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STILL 日本ビクター【ALNEO】千趣会(カタログ)/UM【Rapty】【イマージュ】(カタログ)(花王)リーゼスタイリング?レイシャス?ソフィーナキャラバン?オーブテキスト?オーブ/セシール丸井Voi/オゾンロックス越谷ヴァリエ(カタログ)京都着物?ミロード?大阪モード学园?NTT?DoCoMoアオフィン/ベルーナルアールGLENDEE メロン/ジョイフルWeddingCF エステティックTBCオンエアー2004/2~5花王リーゼスタイリングTV 目覚ましTV 早耳トレンド(フジTV)踊るさんま御殿(日本TV)levis jeans平面广告levis jeans CMliese 系列产品代言广告canon相机CM

show me your love开头的rap部分是什么意思?整首歌是什么意思?

Show me your love(中文) 展现你的爱 U-Know&Micky: TVXQ with a new family Super Junior (神起跟兄弟新家族SJ) Micky (Rap): The reason why I"m shy because of your blue eyes pure beauty, Don"t hide it from my side. You know it is like bling bling ball. Can"t stop it even though it"s not that cool. (你那蓝蓝的清澈的美丽的眼睛使我害羞,即使那样,请不要隐藏它,你知道吗它是最闪亮的) 希撤(Rap):看着美丽的雪花 浮想起小时侯的棉花糖 如果幸福与你一起回忆 在中:就请你敞开心扉 让我看到你的内心 晟敏:在你电话里有很多人 我不希望自己在其中什么都不是 俊秀:你可知道我等你很久 我就在这里 始源:只要能与你一起 始源&俊秀:That"s what I see in your eyes (那是我在你眼中寻到的) Super Junior&TVXQ: Just show me your love 祈祷着我们永远在一起 我的心被白雪覆盖 俊秀:对你的思念很浓 Super Junior&TVXQ: I"ll go anywhere (我会去任何地方)只要是你想去的地方 韩庚:抓住我的手 Super Junior&TVXQ: 下起白雪是乘着那雪花 昌珉:让我们能看着整个世界 历旭:吵闹的街头人山人海 我只看到了你 昌珉:我现在是活着吗? 这幸福让我不敢相信是事实 强仁:我的心剧烈地跳动 虽然有些不自然 可是我喜欢这感觉 Micky: 谎话也好 我就是想抱你 强仁&Micky: That"s what I see in your eyes Super Junior&TVXQ: Just show me your love 我想对你说的话 利特:很多很多 Super Junior&TVXQ: 但是我今天只观看 艺声:只要一个眼神就可以 Super Junior&TVXQ: I"ll go anywhere 你的眼神那么温暖 东海:我被浸在其中 Super Junior&TVXQ: 只要在你身边我就幸福 历旭:在静静来临的冬天里 东海:请你不要改变你容貌 在中:我怕我对你的了解只有一点点 银赫(Rap):Cause I love you My princess(因为我爱你,我的公主) 我爱的你 我的愿望绝对不会改变 你的眼神只关注着我 看着我不要犹豫 Super Junior&TVXQ: Just show me your love 祈祷着我们永远在一起 我的心被白雪覆盖 俊秀:对你的思念很浓 Super Junior&TVXQ: I"ll go anywhere 只要是你想去的地方 允浩:抓住我的手 Super Junior&TVXQ: 下起白雪时乘着那雪花 俊秀:让我们能看到整个世界 允浩&神童(Rap): One Two Three Fore 我们疯狂地玩吧 就算冻伤也无所谓 寒冷的冬天让我来温暖你 希撤(Rap):看着天空高喊“我爱你” 如果被白雪埋藏希望开出美丽的花朵 也许你不知道 我们已经融为一体 永远地~

求一首韩文歌, 高潮部分是 no way noway 之后是一段RAP。


谁知道这首歌叫什么名字?开头是一段rap,歌词是what you know abou me,what u,what u kown about me..

Lip Gloss

why you like rap英文回答

Because it is fashionable, give people a sense of relaxation and pleasure.

找一首英文歌有句歌词好像是you know you were my everything中间还有很多RAP的

1、you were my everythinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/18156737?fm=altg32、love the way you lie

Ed Sheeran Photograph中文 歌词

爱可以伤害,爱有时疼 但它是我知道的唯一的事 当它变得坚硬,你知道它可以得到坚硬有时 这使我们感到活着的唯一的事 我们保持这样的爱在照片 我们做了这些回忆自己 在那里我们的眼睛永远不会关闭 我们的心是永远不会断 和时间的永远冻结所以,你可以使我 在你撕破的牛仔裤的口袋 抱着我靠近,直到我们的眼睛满足 你永远不会孤单,等我回家 爱能医治,爱可以修补你的灵魂 而且它是我所知道的唯一的事 我发誓它会变得更加容易,记住,我们永远都不会重复它是唯一的事情采取与我们我们保持这样的爱在照片 我们做了这些回忆自己 在那里我们的眼睛永远不会关闭 我们的心是永远不会断 和时间的永远冻结所以,你可以使我 在你撕破的牛仔裤的口袋 抱着我靠近,直到我们的眼睛满足 你永远不会孤单 如果你伤害了我 这没关系,宝贝,以后还有更糟糕的事情 里面这些页面,您只要抱着我 我永远不会让你走 等我回家 等我回家 等我回家 等我回家 你可以让我 你16岁的时候在里面你买的时候下一步,你的心跳,我应该是 保持它在你的灵魂深 如果你伤害了我 这没关系,宝贝,以后还有更糟糕的事情 里面这些页面,您只要抱着我 我永远不会让你走 当我要走了,我会记得你怎么吻我 根据灯柱后面的第六街 听你这么一通电话耳语 等我回家

