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有关more than的用法

2023-07-09 14:44:22

He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明不如说他幸运。

He is more a scholar than a teacher.与其说他是位教师,倒不如说他是个学者。


more than


*He was more than upset by the accident.他为此事故深感不安。

*They were more than glad to help us.他们非常乐意帮助我们。

*In doing experiments,you must be more than careful with the precision instruments.在做实验时,你必须特别小心这些精密仪器。

*Such work requires more than indomitable will.这项工作不仅仅需要坚韧不拔的意志。


*The girl was more than slightly hurt.这女孩伤得可不轻。

*She behaved more than fairly to him.她对他十分公正。

*I was more than surprised;I was astonished.我不止是诧异,简直是大吃一惊。


*He more than hesitated to promise that.他几乎是拒绝答应那件事。

*It was a moonless night,but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。

4.not only(后接名词,或名词从句)不只是…;不仅仅…;非但…尤其…

*He is more than a friend to me.他对我不只是一个朋友。

*My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.我到北京的旅行不仅仅是观光而已。

*The stars are something more than huge inert masses;they are machines in action,generating and emitting the radiation by which we see them.星星不只是某种巨大的惰性物质,它们是运动着的机器,产生和放出我们借以看见它们的光。


*We have studied English for more than ten years.我们学英语已经10多年了。


rather than与其说…不如说…;是…而不是…

*He is more diligent than clever.与其说他聪明,倒不如说他勤奋。

*It was more a command than a question.这话不是提问,而是一个命令。

*Everything in the world should be regarded more as in motion than as at rest.世界万物都应该看成是在运动之中,而不是处于静止状态。

*The socalled goodquality product is more in name than in reality.这种所谓的优质产品名不符实。


more than 英语

其实,用not only。。。but also 就很好啦
2023-07-09 14:07:015

More than等于什么

more than 的意思是1.多于 2.在...次以上 3.不只 跟over的意思差不多
2023-07-09 14:07:272

More than 是什么短语?

more than 的用法 1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如: (1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。 (2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。 2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如: (1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。 (2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。 3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如: (1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。 (2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。 4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如: (1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。 (2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。 5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如: (1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。 (2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。 6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如: (1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。 (2)Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。 7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如: Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen. 躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。
2023-07-09 14:07:511

more than 什么意思

more than 意思是:比….多。例如:He answered questions more than you did.意思是:他回答的问题比你多。
2023-07-09 14:08:341


2023-07-09 14:08:501

more than 什么意思

morethan的意思是:超过;,不只是;,很;在…次以上。扩展资料morethan用法:1..“morethan+名词”表示“不仅仅是”例:Maryismorethanateather;sheisawriter,too.玛丽不仅仅是一位老师,她也是以一位作家2.“morethan+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意。例:Morethanonepersonhasmadethissuggestion.不止一人提过这个建议.3.“morethan+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思。例:IassureyouIammorethangladtohelpyou.我向你保证我非常高兴去帮助你。4.morethan+(that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can)。例:ThatismorethanIcanunderstand.那简直不是我能理解的。或那超过我的理解。参考资料百度百科morethannever就是从来没有,表否定,nevermorethan相当于nomorethan不超过之意。
2023-07-09 14:08:572

more than 什么意思啊

morethan用法:1..“morethan+名词”表示“不仅仅是”  例:Maryismorethanateather;sheisawriter,too.玛丽不仅仅是一位老师,她也是以一位作家  2.“morethan+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意。  例:Morethanonepersonhasmadethissuggestion.不止一人提过这个建议.  3.“morethan+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,  例:IassureyouIammorethangladtohelpyou.我向你保证我非常高兴去帮助你。  4.morethan+(that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can)例:ThatismorethanIcanunderstand.那简直不是我能理解的。或那超过我的理解。never就是从来没有,表否定,nevermorethan相当于nomorethan不超过之意楼主问的那句话完整之意是:我(将)永远不会超过一个上班族。有时翻译句子不仅要考虑某个单词的意思,也要考虑他在短语中,句子中的意思,呵呵,积累多了就方便了,注意口语化就行。望采纳(^o^)/~哈
2023-07-09 14:09:053

