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I Heard It Through The Grapevine 歌词

2023-07-24 09:53:06
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歌曲名:I Heard It Through The Grapevine
歌手:The King

Oo, bet you"re wond"ring how I knew
"bout your plans to make me blue
With some other guy that you knew before?
Between the two of us guys,
you know I love you more.
It took me by surprise,
I must say, when I found out yesterday. oo,
I heard it through the grapevine,
not much longer would you be mine.
Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,
and I"m just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.
You know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,
but these tears I can"t hold inside.
Losin" you would end my life you see,
"cause you mean that much to me.
You could have told me yourself
that you found someone else.
I heard it through the grapevine,
not much longer would you be mine.
Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,
and I"m just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.
People say you hear from what you see,
na na not from what you hear.
I can"t help bein" confused;
if it"s true, won"t you tell me dear?
Do you plan to let me go
for the other guy that you knew before? oo,
I heard it through the grapevine,
not much longer would you be mine.
Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,
and I"m just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.
Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,
not much longer would you be mine.
Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,
and I"m just about to lose my mind.
Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,
not much longer would you be mine.
Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,
and I"m just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.




2023-07-24 05:24:552

葡萄藤用英语怎么说?是grape vine 还是vine?

2023-07-24 05:25:043


grapevine不是城市,是日本的一个乐队。Grapevine最初是以西原诚、西川弘刚为中心在大阪成立的。随着发展,乐队的重心也放在了东京。1997年以mini album<覚醒>正式major的这支乐队,到目前为止总共发行了15张专辑和23张单曲以及7张dvd. 2002年底正式退出乐队的西原诚,最后参与的创作是03年9月乐队发行的第14张单曲会いにいく。之后他在The Laters、Drop等地下乐队活动;另外乐队主唱田中和将、鼓手亀井亨与原My Little Lover的藤井谦二、原JOHN BRIEF的金戸覚组合成立了FTK&K。
2023-07-24 05:25:316


grapevines n. 传闻( grapevine的名词复数 );小道消息;通过小道消息;根据传闻 [例句]Pruning grapevines must be done very carefully.修剪葡萄藤必须小心翼翼的完成。如果对您有帮助,满意别忘了采纳一下哦~
2023-07-24 05:25:483

“小道消息” 咋说 ?

大家都知道谣言传播的速度是飞快的。有句话说,谣言已经走了半个地球,而事实还刚刚在穿鞋。人们坐在一起闲聊,天南地北,说长道短,中间难免传播些流言飞语,小道消息。美国有好多成语和俗语是形容这一方面的。    through the grapevine   要是你问一个人,你说的那个消息是从那儿听来的,他可能会说:through the grapevine.grape是葡萄,grapevine就是葡萄藤。Through the grapevine的意思实际上就和中文里说的:通过小道消息来的一样。也就是说,这个消息是经过人们口头传播传到他这儿来的,他也不知道到底是从谁那儿开始的。   早在一百多年前,当美国南北战争正在进行的时刻,士兵们把那些非官方渠道来的消息,也就是秘密地在他们中间传播的消息称为grapevine.   例如:   What do you think of the news that our regiment is being transferred to California. It"s not announced officially yet, but this morning I got it through the grapevine.   你对我们部队调到加利福尼亚州去的消息是怎么想的。这个消息还没有正式宣布,我是今天早上通过小道消息听来的。   又如:   I don"t always believe what I get through the grapevine, but it"s true at least half the time and and it"s a lot faster than whatever the army tells you about what we"re doing.   我不完全相信小道消息。但是,小道消息至少有一半是确实的,而且比部队领导告诉我们的要快多了。    to shoot the breeze   To shoot就是发射、开枪、发炮等,breeze就是阵阵微风。To shoot the breeze这个习惯用语使人脑子里出现了一幅画面,也就是:一些好朋友没事聚在一起闲聊天,毫无顾忌地想说什么就说什么。   例如:   On Friday nights I usually go to a movie. But it was raining so hard last night I just stayed in the dorm to sit around and shoot the breeze with a couple of friends.   一般来说,星期五晚上我总是去看电影的。可是,昨晚上雨下得好大呀,所以我就呆在宿舍里和两个朋友一起聊天。   又如:   One thing I enjoy about shooting the breeze——you can relax and say anything you want to. You"re among friends and nobody takes things seriously.   我很喜欢聊天,因为你可以很放松,想说什么都行。你是和朋友在一起,没有人会很认真的。
2023-07-24 05:25:551


2023-07-24 05:26:042


2023-07-24 05:26:125


hearsay;grapevine;rumor;bamboo telegraph ;
2023-07-24 05:26:383


是Billie Jean,舞蹈也是改编的BJ
2023-07-24 05:26:482


七星娱乐的意思是阳光七星娱乐媒体集团。阳光七星娱乐媒体集团旗下娱乐版块已在海外创建了多家合资电影公司,吸引多位国际顶尖导演、制片人加盟,其中包括好莱坞最具商业价值的导演林诣彬,其《速度与激情》第3至第6部四部作品全球总票房超高。这的确是王长田所需要的。而吴征也是“唯利是图”。由于吴征运作的大都是有好莱坞制片人、导演参与的国际项目,进入中国市场只能算进口片。而通过和光线成立合资公司,这些国际项目摇身一变就成了中美合拍片。阳光七星娱乐的重要历史事件阳光七星投资集团对外宣布,继集团2017年收购全球最大的社交视频媒体网红营销平台——美国Grapevine,成为单一最大股东后,于2018年8月通过旗下上市公司“创新经济金融集团IDEANOMICS”完成对Grapevine 100% 控股。此举被视为阳光七星布局数字金融领域的重要一环,Grapevine将成为阳光七星消费资产数字化的领军企业。
2023-07-24 05:26:561

达拉斯有什么好玩的 达拉斯景点推荐

关于达拉斯 达拉斯怎么玩 达拉斯是德克萨斯州的一个城市,这里的女孩子没有加州的比基尼,没有纽约的时尚,这里的女孩子,有的只是啤酒肚和摩托车。为什么还要去达拉斯呢?快来一起看看达拉斯为什么吸引人。 关于达拉斯 作为 德州 最 大城 市之一和工业崛起的代表,这里是整个 德州 的缩影,这里充满着男性的荷尔蒙。叼起你的大烟枪,带上你的牛仔帽,开着你的 皮卡,放上乡村音乐,在一望无际的草原上驰骋——这里就是达拉斯 。 说到达拉斯 ,基本上国人有点联想的便是达拉斯小牛和《达拉斯买家俱乐部》这部电影了。虽然它是 德州 的 大城市,但毕竟有休斯顿这个更响亮的名字在前面。关于德克萨斯的游记特别少,出国到美国玩儿,在有限的时间内当然是去东岸和西岸的大城市咯,要不是长期在美生活的,谁会专程去德州玩儿呢。 达拉斯怎么玩 沃斯堡地区 想到德克萨斯州,就会想到牛仔,机车,农场,马。这些文化符号,在德克萨斯州最好的体现就是达拉斯-沃斯堡地区。一部《达拉斯买家俱乐部》粗野而又具有时代感的电影画风,让达拉斯在中国人心中有了印记,但真实的达拉斯是德克萨斯后起之秀,特色而又充满活力。 达拉斯-沃思堡大都会,是美国南方第一大都会区。位于德州北部,两城相距极近,四季分明。达拉斯市政府斥资200多亿美元打造全美最大的城市艺术区,众多奢华酒店,最佳购物中心,15个特色娱乐区等。有达拉斯艺术街区,主教艺术街区,德州最大的动物园-达拉斯动物园。GeO观景台,可以从150米高空,俯瞰整个达拉斯市。 大眼球 Giant Eyeball 穿过高耸的大楼,眼前突然出现一小块绿地,而绿地中央——竟然是个眼球!这样的奇特雕塑放在市中心还真是少见啊。艺术家Tasset以自己眼球为原型创造了这个眼球,本来是放在芝加哥展览,却被Headington买下来放在达拉斯市中心。 眼球的确是大,足足有30英尺高,走到哪里都觉得它在看着你,真是I cant take my eye off you. Deep Ellum街区 Deep Ellum地区位于 达拉斯 的市中心,这是个非常有意思的街区。 旧时候,太平洋铁路从这里穿过,路两旁布满了犹太人开的布店、商店和小额贷款的金融公司。修路工人住在这里,很多艺术家也住在这条路的两侧,于是到了晚上,路两边的酒馆就开始一场场自娱自乐的表演。 目前这一街区被作为历史街区保留了下来,和从前一样,艺术家还是喜欢云集这里。因此路上随处可见酒吧和工作室,还有很多特色小店和餐厅。 Fort Worth Stocks Yard 看过中国版极速前进吗?在第二集记得他们去过一个牛仔小镇吧?就是我们要去的这个。一路上好多摩托车车队从身边呼啸而过,车手基本上都是中年大汉。 半小时后终于到达,一进入小镇立马感受到浓浓的西部风情。之前我还一直在想 德州不是牛仔的老巢么,为什么一点西部的感觉都没有,直到到了小镇才在心里默默感叹,哇这就是牛仔的故乡! Grapevine —— 一个达拉斯的小镇 Grapevine是一个达拉斯的小镇,盛产葡萄酒。小镇上没有什么人,可能是因为淡季的缘故,很多商店都闭门不开。南方小镇和北方小镇的最大区别在于:北方小镇的别墅大多结构复杂,有钱的工厂老板还喜欢弄个石刻雕花,搞出点英伦气息。南部小镇最早都是由拓荒者从印第安人和墨西哥 人手里抢过来,建筑大多朴实实用,也很少能看见乔木,大多都是稀疏的灌木。
2023-07-24 05:27:371


