowing you well.译文:我确信对你十分了解。

英语造句 be sure of 用它适用于,符合于的意思造

英语造句 be sure of 用它适用于,符合于的意思造:I am quite sure this is edible. (适用于) I am not quite so sure this is suitable for young children.(适用于) I am not quite sure this is up to the requirements.(符合于) I am not quite sure that He is qualified for the job.(符合于) 以上前两句用适用于,後两句则是用符合于作句子.很希望会对你有帮助.若满意请采纳,谢谢你.

be sure about和be sure of的区别?

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.检举

be sure of 和 be sure to

be sure of doingbe sure to do

be certain to do 和be sure to do 的区别we are

分析下面两个句子:1)He is sure to take good care of himself.2)He is sure of taking good care of himself.以上两个句子所表达的意思是不同的.句1)的意思是“他谅必会照料好自己”;句2)的意思是“他自信会照料好自己”.产生歧义的原由何在?从语义功能分析,不同在于:句1)中的非限定动词用不定式(to take),表示一个“未来的动作”【注1】.故句子指的是:“照料好自己”这个举动,他肯定会去做的.而句2)中的非限定动词用-ing分词(taking)【注2】,表示一种“行为所造成的事态”.故句子指的是对于“照料好自己”这件事,他是具有信心的.从意念功能分析,不同在于:在be sure to do sth结构中的be sure反映了“言语意向”(discourse orientation),即说话人的看法或判断.因此,汉语应译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等.在be sure of doing sth结构中的be sure,反映了“主语意向”(subject orientation),即作为主语的人的看法或判断.因此,汉语应译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等.再比较下列两句:3)My father is sure to live to a hundred.4)My father is sure of living to a hundred.句3)的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”.代表说话人(我)的看法或判断.句4)的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”.代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断.正是由于“意向”所决定,包含be sure to do sth结构的句型 ,其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语.例如:Tom is sure to help her.汤姆肯定会帮她的.We are sure to get a warm welcome.我们一定会受到热烈欢迎的.Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.务必留心注意它.

be sure that与be sure of区别

be sure of doing:做某事有把握be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事

be sure of和be sure about的区别是什么?

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.检举

be sure of 与be sure about的意思用法与区别


be sure of/ of和be sure about有什么区?

1肯定,确信,有把握be sure of 和be sure about都可以表达这个意思,例如:我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实。I hope you are sure of your facts. 这是你肯定吗? Are you sure about that?2一定,必定,无疑(将会得到或发生)be sure of例如:到了那里你一定会受到热烈欢迎。You"re always sure of a warm welcome there.

be sure of和be sure about有何不同?

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.检举

be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别


be sure of和be sure to do有什么区别啊?

1、含义不同be sure to do sth的意思是肯定、一定、谅必、势必。be sure of doing sth的意思是确信、自信、信得过、有把握。2、用法不同be sure to do sth用法:be sure to do一般指别人认为主语可以做某事。be sure of doing sth用法:be sure of doing一般指主语自己认为可以做到某事。3、侧重点不同be sure to do sth主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。be sure of doing sth主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的例句:My father is sure to live to a hundred.My father is sure of living to a hundred.第一句的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”。代表说话人(我)的看法或判断。第二句的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”。代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断。1、Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.译文:务必留心注意它。2、I"m sure of knowing you well.译文:我确信对你十分了解。

be sure of和be sure about有什么区别?

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.检举


区别:1)be sure to do sth: 其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等。 例如: Tom is sure to help her. 汤姆肯定会帮她的。 We are sure to get a warm welcome.我们一定会受到热烈欢迎的。2)be sure of doing sth: 其主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等。 比如: I"m sure of knowing you well. 我确信对你十分了解。 Alan is sure of winning before the game. 比赛前,阿兰自信稳操胜券。

be sure of和be sure to的区别

"be sure to do"和"be sure of”有什么区别答:be sure of 与be sure to do的区别:be sure of 和be sure that一样,主语是人, 主语感到“有把握;确信”; be sure to do的主语可以是人,也可以是物, 表示说话人推测“一定;必然会”。例如:He is sure of his success. /He is sure that he will succeed. 他确信他会成功。He is sure to succeed. 他一定会成功。(说话人的看法