photograph ed sheeran是讲什么

歌曲唱的是爱情、亲情和成长,触动心灵,泪眼朦胧。歌名:Photograph 歌手:Ed Sheeran所属专辑:X (Deluxe Edition)Loving can hurt爱情会带来伤害Loving can hurt sometimes有时候,爱情会带来伤害But it"s the only thing that I"ve known但我只知道这个,仅此而已When it gets hard当我俩前景堪忧,You know it can get hard sometimes你知道有时如此It is the only thing that makes us feel alive困难让我们感到还活着We keep this love in a photograph我们把爱保存在照片里We made these memories for ourselves制造属于我们的记忆Where our eyes are never closing在那儿,我们的双眼永不合上Our hearts hearts were never broken两颗心永不受伤And times forever frozen still而时间却永远地冰封,凝固So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans那你就可以把我放进你的裤袋Holding me close until our eyes meet把我拉近,直到你我四目交投You will never be alone你不会孤独Wait for me to come home等我回家吧Loving can heal爱可以修补Loving can mend your soul爱可以修补你的灵魂And it"s the only thing that I"ve known但我只知道这个,仅此而已I swear it will get easier我发誓这会简单得多,Remember that with every piece of ya我会记住你的一颦一笑And it"s the only thing to take with us when we die当我们与世长辞,这会是我唯一依旧记得的东西We keep this love in a photograph我们把爱保存在照片里We made these memories for ourselves制造属于我们的记忆Where our eyes are never closing在那儿,我们的双眼永不合上Our hearts were never broken两颗心永不受伤And times forever frozen still而时间却永远地冰封,凝固So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans那你就可以把我放进你的裤袋Holding me close until our eyes meet把我拉近,直到你我四目交投You won"t ever be alone你不会孤独And if you hurt me that"s okay baby就算你伤害了我 宝贝,没事的Only words bleed受伤的不过是言词Inside these pages you just hold me在这照片里,你依然把我抱紧And I will never let you go我永远不会让你离去Wait me for me to come home等我回家吧And you could fit me inside the necklace you got你可以把我放进你带着的项链里When you were sixteen我就在你的心跳旁边Next to your heart right where I should be请把我牢记在灵魂深处Keep it deep within your soul请把我牢记在灵魂深处And if you hurt me就算你伤害了我But that"s okay baby宝贝,没事的Only words bleed受伤的不过是言词Inside these pages you just hold me在这照片里,你依然把我抱紧And I won"t ever let you go我永远不会让你离去When I"m away我不在的时候,I will remember how you kissed me会记得当时你怎样吻我Under the lamppost back on 6th street就在第六街的路灯下Hearing you whisper through the phone透过电话,我要听到你的密语Wait for me to come home等我回家吧

Ed Sheeran的歌曲《photograph》的中文歌词

《Photograph》Ed Sheeran歌词如下:Loving can hurt爱会让人伤心Loving can hurt sometimes爱有时痛入人心But it"s the only thing that I know却是我了解的唯一一件事When it gets hard当爱深陷困境You know it can get hard sometimes或许这一切终会步入艰辛It is the only thing that makes us feel alive但这依旧是我们仅有的生命之源We keep this love in a photograph我们把爱保存在照片里We made these memories for ourselves存念仅属于我们的回忆Where our eyes are never closing不舍收起目光含情脉脉Our hearts were never broken未曾体会心碎之痛滴落And time‘s forever frozen still那一刻在时光中驻留,画面定格So you can keep me就这样将我长存Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans把我放进你的破洞牛仔裤的裤袋Holding me close until our eyes meet紧紧相拥直至视线交汇的那一瞬You won"t ever be alone不,你不会感到任何一刻孤独的留存Wait for me to come home亲爱的,安然等我回家Loving can heal情为良药Loving can mend your soul治愈灵魂之伤And it"s the only thing that I know爱是我所知的一切I swear it will get easier Remember that with every piece of ya (you)若我仅需缅怀与你的点滴,我想我也能更安然地面对And it"s the only thing we take with us when we die唔……当我们最终化为尘土,这些点滴会是我们最好的陪伴We keep this love in a photograph我们把爱保存在照片里We made these memories for ourselves珍藏这张回忆铸成的相片Where our eyes are never closing在那片净土,我们未曾合拢双眸Our hearts were never broken未曾心碎And time"s forever frozen still时光在此封存,穿过历史长河成为永恒So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans如此这般,将我长存Holding me close until our eyes meet四目交视也紧紧偎依You won"t ever be alone孤独将永不与你为伴And if you hurt me何妨伤我之情that"s okay baby only words bleed不过言辞痛入人心Inside these pages you just hold me在照片中,就这样将你拥入我怀,单纯止此And I won"t ever let you go不顾时光奔流,吾爱不逝Wait for me to come home待我回家Wait for me to come home如同等待燕雀归巢Wait for me to come home如同静观日落西山Wait for me to come home静静地等我回家And you could fit me inside the necklace you got When you were sixteen还记得十六岁那年你的项链吗?我们如此般配Next to your heartbeat where I should be站在你左侧聆听心跳,就好像这是我命中注定Keep it deep within your soul爱深入灵魂And if you hurt me何妨伤我之情But that"s okay baby only words bleed宝贝,不过一字一句何必介意Inside these pages you just hold me像照片中那样,你会一直那样与我相拥And I won"t ever let you go不顾时光奔流,我爱不逝When I"m away若我乘风归去I will remember how you kissed me under the lamppost back on 6th street我会记得那夜第六大道的昏暗灯光下你在我唇上留下的气息Hearing you whisper through the phone听着你话筒传来的轻咛Wait for me to come home等我回家

Grapevine Fires [Live From Las Vegas At The Palms] 歌词

歌曲名:Grapevine Fires [Live From Las Vegas At The Palms]歌手:Death Cab For Cutie专辑:No SunlightDeath Cab For Cutie - Grapevine FiresWhen the wind picked upand the fire spreadand the grapevines seemed left for dead.And the northern sky, like the end of day,the end of days.A wake up call to a rancid roomSounded like an alarm of impending doom.To warn us it"s only a matter of time.Before we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burnbefore we all burn.We bought some wine and some paper cupsnear your daughter"s school when we picked her upand drove to a cemetery on a hillon a hill.And we watched the plumes paint the sky grayand she laughed and dance through the field of graysthere i knew it would be alrightthat everything would be alright,would be alrightwould be alrightwould be alright.and the news reports on the radiosaid it was getting worseas the ocean air fanned the flame.but i couldn"t think of anywhere i would have rather beento watch it all burn away.to burn away.the firemen worked in double shifts,with prayers for rain on their lipsand they knew it was only a matter of time.http://music.baidu.com/song/9231484

Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1) 歌词

歌曲名:Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12[ti:trapped in the closettrapped in the closetby r. kellyalbum:seven o"clock in the morningand the rays from the sun wakes mei"m stretchin" and yawnin"in a bed that don"t belong to meand a voice yells, "good morning, darlin", from the bathroomthen she comes out and kisses meand to my surprise, she ain"t younow i"ve got this dumb look on my facelike, what have i done?how could i be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun?must of lost the track of timeoh, what was on my mind?from the club, went to her homedidn"t plan to stay that longhere i am, quickly tryin" to put on my clothessearching for my car keystryin" to get on up out the doorthen she streched her hands in front of itsaid, "you can"t go this way"looked at her, like she was crazysaid, "woman move out my way"said, "i got a wife at home"she said, "please don"t go out there""lady, i"ve got to get home"she said, her husband was comin" up the stairs"shh, shh, quiethurry up and get in the closet"she said, "don"t you make a soundor some shit is going down"i said, "why don"t i just go out the window?""yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor""think, think, quick, put me in the closet"and now i"m in this darkest closet, tryin" to figure outjust how i"m gonna get my crazy ass up out this housethen he walks in and yells, "i"m home"she says, "honey, i"m in the room"he walks in there with a smile on his facesayin", "honey, i"ve been missin" you"she hops all over himand says, "i"ve cooked and ran your bath water"i"m tellin" you now, this girl"s so good that she deserves an oscarthrows her in the bedand start to snatchin" her clothes offi"m in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on?you"re not gonna believe itbut things get deeper as the story goes onnext thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phonei tried my best to quickly put it on vibratebut from the way he act, i could tell it was too latehe hopped up and said, "there"s a mystery going onand i"m gonna solve it"and i"m like, "god please, don"t let this man open this closet"he walks in the bathroomand looks behind the doorshe says, "baby, come back to bed"he says, "bitch, say no more"he pulls back the shower curtainwhile she"s biting her nailsthen he walks back to the roomright now, i"m sweating like hellchecks under the bedthen under the dresserhe looks at the closeti pull out my barettahe walks up to the closethe comes up to the closetnow he"s at the closetnow he"s opening the closet...http://music.baidu.com/song/1247549

