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Life along the Bian River at the Pure Brightness Festival


问题一:请问,《清明上河图》的英文名是什么? 《清明上河图》,在英语媒体中一般以音译加注释的方法标名。常用的名称如下: Qingming shanghe tu (Ascending the River at Qingming Festival) ,painted by Zhang Zeduan。 这种译法也是官方的译法,中国负责对外宣传的中国新闻社英文稿都采用这种译法(参见:中新社: chinanews/...2) 国际学术界一般也接受这种译法,比如美国明尼苏达大学(umn)研究中国文学的客座教授Joseph R. Allen在自己的简历中提到此图时用的也是这个名称(参见:all.umn.edu/faculty/allen) chorlauheung根据相关资料自行整理提供 问题二:求清明上河图的介绍 由来什么的。 英文版。 我觉得好,给高分。 在线等 Along The River During Ching Ming Festival in Chinese (清明上河图)was known as the work of Song Dynasty artist, Zhang Zeduan(张择端. The painting captures the daily life of people from the Song period at thecapital, bian liang (today"s Kaifeng 开封). The theme celebrates Ching Ming Festival (Qingming Festival). The entire piece was painted in handscroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all stratum of the society (from rich to poor) as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. It offers glimpse of the custumes and architecture during the period. As an artistic creation, the picture has been well revered and over the centuries, court artists of subsequent dynasties have reproduced several versions. 问题三:“清明上河图”英文怎么说? Upper river during the Qing Ming Festival 新东方的教材里出现的 问题四:清明上河图。用英语怎么说 其实拼音就好,前面加上a painting of 或a picture of,这是中国独有的东西,用拼音就行 问题五:《清明上河图》的英语怎么说 《清明上河图的英文翻译_百度翻译 《清明上河图 Qingming Festival festival_百度翻译 festival 英[?fest?vl] 美[?f?st?v?l] n. 节日; 节期; 贺宴,会演; adj. 节日的,喜庆的; [例句]Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance 很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。 [其他] 复数:festivals 问题六:清明上河图用英文怎么说 清明上河图 [名] Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival; [例句]清明上河图里面可以看到悲伤和幸福的结合。 The Qingming Festival sees a bination of sadness and happiness. 问题七:清明上河图怎么翻译? 清明上河图的标准说法:Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, Cross-stitch, .handiwork, 6m*0.75m


清明上河图 [名] Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival; [例句]清明上河图里面可以看到悲伤和幸福的结合。The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.