Call On Me (Waku Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Call On Me (Waku Remix)歌手:Janet and Nelly专辑:Call On Me (French Remixes)Call on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveIf sometimes, things are hard for youIf nothing goes right for youDon"t you worry cause I"m on your sideThere"s gonna be a way out everytimeIf sometimes, you can see the lightHappiness is always so brightDon"t you worry cause I"m on your sideThere"s gonna be a way out everytimeCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me; love is a thing that you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the answer you needSo call on me, call on meIf somewhere, there were better daysIf somewhere, there were better daysTheir happy ever after againThere"s gonna be a way out every timeDon"t you worry cause I"m on your sideCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is a thing that you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the answer you needSo call on me, call on me(Oh baby call on on me... Call on me....)Call on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the thing that you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneBaby if you need someone to loveCall me, love is the answer you needSo call on me, call on meCall on me when you"re aloneCall on me when you"re aloneBaby, love is a thing that you needSo call on me, call on me........

be sure of和be sure about的异同点有哪些?

一、含义解释:be sure of 和 be sure about 都表示“确定、确信”,但使用场景和侧重点略有不同。二、语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:三、具体用法举例:be sure of 的用例:I am sure of his success.(我确信他会成功。)Be sure of the address before you send the letter.(在寄信前要确保地址正确。)She is sure of herself when she speaks in public.(她在公共场合讲话时充满自信。)be sure about 的用例:I"m not sure about the time of the meeting.(我对会议的时间不太确定。)Are you sure about your decision?(你对你的决定确信无疑吗?)He is not sure about taking the job offer.(他不确定是否接受那份工作。)四、充分全面的决策参考:虽然 be sure of 和 be sure about 都表示“确定、确信”,但它们的侧重点和使用场景略有不同。在实际应用中,我们可以根据上下文和所要表达的内容来选择使用 be sure of 或 be sure about。例如,在确定结果或表达个人信念时使用 be sure of,而在确定某一情况或事物时使用 be sure about。通过这样的全面的推荐和深度的分析,我们可以更高效地在实际英语表达中运用这两个短语,提高我们的语言表达能力。

be sure 和be sure of 的区别

be sure 做表语,后不直接加名词,要加也只可加从句。be sure of 后直接加名词或名词性短语,不可加句子。

be sure of和be sure of的区别

be sure to do sth: 其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等。例如:Tom is sure to help her. 汤姆肯定会帮她的。We are sure to get a warm welcome.我们一定会受到热烈欢迎的。Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.务必留心注意它。It"s sure to be fine tomorrow.明天准会天晴。This plan is sure to succeed.该计划势必成功。be sure of doing sth:其主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等。比如,可以说:I"m sure of knowing you well. 我确信对你十分了解。Alan is sure of winning before the game. 比赛前,阿兰自信稳操胜券。但不可以说:*Sucha book is sure of proving popular.(这样一种书确信事实能证明自己会广受欢迎。)*The fish is sure of selling well.(这种鱼自信能畅销。)显然,“人”可以“自信”或“确信”,而“书或鱼等物”则不可能“自信”或“确信”。这便是受限于“主语意向”的结果。以上情况,同样适用于be certain to do sth结构与becertain of doing sth结构。比较下列两句:1)My father issure to live to a hundred.2)My father issure of living to a hundred.句1)的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”。代表说话人(我)的看法或判断。句2)的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”。代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断。

be sure of u3001be sure aboutu3001 be

你好,很高兴为你解答:都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人. e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人. e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁. b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁. ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解. ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式.E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空. I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.

be sure of与be sure about的区别

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.检举

be sure of和be sure about意思一样吗?

不一样. 具体有如下两点:1、具体含义不同be sure of的意思是确信;确保。be sure about的意思是就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定。2、用法不同be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。例如:If you want to be sure of getting thereon time,you had better leave early.I am sure about her success at her exam as she is very diligent and smart.

be sure of和be sure about有什么区别呢?