2023-07-24 05:27:496


2023-07-24 05:28:288


1)Apple:Apples have a rounded shape with a depression at the top where the stem is attached. Some apples are almost perfectly round, while others are more rounded at the top and narrower at the bottom. In addition, some have knobby lobes at the calyx end (bottom) of the fruit. Apple fruits are firm and the skin is shiny and smooth. The color of the skin can be red, green, yellow, or a combination of those colors. The flesh is white or ivory.2)Pear Pyrus communis Family: Rosaceae Description & storage Pear: sweet juicy yellow or green fruit with a rounded shape that becomes narrower towards the stalk. Pears are picked when they are almost ripe. The fruit has to come off if you lift the fruit vertically. The late races can be kept for months at a dark place. Pears ripen best at room temperature. If you want too keep them a few days you have to keep them in a dark and cold place. Tree A pear tree can grow upto 20 m. high. Therefore most pears are grafted on a quince stem so they stay smaller. Short histotory Pears are original from Europe and Asia. The first cultivated races were selected from the wild varieties in the prehistoric ages. The Romans knew in the beginning 6 cultivated sorts and later mention 56 races. A late medieval Italian list mentions 232 varieties. Around 1640 in England only 60 varieties were known. In 1842 more than 700. In 1860 the American author T.W. Fields mentions 850 races. This fast increase of pear cultivars during the late 18th century can be ascribed to a few French and Belgian cultivators. Types and family Quince:A quince is a pear like fruit that only can be eaten cooked. The dictionary describes it as the following - a nice smelling fruit that grows on trees that grow upto 6 m. high.Quinces are a very old fruittype that are originally from Persia. Quinces are not consumed raw but are used for Marmelo which is stil very popular in Spain and Portugal. This marmelo has been the example for the marmelade we make out of citrusfruit today. Use Normal pears are mostly eaten raw and taste great in desserts, the small cooking pears are always cooked and eaten as a vegetable or dessert and quinces are mostly processed to a kind of marmelade. Other peculiar characteristics Pears contain much kalium and riboflavine; Pears are good for the skin and contain plenty of fibers; 5-a-day-tips:- have fresh ripe pears as a side dish with dinner. - Vanilla ice-cream with pears, chocolate sauce and cream. Nutrition Facts Selection Recipes Acidity 3)OrangeOranges are oval to sphere-shaped fruits with leathery, porous skin. Their color ranges from orange to red-orange. Oranges may be confused with other citrus fruits, such as grapefruits and tangerines. However, grapefruits are usually much larger and more yellow than oranges, and tangerines have a more flattened sphere shape than oranges.4)WatermelonWatermelon fruit is very large, smooth, and oval to round. The skin can be solid green or green striped with yellow.The edible flesh is usually pink with many flat, oval, black seeds throughout. Seedless varieties also exist, as well as types with orange, yellow, or white flesh.5)StrawberryStrawberry fruits are aggregates made up of several small fruits, each with one seed called an achene. The flesh of the strawberry is actually an enlarged receptacle, non-reproductive material.
2023-07-24 05:28:465


古典式摔跤Greek-Romanwrestling摔跤运动员wrestler站立摔standing wrestling专业 跪撑摔 on-the-ground wrestling角力桥 bridge自由式摔跤 free style wrestling锁臂缠腿 bar arm with grapevine抱单腿拦腿摔double leg lock
2023-07-24 05:29:012


《葡萄的眼泪》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码:v9r2导演: 三岛有纪子编剧: 三岛有纪子主演: 大泉洋、安藤裕子、染谷将太、田口智朗、前野朋哉、镰田小惠子、古关安广、小关裕太、内川莲生、高嶋琴羽、大杉涟、江波杏子类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 日本语言: 日语上映日期: 2014-10-11(日本)片长: 117分钟又名: Budou no Namida、A Drop of the Grapevine位于北海道的空知地区,广袤无垠的天野之上,阿青(大泉洋 饰)和小绿(染谷将太 饰)两兄弟相依为命。曾经在东京追逐过音乐家梦想的阿青,从五年前开始在父亲留下的天地中培育着拥有“黑色钻石”之称的黑皮诺葡萄(Pinot Noir)。他苦苦追寻着具备洗练味道的葡萄酒,无奈始终无法把握那梦幻般的味道。某天,一辆露营车突然闯了进来。车主是个率性的美丽女子惠里香(安藤裕子 饰)。她自顾自在田地边扎营,任凭阿青如何驱赶也决然不肯离开。阿青找来当警察的朝日叔叔(田口智朗 饰),谁曾想后者愉快地加入了惠里香的美食宴会。随着时光的流逝,两兄弟似乎慢慢接收了这位不速之客。阿青请她品尝还未成功的葡萄酒,惠里香则幽幽讲述着名字的由来。惠里香给这片天业注入更多的阳光,也逐渐照亮阿青的心……
2023-07-24 05:29:511


In late summer, the stars Altair and Vega are high in the night sky over China, and the Chinese tell the following love story, of which there are many variations:A young cowherd named Niulang (牛郎, "the cowherd", the star Altair) happens across seven fairy sisters bathing in a lake. Encouraged by his mischievous companion the ox, he steals their clothes and waits to see what will happen. The fairy sisters elect the youngest and most beautiful sister Zhinü (织女, "the weaver girl", the star Vega) to retrieve their clothing. She does so, but since Niulang sees her naked she must agree to his request for marriage. She proves to be a wonderful wife, and Niulang a good husband, and they are very happy together. But the Goddess of Heaven (in some versions Zhinü"s mother) finds out that a mere mortal has married one of the fairy girls and is furious. (In another version, the Goddess forced the weaver fairy back to her former duty of weaving colorful clouds in the sky because she could not do her job while married to the mortal.) Taking out her hairpin, the Goddess scratches a wide river in the sky to separate the two lovers forever (thus forming the Milky Way, which separates Altair and Vega).Zhinü must sit forever on one side of the river, sadly weaving on her loom, while Niulang watches her from afar and takes care of their two children (his flanking stars β and γ Aquilae).But once a year all the magpies in the world take pity on them and fly up into heaven to form a bridge over the star Deneb in the Cygnus constellation so the lovers may be together for a single night, the seventh night of the seventh moon.
2023-07-24 05:30:054