Christmas Wrapping 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Wrapping歌手:Spice Girls专辑:GoodbyeCHRISTMAS WRAPPINGWritten by Chris ButlerPerformed by Spice GirlsBah!Humbug! No...That"s too strong.Cause it"s my favourite holiday.But all this year"s been busy blur.Don"t think I have the energy.To add to my already mad rush. Just because it is the season.The perfect gift for me would be completion and connections.Left from last year, world tour aeroplanes and babies.Had his number but never the time.Most of "98 passed along those lines.So deck those halls, trim those trees.Raise up cups of christmas cheer. Ijust need to catch my breath.Christmas with my mates this year.Calendar picture, frozen landscape chilled this room for 24 days.Evergreens, sparkling snow, get this winter over with!Flashback to spring time, saw him againWould"ve been good to go for lunchCouldn"t agree when we were both freeWe tried , we said we"d keep in touchDidn"t of course, "Til the summertime out to the beach to his boat.Could I join him. No. This time it was me.Sunburn in the third degree. Now the calendar"s just one page.And, of course , I am excited.Tonight"s the night, but I"ve set my mind. Not to do too much about it.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Hardly dashing through the snow. Cos I bundled up too tight.Last minute have-to-dos. A few cards. A few calls.Because it"s R.S.V.P. No thanks, no party lights.It"s christmas eve, gonna relax. Turned down all of my invites.Last fall I had a night to myself. Same guy called. Halloween party.Waited all night for him to show. This time his card wouldn"t go.Forget it , it"s cold it"s getting late. Trudge on home to celebrate.In a quiet way , unwind, doing christmas right this time.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.Tesco has provided me, with the world"s smallest turkey.All in the oven, nice and hot. Oh damn, guess what I forgot?So on with the boots, back out in the snow to the only all night garage.When what to my wandering eyes should appear.In the line is that guy I"ve been chasing all year.Spending this one alone, he said. Need a break, this years been crazy.I said, me to, but why are you? You mean you forgot the papers too?Then suddenly we laughed and laughedCaught on to what was happening.Christmas magic"s brought this tale to a very happy ending.Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But I think I"ll miss this one this year.................................http://music.baidu.com/song/3470440



求分辨old school和trap这两个的区别

OS的曲风多源于东部的老派说唱,而NS的多出于南部或者西部。OS的比较注重歌曲的韵律,其韵律比较有力。OS的代表我的是东部的老牌组合RUN-D.M.C,至于NS,现在南部和西部的歌手大多数具有代表性。区分一般以时间点区分就是2000年以前是old school,2000年以后为new school旧式嘻哈(old school hip hop)是指非常早期的嘻哈音乐,来自1970年代和1980年代纽约市街头的「街角派对」(block parties)。在现代的定义中,旧式嘻哈通常代表1990年代初期在许多广播电台和电道上播放的嘻哈音乐,包括「BET」电视台。new school,有别于old school ,在92年初期时,出现了一个叫做MOP TOP(ElITE FORCE)的黑人舞蹈团体(由Henry Link . Loose Joint . Buddha Stretch组成),他们发展出一种新风格的hip-hop.我称他为"原地性的hip-hop".他不像MC HAMMER及巴比布朗时期的大动作,劲爆,大范围式的移动,更没有霹雳舞中那些在地上类是体操的动作.他独有风格在于他注重身体的协调性(我们所谓的律动).他重视身体上半身的律动及增加了许多手部的动作.不再像那些旧风格的hip-hop注视大范围的移动以及脚步的动作.或许HENRY刚开始时只是一位默默无名的街头舞者,但是当迈克尔杰克逊的一首remeber the time MTV出现时,大家首次看到这种我所谓的原地性舞蹈.这种新风格的舞蹈在这位世界流行音乐之王的MTV出现,马上就掀起了一股风潮.我们不敢说是甚么原因使这位HENRY先生一炮而红.但是这首remeber the time中的舞蹈正是他的杰作.后来玛利亚凯莉的Dreamlover歌曲MTv中,我们看到了一片草原上有一群只穿者裤子的黑人跳着奇怪风格的舞蹈.这些舞蹈中夹杂着hip-hop.Locking(锁舞).Popping(机械舞).Wave(电流)这些东西.却配合着是Dreamlover这种RB式曲风的hip-hop音乐.我们很难相信我们所看到的东西.当时我们很难去断定这是甚么样的舞蹈.但是,这却是NEW SCHOOL hip-hop发展史上很重要的一节,他是全世界开始流行NEW SCHOOL的起源也是"罪魁祸首".


strap:带:由韧性材料制成的长的窄带,如皮带,皮鞭 strip:条的解释时:通常有同样宽度的长而狭窄的条片 strip:带的解释时:狭长的地域或水域




皮带 strap小条strip

这两个英文单词 怎么读 strip 和strap

belt 和 strap 的名词意义都有“带子,皮带”的意思,但是belt 是常用语。作为动词,belt 只有“系到一起,用鞭子抽打”的意思,但是strap 强调用力,重复的“捆绑,用力鞭打”衍生出“束缚”,常用于被动形式。