1、具体含义不同be sure of的意思是确信;确保。be sure about的意思是就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定。2、用法不同be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。例句:If you want to be sure of getting your plane, you"d better leave now.如果你定要赶上那飞机的话,最好现在就动身。If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart.自己的内心是唯一可以相信的,而且是可靠的,真实的。扩展资料词汇解析:1、be sure of英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0252v]中文释义:确信;确保例句:A lot of people think that it"s better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。2、be sure about英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0259u02c8bau028at]中文释义:就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定例句:It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。

be sure of和be sure about有什么区别?

1、具体含义不同be sure of的意思是确信;确保。be sure about的意思是就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定。2、用法不同be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。例句:If you want to be sure of getting your plane, you"d better leave now.如果你定要赶上那飞机的话,最好现在就动身。If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart.自己的内心是唯一可以相信的,而且是可靠的,真实的。扩展资料词汇解析:1、be sure of英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0252v]中文释义:确信;确保例句:A lot of people think that it"s better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。2、be sure about英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0259u02c8bau028at]中文释义:就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定例句:It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。

be sure of跟be sure about有什么区别啊?

1、具体含义不同be sure of的意思是确信;确保。be sure about的意思是就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定。2、用法不同be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。例句:If you want to be sure of getting your plane, you"d better leave now.如果你定要赶上那飞机的话,最好现在就动身。If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart.自己的内心是唯一可以相信的,而且是可靠的,真实的。扩展资料词汇解析:1、be sure of英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0252v]中文释义:确信;确保例句:A lot of people think that it"s better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。2、be sure about英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0259u02c8bau028at]中文释义:就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定例句:It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。

be sure of,be sure about的用法?

都是确信的意思,be sure of有"有把握"的意思,be sure about是确信某事 这里应该用 about A:be sure of/about + 名词,代词,动名词 意为确信,对…有把握 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。 e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 另外我们还要注意一些别的表达: ① be sure to … 一定,肯定 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人。 e.g. It"s sure to rain tomorrow. 比较: a. He is sure to live to ninety. 他肯定可以活到九十岁。 b. He is sure of living to ninety. 他自信可以活到九十岁。 ② Be sure to 用于祈使句时,"务必,切望"解。 ③ be sure 接that从句时,意为:认为…一定会,主语必须是人,连词that可以省略,be sure 后面还可以接由whether, where, when 或 who 等引导的名词性从句,这时,主句通常是否定形式。E.g. 我不能肯定今晚是否有空。 I am not sure whether I will be free or not tonight.检举

be sure of和be sure about的意思一样吗?

1、具体含义不同be sure of的意思是确信;确保。be sure about的意思是就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定。2、用法不同be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。例句:If you want to be sure of getting your plane, you"d better leave now.如果你定要赶上那飞机的话,最好现在就动身。If there is anything I can be sure about my world, it is my own heart.自己的内心是唯一可以相信的,而且是可靠的,真实的。扩展资料词汇解析:1、be sure of英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0252v]中文释义:确信;确保例句:A lot of people think that it"s better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。2、be sure about英文发音:[bi u0283u028au0259(r) u0259u02c8bau028at]中文释义:就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定例句:It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。

be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别

to do 有将来的感觉,不定式做将来的时态,如 I"m sure to go to school tomorrow,我肯定明天去上学I"m sure of doing sth 是肯定做某事

be sure of后面可以加动名吗

我来说说这个问题。■be sure of…后面可以加动名词。这是一种普通用法。■如果你想表达“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“对…有把握”、“肯定会”等意思时,就用be sure of (doing) sth这个句型。例如:We arrived early, to be sure of getting a good seat.■“眼见为实”。请看我为你提供的最权威资料——词典Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English里对这个短语的解释和用法。

be sure of sth.造句

with early wo

be sure to be sure of区别,分别是什么意思,举例说明

你好。通常是:be sure to do sthbe sure of sth (名词或者代词宾格)She is sure to succeed this time == She is sure that she will succeed this time==She is sure of her success this time