more than怎么用

more than 的用法 1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如: (1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。 (2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。 2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如: (1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。 (2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。 3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如: (1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。 (2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。 4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如: (1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。 (2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。 5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如: (1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。 (2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。 6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如: (1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。 (2)Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。 7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如: Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen. 躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。
2023-07-09 14:10:001


more…than的意思是比……更多;比…更;与其说……不如说。more,作副词时意为“更多;此外;更大程度地”,作形容词时意为“更多的;附加的”,作代词时意为“更多的数量”,作名词时意为“更多,人名”。 more…than的意思 一、表示“比……更多” 此时more为many或much的比较级,表示数量,后接名词。如: I made more mistakes than you.我犯的错误比你多。 Last year there were more births than deaths.去年的出生人数多于死亡人数。 He"s got more money than the rest of us together.他的钱比我们大家的加在一起的总数还多。 注:若more受much或many的修饰,则应分别与不可数和可数名词连用。如: His car cost much more money than mine.他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。 There are many more people than we expected.比我们想象的人要多得多。 二、表示“比…更” 此时more后接多音节形容词或副词,构成比较级,表示对两者进行比较。如: He is more careful than the others.他比其他人更仔细。 Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving.乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。 This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity.这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。 三、表示“与其说……不如说” 此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍,此时不论形容词或副词是单音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more…than…。如: He is more lucky than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。 He was more frightened than hurt.他伤倒不算什么,可受惊不小。 It is more grey than brown.与其说它是棕色的,倒不如说是灰色的。 有时,more…than…比较的不是 He is more (a) scholar than (a) teacher.与其说他是位教师,不如说是位学者。
2023-07-09 14:10:171

more than是什么词

more than 如果分开来看,more是形容词或副词,than用在比较级后面是介词. 但其实这是个复合词组,合起来是一个词性.它修饰名词时做形容词,修饰动词和形容词时是副词. We need more than(形容词) material wealth to build our country .I have known David for more than(副词) 20 years. More than(形容词) one person has made this suggestion. more than 的英文释义: Adjective 1.(comparative of `much" used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree; "more land"; "more support"; "more rain fell"; "more than a gallon" 2.greater in number relative to something else; "more than one person stood up" Adverb 1.comparing quantity or quality; "by the time she was 4 she was more than half her father"s height"
2023-07-09 14:10:241

more than的用法是什么意思?

越来越the more(名词) +主语+动词1,the more(名词)主语+动词2The more you say,the more mistakes you will make.它相当于over More than的用法 A.“More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer,...
2023-07-09 14:10:312

英语:more than

“More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”. 例如:Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.杰森不仅仅是一个学者,还是一个作者。“More than+动词”表示“超过”例如:I was more than surprised; I was astonished. 我不是一般的吃惊,而是震惊。
2023-07-09 14:10:483

more than 形容词

morethan是短语,它的用法有很多1.morethan+名词表示“不仅仅;超过”hibernationismorethansleep.冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。2. morethan+数词表示“超过”altogethertherearemorethan500differentkindsofbamboo.总共有五百余种竹子。3. morethan+形容词:“很,非常”ifyoutellyourfatherwhatyou"vedone,he"llbemorethanalittleangry.假如你把你做的事情告诉你父亲,他不只是生气而已。4. more+形容词+than+形容词ithinkshe"smoreshythanunfriendly我想她不是不友好,而是更害羞。
2023-07-09 14:11:033

More than 的用法

more than 1.very(后接形容词,表示被修饰的形容词的强烈程度)非常;十分;不仅仅*He was more than upset by the accident.他为此事故深感不安。*They were more than glad to help us.他们非常乐意帮助我们。*In doing experiments,you must be more than careful with the precision instruments.在做实验时,你必须特别小心这些精密仪器。*Such work requires more than indomitable will.这项工作不仅仅需要坚韧不拔的意志。2.rather(后接副词或分词)简直;十分;不止…*The girl was more than slightly hurt.这女孩伤得可不轻。*She behaved more than fairly to him.她对他十分公正。*I was more than surprised;I was astonished.我不止是诧异,简直是大吃一惊。3.nearly(后接动词)十分;绰绰有余;大大地;几乎*He more than hesitated to promise that.他几乎是拒绝答应那件事。*It was a moonless night,but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。4.not only(后接名词,或名词从句)不只是…;不仅仅…;非但…尤其…*He is more than a friend to me.他对我不只是一个朋友。*My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.我到北京的旅行不仅仅是观光而已。*The stars are something more than huge inert masses;they are machines in action,generating and emitting the radiation by which we see them.星星不只是某种巨大的惰性物质,它们是运动着的机器,产生和放出我们借以看见它们的光。5.over(后接数词)…以上;不只*We have studied English for more than ten years.我们学英语已经10多年了。
2023-07-09 14:11:304