求Jeff Bernat 《call you mine》rap部分的歌词,谢谢~~

Let me explain, the vision in my brainClose my lids and see you, then I get an eye strainThen the migraine, as I enchain my melodyMe spend the week like my name is Jake SullyI could be the kid and you can be karateYou could be my Angie and I could be your Brad PittFill me up like a cup poured in the coffeeI don"t really mind just know that you got meAbout not too long ago, I woke up feeling kind of blue (So I)Picked up my phone and I decided that I hit up you (So then)We talked for a little while, ask me if I could roll through (So we)Met up, got food, and we spent time till the night was through(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my loverCall you my one and only girl(Can I) call you my everything, call you my babyYou"re the only one who runs my world(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my loverCall you my one and only girl(Can I) call you my everything, call you my babyYou"re the only one who runs my worldI remember this night we had, outside on the grass us two (We were)Gazin" at stars who smiled as my eyes only turned towards you (I knew)There was no one else I needed and my love"s never felt this way(I wasn"t) Too sure if you would mind I was nervous but I had to say(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my loverCall you my one and only girl(Can I) call you my everything, call you my babyYou"re the only one who runs my worldGirl can I, call you mine, you and me, happily, by my sideThrough day and night, let it be known, that you"re my ownGirl can I, call you mine, you and me, happily, by my sideThrough day and night, let it be known, that you"re my own(Can I) call you my own, and can I call you my loverCall you my one and only girl(Can I) call you my everything, call you my babyYou"re the only one who runs my world

the host of seraphim是什么意思


求助在那能下载联想笔记本显卡驱动Neomagic MagicGraph128zv/zv+/XD drver


一首很欢快的英文歌女生唱的,中间有两小段rap,歌词中有but i never ever还有i always

we are ever getting back together 绝对!

求吐鲁番葡萄沟Turpan Grape Valley英文介绍

Turpan is famous for its hot summer.In August, the temperature is basically above 42℃every day. The ground temperature of flame mountain can reach 80 to 90℃,so it is called "boiled egg in sand nest".But on both sides of the grape ditch stream, grape racks are everywhere, and grape vines are stacked one after another, green and lush. It is surrounded by dense poplar forest, dotted with flowers, plants and fruit trees, and farmhouses and cottages are arranged on the gentle slope.Grape Valley is the "Peach Blossom Land" of Huozhou. There are desirable places everywhere in the ditch.翻译吐鲁番的夏天可是出了名的热,8月基本上每天的气温都在42℃以上,火焰山的地面温度可以达到80至90℃,故有"沙窝里煮鸡蛋"之称。但在葡萄沟溪流两侧,葡萄架遍布,葡萄藤蔓层层叠叠,绿意葱葱。四周是茂密的白杨林,花草果树点缀其间,农家村舍错落有致地排列在缓坡上。葡萄沟,是火洲的“桃花源”。沟里四处都有令人向往的地方。

求一首英文歌 歌词里有go go boy 男声女生都有 风格类似rap RB

好不容易给你找到了哦,名字叫u go boy 歌曲链接给你哈http://yyfc.iq123.com/play.aspx?reg_id=2096586&song_id=3076151请给分~~谢谢

Graphic Novel和Comic Book的区别

Graphic Novel和Comic Book的区别:Comic books and graphic novels differ in terms of story completeness, length and the presence of advertisements. The latter publication tends to be easier to find in bookstores and libraries, and they usually are made more for adults. Identification numbers are not the same, as well. Some people view comics as being more "common" and less artistic, but they can be worth thousands of dollars to collectors, making it debatable which form has more value.Completeness of the StoryA standard comic book usually includes the beginning, middle or end of a story, so a person typically cannot read or buy just one to learn the whole plot or discover the characters. By contrast, a graphic novel tends to cover one story in its entirety. If writers and artists decide to create a sequel, they design it as a new, complete story with a beginning, middle and end.Some graphic novels are designed from the start to tell one, long story that cannot logically be broken up into the shorter format. Using this format allows the author the creative freedom to tell his or her story in an original way without adding abrupt cliffhangers or changing the natural flow of the story. In other cases, a collection of comic books will be published in novel form. This type takes those individual comics that told the different parts of the story and combines them into one reading experience, often with clear divisions between each part.Publishers sometimes also issue comic strips as a collection in book form, which leads to a little confusion when trying to make a distinction. They often do this with very popular titles, such as Garfield, Peanuts, or Calvin and Hobbes. Titles give a clue here, because these collections typically give some indication of how the publication was organized, such as by year or theme.Length and FormatTaking story completeness into consideration, in general, a comic runs about 21 to 24 pages. Most take only 10 to 30 minutes to read, making them great for filling short periods of free time. Graphic novels can be three to six times as long, with anywhere from 60 to 120 pages, but a person usually still can finish one in a single sitting.Comic books are periodicals, typically printed on magazine-style paper and simply bound with staples. Graphic novels, on the other hand, can sometimes be found in hardback, although this is less common than paperback versions. Paperback covers are usually thick and glossy and the novels are bound like other, more traditional books.AdvertisementsPublishers often include eight to ten pages of advertisements in a comic book, bringing the total number of pages to around 32. Many of these ads are in-house, meaning they"re designed to draw attention to other works or products from the same company. Others are from other businesses, and these help cover the costs of production. Typically, graphic novels contain little or no marketing. As a result, they are typically much more expensive.Where to Find ThemMost comics are often sold directly through specialty stores, with only a few getting larger distribution to booksellers and libraries. Graphic novels usually are available at traditional book stores and libraries, although some comic book stores do carry some titles.Maturity RatingGraphic novels tend to be aimed at adult readers, so they often have mature themes that are not appropriate for kids. The work by one of the most recognizable graphic novelists, Frank Miller — author of Sin City and 300, among many others — is definitely not for the faint of heart. It contains significant references to sex and violence, with the illustrations leaving little to the imagination.People often think of comic books as being aimed specifically toward kids or teen audiences, although many adults enjoy the themes, as well. Some concepts tend to be fairly universal, such as good fighting evil, finding romance or handling everyday life events such as school. Comics for kids are often good for beginning readers because the text tends to be fairly simple and describes what appears in each frame of the work.This distinction isn"t always a hard and fast rule, however. Japanese manga, for example, which are a type of comic book, often explores more adult themes. There are also a number of comic book titles that are known for their violence and other adult themes. A kids comic may also be collected into a graphic novel format, although these tend to be a bit less common than more adult titles.IdentificationSimilar to any other novel, graphic ones are given an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), a 13-digit identifier used with books. In the United States, they also have Library of Congress filing numbers. Comics, conversely, usually have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), an eight-digit number used only with periodicals.Acceptance and ValueEven though comic books are enormously popular, in general, many people tend to see them as a "lower" art form, in part because they assume that they are largely designed for children or have simple themes. Graphic novels typically are more accepted, with some even making bestseller lists, and they may compete directly with more traditional novels. Ones that combine a series of comics may be more appealing to adults who might feel self-conscious about purchasing individual comic books to read. A number of comic book authors argue that the distinction is just a marketing term designed to sell the more expensive format.Despite the usual view of comic books as "common," some of these publications have become wildly successful to the point of strongly influencing culture. Phrases, characters and objects from famous ones such as Spiderman, Superman and Batman, for example, have spread into other areas, including music, television and toys. The highest grossing US film of 2008 was "The Dark Knight," based on the Batman comics, while in 2012 it was "The Avengers," which was based on the Marvel Comics superheroes.Another way in which comic books have become more accepted is for their actual financial value. Very rare ones can be worth thousands of dollars. People collect graphic novels, too, but when they do, it"s typically because they enjoy a particular art style or story line, not because they"re looking for an investment.