“有一些葡萄”,用英语说是:There are some grapes葡萄为著名水果,可生食或制葡萄干,并酿酒。酿酒后的酒脚可提酒石酸。根和藤药用能止呕。
2023-07-24 05:30:241


美国得克萨斯州达拉斯GRAPEVINE小镇 格雷普韦恩景点 Grapevine
2023-07-24 05:31:013

graevine valentine中文歌词

Grapevine Valentine歌手:Kingsfoil所属专辑:A Beating Heart Is a Bleeding HeartFriday night getting done up周五晚上疲惫不堪You say you wanna look just like a china doll你说希望自己看起来像个陶瓷娃娃I answer that you do from the hall我在大厅里说已然如此My patience was waning, half moon, now I"m lit up waxing poetic我的耐心本已消散殆尽,现在却被你再次点亮In the bathroom在浴室里I say that apart from lust我说相爱的秘密除了欲望The secret to love is secrets plus trust还有保留秘密和彼此信任She says I got a smart tongue她说我巧舌如簧I said in more ways than one我说我聪明的地方多的是You"re rolling your eyes but you wondering你对我翻了翻白眼但若有所思的样子Come on, come on, come on, come oncome on, come on, come onCome on give me something that I can believe in亲爱的请给我一些我可以相信的东西Got those bedroom eyes in the living room在客厅里眼神中却透露出熊熊欲火And we"re pulling all the blinds in the afternoon还没到夜晚我们便拉上了所有的窗帘All I wanted was to be somebody someone could believe in我所想要的只是走到阳光之下But I"m a grapevine valentine但我却是个影子情人I"m the catch in your throat when you wanna cry当你想要哭泣的时候我就是让你感到哽咽的原因When all I really wanna do is catch you smile我想要的只是紧紧抓住你的笑容Smile, yeah是的,你的笑容This girl"s got those smoky eyes on a clear night这个女孩的眼睛在清澈的夜里透露着朦胧梦幻般的美丽Lipstick on just right红唇鲜艳欲滴We could take a drive feel alive in the dying light我们可以在这死寂的月光下驱车去体验生命的感觉My patience was feigning who knew indifference would get me我把耐心伪装成无所谓的样子Where I wanted to go以为这样就能把我带到你身边的位置I could give you such a rush我本可以逼你表态The secret to love is blush blush blush相爱的秘密如我所说There"s no room for rumors我们之间没有流言的余地I"ll silence them, yeah you can be sure相信我,我会让他们消失You should believe all the things you heard你应该相信你听到的每一句话Cause now I got you at a loss for (words)因为我已经让你无话可说Come on give me something that I can believe in亲爱的给我一些我能相信的东西Got those bedroom eyes in the living room在客厅里眼神中却透露出熊熊欲火And we"re pulling all the blinds in the afternoon还没到夜晚我们便拉上了所有的窗帘All I wanted was to be somebody someone could believe in我所想要的只是走到阳光之下But I"m a grapevine valentine但我却是个影子情人I"m the catch in your throat when you wanna cry当你想要哭泣的时候我就是让你感到哽咽的原因When all I really wanna do is catch you smile我想要的只是紧紧抓住你的笑容Smile, smilesmile smileOut across the lawn穿过草坪Bare foot on the warm asphalt光着脚踩在温暖的柏油路上In the road we stop the only ones, the only ones在我们唯一停下来的那条路上Out across the lawn穿过草坪Bare foot on the warm asphalt光着脚踩在温暖的柏油路上In the road we touch tar to heels lips to lock我们相拥热吻,你手中的高跟鞋不知什么时候滑落而下Come on give me something that I can believe in亲爱的请给我一些我可以相信的东西Got those bedroom eyes in the living room在客厅里眼神中却透露出熊熊欲火And we"re pulling all the blinds in the afternoon还没到夜晚我们便拉上了所有的窗帘All I wanted was to be somebody someone could believe in我所想要的只是走到阳光之下But I"m a grapevine valentine但我却是个影子情人I"m the catch in your throat when you wanna cry当你想要哭泣的时候我就是让你感到哽咽的原因When all I really wanna do is catch you smile我想要的只是紧紧抓住你的笑容Smile, smile, yeah, smile是的,你笑容的
2023-07-24 05:31:201


歌曲名:YOROI歌手:GRAPEVINE专辑:MISOGI EPGRAPEVINE - YOROI作词:田中和将作曲:亀井亨さらっとそう云ったろ目一杯いやなふうにこの景色の中ただひとつ不可解な要素だとかなんとか俺はアルマジロ丸くなって眠る存在と无と时间とがかくも细部まで宿り给う祀り上げろ 担ぎ上げろアルマジロをアルマジロを花も耻じらうアルマジロをマトラカになる前にアル·メギドを目指して来たるべき最後の决戦に备えて甲罗に隠れよう善と悪とをわきまえててもアルマジロアルマゲドンあるまじきカルナバル世も末善と悪とのどちらか一方弱りだしたら祀り上げろアルマジロをアルマジロをあるまじきアルマジロをカルナバル
2023-07-24 05:31:271


歌曲名:ONI歌手:GRAPEVINE专辑:MISOGI EPGRAPEVINE - ONI作词:田中和将作曲:亀井亨さあ目を醒まして さあ闻かせてくれ影を缠ったあわれな取り替え子风を宿して 雨に跃って闇を喰らって腹を満たしていたこのざまに二言は无い贵様らに异存は无いただ这いつくばって息を杀して次を狙ってんだ谁にもわからない何も闻こえないさ谁にもわからない鬼の子だったってよ羽を手にして呵々と笑って我に返って因果応报とはこのざまに二言は无い贵様らに异存は无いどうせ梦を见たって梦を散らして荼毘に付すまではそう见る前に跳んだら二度と戻れない仇になるつもりなんだすべて失ってもさあ目を醒まして さあ行かせてくれ这いつくばって息を杀して次を狙ってんだそう见る前に跳んだら二度と戻れない仇になるつもりだった鸟になりたくても谁にもわからない何も闻こえないさ谁にもわからない鬼の子だったってよ
2023-07-24 05:31:341

Grapevine Fires (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Grapevine Fires (Album Version)歌手:Death Cab For Cutie专辑:Narrow StairsDeath Cab For Cutie - Grapevine FiresWhen the wind picked upand the fire spreadand the grapevines seemed left for dead.And the northern sky, like the end of day,the end of days.A wake up call to a rancid roomSounded like an alarm of impending doom.To warn us it"s only a matter of time.Before we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burn.We bought some wine and some paper cupsnear your daughter"s school when we picked her upand drove to a cemetery on a hillon a hill.And we watched the plumes paint the sky grayand she laughed and dance through the field of graysthere i knew it would be alrightthat everything would be alright,would be alrightwould be alrightwould be alright.and the news reports on the radiosaid it was getting worseas the ocean air fanned the flame.but i couldn"t think of anywhere i would have rather beento watch it all burn burn away.the firemen worked in double shifts,with prayers for rain on their lipsand they knew it was only a matter of time.
2023-07-24 05:31:531


The Fox and The Grapes Once, a fox was very hungry. He searched for food. At last he saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a grapevine. He wanted to eat the grapes. So, he jumped and jumped, but in vain. But he could not reach the grapes. So, the fox went away saying:“Those grapes are sour!”狐狸与葡萄 有一次,一只狐狸饿极了。他寻找食物。最后,他看到一串葡萄挂在葡萄树。他想要吃的葡萄。于是,他跳了跳,但不成功。他无法够到葡萄。因此,狐狸离去说:“这些葡萄是酸的”
2023-07-24 05:32:001