有关more ....than和more than的用法,以下两题请坐详细解释

这里的more A than B 与 A more than B 意思差不多吧
2023-07-09 14:11:452

more than 是形容词吗?还是副词?如何使用?

More than是一种比较级。是比...更多。例:She has more coins than me.
2023-07-09 14:11:532

more……than中间加比较级还是一般式 那more better也是错误的吗?

more……than一词本来就有比较之意,所以中间的形容词用原型就可以了,不过这个形容词必须是多音节的,如beautiful,这种多于2个音节的单词. 希望对你有所帮助!
2023-07-09 14:12:001

more than的用法

more than的用法:1、“More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”,如:He is more than a father.他不仅仅是一位父亲。2、“More than+数词”表示不止,含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:The job needs more than three people.这项工作需要三人以上去做。3、“More than+形容词”表示非常,等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如:I"m afraid I"ve eaten more than enough.恐怕我是吃得过多了。4、more than + (that)从句表示超过,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”.难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can),如:That is more than I can understand .那非我所能懂的。more than的例句1、He is more than 5 years old.他超过5岁.The river is more than 3,000meteres.那条河有3,000多米。2、English weekly is more than a newspaper.英语周报不仅仅是一份报纸。3、The teacher is more than my friend.你老师不仅仅是我的朋友。4、I love you more than I can say.我爱你难以说出口。5、The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.那个地方的美使我难以形容。
2023-07-09 14:12:071

more than的意思

more than的意思分析如下:1.“more than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”。Mary is more than a teather,she is a writer,too. 玛丽不仅仅是一位老师,她也是以一位作家。2. “more than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意。More than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议。3. “more than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思。you should assure him you are more than glad to help him. 你应该向他保证你非常高兴去帮助他。4. more than + (that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,意为“简直不”或“远非”。That is more than you can understand.那简直不是你能理解的。more than的例句分析:1.They talked on the phone for more than an hour.他们在电话里谈了一个多小时。They sat for more than six hours,and both sides agreed they had aired all their differences.他们一起坐了六个多小时,而且双方都认为他们已经表达了所有的不同意见。2.Inflation,which has usually been in single figures,is running at more than 12%.通常保持在个位数的通货膨胀率现在已超过了12%。3.The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month.上个月,波兰的失业人数增长超过了1/4。She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $33 million.她买了张彩票,中了3,300多万美元。
2023-07-09 14:12:321

more than的用法是什么意思

英语很简单又直白,more than I like fish more than meat.相对於肉类我比较喜欢吃鱼
2023-07-09 14:13:052


morethan的意思是:超过。The teaching of environmental art design in China has existed morethan half a century.环境艺术设计教学在中国已经客观存在了半个多世纪。The calls kept coming& averaging morethan 73 per day.电话持续打进来&平均每天超过73个。You know I need morethan a nod, man.你知道我要的不只是一个肯定的答案。The throughput has been far morethan the maximum bandwidth of modern networks.这个吞吐率已经远远超过现代网络中最大带宽。The concept of spatial noncommutativity was introduced morethan half a century.空间非对易性的提出已经超过了半个世纪。
2023-07-09 14:13:111

more than 什么意思啊

2023-07-09 14:13:287


多余 超过 相当于over
2023-07-09 14:14:383


2023-07-09 14:15:121

请问More than是什么意思?在句中的用法?