歌词:i will rape their women

Channie ,其实 我是个柚子鬼李旭Jaaa、Dear Molly、DesertRose 等人赞同是在神庙卓戈对丹妮莉丝说的那段话。多斯拉克语wiki/英语/汉语Ma rizhaan anni, vezh fin asaja rhaesheseres, maan anha valloshak azh akka(And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world, I will also pledge a gift至於我的儿子,骑著世界的骏马,我也要赠予他一份礼物)Maan anha vazhak jin ador shiqethi finaan neva ave maisi mae(I will give him the iron chair that his mothers father sat upon. 我会将他母亲之父坐过的铁椅子赠予他)Anha vazhak maan Rhaeshis Andahli. Anha, zhey Drogo, atak jin. (I will give The Lands of the Andals. I, Drogo, will do this.我将会把安达尔人之地赠予他。我, 卓戈, 在此起誓实践此事。)Anha vidrik khalasares anni jim, finaan nakhoe rhaesheser, majin adothrak hrazef ido yomme Havazzhifi Kazga ven et vo khal avvos. (I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt sea as no khal has done before. 我将引领我的卡拉萨西行, 前往世界的尽头, 骑著木马横渡黑色咸水, 立下古往今来没有卡奥做过的事)Anha vaddrivak mahrazhis fini ondee khogar shiqethi ma vohharak okrenegwin mori. (I will kill the men in iron suits and tear down their stone houses. 我将杀掉铁衣服的人, 拆掉他们的石屋)Drogo: Anha aqorisok chiories mori, vazzafrok yal mori, ma afichak vojjor samva Vaesaan Dothrak. (I will rape their women, take their children as slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak. 我将强暴他们的女人, 取他们的子女为奴, 带著他们无用的神像回到维斯.多斯拉克)Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy, anha, Drogo ki Bharbosi. (This i vow Drogo son of Bharbo. 我, 巴勃之子卓戈, 在此立誓)Drogo: Ki jini anha astak asqoy hatif Maisi Krazaaji kash shieraki vitihiri asavvasoon. Asavvasoon! Asavvasoon! (I swear before the mother of mountains as the stars look down in witness. As the stars look down in witness.我在圣母山前起誓, 以天上众星作为见证! 以天上众星作为见证! 以天上众星作为见证!)

rappella 法语歌quand je pense a toi中的一句歌词是je me ra

应该是rappelle,是rapler的变位使想起,提醒se rapeler回想起,记得

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一共两集 我这里有种子

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B. share.“share (something) with (somebody)”是固定搭配,意思是“与(某人)分享(某物)”。例如:share the apple with your brother 与弟弟分吃一只苹果share the house with my friend 与朋友同住一屋share the feelings with your love 与爱人分享感受-Oh , I thought up a good idea 我想到一个好主意。- Could you please share it with me ? 愿意说给我听一下吗?

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求 please rape me 游戏的攻略

|-| g a |/| E ( || . ( 0 |/|字符自己改成字母

Please Rape Me!的基本资料

游戏名称:Please Rape Me! 日文名称:プリーズu30fbレ○プu30fbミー!开发商:CLOCKUP发售日期:2011-10-28声优:御苑生メイサトウユキ春日アン东かりん渋谷ひめ铃音华月原画:むなしむじょう剧作:Team-N.G.XTAG:ADV过激痴汉喜剧

Rape Me (Home Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Rape Me (Home Demo)歌手:Nirvana专辑:Sliver - The Best Of The BoxRape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1257808

求please rape me全集,中文字幕



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Please Rape Me!的游戏介绍



编辑本段rape 意思为:n. 油菜,强奸 v. 强奸,奸污,奸淫 英语口语中骂人的话,例如:I rape you。意思和Fuck you一样。可以表达为人的心情不好,如歌曲:rape me  歌手:NIRVANA  nirvana rape me  rape me  rape me my friend,  rape me,  rape me again.  i"m not the only one  help me,  do it, and do it again.  waste me,  rape me, my friend.  my favorite inside source,  i"ll kiss your open sores,  appreciate your concern  you"ll always, stink, and born.  《Rape Me》收录于NIRVANA1993年发行的专辑《In Utero》。这是摇滚史上最佳朋克专集之一,乐队配合的天衣无缝,把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也反映了Kurt温柔、感性的一面。使Grunge风暴达到了极点,接近燃烧。Steve Albini试图录制一张原汁原味的朋克专辑。他运用了比以前更为丰富的音乐素材,并且在其核心蕴涵着袒露Cobain最深层的恐惧和脆弱的心,象《Rape Me》这样个人化的歌曲的直面痛苦的展现,在现在作一回顾,也许可以看作是一种警告,它在当初被与这个烦恼的歌手最亲密的人们所忽视。但是作为艺术,这正是它的朋克所在。

涅磐在rape me 这首歌里唱了什么,表达了什么

Nirvana/Rape MeRape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape me

Nirvana 的 Rape Me 到底表达了怎样一种情操

《Rape Me》诉说了强暴犯被送进监牢,在狱中自我摧残的故事。它也许是全部音乐历史上最能将自暴自弃的心思做到彻底表达的一首歌,一个被打击得体无完肤的人在什么都不在乎之后,才能够发出如此绝望的哀鸣,它比死更为残酷。它是科特·柯本已经灰暗不堪的心境的一次大暴露,它也是一次受伤动物的求助的悲嘶,然而在当时,又有谁听懂了这一切呢?

Rape me什么意思

rape是强奸的意思- -这话意思是强奸我

Nirvana的《Rape me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rape me歌手:Nirvana专辑:Live Miami Kts Source Great Show(Bootleg)Rape meRape me my friend,Rape me,Rape me again.I"m not the only oneHelp me,Do it, and do it again.Waste me,Rape me, my friend.My favorite inside source,I"ll kiss your open sores,Appreciate your concernYou"ll always, stink, and born.Rape mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/56603245

qt中怎么设置QGraphicsScene *scene 的大小啊,不是QGraphicsView

可以使用setSceneRect()设置QGraphicsScene的大小。如果不设置,则默认为scene中包含所有子元素的边界区域( itemsBoundingRect()函数的返回值)。更详细的说明参看QGraphicsScene的文档,讲解很详细,看下面这段:The scene"s bounding rect is set by calling setSceneRect(). Items can be placed at any position on the scene, and the size of the scene is by default unlimited. The scene rect is used only for internal bookkeeping, maintaining the scene"s item index. If the scene rect is unset, QGraphicsScene will use the bounding area of all items, as returned by itemsBoundingRect(), as the scene rect. However, itemsBoundingRect() is a relatively time consuming function, as it operates by collecting positional information for every item on the scene. Because of this, you should always set the scene rect when operating on large scenes.