克雷格大卫的I Heard It Through The Grapevine歌词

[ti:i heard it through the grapevine][ar:craig david][al:signed sealed delivered]craig david - i heard it through the grapevineooh, i bet you"re wondering how i knewabout you"re plans to make me bluewith some other guy that you knew before.between the two of us guysyou know i love you took me by surprise i must say,when i found out yesterday.don"t you know that...i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.oh i heard it through the grapevine,oh and i"m just about to lose my mind.honey, honey yeah.i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.babyi know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,but these tears i can"t hold inside.losin" you would end my life you see,cause you mean that much to could have told me yourselfthat you love someone else.instead...i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.oh i heard it through the grapevine,oh and i"m just about to lose my mind.honey, honey yeah.i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine. baby x2people say believe half of what you see,son, and none of what you hear.i can"t help bein" confusedif it"s true please tell me dear?do you plan to let me gofor the other guy you loved before?don"t you know...i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.oh i heard it through the grapevine,oh and i"m just about to lose my mind.honey, honey yeah.i heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be mine.babyi heard it through the grapevinenot much longer would you be x2
2023-07-24 05:32:102


grape stem
2023-07-24 05:32:402

I Heard It Through The Grapevine 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard It Through The Grapevine歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:I Heard It Through The Grapevine / What"S Going OnCraig David - I Heard It Through The GrapevineOoh, I bet you"re wondering how I knewAbout you"re plans to make me blueWith some other guy that you knew before.Between the two of us guysYou know I love you more.It took me by surprise I must say,When I found out yesterday.Don"t you know that...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.babyI know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,But these tears I can"t hold inside.Losin" you would end my life you see,Cause you mean that much to me.You could have told me yourselfThat you love someone else.Instead...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine. baby x2People say believe half of what you see,Son, and none of what you hear.I can"t help bein" confusedIf it"s true please tell me dear?Do you plan to let me goFor the other guy you loved before?Don"t you know...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.babyI heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be x2
2023-07-24 05:32:471


Grapevine Valentine (Acoustic Version) - KingsfoilFriday night getting done upYou say you wanna look just like a china dollI answer that you do from the hallMy patience was waning, half moonNow I"m lit up waxing poeticIn the bathroomI say that apart from lustThe secret to love is secrets plus trustShe says I got a smart tongueI said in more ways than oneYou"re rolling your eyes but you wonderingCome on, come on, come on, come onCome on give me something that I can believe inGot those bedroom eyes in the living roomAnd we"re pulling all the blinds in the afternoonAll I wanted was to be somebodySomeone could believe inBut I"m a grapevine valentineI"m the catch in your throat when you wanna cryWhen all I really wanna do is catch you smileSmileThis girl"s got those smoky eyes on a clear nightLipstick on just rightWe could take a drive feel alive in the dying lightMy patience was feigningWho knew indifference would get meWhere I wanted to goI could give you such a rushThe secret to love is blush blush blushThere"s no room for rumorsI"ll silence them, yeah you can be sureYou should believe all the things you heardCause now I got you at a loss forCome on give me somethingThat I can believe inGot those bedroom eyes in the living roomAnd we"re pulling all the blinds in the afternoonAll I wanted was to be somebodySomeone could believe inBut I"m a grapevine valentineI"m the catch in your throat when you wanna cryWhen all I really wanna do is catch you smileSmile, smileOut across the lawnBare foot on the warm asphaltIn the road we stop the only onesThe only onesOut across the lawnBare foot on the warm asphaltIn the road we touch tar to heels lips to lockCome on give me something that I can believe inGot those bedroom eyes in the living roomAnd we"re pulling all the blinds in the afternoonAll I wanted was to be somebodySomeone could believe inBut I"m a grapevine valentineI"m the catch in your throatWhen you wanna cryWhen all I really wanna do is catch you smileSmile, smile, smile
2023-07-24 05:32:541

I Heard It Through the Grapevine 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard It Through the Grapevine歌手:Creedence Clearwater Revival专辑:Creedence Clearwater Revival Covers the ClassicsOo, bet you"re wond"ring how I knew"bout your plans to make me blueWith some other guy that you knew before?Between the two of us guys,you know I love you more.It took me by surprise,I must say, when I found out yesterday. oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.You know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,but these tears I can"t hold inside.Losin" you would end my life you see,"cause you mean that much to me.You could have told me yourselfthat you found someone else.Instead,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.People say you hear from what you see,na na not from what you hear.I can"t help bein" confused;if it"s true, won"t you tell me dear?Do you plan to let me gofor the other guy that you knew before? oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.
2023-07-24 05:33:011

I Heard It Through The Grapevine 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard It Through The Grapevine歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:The Sapphires [The Deluxe Edition]Oo, bet you"re wond"ring how I knew"bout your plans to make me blueWith some other guy that you knew before?Between the two of us guys,you know I love you more.It took me by surprise,I must say, when I found out yesterday. oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.You know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,but these tears I can"t hold inside.Losin" you would end my life you see,"cause you mean that much to me.You could have told me yourselfthat you found someone else.Instead,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.People say you hear from what you see,na na not from what you hear.I can"t help bein" confused;if it"s true, won"t you tell me dear?Do you plan to let me gofor the other guy that you knew before? oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Oo,I heard it through the grapevine,not much longer would you be mine.Oo, I heard it through the grapevine,and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.
2023-07-24 05:33:081

I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Album Version)歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Things Ain"T What They Used To BeCraig David - I Heard It Through The GrapevineOoh, I bet you"re wondering how I knewAbout you"re plans to make me blueWith some other guy that you knew before.Between the two of us guysYou know I love you more.It took me by surprise I must say,When I found out yesterday.Don"t you know that...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.babyI know that a man ain"t supposed to cry,But these tears I can"t hold inside.Losin" you would end my life you see,Cause you mean that much to me.You could have told me yourselfThat you love someone else.Instead...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine. baby x2People say believe half of what you see,Son, and none of what you hear.I can"t help bein" confusedIf it"s true please tell me dear?Do you plan to let me goFor the other guy you loved before?Don"t you know...I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.Oh I heard it through the grapevine,Oh and I"m just about to lose my mind.Honey, honey yeah.I heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be mine.babyI heard it through the grapevineNot much longer would you be x2
2023-07-24 05:33:221


健美操常用基本步伐一、交替类 踏步march 踏步march 走步walk 一字步easy walk V字步Vstep 漫步mambo 跑步jog 二、迈步类 侧并步step touch 并步step touch 迈步点地step tap(heel) 迈步吸腿step knee 迈步后屈腿step curl 侧交叉步grapevine 并步跳step jump 小马跳pony 迈步吸腿step knee 迈步后屈腿step curl 侧交叉步跳grapevine 三、点地类 点地touch step 脚尖点地touch,tap 脚跟点地heel 四、抬起类 抬腿lift step 吸腿knee lift(up) 摆腿leg lift 踢腿kick 吸腿跳knee lift 摆腿跳leg lift 踢腿跳kick 弹踢腿跳flick 后屈腿跳leg curl 五、双腿类 并步跳jump 分腿跳squat jump 开合跳jumping jack 半蹲squat 弓步lunge 提踵calf raise
2023-07-24 05:33:301