英语造句 be sure of 用它适用于,符合于的意思造

He is sure of my success. 他认为我一定会成功。

英语填空,词义区分。be sure of和be aware of的不同


be sure of /about sth和be sure to do sth的例句.带意思,

I am sure of this answer. 我确定就是这个答案. I am sure to finish the homework tonight.我今晚一定会完成作业的. 前者表示推测确定,后者类似于保证会做某事.

be sure to 与 be sure of 的区别

be sure to do sth 确信会去做某事。这个事情还没做。be sure of doing sth 确信做过某事。

be sure of与 make sure之间的区别

be sure的几种用法 sure+of/about+动名词或名词, sure+不定式, sure+宾语从句make sure表示弄确实;核实;查证 常常是具体到一件事情 make sure常用于祈使句,后面常接that宾语从句或of介词短语。

be sure to/be sure of举例区别

Be sure to give your family my regards.务必代我向你的家人问好,其中be sure to译为“务必,一定要”。 Be sure no one find out about it.绝不要任何人发觉这事,其中be sure of译为“确保,设法保证”

两个词组的区别 be sure of 以及be sure about有什么区别呢?

be sure of 后只能加宾语,例如I am sure of it. be sure about后面可以加动名词做宾语.也可以加从句.I am sure about that he will pass the exam./ I am sure about doing sth.

be sureto与be sure of,没懂什么区别。你们可以看看下面那道题嘛?为什么选d


be sure of 和be sure about的区别

we should not be sure of can we be sure about a year end rally.

be sure of, be sure to do 和 be sure that的区别

be sure of doing:做某事有把握 be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事 因为后面跟的内容不一样。 be sure that后面加一句完整的句子。如:I"m sure that Simon lives here. Simon lives here. 是完整的句子。 be sure to do sth. 如:They are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子 be sure of+名词 如:We"re sure of his innocence. be sure that=be certain that

be sure of和believe in的区别?

be sure of是确信什么,believe in是相信什么。

be sure of, be sure to do 和 be sure that的区别

be sure of doing:做某事有把握 be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事 因为后面跟的内容不一样。 be sure that后面加一句完整的句子。如:I"m sure that Simon lives here. Simon lives here. 是完整的句子。 be sure to do sth. 如:They are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子 be sure of+名词 如:We"re sure of his innocence. be sure that=be certain that

be sure about的用法

一、 sure用作形容词,意为"肯定的;当然的;有把握的"。当对方询问你是否对某事有把握时,你觉得有把握用“I"m sure.”。把握性不大时用“I"m not sure.”。1. be sure(不接其它词),意为"肯定的"。例如:Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?I think he is coming, but I"m not quite sure. 我想他要来,但我不十分肯定。2. be sure to do sth. 表示要求,意为"务必做某事;请一定做某事",多用于祈使句。例如:Be sure to telephone me and give me all the news. 请一定要给我打电话,让我知道所有的消息。be sure to do sth. 还可表示一种推断,意为"一定做某事;肯定做某事"。例如:The child is sure to be a teacher. 这孩子一定会成为一名教师。You are sure to win. 你(们)肯定会赢。3. be sure of / about (doing) sth. 表示人对某事(物)的看法,意为"对……有把握"。其后常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:Are you sure of passing the exam? 你有把握通过考试吗?I"m not sure about English grammar. 我对英语语法没有把握。4. be sure+从句,意为"确信"。例如:I"m not sure that he will come. 我不确信他会来。5. sure 在句子中还可用作定语,意为“确信的、可靠的、稳定的”。例如:Put the key in a sure place. 把钥匙放在一个可靠的地方。另外,常见的与sure相关的短语还有:be sure of oneself 有自信心,for sure的确;确实地。二、sure用作副词,意为"当然;的确;一定"。例如:1. 常用来回答一般疑问句,意为"当然;的确",相当于yes或certainly。只是sure 在英国英语中较为常用,而在美国英语中常用certainly。例如:Are you going with us? 你和我们一起去吗?Sure. 当然啦。2. make sure意为"查明;弄清楚"。其后可接of,about或that从句。即:make sure of/ make sure about /make sure that /make sureto do 例如:You should make sure of the time. 你应该把时间弄清楚。She made sure that she turned off the light. 她确定她已关灯了。Make sure to lock the door before you go out.出去之前一定要锁上门。

be sure of和make sure of还有make certain of和be certain of的区别?