QGraphicsScene如何判断当前选中的item是items 中的哪一个

可以使用setSceneRect()设置QGraphicsScene的大小。如果不设置,则默认为scene中包含所有子元素的边界区域( itemsBoundingRect()函数的返回值)。更详细的说明参看QGraphicsScene的文档,讲解很详细,看下面这段:The scene"s bounding rect is set by calling setSceneRect(). Items can be placed at any position on the scene, and the size of the scene is by default unlimited. The scene rect is used only for internal bookkeeping, maintaining the scene"s item index. If the scene rect is unset, QGraphicsScene will use the bounding area of all items, as returned by itemsBoundingRect(), as the scene rect. However, itemsBoundingRect() is a relatively time consuming function, as it operates by collecting positional information for every item on the scene. Because of this, you should always set the scene rect when operating on large scenes.

找一首西海岸death row的说唱,高潮部分就是重复“gangsta rap”

《gangsta luv》 snoop dogg


不是shake it。我是楼主,非常快速的RAP。快得基本上就听不出来。给答案之前先试听下。也绝对不是日本人RAP出来的。日本人英语基本上一听就出来,太烂!



Lonesome Organist Rapes Page-Turner (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Organist Rapes Page-Turner (Album Version)歌手:The Dresden Dolls专辑:No, VirginiaHe told me that I knew just what to laugh atAnd I wanted to but I just couldn"t ask if he would take it backso I could know for certainSo on the bench I watched his left hand crossingWhile doubling entendres with the voicingsHe said "oh darling, you"re charming, please don"t find it alarmingIf I pull this stop out to free up a hand for heavy petting"Now there thereI"m a friendly manI joke about sex because it"s funny when you"re frightenedSo silently I sat and turned the pagesRecalculating our respective agesOver my shoulder he muttered if I get any olderYou can hack my wrists off with your choice of objects, now I"m kidding!Don"t be scaredI joke about death because its funny when you"re frightenedThis is as far as I could get he jabbed a needle in my neckErasing all the evidence but there were matchsticks in my pantsAnd if a rock should hit my head and I remember what he didYou"ll be there very first to knowMaybe I"ll find out why this damn thing wont stop bleedingHe told me that I showed a great potentialThat given I turned heads and pages fame would be a piece of cake butPractice was essentialSo like a stupid child I believed itAnd golly who would ever had agreed ifI had been Schubert or MozartDevoted to the fine art of perfecting absolutely everything inconsequentialDon"t be sad I"ll come back againI joke about trash cause it takes class to be enlightenedSo several decades have gone byI am still sitting by his sideI turn the pages faithfullyHe turns his head and smiles at meAnd with a wink he said "I doubtWe would be anywhere withoutYour gift for keeping truth and consequence from meeting"http://music.baidu.com/song/7653285

求一首英文歌 女声 高潮女生唱了句you want rude什么的 然后就wuwuwuwu呜呜 有男生rap

不知道是不是楼主听到的...Rihanna - Rude BoyCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meTonightI'mma let you be the captainTonightI'mma let you do your thing, yeahTonightI'mma let you be a riderGiddy upGiddy upGiddy up, babeTonightI'mma let it be fireTonightI'mma let you take me higherTonightBaby we can get it on, yeahWe can get it on, yeahDo you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaahCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meTonightI'mma give it to you harderTonightI'mma turn your body outRelaxLet me do it how I wannaIf you got itI need itAnd I'mma put it downBuckle upI'mma give it to you strongerHands upWe can go a little longerTonightI'mma get a little crazyGet a little crazy, babyDo you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaahCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meI like the way you touch me thereI like the way you pull my hairBabe, if I don't feel it I ain't fakingNo, noI like when you tell me kiss it thereI like when you tell me move it thereSo giddy upTime to giddy upYou say you're a rude boyShow me what you got nowCome here right nowTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meCome here rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome here rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love meTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me-

spaghetti straps是什么意思

spaghetti straps 吊带;意大利式腰带;幼带例句筛选1.One of the most popular choices for this summer is a dress with a moderatelyflared skirt and tiny spaghetti straps.这个夏季的大热款式是略成喇叭状的吊带裙子。2.Linear Valentino dress, style casual nature, the two dress with spaghetti strapsto give more sense of relief.有线条感的瓦伦蒂诺礼服,有这自然的随意的风格,有着细肩带的两个礼服可以减轻这种感觉。

spaghetti strap是什么意思

spaghetti strap 细肩带;细吊带;肩带式例句筛选1.Wait! Look at this spaghetti-strap dress! It"s so pretty.等一下,你看这条细肩带的裙子,好漂亮哦!





求《结婚好吗》rap中文谐音歌词或是MV梦的《l love you oh thangyou》的中文谐音歌词(全部)

I Love U Oh Thank U - (Feat. 김태우 of god) - MC 몽I Love U Oh Thank U - (Feat. 金泰宇 of god) - MC 梦Verse 1) I love you,Oh Thank You on jie na nei man so gei na nen ni ga yi so nan ne gi su yi soni ga o di ye yi don na nen ka su yi soke lei ya hin den sa le su yi soI love you,Oh Thank You nan sa lang e mu la so mo na soyo sin gua cha man e mong chu zhu mu la so cha na sohang sang che mo se na nen sa la soxi jia gua ge te a su o nen ki le go lo soke lei kiu go non nei gei sui ji an ne sa lang mi yau li qiu nu pen tei yang qiu long xi ji a nen sa lang yi yasu ma nen biu de do u li chu bo hei chu nen ban mi yayi jie ya nei ga no lo yin hei biu ha su yi nen ki hui yano lo yin hei nan sa lang e a go sa lang e mi gono lo yin hei nan mi den me a go gon me gu goI love you,Oh Thank You(ko ma wo) sa lang e pei wo so I love you,Oh Thank You CHORUS 1:金泰宇 Of godno no da chu ong gon yi se sang ei o nen gono yi sa lang bo da ken so mu len o sone giu tei yi so zhong ke ha na lo chong bun neiI want you so~ I love you so~ Thank You~ Verse 2) dei lon nei yi gi xin mei no le ka duo du ji do mu lahin den na li ma na ni ga u ji do mu lanei ga mo na bu zhu ka go mo jia lani ga kiong di gi hin de ji do mu la no do na ji mu laha ji ma na no chi mian kiu go hu hui ha ji do mu lakan me o don ke nu gu do u li sa yi nen mu ka lawu li ka ten yin yong nen ta xi tei o na do mu man nano man ne qi kiu zhu mian song sui gei ha su yi nen nake lei kiu go non nei gei sui ji an ne sa lang mi yau li qiu nu pen tei yang qiu long xi ji a nen sa lang yi yasu ma nen biu de do u li chu bo hei chu nen ban mi yayi jie ya nei ga no lo yin hei biu ha su yi nen ki hui yao ne do nun ne kan ma ni o go le sang sang ha gonei yi do non ne kan ma u li mi lei le ke liu bo goI love you,Oh Thank You ko ma wo sa lang e pei wo so I love you,Oh Thank You ko ma wo...... CHORUS 1:金泰宇 Of god) Repeat Verse 3) kon men mo li pa bu li dui dei ga ji no sa lang ha geisei sang yi ban zhu gi dui do gen ga ji no qi kiu chu geisi pe dei nen ki dei na nen o gei fa dui o chu geia pe dei nen ki dei na nen no yi ya gi dui o chu gei ko ma wo na u gei hei zhong no yi mi su gako ma wo na yi gei wo zhong no yi chong go gako ma wo mi lei le mi do zhong mi den guaI love you,Oh Thank You ko ma wo...ko ma wo...... CHORUS 2:金泰宇 Of god) no ye gei ya so kei bian ha ji an nen na le nu gu bo da no ye gei cha ha su yi nen nabo zhu kei bo yo do hang sang u so zhu nen noI want you so~ I love you so~ Thank You~ Verse 4) ke lei kiu go non nei gei sui ji an ne sa lang mi yau li qiu nu pen tei yang qiu long xi ji a nen sa lang yi yasu ma nen biu de do u li chu bo hei chu nen ban mi yayi jie ya nei ga no lo yin hei biu ha su yi nen ki hui yake lei kiu go non nei gei sui ji an ne sa lang mi yau li qiu nu pen tei yang qiu long xi ji a nen sa lang yi yasu ma nen biu de do u li chu bo hei chu nen ban mi yaI love you,Oh Thank You ko ma wo...ko ma wo......