Metro的《The Shine》 歌词

歌曲名:The Shine歌手:Metro专辑:GrapevineThe Boy Is MineBrandy & Monica1999 Grammy NomineeYou need to give it upHad about enoughIts not hard to seeThe boy is mineIm sorry that youSeem to be confusedHe belongs to meThe boy is mineI think its time we got this straightLets sit and talk face to faceThere is no way you could mistakeHim for your man-are you insaneYou see I know that you may beJust a bit jealous of meBut youre blind if you cant seeThat his love is all in meYou see I tried to hesitateI didnt wanna say what he told meHe said without me he couldnt makeIt through the day aint a shameMaybe you misunderstoodCause I cant see how he couldWanna change something thats so goodBecause my love is all it tookMust you do the things you doKeep on acting like a foolYou need to know its me not youAnd if you didnt know it girl its trueI think that you should realizeAnd try to understand whyHe is a part of my lifeI know its killing you insideYou can say what you want to sayWhat we have you cant takeFrom the truth you cant escapeI call tell the real from the fakeWhen will you get the pictureYoure the past Im the futureGet away its my time to shineAnd if you didnt know the boy is mineYou cant destroy this love I foundYour silly games I wont allowThe boy is mine without a doubtYou might as well throw in the towelWhat makes you think that he wants youWhen Im the one that brought him toThis special place in my heart
2023-07-24 05:33:491


Denbies 酒庄位于靠近Downs北部山区,在最近的国际葡萄酒挑战赛的评比中,该庄园生产的2003年度黑品诺酒得到了正式批准,评价胜过了其他著名葡萄产区如欧洲南部、南美和澳洲等,这是迄今英国葡萄酒获得的第一个奖项。消息来自:
2023-07-24 05:34:003

抖音sofia创作的原声是什么歌 抖音sofia是什么歌完整歌词

【导读】:抖音上sofia创作的原声歌曲很好听,那么抖音sofia创作的原声是什么歌?抖音sofia是什么歌完整歌词,下面就和爱秀美我一起来了解一下! 抖音sofia创作的原声是什么歌 据悉,抖音中sofia创作的原声叫做《Jocelyn Flores》,由XXXTENTACION演唱。 Jocelyn Flores歌词 I know you so well so well I mean I can do anything that he can I"ve been pretty I know you"re somewhere somewhere I"ve been trapped in my mind girl just holding on I don"t wanna pretend there"s something we"re nothing I"ve been stuck thinking "bout her I can"t hold back I"m in pain wanna put 10 shots in my brain I"ve been tripped by some things I can"t change Suicidal same time I maintain *** this thing Get a phone call Girl that you *** with killed herself How is it someone when nobody help And ever since then man I hate myself Wanna *** ing end it Pessimistic All wanna see me with no pot to piss in But niggas been excited "bout the grave I"m digging Having conversations about my haste decisions Fucking sickening At the same time memory surfaced through the grapevine But my uncle playing with a slipknot Post traumatic stress got me *** ed up Been *** ed up since a couple months they had a nigga locked up I be Feeling pain I be feeling pain just to hold on And I don"t feel the same I"m so numb I be feeling pain I be feeling pain just to hold on And I don"t feel the same I"m so numb I know you so well I mean I can do anything that he can I"ve been pretty 据悉,歌曲《Jocelyn Flores》的歌名其实是一个人名,是这首歌曲演唱者XXXTENTACION的朋友。 Jocelyn Flores是X的朋友也是他的粉丝,她生前是个模特,没有任何抑郁的迹象,然后突然自杀了...X为她写了这首以她的名字命名的歌纪念她,这首歌之前还有首revenge也是关于她的...就知道这么多,网上貌似找不到更多她的故事!
2023-07-24 05:34:061

求 My Side Of Town 这首歌曲的歌词 谢谢

Boys are getting downSisters fool aroundLet me tell you a storyabout my side of townJohnny was the sweetest kisserThinking that he wouldn"t miss herMcneal LutriciaLittle did he knowThat she would let him goMary was a happy girlliving in a different worldgrooving all night longand listening to this songBoys are getting downSisters fool aroundLet me tell you a storyabout my side of townBobby was a shooting starbut he didn"t get that fardreams went up in smokeas he went for the tokeWhatever you like is fine with meWhat turns you on and set you freeGrooving all night longAndl listening to this songBoys are getting downSisters fool aroundLet me tell you a storyabout my side of town
2023-07-24 05:34:142


你好,A股市场交易时间为周一至周五,国家法定节假日除外。A股市场上午9时15分至9时25分,为开市集合竞价时间(通过市场交易,以竞价形式按成交量匹配市价)。 9:15-9:20投资者可以撤单,9:20-9:25投资者不能撤单。 9点25分,交易所计算最高成交量价格作为市场股票的开盘价。拓展资料:1、炒股是个有争议的事情,因为从A股过去20年的历史来看,能在股市赚钱的人很少,只有10%左右,还有10%基本不赚钱,另外80%赔钱。但是,我们能不能因为风险高、没钱就否定炒股,事实上,你所做的一切都有风险,这取决于你如何规避风险。在这个世界上,成功绝非易事。我们必须经历很多考验才能最终得到一些东西。我们应该有扎实的基础知识,比如交易规则(在做交易的时候能够快速做出正确的反应,消除不必要的低级错误),财务报表(了解公司的概况,尽量避免垃圾股和雷暴股,更重要的是能够快速响应市场热点)等。2、 学习技术分析,有成百上千的技术分析。不要求能做所有的技术分析,但最基本的K线图要懂。最重要的是总结出一两个适合自己使用的技术指标。但要记住,所有技术指标都是滞后的,只能作为参考,不能作为唯一的法宝。3、控制自己的心态,不要受股价小幅波动的影响。当股价回调时,只要趋势不坏,股价上涨,他们就不要害怕。当然,如果股价已经处于高位,好东西不断,那就不要贪心了。鱼尾市场最容易抓人。对于一直处于下跌趋势的股票,无论价格多么便宜,都不要贪婪。4、决定自己的交易风格,每个人的性格和人生经历不同,形成的认知思维也不同。有的适合短期,有的适合中长期。平时可以和朋友交流投资经验,扩大认知范围,但关键时刻,一定要按照自己的原则做决定,不要跟风。5、做一只熟悉的股票,不要听小道消息,也不能光看新闻报道买一只股票。 Grapevine新闻往往是一个局,新闻报道也会被主力使用。作为一个陌生的股票,总会让人担心问题,态度很差。6、控制仓位,永不补仓,保留部分现金,方便灵活增仓或T,降低成本,实现利润最大化。合理配置投资品种。鸡蛋不要放在一个篮子里,尤其是资金比较大的时候。我们不应该把希望寄托在一只股票上。我们应该分散投资。最好持有三到五只股票。如果资金量很小,这个项目可以忽略。
2023-07-24 05:34:211