more than的意思:超过;多于;很,非常;不只是;在...次以上。More than是个复合词组,它修饰名词时做形容词,修饰动词和形容词时是副词。资料拓展more than用法介绍1、more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:Hibernation is more than sleep。冬眠不只是睡觉。2、more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:I have known him for more than twenty years。我认识他已超过二十年了。3、more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如:They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition。看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。
2023-07-09 14:15:291

more than的英语

more than的意思是超过。一、表示“比……更多”此时more为many或much的比较级,表示数量,后接名词。I made more mistakes than you.我犯的错误比你多。Last year there were more births than deaths.去年的出生人数多于死亡人数。He"s got more money than the rest of us together.他的钱比我们大家的加在一起的总数还多。注:若more受much或many的修饰,则应分别与不可数和可数名词连用。His car cost much more money than mine.他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。There are many more people than we expected.比我们想象的人要多得多。二、表示“比…更”此时more后接多音节形容词或副词,构成比较级,表示对两者进行比较。He is more careful than the others.他比其他人更仔细。Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving.乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity.这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。三、表示“与其说……不如说”此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍,此时不论形容词或副词是单音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more…than…。He is more lucky than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。He was more frightened than hurt.他伤倒不算什么,可受惊不小。It is more grey than brown.与其说它是棕色的,倒不如说是灰色的。He is more(a)scholar than(a)teacher.与其说他是位教师,不如说是位学者。有这样一道题,是该用shorter than还是more short than?“Oh,how fat he is!”“But I think he is_________than fat.”A、shortB、shorterC、more shortD、shortest【分析】此题容易误选B,认为short为单音节形容词,故用-er构成比较级。其实正确答案应是C。要弄清此问题,得先从比较句型的两种不同类型说起:(1)异类同质比较:即指两个不同的人或事物(异类)在同一方面(同质)进行比较。He is stronger than me.他比我强壮。Our country is more powerful than theirs.我们的国家比他们的国家更强大。(2)同类异质比较:即指同一个人或事物(同类)在两个不同的方面(异质)进行比较(注意译文):He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。He"s more short than fat.与其说他胖,不如说他矮。She is more lucky than clever.与其说她聪明,不如说她幸运。按英语习惯,在进行同类异质比较时,只能用more构成比较级,不能用-er形式,即使是单音节词也是如此。
2023-07-09 14:15:411

more than的用法

2023-07-09 14:16:551

more ...than的用法归纳

more...than可以接名词、形容词、副词,表示比……多、比……更、与其……不如等。more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。 例句: It never takes more than an hour. 所用的时间从不会超过一个小时。 扩展资料   例句:   The stock topped out at more than $25.   股票达到了最高价,超过$25。   He"s more than a coach, he"s a friend.   他不只是个教练,还是个朋友。   More than anything, I want to please you.   最重要的是,我想让你高兴。
2023-07-09 14:17:251

more than的同义词

2023-07-09 14:18:013

More than的用法好多种

简简单单的“more than”,用法可多呢! 下面是些好例子: ● A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如: 1)  Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2)  Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. ● B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如: 3)   I have known David for more than 20 years. 4)  Let"s carry out the test with more than the sample copy. ● C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如: 5)  In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 6)  I assure you I am more than glad to help you. ● D. 在“More……than……”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”如: 7)  The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 8)  This book seems to be more a manual than a text. 9)  Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent. 10)  Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened. ● E. “More than”或“More……than……”+含“can”的分句时表示“否定意”,如: 11)  That"s more than I can do. 12)   Don"t bite off more than you can chew. 13)  In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understand. ● F. “No more……than……”表示“不……;不如……”,如: 14)   I can no more do that than anyone else. 15)  A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.“ “No more………than……”的语义,也可用“not any more than……”来取代,因此 15 可以变成 16. 16)  A learner cannot…… any more than ……“同样的, 17可以变成 18: 17)  Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher. 18)   Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher. 此外,“more than”也在一些惯用语中出现,如: 19)  More offen than not (经常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give. 20)  All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常关心)the current economic problems. 总之,“more than”看似简单,其实很有内涵,味道隽永。
2023-07-09 14:18:341

more和more than的区别

越来越the more(名词) +主语+动词1,the more(名词)主语+动词2The more you say,the more mistakes you will make.它相当于over More than的用法 A.“More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer,...
2023-07-09 14:18:431