求一首英文歌,中间有一段是这样唱的moeny money money money ,give me give me more,give me more money

price tag by Jessie J (英国女歌手)

make sure和 be sure在意思、用法方面有什么区别?

make sure 表一动作,而be sure则是一个状态。前者是短暂性,后者是持续性。

be sure of后面是接doing还是do 谢谢


我想知道be sure的用法



rein 前缀的意思是 :缰绳、引申为强化、控制、驾驭。如: reindeer 驯鹿、麋鹿 ; reinforce 强化,巩固。

be sure的用法和搭配

“be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,表示“一定会…的”“必定会…的”。be sure of, be sure to这两个短语意思不同,前者表示自己的主观看法,是针对自己而言的,而后者是表示对他人〔物〕的估计,对别人〔别物〕而言的。 扩展资料   Fight no battle I am not sure of winning.   不打无把握之仗。   They are sure to succeed.   他们一定能成功。   Be sure to give your family my regards.   务必代我向你的家人问好。

be sure of that

be sure of 后面跟着词组或短语而be sure that后面跟着句子

be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别

分析下面两个句子:1)He is sure to take good care of himself.2)He is sure of taking good care of himself.以上两个句子所表达的意思是不同的.句1)的意思是“他谅必会照料好自己”;句2)的意思是“他自信会照料好自己”.产生歧义的原由何在?从语义功能分析,不同在于:句1)中的非限定动词用不定式(to take),表示一个“未来的动作”【注1】.故句子指的是:“照料好自己”这个举动,他肯定会去做的.而句2)中的非限定动词用-ing分词(taking)【注2】,表示一种“行为所造成的事态”.故句子指的是对于“照料好自己”这件事,他是具有信心的.从意念功能分析,不同在于:在be sure to do sth结构中的be sure反映了“言语意向”(discourse orientation),即说话人的看法或判断.因此,汉语应译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等.在be sure of doing sth结构中的be sure,反映了“主语意向”(subject orientation),即作为主语的人的看法或判断.因此,汉语应译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等.再比较下列两句:3)My father is sure to live to a hundred.4)My father is sure of living to a hundred.句3)的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”.代表说话人(我)的看法或判断.句4)的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”.代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断.正是由于“意向”所决定,包含be sure to do sth结构的句型 ,其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语.例如:Tom is sure to help her.汤姆肯定会帮她的.


reinf 英[ri":u026anf] 美[ri":u026anf] abbr. 加强; reinforce 增援; reinforced 增援的; reinforcing 增强;

be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别

be sure to do sth: 其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等。例如:Tom is sure to help her. 汤姆肯定会帮她的。We are sure to get a warm welcome.我们一定会受到热烈欢迎的。Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.务必留心注意它。It"s sure to be fine tomorrow.明天准会天晴。This plan is sure to succeed.该计划势必成功。be sure of doing sth:其主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等。比如,可以说:I"m sure of knowing you well. 我确信对你十分了解。Alan is sure of winning before the game. 比赛前,阿兰自信稳操胜券。但不可以说:*Sucha book is sure of proving popular.(这样一种书确信事实能证明自己会广受欢迎。)*The fish is sure of selling well.(这种鱼自信能畅销。)显然,“人”可以“自信”或“确信”,而“书或鱼等物”则不可能“自信”或“确信”。这便是受限于“主语意向”的结果。以上情况,同样适用于be certain to do sth结构与becertain of doing sth结构。比较下列两句:1)My father issure to live to a hundred.2)My father issure of living to a hundred.句1)的意思是“我父亲肯定能活到一百岁”。代表说话人(我)的看法或判断。句2)的意思是“我父亲自信能活到一百岁”。代表作为主语的人(我父亲)的看法或判断。

be sure of sth, be sure to do sth分别是什么意思?


be sure of sth


be sure of什么意思?

be sure of什么意思:确定。

be sure of 和be sure about的区别?

be sure of 和be sure about的区别?be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。
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