  竞技健美操根据竞技健美操规则的要求进行编制、训练、比赛。健身健美操是普及性的,没有统一要求,适合所有年龄段的人。下面我和大家一起学习健美操造型动作。   健美操造型动作   一、交替类   踏步march 踏步march 走步walk 一字步easy walk V字步Vstep 漫步mambo 跑步jog   二、迈步类   侧并步step touch 并步step touch 迈步点地step tap(heel) 迈步吸腿step knee 迈步后屈腿step curl 侧交叉步grapevine 并步跳step jump 小马跳pony 迈步吸腿step knee 迈步后屈腿step curl 侧交叉步跳grapevine   三、点地类   点地touch step 脚尖点地touch,tap 脚跟点地heel   四、抬起类   抬腿lift step 吸腿knee lift(up) 摆腿leg lift 踢腿kick 吸腿跳knee lift 摆腿跳leg lift 踢腿跳kick 弹踢腿跳flick 后屈腿跳leg curl   五、双腿类   并步跳jump 分腿跳squat jump 开合跳jumping jack 半蹲squat 弓步lunge 提踵calf raise   跳健美操的好处   增强人的社交能力   健美操可以提高人的社交能力,参加锻炼的人来自社会各阶层,所以这种锻炼方式扩大了人们在社会的交往,把大家从工作和家庭的压力中解脱出来,从中认识更多的人,大家一起跳,一去锻炼,每个人都能心情开朗,解除戒心,互相交流,这样有助于增进人们彼此之间的了解,产生一种亲切感,你会认识很多有趣又真诚的朋友,从而建立起融洽的人际关系。   拥有乐观的心态   健美操可以让一个人从孤单和烦恼的生活中解脱出来,可以帮自己打败消极的情绪,让自己拥有一份美好的心情,经常锻炼可以让自己拥有一份乐观的心态。   健美操的保健功能   健美操是一项有氧运动,它的特点是强度低,密度大,运动量可大可小,容易控制,它对健康的人有良好的健身效果外,对于一些身体素质比较差的人来说也是一种非常好的锻炼手段,可以帮助自己慢慢的调整自身的体能,从而获得健康。   健美操练习是一种卓有成效的锻炼身体的方法 健美操作为一项有氧运动,具有所有有氧运动的健身功能,如全面提高身体素质、提高心肺功能和肌肉耐力,促进肌体各组织器官的协调运作,使人体达到最佳机能状态。此外,健美操不同于其他有氧运动项目之处在于它是一项轻松、优美的体育运动,在健身的同时,带给人们艺术享受,使人心情愉快,陶醉于锻炼的乐趣中,减轻了心理压力,促进身心健康发展,从而更增强了健身的效果。   健美操减脂增肌饮食注意的10点   1.动物蛋白在增肌方面优于植物蛋白,因为其氨基酸种类更全面   2.水是你肌肉的“机油”记得多喝水。   3.在训练后摄入50g快速吸收碳水化合物能帮助你的肌肉增长,如:果汁、蜂蜜水、葡萄糖、熟香蕉等。   4.每天至少摄入每磅瘦体重一克蛋白质。   5.健康脂肪是你的激素的物质基础,如蛋黄、坚果、椰子油、鱼油等,每天脂肪总摄入量至少为每磅体重0.4克。   6.纤维素能保证你肠胃的舒畅,从而促进你对营养的吸收。   7.酒精会增加你的脂肪,还会抑制激素的分泌,从而限制肌肉的生长。   8.备好3天自制的食物,确保肌肉永远有“燃料”。   9.坚果是你健康脂肪和蛋白质的优质来源,但要控制好量,因为坚果热量很高。
2023-07-24 05:34:281


2023-07-24 05:34:581


2023-07-24 05:35:096


非正式沟通的优点 同正式沟通相比,非正式沟通的优点是:沟通形式灵活,直接明了,速度快,省略许多繁琐的程序,容易及时了解到正式沟通难以提供的信息,真实地反映员工的思想、态度和动机。非正式沟通能够发挥作用的基础,建立团体中良好的人际关系,能够对管理决策起重要作用。 非正式沟通的缺点 非正式沟通的缺点主要表现在:非正式沟通难以控制,传递的信息不确切,容易失真、被曲解,并且,它可能促进小集团、小圈子的建立,影响员工关系的稳定和团体的凝聚力。如果能够对企业内部非正式的沟通渠道加以合理利用和引导,就可以帮助企业管理者获得许多无法从正式渠道取得的信息,在达成理解的同时解决潜在的问题,从而最大限度提升企业内部的凝聚力,发挥整体效应。 非正式沟通在管理上的意义及对策 在传统的管理及组织理论中,并不承认这种非正式沟通的存在;即使发现有这现象,也认为要将其消除或减少到最低。程度。但是,当代的管理学者知道,非正式沟通现象的存在是根深蒂固,无法加以消除的。应该加以了解、适应和整合,使其有效担负起沟通的重要作用。例如,主管者可以设法去发现在非正式沟通的网状模式中,谁居中处于核心和“转播站”的地位,也许通过这种沟通网可以使信息更迅速传达。他也可以设法自非正式沟通中去发现所流传的信息内容。不过,这些做法也有其危险或代价;过分利用非正式沟通的结果,会冷落或破坏正式沟通系统,甚至组织结构。而设法自非正式沟通中探听消息,其结果会造成组织背后的一套“谍报网”和打“小报告”者,从而带来管理上的问题。 我们认为,对于非正式沟通所采取的立场和对策是: (1)非正式沟通的产生和蔓延,主要是由于人员得不到他们所关心的消息。因此,主管者愈故作神秘,封锁消息,则背后流传的谣言愈加猖獗。正本清源,主管者应尽可能使组织内沟通系统较为开放或公开,则种种不实的谣言将会自然消失。 (2)要想予以阻止已经产生的谣言,与其采取防卫性的驳斥,或说明其不可能的道理,不如正面提出相反的事实更为有效。 (3)闲散和单调乃是造谣生事的温床。为避免发生这些不实的谣言,扰乱人心士气,主管者应注意,不要使组织成员有过分闲散或过分单调枯燥的情形发生。 (4)最基本的做法,乃是培养组织成员对组织管理当局的信任和好感,这样他们比较愿意听组织提供的消息,也较能相信。 (5)在对于组织主管人员的训练中,应增加这方面的知识,使他们有比较正确的观念和处理方法。 非正式沟通: 指的是通过正式沟通渠道以外的信息交流和传达方式。非正式沟通是非正式组织的副产品,它一方面满足了员工的需求,另一方面也补充了正式沟通系统的不足。是正式沟通的有机补充。在许多组织中,决策时利用的情报大部分是由非正式信息系统传递的。 非正式沟通和正式沟通不同,因为它的沟通对象、时间及内容等各方面,都是未经计划和难以辨别的。已如上述,非正式组织是由于组织成员的感情和动机上的需要而形成的。其沟通途径是通过组织内的各种社会关系,这种社会关系超越了部门、单位以及层次。 在相当程度内,非正式沟通的发展也是配合决策对于信息的需要的。这种途径较正式途径具有较大弹性,它可以是横向流向,或是斜角流向(Diagonalflow),一般也比较迅速。在许多情况下,来自非正式沟通的信息,反而获得接收者的重规。由于传递这种信息一般以口头方式,不留证据、不负责任,许多不愿通过正式沟通传递的信息,却可能在非正式沟通中透露。 但是,过分依赖这种非正式沟通途径,也有很大危险,因为这种信息遭受歪曲或发生错误的可能性相当大,而且无从查证。尤其与员工个人关系较密切的问题,例如晋升、待遇、改组之类,常常发生所谓“谣言”(rumors)。这种不实消息的散布,对于组织往往造成较大的困扰。 但是,任何组织都或多或少地存在着这种非正式沟通途径。对于这种沟通方式,主管者既不能完全依赖用以获得必需的信息,也不能完全加以忽视,而是应当密切注意错误或不实信息发生的原因,设法提供组织人员正确而清晰的事实,加以防止。 这些途径非常繁多且无定型,例如同事之间任意交谈,甚至透过家人之间的传闻等等,都算是非正式沟通。所以非正式沟通和个人间非正式关系,往往平行存在。很多研究者认为,由于非正式沟通不必受到规定手续或形式的种种限制,因此往往比正式沟通还要重要。在美国,这种途径常常称为“葡萄藤”(grapevine),用以形容它枝茂叶盛,随处延伸。
2023-07-24 05:35:284

Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 歌词

Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 歌手:Marvin Gaye 专辑:I Heard It Through The Grapevine / What"S Going On MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) (Album Version) 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) (Album Version) 歌手:Richard Evans 专辑:Dealing With Hard Times MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY Mercy Mercy Me [The Ecology] [Live From Live Earth] 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me [The Ecology] [Live From Live Earth] 歌手:Corinne Bailey Rae & John Legend 专辑:Live Earth - The Concerts For A Climate In Crisis MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY Mercy Mercy Me 歌词 歌曲名:Mercy Mercy Me 歌手:Jason Miles 专辑:What S Going On? Songs Of Marvin Gaye MERCY, MERCY Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Oh Lord Here we are again The people that bear Your name Lifting our hands In praises to You In adoration Beholding Your glory Oh Lord We worship You Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Won"t You shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us Mercy, mercy May the God of mercy Shine on us Shine on us MERCY MERCY
2023-07-24 05:35:501