more than 可修饰什么

楼主,你好more than 是英语中常见的用于两者比较的结构,表示“超过,多于”,在这里不必赘述。本文就 more than 的其它用法归纳如下,供英语学习者参考。   一、 more than 后跟形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词, more than 起强调作用,含义是 more than 后的形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词的分量不足以反应实际情况而加以说明,汉语意思是:“十分,非常,岂止,简直,不仅仅,绰绰有余”。例如:   I am more than content with what you said.   我对你的讲话十分满意。   She was dressed more than simply.   她穿着太朴素了。   Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears.   做一个好的听者不仅仅意味着“用耳朵听”。   Peace is much more than the absence of war.   和平不仅仅是没有战争。   二、 more than / more … than 跟含 can 的从句,这种结构不能照字面来翻译。 more than 之后的从句里,英语里虽是肯定形式,却表示否定概念。 more than … can …的结构意为“简直不可能”:“ more … than … can …”的结构意为“达到不可能的程度”。例如:   The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.   那个地方美得我简直不可以言表。   How he manages to live is more than I can tell.   他怎样生活的,我简直猜不透。   He has more money than he can spend.   他有花不完的钱。 望采纳!
2023-07-09 14:19:051


2023-07-09 14:19:121

more than的用法

越来越the more(名词) +主语+动词1,the more(名词)主语+动词2The more you say,the more mistakes you will make.它相当于over More than的用法 A.“More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer,...
2023-07-09 14:19:271

More than的用法

● A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:1)  Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2)  Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.● B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:3)   I have known David for more than 20 years. 4)  Let"s carry out the test with more than the sample copy.● C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如:5)  In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 6)  I assure you I am more than glad to help you.● D. 在“More...than...”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”如:7)  The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 8)  This book seems to be more a manual than a text. 9)  Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent. 10)  Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened.● E. “More than”或“More...than...”+含“can”的分句时表示“否定意”,如:11)  That"s more than I can do. 12)   Don"t bite off more than you can chew. 13)  In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understand.● F. “No more...than...”表示“不……;不如……”,如:14)   I can no more do that than anyone else. 15)  A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.”  “No more…...than...”的语义,也可用“not any more than...”来取代,因此 15 可以变成 16。16)  A learner cannot... any more than ...”同样的, 17可以变成 18: 17)  Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher. 18)   Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher.  此外,“more than”也在一些惯用语中出现,如:19)  More offen than not (经常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give. 20)  All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常关心)the current economic problems.  总之,“more than”看似简单,其实很有内涵,味道隽永。 作者:陈清霖
2023-07-09 14:19:341

more…than的用法 more…than的具体用法

1、表示“比……更多” 此时more为many或much的比较级,表示数量,后接名词。如: I made more mistakes than you. 我犯的错误比你多。 Last year there were more births than deaths. 去年的出生人数多于死亡人数。 He"s got more money than the rest of us together. 他的钱比我们大家的加在一起的总数还多。 注:若more受much或many的修饰,则应分别与不可数和可数名词连用。如: His car cost much more money than mine. 他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。 There are many more people than we expected. 比我们想象的人要多得多。 2、表示“比…更” 此时more后接多音节形容词或副词,构成比较级,表示对两者进行比较。如: He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔细。 Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving. 乘火车旅行比开汽车轻松得多。 This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity. 这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。 3、表示“与其说……不如说” 此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍,此时不论形容词或副词是单音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more…than…。如: He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。 He was more frightened than hurt. 他伤倒不算什么,可受惊不小。 It is more grey than brown. 与其说它是棕色的,倒不如说是灰色的。 有时,more…than…比较的不是。 He is more (a) scholar than (a) teacher. 与其说他是位教师,不如说是位学者。
2023-07-09 14:20:011


2023-07-09 14:20:121

more than的用法?