金泰妍 i里面的rap谁唱得

Verbal Jint。原名金真泰。他的艺名是由“语言上的”的意思的verbal和来自他名字的jint组合而成。韩国歌手,作曲家,配音演员,所在公司为Brand new music,毕业于首尔大学并获得经济学学士学位, 同时在汉阳大学法学院进行进修法学硕士学位,是明星中的高材生。 2001年发行了单曲《Modern Rhymes》的Verbal Jint被认为改变了韩国的大众音乐,也改写了嘻哈音乐的走向。他们坚持用韩语创作Rap歌词,他们的创作形式直到今天还被认为影响了众多韩国的嘻哈音乐人。 同时他也是为数不多的将地下hiphop与主流音乐结合得较为成功的歌手之一。








》____talk play love - anyband [三星手机的广告歌, 不错哦。] 》____booty music - deepside [不能错过的一首好歌] 》____you and me忧伤rap淡淡女声哼唱 [昨天才听到的好听rap,得用酷狗搜] 》____i wangted you - ina [天下足球的片尾曲, 很好听的女生rap] 》____blow me a kiss - git fresh [超好听的,推荐。] 》____what you got - colby o"donis [最近才听的,好听,声音有磁性] 》____remember the name - fort minor [很经典的一首rap,听听?] 》____My Last Serenade 、 goodbye - Joey Moe [很好听,] En Dag Tilbage - Nik&Jay 这首听过吧?上面那两首是其中一个成员 Joey Moe 的歌。 》____beautiful girls - sean kingston 》____if ever - yung j dslayah [酷猪网里爆好听的rap] 》____momente - prmar [酷猪网里爆好听的rap] 》____忧伤说唱 》____the second love [中文的哦,很赞,] 》____我们的回忆 [网络歌曲来着、] 》____you and me忧伤rap淡淡女声哼唱 [昨天才听到的好听rap,得用酷狗搜] 以上的也都是很好听的rap,像you were my everything和 En Dag Tilbage 这些经典的rap 楼主应该听过了吧,在此就不多说了。 收集不易________________________________________________________________________________________________希望楼主好好听下。

diss是什么意思 diss和RAP有什么区别(附著名diss事件)

嘻哈是一种文化,里面也有很多的知识。先前为大家介绍了 freestyle什么意思 ,而在HIPHOP中有很多这样的专业词汇,比如diss就是其中一种,那么diss是什么意思呢?今天为大家详解diss是什么意思?diss是什么梗?diss和RAP有什么区别?下面就和我一起来看看吧! diss是什么意思 Diss是Disrespect(不尊重)或是Disparage(轻视)的简写,Diss曲是指一首歌曲主要是为了诋毁或侮辱其他人或团体。diss是Hip Hop中的一个重要的文化组成部分,rapper之间用这种唱歌的方式来互相贬低和批判,我看不惯你,我就要下嘴狠的来骂你,天上地下老子就是最牛B。而用歌曲攻击别人的趋势开始变得愈来愈普遍,成为了会互相竞争的嘻哈的一种文化、风格,毕竟大家撕撕更健康。 既然我们知道了diss是什么意思,那么我要diss你是什么意思也就一目了然了,我看你不爽,你惹到我了我要还击你,就是有理有据的骂你。而且要还击别人,搞清楚单词的读音也是很重要的,不然可就丢人了,首先就输在了气势上,还会被嘲笑。diss怎么读呢?diss的音标是/du026as/,类似中文“地死”的发音。 diss的出处是什么 关于该词的出处早已由来已久,自hiphop诞生就有,不论是面对面的battle还是写歌隔空diss。而今年再次爆红是因为《中国有嘻哈》。这档节目的播出受到了广泛的关注,让许多人了解到了嘻哈,也带火了许多嘻哈词汇。节目中选手和选手间互相不服、看不顺眼,有diss。有人指责节目有黑幕,不真实不real,违背了嘻哈的精神,只为了博眼球,遭到了选手和观众的diss。 ALROCCO 其中最为引发舆论导向的便是一位圈内知名rapperALROCCO的被淘汰,该rapper在参加海选时因为“英文太多”而被淘汰,这件事激起了圈内rapper的强烈不满,并很快发酵。事件源于首集节目中,张震岳与热狗对TY表演意见分歧,张震岳不认为他能晋级,听完其他参赛者后才给了通关项链。这让TY忍不住在微博发文批张震岳做“节目效果”,7月1日的节目中,张震岳看到他就说:“在海选的时候,我记得很清楚,听说你微博要Diss我,对我的做法不太认同?”TY则回呛:“如果我认同,当下也不会做出那种举动。” ty ALROCCO也专门做了一首歌来diss节目,这首《TheRapofChinaDiss》被上传到网络音乐平台后,短短两天时间评论过两千,热门评论上也是一片对节目或明或暗的声讨与义愤填膺。TY在节目结束后也发了一首《you feel》diss张震岳和MC hotdog。 Diss和Rap 相比更加有条理 这是区别于Rap Battle的。Rap Battle虽然双方会互相贬低和批判,但初衷一般是在说唱技巧上一较高下,分出高低胜负。而Diss Track则一般是有条有理的来贬低一个人或者说对手。如果说Rap Battle是一场街头拳击赛,那么Diss Song则是一场精心策划的谋杀或仇杀。 中国著名diss事件 diss大支事件 大支事件起源于孟达肘击事件,2007年9月3日晚上,海峡杯 篮球 赛江苏南钢队与中国台湾啤酒队友谊赛下半场,江苏队球员孟达在比赛中故意肘击台啤队员吴岱豪,大规模冲突。肘击事件事后不久,中国台湾一个叫做大支的MC (MC.DOG G)在他的个人网站上发表了一首针对孟达的diss。海峡两岸有史以来最激烈的rap对决由此拉开了序幕。随后大陆众多rapper迅速展开反击,出歌diss大支。其中最著名的就是天津饭diss大支、光光diss大支。想倾听当时中国台湾大陆MC的DISS详情,可点击 大支事件DISS歌曲 。 马思唯diss Gai Gai在今年夏天参加《中国有嘻哈》后大火,而他在以前和嘻哈圈中和众多rapper的diss事件也被人重新翻了出来。Gai在中国嘻哈圈中无人不知,因为基本上都diss过他,许多的都戏称diss Gai的歌都能出好几张专辑了。红花会、CDC说唱会馆、光光等都diss过Gai。 其中最著名的就是马思唯diss Gai,起因是嫩桃、茶米、徐真真一起出歌。Gai在他们的微博下评论两个老不死和一个娘炮。随后马思唯回复Gai说你瓜,Gai发飙回击。于是马思唯发歌《要冷格嘛》diss,Gai随后发歌《斩马刀》diss back。然后马思唯又发歌《back to back》以及和cdc一起发歌《该挨》,这三首对Gai的diss,也被称为杀Gai三部曲。 HIPHOP热门词汇详解 beef:在hiphop中beef并不是牛肉的意思,而是矛盾,两位rapper之间有beef,就是他们两人有过矛盾,有过diss。 punchline:在rap中意思为押韵、紧扣歌曲主题的句子、一语双关或是隐喻等意思。 beat:rap歌曲的伴奏。 flow:Flow是说唱中一个重要且有些抽象的概念,就是词(Lyrics)和节奏(Beat)结合的模式(Pattern)。 battle:两位rapper一对一,用说唱一决高下,battle一般都是以freestyle的形式来进行的。