以下是用英文简述牛郎织女的故事Legend has it that a long time ago, there was an orphan named Cowherd, who lived with his brother-in-law, and the blind man was not good to him. He gave him nine cows but let him lead ten heads back, otherwise he would never go back. When he was depressed, he got the advice of a high-ranking man. He found a sick old cow on the mountain. He took good care of it and learned that the old cow was the golden star of the sky and was beaten by the mortal. The cowherd then took it home.Later, I got the guidance of the old cow. The cowherd found the place where the fairies bathed and played, and picked up one of the clothes. The name of the fairy was called Weaver Girl. They met each other and fell in love.However, due to the violation of the rules, the Weaver Girl was brought back to heaven. The old cow told the Cowherd, after it died, put the leather into shoes and put it on the clouds.Later, the Cowherd finally reached the heavens, and he was about to reunite with the Weaver Girl, and was stopped by the Milky Way, which was changed by the Silver Lady of the Queen Mother. The magpies in the sky were moved by their love and emotions, and they became "bridges", and the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl finally reunited. The mother-in-law is somewhat moved, and after the seventh lunar month of the seventh lunar month, the two talents can meet at the bridge.
2023-07-24 05:35:592

纽约Woodbury Outlets到底在哪里?

Woodbury Common Premium Outlets 498 Red Apple Court, Central Valley, NY 10917 (845) 928-4000 这是纽约州
2023-07-24 05:36:254