1很,非常2与其,倒不如3不仅仅4比...多第三个不常见,我就给你举一个例子吧Our national flag is more than a piece of cloth.我们的国旗不仅仅是一块布祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O哈!如果对你有所帮助,还望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈!如还有不懂的,还可以继续追问哦(^o^)/~
2023-07-09 14:20:573


2023-07-09 14:21:051

more than的用法

more than的用法如下:(1) 多于(其通常后接数词,也可接其他词)。如:I"ve known him for more than twenty years. 我已认识他 20多年了。Mary bas been ill for more than a week. 玛丽已病了一个多星期了。(2) 不只是,不仅仅是(通常后接名词、动词、从句等)。如:He is more than a father to her. 他待她胜过父亲。He more than smiled, but laughed. 他不只是微笑,而是放声大笑。(3) 极其,非常(通常后接形容词、副词或分词等)。如:She was more than kind to us. 她对我们很友好。He was more than upset by the accident. 这个意外事故使他非常心烦意乱。(4) 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词 can)。如:That is more than I can tell(=I can"t tell that). 那事我实在不明白。注:与动词 like, love 等连用,还可表示”更“”更加“。如:I like tennis more than I like football. 与足球相比,我更喜欢网球。
2023-07-09 14:21:151


morethan的用法如下:1、用法1:more than+sb. can/could “……超过某人所能,某人难以……”举例说明:The mistake is more than we can afford.这个错误是我们无法承担得了的。2、用法2:more than+(动)名词 “不仅仅是,不只是”举例说明:It"s more than a challenge;it"s also a chance.这不仅仅是挑战,还是机会。3、用法3:more than+数词 “多于,超过”举例说明:She has more than 20 good friends.她有超过20个的好朋友。4、用法4:more than+形容词/副词 “非常”举例说明:The girl is more than pretty.这位女孩非常漂亮。5、用法5:more A than B “与其说是B,倒不如说是A”举例说明:He is more a good father than a good teacher.与其说他是位好老师,倒不如说是位好父亲。
2023-07-09 14:21:341


morethan的用法如下:1、用法1:more than+sb. can/could “……超过某人所能,某人难以……”举例说明:The mistake is more than we can afford.这个错误是我们无法承担得了的。2、用法2:more than+(动)名词 “不仅仅是,不只是”举例说明:It"s more than a challenge;it"s also a chance.这不仅仅是挑战,还是机会。3、用法3:more than+数词 “多于,超过”举例说明:She has more than 20 good friends.她有超过20个的好朋友。4、用法4:more than+形容词/副词 “非常”举例说明:The girl is more than pretty.这位女孩非常漂亮。5、用法5:more A than B “与其说是B,倒不如说是A”举例说明:He is more a good father than a good teacher.与其说他是位好老师,倒不如说是位好父亲。
2023-07-09 14:22:031

英语:more than

“More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”. 例如:Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.杰森不仅仅是一个学者,还是一个作者。“More than+动词”表示“超过”例如:I was more than surprised; I was astonished. 我不是一般的吃惊,而是震惊。
2023-07-09 14:22:353

more than造句

1.He is more than 5 years old.他超过5岁.The river is more than 3,000meteres.那条河有3,000多米. 2.English weekly is more than a newspaper.英语周报不仅仅是一份报纸 The teacher is more than my friend.你老师不仅仅是我的朋友. 3.I love you more than I can say.我爱你难以说出口. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe 那个地方的美使我难以形容. 4.The girl is more than beaubtiful.那个女孩非常美.The weather is more than fine.天气非常好. 5.More than one student has finished the homework.不止一个学生完成了家庭作业. More than one person was killed in the earthquake.不止一个人在那次地震中死去.
2023-07-09 14:22:461