求rap大神帮忙 diss别人的歌词 押韵的 freestyle 那种



“年轻有为的财主骑着穿黑丝的白虎”“所有人都在期待我最后的punchline eung 我自己就是punchline ”“hipa养不起我那我TM养着hipa”。


1、Drop the beat:DJ来点节奏2、Make some noise:来点尖叫声3、Flow:rap过程中停顿拉长加速等等技巧4、Keep it real:保持自我始终做自己5、Punchline:炸点说唱里的点睛之笔6、Respect:表示对某人某事某行为的尊重7、Swag:酷炫范儿个性的展示8、Homie/Bro:兄弟哥们9、Beat:歌曲的节拍音乐10、Hook:副歌(有人声采样或者演唱)11、Verse:主歌(说唱里的主要歌词段落)12、Bar:歌词的一段小节13、Tone:演唱的腔调声调14、Rhyme:韵脚押韵也可以放句首和句中15、Break:在节奏里的停顿休息16、Freestyle:说唱歌手即兴表演17、Battle:比赛形式可以单对单或团体对决18、Beef:说唱歌手之间爆发不可调和矛盾


常见词组:check it out听着hold on等等gear衣服bucks钱big fan超级粉丝U know what 好了bounce离开Go ahead你先 行动not What they do ,but who they are不是他们的表面,而是真实的他们it"s cool 很好all right 好的big guy 很重要的人物my man 我的兄弟my girl 我的姐妹good stuff干得好

找一首英文歌,歌应该属于rap说唱,歌词音译大致是这样的slow mosh for man,he

黄昏 - 周传雄词:陈信荣曲:周传雄过完整个夏天忧伤并没有好一些开车行驶在公路无际无边有离开自己的感觉唱不完一首歌疲倦还剩下黑眼圈感情的世界伤害在所难免黄昏再美终要黑夜依然记得从你口中说出再现坚决如铁昏暗中有种烈日灼身的错觉黄昏的地平线爱情进入永夜依然记得从你眼中滑落的泪伤心欲绝混乱中有种热泪烧伤的错觉黄昏的地平线相爱已经幻灭唱不完一首歌疲倦还剩下黑眼圈感情的世界伤害在所难免黄昏再美终要黑夜依然记得从你口中说出再现坚决如铁昏暗中有种烈日灼身的错觉黄昏的地平线划出一句离别爱情进入永夜依然记得从你眼中滑落的泪伤心欲绝混乱中有种热泪烧伤的错觉黄昏的地平线割断幸福喜悦相爱已经幻灭依然记得从你口中说出再现坚决如铁昏暗中有种烈日灼身的错觉黄昏的地平线划出一句离别爱情进入永夜依然记得从你眼中滑落的泪伤心欲绝混乱中有种热泪烧伤的错觉黄昏的地平线割断幸福喜悦相爱已经幻灭

this graph gives the distance and speed of a falling object as a function of time.

本图给出了 落体 的距离和速度 随时间的函数 (变化的情况)速度线性提高,而走过距离随时间的平方增加 AS 随着

bootstrap 父页面怎么向弹出的模态窗体传值或者对象

22down voteaccepted1 think you can do is to get rid of all those onclick attributes and do it the right way with bootstrap. You dont need to open them manually you can specify the trigger and even subscribe to events before the modal opens so that you can do your operations and populate data in it.I am just going to show as a static example which you can accomodate in your real world.on each of your tr"s add a data attribute for id. i.e data-id with the corresponding id value and specify a data-target which is a selector you specify so that when clicked on it bootstrap will select that element as modal dialog and show it. And then you need to add another attribute data-toggle=modal to make this a trigger for modal. <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="1" data-target="#orderModal"> <td>1</td> <td>24234234</td> <td>A</td> </tr> <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="2" data-target="#orderModal"> <td>2</td> <td>24234234</td> <td>A</td> </tr> <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="3" data-target="#orderModal"> <td>3</td> <td>24234234</td> <td>A</td> </tr>and now in the javascript just set up the modal just once and event listen to its events so you can do your work.$(function(){ $("#orderModal").modal({ keyboard: true, backdrop: "static", show:false, }).on("show", function(){ //subscribe to show method var getIdFromRow = $(event.target).closest("tr").data("id"); //get the id from tr //make your ajax call populate items or what even you need $(this).find("#orderDetails").html($("<b> Order Id selected: " + getIdFromRow + "</b>")) });});
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