早在1927年,达拉斯市就向沃思堡市建议共同建造一座机场,但后者拒绝了这一请求,因此两市各自建造了爱田机场和米查姆机场,并有了独立的航线服务。 1940年人民航空管理局向达拉斯-沃思堡区域机场的建设拨款190万美元。为了在阿灵顿市建造机场,美国航空和布兰尼夫国际航空同阿灵顿市达成了一笔交易,但达拉斯和沃思堡市政府反对这一计划,于是该计划在1942年被放弃。二战后,沃思堡市吞并了此地,并在美国航空的帮助下将其发展成为阿蒙·卡特机场。1953年沃思堡市将米查姆机场的商业航班移交至离达拉斯爱田机场仅12英里(19千米)的新机场。1960年沃思堡市购买了阿蒙·卡特机场,同时将其改名为大西南国际机场,简称GSW,企图与达拉斯市的机场竞争,可由于达拉斯爱田机场的缘故,大西南机场的客运量持续下滑。1960年代中期沃思堡市只有整个德克萨斯州1%的空中交通量,而达拉斯市却有49%之多,最终导致了大西南机场的弃用。 在FAA拒绝分别为达拉斯和沃思堡机场投资后,把两个机场合并的计划在1961年被重新考虑。尽管沃思堡机场实际上已被弃用,但超负荷的爱田机场已经无处扩张。根据1964年联邦政府的一项指示,如果两市不能达成一致,政府会单方面地选择二者之一进行投资。两市最终同意在一个新地点建设新机场。此地点在已关闭的大西南机场以北,几乎在两市中心的中间。这块地于1966年被两市共同买下,新机场也于1969年破土动工。在遍布于达拉斯和沃思堡市大都会区的投票所,选民们就为是否批准建设新的北德克萨斯区域机场一事而投票。新机场最初是以北德克萨斯委员会而命名的。北德克萨斯委员会又形成了北德克萨斯机场委员会来监督这巨大机场的计划和建设。在大都会的选民一致同意下,建设北德克萨斯区域机场一事已经势在必行。根据1967年机场最初的设计,达拉斯-沃思堡国际机场的航站楼为码头形,正对一条中心高速。1968年,航站楼的设计又被改进成半圆形,把装卸货区域和高速路隔开,并在每个半圆的中间提供额外的停机区域。一开始设计了多达13个如此形状的航站楼,但最终只建成了4个。 机场在1973年20至23日主持了一场开张仪式,其中还包括协和式超音速飞机在美国的第一次降落。这架隶属法航的协和执行从加拉加斯到巴黎的航线。参加这次仪式的嘉宾包括前德克萨斯州州长John Connally、交通运输司司长Claude Brinegar、美国参议员Lloyd Bentsen以及当时的德克萨斯州州长Dolph Briscoe。机场在1974年以达拉斯-沃思堡区域机场的名字开始了它的商业服务,建设耗资7亿美元。到了1985年,机场最终更名为其现名——达拉斯-沃思堡国际机场。 一开始,机场只有四个航站楼,分别是2W、2E、3E和4E。在其运营的第一年里,有美国航空、Braniff国际航空、大陆航空、达美航空、东部航空、Frontier航空、Ozark航空、Rio航空和德克萨斯国际航空向机场提供服务。1979年工人修正案禁止Love机场经营国际航空,使得西南航空变为Love机场唯一有喷气机的航空。 Braniff国际航空在机场建立的早期是其主要的经营者。从1974年起,它将2W航站楼作为其飞往南美洲和墨西哥的航线的枢纽,1978年又开启了飞往伦敦的航线,1979年则开设了飞往欧洲和亚洲的航线,直到1982年停止运营。在Braniff时代,此机场是全美仅有的四个拥有固定由协和执行的航线的机场:1979至1980年间Braniff开始了从达拉斯至华盛顿的航线,由协和执行,这些协和是英国航空和法国航空暂时重新注册至Braniff名下的。这之后英国航空于1988年曾短暂地使用协和飞往达拉斯,作为原先执行这条航线的DC-10的替代品。由于航空公司撤销管制规定的缘故,作为达拉斯-沃思堡地区多年的经营霸主,美国航空于1981年6月11日在这里建立了其第一个枢纽。1983年1月17日美国航空正式将其总部由德克萨斯州的Grand Prairie移到了一处在沃思堡市并靠近DFW的地方。同时,美国航空也开始租赁原属于机场的设施。到了1984年,美国航空已占据了绝大多数3E航站楼和部分2E航站楼的设施。1991年2E航站楼的大多数机位也归属于美国航空。美国航空亦经营从达拉斯-沃思堡启程的长距离拖运航班,在1982年增加了去伦敦的航班,1987年去东京的航班也被排定。1990年代,达美航空也在这里建立了枢纽,占据了4E航站楼的绝大部分。1991年达美枢纽达到顶峰,拥有机场中35%的市场份额,但2004年这一数字减半,这是由于2003年达美的很多主要航线被降级为更频繁的区域性航线。达美最终于2004年关闭了此枢纽,为避免破产而进行重组,将其在DFW的航班数由每日250架次降到只有21架次,还重新部署了其在辛辛那提、亚特兰大和盐湖城的枢纽。在关闭DFW枢纽前,达美在DFW的市场份额为17.3%。在这之后,DFW鼓动西南航空将其服务由Love机场转移至自己处,但西南航空一如既往地选择留在Love机场。 1989年机场授权宣布了一个建设计划:重建现存航站楼和增加两条跑道。在第二年环境影响报告发布后,Irving、Euless和Grapevine三市联合将机场的扩建计划告上法庭。1994年美国最高法院最终裁决此案(结果有利于机场)。1996年第七条跑道开放。4条南北方向的主要跑道(最靠近航站楼的)都被加长,从原先的11,388英尺(3471米)增加到13,400英尺(4084米)。其中的第一条,即17R/35L跑道,于1996年被加长(与新跑道同时),另三条(17C/35C、18L/36R和18R/36L)在2005年扩建。DFW现在是全世界唯一有四条长度超过4000米(13,123英尺)且可用的跑道的机场。 为了疏导国际航班,一个有着先进的双向乘客疏导系统(捷运系统,即Skylink)的航站楼——航站楼D,于2005年开始运营。 从2004年到2012年间,DFW曾是两个美国军队“人力辅助点”之一,给从伊拉克和阿富汗返回的美军提供休息和恢复。这项任务终止于2012年4月3日,哈茨菲尔德-杰克逊亚特兰大国际机场则成为美军唯一的人力辅助点。 1985年8月2日,达美航空191号班机(一架洛克希德L-1011三星客机)从劳德代尔堡飞往洛杉矶,中途经停达拉斯。飞机在降落达拉斯-沃思堡机场时遭遇由风暴所产生的微暴流,撞上机场的2座水槽,造成136人死亡(包括1名地面人员),29名乘客生还。1988年8月31日,达美航空1141号班机(一架波音727)从达拉斯-沃思堡飞往盐湖城。飞机在起飞后撞上跑道末尾的辅助着陆仪,随后失速坠毁,造成14名乘客及机组人员死亡,机上94人生还。
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Grapevine fan leaf virus葡萄扇叶病,是世界各地为害葡萄最严重、分布最普遍的一种病毒病。其为害特点是降低座果率,果穗松散,果粒大小不整齐,一般减产20—80%。我国栽培的一些品种,如红鸡心、龙眼、瓶儿、牛奶、巨峰、黑奥林等,都带有此种病毒。不同品种的带毒状况,有待进一步鉴定。症状(图1-38)图1-38 葡萄扇叶病症状葡萄扇叶病病毒,属于线虫传球体病毒组(Nepovirus)。目前已知有3个致病株系,即扇叶株系(Fanleaf strain)、黄色花叶株系(Yellow mosaic strain)和镶脉株系(Veinbanding strain)。1.扇叶株系19世纪中叶,法国首先发现美洲种葡萄(Vitis labrusca)对扇叶病毒有敏感反应,所有美洲种砧木都表现症状,但自根树或用欧洲种葡萄(Vitis vinifera)作砧木时,果实无明显症状。主要症状为叶片变小。叶基部的裂刻扩展增大呈平截状。美洲种砧木和一部分品种,叶边缘的锯齿伸长,叶主脉聚缩,叶身呈现不对称等畸形。有些品种的叶片出现褪绿斑驳。新梢和叶柄有时变成扁平的带状,或在一个节上生出两个芽,节间缩短。典型的果实症状是形成小果,在果穗中常有未成熟的硬果粒或果粒脱落,致使果穗松散。2.黄色花叶株系6月间在新梢叶片上出现鲜明的黄色斑点,逐渐扩展成为黄绿相间的花斑叶。因系土壤中线虫传染,病株多连片发生。夏季高温季节展开的叶片,无明显症状,但当秋季气温下降时,新梢叶片又出现花斑或黄化症状。6月间已黄化的叶片,秋季呈日烧状并发白,叶缘部分常变褐色。黄化叶片通常不变形,但有时也呈扇叶状。3.镶脉株系镶脉症状多出现在夏季初、中期,沿叶脉形成淡绿色或黄色带状斑纹,叶片不变形。病原病毒葡萄扇叶病毒等径对称,外表有角,直径约30nm。钝化温度为60—65℃,稀释限点为10-3—10-4,体外存活期在20℃为15—30天。病毒免疫原性中等,容易制备无寄主蛋白的抗原。菜豆、昆诺藜、苋色藜、千日红等都是提纯病毒的良好材料。病毒提纯可用Tomlinson、Shepherd和Walker的正丁醇法,或Steere的丁醇—氯仿法,然后通过密度梯度离心,得到无植物蛋白的病毒制剂。发生规律葡萄扇叶病毒除嫁接和随无性繁殖材料如自根苗、接穗、插条传播外,还有专性传毒线虫,主要为剑线虫属中的Xiphenema index和X.italiae两种。线虫生息于土壤中,不仅传播病毒,而且污染土壤。幼虫和成虫均传毒。线虫取食仅几分钟,即能获毒和传毒,但不能继代传染。剑线虫在土壤中移动缓慢,每年不足1米,若病健株相隔25米以上,则无传毒危险。但此种线虫在土壤中存活时间长,即使刨除病株,仍可存活6—10年之久。因此果园一旦被扇叶病毒和剑线虫污染,至少10年以内不能重栽葡萄。葡萄扇叶病毒具有潜伏侵染特性,在很多栽培品种上不表现症状,难于用肉眼直接鉴别。检测病毒通常采用指示植物鉴定法和血清鉴定法。指示植物鉴定法是用圣·乔治(St.George,属砂地葡萄)作指示植物。先培育指示植物的扦插自根苗。大致在6月中下旬,取待检葡萄的嫩枝作接穗,用劈接法嫁接在指示植物上。嫁接成活后,若接穗带有扇叶病毒,经3—16个月后,即在St.George新叶上出现黄色斑纹或畸形,其后表现为典型的扇状畸形叶和其他各种症状。此外,也可用葡萄汁液接种草本植物方法鉴定。通常以苋色藜(Chenopodium amaranticolor)、昆诺藜(C.quinoa)、千日红(Gomphrena globosa)、菜豆(Phaseolus vulgans)等作诊断寄主,以pH7.0的磷酸缓冲液加2.5%烟碱研磨葡萄幼嫩组织获得的汁液,进行机械接种。但阴性结果并不能肯定待检样本是不带扇叶病毒的。因此汁液接种需注意接种条件,重复进行多次。血清鉴定法用酶联免疫吸附技术(ELISA),鉴定扇叶病毒,是十分迅速、简便的方法。如果第一次鉴定为阳性反应就不必再作,若阴性反应则需重复2—3次。防治方法几乎所有葡萄病毒病害,都可借嫁接途径传染,随无性繁殖材料扩散。因此,选拔、培育无病毒母本树,栽培无病毒苗木,是防治葡萄病毒病的根本对策。葡萄扇叶病除嫁接传染外,土壤线虫特别是剑线虫属中的几种线虫,是重要传毒介体。在栽培无病毒苗木的基础上,新建葡萄园时,还应查清土壤中线虫种类,避免在有传毒线虫的地方尤其沙土地带建园,或用杀线虫剂进行土壤消毒后再栽葡萄。
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你好,元宇宙股票代码,比如说中国电信元宇宙——即600640元宇宙。与高通合作。 华为也有合作。 元界是虚拟时空的集合,由一系列增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和互联网组成。 它代表了“超越宇宙”的概念:一个平行于现实世界的虚拟空间。拓展资料:1、买股票要注意以下的一些事项。我们应该有扎实的基础知识,比如交易规则(在做交易的时候能够快速做出正确的反应,消除不必要的低级错误),财务报表(了解公司的概况,尽量避免垃圾股和雷暴股,更重要的是能够快速响应市场热点)等。2、 学习技术分析,有成百上千的技术分析。不要求能做所有的技术分析,但最基本的K线图要懂。最重要的是总结出一两个适合自己使用的技术指标。但要记住,所有技术指标都是滞后的,只能作为参考,不能作为唯一的法宝。3、控制自己的心态,不要受股价小幅波动的影响。当股价回调时,只要趋势不坏,股价上涨,他们就不要害怕。当然,如果股价已经处于高位,好东西不断,那就不要贪心了。鱼尾市场最容易抓人。对于一直处于下跌趋势的股票,无论价格多么便宜,都不要贪婪。4、决定自己的交易风格,每个人的性格和人生经历不同,形成的认知思维也不同。有的适合短期,有的适合中长期。平时可以和朋友交流投资经验,扩大认知范围,但关键时刻,一定要按照自己的原则做决定,不要跟风。5、做一只熟悉的股票,不要听小道消息,也不能光看新闻报道买一只股票。 Grapevine新闻往往是一个局,新闻报道也会被主力使用。作为一个陌生的股票,总会让人担心问题,态度很差。6、控制仓位,永不补仓,保留部分现金,方便灵活增仓或T,降低成本,实现利润最大化。合理配置投资品种。鸡蛋不要放在一个篮子里,尤其是资金比较大的时候。我们不应该把希望寄托在一只股票上。我们应该分散投资。最好持有三到五只股票。如果资金量很小,这个项目可以忽略。
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