英语语法more than的用法总结

#新概念英语# 导语:英语学习有没有规律?学到何种程度才能算学好?英语学习需要哪些系统要素? 整理了英语学习的一些资料,欢迎阅读。   morethan是典型的“比较结构”。因为这个结构被赋予了太多的含义和用法,以至于让人眼花缭乱,结果没有人去关心它是怎么变来的。   其实,任何事物都有其自身规律。表“程度”的morethan结构,more应该是程度副词much的比较级。如果more表示数量,那么它就是限定词much或many的比较级,这要视情况而定。   下面,我们具体剖析morethan的本义,以及由此衍生的各种用法。因为太多,不宜在此罗列,那样反而影响阅读和理解。   一、morethan的基本含义:   1.表示“数量”概念:“多于,超过”   Thejobneedsmorethanthreepeople.这项工作需要三人以上去做。   Therearemorethanfiftyworkersinthisworkshop.这个车间里有五十多个工人。   Ihaveseenthishappenmorethantwice.发生这种事我屡见不鲜。   Thiscityhasapopulationofmorethan1,000,000.这个城市人口超过一百万。   表示“数量”概念是morethan最基本的用法,可以说一目了然,无须解释。   2.表示“程度”概念:“超过,胜过,不止,不仅,更加,非常”   Heismorethanafather.他不仅仅是一位父亲。   (意味着他还起到了父亲以外的作用。)   Herroomfunctionsasmorethanabedroom.她的房间的作用超过了卧室。   Ilikethisbookmorethanyoudo.我比你更喜欢这本书。   I"mafraidI"veeatenmorethanenough.恐怕我是吃得过多了。   Itwasmorethanfleshandbloodcouldbear.这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。   Truefriendshipisworthmorethanmoney.真正的友谊比金钱更有价值。   Shewasmorethansurprisedwhenshesawthescene.当她看到这一幕时,她感到非常惊讶(超出了惊讶)。   二、more和than的分离:   morethan如果分开,than前后是两个并列平行的成分,那么该结构表示一种“取舍关系”,than前面的成分就是“取”,后面的成分就是“舍”。可译为“是A不是B”,或者“与其说是B,不如说是A”。例如:   Insomewayssheismorelikeherfatherthanhermother.在某些方面,她更像她父亲而不像母亲。   Heismoreawriterthanascholar.与其说他是学者,不如说是作家。   Shethinksmoreofothersthanofherself.她为别人而不为自己着想。   Tomismorefoolishthanstupid.与其说汤姆笨,倒不如说他傻。   三、morethan的延伸:   1.morethan被程度副词所修饰:   这些程度副词一般是much,far,alittle,little,abit,twice等。   Eightyismuchmorethaneight.80比8大得多。   Teachersdomuchmorethanimpartknowledge.教师们所付出的远比传授知识要多。   Mycarhasbeenusingalotofpetrollately,farmorethanusually.近来我的车耗油量很大,远远超过了平时的水平。   Infactgoodartistsdonotonlycopylife.Theydofarmorethanthat.事实上,优秀的艺术家搞创作远不只单纯地临摹生活。   Hespentalittlemorethan20yuanyesterday.昨天他花了20块多一点儿。   That"salittlemorethanIwanttopay.价格有点贵。   Theplaylastsabitmorethantwohours.戏演了两个小时多一点儿。   Asamatteroffact,itweightsabitmorethanitshould.实际上,份量比应该给的还多了点。   TheBoulevardatthattimewaslittlemorethanacountryroad.那条林荫大道当时和一条乡村大路差不多。   Iaccomplishedthejourneyinlittlemorethantwohours.我近用两个钟头就行完了旅程。   【说明】跟alittle一样,little也是一个程度副词,只不过表“否定”含义罢了,littlemorethan跟nomorethan意思十分接近。   2.nomorethan和nothingmorethan:   nomorethan和nothingmorethan,就是字面意思:“不多于,仅仅,只不过”。   It"snomorethanamisunderstanding.这只是个误会。   Itwilltakenomorethanfivedaystoreadthebook.只需五天,我就会把这本书读完。   Hiswholeschooleducationaddeduptonomorethanoneyear.他所受的全部学校教育加起来不过一年。   Itisnothingmorethanamade-upstory.它只不过是杜撰的故事而已。   Racingisnothingmorethanahobby.赛车只是一种爱好。   Shewishestobetreatedasnothingmorethanacommongirl.她希望被对待得只不过像一般的女孩子。   3.nomore...than+从句   “nomore+形容词/副词+than”也是一种比较结构。这种结构是对than前后两个并列成分的全部否定,意为“两者都不”。   Heisnomorehardworkingthansheis.他跟她一样都不用功。   Tomwasnomoresurprisedthan(hewas)disappointedatthisnews.汤姆听见那消息既不惊讶也不失望。   Heisnomoreconsiderateofothersthanhisbrotheris.他不体谅别人,就跟他弟弟一样。   4.not...anymorethan+从句   “not...anymorethan”也是一种比较结构,意味着主句和比较从句全都否定。翻译时可灵活掌握。例如:   Theycannotdotheimpossibleanymorethanwecan.他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。(theimpossible指“不可能的事情”,相当于theimpossiblethings)   HedoesnotlikeclassicalmusicanymorethanIdo.他和我一样都不喜欢古典音乐。   HecannotspeakFrenchanymorethanIcan.他不会说法语,我也不会。   Thisisnotmyjobanymorethanitisyours.这不是你的工作,同样也不是我的工作。   HeisnotapoetanymorethanIamascholar.我不是一个学者,他也不是一个诗人。   Mancannotlivewithoutfoodanymorethanplantscangrowwithoutsunshine.人没有食物不能生存,植物没有阳光也不能生长。   四、不用比较级原来是什么呢?——如果一定要变成原级,那就是表程度的verymuch:   Hewasverymuchachildwhenhisfatherdied.   Today,underFlanagan"stutelage,sheisverymuchawinner.今天,在弗拉纳根的指导下,她是个十足的成功者。   Climatechangeisstillverymuchasubjectfordebate.气候变化很大程度上仍是一个争论的话题。   Heisverymuchaprivatemanandconfidesinnoone.他是个很隐秘的人,从不向人吐露他的秘密。
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more than翻译成英语

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2023-07-09 14:11:221

Last Rose Of Summer/Walking In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Last Rose Of Summer/Walking In The Air歌手:Celtic Woman专辑:Celtic WomanWe"re walking in the airWe"re floating in the moonlit skyThe people far below are sleeping as we flyWe"re holding very tightI"m riding in the midnight blueAnd finding I can fly so high above with youAll across the worldThe villages go by like dreamsThe rivers and the hills, the forests and the streamsChildren gaze open-mouthedTaken by supriseNobody down below believes their eyesWe"re surfing in the airWe"re swimming in the frozen skyWe"re drifting over icy mountains floating bySuddenly swooping lowOn an ocean deepRising up a mighty monster from his sleepWe"re walking in the airWe"re dancing in the midnight skyAnd everyone who sees us greets us as we fly
2023-07-09 14:11:241

Famous Blue Raincoat 歌词

歌曲名:Famous Blue Raincoat歌手:The Handsome Family专辑:Leonard Cohen: I"M Your ManArtist: Jennifer WarnesAlbum: Famous Blue RaincoatTitle: Famous Blue RaincoatEdit by: Simon ZhangIt"s four in the morning, the end of DecemberI"m writing you now just to see if you"re betterNew York is cold, but I like where I"m livingThere"s music on Clinton Street all through the evening.I hear that you"re buildingyour house deep in the desertAre you living for nothing now?Hope you"re keeping some kind of record.Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hairShe said that you gave it to herThat night when you planned to go clearDid you ever go clear?Ah, the last time we saw youyou looked so much olderYour famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulderYou"d been to the station to meet every trainBut she never turned up I"m Lili MarleneSo you treated some woman to a flake of your lifeAnd when she got home she was nobody"s wife.Well I see you there with a rose in your teethOne more thin gypsy thiefWell I see Jane"s awakeShe sends her regards.And what can I tell you oh what can I tell youWhat can I possibly say?I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive youI"m glad that you stood in my way.And if you ever come by here, be it for Jane or for meI want you to know your enemy"s sleepingI want you to know your woman is free.Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyesI thought it was there for good so I never really tried.And Jane came by with a lock of your hairShe said that you gave it to herThat night when you planned to go clearSincerely, a friend~Wish you happy! --enjoy100~
2023-07-09 14:11:171

both of 后跟单数还是复数

复数。both后可直接跟名词,如果名词前有限定词修饰的话,就必须用both of。Bothof加代词或名词复数。Both可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词。 Both的使用方法 both有三种词性:形容词、副词、连接词,都表示两个都、即……又……、而且的意思,所以在使用both时句子中被形容的名词应该使用复数形式,如Both his eyes were seriously burned.他的双眼都被严重烧伤了。 Both的例句 Both of us thought so. 我们俩都这样想的。 My brother and my sister both ran to help me. 我弟弟和我妹妹都跑来帮助我。 Both of them like popular songs. 他们两人都喜欢流行歌曲。 Both her children go to the same school. 她的两个孩子在同一个学校读书。
2023-07-09 14:11:161